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VOL. 11
How Inspira onal
Women Role Models
are Promo ng the
Cause of Gender
Dipali Padia,
President of Banking
Alliances & Partnerships
PadiaThe Presiden al Neokred Visionary Guiding
Businesses to Adopt Digital Transforma on
to Watch
Challenges and
Opportuni es for
Influen al Businesswomen
to Create an Ecosystem
of Equality for Aspirants
No magic
wand will work.
We have to make our efforts.
It will be a long and
difficult struggle for us.
In the ever-evolving sphere of entrepreneurship, a formidable
influence continuously reshapes the landscape of innovation
and business leadership. It’s a dynamic energy that transcends
conventional boundaries, thriving in every facet of our existence.
This influence encapsulates the gravitational pull of inspiration—an
inspiration that sparks creation, revolutionizes, and ultimately gives
rise to new luminaries in the business world, forming constellations
of entrepreneurial brilliance.
The cosmos of business is currently witnessing an unprecedented
surge of dynamic, innovative, and ingenious women entrepreneurs,
each a distinct luminary, contributing to the establishment of novel
systems, structures, and groundbreaking ventures. Their
determination and vigor in the entrepreneurial domain mirror the
creative forces shaping the universe, forging a distinctive path
toward success, innovation, and influence.
In the year 2023, we celebrate and bring into focus these women
entrepreneurs who embody this cosmic inspiration—individuals
who have harnessed their inherent potential to drive transformative
change. As we delve into their remarkable journeys and the
enterprises they have cultivated, their profound impact captivates us.
Across technology, healthcare, sustainability, and various realms,
these women entrepreneurs are pushing boundaries, defying
stereotypes, and casting a radiant glow on the entrepreneurial
cosmos through their extraordinary achievements.
In this exclusive journey of WomenWorld India, we invite you to
meet these Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs to Watch, who are
rewriting the stars, creating their own galaxies of success, and
propelling the entrepreneurial cosmos into a future where the force
of femininity is a powerful and unstoppable presence.
Also included in this brand new edition are two trendy articles
written by our editorial team to widen your interstellar view. Join us
as we shine a light on these remarkable women, for they are the
gravitational force of inspiration that is shaping the world’s future,
one entrepreneurial endeavor at a time.
IndianWomen Trailblazers
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BDE : Pranali Koyande
September, 2023
Copyright © 2023 WomenWorld India, All
rights reserved. The content and images
used in this magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without prior permission from
WomenWorld India. Reprint rights remain
solely with WomenWorld India.
For Subscription
Pooja M. Bansal
Technical Head : Prachi Mokashi
Technical Specialist: Rajeshwari Avhad
Technical Consultant : Tanaji Fartade
Research Analyst : Renuka Kulkarni
SEO Lead : Nikita Khadalkar
Managing Editor: Gaurav PR Wankhade
Assisting Editor : Prajakta Zurale
Cover Price: Rs.350/-
the Indian
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the Globa
shion's Su
bility So
Indian Jute
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
- Th
e Be
t for Th
e Worldwide
Future Fashionistas
How the Indian Jute
Revolu on Can
Be the Global
Fashion's Sustainability
Solu on?
Indian Jute Revivalist
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
Indian Jute - The
Best Plas c
ent for The
Pollu on Free Environment
Future Fashionistas
How the Indian Jute
Revolu on Can Be the Global
Fashion's Sustainability Solu on?
Indian Jute Revivalist
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
Indian Jute - The Best Plas c
Replacement for The Worldwide
Pollu on Free Environment
Future Fashionistas
the Indian Jute
Revolu on Can Be the Global
Fashion's Sustainability Solu
Indian Jute Revivalist
Winning Hearts Across Globe
Think Green
Indian Jute - The Best Plas
Replacement for The Worldwide
Pollu on Free Environment
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Magazine of India
The Presiden al
Neokred Visionary
Guiding Businesses
to Adopt Digital
Transforma on
VOL. 11
How Inspira onal
Women Role Models
are Promo ng the
Cause of Gender
Dipali Padia,
President of Banking
Alliances & Partnerships
PadiaThe Presiden al Neokred Visionary Guiding
Businesses to Adopt Digital Transforma on
Challenges and
Opportuni es for
Influen al Businesswomen
to Create an Ecosystem
of Equality for Aspirants
to Watch
Dipali Padia
The Presiden al Neokred Visionary Guiding Businesses to
Adopt Digital Transforma on
Anupama Dalmia
The Visionary Enchantress Discovering
the Young Talents
Nidhi Mehta
Serving Fresh-Home Cooked-Tasty
Food Always at Nidhii’s Kitchen
Yogita Goyal
Ensuring the Best Travel Experiences
via Stotrak Hospitality
How Inspira onal Entrepreneurial
Women Role Models are
Promo ng the Cause of Gender
Challenges and Opportuni es for
Influen al Businesswomen
to Create an Ecosystem
of Equality for Aspirants
Dipali Padia,
President of Banking
Alliances & Partnerships
I’m very mo vated to
make a difference in
the world.
The Presiden al
Neokred Visionary
Guiding Businesses
to Adopt Digital
Transforma on
e are always amazed and awe-inspired
Wby the inspirational leadership of,
particularly, women
entrepreneurs—however, one wonders from where
these trailblazing feminine powerhouses draw their
own inspiration.
Dipali Padia, a remarkable entrepreneur, draws her
inspiration from a foundation built on resilience
and a relentless pursuit of excellence instilled by
her father. Her journey, guided by a spirit of
unwavering determination, has been shaped by the
principles of hard work, discipline, and family
“Upward and onwards is how I remember my
father pushing me to keep performing assertively
and spiritedly; now, whether this was a fall from a
cycle, to slipping in academic performances, to
encouraging me through his entrepreneurial
journey, which involved formidable discipline
concerning work orientation and always striving to
keep his family steadily together,” she recalls.
With a profound desire to make a significant
impact, Dipali is a visionary leader who believes in
the power of entrepreneurship to solve real-world
problems and pave the way for innovation.
As the President of Banking Alliances and
Partnerships at Neokred, one of the driving
forces behind Dipali’s entrepreneurial endeavours
is the innate desire to address pressing challenges
and provide ingenious solutions.
Dipali’s commitment to simplifying complex
processes and bridging the gap between merchants,
corporates, fintechs and banks led to the formation
of Banking Alliances & Partnerships at Neokred, a
company she co-leads as Management. Neokred’s
mission is to become the leading Technology
Service Provider (TSP) and set new industry
standards by offering unmatched solutions.
Being Supremely Matchless
Dipali’s aspiration to be incomparable is deeply
rooted in her upbringing, where she learned that
standing out and setting new benchmarks are
essential elements of success. Her relentless pursuit
of excellence and dedication to Neokred’s vision
We, the management of
Neokred, had been
mo vated by the simplicity
we found missing in
linking the merchants,
corporates, fintechs and
the banks together.
‘‘ ‘‘
Inspiring Women Entrepeneurs to Watch
reflects her commitment to making a lasting and positive
impact on the Indian fintech landscape.
Moreover, Dipali believes in the transformative power of
businesses to effect positive change in society. Her
unwavering commitment to using management artistry to
create a positive social impact sets her apart as a leader with
a broader vision.
Here are some specific motivations that she has seen in
trailblazing entrepreneurs:
• To solve a problem. Many entrepreneurs are motivated
by a desire to solve a problem they have personally
experienced or seen affecting others. For example, the
founders of Neokred were motivated by the simplicity they
had found missing in linking the merchants, corporates,
fintechs and the banks together.
• To create something new and innovative. “We as top
leaders are often driven by a desire to create something new
and different. We’re not afraid to think outside the box and
challenge the status quo.” For example, Neokred’s primary
goal is to be the most sought-after TSP for all its clients.
• To be incomparable. Dipali has been raised and
conditioned to believe that to be the one everyone trusts and
takes countless learnings from, the art of becoming
incomparable is the foremost way to being supremely
• To make a difference in the world. “I’m also very
motivated to make a difference in the world. I wish to use
businesses to create positive social impact,” she states. For
example, she and the Founders have always shared a
common mindset of what more they can bring to the
industry, thereby the circle it positively impacts raising the
standards of an Indian Fintech company.
Passionate for Fintech
Many companies are motivated by a desire to make a
difference in the world. They see a problem that needs to be
solved or an opportunity to create something new and
innovative to improve people’s lives. “We are also keenly
driven by a passion for our field in Fintech and a desire to
be incomparable and build something from scratch,” is
their guiding philosophy, says Dipali.
The entrepreneurial landscape is continually evolving.
When probed about how she stays adaptable and ahead of
the industry trends so that Neokred continues to offer
innovative solutions for their clients, Dipali says, “Let me
bullet list this out for us:”
Ÿ Investing in research and development: “This helps us
identify new opportunities and develop new products
and services to meet the changing needs of our clients.”
Ÿ By building a culture of innovation, Dipali and her
management team encourage their team members to be
creative and to come up with new ideas. They create a
process for evaluating and implementing new ideas
quickly and efficiently.
Ÿ By monitoring industry trends: They stay up to date
on the latest trends by reading industry publications,
attending industry events, and networking with other
entrepreneurs, bankers, corporates and other budding
inspire their team members to achieve their goals,” she
In this regard, here are some of the key principles of
Dipali’s approach to leadership and team building:
• Create a shared vision and mission. Dipali believes that
it is important for everyone in the company to have a clear
understanding of the company’s vision and mission. This
helps to create a sense of unity and purpose within the team.
• Set ambitious goals. Setting ambitious goals for the
company and individual team members is vital. This helps
to motivate and inspire people to achieve their best.
• Provide clear feedback and direction. It is imperative to
provide team members with clear feedback and direction.
This helps them to understand what is expected of them and
how they can contribute to the team’s success.
• Empower team members to make decisions. It is central
to empower team members to make decisions. This helps
them to feel more engaged and invested in their work.
• Celebrate successes. “I believe that it is essential to
celebrate successes, both big and small.” This helps to
boost morale and motivate the team to keep working hard.
An Illuminated Light
In addition to these general principles, Dipali believes in
being a role model for her team members. This means
setting a good example regarding work ethic, attitude, and
commitment. It also means being supportive and
understanding and willing to help team members when
Ÿ Be willing to experiment: They are not afraid to try
new things and to take risks. ‘The best way to learn is
by doing.’
Ÿ By being customer-centric: They always keep their
customers’ needs in mind when developing new
products and services. They talk to their customers
regularly to get their feedback and learn what they seek.
Hence the very introduction of the ‘Customer Success
Department’ in Neokred.
Ÿ Through learning and development workshops: “We
always engage our workforce to learn and thereby
develop a better version of everything we put our heads
and hands into,” says Dipali.
The Inspirational Reflections
Dipali’s leadership style is often inspirational, and she
believes this is one of the key factors behind Neokred’s
success. “I believe that the best leaders can motivate and
‘‘ ‘‘
We are keenly driven by a
passion for our field in
Fintech and a desire to be
incomparable and build
something from scratch.
Dipali adds, “I feel that by following these
principles, leaders can create a positive and
productive work environment where team
members can thrive and achieve their goals.”
She furthers that coherent entrepreneurship is the
practice of running a business in a way that is
aligned with the needs of customers, the
environment, and society. It is a holistic approach
that considers all the stakeholders involved in the
business and is essential for enabling innovation
and advancements in the sector.
As a leader, there are several approaches that she
thinks can help to strike a balance between
fulfilling customer expectations and enhancing
user experience:
• Focus on understanding customer needs. The
first step is to understand what customers need
and want. It can be done through market research,
customer surveys, and focus groups. Once you
understand customer needs, you can develop
products and services that meet those needs.
• Design for user experience. When designing
products and services, keeping the user experience
in mind is important. It means thinking about how
the product or service will be used and the user’s
needs at each stage of the process.
• Get feedback from users. Once you have
developed a product or service, it is important to
get feedback from users. It can be done through
beta testing, user interviews, and surveys. User
feedback can help you identify areas where the
product or service can be improved.
• Iterate and improve. You should iterate and
improve your products and services based on user
feedback. It is an ongoing process, and it is
important to be responsive to your customers'
By following these approaches, leaders can create
a culture of innovation and continuous
improvement that will help them to fulfil customer
expectations and enhance the user experience.
Fostering a Clean Energy Future
According to Dipali, sustainability and environmental
responsibility are crucial aspects of modern
entrepreneurship. Companies that can integrate these
principles into their operations and contribute to a
sustainable future will be more successful in the long term.
Here are some ways in which Neokred integrates
sustainability and environmental responsibility into its
• “Reducing our waste. We have implemented several
waste reduction initiatives, such as composting food waste
and recycling paper and cardboard. We are also working to
reduce the amount of paper we use.”
• Supporting sustainable suppliers. “We source our
products and services from suppliers committed to
sustainability. We also work with our suppliers to help them
reduce their environmental impact.”
• Investing in innovation. “We are investing in research
and development to develop new technologies and solutions
that can help to reduce our environmental impact. For
example, we are developing new ways to use artificial
intelligence to improve energy efficiency and reduce waste.”
In addition to these specific initiatives, Dipali and her team
are committed to creating a culture of sustainability within
their company. They encourage employees to be
environmentally conscious in their work and personal lives.
They also offer sustainability training and education to
Neokred’s employees.
Dipali adds, “We believe that by integrating sustainability
and environmental responsibility into our operations, we
positively contribute to the world. We are committed to
working with our customers and partners to create a more
sustainable future.”
Bridging the Divide with Technology
Sharing her views on the technological impact on her
industry, Dipali says that understanding the need of the hour
and building a technology that fills the gap is the only way
forward. Neokred is a product and service-oriented firm.
