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Teacher Interview

What are the student’s strengths in the classroom and academically?

       Sometimes the student does well with participations. The student raises his hand
frequently to ask questions or volunteer for something. The student interactions with other
people are good.

What are the students weaknesses in the classroom and academically?

        Certain people catch the student off guard. He can easily get distracted by other people.
He is low in reading. He should be at a level 28 but is not reading at that level. The student’s
writing is very low. His writing stamina is also very low. He has difficulty spelling words and his
sentence length is immature for his age. He doesn’t have much independence and doesn’t have
the vocabulary to make more difficult interactions. His interactions with other people are good,
however sometimes I will ask him a question and I will get a blank stare. I think this tie into his
vocabulary being lower.

What are your reading and language arts goals for the student this year?

        My reading and language arts goals are to have this student reading at grade level before
the end of the school year. I would like at least one year worth of growth in reading and writing
stamina. I would also like for the student to utilize the room to help with his reading and writing
as well as what he knows about words better. I would like for his punctuation and capitalization
to become better. The most important thing I would like for him to do is enjoy reading and
learning. I want him to love school.

What do you recommend I watch for as I observe this student?

         I would like for you to watch him during independent work. Maybe pull him aside and
give him more one on one. Watch to make sure that he is staying on task and understands what
he doing. I would like for you to make sure you are paying enough attention in whole class and
is using his time wisely. Other things I would like for you to watch for are the following: make
sure that he is using classroom charts, make sure that he is using classroom tools, make sure that
he utilizes his individual clock, make sure that he is following along and listening to a story. The
last thing I would like for you to watch for is his ability to retell a story or talk about what he has
just read.
Observation 9-13-11

Morning Circle Time on the Carpet:

The student sat on the carpet in his assigned seat. He raised his hand to answer three out of four
questions the teacher asked the students. He fiddled a lot on the floor touching different parts of
his body. Sometimes he would look down at the floor and lose track of the discussion. Overall he
displayed behavior that majority of the third graders display on the carpet.

During Words their Way:

The student sat at his desk and worked on the assignment. He raised his hand a lot to ask
questions. Some of the questions he asked were: “What does this word say?” “Does this word
make this sound or this sound?” “Did I do this right?”

Before Journal Time:

The class met on the carpet. They discussed seed topics and watermelon topics. Journals should
reflect seed topics. The teacher asked the class three questions. The student responded to two out
of three questions however his responses were only guesses. The teacher told the class she
wanted them to write a seed story and that this week she wanted the class to focus zooming in to
the story and focusing on important aspects of the story. She also wanted the students to focus on
sequencing and putting things into the right order.

During Journal Time/Independent writing:

The student pulled out his journal but did not write in his journal. He was easily distracted by his
classmates. He would consistently open and close his desk. I had the student sit with me at the
teacher’s table. I asked the student what he wanted to write about. He told me he was going to
write about a time where he and his cousin and brother were riding their bikes around the corner.
The student was going to begin his story at his grandmother’s house and then have it end outside.
I had to explain to the student that this is not a seed story. The student was confused about the
difference between a watermelon story and a seed story. I then asked the student what he was
going to zoom into. The student was confused about the word “zoom” he asked me to explain
what it meant. After a fifteen minute discussion with this student he proceeded to write in his
journal. He stopped periodically while writing his journal to think about the words he wanted to
write down. Attached is a copy of this journal assignment. The student misspelled a few words
that were on the word wall. I had the student look for the word didn’t on the word wall and
correct his spelling of that word. The child was able to locate the word. The student does not
utilize the word wall to help his spelling of words. I told the student that sometimes when he is
not for sure how to spell or word or wants to double check his spelling he should look around the
classroom and see if that word is located in the room somewhere.

During Math:

I pulled this student and another student out in the hallway to assist them with a study guide for a
math test that would be administered the next day. Both students needed assistance for every
problem. The student fidgeted a lot on the floor, and looked around the hallway. The student was
eager to read the questions for the test, however struggled with very basic words and needed
assistance sounding words out. The student struggled seeing the relationship between +10 and -
10 addition and subtraction problems. The student needed me to explain why we did certain
things and how we came up with an answer. The student did become engaged in the activity.
When I praised the student on his thinking process or his math ideas, or math terminology he
would refocus his attention on the next question and become actively engaged.

