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1Introduction.................................................................................................... 2Description of
Events......................................................................................... 3Outcomes.......................................................................................................
4Lessons......................................................................................................... Conclusion.......................................................................................................
Bibliography.................................................................................................... AbstractTrain Hard to Be Hard. May of 2006 I began my rigorous path to
becoming an Army Ranger. I attended and was successful at my Battalions Ranger Order of Merit tryouts held in FT. Carson Colorado. I would pass
the OML and be awarded a slot to attend the FT Bragg Pre–Ranger... Show more content on ...
After the first week we went from around 150 men to 21. This is when things started to get tough. 20 hour days packed with performance stress and
uncertainty of the next day's events. It rained and temperatures dropped dramatically at night, making it tough to move and tough to stay alert, but
every time I thought about how much it sucked it seemed the Pre–Ranger Instructors could sense it. They just laughed and told us to keep moving
Ranger the nights not over. I realized how often I was seeing the Same Instructors throughout the course and I began to realize, "man this guy has
already been through this and here he is out here voluntarily training me." That was commendable in my book and I pushed myself harder out of
respect for them and reminding myself I had little to complain about and that it was useless and harmful to the team to do so anyway.Patrol base last
night. This was the night I was tested the most and I really learned just how far I could push myself with the right attitude and exercising some mind
over matter toughness. The rain has been coming sideways for hours now lightening is striking close enough that we execute the lightening drill and
squat in the open minus our gear to avoid being struck.
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The Cabanatuan Prisoner Of War Rescue Mission
Running Estimate for the Cabanatuan Prisoner of War Rescue Mission The prisoners of the Cabanatuan Prison are in grave danger as the US 6th
Army is advancing and the Japanese are in full retrograde; it is with this in mind that we are planning this raid. The prison camp is behind enemy
lines, approximately 30 miles from Guimba, and currently flooded with the withdrawing Japanese forces. The camp is being used as a transit
point as they retreat to the north and east. Daylight hours are when you find the largest troop concentrations; the current TTP is for Japanese
forces to move during the night. Additionally, a projected force of about 800 Japanese with tanks and heavy weapons are templated at Cabu. The
Terrain leading up to the Camp has vegetation and easily traversable roads; we have the support of the local population to help us in the recovery
efforts. As the US rangers approach the camp, the last mile will be treacherous because all vegetation has been cleared and the forecasted moon and
light data is not favorable. Once we start to evacuate the US Prisoners we will be faced with soldiers who have been on reduced rations for the last
few years, medical estimates suggest that we can expect 7–10% (35/500) of the prisoners to be non–ambulatory. The remainder will be debilitated from
malnutrition and disease, making their movement slow at best. Friendly forces will consist of 120 Army Rangers, two teams from the Alamo Scouts,
the Alamo Scouts bring the area expertise and
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Operation Overlord Ethical Dilemmas
Following the Normandy Landings operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World
War II, a group of U.S. soldiers go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action. 2nd Ranger Battalion
under Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) fight ashore to secure the beachhead on Omaha Beach. During the fighting two soldiers are killed in action on the
beachhead and are later found to be brothers of a soldier Private Ryan along with another brother fighting the war in New Guinea who is found to be
killed in action as well. The mother of these three soldiers receives the Army's grave telegrams for all three soldiers within the same day.
The United States Army Chief of ... Show more content on ...
Private Jackson (Barry Pepper) even states to the battalion that he thinks the "mission is a serious misallocation of valuable military resources,"
and the Battalion agrees with him stating the the orders are "FUBAR." As the mission lead on the battalion ran into an innocent civilian family
who were trapped in the middle of a battle who needed help. The battalion faced an ethical dilemma of leaving the family behind to be possibly
killed by the Nazi Germans or continuing on with their mission. A utilitarian view from module five readings on this situation would be for
Captain Miller to carry on with his mission, as it would be best for everyone in his battalion. The civilians to Captain Miller and his battalion were a
hazard and a burden on the mission, as they would have to escort the civilians to safety while compromising the mission to find Private Ryan. As
Private Caparzo (Vin Diesel) of the battalion sees that Captain Miller's choice was to leave the civilians behind in the war zone was ethically wrong,
he disobeys Captain Miller's orders and is then shot by a Nazi sniper when his position was compromised trying to save the civilians. As the battalion
moves on through the mission after the sniper threat was eliminated they come across a German machine gunners nest that kills T–4
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Rise Of Somalia Research Paper
Prior to January of 1991, Somalia was a relatively organized nation that was controlled by Mohamed Siad Barre. However, there was still small
pockets of resistance. In 1991, Barre was overthrown by a coalition of opposing clans that were known as the USC (United Somalia Congress).
Shortly after the revolution, the Somalia Congress had split into two separate groups. One was led by Ali Mahdi and the other one was led by
Mohamed Farrah Aidid. They waged wars against each other for political gains and they knew they both couldn't be president of Somalia. The
repercussions of the clan wars started to leak into the daily lives of the people that weren't politicians or military personnel. In the early 1990's, 75% of
the food that was provided... Show more content on ...
Aidid was a former general and a chairman of the United Somali Congress and he had also studied military training at the Frunze military academy,
which was an elite training facility in the former Soviet Union. These orders were part of an operation called "Restoring Hope" and was carried out
by G.H. W. Bush in partnership with the U.N and it was finished under the presidency of Bill Clinton. Operation Restoring Hope was blueprinted on
the behalf of the Somalian people that were suffering from a Civil War and severe famine under Aidid who had also been challenging the presence of
U.S United Nation's troops in the
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Why Do Aboriginals Join The Army
In 1914, when World War One began, many Aboriginals were compelled to join the army for multiple reasons. First of all, in many Aboriginal
cultures, it was considered to be a great honour to fight in battle. Warriors were much esteemed, and they believed it was better to die in battle than
of old age or sickness. In addition to this, the Aboriginal people were proficient in many skills that would prove useful in battle, such as lumbering,
river navigating, hunting, scouting, and tracking. Other reasons for enlisting included: a regular wage, to join their friends or family that enlisted, to
travel the world, to have an adventure, or to represent and defend Canada in the war. In spite of this, it was substantially more difficult for a Native
Canadian to join the war than it was for an English Canadian. Aboriginals were often seen as savage, and... Show more content on ...
This caused many to believe that Germans would treat the Aboriginals harsher, and they would respect their rights of civilized warfare. Due to this,
Aboriginals, or 'Status Indians', were not allowed to be recruited in the army. Even without this prohibition, many Aboriginals did not speak English,
which along with racial prejudice created a cultural barrier. Despite this, Aboriginals tried to get recruited, many getting recruited before Aboriginals
were widely prohibited, others managing to join despite the restriction. Since many recruiting officers were unaware that Aboriginals were not allowed
to enlist, there were some Aboriginals in the early contingents. Later, in 1915, since the army needed more troops, officials relaxed restrictions,
allowing minority groups
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How Does 9/11 Affect Our Society
September 11th, 2001 America was brought to its knees. The USA had the wind knocked out of it and was laying bleeding on the floor. Every
citizen in the United States held their breath and watched, awestruck as they watched the World Trade Center burn. Soon after watching the
buildings just burn, they witnessed them collapse. They watched as the building fell in on themselves, not even able to imagine all the people
inside the buildings. Without a doubt the attacks of September 11th contributed to one of the worst days in American history. But it also gave birth
to a 'New America". A day of fear eventually would lead to a day of pride, a day of patriotism, and what it meant to be an American. 9/11 instilled a
sense of American pride, brought the country together, and gave birth to a new sense of patriotism. I'm going to be using articles from the New York
Times as a primary and secondary source. Using quotes from people who were there as well as articles remembering the events. I'm going to also...
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However the story of this plane is not about tragedy and destruction, it's about heroism and how the people aboard this flight were able to prevent
the loss of countless other lives. The story of this flight is one of the most known by Americans. The story of a group of people who did not let the
terrorist win. Although the lives of every single member on board was lost, they did not let the terrorist reach their destination. Which was
believed to be the White House. A group of men attempted to storm the cockpit in order to take control of the plane again. The terrorist had no
choice but to fly it into the ground. One of the most famous of these group of men was Todd Beamer. "Let's roll" were the last words Beamer said
during a phone interview before leading a passenger revolt to take back the cock pit. Every one of those men are heroes, saving countless lives and
showing a great deal of courage and patriotism, paying the ultimate price for their
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Omaha Beach Attack
When you think of Omaha Beach, what comes to mind? The soldiers clashing on the beach. Or maybe a relative's story of how they dodged the
oncoming bullets. Perhaps the boats taking soldiers across the channel. What comes to my mind is the bravery of the soldiers under fire. If you think
that's interesting, then stick around. I'll give you an in depth look at what happened at Omaha Beach on that fateful day.
Omaha beach was the biggest D–Day invasion site at six miles wide. It the second most–western beach, with Utah Beach being farthest to the west. The
attack began on June 6, 1944. (Drez) Omaha Beach saw the fiercest fighting. It had a 12 foot tall sea wall. (Williams) There were also large cliffs
separating the beach from the nearby towns. ... Show more content on ...
All the soldier that were supposed to arrive at Fox Green landed farther to the east. But troops from Companies E and F were pushed by the current
from Easy Red, and they took the place of the 16th Regiment troops that were pushed to the east. The downside was that they came in under heavy
fire and had almost no cover, mainly because of the lack of a seawall on that section of the beach. Easy Red was the largest section of Omaha
Beach. Over 50% of this section was in between two of the German strong points. The Engineers of the 37th and 149th Engineer Combat Battalions
gave it their all trying to make a path through the German defenses in the water. While this was happening, Company E of the 116th was trying to
flank the strong point that was farther to the west. They had help from two of the navy destroyers, and a few other destroyers helped provide cover
for the troops being landed, one of them being the USS Frankford. The 18th Regiment of the 1st Division was landed around 09:30 hours. They only
lost 28 landing boats when the troops were being landed, and they managed to land with better success than the 16th did. They helped to secure the
Valley that was near the strong point that Company E had secured earlier. That valley later became the main way to the towns surrounding Omaha
Beach. Part of Company E of the 116th and Company E of the
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Saving Private Ryan Ethics
Saving Private Ryan is a film based during World War II. The main characters of the movie are elite soldiers out of the 2nd ranger battalion. The
soldiers of the 2nd ranger Battalion were part of the initial invasion and were vital in the taking of Normandy beach. This was just the beginning
for this group of soldiers destined for a mission save Private James Francis Ryan. The major ethical debate started in the United States Chief of
Staff's office following the discovery that a mother would receive three telegrams on the same day informing her that three of her four sons had
died in combat. In the office the group weighs the decision to pull out her only surviving son from behind enemy lines and send him home safely.
Private Ryan was in the 101 airborne division and missed there drop deep behind enemy lines and there exact whereabouts are unknown. The group
is split between risking men's lives to save one man, presuming he is alive, and a sense of responsibility to the mother of the boys to bring her one
son back safely. The decision is made to save Private Ryan after the Chief of Staff reads a letter by Abraham Lincoln. "Dear Madam: I have been
shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant–General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died
gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so
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When they finally find Private Ryan he and a small group of patched together soldiers are defending one of the last working bridges from the
Germans. When Private Ryan refuses to leave his post because he doesn't want to abandon the only family he has left, the ranger squad relates to his
dilemma and stays to fight with him. A lot of the squad parishes in defending Private Ryan's mission including Capt. James
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Second Ranger Mission Command Analysis
It was 20 May 1951 the 2nd Ranger Company led by 1LT James C Queen would engage in a fierce battle with the Chinese Communist Forces
(CCF) to seize the critical terrain hill 581 from the enemy (Rangers in Korea). This battle was the largest that they would be involved in.(all black)
The seizing of this critical terrain was part of second CCF spring offensive, which was some of the most intense fighting of the Korean War. (Korean
Battle) 1LT Queen's use of the six mission command principles enabled him and his men to seize and defend Hill 581. (FIX–>)1LT Queen's use of
three mission command principles that the keys to the success of the mission........ Description of the Battle In late April the 7th Infantry Division
received orders from IX Corps to move to the General Defensive Line, in order to establish and improve defensive... Show more content on ...
Ten of these men had never seen action with the Rangers. These men were simply attached to the 2nd Ranger Company because they were black
regardless of MOS. The Rangers that weren't on patrols took it upon themselves to train these men as close as possible to the Ranger standards.
The enemy's seizure of Hill 581 was the point of the CCF's deepest penetration so far during the CCF Spring Offensive. Rangers Lead) This
knowledge gave 1LT Queen belief that he would have an advantage even though they were under strength. He was willing to take the hill with a
personnel shortage, because he believed they would be facing tired and poorly supplied troops defending the hill. Another advantage 1LT Queen and
his men had was a familiarity with the terrain of Hill 581, because this was the same hill that they had executed a night withdrawal from two weeks
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Warren Bennis Once Said “Leadership Is The Capacity To
Warren Bennis once said "leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality". Throughout my fourteen year military career I have been shown
many good and bad examples of how a leader should act to turn their visions into reality. It is from these very leaders that I too have learned to
become a leader myself and it has helped me further my career. It however took time and experience for my leadership skills to develop. Throughout
this paper I will show how my military experiences has taught me to become a good leader. I was born from immigrant parents and my main goal in
life was to be part of the greatest army in the world and I always had the mindset that nothing was going to stop me from achieving that. Back in 2003
I was ... Show more content on ...
Throughout this first deployment I learned from observing good leaders, bad leaders, and toxic leaders. All of them whether good or bad helped
shape my career. These leaders helped me to see a bigger picture of who I wanted to become and and also how I didn 't want to lead. On our return
home from deployment we were treated like heroes. People at the airport cheered for us and expressed their gratitude for our service and sacrifice
for our country. In those moments I felt a great sense of accomplishment that almost made it all worth wile. And it made me also want to become
better leader so I could go out there and do it again for my country. After being back home for seven months we received news that we were going
right back to Iraq. This time with a new wheeled fighting platform "strikers", to which I was more than happy to raise my hand and ask Uncle Sam to
put me in for five more years. Throughout this deployment I noticed some progress compared to the last deployment to Iraq. Although, theImprovised
Explosive Device (IED), small arms fire, and the mortar attacks remain unchanged. My unit was stationed in a camp named Camp Taji where we ran
operations for that whole surrounding region. Remember the sarcastic Airborne Instructor Sargent First Class at the time that told me I can yell
airborne every time I jump out of the bus? I heard his familiar, thick accent
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Film Review: The Normandy Invasion
In the present day, an elderly World War II veteran and his family visit the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Normandy, France. The
veteran walks around the cemetery and, upon seeing one gravestone, collapses to his knees, overwhelmed by emotion. The film flashes back to the
morning of June 6, 1944, the beginning of the Normandy Invasion, as American soldiers prepare to land on Omaha Beach. They suffer heavily from
their struggle against German infantry, machine gun nests, and artillery fire. Captain John H. Miller, a company commander of the 2nd Ranger
Battalion, survives the initial landing and assembles a group of his Rangers to penetrate the German defenses, leading to a breakout from the beach. In
Washington, D.C, at the U.S.... Show more content on ...
