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University of Puerto Rico
Mayagüez Campus
College of Engineering
Departments of
Computer Science and Engineering
Software Engineering
CIIC 5995/ICOM 5995: Human Perspective in Artificial Intelligence
Second Semester 2018-2019
Syllabus of the Course
José L. Meléndez, PhD
Office Hours: MW 8:08AM-9:09AM (excluding holidays) or by appointment
Office: Edificio José de Diego, 203A
This course is an introduction to computing systems, associated functions, and
requirements for artificial intelligence systems characterized by cognitive-based
architectures and mechanisms. The course includes the study of core elements of the
science of human perception, thought, and behavior in the context of sensors, computing
systems and software.
Students will develop a technical understanding of the interconnections and
interrelationships of computing systems for judgment, decision-making, and artificial
intelligence (AI) with how humans think and behave.
Students will learn
(1) how to use computing systems to better understand human thought, feelings, and
(2) how to apply a modern understanding of how humans think, feel, and behave to define
and implement computing system structure, functions and requirements.
(3) how to appraise human aspect limitations of current AI methods and identify
opportunities for next generation AI systems
Administration of the course applying Moodle
During the semester we will be using Moodle for the administration of the course. We will
be publishing materials for the classes in the format of presentations and videos. In
addition, we will be using Moodle to take exams, record grades, administer homework and
take attendance.
During this semester we will be using the Piazza platform as the main mechanism to
communicate between the members of the course. Piazza is a discussion forum in which
the questions and discussions of the class are held during the semester so that we can all
benefit from the information that is exchanged among the students and the professor.
Expectations for the class
1. Be on Time (seated and ready to learn)
2. Be and Stay Present (physically and mentally so you won't miss surprises)
3. Be Respectful (don't do anything that may interfere with someone else's opportunity to
learn - like talking during class, or not paying attention).
Attendance and Participation in Class
This course is face-to-face and during the course the professor will be presenting his
presentations. At the discretion of the professor, up to 25% of the classes may be given on
line as need. (See Certification 16-43 below for applicable UPRM policy). In cases where
a face-to-face class session is to be offered online instead, an announcement will be made
in Piazza and/or in a prior class. Attendance to classes, as well as exams (as established by
your class program) is mandatory. Attendance will be verified at the beginning of each
class using the list of students. Anyone who arrives at the class after having completed that
initial verification must sign the sheet located on the instructor’s desk, in which case they
will be granted a tardy, instead of an absence. However, every two tardies are counted as
an absence. Finally, if you have 7 (seven) or more registered absences during the semester,
without a valid reason that can be corroborated, your grade in the course will be F
automatically. If you have to leave the room for the duration of the class session, you must
then notify your reason (without having to go into details) at the end of the class. Otherwise,
the exit will be counted as an absence. At the end of the class you can read the list of those
who have signed to corroborate their presence. If you have to absent yourself from a class
for serious reasons, you will have to show evidence during office hours so that the absence
is not counted. Under no circumstances will it be accepted as a valid excuse that you are
absent to any session of our classes or exam for having to take an exam (or any activity of
that kind) of any other class at any time that matches those assigned to this course. Note
that knowledge of the content and teachings of the class sessions is necessary to perform
well on the homeworks and exams.
The evaluation in this course consists of exams, a project and homework assignments to
deliver. The final grade obtained by the student will be based on their performance in the
different evaluation activities. In each activity the student obtains a final score of 0 to 100.
Each of these final scores per activity is used to calculate the final average by applying the
weight shown in the following table. Late homework will receive a zero (0).
Quantity Percent
Exams 2 20%
Final Exam 1 25%
Projects: Report 1 25%
Homework 7 30%
TOTAL: 100%
Final Curve
Your final grade will be calculated based on the final average, applying the following
Final Percent Grade
[90-100] A
[80-90) B
[70-80) C
[60-70) D
[0-60) F
Partial Exams
In this course two partial exams and a final exam will be offered. Portions of the exams
may make use of the Moodle system and be available as take home outside of class hours.