During Science:

The class sat on the carpet with their science journals. The teacher discussed with the class the 4
roles of Prairie soil. The teacher took notes on the electronic whiteboard and had the students
copy the notes into their notebook. The student was not able to finish copying the notes from the
board to his paper. Attached are the notes the student took. Keep in mind this is all the student
was able to copy in a time span of forty minutes.

Observation 9-14-11

Today’s schedule did not follow its usual routine. There was a substitute for half of the day
(meaning I did the first half of the day’s teaching) and then a science lesson that took place
outside after lunch(with U of I students) until the end of the school day.

Morning Work:

The student did his morning work as soon as he entered the classroom. He remained focus on his
morning work and was able to complete it before circle time on the carpet.

Circle Time:

The student displayed good behavior during circle as I read a folktale to the students. He was
attentive and did not converse with the other students. He raised his hand to answer multiple

Words Their Way:
The student had a hard time staying focused during words their way. The student continued to
talk with his neighbors. The student consistently raised his hand to ask for help on where certain
words should be placed. The student had little confidence in the answers he had chosen. It was
difficult for the student to explain why he placed a word in a particular chart. He had a hard time
sounding out the words which made it difficult for him to see the rhyming pattern that the words


The class was administered a math test. The test was similar to the study guide I worked on with
the student yesterday. The student was not able to complete the test. A lot of spaces were left
blank where answers should have been. The student had a hard time reading the questions on the
test. Even after a question had been read to the student, the student struggled comprehending the
question and thus could not come up with an answer.


The student did a great job participating in the science activity today outside. The student
participated in all the activities and raised his hand to ask multiple questions. He consulted with
classmates and actively engaged in all the hands on activities.

Observation 9-20-11

Morning Work:

The student entered class late and was not able to begin the morning work.

Circle Time:

The student was well behaved. The student gave the teacher eye contact. The student raised their
hand to answer multiple questions.

Words their way:

Student worked on the assignment. The student raised their hands a few times to ask questions
regarding the lesson. The student was able to identify the word endings. After noticing the
relationship that the words shared the student quickly finished the lesson.

After words their way students were to read silently to themselves. I decided to pull the student
out of class and read to me. The student read the story “How do Dinosaurs Learn to Read”. The
student was able to make a good prediction about the book based off the title. The student did a
great job of sounding out words that he did not know. The student looked at me multiple times to
make sure he said the word right. As the student read he noticed a rhyme to the story. Moreover
the student was able to answer questions regarding the story. The student was able to summarize
certain parts of the story. Sometimes the student would have to reread a small portion of the story
to summarize what he had read. The student made text-to self connections. The student noticed
he had made a mistake and did not pause at a comma. The student and I discussed quotation
marks. The student made an inference about the last page based on the illustration.

During RTI:

The student was unable to keep up with the teacher. The student would skip over words that he
did not know. The student would frequently talk with his classmates. The student seemed very


Student stayed on task. Copied answers from the electronic whiteboard on to his paper. The
student did not volunteer to answer any math questions.


The students participated in the card game “Go Dig” which is very similar to the “Go Fish”. The
student displayed enjoyment. The student frequently asked me how to say certain words.


Today’s observations are very similar to yesterdays. The student participated in class discussion
and raised his hand to answer a few questions. The student would frequently allow his eyes to
roam the classroom. The student got out his seat more than usual today to talk to a family
member of his that is also in the class. The student resets the first time he is told. The student did
not ask me or the teacher for help today during Words their way. Instead he conversed with the
students next to him. There were times when I noticed this student looking at his neighbor’s
paper for the answer. During silent reading the student pulled out the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The
student relied on the pictures to tell the story instead of the words. I would notice the students
quickly flipping through the pages and looking at each picture. The student’s behavior during
math was very similar to yesterdays. During science today the student worked with a partner. He
and his partner were able to get some of the assignment done; however, I had to remind them to
stay on task. There was a lot of talking and giggling coming from the area.
Caila Bishop
                                                                    Individual Student Assessment

       I chose to do my individual child assessment project on an eight year old male student

who is currently in the third grade at Stratton Elementary School. This student is extremely well

behaved in the classroom. There are times when this student can be caught out of his seat

socializing with one of his cousins in the classroom; however, once the student is told to reset, he

quickly corrects his behavior. This student always arrives to school on time and enters the

classroom with a positive attitude. I have never seen this student upset or angry. He is always

polite to everyone and socializes with the majority of students in the classroom. During recess,

this student can be seen playing basketball and soccer with two other male students in the


       I conducted a brief interview on this student and asked him questions about his family

and home life. The student lives with his mom, dad, two younger brother ages five and seven

months old, a younger sister who is one year of age, a cousin, uncle and an aunt. The student’s

home life is very busy and because of this he has a hard time concentrating on his homework

when he gets home from school. With such a busy home life the student will walk over to

Douglas Branch Library after school with one of his older cousins to complete his homework. If

the student needs help with his homework he will either ask his mom, aunt or uncle for help.

