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I.F.D. N°13
Zapala, Neuquén.
STUDENT: Fernanda Emili E. López
Observations’ Journal:
Date: 5/11/14
Class: 4 ºA
Today was my first day with the group 4ºA. I had a great first day with them because
they are enthusiastic children who are motivated and encouraged by any activity proposed
by the teacher. When I was introduced to them, hey all greeted me and instantly said: “Hello
Teachers” by making the final “S” a little bit louder than the rest of the phrase.
First the students receive the teacher and it takes them a few minutes to take their
notebooks and course books out. The group sits in three lines in front of the blackboard. The
first 40 minutes they have to be in a classroom which has a whiteboard.
Little by little the class went on with all of them answering the teacher’s questions.
The English teacher of this group uses Spanish all the time and she is working in writing
production. Students have an appropriate pronunciation and they all like reading aloud; what
is more, they even raised their hands to read aloud. The teacher first asked them to review
what they had done the previous class, and as they had been working with short monsters’
descriptions they first read it all together. Then, the teacher gave them a different description
and they had to paint the monster according the description given. Once they finished, they
all took their notebooks to the teacher until the break was announced by a bell and they all
went outside.
The second part was connected to the monsters’ description, but this time the teacher
gave them some hints about a different monster and they had to write the description. The
students formed the sentences all together and some of them were asked to go to the front
and copy the sentences. This time students were in a different classroom. They tend to switch
classrooms with the group 4ºB. This classroom had a blackboard and working with chalk is
a little bit more complicated for students. Some of them couldn’t write correctly on the board
They all copied the description and the teacher gave them white sheets of paper for them to
draw the monster according the characteristics given by her.
I am really encouraged to continue working with this group. This time was mere
observation of students’ behavior inside the classroom and of how they used the language.
My expectations are high and I hope I can contribute to their learning of English.
López, Fernanda Emili E.
What do you think about the approach to teachingand the methodologythat is implemented?
What skillsare SS able to develop?
How does she guide them in the learningprocess?
Observations’ Journal:
Date: 6/11/14
Class: 4 ºA
After observing the third class of 4th year students, I can only express positive feelings
as regards the energy and motivation students have to work on the subject. Although they are
not used to receiving so much input in English, students know a wide range of vocabulary
which is according their age.
This time the lesson was given in the room with the blackboard and once again
students had difficulties in reading the sentences written with chalk. I noted down the dates
in which students have to work in this classroom so as to have further consideration when
giving my lessons.
This time, students continued working with monsters’ description; however, they had
to write a description alone. The teacher gave them a copy with four monsters in it. They all
made contributions to the questions made by the teacher and they could all write sentences
on the blackboard together. While doing so, the teacher made them differentiate between the
“has” and “is” short forms in a sentence. Students showed interest in the presentation by the
teacher; however, it was quite difficult for them to concentrate since they had just had the
arts lesson. I believe this is one of the aspects to take into account when designing the lesson
plans since I want to improve the use of the time during the development of the lesson.
Having said this, I can say that students gradually started to work on their
descriptions. They had to choose one of the monsters and give a complete description by
making use of colours, parts of the body and adjectives. Some of the students showed
difficulties in pronouncing certain words so I believe it will be important towork on the
pronunciation of those lexical items. .
All in all, I can say students are enthusiastic and enjoy the English class. Therefore, I
will try to focus on having fun and entertaining classes. As this is the last part of the year, I
believe this is the right time for them to apply all they have learnt so far and at the same time,
revise and learn new aspects of the learning of English.
López, Fernanda Emili E.
What about the developmentoftheirlanguage skills?
What approach and theoriesoflearningsustained your lessons?
This shouldbe considered.
Class Journal 1
Date: 10/11/14
Class: 4º A
My first class with this group was quite encouraging and motivating. I felt confident
throughout the whole lesson; however, I know there are some aspects I need to improve. I
think I developed correctly other aspects too. I’m trying to be positive and I know there are
a few days during which I know I can improve and I’m looking forward to working with
these children during this practicum.
Before the class, I was excited and doubtful as regards the way in which students
would react to what I had prepared to them. My expectations were high since I knew children
of this age are completely different from the ones who I had given classes to before
(kindergarten). My worries were mainly about how to call their attention and to make them
feel at ease when working with me.