She adds, “The technology that we develop not only helps a
bank or a corporation to fulfil its customers’ requirement
but also provides several options for ease of integration like
APIs, webhook, whitelable solution, etc.” Their technology
is robust and flexible. They focus on innovation and excel
in the development and go-to-market strategy.
Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency in
the realm of entrepreneurship. It can help businesses to
automate tasks, streamline processes, and reach new
customers. To stay ahead in the digital age, entrepreneurs
must remain updated on emerging trends and leverage
technological advancements to optimize their services.
Here are a few tips on how to stay updated on emerging
trends and leverage technological advancements:
• Read industry publications and blogs. Several industry
publications and blogs cover the latest trends in technology
and business. Reading these publications can help you stay
informed about the latest developments and how other
companies use technology to improve their operations.
• Attend industry events and conferences. Industry events
and conferences are a great way to learn about the latest
technologies and trends. They also allow networking with
other entrepreneurs and learning from their experiences.
• Follow industry experts on social media. Many industry
experts share their insights and thoughts on social media.
‘‘ ‘‘
I aspire to con nue
making a significant
impact on India’s Digital
Business Partnership
landscape by helping
businesses to adopt
digital technologies and
to transform their
opera ons.
Following these experts can help you to stay up to date on
the latest trends and learn about new technologies.
• Experiment with new technologies. The best way to
learn about a new technology is to experiment. Set aside
some time each week to try out new technologies and see
how they can be used to improve your business.
Once you have identified the latest technologies relevant to
your business, you need to develop a plan for how to
leverage them to optimize your services. Here are a few
• Start small. Don’t try to implement all the latest
technologies at once. Start by focusing on a few key
technologies that can make a big impact on your business.
• Get feedback from your customers. Once you have
implemented a new technology, get feedback from your
customers to see how it works. This feedback can help you
identify areas where the technology can be improved.
• Be flexible. Technology is constantly changing, so it is
important to be flexible and adapt to new developments. Be
prepared to update your technology plan as needed.
By following these tips, entrepreneurs can stay updated on
emerging trends, leverage technological advancements to
optimize their services and stay ahead in the digital age.
Benchmarking Excellence in Creating a Dynamic Work
According to Dipali, the workforce is the cornerstone of
any successful organization. Employees are the ones who
drive innovation, deliver results, and create a positive
customer experience. That’s why creating a dynamic work
environment where employees feel valued is so important.
“Here are some approaches that I think are benchmarking
excellence in creating a dynamic work environment where
employees feel valued:”
i. Set clear goals and expectations. Employees need to
know what is expected of them to be successful. Setting
clear goals and expectations helps to create a sense of
direction and purpose.
ii. Provide regular feedback and support. Employees
need to know how they are performing and what they can
do to improve. Regular feedback and support help
employees stay motivated and engaged.
iii. Create a culture of collaboration and innovation.
Employees thrive in environments where they are
encouraged to share ideas and work together to achieve
common goals. Creating a collaboration and innovation
culture can help boost creativity and productivity.
iv. Offer opportunities for growth and development.
Employees want to feel like they are growing and
developing in their careers. Offering opportunities for
growth and development shows employees that you are
invested in their success.
v. Recognize and reward achievements.
Employees appreciate being recognized and rewarded for
their hard work. Recognizing and rewarding achievements
can help to boost morale and productivity.
In addition to these general approaches, organizations can
do several specific things to create a dynamic work
environment where employees feel valued. Here are a few
Ÿ Offer flexible work arrangements. Flexible work
arrangements, such as remote work and flexitime, can
help employees to achieve a better work-life balance.
Ÿ Provide competitive salaries and benefits.
Competitive salaries and benefits help to attract and
retain top talent.
Ÿ Invest in employee wellness. Employee wellness
programs can help employees to stay healthy and
Ÿ Create a fun and inclusive environment. Employees
are more likely to be engaged and productive in a fun
and inclusive environment. Organizations can create a
fun and inclusive environment by organizing social
events, creating employee resource groups, and
celebrating diversity and inclusion.
By following these approaches, organizations can create a
dynamic work environment where employees feel valued. It
can lead to increased employee engagement, productivity,
and retention.
Triumphing Over Turbulence
As a leader in India’s corporate sector, my business
endevavours faced several challenges. “However, one
instance where I oriented my team’s resilience and
ingenuity to triumph over adversity was during the COVID-
19 pandemic,” recalls Dipali.
When the pandemic first hit, they were forced to close their
offices and send their employees to work remotely. “This
was a major challenge, as we had never worked remotely.
However, my team quickly adapted to the new situation and
found ways to continue working effectively.”
One of the biggest challenges was maintaining
communication and collaboration among team members.
They solved it by using video conferencing and
collaboration tools. They also held regular team meetings to
discuss their progress and identify any challenges they
Another challenge was keeping their customers happy.
“Our customers were also struggling to deal with the
pandemic and needed our support more than ever. We
worked hard to meet our customers' needs and provide them
with the support they needed,” says Dipali.
They also faced financial challenges during the pandemic.
However, they overcame these challenges by making
difficult decisions, such as reducing costs and raising
additional capital.
Through the resilience and ingenuity of her team, Dipali
says they overcame the challenges of the COVID-19
pandemic. “We emerged from the pandemic stronger than
ever before and are now well-positioned for future growth.”
Here are some specific things that she did to orient her
team’s resilience and ingenuity during the pandemic:
Ÿ Communicated regularly and transparently. Dipali
kept her team informed about the situation and their
plans for the future. She also encouraged them to ask
questions and to share their ideas.
Ÿ Set clear goals and expectations. Even though they
were working remotely, Dipali ensured her team knew
what was expected of them. She also provided them
with the resources and support they needed to succeed.
Ÿ Celebrated successes. “I took the time to celebrate my
team’s successes, no matter how small they may have
seemed.” This helped to boost morale and keep
everyone motivated.
Ÿ Created a culture of resilience and innovation. Dipali
encouraged her team to be resilient and to find
innovative solutions to the challenges that they faced.
She also created an environment wherein taking risks
and failing was safe.
By following these steps, Dipali could help her team
overcome the challenges of the pandemic and emerge
stronger than ever before.
Being Futuristic
As per Dipali, every business goes beyond the physical
realm today, touching on aspects like digital transformation,
constant consumer engagement and virtual user experience.
To address the critical factors of digital transformation,
ongoing consumer engagement, and virtual user experience
in its service offerings, Neokred takes several approaches
being a fintech itself, including:
Ÿ Investing in digital transformation. Dipali says they
are investing heavily in digital technologies to improve
operations and create new and innovative products and
services. For example, they are internally developing
and implementing a new customer relationship
management (CRM) system to improve customer
service for internal and external customers. They are
also developing new software to make it easier for the
customers to interact with team Neokred.
Ÿ Focusing on customer engagement. “We are
committed to providing our clients with superior
customer experience. We do this by listening to our
clients’feedback and by using this feedback to improve
our products and services. We also offer a variety of
customer support channels, such as live chat, email, and
phone support,” says Dipali.
Ÿ Creating a virtual user experience. They are working
to create a virtual user experience as engaging and
rewarding as the physical user experience. They are
doing these using technologies such as virtual and
augmented reality. “For example, we have developed a
handsome, understanding demo of our products so that
‘‘ ‘‘
By helping businesses
to improve their
efficiency, produc vity
and customer service,
we can help them to
grow their businesses
and to contribute to the
Indian economy.
Ÿ customers can see how easy it is to integrate and start
using them to elevate business vision and goals,”
informs Dipali.
Ÿ By taking these approaches, they can address the critical
factors of digital transformation, constant consumer
engagement, and virtual user experience in their service
offerings. “This helps us to provide our customers with
the best possible experience.”
Dipali’s vision for Neokred is to be India's leading digital
business solutions provider. “I aspire to continue making a
significant impact on India’s Digital Business Partnership
landscape by helping businesses to adopt digital
technologies and to transform their operations.”
Forever Fantastic
She believes that digital technologies have the potential to
revolutionize the Indian economy. Digital technologies can
help businesses to improve their efficiency, productivity,
and customer service. They can also help companies to
reach new markets and to grow their businesses.
Neokred is committed to helping businesses to adopt digital
technologies and to transform their operations. “We offer a
wide range of digital business solutions, including:”
Ÿ eCommerce solutions.
Ÿ Banking solutions.
Ÿ Digital finance solutions.
Ÿ Know your customer eSolutions.
Ÿ Data Analysis through artificial intelligent tools.
Neokred also offers consulting and support services to help
businesses implement and manage digital solutions.
Dipali reiterates that they are committed to working with
their clients to develop and implement digital (finance-
related) solutions that meet their needs. “We also offer our
clients ongoing support to help them get the most out of
their digital solutions.”
Dipali believes that her company can significantly impact
India’s Digital Business Partnership landscape by helping
businesses adopt digital technologies and transform their
operations. “By helping businesses to improve their
efficiency, productivity, and customer service, we can help
them to grow their businesses and to contribute to the
Indian economy.”
Here are some specific ways in which Neokred plans to
continue making a significant impact on India’s Digital
Business Partnership landscape:
Ÿ Investing in research and development. They are
investing heavily in research and development to
develop new and innovative digital business solutions.
They are also working to create solutions tailored to the
specific needs of Indian businesses.
Ÿ Expanding their reach. They are expanding their reach
to new cities and regions in India. They are also
working to develop partnerships with local companies
and organizations.
Ÿ Providing training and support. They are committed
to providing their clients with the training and support
they need to implement and manage their digital
(finance) solutions successfully. They offer a variety of
training programs and support services, including online
training, in-person training, and technical support.
Dipali concludes, “I believe that by taking these steps,
Neokred can continue to make a significant impact on
India’s Digital Business Partnership landscape and help
businesses to adopt digital technologies and to transform
their operations.”
How Inspira onal
Role Models are Promo ng
the Cause of Gender
he question is not why the
Tworld need women role
models to promote the gender
cause in entrepreneurship. The
question is how we can create those
role models?
Creating more women role models in
entrepreneurship involves various
strategies aimed at empowering,
supporting, and highlighting the
achievements of women in business.
Here are some ways to foster the
development of female role models
and promote the gender cause in
Mentorship and Networking:
Encourage successful women
entrepreneurs to serve as mentors for
aspiring individuals. Mentorship
programs offer guidance, support, and
industry insights, helping women
navigate the challenges of
entrepreneurship. Building strong
networks also provides opportunities
for mentorship, collaboration, and
support among women in business.
Visibility and Recognition: Highlight
the accomplishments of women
entrepreneurs through awards, media
coverage, and recognition programs.
Recognizing their achievements
amplifies their visibility, inspiring
others and serving as role models for
aspiring entrepreneurs.
Education and Skill Development:
Promote entrepreneurship education
and skill-building initiatives targeted at
women. Providing access to resources,
workshops, and training programs
equips women with the necessary
knowledge and skills to start and grow
successful businesses.
Supportive Ecosystems: Foster
inclusive business environments and
supportive ecosystems that provide
equal access to resources, funding, and
opportunities for women entrepreneurs.
Encouraging diversity in leadership
positions and eliminating gender bias
in business settings helps create a
conducive environment for women to
Advocacy and Policy Change:
Advocate for policies that promote
gender equality in entrepreneurship.
Policies supporting women's access to
capital, business loans, and
government grants, as well as policies
addressing gender pay gaps and
parental leave, can significantly impact
women's participation in
Empowerment Programs: Implement
programs aimed at empowering
women from diverse backgrounds,
including marginalized communities
and underrepresented groups. These
programs can offer financial literacy,
leadership development, and resources
tailored to specific needs.
Storytelling and Sharing
Experiences: Encourage women
entrepreneurs to share their stories and
experiences. Personal narratives and
success stories can inspire others and
demonstrate the possibilities of success
in entrepreneurship.
Encourage Risk-Taking and
Resilience: Promote a culture that
encourages women to take calculated
risks and embrace failure as part of the
learning process. Encouraging
resilience helps women bounce back
from setbacks and pursue their
entrepreneurial aspirations.
Empowering Through Inspiration
By implementing these strategies and
initiatives, societies and organizations
can cultivate an environment
conducive to fostering more women
role models in entrepreneurship,
ultimately advancing the gender cause
in the business world.
In recent years, the entrepreneurial
landscape has witnessed a dynamic
shift, with women entrepreneurs
breaking barriers and redefining
success. These inspirational women,
with their relentless drive, innovation,
and determination, have not only
reshaped industries but have also
become powerful advocates for gender
equality. Their stories resonate far
beyond business success, serving as
beacons of hope and catalysts for
change in the ongoing pursuit of
gender parity.
The Rise of Women Entrepreneurial
Role Models
From diverse sectors such as
technology, finance, healthcare,
sustainability, and more, women
entrepreneurs are spearheading
transformative ventures and reshaping
societal norms. These pioneers,
through their entrepreneurial journey,
are setting benchmarks and acting as a
guiding light for the next generation of
aspiring entrepreneurs, especially
The transformative power of these role
models lies not only in their
groundbreaking ventures but also in
their unwavering commitment to
advocating for gender equality. By
shattering stereotypes, overcoming
challenges, and championing
inclusivity, they are driving meaningful
changes within their industries and
Inspiring Change and
One of the most potent ways
entrepreneurial women role models
promote gender equality is by inspiring
and empowering others. They share
their stories of resilience,
determination, and success,
encouraging women to pursue their
aspirations, break barriers, and
embrace entrepreneurship.
Their advocacy extends beyond
individual success stories; these role
models actively engage in mentorship,
networking, and community-building
initiatives. By offering guidance,
support, and mentorship programs,
they foster a supportive ecosystem that
nurtures aspiring female entrepreneurs,
providing them with the tools and
confidence to navigate the often
challenging entrepreneurial landscape.