Sometimes the student’s mom will read to him at home but it is not very often. The student does

not have very many books at home. The student eats dinner with his family and goes to bed at

eight thirty every school night. Last year the student liked going to school because he was able to
play games and use the computer. This year the student likes school because there are lots of

books in the classroom and he is given plenty of time to read.

       I choose to do my project on this student after I observed him the first few days of school

during independent reading.. I noticed that the student was skimming a chapter book by looking

at the pictures in the book, instead of reading the words on the page. The student would keep his

eyes fixed on the picture and would quickly turn to the next page. I went up to the student and

asked him what his book was about. He looked at the picture and based off the illustrations in the

book he gave me a brief description of what he thought the chapter was about. I asked him to

read a few words from the book and he responded by closing the book and asking if he could

find an easier story to read to me.

       In regards to reading this student is not at appropriate grade level. A running record has

been kept on this student since kindergarten. The running record reveals the following (see figure

1): It shows how the student ended his kindergarten year reading at a level three which was at

grade level. The student entered first grade and had dropped to a reading level two at the

beginning of the year. The drop in reading level at the beginning of the school year was most

likely due to a lack of reading over summer break. I came to this conclusion during my interview

when I asked the student if he read any books over the summer. He stated that he did not do a lot

of reading over summer break. At the end of first grade the student had made improvements in

his reading and ended the school year reading at a level eight. Although he had gone up reading

levels he was expected to end first grade reading at a level sixteen. The student entered second

grade at the reading level he was at the previous year. He jumped up four reading levels while in

second grade and ended the year at a reading level twelve which is still a first grade reading

level. A developmental reading assessment (DRA) was conducted on the student at the beginning
of the school year. The DRA results show that the student needs to improve in his reading

fluency and reading comprehension (see figures 1a-1d). In regards to fluency the student needs

to improve in his reading expression. As the DRA was being conducted on the student he read

the story with little expression. The student remained monotone as he read the text. Moreover the

student needs to work on phrasing. The student does not heed all punctuation while he is reading,

which hindered his understanding of the story. In addition the student needs to improve on his

reading rate. The student is reading 44 words per minute at a first grade reading level. The

student should be reading 80 or more words per minute at a third grade reading level. In addition

the student needs to improve on his reading accuracy. The student had a total of four miscues and

did not attempt to self correct any of the miscues. Moreover the student paused four times

throughout the reading when he came across words that he could not pronounce. All four times

the teacher had to tell the student the word.

         In regards to comprehension the student needs to improve on retelling the story. The

student was not able to retell the story using all the characters name or important details from the

text. Also, the student needs to work on retelling the story using more vocabulary that was in the

story. The student was able to retell the story using some language and vocabulary from the text;

however he did not have a good understanding of key words or concepts. In addition the student

needs to improve on retelling the story without teacher support. The student had a difficult time

retelling the story without questions or prompts to guide his thinking process. In addition, the

student needs to work on his reflection following the story. The student’s reflection was limited

and lacked a relevant reason as to why he liked the text. Moreover the student needs to work on

making connections to the story. The student lacked literal and thoughtful connections to the

The writing stamina of this student is very low. I noticed that this student is a very slow

writer and has a hard time staying focused during writing activities. Sometimes the student’s

inability to focus is due to his peers. Figure 2 and 3 is an example that shows the writing stamina

of this student. Figure 2 are notes the teacher had put on the electronic whiteboard for the

students to copy in their science journals while they were on the carpet. The teacher gave the

students fifty minutes to copy the notes as she discussed the topics. The students looked at the

teacher as she discussed the topics, however, a few times throughout the lesson the students eyes

would roam from the teacher, his paper, to small paper objects on the floor. Figure 3 shows the

notes that the student copied. This student was the only person in the class who was not able to

copy all of the notes in the fifty minutes provided. Although the student did not finish copying all

of the notes, he asked the teacher if she would print them off and let him finish copying them at


        Using punctuation is something else the student struggles with while he is writing. The

student does not use punctuation marks in his writing. He has a hard time showing where a

sentence begins and where it ends. He is familiar with the different type of punctuation marks;

however, the student told me that sometimes he does not know where to put the punctuation

marks. An example of the students writing without any punctuation marks can be seen in figure

