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Muhammad, A Biography Of Prophet Essay
Muhammad, A Biography Of Prophet A short history about the world's fastest growing religion and
of the man, who seeded the plant of Islam himself, Muhammad (saw). Armstrong writes this book in
a humanist style and introduces the reader to the cultural and historical background of the life of
Mohammed and the revelation of the Quran. She first starts with the West's long history
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She has done her homework in compiling this book and it shows as she goes back and forth with
the dates of different events. The book also shows maps in the beginning that help the reader to get
a better idea of the geography of the area in the past times along with genealogical charts that give
a clear picture of Muhammad's gene . It's a well written book for an intelligent person who wishes
to be informed.
The main idea or it can be called an argument that Armstrong put forth was to break the wrong image
of the west about the Holy Prophet. She starts describing Muhammad's rising success as a skilled and
respected politician; Armstrong mentions that the Christian world has always judged this part of the
prophet's life with distrust. The Western view has traditionally seen Muhammad's political success as
proof that he was an impostor using religion as a means to power. To explain this attitude, Armstrong
offers the following insight:
"Because the Christian world is dominated by the image of the crucified Jesus, who said that his
kingdom was not of this world, we tend to see failure and humiliation as the hallmark of a religious
leader. We do not expect our spiritual heroes to achieve a dazzling success in mundane terms." (p.
Armstrong depicts Muhammad (saw) in glowing colors, even when she admits his wrongdoings. In
the 8th chapter, "Holy War", Armstrong recounts the massacre and summary executions of the
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The Muhammad As A Prophet
The aim of this essay is to determine whether it is right to regard Muhammad as a prophet or a
statesman or both of the following.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines a prophet as someone who speaks or is regarded as speaking,
for or in the name of God or a God. The special function of revealing or predicting the future is
often regarded as an essential element of the work of a prophet. As per the definition states, a
prophet is someone who brings the message of God or a God. Muhammad received his first
revelations in the year 610 when he was around the age of forty. Years before the revelations, he
established a habit of withdrawing himself to go to the mountains outside of Mecca to pray in
peace and solitude. During one of these retreats Muhammad began having unusual experiences,
hearing voices and having visions indicating that God had chosen him as his prophet. The angel
Gabriel appeared in one of his visions giving him his first revelation that was a passage from the
Quran. The first revelations stated that there is only one God who on the day of judgement will
weigh every man's performance of moral and religious acts and decide whether he is deserving of
eternal bliss in heaven or eternal punishment in hell. This is one such element in the revelations he
received that predicts an important future event, which also is one of the characteristics of a prophet.
At first Muhammad had difficulties coming to terms with his role as a prophet and accepting his fate
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The Life Of Prophet Muhammad
Amine Lehachi
Islamic History 1100
Mrs. Jorati
September 20th, 2015 The Life of Prophet Muhammad
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH–Peace be upon him) is the messenger of God in Islam. He was
born in the city of Makkah (Mecca) in the Arabian Peninsula around 570 CE. Many historians
believe he became an orphan at a very early age. The Arabian Peninsula at the time had no law or
order; people were described as savages for their ill customs and traditions. People of Arabia
worshipped idols and ancient Arabian religions; some were also Christian and Jewish. When it
came to religion people were divided in the region, people were divided into tribes and had different
sets of beliefs. Prophet Muhammad set to change this, he wanted to unify the region and establish
an independent nation. Before he started his Prophecy he married an older woman, a widow named
Khadijah, for whom he had worked for in the caravan trade. When he was a merchant, he was
known as al–Amin, the trusted one. When Prophet Muhammad was forty years old, he had a
profound experience that really changed his life. In this essay I will evaluate the significant events
of his career starting with The First revelation; The migration to Medina and lastly the great Battle of
Badr. These significant events play an important role on how the foundation of a newly reformed
monotheistic religion called Islam came to be.
A significant event that really changed the course of his life was when Prophet Muhammad was 40
years old.
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Muhammad In Islam Research Paper
Muslim tradition views Muhammad (c.570– June 8, 632) as the seal of the prophets. Muhammad's
father, "Abd Allah ibn" Abd al–Muttalib, died before the boy was born; his mother, Aminah, died
when he was six. The orphan was consigned to the care of his grandfather, the head of the clan of
Hashim. After the death of his grandfather, Muhammad was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib. As was
customary, the child Muhammad was sent to live for a year or two with a Bedouin family. This
custom, followed until recently by noble families of Mecca, Medina, Taif, and other towns of the
Hijaz, had important implications for Muhammad.
Muhammad in Mecca preached to the people, imploring them to abandon polytheism and to worship
one god. Although some converted
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Essay on Biography of Prophet Muhammad
This book is about a Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The biography of the Prophet is a
very noble and exalted subject by which Muslims learn about the rise of Islam, and how Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) was chosen by Allah to receive the divine revelation. From the reading I
realize that, we know more about seerah (the history of our prophet) and it benefited us. From the
reading also I can develop the proper love of Muhammad (PBUH) in my hearts. As we know loving
prophet Muhammad is 'Ibadah. It is part of our religion to love Muhammad. The Ummah today loves
Muhammad If you ask any Muslim "Do you love prophet Muhammad ?", they would say yes. So
even though the Ummah today with the shallow information that the masses of more
As we know the messenger of Allah went through stages. He went through steps started by a
secret da'wah, and then it became public, and then later on Jihad. These stages are important for
Islamic movement and we believe that this methodological progression of the prophet's life is
divinely directed. For Allah has guided his prophet and all of his steps, and it was not a result of a
reaction to an emerging circumstance. So these events that happened in the life of prophet were not
in sequence. They were planned by Allah . I realize that it can be guidance for us, in our attempts to
establish Islam again. So it is very important for us to see the stages that out went through and the
progression of his da'wah. The books also make me realize that can helps understand the
Prophetic methodology of change that it is based on knowledge and wisdom. They started from
creed and this influenced their behavior. Hence the strong point of change is Aqeedah. If this is
strong, then all struggles and hardships can be overcome. Although it takes a long time for the
proper belief to sink into the hearts of the people, we must display patience, as we'll see in the
example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) where they first concentrated on the matters of
'Aqeedah. It can be a lesson for us that, we have to have this kind of personality in order to
overcome our problem in our ummah. Prophet Muhammad was never give up to do da'wah even
many people hate
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Muhammad: A Prophet and Statesman Essay
Muhammad's main role was that of a prophet. Discuss
On the surface Muhammad is usually considered to be a prophet and messenger of God, but when
looking closer we can see that He played many more roles in His life time including one of a
Statesman. After 'The Year of Sorrow' in which both Muhammad's uncle– Abu Talib and wife–
Kadijah died Muhammad is warned by the angel Gabriel that the situation is getting too dangerous
for him in Mecca. "Muhammad knew the faith must find expression in a community which would
insure its external force and the opportunity to prevail against opposition" (Cragg). It is at this point
that Muhammad is invited to become a leader in Medina (622ce).
At the time Medina's population consisted of half Jews, more content...
Muhammad stopped them and said why don't you put the rock onto a piece of cloth as then you can
all take a corner to place it into the Karba together.