As the class unfolded, I could feel comfortable when working with such an
encouraging group. They answered every question I made and were always asking for more.
As I was teaching, I could notice that they felt motivated by all the visual material I took
about monsters. Their teachers had commented and I could observe that their attention lasted
only a few minutes. During this class, I only had to call their attention in a few moments. I
learnt some of the students’ name swhose attention span lasted less than the others and I
could call their attention when necessary. Their teachers had also pointed out that auxiliaries
tended to interrupt their classes onn several occasions which made it even more difficult to
get students’ attention for a long time. Although this happened only on one occasion during
this class, it only took students’ attention for a little while. I have to admit that this has to
happen since it is the auxiliaries’ job to interrupt the class to bring tea to the class; however,
it is true that this could only happen on one occasion and not on several ones as I had
observed in other classes.
My personal analysis of the class is mainly positive. I noticed some students were not
finishing the work I had asked them, so I started drawing happy faces on the notebooks of
students who had finished. When the ones who did not finish their work saw that some mates
were receiving the happy faces, they understood they had to finish their work to get one.
Once the lesson was over, I was in a good mood. I know I have to encourage them to work
with games . the presentation stage really called their attention. When I gave them
instructions to play “Simon says” they were enthusiastic and eager to participate all the time.
Finally, I learnt a lot more about young learners and what they enjoy doing when
learning. I recognize that my strengths are related to the fact that I could work with all of
them and I praised their work every time I could. As for my weaknesses, I think I have to
encourage them to use English more often than they are used to. All in all, I am excited and
looking forward to learning more about them and to showing them a different way of using
English with communicative purposes in the classroom.
López, Fernanda Emili E.
Dear Emili
Please,reflectonthe commentsand questionsabove.
Class Journal 2
Date: 17/11/14
Class: 4º A
My second class with this group was interesting from beginning to end. I think that
this group has got many strong points which I hope I can explore in the following classes. I
think that I applied a different type of activity which students had not worked with previously
and this made the lesson as motivating as I had expected.
Before the class, I had everything ready. I carefully selected a listening activity which
was connected with the topic students had been revising (monsters’ description). My worries
were mainly about how students were going to respond to a new activity and, what is more,
to an audio file in the L2. For this reason, I had to think on different ways for students to
understand the meaning of it.
As the class unfolded, I could notice how comfortable students were when working
with a listening activity. They answered greatly to this type of input and they were eager to
participate. As I was teaching, I could notice that they like to be given activities which are a
little bit harder than the ones they are used to working with. During this class, students were
completely involved and I did not notice many moments in which their attention was not
focused on the topic. They were interested in May and her friends and although students did
not have to learn the spelling of words, they were enthusiastic about learning the ones given
in the listening task so it was an appropriate moment for students to learn new content which
was not specified and was not the main aim of the lesson.
My personal analysis of the class is mainly positive. I can see how involved they are
with a new language even when they do not have tests. Their teacher pointed out that she
grades students according their work done during the class. In a way one can notice the
students who are actually involved in the process of learning and this is noticeable in many
of them. It is important to bear in mind that this is a state school and students have English
four times a week for merely 40 minutes (which in many occasions is less) and their
knowledge of the language is quite impressive.
Finally, I recognize that my strengths are related to the fact that I feel at ease when
working with these students and we can work nicely with the whole group. As for my
weaknesses, I think I have to encourage them to use English more often than they are used
López, Fernanda Emili E.
You mentionedthisinyour previousentry.How do you intendto work on thisissue?
What about the strategiesimplementedduringthislesson?Whatabout communication inL2?
Class Journal 3
Date: 18/11/14
Class: 4º A
My third class with this group was quite encouraging. I had chosen some characters
that were close to the students’ background information so my aim was to catch students’
attention from the very beginning.
Before the class, I could have some time to think about some mistakes I had made in
the lesson plans. I usually feel a bit nervous before every class but once it starts I just go with
the flow. My worries were the usual ones which are connected to the use students make of
the English language during the lesson.