Although they inflict heavy casualties on the Germans, most of the paratroopers, along with Jackson, Mellish, and Horvath, are killed. While
attempting to blow the bridge, Miller is shot and mortally wounded by the German soldier he had set free earlier (who, contrary to his word, has
evidently rejoined German forces). Just before a Tiger tank reaches the bridge, an American P–51 Mustang flies overhead and destroys the tank,
followed by American armored units which rout the remaining Germans. The German infantryman who shot Miller raises his hands in surrender to
Upham who, enraged at his treachery, shoots him, and lets the other surviving Germans
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Dispute Between Japan And China Essay
Terri Baptiste
December 01, 2016
PSC 203–04
Dispute in the East China Seas Mr. President it's been an ongoing territorial dispute between Japan and China over isolated islands and has been going
on for decades but lately tensions have escalated. The problems that had manifested are the control for the maritime resources, the military balance of
power in Asia. Also, we know the distrust between Japan and China because of activism, and the need for power. We should get involved because
these are our allies and we don't want china to take advance of japan because their military is more strong and advance. Rightful these islands belong
to Japan because we took it from them as post during world war 2. China's leaders are hoping to increase their military more in the east china seas.
Because we are the united states of America will have to do something I think we should let these countries share these islands and to make sure one
country don't try to take control one the islands we send more navy sailors to sail the water to make sure these countries are comprosiming. We can't let
them work it out because we did that for years and the situation is getting worse, china military is advance rapidly and because japan changed their
constitution, them spend more money on their self–defense force. We can't sit back and do nothing so we should do something before their military
forces get stronger. We already have troops in these islands because alongside with our allies
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Douglas Brinkley's The Boys Of Pointe Du Hoc
Book Review Douglas Brinkley, age 55, is an American author who has more than 20 published books, including The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc, a book
about D–Day and America during World War II. The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc was published in 2005. By that time, Brinkley already had multiple
books under his belt, and his experienced writing helped to give this description of D–Day the justice it deserves. The book begins in the White house,
in October of 1981. President Ronald Reagan was waiting for a visit from French president Francois Mitterand, when his chief of staff informed him
of a prestigious gift from the French government. Reagan was scheduled to meet with them in Yorktown, Virginia soon. The gift he Reagan would be
receiving was at first believed to be the Croix de Guerre, a military decoration of France. It translates to 'Cross of War.' At first, Reagan did not feel
that he had... Show more content on ...
Rudder's Rangers are typically forgotten in history, however they played a crucial part in the D–Day attacks. The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc was an
interesting book to read, as the story of the 2nd Battalion Rangers often goes untold. The author explains that the reason they do not get recognition is
because of a book written about the D–Day invasion. The author of that book had investigated Pointe Du Hoc, looking for where the German outposts
were, but they had been destroyed. The author of that book assumed that Rudder's Rangers had scaled cliffs for no reason, and wrote that in the
book. Douglas Brinkley uses several testimonies from the men who fought with Companies D, E, and F. These testimonies really bring the book
alive, and it helps to tell the tail and connect the reader to the events. The descriptive tools used by Brinkley display a mental picture that is very
detailed. These words are often used when Brinkley's works, and he is a renowned
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Why The Raid At Cabanatuan
The raid at Cabanatuan was the product of a failed campaign to protect the Philippines from Japanese control in 1941–42, which resulted in the capture
of over 550 American and allied POWs. The capture of the Philippines was essential to Japan, who would be able to use it as a resupply point, as
well as eliminating the natural barrier that existed between them and China. The raid was organized three years later in an effort to release the POWS
and further the mission of the Allies reclaiming the Philippines from Japanese control. On December 7th 1941, Japanese air forces attacked Pearl
Harbor, destroying ships and claiming more than 2,400 lives. This attack is most noted for being one of the single most important events leading to the
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The result of the American defeat in Bataan was the Bataan Death March. The transfer of POWs from Bataan to camp O'Donnell in the northern
part of the island spanned 61 miles, 40 of which were traveled by foot. Along the way, the lack of Japanese supplies left very little for the POWs.
The ones who fell out of the march were killed, with countless others dying of disease and starvation. By the time they troops had reached their
destination of Camp O'Donnell, the American forces had lost endured nearly 10,000 casualties as well as 18,000 which died within the first six
weeks of the troops being in Camp O'Donnell. POW's were moved from Camp O'Donnell Cabanatuan, where they remained until January of 1945.
The camp at Cabanatuan was used mainly for sick POWs, while the able bodied ones were sent back to Japan in order to occupy the hard labor
camps. The POWs who stay in Cabanatuan were starved, beaten, and suffered from Malaria. The Japanese were instructed to treat POWs nicely,
however due to cultural differences; the POWs who surrendered were seen as dishonorable and unworthy of support. The standing order for a man
attempting to escape or seen smuggling food/medicine, was for that man to have to watch as 10 other POWs were executed. The POWs endured the
mistreatment and torturous conditions for over two years before the American and Allied forces were able to battle back in order to reoccupy the
Philippines. The Allied forces began to work their way back to the
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James Earl Rudder Research Paper
Many leaders past and present in society have influenced the development of Army leadership. One of the most influential leaders is James Earl
Rudder. Rudder enlisted in the U.S. military in 1932 as a commissioned officer in the Army Reserves right after completing his degree in industrial
education from Texas A&M. In 1933, Rudder became a teacher and taught football at Brady High School later becoming a football coach and
teacher at Tarleton Agricultural College. Rudder married Margaret Williamson in June 1937 whom he had five children. Rudder was called to
active duty in 1941, approximately two years after the start of World War II (WWII). In 1943 as a Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Rudder took command
of Second Ranger Battalion, later named Rudder's Rangers (Todd IV & Knape, 2010). Rudder's Rangers played a significant role in the D–Day
invasion by storming the beach at Pointe du Hoc under constant enemy fire, scaling 100 meter cliffs with unreliable radio communications between his
troops, reached and destroyed German Gun Batteries. General Omar N. Bradley the American ground commander selected Rudder's Ranger's, a group
approximately 500 hand selected Soldiers trained by Rudder (Humanities Texas, 2011). Rudder shot twice was amongst the nearly 50 percent wounded
in his battalion... Show more content on ...
He was a high school and college football teacher that developed his care and compassion for others and provided him with experience on how to
mentor and lead. Rudder was a true leader that was demonstrated in every position he held in the military and in the community. Rudder left a lasting
impression that has become a part of history as a land commissioner cleaning up corruption, and as the president at Texas A&M University allowing
women to enroll and improving academic
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Battle Of Chipyong-Ni Battle Analysis
The Forces led by Gen Mathew B. Ridgeway at The Battle of Chipyong–Ni were comprised of various Nations; South Korea, French, and United
States. These united Armies are composed of the following forces, 2nd Battalion 23rd Infantry Regiment Golf Co, (2nd Infantry regiment) led by Col.
Paul L. Freeman, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 82nd Anti–Aircraft Artillery, 503rd Field Artillery Bravo Battery, 23rd RTC, and 1st Ranger Co. The
French forces include the French Battalion of the United Nations Organization. In all Gen. Ridgeway has over 4,500, to include 2,500 front line
infantrymen, to defend the small town of Chipyong–NI. The Chinese offensive includes over 5 divisions of the Chinese Volunteer People's Army
encompassing soldiers of the... Show more content on ...
Ridgeway's men spent the entire day rebuilding and enhancing their defenses. He ordered recon patrols to be pushed out and deny enemy movement.
A patrol led by LT. McGee who was in charge of one of these recon patrols found and captured five enemy Chinese hiding in a culvert, and returned
with an additional 17 wounded Chinese Soldiers. The Artillerymen focused their efforts on their defensive posture and relaying the howitzers, moving
them from two platoon formations to laying the howitzers in pairs. There was a lone building close to the Artillery position, outside of the security
perimeter, that they decided to destroy it using direct fire and white phosphorus before the Chinese could occupy and use it as a strong point. During
the evening of the 14th Gen. Ridgeway held a meeting at the FDC tent to discuss the night's defensive plans and capabilities. After the meeting
everyone felt confident and secure about holding out through the night against another possible Chinese Offensive. The meeting also brought to light a
possible Chinese offensive plan of action. It was determined that the Chinese might use a natural saddle in the terrain that approaches the right Flank
directly behind the firing batteries. In response to this threat Gen. Ridgeway's officers agreed to place three out post positions and two B.A.R. teams in
defense of the avenue of approach. The 23rd RCT was in charge of incoming supplies throughout the day, receiving
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The 1st Ranger Battalion: The Devil's Division
1942, the 1st Ranger Battalion was created after Major General Lucien Truscott convicted General George C. Marshall, the Army Chief of Staff, of the
need for large, all– volunteer and highly–trained commando units that could be used for special operations. The Devil's Brigade The Devil's Brigade,
also known as the 1st Special Service Force, was a Canadian–American unit trained in mountaineering, airborne, and close–combat skills that operated
mostly in Italy and France. They excelled at close–quarters combat with numerically superior forces. At Monte la Difensa, Italy, they wiped out a
strategic enemy defensive position high atop a mountain surrounded by steep cliffs. They got their nickname from a captured diary of a German
officer who wrote about the American commandos whose faces were camouflaged in black paint for the nighttime raid, "The black Devils are all
around us every time we come into line and we never hear them."... Show more content on ...
Darby. They first saw action during the invasion of North Africa, at the Battle of El Guettar, where U.S. forces handed the first solid defeat to
legendary German General Erwin "The Desert Fox"
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Essay on Commemorative Speech
Commemorative Speech
General Purpose: To commemorate.
Specific Purpose: To commemorate the love for the game of soccer.
Central Idea: To commemorate the history of Soccer and the love for the game.
I. 198 days until kick off! Entire countries will grind to a halt in 198 days to watch these games. No other sporting event has this same impact as the
Soccer FIFA World Cup
. A. For 4513 years the human species has played this game. B. Some suggest that the earliest signs of a feet–based ball game
date back as far as 2500BC, during which time the Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese all appear to have partaken in such games.
II. Today, I'm going to tell you why I'm proud to share the history of the Soccer... Show more content on ...
III. One of these groups was send to Omaha Beach. A. Against heavy enemy fire and heavy casualties, these men charged the beach in attempt to
complete the mission their country asked of them. B. They faced heavy gun fire, mortar attacks, and heavy casualties as they ran up the beach to
subdue the German bunkers.
IV.The other group of men were tasked with scaling the cliffs of Point Du Hoc to destroy 155 mm guns. A. These men scaled cliffs using grappling
hooks and rope ladders while gunfire and hand grenades rained over them. B. Once these men reached the top of the cliffs, they held their position for
two days against heavy German counter attacks while only a third of them were left standing at the end still able to fight.
V. Both of these instances give pride to the organization. A. These men stared death in the face and fought against it for the greater good. B. Despite
being heavily overwhelmed with the odds stacked against them, these Rangers used their training, ingenuity, and courage to complete the mission.
(Transition: When I think about the history I have just discussed and look at all of you standing here, I see the same type of man in front of me that I
have just described to you.)
I. Since I can remember, I have watched a soccer ball being kicked around. A. Every Sunday, I would wake up and soccer would be on TV. I would sit
by my dad and watch the
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Afghanist A Challenging Deployment For The 5th Abct Essay
Afghanistan was a challenging deployment for the 4th ABCT. From the beginning the issues with manning and equipment caused a strain on the
daily operations within the Brigade. Though not an impossible issue it caused tension between the echelons of command. These minor challenges
were magnified by the death of the BDE CDR, BDE CSM, and a BN CDR. This impacted the organization greatly as it should but COL Cutler, COL
Timmon's replacement, rarely displayed decisive leadership and did not take ownership of the Brigade. As a result, the trust that was built prior to
and during the deployment began to degrade and continues to do so. Numerous indicators exist on this lack of trust and they there is no indication
that these actions will cease under the current leadership. The central leadership problem that exists in the 4th ABCT is a lack of trust. This trust has
eroded as a result of 3 primary factors which are the misalignment of ethics, leader imposed stress, and a lack of leadership. The first factor that has led
to the erosion of trust is the misalignment of ethics. The norms and values within the Brigade do not align with what is being said by the leadership. A
command climate survey highlighted that COL Cutler gives messages in formations about how family is important but then does not resource anything
to support that priority. This was evident in the statements made by the Brigade S6. He highlighted that the Division needed personnel to assist in the
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Omaha Beach Case Study
Who: The Americans and the British fought against the Germans. Two American assault units fought on Omaha. The 1st division ("The Big Red
One") and the 29th division. There was support from the 2nd Ranger Battalion and tank units. The commanders and leaders were four Americans,
Omar Bradley, Norman Cota, Clarence R Huebner, and George A Taylor. The Germans used the 352nd Infantry Division to defend Omaha Beach. The
Beach: Omaha Beach was about 10 km long. It was between the fishing port of Port–en–Bessin on the east and the mouth of the Vire River on the
west. It had a gentle slope which provided high bluffs at either end. The entire beach was overlooked by cliffs 30 metres high. The western third of
the beach was backed by a seawall about... Show more content on ...
2nd Army Battalion (not on Omaha Beach) begin assaults on Pointe du Hoc 0245 – Troops going to Omaha beach board landing craft 0600 – Aerial
bombardment of German fortifications along Omaha and Utah Beaches 0630 – American landings start on Omaha and Utah Beaches 0652 – First
reports of conditions on the beaches reach Admiral Ramsay 0930 – First units reach the top of the high cliffs overlooking Omaha beach 1200 –
Germans surrender at Pointe du Hoc 1214 – Americans have reached the Church of Colleville–sur–Mer 1300 – Troops begin moving inland on Omaha
Beach 1330 – The troops on Omaha beach begin to secure the beach 1341 – Germans are in control of Colleville–sur–Mer 1700 – General Clarence
Huebner lands on the Easy Red beach sector 1900 – 1st Division commander, General Huebner sets up command post on Omaha
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The Bargage Company's Battle In The Battle Of The 13th
On the evening of the 13th, enemy flares began to light up around the perimeter, signaling to the advancing troops where they were to attack the line.
At 2207, mortars and small arms began to fall on the French and 1st Battalion sectors accompanied by the sounds of the Chinese horns and whistles.
The mines and artillery temporarily halted the Chinese advance, which resumed by 0100. Meanwhile, on the east side, in 3rd Battalions sector, artillery
fire from hill 397 and machine gun fire from the railroad tunnel to their front was bombarding Easy Company's area. A bazooka eventually knocked out
the machine gun and the commander, Captain Sawyer, ordered to detonate the fougasse containers upon seeing another Chinese unit advancing from...