When Muhammad arrives in Medina He is invited by many of the people from all of the different
tribes to stay with them. Muhammad has to think quickly and make a decision that is not to
upset anyone, or divide the tribes any further. His decision is to let his favourite camel roam
freely across the land and wait until he stops to graze, that shall be where He stays. The camel
chooses a small patch of land alone. This decision shows signs of a great Statesman. Another
Statesmanship choice was that He had to find a way to integrate the Meccans who had followed
Muhammad with the Medinans. He came up with the idea that each Medinan family should take a
Meccan, feed, cloth and look after them etc and in return they should help with the work of the
family. This idea eliminated any segregation between the two as they quickly became friendly and
there were also no hungry or homeless people.
Another way to unite the Jews and the Arabs and to bring loyalty and peace between the tribes was
to write a constitution. This idea also showed great signs of good statesmanship. The constitution
read that all people are equal–both Jew and Arab, that all must promise to fight as monotheists and
that all have the right to justice. Because of these smart and intelligent ideas Muhammad quickly
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Prophet Mohammed Research Paper
Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is known to be the founder of Islam. He is also known
for Muslims to be the Holy prophet, and also he is known to be the last prophet sent by God to
the humanity. Prophet Mohamed was born in Mecca, on Saudi Arabia in 570 CE. He was an
orphan in his early childhood and was raised by his uncle Abu Talib. He worked as a merchant in
his adulthood, and he was known to be honest. Later, at the age of 40, Angel Gabriel visited prophet
Mohammed while his stay in Hira Cave and there God revealed himself to Mohammed. After 3
years, prophet Mohamed started publicly lecturing these disclosures.
Islam is Monotheistic religion, which means that Islamic followers (Muslims) believe in sole creator
with none associated
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Prophet Muhammad Research Paper
Although Muhammad was a orphan he was the one to start the religion Islam that millions of
people still follow. He was called to prophethood and rejected but still persevered and started an
empire that lasted for a long time.
Muhammad's father died before Muhammad was born in Makkah around 570 C.E. When he was 5
or 6 his mom died and he became an orphan. Muhammad worked for Khadijah who had a trade
business. When Muhammad was 25 he married Khadijah.
One day Muhammad went to a cave to pray, there he was called to be a prophet of God whom the
Arabs call Allah. That same night he met Gabriel who told him to recite some words and later said
that he was the messenger of God. When the religion grew his followers wrote down his teachings
in a book called a qur'an.
Around 613 C.E Muhammad taught people to share wealth, give women rights, and respect
everyone. But rich people and merchants were afraid of losing power so they rejected the religion.
Other clans boycott Muhammad's clan and persecuted his weaker followers. The boycott didn't stop
Muhammad from believing and spreading the religion, but Abu Talib and Khadija died in the
process. That same year Muhammad reported about a night journey where he went to Jerusalem and
prayed with earlier prophets and more content...
Muhammad taught his followers to respect Christian and Jews because like Muslims these people
of the book believed in one God. In 624 Makkah battled Muhammad's army, Muhammad won.
Few years later Makkah made siege on Madinah, but it failed. In 628 Makkah and Madinah made a
truce, in 630 Makkah broke the truce Muhammad's army went to Makkah but Makkah surrendered
before any fighting broke out. Muhammad's army destroyed all the idols in the Ka'ba. The people
of the book were Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Muhammad made a final sermon at the town of his
birth, Makkah and reminded his followers to respect everyone, shortly after, he
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Muhammad a prophet for our time is written by Karen Armstrong. This book is like a diary that
tells the life of Muhammad and how he played a big role in the Islamic religion. Muhammad was
born in the year 570 ce and died in 623 ce. Muhammad was a man who did not have much going
for him, he couldn't read and lived in a cave with his wife at the time. When Muhammad was reached
down upon by Allah he did not know what was happening and why it was happening. " he knew
that some people expected the imminent arrival of an Arab prophet, but it never occurred to him
that he would be the one entrusted with the mission." (p.10). Muhammad was 40 years old when
this happened and he lived in Mecca. Mecca at the time had many different civilizations and was a
big trading center. Arabs at the time did not like this and kept moving from places to place to get
something stable. Some of the Arabs even had settled in urban areas around Mecca. Society in
Mecca was based on laws and traditions that even though Allah is the main more content...
59). This quote means that everyone was on Muhammad's side. Even though it may seem everyone
like him, Muhammad had to fight many battles to get the respect he deserved. Islam during the time
has always been in a constant fight with non–Islamic believers. They want to fight and killed
Muhammad because he was the one with the answers and hope from Allah. Non Islamic people did
not want him to convert people. Muhammad and everyone who followed him moved to Madinah
where they were accepted. He then convert many to Islamic from the interpretations of the Quran.
After that, Non–Muslims always challenge to have war with Prophets Muhammad because they
want to kill him and stop the up and coming new
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The Life of Prophet Muhammad
In Islamic history, no single person has influenced the culture and life choices more than the prophet
Muhammad. The early unity and creation of the Muslim faith is primarily an action of
Muḥammad ibn КїAbd AllДЃh ibn КїAbd al–Muб№б№alib ibn HДЃshim. Muhammadis
considered the prophet of the the Muslim faith and responsible for establishing the religion. The
Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 CE. He is the child of Abdullah and his young wife Amina. He
was born in the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula and was a member of the Banu Hashim
family. The Banu Hashim family were very well respected in Mecca and had great influence and
prestige around the Arabian Peninsula region. The Prophet Muhammad's family was a clan in the
Quraysh tribe. The Quraysh tribe controlled many trading routes in the city of Mecca. Because of the
powerful merchant influence that the Quraysh tribe possessed, the Banu Hashim family grew to
become very wealthy and powerful politically in the city of Mecca. The Prophet Muhammad's father,
Abdullah, unfortunately died before his wife Amina gave birth to Muhammad during an mercantile
expedition to Syria. Amina also died while Muhammad was the age of six. This caused the Prophet
Muhammad to be taken in by his grandfather Abd al–Muttalib. Unfortunately, while Muhammad was
at the age of eight, his grandfather Abd al–Muttalib died. The Prophet Muhammad was later
orphaned and taken in by his uncle Abu Talib. The Prophet Muhammad experienced much death at a
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Essay On Prophet Mohammed
Have you ever wondered what happened back in the days when the prophets were alive and how
they conquered their village peacefully? This all takes place during the early Islamic history.
Prophet Mohammed, the messenger of God, served as an introduction to the rise of Islam and left a
mark in our lives that we will remember for eternity. It all began with the pre–Islamic Arabia known
as the Jahiliyya, the age of ignorance. The Jahiliyya included poetry, sermons, proverbs, legends
and traditions. The first person to write a biography of the prophet was Ibn Ishaq, who wrote a
book entitled " Sirat Rasul Allah". Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) had a lot of people
close to him including Khadija, his wife and the first person to change to Islam, Jafar Ibn Abi Talib,
who was known for his care for the poor and Hamza Ibn Abdul–Muttalib, the prophet's uncle, who
converted to Islam by his very strong sense of family honor.
During 622, prophet Mohammed started traveling from Mecca to Medina to escape discrimination
and that also marked the first year of the Islamic calendar. This whole action is known as hijrah
where the prophet could not protect his people and therefore suggested them to go to Abyssinia
where they would find a Christian king who does more content...
Prophet Mohammed's last sermon was "Do not oppress and do not be oppressed". Even today the
last sermon is passed on to all the Muslim people. His beautiful sayings still inspire our souls,
make tears trickle down our cheeks, turn our frown upside down and send shivers down our spines.