As the class unfolded, I believe I gave a lot of examples for them to understand how
to give a complete physical description. They liked the game in which they had to guess the
animals I talked about so I could give a lot of oral input. During this class, students were
concentrated and I could notice they enjoyed oral activities more than written ones. Some
students get distracted when they have to do written activities. Most of them could complete
the activities which made me feel surprised. Today I could recognize the students who do not
usually finish the activities; therefore, I will check on their oral production in the following
My personal analysis of the class is positive. I think I have developed an interesting
and encouraging relationship with students. I gave students different activities and I gave
them as many examples as possible for them to have a model to follow. I think students
could understand the way of describing people and this was important for me. It was the first
time they mixed different ways of describing animals or people so this was my main goal
and it was achieved.
As for my strengths, they are related to the fact that I could achieve the main aim of
the lesson. As for my weaknesses, I think I have to improve the way of giving instructions to
students and to check comprehension in English.
López, Fernanda Emili E.
Whydo you thinkso?
How would you work on this?
Class Journal 4
Date: 20/11/14
Class: 4º A
My fourth class with this group was a little bit more difficult than I had expected due
to the fact that students did not remember the uses of “there is” and “there are” in the
beginning. However, this meant that students had the possibility of revising these concepts
before the end of school year.
Before the class, I could correct some mistakes the tutor pointed out so as to develop
the class meaningfully. My worries were connected to the fact I was not sure whether
students’ were going to remember the uses of “there is” and “there are”or not. At the same
time, I had developed a short warm-up activity which was supposed to give students a hint
of what the class was going to be about.
As the class unfolded, I think students could understand how to describe a place in
L2. Students could express preferences and use countable and uncountable nouns too. During
this class, students were able to write interesting descriptions. I noticed students were eager
to learn more words since they kept asking questions to make even more meaningful
descriptions than the ones they are used to writing. I think the whole description of Sally’s
bedroom and the objects she had in her dream room captured students’ attention and they let
their imagination fly. I could recognize an aspect common among students of this age, which
is that they are interested in being creative and they always want to learn more.
My personal analysis is positive because I could develop the activities present in the
lesson plan. Furthermore, I have to say that up to this moment, there has not been any problem
as regards misbehavior. Students tend to stand up quite regularly; however, I try to keep the
order as much as possible since the students who stand up are usually the same ones.
As for my strengths, they are the fact that I could revise and teach at the same time.
As for my weaknesses, I think I have to keep the order in the classroom in different ways
since I need all of them to improve their written production. Oral activities are always
properly achieved; the written activities are the ones which tend to be more difficult for
López, Fernanda Emili E.
What strategiesdidyou implement?
Apart from describingwhat you perceive,youshouldalso focus on a course of action and ideas
to implement.
Class Journal 5
Date: 25/11/14
Class: 4º A
My fifth class with this group was exciting and I could make profit of the whole lesson
plan, which was a little bit more difficult than the previous ones. I always try to apply the
knowledge I have as regards Didactics; however, lesson aims and the whole planning stage
has come to be a difficult task for me and I hope I will take advantage of the whole practicum
Before the class, I was aware that this lesson was going to be recorded so I worked
really hard with the material I was going to use in this class. My worries were connected to
the fact if students were going to feel comfortable with so much exposure to the language. I
reviewed everything carefully and studied which places were going to be mentioned during
this class. The lesson was aimed to teaching new prepositions of place with a big map so I
thought it would be fruitful that I learnt the places students had to mention.
As the class unfolded, I think students were able to use more prepositions to describe
where certain buildings are. I was a bit worried with the seating arrangement in the beginning.
When I arrived, students were sitting in a completely different way. Their Art’s teacher had
worked previously with them; therefore, they were sitting in groups in front of the
blackboard. I decided not to change the seating arrangement because it would take too long.
During this class, students could understand what I was explaining even when I spoke in
English, which I tried to use most of the time. Students were eager to learn more words since
they kept asking questions about the different buildings on the map. I think the context of
the lesson was great since I think Mike is a recognized character now and students like him
and enjoyed learning about his city.
My personal analysis is positive because I think my strengths are more than my
weaknesses. The former are the fact that students can understand what I explain to them and
the use I make of visuals and body language. These contribute to a correct development of
the lesson. As for my weakness, I think I have to explain in detail the instructions and try to
work on them for students to correctly write the activity of the day.