The scheduled dates for the partial exams are detailed in the following table with the
exception of the Final Exam, which is set by the Registrar. It is important to emphasize that
the Exams must be taken when scheduled. Portions of exams not received on time will earn
a zero (0). Exceptions to this policy will be made only in exceptional evidenced situations
where timely communication is received, and still at the discretion of the Instructor in
accordance with the policy of UPRM.:
Test Date (Subject to change if
1 Monday, February 24, 2020 S-114
2 Monday, March 30, 2020 S-114
Project: Report & Software: Human Perspective in Artificial Intelligence
Topic Area Chosen by Instructor: Mini Mind Modules – Inner Robots & Bias (S2020)
Project Report Brief Due Date: Homework #7: Monday, April 13, 2020
Project Report & Software Due Date: Monday, May 4, 2020
In this course, students will choose a specific topic for their Project Report that must be
relevant to the course subject matter and especially relevant to the particular Topic Area
Chosen by Instructor for the semester. It is important to emphasize that the Project Report
must be submitted on time, on or before the date established. Project Reports submitted
after the Final Due Date will not be evaluated and will receive a zero. Exceptions to this
policy will be made only in exceptional evidenced situations where timely communication
is received, and still at the discretion of the Instructor in accordance with the policy of
UPRM. As such students are encouraged to submit their Project Reports well in advance
of the Due Date. Reports are expected to be between 12-16 pages in PDF format: double
spaced and including figures and references.
Homeworks are an important component of this course, as they are an extension of the
class discussion, application of your understanding of the concepts and models you have
seen and the ones that you are going to develop. Dates subject to change as needed.
Homework Tentative Due Dates
#1 Monday, January 27, 2020
#2 Monday, February 3, 2020
#3 Wednesday, February 19, 2020
#4 Wednesday, March 4, 2020
#5 Monday, March 16, 2020
#6 Tuesday, March 24, 2020
#7 Monday, April 13, 2020
The required textbook for this course was written by the Neuroscientist Lisa Feldman
Barrett, "How Emotions are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain," explains the classical
and modern views of emotion. A copy of the required textbook will be provided to each
student during the course.
Required Reading will be communicated on Moodle. Note that knowledge
of the content and teachings of Required Reading is necessary to perform
well on the homeworks and exams.
Topic Outline and Schedule
The course begins by laying the groundwork for understanding of human
behavior in parallel with computing systems and peripherals. It is shown that
an ideal system for understanding involves our own selves, and building
appropriate models for how one thinks, feels, and behaves that are consistent
with introspective realities – which we also discuss. We present how sensors
and actuators together with microprocessors and software allow computers
to assess and interact with the world, contrasting this to human eyes, ears,
nose, tongue, and skin together with the nervous system and brain to enable
perception and self-awareness. Importantly we discuss interoception – the
ability to sense what is going on inside of us and its role in human feelings
and construction of emotions, and search for comparable functionality in
artificial intelligence systems utilizing known models. With the building
blocks in place, we move to discussing self and external influences in
arriving at perspective, again discussing and exploring perspective models
that may be implemented with AI and other software in appropriate
hardware. The course culminates in a discussion regarding applications and
challenges of incorporating human perspective in artificial intelligence, and
a class project/report that allows students to analyze approaches and/or code
applicable software demonstrations.
Topic or Activity (subject to change)
1-3 General discussion about the course including administrative issues and content
introduction including Human Aspects of AI, Modeling, and Decision Making
4-5 Synthetic Reality and Actual Occurrences
6-9 Sensing and Sensors: Touch, Sound, Sight, and Others
10-11 Interoception
12 Exam 1: Monday, February 24, 2020
13-14 Digital and Analog Memories
16-17 Perception: Vision, Language, Smelling, Tasting, and Feeling
18-20 Language
21 Exam 2: Monday, March 30, 2020
22-25 Emotions and Representations in Computing Systems
26-27 Self and Influences
28-29 Perspective Response Process
30 Applications and Challenges of Human Perspective AI
EXAM Final Exam: Date and Place To Be Announced by Registrar
Law 51 (English):
The Comprehensive Educational Services Act for People with disabilities states that after
identifying with the instructor and the institution, the student with disabilities will receive
reasonable accommodation in their courses and evaluations. For more information contact
the Department of Counseling and Psychological services at the Office of the Dean of
Students (Office DE 21) or call 787-265-3864 or 787-832-4040 x 3772, 2040 and 3864.