4. Moreover the student writes with a mixture of capital letters and lower case letters throughout

his writing. Figure 5 shows an example of his writing where he has three uppercase letters in a

single word. The student knows that uppercase letters should be placed at the beginning of the

sentence, yet he fails to follow that rule. The student told me that he doesn’t think putting capital

letters in his writing should be a big deal since the meaning of words remain the same. I

discussed the importance of using capital letters and punctuation in his writing. I shared with the
student how the meaning of a sentence can change due to punctuation. After our discussion the

student went back an revised his previous journal entries.

       In addition the student has trouble spelling recalling vocabulary that he wants to include

in his writing. The student constantly asks me to help him think about words that he can’t recall

or words that have a certain meaning. This in return affects the students writing stamina.

Moreover, the student has a difficult time sounding out words and spelling them. Figure 5 is a

page out of the student’s writing journal. The journal entry shows a ton of misspelled words. A

lot of the words the student misspelled are words he should know how to spell by this grade

level. Words such as “when, brother, cousin, slipped, rocks and hurt” are all misspelled. The

student could make a lot of improvements with his writing if he utilized the classroom word wall

and other classroom resources; however, he forgets about these classroom resources and has to

be reminded to use them. The student would benefit from using a dictionary, and knows how to

use one, however he would rather raise his hand and ask for help spelling a word because it takes

him so long to find a word in the dictionary.

       After assessing this student for a few days and working with this student in the

classroom, two things impressed me. The first thing I noticed about this student is that he is very

motivated. Despite the struggles he faces with reading and writing he is always willing to learn

and never gives up. He likes to know if he has done an assignment correctly, and will fix it if it is

not right. The student takes pride in completing his assignments and learning new information.

The second thing I noticed about this student is his attitude and energy in the classroom. This

student is a very happy and social student. He never enters the classroom with a negative attitude

and is very respectful and responsible. He participates in class discussions and raises his hand to
answer a variety of questions. The student’s motivation and attitude are two big strengths that

have already proven beneficial in helping him grow in reading and writing this year.

       If I were this child’s teacher I would assist this student with his reading fluency by

working with him on appropriate phrasing and expression using familiar texts. By allowing the

student to pick a familiar text at his reading level he will have an easier time focusing on the

expression and phrasing of the text. In small literacy group or one-on-one with the student I

would have him point to the different punctuation that he notices throughout the text. I would

discuss with the student what happens when that punctuation is present and how punctuation can

effect reading expression. In addition I would model and support reading in longer and

meaningful phrases with expression. I would assist the student in reading segmented passages

out of the story emphasizing parts of the text that should be read smoothly together.

       In order to assist this student with his reading rate I would provide time and reading

material for repeated readings. I would start the student off with familiar reading material or

reading material at a lower level. I would have the student preview the reading material focusing

on events in the story and vocabulary before he reads it. Moreover I would support and reinforce

self-corrections of miscues as well as encourage the student to use context clues, word structure

clues and analogy clues to problem solve unknown words. Moreover I would teach him how to

look at picture for clues that would help with the identification of words.

       In regards to comprehension I would assist the student in retelling the story by

encouraging the student to use characters names, key vocabulary and language from the text

when retelling the story. I would model and teach the student how to create and use story maps

that will help him in retelling the story. I would introduce story mapping as a collaborative
activity using a familiar text. I would encourage the student to visualize the characters, settings,

and events as he listens to the story. I would then discuss and chart the main characters and story

events. I would review the chart with the student focusing on the sequence of main events. I

would then have the student retell the story using the story map we created.

       In order to assist the student in reflecting upon a story I would provide opportunities for

him to pick his favorite book and tell me why it is his favorite. I would also have the student go

through the book and point to the pictures or parts of the story that he has referred too. I would

assist the student in making connections to the text in two ways. First I would model and teach

the student how to make text-to-text connections. I would model text to text connections by

reading the text with the student and verbalizing my own thoughts beginning with “this book

reminds me of another book because….” Next I would display a chart of books and other reading

material that had been read together in the class to support connections. I would introduce and

make a list of different text to text connections such as comparing characters personalities and

actions, comparing story events, comparing story themes or comparing messages the author is

trying to convey.