López, Fernanda Emili E.
This is not clear.
Keepit up, Emili!
Class Journal 6
Date: 26/11/14
Class: 4º A
My sixth class with this group was really interesting and I could make a profit from
the whole lesson plan and even devoted some time to revising the prepositions learnt from
the previous class. I think that after six classes I could improve different aspects as compared
with the classes I developed at Kindergarten level.
Before the class, once again this class was going to be recorded so as usual I was
worried about this. My worries were connected to the fact if students were going to be
comfortable when working with a video which showed people speaking in English. This was
the first time they were going to work with a video so I really wanted them to enjoy this part
of the lesson.
As the class unfolded, I believed students could positively work with then next
directions. They repeated them in different instances so I tried to check their pronunciation
too. During this class, students could understand what I was explaining; however, I used
Spanish because this was the first time they listened to these directions. I tried to use it only
when I noticed they were not getting the idea of what I was explaining. I devoted some time
to revising previously learnt prepositions too so I believe it was an interesting and well-
developed class. I used communication as a way of making students feel comfortable with
the English language. There were times in which I asked questions in English and they
understood what I was saying; nevertheless, they answered in Spanish and when I said “In
English”, they knew the words. I believe it is a matter of them being used to speaking in
English during the whole year.
My personal analysis is positive because I can now reflect about different aspects I
could not do before this practicum process. I am delighted to say students said goodbye to
me with a round of applause, which I had never experienced before. I do not know if I will
have to continue teaching in the Primary level but I felt great during these weeks of real hard
López, Fernanda Emili E.
Dear Emili,
As this is your last journal entry, it seems a good opportunity to reflect upon your
learning process:
• To what extent has this experience helped you in your teaching development?
• What have you learnt about this age group?
• What do you think you still need to learn about students this age?
• Did you do some research on this age group before you started teaching these
• How did your previous knowledge help you plan your lessons and teach your
• What new pedagogical knowledge did you acquire?
• What relevance did you give to pedagogical decisions while planning and teaching
your lessons and when reflecting upon them?
• To what extent and in what ways has keeping a teaching journal deepened your
knowledge and improved your teaching practice?
These questions are meant to foster further reflection.
Congratulations on your performance during this period!!!

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Journal entries Primary Level

  • 1. JOURNAL ENTRIES PRIMARY LEVEL I.F.D. N°13 Zapala, Neuquén. GROUP: 4 A STUDENT: Fernanda Emili E. López Observations’ Journal: Date: 5/11/14 Class: 4 ºA Today was my first day with the group 4ºA. I had a great first day with them because they are enthusiastic children who are motivated and encouraged by any activity proposed by the teacher. When I was introduced to them, hey all greeted me and instantly said: “Hello Teachers” by making the final “S” a little bit louder than the rest of the phrase. First the students receive the teacher and it takes them a few minutes to take their notebooks and course books out. The group sits in three lines in front of the blackboard. The first 40 minutes they have to be in a classroom which has a whiteboard. Little by little the class went on with all of them answering the teacher’s questions. The English teacher of this group uses Spanish all the time and she is working in writing production. Students have an appropriate pronunciation and they all like reading aloud; what is more, they even raised their hands to read aloud. The teacher first asked them to review what they had done the previous class, and as they had been working with short monsters’ descriptions they first read it all together. Then, the teacher gave them a different description and they had to paint the monster according the description given. Once they finished, they
  • 2. all took their notebooks to the teacher until the break was announced by a bell and they all went outside. The second part was connected to the monsters’ description, but this time the teacher gave them some hints about a different monster and they had to write the description. The students formed the sentences all together and some of them were asked to go to the front and copy the sentences. This time students were in a different classroom. They tend to switch classrooms with the group 4ºB. This classroom had a blackboard and working with chalk is a little bit more complicated for students. Some of them couldn’t write correctly on the board They all copied the description and the teacher gave them white sheets of paper for them to draw the monster according the characteristics given by her. I am really encouraged to continue working with this group. This time was mere observation of students’ behavior inside the classroom and of how they used the language. My expectations are high and I hope I can contribute to their learning of English. López, Fernanda Emili E. What do you think about the approach to teachingand the methodologythat is implemented? What skillsare SS able to develop? How does she guide them in the learningprocess? Cecilia Observations’ Journal: Date: 6/11/14 Class: 4 ºA After observing the third class of 4th year students, I can only express positive feelings as regards the energy and motivation students have to work on the subject. Although they are
