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Puritan Ethic Essay
The Puritan Ethic, is it What God Wanted?
The Puritans were a people that moved to North America in order to escape religious persecution in
the mid 17th century. They had very strict rules that they were required to live by if they wanted to
make it to Heaven. Because of this, many stories have been written about them, including 1952's
Crucible by Arthur Miller. This story is about the witch trials that were held in Salem,
Massachusetts. This story is particularly interesting because it is based on true events, and for this
reason, there are many parts to analyze. As it turns out, there is a theory that relates almost directly
with their actions, Structuralism. Applying the Structuralism Theory to the Crucible helps readers
understand the reason why the Puritans are so ... Show more content on ...
Because their system is built on a foundation of faith and trust, if this is left in the dust, they have
nothing to hold the rest up. This is where the Structuralism theory gets even stronger. Humans need
a higher power, they need something bigger than them to explain all the bad things that happen.
Because their need is so powerful, they lose their common sense. The result of this is very easy to
see and is the entire plot of the story. The officials refuse to believe the someone could be lying to
them to cause trouble and to save themselves, which results in lots of death, pain, and suffering.
In closing, the Structuralist Theory is extremely useful in determining the reasons for the actions of
the church officials in the Crucible. After applying it, the causes of their actions become much more
clear and the harshness can be excused to an extent. It gives the analyzer a line of sight into the
mind of the leader and that if this was not dealt with, they knew that both their beliefs and those of
the people who they lead, would all be
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My Experience With The Hip Hop Culture
PART ONE A When reflecting on my experiences and knowledge of popular culture, I arrived with
a number of remarkable questions and concerns:
Why do I care so much about the lives of celebrities? (Why do I 'Keep Up With the Kardashians'?)
Do I want to be like the celebrities I glorify? Is my desired profession for working in the film
industry driven by popular culture eminence? How influential or 'brainwashing' has popular culture
been a factor in my lifestyle? Is it a good or bad influence? Does popular culture have an effect on
my self–esteem? Has popular culture prematurely exposed me to social vices? (Sex? Drugs?
Violence?) Why do I identify with the hip–hop culture? What is the message that I am given when
listening to hip hop music? What does my taste in music say about me? Am I defined by society due
to popular culture stereotypes? Is my judgment or perception on beauty along with different races,
gender, and sexualities skewed by popular culture standards and stereotypes? What benefit or
significance do I receive from consuming popular culture news? Does popular culture offer me any
more than just material to fill my time with frivolous talk and gossip? How much time am I
consuming because of popular culture? Why do I feel 'out the loop' if I'm not immersed in the latest
trends? How am I empowered of my knowledge about popular culture news? Do I get sense of
shared identity, meaning and purpose through popular culture? Does popular culture sell me as a
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Analysis Of Fun Home By Alison Bechdel
Alison Bechdel, a literary and queer theorist herself who would go on to coin the Bechdel test, grew
up in close proximity to theory. In a family of academics, with her teacher father and former actress
mother, Bechdel was always surrounded by literature, so when it comes to self discovery of her
sexuality, it's no surprise that she turns to the literary realm, from Rubyfruit Jungle to the Oxford
English Dictionary, to understand herself. Bechdel's first graphic memoir, Fun Home, examines her
upbringing in a funeral home with her cold mother and her closeted bisexual father, who commits
suicide soon after Bechdel leaves for college. It engages in frequent literary and theory illusions,
beginning from the mention of Icarian Games on the very first page. While Bechdel's work seems
like it could be easily situated in structuralist theory, the work easily lends itself to a multiplicity of
meanings, an inherent feature of deconstruction work that allows readers to veer into feminist
theory, queer theory, or even Marxist theory. Just as Bechdel rewrites and reframes the events of her
formative years multiple times throughout the novel, the novel particularly lends itself to
structuralist, deconstruction, queer, and feminist theory, which all lead to particularly illuminating
readings that compliment each other. Fun Home perhaps most glaringly fits into the literary theory
of structuralism, and its application becomes easy as soon Bechdel introduces the readers to her
father's constant rebuilding of their home on page 5. One of structuralism's main tenants is
understanding the world as discursively constructed, meaning that there is no inherent essence or
nature that informs one's production, whether that be behavior or presentation or style, and that one
then understands the world through binary opposition and discourse (Parker 77–81). Bechdel's
father produces a perfected period piece facade for the Bechdel home, which simultaneously
indulged his obsessive love for home decor, an interest usually only allowed for homosexual men,
while providing the facade of an idealized happy homeplace. Analyzing the home's surface structure
would prove unfruitful for conveying any of the internalized conflict of the family, and
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Placebo Effect Chapter 1
In chapter one we learned about many concepts, but one of them is structuralism. Structuralism is an
analyze consciousness into its basic elements and examine how they are related. It's also figuring
out what we are aware of in our environment, which everyone uses everyday. This concept is related
to my life because it is a everyday use. Once I walk outside or I am going to a new place I am not
familiar with I am using structuralism. Now and days everyone should learn about this. That's
because we should all be aware of what is around us in all time. This shapes you to the person you
are later in life and helps you learn what to do in certain events. The concept of the Placebo Effect in
chapter 2 really explain why people act the way they
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Post Structuralism And Post Modernism
Hassrad and Cox (2013) sought to create a model that modernizes and adapts the Burrell and
Morgan's model to unpack the meta–theoretical assumptions of the paradigm not accounted for –
post–structuralism, and more broadly, post modernism. This section will briefly discuss each of
Burrell and Morgan's original criteria in relation to the literature on third–order analysis to justify
the use of this modification. Hassard and Cox see three main approaches to organizational
theorizing, structural, anti–structural and post–structural. Hassard and Cox (2013) also make notable
adaptations to the understanding of paradigms by rethinking them as less insulated and static and
allow for significant ambiguity and contradiction. Finally, Hassard and Cox also modernize the
existing paradigmatic structure by updating terminology for several concepts, namely, replacing
nomothetic with deductive, idiographic with interpretive and anti–positivist with constructionist, in
order to offer more accessible or contemporary terms. These dimensions remain intact in terms of
their definition in the original Burrell and Morgan model. Structural and post–structural approaches
to organizational theorizing can be understood as the subjective–objective dimension as discussed
perviously. Hassard and Cox (2013) argue that for the "nature of social science,", post–structural can
be classified, paradigmatically, as: ontologically relativist, epistemologically relationist, and
methodologically reflexive; it
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French Structuralism: The Concept Of Language And French...
Poststructuralism was derived to confront a different theory, structuralism, which was a dominant
theory in Central Europe and America during the twentieth century. Structuralism emphasizes that
there is forces in social live, which are created out of human activity but stand outside of human
agency or intervention (Pg 393). There were different versions of structuralism, one that derived
from France, which put great emphasis on language. Structural functionalism accentuates human
social organization at the level of institutions, whereas French structuralism emphasizes the role that
language plays in the organization of systems. French institutionalism looks at how language
provides organization for human communication and other characteristics of human life.
French structuralism has direct ties with Ferdinand de Saussure who established the concept of
semiotics. Semiotics is the study of signs, like those that humans use to express meaning. Saussure
distinguished the difference between language and speech. He used this distinction do create and
define the term sign. Saussure understood a sign is something that is designated to represent a
specific object. So anything that carries meaning can be considered a ... Show more content on ...
Poststructuralism was developed in critique of semiotic model that Saussure created.
Poststructuralists are doubtful about the shared meanings of signs. They argue that the universal
understanding of signs is actually fragmented. There are no signs, but there are "floating signifiers"
which mean there is not connection between signified and signifier, so signs have collapsed and
become disjointed. Poststructuralists do not believe in the organization of signs and see the
sociocultural world as broken, with no clear patterns. Poststructuralists base the social world on the
idea that the patterns that are found in social life are not permanent because they are
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Examples Of Structuralism In I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud
I am putting to use a structuralist view upon the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" because it
can be related to with simpleness, put down to the fact that it is positioned in the lyrical genre.
Structuralism is a theory in which all elements of human culture are thought to be part of a system
of signs. Robert Scholes demarcated structuralism as a reaction towards despair and modernism
(Scholes, Robert. Structuralism in Literature: An Introduction, 1975). 'I Wandered Lonely as a
Cloud' is a poem that commemorates the utmost beauty of nature to such a degree that the poet
believes it to be ... Show more content on ...
As previously stated, structuralism is a theory in which all elements of human culture are thought to
be part of a system of signs. Structuralists are concerned with issues such as form and genre. The
reason why I chose to apply a structuralist perspective upon William Wordsworth's poem is due to
the fact that that it can be easily interacted with because it is positioned in the lyrical genre. The
rhyming scheme is in the form ABABCC. The rhyming couplet evident at the end of each stanza
creates an unpretentious break caused by the addition of a new stanza. As a result, the final line of
teach stanza contains an additional sense of emphasis. The final line of the poem mentions "the
show" and conveys images of dancing daffodils, a long–lasting impression discussed by
Wordsworth. The meter of this poem is an iambic tetrameter. The meter creates a rhythm with a
musical, song like quality, to which the daffodils may dance. Wordsworth also employs consonance
and alliteration to create the sense of rhythm. The form of a poem is of utmost importance to
structuralist critics. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is twenty four lines long and it features four
stanzas with six lines each. In each individual stanza there is a perceptible pattern – the first line
rhymes with the third line and the second line rhymes with the fourth line. The stanzas finish with
the inclusion of a rhyming couplet. By concentrating the first three stanzas on the lake experience
and the final on the memory of that experience, Wordsworth amalgamates the content of the poem.
It is interesting to note that despite the obvious fact that "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is built as a
sonnet although it is a lyrical poem. Wordsworth employs figurative language such as comparisons,
personification, epithets and metaphors so as to express his feelings to the reader. As a sub–genre, "I
Wandered Lonely as
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Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein : The Modern Prometheus (...
In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus (1818), many binary comparisons appear
and reveal to the reader deeper meanings beyond the written word. One of the most important
juxtapositions represents the binary scale of solitude versus companionship as evident in the
protagonist Victor Frankenstein and the Creature whom he creates. Although these characters
compare in a plethora of ways, a Structuralist focus on the latter's forced seclusion and search for
camaraderie, compared to Frankenstein's self–isolation and rejection of love, will allow the reader to
understand the underlining tragedy of the story. This juxtaposition is important when read from the
viewpoint of a French Structuralist, as this theory makes binary comparisons which allow for deeper
meanings to come light; therefore, the Creature's separation from community is only meaningful as
a binary comparison to Frankenstein's self–segregation.
Structuralism is deeply rooted in the base idea that each element has a reverse component. The
opposites play off of each other in order to best convey an idea. For example, light and dark enhance
each other by their contrast. Only when it is dark outside do people carry flashlights. The presence
of darkness allows for a deeper appreciation of the light. However, in order for a comparison to have
value, the reader and writer must agree on context. A theorist cannot say, "Flashlights and the night
are opposites" without providing a realm of interpretation.
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The Importance Of Language-Based Communication
The categorisation of humans into various gender related groups is something spanning across time
and cultures. Possible causes of such divisions include grammatical forms of communication, a
prospect investigated by structuralism. A variety of approaches concerned with the classification of
language in the mind (Jenkins, 1992), it demonstrates just how the power of spoken and written
word creates detachments between men and women. Key thinkers including Claude Lévi–Strauss
and Ferdinand de Saussure are credited with introducing and popularising the movement and
evidence provided by Bourdieu, Louie & Low and Abu–Lughod shows the utilisation of verbal
communication in contrasting areas. These ethnographies display structuralism via the linguistic
communications they detail, with their contexts holding great importance as they inform meaning
(Schirato & Yell, 2000). Interpretations of the organisation of a Kabyle house, the significance of
'wen–wu' in Eastern Asia and hushed conversations between Bedouin women all relate to the
divisive nature of language in societies. The intention of this report is to determine the degree to
which language–based communication establishes the gender–based groups individuals belong to,
using structuralism to explain my reasoning.
A popular topic in anthropological circles since Giambattista Vico published 'The New Science' in
1725, in which structuralism is described as a key mental component of the "instinctively poetic"
human race (Hawkes,
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Little Bee By Jacques Lacan And Chris Cleave's Little Bee
Language can be seen throughout all cultures and intertwined in every part of people's daily lives. It
can be argued as the building blocks of society, as there are virtually no means of communication
without some form of language. For the nigerian refugee Little Bee, language has to do with life or
death, trying to survive in her new world when she has been detained in England. She struggles with
learning the "Queen's English", all the while trying to stay safe without the protection of her friends
from home and the language that she is accustomed to. Two men: post–structuralist psychoanalyst,
Jacques Lacan and nineteenth century linguist and semiologist, Ferdinand de Saussure, both have
famous theories about language that can be related to the book Little Bee, by Chris Cleave. The
ability for Little Bee to learn a new variation of her own language can be outlined in the works of
both Jacques Lacan and Ferdinand de Saussure.
