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Table of Contents
                                              02   Message from the Founder
                                                   Kata Pengantar dari Pendiri
                                                   Putera Sampoerna

                                              04   Message from the Management
                                                   Kata Pengantar dari Manajemen
                                                   Nenny Soemawinata (Managing Director)

                                              06   Board of Patrons
                                                   Dewan Pembina

                                              10   Board of Supervisors
                                                   Dewan Pengawas

                                              14   Board of Executives
                                                   Dewan Eksekutif

                                              16   Board of Operational Executives
                                                   Dewan Eksekutif Operasional

                                              18   10 Years of Excellence: The Journey of the Foundation
                                                   10 Tahun Kesempurnaan: Perjalanan Putera Sampoerna Foundation
                                                    20 Milestones

                                              28   About Putera Sampoerna Foundation
                                                   Tentang Putera Sampoerna Foundation

                                              32   Historical Highlights
                                                   Sejarah Singkat

                                              34   Education
                                                    36 Sampoerna Academy
                                                    42 Sampoerna School of Education
                                                    48 Sampoerna School of Business
                                                    54 School Development Outreach
                                                    60 Scholarships
                                                    66 Siswa Bangsa Student Assistance
                                                    72 ACCESS Education Beyond

                                              78   Women’s Empowerment
                                                   Sahabat Wanita

                                              86   Entrepreneurship
                                                   MEKAR Entrepreneur Network

                                              94   Compassionate Relief
                                                   Bait Al-Kamil

                                             102   Partnerships

Drawing a Bright Future for the Nation,

                                             112   Our Impact
                                                   Pencapaian Kami

One Great Leader at a Time                   118   Financial Highlights and Financial Statements
                                                   Intisari dan Laporan Keuangan
Message from The Founder

                                                                          Creating a Better Society is Everybody’s Business
                                                                          In the midst of international financial crisis, Indonesia seems to exhibit exceptional resilience and is projected to record startling economic
                                                                          growth in the eyes of the world.
                                                                          Unfortunately, this image belies Indonesia’s continued struggle to leverage its abundant natural resources to extract itself from the entrenched
                                                                          quagmire of poverty, ignorance, unemployment, and gender inequality that limits its contribution within the international community.
                                                                          In order to survive and eventually to thrive, Indonesia needs to create a new generation of skilled leaders with integrity and vision capable of
                                                                          designing a better future for the nation.
                                                                          The times dictate that we move beyond conventional approaches, such as charity and even education, to empowerment – the enabling of
                                                                          individuals to apply their experience, knowledge and skills to institute social, political and economic change for the benefit of Indonesian
                                                                          society as a whole.
                                                                          For this reason Putera Sampoerna Foundation believes in not only educating young people from disadvantaged families of varied backgrounds,
                                                                          but in imbuing them with principles, a work ethic, and a social consciousness that will enable them to emerge as competent professionals in
                                                                          their individual fields. We must draw a more comprehensive blueprint for a better tomorrow on the fabric of today that is unfurling before us.
                                                                          Our primary vision is to create leaders and entrepreneurs capable of transforming Indonesians into viable global citizens capable of contributing
                                                                          locally, regionally, and internationally.
                                                                          No one individual or organization can accomplish this. Building a better Indonesia is everybody’s business. That is why we are deeply grateful
                                                                          to our partners who have helped us over our first decade of endeavor.
                                                                          Yet, there is still so much to accomplish. We sincerely hope that you will join us in painting a better, brighter future for Indonesia.

                                                                          Di tengah krisis keuangan dunia, Indonesia menampilkan kekuatannya sebagai bangsa           bekal pendirian, asas kerja, dan kepekaan sosial untuk muncul sebagai pemimpin yang
                                                                          yang kokoh dan mampu menunjukkan peningkatan ekonomi yang mengagumkan di                    berkemampuan di bidangnya masing-masing. Kita harus mulai merancang acuan
                                                                          mata negara-negara lain.                                                                    komprehensif untuk hari esok yang lebih baik di atas kain waktu yang tergulung ke
                                                                                                                                                                      masa depan.
                                                                          Namun, di belakang pesona tersebut, Indonesia masih menemukan kendala dalam
                                                                          mengelola sumber daya alam yang berlimpah. Kendala yang mucul dari beberapa                 Visi utama kami adalah mencetak para pemimpin dan wirausahawan yang mampu
                                                                          situasi sulit, seperti kemiskinan, keterbelakangan pendidikan, tingkat pengangguran,        mengubah masyarakat Indonesia menjadi penduduk dunia yang diakui serta mampu
                                                                          dan ketimpangan gender menyebabkan Indonesia tidak dapat memberikan kontribusi di           memberikan andil di tingkat lokal, regional, dan internasional.
                                                                          tingkat internasional.
                                                                                                                                                                      Tidak ada pihak mana pun yang mampu mencapai tujuan ini seorang diri. Oleh karena
                                                                          Untuk terus bertahan dan menjadi negara yang maju, Indonesia perlu menciptakan              itulah, membangun Indonesia yang lebih baik butuh kerjasama berbagai pihak. Kami
                                                                          generasi baru yang mampu menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin berbekal integritas dan                  mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para mitra donor yang telah menjalin kerja sama
                                                                          pemikiran untuk merancang masa depan yang lebih baik.                                       selama perjalanan satu dekade ini.

                                                                          Kemajuan zaman menuntut kita untuk meninggalkan pendekatan konvensional seperti             Masih banyak permasalahan yang harus ditanggulangi. Kami berharap Anda bersedia
                                                                          badan amal bahkan cara didik tradisional dan mulai membuka akses untuk generasi baru        bergabung bersama kami dalam rangka melukis masa depan Indonesia yang lebih
                                                                          yang mampu memberikan pengaruh—menyediakan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk                   baik dan lebih cerah.
“Designing a better tomorrow on the fabric of today.
                                                   ”                      menerapkan pengetahuan, keahlian, dan pengalaman demi perubahan sosial, politik, dan
                                                                          ekonomi yang menyeluruh bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

                                                                          Dengan latar belakang inilah Putera Sampoerna Foundation memberikan tidak hanya
                                                                          pendidikan bagi mereka yang berasal dari keluarga prasejahtera, tetapi juga memberikan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Putera Sampoerna

         Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                             2   2 0 1 0 Annual Re port                                                     Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                                                                                                3   2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
Message from The Management

It Takes Many Hands to Create a Better Future
In 2001, when Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) set out its first tentative outline for Indonesia’s future, we could only hope that we
could achieve our vision of functioning effectively for educating and helping underprivileged young people.
Since that time, our scope of action has evolved successfully to encompass the creation of new leaders in various sectors through the
empowerment not only of students, but of teachers, women and entrepreneurs. We have gone from focusing on access to education to
improving existing schools, and on to the development of international standard boarding academies and tertiary institutions, as well as
teacher enhancement programs and beyond.
Now, the Foundation is continuing our design for what Indonesian society can be through our Pathway to Leadership strategy, based
on the four pillars that we now expect to support our efforts into the future: Entrepreneurship Development (job creation), Education
(developing leaders), Empowerment of Women (enlightening society), and deploying Compassionate Assistance.
In 2010, we continued this work by establishing the Sampoerna School of Business, as well as the ACCESS Education Beyond and PSF
School Development Outreach programs. We also launched the MEKAR Entrepreneur Network to support creation of new businesses
and jobs, and enhanced our Bait Al-Kamil partnership to expand our compassionate relief programs and provide support for companies
wanting to establish Corporate Social Responsibility programs.
As our design unfolds, we become increasingly aware that just as one batik fabric requires the work of several hands; the sustainability of
our efforts requires the helping hands of partners. We hope that you will join us as we continue to create a society able to emerge into and
contribute to the global community.

Pada 2001, saat Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) menetapkan rencananya                       Pada 2010, kami meneruskan tugas ini dengan mendirikan Sampoerna School of
untuk membangun masa depan Indonesia, kami hanya mampu berharap untuk                         Business, ACCESS Education Beyond, dan program PSF School Development Outreach.
merealisasikan visi dengan upaya yang paling efisien, yakni menyediakan pendidikan            Kami juga menggagas MEKAR Entrepreneur Network untuk mendorong munculnya
bagi keluarga prasejahtera.                                                                   perniagaan dan lapangan pekerjaan baru. Di samping itu, kami juga memantapkan
                                                                                              kerjasama dengan kemitraan Bait Al-Kamil yang memperluas program bantuan
Semenjak saat itu, kiprah kami telah berkembang menjadi penciptaan generasi
                                                                                              terhadap bencana alam sebagai pilihan lain bagi para perusahaan yang berniat
pemimpin baru di berbagai sektor melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan yang ditujukan
                                                                                              bergabung dalam program Corporate Social Responsibility.
tidak hanya kepada pelajar saja tetapi juga tenaga pendidik, wanita, dan wirausahawan.
Kiprah kami semakin bertambah, dari memberikan akses terhadap pendidikan saja                 Seraya Putera Sampoerna Foundation menyingkap gulungan rencana-rencananya ke
menjadi lebih menyeluruh dengan peningkatan mutu sekolah-sekolah. Tidak hanya                 depan, kami tidak dapat melanjutkan rencana ini sendirian. Seperti melukis selembar
itu saja, kami juga melanjutkan kiprah kami dengan menyediakan sekolah berasrama              kain batik, butuh lebih dari satu tangan untuk menciptakan desain yang indah. Kami
dengan standar pendidikan internasional sebagai institusi tertier, program pelatihan          berharap Anda bersedia bergabung untuk melanjutkan rencana kami membangun
guru, dan seterusnya.                                                                         masyarakat yang mampu tampil dan memberikan andil di komunitas global.

Kini, Foundation ini melanjutkan rangkaian program yang merujuk pada strategi
utama bernama Pathway to Leadership yang ditopang oleh empat pilar sebagai acuan
rencana kami ke depan. Empat pilar itu adalah: Entrepreneurship Development (untuk
menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan), Education (untuk mengembangkan para pemimpin
masa depan), Empowerment of Women (untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat), dan
                                                                                                                                                                                    “Together we can create a new reality.
menyediakan Compassionate Assistance (berupa bantuan kemanusiaan).
                                                                                              Nenny Soemawinata
                                                                                              Managing Director / Chief of the Foundation Executives

                                                      Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                          4    2 0 1 0 Annual Re port                                                                 Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5   2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
Board of Patrons

Putera Sampoerna

Former President Commissioner of PT Hanjaya Mandala
Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and a number of its subsidiary
companies. Mr. Sampoerna studied at the University of
Houston, Texas and has always had a passion for education.
He founded the Putera Sampoerna Foundation in 2001
and has been involved in philanthropic works throughout
ASEAN for over 25 years. He founded and currently directs
the Sampoerna Strategic Group, which has a global portfolio
of diversified businesses.

Putera Sampoerna sebelumnya berperan sebagai Presiden Komisaris
PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan beberapa anak
perusahaannya. Beliau menggali ilmu di University of Houston
di Texas, dan selalu memiliki minat dalam bidang pendidikan.
Beliau telah berkecimpung dalam kegiatan filantropi di kawasan
Asia Tenggara selama lebih dari 25 tahun dan mendirikan Putera
Sampoerna Foundation pada tahun 2001. Kini mengarahkan
Sampoerna Strategic Group yang membawahi beragam jenis usaha                                                 Katie Sampoerna                                                                   Michael Sampoerna
dalam portofolio globalnya.

                                                                                                             Wife of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. She has been involved in                            The youngest son of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. Formerly
                                                                                                             charities and family philanthropic activities throughout                          President Director of PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna
                                                                                                             ASEAN for over 25 years. Mrs. Sampoerna has been the focal                        Tbk. (HMS) and President Commissioner of a number of
                                                                                                             point of numerous company design initiatives for Sampoerna                        its subsidiary companies, Mr. Michael Sampoerna studied
                                                                                                             Family businesses, as well as for Putera Sampoerna Foundation.                    at the London School of Economics (UK). Currently, he is
                                                                                                             She directed the establishment of the Sampoerna Museum in                         Sampoerna Strategic’s Head of Operations and functions as
                                                                                                             Surabaya, Indonesia.                                                              President Commissioner and President Director of its many
                                                                                                                                                                                               groups of companies. 