Ley 51 (Español):
Ley de Servicios Educativos Integrales para Personas con Impedimentos: Después de
identificarse con el profesor y la institución, los estudiantes con impedimento recibirán
acomodo razonable en sus cursos y evaluaciones. Para más información comuníquese con
el Departamento de Consejería y Servicios Psicológicos en el Decanato de Estudiantes
(Oficina DE 21) o a los teléfonos 787-265-3864 ó 787-832-4040 x 3772, 2040 y 3864.
Academic Integrity (English):
The University of Puerto Rico promotes the highest standards of academic and scientific
integrity. Article 6.2 of the UPR Students General Bylaws (Board of Trustees
Certification 13, 2009-2010) states that academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited
to: fraudulent actions; obtaining grades or academic degrees by false or fraudulent
simulations; copying the whole or part of the academic work of another person;
plagiarizing totally or partially the work of another person; copying all or part of another
person answers to the questions of an oral or written exam by taking or getting someone
else to take the exam on his/her behalf; as well as enabling and facilitating another person
to perform the aforementioned behavior. Any of these behaviors will be subject to
disciplinary action in accordance with the disciplinary procedure laid down in the UPR
Students General Bylaws.─.
Integridad Académica (Español):
La Universidad de Puerto Rico promueve los más altos estándares de integridad académica
y científica. El Artículo 6.2 del Reglamento General de Estudiantes de la UPR
(Certificación Núm. 13, 2009-2010, de la Junta de Síndicos) establece que “la
deshonestidad académica incluye, pero no se limita a: acciones fraudulentas, la obtención
de notas o grados académicos valiéndose de falsas o fraudulentas simulaciones, copiar total
o parcialmente la labor académica de otra persona, plagiar total o parcialmente el trabajo
de otra persona, copiar total o parcialmente las respuestas de otra persona a las preguntas
de un examen, haciendo o consiguiendo que otro tome en su nombre cualquier prueba o
examen oral o escrito, así como la ayuda o facilitación para que otra persona incurra en la
referida conducta”. Cualquiera de estas acciones estará sujeta a sanciones disciplinarias en
conformidad con el procedimiento disciplinario establecido en el Reglamento General de
Estudiantes de la UPR vigente.
Policy Against Discrimination Based on Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity
The University of Puerto Rico prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation,
and gender identity in any of its forms, including that of sexual harassment. According to
the Institutional Policy Against Sexual Harassment at the University of Puerto Rico,
Certification Num. 130, 2014-2015 from the Board of Governors, any student subjected to
acts constituting sexual harassment, may turn to the Office of the Student Ombudsperson,
the Office of the Dean of Students, and/or the Coordinator of the Office of Compliance
with Title IX for an orientation and/or formal complaint.
Normativa sobre Discrimen por Sexo y Género en modalidad de Violencia Sexual
La Universidad de Puerto Rico prohibe el discrimen por razón de sexo y género en todas
sus modalidades, incluyendo el hostigamiento sexual. Según la Política lnstitucional contra
Hostigamiento Sexual, Certificación Núm. 130 (2014-15) de la Junta de Gobierno, si un(a)
estudiante es o esta siendo afectado por conductas relacionadas a hostigamiento sexual,
puede acudir a la Oficina de la Procuraduria Estudiantil, el Decanato de Estudiantes o la
Coordinadora de Cumplimiento con Titulo IX para orientación y/o para presentar una
Sexual Harassment: Certification 130-2014-2015 states (English):
Sexual harassment in the workplace and in the study environment is an illegal and
discriminatory act and is against the best interests of the University of Puerto Rico. All
persons who understand they have been subject to acts of sexual harassment at the
University of Puerto Rico may file a complaint and request that the institution investigate,
where necessary, and assume the corresponding action by the university authorities. If the
complainant is a student, he or she must refer his or her complaint to the Office of the
Student Ombudsperson or that of the Dean of Students.