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For whatever reason, George Company would become the focus of the Chinese. The Chinese sent two squads to probe the George Company line at
2300. The enemy was able to use the dead space to crawl right up on the line, and before midnight, George Company had already lost two Soldiers
with ten more wounded. At 0230, a platoon–sized element attacked and briefly managed to penetrate the line before being pushed back again. At 0330,
another Chinese attack penetrated the 3rd platoon position. The 2nd Battalion Executive Officer (XO) committed the Battalion reserve. The platoon
from Fox Company, along with assistance from Baker Battery's machine gun, was able to restore the lost 3rd platoon positions. Two company–sized
attacks around 0230 briefly penetrated the French sector at the 1st Company position. At 0230, the French dispatched their last reserve platoons to
assist and by 0253, with the position still unsecured, requested assistance from Regiment. Four tanks and George Company's heavy machine guns were
sent to help, and by 0424 the French sector was secured. By 0530 hours, the final assault on the Chipyong perimeter at the French 1st Company failed
when the French Soldiers dispersed the attack with a bayonet charge, capturing fourteen Chinese in the process. Early in the morning of the 14th, a
120–mm mortar shell impacted near COL Freeman's tent and sent a shell fragment through his left leg just above his ankle. Despite being a
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Saving Private Ryan Leadership Analysis
The U.S. Army and the way we fight in war has changed over time. I learned that using
the same tactics for each war is just not feasible and makes no sense if the environment is
different. The way we fight is not a cookie cutter way. Leaders must use the leadership style
and tactics that work for whatever the situation dictates. Not all leaders are the same and they do
not have the same leadership techniques. Many great leaders studied and have paved the way for
leaders today.
The movies I selected were movies that had a great impact on me.The movies depict
two different type of leaders in the sense that their style and reason for fighting were for very
different reasons.The first movie I selected is "Saving Private Ryan" ... Show more content on ...
However, when Colonel William Tavington, British intimidate, notorious
for his ruthless tactics, comes and scorches the Martin Plantation to the ground, disaster strikes.
Martin rapidly finds himself uncertain about protecting his family, and pursuing retaliation.
The storyline for "Saving Private Ryan" is a bit different.Its focus is on the opening with
the Associated attack of Normandy on June 6, 1944.3 The members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion
under the leadership of Captain Miller fight aground to secure a lodgment. Amidst the fighting,
three brothers with the last name Ryan are Killed In Action (KIA). Casualty notification to their
mother, Mrs. Ryan is to take place all at one time. This is devastating news for one Mother to
receive and a decision is made to do something about retrieving her fourth son out of the battle.
The United States Army Chief of Staff (CoS) George C. Marshall, is given an opportunity to
alleviate some of her grief when he learns of a fourth brother, Private Ryan, and decides to send
out eight men of the 2nd Rangers Battalion, to find him and bring him back home to his
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The Impact Of Barrel Rifling On Civilization
One of the biggest impacts on civilization started in Augsburg, Germany around fifteen hundred and twenty. When a men named August Kotter
developed barrel rifling. Armorers to black smiths spared the knowledge as each civilization adapted the technology modifying, and adapting it as it
spread. For generation this technology changedas the knowledge continued to disseminate through the decades. (1989)(1997)(NA–ARMY)
Although riffling was around since the fifteenth century, it was not common place. True rifling can be found from the mid to late sixteenth century, but
was still not a trusted technology until the nineteenth century. Riffling technology goes back to bows and arrows. The concept of stabilizing a
projectiles flight by the rotational ... Show more content on ...
(2.299716 kilometers) or to put it perspective 1.4289772727 miles in high wind. Looking at the advances in rifling technology from the fifteen
hundreds to present time. It is easy to see the evolution from hoping to hit a target at 100 yards, and hitting a target at one in a half miles away.
Civilizations throughout history used this technology as it adapted to feed, defend, fight, enslave other civilizations, races, and individuals. Looking at
the impact firearms had on Civilizations goes back to China during the 13th century AD, after the Chinese invented black powder during the 9th
century AD. These inventions of technology were later transmitted to the Middle East, Africa, andEurope. The direct ancestor of the firearm is the fire
lance, the mother of the guns. (Forgive the
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Normandy Operation Overlord Essay
Operation Overlord and the Normandy landings sparked the assault on Nazi Germany and were a mandatory part in the Allied victory of World War
2. The operation consisted of capturing five beaches in Normandy: Britain took Gold and Sword, U.S took Omaha and Utah, and Canada took Juno.
Many tasks were done before the invasion such as giving the Germans false information and the build up of a military arsenal to fuel the invasion.
The two most significant reasons that the Allies were successful were the landings at Omaha Beach and the U.S and U.K paratroopers. In addition to
this, tanks were also a key factor as they could crush through enemy obstacles and buildings. As a result, these key factors of Operation Overlord
brought the Allies to victory ... Show more content on ...
Overall, the landings were completed by the 6,000 men of the British 6th Division led by Major General Windy and Major Howard and the 14,000
men of the U.S. 101st Airborne and the 82nd Airborne Division's lead by Major Generals Ridgway and William C. Lee. Both divisions had a general
mission to hold their area to supply the troops coming from the five beaches as well as the rest of the assault on Nazi Germany. Though in a more
specific sense both divisions had other goals to complete. The British had to hold both Pegasus and Ranville (river bridge to the right of Pegasus)
which would stop the Germans at Normandy from reinforcing and now they could use the bridges to reinforce themselves. In addition to this, the
British also had to destroy a gun battery near Pegasus so the Sword Beach landings would be successful. On the other hand, the U.S had to hold
Sainte–mere–Eglise and complete their mission of capturing Cherbourg to create a port of supply for the Allies. As a result, the airborne landings of
both Pegasus and Sainte–mere–Eglise helped fuel the rest of the war and allowed other beach attacks achieve
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Iraq 2003 Battle Analysis
This Battle analysis has been written to describe one on the key battles during the Invasion of Iraq 2003. The Fall of Baghdad being a key objective
in the overall success of the Iraq Invasion, was necessary in the mission to overthrow the dictator Saddam Hussein. The Dictator was suspected of
keeping Chemical, Nuclear, and Biological weapons against NATO policy and was also accused of supporting Terrorist Groups in attacks on The
United States of America.
March 14, 2003; Allied commanders were summoned to General Frank's headquarters in Qatar for the playing of the initial scenes of Gladiator to
instill a type warrior type spirit within his commanders, and otherwise summon his troops to war. Soon after, on March 19, the ... Show more content on ...
Their key objectives were 'regime district' of ministries and the resident palaces. The 1–64 moving into the city caught most of the fighters off guard
eating Breakfast and not expecting the Americans offensive approach. The Regiment finally met resistance further into the city, with ineffective AK
and RPG fire against the Tanks and Bradley's and suicide attacks manned in the hundreds but easily combated. After the push through the roadways,
1–64 didn't receive any causalities. Only one tank was set on fire by an RPG–7, however the Iraqi death toll was in triple digits (Keegan, John, 2004).
On the highway leading to Tikrit was the last known escape route. The 3rd BCT was commanded to control and block the route to prevent refugees
and the last remnants of the Republican Guard from escaping. The 10–hour fight to control the exit consisted of fighting off escapees in vehicles that
were being escorted by Republican guard tanks. The fight ended with 8 Iraqi tanks destroyed, and the 7th Cavalry controlling the bridge crossing out
of Baghdad and closing off the exit (Keegan, John,
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Change Of Command Flyer
The two rings simulate wheels; the blue alludes to the Quartermaster insignia wheel from which the unit descended, and the brick red one to the
Transportation Corps insignia wheel. The two arrows represent honors awarded the unit during the India–Burma and Central Burma campaigns during
World War II, and the wavy arrows symbolize the tortured Burma Road run as well as suggests the important idea of
"Points of Departure and Arrival."
Buff and scarlet are the colors traditionally associated with the Support units. The diagonal stripe suggests protection. The compass rose signifies
guidance and the unit's capability to ... Show more content on ...
His first officer assignment was to the 82D Airborne Division where he deployed to OIF VI, December 2008 as the Distribution Platoon Leader, A
Company, 82D Brigade Support Battalion and Company Executive Officer, 5–73 Cavalry Squadron, 3rd Brigade Combat
Team. Following OIF VI he became the Squadron S4 for 5–73 Cavalry Squadron. In 2011, CPT Farkas was selected as the Aide–De–Camp for the U.S.
Munitions Command, Army Materiel Command and then attended the
Combined Logistics Captains Career Course. CPT Farkas has been assigned to the 43rd Sustainment Brigade since January
2013 where he has served as the Ground Transportation Officer for the
Brigade Supporting Operations. CPT Farkas' awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal,
Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster (OLC), Army Commendation
Medal with 4 OLC, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement
Medal with 6 OLC, Joint Meritorious Unit Citation (JMUC), Valorous Unit
Award (VUA), and Meritorious Unit Citation (MUC). CPT Farkas has been awarded the Ranger Tab, Combat Action Badge and the Parachutists Badge.
CPT Jacob Watson is a native of
Fayetteville, North Carolina. He graduated from Campbell University,
Buies Creek, North Carolina in May
2009 with a Bachelor's in Arts –
History. CPT Watson received his commission from Campbell University
ROTC in May 2009 as an Ordnance
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The Battles Of The Korean War Essay
On June 25, 1950, a war broke out on the peninsula of North and South Korea. The causes of this war were mostly attributed to North Korea's attempted
conquest of the entire Korean peninsula. North Korea invaded the South and thus began the Korean War. This was a war that ultimately involved the
forces of the United States and numerous other countries. The Korean War cost the lives of 2,000,000 people in only three years. This catastrophic loss
of life was due to the events took place during the war. Many, many battles took place during the Korean War.
At dawn on June 25, 1950, 90,000 soldiers were sent into the Southern Republic of Korea or South Korea. These 90,000 men made up two–thirds of the
135,000 man army of North Korea. On June ... Show more content on ...
With a boost in morale, the UN forces continue to push forward. Soon, Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, was captured. At this point, the end of the
war appears to be in sight.
China, however, did not like the close proximity that the battles were reaching to China. China threatened to send soldiers to assist North Korea if the
United Nations didn't back off from the Yalu River. In hopes of ending the war before Christmas, General MacArthur ignored China's warnings and
pressed forward trying to oppress North Korean forces to force them into surrendering.
On November 25, the Chinese launched a major offensive which resulted in immense casualties for the UN forces. The U.S. 2nd and 25th divisions
were defeated and were forced to retreat from the Yalu River. After several days of fighting the forces at the river, the Chinese force the UN allies to
retreat. Once UN forces retreat, they once again become encircled by the communists and attempt to escape in one of the most bloody and desperate
actions of the war. The Chinese continued to press onward and managed to press UN forces 50 miles south of the 38th parallel, an imaginary boundary
which separated the North and South sides of Korea.
With the aid of the Chinese, North Korean forces capture Seoul for the second time. Shortly after however, UN forces consolidate their lines just under
the 37th parallel in South Korea. On January 25, 1951, the UN forces resume their offensive on communist
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Battle Analysis Paper Takur Ghar
Mission Command Analysis
The Battle of Takur Ghar
"Roberts Ridge"
Operation Anaconda, 03 – 04 March 2002
CPT Michael A. Broussard PA–C
SG 11, CCC
30 October 2014
In the late evening of March 3rd 2002, through to the evening of March 4th 2002, Special
Operation Forces were engaged in an intense fire fight with al Qaeda forces on a mountain top known as Takur Ghar. This battle was the product of a
botched reconnaissance insertion and ultimately resulted in a 24 hour fire fight and the deaths of 7 U.S. service members and over 200 al Qaeda
fighters. Navy SEAL, Neil C. Roberts is believed to be the first U.S. casualty of this battle and thus, the battle also became unofficially known as
"Roberts Ridge" (1).
This paper will give ... Show more content on ...
The ramp gunner was tethered to the aircraft and was retrieved back inside by the remaining passengers. Roberts fell from the aircraft and was
believed to still be alive as the aircraft was only 10 feet off of the ground at the time it came under fire.
The helicopter was forced to crash land in the valley and now was 7 kilometers away from the mountain top. Roberts was now completely alone
amongst an overwhelming enemy force and it is believed that he fought in place until he was eventually over run by the enemy (3).
The downed SEALs were picked up by RAZOR 04 and at 0500, again attempted to reinsert at Roberts' last known position. Now they were only a team
of 5 with the addition of Air
Force CCT Chapman. The aircraft was able to insert the team but again came under heavy fire and was also rendered mission incapable and had to fly
back to its origin due to the damage that it sustained. The team moved to the high ground of the mountain engaging and killing 2 combatants, they then
realized that they were standing in the middle of multiple bunkers as they came under heavy cross fire from only 20 meters away. Acoording to the
official report,
Chapman was fatally wounded almost immediately and 2 others would also become wounded as they attempted to break contact. An AC–130 was able
to provide covering fire and enabled the
SEALS to disengage. Wounded and
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Saving Private Ryan Essay
I am doing my film analysis on the movie Saving Private Ryan. In this movie the main character is Captain John Miller, who is played by Tom
Hanks. The whole objective of this movie is to find and save Private James Ryan, who is played by Matt Damon. In the opening scene of Saving
Private Ryan, Captain Miller leads his troops onto Omaha Beach, Normandy. Captain Miller and his troops are a part of the 2nd Ranger Battalion.
As they make their way onto Omaha beach, many men are shot and killed before they even get off of the boat. The majority of the man that
managed to get off of the boat, drown in the water from having to carry so much gear. The opening scene has to be the best, but most violent opening
scene I have ever seen in a movie. After Captain Miller and his men make their way up the beach and try taking over the shooting towers on top of the
hills where the Germans are. Later on,... Show more content on ...
On D–Day, the landing included over 5,000 ships, 11,000 airplanes, and over 150,000 service men. Once the boats landed on the beaches and the
ramps opened, every man had to jump, swim, run, and crawl to the cliffs. Most of the men that first exited the boats were not even twenty years old
yet, entered the waters carrying over eight pounds of equipment. Once they made it to the beach, they had approximately 200 yards of beach to get
across before they got to any sort of cover. As troops attacked Omaha beach they received heavy small–arms fire and artillery fire as well. Many of the
troops that survived said that they thought they were in hell. After everything was over, the Allied Forces had suffered almost 10,000 casualties; over
4,000 men were dead. Even though they had just experienced the worst day of their life's, the troops that had prepped and planned for that day finally
breached Fortress
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Special Operations Forces (SOF): A Comparative Analysis
Throughout the war on terrorism units from various branches in the U.S. military that make Special Operations Forces are known as the tip of the
spear. The various Special Operations Forces are ran by U.S. Special Operations Command or USSOCOM that was created by Congress in 1986.