  • 3. not used to receiving so much input in English, students know a wide range of vocabulary which is according their age. This time the lesson was given in the room with the blackboard and once again students had difficulties in reading the sentences written with chalk. I noted down the dates in which students have to work in this classroom so as to have further consideration when giving my lessons. This time, students continued working with monsters’ description; however, they had to write a description alone. The teacher gave them a copy with four monsters in it. They all made contributions to the questions made by the teacher and they could all write sentences on the blackboard together. While doing so, the teacher made them differentiate between the “has” and “is” short forms in a sentence. Students showed interest in the presentation by the teacher; however, it was quite difficult for them to concentrate since they had just had the arts lesson. I believe this is one of the aspects to take into account when designing the lesson plans since I want to improve the use of the time during the development of the lesson. Having said this, I can say that students gradually started to work on their descriptions. They had to choose one of the monsters and give a complete description by making use of colours, parts of the body and adjectives. Some of the students showed difficulties in pronouncing certain words so I believe it will be important towork on the pronunciation of those lexical items. . All in all, I can say students are enthusiastic and enjoy the English class. Therefore, I will try to focus on having fun and entertaining classes. As this is the last part of the year, I believe this is the right time for them to apply all they have learnt so far and at the same time, revise and learn new aspects of the learning of English. López, Fernanda Emili E. Only? What about the developmentoftheirlanguage skills? What approach and theoriesoflearningsustained your lessons?
  • 4. This shouldbe considered. Cecilia Class Journal 1 Date: 10/11/14 Class: 4º A My first class with this group was quite encouraging and motivating. I felt confident throughout the whole lesson; however, I know there are some aspects I need to improve. I think I developed correctly other aspects too. I’m trying to be positive and I know there are a few days during which I know I can improve and I’m looking forward to working with these children during this practicum. Before the class, I was excited and doubtful as regards the way in which students would react to what I had prepared to them. My expectations were high since I knew children of this age are completely different from the ones who I had given classes to before (kindergarten). My worries were mainly about how to call their attention and to make them feel at ease when working with me. As the class unfolded, I could feel comfortable when working with such an encouraging group. They answered every question I made and were always asking for more. As I was teaching, I could notice that they felt motivated by all the visual material I took about monsters. Their teachers had commented and I could observe that their attention lasted only a few minutes. During this class, I only had to call their attention in a few moments. I learnt some of the students’ name swhose attention span lasted less than the others and I could call their attention when necessary. Their teachers had also pointed out that auxiliaries tended to interrupt their classes onn several occasions which made it even more difficult to get students’ attention for a long time. Although this happened only on one occasion during this class, it only took students’ attention for a little while. I have to admit that this has to happen since it is the auxiliaries’ job to interrupt the class to bring tea to the class; however, it is true that this could only happen on one occasion and not on several ones as I had observed in other classes.
  • 5. My personal analysis of the class is mainly positive. I noticed some students were not finishing the work I had asked them, so I started drawing happy faces on the notebooks of students who had finished. When the ones who did not finish their work saw that some mates were receiving the happy faces, they understood they had to finish their work to get one. Once the lesson was over, I was in a good mood. I know I have to encourage them to work with games . the presentation stage really called their attention. When I gave them instructions to play “Simon says” they were enthusiastic and eager to participate all the time. Finally, I learnt a lot more about young learners and what they enjoy doing when learning. I recognize that my strengths are related to the fact that I could work with all of them and I praised their work every time I could. As for my weaknesses, I think I have to encourage them to use English more often than they are used to. All in all, I am excited and looking forward to learning more about them and to showing them a different way of using English with communicative purposes in the classroom. López, Fernanda Emili E.  Dear Emili Please,reflectonthe commentsand questionsabove. Cecilia Class Journal 2 Date: 17/11/14 Class: 4º A My second class with this group was interesting from beginning to end. I think that this group has got many strong points which I hope I can explore in the following classes. I think that I applied a different type of activity which students had not worked with previously and this made the lesson as motivating as I had expected.