Additionally, these role models
emphasize the importance of inclusive
leadership and diversity in business.
They advocate for policies and
practices that create equitable
opportunities for women in
entrepreneurship, such as equal access
to funding, resources, leadership roles,
and board positions.
Addressing Challenges and Creating
In their pursuit of success, these
inspirational women also address the
unique challenges faced by female
entrepreneurs. They tackle issues like
gender bias, limited access to funding,
lack of mentorship, and work-life
balance constraints, advocating for
change at both systemic and grassroots
Furthermore, many of these role
models use their platforms to drive
societal change. They leverage their
businesses as vehicles for social
impact, addressing pressing issues like
women's health, education,
environmental sustainability, and
economic empowerment. By
intertwining profit with purpose, they
set a precedent for socially responsible
entrepreneurship and contribute
positively to the communities they
Moving Forward: Paving the Path
for Gender Equality
As inspirational entrepreneurial
women role models continue to lead by
example, their impact on gender
equality in the entrepreneurial world
grows exponentially. Their stories
serve as a testament to the potential of
women in entrepreneurship and inspire
a generation of change-makers who are
breaking the glass ceiling and shaping
a more inclusive and equitable future
for all.
These role models are not only
trailblazers in their respective
industries but also powerful agents of
change, advocating for gender equality
through their entrepreneurial journeys.
Their resilience, determination, and
commitment to creating a more
inclusive entrepreneurial landscape are
igniting a global movement,
empowering women, and transforming
societal perceptions of women in
business. As their influence expands,
they continue to pave the way for a
more diverse, equal, and prosperous
Anupama Dalmia,
Founder and Chief Mentor
Beyond The Box
seemingly average girl Sunita surprised her
Ateachers when she wrote a touching and well-
thought-out letter expressing her gratitude on the
auspicious occasion of the Guru Purnima celebration. Her
teachers identified her spark and encouraged her to focus on
her language skills.
A little boy Saeed Rashed AlMheiri who is just four years
218 days from AbuDhabi, UAE, became the youngest
author to publish a book. This exceptional talent is recorded
in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Both examples indicate that the children reflect their unique
skills, which need to be identified and encourage them to
excel higher. Similarly, all children are different and unique
in their ways. Their power of imagination and expression is
often unheard and unseen when they are made to undergo
the typical pedagogy. They need to be given proper
guidance, exposure and encouragement that allows them to
explore different skills. If the parents and the teachers can
identify the innate abilities of the children, then it will
unravel the unique potential hidden deep within these
young generations.
Helping to unearth their true potential, Anupama Dalmia,
Founder and Chief Mentor of Beyond The Box, has
emerged as a successful talent master who has helped
scores of children discover their hidden potential to become
excellent writers. Identifying the uniqueness of their
imaginative thinking and honing their expression skills
through writing, Beyond the Box (BTB) offers a perfect
platform that further discovers, encourages, and develops
their writing skills.
Unleashing the Inner Magic
Life is a never-ending journey of self-discovery. Anupama
has a unique eye for spotting talent in people and kids; she
believes kids should be allowed to explore different skills
and identify their core expertise. She reveals, “A casual
attempt at exploring mentoring in May 2017 was a life-
changing experience for me. Urged by some friends, I
conducted a 3-day creative writing summer workshop for
25 kids. During the span of those three days, I realized that
kids are unwittingly forced to imagine and express
themselves by adults in conformist ways, which curbs their
imagination. An instant connection was established between
the kids and me, and creativity and happiness thrived.
That is when I decided to provide children with an
environment where they can express themselves without
being judged and bloom to their full potential at their own
comfortable pace. It led to regular classes, and soon, I was
invited by schools, communities, and corporates to conduct
workshops on creative writing and communication. When
horizons started expanding in this space, it was time to
streamline it, and that is how ‘Beyond the Box’ took birth in
January 2019.”
Exhilarating Inspirations
Crediting the concept of this unique literary venture,
Anupama mentions, “Impact was and is our inspiration.
Being able to spread light and joy through the medium of
creativity is what keeps us going. Seeing kids shine as
The Visionary Enchantress Discovering
the Young Talents
Beyond the Box (BTB) offers an
excellent platform that
discovers the writing skills of
young children, encourages,
and develops them further.
Inspiring Women Entrepeneurs to Watch
writers and blow our minds with their creative thoughts
inspires us to keep growing as a business. We constantly
strive to create unique and interesting opportunities and
events to keep the children excited and showcase their
talent to a larger audience.” She believes that the
overwhelming response and the satisfaction in the parents
about their kids’ ability to write so well is a fulfilling
experience. She feels this is a unique experience.
Growing from Challenges
Anupama remembers her early days when she found it
tough to make her parents understand their children's skills.
She says, “Making parents understand our ethos was always
the biggest challenge in the initial years, apart from the
usual challenges that any small enterprise faces. In our
country, creative writing is often looked at with an
academic lens, and we are so used to curriculum-based
learning that a child-led and open-ended approach to
learning does not click for many.
I have had parents ask me in the initial years – “Do kids
learn playfully without rules and hard deadlines?” or “Do
you think kids will be serious if you do not give regular
homework and follow a structure while teaching?”. We
overcame this challenge by simply being what we wanted
to be. When parents started noticing the positive changes in
enrolled kids, word started spreading, and soon enough, we
earned the credibility and trust of everyone.”
The Expert Choice
Looking at the steadily growing popularity of BTB,
Anupama has received wide acceptance and appreciation
from many people. She says, “All BTB associates admire
our uniqueness, fairness, honesty and passion. Parents love
the bond I share with all the kids and feel happy to see the
young ones open up with us. It is our honour and privilege
to be in their comfortable space.”
Standing Tall
The speciality of the literary venture Anupama has
developed over the past few years has made her unique as it
is not a typical teaching institute. But it is the platform that
discovers the hidden talent in young children. She says,
“We believe learning is fun when you make it fun. Our
mission is to help children and budding writers unbox the
joy of writing and develop a love for the written word.”
She adds that their vision is to empower children by
encouraging them to own their thoughts and expression.
BTB constantly strives not just to nurture kids' creative
writing skills but to give them the stimulus to become more
perceptive, observant, and thoughtful individuals. With its
all-embracing approach and unconventional methodologies
and initiatives, in every session, BTB creates magic using
26 letters of the English alphabet! “It is time we tell the kids
that they do not have to be in or out of the box, but they
need to look beyond these boxes and focus within,” she
Guiding Pointers
Anupama is an individual with passion and expertise who
aids in detecting young talent. She advises young
professionals looking forward to the industry to be open-
minded and develop observation skills. She says that you
can guide the essential spark of imagination and expression
by developing the ability to identify them properly. Be very
gentle, patient and kind while communicating and teaching
the children.
Ÿ Always be ready to reinvent yourself as an enterprise.
COVID showed us that enterprise resilience is
extremely important to build, and our creativity will
help us stay afloat during tough times.
Ÿ Stick to what your brand always stands for. Just because
other businesses in your line of work are doing
something that works for them, you do not have to do it
if it does not match your core ethos.
Ÿ If done right, social media marketing can help you
immensely in branding and growth. Take your time to
learn more about this and incorporate it into your
marketing strategies.
n the grand scheme of our lives, we often forget that,
Ifirstly and lastly, we all are what we eat. Not only our
health but our entire personal happiness, satisfaction,
and joy also depend upon the belly full of flavoursome
If you are an ardent foody, then you might say that all your
grand life schemes revolve around tasty food. Though
delightful eating delicious fares to one’s full content,
preparing tasty-yummy food is an art of the profoundest
Many food lovers find it troublesome even to think of
preparing their meals. Those who love to cook often find
short of time in their busy schedules. However, it is
undesirable to keep yourself bereft of healthy, home-
cooked, finely made fresh food due to any reason whatso-
This is true for the hectically life-styled working profes-
sionals of the metro city Bengaluru. If you are one of them,
then all your food issues are resolved, as Nidhi Mehta
serves you freshly home-cooked cuisine of every kind
through her restaurant brand ‘Nidhii’s Kitchen, with the
tagline Fresh Food Fresh Thinking.’
Tasty Food for All
You don’t have to take my word for it. You can hear it from
your other fellow foodies.
With a five-star rating on Google, Devika Bandyopadhya
says, “Ordered food for around 20 people for my child’s
birthday party at home. Food was delivered on time with
proper packaging, ensuring food stayed fresh. Our menu
was quite long, but we were not disappointed at all. Each
item was well-curated and made with precision. Starters
and main course tasted delicious. It was equally loved by
adults and children. Thank you, Nidhii’s Kitchen, for such a
prompt response and for providing us with delicious
doorstep food service. Highly recommended. Thank you!
Kid-friendliness: Provided non-spicy options for kids.”
With five-star ratings, the local guide, Anu Agarwal, says,
“Amazing food!!! Felt like home food. Cooked with so much
love. Delivered on time. Highly recommend it. You can
order from them on your special occasions n’small parties
Nidhi Mehta, the Founder and Head Chef, claims, “We at
Nidhii’s kitchen are renowned for the lip-smacking food of
Northern India. Every dish on our menu is of the finest taste
and is served to foodies after the fine work that we put in.
Serving Fresh-Home Cooked-Tasty Food
Always at Nidhii’s Kitchen
I am a proud
entrepreneur, a
passionate cook, a
role model for many,
and a woman with a
The various ingredients and rich gravy preparation instantly
give a soul-satisfying taste to the foodies. We take orders
for birthday parties, corporate parties, team lunches, Daily
lunch, dinner, snacks, party boxes and daily Meals ser-
Journey of A Foody
Coming from the heart of India, Delhi, Nidhi is fully
Punjabi by heart. Settled in Bangalore for the last 16 years,
her family consists of her husband, a school-going kid and a
college-going youngster.
Reflecting on her long journey, Nidhi says, “Let me share
with you today my story. Punjabis are known for their
dancing skills, Bhangra, big hearts and big appetites.
Having been brought up in a place like Delhi, which is
famous for its Chaat corners, Punjabi food joints, and
streets and gullies, which are a dream come true for a
foodie, I faced typical problems in Bangalore as my taste
buds are accustomed to Punjabi food. I then realized that
many north Indians settled in Bangalore share the same
Cooking, which has been my passion, came to my rescue,
and I started my experiments with a small home kitchen.
Getting amazing feedback from friends and family gave me
booster shots, and I started expanding my Kitchen to a
larger clientele and to suit a variety of customer demands.”
Yummy Food for Connoisseurs
In no time, Nidhii’s kitchen became one of the most popular
food joints for all the foodies from every corner of the
mega-metropolis. Yet, with more fame came an increasing
passion for Nidhi to match up to her hungry customers’
heightened expectations. Nonetheless, constantly innovat-
ing and surprising her clientele, Nidhi and her team of
compassionate cooks kept augmenting their quality and
taste further and further. All this is because, for Nidhi,
Nidhii’s kitchen is a labour of love. “I love to cook and
experiment, and my greatest joy is when people enjoy
eating food cooked by me,” she insists.
Another customer, Amita Yellapurkar, says in her five-star
praise, “Nidhi has been fantastic with her cooking. She
Inspiring Women Entrepeneurs to Watch
understood my requirements very well, and the food was
loved by all. I will surely order from her for my next home
party!! Kid-friendliness: She was perfect with her levels of
chilli for kids.”
Similarly, Ssayanti Das says, “We started by ordering
regular meals from her kitchen and then decided to go for
snack packets and dinner for our in-house party. She helped
me choose and customize the menu, which was a super hit.
The kids loved the boxes, and the dinner was good too. A
very special mention of her bread roll is required. Thank
You so much.”
Delicious Meal to Celebrate
Nidhii’s kitchen’s most significant USP is fresh, healthy
home-cooked food which is finger-licking good! A big
relief to people who cannot cook for want of time. Nidhi
states, “I have continuously improvised, expanded and
During this exciting journey, certifications, awards and
accolades have poured in too:
Ÿ Received Kala Ratan Award Max India.
Ÿ Invited by Master Chef India Season-7 team and
cleared till Round-3.
Ÿ Has been recognized by Slurp Studio for The Ameri-
can Delicates for Teaching North Indian Chaats
Ÿ South India Restaurant Awards 2018-2019 with Best
Home Chef in the North Indian category.
Ÿ Won many prizes from Chef Sanjeev Kapoor.
Ÿ Has won Zopnow Best Healthy Home Meal Contest
in 2018.
Ÿ Has won the Best Chole Bhutre from Radio One in
In its CSR activities, during the COVID time, Nidhii’s
kitchen was active for three meals a day to the COVID-
impacted families. It was also listed by Government of
Karnataka for free supply to COVID-impacted families.
While satisfied customers’ reviews kept coming in:
In her five-star reviews, Ramani says, “Very yummy modaks
and guajira. Yummy homemade food without artificial
colours or ingredients. Thank you, Nidhi.”
While Arnab Nandi praises, “Ordered first time this
Saturday for a family get together of ten. Awesome food in
terms of taste, quality, and quantity. All guests praised all
the items; the superhit among them was Whole chicken. I
really loved ordering food from the home kitchen than
going outside. And yes, the price was perfect with quantity.
Thanks, Nidhii’s kitchen, for the lovely food, which added a
star to my party.”
Feasts for Party Lovers
In another feat, Nidhii’s kitchen participated in the first
session of The Indian Food Lovers’ Meet Bangalore – A
cultural ceremony where ritual, tradition and taste were
together - where Nidhi met with exciting bloggers, Kalyan
Karmakar and Monikama Chanda, chefs and restaurateurs
at the event.
Nidhi also participated in ‘Food Conversations and Q&A’
about Indian home cooking and its expansion through home
Another happy customer, Pooja Bhasin, reviews, “Thanks
Nidhii’s kitchen for juicy chicken. Everyone loved it❤❤❤.