He motivated thousands of people to take the right path in their lives. The power of Islam
transforms the bad to good and guides them to a better future. Although the prophet has left this
world, his words are engraved in our hearts, his endless lessons still alive and passed on from one
generation to
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Prophet Mohammed Research Paper
The Prophet Mohammed was born in 570AD in a city on the Arabian Peninsula called Mecca. The
Prophet's grandfather was his guardian as his father had died before he was born. At around the age
of 6 The Prophet lost his mother, and he lost his grandfather at the age of 8. Now an orphan, The
Prophet's uncle became his guardian.
At the age of 25 The Prophet met a woman named Khadija, who hired him to transport
merchandise to Syria for her. Although she was a widow and 15 years Mohammed's senior, she
proposed they get married and Mohammed agreed. Mohammed was greatly interested in the
deeper matters of life, so he spent a lot of time in a cave on the mountain of "Nur" (light)
contemplating life. At the age of 40, the angel Gabriel appeared before Mohammed and revealed
to him the first verses of the Quran. Over a period of 22 years the angel continued to reveal parts
of the Quran to The Prophet. The last of the Quran was revealed to Mohammed just before he died
in 632AD.
At first Mohammed secretly preached Islam to a few trusted people. The new more
Islamic prayer occurs at times and with rituals demanded by Allah. Christian prayer differs from
this in that it can take place at any time and any place. Muslims believe that the act of prayer is
showing submission to Allah and bringing worship to him. Christians believe that prayer is birthed
out of a functioning relationship with God. It can be said that Islamic prayer is based in ritual
whereas Christian prayer is based in relationship.
The pilgrimage to Mecca is considered one of the pillars of Islam. It is an obligation for all Muslims
to go to Mecca at least once in their life, provided they are physically and financially able. The
purpose of the pilgrimage is to re–enact the rituals of the teachers and prophets of Islam. The
pilgrimage, or Hajj, aims to create a deep spiritual transformation in all Muslims who go on it, and
to help the Muslim live a life that is even more in submission to Allah's
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Prophet Muhammad Research Paper
Muhammad is widely believed by the Muslims community to be a messenger and prophet of God;
most Muslims view him as the last prophet of God as taught by the Quran (Valentine 134). Muslims
thus consider him the renovator of an unaffected and unique monotheistic faith of Adam, Noah,
Abraham, Moses, and other prophets (Peters 9). The prophet as he was called had a social life, as a
leader he had both followers and those who opposed him and all them viewed him differently.
Muhammad was born in Mecca around the year 570 (Conrad). Orphaned before the age of six, the
prophet became orphaned. Under the guard of his uncle Abu Talib, and began working as a
merchant and also known for his honesty (Conrad). The story of how the prophet received his
divine revelations is a fascinating one. According to Denffer, at the age of forty, Muhammad
started to have dreams and hearing voices. In his search to understand, he would sometimes go
down in the cave of Hira, near Mecca to pray. On one of these occasions, the Archangel Gabriel
(Jibra'il in Arabic) showed himself to him and taught him how to read and the read "in the name of
[your] lord" This was the beginning of many revelations that became the foundation of the Qur'an,
the holy book of Islam. These initial revelations revealed the subsistence of one God, contrary to the
belief hold by more content...
In Mecca, Muhammad began spreading his message of one God and the rich and leading tribes of
Mecca was not too happy. They feared the loss not only of their inherited belief in the paganisms,
but also a very wealthy pilgrimage business (Campo 493). At first, the resistance was limited to
mockery and disdain but later changed an active pursuit and persecution (Hitti 113). Still according
to Hitti, their heated resistance to his teaching forced his followers to migrate to Abyssinia but he
would later conquered
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Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman Essay
Throughout the life of Muhammad he had many qualities that enabled him to interrelate with people.
He was well known for his trustworthiness and superior qualities that were to later on help him
achieve the greatest achievements both as a prophet and a statesman.
One of the biggest achievement of Muhammad as a prophet was the way in which he preached the
message of Islam.
Muhammad was given `the literal, uncreated words of God' in which he had to spread them to the
people of Mecca.
These words were given to in such a way that they could not be distorted, but he was still
contradicted by many people of Mecca. It was evident that adversity would occur.
The first converts were Khadija, his wife, and Ali, his cousin. There was more content...
The fact that the words that came out of him rhymed allowed others to believe that his message was
According to Geoff Teece, "Muslims do not believe he was divine, but thy do believe his message
His `magnetic personality' (Ghulam Sarwar) allowed him to successfully convert Arabs to Islam
without force but tactics.
When he took his followers for the first pilgrimage to Mecca, he was refused entrance and was told
to come back the following year. This is where the treaty of Hudaibiyah arose, announcing that any
Qureysh Muslims that had left there families were to return back to them.
This was one of the tactics Muhammad used which made him achieve the broadened the message of
Islam further. The followers he sent back went back with the message of Islam, where they went and
preached arising more converts to Islam.
Ibn Ishaq called the treaty of Hudaibiyah,
"The greatest victory ever won", because Muhammad was wise and humble, did not use weapons or
anger but peaceful talk.
Muhammad was forty years old when he became a prophet. His age meant that people in Mecca
had a lot of respect for him which would help him spread is message.
Maxime Rodinson states that Muhammad was `charismatic' which allowed him to communicate
freely with others and make him approachable at all times, helping him be successful in his exertion
as a prophet.
Muhammad was consistent with his message and whatever he preached he practiced. His authority in
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The Prophet Muhammad is undoubtedly one of the single most important figures in all of history.
His messages as the Prophet of God created a new community of Believers that has morphed into
the second largest religion in the world, and created one of the greatest states in history, the
caliphate. However, since his death 1400 years ago, his followers have struggled to define exactly
how Muhammad's authority and teachings apply in their day and age (Donner xi). Was he a
commanding military leader, a devout theologian, or a master legislator? Muslims throughout history
have taken vastly different positions on this spectrum, yielding varied sects of Islam, and leading to
the rise and fall of caliphates throughout the ages. Two good examples of this are the Kharijites and
the Umayyad dynasty, who through their actions show us their opinions on the authority of the
prophet Muhammad, whether as a political leader or spiritual icon. These definitions shaped the rise
and fall of the Umayyad dynasty and Kharijite sect by affecting their policy towards other religions
and sects of Islam. Through their arguably extreme beliefs and actions, the Kharijites show us that
they firmly believed Muhammad was both a moral exemplar and spiritual master and a military
leader. Their hardline beliefs led them to become a marginalized people, who were often fomenting
insurrection against the caliphate. This position cemented their status as the original fundamental
Muslims, and led to their
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Muhammad in Mecca
Prophet Muhammad was born and lived in Mecca for the first 52 years of his life (570–622).
Orphaned early in life, he became known as a prominent merchant, and as an impartial and
trustworthy arbiter of disputes. He married his first wife, the 40–year–old widow Khadijah bint
Khuwaylid at age 25. He would not take other wives during her lifetime.
According to Muslim tradition, Muhammad began receiving revelations at the age of 40. The key
themes of his messages in Mecca were the oneness of God and the rejection of polytheism,
generosity towards the poor and the needy, kind treatment and emancipation of slaves, and the
equality between men and women before God. Some of his peers respected his words and became his more content...
The development of hadiths is a vital element during the first three centuries of Islamic history.