  • 6. Before the class, I had everything ready. I carefully selected a listening activity which was connected with the topic students had been revising (monsters’ description). My worries were mainly about how students were going to respond to a new activity and, what is more, to an audio file in the L2. For this reason, I had to think on different ways for students to understand the meaning of it. As the class unfolded, I could notice how comfortable students were when working with a listening activity. They answered greatly to this type of input and they were eager to participate. As I was teaching, I could notice that they like to be given activities which are a little bit harder than the ones they are used to working with. During this class, students were completely involved and I did not notice many moments in which their attention was not focused on the topic. They were interested in May and her friends and although students did not have to learn the spelling of words, they were enthusiastic about learning the ones given in the listening task so it was an appropriate moment for students to learn new content which was not specified and was not the main aim of the lesson. My personal analysis of the class is mainly positive. I can see how involved they are with a new language even when they do not have tests. Their teacher pointed out that she grades students according their work done during the class. In a way one can notice the students who are actually involved in the process of learning and this is noticeable in many of them. It is important to bear in mind that this is a state school and students have English four times a week for merely 40 minutes (which in many occasions is less) and their knowledge of the language is quite impressive. Finally, I recognize that my strengths are related to the fact that I feel at ease when working with these students and we can work nicely with the whole group. As for my weaknesses, I think I have to encourage them to use English more often than they are used to. López, Fernanda Emili E. You mentionedthisinyour previousentry.How do you intendto work on thisissue?
  • 7. What about the strategiesimplementedduringthislesson?Whatabout communication inL2? Cecilia Class Journal 3 Date: 18/11/14 Class: 4º A My third class with this group was quite encouraging. I had chosen some characters that were close to the students’ background information so my aim was to catch students’ attention from the very beginning. Before the class, I could have some time to think about some mistakes I had made in the lesson plans. I usually feel a bit nervous before every class but once it starts I just go with the flow. My worries were the usual ones which are connected to the use students make of the English language during the lesson. As the class unfolded, I believe I gave a lot of examples for them to understand how to give a complete physical description. They liked the game in which they had to guess the animals I talked about so I could give a lot of oral input. During this class, students were concentrated and I could notice they enjoyed oral activities more than written ones. Some students get distracted when they have to do written activities. Most of them could complete the activities which made me feel surprised. Today I could recognize the students who do not usually finish the activities; therefore, I will check on their oral production in the following class. My personal analysis of the class is positive. I think I have developed an interesting and encouraging relationship with students. I gave students different activities and I gave them as many examples as possible for them to have a model to follow. I think students could understand the way of describing people and this was important for me. It was the first time they mixed different ways of describing animals or people so this was my main goal and it was achieved.
  • 8. As for my strengths, they are related to the fact that I could achieve the main aim of the lesson. As for my weaknesses, I think I have to improve the way of giving instructions to students and to check comprehension in English. López, Fernanda Emili E. Whydo you thinkso? How would you work on this? Cecilia Class Journal 4 Date: 20/11/14 Class: 4º A My fourth class with this group was a little bit more difficult than I had expected due to the fact that students did not remember the uses of “there is” and “there are” in the beginning. However, this meant that students had the possibility of revising these concepts before the end of school year. Before the class, I could correct some mistakes the tutor pointed out so as to develop the class meaningfully. My worries were connected to the fact I was not sure whether students’ were going to remember the uses of “there is” and “there are”or not. At the same time, I had developed a short warm-up activity which was supposed to give students a hint of what the class was going to be about. As the class unfolded, I think students could understand how to describe a place in L2. Students could express preferences and use countable and uncountable nouns too. During this class, students were able to write interesting descriptions. I noticed students were eager to learn more words since they kept asking questions to make even more meaningful descriptions than the ones they are used to writing. I think the whole description of Sally’s