Even we didn’t have this kind of chicken from hotels. It’s too
yum ❤. Thanks again, Nidhii’s kitchen. U Rocks. U did ur
job. Well done.”
Yet another client, Avishek Mazumdar, reviews, “Absolutely
delicious homely and healthy food. On-time service. Nidhi
has been my only kitchen that I rely on since I moved into
this area. All her foods are super hygienic and made with
love and care. My parents and family members are also
enjoying the same. It’s difficult for me to name my favourite
dish as all her dishes are equally amazing. Thank you,
Nidhi. Wish you all my best wishes to keep up and grow
your foodie network more and more.”
You can check more reviews for Nidhii’s kitchen with
overall 4.9 star ratings at Google.
All Time Favourite Festival Feasts
Not only parties and celebrations, but Nidhi offers special
menus for any festival of the season. She says, “I will cook
all well-crafted traditional dishes.”
Ÿ For Holi you get Gujhiya, Thandai, Maalpua, Bhalle,
Ÿ For Navratri, you get daily verities of new fasting
feasts all ten days.
Ÿ For Ganesh Chaturthi, 11 Days traditional Ukadiche
Modak in Haldi leaves with traditional stuffing along
with fried Modaks.
Ÿ For Diwali, you get varieties of North-Indian cuisine.
Best sellers are Aatte ki Pinni and Panjeeri.
Ÿ At Christmas time, indulge in soaked rum and fruit
plum cakes with gingerbread cookies.
Ÿ At Halloween, you get the scary and goofy fingers
cookies, brain veg kabab, and a lot more homemade
Food for Thought
In her heartfelt note, Nidhi says, ‘Dear foodies,
Old is dependable, but new is desirable! A mix of old and
new is... delectable!
Nidhii’s kitchen is rebranding and taking up a new identity.
We have redesigned our logo. Here’s presenting the same
old Nidhii’s kitchen with a new look and feel!
As Nidhii’s kitchen is all set to celebrate its Fourth
Anniversary, it’s the perfect time to be felicitated by the
popular daily DECCAN HERALD 25 Nov 2020, which
covered the kitchen’s journey (since lockdown and now) and
profound endeavours to create, innovate and experiment.
A big thanks to all of you for your love and support.’
Fresh Food – Fresh Thinking
Nidhi adds, “Today, I proudly say that Nidhii’s kitchen has
come a long way. I am a proud founder, entrepreneur,
passionate cook, a role model for many, and a woman with
a vision. And when a woman dreams, there are no limits to
what she can achieve.”
Three cheers for Nidhii’s kitchen. And three cheers for all
the women in here and out there who are unstoppable
dreamers and achievers.
Planning to throw a promotion party at work, corporate
party, regular meals, birthday party get-together, kitty party
or just hang out party? “I recommend you do it in a healthy
way with home cook fresh customized veg and non-veg
breakfast, lunch, snacks, hi-tea, Chaats and dinner with
Nidhii’s kitchen. For Kitchen menu and orders, call us
@8088130591,” concludes Nidhi.
Lack of Representation in Leadership:
The underrepresentation of women in
leadership roles within corporations and
boardrooms persists, impacting the
visibility of role models and mentors for
aspiring entrepreneurs.
Work-Life Balance: Balancing personal
and professional commitments is an
ongoing challenge for influential
businesswomen, as societal expectations
and traditional gender roles often create
barriers to achieving work-life balance.
Opportunities for Influential
Amidst challenges, influential
businesswomen are leveraging
opportunities to transform the
entrepreneurial landscape and create a
supportive ecosystem for aspiring
Mentorship and Networking:
Recognizing the significance of
mentorship, influential women leaders are
actively engaging in mentorship
programs, providing guidance, support,
and valuable insights to aspiring
Advocacy for Gender Equality:
Influential businesswomen are vocal
advocates for gender equality, leveraging
their platforms to champion policies and
initiatives that promote diversity,
inclusivity, and equal opportunities for
women in entrepreneurship.
n the rapidly evolving landscape of
Ibusiness, influential women leaders
have become the torchbearers of
change, striving to create an ecosystem
that fosters equality, empowerment, and
opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs.
These visionary women, with their
determination, resilience, and strategic
vision, are navigating challenges while
harnessing opportunities to construct an
environment where aspiring individuals,
especially women, can thrive and succeed
in the entrepreneurial world.
Challenges Faced by Influential
Despite making significant strides,
influential businesswomen encounter
multifaceted challenges that impede the
creation of an ecosystem of equality for
Gender Bias and Stereotypes: A
persistent challenge faced by influential
businesswomen is the prevalence of
gender bias and stereotypes in the
business realm. Breaking through deeply
ingrained perceptions that limit the roles
and capabilities of women in leadership
positions remains an uphill battle.
Access to Resources and Funding:
Inequitable access to funding and
resources continues to hinder the progress
of aspiring female entrepreneurs. Women-
led startups often face challenges in
securing investment compared to their
male counterparts, restricting their growth
Challenges and Opportunities
for Influential
to Create anEcosystem of
Creating Supportive Communities:
Initiatives aimed at building supportive
communities and networks for aspiring
entrepreneurs are being championed by
influential women leaders. These
communities serve as platforms for
collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and
Encouraging Diversity and
Inclusion: Businesswomen in
leadership positions are prioritizing
diversity and inclusion within their
organizations, cultivating environments
that celebrate diverse perspectives and
Building an Ecosystem of Equality
In their pursuit of creating an
ecosystem of equality, influential
businesswomen are laying the
foundation for a more inclusive and
supportive entrepreneurial landscape.
Their collective efforts are shaping a
future where gender equality is not just
an aspiration but a reality.
By providing mentorship, advocating
for policy changes, fostering
supportive communities, and
championing diversity, influential
women leaders are planting seeds of
empowerment that will yield a more
equitable ecosystem for aspiring
entrepreneurs. These trailblazers are
not just breaking barriers but also
paving the way for a new generation of
entrepreneurs, irrespective of gender,
to thrive and succeed in the business
While challenges persist, influential
businesswomen are seizing
opportunities to drive impactful
change. Their resilience,
determination, and unwavering
commitment to creating an ecosystem
of equality for aspirants reflect a
collective effort to dismantle barriers
and foster an environment where
aspiring entrepreneurs, regardless of
gender, can flourish. As these leaders
continue to navigate challenges and
harness opportunities, their vision and
actions are instrumental in shaping a
future where gender equality is the
cornerstone of entrepreneurial success.
Breaking the Barriers and Paving
the Way
Breaking barriers is an integral part of
the journey for businesswomen striving
to establish themselves in the
competitive world of entrepreneurship.
Some of the significant barriers they
often encounter include:
Gender Bias and Stereotypes:
Gender bias and stereotypes remain
pervasive in the business world.
Women often face preconceived
notions about their capabilities and
leadership potential, leading to unequal
opportunities and barriers to career
Access to Funding and Resources:
Securing funding and access to
resources is a significant challenge for
businesswomen. They often encounter
obstacles in obtaining loans,
investments, or venture capital
compared to their male counterparts,
which limits their business growth and
Work-Life Balance: Balancing
professional commitments with
personal responsibilities is a persistent
challenge for women entrepreneurs.
Societal expectations and traditional
gender roles often impose additional
pressure, making it challenging to
strike a work-life balance.
Underrepresentation in Leadership:
Women’s underrepresentation in
leadership roles within corporations
and boardrooms limits their visibility
and voice in decision-making
processes. Lack of representation can
impede their ability to serve as role
models and mentors for aspiring
Networking and Mentorship
Opportunities: Limited access to
networks and mentorship opportunities
can hinder women entrepreneurs’
growth. Building professional
networks and finding mentors,
especially those who understand their
unique challenges, can be difficult.
Cultural and Societal Norms: In
some cultures, and societies, deeply
rooted norms and biases restrict
women’s autonomy and their ability to
take on leadership roles. These norms
often influence business environments,
making it challenging for women to
assert themselves and be taken
Perceptions of Risk Aversion: There
can be a perception that women are
more risk-averse in business, which
might impact their ability to access
investment or pursue ambitious
projects due to potential bias in
investors’ assessments.
Lack of Role Models and Visibility:
The absence of prominent female role
models in various industries and
sectors can hinder aspiring women
entrepreneurs from envisioning their
success. Limited visibility and
recognition of successful women in
business might lead to a lack of
inspiration and motivation.
Discrimination and Bias in the
Workplace: Women entrepreneurs
might encounter discrimination and
bias in hiring, promotion, or decision-
making processes, impacting their
ability to lead and grow their
Breaking these barriers requires a
concerted effort from various
stakeholders—supportive policies and
programs, inclusive corporate cultures,
improved access to funding and
resources, mentorship opportunities,
and proactive efforts to challenge
stereotypes and biases. Efforts to
address these challenges can create a
more conducive environment for
women entrepreneurs to establish
themselves and thrive in the business
The most successful
I know are op mis c.
It’s part of the job
descrip on.
Avid travellers dream of holidaying in scenic
locations or picturesque places in the serenity of
mesmerizing nature. However, it becomes challeng-
ing to search for suitable sites, check availability, plan
travel, look for best-value hotels, and many more. More-
over, the dozens of local travel service providers create a lot
of confusion and uncertainty among these journeying
The need for professional, knowledgeable, and well-
updated travel and hospitality partners who can offer
suitable solutions arises. Providing one-of-its-kind eco-
friendly travel sojourns, Yogita Goyal, Co-founder of
Stotrak Hospitality, offers the best holiday solutions to the
customers, enhancing their pleasure and experiences.
Through her venture, Stotrak Hospitality, Yogita has
specialized in providing unique travel plans and enabling
customers with sustainable experiences. Yogita has steered
the company towards advancing eco-friendly tourism
strategies and protecting the scenic splendour of the regions
where they operate, and over the next two years, plans to
add another 50 experiences to its catalogue throughout its
existing locations, including Dakpathar, Mussoorie,
Rishikesh, Selaqui, Jaisalmer, Ranthambore and Nahan.
In the engaging rendezvous with the Insights Success team,
Yogita unfolded her professional journey of Stotrak
Hospitality, her inspirations, challenges, and the business
Yogita, please tell us about the saga of your reputed
business since its inception.
Stotrak Hospitality was started when we two co-founders
brainstormed for a year and decided to quite a comfortable
reputed job to create a brand that will not only offer
experiential stays for the guests but be a motivating journey
where they know that the company shall take care of them
whenever required.
We signed the first hotel in the month of October 2020 in
Dakpathar, Uttarakhand, followed by Mussoorie in
February 2021, Ranthambore in July, Jaisalmer in October,
Selaqui in January 2022, Rishikesh in August, and now
Kumbhalgarh in February 2023, a consistent 4-5 months of
average growth.
In the first year, the group attained the vision of providing
Sun, Sand and Sukoon to having Hotels, Resorts and
Homestays in the second year of inception.
What was your inspiration behind venturing into the
business arena?
To provide various experiences to our guests and make the
hotel staff friendly, wherein everyone is treated well and
taken care of. We could showcase during the second wave
of COVID-19 that none of our staff was asked to leave. And
not a single rupee was deducted from their salaries. Good
work earns customer satisfaction, further motivating our
team members to give their best. Moreover, satisfied
customers refer our services to many other people. It works
as positive word-of-mouth publicity with strong trust and
respect. Customers come for holidays to relax, enjoy and
spend some time peacefully. Understanding this need, we
began our exclusive travel services that aimed to offer our
customers the best travel, hotel, and holiday experiences.
Ensuring the Best Travel Experiences via Stotrak Hospitality
Inspiring Women Entrepeneurs to Watch
Yogita Goyal
Stotrak Hospitality
We strive to achieve
our aim
to provide each
traveler seeking
peace and tranquility
to relax and
rejuvenate in
distinctively curated
stay by Stotrak’s
What initial challenges did you have to surmount to
ensure your business’s success rate reached greater
Stotrak started the journey in mid-2020, the most challeng-
ing year for this entire industry. Sustaining the initial year
was difficult. But with the right focus of our teams and their
dedication, we were able to go sailing through this very
easily. It, in turn, gave us an excellent opportunity to
establish a strong hold on the way. We shall be going
forward with operating our company. We went beyond the
typical services and guided the customers with customized
travel plans that suited their different types of requirements.
Giving the highest priority to their safety and hygiene, we
offered the best of services so they could enjoy their
What professional values and qualities do you think
your client values most in you and Stotrak Hospitality?
The comfort our team can put in their experiences is what
can be considered the quality our guests' value. It is evident
from the feedback we have received on online and offline
What USPs highlight Stotrak Hospitality’s uniqueness
in the industry you are catering to?
We approach a sustainable future through the use of
environmentally friendly activities. Moreover, we are
continuously working towards amplifying our daily
experience with customers.
We are focusing on offering more and better experiences to
our guests. Although, efforts in this direction will only show
visible uniqueness after a few years of consistency in how
we keep adding to these. Our team follows the practice of
taking feedback from every customer. It helps in under-
standing their travel experiences. It helps us to improve our
services accordingly. At Stotrak, we take every suggestion
or feedback very seriously and implement it throughout our
service network.
Several customers who have availed of our services again
have given positive comments and appreciated our
customer-centric approach. We have implemented modern
applications in our billing and booking process. It has made
things simpler, easier and more flexible for our team and
clients. We promptly intimate and remind the customers
through our regular updates and messages.
As an experienced professional, what would you like to
advise the budding aspirants willing to enter the
business world?
Balancing passion with some market study can be a good
source of information to get started with your entrepreneur-
ship journey. But in the long run, consistency is the only
way to take you forward. Whatever you decide, make sure
you think over doing it consistently for the next couple of
years. Otherwise, it will not make any business sense. Be
honest in your approach.