There had been a common tendency among the earlier western scholars against these narrations and
reports gathered in later periods; such scholars regarding them as later fabrications. Leone Caetani
considered the attribution of historical reports to Ibn Abbas and Aysha as mostly fictitious while
proffering accounts reported without isnad by the early compilers of history like Ibn Ishaq. Wilferd
Madelung has rejected the stance of indiscriminately dismissing everything not included in "early
sources" and in this approach tendentious alone is no evidence for late origin. Madelung and some
later historians do not reject the narrations which have been complied in later periods and try to
judge them in the context of history and on the basis of their compatibility with the events and
Approximate locations of some of the important tribes and Empire of the Arabian Peninsula at the
dawn of Islam (approximately 600 CE / 50 BH).
The Arabian Peninsula was largely arid and volcanic, making agriculture difficult except near oases
or springs. Thus the Arabian landscape was dotted with towns and cities near those oases, two
prominent of which were Mecca and Medina (then known as Yathrib). Communal life was essential
for survival in desert conditions, as people needed support against
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Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Prophet Muhammad Presentation
Noor Mohamed
Assalamualaikum, my name is Noor Mohamed and I will be talking about the greatest creation of
Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW. And this is not just coming out of my mouth. Allah told Prophet
Muhammad SAW "You are not only my greatest prophet, You are not only my greatest messenger,
But you O'Muhammad are the greatest creation I have ever created." Also when Allah mentions the
other prophets in the Quran, he just said the Prophet's names. But when Allah mentions Prophet
Muhammad's name SAW, he sometimes says " Щ…ШЩ…ШЇ Ш±ШіЩ€Щ„" which means
Muhammad SAW is the Messenger. In Surat Al–Fath, verse 29 it says Щ…ШЩ…ШЇ
Ш±ШіЩ€Щ„. Prophet Muhammad SAW is my role model and should be everybody's role model more content...
They all wanted to have the honor of moving the Stone in the right place. Prophet Muhammad
SAW solved this problem. They put the Black Stone in the middle of the cloth each person carried
one corner of the cloth and put it in the right place. Prophet Muhammad SAW was fair because he
let everybody who wanted to carry the Black Stone, carry it and put it in the right place.
Prophet Muhammad SAW is also very brave. One day there was a big bang in Madinah. A rock
hit from the sky. This was in the middle of the night and for the people living there, this was scary
because they never heard of big bangs. But Prophet Muhammad SAW being the brave man that he
is, went riding on a horse without a saddle to see what had happened. He came back and told the
people that everything was ok.
Prophet Muhammad SAW was VERY trustworthy. One day people from his village went to his
house to kill him (because they hated his message). When they entered his home to kill him, they
found Prophet Muhammad SAW cousin, Ali RA. Prophet Muhammad SAW left Ali RA when he
escaped for one reason and one reason only. To give those people their valuables and money back.
But they never thought to go to Prophet Muhammad SAW and tell him to give them their money
back because they trusted him and because they knew he was the most trustworthy person in Mecca.
Prophet Muhammad SAW is my role model because of all of his characteristics, but one
characteristic that
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Muhammad: Changing The World
Throughout history, there have been countless different people who have tried to make their
impact or difference in the world in their own way. One of the most popular or common ways that
people have tried to affect or change the world has been through bringing in a new religion into the
world to change and affect the minds of people globally. Even though countless people have tried
to create or bring a new religion in the world, only a handful were successful in actually selling their
religion well enough for it to survive to the present day. Muhammad ibn Abdullah, long for
Muhammad, is the prophet and founder of the religion of Islam, the second most popular religion in
present day followed by more than 23 percent of the world's more content...
This league became known as Hilful–Fudhul, or the League of Virtuous. After the Sacrilegious War,
Mohammad was truly impacted by what he had seen and experiences thus feeling the need to help
out those that were going through anything like what he had seen as well as help prevent anything
like this from happening again. Because of this, Mohammad decided to contribute and help through
this newly formed League of Virtuous, a large step in Muhammad's road to his prophecy that
allowed him to open his heart, increasing many good traits of a prophet such as kindness and
generosity.(Life of Muhammad the Prophet, Sacrilegious War and League of Victorious) As
Muhammad grew up, he soon began to learn the ways of his adopted father who was a working
merchant. After many years of working and traveling with his uncle on caravans, he soon began his
own career on managing caravans himself for other merchants. Muhammad's new profession gave
him the ability to travel, experience, meet different people from different cultures, nationalities, and
religions, including Jews Christians, and much more. (Mohammad) Apart from Mohammad's
suffering and hardship, his travels as a caravan manager truly helped him shape and form Islam later
on based on the things he learned and the people he met during his
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The Prophet Muhammad
A man who has been sent by gods among ethnic Arabic man to convey the teaching of Islam which
Muhammad ( PBUH ). Muhammad is the last Prophet who was sent by Allah. Allah has chooses
Muhammad as a Prophet because he has a very personal character to him in the title of Al–Amin.
Besides that, the Prophet Muhammad is also featured in the community as a leader in the country
Islam. The leadership brought by him is the best leader in delivering an exclamation of Allah.
Muhammad call a rowing boat with a competent government and a husband who also subtle
interactions, a careful and wise father execute the duties of wives and children as well as a wise
and sensible Muslim divide dedication to God, family and friends. Let us know more
Prophet also had a special kind of feeling towards anyone Khadijah used to like. The last
personality of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) is a responsible and authority. He said:
"All of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects. The ruler is a guardian of his
subjects and the man is a guardian of his family, the lady is a guardian of her husband's house and
his off–spring and all of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects." The Prophet is a
responsible person not just for his family but to whole Muslims in the world. This shown when
He also involve in "Perang Badar" with courage and confident to develop the religion of Islam
and He being liable to develop the religion of Islam as the one religion in the world. Without a
doubt, The Prophet is a normal person which is not excluding from habit and instinct as a human
being. Although, He have an advantage, because He getting the revelation from Allah and chosen
to be a last Prophet in Islam. So we as Muslims should take all the personality of Prophet
Muhammad ( PBUH ) to be a good Muslims and as a guide living to the truth way.
Muslim community knows the Prophet Muhammad is a man who was sent by God to be a Prophet.
Similarly, the Prophet purpose is to guide their servants of God to be his people. Prophet
Muhammad was sent to
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Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad
Leadership Of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the biggest leader of the world. He is the best teacher, preacher,
commamder, Law maker as a whole his whole life history surves as a role model for whole
Mankind. According to Holy Quran "He is the best example for whole mankind".
He has shown the way by which we can achieve the high levels of success in this world and the
world hereafter. By studying the life of the Prophet (saw), we can derive those important principles
which were followed by the Prophet (saw). Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was a positive
thinker in the full sense of the word. All his activities were result–oriented. He completely refrained
from all such steps as may prove counter–productive. According to Holy Quran Translation of which
is as under
"Ap (SAW) ke zindagi mein Musalmanon ke liye behtareen nammona hai" (Al–Bukhari)
The Leadership qualities of Holy Prophet (PBUH) more content...