USSOCOM defines special operations as "the use of small units in direct or indirect military actions that are focused on strategic or operational
objectives. They require units with combinations of specialized personnel, equipment, training or tactics that exceed the routine capabilities of
conventional military forces." The various skills SOF units possess allow them to execute missions individually as a unit or with various SOF units
depending on the specifics ... Show more content on ...
Army Rangers or the 75th Ranger Regiment are a light infantry unit that performs direct action missions, airfield seizure, special reconnaissance,
personnel recovery, clandestine insertion and sensitive site exploitation. Rangers have the ability to "perform a full spectrum of infantry tasks at a
very high level of proficiency. Their special function is to seize and hold enemy airfields or other installations by parachute or helicopter assault." The
Rangers have the ability to perform extreme missions efficiently with a high number of men making them in important asset to Special Operations
Forces. The training to become a ranger is very rigorous and soldiers must go to Airborne School before attending Ranger School. Airborne School is a
three–week school that teaches soldiers how to jump from airplanes and perform an air assault. After the completion of Airborne School the Ranger
candidates must go through two months of training that teach ranger candidates how to operate in terrible conditions and circumstances. Upon
graduation Rangers are assigned to one of three active Ranger Battalions. The 1st Ranger Battalion is located at Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia. The
2nd Ranger Battalion is headquartered in Fort Lewis, Washington. The 3rd Ranger Battalion is located in Fort Benning, Georgia. The Rangers having
three battalions stationed in three different locations across the U.S. allows the 75th Ranger Regiment to deploy troops whenever they are
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The Hero Of Pat Tillman
The name of my hero is Pat Tillman, he is my hero because he is an American warrior and he served our country proud and I respect that.Pat
Tillman was an American Soldier he served in the army and was killed in friendly fire and gave up one something that he dreamed of all his life,
and what he had worked for, just to help out our country in war. A hero to me is someone you makes you proud, believe in or who you can look up
to. Heros have to be respected because they give everything they have because they want to make the people who look up to them proud.
Pat Tillman was born on November 6,1976 in Fremont California ( wikipedia ). He had two brothers, went to school in Leland High School in San
Jose, California ( wikipedia ). "He led his team to the Central Coast Division I Football Championship" (Bio) while he played in high school."His
talent landed him a scholarship to Arizona State University" (Bio). Tilman won many awards like MVP, and defensive player of the year he also
achieved in the classroom too. "Tillman was selected in 1988 by the Arizona Cardinals in the NFL draft" (Bio). "Loyal to his team, Tillman turned
down a lucrative contract with the St. Louis Rams to stay with the Cardinals in 2001."(Bio)
Tillman was number 40 and played safety for the Arizona Cardinals for his NFL career. He started 10 of the 16 games as a rookie, he played for 4
seasons (wikipedia). Throughout his 4 seasons he had " 92 combo tackles,70 individual,22 assisted,2.5
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AKA D-Day Operation Overlord
The Normandy Landings – AKA D–Day, Operation Overlord
The Normandy Landings were a series of landing operations by Allied forces to capture Normandy during World War 2. The Normandy Landings
were also known to the Allied forces as Operation Neptune, or D–Day. Meanwhile, the operation to gain control of France was named Operation
Overlord. The purpose of Operation Overlord was to seize Western Europe starting with France from Nazi control and enter Germany together with
the Soviet forces from Eastern Europe to end the Nazi regime. During this conflict, 156,000 Allied troops fought against a outnumbered 50,350 Nazi
force. In the end, the Allies had approx. 10,000 causalities as opposed to the Nazi's 4000–9000 casualties.
The operation was known as D–Day as the day of the actual invasion could vary and to prevent espionage. D–Day was the invasion start, and the "day"
in "D–Day" ... Show more content on ...
Omaha Beach: This beach was the most heavily defended beach. Landing craft were shot at by artillery and machine guns and blown up by mines
underneath the surface of the water. The enemy Nazis were heavily entrenched in the cliff above leading to some 2000 casualties for the Allied forces.
Gold Beach: This beach was not directly protected by any pillboxes or other defences, but rather by an enemy battalion and 4 artillery guns, 3 of
which were destroyed by Allied ships and 1 of which surrendered. The casualties for this beach landing were estimated to be roughly 1000.
Juno Beach: This beach was defended by artillery, machine gun nests, pillboxes, barbed wire fences and mines. This beach took a long time to secure
as there were many machine gun nests covering each other meaning that they had to be outflanked before they could be reached and destroyed.
Casualties for this beach were roughly
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Summary: The Annexation Of Texas
In 1844, James K. Polk, who favored annexation, was elected president of the United States. Following his choice, Mexico once again reminded
America that the annexation of Texas would be perceived as an act of war. However, the Americans were more focused on the land they would be in
control of if Texas were annexed. On March 1, 1845 Congress passed the proposal for Texas' annexation, making it officially part of the United States.
Though it was official, Mexico still didn't recognize Texas as part of the U.S. The Mexican ambassador claimed that the U.S had illegally taken
control of Mexican land. Polk then sent his negotiator, John Slidell, to Mexico to offer them five million dollars for New Mexico and twenty–five
million dollars for California. ... Show more content on ...
It was abandoned during the Mexican War of Independence and for many years after until 1833 when it was turned into a military academy, Colegio
Militar. The U.S. Marine Corps honor the Battle of Chapultepec by wearing a red strip down their pants to commemorate the loss of lives. It is now a
history museum for the war and all the men who died.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2nd, 1848 and ended the Mexican American War. It ended in the United States' favor
giving us 525,000 square miles which were turned into preset day Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California, Wyoming, and Colorado. The Rio
Grande was named the official border between the U.S. and Mexico.
The Mexican American War was a deadly war and many Americans and Mexicans died during battle. Neither side really got there way. Neither
America nor Mexico really wanted war. But it was pretty much inevitable. Even though we fought with Mexico, many of them don't hold it against us,
or even care at all. But the borders have been set and will never
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LTC Mucci's Problem
LTC Mucci's problem centers mainly with the almost insurmountable number of obstacles that potentially hinder the success of the mission. The
problem is best summed up by posing questions linked directly to METT–TC. How can the 6th Ranger battalion save over 500 POWs when they have
been captive for years and may be unable to move. The Japanese guards are under order to kill the POWs at the first sign of trouble and have
demonstrated a history of doing so. The POW camp is 30 miles from the Sixth Army and they more than likely will not reach it for another four days.
The camp is behind enemy lines and although the terrain leading up is jungles with villages mixed in, the POW camp is located in the middle of an
open field offering little... Show more content on ...
This also enabled 2nd Platoon to secure the POWs. This action was possible due to the extensive reconnaissance conducted by Filipino guerrillas and
Alamo scouts prior to the main assault. Both units provided detailed descriptions of all Japanese forces' locations allowing 1st Platoon to completely
annihilate the enemy during the operation. 2nd Platoon Charlie Company secured all POWs from the Japanese camp prior to their relocation or
execution. 1st Platoon made this possible by breaching the compound and clearing all Japanese forces in the area, enabling 2nd Platoon to secure the
POWs and assist them to safety out of the enemy camp. 2nd Platoon Foxtrot Company neutralized the back area of the Japanese camp to destroy
enemy forces while preventing movement of Japanese into the POW containment area. Like the actions of 1st Platoon Charlie Company, this was large
enabled by the reconnaissance conducted by the guerrillas and the Alamo scouts. Prior to the operation, 2nd Platoon knew the exact number and
location of enemy guard towers and
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Henry Womack Military Biography
My name is Henry Womack, I was born in Houston Texas into a family of four kids (including myself). I spent most of my childhood focusing on
the army, my father was a fighting man, he was a proud patriot and my hero. I joined the army at the age of 18; my father was a Ranger so of course I
applied for Ranger school. Nine grueling weeks were spent at Fort Benning slaving away, carving our–self's into capable fighting men. I graduated top
of my class in Ranger school and was offered additional qualifications to take, my Sargent suggested I should take the field medic course as I
showed the most potential in the basic field first aid course given to all Rangers. A further 6 months were spend at Fort Benning completing the
Combat Trauma Management Course. Once qualified I was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Charlie company. I did two tours of
Afghanistan and a rotation to Germany for training. I left the Army at the age of 23, I was lost as what to do, I saw a opening for the McGovern
Medical School Houston in my home town, I applied and got accepted. I was one of the older students but I just kept my head down and pushed
through. The day after my 28th birthday I graduated from the McGovern Medical School Houston with two degrees, one being Degree in Medical
treatment and patient care and the other being a Health and Social Care Degree. I moved to Los Santos on my 29th birthday following a death in the
family. I saw that the fire department were hiring part–time applicants.
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Personal Statement: Deployments Of An Army Soldier
In May of 2005 I embarked on my first deployment with 2nd Ranger Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment to Bagram Airfield (BAF), Afghanistan. I was
assigned to Charlie Company 1st Platoon Weapons Squad as an anti–tank gunner (M3 Carl Gustav) with secondary duties as an ammo bearer for the
M240B machine gun if the mission called for it. Little did I know that my time in Afghanistan would forever change my life and the RANGER
Creed stanza "Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more
than my share of the task whatever it may be, one–hundred–percent and then some" would be etched in the forefront of my mind. We unfortunately
only conducted two missions... Show more content on ...
The guys on deployment come back and as per Standing Operating Procedure (SOP), our new Team Leaders and Tabbed Spec Fours give us a lot of
attention. Throughout our typical training cycle we would go from conducting marksmanship training, mobility training, CQB, Platoon Execution
Evaluations, live fire exercises and airborne operations to prepare us for another upcoming deployment. Being an anti–tank gunner definitely was an
awesome experience because let's face it, you are firing a reloadable 84mm recoilless rifle that shoots a host of round meant to destroy. On the other
hand it has disadvantages, it can get a quite heavy and cumbersome, especially when conducting Fast Rope Insertion/Extraction System (FRIES)
training out of our 50ft tower that was located right behind my Company Area of Operations (AO). The training cycle progressed at a pace that
seemed like it was only a couple of weeks long, soon we would head out the door again for another deployment to Afghanistan but this one was going
to be different, we just didn't know it. Our C–17 landed in BAF early May of 2005 and I can still remember the distinct odor that was permeating from
Afghanistan to this day. We settled into our B–huts on BAF and in a few days we started conducting squad and platoon level training. There were no
missions to speak of so all we did was train, I didn't mind it as I was learning
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Operation Overload Research Paper
The battle of Normandy or D–day, is infamous within US Army history books. Today I will discuss the attack on Pointe du Hoc, which was the pivot
point of "Operation Overload". Soldiers from the US Army 2nd and 5th Ranger battalions were called upon to start this attack. Primarily the heroic
actions and personal courage of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, will be today's main topic. We will touch upon the German forces, actions that lead to the
assault on Point du hoc, the days leading up to "D–Day", 2nd Ranger Battalion's main mission and other supporting actions that allow the story to
Operation Overload, otherwise known as the Battle of Normandy, was a successful allied assault on Western Europe.Pointe du Hoc towered 30 meters
above a narrow pebble beach. This was considered one of ... Show more content on ...
Leading up to the attack, on June 6 1944, the U.S. Eighth Air Force and British Bomber Command repeatedly plastered the coastline with heavy
aerially bombardment with the main focus being Point du Hoc. Pointe du Hoc was a 100ft cliff overlooking the English Channel. It lied 4 miles west
of the center to Omaha Beach. It was also the highest point between Omaha beach on the east and Utah beach on the west. On the morning of 6 June,
at 0445, 225 Soldiers comprised of Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot Companies, 2nd Ranger Battalion boarded their Landing Craft Assault (LCA) boats and
headed out. The boats were crewed by British forces and they carried 22 men on each one. Upon headed out into the choppy sea for an hour–long trip
to their destination. Riding in the landing craft was rough and cold, and several Rangers became seasick. Others worked vigorously to empty water out
of the boats in an effort to keep them from sinking. One LCA capsized, leaving the assault team with twenty–two less men for the mission. As the early
morning sun began to rise, the Rangers quickly realized something wasn't correct. They were supposed to start the H–hour at 0630. The
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Cpl Pat Tillman Influence On Leadership
My Leader of Influence The purpose of this paper is to identify how CPL Pat Tillman's attributes and competencies impacted the U.S. Army and my
leadership philosophy. The U.S. Army defines attributes of a leader as having impeccable character, presence, and intellect; with competencies
described as leads, develops, and achieves (Headquarters Department of the Army [HQDA], 2015). The U.S. Armyleadership requirements model
defines the expectations and standards asked of leaders in the Army. CPL Tillman instilled in himself all these attributes and competencies, which I
strive to emulate daily in my leadership style. CPL Tillman's attributes and competencies positively impacted the Army and the community, which
ultimately contributed to my personal ... Show more content on ...
It is widely known the 75th Ranger Regiment only accepts the best of the best Rangers and CPL Tillman was no exception to this. In fact, CPL
Tillman displayed mental agility on the night of his death in Afghanistan. CPL Tillman tried numerous times to tell the Rangers to stop firing on them
through his voice, but this did not work. Realizing this was not working CPL Tillman deployed a smoke canister to signal to the Rangers they were
firing on friendly forces. This was CPL Tillman's last actions on that mountain in Khost Province, Afghanistan, but the actions that saved his fellow
Soldiers lives. The Army defines intellect as enabling a leader to understand, visualize, and decide and is essential in unfamiliar and chaotic settings
(Headquarters Department of the Army [HQDA], 2015). CPL Tillman selflessly displayed his intellect on the night of his friendly fire
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Research Paper On Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan Movie Review The movie Saving Private Ryan directed by Steven Spielberg is probably one of the most exquisite movies to
show World War II. Unlike most war movies Saving Private Ryan does not show what we want to see but what we need to see. The graphics used
to show the horrific effects on war can drastically put an deep impression in your heart. The movie includes actors such as Tim Hanks, Matt Damon,
and Vin Diesel. When Steven came up with the idea for the movie he showed interest in the Niland brothers four siblings who all served in the army
during World War II. Brothers Robert, Preston, and Edward were all supposedly killed in action, leading the army to take actions and bring back the
last brother Fitz(Private Ryan) home. I'm sure this story created many wonders inside... Show more content on ...
Private Ryan status of where he is being stationed is unknown, for this mission Captain Miller picks seven men for this formidable mission. Along
the way the squadron unfortunately loses two men in a small fight against a group of Germans. Eventually, thought their costly journey they find
Private Ryan dug in with his unit and awaiting a German counterattack. Ryan refuses to leaves his comrades and Miller agrees alongside with his
remaining squad to fight as well. The Germans overwhelms them with many soldiers and unfortunately Captain Miller and majority of his squad
is killed. However, Private Ryan survives and is able to go back home. In the end our beloved Private Ryan is able to return home but we lost great
soldiers such as Captain Miller whose grave was seen in the beginning and end of the film, which of course Ryan visited after years of the war.