                                                                                                             Istri Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Beliau berperan aktif dalam kegiatan
                                                                                                             amal dan filantropi keluarga di kawasan Asia Tenggara selama lebih                Putra termuda dari Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Sebelumnya sebagai
                                                                                                             dari 25 tahun. Selain Putera Sampoerna Foundation, Ibu Sampoerna                  Presiden Direktur PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan
                                                                                                             memainkan peran inti dalam memprakarsai usaha keluarga Sampoerna.                 Presiden Komisaris dari sejumlah anak perusahaan. Michael Sampoerna
                                                                                                             Beliau menggagas berdirinya Museum Sampoerna di Surabaya.                         mengenyam pendidikan di London School of Economics, Inggris. Kini
                                                                                                                                                                                               ia berperan sebagai Kepala Operasi Sampoerna Strategic Group,
                                                                                                                                                                                               serta Presiden Komisaris dan Presiden Direktur dari sejumlah anak

                                            Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                6   2 0 1 0 Annual Re port                                             Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                                                                                                                           7     2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
Board of Patrons

Jonathan Bradford Sampoerna                                                              Farah Khristina Sampoerna                                               Edward Frankel                                                                           James P. Barnes

Eldest son of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. He has studied                                       Youngest daughter of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. She studied                  Formerly the Group Chief Operating Officer and a Director                                Mr. Barnes is the former General Counsel of PT Hanjaya
internationally, receiving his degree in Finance at Texas                                in Asia and the United States, receiving a degree in Fashion            for PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Mr.                                         Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and was a member of the
A&M University, USA. He worked in Hong Kong under the                                    Design and Merchandising at the Fashion Institute of                    Frankel has worked for the Sampoerna Group of companies                                  Board of Commissioners. He received a B.S. from Lewis and
guidance of Dr. Marc Faber, international investment strategist.                         Technology, New York City, USA. Initially working with a                for over 25 years. He received a B.A. from the University of                             Clark College and a JD from the University of California. He
Mr. Jonathan Sampoerna also has directed the business                                    fashion house in New York, Ms. Farah Sampoerna has taken                California at Berkeley and a Masters in Administration from                              has worked for the Sampoerna Group of companies for over
development arms of Sampoerna Family Trading Companies.                                  a sabbatical to raise her sons.                                         the University of Portland.                                                              25 years.   

                                                                                                                                                                 Seorang mantan Chief Operating Officer dan Direktur PT Hanjaya                           Bapak Barnes adalah seorang mantan Penasehat dan anggota
Putra tertua Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Beliau menempuh pendidikan di                       Putri termuda Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Ibu Farah Sampoerna               Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Frankel telah bekerja di beberapa                    Komisaris PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS). Beliau meraih
mancanegara dan meraih gelar sarjana di bidang Keuangan dari Texas                       menempuh pendidikan di Asia dan Amerika Serikat, hingga meraih gelar    perusahaan dari Sampoerna Group selama lebih dari 25 tahun. Beliau                       gelar BS dari Lewis & Clark College dan JD dari University of California.
A&M University, Amerika Serikat. Beliau bekerja di Hong Kong di bawah                    sarjana dalam Fashion Design and Merchandising dari Fashion Institute   meraih gelar BA dari University of California di Berkeley, dan gelar MBA                 Beliau telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan Sampoerna Group selama
bimbingan Dr. Marc Faber, seorang pakar strategi investasi internasional.                of Technology, New York City. Sebelumnya bekerja di rumah mode di       dari University of Portland.                                                             lebih dari 25 tahun.
Bapak Jonathan Sampoerna saat ini memimpin bagian pengembangan                           New York, kini beliau tengah dalam cuti panjang untuk membesarkan
usaha pada sejumlah Usaha Perdagangan Keluarga Sampoerna.                                putra-putranya.

                                                 Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                     8     2 0 1 0 Annual Re port                                                                                                 Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9     2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
Board of Supervisors

Jacqueline Michelle Sampoerna

Eldest daughter of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. Formerly
Communications Manager at PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna
Tbk. (HMS) and Director of Sampoerna Jones Designs, Ms.
Michelle Sampoerna studied internationally, receiving her B.A.
in Mass Communications from St. Mary’s College in California.
She was “on point” with her father for all preliminary research
and planning regarding Putera Sampoerna Foundation and has
led the Foundation since its inception.

Putri tertua Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Sebelumnya berperan sebagai
Manajer Komunikasi PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan
Direktur Sampoerna Jones Designs, Michelle Sampoerna meraih gelar
BA dalam Mass Communications dari St. Mary’s College, California. Beliau
membantu menuangkan visi Bapak Putera Sampoerna mulai dari tahap
awal penelitian dan perencanaan Putera Sampoerna Foundation, hingga
memimpinnya sejak Foundation ini didirikan.
                                                                                                                   Bambang Sulistyo                               Niken Rachmad                                        Ekadharmajanto Kasih                             Agustinus Irawan

                                                                                                                   Mr. Sulistyo is a Commissioner of PT           Ms. Rachmad joined PT Hanjaya Mandala                Formerly a Director of PT Hanjaya                Mr. Irawan, along with his two
                                                                                                                   Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia.            Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) in 1998 as Head                 Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS),                    partners, is now managing Aserra
                                                                                                                   He formerly served as Commissioner             of Corporate Communications, and was                 Mr. Kasih has spent over 25 years in             Capital, a private equity firm with its
                                                                                                                   of PT. Sungai Rangit, as well as the           subsequently appointed as Communications             Financial Control. He graduated from             principal investment in coal mines. He
                                                                                                                                                                  Director in 2006. In 2009, she was appointed
                                                                                                                   Indonesian Head of Production and                                                                   the University of Indonesia with a               was formerly a senior partner - Head of
                                                                                                                                                                  as Corporate Affairs Advisor, then as of
                                                                                                                   Country Head of Myanmar for PT                 January 21, 2011, as a Commissioner. She has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bachelor’s degree in Economics and               Transaction Advisory Services at Ernst
                                                                                                                   Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk.                 had a long, distinguished career in journalism       currently serves as an Economics lecturer        & Young Indonesia. He received his
                                                                                                                   (HMS). He earned his Chemical                  and public relations in Indonesia and USA,           at the same university. Mr. Kasih was            BSc degree in accounting from De La
                                                                                                                   Engineering degree from University of          including for the Voice of America. At Ogilvy        the Chief Financial Officer of PT                Salle University, Philippines.
                                                                                                                   Dortmund, Germany.                             & Mather Indonesia, she pioneered its Public         HMS and is currently an Independent
                                                                                                                                                                  Relations division and introduced the concept        Commissioner. He also serves as an               Saat ini, Bapak Irawan bersama dua rekannya
                                                                                                                   Bapak Sulistyo menjabat sebagai Komisaris      of Corporate Social Responsibility. She              executive of Sampoerna Strategic and             mengelola Aserra Capital, suatu firma ekuitas
                                                                                                                   PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia.         graduated with a BSc from the University of          President Director of PT Sampoerna               swasta dengan investasi utama dalam
                                                                                                                                                                  Gadjah Mada in 1972.                                 Agro Tbk.
                                                                                                                   Sebelumnya beliau duduk sebagai Komisaris                                                                                                            pertambangan batubara. Sebelumnya beliau
                                                                                                                   PT. Sungai Rangit, sekaligus menjabat posisi                                                                                                         adalah mitra senior – Kepala Pelayanan
                                                                                                                   Kepala Produksi di Indonesia dan mengepalai    Ibu Niken Rachmad bergabung sebagai Kepala           Seorang mantan Komisaris PT HM Sampoerna         Penasehat Transaksi Ernst & Young Advisory
                                                                                                                                                                  Komunikasi Perusahaan PT Hanjaya Mandala
                                                                                                                   PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) di                                                          Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Kasih berkecimpung di          Indonesia. Beliau meraih gelar BSc Accounting
                                                                                                                                                                  Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) pada tahun 1998, kemudian
                                                                                                                   Myanmar. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Teknik                                                         bidang Pengawasan Keuangan selama lebih          dari De La Salle University, Filipina.
                                                                                                                                                                  menjadi Direktur Komunikasi pada tahun 2006.
                                                                                                                   Kimia dari University of Dortmund, Jerman.     Tahun 2009, ditunjuk sebagai Corporate Affairs       dari 25 tahun. Beliau lulus dari Universitas
                                                                                                                                                                  Advisor sebelum menjadi anggota Komisaris            Indonesia sebagai Sarjana Ekonomi, dan
                                                                                                                                                                  sejak tanggal 21 Januari 2011. Beliau meniti         kini mengabdi sebagai dosen Ekonomi di
                                                                                                                                                                  karier jurnalisme dan hubungan masyarakat            fakultasnya. Bapak Kasih pernah menjabat
                                                                                                                                                                  di Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat, termasuk           sebagai Chief Financial Officer di PT HMS, dan
                                                                                                                                                                  untuk Voice of America. Saat di Ogilvy & Mather      kini menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen
                                                                                                                                                                  Indonesia, beliau merintis divisi Public Relations   sekaligus Eksekutif Sampoerna Strategic dan
                                                                                                                                                                  serta memperkenalkan konsep Corporate Social         Presiden Direktur PT. Sampoerna Agro Tbk.
                                                                                                                                                                  Responsibility. Beliau meraih gelar BSc dari
                                                                                                                                                                  Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tahun 1972.  

                                                 Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                     10   2 0 1 0 Annual Re port                                                            Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  11    2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
Board of Supervisors

Arief Tarunakarya Surowidjojo                                   Yos Adiguna Ginting                                               Eliezer Marthenny Kaeng                                        Kemal A. Stamboel                                                   John N. Meeks                                                 Robert Bong

Mr. Surowidjojo is the founding partner of the law              Yos Adiguna Ginting began his professional career as              A presidium representative of the Putera Sampoerna             Mr. Stamboel is the Chairman of WWF Indonesia,                    Formerly the Director of Corporate Development                  Dr. Robert Bong, a former Chief Executive and
firm Lubis, Ganie and Surowidjojo. He is a senior               Manager, Strategic Alliance, at PT Indah Kiat Pulp                Foundation Alumni Association (PSFAA) from 2008-               and founding member of MTI (the Indonesian Society                for PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS),                    Director of a number of publicly listed companies,
lecturer at the Law Faculty of University of Indonesia          and Paper, Tbk., soon after obtaining his PhD in                  2010. He graduated cum laude from Bandung Institute            for Transparency). He also serves as Independent                  Mr. Meeks worked for more than a decade in Asia                 has 35 years of experience in corporate leadership. 
and one of the founders and a former chairperson of             Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Tasmania,              of Technology, majoring in Computer Science and                Commissioner at PT. Holcim Indonesia Ltd. and PT.                 and is currently Senior Vice President of Corporate             Dr. Bong is currently the Vice Chancellor and
the Supervisory Board for Transparency International            Australia in 1997. His career progressed, and he was              received an overseas MBA scholarship from the Putera           Titan Kimia Nusantara Ltd. Prior to that position                 Development at the McCoy Corporation based in                   Chief Executive of UCSI University in Malaysia. 
Indonesia. He received his Bachelor’s degree in law             eventually appointed to the position of Vice President,           Sampoerna Foundation in 2005 for a 2 years program             he also served as  Supervisory member (Oversight                  Texas. He graduated with honors from Texas A&M                  He serves as the Entrepreneur-In-Residence of the
from the University of Indonesia, and Masters in Law            Trade Alliance, based in Singapore. Mr. Ginting joined            at London Business School, University of London. He            Committee) of BRR Aceh/Nias, and also as a member                 University.                                                     INSEAD Business School in France and the Institute
from the University of Washington, USA.                         PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) in                        has held key positions with EGlobal Technology and is          of the National ICT Council. At the same time he                                                                                  of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of the Singapore
                                                                April 2002, and quickly assumed roles of increasing               currently serving as the Vice President of Comexindo           served as Commissioner at PT. Krakatau Steel and PT.              Seorang mantan Direktur Pengembangan Perusahaan PT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Management University. Dr. Bong also serves as
Bapak Surowidjojo adalah mitra pendiri firma hukum Lubis,       responsibility, including Director of Human Resources             International.                                                 Merpati Nusantara Airlines. He received a Master’s of             Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Meeks               Advisor to TAP Management Institute (TAPMI) of
Ganie dan Surowidjojo. Beliau adalah seorang dosen senior       in June 2003. In 2008, he was appointed as Director in                                                                           Science in Business Management from the Management                telah bekerja selama lebih dari satu dasawarsa di Asia dan      Manipal University in India and as Co-Chairman for
di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, dan salah satu         charge of Corporate Affairs.                                                                                                     Institute of Arthur D. Little, Boston, USA.                       saat ini menjabat sebagai Senior Vice President of Corporate    the India Blue Ocean Strategy Research Center.
                                                                                                                                  Seorang wakil presidium dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation
pendiri serta mantan Ketua Dewan Pengawasan Transparency                                                                                                                                                                                                           Development McCoy Corporation yang berbasis di Texas, Amerika
                                                                                                                                  Alumni Association (PSFAA) pada tahun 2008-2010. Beliau
International Indonesia. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana dari                                                                                                                                                                                                          Serikat. Beliau meraih gelar Bachelor with Honors dari Texas
                                                                Bapak Ginting memulai kariernya sebagai Manajer Strategic         lulus dengan prestasi cum laude di bidang Ilmu Komputer dari   Bapak Stamboel adalah Ketua WWF Indonesia, dan anggota                                                                            Dr. Robert Bong, mantan Chief Executive dan Direktur dari
Universitas Indonesia, dan gelar pascasarjana di bidang Hukum                                                                                                                                                                                                      A&M University.
                                                                Alliance PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper Tbk., setelah meraih        Institut Teknologi Bandung, kemudian menerima beasiswa MBA     pendiri Masyarakat Transparansi Indonesia. Beliau juga menjabat                                                                   sejumlah perusahaan terdaftar, memiliki 35 tahun pengalaman
dari University of Washington, AS.
                                                                gelar PhD dalam Theoretical Chemistry dari University of          luar negeri dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation pada tahun        sebagai Komisaris Independen PT Holcim Indonesia Ltd. dan PT                                                                      dalam kepemimpinan perusahaan.  Saat ini Dr. Bong adalah
                                                                Tasmania, Australia pada tahun 1997. Kariernya menanjak           2005, untuk program 2 tahun di London Business School,         Titan Kimia Nusantara Ltd. Sebelumnya, Bapak Stamboel adalah                                                                      Vice Chancellor dan Chief Executive UCSI University di Malaysia. 
                                                                hingga mencapai jabatan Vice President Trade Alliance, berbasis   University of London. Beliau pernah menjabat posisi penting    anggota Dewan Pengawasan (Oversight Committee) BRR Aceh                                                                           Beliau menjabat sebagai Entrepreneur-In-Residence INSEAD
                                                                di Singapura. Bapak Ginting bergabung dengan PT Hanjaya           di EGlobal Technology, dan saat ini menjabat sebagai Wakil     dan Nias, dan juga anggota National ICT Council. Pada saat                                                                        Business School di Perancis dan Institute of Innovation &
                                                                Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) pada bulan April 2002, dan           Presiden Comexindo Internasional.                              yang sama beliau menjabat Komisaris PT Krakatau Steel dan                                                                         Entrepreneurship di Singapore Management University. Dr. Bong
                                                                dengan cepat meraih tanggung jawab yang meningkat,                                                                               PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines. Beliau meraih gelar MSc dalam                                                                      juga menjabat sebagai Penasehat TAP Management Institute of
                                                                termasuk sebagai Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia pada bulan                                                                         Business Management dari Management Institute of Arthur D.                                                                        Manipal University di India, serta Co-Chairman India Blue Ocean
                                                                Juni 2003. Pada tahun 2008, beliau diangkat menjadi Direktur                                                                     Little, AS.                                                                                                                       Strategy Research Center.
                                                                yang bertanggung jawab atas Corporate Affairs.