       I believe that the recommendations I provided above would improve the student’s reading

fluency and reading comprehension. A lot of these recommendations could be implemented in

small literacy groups or one-on-one with the student. I believe that this student should be

encouraged to participate in activities that will target those recommendations. Moreover, I

believe that the student should be encouraged and reminded to use the strategies he learns in his

literacy groups to assist him throughout the school year with his reading and writing.
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  • 1. Teacher Interview What are the student’s strengths in the classroom and academically? Sometimes the student does well with participations. The student raises his hand frequently to ask questions or volunteer for something. The student interactions with other people are good. What are the students weaknesses in the classroom and academically? Certain people catch the student off guard. He can easily get distracted by other people. He is low in reading. He should be at a level 28 but is not reading at that level. The student’s writing is very low. His writing stamina is also very low. He has difficulty spelling words and his sentence length is immature for his age. He doesn’t have much independence and doesn’t have the vocabulary to make more difficult interactions. His interactions with other people are good, however sometimes I will ask him a question and I will get a blank stare. I think this tie into his vocabulary being lower. What are your reading and language arts goals for the student this year? My reading and language arts goals are to have this student reading at grade level before the end of the school year. I would like at least one year worth of growth in reading and writing stamina. I would also like for the student to utilize the room to help with his reading and writing as well as what he knows about words better. I would like for his punctuation and capitalization to become better. The most important thing I would like for him to do is enjoy reading and learning. I want him to love school. What do you recommend I watch for as I observe this student? I would like for you to watch him during independent work. Maybe pull him aside and give him more one on one. Watch to make sure that he is staying on task and understands what he doing. I would like for you to make sure you are paying enough attention in whole class and is using his time wisely. Other things I would like for you to watch for are the following: make sure that he is using classroom charts, make sure that he is using classroom tools, make sure that he utilizes his individual clock, make sure that he is following along and listening to a story. The last thing I would like for you to watch for is his ability to retell a story or talk about what he has just read.
  • 2. Observation 9-13-11 Morning Circle Time on the Carpet: The student sat on the carpet in his assigned seat. He raised his hand to answer three out of four questions the teacher asked the students. He fiddled a lot on the floor touching different parts of his body. Sometimes he would look down at the floor and lose track of the discussion. Overall he displayed behavior that majority of the third graders display on the carpet. During Words their Way: The student sat at his desk and worked on the assignment. He raised his hand a lot to ask questions. Some of the questions he asked were: “What does this word say?” “Does this word make this sound or this sound?” “Did I do this right?” Before Journal Time: The class met on the carpet. They discussed seed topics and watermelon topics. Journals should reflect seed topics. The teacher asked the class three questions. The student responded to two out of three questions however his responses were only guesses. The teacher told the class she wanted them to write a seed story and that this week she wanted the class to focus zooming in to the story and focusing on important aspects of the story. She also wanted the students to focus on sequencing and putting things into the right order. During Journal Time/Independent writing: The student pulled out his journal but did not write in his journal. He was easily distracted by his classmates. He would consistently open and close his desk. I had the student sit with me at the teacher’s table. I asked the student what he wanted to write about. He told me he was going to write about a time where he and his cousin and brother were riding their bikes around the corner. The student was going to begin his story at his grandmother’s house and then have it end outside. I had to explain to the student that this is not a seed story. The student was confused about the difference between a watermelon story and a seed story. I then asked the student what he was going to zoom into. The student was confused about the word “zoom” he asked me to explain what it meant. After a fifteen minute discussion with this student he proceeded to write in his journal. He stopped periodically while writing his journal to think about the words he wanted to write down. Attached is a copy of this journal assignment. The student misspelled a few words that were on the word wall. I had the student look for the word didn’t on the word wall and correct his spelling of that word. The child was able to locate the word. The student does not
  • 3. utilize the word wall to help his spelling of words. I told the student that sometimes when he is not for sure how to spell or word or wants to double check his spelling he should look around the classroom and see if that word is located in the room somewhere. During Math: I pulled this student and another student out in the hallway to assist them with a study guide for a math test that would be administered the next day. Both students needed assistance for every problem. The student fidgeted a lot on the floor, and looked around the hallway. The student was eager to read the questions for the test, however struggled with very basic words and needed assistance sounding words out. The student struggled seeing the relationship between +10 and - 10 addition and subtraction problems. The student needed me to explain why we did certain things and how we came up with an answer. The student did become engaged in the activity. When I praised the student on his thinking process or his math ideas, or math terminology he would refocus his attention on the next question and become