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PTSD: A Phychophysiological Perspective

          Carmen V. Russoniello, PhD., LPC, LRT, BCB, BCN
          Director, Psychophysiology Lab and Biofeedback Clinic
          East Carolina University


In the spirit of full disclosure I acknowledge that I currently serve on
the Scientific Advisory Committee of Biocom Technologies (unpaid)
and own a small percentage of the company stock .
Kilo Company 3rd Battalion 26th Marines
        Namo Bridge Fall, 1969
“It is not the strongest of the species that
  survive, nor the most intelligent, but the
       one most responsive to change.”
                -Charles Darwin
   The overall goal of the ECU Wounded Warrior
    Program is to increase performance and
    promote functional independence.
     The program involves methods to help
      Marines learn how to control physical and
      emotional reactions to stress (resiliency), as
      well as techniques to increase strength,
      endurance, cognitive performance, social and
      life skills.
     The program involves sessions both at Camp
      Lejeune and at the Biofeedback Clinic at East
      Carolina University.
When a person is exposed to extreme
stress such as sexual abuse, war, or even
the extended effects of a natural disaster,
clinically significant symptoms often
The existence, frequency,
intensity, and duration of these
symptoms are dependent upon
many factors, including, gender,
age, and ethnic background of
the person exposed to the
stressor as well as the person’s
social environment and ability to
employ coping strategies.
Specific emotional and behavioral
responses to stress have been
observed and studied by mental
health professionals in multiple
settings, under different
circumstances, over time. These
symptoms have become the clinical
indicators used for identifying the
stress related disorder known as
posttraumatic stress disorder
APA categorizes PTSD symptoms into
three main clusters:

1.A traumatic event that is
persistently re-experienced;
2.A persistent avoidance of stimuli
associated with the trauma and
3. A numbing of general
responsiveness and persistent
symptoms of increased arousal. The
symptoms must last at least one
month and adversely affect normal
“the development of characteristic and
persistent symptoms along with difficulty
functioning after exposure to a life-
threatening experience”. These persistent,
post trauma symptoms were the basis for
the development of the original PTSD
diagnosis in 1980 and with some
modification still serve as the diagnostic
criteria. While this classification system is a
useful is has some limitations such as the
exclusion of some less common cognitive,
emotional, behavioral and physiological-
somatic symptoms.
•   Inescapable Shock
•   Autonomic Nervous System
•   Sympathetic
•   Parasympathetic
•   Learned Helplessness
•   Defense Defeat Model

•   Possible bipolar effect with parasympathetic
    becoming dominant and then sympathetic rather
    than rhythmic
   Exposure of rhythmic environments to
    chemical or behavioral stressors can
    result in increases and decreases in the
    response (Antleman (1996, 1997)

   Possible innate biological function
    designed to reset the rhythm
   Sympathetic Dominance can
    muscle bracing, bruxism, occular
     divergence, tachycardia,
     diaphoresis, pallor, tremor, startle,
     hypervigilance, panic rage and
•   Symptoms of palpitations, nausea,
    dizziness, indigestion, abdominal cramps,
    diarrhea, and incontinence

•   Self perpetuating symptoms causing
    continued dysregulation “free falling”

      “The syndrome of trauma has now
    literally taken control of the body”
   The ANS plays an important role in the
    development and maintenance of a wide
    range of somatic and mental diseases

   In general autonomic imbalance and
    decreased parasympathetic tone may be the
    final common pathway linking negative
    affective states and ill health (Thayer &
    Brosschot, 2005)
   Symptoms of dissociation mimic the bipolar
    nature of the defining symptoms of PTSD
    (arousal, reexperiencing, avoidance).
   Altered perception of time, space,
    sense of self and reality.
   Emotional Expressions can range
    from panic to numbing and catatonia.
   Altered sensory perceptions may vary
    from anesthesia to analgesia to
    intolerable pain.
   Motor problems include weakness,
    paralysis, and ataxia as well as
    tremors, dysarthia, shaking, and
   Cognitive Symptoms include confusion,
    dysphasia, dyscalculia, and extreme
    attentional deficits.
   Perceptual symptoms include ignoral and
   Memory alterations may appear as
    hyperamnesia (Flashbacks), fugue states or
    selective traumatic amnesia.
 Endogenous opiate reward systems contribute
  to the establishment of conditioned procedural
  memory in trauma.
 Exposure to war trauma often results in a
  sustained period of analgesia (soldiers in
  wounded in battle require lower doses of
  morphine than in other non-combat related
 Stress can induced analgesia in many forms of
 Relates to facts and events
 Plays an important role in conscious
  recall of traumatic events)
 Involves the hippocampal and prefrontal
  cortical pathways (inaccurate and subject
  to decay)
   acquisition of new motor skills and habits
    to the development of emotional
    memories and associations, and to the
    storage of conditioned sensorimotor
    responses. Unconscious, implicit, and
    extremley resistant to decay when linked
    to emotional or threat based interventions.
    (Scaer, 2001)
   Surgical Revolution
     Anesthesia introduced in 1846
   Antibiotic Revolution
     Penicillin introduced in 1941
   Endogenous Factor Revolution
     Personal healing
       Attacking germs and more importantly “Bad Habits”
Walter Cannon (1896)
   Coined “flight or fight response” to stress
   developed concepts of mind/body model
   Emphasized the importance of the
    parasympathetic system