Understand the customer requirements clearly and then
present them with the holiday options to choose from.
Communicate all the aspects clearly. Always be available to
listen to their requirements and address their concerns.
These are the small factors. In real life, you can learn and
develop your skills. Develop the habit of learning from
customer feedback. These are the crucial stepping stones to
your success.
How do you envision your company’s operations with
the emerging technologies and automated tools that are
revolutionizing the business world by enabling innova-
Innovations and automation are already big things. No
doubt, they would only increase in our industry. The past
two years have been a key to revolutionizing the use of
technology in the hotel industry. These techs are adding
confidence in users to start interactions using QR codes,
online resources to facilitate bookings etc.
is everywhere
The most successful
I know are optimistic.
It’s part of the job description.

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  • 1. VOL. 11 ISSUE 01 2023 W O R L D I N D I A Gen-Equal How Inspira onal Entrepreneurial Women Role Models are Promo ng the Cause of Gender Equality? Dipali Padia, President of Banking Alliances & Partnerships Dipali PadiaThe Presiden al Neokred Visionary Guiding Businesses to Adopt Digital Transforma on Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs to Watch Break-Through Challenges and Opportuni es for Influen al Businesswomen to Create an Ecosystem of Equality for Aspirants
  • 2. No magic wand will work. We have to make our efforts. It will be a long and difficult struggle for us.
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  • 5. GauravPRWankhade In the ever-evolving sphere of entrepreneurship, a formidable influence continuously reshapes the landscape of innovation and business leadership. It’s a dynamic energy that transcends conventional boundaries, thriving in every facet of our existence. This influence encapsulates the gravitational pull of inspiration—an inspiration that sparks creation, revolutionizes, and ultimately gives rise to new luminaries in the business world, forming constellations of entrepreneurial brilliance. The cosmos of business is currently witnessing an unprecedented surge of dynamic, innovative, and ingenious women entrepreneurs, each a distinct luminary, contributing to the establishment of novel systems, structures, and groundbreaking ventures. Their determination and vigor in the entrepreneurial domain mirror the creative forces shaping the universe, forging a distinctive path toward success, innovation, and influence. In the year 2023, we celebrate and bring into focus these women entrepreneurs who embody this cosmic inspiration—individuals who have harnessed their inherent potential to drive transformative change. As we delve into their remarkable journeys and the enterprises they have cultivated, their profound impact captivates us. Across technology, healthcare, sustainability, and various realms, these women entrepreneurs are pushing boundaries, defying stereotypes, and casting a radiant glow on the entrepreneurial cosmos through their extraordinary achievements. In this exclusive journey of WomenWorld India, we invite you to meet these Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs to Watch, who are rewriting the stars, creating their own galaxies of success, and propelling the entrepreneurial cosmos into a future where the force of femininity is a powerful and unstoppable presence. Also included in this brand new edition are two trendy articles written by our editorial team to widen your interstellar view. Join us as we shine a light on these remarkable women, for they are the gravitational force of inspiration that is shaping the world’s future, one entrepreneurial endeavor at a time. IndianWomen Trailblazers RedefiningGlobal Industrial Dynamics
  • 6. CONTENT DESIGN Visualizer : Sandeep Tikode Art & Design Director : Rashmi Singh Associate Designer : Sonam Vishwakarma SALES Sr. Vice President : Swapnali Vasaikar Sr. Sales Manager : Tejaswini Whaval Team Leader : Nitin Patil BDE : Pranali Koyande TECHNICAL September, 2023 Copyright © 2023 WomenWorld India, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from WomenWorld India. Reprint rights remain solely with WomenWorld India. WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email For Subscription Pooja M. Bansal Editor-in-Chief SME-SMO Technical Head : Prachi Mokashi Technical Specialist: Rajeshwari Avhad Technical Consultant : Tanaji Fartade Research Analyst : Renuka Kulkarni SEO Lead : Nikita Khadalkar Managing Editor: Gaurav PR Wankhade Assisting Editor : Prajakta Zurale Cover Price: Rs.350/- W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Re vo lu on Ca n Be the Globa l Fa shion's Su staina bility So lu on ? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Jute Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute - Th e Be st Plas c Re placem en t for Th e Worldwide Po llu on Free En vironm en t W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Revolu on Can Be the Global Fashion's Sustainability Solu on? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Jute Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute - The Best Plas c Replacem ent for The Worldwide Pollu on Free Environment W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Revolu on Can Be the Global Fashion's Sustainability Solu on? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Jute Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute - The Best Plas c Replacement for The Worldwide Pollu on Free Environment W O R L D I N D I A Future Fashionistas How the Indian Jute Revolu on Can Be the Global Fashion's Sustainability Solu on? Indian Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Jute Chaitali Das Indian Jute Revivalist Winning Hearts Across Globe Think Green Indian Jute - The Best Plas c Replacement for The Worldwide Pollu on Free Environment
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  • 8. Read it First Embrace this opportunity to let your leadership acumen bask in the Reflected Glory of Universal Resonance Submit your Interview and get featured in the Most Trusted Business Magazine of India W O R L D I N D I A ‘‘ The Presiden al Neokred Visionary Guiding Businesses to Adopt Digital Transforma on ‘‘ Dipali Padia Dipali Cover Story ‘‘ ‘‘ VOL. 11 ISSUE 01 2023 W O R L D I N D I A Gen-Equal How Inspira onal Entrepreneurial Women Role Models are Promo ng the Cause of Gender Equality? Dipali Padia, President of Banking Alliances & Partnerships Dipali PadiaThe Presiden al Neokred Visionary Guiding Businesses to Adopt Digital Transforma on Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs Break-Through Challenges and Opportuni es for Influen al Businesswomen to Create an Ecosystem of Equality for Aspirants to Watch
  • 9. CONTENT COVER STORY Dipali Padia The Presiden al Neokred Visionary Guiding Businesses to Adopt Digital Transforma on 08 Anupama Dalmia The Visionary Enchantress Discovering the Young Talents Nidhi Mehta Serving Fresh-Home Cooked-Tasty Food Always at Nidhii’s Kitchen Yogita Goyal Ensuring the Best Travel Experiences via Stotrak Hospitality 24 28 36 Articles 20 32 Gen-Equal How Inspira onal Entrepreneurial Women Role Models are Promo ng the Cause of Gender Equality? Break-Through Challenges and Opportuni es for Influen al Businesswomen to Create an Ecosystem of Equality for Aspirants
  • 10. Dipali Padia Dipali Padia, President of Banking Alliances & Partnerships
  • 11. I’m very mo vated to make a difference in the world. The Presiden al Neokred Visionary Guiding Businesses to Adopt Digital Transforma on Dipali Cover Story ‘‘ ‘‘
  • 12. e are always amazed and awe-inspired Wby the inspirational leadership of, particularly, women entrepreneurs—however, one wonders from where these trailblazing feminine powerhouses draw their own inspiration. Dipali Padia, a remarkable entrepreneur, draws her inspiration from a foundation built on resilience and a relentless pursuit of excellence instilled by her father. Her journey, guided by a spirit of unwavering determination, has been shaped by the principles of hard work, discipline, and family values. “Upward and onwards is how I remember my father pushing me to keep performing assertively and spiritedly; now, whether this was a fall from a cycle, to slipping in academic performances, to encouraging me through his entrepreneurial journey, which involved formidable discipline concerning work orientation and always striving to keep his family steadily together,” she recalls. With a profound desire to make a significant impact, Dipali is a visionary leader who believes in the power of entrepreneurship to solve real-world problems and pave the way for innovation. As the President of Banking Alliances and Partnerships at Neokred, one of the driving forces behind Dipali’s entrepreneurial endeavours is the innate desire to address pressing challenges and provide ingenious solutions. Dipali’s commitment to simplifying complex processes and bridging the gap between merchants, corporates, fintechs and banks led to the formation of Banking Alliances & Partnerships at Neokred, a company she co-leads as Management. Neokred’s mission is to become the leading Technology Service Provider (TSP) and set new industry standards by offering unmatched solutions. Being Supremely Matchless Dipali’s aspiration to be incomparable is deeply rooted in her upbringing, where she learned that standing out and setting new benchmarks are essential elements of success. Her relentless pursuit of excellence and dedication to Neokred’s vision We, the management of Neokred, had been mo vated by the simplicity we found missing in linking the merchants, corporates, fintechs and the banks together. ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘
  • 13. Inspiring Women Entrepeneurs to Watch reflects her commitment to making a lasting and positive impact on the Indian fintech landscape. Moreover, Dipali believes in the transformative power of businesses to effect positive change in society. Her unwavering commitment to using management artistry to create a positive social impact sets her apart as a leader with a broader vision. Here are some specific motivations that she has seen in trailblazing entrepreneurs: • To solve a problem. Many entrepreneurs are motivated by a desire to solve a problem they have personally experienced or seen affecting others. For example, the founders of Neokred were motivated by the simplicity they had found missing in linking the merchants, corporates, fintechs and the banks together. • To create something new and innovative. “We as top leaders are often driven by a desire to create something new and different. We’re not afraid to think outside the box and challenge the status quo.” For example, Neokred’s primary goal is to be the most sought-after TSP for all its clients. • To be incomparable. Dipali has been raised and conditioned to believe that to be the one everyone trusts and takes countless learnings from, the art of becoming incomparable is the foremost way to being supremely unparalleled. • To make a difference in the world. “I’m also very motivated to make a difference in the world. I wish to use businesses to create positive social impact,” she states. For example, she and the Founders have always shared a common mindset of what more they can bring to the industry, thereby the circle it positively impacts raising the standards of an Indian Fintech company. Passionate for Fintech Many companies are motivated by a desire to make a difference in the world. They see a problem that needs to be solved or an opportunity to create something new and innovative to improve people’s lives. “We are also keenly driven by a passion for our field in Fintech and a desire to be incomparable and build something from scratch,” is their guiding philosophy, says Dipali. The entrepreneurial landscape is continually evolving. When probed about how she stays adaptable and ahead of the industry trends so that Neokred continues to offer innovative solutions for their clients, Dipali says, “Let me bullet list this out for us:” Ÿ Investing in research and development: “This helps us identify new opportunities and develop new products and services to meet the changing needs of our clients.” Ÿ By building a culture of innovation, Dipali and her management team encourage their team members to be creative and to come up with new ideas. They create a process for evaluating and implementing new ideas quickly and efficiently. Ÿ By monitoring industry trends: They stay up to date on the latest trends by reading industry publications, attending industry events, and networking with other entrepreneurs, bankers, corporates and other budding fintechs.
  • 14. inspire their team members to achieve their goals,” she says. In this regard, here are some of the key principles of Dipali’s approach to leadership and team building: • Create a shared vision and mission. Dipali believes that it is important for everyone in the company to have a clear understanding of the company’s vision and mission. This helps to create a sense of unity and purpose within the team. • Set ambitious goals. Setting ambitious goals for the company and individual team members is vital. This helps to motivate and inspire people to achieve their best. • Provide clear feedback and direction. It is imperative to provide team members with clear feedback and direction. This helps them to understand what is expected of them and how they can contribute to the team’s success. • Empower team members to make decisions. It is central to empower team members to make decisions. This helps them to feel more engaged and invested in their work. • Celebrate successes. “I believe that it is essential to celebrate successes, both big and small.” This helps to boost morale and motivate the team to keep working hard. An Illuminated Light In addition to these general principles, Dipali believes in being a role model for her team members. This means setting a good example regarding work ethic, attitude, and commitment. It also means being supportive and understanding and willing to help team members when needed. Ÿ Be willing to experiment: They are not afraid to try new things and to take risks. ‘The best way to learn is by doing.’ Ÿ By being customer-centric: They always keep their customers’ needs in mind when developing new products and services. They talk to their customers regularly to get their feedback and learn what they seek. Hence the very introduction of the ‘Customer Success Department’ in Neokred. Ÿ Through learning and development workshops: “We always engage our workforce to learn and thereby develop a better version of everything we put our heads and hands into,” says Dipali. The Inspirational Reflections Dipali’s leadership style is often inspirational, and she believes this is one of the key factors behind Neokred’s success. “I believe that the best leaders can motivate and ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ We are keenly driven by a passion for our field in Fintech and a desire to be incomparable and build something from scratch.
  • 15. Dipali adds, “I feel that by following these principles, leaders can create a positive and productive work environment where team members can thrive and achieve their goals.” She furthers that coherent entrepreneurship is the practice of running a business in a way that is aligned with the needs of customers, the environment, and society. It is a holistic approach that considers all the stakeholders involved in the business and is essential for enabling innovation and advancements in the sector. As a leader, there are several approaches that she thinks can help to strike a balance between fulfilling customer expectations and enhancing user experience: • Focus on understanding customer needs. The first step is to understand what customers need and want. It can be done through market research, customer surveys, and focus groups. Once you understand customer needs, you can develop products and services that meet those needs. • Design for user experience. When designing products and services, keeping the user experience in mind is important. It means thinking about how the product or service will be used and the user’s needs at each stage of the process. • Get feedback from users. Once you have developed a product or service, it is important to get feedback from users. It can be done through beta testing, user interviews, and surveys. User feedback can help you identify areas where the product or service can be improved. • Iterate and improve. You should iterate and improve your products and services based on user feedback. It is an ongoing process, and it is important to be responsive to your customers' needs. By following these approaches, leaders can create a culture of innovation and continuous improvement that will help them to fulfil customer expectations and enhance the user experience.