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Board of Executives
Nenny Soemawinata
Managing Director / Chief of the Foundation Executives

Former President Director of Indo-Ad/Ogilvy & Mather, a
leading advertising agency. Followed by a career in the TV
industry, leading TV stations such as ANTV RCTI and O
Channel. Ms. Soemawinata  is both a qualified trainer and a
leading professional in marketing, sales, and communications.
She holds a computer programming degree from the Auckland
Technical Institute, New Zealand.

Seorang mantan Presiden Direktur Indo-Ad/Ogilvy & Mather, suatu
biro periklanan terkemuka. Setelah itu Ibu Soemawinata melanjutkan
kariernya sebagai pemimpin stasiun TV terkemuka seperti ANTV, RCTI
dan O Channel. Beliau adalah seorang pakar, dan profesional terkemuka
di bidang pemasaran, penjualan, dan komunikasi. Beliau menyandang
gelar Sarjana Computer Programming dari Auckland Technical Institute,
Selandia Baru.

                                                                                                                  Elan Merdy                                                     Stefanus Aryawan                                                 Eddy F. Henry
                                                                                                                  Senior Director / Foundation Secretary                         Chief Financial Officer                                          Education Programs Director / Foundation General Secretary

                                                                                                                  Formerly Manager of the Business and Financial                 Formerly an Associate Manager at Arthur Andersen                 Formerly CEO of a software company, Mr. Henry
                                                                                                                  Consulting Division at Arthur Andersen Business                Business Consulting and a Program Manager at                     obtained his Bachelor (honors) degree from Trent
                                                                                                                  Consulting, Mr. Merdy received his B.S. from                   PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk. (BII), Mr.                  University, Canada in Mathematics and Computer
                                                                                                                  Philippines School of Business and MBA from De La              Aryawan received his B.S. in Marketing from Boston               Studies. He is currently the chairperson of the United
                                                                                                                  Salle University, Philippines.                                 College, Massachusetts.                                          World Colleges (UWC) National Committee for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Indonesia, and a member of International Baccalaureate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Office (IBO) Asia-Pacific Regional Council.
                                                                                                                  Seorang mantan Manajer Divisi Konsultasi Bisnis dan Keuangan   Bapak Aryawan adalah seorang mantan Associate Manager di
                                                                                                                  Arthur Andersen Business Consulting, Bapak Merdy meraih        Arthur Andersen Business Consulting dan Manajer Program di
                                                                                                                  gelar B.S. dari Philippines School of Business dan gelar MBA   PT. Bank International Indonesia Tbk. Beliau meraih gelar B.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Seorang mantan Chief Executive Officer dari sebuah perusahaan
                                                                                                                  dari De La Salle University, Filipina.                         dalam Pemasaran dari Boston College, Massachusetts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  peranti lunak, Bapak Henry meraih gelar Bachelor with Honors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  di bidang Matematika dan Ilmu Komputer dari Trent University,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kanada. Saat ini, beliau adalah Ketua Dewan Komite Nasional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  United World Colleges untuk Indonesia, serta anggota dari
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  International Baccalaureate Office (IBO) Asia Pacific Regional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Advisory Committee.

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Board of Operational Executives

Vira Soekardiman                                                                               Agung Binantoro                                                                         Paulina Pannen                                                                                       Rini Tampi
Director of Sales                                                                              Program Development Director / General Manager of Sampoerna School of Business          Dean of Sampoerna School of Education                                                                Director of Scholarship and Student Loan

Formerly the Corporate Director of Marketing & Sales at Coldwell Banker                        Formerly a Senior Program Manager at PT Bank International Indonesia                    Ms. Pannen, a professor of instructional technology, received her graduate                           Formerly a General Manager at PT Matahari Putra Prima, a leading
Indonesia, and Head of Global Commercial Cards at American Express                             Tbk., Mr. Binantoro started his career at KPMG Consulting (Utrecht, the                 education from Syracuse University in the field of educational technology.                           department store in Indonesia, Ms. Tampi obtained her Bachelor degree
Bank Ltd., Ms. Soekardiman has over 18 years of experience in marketing                        Netherlands) and Arthur Andersen Business Consulting (Jakarta, Indonesia).              Prior to her deanship, she was a faculty member of Universitas Terbuka                               in Finance from University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA and her MBA
and sales in various organizations in Indonesia and the region. She received                   Mr. Binantoro obtained his BSc, majoring in Industrial Engineering from                 and Director of SEAMEO Southeast Asia Regional Open and Distance                                     degree in Banking from Golden Gate University, USA.
her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Biology from the University of                             University of Indonesia and his MBA from University of Leuven, Belgium.                 Learning Center. She is actively involved in various quality improvement
Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.                                                                                                                                                 activities for teacher education, including writing in scholarly journals and
                                                                                                                                                                                       speaking at various national, as well as international, education forums.                            Seorang mantan General Manager di PT Matahari Putra Prima, suatu pelopor pusat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            perbelanjaan di Indonesia, Ibu Tampi meraih gelar Sarjana Keuangan dari University
                                                                                               Sebelum bergabung, Bapak Agung Binantoro menjabat sebagai Senior Program Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of Wisconsin di Milwaukee, dan gelar MBA dalam Perbankan dari Golden Gate
Seorang mantan Corporate Director of Marketing & Sales Coldwell Banker Indonesia dan           di PT Bank International Indonesia, Tbk. Ia memulai kariernya di beberapa perusahaan
                                                                                                                                                                                       Ibu Pannen adalah seorang profesor dalam bidang teknologi instruksi, yang mengenyam                  University, AS.
Head of Global Commercial Cards American Express Bank Ltd., Ibu Soekardiman memiliki           konsultan, seperti KPMG Consulting (Utrecht, Belanda) dan Arthur Andersen Business
                                                                                                                                                                                       pendidikan pascasarjana di bidang Teknologi Pendidikan di Syracuse University.
lebih dari 18 tahun pengalaman dalam pemasaran dan penjualan di berbagai organisasi,           Consulting (Jakarta, Indonesia). Bapak Agung Binantoro memperoleh gelar BSc di bidang
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sebelumnya, beliau adalah anggota fakultas Universitas Terbuka, serta Direktur SEAMEO
baik di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Beliau memiliki gelar BSc dalam Biologi dari          Teknik Industri dari Universitas Indonesia dan MBA dari University of Leuven, Belgia.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Southeast Asia Regional Open and Distance Learning Center. Beliau terlibat secara aktif
University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
                                                                                                                                                                                       dalam berbagai kegiatan peningkatan pendidikan guru termasuk penulisan makalah
                                                                                                                                                                                       pendidikan, dan sebagai pembicara dalam berbagai forum pendidikan baik lokal maupun

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  Wonderful Years
                    Designing a Bright Future for the Nation
                    Since its inception in 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has been inscribing the fabric of Indonesia’s future with a carefully crafted
                    design toward creating a better society by producing a new generation of leaders capable of functioning competitively as citizens of the
                    world in a global age. This decade of endeavor has yielded a clear outline that we will continue to fill in with vibrant colors of dedication
                    and vision as we enhance existing programs and extend our reach to better address the needs of the Indonesian people for education,
                    empowerment, and opportunity.

                    Sejak lahirnya di tahun 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah merajut masa depan Indonesia dengan rancangan yang disiapkan secara teliti demi terbentuknya masyarakat
                    yang lebih baik, dengan menciptakan pemimpin generasi baru yang mampu bersaing sebagai warga dunia di era globalisasi. Upaya pada dasawarsa ini telah menggoreskan
                    kerangka yang akan terus kami warnai dengan semangat dedikasi dan visi, sambil meningkatkan program yang ada dan memperluas jangkauan untuk dapat menangani
                    kebutuhan Indonesia akan pendidikan, peluang dan pemberdayaan.

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Education Creates a Legacy of Hope for a Lifetime
Understanding that education is not possible without equal access, Putera Sampoerna Foundation inititated
the provision of scholarships to ensure that young people from financially disadvantaged families could
stay in school and benefit fully from formal education. Then, as it became clear that achieving quality
education would not be possible without enhancing teacher skills and improving school administration,
Putera Sampoerna Foundation expanded its scope of activities to provide teachers with the opportunity
to upgrade their skills toward greater professionalism, while also assisting schools to develop appropriate
administrative programs and systems.

Memahami bahwa pendidikan tidak dapat diraih tanpa kesempatan akses yang sama, Putera Sampoerna Foundation memprakarsai
penyediaan beasiswa untuk memastikan agar remaja dari keluarga prasejahtera dapat tetap bersekolah dan merasakan manfaat
penuh dari pendidikan formal. Dengan keyakinan bahwa pendidikan berkualitas mustahil diperoleh tanpa meningkatkan keterampilan
guru dan administrasi sekolah, Putera Sampoerna Foundation memperluas cakupan kegiatannya dengan menyediakan peluang untuk
meningkatkan keterampilan bagi guru agar menjadi lebih profesional, sekaligus mendukung sekolah untuk mengembangkan program
dan sistem administrasi yang sesuai.

• Establishment of Putera Sampoerna Foundation.                • Berdirinya Putera Sampoerna Foundation.
• Initiation of scholarship provision: 1,250                   • Awal dari beasiswa: 1.250 beasiswa diberikan pada
  scholarships issued for high school and university.            siswa tingkat SMA dan perguruan tinggi.

• Initiation of scholarships for MBA study abroad.             • Awal dari beasiswa bagi MBA di luar negeri.
• Total of 4,725 scholarships awarded.                         • Total 4.725 beasiswa diberikan.

                                                                                                                                 Making Education ACCESSible for
• Partnership role in National Science Olympiad.               • Peran kemitraan dalam Olimpiade Ilmu Pengetahuan                everyone Facilitates Emergence of
                                                                                                                                 Future Leaders
• More than 9,110 scholarships awarded.                          Nasional.
• Initiation of education program with preparation of          • Lebih dari 9.110 beasiswa diberikan.
  teacher, enhancement infrastructure, and institutional       • Awal dari program pendidikan melalui persiapan prasarana,
  development programs.                                          peningkatan guru, dan program pengembangan institusi.

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                                                    Expanding in the Education Sector to Achieve
                                                    Quality Improvement
                                                    Aware that access to seats in Indonesia’s traditional school system                Menyadari bahwa akses ke bangku sistem pendidikan tradisional
                                                    alone will not ensure the best quality education possible for                      saja tidak menjamin kualitas pendidikan terbaik bagi generasi muda
                                                    Indonesia’s younger generation, Putera Sampoerna Foundation                        Indonesia, Putera Sampoerna Foundation mewarnai ruang yang telah
                                                    has been coloring in the spaces outlined in its grand design                       digariskan dalam rancangan besarnya melalui program baru dengan
                                                    for educational assistance toward developing a better society                      sasaran khusus. Program ini ditujukan pada pengembangan dan
                                                    with a number of new specifically targeted programs. These                         peningkatan sekolah, peningkatan dan pelayanan pelatihan guru,
                                                    programs for school development and enhancement, in-service                        pendanaan siswa pendidikan tinggi, dan program magang bagi para
                                                    teacher training and upgrading, student financing for higher                       lulusan, telah membentuk fondasi bagi penetapan pilar dukungan
                                                    education, and internships for graduates have done much                            demi menciptakan masyarakat Indonesia yang lebih baik.
                                                    toward establishing a blueprint for setting out pillars of support
                                                    for creating a better Indonesian society.