Selye (1975)
  General Adaptation Syndrome
     alarm reaction
The Defense/Defeat Model
 fight or flight
 immune system suppression
Folkow (1993)
“environmental demands tax or exceed
   the adaptive capacity of an organism,
   resulting in psychological or biological
   changes that may place persons at risk for

Cohen, Kessler & Gordon (1995).
Measuring Stress
   “Technically speaking, a stress reaction is a mental
    and physical response to an adverse situation that
    mobilizes the body’s emergency resources, the
    flight or fight mechanism, which floods the body
    with hormones that arose to meet the challenge.
    Unfortunately modern life continually triggers this
    response when we can neither fight or flee, which
    can lead to chronic heightening of blood pressure
    and muscle tension, irritability, anxiety, and
    depression-and a lowering of immune
        (Daniel Brown, 2003. Stress, Trauma and the Body, p. 89).
 Stress enhances susceptibility to
 Both psychosocial & biological
  stressors evoke the flight or fight
 Stress Disinhibition Theory
     People engage in a broad range of
      dysfunctional behaviors as a result of
   commonplace stressful
    events produce
    immunological alterations
   chronic stressors have been
    linked to the longer-term
    down-regulation of immune
   immunological changes have
    negative consequences for
    health                        Lonely Person with a Kind Heart
   Endocrine system
     facilitates communication between the mind and
     acts as an internal intelligence carrying information
      that regulates the organism
     receptors for catecholamines (adrenaline) in immune
     nerve fibers go "into virtually every organ of the
      immune system and form direct contacts with the
      immune system cells“ (Ader, 1993).
The Defense/Defeat Model
 fight or flight
 immune system suppression
Folkov (1993)
   The central nervous system that regulates the
    ANS balance is called the central autonomic
    network (CAN). The CAN work with networks to
    regulate the following functions:
   Executive
   Social,
   Affective
   Attentional
   Motivational
                                          When negative
                      Inhibitory or
                                            circuits are
    Autonomic,                             compromised
                      processes or
  cognitive, and                          positive circuits
 affective function                    develop and result
                       circuits that
 assist humans                         in hypervigalance.
    maintaining                        The symptoms can
                      behavior and
balance in the face                    be devastating and
 of environmental                       if not ameliorated
    challenges                           can develop into
   A common subcortico neural system
    regulates defensive behavior including
    autonomic, emotional and cognition
   When prefrontal cortex is taken “offline” for
    whatever reason parasympathetic inhibitory
    action is withdrawn and relative sympathetic
    dominance associated with defensive occurs
   This can be measured by assessing
    parasympathetic contribution to overall HRV
   Growing evidence supports the use of
    HRV as a predictor of hypervigilance and
    inefficient allocation of attentional and
    cognitive resources (Thayer & Brosschot,
   “Autonomic Imbalance and Decreased
    Parasympathetic Tone in particular may
    be the final common pathway linking
    negative affective states and
    dispositions, including the indirect
    effects via poor lifestyles, to numerous
    diseases and conditions as well as
    increased mortality, and it may also be
    implicated in psychopathological
 Low HRV is associated with the following
 cardiac symptoms of panic attack
 Poor attentional control
 Poor emotional regulation
 Behavior inflexibility

   Friedman and Thayer, 1998
 Depression (Thayer et al., 1998)
 Generalized anxiety disorders ( Thayer
  et al,
 PTSD (Cohen et al., 1999)
 Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
 Diabetes (Ziegler et al., 2001)
   Immune deficiency and inflammation
    contributing to:
       Aging
       CVD
       Osteoporosis
       Arthritis
       Alzheimer’s
       Periodontal disease
       Certain types of cancers as well as muscle decline
        increased frailty and disability
 The overall objective of Heart Rate variability
  training is to decrease ANS hyperarousal and
  improve its balance.
 Wounded Warriors learn to control ANS
  responses to stress producing stimuli such as
  thoughts, memories and images associated
  with combat.
 Decreasing arousal and maintaining ANS
  balance for increasing lengths of time is the
  goal of training.
   Once it was observed that alpha waves were
    dysfunctional in vulnerable populations protocols were
    developed to help people learn to train alpha and theta
    waves as a method of improving function.
    Peniston and Kulkosky showed increased alpha and
    theta brainwave production resulted in normalized
    personality measures; and prolonged prevention of
    relapse in alcoholics. The protocol has also showed
    efficacy as an intervention in drug addiction,
    depression and PTSD.
   The graded stress exposure training program used in
    this study is one month in duration and consist of a pre
    assessment, 16 biofeedback sessions (four per week) a
    post session evaluation and a 3 month follow up.
    Each week participants will be exposed to increasing
    stress producing stimuli: 1. Stroop Color Word Test,
    Math Stressor; Talk Stressor/Everyday Events 2. Talk
    Stressor/ Combat Experiences; 3. Images and Sounds of
    Combat; 4. Virtual Baghdad or Afghanistan (virtual
    reality exposure).
   Each biofeedback session consists of 5
    minutes of baseline followed by 5 minutes of
    the weekly stressor, followed by 20 minutes
    of HRV and neurofeedback training, followed
    by 5 minutes of the stressor; followed by 20
    minutes of HRV and neurofeedback and
    finally 5 minutes of recovery data.
   Preliminary clinical data collected so far indicate
    decreases in ANS hyperarousal and increases in
    parasympathetic activity. Reports on PHQ-SF 36
    indicated positive changes in physical symptoms,
    and decreases in depression panic attack and
   Heart rate variability training changes
   Neurofeedback
   The Posttraumatic Stress Checklist (PCL)
   Deployment and Resilience
   Patient Health Questionnaire short form (PHQ SF-36)
   Profile of Mood States
   Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) changes.
   Behavioral questionnaire assessing alcohol, drug,
    nicotine use, nutrition habits etc.
   Self satisfaction inventory
   Dysfunction in ANS and CNS flexibility and balance
    are associated with symptoms of PTSD in combat
   Methods that are designed to restore balance in
    these systems are needed to ameliorate these
   Biofeedback/Neurofeedback is a safe method to
    achieve these goals.
   To create an awareness and
    understanding of the components of
    effective health improvement programs.