This movie was truly a gift to be able to see what people who dedicate their lives for to help keep us safe have to go through. The visuals and
emotional scenes made it even better making this a 5 star film in my opinion. Anyone who truly want to know what a veteran or soldier has to go
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Pros And Cons Of Slc

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of Slc SFC TANNER D. ALEX TRAIN HARD TO BE HARD29 July 2015M–SLC Class 15–005UNCLASSIFIEDTable of ContentsAbstract.......................................................................................................... 1Introduction.................................................................................................... 2Description of Events......................................................................................... 3Outcomes....................................................................................................... 4Lessons......................................................................................................... Conclusion....................................................................................................... Bibliography.................................................................................................... AbstractTrain Hard to Be Hard. May of 2006 I began my rigorous path to becoming an Army Ranger. I attended and was successful at my Battalions Ranger Order of Merit tryouts held in FT. Carson Colorado. I would pass the OML and be awarded a slot to attend the FT Bragg Pre–Ranger... Show more content on ... After the first week we went from around 150 men to 21. This is when things started to get tough. 20 hour days packed with performance stress and uncertainty of the next day's events. It rained and temperatures dropped dramatically at night, making it tough to move and tough to stay alert, but every time I thought about how much it sucked it seemed the Pre–Ranger Instructors could sense it. They just laughed and told us to keep moving Ranger the nights not over. I realized how often I was seeing the Same Instructors throughout the course and I began to realize, "man this guy has already been through this and here he is out here voluntarily training me." That was commendable in my book and I pushed myself harder out of respect for them and reminding myself I had little to complain about and that it was useless and harmful to the team to do so anyway.Patrol base last night. This was the night I was tested the most and I really learned just how far I could push myself with the right attitude and exercising some mind over matter toughness. The rain has been coming sideways for hours now lightening is striking close enough that we execute the lightening drill and squat in the open minus our gear to avoid being struck. ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Cabanatuan Prisoner Of War Rescue Mission Running Estimate for the Cabanatuan Prisoner of War Rescue Mission The prisoners of the Cabanatuan Prison are in grave danger as the US 6th Army is advancing and the Japanese are in full retrograde; it is with this in mind that we are planning this raid. The prison camp is behind enemy lines, approximately 30 miles from Guimba, and currently flooded with the withdrawing Japanese forces. The camp is being used as a transit point as they retreat to the north and east. Daylight hours are when you find the largest troop concentrations; the current TTP is for Japanese forces to move during the night. Additionally, a projected force of about 800 Japanese with tanks and heavy weapons are templated at Cabu. The Terrain leading up to the Camp has vegetation and easily traversable roads; we have the support of the local population to help us in the recovery efforts. As the US rangers approach the camp, the last mile will be treacherous because all vegetation has been cleared and the forecasted moon and light data is not favorable. Once we start to evacuate the US Prisoners we will be faced with soldiers who have been on reduced rations for the last few years, medical estimates suggest that we can expect 7–10% (35/500) of the prisoners to be non–ambulatory. The remainder will be debilitated from malnutrition and disease, making their movement slow at best. Friendly forces will consist of 120 Army Rangers, two teams from the Alamo Scouts, the Alamo Scouts bring the area expertise and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Operation Overlord Ethical Dilemmas Following the Normandy Landings operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II, a group of U.S. soldiers go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action. 2nd Ranger Battalion under Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) fight ashore to secure the beachhead on Omaha Beach. During the fighting two soldiers are killed in action on the beachhead and are later found to be brothers of a soldier Private Ryan along with another brother fighting the war in New Guinea who is found to be killed in action as well. The mother of these three soldiers receives the Army's grave telegrams for all three soldiers within the same day. The United States Army Chief of ... Show more content on ... Private Jackson (Barry Pepper) even states to the battalion that he thinks the "mission is a serious misallocation of valuable military resources," and the Battalion agrees with him stating the the orders are "FUBAR." As the mission lead on the battalion ran into an innocent civilian family who were trapped in the middle of a battle who needed help. The battalion faced an ethical dilemma of leaving the family behind to be possibly killed by the Nazi Germans or continuing on with their mission. A utilitarian view from module five readings on this situation would be for Captain Miller to carry on with his mission, as it would be best for everyone in his battalion. The civilians to Captain Miller and his battalion were a hazard and a burden on the mission, as they would have to escort the civilians to safety while compromising the mission to find Private Ryan. As Private Caparzo (Vin Diesel) of the battalion sees that Captain Miller's choice was to leave the civilians behind in the war zone was ethically wrong, he disobeys Captain Miller's orders and is then shot by a Nazi sniper when his position was compromised trying to save the civilians. As the battalion moves on through the mission after the sniper threat was eliminated they come across a German machine gunners nest that kills T–4 ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Rise Of Somalia Research Paper Prior to January of 1991, Somalia was a relatively organized nation that was controlled by Mohamed Siad Barre. However, there was still small pockets of resistance. In 1991, Barre was overthrown by a coalition of opposing clans that were known as the USC (United Somalia Congress). Shortly after the revolution, the Somalia Congress had split into two separate groups. One was led by Ali Mahdi and the other one was led by Mohamed Farrah Aidid. They waged wars against each other for political gains and they knew they both couldn't be president of Somalia. The repercussions of the clan wars started to leak into the daily lives of the people that weren't politicians or military personnel. In the early 1990's, 75% of the food that was provided... Show more content on ... Aidid was a former general and a chairman of the United Somali Congress and he had also studied military training at the Frunze military academy, which was an elite training facility in the former Soviet Union. These orders were part of an operation called "Restoring Hope" and was carried out by G.H. W. Bush in partnership with the U.N and it was finished under the presidency of Bill Clinton. Operation Restoring Hope was blueprinted on the behalf of the Somalian people that were suffering from a Civil War and severe famine under Aidid who had also been challenging the presence of U.S United Nation's troops in the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Why Do Aboriginals Join The Army In 1914, when World War One began, many Aboriginals were compelled to join the army for multiple reasons. First of all, in many Aboriginal cultures, it was considered to be a great honour to fight in battle. Warriors were much esteemed, and they believed it was better to die in battle than of old age or sickness. In addition to this, the Aboriginal people were proficient in many skills that would prove useful in battle, such as lumbering, river navigating, hunting, scouting, and tracking. Other reasons for enlisting included: a regular wage, to join their friends or family that enlisted, to travel the world, to have an adventure, or to represent and defend Canada in the war. In spite of this, it was substantially more difficult for a Native Canadian to join the war than it was for an English Canadian. Aboriginals were often seen as savage, and... Show more content on ... This caused many to believe that Germans would treat the Aboriginals harsher, and they would respect their rights of civilized warfare. Due to this, Aboriginals, or 'Status Indians', were not allowed to be recruited in the army. Even without this prohibition, many Aboriginals did not speak English, which along with racial prejudice created a cultural barrier. Despite this, Aboriginals tried to get recruited, many getting recruited before Aboriginals were widely prohibited, others managing to join despite the restriction. Since many recruiting officers were unaware that Aboriginals were not allowed to enlist, there were some Aboriginals in the early contingents. Later, in 1915, since the army needed more troops, officials relaxed restrictions, allowing minority groups ... Get more on ...
  • 6. How Does 9/11 Affect Our Society September 11th, 2001 America was brought to its knees. The USA had the wind knocked out of it and was laying bleeding on the floor. Every citizen in the United States held their breath and watched, awestruck as they watched the World Trade Center burn. Soon after watching the buildings just burn, they witnessed them collapse. They watched as the building fell in on themselves, not even able to imagine all the people inside the buildings. Without a doubt the attacks of September 11th contributed to one of the worst days in American history. But it also gave birth to a 'New America". A day of fear eventually would lead to a day of pride, a day of patriotism, and what it meant to be an American. 9/11 instilled a sense of American pride, brought the country together, and gave birth to a new sense of patriotism. I'm going to be using articles from the New York Times as a primary and secondary source. Using quotes from people who were there as well as articles remembering the events. I'm going to also... Show more content on ... However the story of this plane is not about tragedy and destruction, it's about heroism and how the people aboard this flight were able to prevent the loss of countless other lives. The story of this flight is one of the most known by Americans. The story of a group of people who did not let the terrorist win. Although the lives of every single member on board was lost, they did not let the terrorist reach their destination. Which was believed to be the White House. A group of men attempted to storm the cockpit in order to take control of the plane again. The terrorist had no choice but to fly it into the ground. One of the most famous of these group of men was Todd Beamer. "Let's roll" were the last words Beamer said during a phone interview before leading a passenger revolt to take back the cock pit. Every one of those men are heroes, saving countless lives and showing a great deal of courage and patriotism, paying the ultimate price for their ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Omaha Beach Attack When you think of Omaha Beach, what comes to mind? The soldiers clashing on the beach. Or maybe a relative's story of how they dodged the oncoming bullets. Perhaps the boats taking soldiers across the channel. What comes to my mind is the bravery of the soldiers under fire. If you think that's interesting, then stick around. I'll give you an in depth look at what happened at Omaha Beach on that fateful day. Omaha beach was the biggest D–Day invasion site at six miles wide. It the second most–western beach, with Utah Beach being farthest to the west. The attack began on June 6, 1944. (Drez) Omaha Beach saw the fiercest fighting. It had a 12 foot tall sea wall. (Williams) There were also large cliffs separating the beach from the nearby towns. ... Show more content on ... All the soldier that were supposed to arrive at Fox Green landed farther to the east. But troops from Companies E and F were pushed by the current from Easy Red, and they took the place of the 16th Regiment troops that were pushed to the east. The downside was that they came in under heavy fire and had almost no cover, mainly because of the lack of a seawall on that section of the beach. Easy Red was the largest section of Omaha Beach. Over 50% of this section was in between two of the German strong points. The Engineers of the 37th and 149th Engineer Combat Battalions gave it their all trying to make a path through the German defenses in the water. While this was happening, Company E of the 116th was trying to flank the strong point that was farther to the west. They had help from two of the navy destroyers, and a few other destroyers helped provide cover for the troops being landed, one of them being the USS Frankford. The 18th Regiment of the 1st Division was landed around 09:30 hours. They only lost 28 landing boats when the troops were being landed, and they managed to land with better success than the 16th did. They helped to secure the Valley that was near the strong point that Company E had secured earlier. That valley later became the main way to the towns surrounding Omaha Beach. Part of Company E of the 116th and Company E of the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Saving Private Ryan Ethics Saving Private Ryan is a film based during World War II. The main characters of the movie are elite soldiers out of the 2nd ranger battalion. The soldiers of the 2nd ranger Battalion were part of the initial invasion and were vital in the taking of Normandy beach. This was just the beginning for this group of soldiers destined for a mission save Private James Francis Ryan. The major ethical debate started in the United States Chief of Staff's office following the discovery that a mother would receive three telegrams on the same day informing her that three of her four sons had died in combat. In the office the group weighs the decision to pull out her only surviving son from behind enemy lines and send him home safely. Private Ryan was in the 101 airborne division and missed there drop deep behind enemy lines and there exact whereabouts are unknown. The group is split between risking men's lives to save one man, presuming he is alive, and a sense of responsibility to the mother of the boys to bring her one son back safely. The decision is made to save Private Ryan after the Chief of Staff reads a letter by Abraham Lincoln. "Dear Madam: I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant–General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so ... Show more content on ... When they finally find Private Ryan he and a small group of patched together soldiers are defending one of the last working bridges from the Germans. When Private Ryan refuses to leave his post because he doesn't want to abandon the only family he has left, the ranger squad relates to his dilemma and stays to fight with him. A lot of the squad parishes in defending Private Ryan's mission including Capt. James ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Second Ranger Mission Command Analysis It was 20 May 1951 the 2nd Ranger Company led by 1LT James C Queen would engage in a fierce battle with the Chinese Communist Forces (CCF) to seize the critical terrain hill 581 from the enemy (Rangers in Korea). This battle was the largest that they would be involved in.(all black) The seizing of this critical terrain was part of second CCF spring offensive, which was some of the most intense fighting of the Korean War. (Korean Battle) 1LT Queen's use of the six mission command principles enabled him and his men to seize and defend Hill 581. (FIX–>)1LT Queen's use of three mission command principles that the keys to the success of the mission........ Description of the Battle In late April the 7th Infantry Division received orders from IX Corps to move to the General Defensive Line, in order to establish and improve defensive... Show more content on ... Ten of these men had never seen action with the Rangers. These men were simply attached to the 2nd Ranger Company because they were black regardless of MOS. The Rangers that weren't on patrols took it upon themselves to train these men as close as possible to the Ranger standards. The enemy's seizure of Hill 581 was the point of the CCF's deepest penetration so far during the CCF Spring Offensive. Rangers Lead) This knowledge gave 1LT Queen belief that he would have an advantage even though they were under strength. He was willing to take the hill with a personnel shortage, because he believed they would be facing tired and poorly supplied troops defending the hill. Another advantage 1LT Queen and his men had was a familiarity with the terrain of Hill 581, because this was the same hill that they had executed a night withdrawal from two weeks ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Warren Bennis Once Said “Leadership Is The Capacity To Warren Bennis once said "leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality". Throughout my fourteen year military career I have been shown many good and bad examples of how a leader should act to turn their visions into reality. It is from these very leaders that I too have learned to become a leader myself and it has helped me further my career. It however took time and experience for my leadership skills to develop. Throughout this paper I will show how my military experiences has taught me to become a good leader. I was born from immigrant parents and my main goal in life was to be part of the greatest army in the world and I always had the mindset that nothing was going to stop me from achieving that. Back in 2003 I was ... Show more content on ... Throughout this first deployment I learned from observing good leaders, bad leaders, and toxic leaders. All of them whether good or bad helped shape my career. These leaders helped me to see a bigger picture of who I wanted to become and and also how I didn 't want to lead. On our return home from deployment we were treated like heroes. People at the airport cheered for us and expressed their gratitude for our service and sacrifice for our country. In those moments I felt a great sense of accomplishment that almost made it all worth wile. And it made me also want to become better leader so I could go out there and do it again for my country. After being back home for seven months we received news that we were going right back to Iraq. This time with a new wheeled fighting platform "strikers", to which I was more than happy to raise my hand and ask Uncle Sam to put me in for five more years. Throughout this deployment I noticed some progress compared to the last deployment to Iraq. Although, theImprovised Explosive Device (IED), small arms fire, and the mortar attacks remain unchanged. My unit was stationed in a camp named Camp Taji where we ran operations for that whole surrounding region. Remember the sarcastic Airborne Instructor Sargent First Class at the time that told me I can yell airborne every time I jump out of the bus? I heard his familiar, thick accent ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Film Review: The Normandy Invasion In the present day, an elderly World War II veteran and his family visit the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Normandy, France. The veteran walks around the cemetery and, upon seeing one gravestone, collapses to his knees, overwhelmed by emotion. The film flashes back to the morning of June 6, 1944, the beginning of the Normandy Invasion, as