                                                                                       • Launching of the Sampoerna Foundation Teacher                           • Peluncuran Sampoerna Foundation Teacher Institute (SFTI) untuk
                                                                                         Institute (SFTI) to provide training to in-service teachers               menyediakan pelatihan hingga pelayanan guru guna meningkatkan
                                                                                         to upgrade their knowledge and skills and enhance their                   pengetahuan dan keterampilan, serta profesionalisme mereka.

                                                                                       • Inception of Education Disaster Recovery Program in                     • Lahirnya Program Pemulihan Pendidikan akibat Bencana sebagai
                                                                                         response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Aceh.               tanggapan terhadap gempa bumi dan tsunami di Aceh.
                                                                                       • Initiation of the School Quality Improvement Program                    • Mulainya Program Peningkatan Kualitas Sekolah (SQIP) yang
                                                                                         (SQIP) that then expanded into the United School Program                  kemudian diperluas menjadi Program Persatuan Sekolah (USP)
                                                                                         (USP) for nationwide upgrading and enhancement of schools.                untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan sekolah di seluruh daerah.

                                                                                       • Collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology                  • Bekerja sama dengan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) untuk
                                                                                         (ITB) to establish and run the School of Business                         mendirikan dan mengoperasikan School of Business Management
                                                                                         Management (SBM-ITB) offering MBA specializations                         (SBM-ITB) yang menawarkan program MBA spesialisasi dalam

                   Providing Excellent Education                                         in Telecommunications, Energy, and Business Law at well
                                                                                         equipped modern educational facilities in downtown Jakarta.
                                                                                                                                                                   Telekomunikasi, Energi dan Hukum Bisnis, dilengkapi dengan
                                                                                                                                                                   sarana pendidikan moderen di tengah kota Jakarta.

             Facilities to Support Future Leaders
                                                                                       • Launching of the first Student Financing facility for non-              • Peluncuran Pendanaan Siswa berupa pinjaman tanpa agunan
                                                                                         collateral loans in Indonesia with the assistance of Bank                 yang pertama di Indonesia, dengan bantuan Bank Internasional
                                                                                         Internasional Indonesia (BII) and International Finance                   Indonesia (BII) dan International Finance Corporation (bagian dari
                                                                                         Corporation (division of World Bank).                                     Bank Dunia).

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Improving Education to International Standards to
Create Indonesian Leaders with Global Scope
As the fabric of Indonesia’s future continues to unfurl, Putera Sampoerna Foundation is consistently there to color it
with a vibrant vision of the nation as a global citizen whose people can compete and even contribute successfully within
the international community. The establishment of a professional forum for teachers, the launching of a university-
level teacher education school, and the opening of boarding schools where students receive an international standard
education—these are among the powerful initiatives that are moving Putera Sampoerna Foundation ever closer to its
goals and earning its positive international attention.

Di mana masa depan Indonesia terus membentang, Putera Sampoerna Foundation terus hadir untuk mewarnainya dengan visi yang cerah mengenai
bangsa sebagai warga dunia yang mana penduduknya dapat bersaing bahkan berhasil memberikan kontribusi di kalangan masyarakat dunia. Berdirinya
wadah profesional bagi para guru, diluncurkannya sekolah pendidikan guru tingkat perguruan tinggi, dan dibukanya sekolah berasrama di mana siswa
menerima pendidikan berstandar internasional, merupakan bagian dari prakarsa baik yang membawa Putera Sampoerna Foundation lebih dekat ke
sasarannya, serta meraih perhatian positif dari dunia.

• Held the first National Annual Teachers Congress, which was attended by                      • Menyelenggarakan Kongres Guru Indonesia yang pertama, dihadiri oleh lebih
  more than 1,000 teachers and principals from across the archipelago.                           dari 1000 guru dan kepala sekolah dari seluruh daerah.
• Became the first education sector non-governmental organization (NGO)                        • Menjadi organisasi nirlaba pendidikan pertama yang menerima sertifikasi
  to achieve ISO9001:2000 certification for efficient management systems.                        ISO9001:2000 sistem manajemen efisien.
• Established School Leadership Development Program in collaboration                           • Mendirikan Program Sekolah Pengembangan Kepemimpinan, bekerja sama
  with the National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore.                                   dengan National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore.
• Adoption of 5 Islamic schools (madrasah) into the Putera Sampoerna                           • Mengadopsi 5 madrasah menjadi Program Peningkatan Kualitas Madrasah
  Foundation Madrasah Quality Improvement Program (MQIP) for                                     (MQIP) Putera Sampoerna Foundation demi peningkatan sarana dan
  enhancement of educational facilities and curriculum.                                          kurikulum pendidikan.

• Invited by former US President Bill Clinton to represent Indonesia in the                    • Diundang oleh mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat, Bill Clinton, untuk mewakili
  Clinton Global Initiatives program.                                                            Indonesia dalam program Clinton Global Initiatives.

• Became the first secular NGO to be granted the Religious Giving License by                   • Menjadi organisasi nirlaba sekuler pertama yang diberi sebagai unit pengelolaan
  BAZNAS, the Islamic authority of Indonesia; enabling Putera Sampoerna Foundation               zakat oleh BAZNAS, lembaga Islam yang berwenang di Indonesia; memungkinkan
  to collect donations and tithes from the Moslem Community for channeling to those              Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk menghimpun dana dan amal dari masyarakat
                                                                                                 Islam dan menyalurkannya ke mereka yang membutuhkannya.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Ensuring High Quality Education to
  in need of assistance.
• Establishment of two Sampoerna Academies in Malang (East Java) and Palembang                 • Berdirinya dua Sampoerna Academy di Malang dan Palembang untuk menyediakan
  (South Sumatra) to provide academically deserving teens, who come from the lowest              pendidikan berkualitas selama 3 tahun di SMA asrama berakreditasi setara Cambridge,

                                                                                                                                                                                       Facilitate Creation of Future Leaders
  economic quintile, with 3 years of quality education at a senior high boarding school          bagi remaja yang layak dari lapisan ekonomi terendah.
  with a Cambridge examination accreditation.                                                  • Peluncuran Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) di Jakarta untuk memberikan gelar
• Launching of the Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) in Jakarta to grant education             sarjana pendidikan dan pengajaran sebagai bagian dari prakarsa Putera Sampoerna
  and teaching degrees as part of the Foundation’s world class university initiative.            Foundation mendirikan universitas berkelas dunia.

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                                              Laying Out the Framework of Support for Developing
                                              Future Leaders
                                              As Putera Sampoerna Foundation marks its 10th year of creating                      Di samping memperingati dasawarsa pertama untuk menciptakan
                                              a better future for the nation hand in hand with its partners and                   masa depan bangsa yang lebih baik bersama mitra dan pendukungnya,
                                              supporters, it continues to unfurl its strategy toward developing                   Putera Sampoerna Foundation terus membentangkan strategi
                                              competent leaders capable of transforming Indonesian society                        untuk mengembangkan pemimpin yang mampu untuk mengubah
                                              and functioning in international circles. Beginning a decade ago                    masyarakat Indonesia, dan berperan di kalangan internasional. Memulai
                                              with scholarships, and then expanding its scope to teaching                         dengan beasiswa sepuluh tahun yang lalu, kemudian memperluas
                                              teachers and developing schools, Putera Sampoerna Foundation                        jangkauannya ke pendidikan guru dan pengembangan sekolah, Putera
                                              is steadily enhancing its mission as a social enterprise creating                   Sampoerna Foundation dengan pasti meningkatkan misinya sebagai
                                              innovative programs supported by the pillars of education,                          bisnis sosial yang menciptakan program inovatif didukung oleh pilar
                                              women empowerment, entrepreneurship development, and                                pendidikan, pemberdayaan wanita, pengembangan wirausahawan, dan
                                              compassionate relief assistance in unfortunate circumstances.                       bantuan kemanusiaan bagi masyarakat yang dilanda musibah.

                                                                       • Leveraging its Pathway to Leadership grand strategy, Putera           • Memanfaatkan strategi utama     Pathway to Leadership, Putera
                                                                         Sampoerna Foundation has evolved to position itself strongly            Sampoerna Foundation mengubah posisinya menjadi Institusi
                                                                         as a Social Business Institution creating an ecosystem of               Bisnis Sosial yang menciptakan ekosistem bagi inovasi dan
                                                                         innovation and empowerment to yield ever more initiatives               pemberdayaan agar menghasilkan lebih banyak program dan
                                                                         and programs toward creating a more viable Indonesia, that is           prakarsa demi Indonesia yang mampu untuk berhubungan
                                                                         capable of interacting optimally in international circles.              secara optimal di kalangan internasional.

                    It Takes More than Just                            • Launching of and expanding new programs, including
                                                                         the Sahabat Wanita (‘Friends of Women’) foundation and
                                                                                                                                               • Peluncuran dan perluasan program baru, termasuk Yayasan
                                                                                                                                                 dan Koperasi Sahabat Wanita; prakarsa ACCESS Education

             Education to Create a Brighter
                                                                         cooperative; the ACCESS Education Beyond initiative for                 Beyond untuk memacu program pertukaran pendidikan
                                                                         promoting US-Indonesia education exchange programs;                     Amerika Serikat-Indonesia; dan MEKAR Entrepreneur Network,
                                                                         and MEKAR Entrepreneur Network, an internet based                       suatu wadah kewirausahawanan berbasis-internet untuk

                      Future for the Nation                              entrepreneurship forum for the development of business
                                                                       • Launching of the Sampoerna School of Business as part of
                                                                                                                                                 pengembangan pemimpin usaha.
                                                                                                                                               • Peluncuran Sampoerna School of Business sebagai bagian
                                                                                                                                                 dari prakarsa Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk mendirikan
                                                                         Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s world class university initiative.        universitas berkelas dunia.

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About Putera Sampoerna Foundation

Creating High-Caliber Leaders for Indonesia in
Global Participation
The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first Social Business Institution in Indonesia with the vision to create high caliber
future leaders and entrepreneurs to enable Indonesia to meet the challenges of global participation.

The four main pillars of the foundation are provision of quality education to Indonesia’s economically underprivileged,
building entrepreneurship skills and eco-systems for economic development, empowerment of women, and support of
compassionate relief programs.

Based on its grand strategy, Pathway to Leadership, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has the goal of creating 1,000 leaders
per year who are expected to provide contributions and change in their communities.  In carrying out its activities, the
Foundation is supported by strategic partners, such as Sahabat Wanita, Siswa Bangsa, Bait Al-Kamil, ACCESS Education
Beyond, as well as MEKAR Entrepreneur Network.

Since its inception in 2001, the Foundation has distributed more than 34,600 scholarships, provided training for more than
22,038 teachers and principals, and adopted 17 public schools and 5 Islamic schools. Putera Sampoerna Foundation also
has established Sampoerna Academy, Sampoerna School of Education (SSE), and the Sampoerna School of Business (SSB).
These latest two colleges are the Foundation’s first steps in the establishment of a world class university.

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first non-profit organization to receive the ISO 9001:2008 certificate for quality
management systems which are of international standard. 

Putera Sampoerna Foundation adalah Lembaga Bisnis Sosial pertama              Sejak lahir pada tahun 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah
di Indonesia dengan visi untuk mencetak calon-calon pemimpin                  memberikan lebih dari 34.600 beasiswa, menyelenggarakan
masa depan dan wirausahawan handal di Indonesia demi memenuhi                 pelatihan bagi lebih dari 22,038 guru dan kepala sekolah, dan
tantangan untuk berpartisipasi global.                                        mengadopsi 17 sekolah negeri dan 5 madrasah. Putera Sampoerna
                                                                              Foundation juga telah mendirikan Sampoerna Academy, Sampoerna
Empat pilar utama foundation ini adalah penyediaan pendidikan
                                                                              School of Education dan Sampoerna School of Business. Kedua
berkualitas bagi ekonomi prasejahtera di Indonesia, membangun
                                                                              fakultas terakhir ini adalah langkah awal Putera Sampoerna
keterampilan kewirausahaan dan ekosistem pembangunan ekonomi,
                                                                              Foundation dalam rangka berdirinya universitas berkelas dunia.
pemberdayaan perempuan, dan mendukung program bantuan
kemanusiaan.                                                                  Putera Sampoerna Foundation adalah organisasi nirlaba pertama
                                                                              yang menerima sertifikasi ISO9001:2008 sistem kualitas
Mengacu pada strategi utama Pathway to Leadership, Putera
                                                                              manajemen bertaraf dunia.
Sampoerna Foundation menetapkan sasaran untuk menciptakan
1000 pemimpin setiap tahun, yang diharapkan untuk memberikan
kontribusi dan perubahan di lingkungannya. Dalam melaksanakan
kegiatannya, Putera Sampoerna Foundation didukung oleh mitra
strategis antara lain Sahabat Wanita, Siswa Bangsa, Bait Al-Kamil dan
ACCESS Education Beyond, serta MEKAR Entrepeneur Network.

                                                     Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 	
                                                                                         28   2 0 1 0 Annual Re port

                                                   To create high caliber future leaders and entrepreneurs for Indonesia
                                                                to meet the challenges of global participation

From passion                                                                       Mission
                                                            To create jobs through entrepreneurial development

                                                         To develop high caliber future leaders through education

                                                      To enlighten general populace through women empowerment

                                                To become a role model for other philanthropic organizations in indonesia

                                          To be professional, compassionate, transparent and to constantly search for excellence

                                        To support the needs of the Republic of Indonesia, our beneficiaries, their communities,

                                                                         our partners and our donors.