Hostigamiento Sexual: La certificación 130-2014-2015, indica (Español):
El hostigamiento sexual en el empleo y en al ambiente de estudio es una práctica ilegal y
discriminatoria, ajena a los mejores intereses de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Toda
persona que entienda ha sido objeto de actuaciones constitutiva de hostigamiento sexual
en la Universidad de Puerto Rico podrá quejarse para que se investigue, de ser necesario,
y se tome la correspondiente acción por parte de las autoridades universitarias. Si quien
reclama fuera estudiante, deberá referir su queja a la Oficina de la Procuradora Estudiantil
o al Decanato de Estudiantes.
Certification 06-43 of the Academic Senate states, "The academic guidelines for
offering online courses," defines (English):
Traditional face-to-face courses are those that have less than 25% of the course's regular
contact hours via the Internet. Therefore, a three-credit course will be considered "face to
face" if, of the 45 hours of regular contact, 11 or less are taught via the Internet.
The following should be included in all syllabi:
According to certification 16-43 of the Academic Senate, a course may include up to 25%
of its total contact hours via the Internet. The objective of this is so that all professors have
this alternative in the case of any unscheduled eventuality.
La certificación 06-43 del Senado Académico indica “Las guias académicas para el
ofrecimiento de cursos en línea”, define (Español):
Cursos presenciales son aquellos que tienen menos de un 25% de las horas contacto regular
del curso a través de la Internet. Así, un curso de 3 créditos, será considerado “presencial”
si, de las 45 horas de contacto regular, 11 o menos son a través de la Internet.
Se debe incluir en los prontuarios lo siguiente:
De acuerdo a la certificación 16-43 del senado académico, el curso puede incluir hasta un
25% del total de horas contacto a través de la Internet. El objetivo es que todo profesor
tenga esta alternativa ante cualquier eventualidad no programada.
Prontuario subject to change as deemed necessary.

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Prontuario CIIC5995 Spring 2020 UPRM

  • 1. University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus College of Engineering Departments of Computer Science and Engineering Software Engineering CIIC 5995/ICOM 5995: Human Perspective in Artificial Intelligence Second Semester 2018-2019 Syllabus of the Course Profesor: José L. Meléndez, PhD Office Hours: MW 8:08AM-9:09AM (excluding holidays) or by appointment Office: Edificio José de Diego, 203A Email: Introduction This course is an introduction to computing systems, associated functions, and requirements for artificial intelligence systems characterized by cognitive-based architectures and mechanisms. The course includes the study of core elements of the science of human perception, thought, and behavior in the context of sensors, computing systems and software. Objectives Students will develop a technical understanding of the interconnections and interrelationships of computing systems for judgment, decision-making, and artificial intelligence (AI) with how humans think and behave. Students will learn (1) how to use computing systems to better understand human thought, feelings, and behavior, (2) how to apply a modern understanding of how humans think, feel, and behave to define and implement computing system structure, functions and requirements. (3) how to appraise human aspect limitations of current AI methods and identify opportunities for next generation AI systems Administration of the course applying Moodle During the semester we will be using Moodle for the administration of the course. We will be publishing materials for the classes in the format of presentations and videos. In addition, we will be using Moodle to take exams, record grades, administer homework and take attendance.