  • 9. bedroom and the objects she had in her dream room captured students’ attention and they let their imagination fly. I could recognize an aspect common among students of this age, which is that they are interested in being creative and they always want to learn more. My personal analysis is positive because I could develop the activities present in the lesson plan. Furthermore, I have to say that up to this moment, there has not been any problem as regards misbehavior. Students tend to stand up quite regularly; however, I try to keep the order as much as possible since the students who stand up are usually the same ones. As for my strengths, they are the fact that I could revise and teach at the same time. As for my weaknesses, I think I have to keep the order in the classroom in different ways since I need all of them to improve their written production. Oral activities are always properly achieved; the written activities are the ones which tend to be more difficult for students. López, Fernanda Emili E. What strategiesdidyou implement? Apart from describingwhat you perceive,youshouldalso focus on a course of action and ideas to implement. Cecilia Class Journal 5 Date: 25/11/14 Class: 4º A My fifth class with this group was exciting and I could make profit of the whole lesson plan, which was a little bit more difficult than the previous ones. I always try to apply the knowledge I have as regards Didactics; however, lesson aims and the whole planning stage
  • 10. has come to be a difficult task for me and I hope I will take advantage of the whole practicum process. Before the class, I was aware that this lesson was going to be recorded so I worked really hard with the material I was going to use in this class. My worries were connected to the fact if students were going to feel comfortable with so much exposure to the language. I reviewed everything carefully and studied which places were going to be mentioned during this class. The lesson was aimed to teaching new prepositions of place with a big map so I thought it would be fruitful that I learnt the places students had to mention. As the class unfolded, I think students were able to use more prepositions to describe where certain buildings are. I was a bit worried with the seating arrangement in the beginning. When I arrived, students were sitting in a completely different way. Their Art’s teacher had worked previously with them; therefore, they were sitting in groups in front of the blackboard. I decided not to change the seating arrangement because it would take too long. During this class, students could understand what I was explaining even when I spoke in English, which I tried to use most of the time. Students were eager to learn more words since they kept asking questions about the different buildings on the map. I think the context of the lesson was great since I think Mike is a recognized character now and students like him and enjoyed learning about his city. My personal analysis is positive because I think my strengths are more than my weaknesses. The former are the fact that students can understand what I explain to them and the use I make of visuals and body language. These contribute to a correct development of the lesson. As for my weakness, I think I have to explain in detail the instructions and try to work on them for students to correctly write the activity of the day. López, Fernanda Emili E. This is not clear. Please,specify. Keepit up, Emili!
  • 11. Cecilia Class Journal 6 Date: 26/11/14 Class: 4º A My sixth class with this group was really interesting and I could make a profit from the whole lesson plan and even devoted some time to revising the prepositions learnt from the previous class. I think that after six classes I could improve different aspects as compared with the classes I developed at Kindergarten level. Before the class, once again this class was going to be recorded so as usual I was worried about this. My worries were connected to the fact if students were going to be comfortable when working with a video which showed people speaking in English. This was the first time they were going to work with a video so I really wanted them to enjoy this part of the lesson. As the class unfolded, I believed students could positively work with then next directions. They repeated them in different instances so I tried to check their pronunciation too. During this class, students could understand what I was explaining; however, I used Spanish because this was the first time they listened to these directions. I tried to use it only when I noticed they were not getting the idea of what I was explaining. I devoted some time to revising previously learnt prepositions too so I believe it was an interesting and well- developed class. I used communication as a way of making students feel comfortable with the English language. There were times in which I asked questions in English and they understood what I was saying; nevertheless, they answered in Spanish and when I said “In English”, they knew the words. I believe it is a matter of them being used to speaking in English during the whole year. My personal analysis is positive because I can now reflect about different aspects I could not do before this practicum process. I am delighted to say students said goodbye to me with a round of applause, which I had never experienced before. I do not know if I will
  • 12. have to continue teaching in the Primary level but I felt great during these weeks of real hard work. López, Fernanda Emili E. Dear Emili, As this is your last journal entry, it seems a good opportunity to reflect upon your learning process: • To what extent has this experience helped you in your teaching development? • What have you learnt about this age group? • What do you think you still need to learn about students this age? • Did you do some research on this age group before you started teaching these children? • How did your previous knowledge help you plan your lessons and teach your classes? • What new pedagogical knowledge did you acquire? • What relevance did you give to pedagogical decisions while planning and teaching your lessons and when reflecting upon them? • To what extent and in what ways has keeping a teaching journal deepened your knowledge and improved your teaching practice? These questions are meant to foster further reflection. Congratulations on your performance during this period!!! Cecilia