                                                    Menciptakan pemimpin dan wirausahawan handal masa depan bagi Indonesia,

                        and progress,
                                                                  untuk menghadapi tantangan partisipasi global

                                                       Menciptakan lapangan kerja melalui pengembangan kewirausahawanan

comes an opportunity.                                    Mengembangkan pemimpin handal masa depan melalui pendidikan

                                                   Memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat luas melalui pemberdayaan wanita

                                                           Menjadi panutan bagi organisasi filantropi lainnya di Indonesia

                                               Menjadi sosok yang profesional, manusiawi dan terbuka, yang terus mencari keunggulan

                                        Mendukung kebutuhan Indonesia, penerima manfaat dan masyarakat sekitar, serta mitra dan donor kami
Unfolding the Fabric of the Future

                                                                                                                                      A Decade of Dedication
                                                                                                                                      to Creating Tomorrow’s
                                                                                                                                      Leaders Today

                                                   TRANSITION TO F UTU RE PLANNING

        Drawing out a
       grand design of
     hope for a brighter
                                     Putera Sampoerna Foundation marked 10 years of facilitating development of future
                                     leaders through educational and social empowerment programs to enable the creation
                                     of a brighter future.

                                     Putera Sampoerna Foundation–embodying the belief of founder Putera Sampoerna that
                                     philanthropy, like business, carefully manages funds for long-lasting benefit–applies its
                                     vision as a ‘social business’ to provide access to quality education for academically gifted
                                                                                                                                    Putera Sampoerna Foundation memperingati satu dasawarsa dalam mengembangkan pemimpin
                                                                                                                                    masa depan melalui program pendidikan dan pemberdayaan sosial demi masa depan yang lebih

                                                                                                                                    Putera Sampoerna Foundation–sebagai wujud keyakinan Putera Sampoerna bahwa filantropi,
                                                                                                                                    seperti bisnis, mengelola dana secara seksama demi manfaat jangka panjang – menerapkan visinya
                                                                                                                                    sebagai ‘bisnis sosial’ untuk menyediakan akses ke pendidikan berkualitas bagi remaja berprestasi
                                                                                                                                    dari keluarga prasejahtera, sambil mencari cara yang inovatif untuk menangani masalah sosial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         …. through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        creation of vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          young leaders
                                     children from disadvantaged families, while seeking out innovative ways to address
                                     other pressing societal issues. Initiatives include leader creation through education;         lain yang mendesak. Prakarsanya termasuk penciptaan pemimpin melalui pendidikan, pencerahan
                                     enlightenment of the populace through women; job creation through entrepreneurial              masyarakat melalui wanita; pengadaan lapangan kerja dan pengembangan wirausaha; dan bantuan
                                     development; and compassionate assistance.                                                     kemanusiaan.

                                     As in creating batik, our endeavors require many hands. We are grateful that, over time,       Seperti membatik, upaya kami membutuhkan banyak tangan. Kami bersyukur karena, dengan
                                     a significant number of local and international entities from various sectors have lent        berjalannya waktu, berbagai sektor lembaga lokal dan internasional telah mengulurkan tangannya.
                                     support. We are confident our continued efforts and the support of donor partners will         Kami yakin bahwa upaya kami dan uluran tangan mitra donor yang berdatangan akan memungkinkan
                                     keep this grand design unfolding vibrantly.                                                    rancangan besar ini untuk terus terbentang dengan cerah.
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Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
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Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
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Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
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Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010
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Putera Sampoerna Foundation Annual Report 2010