  • 2. During this semester we will be using the Piazza platform as the main mechanism to communicate between the members of the course. Piazza is a discussion forum in which the questions and discussions of the class are held during the semester so that we can all benefit from the information that is exchanged among the students and the professor. Expectations for the class 1. Be on Time (seated and ready to learn) 2. Be and Stay Present (physically and mentally so you won't miss surprises) 3. Be Respectful (don't do anything that may interfere with someone else's opportunity to learn - like talking during class, or not paying attention). Attendance and Participation in Class This course is face-to-face and during the course the professor will be presenting his presentations. At the discretion of the professor, up to 25% of the classes may be given on line as need. (See Certification 16-43 below for applicable UPRM policy). In cases where a face-to-face class session is to be offered online instead, an announcement will be made in Piazza and/or in a prior class. Attendance to classes, as well as exams (as established by your class program) is mandatory. Attendance will be verified at the beginning of each class using the list of students. Anyone who arrives at the class after having completed that initial verification must sign the sheet located on the instructor’s desk, in which case they will be granted a tardy, instead of an absence. However, every two tardies are counted as an absence. Finally, if you have 7 (seven) or more registered absences during the semester, without a valid reason that can be corroborated, your grade in the course will be F automatically. If you have to leave the room for the duration of the class session, you must then notify your reason (without having to go into details) at the end of the class. Otherwise, the exit will be counted as an absence. At the end of the class you can read the list of those who have signed to corroborate their presence. If you have to absent yourself from a class for serious reasons, you will have to show evidence during office hours so that the absence is not counted. Under no circumstances will it be accepted as a valid excuse that you are absent to any session of our classes or exam for having to take an exam (or any activity of that kind) of any other class at any time that matches those assigned to this course. Note that knowledge of the content and teachings of the class sessions is necessary to perform well on the homeworks and exams.
  • 3. Evaluation The evaluation in this course consists of exams, a project and homework assignments to deliver. The final grade obtained by the student will be based on their performance in the different evaluation activities. In each activity the student obtains a final score of 0 to 100. Each of these final scores per activity is used to calculate the final average by applying the weight shown in the following table. Late homework will receive a zero (0). Quantity Percent Exams 2 20% Final Exam 1 25% Projects: Report 1 25% Homework 7 30% TOTAL: 100% Final Curve Your final grade will be calculated based on the final average, applying the following curve: Final Percent Grade [90-100] A [80-90) B [70-80) C [60-70) D [0-60) F Partial Exams In this course two partial exams and a final exam will be offered. Portions of the exams may make use of the Moodle system and be available as take home outside of class hours. The scheduled dates for the partial exams are detailed in the following table with the exception of the Final Exam, which is set by the Registrar. It is important to emphasize that the Exams must be taken when scheduled. Portions of exams not received on time will earn a zero (0). Exceptions to this policy will be made only in exceptional evidenced situations where timely communication is received, and still at the discretion of the Instructor in accordance with the policy of UPRM.: Test Date (Subject to change if necessary) Room 1 Monday, February 24, 2020 S-114 2 Monday, March 30, 2020 S-114
  • 4. Project: Report & Software: Human Perspective in Artificial Intelligence Topic Area Chosen by Instructor: Mini Mind Modules – Inner Robots & Bias (S2020) Project Report Brief Due Date: Homework #7: Monday, April 13, 2020 Project Report & Software Due Date: Monday, May 4, 2020 In this course, students will choose a specific topic for their Project Report that must be relevant to the course subject matter and especially relevant to the particular Topic Area Chosen by Instructor for the semester. It is important to emphasize that the Project Report must be submitted on time, on or before the date established. Project Reports submitted after the Final Due Date will not be evaluated and will receive a zero. Exceptions to this policy will be made only in exceptional evidenced situations where timely communication is received, and still at the discretion of the Instructor in accordance with the policy of UPRM. As such students are encouraged to submit their Project Reports well in advance of the Due Date. Reports are expected to be between 12-16 pages in PDF format: double spaced and including figures and references. Homework Homeworks are an important component of this course, as they are an extension of the class discussion, application of your understanding of the concepts and models you have seen and the ones that you are going to develop. Dates subject to change as needed. Homework Tentative Due Dates #1 Monday, January 27, 2020 #2 Monday, February 3, 2020 #3 Wednesday, February 19, 2020 #4 Wednesday, March 4, 2020 #5 Monday, March 16, 2020 #6 Tuesday, March 24, 2020 #7 Monday, April 13, 2020
  • 5. Textbook The required textbook for this course was written by the Neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett, "How Emotions are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain," explains the classical and modern views of emotion. A copy of the required textbook will be provided to each student during the course. Required Reading will be communicated on Moodle. Note that knowledge of the content and teachings of Required Reading is necessary to perform well on the homeworks and exams.