American soldiers prepare to land on Omaha Beach. They suffer heavily from their struggle against German infantry, machine gun nests, and artillery fire. Captain John H. Miller, a company commander of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, survives the initial landing and assembles a group of his Rangers to penetrate the German defenses, leading to a breakout from the beach. In Washington, D.C, at the U.S.... Show more content on ... Although they inflict heavy casualties on the Germans, most of the paratroopers, along with Jackson, Mellish, and Horvath, are killed. While attempting to blow the bridge, Miller is shot and mortally wounded by the German soldier he had set free earlier (who, contrary to his word, has evidently rejoined German forces). Just before a Tiger tank reaches the bridge, an American P–51 Mustang flies overhead and destroys the tank, followed by American armored units which rout the remaining Germans. The German infantryman who shot Miller raises his hands in surrender to Upham who, enraged at his treachery, shoots him, and lets the other surviving Germans ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Dispute Between Japan And China Essay Terri Baptiste December 01, 2016 PSC 203–04 Dispute in the East China Seas Mr. President it's been an ongoing territorial dispute between Japan and China over isolated islands and has been going on for decades but lately tensions have escalated. The problems that had manifested are the control for the maritime resources, the military balance of power in Asia. Also, we know the distrust between Japan and China because of activism, and the need for power. We should get involved because these are our allies and we don't want china to take advance of japan because their military is more strong and advance. Rightful these islands belong to Japan because we took it from them as post during world war 2. China's leaders are hoping to increase their military more in the east china seas. Because we are the united states of America will have to do something I think we should let these countries share these islands and to make sure one country don't try to take control one the islands we send more navy sailors to sail the water to make sure these countries are comprosiming. We can't let them work it out because we did that for years and the situation is getting worse, china military is advance rapidly and because japan changed their constitution, them spend more money on their self–defense force. We can't sit back and do nothing so we should do something before their military forces get stronger. We already have troops in these islands because alongside with our allies ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Douglas Brinkley's The Boys Of Pointe Du Hoc Book Review Douglas Brinkley, age 55, is an American author who has more than 20 published books, including The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc, a book about D–Day and America during World War II. The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc was published in 2005. By that time, Brinkley already had multiple books under his belt, and his experienced writing helped to give this description of D–Day the justice it deserves. The book begins in the White house, in October of 1981. President Ronald Reagan was waiting for a visit from French president Francois Mitterand, when his chief of staff informed him of a prestigious gift from the French government. Reagan was scheduled to meet with them in Yorktown, Virginia soon. The gift he Reagan would be receiving was at first believed to be the Croix de Guerre, a military decoration of France. It translates to 'Cross of War.' At first, Reagan did not feel that he had... Show more content on ... Rudder's Rangers are typically forgotten in history, however they played a crucial part in the D–Day attacks. The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc was an interesting book to read, as the story of the 2nd Battalion Rangers often goes untold. The author explains that the reason they do not get recognition is because of a book written about the D–Day invasion. The author of that book had investigated Pointe Du Hoc, looking for where the German outposts were, but they had been destroyed. The author of that book assumed that Rudder's Rangers had scaled cliffs for no reason, and wrote that in the book. Douglas Brinkley uses several testimonies from the men who fought with Companies D, E, and F. These testimonies really bring the book alive, and it helps to tell the tail and connect the reader to the events. The descriptive tools used by Brinkley display a mental picture that is very detailed. These words are often used when Brinkley's works, and he is a renowned ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Why The Raid At Cabanatuan The raid at Cabanatuan was the product of a failed campaign to protect the Philippines from Japanese control in 1941–42, which resulted in the capture of over 550 American and allied POWs. The capture of the Philippines was essential to Japan, who would be able to use it as a resupply point, as well as eliminating the natural barrier that existed between them and China. The raid was organized three years later in an effort to release the POWS and further the mission of the Allies reclaiming the Philippines from Japanese control. On December 7th 1941, Japanese air forces attacked Pearl Harbor, destroying ships and claiming more than 2,400 lives. This attack is most noted for being one of the single most important events leading to the ... Show more content on ... The result of the American defeat in Bataan was the Bataan Death March. The transfer of POWs from Bataan to camp O'Donnell in the northern part of the island spanned 61 miles, 40 of which were traveled by foot. Along the way, the lack of Japanese supplies left very little for the POWs. The ones who fell out of the march were killed, with countless others dying of disease and starvation. By the time they troops had reached their destination of Camp O'Donnell, the American forces had lost endured nearly 10,000 casualties as well as 18,000 which died within the first six weeks of the troops being in Camp O'Donnell. POW's were moved from Camp O'Donnell Cabanatuan, where they remained until January of 1945. The camp at Cabanatuan was used mainly for sick POWs, while the able bodied ones were sent back to Japan in order to occupy the hard labor camps. The POWs who stay in Cabanatuan were starved, beaten, and suffered from Malaria. The Japanese were instructed to treat POWs nicely, however due to cultural differences; the POWs who surrendered were seen as dishonorable and unworthy of support. The standing order for a man attempting to escape or seen smuggling food/medicine, was for that man to have to watch as 10 other POWs were executed. The POWs endured the mistreatment and torturous conditions for over two years before the American and Allied forces were able to battle back in order to reoccupy the Philippines. The Allied forces began to work their way back to the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. James Earl Rudder Research Paper Many leaders past and present in society have influenced the development of Army leadership. One of the most influential leaders is James Earl Rudder. Rudder enlisted in the U.S. military in 1932 as a commissioned officer in the Army Reserves right after completing his degree in industrial education from Texas A&M. In 1933, Rudder became a teacher and taught football at Brady High School later becoming a football coach and teacher at Tarleton Agricultural College. Rudder married Margaret Williamson in June 1937 whom he had five children. Rudder was called to active duty in 1941, approximately two years after the start of World War II (WWII). In 1943 as a Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Rudder took command of Second Ranger Battalion, later named Rudder's Rangers (Todd IV & Knape, 2010). Rudder's Rangers played a significant role in the D–Day invasion by storming the beach at Pointe du Hoc under constant enemy fire, scaling 100 meter cliffs with unreliable radio communications between his troops, reached and destroyed German Gun Batteries. General Omar N. Bradley the American ground commander selected Rudder's Ranger's, a group approximately 500 hand selected Soldiers trained by Rudder (Humanities Texas, 2011). Rudder shot twice was amongst the nearly 50 percent wounded in his battalion... Show more content on ... He was a high school and college football teacher that developed his care and compassion for others and provided him with experience on how to mentor and lead. Rudder was a true leader that was demonstrated in every position he held in the military and in the community. Rudder left a lasting impression that has become a part of history as a land commissioner cleaning up corruption, and as the president at Texas A&M University allowing women to enroll and improving academic ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Battle Of Chipyong-Ni Battle Analysis The Forces led by Gen Mathew B. Ridgeway at The Battle of Chipyong–Ni were comprised of various Nations; South Korea, French, and United States. These united Armies are composed of the following forces, 2nd Battalion 23rd Infantry Regiment Golf Co, (2nd Infantry regiment) led by Col. Paul L. Freeman, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 82nd Anti–Aircraft Artillery, 503rd Field Artillery Bravo Battery, 23rd RTC, and 1st Ranger Co. The French forces include the French Battalion of the United Nations Organization. In all Gen. Ridgeway has over 4,500, to include 2,500 front line infantrymen, to defend the small town of Chipyong–NI. The Chinese offensive includes over 5 divisions of the Chinese Volunteer People's Army encompassing soldiers of the... Show more content on ... Ridgeway's men spent the entire day rebuilding and enhancing their defenses. He ordered recon patrols to be pushed out and deny enemy movement. A patrol led by LT. McGee who was in charge of one of these recon patrols found and captured five enemy Chinese hiding in a culvert, and returned with an additional 17 wounded Chinese Soldiers. The Artillerymen focused their efforts on their defensive posture and relaying the howitzers, moving them from two platoon formations to laying the howitzers in pairs. There was a lone building close to the Artillery position, outside of the security perimeter, that they decided to destroy it using direct fire and white phosphorus before the Chinese could occupy and use it as a strong point. During the evening of the 14th Gen. Ridgeway held a meeting at the FDC tent to discuss the night's defensive plans and capabilities. After the meeting everyone felt confident and secure about holding out through the night against another possible Chinese Offensive. The meeting also brought to light a possible Chinese offensive plan of action. It was determined that the Chinese might use a natural saddle in the terrain that approaches the right Flank directly behind the firing batteries. In response to this threat Gen. Ridgeway's officers agreed to place three out post positions and two B.A.R. teams in defense of the avenue of approach. The 23rd RCT was in charge of incoming supplies throughout the day, receiving ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The 1st Ranger Battalion: The Devil's Division 1942, the 1st Ranger Battalion was created after Major General Lucien Truscott convicted General George C. Marshall, the Army Chief of Staff, of the need for large, all– volunteer and highly–trained commando units that could be used for special operations. The Devil's Brigade The Devil's Brigade, also known as the 1st Special Service Force, was a Canadian–American unit trained in mountaineering, airborne, and close–combat skills that operated mostly in Italy and France. They excelled at close–quarters combat with numerically superior forces. At Monte la Difensa, Italy, they wiped out a strategic enemy defensive position high atop a mountain surrounded by steep cliffs. They got their nickname from a captured diary of a German officer who wrote about the American commandos whose faces were camouflaged in black paint for the nighttime raid, "The black Devils are all around us every time we come into line and we never hear them."... Show more content on ... Darby. They first saw action during the invasion of North Africa, at the Battle of El Guettar, where U.S. forces handed the first solid defeat to legendary German General Erwin "The Desert Fox" ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay on Commemorative Speech Commemorative Speech General Purpose: To commemorate. Specific Purpose: To commemorate the love for the game of soccer. Central Idea: To commemorate the history of Soccer and the love for the game. Introduction I. 198 days until kick off! Entire countries will grind to a halt in 198 days to watch these games. No other sporting event has this same impact as the Soccer FIFA World Cup . A. For 4513 years the human species has played this game. B. Some suggest that the earliest signs of a feet–based ball game date back as far as 2500BC, during which time the Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese all appear to have partaken in such games. II. Today, I'm going to tell you why I'm proud to share the history of the Soccer... Show more content on ... III. One of these groups was send to Omaha Beach. A. Against heavy enemy fire and heavy casualties, these men charged the beach in attempt to complete the mission their country asked of them. B. They faced heavy gun fire, mortar attacks, and heavy casualties as they ran up the beach to subdue the German bunkers. IV.The other group of men were tasked with scaling the cliffs of Point Du Hoc to destroy 155 mm guns. A. These men scaled cliffs using grappling hooks and rope ladders while gunfire and hand grenades rained over them. B. Once these men reached the top of the cliffs, they held their position for two days against heavy German counter attacks while only a third of them were left standing at the end still able to fight. V. Both of these instances give pride to the organization. A. These men stared death in the face and fought against it for the greater good. B. Despite being heavily overwhelmed with the odds stacked against them, these Rangers used their training, ingenuity, and courage to complete the mission. (Transition: When I think about the history I have just discussed and look at all of you standing here, I see the same type of man in front of me that I have just described to you.) I. Since I can remember, I have watched a soccer ball being kicked around. A. Every Sunday, I would wake up and soccer would be on TV. I would sit
  • 19. by my dad and watch the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Afghanist A Challenging Deployment For The 5th Abct Essay Afghanistan was a challenging deployment for the 4th ABCT. From the beginning the issues with manning and equipment caused a strain on the daily operations within the Brigade. Though not an impossible issue it caused tension between the echelons of command. These minor challenges were magnified by the death of the BDE CDR, BDE CSM, and a BN CDR. This impacted the organization greatly as it should but COL Cutler, COL Timmon's replacement, rarely displayed decisive leadership and did not take ownership of the Brigade. As a result, the trust that was built prior to and during the deployment began to degrade and continues to do so. Numerous indicators exist on this lack of trust and they there is no indication that these actions will cease under the current leadership. The central leadership problem that exists in the 4th ABCT is a lack of trust. This trust has eroded as a result of 3 primary factors which are the misalignment of ethics, leader imposed stress, and a lack of leadership. The first factor that has led to the erosion of trust is the misalignment of ethics. The norms and values within the Brigade do not align with what is being said by the leadership. A command climate survey highlighted that COL Cutler gives messages in formations about how family is important but then does not resource anything to support that priority. This was evident in the statements made by the Brigade S6. He highlighted that the Division needed personnel to assist in the CPX. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Omaha Beach Case Study Who: The Americans and the British fought against the Germans. Two American assault units fought on Omaha. The 1st division ("The Big Red One") and the 29th division. There was support from the 2nd Ranger Battalion and tank units. The commanders and leaders were four Americans, Omar Bradley, Norman Cota, Clarence R Huebner, and George A Taylor. The Germans used the 352nd Infantry Division to defend Omaha Beach. The Beach: Omaha Beach was about 10 km long. It was between the fishing port of Port–en–Bessin on the east and the mouth of the Vire River on the west. It had a gentle slope which provided high bluffs at either end. The entire beach was overlooked by cliffs 30 metres high. The western third of the beach was backed by a seawall about... Show more content on ... 2nd Army Battalion (not on Omaha Beach) begin assaults on Pointe du Hoc 0245 – Troops going to Omaha beach board landing craft 0600 – Aerial bombardment of German fortifications along Omaha and Utah Beaches 0630 – American landings start on Omaha and Utah Beaches 0652 – First reports of conditions on the beaches reach Admiral Ramsay 0930 – First units reach the top of the high cliffs overlooking Omaha beach 1200 – Germans surrender at Pointe du Hoc 1214 – Americans have reached the Church of Colleville–sur–Mer 1300 – Troops begin moving inland on Omaha Beach 1330 – The troops on Omaha beach begin to secure the beach 1341 – Germans are in control of Colleville–sur–Mer 1700 – General Clarence Huebner lands on the Easy Red beach sector 1900 – 1st Division commander, General Huebner sets up command post on Omaha ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Bargage Company's Battle In The Battle Of The 13th On the evening of the 13th, enemy flares began to light up around the perimeter, signaling to the advancing troops where they were to attack the line. At 2207, mortars and small arms began to fall on the French and 1st Battalion sectors accompanied by the sounds of the Chinese horns and whistles. The mines and artillery temporarily halted the Chinese advance, which resumed by 0100. Meanwhile, on the east side, in 3rd Battalions sector, artillery fire from hill 397 and machine gun fire from the railroad tunnel to their front was bombarding Easy Company's area. A bazooka eventually knocked out the machine gun and the commander, Captain Sawyer, ordered to detonate the fougasse containers upon seeing another Chinese unit advancing from... Show more content on ... For whatever reason, George Company would become the focus of the Chinese. The Chinese sent two squads to probe the George Company line at 2300. The enemy was able to use the dead space to crawl right up on the line, and before midnight, George Company had already lost two Soldiers with ten more wounded. At 0230, a platoon–sized element attacked and briefly managed to penetrate the line before being pushed back again. At 0330, another Chinese attack penetrated the 3rd platoon position. The 2nd Battalion Executive Officer (XO) committed the Battalion reserve. The platoon from Fox Company, along with assistance from Baker Battery's machine gun, was able to restore the lost 3rd platoon positions. Two company–sized attacks around 0230 briefly penetrated the French sector at the 1st Company position. At 0230, the French dispatched their last reserve platoons to assist and by 0253, with the position still unsecured, requested assistance from Regiment. Four tanks and George Company's heavy machine guns were sent to help, and by 0424 the French sector was secured. By 0530 hours, the final assault on the Chipyong perimeter at the French 1st Company failed when the French Soldiers dispersed the attack with a bayonet charge, capturing fourteen Chinese in the process. Early in the morning of the 14th, a 120–mm mortar shell impacted near COL Freeman's tent and sent a shell fragment through his left leg just above his ankle. Despite being a ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Saving Private Ryan Leadership Analysis The U.S. Army and the way we fight in war has changed over time. I learned that using the same tactics for each war is just not feasible and makes no sense if the environment is different. The way we fight is not a cookie cutter way. Leaders must use the leadership style and tactics that work for whatever the situation dictates. Not all leaders are the same and they do not have the same leadership techniques. Many great leaders studied and have paved the way for leaders today. The movies I selected were movies that had a great impact on me.The movies depict two different type of leaders in the sense that their style and reason for fighting were for very different reasons.The first movie I selected is "Saving Private Ryan" ... Show more content on ... However, when Colonel William Tavington, British intimidate, notorious for his ruthless tactics, comes and scorches the Martin Plantation to the ground, disaster strikes. Martin rapidly finds himself uncertain about protecting his family, and pursuing retaliation. The storyline for "Saving Private Ryan" is a bit different.Its focus is on the opening with the Associated attack of Normandy on June 6, 1944.3 The members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion
  • 24. under the leadership of Captain Miller fight aground to secure a lodgment. Amidst the fighting, three brothers with the last name Ryan are Killed In Action (KIA). Casualty notification to their mother, Mrs. Ryan is to take place all at one time. This is devastating news for one Mother to receive and a decision is made to do something about retrieving her fourth son out of the battle. The United States Army Chief of Staff (CoS) George C. Marshall, is given an opportunity to alleviate some of her grief when he learns of a fourth brother, Private Ryan, and decides to send out eight men of the 2nd Rangers Battalion, to find him and bring him back home to his ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Impact Of Barrel Rifling On Civilization One of the biggest impacts on civilization started in Augsburg, Germany around fifteen hundred and twenty. When a men named August Kotter developed barrel rifling. Armorers to black smiths spared the knowledge as each civilization adapted the technology modifying, and adapting it as it spread. For generation this technology changedas the knowledge continued to disseminate through the decades. (1989)(1997)(NA–ARMY) Although riffling was around since the fifteenth century, it was not common place. True rifling can be found from the mid to late sixteenth century, but was still not a trusted technology until the nineteenth century. Riffling technology goes back to bows and arrows. The concept of stabilizing a projectiles flight by the rotational ... Show more content on ... (2.299716 kilometers) or to put it perspective 1.4289772727 miles in high wind. Looking at the advances in rifling technology from the fifteen hundreds to present time. It is easy to see the evolution from hoping to hit a target at 100 yards, and hitting a target at one in a half miles away. Civilizations throughout history used this technology as it adapted to feed, defend, fight, enslave other civilizations, races, and individuals. Looking at the impact firearms had on Civilizations goes back to China during the 13th century AD, after the Chinese invented black powder during the 9th century AD. These inventions of technology were later transmitted to the Middle East, Africa, andEurope. The direct ancestor of the firearm is the fire lance, the mother of the guns. (Forgive the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Normandy Operation Overlord Essay Operation Overlord and the Normandy landings sparked the assault on Nazi Germany and were a mandatory part in the Allied victory of World War 2. The operation consisted of capturing five beaches in Normandy: Britain took Gold and Sword, U.S took Omaha and Utah, and Canada took Juno. Many tasks were done before the invasion such as giving the Germans false information and the build up of a military arsenal to fuel the invasion. The two most significant reasons that the Allies were successful were the landings at Omaha Beach and the U.S and U.K paratroopers. In addition to this, tanks were also a key factor as they could crush through enemy obstacles and buildings. As a result, these key factors of Operation Overlord brought the Allies to victory ... Show more content on ... Overall, the landings were completed by the 6,000 men of the British 6th Division led by Major General Windy and Major Howard and the 14,000 men of the U.S. 101st Airborne and the 82nd Airborne Division's lead by Major Generals Ridgway and William C. Lee. Both divisions had a general mission to hold their area to supply the troops coming from the five beaches as well as the rest of the assault on Nazi Germany. Though in a more specific sense both divisions had other goals to complete. The British had to hold both Pegasus and Ranville (river bridge to the right of Pegasus) which would stop the Germans at Normandy from reinforcing and now they could use the bridges to reinforce themselves. In addition to this, the British also had to destroy a gun battery near Pegasus so the Sword Beach landings would be successful. On the other hand, the U.S had to hold Sainte–mere–Eglise and complete their mission of capturing Cherbourg to create a port of supply for the Allies. As a result, the airborne landings of both Pegasus and Sainte–mere–Eglise helped fuel the rest of the war and allowed other beach attacks achieve ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Iraq 2003 Battle Analysis This Battle analysis has been written to describe one on the key battles during the Invasion of Iraq 2003. The Fall of Baghdad being a key objective in the overall success of the Iraq Invasion, was necessary in the mission to overthrow the dictator Saddam Hussein. The Dictator was suspected of keeping Chemical, Nuclear, and Biological weapons against NATO policy and was also accused of supporting Terrorist Groups in attacks on The United States of America. March 14, 2003; Allied commanders were summoned to General Frank's headquarters in Qatar for the playing of the initial scenes of Gladiator to instill a type warrior type spirit within his commanders, and otherwise summon his troops to war. Soon after, on March 19, the ... Show more content on ... Their key objectives were 'regime district' of ministries and the resident palaces. The 1–64 moving into the city caught most of the fighters off guard eating Breakfast and not expecting the Americans offensive approach. The Regiment finally met resistance further into the city, with ineffective AK –47 and RPG fire against the Tanks and Bradley's and suicide attacks manned in the hundreds but easily combated. After the push through the roadways, 1–64 didn't receive any causalities. Only one tank was set on fire by an RPG–7, however the Iraqi death toll was in triple digits (Keegan, John, 2004). On the highway leading to Tikrit was the last known escape route. The 3rd BCT was commanded to control and block the route to prevent refugees and the last remnants of the Republican Guard from escaping. The 10–hour fight to control the exit consisted of fighting off escapees in vehicles that were being escorted by Republican guard tanks. The fight ended with 8 Iraqi tanks destroyed, and the 7th Cavalry controlling the bridge crossing out of Baghdad and closing off the exit (Keegan, John, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Change Of Command Flyer 68 CSSB DISTINCTIVE UNIT INSIGNIA TH The two rings simulate wheels; the blue alludes to the Quartermaster insignia wheel from which the unit descended, and the brick red one to the Transportation Corps insignia wheel. The two arrows represent honors awarded the unit during the India–Burma and Central Burma campaigns during World War II, and the wavy arrows symbolize the tortured Burma Road run as well as suggests the important idea of "Points of Departure and Arrival." 47T 2 H QUARTERMASTER COMPANY CHANGE OF COMMAND 43D SB SHOULDER SLEEVE INSIGNIA Buff and scarlet are the colors traditionally associated with the Support units. The diagonal stripe suggests protection. The compass rose signifies guidance and the unit's capability to ... Show more content on ... His first officer assignment was to the 82D Airborne Division where he deployed to OIF VI, December 2008 as the Distribution Platoon Leader, A Company, 82D Brigade Support Battalion and Company Executive Officer, 5–73 Cavalry Squadron, 3rd Brigade Combat Team. Following OIF VI he became the Squadron S4 for 5–73 Cavalry Squadron. In 2011, CPT Farkas was selected as the Aide–De–Camp for the U.S. Joint Munitions Command, Army Materiel Command and then attended the Combined Logistics Captains Career Course. CPT Farkas has been assigned to the 43rd Sustainment Brigade since January 2013 where he has served as the Ground Transportation Officer for the Brigade Supporting Operations. CPT Farkas' awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal,
  • 29. Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster (OLC), Army Commendation Medal with 4 OLC, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal with 6 OLC, Joint Meritorious Unit Citation (JMUC), Valorous Unit Award (VUA), and Meritorious Unit Citation (MUC). CPT Farkas has been awarded the Ranger Tab, Combat Action Badge and the Parachutists Badge. INCOMING COMPANY COMMANDER CPT JACOB T. WATSON CPT Jacob Watson is a native of Fayetteville, North Carolina. He graduated from Campbell University, Buies Creek, North Carolina in May 2009 with a Bachelor's in Arts – History. CPT Watson received his commission from Campbell University ROTC in May 2009 as an Ordnance ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Battles Of The Korean War Essay On June 25, 1950, a war broke out on the peninsula of North and South Korea. The causes of this war were mostly attributed to North Korea's attempted conquest of the entire Korean peninsula. North Korea invaded the South and thus began the Korean War. This was a war that ultimately involved the forces of the United States and numerous other countries. The Korean War cost the lives of 2,000,000 people in only three years. This catastrophic loss of life was due to the events took place during the war. Many, many battles took place during the Korean War. At dawn on June 25, 1950, 90,000 soldiers were sent into the Southern Republic of Korea or South Korea. These 90,000 men made up two–thirds of the 135,000 man army of North Korea. On June ... Show more content on ... With a boost in morale, the UN forces continue to push forward. Soon, Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, was captured. At this point, the end of the war appears to be in sight. China, however, did not like the close proximity that the battles were reaching to China. China threatened to send soldiers to assist North Korea if the United Nations didn't back off from the Yalu River. In hopes of ending the war before Christmas, General MacArthur ignored China's warnings and pressed forward trying to oppress North Korean forces to force them into surrendering. On November 25, the Chinese launched a major offensive which resulted in immense casualties for the UN forces. The U.S. 2nd and 25th divisions were defeated and were forced to retreat from the Yalu River. After several days of fighting the forces at the river, the Chinese force the UN allies to retreat. Once UN forces retreat, they once again become encircled by the communists and attempt to escape in one of the most bloody and desperate actions of the war. The Chinese continued to press onward and managed to press UN forces 50 miles south of the 38th parallel, an imaginary boundary which separated the North and South sides of Korea. With the aid of the Chinese, North Korean forces capture Seoul for the second time. Shortly after however, UN forces consolidate their lines just under the 37th parallel in South Korea. On January 25, 1951, the UN forces resume their offensive on communist ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Battle Analysis Paper Takur Ghar Mission Command Analysis The Battle of Takur Ghar "Roberts Ridge" Operation Anaconda, 03 – 04 March 2002 CPT Michael A. Broussard PA–C SG 11, CCC 30 October 2014 1 Abstract In the late evening of March 3rd 2002, through to the evening of March 4th 2002, Special Operation Forces were engaged in an intense fire fight with al Qaeda forces on a mountain top known as Takur Ghar. This battle was the product of a botched reconnaissance insertion and ultimately resulted in a 24 hour fire fight and the deaths of 7 U.S. service members and over 200 al Qaeda fighters. Navy SEAL, Neil C. Roberts is believed to be the first U.S. casualty of this battle and thus, the battle also became unofficially known as "Roberts Ridge" (1). This paper will give ... Show more content on ... The ramp gunner was tethered to the aircraft and was retrieved back inside by the remaining passengers. Roberts fell from the aircraft and was believed to still be alive as the aircraft was only 10 feet off of the ground at the time it came under fire. The helicopter was forced to crash land in the valley and now was 7 kilometers away from the mountain top. Roberts was now completely alone amongst an overwhelming enemy force and it is believed that he fought in place until he was eventually over run by the enemy (3). The downed SEALs were picked up by RAZOR 04 and at 0500, again attempted to reinsert at Roberts' last known position. Now they were only a team of 5 with the addition of Air Force CCT Chapman. The aircraft was able to insert the team but again came under heavy fire and was also rendered mission incapable and had to fly back to its origin due to the damage that it sustained. The team moved to the high ground of the mountain engaging and killing 2 combatants, they then
  • 32. realized that they were standing in the middle of multiple bunkers as they came under heavy cross fire from only 20 meters away. Acoording to the official report, Chapman was fatally wounded almost immediately and 2 others would also become wounded as they attempted to break contact. An AC–130 was able to provide covering fire and enabled the SEALS to disengage. Wounded and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Saving Private Ryan Essay I am doing my film analysis on the movie Saving Private Ryan. In this movie the main character is Captain John Miller, who is played by Tom Hanks. The whole objective of this movie is to find and save Private James Ryan, who is played by Matt Damon. In the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller leads his troops onto Omaha Beach, Normandy. Captain Miller and his troops are a part of the 2nd Ranger Battalion. As they make their way onto Omaha beach, many men are shot and killed before they even get off of the boat. The majority of the man that managed to get off of the boat, drown in the water from having to carry so much gear. The opening scene has to be the best, but most violent opening scene I have ever seen in a movie. After Captain Miller and his men make their way up the beach and try taking over the shooting towers on top of the hills where the Germans are. Later on,... Show more content on ... On D–Day, the landing included over 5,000 ships, 11,000 airplanes, and over 150,000 service men. Once the boats landed on the beaches and the ramps opened, every man had to jump, swim, run, and crawl to the cliffs. Most of the men that first exited the boats were not even twenty years old yet, entered the waters carrying over eight pounds of equipment. Once they made it to the beach, they had approximately 200 yards of beach to get across before they got to any sort of cover. As troops attacked Omaha beach they received heavy small–arms fire and artillery fire as well. Many of the troops that survived said that they thought they were in hell. After everything was over, the Allied Forces had suffered almost 10,000 casualties; over 4,000 men were dead. Even though they had just experienced the worst day of their life's, the troops that had prepped and planned for that day finally breached Fortress ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Special Operations Forces (SOF): A Comparative Analysis Throughout the war on terrorism units from various branches in the U.S. military that make Special Operations Forces are known as the tip of the spear. The various Special Operations Forces are ran by U.S. Special Operations Command or USSOCOM that was created by Congress in 1986. USSOCOM defines special operations as "the use of small units in direct or indirect military actions that are focused on strategic or operational objectives. They require units with combinations of specialized personnel, equipment, training or tactics that exceed the routine capabilities of conventional military forces." The various skills SOF units possess allow them to execute missions individually as a unit or with various SOF units depending on the specifics ... Show more content on ... Army Rangers or the 75th Ranger Regiment are a light infantry unit that performs direct action missions, airfield seizure, special reconnaissance, personnel recovery, clandestine insertion and sensitive site exploitation. Rangers have the ability to "perform a full spectrum of infantry tasks at a very high level of proficiency. Their special function is to seize and hold enemy airfields or other installations by parachute or helicopter assault." The Rangers have the ability to perform extreme missions efficiently with a high number of men making them in important asset to Special Operations Forces. The training to become a ranger is very rigorous and soldiers must go to Airborne School before attending Ranger School. Airborne School is a three–week school that teaches soldiers how to jump from airplanes and perform an air assault. After the completion of Airborne School the Ranger candidates must go through two months of training that teach ranger candidates how to operate in terrible conditions and circumstances. Upon graduation Rangers are assigned to one of three active Ranger Battalions. The 1st Ranger Battalion is located at Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia. The 2nd Ranger Battalion is headquartered in Fort Lewis, Washington. The 3rd Ranger Battalion is located in Fort Benning, Georgia. The Rangers having three battalions stationed in three different locations across the U.S. allows the 75th Ranger Regiment to deploy troops whenever they are ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Hero Of Pat Tillman The name of my hero is Pat Tillman, he is my hero because he is an American warrior and he served our country proud and I respect that.Pat Tillman was an American Soldier he served in the army and was killed in friendly fire and gave up one something that he dreamed of all his life, and what he had worked for, just to help out our country in war. A hero to me is someone you makes you proud, believe in or who you can look up to. Heros have to be respected because they give everything they have because they want to make the people who look up to them proud. Pat Tillman was born on November 6,1976 in Fremont California ( wikipedia ). He had two brothers, went to school in Leland High School in San Jose, California ( wikipedia ). "He led his team to the Central Coast Division I Football Championship" (Bio) while he played in high school."His talent landed him a scholarship to Arizona State University" (Bio). Tilman won many awards like MVP, and defensive player of the year he also achieved in the classroom too. "Tillman was selected in 1988 by the Arizona Cardinals in the NFL draft" (Bio). "Loyal to his team, Tillman turned down a lucrative contract with the St. Louis Rams to stay with the Cardinals in 2001."(Bio) Tillman was number 40 and played safety for the Arizona Cardinals for his NFL career. He started 10 of the 16 games as a rookie, he played for 4 seasons (wikipedia). Throughout his 4 seasons he had " 92 combo tackles,70 individual,22 assisted,2.5 ... Get more on ...