  • 16. Fostering a Clean Energy Future According to Dipali, sustainability and environmental responsibility are crucial aspects of modern entrepreneurship. Companies that can integrate these principles into their operations and contribute to a sustainable future will be more successful in the long term. Here are some ways in which Neokred integrates sustainability and environmental responsibility into its operations: • “Reducing our waste. We have implemented several waste reduction initiatives, such as composting food waste and recycling paper and cardboard. We are also working to reduce the amount of paper we use.” • Supporting sustainable suppliers. “We source our products and services from suppliers committed to sustainability. We also work with our suppliers to help them reduce their environmental impact.” • Investing in innovation. “We are investing in research and development to develop new technologies and solutions that can help to reduce our environmental impact. For example, we are developing new ways to use artificial intelligence to improve energy efficiency and reduce waste.” In addition to these specific initiatives, Dipali and her team are committed to creating a culture of sustainability within their company. They encourage employees to be environmentally conscious in their work and personal lives. They also offer sustainability training and education to Neokred’s employees. Dipali adds, “We believe that by integrating sustainability and environmental responsibility into our operations, we positively contribute to the world. We are committed to working with our customers and partners to create a more sustainable future.” Bridging the Divide with Technology Sharing her views on the technological impact on her industry, Dipali says that understanding the need of the hour and building a technology that fills the gap is the only way forward. Neokred is a product and service-oriented firm. She adds, “The technology that we develop not only helps a bank or a corporation to fulfil its customers’ requirement but also provides several options for ease of integration like APIs, webhook, whitelable solution, etc.” Their technology is robust and flexible. They focus on innovation and excel in the development and go-to-market strategy. Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency in the realm of entrepreneurship. It can help businesses to automate tasks, streamline processes, and reach new customers. To stay ahead in the digital age, entrepreneurs must remain updated on emerging trends and leverage technological advancements to optimize their services. Here are a few tips on how to stay updated on emerging trends and leverage technological advancements: • Read industry publications and blogs. Several industry publications and blogs cover the latest trends in technology and business. Reading these publications can help you stay informed about the latest developments and how other companies use technology to improve their operations. • Attend industry events and conferences. Industry events and conferences are a great way to learn about the latest technologies and trends. They also allow networking with other entrepreneurs and learning from their experiences. • Follow industry experts on social media. Many industry experts share their insights and thoughts on social media. ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ I aspire to con nue making a significant impact on India’s Digital Business Partnership landscape by helping businesses to adopt digital technologies and to transform their opera ons.
  • 17. Following these experts can help you to stay up to date on the latest trends and learn about new technologies. • Experiment with new technologies. The best way to learn about a new technology is to experiment. Set aside some time each week to try out new technologies and see how they can be used to improve your business. Once you have identified the latest technologies relevant to your business, you need to develop a plan for how to leverage them to optimize your services. Here are a few tips: • Start small. Don’t try to implement all the latest technologies at once. Start by focusing on a few key technologies that can make a big impact on your business. • Get feedback from your customers. Once you have implemented a new technology, get feedback from your customers to see how it works. This feedback can help you identify areas where the technology can be improved. • Be flexible. Technology is constantly changing, so it is important to be flexible and adapt to new developments. Be prepared to update your technology plan as needed. By following these tips, entrepreneurs can stay updated on emerging trends, leverage technological advancements to optimize their services and stay ahead in the digital age. Benchmarking Excellence in Creating a Dynamic Work Environment According to Dipali, the workforce is the cornerstone of any successful organization. Employees are the ones who drive innovation, deliver results, and create a positive customer experience. That’s why creating a dynamic work environment where employees feel valued is so important. “Here are some approaches that I think are benchmarking excellence in creating a dynamic work environment where employees feel valued:” i. Set clear goals and expectations. Employees need to know what is expected of them to be successful. Setting clear goals and expectations helps to create a sense of direction and purpose. ii. Provide regular feedback and support. Employees need to know how they are performing and what they can do to improve. Regular feedback and support help employees stay motivated and engaged. iii. Create a culture of collaboration and innovation. Employees thrive in environments where they are encouraged to share ideas and work together to achieve common goals. Creating a collaboration and innovation culture can help boost creativity and productivity. iv. Offer opportunities for growth and development. Employees want to feel like they are growing and developing in their careers. Offering opportunities for growth and development shows employees that you are invested in their success.
  • 18. v. Recognize and reward achievements. Employees appreciate being recognized and rewarded for their hard work. Recognizing and rewarding achievements can help to boost morale and productivity. In addition to these general approaches, organizations can do several specific things to create a dynamic work environment where employees feel valued. Here are a few examples: Ÿ Offer flexible work arrangements. Flexible work arrangements, such as remote work and flexitime, can help employees to achieve a better work-life balance. Ÿ Provide competitive salaries and benefits. Competitive salaries and benefits help to attract and retain top talent. Ÿ Invest in employee wellness. Employee wellness programs can help employees to stay healthy and productive. Ÿ Create a fun and inclusive environment. Employees are more likely to be engaged and productive in a fun and inclusive environment. Organizations can create a fun and inclusive environment by organizing social events, creating employee resource groups, and celebrating diversity and inclusion. By following these approaches, organizations can create a dynamic work environment where employees feel valued. It can lead to increased employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Triumphing Over Turbulence As a leader in India’s corporate sector, my business endevavours faced several challenges. “However, one instance where I oriented my team’s resilience and ingenuity to triumph over adversity was during the COVID- 19 pandemic,” recalls Dipali. When the pandemic first hit, they were forced to close their offices and send their employees to work remotely. “This was a major challenge, as we had never worked remotely. However, my team quickly adapted to the new situation and found ways to continue working effectively.” One of the biggest challenges was maintaining communication and collaboration among team members. They solved it by using video conferencing and
  • 19. collaboration tools. They also held regular team meetings to discuss their progress and identify any challenges they faced. Another challenge was keeping their customers happy. “Our customers were also struggling to deal with the pandemic and needed our support more than ever. We worked hard to meet our customers' needs and provide them with the support they needed,” says Dipali. They also faced financial challenges during the pandemic. However, they overcame these challenges by making difficult decisions, such as reducing costs and raising additional capital. Through the resilience and ingenuity of her team, Dipali says they overcame the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. “We emerged from the pandemic stronger than ever before and are now well-positioned for future growth.” Here are some specific things that she did to orient her team’s resilience and ingenuity during the pandemic: Ÿ Communicated regularly and transparently. Dipali kept her team informed about the situation and their plans for the future. She also encouraged them to ask questions and to share their ideas. Ÿ Set clear goals and expectations. Even though they were working remotely, Dipali ensured her team knew what was expected of them. She also provided them with the resources and support they needed to succeed. Ÿ Celebrated successes. “I took the time to celebrate my team’s successes, no matter how small they may have seemed.” This helped to boost morale and keep everyone motivated. Ÿ Created a culture of resilience and innovation. Dipali encouraged her team to be resilient and to find innovative solutions to the challenges that they faced. She also created an environment wherein taking risks and failing was safe. By following these steps, Dipali could help her team overcome the challenges of the pandemic and emerge stronger than ever before. Being Futuristic As per Dipali, every business goes beyond the physical realm today, touching on aspects like digital transformation, constant consumer engagement and virtual user experience. To address the critical factors of digital transformation, ongoing consumer engagement, and virtual user experience in its service offerings, Neokred takes several approaches being a fintech itself, including: Ÿ Investing in digital transformation. Dipali says they are investing heavily in digital technologies to improve operations and create new and innovative products and services. For example, they are internally developing and implementing a new customer relationship management (CRM) system to improve customer service for internal and external customers. They are also developing new software to make it easier for the customers to interact with team Neokred. Ÿ Focusing on customer engagement. “We are committed to providing our clients with superior customer experience. We do this by listening to our clients’feedback and by using this feedback to improve our products and services. We also offer a variety of customer support channels, such as live chat, email, and phone support,” says Dipali. Ÿ Creating a virtual user experience. They are working to create a virtual user experience as engaging and rewarding as the physical user experience. They are doing these using technologies such as virtual and augmented reality. “For example, we have developed a handsome, understanding demo of our products so that ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ By helping businesses to improve their efficiency, produc vity and customer service, we can help them to grow their businesses and to contribute to the Indian economy.
  • 20. Ÿ customers can see how easy it is to integrate and start using them to elevate business vision and goals,” informs Dipali. Ÿ By taking these approaches, they can address the critical factors of digital transformation, constant consumer engagement, and virtual user experience in their service offerings. “This helps us to provide our customers with the best possible experience.” Dipali’s vision for Neokred is to be India's leading digital business solutions provider. “I aspire to continue making a significant impact on India’s Digital Business Partnership landscape by helping businesses to adopt digital technologies and to transform their operations.” Forever Fantastic She believes that digital technologies have the potential to revolutionize the Indian economy. Digital technologies can help businesses to improve their efficiency, productivity, and customer service. They can also help companies to reach new markets and to grow their businesses. Neokred is committed to helping businesses to adopt digital technologies and to transform their operations. “We offer a wide range of digital business solutions, including:” Ÿ eCommerce solutions. Ÿ Banking solutions. Ÿ Digital finance solutions. Ÿ Know your customer eSolutions. Ÿ Data Analysis through artificial intelligent tools. Neokred also offers consulting and support services to help businesses implement and manage digital solutions. Dipali reiterates that they are committed to working with their clients to develop and implement digital (finance- related) solutions that meet their needs. “We also offer our clients ongoing support to help them get the most out of their digital solutions.” Dipali believes that her company can significantly impact India’s Digital Business Partnership landscape by helping businesses adopt digital technologies and transform their operations. “By helping businesses to improve their efficiency, productivity, and customer service, we can help them to grow their businesses and to contribute to the Indian economy.” Here are some specific ways in which Neokred plans to continue making a significant impact on India’s Digital Business Partnership landscape: Ÿ Investing in research and development. They are investing heavily in research and development to develop new and innovative digital business solutions. They are also working to create solutions tailored to the specific needs of Indian businesses. Ÿ Expanding their reach. They are expanding their reach to new cities and regions in India. They are also working to develop partnerships with local companies and organizations. Ÿ Providing training and support. They are committed to providing their clients with the training and support they need to implement and manage their digital (finance) solutions successfully. They offer a variety of training programs and support services, including online training, in-person training, and technical support. Dipali concludes, “I believe that by taking these steps, Neokred can continue to make a significant impact on India’s Digital Business Partnership landscape and help businesses to adopt digital technologies and to transform their operations.”
  • 22. 20 How Inspira onal Entrepreneurial Women Role Models are Promo ng the Cause of Gender Gen-Equal
  • 23. 21 he question is not why the Tworld need women role models to promote the gender cause in entrepreneurship. The question is how we can create those role models? Creating more women role models in entrepreneurship involves various strategies aimed at empowering, supporting, and highlighting the achievements of women in business. Here are some ways to foster the development of female role models and promote the gender cause in entrepreneurship: Mentorship and Networking: Encourage successful women entrepreneurs to serve as mentors for aspiring individuals. Mentorship programs offer guidance, support, and industry insights, helping women navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. Building strong networks also provides opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and support among women in business. Visibility and Recognition: Highlight the accomplishments of women entrepreneurs through awards, media coverage, and recognition programs. Recognizing their achievements amplifies their visibility, inspiring others and serving as role models for aspiring entrepreneurs. Education and Skill Development: Promote entrepreneurship education and skill-building initiatives targeted at women. Providing access to resources, workshops, and training programs equips women with the necessary knowledge and skills to start and grow successful businesses. Supportive Ecosystems: Foster inclusive business environments and supportive ecosystems that provide equal access to resources, funding, and opportunities for women entrepreneurs. Encouraging diversity in leadership positions and eliminating gender bias in business settings helps create a conducive environment for women to thrive. Advocacy and Policy Change: Advocate for policies that promote gender equality in entrepreneurship. Policies supporting women's access to capital, business loans, and government grants, as well as policies addressing gender pay gaps and parental leave, can significantly impact women's participation in entrepreneurship. Empowerment Programs: Implement programs aimed at empowering women from diverse backgrounds, including marginalized communities and underrepresented groups. These programs can offer financial literacy, leadership development, and resources tailored to specific needs. Storytelling and Sharing Experiences: Encourage women entrepreneurs to share their stories and experiences. Personal narratives and success stories can inspire others and demonstrate the possibilities of success in entrepreneurship. Encourage Risk-Taking and Resilience: Promote a culture that encourages women to take calculated risks and embrace failure as part of the learning process. Encouraging resilience helps women bounce back from setbacks and pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations. ?