Both men devoted their lives to the study of language and how it related people to the world around
them. Jacques Lacan's theory, described by author Fredric Jameson as "The Prison House of
Language", means that once we have learned a language, we can not see outside of it; there is no
other way to communicate or represent the world. Saussure goes more in depth into language and
has more points about the role that language plays. His main model, "structuralism," can be defined
as the methodology that parts of culture are understood by their
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Structure, Sign And Play On The Discourse Of Human Sciences
Derrida: Structure, sign and play in the discourse of human sciences.
While understanding Derrida, many scholars consider early life of Derrida as a marginalized
European and being a Jew has special significance1. He later theorized that marginalization in terms
of 'absence ', a loaded term in Derrida 's works which we will visit later in this chapter. It was a
high–time for existentialism, phenomenology and structuralism represented many renowned
thinkers like Husserl, Sartre, Strauss, and others. While the concern of structural linguistics was to
formulate scientific understanding of language as structured expression/entity, others were skeptic
about fundamental presuppositions of neutral binaries, the virtuality of the 'center ' and who rejected
subjective humanism of existentialists.
'Deconstruction ' is literary technique derived by Derrida to show that there are many unquestioned
metaphysical notions that we use in structured language, and arbitrary hierarchy is maintained
between various binaries. Speaking in terms of linguistics, relation between signified and signifier is
anything but neutral, as it privileges one constituent of binary over other. For example, privilege of
speaking voice over written text, privilege of presence over absence, privilege of masculine over
feminine and so on. Thus for Derrida logocentrism is invariably present in the history of western
metaphysics which somewhere privileges author over his text.
Derrida 's method is to look for
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Unit 9 Project
Kaplan University
Professor Erica St. Germain
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Structuralism was founded by E.B. Titchener but only lasted two decades because of newer
movements in the psychology; however it was still know as the first school of thought. Structuralism
is a mode of thinking and a method of analysis practiced in the 20–centruy social sciences and
humanities; it focuses on recurring patterns of thought and behavior, it seeks to analyse social
relationships in terms of highly abstract relational structures. In other words structuralism is a study
based on ones unconsciousness and observation, the things a person does, the way a person acts in
his/her society, which is acted out ... Show more content on ...
Being discovered, Gestalt psychology has made significant contributions to the study of perception,
learning and social psychology. This psychology has several principals, and a therapy. Gestalt
psychology came about in the 19th century with its main focus being that of elementistic nature of
the work of Wundt. It is a school of thought that looks at the human mind and behavior as a whole.
Gestalt psychology was emerged as a response to Wilhelm Wundt's structuralism. It utilizes the
brain's tendency to seek a whole in order to understand its parts. Many psychologists after Wundt
and Titchener set out to prove their theories wrong. "Gestalt psychologists believe that there is more
to perception than meets the eye. In other words, our perception goes beyond the sensory elements,
the basic physical data provided to the sense organs" (Schultz, 2011). The brain definitely has a
tendency both to perceive groupings as wholes and to fill in gaps in order to understand parts.
Psychoanalysis is a system that is the single most influential theory of psychotherapy in our time. As
a therapy psychoanalysis is based on observation that individuals are often unaware of many factors
that determine their emotions and behavior. It is the first dynamic theory of personality that talks
about displacing, repressing, denying, venting, and regressing; about the unconscious; and about the
significance of dreams. "Psychoanalysis overlaps psychology's other
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Structuralism And Semiotics In The Book Of Huckleberry Finn
Structuralism and Semiotics
When you become a certain age level reading just comes naturally. Almost as if it becomes second
nature to us which it should be. Our parents, then our teachers have been grinding and turning the
wheels in our little, vulnerable, expanding minds ever since the beginning. So reading isn't the
hardest thing for most of us. Its the comprehending, and the understanding the work of literature is
where the struggle begins. Even a few adults do not fully comprehend a vast majority of literature
today, and being able to analyze and tear apart. Such as knowing where the rhetoric is in the paper.
Are ethos, logos, and pathos being executed in the proper manner? Which literary elements are
being used? For instance is there metaphor,
personification, ... Show more content on ...
(Structuralism). The meaning of semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or
interpretation. (Structuralism). Therefore structuralism focuses more on the pattern and the
framework while semiotics focuses on the symbolization in the book The Adventures
Arzola 2 of Huckleberry Finn. One of the struggles with this criticism is that the framework is based
on a few philosophers ideas on how the structure should fulfill the base line or genre of all literary
work. Structuralist prefer the focal point to be on the formal features that allow the meaning to come
about, not so much the meaning or content itself as much. The way Ferdinand De Saussure likes the
framework to be is that there is no necessary connection between words and the thing.(Structuralism
and Semiotics). For example in the book The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn we use the name Jim for the black run away slave but he is also referred to as nigger many
times within the book, so it does not really matter what word is used because they both
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The 's Impact On Society
Deconstructionism has impacted society today due to the effects of reading and the difficulty of
defining the word from the sole creator, Jacques Derrida, and how other philosophers have
influenced it. Although there is a definition for the school of thought Deconstructionism, it has been
confused with different definitions due to the influences of other philosophers on the definition
given by Derrida. One philosopher that influenced Deconstructionism was Friedrich Nietzsche,
whom we usually associate to Nihilism. The other philosopher that influenced this school of thought
was Ferdinand de Saussure, who was one of the two founders of semiology. "It must be noted that
Derrida 's style of writing contributed not only to his great popularity but also to the great animosity
some felt towards him. His style is frequently more literary than philosophical and therefore more
evocative than argumentative" (Lawlor). According to Derrida, in essence, the definition of
Deconstructionism is the way of reading and understanding the difference between "text" and
"meaning". The school of thought itself is notoriously difficult to define, and attempts to explain it
in a straight–forward way, understandable way have been academically criticized for being too
removed from the original texts, and even contradictory to the concepts of Deconstructionism. In an
article for Postmodernism, it states, "Because at its functional level all language is a system of
differences, says Derrida, all
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Structuralism And Post-Structuralism In Language
Structuralism originated in the works of Ferdinand de Saussure, a Swiss linguist in the 20th century.
An attempt to study a specific whole as a complex system of interrelated parts, it soon came to be
applied to many other fields. Structuralism is closely related to Semiotics and Saussure focused on
the underlying system of language, 'langue' instead of the use of language. Yet, the discovery of
'langue' is possible only with an examination of parole, speech. Apart from favouring the synchronic
development of language over the diachronic version, he also asserts that linguistic signs consist of a
signifier and a signified. Hence, this approach is different from those that focus on the relationships
between words and the objects they implicate. ... Show more content on ...
However, Post–Structuralist writing is emotive. Such texts will tend to be euphoric, urgent and
The general notion of Structuralism is that the world is constructed by language. It is only through
linguistics, that reality is envisioned. In contrast, Post–Structuralism argues that realities are created
by languages. All aspects of human experience become textual and everything one thinks of, be it
about self or the world, depends on language.
Both Structuralism and Post–Structuralism arise from Saussure's linguistic theory and so, emphasize
on language. In this way, there are identical. Moreover, both accept language as a system of signs
that exists separately from any physical or mental reality. Similarly, Structuralism and Post–
Structuralism will also together acknowledge that a subject is possible only through language.
Hence, language overrides humans as the source of action and meaning and so, Structuralism and
Post–Structuralism are non–humanistic [5]. Structuralism is deterministic as all power to structure
one's perceptions lie with the system. Hence, Structuralism is, in particular, anti–humanist
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The Work of Representation
The Work of Representation Stuart Hall Summarize by Jesse Tseng 1 Representation, meaning and
language At first we have to know that: Representation is an essential part of the process by which
meaning is produced and exchanged between members of a culture. It does involve the use of
language, of signs and images which stand for or represent things. And surly it is not a simple or
straightforward process. How this article exploring the concept of representation connect meaning
and language to culture? We will be drawing a distinction between three different account or
theories:the reflective, the intentional and the constructionist approaches to representation. Most of
this text will be exploring the constructionist approach with two ... Show more content on ...
Words mean what the author intends they should mean. This is the intentional approach. The third
approach recognizes this public, social character of language. Things don't mean: we construct
meaning, using representational systems. Hence it is called the constructionist approach. 1.5 The
language of traffic lights The simplest example of this point, which is critical for an understanding
of how languages function as representational systems, is the famous traffic lights example.
According to the constructionist approach, colors and the language of traffic lights' work as a
signifying or representational system. In the language of traffic lights, it is the sequence and position
of the colors, as well as the colors themselves, which enable them to carry meaning and thus
function as signs. It is the code that fixes the meaning, not color itself. This also has wider
implications for the theory of representation and meaning in language. It means that signs
themselves cannot fix meaning. Instead, meaning depends on the relation between a sign and a
concept which is fixed by a code. Meaning the constructionist would say, is relational. 2. Saussure's
legacy In the important move, Saussure analysed the sign into two further elements. There was, he
argued, the form, and there was the idea or concept in your head with which the form was
associated. Saussure called the first element, the signifier, and the
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Critical Analysis Of Wordsworth's I Wandered Lonely As A...
"Critical theory", in terms of literature, can be defined as a form of criticism through the close
reading of a text and the application of knowledge acquired from the study of the humanities. The
"multiple readings" mentioned in the question refers to the different schools of literary criticism –
for example, structuralism, feminist theory, new historicism/cultural materialism, ecocriticism and
postcolonial criticism. It is true to say that Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" can be
read and interpreted in many different ways, especially when both the original and revised versions
of the poem are taken into account. In my opinion, the most interesting criticism that can be applied
to this poem is structuralism, which I will be analysing ... Show more content on ...
I never saw daffodils so beautiful, they grew among the mossy stones about and about them, some
rested their heads upon these stones as on a pillow for weariness and the rest tossed and reeled and
danced and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind that blew upon them over the lake, they
looked so gay ever glancing ever
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Analysis Of The Movie ' Shaun Of The Dead '
Post modernism can be seen as a turning against structuralism and the rigid thinking of genre. Shaun
of the Dead(Focus) is a postmodern film as a combination of two genres: horror and comedy. Horror
and comedy are both opposites but did very well together in this film. Shaun of the Dead is a post–
modern as it had all of the elements of a horror film but is in fact a comedy. The film was directed
and written by "Edgar Wright" (Wright) and co–written by "Simon Peggs" (Peggs). The film is a
hybrid romantic, zombie and a comedy. These genres contradict each other therefore resulting the
film to be seen as a comedy as these opposing genres are not normally combined with each other.
Shaun of the Dead follows a version of a horror film with codes by consisting blood, gore, zombies
and isolation. Instead of Vladimir Propp's character theory(Propp) the lead character of a cool and
strong male lead, there is an average lead age thirty–something, who works at an electronic shop
with his best friend who plays video games all day on their couch. The average lead also doesn't
want to take some responsibility, so this makes him the anti–hero. This adds another element of
humor in the film because of not having characteristics of typical hero. In the beginning of the film,
Shaun is shown as the lead character. His appearance is zombie– like because of his behavior and
lifestyle in a humorous way. The ironic of that is the he is the human fighting against the zombies
later on, not
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The Literary Theory Of Structuralism
The literary theory of Structuralism attempts to explain the connections between concepts, images,
and people. Particularly, the French Structuralists utilize the concept of binary comparisons in order
to explain how everything relates to each other. This theory argues that people comprehend the
world around them by the understanding the differences between objects or ideas and other objects
or ideas, e.g. understanding the dark because it is not light. Children learn the concept of opposites
so that they can describe things; they discover the difference between big and small before they
understand the notions themselves. Therefore, by using the literary theory of French Structuralism,
readers can establish the binary differences between the two sets of lovers in Much Ado about
Nothing, explaining how the use of contrasting characters reveals the complexity of love, and
comments on society's conventions in Shakespeare's day.
A leading Structuralist Ferdinand de Saussure ascertains in "Course in General Linguistics" that "in
language there are only differences" (70). These differences make up the world, and comparing
them allows readers to have a deeper understanding of life. However, binaries must play off each
other within a context in order to have meaning. Gregory Castle offers the goal of Structuralism:
"Functional Structuralism is primarily concerned with language as it is manifested in social
contexts" (186). The social context is the construct that illuminates
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Juxtaposition Of Innocence And Corruption In Daisy Miller...
Structuralism is the idea that language exists in patterns, therefore all literary works begin to
develop underlying elements common to all human experiences (Purdue). Structuralist criticism
analyzes these patterns, elements, and themes that interconnect the works in order to better
understand them (Rump). In the story arcs of both Henry James' Daisy Miller and Stephanie Meyer's
Twilight, structuralist themes include the juxtaposition of innocence and corruption, and ignobility
and refinement. The juxtaposition of innocence and corruption in humans is a major structuralist
theme found in a wide variety of literary works. This trope is manifested through a young, naïve
character, often depicted as a virginal girl dressed in white, and an older, more mature, brooding
male who ... Show more content on ...