The holy prophet (SAW) decided that there was no other option but to fight against Qureish .The
Holy prophet left Madina with an army of ten thousand. The holy prophet divided his army in 4
groups and gave instructions that there should be no bloodshed and they will not attacked unless
they were attacked and should defend themselves. After the battle was won by Muslims. Before
entering Mecca Holy prophet (PBUH) announced a general pardon. A messanger of Prophet (PBUH)
preceded and asking people to have no fear and no one will be killed and they all will be safe. When
Mecca was conquered the holy prophet (PBUH) entered Ka'abah and ordered the removal of idols
while idols were being removed Holy Prophet (PBUH) recited the following Quranic verses "And
say : Truth has (now) arrived and falsehood has perished:for falsehood (by its nature) is bound to
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Prophet Muhammad Essay

  • 1. Muhammad, A Biography Of Prophet Essay Muhammad, A Biography Of Prophet A short history about the world's fastest growing religion and of the man, who seeded the plant of Islam himself, Muhammad (saw). Armstrong writes this book in a humanist style and introduces the reader to the cultural and historical background of the life of Mohammed and the revelation of the Quran. She first starts with the West's long history more content... She has done her homework in compiling this book and it shows as she goes back and forth with the dates of different events. The book also shows maps in the beginning that help the reader to get a better idea of the geography of the area in the past times along with genealogical charts that give a clear picture of Muhammad's gene . It's a well written book for an intelligent person who wishes to be informed. The main idea or it can be called an argument that Armstrong put forth was to break the wrong image of the west about the Holy Prophet. She starts describing Muhammad's rising success as a skilled and respected politician; Armstrong mentions that the Christian world has always judged this part of the prophet's life with distrust. The Western view has traditionally seen Muhammad's political success as proof that he was an impostor using religion as a means to power. To explain this attitude, Armstrong offers the following insight: "Because the Christian world is dominated by the image of the crucified Jesus, who said that his kingdom was not of this world, we tend to see failure and humiliation as the hallmark of a religious leader. We do not expect our spiritual heroes to achieve a dazzling success in mundane terms." (p. 164) Armstrong depicts Muhammad (saw) in glowing colors, even when she admits his wrongdoings. In the 8th chapter, "Holy War", Armstrong recounts the massacre and summary executions of the Get more content on
  • 2. The Muhammad As A Prophet The aim of this essay is to determine whether it is right to regard Muhammad as a prophet or a statesman or both of the following. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a prophet as someone who speaks or is regarded as speaking, for or in the name of God or a God. The special function of revealing or predicting the future is often regarded as an essential element of the work of a prophet. As per the definition states, a prophet is someone who brings the message of God or a God. Muhammad received his first revelations in the year 610 when he was around the age of forty. Years before the revelations, he established a habit of withdrawing himself to go to the mountains outside of Mecca to pray in peace and solitude. During one of these retreats Muhammad began having unusual experiences, hearing voices and having visions indicating that God had chosen him as his prophet. The angel Gabriel appeared in one of his visions giving him his first revelation that was a passage from the Quran. The first revelations stated that there is only one God who on the day of judgement will weigh every man's performance of moral and religious acts and decide whether he is deserving of eternal bliss in heaven or eternal punishment in hell. This is one such element in the revelations he received that predicts an important future event, which also is one of the characteristics of a prophet. At first Muhammad had difficulties coming to terms with his role as a prophet and accepting his fate and Get more content on
  • 3. The Life Of Prophet Muhammad Amine Lehachi Islamic History 1100 Mrs. Jorati September 20th, 2015 The Life of Prophet Muhammad The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH–Peace be upon him) is the messenger of God in Islam. He was born in the city of Makkah (Mecca) in the Arabian Peninsula around 570 CE. Many historians believe he became an orphan at a very early age. The Arabian Peninsula at the time had no law or order; people were described as savages for their ill customs and traditions. People of Arabia worshipped idols and ancient Arabian religions; some were also Christian and Jewish. When it came to religion people were divided in the region, people were divided into tribes and had different sets of beliefs. Prophet Muhammad set to change this, he wanted to unify the region and establish an independent nation. Before he started his Prophecy he married an older woman, a widow named Khadijah, for whom he had worked for in the caravan trade. When he was a merchant, he was known as al–Amin, the trusted one. When Prophet Muhammad was forty years old, he had a profound experience that really changed his life. In this essay I will evaluate the significant events of his career starting with The First revelation; The migration to Medina and lastly the great Battle of Badr. These significant events play an important role on how the foundation of a newly reformed monotheistic religion called Islam came to be. A significant event that really changed the course of his life was when Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old. Get more content on
  • 4. Muhammad In Islam Research Paper Muslim tradition views Muhammad (c.570– June 8, 632) as the seal of the prophets. Muhammad's father, "Abd Allah ibn" Abd al–Muttalib, died before the boy was born; his mother, Aminah, died when he was six. The orphan was consigned to the care of his grandfather, the head of the clan of Hashim. After the death of his grandfather, Muhammad was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib. As was customary, the child Muhammad was sent to live for a year or two with a Bedouin family. This custom, followed until recently by noble families of Mecca, Medina, Taif, and other towns of the Hijaz, had important implications for Muhammad. Muhammad in Mecca preached to the people, imploring them to abandon polytheism and to worship one god. Although some converted Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Biography of Prophet Muhammad This book is about a Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The biography of the Prophet is a very noble and exalted subject by which Muslims learn about the rise of Islam, and how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was chosen by Allah to receive the divine revelation. From the reading I realize that, we know more about seerah (the history of our prophet) and it benefited us. From the reading also I can develop the proper love of Muhammad (PBUH) in my hearts. As we know loving prophet Muhammad is 'Ibadah. It is part of our religion to love Muhammad. The Ummah today loves Muhammad If you ask any Muslim "Do you love prophet Muhammad ?", they would say yes. So even though the Ummah today with the shallow information that the masses of more content... As we know the messenger of Allah went through stages. He went through steps started by a secret da'wah, and then it became public, and then later on Jihad. These stages are important for Islamic movement and we believe that this methodological progression of the prophet's life is divinely directed. For Allah has guided his prophet and all of his steps, and it was not a result of a reaction to an emerging circumstance. So these events that happened in the life of prophet were not in sequence. They were planned by Allah . I realize that it can be guidance for us, in our attempts to establish Islam again. So it is very important for us to see the stages that out went through and the progression of his da'wah. The books also make me realize that can helps understand the Prophetic methodology of change that it is based on knowledge and wisdom. They started from creed and this influenced their behavior. Hence the strong point of change is Aqeedah. If this is strong, then all struggles and hardships can be overcome. Although it takes a long time for the proper belief to sink into the hearts of the people, we must display patience, as we'll see in the example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) where they first concentrated on the matters of 'Aqeedah. It can be a lesson for us that, we have to have this kind of personality in order to overcome our problem in our ummah. Prophet Muhammad was never give up to do da'wah even many people hate Get more content on