  • 24. Empowering Through Inspiration By implementing these strategies and initiatives, societies and organizations can cultivate an environment conducive to fostering more women role models in entrepreneurship, ultimately advancing the gender cause in the business world. In recent years, the entrepreneurial landscape has witnessed a dynamic shift, with women entrepreneurs breaking barriers and redefining success. These inspirational women, with their relentless drive, innovation, and determination, have not only reshaped industries but have also become powerful advocates for gender equality. Their stories resonate far beyond business success, serving as beacons of hope and catalysts for change in the ongoing pursuit of gender parity. The Rise of Women Entrepreneurial Role Models From diverse sectors such as technology, finance, healthcare, sustainability, and more, women entrepreneurs are spearheading transformative ventures and reshaping societal norms. These pioneers, through their entrepreneurial journey, are setting benchmarks and acting as a guiding light for the next generation of aspiring entrepreneurs, especially women. The transformative power of these role models lies not only in their groundbreaking ventures but also in their unwavering commitment to advocating for gender equality. By shattering stereotypes, overcoming challenges, and championing inclusivity, they are driving meaningful changes within their industries and beyond. Inspiring Change and Empowerment One of the most potent ways entrepreneurial women role models promote gender equality is by inspiring and empowering others. They share their stories of resilience, determination, and success, encouraging women to pursue their aspirations, break barriers, and embrace entrepreneurship. Their advocacy extends beyond individual success stories; these role models actively engage in mentorship, networking, and community-building initiatives. By offering guidance, support, and mentorship programs, they foster a supportive ecosystem that nurtures aspiring female entrepreneurs, providing them with the tools and confidence to navigate the often challenging entrepreneurial landscape. Additionally, these role models emphasize the importance of inclusive leadership and diversity in business. They advocate for policies and practices that create equitable opportunities for women in entrepreneurship, such as equal access to funding, resources, leadership roles, and board positions. Addressing Challenges and Creating Solutions In their pursuit of success, these inspirational women also address the unique challenges faced by female entrepreneurs. They tackle issues like gender bias, limited access to funding, lack of mentorship, and work-life balance constraints, advocating for change at both systemic and grassroots levels. Furthermore, many of these role models use their platforms to drive societal change. They leverage their businesses as vehicles for social impact, addressing pressing issues like women's health, education, environmental sustainability, and economic empowerment. By intertwining profit with purpose, they set a precedent for socially responsible entrepreneurship and contribute positively to the communities they serve. Moving Forward: Paving the Path for Gender Equality As inspirational entrepreneurial women role models continue to lead by example, their impact on gender equality in the entrepreneurial world grows exponentially. Their stories serve as a testament to the potential of women in entrepreneurship and inspire a generation of change-makers who are breaking the glass ceiling and shaping a more inclusive and equitable future for all. These role models are not only trailblazers in their respective industries but also powerful agents of change, advocating for gender equality through their entrepreneurial journeys. Their resilience, determination, and commitment to creating a more inclusive entrepreneurial landscape are igniting a global movement, empowering women, and transforming societal perceptions of women in business. As their influence expands, they continue to pave the way for a more diverse, equal, and prosperous future. 22
  • 26. Anupama Dalmia, Founder and Chief Mentor Beyond The Box 24
  • 27. seemingly average girl Sunita surprised her Ateachers when she wrote a touching and well- thought-out letter expressing her gratitude on the auspicious occasion of the Guru Purnima celebration. Her teachers identified her spark and encouraged her to focus on her language skills. A little boy Saeed Rashed AlMheiri who is just four years 218 days from AbuDhabi, UAE, became the youngest author to publish a book. This exceptional talent is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Both examples indicate that the children reflect their unique skills, which need to be identified and encourage them to excel higher. Similarly, all children are different and unique in their ways. Their power of imagination and expression is often unheard and unseen when they are made to undergo the typical pedagogy. They need to be given proper guidance, exposure and encouragement that allows them to explore different skills. If the parents and the teachers can identify the innate abilities of the children, then it will unravel the unique potential hidden deep within these young generations. Helping to unearth their true potential, Anupama Dalmia, Founder and Chief Mentor of Beyond The Box, has emerged as a successful talent master who has helped scores of children discover their hidden potential to become excellent writers. Identifying the uniqueness of their imaginative thinking and honing their expression skills through writing, Beyond the Box (BTB) offers a perfect platform that further discovers, encourages, and develops their writing skills. Unleashing the Inner Magic Life is a never-ending journey of self-discovery. Anupama has a unique eye for spotting talent in people and kids; she believes kids should be allowed to explore different skills and identify their core expertise. She reveals, “A casual attempt at exploring mentoring in May 2017 was a life- changing experience for me. Urged by some friends, I conducted a 3-day creative writing summer workshop for 25 kids. During the span of those three days, I realized that kids are unwittingly forced to imagine and express themselves by adults in conformist ways, which curbs their imagination. An instant connection was established between the kids and me, and creativity and happiness thrived. That is when I decided to provide children with an environment where they can express themselves without being judged and bloom to their full potential at their own comfortable pace. It led to regular classes, and soon, I was invited by schools, communities, and corporates to conduct workshops on creative writing and communication. When horizons started expanding in this space, it was time to streamline it, and that is how ‘Beyond the Box’ took birth in January 2019.” Exhilarating Inspirations Crediting the concept of this unique literary venture, Anupama mentions, “Impact was and is our inspiration. Being able to spread light and joy through the medium of creativity is what keeps us going. Seeing kids shine as The Visionary Enchantress Discovering the Young Talents Anupama Beyond the Box (BTB) offers an excellent platform that discovers the writing skills of young children, encourages, and develops them further. 25 Inspiring Women Entrepeneurs to Watch
  • 28. writers and blow our minds with their creative thoughts inspires us to keep growing as a business. We constantly strive to create unique and interesting opportunities and events to keep the children excited and showcase their talent to a larger audience.” She believes that the overwhelming response and the satisfaction in the parents about their kids’ ability to write so well is a fulfilling experience. She feels this is a unique experience. Growing from Challenges Anupama remembers her early days when she found it tough to make her parents understand their children's skills. She says, “Making parents understand our ethos was always the biggest challenge in the initial years, apart from the usual challenges that any small enterprise faces. In our country, creative writing is often looked at with an academic lens, and we are so used to curriculum-based learning that a child-led and open-ended approach to learning does not click for many. I have had parents ask me in the initial years – “Do kids learn playfully without rules and hard deadlines?” or “Do you think kids will be serious if you do not give regular homework and follow a structure while teaching?”. We overcame this challenge by simply being what we wanted to be. When parents started noticing the positive changes in enrolled kids, word started spreading, and soon enough, we earned the credibility and trust of everyone.” The Expert Choice Looking at the steadily growing popularity of BTB, Anupama has received wide acceptance and appreciation from many people. She says, “All BTB associates admire our uniqueness, fairness, honesty and passion. Parents love the bond I share with all the kids and feel happy to see the young ones open up with us. It is our honour and privilege to be in their comfortable space.” Standing Tall The speciality of the literary venture Anupama has developed over the past few years has made her unique as it is not a typical teaching institute. But it is the platform that discovers the hidden talent in young children. She says, “We believe learning is fun when you make it fun. Our mission is to help children and budding writers unbox the joy of writing and develop a love for the written word.” She adds that their vision is to empower children by encouraging them to own their thoughts and expression. BTB constantly strives not just to nurture kids' creative writing skills but to give them the stimulus to become more perceptive, observant, and thoughtful individuals. With its all-embracing approach and unconventional methodologies and initiatives, in every session, BTB creates magic using 26 letters of the English alphabet! “It is time we tell the kids that they do not have to be in or out of the box, but they need to look beyond these boxes and focus within,” she quips. Guiding Pointers Anupama is an individual with passion and expertise who aids in detecting young talent. She advises young professionals looking forward to the industry to be open- minded and develop observation skills. She says that you can guide the essential spark of imagination and expression by developing the ability to identify them properly. Be very gentle, patient and kind while communicating and teaching the children. Ÿ Always be ready to reinvent yourself as an enterprise. COVID showed us that enterprise resilience is extremely important to build, and our creativity will help us stay afloat during tough times. Ÿ Stick to what your brand always stands for. Just because other businesses in your line of work are doing something that works for them, you do not have to do it if it does not match your core ethos. Ÿ If done right, social media marketing can help you immensely in branding and growth. Take your time to learn more about this and incorporate it into your marketing strategies. 26
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  • 30. n the grand scheme of our lives, we often forget that, Ifirstly and lastly, we all are what we eat. Not only our health but our entire personal happiness, satisfaction, and joy also depend upon the belly full of flavoursome feasts. If you are an ardent foody, then you might say that all your grand life schemes revolve around tasty food. Though delightful eating delicious fares to one’s full content, preparing tasty-yummy food is an art of the profoundest kind. Many food lovers find it troublesome even to think of preparing their meals. Those who love to cook often find short of time in their busy schedules. However, it is undesirable to keep yourself bereft of healthy, home- cooked, finely made fresh food due to any reason whatso- ever. This is true for the hectically life-styled working profes- sionals of the metro city Bengaluru. If you are one of them, then all your food issues are resolved, as Nidhi Mehta serves you freshly home-cooked cuisine of every kind through her restaurant brand ‘Nidhii’s Kitchen, with the tagline Fresh Food Fresh Thinking.’ Tasty Food for All You don’t have to take my word for it. You can hear it from your other fellow foodies. With a five-star rating on Google, Devika Bandyopadhya says, “Ordered food for around 20 people for my child’s birthday party at home. Food was delivered on time with proper packaging, ensuring food stayed fresh. Our menu was quite long, but we were not disappointed at all. Each item was well-curated and made with precision. Starters and main course tasted delicious. It was equally loved by adults and children. Thank you, Nidhii’s Kitchen, for such a prompt response and for providing us with delicious doorstep food service. Highly recommended. Thank you! Kid-friendliness: Provided non-spicy options for kids.” With five-star ratings, the local guide, Anu Agarwal, says, “Amazing food!!! Felt like home food. Cooked with so much love. Delivered on time. Highly recommend it. You can order from them on your special occasions n’small parties too.” Nidhi Mehta, the Founder and Head Chef, claims, “We at Nidhii’s kitchen are renowned for the lip-smacking food of Northern India. Every dish on our menu is of the finest taste and is served to foodies after the fine work that we put in. Serving Fresh-Home Cooked-Tasty Food Always at Nidhii’s Kitchen Mehta I am a proud founder, entrepreneur, a passionate cook, a role model for many, and a woman with a vision. 28
  • 31. The various ingredients and rich gravy preparation instantly give a soul-satisfying taste to the foodies. We take orders for birthday parties, corporate parties, team lunches, Daily lunch, dinner, snacks, party boxes and daily Meals ser- vices.” Journey of A Foody Coming from the heart of India, Delhi, Nidhi is fully Punjabi by heart. Settled in Bangalore for the last 16 years, her family consists of her husband, a school-going kid and a college-going youngster. Reflecting on her long journey, Nidhi says, “Let me share with you today my story. Punjabis are known for their dancing skills, Bhangra, big hearts and big appetites. Having been brought up in a place like Delhi, which is famous for its Chaat corners, Punjabi food joints, and streets and gullies, which are a dream come true for a foodie, I faced typical problems in Bangalore as my taste buds are accustomed to Punjabi food. I then realized that many north Indians settled in Bangalore share the same sentiments. Cooking, which has been my passion, came to my rescue, and I started my experiments with a small home kitchen. Getting amazing feedback from friends and family gave me booster shots, and I started expanding my Kitchen to a larger clientele and to suit a variety of customer demands.” Yummy Food for Connoisseurs In no time, Nidhii’s kitchen became one of the most popular food joints for all the foodies from every corner of the mega-metropolis. Yet, with more fame came an increasing passion for Nidhi to match up to her hungry customers’ heightened expectations. Nonetheless, constantly innovat- ing and surprising her clientele, Nidhi and her team of compassionate cooks kept augmenting their quality and taste further and further. All this is because, for Nidhi, Nidhii’s kitchen is a labour of love. “I love to cook and experiment, and my greatest joy is when people enjoy eating food cooked by me,” she insists. Another customer, Amita Yellapurkar, says in her five-star praise, “Nidhi has been fantastic with her cooking. She 29 Inspiring Women Entrepeneurs to Watch
  • 32. understood my requirements very well, and the food was loved by all. I will surely order from her for my next home party!! Kid-friendliness: She was perfect with her levels of chilli for kids.” Similarly, Ssayanti Das says, “We started by ordering regular meals from her kitchen and then decided to go for snack packets and dinner for our in-house party. She helped me choose and customize the menu, which was a super hit. The kids loved the boxes, and the dinner was good too. A very special mention of her bread roll is required. Thank You so much.” Delicious Meal to Celebrate Nidhii’s kitchen’s most significant USP is fresh, healthy home-cooked food which is finger-licking good! A big relief to people who cannot cook for want of time. Nidhi states, “I have continuously improvised, expanded and improved.” During this exciting journey, certifications, awards and accolades have poured in too: Ÿ Received Kala Ratan Award Max India. Ÿ Invited by Master Chef India Season-7 team and cleared till Round-3. Ÿ Has been recognized by Slurp Studio for The Ameri- can Delicates for Teaching North Indian Chaats 2019. Ÿ South India Restaurant Awards 2018-2019 with Best Home Chef in the North Indian category. Ÿ Won many prizes from Chef Sanjeev Kapoor. Ÿ Has won Zopnow Best Healthy Home Meal Contest in 2018. Ÿ Has won the Best Chole Bhutre from Radio One in 2018. In its CSR activities, during the COVID time, Nidhii’s kitchen was active for three meals a day to the COVID- impacted families. It was also listed by Government of Karnataka for free supply to COVID-impacted families. While satisfied customers’ reviews kept coming in: In her five-star reviews, Ramani says, “Very yummy modaks and guajira. Yummy homemade food without artificial colours or ingredients. Thank you, Nidhi.” While Arnab Nandi praises, “Ordered first time this Saturday for a family get together of ten. Awesome food in terms of taste, quality, and quantity. All guests praised all the items; the superhit among them was Whole chicken. I really loved ordering food from the home kitchen than going outside. And yes, the price was perfect with quantity. Thanks, Nidhii’s kitchen, for the lovely food, which added a star to my party.” Feasts for Party Lovers In another feat, Nidhii’s kitchen participated in the first session of The Indian Food Lovers’ Meet Bangalore – A cultural ceremony where ritual, tradition and taste were together - where Nidhi met with exciting bloggers, Kalyan Karmakar and Monikama Chanda, chefs and restaurateurs at the event. Nidhi also participated in ‘Food Conversations and Q&A’ about Indian home cooking and its expansion through home restaurateurs. 30