   To explore the specific application of
    health applications in the treatment of
    PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
       Define the treatment components of
        health improvement programs and their
        prescriptive parameters

       Review specific health improvement
        protocols for PTSD, Anxiety and/or
   The greatest revolution of our time is the
    knowledge that human beings, by
    changing the inner attitudes of their
    minds, can transform the outer aspects of
    their lives.
                                -William James
 Exercise and Body Awareness
 Nutrition
 Stress Management
 Mental Focus
 Relaxation-meditation- and other antidotes to
  stress (recreation/physical activity)
The overall focus is on positive behavioral change
  and coping.
The first requirement necessary for change is that
  you want to change!

We are all in different STAGES with respect to
 multiple behaviors in our lives.
   Precontemplation
     Someone in this stage probably has no intention of making change or adopting
      healthier habits.
   Contemplation
     Someone in this stage realizes the importance of specific changes. They may be
      thinking of making some behavioral changes in the next six months.
   Preparation
     Someone in this stage is ready to make some behavioral changes. They may
      already engage in some health behaviors some of the time but it is just not
      something they do regularly.
   Action
     Someone in this stage has overcome all the obstacles and have integrated
      behavioral changes but haven’t been doing it very long . They are doing it! (e.g.,
      They are physically active on a regular basis– less than six months).
   Maintenance
     Someone in this stage is has integrated the behaviors on regular basis and has
      maintained these for more then six months.
 Example: Learn about all the benefits of being
 physically active.
 Start thinking about what being physically active could
 mean for you.
 Example: Remind yourself all the benefits you will get
 from being active. Picture yourself healthier and more
 energetic than ever before. Try to record your progress and
 improvements and make sure you have support from family
 and friends.
Stages of Change

  Set a start date.
  Tell everyone you know.
  Establish priorities.
  Make the change a high priority in your life.
  Leave no room for excuses.
 Example: Participate in activities that are not
 effected by the weather- join an exercise class or
 indoor sports league.
 Make physical activity a priority. Plan physical
 activity in your daily schedule.
 Make sure your family and friends know how
 important physical activity is to you.
Stages of Change

 Maintain your behaviors. Reinforce yourself.
 Examples: Try a new activity or sport.
 Vary your walking or cycling path.
 Change the music you walk to.
 Be active at different times during the day.
Each level of the activity pyramid is
important in helping you increase
your physical activity level and
overall health. Each day you should
try to participate in a variety of
physical activities. Remember not to
limit yourself to one type of activity.

Aerobic Exercise: Aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular fitness
and makes your heart and lungs stronger (3-5X/wk.).
 Recreational Activities: Recreational activities may also improve
cardiovascular efficiency or more simply said will make your heart
and lungs strong (2-3X/wk.).
 Leisure Activities: Leisure activities are low-level endurance
 Flexibility and Strength: Flexibility activities help to increase and
maintain muscle flexibility. Strength exercises can help improve
muscle strength (2-5X/wk.).
 Sedentary: The top level of the pyramid signifies sedentary life. This
is the smallest part of the pyramid and the activities here should take
up the smallest amount of your leisure time.
 Identify your personal activity levels based upon
  the activity pyramid.
 Estimate the types of activities you do on an
  average week.
   The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate the
    many inherent benefits of a recreational activity
     Think social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and
         Bingo:
         Swimming:
         Gardening:
         Arts & Crafts:
         Scuba Diving:
   Goals
     Assist the patient/client create an awareness of
      current nutritional patterns.
     Provide information to assist Marines/clients in
      identifying healthy and unhealthy nutritional choices.
     Assist Marines/clients in implementing strategies to
      change unhealthy nutritional patterns
Key Nutrients
                                                               Milk and Milk Products