  • 6. Muhammad: A Prophet and Statesman Essay Muhammad's main role was that of a prophet. Discuss On the surface Muhammad is usually considered to be a prophet and messenger of God, but when looking closer we can see that He played many more roles in His life time including one of a Statesman. After 'The Year of Sorrow' in which both Muhammad's uncle– Abu Talib and wife– Kadijah died Muhammad is warned by the angel Gabriel that the situation is getting too dangerous for him in Mecca. "Muhammad knew the faith must find expression in a community which would insure its external force and the opportunity to prevail against opposition" (Cragg). It is at this point that Muhammad is invited to become a leader in Medina (622ce). At the time Medina's population consisted of half Jews, more content... Muhammad stopped them and said why don't you put the rock onto a piece of cloth as then you can all take a corner to place it into the Karba together. When Muhammad arrives in Medina He is invited by many of the people from all of the different tribes to stay with them. Muhammad has to think quickly and make a decision that is not to upset anyone, or divide the tribes any further. His decision is to let his favourite camel roam freely across the land and wait until he stops to graze, that shall be where He stays. The camel chooses a small patch of land alone. This decision shows signs of a great Statesman. Another Statesmanship choice was that He had to find a way to integrate the Meccans who had followed Muhammad with the Medinans. He came up with the idea that each Medinan family should take a Meccan, feed, cloth and look after them etc and in return they should help with the work of the family. This idea eliminated any segregation between the two as they quickly became friendly and there were also no hungry or homeless people. Another way to unite the Jews and the Arabs and to bring loyalty and peace between the tribes was to write a constitution. This idea also showed great signs of good statesmanship. The constitution read that all people are equal–both Jew and Arab, that all must promise to fight as monotheists and that all have the right to justice. Because of these smart and intelligent ideas Muhammad quickly became Get more content on
  • 7. Prophet Mohammed Research Paper Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is known to be the founder of Islam. He is also known for Muslims to be the Holy prophet, and also he is known to be the last prophet sent by God to the humanity. Prophet Mohamed was born in Mecca, on Saudi Arabia in 570 CE. He was an orphan in his early childhood and was raised by his uncle Abu Talib. He worked as a merchant in his adulthood, and he was known to be honest. Later, at the age of 40, Angel Gabriel visited prophet Mohammed while his stay in Hira Cave and there God revealed himself to Mohammed. After 3 years, prophet Mohamed started publicly lecturing these disclosures. Islam is Monotheistic religion, which means that Islamic followers (Muslims) believe in sole creator with none associated Get more content on
  • 8. Prophet Muhammad Research Paper Although Muhammad was a orphan he was the one to start the religion Islam that millions of people still follow. He was called to prophethood and rejected but still persevered and started an empire that lasted for a long time. Muhammad's father died before Muhammad was born in Makkah around 570 C.E. When he was 5 or 6 his mom died and he became an orphan. Muhammad worked for Khadijah who had a trade business. When Muhammad was 25 he married Khadijah. One day Muhammad went to a cave to pray, there he was called to be a prophet of God whom the Arabs call Allah. That same night he met Gabriel who told him to recite some words and later said that he was the messenger of God. When the religion grew his followers wrote down his teachings in a book called a qur'an. Around 613 C.E Muhammad taught people to share wealth, give women rights, and respect everyone. But rich people and merchants were afraid of losing power so they rejected the religion. Other clans boycott Muhammad's clan and persecuted his weaker followers. The boycott didn't stop Muhammad from believing and spreading the religion, but Abu Talib and Khadija died in the process. That same year Muhammad reported about a night journey where he went to Jerusalem and prayed with earlier prophets and more content... Muhammad taught his followers to respect Christian and Jews because like Muslims these people of the book believed in one God. In 624 Makkah battled Muhammad's army, Muhammad won. Few years later Makkah made siege on Madinah, but it failed. In 628 Makkah and Madinah made a truce, in 630 Makkah broke the truce Muhammad's army went to Makkah but Makkah surrendered before any fighting broke out. Muhammad's army destroyed all the idols in the Ka'ba. The people of the book were Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Muhammad made a final sermon at the town of his birth, Makkah and reminded his followers to respect everyone, shortly after, he Get more content on
  • 9. Muhammad a prophet for our time is written by Karen Armstrong. This book is like a diary that tells the life of Muhammad and how he played a big role in the Islamic religion. Muhammad was born in the year 570 ce and died in 623 ce. Muhammad was a man who did not have much going for him, he couldn't read and lived in a cave with his wife at the time. When Muhammad was reached down upon by Allah he did not know what was happening and why it was happening. " he knew that some people expected the imminent arrival of an Arab prophet, but it never occurred to him that he would be the one entrusted with the mission." (p.10). Muhammad was 40 years old when this happened and he lived in Mecca. Mecca at the time had many different civilizations and was a big trading center. Arabs at the time did not like this and kept moving from places to place to get something stable. Some of the Arabs even had settled in urban areas around Mecca. Society in Mecca was based on laws and traditions that even though Allah is the main more content... 59). This quote means that everyone was on Muhammad's side. Even though it may seem everyone like him, Muhammad had to fight many battles to get the respect he deserved. Islam during the time has always been in a constant fight with non–Islamic believers. They want to fight and killed Muhammad because he was the one with the answers and hope from Allah. Non Islamic people did not want him to convert people. Muhammad and everyone who followed him moved to Madinah where they were accepted. He then convert many to Islamic from the interpretations of the Quran. After that, Non–Muslims always challenge to have war with Prophets Muhammad because they want to kill him and stop the up and coming new Get more content on
  • 10. The Life of Prophet Muhammad In Islamic history, no single person has influenced the culture and life choices more than the prophet Muhammad. The early unity and creation of the Muslim faith is primarily an action of Muḥammad ibn КїAbd AllДЃh ibn КїAbd al–Muб№б№alib ibn HДЃshim. Muhammadis considered the prophet of the the Muslim faith and responsible for establishing the religion. The Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 CE. He is the child of Abdullah and his young wife Amina. He was born in the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula and was a member of the Banu Hashim family. The Banu Hashim family were very well respected in Mecca and had great influence and prestige around the Arabian Peninsula region. The Prophet Muhammad's family was a clan in the Quraysh tribe. The Quraysh tribe controlled many trading routes in the city of Mecca. Because of the powerful merchant influence that the Quraysh tribe possessed, the Banu Hashim family grew to become very wealthy and powerful politically in the city of Mecca. The Prophet Muhammad's father, Abdullah, unfortunately died before his wife Amina gave birth to Muhammad during an mercantile expedition to Syria. Amina also died while Muhammad was the age of six. This caused the Prophet Muhammad to be taken in by his grandfather Abd al–Muttalib. Unfortunately, while Muhammad was at the age of eight, his grandfather Abd al–Muttalib died. The Prophet Muhammad was later orphaned and taken in by his uncle Abu Talib. The Prophet Muhammad experienced much death at a Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Prophet Mohammed Have you ever wondered what happened back in the days when the prophets were alive and how they conquered their village peacefully? This all takes place during the early Islamic history. Prophet Mohammed, the messenger of God, served as an introduction to the rise of Islam and left a mark in our lives that we will remember for eternity. It all began with the pre–Islamic Arabia known as the Jahiliyya, the age of ignorance. The Jahiliyya included poetry, sermons, proverbs, legends and traditions. The first person to write a biography of the prophet was Ibn Ishaq, who wrote a book entitled " Sirat Rasul Allah". Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) had a lot of people close to him including Khadija, his wife and the first person to change to Islam, Jafar Ibn Abi Talib, who was known for his care for the poor and Hamza Ibn Abdul–Muttalib, the prophet's uncle, who converted to Islam by his very strong sense of family honor. During 622, prophet Mohammed started traveling from Mecca to Medina to escape discrimination and that also marked the first year of the Islamic calendar. This whole action is known as hijrah where the prophet could not protect his people and therefore suggested them to go to Abyssinia where they would find a Christian king who does more content... Prophet Mohammed's last sermon was "Do not oppress and do not be oppressed". Even today the last sermon is passed on to all the Muslim people. His beautiful sayings still inspire our souls, make tears trickle down our cheeks, turn our frown upside down and send shivers down our spines. He motivated thousands of people to take the right path in their lives. The power of Islam transforms the bad to good and guides them to a better future. Although the prophet has left this world, his words are engraved in our hearts, his endless lessons still alive and passed on from one generation to Get more content on