  • 36. AKA D-Day Operation Overlord The Normandy Landings – AKA D–Day, Operation Overlord The Normandy Landings were a series of landing operations by Allied forces to capture Normandy during World War 2. The Normandy Landings were also known to the Allied forces as Operation Neptune, or D–Day. Meanwhile, the operation to gain control of France was named Operation Overlord. The purpose of Operation Overlord was to seize Western Europe starting with France from Nazi control and enter Germany together with the Soviet forces from Eastern Europe to end the Nazi regime. During this conflict, 156,000 Allied troops fought against a outnumbered 50,350 Nazi force. In the end, the Allies had approx. 10,000 causalities as opposed to the Nazi's 4000–9000 casualties. The operation was known as D–Day as the day of the actual invasion could vary and to prevent espionage. D–Day was the invasion start, and the "day" in "D–Day" ... Show more content on ... Omaha Beach: This beach was the most heavily defended beach. Landing craft were shot at by artillery and machine guns and blown up by mines underneath the surface of the water. The enemy Nazis were heavily entrenched in the cliff above leading to some 2000 casualties for the Allied forces. Gold Beach: This beach was not directly protected by any pillboxes or other defences, but rather by an enemy battalion and 4 artillery guns, 3 of which were destroyed by Allied ships and 1 of which surrendered. The casualties for this beach landing were estimated to be roughly 1000. Juno Beach: This beach was defended by artillery, machine gun nests, pillboxes, barbed wire fences and mines. This beach took a long time to secure as there were many machine gun nests covering each other meaning that they had to be outflanked before they could be reached and destroyed. Casualties for this beach were roughly ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Summary: The Annexation Of Texas In 1844, James K. Polk, who favored annexation, was elected president of the United States. Following his choice, Mexico once again reminded America that the annexation of Texas would be perceived as an act of war. However, the Americans were more focused on the land they would be in control of if Texas were annexed. On March 1, 1845 Congress passed the proposal for Texas' annexation, making it officially part of the United States. Though it was official, Mexico still didn't recognize Texas as part of the U.S. The Mexican ambassador claimed that the U.S had illegally taken control of Mexican land. Polk then sent his negotiator, John Slidell, to Mexico to offer them five million dollars for New Mexico and twenty–five million dollars for California. ... Show more content on ... It was abandoned during the Mexican War of Independence and for many years after until 1833 when it was turned into a military academy, Colegio Militar. The U.S. Marine Corps honor the Battle of Chapultepec by wearing a red strip down their pants to commemorate the loss of lives. It is now a history museum for the war and all the men who died. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2nd, 1848 and ended the Mexican American War. It ended in the United States' favor giving us 525,000 square miles which were turned into preset day Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California, Wyoming, and Colorado. The Rio Grande was named the official border between the U.S. and Mexico. The Mexican American War was a deadly war and many Americans and Mexicans died during battle. Neither side really got there way. Neither America nor Mexico really wanted war. But it was pretty much inevitable. Even though we fought with Mexico, many of them don't hold it against us, or even care at all. But the borders have been set and will never ... Get more on ...
  • 38. LTC Mucci's Problem LTC Mucci's problem centers mainly with the almost insurmountable number of obstacles that potentially hinder the success of the mission. The problem is best summed up by posing questions linked directly to METT–TC. How can the 6th Ranger battalion save over 500 POWs when they have been captive for years and may be unable to move. The Japanese guards are under order to kill the POWs at the first sign of trouble and have demonstrated a history of doing so. The POW camp is 30 miles from the Sixth Army and they more than likely will not reach it for another four days. The camp is behind enemy lines and although the terrain leading up is jungles with villages mixed in, the POW camp is located in the middle of an open field offering little... Show more content on ... This also enabled 2nd Platoon to secure the POWs. This action was possible due to the extensive reconnaissance conducted by Filipino guerrillas and Alamo scouts prior to the main assault. Both units provided detailed descriptions of all Japanese forces' locations allowing 1st Platoon to completely annihilate the enemy during the operation. 2nd Platoon Charlie Company secured all POWs from the Japanese camp prior to their relocation or execution. 1st Platoon made this possible by breaching the compound and clearing all Japanese forces in the area, enabling 2nd Platoon to secure the POWs and assist them to safety out of the enemy camp. 2nd Platoon Foxtrot Company neutralized the back area of the Japanese camp to destroy enemy forces while preventing movement of Japanese into the POW containment area. Like the actions of 1st Platoon Charlie Company, this was large enabled by the reconnaissance conducted by the guerrillas and the Alamo scouts. Prior to the operation, 2nd Platoon knew the exact number and location of enemy guard towers and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Henry Womack Military Biography My name is Henry Womack, I was born in Houston Texas into a family of four kids (including myself). I spent most of my childhood focusing on the army, my father was a fighting man, he was a proud patriot and my hero. I joined the army at the age of 18; my father was a Ranger so of course I applied for Ranger school. Nine grueling weeks were spent at Fort Benning slaving away, carving our–self's into capable fighting men. I graduated top of my class in Ranger school and was offered additional qualifications to take, my Sargent suggested I should take the field medic course as I showed the most potential in the basic field first aid course given to all Rangers. A further 6 months were spend at Fort Benning completing the Combat Trauma Management Course. Once qualified I was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Charlie company. I did two tours of Afghanistan and a rotation to Germany for training. I left the Army at the age of 23, I was lost as what to do, I saw a opening for the McGovern Medical School Houston in my home town, I applied and got accepted. I was one of the older students but I just kept my head down and pushed through. The day after my 28th birthday I graduated from the McGovern Medical School Houston with two degrees, one being Degree in Medical treatment and patient care and the other being a Health and Social Care Degree. I moved to Los Santos on my 29th birthday following a death in the family. I saw that the fire department were hiring part–time applicants. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Personal Statement: Deployments Of An Army Soldier In May of 2005 I embarked on my first deployment with 2nd Ranger Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment to Bagram Airfield (BAF), Afghanistan. I was assigned to Charlie Company 1st Platoon Weapons Squad as an anti–tank gunner (M3 Carl Gustav) with secondary duties as an ammo bearer for the M240B machine gun if the mission called for it. Little did I know that my time in Afghanistan would forever change my life and the RANGER Creed stanza "Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one–hundred–percent and then some" would be etched in the forefront of my mind. We unfortunately only conducted two missions... Show more content on ... The guys on deployment come back and as per Standing Operating Procedure (SOP), our new Team Leaders and Tabbed Spec Fours give us a lot of attention. Throughout our typical training cycle we would go from conducting marksmanship training, mobility training, CQB, Platoon Execution Evaluations, live fire exercises and airborne operations to prepare us for another upcoming deployment. Being an anti–tank gunner definitely was an awesome experience because let's face it, you are firing a reloadable 84mm recoilless rifle that shoots a host of round meant to destroy. On the other hand it has disadvantages, it can get a quite heavy and cumbersome, especially when conducting Fast Rope Insertion/Extraction System (FRIES) training out of our 50ft tower that was located right behind my Company Area of Operations (AO). The training cycle progressed at a pace that seemed like it was only a couple of weeks long, soon we would head out the door again for another deployment to Afghanistan but this one was going to be different, we just didn't know it. Our C–17 landed in BAF early May of 2005 and I can still remember the distinct odor that was permeating from Afghanistan to this day. We settled into our B–huts on BAF and in a few days we started conducting squad and platoon level training. There were no missions to speak of so all we did was train, I didn't mind it as I was learning ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Operation Overload Research Paper The battle of Normandy or D–day, is infamous within US Army history books. Today I will discuss the attack on Pointe du Hoc, which was the pivot point of "Operation Overload". Soldiers from the US Army 2nd and 5th Ranger battalions were called upon to start this attack. Primarily the heroic actions and personal courage of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, will be today's main topic. We will touch upon the German forces, actions that lead to the assault on Point du hoc, the days leading up to "D–Day", 2nd Ranger Battalion's main mission and other supporting actions that allow the story to unfold. Operation Overload, otherwise known as the Battle of Normandy, was a successful allied assault on Western Europe.Pointe du Hoc towered 30 meters above a narrow pebble beach. This was considered one of ... Show more content on ... Leading up to the attack, on June 6 1944, the U.S. Eighth Air Force and British Bomber Command repeatedly plastered the coastline with heavy aerially bombardment with the main focus being Point du Hoc. Pointe du Hoc was a 100ft cliff overlooking the English Channel. It lied 4 miles west of the center to Omaha Beach. It was also the highest point between Omaha beach on the east and Utah beach on the west. On the morning of 6 June, at 0445, 225 Soldiers comprised of Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot Companies, 2nd Ranger Battalion boarded their Landing Craft Assault (LCA) boats and headed out. The boats were crewed by British forces and they carried 22 men on each one. Upon headed out into the choppy sea for an hour–long trip to their destination. Riding in the landing craft was rough and cold, and several Rangers became seasick. Others worked vigorously to empty water out of the boats in an effort to keep them from sinking. One LCA capsized, leaving the assault team with twenty–two less men for the mission. As the early morning sun began to rise, the Rangers quickly realized something wasn't correct. They were supposed to start the H–hour at 0630. The ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Cpl Pat Tillman Influence On Leadership My Leader of Influence The purpose of this paper is to identify how CPL Pat Tillman's attributes and competencies impacted the U.S. Army and my leadership philosophy. The U.S. Army defines attributes of a leader as having impeccable character, presence, and intellect; with competencies described as leads, develops, and achieves (Headquarters Department of the Army [HQDA], 2015). The U.S. Armyleadership requirements model defines the expectations and standards asked of leaders in the Army. CPL Tillman instilled in himself all these attributes and competencies, which I strive to emulate daily in my leadership style. CPL Tillman's attributes and competencies positively impacted the Army and the community, which ultimately contributed to my personal ... Show more content on ... It is widely known the 75th Ranger Regiment only accepts the best of the best Rangers and CPL Tillman was no exception to this. In fact, CPL Tillman displayed mental agility on the night of his death in Afghanistan. CPL Tillman tried numerous times to tell the Rangers to stop firing on them through his voice, but this did not work. Realizing this was not working CPL Tillman deployed a smoke canister to signal to the Rangers they were firing on friendly forces. This was CPL Tillman's last actions on that mountain in Khost Province, Afghanistan, but the actions that saved his fellow Soldiers lives. The Army defines intellect as enabling a leader to understand, visualize, and decide and is essential in unfamiliar and chaotic settings (Headquarters Department of the Army [HQDA], 2015). CPL Tillman selflessly displayed his intellect on the night of his friendly fire ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Research Paper On Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan Movie Review The movie Saving Private Ryan directed by Steven Spielberg is probably one of the most exquisite movies to show World War II. Unlike most war movies Saving Private Ryan does not show what we want to see but what we need to see. The graphics used to show the horrific effects on war can drastically put an deep impression in your heart. The movie includes actors such as Tim Hanks, Matt Damon, and Vin Diesel. When Steven came up with the idea for the movie he showed interest in the Niland brothers four siblings who all served in the army during World War II. Brothers Robert, Preston, and Edward were all supposedly killed in action, leading the army to take actions and bring back the last brother Fitz(Private Ryan) home. I'm sure this story created many wonders inside... Show more content on ... Private Ryan status of where he is being stationed is unknown, for this mission Captain Miller picks seven men for this formidable mission. Along the way the squadron unfortunately loses two men in a small fight against a group of Germans. Eventually, thought their costly journey they find Private Ryan dug in with his unit and awaiting a German counterattack. Ryan refuses to leaves his comrades and Miller agrees alongside with his remaining squad to fight as well. The Germans overwhelms them with many soldiers and unfortunately Captain Miller and majority of his squad is killed. However, Private Ryan survives and is able to go back home. In the end our beloved Private Ryan is able to return home but we lost great soldiers such as Captain Miller whose grave was seen in the beginning and end of the film, which of course Ryan visited after years of the war. This movie was truly a gift to be able to see what people who dedicate their lives for to help keep us safe have to go through. The visuals and emotional scenes made it even better making this a 5 star film in my opinion. Anyone who truly want to know what a veteran or soldier has to go ... Get more on ...