                                                               Meat and Meat Alternatives

                                                               Folic Acid
                                                               Vitamin A
                                                               Vitamin C

                                                               Folic Acid
                                                               Vitamin A
                                                               Vitamin C

                                                               Breads and Cereals:
                                                               Complex Carbohydrates
                                                                Fiber

Servings From The Food Guide Pyramid

Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese: 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese, 2 ounces of process

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts: 2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish, 1/2 cup
of cooked dry beans, 1 egg, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter count as 1 ounce of lean meat

Vegetables: 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables, 1/2 cup of other vegetables, cooked or chopped raw, 3/4 cup of
vegetable juice

Fruit: 1 medium apple, banana, orange, 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit, 3/4 cup of fruit juice

Bread, Cereal, rice, and Pasta: 1 slice of bread, 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal, 1/2 cup of cooked cereal,
rice, or pasta
•Daily Servings and Guidelines
•Food Labels
•Calculating Calories
North Carolina State University A&T State University
  Cooperative Extension
North Carolina Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness
  and Health
Pace University

   Made possible through a grant from Child Nutrition
    Services, the State Board Of Education and the
    Department of Public Education.
   There is a need to identify automatic thoughts
    and patterns before intervention begins.
     One effective method is to have the client/patient
      record a daily record of automatic thoughts ( A
      positive and negative thought diary!).
   Can you name any?
1.    All-or-nothing thinking
2.    Overgeneralization
3.    Mental filtering
4.    Disqualifying the positive
5.    Jumping to conclusions
      Mind Reading
      Fortune telling
6.    Magnification and minification
7.    Emotional Reasoning
8.    Labeling
9.    Personalization
10.   “Should Statements”
   Challenge Automatic Thoughts
   Clarify the Problem and What Can Be Done
   Taking Small Steps
   The Three “Cs” (‘Four)
       Commitment
       Control
       Challenge
       and Closeness
   The Relaxation Response
     Mini-Relaxation Response
 The Quieting Response
 Autogenics

 Imagery
 Anxiety
 Each one to two-hour session includes a
  relaxation exercise, stretching and body
  awareness exercises, data collection, didactic
  presentation, experiential exercises, and self help
  assignments to reinforce skill development.
 Theses protocol is applicable to PTSD, Anxiety
  disorders and most depressions.
 Contraindications include individuals who are
  actively suicidal, psychotic or otherwise unable to
  comprehend the presented information and
  ormanage their own care.
   Each one hour session includes:
       a relaxation exercise,
       stretching and body awareness exercises,
       data collection,
       didactic presentation,
       experiential exercises and
       self help assignments to reinforce skill
   The protocol is applicable to:
     generalized anxiety,
     panic attacks or
     specific phobias such as
    social phobias
Contraindications include individuals who
 actively suicidal,

 psychotic,

 unable to comprehend the presented
  information, or
 unable to manage their own care
Session I
 The MindBody Connection
 Physiology of Stress
 Changing Behaviors
                 Session II
 Relaxation Response
 Diaphragmatic Breathing
Session III
 Benefits of Distraction
 Developing Mental Focus

              Session IV
 Benefits of Exercise
 Movement/body Awareness
 Developing Mindfulness
Session V
 Stress Warning Signs
 Automatic Thoughts
                  Session VI
 Attitudes, Beliefs, and Assumptions
 Stress Hardiness
 Cognitive Restructuring Skills
Session VII
 Awareness and Choice
 Moods, Feelings, and Emotions
 Effective Coping & Problem Solving

                    Session VIII
 Social Support
 Self-Esteem
 Effective Communication
Session IX
 Relapse Prevention
 Setting Realistic Goals
                   Session X
 Review: Stress Hardiness
 Community Resource
   Effects of treatment and the disorder may
    produce symptoms (anxiety, depression,
    physical dysfunction)
Designed to help Marines deal with PTSD
Designed to teach Marines how to take an
 active role in their healthcare
Designed to help Marines become resilient
 to stress
Session I
 The MindBody Interaction
 Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive Effects of
 Psychoneuroimmunology and other MindBody
 Introduction to the Relaxation Response
 Use of Recreational Activities
 Characteristics of Long-Term Survivors
Session II
   The Importance of Exercise
   Diaphragmatic Breathing
   Yoga/Body Awareness
   Nutrition Information
                       Session III
 Stress Hardiness
 Control, Commitment, Challenge, Caring
 Short and Long term Goal Setting
Session IV
 Cognitive Restructuring
 Recognizing Negative Automatic Thoughts
 Challenging Automatic Thoughts
 Using Positive Affirmations
                Session V
 The Immune System
 Using Imagery
Session VI
 Recognizing emotions (Journal Writing)
 Dealing with Emotions of Fear, Anger, Depression,
  and Guilt
 Family Patterns of Expressing Emotions
                 Session VIII
 Communication with Family and Health Care
 How My Diagnosis Affects Others
Session IX
 Living with Uncertainty
 Physical Self-Care Habits
 Support Networks
 Attitudes and Beliefs
 Action Skills to Change the
 Life Experiences That Will Help
Session X
 Humor as a Coping Strategy
 (CousinsTribal Rituals)
 Recreational Activities
 Program Debriefing
 Staying Motivated
 Reflections and Thoughts to Remember
 Celebrate Life
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Ptsd a psychological perspective 92911