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  • 3. Table of Contents 02 Message from the Founder Kata Pengantar dari Pendiri Putera Sampoerna 04 Message from the Management Kata Pengantar dari Manajemen Nenny Soemawinata (Managing Director) 06 Board of Patrons Dewan Pembina 10 Board of Supervisors Dewan Pengawas 14 Board of Executives Dewan Eksekutif 16 Board of Operational Executives Dewan Eksekutif Operasional 18 10 Years of Excellence: The Journey of the Foundation 10 Tahun Kesempurnaan: Perjalanan Putera Sampoerna Foundation 20 Milestones 28 About Putera Sampoerna Foundation Tentang Putera Sampoerna Foundation 32 Historical Highlights Sejarah Singkat 34 Education Pendidikan 36 Sampoerna Academy 42 Sampoerna School of Education 48 Sampoerna School of Business 54 School Development Outreach 60 Scholarships 66 Siswa Bangsa Student Assistance 72 ACCESS Education Beyond 78 Women’s Empowerment Sahabat Wanita 86 Entrepreneurship MEKAR Entrepreneur Network 94 Compassionate Relief Bait Al-Kamil 102 Partnerships Drawing a Bright Future for the Nation, Kemitraan 112 Our Impact Pencapaian Kami One Great Leader at a Time 118 Financial Highlights and Financial Statements Intisari dan Laporan Keuangan
  • 4. Message from The Founder Creating a Better Society is Everybody’s Business In the midst of international financial crisis, Indonesia seems to exhibit exceptional resilience and is projected to record startling economic growth in the eyes of the world. Unfortunately, this image belies Indonesia’s continued struggle to leverage its abundant natural resources to extract itself from the entrenched quagmire of poverty, ignorance, unemployment, and gender inequality that limits its contribution within the international community. In order to survive and eventually to thrive, Indonesia needs to create a new generation of skilled leaders with integrity and vision capable of designing a better future for the nation. The times dictate that we move beyond conventional approaches, such as charity and even education, to empowerment – the enabling of individuals to apply their experience, knowledge and skills to institute social, political and economic change for the benefit of Indonesian society as a whole. For this reason Putera Sampoerna Foundation believes in not only educating young people from disadvantaged families of varied backgrounds, but in imbuing them with principles, a work ethic, and a social consciousness that will enable them to emerge as competent professionals in their individual fields. We must draw a more comprehensive blueprint for a better tomorrow on the fabric of today that is unfurling before us. Our primary vision is to create leaders and entrepreneurs capable of transforming Indonesians into viable global citizens capable of contributing locally, regionally, and internationally. No one individual or organization can accomplish this. Building a better Indonesia is everybody’s business. That is why we are deeply grateful to our partners who have helped us over our first decade of endeavor. Yet, there is still so much to accomplish. We sincerely hope that you will join us in painting a better, brighter future for Indonesia. Di tengah krisis keuangan dunia, Indonesia menampilkan kekuatannya sebagai bangsa bekal pendirian, asas kerja, dan kepekaan sosial untuk muncul sebagai pemimpin yang yang kokoh dan mampu menunjukkan peningkatan ekonomi yang mengagumkan di berkemampuan di bidangnya masing-masing. Kita harus mulai merancang acuan mata negara-negara lain. komprehensif untuk hari esok yang lebih baik di atas kain waktu yang tergulung ke masa depan. Namun, di belakang pesona tersebut, Indonesia masih menemukan kendala dalam mengelola sumber daya alam yang berlimpah. Kendala yang mucul dari beberapa Visi utama kami adalah mencetak para pemimpin dan wirausahawan yang mampu situasi sulit, seperti kemiskinan, keterbelakangan pendidikan, tingkat pengangguran, mengubah masyarakat Indonesia menjadi penduduk dunia yang diakui serta mampu dan ketimpangan gender menyebabkan Indonesia tidak dapat memberikan kontribusi di memberikan andil di tingkat lokal, regional, dan internasional. tingkat internasional. Tidak ada pihak mana pun yang mampu mencapai tujuan ini seorang diri. Oleh karena Untuk terus bertahan dan menjadi negara yang maju, Indonesia perlu menciptakan itulah, membangun Indonesia yang lebih baik butuh kerjasama berbagai pihak. Kami generasi baru yang mampu menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin berbekal integritas dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para mitra donor yang telah menjalin kerja sama pemikiran untuk merancang masa depan yang lebih baik. selama perjalanan satu dekade ini. Kemajuan zaman menuntut kita untuk meninggalkan pendekatan konvensional seperti Masih banyak permasalahan yang harus ditanggulangi. Kami berharap Anda bersedia badan amal bahkan cara didik tradisional dan mulai membuka akses untuk generasi baru bergabung bersama kami dalam rangka melukis masa depan Indonesia yang lebih yang mampu memberikan pengaruh—menyediakan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk baik dan lebih cerah. “Designing a better tomorrow on the fabric of today. ” menerapkan pengetahuan, keahlian, dan pengalaman demi perubahan sosial, politik, dan ekonomi yang menyeluruh bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Dengan latar belakang inilah Putera Sampoerna Foundation memberikan tidak hanya pendidikan bagi mereka yang berasal dari keluarga prasejahtera, tetapi juga memberikan Putera Sampoerna Founder/Pendiri Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 2 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 3 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 5. Message from The Management It Takes Many Hands to Create a Better Future In 2001, when Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) set out its first tentative outline for Indonesia’s future, we could only hope that we could achieve our vision of functioning effectively for educating and helping underprivileged young people. Since that time, our scope of action has evolved successfully to encompass the creation of new leaders in various sectors through the empowerment not only of students, but of teachers, women and entrepreneurs. We have gone from focusing on access to education to improving existing schools, and on to the development of international standard boarding academies and tertiary institutions, as well as teacher enhancement programs and beyond. Now, the Foundation is continuing our design for what Indonesian society can be through our Pathway to Leadership strategy, based on the four pillars that we now expect to support our efforts into the future: Entrepreneurship Development (job creation), Education (developing leaders), Empowerment of Women (enlightening society), and deploying Compassionate Assistance. In 2010, we continued this work by establishing the Sampoerna School of Business, as well as the ACCESS Education Beyond and PSF School Development Outreach programs. We also launched the MEKAR Entrepreneur Network to support creation of new businesses and jobs, and enhanced our Bait Al-Kamil partnership to expand our compassionate relief programs and provide support for companies wanting to establish Corporate Social Responsibility programs. As our design unfolds, we become increasingly aware that just as one batik fabric requires the work of several hands; the sustainability of our efforts requires the helping hands of partners. We hope that you will join us as we continue to create a society able to emerge into and contribute to the global community. Pada 2001, saat Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) menetapkan rencananya Pada 2010, kami meneruskan tugas ini dengan mendirikan Sampoerna School of untuk membangun masa depan Indonesia, kami hanya mampu berharap untuk Business, ACCESS Education Beyond, dan program PSF School Development Outreach. merealisasikan visi dengan upaya yang paling efisien, yakni menyediakan pendidikan Kami juga menggagas MEKAR Entrepreneur Network untuk mendorong munculnya bagi keluarga prasejahtera. perniagaan dan lapangan pekerjaan baru. Di samping itu, kami juga memantapkan kerjasama dengan kemitraan Bait Al-Kamil yang memperluas program bantuan Semenjak saat itu, kiprah kami telah berkembang menjadi penciptaan generasi terhadap bencana alam sebagai pilihan lain bagi para perusahaan yang berniat pemimpin baru di berbagai sektor melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan yang ditujukan bergabung dalam program Corporate Social Responsibility. tidak hanya kepada pelajar saja tetapi juga tenaga pendidik, wanita, dan wirausahawan. Kiprah kami semakin bertambah, dari memberikan akses terhadap pendidikan saja Seraya Putera Sampoerna Foundation menyingkap gulungan rencana-rencananya ke menjadi lebih menyeluruh dengan peningkatan mutu sekolah-sekolah. Tidak hanya depan, kami tidak dapat melanjutkan rencana ini sendirian. Seperti melukis selembar itu saja, kami juga melanjutkan kiprah kami dengan menyediakan sekolah berasrama kain batik, butuh lebih dari satu tangan untuk menciptakan desain yang indah. Kami dengan standar pendidikan internasional sebagai institusi tertier, program pelatihan berharap Anda bersedia bergabung untuk melanjutkan rencana kami membangun guru, dan seterusnya. masyarakat yang mampu tampil dan memberikan andil di komunitas global. Kini, Foundation ini melanjutkan rangkaian program yang merujuk pada strategi utama bernama Pathway to Leadership yang ditopang oleh empat pilar sebagai acuan rencana kami ke depan. Empat pilar itu adalah: Entrepreneurship Development (untuk menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan), Education (untuk mengembangkan para pemimpin masa depan), Empowerment of Women (untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat), dan “Together we can create a new reality. ” menyediakan Compassionate Assistance (berupa bantuan kemanusiaan). Nenny Soemawinata Managing Director / Chief of the Foundation Executives Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 4 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 5 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 6. Board of Patrons Putera Sampoerna Chairperson Former President Commissioner of PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and a number of its subsidiary companies. Mr. Sampoerna studied at the University of Houston, Texas and has always had a passion for education. He founded the Putera Sampoerna Foundation in 2001 and has been involved in philanthropic works throughout ASEAN for over 25 years. He founded and currently directs the Sampoerna Strategic Group, which has a global portfolio of diversified businesses. Putera Sampoerna sebelumnya berperan sebagai Presiden Komisaris PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan beberapa anak perusahaannya. Beliau menggali ilmu di University of Houston di Texas, dan selalu memiliki minat dalam bidang pendidikan. Beliau telah berkecimpung dalam kegiatan filantropi di kawasan Asia Tenggara selama lebih dari 25 tahun dan mendirikan Putera Sampoerna Foundation pada tahun 2001. Kini mengarahkan Sampoerna Strategic Group yang membawahi beragam jenis usaha Katie Sampoerna Michael Sampoerna dalam portofolio globalnya. Wife of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. She has been involved in The youngest son of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. Formerly charities and family philanthropic activities throughout President Director of PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna ASEAN for over 25 years. Mrs. Sampoerna has been the focal Tbk. (HMS) and President Commissioner of a number of point of numerous company design initiatives for Sampoerna its subsidiary companies, Mr. Michael Sampoerna studied Family businesses, as well as for Putera Sampoerna Foundation. at the London School of Economics (UK). Currently, he is She directed the establishment of the Sampoerna Museum in Sampoerna Strategic’s Head of Operations and functions as Surabaya, Indonesia. President Commissioner and President Director of its many groups of companies.  Istri Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Beliau berperan aktif dalam kegiatan amal dan filantropi keluarga di kawasan Asia Tenggara selama lebih Putra termuda dari Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Sebelumnya sebagai dari 25 tahun. Selain Putera Sampoerna Foundation, Ibu Sampoerna Presiden Direktur PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan memainkan peran inti dalam memprakarsai usaha keluarga Sampoerna. Presiden Komisaris dari sejumlah anak perusahaan. Michael Sampoerna Beliau menggagas berdirinya Museum Sampoerna di Surabaya. mengenyam pendidikan di London School of Economics, Inggris. Kini ia berperan sebagai Kepala Operasi Sampoerna Strategic Group, serta Presiden Komisaris dan Presiden Direktur dari sejumlah anak perusahaan. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 6 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 7 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 7. Board of Patrons Jonathan Bradford Sampoerna Farah Khristina Sampoerna Edward Frankel James P. Barnes Eldest son of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. He has studied Youngest daughter of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. She studied Formerly the Group Chief Operating Officer and a Director Mr. Barnes is the former General Counsel of PT Hanjaya internationally, receiving his degree in Finance at Texas in Asia and the United States, receiving a degree in Fashion for PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Mr. Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and was a member of the A&M University, USA. He worked in Hong Kong under the Design and Merchandising at the Fashion Institute of Frankel has worked for the Sampoerna Group of companies Board of Commissioners. He received a B.S. from Lewis and guidance of Dr. Marc Faber, international investment strategist. Technology, New York City, USA. Initially working with a for over 25 years. He received a B.A. from the University of Clark College and a JD from the University of California. He Mr. Jonathan Sampoerna also has directed the business fashion house in New York, Ms. Farah Sampoerna has taken California at Berkeley and a Masters in Administration from has worked for the Sampoerna Group of companies for over development arms of Sampoerna Family Trading Companies.    a sabbatical to raise her sons. the University of Portland. 25 years.    Seorang mantan Chief Operating Officer dan Direktur PT Hanjaya Bapak Barnes adalah seorang mantan Penasehat dan anggota Putra tertua Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Beliau menempuh pendidikan di Putri termuda Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Ibu Farah Sampoerna Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Frankel telah bekerja di beberapa Komisaris PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS). Beliau meraih mancanegara dan meraih gelar sarjana di bidang Keuangan dari Texas menempuh pendidikan di Asia dan Amerika Serikat, hingga meraih gelar perusahaan dari Sampoerna Group selama lebih dari 25 tahun. Beliau gelar BS dari Lewis & Clark College dan JD dari University of California. A&M University, Amerika Serikat. Beliau bekerja di Hong Kong di bawah sarjana dalam Fashion Design and Merchandising dari Fashion Institute meraih gelar BA dari University of California di Berkeley, dan gelar MBA Beliau telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan Sampoerna Group selama bimbingan Dr. Marc Faber, seorang pakar strategi investasi internasional. of Technology, New York City. Sebelumnya bekerja di rumah mode di dari University of Portland. lebih dari 25 tahun. Bapak Jonathan Sampoerna saat ini memimpin bagian pengembangan New York, kini beliau tengah dalam cuti panjang untuk membesarkan usaha pada sejumlah Usaha Perdagangan Keluarga Sampoerna. putra-putranya. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 8 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 9 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 8. Board of Supervisors Jacqueline Michelle Sampoerna Chairperson Eldest daughter of Mr. Putera Sampoerna. Formerly Communications Manager at PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) and Director of Sampoerna Jones Designs, Ms. Michelle Sampoerna studied internationally, receiving her B.A. in Mass Communications from St. Mary’s College in California. She was “on point” with her father for all preliminary research and planning regarding Putera Sampoerna Foundation and has led the Foundation since its inception. Putri tertua Bapak Putera Sampoerna. Sebelumnya berperan sebagai Manajer Komunikasi PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) dan Direktur Sampoerna Jones Designs, Michelle Sampoerna meraih gelar BA dalam Mass Communications dari St. Mary’s College, California. Beliau membantu menuangkan visi Bapak Putera Sampoerna mulai dari tahap awal penelitian dan perencanaan Putera Sampoerna Foundation, hingga memimpinnya sejak Foundation ini didirikan. Bambang Sulistyo Niken Rachmad Ekadharmajanto Kasih Agustinus Irawan Mr. Sulistyo is a Commissioner of PT Ms. Rachmad joined PT Hanjaya Mandala Formerly a Director of PT Hanjaya Mr. Irawan, along with his two Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) in 1998 as Head Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), partners, is now managing Aserra He formerly served as Commissioner of Corporate Communications, and was Mr. Kasih has spent over 25 years in Capital, a private equity firm with its of PT. Sungai Rangit, as well as the subsequently appointed as Communications Financial Control. He graduated from principal investment in coal mines. He Director in 2006. In 2009, she was appointed Indonesian Head of Production and the University of Indonesia with a was formerly a senior partner - Head of as Corporate Affairs Advisor, then as of Country Head of Myanmar for PT January 21, 2011, as a Commissioner. She has Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Transaction Advisory Services at Ernst Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. had a long, distinguished career in journalism currently serves as an Economics lecturer & Young Indonesia. He received his (HMS). He earned his Chemical and public relations in Indonesia and USA, at the same university. Mr. Kasih was BSc degree in accounting from De La Engineering degree from University of including for the Voice of America. At Ogilvy the Chief Financial Officer of PT Salle University, Philippines. Dortmund, Germany. & Mather Indonesia, she pioneered its Public HMS and is currently an Independent Relations division and introduced the concept Commissioner. He also serves as an Saat ini, Bapak Irawan bersama dua rekannya Bapak Sulistyo menjabat sebagai Komisaris of Corporate Social Responsibility. She executive of Sampoerna Strategic and mengelola Aserra Capital, suatu firma ekuitas PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia. graduated with a BSc from the University of President Director of PT Sampoerna swasta dengan investasi utama dalam Gadjah Mada in 1972. Agro Tbk. Sebelumnya beliau duduk sebagai Komisaris pertambangan batubara. Sebelumnya beliau PT. Sungai Rangit, sekaligus menjabat posisi adalah mitra senior – Kepala Pelayanan Kepala Produksi di Indonesia dan mengepalai Ibu Niken Rachmad bergabung sebagai Kepala Seorang mantan Komisaris PT HM Sampoerna Penasehat Transaksi Ernst & Young Advisory Komunikasi Perusahaan PT Hanjaya Mandala PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) di Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Kasih berkecimpung di Indonesia. Beliau meraih gelar BSc Accounting Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) pada tahun 1998, kemudian Myanmar. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Teknik bidang Pengawasan Keuangan selama lebih dari De La Salle University, Filipina. menjadi Direktur Komunikasi pada tahun 2006. Kimia dari University of Dortmund, Jerman. Tahun 2009, ditunjuk sebagai Corporate Affairs dari 25 tahun. Beliau lulus dari Universitas Advisor sebelum menjadi anggota Komisaris Indonesia sebagai Sarjana Ekonomi, dan sejak tanggal 21 Januari 2011. Beliau meniti kini mengabdi sebagai dosen Ekonomi di karier jurnalisme dan hubungan masyarakat fakultasnya. Bapak Kasih pernah menjabat di Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat, termasuk sebagai Chief Financial Officer di PT HMS, dan untuk Voice of America. Saat di Ogilvy & Mather kini menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen Indonesia, beliau merintis divisi Public Relations sekaligus Eksekutif Sampoerna Strategic dan serta memperkenalkan konsep Corporate Social Presiden Direktur PT. Sampoerna Agro Tbk. Responsibility. Beliau meraih gelar BSc dari Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tahun 1972.   Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 10 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 11 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 9. Board of Supervisors Arief Tarunakarya Surowidjojo Yos Adiguna Ginting Eliezer Marthenny Kaeng Kemal A. Stamboel John N. Meeks Robert Bong Mr. Surowidjojo is the founding partner of the law Yos Adiguna Ginting began his professional career as A presidium representative of the Putera Sampoerna Mr. Stamboel is the Chairman of WWF Indonesia, Formerly the Director of Corporate Development Dr. Robert Bong, a former Chief Executive and firm Lubis, Ganie and Surowidjojo. He is a senior Manager, Strategic Alliance, at PT Indah Kiat Pulp Foundation Alumni Association (PSFAA) from 2008- and founding member of MTI (the Indonesian Society for PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Director of a number of publicly listed companies, lecturer at the Law Faculty of University of Indonesia and Paper, Tbk., soon after obtaining his PhD in 2010. He graduated cum laude from Bandung Institute for Transparency). He also serves as Independent Mr. Meeks worked for more than a decade in Asia has 35 years of experience in corporate leadership.  and one of the founders and a former chairperson of Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Tasmania, of Technology, majoring in Computer Science and Commissioner at PT. Holcim Indonesia Ltd. and PT. and is currently Senior Vice President of Corporate Dr. Bong is currently the Vice Chancellor and the Supervisory Board for Transparency International Australia in 1997. His career progressed, and he was received an overseas MBA scholarship from the Putera Titan Kimia Nusantara Ltd. Prior to that position Development at the McCoy Corporation based in Chief Executive of UCSI University in Malaysia.  Indonesia. He received his Bachelor’s degree in law eventually appointed to the position of Vice President, Sampoerna Foundation in 2005 for a 2 years program he also served as  Supervisory member (Oversight Texas. He graduated with honors from Texas A&M He serves as the Entrepreneur-In-Residence of the from the University of Indonesia, and Masters in Law Trade Alliance, based in Singapore. Mr. Ginting joined at London Business School, University of London. He Committee) of BRR Aceh/Nias, and also as a member University. INSEAD Business School in France and the Institute from the University of Washington, USA. PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) in has held key positions with EGlobal Technology and is of the National ICT Council. At the same time he of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of the Singapore April 2002, and quickly assumed roles of increasing currently serving as the Vice President of Comexindo served as Commissioner at PT. Krakatau Steel and PT. Seorang mantan Direktur Pengembangan Perusahaan PT Management University. Dr. Bong also serves as Bapak Surowidjojo adalah mitra pendiri firma hukum Lubis, responsibility, including Director of Human Resources International. Merpati Nusantara Airlines. He received a Master’s of Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS), Bapak Meeks Advisor to TAP Management Institute (TAPMI) of Ganie dan Surowidjojo. Beliau adalah seorang dosen senior in June 2003. In 2008, he was appointed as Director in Science in Business Management from the Management telah bekerja selama lebih dari satu dasawarsa di Asia dan Manipal University in India and as Co-Chairman for di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, dan salah satu charge of Corporate Affairs. Institute of Arthur D. Little, Boston, USA. saat ini menjabat sebagai Senior Vice President of Corporate the India Blue Ocean Strategy Research Center. Seorang wakil presidium dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation pendiri serta mantan Ketua Dewan Pengawasan Transparency Development McCoy Corporation yang berbasis di Texas, Amerika Alumni Association (PSFAA) pada tahun 2008-2010. Beliau International Indonesia. Beliau meraih gelar sarjana dari Serikat. Beliau meraih gelar Bachelor with Honors dari Texas Bapak Ginting memulai kariernya sebagai Manajer Strategic lulus dengan prestasi cum laude di bidang Ilmu Komputer dari Bapak Stamboel adalah Ketua WWF Indonesia, dan anggota Dr. Robert Bong, mantan Chief Executive dan Direktur dari Universitas Indonesia, dan gelar pascasarjana di bidang Hukum A&M University. Alliance PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper Tbk., setelah meraih Institut Teknologi Bandung, kemudian menerima beasiswa MBA pendiri Masyarakat Transparansi Indonesia. Beliau juga menjabat sejumlah perusahaan terdaftar, memiliki 35 tahun pengalaman dari University of Washington, AS. gelar PhD dalam Theoretical Chemistry dari University of luar negeri dari Putera Sampoerna Foundation pada tahun sebagai Komisaris Independen PT Holcim Indonesia Ltd. dan PT dalam kepemimpinan perusahaan.  Saat ini Dr. Bong adalah Tasmania, Australia pada tahun 1997. Kariernya menanjak 2005, untuk program 2 tahun di London Business School, Titan Kimia Nusantara Ltd. Sebelumnya, Bapak Stamboel adalah Vice Chancellor dan Chief Executive UCSI University di Malaysia.  hingga mencapai jabatan Vice President Trade Alliance, berbasis University of London. Beliau pernah menjabat posisi penting anggota Dewan Pengawasan (Oversight Committee) BRR Aceh Beliau menjabat sebagai Entrepreneur-In-Residence INSEAD di Singapura. Bapak Ginting bergabung dengan PT Hanjaya di EGlobal Technology, dan saat ini menjabat sebagai Wakil dan Nias, dan juga anggota National ICT Council. Pada saat Business School di Perancis dan Institute of Innovation & Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. (HMS) pada bulan April 2002, dan Presiden Comexindo Internasional. yang sama beliau menjabat Komisaris PT Krakatau Steel dan Entrepreneurship di Singapore Management University. Dr. Bong dengan cepat meraih tanggung jawab yang meningkat, PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines. Beliau meraih gelar MSc dalam juga menjabat sebagai Penasehat TAP Management Institute of termasuk sebagai Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia pada bulan Business Management dari Management Institute of Arthur D. Manipal University di India, serta Co-Chairman India Blue Ocean Juni 2003. Pada tahun 2008, beliau diangkat menjadi Direktur Little, AS. Strategy Research Center. yang bertanggung jawab atas Corporate Affairs. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 12 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 13 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 10. Board of Executives Nenny Soemawinata Managing Director / Chief of the Foundation Executives Former President Director of Indo-Ad/Ogilvy & Mather, a leading advertising agency. Followed by a career in the TV industry, leading TV stations such as ANTV RCTI and O , Channel. Ms. Soemawinata  is both a qualified trainer and a leading professional in marketing, sales, and communications. She holds a computer programming degree from the Auckland Technical Institute, New Zealand. Seorang mantan Presiden Direktur Indo-Ad/Ogilvy & Mather, suatu biro periklanan terkemuka. Setelah itu Ibu Soemawinata melanjutkan kariernya sebagai pemimpin stasiun TV terkemuka seperti ANTV, RCTI dan O Channel. Beliau adalah seorang pakar, dan profesional terkemuka di bidang pemasaran, penjualan, dan komunikasi. Beliau menyandang gelar Sarjana Computer Programming dari Auckland Technical Institute, Selandia Baru. Elan Merdy Stefanus Aryawan Eddy F. Henry Senior Director / Foundation Secretary Chief Financial Officer Education Programs Director / Foundation General Secretary Formerly Manager of the Business and Financial Formerly an Associate Manager at Arthur Andersen Formerly CEO of a software company, Mr. Henry Consulting Division at Arthur Andersen Business Business Consulting and a Program Manager at obtained his Bachelor (honors) degree from Trent Consulting, Mr. Merdy received his B.S. from PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk. (BII), Mr. University, Canada in Mathematics and Computer Philippines School of Business and MBA from De La Aryawan received his B.S. in Marketing from Boston Studies. He is currently the chairperson of the United Salle University, Philippines. College, Massachusetts. World Colleges (UWC) National Committee for Indonesia, and a member of International Baccalaureate Office (IBO) Asia-Pacific Regional Council. Seorang mantan Manajer Divisi Konsultasi Bisnis dan Keuangan Bapak Aryawan adalah seorang mantan Associate Manager di Arthur Andersen Business Consulting, Bapak Merdy meraih Arthur Andersen Business Consulting dan Manajer Program di gelar B.S. dari Philippines School of Business dan gelar MBA PT. Bank International Indonesia Tbk. Beliau meraih gelar B.S. Seorang mantan Chief Executive Officer dari sebuah perusahaan dari De La Salle University, Filipina. dalam Pemasaran dari Boston College, Massachusetts. peranti lunak, Bapak Henry meraih gelar Bachelor with Honors di bidang Matematika dan Ilmu Komputer dari Trent University, Kanada. Saat ini, beliau adalah Ketua Dewan Komite Nasional United World Colleges untuk Indonesia, serta anggota dari International Baccalaureate Office (IBO) Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Committee. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 14 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 15 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 11. Board of Operational Executives Vira Soekardiman Agung Binantoro Paulina Pannen Rini Tampi Director of Sales Program Development Director / General Manager of Sampoerna School of Business Dean of Sampoerna School of Education Director of Scholarship and Student Loan Formerly the Corporate Director of Marketing & Sales at Coldwell Banker Formerly a Senior Program Manager at PT Bank International Indonesia Ms. Pannen, a professor of instructional technology, received her graduate Formerly a General Manager at PT Matahari Putra Prima, a leading Indonesia, and Head of Global Commercial Cards at American Express Tbk., Mr. Binantoro started his career at KPMG Consulting (Utrecht, the education from Syracuse University in the field of educational technology. department store in Indonesia, Ms. Tampi obtained her Bachelor degree Bank Ltd., Ms. Soekardiman has over 18 years of experience in marketing Netherlands) and Arthur Andersen Business Consulting (Jakarta, Indonesia). Prior to her deanship, she was a faculty member of Universitas Terbuka in Finance from University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA and her MBA and sales in various organizations in Indonesia and the region. She received Mr. Binantoro obtained his BSc, majoring in Industrial Engineering from and Director of SEAMEO Southeast Asia Regional Open and Distance degree in Banking from Golden Gate University, USA. her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Biology from the University of University of Indonesia and his MBA from University of Leuven, Belgium. Learning Center. She is actively involved in various quality improvement Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. activities for teacher education, including writing in scholarly journals and speaking at various national, as well as international, education forums. Seorang mantan General Manager di PT Matahari Putra Prima, suatu pelopor pusat perbelanjaan di Indonesia, Ibu Tampi meraih gelar Sarjana Keuangan dari University Sebelum bergabung, Bapak Agung Binantoro menjabat sebagai Senior Program Manager of Wisconsin di Milwaukee, dan gelar MBA dalam Perbankan dari Golden Gate Seorang mantan Corporate Director of Marketing & Sales Coldwell Banker Indonesia dan di PT Bank International Indonesia, Tbk. Ia memulai kariernya di beberapa perusahaan Ibu Pannen adalah seorang profesor dalam bidang teknologi instruksi, yang mengenyam University, AS. Head of Global Commercial Cards American Express Bank Ltd., Ibu Soekardiman memiliki konsultan, seperti KPMG Consulting (Utrecht, Belanda) dan Arthur Andersen Business pendidikan pascasarjana di bidang Teknologi Pendidikan di Syracuse University. lebih dari 18 tahun pengalaman dalam pemasaran dan penjualan di berbagai organisasi, Consulting (Jakarta, Indonesia). Bapak Agung Binantoro memperoleh gelar BSc di bidang Sebelumnya, beliau adalah anggota fakultas Universitas Terbuka, serta Direktur SEAMEO baik di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Beliau memiliki gelar BSc dalam Biologi dari Teknik Industri dari Universitas Indonesia dan MBA dari University of Leuven, Belgia. Southeast Asia Regional Open and Distance Learning Center. Beliau terlibat secara aktif University of Southern California, Los Angeles. dalam berbagai kegiatan peningkatan pendidikan guru termasuk penulisan makalah pendidikan, dan sebagai pembicara dalam berbagai forum pendidikan baik lokal maupun internasional. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 16 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 17 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 12. Potential Wonderful Years Designing a Bright Future for the Nation Since its inception in 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has been inscribing the fabric of Indonesia’s future with a carefully crafted design toward creating a better society by producing a new generation of leaders capable of functioning competitively as citizens of the world in a global age. This decade of endeavor has yielded a clear outline that we will continue to fill in with vibrant colors of dedication and vision as we enhance existing programs and extend our reach to better address the needs of the Indonesian people for education, empowerment, and opportunity. Sejak lahirnya di tahun 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah merajut masa depan Indonesia dengan rancangan yang disiapkan secara teliti demi terbentuknya masyarakat yang lebih baik, dengan menciptakan pemimpin generasi baru yang mampu bersaing sebagai warga dunia di era globalisasi. Upaya pada dasawarsa ini telah menggoreskan kerangka yang akan terus kami warnai dengan semangat dedikasi dan visi, sambil meningkatkan program yang ada dan memperluas jangkauan untuk dapat menangani kebutuhan Indonesia akan pendidikan, peluang dan pemberdayaan. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 19 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 13. Milestones Education Creates a Legacy of Hope for a Lifetime Understanding that education is not possible without equal access, Putera Sampoerna Foundation inititated the provision of scholarships to ensure that young people from financially disadvantaged families could stay in school and benefit fully from formal education. Then, as it became clear that achieving quality education would not be possible without enhancing teacher skills and improving school administration, Putera Sampoerna Foundation expanded its scope of activities to provide teachers with the opportunity to upgrade their skills toward greater professionalism, while also assisting schools to develop appropriate administrative programs and systems. Memahami bahwa pendidikan tidak dapat diraih tanpa kesempatan akses yang sama, Putera Sampoerna Foundation memprakarsai penyediaan beasiswa untuk memastikan agar remaja dari keluarga prasejahtera dapat tetap bersekolah dan merasakan manfaat penuh dari pendidikan formal. Dengan keyakinan bahwa pendidikan berkualitas mustahil diperoleh tanpa meningkatkan keterampilan guru dan administrasi sekolah, Putera Sampoerna Foundation memperluas cakupan kegiatannya dengan menyediakan peluang untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bagi guru agar menjadi lebih profesional, sekaligus mendukung sekolah untuk mengembangkan program dan sistem administrasi yang sesuai. 2001 • Establishment of Putera Sampoerna Foundation. • Berdirinya Putera Sampoerna Foundation. • Initiation of scholarship provision: 1,250 • Awal dari beasiswa: 1.250 beasiswa diberikan pada scholarships issued for high school and university. siswa tingkat SMA dan perguruan tinggi. 2002 • Initiation of scholarships for MBA study abroad. • Awal dari beasiswa bagi MBA di luar negeri. • Total of 4,725 scholarships awarded. • Total 4.725 beasiswa diberikan. 