actively engaged. During Science: The class sat on the carpet with their science journals. The teacher discussed with the class the 4 roles of Prairie soil. The teacher took notes on the electronic whiteboard and had the students copy the notes into their notebook. The student was not able to finish copying the notes from the board to his paper. Attached are the notes the student took. Keep in mind this is all the student was able to copy in a time span of forty minutes. Observation 9-14-11 Today’s schedule did not follow its usual routine. There was a substitute for half of the day (meaning I did the first half of the day’s teaching) and then a science lesson that took place outside after lunch(with U of I students) until the end of the school day. Morning Work: The student did his morning work as soon as he entered the classroom. He remained focus on his morning work and was able to complete it before circle time on the carpet. Circle Time: The student displayed good behavior during circle as I read a folktale to the students. He was attentive and did not converse with the other students. He raised his hand to answer multiple questions. Words Their Way:
  • 4. The student had a hard time staying focused during words their way. The student continued to talk with his neighbors. The student consistently raised his hand to ask for help on where certain words should be placed. The student had little confidence in the answers he had chosen. It was difficult for the student to explain why he placed a word in a particular chart. He had a hard time sounding out the words which made it difficult for him to see the rhyming pattern that the words displayed. Math: The class was administered a math test. The test was similar to the study guide I worked on with the student yesterday. The student was not able to complete the test. A lot of spaces were left blank where answers should have been. The student had a hard time reading the questions on the test. Even after a question had been read to the student, the student struggled comprehending the question and thus could not come up with an answer. Science: The student did a great job participating in the science activity today outside. The student participated in all the activities and raised his hand to ask multiple questions. He consulted with classmates and actively engaged in all the hands on activities. Observation 9-20-11 Morning Work: The student entered class late and was not able to begin the morning work. Circle Time: The student was well behaved. The student gave the teacher eye contact. The student raised their hand to answer multiple questions. Words their way: Student worked on the assignment. The student raised their hands a few times to ask questions regarding the lesson. The student was able to identify the word endings. After noticing the relationship that the words shared the student quickly finished the lesson. After words their way students were to read silently to themselves. I decided to pull the student out of class and read to me. The student read the story “How do Dinosaurs Learn to Read”. The student was able to make a good prediction about the book based off the title. The student did a great job of sounding out words that he did not know. The student looked at me multiple times to make sure he said the word right. As the student read he noticed a rhyme to the story. Moreover the student was able to answer questions regarding the story. The student was able to summarize certain parts of the story. Sometimes the student would have to reread a small portion of the story
  • 5. to summarize what he had read. The student made text-to self connections. The student noticed he had made a mistake and did not pause at a comma. The student and I discussed quotation marks. The student made an inference about the last page based on the illustration. During RTI: The student was unable to keep up with the teacher. The student would skip over words that he did not know. The student would frequently talk with his classmates. The student seemed very discouraged. Math: Student stayed on task. Copied answers from the electronic whiteboard on to his paper. The student did not volunteer to answer any math questions. Science: The students participated in the card game “Go Dig” which is very similar to the “Go Fish”. The student displayed enjoyment. The student frequently asked me how to say certain words. 9-21-11 Today’s observations are very similar to yesterdays. The student participated in class discussion and raised his hand to answer a few questions. The student would frequently allow his eyes to roam the classroom. The student got out his seat more than usual today to talk to a family member of his that is also in the class. The student resets the first time he is told. The student did not ask me or the teacher for help today during Words their way. Instead he conversed with the students next to him. There were times when I noticed this student looking at his neighbor’s paper for the answer. During silent reading the student pulled out the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The student relied on the pictures to tell the story instead of the words. I would notice the students quickly flipping through the pages and looking at each picture. The student’s behavior during math was very similar to yesterdays. During science today the student worked with a partner. He and his partner were able to get some of the assignment done; however, I had to remind them to stay on task. There was a lot of talking and giggling coming from the area.
  • 6. Caila Bishop Individual Student Assessment I chose to do my individual child assessment project on an eight year old male student who is currently in the third grade at Stratton Elementary School. This student is extremely well behaved in the classroom. There are times when this student can be caught out of his seat socializing with one of his cousins in the classroom; however, once the student is told to reset, he quickly corrects his behavior. This student always arrives to school on time and enters the classroom with a positive attitude. I have never seen this student upset or angry. He is always polite to everyone and socializes with the majority of students in the classroom. During recess, this student can be seen playing basketball and soccer with two other male students in the classroom. I conducted a brief interview on this student and asked him questions about his family and home life. The student lives with his mom, dad, two younger brother ages five and seven months old, a younger sister who is one year of age, a cousin, uncle and an aunt. The student’s home life is very busy and because of this he has a hard time concentrating on his homework when he gets home from school. With such a busy home life the student will walk over to Douglas Branch Library after school with one of his older cousins to complete his homework. If the student needs help with his homework he will either ask his mom, aunt or uncle for help. Sometimes the student’s mom will read to him at home but it is not very often. The student does not have very many books at home. The student eats dinner with his family and goes to bed at eight thirty every school night. Last year the student liked going to school because he was able to