  • 1. PTSD: A Phychophysiological Perspective Carmen V. Russoniello, PhD., LPC, LRT, BCB, BCN Director, Psychophysiology Lab and Biofeedback Clinic East Carolina University
  • 2. Disclosure In the spirit of full disclosure I acknowledge that I currently serve on the Scientific Advisory Committee of Biocom Technologies (unpaid) and own a small percentage of the company stock .
  • 4. Kilo Company 3rd Battalion 26th Marines Namo Bridge Fall, 1969
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” -Charles Darwin
  • 12. The overall goal of the ECU Wounded Warrior Program is to increase performance and promote functional independence.  The program involves methods to help Marines learn how to control physical and emotional reactions to stress (resiliency), as well as techniques to increase strength, endurance, cognitive performance, social and life skills.  The program involves sessions both at Camp Lejeune and at the Biofeedback Clinic at East Carolina University.
  • 13. PTSD When a person is exposed to extreme stress such as sexual abuse, war, or even the extended effects of a natural disaster, clinically significant symptoms often emerge.
  • 14. The existence, frequency, intensity, and duration of these symptoms are dependent upon many factors, including, gender, age, and ethnic background of the person exposed to the stressor as well as the person’s social environment and ability to employ coping strategies.
  • 15. Specific emotional and behavioral responses to stress have been observed and studied by mental health professionals in multiple settings, under different circumstances, over time. These symptoms have become the clinical indicators used for identifying the stress related disorder known as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • 16. APA categorizes PTSD symptoms into three main clusters: 1.A traumatic event that is persistently re-experienced; 2.A persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and 3. A numbing of general responsiveness and persistent symptoms of increased arousal. The symptoms must last at least one month and adversely affect normal functioning.
  • 17. “the development of characteristic and persistent symptoms along with difficulty functioning after exposure to a life- threatening experience”. These persistent, post trauma symptoms were the basis for the development of the original PTSD diagnosis in 1980 and with some modification still serve as the diagnostic criteria. While this classification system is a useful is has some limitations such as the exclusion of some less common cognitive, emotional, behavioral and physiological- somatic symptoms.
  • 18. Inescapable Shock • Autonomic Nervous System • Sympathetic • Parasympathetic • Learned Helplessness • Defense Defeat Model • Possible bipolar effect with parasympathetic becoming dominant and then sympathetic rather than rhythmic
  • 19.
  • 20. Exposure of rhythmic environments to chemical or behavioral stressors can result in increases and decreases in the response (Antleman (1996, 1997)  Possible innate biological function designed to reset the rhythm
  • 21. Sympathetic Dominance can produce: muscle bracing, bruxism, occular divergence, tachycardia, diaphoresis, pallor, tremor, startle, hypervigilance, panic rage and constipation
  • 22.
  • 23. Symptoms of palpitations, nausea, dizziness, indigestion, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and incontinence • Self perpetuating symptoms causing continued dysregulation “free falling” “The syndrome of trauma has now literally taken control of the body”
  • 24. The ANS plays an important role in the development and maintenance of a wide range of somatic and mental diseases  In general autonomic imbalance and decreased parasympathetic tone may be the final common pathway linking negative affective states and ill health (Thayer & Brosschot, 2005)
  • 25. Symptoms of dissociation mimic the bipolar nature of the defining symptoms of PTSD (arousal, reexperiencing, avoidance).
  • 26. Altered perception of time, space, sense of self and reality.  Emotional Expressions can range from panic to numbing and catatonia.  Altered sensory perceptions may vary from anesthesia to analgesia to intolerable pain.  Motor problems include weakness, paralysis, and ataxia as well as tremors, dysarthia, shaking, and convulsions.
  • 27. Cognitive Symptoms include confusion, dysphasia, dyscalculia, and extreme attentional deficits.  Perceptual symptoms include ignoral and neglect  Memory alterations may appear as hyperamnesia (Flashbacks), fugue states or selective traumatic amnesia.
  • 28.  Endogenous opiate reward systems contribute to the establishment of conditioned procedural memory in trauma.  Exposure to war trauma often results in a sustained period of analgesia (soldiers in wounded in battle require lower doses of morphine than in other non-combat related wounds)  Stress can induced analgesia in many forms of trauma
  • 29.  Relates to facts and events  Plays an important role in conscious recall of traumatic events)  Involves the hippocampal and prefrontal cortical pathways (inaccurate and subject to decay)
  • 30. acquisition of new motor skills and habits to the development of emotional memories and associations, and to the storage of conditioned sensorimotor responses. Unconscious, implicit, and extremley resistant to decay when linked to emotional or threat based interventions. (Scaer, 2001)
  • 31.
  • 32. Surgical Revolution  Anesthesia introduced in 1846  Antibiotic Revolution  Penicillin introduced in 1941  Endogenous Factor Revolution  Personal healing  Attacking germs and more importantly “Bad Habits”
  • 33. Walter Cannon (1896)  Coined “flight or fight response” to stress  developed concepts of mind/body model  Emphasized the importance of the parasympathetic system Selye (1975) General Adaptation Syndrome Stages alarm reaction resistance exhaustion