Henry James' novel Daisy Miller is a prime example; Daisy is the perfect embodiment of innocence.
the young Miller is said to take on three different kinds of innocence. The first is ignorance, in
which Daisy is uneducated on the customs and mannerisms of Europe and speaks unabashedly about
her personal life, what Winterbourne perceives to be the most unbecoming of her. The second is
naïveté, in which Daisy is unable to discern others' motives, ultimately leading to her demise. The
third is a blamelessness, where she has done nothing immoral out of malice but simply from her
upbringing in the spirited nature of the American culture rather than the reserved and refined
European culture. Daisy Miller's corruption originates from two men in her life; Her major love
interest, Mr. Giovanelli, an Italian man with an unknown background, is the indirect cause of her
corruption and the direct cause of her ultimate downfall. Miller and Giovanelli's intimate friendship,
with no customary declaration of courtship, alarms many of her American expatriates. As the pair's
friendship escalates into something more, gossip and judgement further ostracizes Daisy from the
American community.
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Influences of the Rationalist, Structuralist and...
What influence have the rationalist, structuralist and culturalist theoretical approaches had on the
study of comparative politics?
Comparative politics is the empirical comparative study of political systems. It involves the
classification and comparison of institutions – 'a rule that has been institutionalised' (Lane and
Ersson, 1999: 23) – in order to determine the nature of political regimes. The study of comparative
politics has come to be guided by three major research schools: rational choice theory, culturalist
analysis and structuralist approaches; each of which spearhead a distinctive notion over what about
institutions affects the nature of the political process. Rationalists are methodological individualists
who assert that ... Show more content on ...
Cultural theorists therefore focus their studies on 'group level processes' (ibid) when conducting
research. However, as highlighted by survey researchers Almond and Verba, by identifying cultural
variables, it is almost inevitable that analysts will engage in generalised comparative study.
Synthesis can be found between cultural analysis and less rigid forms of structural institutionalism.
Political theorist Antonio Gramsci pointed out that coherence between these two schools of thought
can be found when considering the fact that whilst, according to Marxist teachings, capitalist
societies are based on underlying structural conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the
manifestation of such conflict is dependent on the cultural circumstances of the country concerned.
Similarly to culturalists, structuralists adopt a form of methodological holism. Structuralists task
themselves with identifying the underlying dynamics that govern social systems as a whole, and
upon doing so are able to embark on comparison between larger groups of countries governed by
similar systems; they are unconcerned by 'the 'micro–details' of the political process' (Bara and
Pennington, 1997: 26). It is therefore said that a structuralist approach appertains to 'the
relationships – both static and dynamic – among individuals, collectivities, institutions, or
organisations' (Lichbach, 1997: 247).
Rationalist theorists stipulate that individuals act to
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Essay on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Structuralism
Frankenstein and Structuralism
Professor John Lye of Brock University, California describes literary theory as: "a collection of
related theoretical concepts and practices which are marked by a number of premises, although not
all of the theoretical approaches share or agree on all of them."
The first segment of this essay aims to define the main views of structuralism, one of these
theoretical approaches. Structuralism, in particular the work of Ferdinand de Saussure, created
controversy as it directly challenged some of the values of the everyday reader in the way it attempts
to disregard the actual content of writings, and instead concentrates on form and diagrammatics. As
the name suggests structuralism is ... Show more content on ...
Saussure claimed that words only function when operating in a system of differences, not because
they are tied literally to the real world. Words are a self sufficient system; they have a meaning
because of their place in the system not because of the speaker's intentions. In that sense, one could
say that the content of the narrative is its structure. Saussure's ideas on 'langue' and 'parole' support
this. Langue or language is a total system of rules whilst parole or speech is the concrete application
of this system.
Saussure furthermore identified two parts to a basic linguistic unit: the concept and the sound image.
The sound image or 'signified' is the image that imprints on your mind at the sound or thought of the
word. The 'signifier' is the word that produces this image, whether it is spoken, written or a pictorial
equivalent. The 'sign' is the combination and relationship between the 'signifier' and the 'signified'.
To explain, whatever the language in which the word 'cat' is spoken (signifier), to a member of that
nationality the word will instantly conjure up the idea of a cat (signified). However Saussure
stressed that the relationship between the two is strictly arbitrary, they are bound purely by
Peter Brooker, co–author of 'A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory' explains this
through traffic
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Halloween Structuralism
Choosing just one style to explain any these videos would be difficult. Each showcases a well
crafted blend of multiple criticism styles. This would make sense, as most people do not examine
media with a one track mind, but instead from multiple points of view based o their own tastes.
Siskel and Ebert's mini review of the film Halloween featured elements of the Structuralism,
Feminism, Archetypal, and Reader–Response forms of critique. Starting off with the easy one,
Reader–Response, or Viewer–Response in this case, is apparent throughout the video
(DavidVonPeinChannel2) (Mays 1320). Siskel and Ebert describe how the tension and setting shape
the atmosphere of the film, and in textbook Reader–Response fashion, they complement John
Carpenter's film for its use of camera angle and music, and the affect that plays on the viewer
(DavidVonPeinChannel2)(. An unexpected, but still true addition, was that of Feminist perspective.
Siskel and Ebert point out how Jaime Lee Curtis' character appears strong and ... Show more content
on ...
Structuralism stands dominant in this video as the narrator is quick to point how the film's story,
editing, and characters are all very similar to past Disney and Pixar films (Screenjunkies, Honest
Trailers –Frozen) (Mays 1308–09). The narrator also goes on to highlight how gender plays a larger
role in the story (Screenjunkies, Honest Trailers –Frozen). First, by mentioning how the female
leads are very empowered in a Feministic way (Screenjunkies, Honest Trailers –Frozen) (Mays
1323–24). Second, they move on highlighting the role males play in the story, and the near sexist
representation of it. The narrator describes the males being in the stereotypical villain role to the
female leads (Screenjunkies, Honest Trailers –Frozen). That would be a key illustration of using
Gender Study to assess the role that characters fill in the film (Mays
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The Communication Model Of Communication
1. What is the transmission model of communication? Where does it come from? What does it do
well in helping us understand the process of communication in everyday life? What are its
limitations? The transmission model of communication as defined by James Carey is a process
whereby messages are transmitted or sent and distributed over distance and into space for the
purpose of control. The transmission model includes a sender on one end and a receiver on the other.
In the middle is the median that the message is being sent through. This comes from the nineteenth
century from religious origins. For example, to try to understand this model, we can think about
missionaries. The missionaries were sent from the Roman Catholic Church to other countries to
spread the teaching of Jesus in order to gain control of the people. The transmission does well in
helping us understand the efficiency, convenience, and influence/ control of communication in
everyday life. The limitations if the transmission model is that the transmission model doesn't let us
understand the importance of context – that information takes on its meaning in particular times, in
particular situations, with particular people. Another one of its limitations is that the medium is
neutralized and the transmission model doesn't differentiate between different medium such as,
newspapers, social media, and amber alert on a highway reader board. Lastly, the information is
homogenized. For example, all the information
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Example Of Intertextuality
What is intertextuality? How does intertextuality challenge E.D. Hirsch's idea that a text has a single
meaning created by its author? Explain with reference to examples drawn from any media format.
According to American literary critic, E.D. Hirsch, in order to interpret a body of text, one must ask
one's self the only question that can be answered objectively – "what, in all probability, did the
author mean to convey?" He believed that the author's intended meaning equates the meaning of a
text and it is in fact, the reader's duty to uncover the the author's intentions.
"The meaning of a text and its author's intentions are one and the same."
Hirsch's concept revolves around the assumption that a body of text is original, and is ... Show more
content on ...
someone watching a satirical television show such as The Simpsons).
The best example of this sort of intertextuality would be the process of a reader (or surfer) browsing
the world wide web. Here, an author cannot control the way in which a reader approaches his or her
body of text. There is seldom a linear fashion in which a reader consumes information while surfing
the internet. It is common for him or her to absorb only small chunks of texts on one page of a
website before being led to an entirely different webpage via links. Through surfing and following
links of their choice, readers effectively thus begin to construct their own text of sorts as they make
their way through various sites on the internet.
Unlike newspapers or most other forms of printed media, intertextuality on the internet is often one
of a blatant and conscious nature. Here, almost more so than anywhere else, it is clear that content is
not entirely original, nor is it based on an author's sole ideas and concepts. It is common for a great
many websites to host a multitude of links, and consist of short articles that link to other sources of
information that the work was based on, or that provide further elaboration.
Even on
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Literary Theory By Jonathan Culler Theory And Literary...
Aim– The aim of this paper is to check which of the terms–– 'Theory' or 'Theories'––can be used in
literary studies. Objective– An attempt has been made in this paper to check which of the above
mentioned terms is more applicable in literary studies using Jonathan Culler's Literary Theory: A
Very Short Introduction (1997). Argument– In this paper I argue that the term 'Theory' is applicable
more in literary studies. Introduction– The word 'theory' has been derived from, Greek word,
'theoria', which means "looking, viewing or beholding". The word has been used in English since the
late 16th century. Modern use of the word "theory" are derived from the original definition, but have
taken ... Show more content on ...
. .' (Culler 2) What does theory mean here? First, theory signals 'speculation'. Secondly, 'My theory
is that . . .' also claims to offer an explanation that is not obvious. But generally, according to Culler,
to count as a theory, not only must an explanation not be obvious; it should involve a certain
complexity. A theory must be more than a hypothesis: it can't be obvious. Theory involves some
complex relations of systematic kind among a number of factors; and it cannot be easily confirmed
or disproved. If one bears all these factors in mind, it becomes easier to understand what goes by the
name of 'theory'.
Theory as genre Works that are regarded as theory have effects beyond their original field. Theory in
a sense is not a set of methods for literary study but it is an unbounded group of writings about all
things under the sun, from the most technical problems of academic philosophy to various ways
which people have talked and thought about the
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Development Of Media And Communications Study
In this essay I shall analyze the development of media and communications study and the themes
that have helped it to improve during the last century. A persistent concept in this field is equality
because theories like Marxism, Cultural Studies, Feminism, Structuralism and Post–structuralism,
Subcultural Theory and Postmodernism examined this notion and gave it a meaning in that period of
time. Against this background, a central question that motives this paper is: 'How is equality
developed by each ideology and how media manipulate it through the popular culture?' By
definition, equality means that all people have their own opportunity to express themselves because
we conceive the world differently. But we still create ourselves in ... Show more content on ...
Marxism is a political, economical and social system founded by Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) and
Frederick Engels (1820 – 1895) who tried to reorganize the world through their revolutionary
ideologies and theories. Thus its intention is to dismiss the evolution of the Bourgeoisie society,
because, in the 18th century, one of the essential concepts was the notion of class struggle. As John
Storey points out, 'each significant period in history is constructed around a particular mode of
production; that is, the way in which a society is organized' (2006: 47) . This quote suggests that
Marx, through the analyze of global production, asserts that people have to live and work in equal
conditions, without differences between the class of wage–earners and the ruling class. Even if it is
said that the Marxism is out–of–date, it still exists, nowadays, because of the media factors that
sustain its manifestations. For instance, mass media promotes obscenity and presents degeneration
as a normal subject.
What we usually have in mind when we talk about Cultural Studies is the fact that it is like an
amalgam composed by traditions, arts, values, thoughts, faith, which is transmitted from generations
to generations. Theorists as Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall and also the Centre for
Contemporany Cultural Studies brought a new vision on culture. "Lived culture is culture as
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Structuralism and Reality in Wrestling Essay
When discussing structuralism, I find that it takes a realistic viewpoint of how the world is
represented, as we essentially are awash in concepts and signs via the structures of communication
and language. In this week's readings I found more depth to the ideas behind structuralism that my
previous exposures, especially when looking to Roland Barthes' "The World of Wrestling" from his
collection Mythologies. "The World of Wrestling" provided ample insight into how the structuralist
idea of difference plays into deriving meaning (or meanings) from literature in innumerable ways,
especially in how the reception of specific mythemes and signifiers evoke structurally conditioned
responses from the public.
One of the most important concepts ... Show more content on ...
Livre, or book, cannot represent the actual physical existence of the book, rather it acts as a pointer
toward the idea of the "real" object or concept out in the world. So thus, each utterance in a language
points to a concrete concept, and how that concept is understood through language reflects on how a
speaker (or writer, artist, comedian, dancer, so on; all are forms of expression and/or language)
views and interprets the world based on their given "structural" understanding of the world. Each
"reader" assumes, due to prior exposure to the structure of their given communication (be it French,
English, American Sign Language), that when the signifier appears, the built–in, tag–along concept
will follow.
Extending this to literature each text is a "speech act" in its own right. Looking at an individual text,
as the New Critics would, would equate evaluating his pitch and equating it to meaning. In this case
an individual text is an utterance within the system, an example of parole (Bressler 99). However,
looking at the text for how it expresses meaning, how it works on its audiences preconceptions (or
lack thereof) exposes the underlying structures at play, not only in the world of literature, but in how
the world
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Saussure's System For Evaluating Linguistics Essay
In "Course in General Linguistics", Saussure does two things to develop his system for evaluating
linguistics: he chooses language as his linguistic object and he only incorporates factors into his
model that can be said to be true of all languages over all time. The net result is a very high level
and flexible classification structure, which is more intent on making a developmental framework for
evaluating linguistics than necessarily providing tremendous insight into it's more concrete aspects:
rudiments like structure, meaning, morphology, syntax, or phonology.
Others, including Levi– Strauss in "Structural Anthropology", have used
Saussure's methodology to develop their own models for study in different aspects of human society.