  • 12. Prophet Mohammed Research Paper The Prophet Mohammed was born in 570AD in a city on the Arabian Peninsula called Mecca. The Prophet's grandfather was his guardian as his father had died before he was born. At around the age of 6 The Prophet lost his mother, and he lost his grandfather at the age of 8. Now an orphan, The Prophet's uncle became his guardian. At the age of 25 The Prophet met a woman named Khadija, who hired him to transport merchandise to Syria for her. Although she was a widow and 15 years Mohammed's senior, she proposed they get married and Mohammed agreed. Mohammed was greatly interested in the deeper matters of life, so he spent a lot of time in a cave on the mountain of "Nur" (light) contemplating life. At the age of 40, the angel Gabriel appeared before Mohammed and revealed to him the first verses of the Quran. Over a period of 22 years the angel continued to reveal parts of the Quran to The Prophet. The last of the Quran was revealed to Mohammed just before he died in 632AD. At first Mohammed secretly preached Islam to a few trusted people. The new more content... Islamic prayer occurs at times and with rituals demanded by Allah. Christian prayer differs from this in that it can take place at any time and any place. Muslims believe that the act of prayer is showing submission to Allah and bringing worship to him. Christians believe that prayer is birthed out of a functioning relationship with God. It can be said that Islamic prayer is based in ritual whereas Christian prayer is based in relationship. The pilgrimage to Mecca is considered one of the pillars of Islam. It is an obligation for all Muslims to go to Mecca at least once in their life, provided they are physically and financially able. The purpose of the pilgrimage is to re–enact the rituals of the teachers and prophets of Islam. The pilgrimage, or Hajj, aims to create a deep spiritual transformation in all Muslims who go on it, and to help the Muslim live a life that is even more in submission to Allah's Get more content on
  • 13. Prophet Muhammad Research Paper Muhammad is widely believed by the Muslims community to be a messenger and prophet of God; most Muslims view him as the last prophet of God as taught by the Quran (Valentine 134). Muslims thus consider him the renovator of an unaffected and unique monotheistic faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and other prophets (Peters 9). The prophet as he was called had a social life, as a leader he had both followers and those who opposed him and all them viewed him differently. Muhammad was born in Mecca around the year 570 (Conrad). Orphaned before the age of six, the prophet became orphaned. Under the guard of his uncle Abu Talib, and began working as a merchant and also known for his honesty (Conrad). The story of how the prophet received his divine revelations is a fascinating one. According to Denffer, at the age of forty, Muhammad started to have dreams and hearing voices. In his search to understand, he would sometimes go down in the cave of Hira, near Mecca to pray. On one of these occasions, the Archangel Gabriel (Jibra'il in Arabic) showed himself to him and taught him how to read and the read "in the name of [your] lord" This was the beginning of many revelations that became the foundation of the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam. These initial revelations revealed the subsistence of one God, contrary to the belief hold by more content... In Mecca, Muhammad began spreading his message of one God and the rich and leading tribes of Mecca was not too happy. They feared the loss not only of their inherited belief in the paganisms, but also a very wealthy pilgrimage business (Campo 493). At first, the resistance was limited to mockery and disdain but later changed an active pursuit and persecution (Hitti 113). Still according to Hitti, their heated resistance to his teaching forced his followers to migrate to Abyssinia but he would later conquered Get more content on
  • 14. Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman Essay Throughout the life of Muhammad he had many qualities that enabled him to interrelate with people. He was well known for his trustworthiness and superior qualities that were to later on help him achieve the greatest achievements both as a prophet and a statesman. One of the biggest achievement of Muhammad as a prophet was the way in which he preached the message of Islam. Muhammad was given `the literal, uncreated words of God' in which he had to spread them to the people of Mecca. These words were given to in such a way that they could not be distorted, but he was still contradicted by many people of Mecca. It was evident that adversity would occur. The first converts were Khadija, his wife, and Ali, his cousin. There was more content... The fact that the words that came out of him rhymed allowed others to believe that his message was factual. According to Geoff Teece, "Muslims do not believe he was divine, but thy do believe his message was." His `magnetic personality' (Ghulam Sarwar) allowed him to successfully convert Arabs to Islam without force but tactics. When he took his followers for the first pilgrimage to Mecca, he was refused entrance and was told to come back the following year. This is where the treaty of Hudaibiyah arose, announcing that any Qureysh Muslims that had left there families were to return back to them. This was one of the tactics Muhammad used which made him achieve the broadened the message of Islam further. The followers he sent back went back with the message of Islam, where they went and preached arising more converts to Islam. Ibn Ishaq called the treaty of Hudaibiyah, "The greatest victory ever won", because Muhammad was wise and humble, did not use weapons or anger but peaceful talk. Muhammad was forty years old when he became a prophet. His age meant that people in Mecca had a lot of respect for him which would help him spread is message. Maxime Rodinson states that Muhammad was `charismatic' which allowed him to communicate
  • 15. freely with others and make him approachable at all times, helping him be successful in his exertion as a prophet. Muhammad was consistent with his message and whatever he preached he practiced. His authority in Get more content on
  • 16. The Prophet Muhammad is undoubtedly one of the single most important figures in all of history. His messages as the Prophet of God created a new community of Believers that has morphed into the second largest religion in the world, and created one of the greatest states in history, the caliphate. However, since his death 1400 years ago, his followers have struggled to define exactly how Muhammad's authority and teachings apply in their day and age (Donner xi). Was he a commanding military leader, a devout theologian, or a master legislator? Muslims throughout history have taken vastly different positions on this spectrum, yielding varied sects of Islam, and leading to the rise and fall of caliphates throughout the ages. Two good examples of this are the Kharijites and the Umayyad dynasty, who through their actions show us their opinions on the authority of the prophet Muhammad, whether as a political leader or spiritual icon. These definitions shaped the rise and fall of the Umayyad dynasty and Kharijite sect by affecting their policy towards other religions and sects of Islam. Through their arguably extreme beliefs and actions, the Kharijites show us that they firmly believed Muhammad was both a moral exemplar and spiritual master and a military leader. Their hardline beliefs led them to become a marginalized people, who were often fomenting insurrection against the caliphate. This position cemented their status as the original fundamental Muslims, and led to their Get more content on
  • 17. Muhammad in Mecca Prophet Muhammad was born and lived in Mecca for the first 52 years of his life (570–622). Orphaned early in life, he became known as a prominent merchant, and as an impartial and trustworthy arbiter of disputes. He married his first wife, the 40–year–old widow Khadijah bint Khuwaylid at age 25. He would not take other wives during her lifetime. According to Muslim tradition, Muhammad began receiving revelations at the age of 40. The key themes of his messages in Mecca were the oneness of God and the rejection of polytheism, generosity towards the poor and the needy, kind treatment and emancipation of slaves, and the equality between men and women before God. Some of his peers respected his words and became his more content... The development of hadiths is a vital element during the first three centuries of Islamic history. There had been a common tendency among the earlier western scholars against these narrations and reports gathered in later periods; such scholars regarding them as later fabrications. Leone Caetani considered the attribution of historical reports to Ibn Abbas and Aysha as mostly fictitious while proffering accounts reported without isnad by the early compilers of history like Ibn Ishaq. Wilferd Madelung has rejected the stance of indiscriminately dismissing everything not included in "early sources" and in this approach tendentious alone is no evidence for late origin. Madelung and some later historians do not reject the narrations which have been complied in later periods and try to judge them in the context of history and on the basis of their compatibility with the events and figures. Background Approximate locations of some of the important tribes and Empire of the Arabian Peninsula at the dawn of Islam (approximately 600 CE / 50 BH). The Arabian Peninsula was largely arid and volcanic, making agriculture difficult except near oases or springs. Thus the Arabian landscape was dotted with towns and cities near those oases, two prominent of which were Mecca and Medina (then known as Yathrib). Communal life was essential for survival in desert conditions, as people needed support against Get more content on