  • 34. The Defense/Defeat Model  fight or flight  immune system suppression Folkow (1993)
  • 35.
  • 36. “environmental demands tax or exceed the adaptive capacity of an organism, resulting in psychological or biological changes that may place persons at risk for disease.” Cohen, Kessler & Gordon (1995). Measuring Stress
  • 37. “Technically speaking, a stress reaction is a mental and physical response to an adverse situation that mobilizes the body’s emergency resources, the flight or fight mechanism, which floods the body with hormones that arose to meet the challenge. Unfortunately modern life continually triggers this response when we can neither fight or flee, which can lead to chronic heightening of blood pressure and muscle tension, irritability, anxiety, and depression-and a lowering of immune effectiveness”. (Daniel Brown, 2003. Stress, Trauma and the Body, p. 89).
  • 38.  Stress enhances susceptibility to disease  Both psychosocial & biological stressors evoke the flight or fight response  Stress Disinhibition Theory  People engage in a broad range of dysfunctional behaviors as a result of stress
  • 39. commonplace stressful events produce immunological alterations  chronic stressors have been linked to the longer-term down-regulation of immune function  immunological changes have negative consequences for health Lonely Person with a Kind Heart
  • 40. Endocrine system  facilitates communication between the mind and body  acts as an internal intelligence carrying information that regulates the organism  receptors for catecholamines (adrenaline) in immune cells  nerve fibers go "into virtually every organ of the immune system and form direct contacts with the immune system cells“ (Ader, 1993).
  • 41. The Defense/Defeat Model  fight or flight  immune system suppression Folkov (1993)
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. The central nervous system that regulates the ANS balance is called the central autonomic network (CAN). The CAN work with networks to regulate the following functions:  Executive  Social,  Affective  Attentional  Motivational
  • 46. When negative Inhibitory or circuits are negative Autonomic, compromised processes or cognitive, and positive circuits feedback affective function develop and result circuits that assist humans in hypervigalance. permit maintaining The symptoms can behavior and balance in the face be devastating and redeploy of environmental if not ameliorated resources challenges can develop into needed permanent elsewhere conditions
  • 47. A common subcortico neural system regulates defensive behavior including autonomic, emotional and cognition  When prefrontal cortex is taken “offline” for whatever reason parasympathetic inhibitory action is withdrawn and relative sympathetic dominance associated with defensive occurs  This can be measured by assessing parasympathetic contribution to overall HRV
  • 48. Growing evidence supports the use of HRV as a predictor of hypervigilance and inefficient allocation of attentional and cognitive resources (Thayer & Brosschot, 2005)
  • 49. “Autonomic Imbalance and Decreased Parasympathetic Tone in particular may be the final common pathway linking negative affective states and dispositions, including the indirect effects via poor lifestyles, to numerous diseases and conditions as well as increased mortality, and it may also be implicated in psychopathological conditions”.
  • 50.  Low HRV is associated with the following conditions  cardiac symptoms of panic attack  Poor attentional control  Poor emotional regulation  Behavior inflexibility  Friedman and Thayer, 1998
  • 51.  Depression (Thayer et al., 1998)  Generalized anxiety disorders ( Thayer et al,  PTSD (Cohen et al., 1999)  Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality  Diabetes (Ziegler et al., 2001)
  • 52. Immune deficiency and inflammation contributing to:  Aging  CVD  Osteoporosis  Arthritis  Alzheimer’s  Periodontal disease  Certain types of cancers as well as muscle decline increased frailty and disability
  • 53.  The overall objective of Heart Rate variability training is to decrease ANS hyperarousal and improve its balance.  Wounded Warriors learn to control ANS responses to stress producing stimuli such as thoughts, memories and images associated with combat.  Decreasing arousal and maintaining ANS balance for increasing lengths of time is the goal of training.
  • 54. Once it was observed that alpha waves were dysfunctional in vulnerable populations protocols were developed to help people learn to train alpha and theta waves as a method of improving function.  Peniston and Kulkosky showed increased alpha and theta brainwave production resulted in normalized personality measures; and prolonged prevention of relapse in alcoholics. The protocol has also showed efficacy as an intervention in drug addiction, depression and PTSD.
  • 55.
  • 56. The graded stress exposure training program used in this study is one month in duration and consist of a pre assessment, 16 biofeedback sessions (four per week) a post session evaluation and a 3 month follow up.  Each week participants will be exposed to increasing stress producing stimuli: 1. Stroop Color Word Test, Math Stressor; Talk Stressor/Everyday Events 2. Talk Stressor/ Combat Experiences; 3. Images and Sounds of Combat; 4. Virtual Baghdad or Afghanistan (virtual reality exposure).
  • 57. Each biofeedback session consists of 5 minutes of baseline followed by 5 minutes of the weekly stressor, followed by 20 minutes of HRV and neurofeedback training, followed by 5 minutes of the stressor; followed by 20 minutes of HRV and neurofeedback and finally 5 minutes of recovery data.