But ... Show more content on ...
But I feel he still needed to explicitly say it: 'that despite all the differences between languages, I
have identified these invariants to be true over all time, and I believe this is because of certain
specific commonalities between all humans, particularly the human desire to create and maintain an
effective and convenient system for communicating ideas with one another.' Levi–Strauss' additional
step provides a sense of completeness to the process; that is to say that the last step provides the
'why' and 'what' while Saussure's method provides the 'how'.
Incorporating the Levi–Strauss step gives us a new line of thought to ponder: engineering and
design. Going through the steps: "Structural Anthropology" first hypothesizes that myths exist to
provide people with anecdotes to help explain the unanswerable questions of their society such as
life versus death or love, etc. Then Levi–
Strauss applies Saussure's method, designating a mythological object, in this case the myth itself,
and then determining a set of invariants true to all myths. The most interesting of these invariants is
the use of categories to deconstruct the events of a story into specific event types, which are
common across all myths. And finally, Levi– Strauss uses his myth decomposition to draw
conclusions about the myth's moral and, by extension, the society that uses this myth.
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Theories Of Bumi Manusia
This chapter discusses the review of theories related to this study. It describes the explanation of
literature, novel and literary theories. Moreover, it explains briefly about Bumi Manusia (This Earth
of Mankind) novel and the theoritical framework.
2.1 Review on Literature 2.1.1 Definition Literature has been defined in many ways by the experts
from time to time. Klarer (2004: 1) stated that in most cases, literature is referred to as the entirety
of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as
literature in the more exact sense of the word. The definitions, therefore, usually include additional
adjectives such as "aesthetic" or "artistic" to distinguish literary works from texts of everyday use
such as telephone books, newspapers, legal documents, and scholarly writings While Eagleton
(1996, p. 5) defined literature as an 'imaginative' writing in the sense of fiction – writing which is
not literally true. But even the briefest reflection on what people commonly include under the
heading of literature suggests that this will not do. The criteria of what counted as literature, in other
words, were frankly ideological: writing which embodied thevalues and 'tastes' of a particular social
class qualified as literature, whereas a street ... Show more content on ...
According to Roberts and Jacobs, prose are classified into two, fiction prose and nonfiction prose.
Fiction, originally meant anything made up or shaped, is prose stories based on the author's creation
and imagination which includes myths, parables, novels, romances, and short stories. On the other
hand, nonfiction is literary works which describe or interpret facts, present judgments, and opinions.
It consists of news reports, essays, newspapers, encyclopedias, broadcast media, films, and many
other forms of communication (1995,
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Statement Of Purpose For Liberal Arts
Statement of Purpose
Protyusha Dey
M.A. applicant in Liberal Arts
"Our culture is more shaped by the arts and humanities than it often is by politics." – Jim Leach
The unique mechanics of patterns and paradigms which unites and divides us as part of the human
race is something that has always appealed to me. India is a country that lives in multiple eras at the
same time. It is my homelands unique diversity and ethos which encouraged me to incline towards
Liberal Arts. Given my education background in media and communication I see changing
dynamics of culture due to globalization. Which needs to be understood, preserve and critiqued as it
has the ripple effect world over. Understanding and sharing knowledge has always come naturally to
me given my desire to explore and research in Liberal Arts I see myself in academia in the future.
Humanities is very important for deliberating the human race as it encompasses fields such as
literature, arts, philosophy and religion these are subject that even STEM(science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics) need the perspective of to serve the human kind better. An M.A.
program at John Hopkins would be the perfect place to help me realize my full potential, thereby
holding me in good stead for a career in academia.
I was introduced to the intellectually stimulating processes of evaluating ideas, ... Show more
content on ...
My education in media studies has instilled in me the power of question and critiquing ideas and
ideologies. To debate and not adhere to a single pathway is necessary for a healthy culture thrive. I
would love to study this at a greater detail. I believe Liberal Arts is a field which help evolve not just
in terms of academia but personally too. In terms of a career, I see myself teaching, writing
criticism, and going into editing. A doctoral study is something I see myself pursuing after
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The Origins Of Structural Anthropology
Ari Lotter
Ms. Kasurak
26 September 2015
Claude Levi Strauss
Structural analysis, at its core, is an attempt to comprehend things beyond the system of human
understanding. It's meant to be an objective, purely scientific approach untarnished by human
cultural and social systems. Claude Lévi–Strauss saw this pure science being applied in linguistics,
among the social sciences, and applied its objective principles and methods to anthropology.
Structural linguistics is a method of analyzing languages, broken down into signs, both syntactically
and lexically. Signs, in a structural context, are associations between concepts and means of
expressing those concepts. Comparing opposed syntagma and signs in this exploded arrangement
permits understanding of linguistic associations (syntax, etc.). By examining the paradigmatic
relations between signs, and diachronic syntagmatic configurations (something Lévi–Strauss applied
heavily in his theories about structural mythology), a basic objective understanding of the langue in
question can be gleaned from examples of its verbiage.
Ferdinand de Saussure, the linguist who explained language as a structure of signs, developed his
ideal method of a purely analytical science of linguistics in part because he was aware of the
impossibility of understanding exactly how the human mind creates and understands language. By
approaching language from a structuralist point of view, he was attempting to
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Structuralism : Structuralism And Structuralism
As well as functionalism, structuralism has been influenced by the work of Durkheim, although the
basic thrust for its development comes from linguistics. The work of the linguist Swiss Ferdinand de
Saussure (1857–1913) was the first and more important source of ideas structuralist. Although
Saussure only wrote about the language, the ideas that developed were later incorporated into
numerous disciplines, both the social sciences and humanities.
Prior to the work of Saussure, the study of language basically consisted of a track changes in the
mode of using words. According to Saussure, this procedure ignores the central feature of the
In any case we can identify the basic features or structures of the language by looking only at the
words that people use when they talk about (de Saussure, 1974). The language consists of a set of
rules of grammar and meaning than"back" of the words, but that is not explicit in them. By put an
example simple: in English is added normally the ending "ed" to a verb when is want to indicate that
something has happened in the last. This is one of the thousands of grammar rules every speaker of a
language known and used to build what he says. For Saussure, analyze the structures of the language
means attend to the rules that underlie to the speaks. The majority of them them know of a way
implicit: not could explain easily in what consist. In fact, the work of Linguistics is make evident
what we know implicitly, but in
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Marxism and Structuralism
Marxism and Structuralism:
Marx  concerned with causes of conflict in society and believed that it was the result of struggle
between different socio–economic classes.
saying capitalism as a bondage from which people strive to be liberated.
Theory of history based on historical materialism, where the system of economic production
determined structures of society. All history was the history of class struggle between a ruling group,
from which [came] a new economic, political and social system.
Before capitalism, ownership of land formed the basis of political power – feudalism, followed by
Capitalism which also contained the seeds of its own destruction.
Capitalism built on principles of private ownership and the pursuit of ... Show more content on ...
The solution was to invest in what became know as" the Third World and the result was
imperialism. For Hobson, imperialism did not benefit the country as a whole but only a selected
group of industrialists and financiers.
Lenin's regarded Imperialism as the highest stage of Capitalism – was interested to explain "the
necessity for capitalist exploitation of lesser developed countries and the causes of war among
advanced capitalist states". Also accepted that underconcumption and overproduction caused
capitalists to look for markets in the less developed states and to engage in Imperialism. Lenin also
believed that imperialist policies reflected the existence of monopoly and finance capital.
"capitalism had developed such that oligopolies and monopolies controlled the key sectors of the
economy", pushing out the smaller and bleeding the domestic markets dry and so this led to the need
to look elsewhere for investment opportunities.
Marx believed that the growth of proletarian consciousness would result in revolution within
capitalist countries. But for Lenin, imperialism explained why Marx's revolution had failed to come
about. The tensions within capitalism still existed but Imperialism provided the capitalists with a
breathing space.
Dependency Theory: Prominence in the 1960s – coincided with decolonization process. Cold War
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Posttructuralism And Structuralism
Poststructuralism mainly criticizes the dependence of structuralism on tradition and opposes
traditional structuralism to focus research on objectivity and rationality. It attempts to restore
irrational tendencies, pursue from the logic, but produce non–logical results. There is seldom a
coherent theory in the field of poststructuralism, but each theory begins with a critique of
Structuralism. Take the documentary as an example, in the view of the poststructuralist theorists,
there is nothing else other than ideology, and any objective and true claim is doubtful in the
documentary expression. For many people, such a poststructuralist approach is disappointing. If the
documentary cannot get any form of objectivity or authenticity, even full of "fiction" like other
feature film, then, how does documentary confirm its identity and value? For the moment, the
response of the theorists to this issue is not sufficient, but I am in favor of Carl's point of view. Carl
(1996) argues that the theory of poststructuralism and postmodernism is untenable as a philosophy.
Also, as a basis for political analysis and political action, it is a failure. The research on
poststructuralism is political, because many poststructuralists believe that the world which people
living now is just a social construct, and there are many different ideology promoters who want to
be hegemonic. This is obviously not acceptable.
The documentary is a non–fictional art technique. It restore and record the past or
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Political Art Ideas By Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels
Songyi Yoo
Art 006 Final
Essay #1: Political Art Ideas There was a time in history where oppression was very present in
Geremy, specifically dealing with the Natzis and communism. It was a time of great struggles for
different social classes. Once history starts to form new movements, culture and art also become
affected. Due to this time communism in the 1900s made Marxism come about. It is a movement in
art associated with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that looks at the different levels of class and the
conflict in each one. Not only in Russia was there problems within the governmental structure, it is a
worldwide problem. The Mexican Murals are also a reflection of this idea. Therefore, Russian
Constructivism and the Mexican Mural movement employ Marxism as a theory. First, Russian
Constructivism was created by a group of Russians in the 1990s. In general their work is
geometrical and non–mimetic. Some of the important figures of this time would be Tatlin, Malerich,
Lissitzky, and Kandinsky. They wrote the, 'Programme of the First Working Group of Constructives'
which has three main points. One that Scientific communism is heavily influenced by the theory of
historical materialism. Two, real experimentation is important. Three, there are three disciplines
known as Tectonics, Faktura, and Construction. Finally Russian
Constructivists declare war on art which relates to the communistic ideas of Marxism. Additionally,
the Mexican Mural movement, also called
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Literary And Cultural Theory During The Modern And...
Theories investigating subjectivity have dominated the field of literary and cultural theory during
the modern and postmodern period. The way we understand subjectivity effects the way we
understand the world around us, whether the subject is viewed in the Cartesian manner as a fixed
entity, with a pre–existing nature that is not affected by the discourses that surround the it, or if we
view the subject as one produced in and through the forces of power available in the time period,
whether they be political, social or linguistic. The dominant model of understanding the subject up
till the 20th century has been the model provided by Descartes, one where the self is understood as
being independent and unsupported, where it is considered a private and autonomous experience
deriving meaning and substance on its own without the assistance or influence of external factors.
According to Descartes "true self–knowledge cannot rely on the contingent and fallible perceptual
ideas that are not essential to one 's true self." During the age of Enlightenment reason and empirical
knowledge were foregrounded, and were focused upon as the most important factors in
understanding the world, consequently the individual was also emphasized as the creator of
meaning. Human beings were understood as being born with great potential, and a stable, true self
that if given the right to its unrestrained expression, could flourish and achieve anything.
Heidegger was one of the first thinkers to
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What Is The Difference Between Realism And Realism
Realism Realism in international relations theory is one of the dominant schools of thought in
international relations. Realism or political realism prioritizes national interests and security
concerns in addition to moral ideology and social reconstruction. The term is often associated with
political power. The term is often associated with political power.
Realism believes that the state is the main actor of the most important in determining the direction
of a country. This means there is no term mentioned as an International Organization but merely the
State. Realism also believes the State is deciding on the future of the people. In connection with it,
the state is certainly confident that whatever actions are correct and appropriate ... Show more
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Constructivism Realism agree with the theory that says the world is in anarchy (chaos).
Constructivism also said that international relations can be established through conflict and
cooperation. So here assessed the importance of existing institutions namely through regulative and
constitutive. Each country needs to comply with the decree. If away, then there are various forms of
action to be taken such as military, economic supply restrictions and others. So countries need to
assess national interests whether to cooperate or not.
Constructivism also emphasizes the influence of culture in international relations. This is because
the relationship is true not only taking into account the political and ideological aspects alone, but
also the cultural aspects. For example if there are cultural similarities between actors will be more
likely to facilitate collaboration and no conflicts will occur. This can be seen through the
relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia that have similar culture, namely cultural and religious
expression of Islam. So any misunderstandings easily solved without involving big
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Augustine Of Hippo And Wolfgang Iser
Meaning is not created in one single time frame, it develops and evolves over time. Representation
refers to the "essential part of the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between
members in a culture" (Hall 15). Theorists such as Augustine of Hippo, Jaques Lacan, Northrop
Frye, Roland Barthes, and Wolfgang Iser all have diverging opinions on the topic of representation
due to the evidently contrasting themes that they presented in each of their works. From the time of
the third century up until the more recent twentieth century, each of the listed theorists came to
differrnt conclusions about the representation due to the culture by which they were surrounded, and
the meaning that they were attempting to present. Despite differing ... Show more content on ...