  • 6. Topic Outline and Schedule The course begins by laying the groundwork for understanding of human behavior in parallel with computing systems and peripherals. It is shown that an ideal system for understanding involves our own selves, and building appropriate models for how one thinks, feels, and behaves that are consistent with introspective realities – which we also discuss. We present how sensors and actuators together with microprocessors and software allow computers to assess and interact with the world, contrasting this to human eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin together with the nervous system and brain to enable perception and self-awareness. Importantly we discuss interoception – the ability to sense what is going on inside of us and its role in human feelings and construction of emotions, and search for comparable functionality in artificial intelligence systems utilizing known models. With the building blocks in place, we move to discussing self and external influences in arriving at perspective, again discussing and exploring perspective models that may be implemented with AI and other software in appropriate hardware. The course culminates in a discussion regarding applications and challenges of incorporating human perspective in artificial intelligence, and a class project/report that allows students to analyze approaches and/or code applicable software demonstrations. Session Number Topic or Activity (subject to change) 1-3 General discussion about the course including administrative issues and content introduction including Human Aspects of AI, Modeling, and Decision Making 4-5 Synthetic Reality and Actual Occurrences 6-9 Sensing and Sensors: Touch, Sound, Sight, and Others 10-11 Interoception 12 Exam 1: Monday, February 24, 2020 13-14 Digital and Analog Memories 16-17 Perception: Vision, Language, Smelling, Tasting, and Feeling 18-20 Language 21 Exam 2: Monday, March 30, 2020 22-25 Emotions and Representations in Computing Systems 26-27 Self and Influences 28-29 Perspective Response Process 30 Applications and Challenges of Human Perspective AI EXAM Final Exam: Date and Place To Be Announced by Registrar
  • 7. Law 51 (English): The Comprehensive Educational Services Act for People with disabilities states that after identifying with the instructor and the institution, the student with disabilities will receive reasonable accommodation in their courses and evaluations. For more information contact the Department of Counseling and Psychological services at the Office of the Dean of Students (Office DE 21) or call 787-265-3864 or 787-832-4040 x 3772, 2040 and 3864. Ley 51 (Español): Ley de Servicios Educativos Integrales para Personas con Impedimentos: Después de identificarse con el profesor y la institución, los estudiantes con impedimento recibirán acomodo razonable en sus cursos y evaluaciones. Para más información comuníquese con el Departamento de Consejería y Servicios Psicológicos en el Decanato de Estudiantes (Oficina DE 21) o a los teléfonos 787-265-3864 ó 787-832-4040 x 3772, 2040 y 3864. Academic Integrity (English): The University of Puerto Rico promotes the highest standards of academic and scientific integrity. Article 6.2 of the UPR Students General Bylaws (Board of Trustees Certification 13, 2009-2010) states that academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: fraudulent actions; obtaining grades or academic degrees by false or fraudulent simulations; copying the whole or part of the academic work of another person; plagiarizing totally or partially the work of another person; copying all or part of another person answers to the questions of an oral or written exam by taking or getting someone else to take the exam on his/her behalf; as well as enabling and facilitating another person to perform the aforementioned behavior. Any of these behaviors will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the disciplinary procedure laid down in the UPR Students General Bylaws.─. Integridad Académica (Español): La Universidad de Puerto Rico promueve los más altos estándares de integridad académica y científica. El Artículo 6.2 del Reglamento General de Estudiantes de la UPR (Certificación Núm. 13, 2009-2010, de la Junta de Síndicos) establece que “la deshonestidad académica incluye, pero no se limita a: acciones fraudulentas, la obtención de notas o grados académicos valiéndose de falsas o fraudulentas simulaciones, copiar total o parcialmente la labor académica de otra persona, plagiar total o parcialmente el trabajo de otra persona, copiar total o parcialmente las respuestas de otra persona a las preguntas de un examen, haciendo o consiguiendo que otro tome en su nombre cualquier prueba o examen oral o escrito, así como la ayuda o facilitación para que otra persona incurra en la referida conducta”. Cualquiera de estas acciones estará sujeta a sanciones disciplinarias en conformidad con el procedimiento disciplinario establecido en el Reglamento General de Estudiantes de la UPR vigente.