2003 Making Education ACCESSible for • Partnership role in National Science Olympiad. • Peran kemitraan dalam Olimpiade Ilmu Pengetahuan everyone Facilitates Emergence of Future Leaders • More than 9,110 scholarships awarded. Nasional. • Initiation of education program with preparation of • Lebih dari 9.110 beasiswa diberikan. teacher, enhancement infrastructure, and institutional • Awal dari program pendidikan melalui persiapan prasarana, development programs. peningkatan guru, dan program pengembangan institusi. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 20 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 14. Milestones Expanding in the Education Sector to Achieve Quality Improvement Aware that access to seats in Indonesia’s traditional school system Menyadari bahwa akses ke bangku sistem pendidikan tradisional alone will not ensure the best quality education possible for saja tidak menjamin kualitas pendidikan terbaik bagi generasi muda Indonesia’s younger generation, Putera Sampoerna Foundation Indonesia, Putera Sampoerna Foundation mewarnai ruang yang telah has been coloring in the spaces outlined in its grand design digariskan dalam rancangan besarnya melalui program baru dengan for educational assistance toward developing a better society sasaran khusus. Program ini ditujukan pada pengembangan dan with a number of new specifically targeted programs. These peningkatan sekolah, peningkatan dan pelayanan pelatihan guru, programs for school development and enhancement, in-service pendanaan siswa pendidikan tinggi, dan program magang bagi para teacher training and upgrading, student financing for higher lulusan, telah membentuk fondasi bagi penetapan pilar dukungan education, and internships for graduates have done much demi menciptakan masyarakat Indonesia yang lebih baik. toward establishing a blueprint for setting out pillars of support for creating a better Indonesian society. 2004 • Launching of the Sampoerna Foundation Teacher • Peluncuran Sampoerna Foundation Teacher Institute (SFTI) untuk Institute (SFTI) to provide training to in-service teachers menyediakan pelatihan hingga pelayanan guru guna meningkatkan to upgrade their knowledge and skills and enhance their pengetahuan dan keterampilan, serta profesionalisme mereka. professionalism. 2005 • Inception of Education Disaster Recovery Program in • Lahirnya Program Pemulihan Pendidikan akibat Bencana sebagai response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Aceh. tanggapan terhadap gempa bumi dan tsunami di Aceh. • Initiation of the School Quality Improvement Program • Mulainya Program Peningkatan Kualitas Sekolah (SQIP) yang (SQIP) that then expanded into the United School Program kemudian diperluas menjadi Program Persatuan Sekolah (USP) (USP) for nationwide upgrading and enhancement of schools. untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan sekolah di seluruh daerah. 2006 • Collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology • Bekerja sama dengan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) untuk (ITB) to establish and run the School of Business mendirikan dan mengoperasikan School of Business Management Management (SBM-ITB) offering MBA specializations (SBM-ITB) yang menawarkan program MBA spesialisasi dalam Providing Excellent Education in Telecommunications, Energy, and Business Law at well equipped modern educational facilities in downtown Jakarta. Telekomunikasi, Energi dan Hukum Bisnis, dilengkapi dengan sarana pendidikan moderen di tengah kota Jakarta. Facilities to Support Future Leaders • Launching of the first Student Financing facility for non- • Peluncuran Pendanaan Siswa berupa pinjaman tanpa agunan collateral loans in Indonesia with the assistance of Bank yang pertama di Indonesia, dengan bantuan Bank Internasional Internasional Indonesia (BII) and International Finance Indonesia (BII) dan International Finance Corporation (bagian dari Corporation (division of World Bank). Bank Dunia). Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 23 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 15. Milestones Improving Education to International Standards to Create Indonesian Leaders with Global Scope As the fabric of Indonesia’s future continues to unfurl, Putera Sampoerna Foundation is consistently there to color it with a vibrant vision of the nation as a global citizen whose people can compete and even contribute successfully within the international community. The establishment of a professional forum for teachers, the launching of a university- level teacher education school, and the opening of boarding schools where students receive an international standard education—these are among the powerful initiatives that are moving Putera Sampoerna Foundation ever closer to its goals and earning its positive international attention. Di mana masa depan Indonesia terus membentang, Putera Sampoerna Foundation terus hadir untuk mewarnainya dengan visi yang cerah mengenai bangsa sebagai warga dunia yang mana penduduknya dapat bersaing bahkan berhasil memberikan kontribusi di kalangan masyarakat dunia. Berdirinya wadah profesional bagi para guru, diluncurkannya sekolah pendidikan guru tingkat perguruan tinggi, dan dibukanya sekolah berasrama di mana siswa menerima pendidikan berstandar internasional, merupakan bagian dari prakarsa baik yang membawa Putera Sampoerna Foundation lebih dekat ke sasarannya, serta meraih perhatian positif dari dunia. 2007 • Held the first National Annual Teachers Congress, which was attended by • Menyelenggarakan Kongres Guru Indonesia yang pertama, dihadiri oleh lebih more than 1,000 teachers and principals from across the archipelago. dari 1000 guru dan kepala sekolah dari seluruh daerah. • Became the first education sector non-governmental organization (NGO) • Menjadi organisasi nirlaba pendidikan pertama yang menerima sertifikasi to achieve ISO9001:2000 certification for efficient management systems. ISO9001:2000 sistem manajemen efisien. • Established School Leadership Development Program in collaboration • Mendirikan Program Sekolah Pengembangan Kepemimpinan, bekerja sama with the National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore. dengan National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore. • Adoption of 5 Islamic schools (madrasah) into the Putera Sampoerna • Mengadopsi 5 madrasah menjadi Program Peningkatan Kualitas Madrasah Foundation Madrasah Quality Improvement Program (MQIP) for (MQIP) Putera Sampoerna Foundation demi peningkatan sarana dan enhancement of educational facilities and curriculum. kurikulum pendidikan. 2008 • Invited by former US President Bill Clinton to represent Indonesia in the • Diundang oleh mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat, Bill Clinton, untuk mewakili Clinton Global Initiatives program. Indonesia dalam program Clinton Global Initiatives. 2009 • Became the first secular NGO to be granted the Religious Giving License by • Menjadi organisasi nirlaba sekuler pertama yang diberi sebagai unit pengelolaan BAZNAS, the Islamic authority of Indonesia; enabling Putera Sampoerna Foundation zakat oleh BAZNAS, lembaga Islam yang berwenang di Indonesia; memungkinkan to collect donations and tithes from the Moslem Community for channeling to those Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk menghimpun dana dan amal dari masyarakat Islam dan menyalurkannya ke mereka yang membutuhkannya. Ensuring High Quality Education to in need of assistance. • Establishment of two Sampoerna Academies in Malang (East Java) and Palembang • Berdirinya dua Sampoerna Academy di Malang dan Palembang untuk menyediakan (South Sumatra) to provide academically deserving teens, who come from the lowest pendidikan berkualitas selama 3 tahun di SMA asrama berakreditasi setara Cambridge, Facilitate Creation of Future Leaders economic quintile, with 3 years of quality education at a senior high boarding school bagi remaja yang layak dari lapisan ekonomi terendah. with a Cambridge examination accreditation. • Peluncuran Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) di Jakarta untuk memberikan gelar • Launching of the Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) in Jakarta to grant education sarjana pendidikan dan pengajaran sebagai bagian dari prakarsa Putera Sampoerna and teaching degrees as part of the Foundation’s world class university initiative. Foundation mendirikan universitas berkelas dunia. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 24 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 16. Milestones Laying Out the Framework of Support for Developing Future Leaders As Putera Sampoerna Foundation marks its 10th year of creating Di samping memperingati dasawarsa pertama untuk menciptakan a better future for the nation hand in hand with its partners and masa depan bangsa yang lebih baik bersama mitra dan pendukungnya, supporters, it continues to unfurl its strategy toward developing Putera Sampoerna Foundation terus membentangkan strategi competent leaders capable of transforming Indonesian society untuk mengembangkan pemimpin yang mampu untuk mengubah and functioning in international circles. Beginning a decade ago masyarakat Indonesia, dan berperan di kalangan internasional. Memulai with scholarships, and then expanding its scope to teaching dengan beasiswa sepuluh tahun yang lalu, kemudian memperluas teachers and developing schools, Putera Sampoerna Foundation jangkauannya ke pendidikan guru dan pengembangan sekolah, Putera is steadily enhancing its mission as a social enterprise creating Sampoerna Foundation dengan pasti meningkatkan misinya sebagai innovative programs supported by the pillars of education, bisnis sosial yang menciptakan program inovatif didukung oleh pilar women empowerment, entrepreneurship development, and pendidikan, pemberdayaan wanita, pengembangan wirausahawan, dan compassionate relief assistance in unfortunate circumstances. bantuan kemanusiaan bagi masyarakat yang dilanda musibah. 2010 • Leveraging its Pathway to Leadership grand strategy, Putera • Memanfaatkan strategi utama Pathway to Leadership, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has evolved to position itself strongly Sampoerna Foundation mengubah posisinya menjadi Institusi as a Social Business Institution creating an ecosystem of Bisnis Sosial yang menciptakan ekosistem bagi inovasi dan innovation and empowerment to yield ever more initiatives pemberdayaan agar menghasilkan lebih banyak program dan and programs toward creating a more viable Indonesia, that is prakarsa demi Indonesia yang mampu untuk berhubungan capable of interacting optimally in international circles. secara optimal di kalangan internasional. It Takes More than Just • Launching of and expanding new programs, including the Sahabat Wanita (‘Friends of Women’) foundation and • Peluncuran dan perluasan program baru, termasuk Yayasan dan Koperasi Sahabat Wanita; prakarsa ACCESS Education Education to Create a Brighter cooperative; the ACCESS Education Beyond initiative for Beyond untuk memacu program pertukaran pendidikan promoting US-Indonesia education exchange programs; Amerika Serikat-Indonesia; dan MEKAR Entrepreneur Network, and MEKAR Entrepreneur Network, an internet based suatu wadah kewirausahawanan berbasis-internet untuk Future for the Nation entrepreneurship forum for the development of business leaders. • Launching of the Sampoerna School of Business as part of pengembangan pemimpin usaha. • Peluncuran Sampoerna School of Business sebagai bagian dari prakarsa Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk mendirikan Putera Sampoerna Foundation’s world class university initiative. universitas berkelas dunia. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 27 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 17. About Putera Sampoerna Foundation Creating High-Caliber Leaders for Indonesia in Global Participation The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first Social Business Institution in Indonesia with the vision to create high caliber future leaders and entrepreneurs to enable Indonesia to meet the challenges of global participation. The four main pillars of the foundation are provision of quality education to Indonesia’s economically underprivileged, building entrepreneurship skills and eco-systems for economic development, empowerment of women, and support of compassionate relief programs. Based on its grand strategy, Pathway to Leadership, Putera Sampoerna Foundation has the goal of creating 1,000 leaders per year who are expected to provide contributions and change in their communities.  In carrying out its activities, the Foundation is supported by strategic partners, such as Sahabat Wanita, Siswa Bangsa, Bait Al-Kamil, ACCESS Education Beyond, as well as MEKAR Entrepreneur Network. Since its inception in 2001, the Foundation has distributed more than 34,600 scholarships, provided training for more than 22,038 teachers and principals, and adopted 17 public schools and 5 Islamic schools. Putera Sampoerna Foundation also has established Sampoerna Academy, Sampoerna School of Education (SSE), and the Sampoerna School of Business (SSB). These latest two colleges are the Foundation’s first steps in the establishment of a world class university. The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first non-profit organization to receive the ISO 9001:2008 certificate for quality management systems which are of international standard.  Putera Sampoerna Foundation adalah Lembaga Bisnis Sosial pertama Sejak lahir pada tahun 2001, Putera Sampoerna Foundation telah di Indonesia dengan visi untuk mencetak calon-calon pemimpin memberikan lebih dari 34.600 beasiswa, menyelenggarakan masa depan dan wirausahawan handal di Indonesia demi memenuhi pelatihan bagi lebih dari 22,038 guru dan kepala sekolah, dan tantangan untuk berpartisipasi global. mengadopsi 17 sekolah negeri dan 5 madrasah. Putera Sampoerna Foundation juga telah mendirikan Sampoerna Academy, Sampoerna Empat pilar utama foundation ini adalah penyediaan pendidikan School of Education dan Sampoerna School of Business. Kedua berkualitas bagi ekonomi prasejahtera di Indonesia, membangun fakultas terakhir ini adalah langkah awal Putera Sampoerna keterampilan kewirausahaan dan ekosistem pembangunan ekonomi, Foundation dalam rangka berdirinya universitas berkelas dunia. pemberdayaan perempuan, dan mendukung program bantuan kemanusiaan. Putera Sampoerna Foundation adalah organisasi nirlaba pertama yang menerima sertifikasi ISO9001:2008 sistem kualitas Mengacu pada strategi utama Pathway to Leadership, Putera manajemen bertaraf dunia. Sampoerna Foundation menetapkan sasaran untuk menciptakan 1000 pemimpin setiap tahun, yang diharapkan untuk memberikan kontribusi dan perubahan di lingkungannya. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya, Putera Sampoerna Foundation didukung oleh mitra strategis antara lain Sahabat Wanita, Siswa Bangsa, Bait Al-Kamil dan ACCESS Education Beyond, serta MEKAR Entrepeneur Network. Pute r a Sampoe rna Found ation 28 2 0 1 0 Annual Re port
  • 18. VISION & MISSION Vision To create high caliber future leaders and entrepreneurs for Indonesia to meet the challenges of global participation From passion Mission To create jobs through entrepreneurial development To develop high caliber future leaders through education To enlighten general populace through women empowerment To become a role model for other philanthropic organizations in indonesia To be professional, compassionate, transparent and to constantly search for excellence To support the needs of the Republic of Indonesia, our beneficiaries, their communities, our partners and our donors. Visi Menciptakan pemimpin dan wirausahawan handal masa depan bagi Indonesia, and progress, untuk menghadapi tantangan partisipasi global Misi Menciptakan lapangan kerja melalui pengembangan kewirausahawanan comes an opportunity. Mengembangkan pemimpin handal masa depan melalui pendidikan Memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat luas melalui pemberdayaan wanita Menjadi panutan bagi organisasi filantropi lainnya di Indonesia Menjadi sosok yang profesional, manusiawi dan terbuka, yang terus mencari keunggulan Mendukung kebutuhan Indonesia, penerima manfaat dan masyarakat sekitar, serta mitra dan donor kami
  • 19. Unfolding the Fabric of the Future A Decade of Dedication to Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today TRANSITION TO F UTU RE PLANNING Drawing out a grand design of hope for a brighter future 20 Putera Sampoerna Foundation marked 10 years of facilitating development of future leaders through educational and social empowerment programs to enable the creation of a brighter future. Putera Sampoerna Foundation–embodying the belief of founder Putera Sampoerna that philanthropy, like business, carefully manages funds for long-lasting benefit–applies its vision as a ‘social business’ to provide access to quality education for academically gifted Putera Sampoerna Foundation memperingati satu dasawarsa dalam mengembangkan pemimpin masa depan melalui program pendidikan dan pemberdayaan sosial demi masa depan yang lebih cerah. Putera Sampoerna Foundation–sebagai wujud keyakinan Putera Sampoerna bahwa filantropi, seperti bisnis, mengelola dana secara seksama demi manfaat jangka panjang – menerapkan visinya sebagai ‘bisnis sosial’ untuk menyediakan akses ke pendidikan berkualitas bagi remaja berprestasi dari keluarga prasejahtera, sambil mencari cara yang inovatif untuk menangani masalah sosial …. through the creation of vibrant young leaders today children from disadvantaged families, while seeking out innovative ways to address other pressing societal issues. Initiatives include leader creation through education; lain yang mendesak. Prakarsanya termasuk penciptaan pemimpin melalui pendidikan, pencerahan enlightenment of the populace through women; job creation through entrepreneurial masyarakat melalui wanita; pengadaan lapangan kerja dan pengembangan wirausaha; dan bantuan development; and compassionate assistance. kemanusiaan. As in creating batik, our endeavors require many hands. We are grateful that, over time, Seperti membatik, upaya kami membutuhkan banyak tangan. Kami bersyukur karena, dengan a significant number of local and international entities from various sectors have lent berjalannya waktu, berbagai sektor lembaga lokal dan internasional telah mengulurkan tangannya. support. We are confident our continued efforts and the support of donor partners will Kami yakin bahwa upaya kami dan uluran tangan mitra donor yang berdatangan akan memungkinkan keep this grand design unfolding vibrantly. rancangan besar ini untuk terus terbentang dengan cerah.