Inspiration for his analysis came from his "formative years by phenomenological and
psychoanalytic reformulations of psychiatric practice that began to criticize the constitutional model
of the causation of mental disorders dominant during that period" (Groden 573). Michael Groden
also states that inspiration for Lacan's works came from the hysteria and paranoia of society on the
issue of delirious subjects (573). While Lacan was heavily inspired by the psychoanalytic theories of
Sigmund Freud, Lacan also greatly contributed to the field of literary theory and criticism
specifically in his "speculations on language, the subject, sexual difference, ethics, and the
unconscious" (Groden 573). In his text, Lacan's focus is on "the connection between the structure of
language of the unconscious with the formula that defines the sign" (Baggett lecture). Ferdinand
Saussure, the originator of Structuralism, theorizes that the signifier is just the sound–image or a
"mental image" that comes to mind, while
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Puritan Ethic Essay

  • 1. Puritan Ethic Essay The Puritan Ethic, is it What God Wanted? The Puritans were a people that moved to North America in order to escape religious persecution in the mid 17th century. They had very strict rules that they were required to live by if they wanted to make it to Heaven. Because of this, many stories have been written about them, including 1952's Crucible by Arthur Miller. This story is about the witch trials that were held in Salem, Massachusetts. This story is particularly interesting because it is based on true events, and for this reason, there are many parts to analyze. As it turns out, there is a theory that relates almost directly with their actions, Structuralism. Applying the Structuralism Theory to the Crucible helps readers understand the reason why the Puritans are so ... Show more content on ... Because their system is built on a foundation of faith and trust, if this is left in the dust, they have nothing to hold the rest up. This is where the Structuralism theory gets even stronger. Humans need a higher power, they need something bigger than them to explain all the bad things that happen. Because their need is so powerful, they lose their common sense. The result of this is very easy to see and is the entire plot of the story. The officials refuse to believe the someone could be lying to them to cause trouble and to save themselves, which results in lots of death, pain, and suffering. In closing, the Structuralist Theory is extremely useful in determining the reasons for the actions of the church officials in the Crucible. After applying it, the causes of their actions become much more clear and the harshness can be excused to an extent. It gives the analyzer a line of sight into the mind of the leader and that if this was not dealt with, they knew that both their beliefs and those of the people who they lead, would all be ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. My Experience With The Hip Hop Culture PART ONE A When reflecting on my experiences and knowledge of popular culture, I arrived with a number of remarkable questions and concerns: Why do I care so much about the lives of celebrities? (Why do I 'Keep Up With the Kardashians'?) Do I want to be like the celebrities I glorify? Is my desired profession for working in the film industry driven by popular culture eminence? How influential or 'brainwashing' has popular culture been a factor in my lifestyle? Is it a good or bad influence? Does popular culture have an effect on my self–esteem? Has popular culture prematurely exposed me to social vices? (Sex? Drugs? Violence?) Why do I identify with the hip–hop culture? What is the message that I am given when listening to hip hop music? What does my taste in music say about me? Am I defined by society due to popular culture stereotypes? Is my judgment or perception on beauty along with different races, gender, and sexualities skewed by popular culture standards and stereotypes? What benefit or significance do I receive from consuming popular culture news? Does popular culture offer me any more than just material to fill my time with frivolous talk and gossip? How much time am I consuming because of popular culture? Why do I feel 'out the loop' if I'm not immersed in the latest trends? How am I empowered of my knowledge about popular culture news? Do I get sense of shared identity, meaning and purpose through popular culture? Does popular culture sell me as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Analysis Of Fun Home By Alison Bechdel Alison Bechdel, a literary and queer theorist herself who would go on to coin the Bechdel test, grew up in close proximity to theory. In a family of academics, with her teacher father and former actress mother, Bechdel was always surrounded by literature, so when it comes to self discovery of her sexuality, it's no surprise that she turns to the literary realm, from Rubyfruit Jungle to the Oxford English Dictionary, to understand herself. Bechdel's first graphic memoir, Fun Home, examines her upbringing in a funeral home with her cold mother and her closeted bisexual father, who commits suicide soon after Bechdel leaves for college. It engages in frequent literary and theory illusions, beginning from the mention of Icarian Games on the very first page. While Bechdel's work seems like it could be easily situated in structuralist theory, the work easily lends itself to a multiplicity of meanings, an inherent feature of deconstruction work that allows readers to veer into feminist theory, queer theory, or even Marxist theory. Just as Bechdel rewrites and reframes the events of her formative years multiple times throughout the novel, the novel particularly lends itself to structuralist, deconstruction, queer, and feminist theory, which all lead to particularly illuminating readings that compliment each other. Fun Home perhaps most glaringly fits into the literary theory of structuralism, and its application becomes easy as soon Bechdel introduces the readers to her father's constant rebuilding of their home on page 5. One of structuralism's main tenants is understanding the world as discursively constructed, meaning that there is no inherent essence or nature that informs one's production, whether that be behavior or presentation or style, and that one then understands the world through binary opposition and discourse (Parker 77–81). Bechdel's father produces a perfected period piece facade for the Bechdel home, which simultaneously indulged his obsessive love for home decor, an interest usually only allowed for homosexual men, while providing the facade of an idealized happy homeplace. Analyzing the home's surface structure would prove unfruitful for conveying any of the internalized conflict of the family, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Placebo Effect Chapter 1 In chapter one we learned about many concepts, but one of them is structuralism. Structuralism is an analyze consciousness into its basic elements and examine how they are related. It's also figuring out what we are aware of in our environment, which everyone uses everyday. This concept is related to my life because it is a everyday use. Once I walk outside or I am going to a new place I am not familiar with I am using structuralism. Now and days everyone should learn about this. That's because we should all be aware of what is around us in all time. This shapes you to the person you are later in life and helps you learn what to do in certain events. The concept of the Placebo Effect in chapter 2 really explain why people act the way they ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Post Structuralism And Post Modernism Hassrad and Cox (2013) sought to create a model that modernizes and adapts the Burrell and Morgan's model to unpack the meta–theoretical assumptions of the paradigm not accounted for – post–structuralism, and more broadly, post modernism. This section will briefly discuss each of Burrell and Morgan's original criteria in relation to the literature on third–order analysis to justify the use of this modification. Hassard and Cox see three main approaches to organizational theorizing, structural, anti–structural and post–structural. Hassard and Cox (2013) also make notable adaptations to the understanding of paradigms by rethinking them as less insulated and static and allow for significant ambiguity and contradiction. Finally, Hassard and Cox also modernize the existing paradigmatic structure by updating terminology for several concepts, namely, replacing nomothetic with deductive, idiographic with interpretive and anti–positivist with constructionist, in order to offer more accessible or contemporary terms. These dimensions remain intact in terms of their definition in the original Burrell and Morgan model. Structural and post–structural approaches to organizational theorizing can be understood as the subjective–objective dimension as discussed perviously. Hassard and Cox (2013) argue that for the "nature of social science,", post–structural can be classified, paradigmatically, as: ontologically relativist, epistemologically relationist, and methodologically reflexive; it ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. French Structuralism: The Concept Of Language And French... Poststructuralism was derived to confront a different theory, structuralism, which was a dominant theory in Central Europe and America during the twentieth century. Structuralism emphasizes that there is forces in social live, which are created out of human activity but stand outside of human agency or intervention (Pg 393). There were different versions of structuralism, one that derived from France, which put great emphasis on language. Structural functionalism accentuates human social organization at the level of institutions, whereas French structuralism emphasizes the role that language plays in the organization of systems. French institutionalism looks at how language provides organization for human communication and other characteristics of human life. French structuralism has direct ties with Ferdinand de Saussure who established the concept of semiotics. Semiotics is the study of signs, like those that humans use to express meaning. Saussure distinguished the difference between language and speech. He used this distinction do create and define the term sign. Saussure understood a sign is something that is designated to represent a specific object. So anything that carries meaning can be considered a ... Show more content on ... Poststructuralism was developed in critique of semiotic model that Saussure created. Poststructuralists are doubtful about the shared meanings of signs. They argue that the universal understanding of signs is actually fragmented. There are no signs, but there are "floating signifiers" which mean there is not connection between signified and signifier, so signs have collapsed and become disjointed. Poststructuralists do not believe in the organization of signs and see the sociocultural world as broken, with no clear patterns. Poststructuralists base the social world on the idea that the patterns that are found in social life are not permanent because they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Examples Of Structuralism In I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud I am putting to use a structuralist view upon the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" because it can be related to with simpleness, put down to the fact that it is positioned in the lyrical genre. Structuralism is a theory in which all elements of human culture are thought to be part of a system of signs. Robert Scholes demarcated structuralism as a reaction towards despair and modernism (Scholes, Robert. Structuralism in Literature: An Introduction, 1975). 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' is a poem that commemorates the utmost beauty of nature to such a degree that the poet believes it to be ... Show more content on ... As previously stated, structuralism is a theory in which all elements of human culture are thought to be part of a system of signs. Structuralists are concerned with issues such as form and genre. The reason why I chose to apply a structuralist perspective upon William Wordsworth's poem is due to the fact that that it can be easily interacted with because it is positioned in the lyrical genre. The rhyming scheme is in the form ABABCC. The rhyming couplet evident at the end of each stanza creates an unpretentious break caused by the addition of a new stanza. As a result, the final line of teach stanza contains an additional sense of emphasis. The final line of the poem mentions "the show" and conveys images of dancing daffodils, a long–lasting impression discussed by Wordsworth. The meter of this poem is an iambic tetrameter. The meter creates a rhythm with a musical, song like quality, to which the daffodils may dance. Wordsworth also employs consonance and alliteration to create the sense of rhythm. The form of a poem is of utmost importance to structuralist critics. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is twenty four lines long and it features four stanzas with six lines each. In each individual stanza there is a perceptible pattern – the first line rhymes with the third line and the second line rhymes with the fourth line. The stanzas finish with the inclusion of a rhyming couplet. By concentrating the first three stanzas on the lake experience and the final on the memory of that experience, Wordsworth amalgamates the content of the poem. It is interesting to note that despite the obvious fact that "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is built as a sonnet although it is a lyrical poem. Wordsworth employs figurative language such as comparisons, personification, epithets and metaphors so as to express his feelings to the reader. As a sub–genre, "I Wandered Lonely as ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein : The Modern Prometheus (... In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus (1818), many binary comparisons appear and reveal to the reader deeper meanings beyond the written word. One of the most important juxtapositions represents the binary scale of solitude versus companionship as evident in the protagonist Victor Frankenstein and the Creature whom he creates. Although these characters compare in a plethora of ways, a Structuralist focus on the latter's forced seclusion and search for camaraderie, compared to Frankenstein's self–isolation and rejection of love, will allow the reader to understand the underlining tragedy of the story. This juxtaposition is important when read from the viewpoint of a French Structuralist, as this theory makes binary comparisons which allow for deeper meanings to come light; therefore, the Creature's separation from community is only meaningful as a binary comparison to Frankenstein's self–segregation. Structuralism is deeply rooted in the base idea that each element has a reverse component. The opposites play off of each other in order to best convey an idea. For example, light and dark enhance each other by their contrast. Only when it is dark outside do people carry flashlights. The presence of darkness allows for a deeper appreciation of the light. However, in order for a comparison to have value, the reader and writer must agree on context. A theorist cannot say, "Flashlights and the night are opposites" without providing a realm of interpretation. ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Importance Of Language-Based Communication The categorisation of humans into various gender related groups is something spanning across time and cultures. Possible causes of such divisions include grammatical forms of communication, a prospect investigated by structuralism. A variety of approaches concerned with the classification of language in the mind (Jenkins, 1992), it demonstrates just how the power of spoken and written word creates detachments between men and women. Key thinkers including Claude Lévi–Strauss and Ferdinand de Saussure are credited with introducing and popularising the movement and evidence provided by Bourdieu, Louie & Low and Abu–Lughod shows the utilisation of verbal communication in contrasting areas. These ethnographies display structuralism via the linguistic communications they detail, with their contexts holding great importance as they inform meaning (Schirato & Yell, 2000). Interpretations of the organisation of a Kabyle house, the significance of 'wen–wu' in Eastern Asia and hushed conversations between Bedouin women all relate to the divisive nature of language in societies. The intention of this report is to determine the degree to which language–based communication establishes the gender–based groups individuals belong to, using structuralism to explain my reasoning. A popular topic in anthropological circles since Giambattista Vico published 'The New Science' in 1725, in which structuralism is described as a key mental component of the "instinctively poetic" human race (Hawkes, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Little Bee By Jacques Lacan And Chris Cleave's Little Bee Language can be seen throughout all cultures and intertwined in every part of people's daily lives. It can be argued as the building blocks of society, as there are virtually no means of communication without some form of language. For the nigerian refugee Little Bee, language has to do with life or death, trying to survive in her new world when she has been detained in England. She struggles with learning the "Queen's English", all the while trying to stay safe without the protection of her friends from home and the language that she is accustomed to. Two men: post–structuralist psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan and nineteenth century linguist and semiologist, Ferdinand de Saussure, both have famous theories about language that can be related to the book Little Bee, by Chris Cleave. The ability for Little Bee to learn a new variation of her own language can be outlined in the works of both Jacques Lacan and Ferdinand de Saussure. Both men devoted their lives to the study of language and how it related people to the world around them. Jacques Lacan's theory, described by author Fredric Jameson as "The Prison House of Language", means that once we have learned a language, we can not see outside of it; there is no other way to communicate or represent the world. Saussure goes more in depth into language and has more points about the role that language plays. His main model, "structuralism," can be defined as the methodology that parts of culture are understood by their ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Structure, Sign And Play On The Discourse Of Human Sciences Derrida: Structure, sign and play in the discourse of human sciences. While understanding Derrida, many scholars consider early life of Derrida as a marginalized European and being a Jew has special significance1. He later theorized that marginalization in terms of 'absence ', a loaded term in Derrida 's works which we will visit later in this chapter. It was a high–time for existentialism, phenomenology and structuralism represented many renowned thinkers like Husserl, Sartre, Strauss, and others. While the concern of structural linguistics was to formulate scientific understanding of language as structured expression/entity, others were skeptic about fundamental presuppositions of neutral binaries, the virtuality of the 'center ' and who rejected subjective humanism of existentialists. 