  • 7. play games and use the computer. This year the student likes school because there are lots of books in the classroom and he is given plenty of time to read. I choose to do my project on this student after I observed him the first few days of school during independent reading.. I noticed that the student was skimming a chapter book by looking at the pictures in the book, instead of reading the words on the page. The student would keep his eyes fixed on the picture and would quickly turn to the next page. I went up to the student and asked him what his book was about. He looked at the picture and based off the illustrations in the book he gave me a brief description of what he thought the chapter was about. I asked him to read a few words from the book and he responded by closing the book and asking if he could find an easier story to read to me. In regards to reading this student is not at appropriate grade level. A running record has been kept on this student since kindergarten. The running record reveals the following (see figure 1): It shows how the student ended his kindergarten year reading at a level three which was at grade level. The student entered first grade and had dropped to a reading level two at the beginning of the year. The drop in reading level at the beginning of the school year was most likely due to a lack of reading over summer break. I came to this conclusion during my interview when I asked the student if he read any books over the summer. He stated that he did not do a lot of reading over summer break. At the end of first grade the student had made improvements in his reading and ended the school year reading at a level eight. Although he had gone up reading levels he was expected to end first grade reading at a level sixteen. The student entered second grade at the reading level he was at the previous year. He jumped up four reading levels while in second grade and ended the year at a reading level twelve which is still a first grade reading level. A developmental reading assessment (DRA) was conducted on the student at the beginning
  • 8. of the school year. The DRA results show that the student needs to improve in his reading fluency and reading comprehension (see figures 1a-1d). In regards to fluency the student needs to improve in his reading expression. As the DRA was being conducted on the student he read the story with little expression. The student remained monotone as he read the text. Moreover the student needs to work on phrasing. The student does not heed all punctuation while he is reading, which hindered his understanding of the story. In addition the student needs to improve on his reading rate. The student is reading 44 words per minute at a first grade reading level. The student should be reading 80 or more words per minute at a third grade reading level. In addition the student needs to improve on his reading accuracy. The student had a total of four miscues and did not attempt to self correct any of the miscues. Moreover the student paused four times throughout the reading when he came across words that he could not pronounce. All four times the teacher had to tell the student the word. In regards to comprehension the student needs to improve on retelling the story. The student was not able to retell the story using all the characters name or important details from the text. Also, the student needs to work on retelling the story using more vocabulary that was in the story. The student was able to retell the story using some language and vocabulary from the text; however he did not have a good understanding of key words or concepts. In addition the student needs to improve on retelling the story without teacher support. The student had a difficult time retelling the story without questions or prompts to guide his thinking process. In addition, the student needs to work on his reflection following the story. The student’s reflection was limited and lacked a relevant reason as to why he liked the text. Moreover the student needs to work on making connections to the story. The student lacked literal and thoughtful connections to the story.
  • 9. The writing stamina of this student is very low. I noticed that this student is a very slow writer and has a hard time staying focused during writing activities. Sometimes the student’s inability to focus is due to his peers. Figure 2 and 3 is an example that shows the writing stamina of this student. Figure 2 are notes the teacher had put on the electronic whiteboard for the students to copy in their science journals while they were on the carpet. The teacher gave the students fifty minutes to copy the notes as she discussed the topics. The students looked at the teacher as she discussed the topics, however, a few times throughout the lesson the students eyes would roam from the teacher, his paper, to small paper objects on the floor. Figure 3 shows the notes that the student copied. This student was the only person in the class who was not able to copy all of the notes in the fifty minutes provided. Although the student did not finish copying all of the notes, he asked the teacher if she would print them off and let him finish copying them at home. Using punctuation is something else the student struggles with while he is writing. The student does not use punctuation marks in his writing. He has a hard time showing where a sentence begins and where it ends. He is familiar with the different type of punctuation marks; however, the student told me that sometimes he does not know where to put the punctuation marks. An example of the students writing without any punctuation marks can be seen in figure 4. Moreover the student writes with a mixture of capital letters and lower case letters throughout his writing. Figure 5 shows an example of his writing where he has three uppercase letters in a single word. The student knows that uppercase letters should be placed at the beginning of the sentence, yet he fails to follow that rule. The student told me that he doesn’t think putting capital letters in his writing should be a big deal since the meaning of words remain the same. I discussed the importance of using capital letters and punctuation in his writing. I shared with the