  • 33. Another happy customer, Pooja Bhasin, reviews, “Thanks Nidhii’s kitchen for juicy chicken. Everyone loved it❤❤❤. Even we didn’t have this kind of chicken from hotels. It’s too yum ❤. Thanks again, Nidhii’s kitchen. U Rocks. U did ur job. Well done.” Yet another client, Avishek Mazumdar, reviews, “Absolutely delicious homely and healthy food. On-time service. Nidhi has been my only kitchen that I rely on since I moved into this area. All her foods are super hygienic and made with love and care. My parents and family members are also enjoying the same. It’s difficult for me to name my favourite dish as all her dishes are equally amazing. Thank you, Nidhi. Wish you all my best wishes to keep up and grow your foodie network more and more.” You can check more reviews for Nidhii’s kitchen with overall 4.9 star ratings at Google. All Time Favourite Festival Feasts Not only parties and celebrations, but Nidhi offers special menus for any festival of the season. She says, “I will cook all well-crafted traditional dishes.” Ÿ For Holi you get Gujhiya, Thandai, Maalpua, Bhalle, Papadi-Chaat. Ÿ For Navratri, you get daily verities of new fasting feasts all ten days. Ÿ For Ganesh Chaturthi, 11 Days traditional Ukadiche Modak in Haldi leaves with traditional stuffing along with fried Modaks. Ÿ For Diwali, you get varieties of North-Indian cuisine. Best sellers are Aatte ki Pinni and Panjeeri. Ÿ At Christmas time, indulge in soaked rum and fruit plum cakes with gingerbread cookies. Ÿ At Halloween, you get the scary and goofy fingers cookies, brain veg kabab, and a lot more homemade chocolates. Food for Thought In her heartfelt note, Nidhi says, ‘Dear foodies, Old is dependable, but new is desirable! A mix of old and new is... delectable! Nidhii’s kitchen is rebranding and taking up a new identity. We have redesigned our logo. Here’s presenting the same old Nidhii’s kitchen with a new look and feel! As Nidhii’s kitchen is all set to celebrate its Fourth Anniversary, it’s the perfect time to be felicitated by the popular daily DECCAN HERALD 25 Nov 2020, which covered the kitchen’s journey (since lockdown and now) and profound endeavours to create, innovate and experiment. A big thanks to all of you for your love and support.’ Fresh Food – Fresh Thinking Nidhi adds, “Today, I proudly say that Nidhii’s kitchen has come a long way. I am a proud founder, entrepreneur, passionate cook, a role model for many, and a woman with a vision. And when a woman dreams, there are no limits to what she can achieve.” Three cheers for Nidhii’s kitchen. And three cheers for all the women in here and out there who are unstoppable dreamers and achievers. Planning to throw a promotion party at work, corporate party, regular meals, birthday party get-together, kitty party or just hang out party? “I recommend you do it in a healthy way with home cook fresh customized veg and non-veg breakfast, lunch, snacks, hi-tea, Chaats and dinner with Nidhii’s kitchen. For Kitchen menu and orders, call us @8088130591,” concludes Nidhi. 31
  • 34. 32 Lack of Representation in Leadership: The underrepresentation of women in leadership roles within corporations and boardrooms persists, impacting the visibility of role models and mentors for aspiring entrepreneurs. Work-Life Balance: Balancing personal and professional commitments is an ongoing challenge for influential businesswomen, as societal expectations and traditional gender roles often create barriers to achieving work-life balance. Opportunities for Influential Businesswomen: Amidst challenges, influential businesswomen are leveraging opportunities to transform the entrepreneurial landscape and create a supportive ecosystem for aspiring individuals: Mentorship and Networking: Recognizing the significance of mentorship, influential women leaders are actively engaging in mentorship programs, providing guidance, support, and valuable insights to aspiring entrepreneurs. Advocacy for Gender Equality: Influential businesswomen are vocal advocates for gender equality, leveraging their platforms to champion policies and initiatives that promote diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for women in entrepreneurship. n the rapidly evolving landscape of Ibusiness, influential women leaders have become the torchbearers of change, striving to create an ecosystem that fosters equality, empowerment, and opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. These visionary women, with their determination, resilience, and strategic vision, are navigating challenges while harnessing opportunities to construct an environment where aspiring individuals, especially women, can thrive and succeed in the entrepreneurial world. Challenges Faced by Influential Businesswomen: Despite making significant strides, influential businesswomen encounter multifaceted challenges that impede the creation of an ecosystem of equality for aspirants: Gender Bias and Stereotypes: A persistent challenge faced by influential businesswomen is the prevalence of gender bias and stereotypes in the business realm. Breaking through deeply ingrained perceptions that limit the roles and capabilities of women in leadership positions remains an uphill battle. Access to Resources and Funding: Inequitable access to funding and resources continues to hinder the progress of aspiring female entrepreneurs. Women- led startups often face challenges in securing investment compared to their male counterparts, restricting their growth potential. Challenges and Opportunities for Influential Businesswomen to Create anEcosystem of Equality forAspirants
  • 35. 33
  • 36. Creating Supportive Communities: Initiatives aimed at building supportive communities and networks for aspiring entrepreneurs are being championed by influential women leaders. These communities serve as platforms for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and empowerment. Encouraging Diversity and Inclusion: Businesswomen in leadership positions are prioritizing diversity and inclusion within their organizations, cultivating environments that celebrate diverse perspectives and talents. Building an Ecosystem of Equality In their pursuit of creating an ecosystem of equality, influential businesswomen are laying the foundation for a more inclusive and supportive entrepreneurial landscape. Their collective efforts are shaping a future where gender equality is not just an aspiration but a reality. By providing mentorship, advocating for policy changes, fostering supportive communities, and championing diversity, influential women leaders are planting seeds of empowerment that will yield a more equitable ecosystem for aspiring entrepreneurs. These trailblazers are not just breaking barriers but also paving the way for a new generation of entrepreneurs, irrespective of gender, to thrive and succeed in the business world. While challenges persist, influential businesswomen are seizing opportunities to drive impactful change. Their resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to creating an ecosystem of equality for aspirants reflect a collective effort to dismantle barriers and foster an environment where aspiring entrepreneurs, regardless of gender, can flourish. As these leaders continue to navigate challenges and harness opportunities, their vision and actions are instrumental in shaping a future where gender equality is the cornerstone of entrepreneurial success. Breaking the Barriers and Paving the Way Breaking barriers is an integral part of the journey for businesswomen striving to establish themselves in the competitive world of entrepreneurship. Some of the significant barriers they often encounter include: Gender Bias and Stereotypes: Gender bias and stereotypes remain pervasive in the business world. Women often face preconceived notions about their capabilities and leadership potential, leading to unequal opportunities and barriers to career advancement. Access to Funding and Resources: Securing funding and access to resources is a significant challenge for businesswomen. They often encounter obstacles in obtaining loans, investments, or venture capital compared to their male counterparts, which limits their business growth and scalability. Work-Life Balance: Balancing professional commitments with personal responsibilities is a persistent challenge for women entrepreneurs. Societal expectations and traditional gender roles often impose additional pressure, making it challenging to strike a work-life balance. Underrepresentation in Leadership: Women’s underrepresentation in leadership roles within corporations and boardrooms limits their visibility and voice in decision-making processes. Lack of representation can impede their ability to serve as role models and mentors for aspiring entrepreneurs. Networking and Mentorship Opportunities: Limited access to networks and mentorship opportunities can hinder women entrepreneurs’ growth. Building professional networks and finding mentors, especially those who understand their unique challenges, can be difficult. Cultural and Societal Norms: In some cultures, and societies, deeply rooted norms and biases restrict women’s autonomy and their ability to take on leadership roles. These norms often influence business environments, making it challenging for women to assert themselves and be taken seriously. Perceptions of Risk Aversion: There can be a perception that women are more risk-averse in business, which might impact their ability to access investment or pursue ambitious projects due to potential bias in investors’ assessments. Lack of Role Models and Visibility: The absence of prominent female role models in various industries and sectors can hinder aspiring women entrepreneurs from envisioning their success. Limited visibility and recognition of successful women in business might lead to a lack of inspiration and motivation. Discrimination and Bias in the Workplace: Women entrepreneurs might encounter discrimination and bias in hiring, promotion, or decision- making processes, impacting their ability to lead and grow their businesses. Breaking these barriers requires a concerted effort from various stakeholders—supportive policies and programs, inclusive corporate cultures, improved access to funding and resources, mentorship opportunities, and proactive efforts to challenge stereotypes and biases. Efforts to address these challenges can create a more conducive environment for women entrepreneurs to establish themselves and thrive in the business world. 34
  • 37. The most successful entrepreneurs I know are op mis c. It’s part of the job descrip on.
  • 38. Avid travellers dream of holidaying in scenic locations or picturesque places in the serenity of mesmerizing nature. However, it becomes challeng- ing to search for suitable sites, check availability, plan travel, look for best-value hotels, and many more. More- over, the dozens of local travel service providers create a lot of confusion and uncertainty among these journeying enthusiasts. The need for professional, knowledgeable, and well- updated travel and hospitality partners who can offer suitable solutions arises. Providing one-of-its-kind eco- friendly travel sojourns, Yogita Goyal, Co-founder of Stotrak Hospitality, offers the best holiday solutions to the customers, enhancing their pleasure and experiences. Through her venture, Stotrak Hospitality, Yogita has specialized in providing unique travel plans and enabling customers with sustainable experiences. Yogita has steered the company towards advancing eco-friendly tourism strategies and protecting the scenic splendour of the regions where they operate, and over the next two years, plans to add another 50 experiences to its catalogue throughout its existing locations, including Dakpathar, Mussoorie, Rishikesh, Selaqui, Jaisalmer, Ranthambore and Nahan. In the engaging rendezvous with the Insights Success team, Yogita unfolded her professional journey of Stotrak Hospitality, her inspirations, challenges, and the business USPs. Yogita, please tell us about the saga of your reputed business since its inception. Stotrak Hospitality was started when we two co-founders brainstormed for a year and decided to quite a comfortable reputed job to create a brand that will not only offer experiential stays for the guests but be a motivating journey where they know that the company shall take care of them whenever required. We signed the first hotel in the month of October 2020 in Dakpathar, Uttarakhand, followed by Mussoorie in February 2021, Ranthambore in July, Jaisalmer in October, Selaqui in January 2022, Rishikesh in August, and now Kumbhalgarh in February 2023, a consistent 4-5 months of average growth. In the first year, the group attained the vision of providing Sun, Sand and Sukoon to having Hotels, Resorts and Homestays in the second year of inception. What was your inspiration behind venturing into the business arena? To provide various experiences to our guests and make the hotel staff friendly, wherein everyone is treated well and taken care of. We could showcase during the second wave of COVID-19 that none of our staff was asked to leave. And not a single rupee was deducted from their salaries. Good work earns customer satisfaction, further motivating our team members to give their best. Moreover, satisfied customers refer our services to many other people. It works as positive word-of-mouth publicity with strong trust and respect. Customers come for holidays to relax, enjoy and spend some time peacefully. Understanding this need, we began our exclusive travel services that aimed to offer our customers the best travel, hotel, and holiday experiences. Ensuring the Best Travel Experiences via Stotrak Hospitality 36 Inspiring Women Entrepeneurs to Watch
  • 39. Yogita Goyal Co-founder Stotrak Hospitality We strive to achieve our aim to provide each traveler seeking peace and tranquility to relax and rejuvenate in distinctively curated stay by Stotrak’s well-experienced team. 37
  • 40. What initial challenges did you have to surmount to ensure your business’s success rate reached greater heights? Stotrak started the journey in mid-2020, the most challeng- ing year for this entire industry. Sustaining the initial year was difficult. But with the right focus of our teams and their dedication, we were able to go sailing through this very easily. It, in turn, gave us an excellent opportunity to establish a strong hold on the way. We shall be going forward with operating our company. We went beyond the typical services and guided the customers with customized travel plans that suited their different types of requirements. Giving the highest priority to their safety and hygiene, we offered the best of services so they could enjoy their holidays. What professional values and qualities do you think your client values most in you and Stotrak Hospitality? The comfort our team can put in their experiences is what can be considered the quality our guests' value. It is evident from the feedback we have received on online and offline platforms. What USPs highlight Stotrak Hospitality’s uniqueness in the industry you are catering to? We approach a sustainable future through the use of environmentally friendly activities. Moreover, we are continuously working towards amplifying our daily experience with customers. We are focusing on offering more and better experiences to our guests. Although, efforts in this direction will only show visible uniqueness after a few years of consistency in how we keep adding to these. Our team follows the practice of taking feedback from every customer. It helps in under- standing their travel experiences. It helps us to improve our services accordingly. At Stotrak, we take every suggestion or feedback very seriously and implement it throughout our service network. Several customers who have availed of our services again have given positive comments and appreciated our customer-centric approach. We have implemented modern applications in our billing and booking process. It has made things simpler, easier and more flexible for our team and clients. We promptly intimate and remind the customers through our regular updates and messages. As an experienced professional, what would you like to advise the budding aspirants willing to enter the business world? Balancing passion with some market study can be a good source of information to get started with your entrepreneur- ship journey. But in the long run, consistency is the only way to take you forward. Whatever you decide, make sure you think over doing it consistently for the next couple of years. Otherwise, it will not make any business sense. Be honest in your approach. Understand the customer requirements clearly and then present them with the holiday options to choose from. Communicate all the aspects clearly. Always be available to listen to their requirements and address their concerns. These are the small factors. In real life, you can learn and develop your skills. Develop the habit of learning from customer feedback. These are the crucial stepping stones to your success. How do you envision your company’s operations with the emerging technologies and automated tools that are revolutionizing the business world by enabling innova- tions? Innovations and automation are already big things. No doubt, they would only increase in our industry. The past two years have been a key to revolutionizing the use of technology in the hotel industry. These techs are adding confidence in users to start interactions using QR codes, online resources to facilitate bookings etc. 38
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  • 43. The most successful entrepreneurs I know are optimistic. It’s part of the job description.
  • 44. W O R L D I N D I A