  • 18. Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad SAW Prophet Muhammad Presentation Noor Mohamed 12/29/17 Assalamualaikum, my name is Noor Mohamed and I will be talking about the greatest creation of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW. And this is not just coming out of my mouth. Allah told Prophet Muhammad SAW "You are not only my greatest prophet, You are not only my greatest messenger, But you O'Muhammad are the greatest creation I have ever created." Also when Allah mentions the other prophets in the Quran, he just said the Prophet's names. But when Allah mentions Prophet Muhammad's name SAW, he sometimes says " Щ…ШЩ…ШЇ Ш±ШіЩ€Щ„" which means Muhammad SAW is the Messenger. In Surat Al–Fath, verse 29 it says Щ…ШЩ…ШЇ Ш±ШіЩ€Щ„. Prophet Muhammad SAW is my role model and should be everybody's role model more content... They all wanted to have the honor of moving the Stone in the right place. Prophet Muhammad SAW solved this problem. They put the Black Stone in the middle of the cloth each person carried one corner of the cloth and put it in the right place. Prophet Muhammad SAW was fair because he let everybody who wanted to carry the Black Stone, carry it and put it in the right place. Prophet Muhammad SAW is also very brave. One day there was a big bang in Madinah. A rock hit from the sky. This was in the middle of the night and for the people living there, this was scary because they never heard of big bangs. But Prophet Muhammad SAW being the brave man that he is, went riding on a horse without a saddle to see what had happened. He came back and told the people that everything was ok. Prophet Muhammad SAW was VERY trustworthy. One day people from his village went to his house to kill him (because they hated his message). When they entered his home to kill him, they found Prophet Muhammad SAW cousin, Ali RA. Prophet Muhammad SAW left Ali RA when he escaped for one reason and one reason only. To give those people their valuables and money back. But they never thought to go to Prophet Muhammad SAW and tell him to give them their money back because they trusted him and because they knew he was the most trustworthy person in Mecca. Prophet Muhammad SAW is my role model because of all of his characteristics, but one characteristic that Get more content on
  • 19. Muhammad: Changing The World Throughout history, there have been countless different people who have tried to make their impact or difference in the world in their own way. One of the most popular or common ways that people have tried to affect or change the world has been through bringing in a new religion into the world to change and affect the minds of people globally. Even though countless people have tried to create or bring a new religion in the world, only a handful were successful in actually selling their religion well enough for it to survive to the present day. Muhammad ibn Abdullah, long for Muhammad, is the prophet and founder of the religion of Islam, the second most popular religion in present day followed by more than 23 percent of the world's more content... This league became known as Hilful–Fudhul, or the League of Virtuous. After the Sacrilegious War, Mohammad was truly impacted by what he had seen and experiences thus feeling the need to help out those that were going through anything like what he had seen as well as help prevent anything like this from happening again. Because of this, Mohammad decided to contribute and help through this newly formed League of Virtuous, a large step in Muhammad's road to his prophecy that allowed him to open his heart, increasing many good traits of a prophet such as kindness and generosity.(Life of Muhammad the Prophet, Sacrilegious War and League of Victorious) As Muhammad grew up, he soon began to learn the ways of his adopted father who was a working merchant. After many years of working and traveling with his uncle on caravans, he soon began his own career on managing caravans himself for other merchants. Muhammad's new profession gave him the ability to travel, experience, meet different people from different cultures, nationalities, and religions, including Jews Christians, and much more. (Mohammad) Apart from Mohammad's suffering and hardship, his travels as a caravan manager truly helped him shape and form Islam later on based on the things he learned and the people he met during his Get more content on
  • 20. The Prophet Muhammad INTRODUCTION A man who has been sent by gods among ethnic Arabic man to convey the teaching of Islam which Muhammad ( PBUH ). Muhammad is the last Prophet who was sent by Allah. Allah has chooses Muhammad as a Prophet because he has a very personal character to him in the title of Al–Amin. Besides that, the Prophet Muhammad is also featured in the community as a leader in the country Islam. The leadership brought by him is the best leader in delivering an exclamation of Allah. Muhammad call a rowing boat with a competent government and a husband who also subtle interactions, a careful and wise father execute the duties of wives and children as well as a wise and sensible Muslim divide dedication to God, family and friends. Let us know more content... Prophet also had a special kind of feeling towards anyone Khadijah used to like. The last personality of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) is a responsible and authority. He said: "All of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects. The ruler is a guardian of his subjects and the man is a guardian of his family, the lady is a guardian of her husband's house and his off–spring and all of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects." The Prophet is a responsible person not just for his family but to whole Muslims in the world. This shown when He also involve in "Perang Badar" with courage and confident to develop the religion of Islam and He being liable to develop the religion of Islam as the one religion in the world. Without a doubt, The Prophet is a normal person which is not excluding from habit and instinct as a human being. Although, He have an advantage, because He getting the revelation from Allah and chosen to be a last Prophet in Islam. So we as Muslims should take all the personality of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) to be a good Muslims and as a guide living to the truth way. THE MIRACLE OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD ( PBUH ) Muslim community knows the Prophet Muhammad is a man who was sent by God to be a Prophet. Similarly, the Prophet purpose is to guide their servants of God to be his people. Prophet Muhammad was sent to Get more content on
  • 21. Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad Leadership Of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the biggest leader of the world. He is the best teacher, preacher, commamder, Law maker as a whole his whole life history surves as a role model for whole Mankind. According to Holy Quran "He is the best example for whole mankind". He has shown the way by which we can achieve the high levels of success in this world and the world hereafter. By studying the life of the Prophet (saw), we can derive those important principles which were followed by the Prophet (saw). Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was a positive thinker in the full sense of the word. All his activities were result–oriented. He completely refrained from all such steps as may prove counter–productive. According to Holy Quran Translation of which is as under "Ap (SAW) ke zindagi mein Musalmanon ke liye behtareen nammona hai" (Al–Bukhari) The Leadership qualities of Holy Prophet (PBUH) more content... The holy prophet (SAW) decided that there was no other option but to fight against Qureish .The Holy prophet left Madina with an army of ten thousand. The holy prophet divided his army in 4 groups and gave instructions that there should be no bloodshed and they will not attacked unless they were attacked and should defend themselves. After the battle was won by Muslims. Before entering Mecca Holy prophet (PBUH) announced a general pardon. A messanger of Prophet (PBUH) preceded and asking people to have no fear and no one will be killed and they all will be safe. When Mecca was conquered the holy prophet (PBUH) entered Ka'abah and ordered the removal of idols while idols were being removed Holy Prophet (PBUH) recited the following Quranic verses "And say : Truth has (now) arrived and falsehood has perished:for falsehood (by its nature) is bound to perish" Get more content on