  • 58. Preliminary clinical data collected so far indicate decreases in ANS hyperarousal and increases in parasympathetic activity. Reports on PHQ-SF 36 indicated positive changes in physical symptoms, and decreases in depression panic attack and anxiety.
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  • 64. Heart rate variability training changes  Neurofeedback  The Posttraumatic Stress Checklist (PCL)  Deployment and Resilience  Patient Health Questionnaire short form (PHQ SF-36)  Profile of Mood States  Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) changes.  Behavioral questionnaire assessing alcohol, drug, nicotine use, nutrition habits etc.  Self satisfaction inventory
  • 65. Dysfunction in ANS and CNS flexibility and balance are associated with symptoms of PTSD in combat veterans.  Methods that are designed to restore balance in these systems are needed to ameliorate these symptoms.  Biofeedback/Neurofeedback is a safe method to achieve these goals.
  • 66. To create an awareness and understanding of the components of effective health improvement programs.  To explore the specific application of health applications in the treatment of PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
  • 67. Define the treatment components of health improvement programs and their prescriptive parameters  Review specific health improvement protocols for PTSD, Anxiety and/or Depression
  • 68. The greatest revolution of our time is the knowledge that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can transform the outer aspects of their lives. -William James
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  • 72.
  • 73.  Exercise and Body Awareness  Nutrition  Stress Management  Mental Focus  Relaxation-meditation- and other antidotes to stress (recreation/physical activity) The overall focus is on positive behavioral change and coping.
  • 74. The first requirement necessary for change is that you want to change! We are all in different STAGES with respect to multiple behaviors in our lives.
  • 75. DEFINITIONS:  Precontemplation  Someone in this stage probably has no intention of making change or adopting healthier habits.  Contemplation  Someone in this stage realizes the importance of specific changes. They may be thinking of making some behavioral changes in the next six months.  Preparation  Someone in this stage is ready to make some behavioral changes. They may already engage in some health behaviors some of the time but it is just not something they do regularly.  Action  Someone in this stage has overcome all the obstacles and have integrated behavioral changes but haven’t been doing it very long . They are doing it! (e.g., They are physically active on a regular basis– less than six months).  Maintenance  Someone in this stage is has integrated the behaviors on regular basis and has maintained these for more then six months.
  • 76. Precontemplation Example: Learn about all the benefits of being physically active. Start thinking about what being physically active could mean for you. Contemplation Example: Remind yourself all the benefits you will get from being active. Picture yourself healthier and more energetic than ever before. Try to record your progress and improvements and make sure you have support from family and friends.
  • 77. Stages of Change Preparation  Set a start date.  Tell everyone you know.  Establish priorities.  Make the change a high priority in your life.  Leave no room for excuses.
  • 78. Action Example: Participate in activities that are not effected by the weather- join an exercise class or indoor sports league. Make physical activity a priority. Plan physical activity in your daily schedule. Make sure your family and friends know how important physical activity is to you.
  • 79. Stages of Change Maintenance Maintain your behaviors. Reinforce yourself. Examples: Try a new activity or sport. Vary your walking or cycling path. Change the music you walk to. Be active at different times during the day.
  • 80. Each level of the activity pyramid is important in helping you increase your physical activity level and overall health. Each day you should try to participate in a variety of physical activities. Remember not to limit yourself to one type of activity.
  • 81.
  • 82. DEFINITIONS OF ACTIVITY PYRAMID LEVELS Aerobic Exercise: Aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular fitness and makes your heart and lungs stronger (3-5X/wk.). Recreational Activities: Recreational activities may also improve cardiovascular efficiency or more simply said will make your heart and lungs strong (2-3X/wk.). Leisure Activities: Leisure activities are low-level endurance activities. Flexibility and Strength: Flexibility activities help to increase and maintain muscle flexibility. Strength exercises can help improve muscle strength (2-5X/wk.). Sedentary: The top level of the pyramid signifies sedentary life. This is the smallest part of the pyramid and the activities here should take up the smallest amount of your leisure time.
  • 83.  Identify your personal activity levels based upon the activity pyramid.  Estimate the types of activities you do on an average week.
  • 84. The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate the many inherent benefits of a recreational activity  Think social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual.  Bingo:  Swimming:  Gardening:  Arts & Crafts:  Scuba Diving:
  • 85. Goals  Assist the patient/client create an awareness of current nutritional patterns.  Provide information to assist Marines/clients in identifying healthy and unhealthy nutritional choices.  Assist Marines/clients in implementing strategies to change unhealthy nutritional patterns