'Deconstruction ' is literary technique derived by Derrida to show that there are many unquestioned metaphysical notions that we use in structured language, and arbitrary hierarchy is maintained between various binaries. Speaking in terms of linguistics, relation between signified and signifier is anything but neutral, as it privileges one constituent of binary over other. For example, privilege of speaking voice over written text, privilege of presence over absence, privilege of masculine over feminine and so on. Thus for Derrida logocentrism is invariably present in the history of western metaphysics which somewhere privileges author over his text. Derrida 's method is to look for ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Structuralism Unit 9 Project Kaplan University PS210 Professor Erica St. Germain Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Structuralism Structuralism was founded by E.B. Titchener but only lasted two decades because of newer movements in the psychology; however it was still know as the first school of thought. Structuralism is a mode of thinking and a method of analysis practiced in the 20–centruy social sciences and humanities; it focuses on recurring patterns of thought and behavior, it seeks to analyse social relationships in terms of highly abstract relational structures. In other words structuralism is a study based on ones unconsciousness and observation, the things a person does, the way a person acts in his/her society, which is acted out ... Show more content on ... Being discovered, Gestalt psychology has made significant contributions to the study of perception, learning and social psychology. This psychology has several principals, and a therapy. Gestalt psychology came about in the 19th century with its main focus being that of elementistic nature of the work of Wundt. It is a school of thought that looks at the human mind and behavior as a whole. Gestalt psychology was emerged as a response to Wilhelm Wundt's structuralism. It utilizes the brain's tendency to seek a whole in order to understand its parts. Many psychologists after Wundt and Titchener set out to prove their theories wrong. "Gestalt psychologists believe that there is more to perception than meets the eye. In other words, our perception goes beyond the sensory elements, the basic physical data provided to the sense organs" (Schultz, 2011). The brain definitely has a tendency both to perceive groupings as wholes and to fill in gaps in order to understand parts. Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis is a system that is the single most influential theory of psychotherapy in our time. As a therapy psychoanalysis is based on observation that individuals are often unaware of many factors that determine their emotions and behavior. It is the first dynamic theory of personality that talks about displacing, repressing, denying, venting, and regressing; about the unconscious; and about the significance of dreams. "Psychoanalysis overlaps psychology's other ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Structuralism And Semiotics In The Book Of Huckleberry Finn Structuralism and Semiotics When you become a certain age level reading just comes naturally. Almost as if it becomes second nature to us which it should be. Our parents, then our teachers have been grinding and turning the wheels in our little, vulnerable, expanding minds ever since the beginning. So reading isn't the hardest thing for most of us. Its the comprehending, and the understanding the work of literature is where the struggle begins. Even a few adults do not fully comprehend a vast majority of literature today, and being able to analyze and tear apart. Such as knowing where the rhetoric is in the paper. Are ethos, logos, and pathos being executed in the proper manner? Which literary elements are being used? For instance is there metaphor, personification, ... Show more content on ... (Structuralism). The meaning of semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. (Structuralism). Therefore structuralism focuses more on the pattern and the framework while semiotics focuses on the symbolization in the book The Adventures Arzola 2 of Huckleberry Finn. One of the struggles with this criticism is that the framework is based on a few philosophers ideas on how the structure should fulfill the base line or genre of all literary work. Structuralist prefer the focal point to be on the formal features that allow the meaning to come about, not so much the meaning or content itself as much. The way Ferdinand De Saussure likes the framework to be is that there is no necessary connection between words and the thing.(Structuralism and Semiotics). For example in the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn we use the name Jim for the black run away slave but he is also referred to as nigger many times within the book, so it does not really matter what word is used because they both ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The 's Impact On Society Deconstructionism has impacted society today due to the effects of reading and the difficulty of defining the word from the sole creator, Jacques Derrida, and how other philosophers have influenced it. Although there is a definition for the school of thought Deconstructionism, it has been confused with different definitions due to the influences of other philosophers on the definition given by Derrida. One philosopher that influenced Deconstructionism was Friedrich Nietzsche, whom we usually associate to Nihilism. The other philosopher that influenced this school of thought was Ferdinand de Saussure, who was one of the two founders of semiology. "It must be noted that Derrida 's style of writing contributed not only to his great popularity but also to the great animosity some felt towards him. His style is frequently more literary than philosophical and therefore more evocative than argumentative" (Lawlor). According to Derrida, in essence, the definition of Deconstructionism is the way of reading and understanding the difference between "text" and "meaning". The school of thought itself is notoriously difficult to define, and attempts to explain it in a straight–forward way, understandable way have been academically criticized for being too removed from the original texts, and even contradictory to the concepts of Deconstructionism. In an article for Postmodernism, it states, "Because at its functional level all language is a system of differences, says Derrida, all ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Structuralism And Post-Structuralism In Language Structuralism originated in the works of Ferdinand de Saussure, a Swiss linguist in the 20th century. An attempt to study a specific whole as a complex system of interrelated parts, it soon came to be applied to many other fields. Structuralism is closely related to Semiotics and Saussure focused on the underlying system of language, 'langue' instead of the use of language. Yet, the discovery of 'langue' is possible only with an examination of parole, speech. Apart from favouring the synchronic development of language over the diachronic version, he also asserts that linguistic signs consist of a signifier and a signified. Hence, this approach is different from those that focus on the relationships between words and the objects they implicate. ... Show more content on ... However, Post–Structuralist writing is emotive. Such texts will tend to be euphoric, urgent and flashy. The general notion of Structuralism is that the world is constructed by language. It is only through linguistics, that reality is envisioned. In contrast, Post–Structuralism argues that realities are created by languages. All aspects of human experience become textual and everything one thinks of, be it about self or the world, depends on language. Both Structuralism and Post–Structuralism arise from Saussure's linguistic theory and so, emphasize on language. In this way, there are identical. Moreover, both accept language as a system of signs that exists separately from any physical or mental reality. Similarly, Structuralism and Post– Structuralism will also together acknowledge that a subject is possible only through language. Hence, language overrides humans as the source of action and meaning and so, Structuralism and Post–Structuralism are non–humanistic [5]. Structuralism is deterministic as all power to structure one's perceptions lie with the system. Hence, Structuralism is, in particular, anti–humanist ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Work of Representation The Work of Representation Stuart Hall Summarize by Jesse Tseng 1 Representation, meaning and language At first we have to know that: Representation is an essential part of the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between members of a culture. It does involve the use of language, of signs and images which stand for or represent things. And surly it is not a simple or straightforward process. How this article exploring the concept of representation connect meaning and language to culture? We will be drawing a distinction between three different account or theories:the reflective, the intentional and the constructionist approaches to representation. Most of this text will be exploring the constructionist approach with two ... Show more content on ... Words mean what the author intends they should mean. This is the intentional approach. The third approach recognizes this public, social character of language. Things don't mean: we construct meaning, using representational systems. Hence it is called the constructionist approach. 1.5 The language of traffic lights The simplest example of this point, which is critical for an understanding of how languages function as representational systems, is the famous traffic lights example. According to the constructionist approach, colors and the language of traffic lights' work as a signifying or representational system. In the language of traffic lights, it is the sequence and position of the colors, as well as the colors themselves, which enable them to carry meaning and thus function as signs. It is the code that fixes the meaning, not color itself. This also has wider implications for the theory of representation and meaning in language. It means that signs themselves cannot fix meaning. Instead, meaning depends on the relation between a sign and a concept which is fixed by a code. Meaning the constructionist would say, is relational. 2. Saussure's legacy In the important move, Saussure analysed the sign into two further elements. There was, he argued, the form, and there was the idea or concept in your head with which the form was associated. Saussure called the first element, the signifier, and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Critical Analysis Of Wordsworth's I Wandered Lonely As A... "Critical theory", in terms of literature, can be defined as a form of criticism through the close reading of a text and the application of knowledge acquired from the study of the humanities. The "multiple readings" mentioned in the question refers to the different schools of literary criticism – for example, structuralism, feminist theory, new historicism/cultural materialism, ecocriticism and postcolonial criticism. It is true to say that Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" can be read and interpreted in many different ways, especially when both the original and revised versions of the poem are taken into account. In my opinion, the most interesting criticism that can be applied to this poem is structuralism, which I will be analysing ... Show more content on ... I never saw daffodils so beautiful, they grew among the mossy stones about and about them, some rested their heads upon these stones as on a pillow for weariness and the rest tossed and reeled and danced and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind that blew upon them over the lake, they looked so gay ever glancing ever ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Analysis Of The Movie ' Shaun Of The Dead ' Post modernism can be seen as a turning against structuralism and the rigid thinking of genre. Shaun of the Dead(Focus) is a postmodern film as a combination of two genres: horror and comedy. Horror and comedy are both opposites but did very well together in this film. Shaun of the Dead is a post– modern as it had all of the elements of a horror film but is in fact a comedy. The film was directed and written by "Edgar Wright" (Wright) and co–written by "Simon Peggs" (Peggs). The film is a hybrid romantic, zombie and a comedy. These genres contradict each other therefore resulting the film to be seen as a comedy as these opposing genres are not normally combined with each other. Shaun of the Dead follows a version of a horror film with codes by consisting blood, gore, zombies and isolation. Instead of Vladimir Propp's character theory(Propp) the lead character of a cool and strong male lead, there is an average lead age thirty–something, who works at an electronic shop with his best friend who plays video games all day on their couch. The average lead also doesn't want to take some responsibility, so this makes him the anti–hero. This adds another element of humor in the film because of not having characteristics of typical hero. In the beginning of the film, Shaun is shown as the lead character. His appearance is zombie– like because of his behavior and lifestyle in a humorous way. The ironic of that is the he is the human fighting against the zombies later on, not ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Literary Theory Of Structuralism The literary theory of Structuralism attempts to explain the connections between concepts, images, and people. Particularly, the French Structuralists utilize the concept of binary comparisons in order to explain how everything relates to each other. This theory argues that people comprehend the world around them by the understanding the differences between objects or ideas and other objects or ideas, e.g. understanding the dark because it is not light. Children learn the concept of opposites so that they can describe things; they discover the difference between big and small before they understand the notions themselves. Therefore, by using the literary theory of French Structuralism, readers can establish the binary differences between the two sets of lovers in Much Ado about Nothing, explaining how the use of contrasting characters reveals the complexity of love, and comments on society's conventions in Shakespeare's day. A leading Structuralist Ferdinand de Saussure ascertains in "Course in General Linguistics" that "in language there are only differences" (70). These differences make up the world, and comparing them allows readers to have a deeper understanding of life. However, binaries must play off each other within a context in order to have meaning. Gregory Castle offers the goal of Structuralism: "Functional Structuralism is primarily concerned with language as it is manifested in social contexts" (186). The social context is the construct that illuminates ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Juxtaposition Of Innocence And Corruption In Daisy Miller... Structuralism is the idea that language exists in patterns, therefore all literary works begin to develop underlying elements common to all human experiences (Purdue). Structuralist criticism analyzes these patterns, elements, and themes that interconnect the works in order to better understand them (Rump). In the story arcs of both Henry James' Daisy Miller and Stephanie Meyer's Twilight, structuralist themes include the juxtaposition of innocence and corruption, and ignobility and refinement. The juxtaposition of innocence and corruption in humans is a major structuralist theme found in a wide variety of literary works. This trope is manifested through a young, naïve character, often depicted as a virginal girl dressed in white, and an older, more mature, brooding male who ... Show more content on ... Henry James' novel Daisy Miller is a prime example; Daisy is the perfect embodiment of innocence. the young Miller is said to take on three different kinds of innocence. The first is ignorance, in which Daisy is uneducated on the customs and mannerisms of Europe and speaks unabashedly about her personal life, what Winterbourne perceives to be the most unbecoming of her. The second is naïveté, in which Daisy is unable to discern others' motives, ultimately leading to her demise. The third is a blamelessness, where she has done nothing immoral out of malice but simply from her upbringing in the spirited nature of the American culture rather than the reserved and refined European culture. Daisy Miller's corruption originates from two men in her life; Her major love interest, Mr. Giovanelli, an Italian man with an unknown background, is the indirect cause of her corruption and the direct cause of her ultimate downfall. Miller and Giovanelli's intimate friendship, with no customary declaration of courtship, alarms many of her American expatriates. As the pair's friendship escalates into something more, gossip and judgement further ostracizes Daisy from the American community. ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Influences of the Rationalist, Structuralist and... What influence have the rationalist, structuralist and culturalist theoretical approaches had on the study of comparative politics? Comparative politics is the empirical comparative study of political systems. It involves the classification and comparison of institutions – 'a rule that has been institutionalised' (Lane and Ersson, 1999: 23) – in order to determine the nature of political regimes. The study of comparative politics has come to be guided by three major research schools: rational choice theory, culturalist analysis and structuralist approaches; each of which spearhead a distinctive notion over what about institutions affects the nature of the political process. Rationalists are methodological individualists who assert that ... Show more content on ... Cultural theorists therefore focus their studies on 'group level processes' (ibid) when conducting research. However, as highlighted by survey researchers Almond and Verba, by identifying cultural variables, it is almost inevitable that analysts will engage in generalised comparative study. Synthesis can be found between cultural analysis and less rigid forms of structural institutionalism. Political theorist Antonio Gramsci pointed out that coherence between these two schools of thought can be found when considering the fact that whilst, according to Marxist teachings, capitalist societies are based on underlying structural conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the manifestation of such conflict is dependent on the cultural circumstances of the country concerned. Similarly to culturalists, structuralists adopt a form of methodological holism. Structuralists task themselves with identifying the underlying dynamics that govern social systems as a whole, and upon doing so are able to embark on comparison between larger groups of countries governed by similar systems; they are unconcerned by 'the 'micro–details' of the political process' (Bara and Pennington, 1997: 26). It is therefore said that a structuralist approach appertains to 'the relationships – both static and dynamic – among individuals, collectivities, institutions, or organisations' (Lichbach, 1997: 247). Rationalist theorists stipulate that individuals act to ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Essay on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Structuralism Frankenstein and Structuralism Professor John Lye of Brock University, California describes literary theory as: "a collection of related theoretical concepts and practices which are marked by a number of premises, although not all of the theoretical approaches share or agree on all of them." The first segment of this essay aims to define the main views of structuralism, one of these theoretical approaches. Structuralism, in particular the work of Ferdinand de Saussure, created controversy as it directly challenged some of the values of the everyday reader in the way it attempts to disregard the actual content of writings, and instead concentrates on form and diagrammatics. As the name suggests structuralism is ... Show more content on ... Saussure claimed that words only function when operating in a system of differences, not because they are tied literally to the real world. Words are a self sufficient system; they have a meaning because of their place in the system not because of the speaker's intentions. In that sense, one could say that the content of the narrative is its structure. Saussure's ideas on 'langue' and 'parole' support this. Langue or language is a total system of rules whilst parole or speech is the concrete application of this system. Saussure furthermore identified two parts to a basic linguistic unit: the concept and the sound image. The sound image or 'signified' is the image that imprints on your mind at the sound or thought of the word. The 'signifier' is the word that produces this image, whether it is spoken, written or a pictorial equivalent. The 'sign' is the combination and relationship between the 'signifier' and the 'signified'. To explain, whatever the language in which the word 'cat' is spoken (signifier), to a member of that nationality the word will instantly conjure up the idea of a cat (signified). However Saussure stressed that the relationship between the two is strictly arbitrary, they are bound purely by convention Peter Brooker, co–author of 'A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory' explains this through traffic ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Halloween Structuralism Choosing just one style to explain any these videos would be difficult. Each showcases a well crafted blend of multiple criticism styles. This would make sense, as most people do not examine media with a one track mind, but instead from multiple points of view based o their own tastes. Siskel and Ebert's mini review of the film Halloween featured elements of the Structuralism, Feminism, Archetypal, and Reader–Response forms of critique. Starting off with the easy one, Reader–Response, or Viewer–Response in this case, is apparent throughout the video (DavidVonPeinChannel2) (Mays 1320). Siskel and Ebert describe how the tension and setting shape the atmosphere of the film, and in textbook Reader–Response fashion, they complement John Carpenter's film for its use of camera angle and music, and the affect that plays on the viewer (DavidVonPeinChannel2)(. An unexpected, but still true addition, was that of Feminist perspective. Siskel and Ebert point out how Jaime Lee Curtis' character appears strong and ... Show more content on ... Structuralism stands dominant in this video as the narrator is quick to point how the film's story, editing, and characters are all very similar to past Disney and Pixar films (Screenjunkies, Honest Trailers –Frozen) (Mays 1308–09). The narrator also goes on to highlight how gender plays a larger role in the story (Screenjunkies, Honest Trailers –Frozen). First, by mentioning how the female leads are very empowered in a Feministic way (Screenjunkies, Honest Trailers –Frozen) (Mays 1323–24). Second, they move on highlighting the role males play in the story, and the near sexist representation of it. The narrator describes the males being in the stereotypical villain role to the female leads (Screenjunkies, Honest Trailers –Frozen). That would be a key illustration of using Gender Study to assess the role that characters fill in the film (Mays ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Communication Model Of Communication 1. What is the transmission model of communication? Where does it come from? What does it do well in helping us understand the process of communication in everyday life? What are its limitations? The transmission model of communication as defined by James Carey is a process whereby messages are transmitted or sent and distributed over distance and into space for the purpose of control. The transmission model includes a sender on one end and a receiver on the other. In the middle is the median that the message is being sent through. This comes from the nineteenth century from religious origins. For example, to try to understand this model, we can think about missionaries. The missionaries were sent from the Roman Catholic Church to other countries to spread the teaching of Jesus in order to gain control of the people. The transmission does well in helping us understand the efficiency, convenience, and influence/ control of communication in everyday life. The limitations if the transmission model is that the transmission model doesn't let us understand the importance of context – that information takes on its meaning in particular times, in particular situations, with particular people. Another one of its limitations is that the medium is neutralized and the transmission model doesn't differentiate between different medium such as, newspapers, social media, and amber alert on a highway reader board. Lastly, the information is homogenized. For example, all the information ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Example Of Intertextuality What is intertextuality? How does intertextuality challenge E.D. Hirsch's idea that a text has a single meaning created by its author? Explain with reference to examples drawn from any media format. According to American literary critic, E.D. Hirsch, in order to interpret a body of text, one must ask one's self the only question that can be answered objectively – "what, in all probability, did the author mean to convey?" He believed that the author's intended meaning equates the meaning of a text and it is in fact, the reader's duty to uncover the the author's intentions. "The meaning of a text and its author's intentions are one and the same." Hirsch's concept revolves around the assumption that a body of text is original, and is ... Show more content on ... someone watching a satirical television show such as The Simpsons). The best example of this sort of intertextuality would be the process of a reader (or surfer) browsing the world wide web. Here, an author cannot control the way in which a reader approaches his or her body of text. There is seldom a linear fashion in which a reader consumes information while surfing the internet. It is common for him or her to absorb only small chunks of texts on one page of a website before being led to an entirely different webpage via links. Through surfing and following links of their choice, readers effectively thus begin to construct their own text of sorts as they make their way through various sites on the internet. Unlike newspapers or most other forms of printed media, intertextuality on the internet is often one of a blatant and conscious nature. Here, almost more so than anywhere else, it is clear that content is not entirely original, nor is it based on an author's sole ideas and concepts. It is common for a great many websites to host a multitude of links, and consist of short articles that link to other sources of information that the work was based on, or that provide further elaboration. Even on ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Literary Theory By Jonathan Culler Theory And Literary... Aim– The aim of this paper is to check which of the terms–– 'Theory' or 'Theories'––can be used in literary studies. Objective– An attempt has been made in this paper to check which of the above mentioned terms is more applicable in literary studies using Jonathan Culler's Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (1997). Argument– In this paper I argue that the term 'Theory' is applicable more in literary studies. Introduction– The word 'theory' has been derived from, Greek word, 'theoria', which means "looking, viewing or beholding". The word has been used in English since the late 16th century. Modern use of the word "theory" are derived from the original definition, but have taken ... Show more content on ... . .' (Culler 2) What does theory mean here? First, theory signals 'speculation'. Secondly, 'My theory is that . . .' also claims to offer an explanation that is not obvious. But generally, according to Culler, to count as a theory, not only must an explanation not be obvious; it should involve a certain complexity. A theory must be more than a hypothesis: it can't be obvious. Theory involves some complex relations of systematic kind among a number of factors; and it cannot be easily confirmed or disproved. If one bears all these factors in mind, it becomes easier to understand what goes by the name of 'theory'. Theory as genre Works that are regarded as theory have effects beyond their original field. Theory in a sense is not a set of methods for literary study but it is an unbounded group of writings about all things under the sun, from the most technical problems of academic philosophy to various ways which people have talked and thought about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Development Of Media And Communications Study In this essay I shall analyze the development of media and communications study and the themes that have helped it to improve during the last century. A persistent concept in this field is equality because theories like Marxism, Cultural Studies, Feminism, Structuralism and Post–structuralism, Subcultural Theory and Postmodernism examined this notion and gave it a meaning in that period of time. Against this background, a central question that motives this paper is: 'How is equality developed by each ideology and how media manipulate it through the popular culture?' By definition, equality means that all people have their own opportunity to express themselves because we conceive the world differently. But we still create ourselves in ... Show more content on ... Marxism is a political, economical and social system founded by Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) and Frederick Engels (1820 – 1895) who tried to reorganize the world through their revolutionary ideologies and theories. Thus its intention is to dismiss the evolution of the Bourgeoisie society, because, in the 18th century, one of the essential concepts was the notion of class struggle. As John Storey points out, 'each significant period in history is constructed around a particular mode of production; that is, the way in which a society is organized' (2006: 47) . This quote suggests that Marx, through the analyze of global production, asserts that people have to live and work in equal conditions, without differences between the class of wage–earners and the ruling class. Even if it is said that the Marxism is out–of–date, it still exists, nowadays, because of the media factors that sustain its manifestations. For instance, mass media promotes obscenity and presents degeneration as a normal subject. What we usually have in mind when we talk about Cultural Studies is the fact that it is like an amalgam composed by traditions, arts, values, thoughts, faith, which is transmitted from generations to generations. Theorists as Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall and also the Centre for Contemporany Cultural Studies brought a new vision on culture. "Lived culture is culture as ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Structuralism and Reality in Wrestling Essay When discussing structuralism, I find that it takes a realistic viewpoint of how the world is represented, as we essentially are awash in concepts and signs via the structures of communication and language. In this week's readings I found more depth to the ideas behind structuralism that my previous exposures, especially when looking to Roland Barthes' "The World of Wrestling" from his collection Mythologies. "The World of Wrestling" provided ample insight into how the structuralist idea of difference plays into deriving meaning (or meanings) from literature in innumerable ways, especially in how the reception of specific mythemes and signifiers evoke structurally conditioned responses from the public. One of the most important concepts ... Show more content on ... Livre, or book, cannot represent the actual physical existence of the book, rather it acts as a pointer toward the idea of the "real" object or concept out in the world. So thus, each utterance in a language points to a concrete concept, and how that concept is understood through language reflects on how a speaker (or writer, artist, comedian, dancer, so on; all are forms of expression and/or language) views and interprets the world based on their given "structural" understanding of the world. Each "reader" assumes, due to prior exposure to the structure of their given communication (be it French, English, American Sign Language), that when the signifier appears, the built–in, tag–along concept will follow. Extending this to literature each text is a "speech act" in its own right. Looking at an individual text, as the New Critics would, would equate evaluating his pitch and equating it to meaning. In this case an individual text is an utterance within the system, an example of parole (Bressler 99). However, looking at the text for how it expresses meaning, how it works on its audiences preconceptions (or lack thereof) exposes the underlying structures at play, not only in the world of literature, but in how the world ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Saussure's System For Evaluating Linguistics Essay In "Course in General Linguistics", Saussure does two things to develop his system for evaluating linguistics: he chooses language as his linguistic object and he only incorporates factors into his model that can be said to be true of all languages over all time. The net result is a very high level and flexible classification structure, which is more intent on making a developmental framework for evaluating linguistics than necessarily providing tremendous insight into it's more concrete aspects: rudiments like structure, meaning, morphology, syntax, or phonology. Others, including Levi– Strauss in "Structural Anthropology", have used Saussure's methodology to develop their own models for study in different aspects of human society. But ... Show more content on ... But I feel he still needed to explicitly say it: 'that despite all the differences between languages, I have identified these invariants to be true over all time, and I believe this is because of certain specific commonalities between all humans, particularly the human desire to create and maintain an effective and convenient system for communicating ideas with one another.' Levi–Strauss' additional step provides a sense of completeness to the process; that is to say that the last step provides the 'why' and 'what' while Saussure's method provides the 'how'. Incorporating the Levi–Strauss step gives us a new line of thought to ponder: engineering and design. Going through the steps: "Structural Anthropology" first hypothesizes that myths exist to provide people with anecdotes to help explain the unanswerable questions of their society such as life versus death or love, etc. Then Levi– Strauss applies Saussure's method, designating a mythological object, in this case the myth itself, and then determining a set of invariants true to all myths. The most interesting of these invariants is the use of categories to deconstruct the events of a story into specific event types, which are common across all myths. And finally, Levi– Strauss uses his myth decomposition to draw conclusions about the myth's moral and, by extension, the society that uses this myth. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Theories Of Bumi Manusia This chapter discusses the review of theories related to this study. It describes the explanation of literature, novel and literary theories. Moreover, it explains briefly about Bumi Manusia (This Earth of Mankind) novel and the theoritical framework. 2.1 Review on Literature 2.1.1 Definition Literature has been defined in many ways by the experts from time to time. Klarer (2004: 1) stated that in most cases, literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word. The definitions, therefore, usually include additional adjectives such as "aesthetic" or "artistic" to distinguish literary works from texts of everyday use such as telephone books, newspapers, legal documents, and scholarly writings While Eagleton (1996, p. 5) defined literature as an 'imaginative' writing in the sense of fiction – writing which is not literally true. But even the briefest reflection on what people commonly include under the heading of literature suggests that this will not do. The criteria of what counted as literature, in other words, were frankly ideological: writing which embodied thevalues and 'tastes' of a particular social class qualified as literature, whereas a street ... Show more content on ... According to Roberts and Jacobs, prose are classified into two, fiction prose and nonfiction prose. Fiction, originally meant anything made up or shaped, is prose stories based on the author's creation and imagination which includes myths, parables, novels, romances, and short stories. On the other hand, nonfiction is literary works which describe or interpret facts, present judgments, and opinions. It consists of news reports, essays, newspapers, encyclopedias, broadcast media, films, and many other forms of communication (1995, ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Statement Of Purpose For Liberal Arts Statement of Purpose Protyusha Dey M.A. applicant in Liberal Arts "Our culture is more shaped by the arts and humanities than it often is by politics." – Jim Leach The unique mechanics of patterns and paradigms which unites and divides us as part of the human race is something that has always appealed to me. India is a country that lives in multiple eras at the same time. It is my homelands unique diversity and ethos which encouraged me to incline towards Liberal Arts. Given my education background in media and communication I see changing dynamics of culture due to globalization. Which needs to be understood, preserve and critiqued as it has the ripple effect world over. Understanding and sharing knowledge has always come naturally to me given my desire to explore and research in Liberal Arts I see myself in academia in the future. Humanities is very important for deliberating the human race as it encompasses fields such as literature, arts, philosophy and religion these are subject that even STEM(science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) need the perspective of to serve the human kind better. An M.A. program at John Hopkins would be the perfect place to help me realize my full potential, thereby holding me in good stead for a career in academia. I was introduced to the intellectually stimulating processes of evaluating ideas, ... Show more content on ... My education in media studies has instilled in me the power of question and critiquing ideas and ideologies. To debate and not adhere to a single pathway is necessary for a healthy culture thrive. I would love to study this at a greater detail. I believe Liberal Arts is a field which help evolve not just in terms of academia but personally too. In terms of a career, I see myself teaching, writing criticism, and going into editing. A doctoral study is something I see myself pursuing after ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Origins Of Structural Anthropology Ari Lotter Ms. Kasurak HSB4U1 26 September 2015 Claude Levi Strauss THE ORIGINS OF STRUCTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Structural analysis, at its core, is an attempt to comprehend things beyond the system of human understanding. It's meant to be an objective, purely scientific approach untarnished by human cultural and social systems. Claude Lévi–Strauss saw this pure science being applied in linguistics, among the social sciences, and applied its objective principles and methods to anthropology. Structural linguistics is a method of analyzing languages, broken down into signs, both syntactically and lexically. Signs, in a structural context, are associations between concepts and means of expressing those concepts. Comparing opposed syntagma and signs in this exploded arrangement permits understanding of linguistic associations (syntax, etc.). By examining the paradigmatic relations between signs, and diachronic syntagmatic configurations (something Lévi–Strauss applied heavily in his theories about structural mythology), a basic objective understanding of the langue in question can be gleaned from examples of its verbiage. Ferdinand de Saussure, the linguist who explained language as a structure of signs, developed his ideal method of a purely analytical science of linguistics in part because he was aware of the impossibility of understanding exactly how the human mind creates and understands language. By approaching language from a structuralist point of view, he was attempting to ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Structuralism : Structuralism And Structuralism 2.2. STRUCTURALISM As well as functionalism, structuralism has been influenced by the work of Durkheim, although the basic thrust for its development comes from linguistics. The work of the linguist Swiss Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) was the first and more important source of ideas structuralist. Although Saussure only wrote about the language, the ideas that developed were later incorporated into numerous disciplines, both the social sciences and humanities. Prior to the work of Saussure, the study of language basically consisted of a track changes in the mode of using words. According to Saussure, this procedure ignores the central feature of the language. In any case we can identify the basic features or structures of the language by looking only at the words that people use when they talk about (de Saussure, 1974). The language consists of a set of rules of grammar and meaning than"back" of the words, but that is not explicit in them. By put an example simple: in English is added normally the ending "ed" to a verb when is want to indicate that something has happened in the last. This is one of the thousands of grammar rules every speaker of a language known and used to build what he says. For Saussure, analyze the structures of the language means attend to the rules that underlie to the speaks. The majority of them them know of a way implicit: not could explain easily in what consist. In fact, the work of Linguistics is make evident what we know implicitly, but in ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Marxism and Structuralism Marxism and Structuralism: Marx  concerned with causes of conflict in society and believed that it was the result of struggle between different socio–economic classes. saying capitalism as a bondage from which people strive to be liberated. Theory of history based on historical materialism, where the system of economic production determined structures of society. All history was the history of class struggle between a ruling group, from which [came] a new economic, political and social system. Before capitalism, ownership of land formed the basis of political power – feudalism, followed by Capitalism which also contained the seeds of its own destruction. Capitalism built on principles of private ownership and the pursuit of ... Show more content on ... The solution was to invest in what became know as" the Third World and the result was imperialism. For Hobson, imperialism did not benefit the country as a whole but only a selected group of industrialists and financiers. Lenin's regarded Imperialism as the highest stage of Capitalism – was interested to explain "the necessity for capitalist exploitation of lesser developed countries and the causes of war among advanced capitalist states". Also accepted that underconcumption and overproduction caused capitalists to look for markets in the less developed states and to engage in Imperialism. Lenin also believed that imperialist policies reflected the existence of monopoly and finance capital. "capitalism had developed such that oligopolies and monopolies controlled the key sectors of the economy", pushing out the smaller and bleeding the domestic markets dry and so this led to the need to look elsewhere for investment opportunities. Marx believed that the growth of proletarian consciousness would result in revolution within capitalist countries. But for Lenin, imperialism explained why Marx's revolution had failed to come about. The tensions within capitalism still existed but Imperialism provided the capitalists with a breathing space. Dependency Theory: Prominence in the 1960s – coincided with decolonization process. Cold War ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Posttructuralism And Structuralism Poststructuralism mainly criticizes the dependence of structuralism on tradition and opposes traditional structuralism to focus research on objectivity and rationality. It attempts to restore irrational tendencies, pursue from the logic, but produce non–logical results. There is seldom a coherent theory in the field of poststructuralism, but each theory begins with a critique of Structuralism. Take the documentary as an example, in the view of the poststructuralist theorists, there is nothing else other than ideology, and any objective and true claim is doubtful in the documentary expression. For many people, such a poststructuralist approach is disappointing. If the documentary cannot get any form of objectivity or authenticity, even full of "fiction" like other feature film, then, how does documentary confirm its identity and value? For the moment, the response of the theorists to this issue is not sufficient, but I am in favor of Carl's point of view. Carl (1996) argues that the theory of poststructuralism and postmodernism is untenable as a philosophy. Also, as a basis for political analysis and political action, it is a failure. The research on poststructuralism is political, because many poststructuralists believe that the world which people living now is just a social construct, and there are many different ideology promoters who want to be hegemonic. This is obviously not acceptable. The documentary is a non–fictional art technique. It restore and record the past or ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Political Art Ideas By Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels Songyi Yoo 12/19/14 Art 006 Final Essay #1: Political Art Ideas There was a time in history where oppression was very present in Geremy, specifically dealing with the Natzis and communism. It was a time of great struggles for different social classes. Once history starts to form new movements, culture and art also become affected. Due to this time communism in the 1900s made Marxism come about. It is a movement in art associated with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that looks at the different levels of class and the conflict in each one. Not only in Russia was there problems within the governmental structure, it is a worldwide problem. The Mexican Murals are also a reflection of this idea. Therefore, Russian Constructivism and the Mexican Mural movement employ Marxism as a theory. First, Russian Constructivism was created by a group of Russians in the 1990s. In general their work is geometrical and non–mimetic. Some of the important figures of this time would be Tatlin, Malerich, Lissitzky, and Kandinsky. They wrote the, 'Programme of the First Working Group of Constructives' which has three main points. One that Scientific communism is heavily influenced by the theory of historical materialism. Two, real experimentation is important. Three, there are three disciplines known as Tectonics, Faktura, and Construction. Finally Russian Constructivists declare war on art which relates to the communistic ideas of Marxism. Additionally, the Mexican Mural movement, also called ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Literary And Cultural Theory During The Modern And... Theories investigating subjectivity have dominated the field of literary and cultural theory during the modern and postmodern period. The way we understand subjectivity effects the way we understand the world around us, whether the subject is viewed in the Cartesian manner as a fixed entity, with a pre–existing nature that is not affected by the discourses that surround the it, or if we view the subject as one produced in and through the forces of power available in the time period, whether they be political, social or linguistic. The dominant model of understanding the subject up till the 20th century has been the model provided by Descartes, one where the self is understood as being independent and unsupported, where it is considered a private and autonomous experience deriving meaning and substance on its own without the assistance or influence of external factors. According to Descartes "true self–knowledge cannot rely on the contingent and fallible perceptual ideas that are not essential to one 's true self." During the age of Enlightenment reason and empirical knowledge were foregrounded, and were focused upon as the most important factors in understanding the world, consequently the individual was also emphasized as the creator of meaning. Human beings were understood as being born with great potential, and a stable, true self that if given the right to its unrestrained expression, could flourish and achieve anything. Heidegger was one of the first thinkers to ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. What Is The Difference Between Realism And Realism Realism Realism in international relations theory is one of the dominant schools of thought in international relations. Realism or political realism prioritizes national interests and security concerns in addition to moral ideology and social reconstruction. The term is often associated with political power. The term is often associated with political power. Realism believes that the state is the main actor of the most important in determining the direction of a country. This means there is no term mentioned as an International Organization but merely the State. Realism also believes the State is deciding on the future of the people. In connection with it, the state is certainly confident that whatever actions are correct and appropriate ... Show more content on ... Constructivism Realism agree with the theory that says the world is in anarchy (chaos). Constructivism also said that international relations can be established through conflict and cooperation. So here assessed the importance of existing institutions namely through regulative and constitutive. Each country needs to comply with the decree. If away, then there are various forms of action to be taken such as military, economic supply restrictions and others. So countries need to assess national interests whether to cooperate or not. Constructivism also emphasizes the influence of culture in international relations. This is because the relationship is true not only taking into account the political and ideological aspects alone, but also the cultural aspects. For example if there are cultural similarities between actors will be more likely to facilitate collaboration and no conflicts will occur. This can be seen through the relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia that have similar culture, namely cultural and religious expression of Islam. So any misunderstandings easily solved without involving big ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Augustine Of Hippo And Wolfgang Iser Meaning is not created in one single time frame, it develops and evolves over time. Representation refers to the "essential part of the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between members in a culture" (Hall 15). Theorists such as Augustine of Hippo, Jaques Lacan, Northrop Frye, Roland Barthes, and Wolfgang Iser all have diverging opinions on the topic of representation due to the evidently contrasting themes that they presented in each of their works. From the time of the third century up until the more recent twentieth century, each of the listed theorists came to differrnt conclusions about the representation due to the culture by which they were surrounded, and the meaning that they were attempting to present. Despite differing ... Show more content on ... Inspiration for his analysis came from his "formative years by phenomenological and psychoanalytic reformulations of psychiatric practice that began to criticize the constitutional model of the causation of mental disorders dominant during that period" (Groden 573). Michael Groden also states that inspiration for Lacan's works came from the hysteria and paranoia of society on the issue of delirious subjects (573). While Lacan was heavily inspired by the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud, Lacan also greatly contributed to the field of literary theory and criticism specifically in his "speculations on language, the subject, sexual difference, ethics, and the unconscious" (Groden 573). In his text, Lacan's focus is on "the connection between the structure of language of the unconscious with the formula that defines the sign" (Baggett lecture). Ferdinand Saussure, the originator of Structuralism, theorizes that the signifier is just the sound–image or a "mental image" that comes to mind, while ... Get more on ...