  • 10. student how the meaning of a sentence can change due to punctuation. After our discussion the student went back an revised his previous journal entries. In addition the student has trouble spelling recalling vocabulary that he wants to include in his writing. The student constantly asks me to help him think about words that he can’t recall or words that have a certain meaning. This in return affects the students writing stamina. Moreover, the student has a difficult time sounding out words and spelling them. Figure 5 is a page out of the student’s writing journal. The journal entry shows a ton of misspelled words. A lot of the words the student misspelled are words he should know how to spell by this grade level. Words such as “when, brother, cousin, slipped, rocks and hurt” are all misspelled. The student could make a lot of improvements with his writing if he utilized the classroom word wall and other classroom resources; however, he forgets about these classroom resources and has to be reminded to use them. The student would benefit from using a dictionary, and knows how to use one, however he would rather raise his hand and ask for help spelling a word because it takes him so long to find a word in the dictionary. After assessing this student for a few days and working with this student in the classroom, two things impressed me. The first thing I noticed about this student is that he is very motivated. Despite the struggles he faces with reading and writing he is always willing to learn and never gives up. He likes to know if he has done an assignment correctly, and will fix it if it is not right. The student takes pride in completing his assignments and learning new information. The second thing I noticed about this student is his attitude and energy in the classroom. This student is a very happy and social student. He never enters the classroom with a negative attitude and is very respectful and responsible. He participates in class discussions and raises his hand to
  • 11. answer a variety of questions. The student’s motivation and attitude are two big strengths that have already proven beneficial in helping him grow in reading and writing this year. If I were this child’s teacher I would assist this student with his reading fluency by working with him on appropriate phrasing and expression using familiar texts. By allowing the student to pick a familiar text at his reading level he will have an easier time focusing on the expression and phrasing of the text. In small literacy group or one-on-one with the student I would have him point to the different punctuation that he notices throughout the text. I would discuss with the student what happens when that punctuation is present and how punctuation can effect reading expression. In addition I would model and support reading in longer and meaningful phrases with expression. I would assist the student in reading segmented passages out of the story emphasizing parts of the text that should be read smoothly together. In order to assist this student with his reading rate I would provide time and reading material for repeated readings. I would start the student off with familiar reading material or reading material at a lower level. I would have the student preview the reading material focusing on events in the story and vocabulary before he reads it. Moreover I would support and reinforce self-corrections of miscues as well as encourage the student to use context clues, word structure clues and analogy clues to problem solve unknown words. Moreover I would teach him how to look at picture for clues that would help with the identification of words. In regards to comprehension I would assist the student in retelling the story by encouraging the student to use characters names, key vocabulary and language from the text when retelling the story. I would model and teach the student how to create and use story maps that will help him in retelling the story. I would introduce story mapping as a collaborative
  • 12. activity using a familiar text. I would encourage the student to visualize the characters, settings, and events as he listens to the story. I would then discuss and chart the main characters and story events. I would review the chart with the student focusing on the sequence of main events. I would then have the student retell the story using the story map we created. In order to assist the student in reflecting upon a story I would provide opportunities for him to pick his favorite book and tell me why it is his favorite. I would also have the student go through the book and point to the pictures or parts of the story that he has referred too. I would assist the student in making connections to the text in two ways. First I would model and teach the student how to make text-to-text connections. I would model text to text connections by reading the text with the student and verbalizing my own thoughts beginning with “this book reminds me of another book because….” Next I would display a chart of books and other reading material that had been read together in the class to support connections. I would introduce and make a list of different text to text connections such as comparing characters personalities and actions, comparing story events, comparing story themes or comparing messages the author is trying to convey. I believe that the recommendations I provided above would improve the student’s reading fluency and reading comprehension. A lot of these recommendations could be implemented in small literacy groups or one-on-one with the student. I believe that this student should be encouraged to participate in activities that will target those recommendations. Moreover, I believe that the student should be encouraged and reminded to use the strategies he learns in his literacy groups to assist him throughout the school year with his reading and writing.