  • 86. Key Nutrients Milk and Milk Products Calcium Meat and Meat Alternatives Protein Iron Vegetables Folic Acid Vitamin A Vitamin C Fruits Folic Acid Vitamin A Vitamin C Breads and Cereals: Complex Carbohydrates  Fiber Servings From The Food Guide Pyramid Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese: 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese, 2 ounces of process cheese Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts: 2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish, 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans, 1 egg, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter count as 1 ounce of lean meat Vegetables: 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables, 1/2 cup of other vegetables, cooked or chopped raw, 3/4 cup of vegetable juice Fruit: 1 medium apple, banana, orange, 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit, 3/4 cup of fruit juice Bread, Cereal, rice, and Pasta: 1 slice of bread, 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal, 1/2 cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta
  • 87. •Daily Servings and Guidelines •Food Labels •Calculating Calories
  • 88.
  • 89. North Carolina State University A&T State University Cooperative Extension North Carolina Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Health Pace University  Made possible through a grant from Child Nutrition Services, the State Board Of Education and the Department of Public Education.
  • 90. There is a need to identify automatic thoughts and patterns before intervention begins.  One effective method is to have the client/patient record a daily record of automatic thoughts ( A positive and negative thought diary!).
  • 91. Can you name any?
  • 92. 1. All-or-nothing thinking 2. Overgeneralization 3. Mental filtering 4. Disqualifying the positive 5. Jumping to conclusions  Mind Reading  Fortune telling
  • 93. 6. Magnification and minification 7. Emotional Reasoning 8. Labeling 9. Personalization 10. “Should Statements”
  • 94. Challenge Automatic Thoughts  Clarify the Problem and What Can Be Done  Taking Small Steps  The Three “Cs” (‘Four)  Commitment  Control  Challenge  and Closeness
  • 95. The Relaxation Response  Mini-Relaxation Response  The Quieting Response  Autogenics  Imagery
  • 97.  Each one to two-hour session includes a relaxation exercise, stretching and body awareness exercises, data collection, didactic presentation, experiential exercises, and self help assignments to reinforce skill development.  Theses protocol is applicable to PTSD, Anxiety disorders and most depressions.  Contraindications include individuals who are actively suicidal, psychotic or otherwise unable to comprehend the presented information and ormanage their own care.
  • 98. Each one hour session includes:  a relaxation exercise,  stretching and body awareness exercises,  data collection,  didactic presentation,  experiential exercises and  self help assignments to reinforce skill development.
  • 99. The protocol is applicable to:  generalized anxiety,  panic attacks or  specific phobias such as social phobias
  • 100. Contraindications include individuals who are:  actively suicidal,  psychotic,  unable to comprehend the presented information, or  unable to manage their own care
  • 101. Session I  The MindBody Connection  Physiology of Stress  Changing Behaviors Session II  Relaxation Response  Diaphragmatic Breathing
  • 102. Session III  Benefits of Distraction  Developing Mental Focus Session IV  Benefits of Exercise  Movement/body Awareness  Developing Mindfulness
  • 103. Session V  Stress Warning Signs  Automatic Thoughts Session VI  Attitudes, Beliefs, and Assumptions  Stress Hardiness  Cognitive Restructuring Skills
  • 104. Session VII  Awareness and Choice  Moods, Feelings, and Emotions  Effective Coping & Problem Solving Session VIII  Social Support  Self-Esteem  Effective Communication
  • 105. Session IX  Relapse Prevention  Setting Realistic Goals Session X  Review: Stress Hardiness  Community Resource
  • 106. Effects of treatment and the disorder may produce symptoms (anxiety, depression, physical dysfunction)
  • 107. Designed to help Marines deal with PTSD symptoms Designed to teach Marines how to take an active role in their healthcare Designed to help Marines become resilient to stress
  • 108. Session I  The MindBody Interaction  Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive Effects of Stress  Psychoneuroimmunology and other MindBody Research  Introduction to the Relaxation Response  Use of Recreational Activities  Characteristics of Long-Term Survivors
  • 109. Session II  The Importance of Exercise  Diaphragmatic Breathing  Yoga/Body Awareness  Nutrition Information Session III  Stress Hardiness  Control, Commitment, Challenge, Caring  Short and Long term Goal Setting
  • 110. Session IV  Cognitive Restructuring  Recognizing Negative Automatic Thoughts  Challenging Automatic Thoughts  Using Positive Affirmations Session V  The Immune System  Using Imagery
  • 111. Session VI  Recognizing emotions (Journal Writing)  Dealing with Emotions of Fear, Anger, Depression, and Guilt  Family Patterns of Expressing Emotions Session VIII  Communication with Family and Health Care Providers  How My Diagnosis Affects Others
  • 112. Session IX  Living with Uncertainty  Physical Self-Care Habits  Support Networks  Attitudes and Beliefs  Action Skills to Change the Situation  Life Experiences That Will Help
  • 113. Session X  Humor as a Coping Strategy  (CousinsTribal Rituals)  Recreational Activities  Program Debriefing  Staying Motivated  Reflections and Thoughts to Remember  Celebrate Life
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Editor's Notes

  1. Let ’s start with the brain’s role in stress reactivity and stress resilience. There is a stress-reactive brain, and a stress-resilient brain, and to understand the difference, you need to know how the brain creates a stress response.