  • 8. Policy Against Discrimination Based on Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity (English): The University of Puerto Rico prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in any of its forms, including that of sexual harassment. According to the Institutional Policy Against Sexual Harassment at the University of Puerto Rico, Certification Num. 130, 2014-2015 from the Board of Governors, any student subjected to acts constituting sexual harassment, may turn to the Office of the Student Ombudsperson, the Office of the Dean of Students, and/or the Coordinator of the Office of Compliance with Title IX for an orientation and/or formal complaint. Normativa sobre Discrimen por Sexo y Género en modalidad de Violencia Sexual (Español): La Universidad de Puerto Rico prohibe el discrimen por razón de sexo y género en todas sus modalidades, incluyendo el hostigamiento sexual. Según la Política lnstitucional contra Hostigamiento Sexual, Certificación Núm. 130 (2014-15) de la Junta de Gobierno, si un(a) estudiante es o esta siendo afectado por conductas relacionadas a hostigamiento sexual, puede acudir a la Oficina de la Procuraduria Estudiantil, el Decanato de Estudiantes o la Coordinadora de Cumplimiento con Titulo IX para orientación y/o para presentar una queja. Sexual Harassment: Certification 130-2014-2015 states (English): Sexual harassment in the workplace and in the study environment is an illegal and discriminatory act and is against the best interests of the University of Puerto Rico. All persons who understand they have been subject to acts of sexual harassment at the University of Puerto Rico may file a complaint and request that the institution investigate, where necessary, and assume the corresponding action by the university authorities. If the complainant is a student, he or she must refer his or her complaint to the Office of the Student Ombudsperson or that of the Dean of Students. Hostigamiento Sexual: La certificación 130-2014-2015, indica (Español): El hostigamiento sexual en el empleo y en al ambiente de estudio es una práctica ilegal y discriminatoria, ajena a los mejores intereses de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Toda persona que entienda ha sido objeto de actuaciones constitutiva de hostigamiento sexual en la Universidad de Puerto Rico podrá quejarse para que se investigue, de ser necesario, y se tome la correspondiente acción por parte de las autoridades universitarias. Si quien reclama fuera estudiante, deberá referir su queja a la Oficina de la Procuradora Estudiantil o al Decanato de Estudiantes.
  • 9. Certification 06-43 of the Academic Senate states, "The academic guidelines for offering online courses," defines (English): Traditional face-to-face courses are those that have less than 25% of the course's regular contact hours via the Internet. Therefore, a three-credit course will be considered "face to face" if, of the 45 hours of regular contact, 11 or less are taught via the Internet. The following should be included in all syllabi: According to certification 16-43 of the Academic Senate, a course may include up to 25% of its total contact hours via the Internet. The objective of this is so that all professors have this alternative in the case of any unscheduled eventuality. La certificación 06-43 del Senado Académico indica “Las guias académicas para el ofrecimiento de cursos en línea”, define (Español): Cursos presenciales son aquellos que tienen menos de un 25% de las horas contacto regular del curso a través de la Internet. Así, un curso de 3 créditos, será considerado “presencial” si, de las 45 horas de contacto regular, 11 o menos son a través de la Internet. Se debe incluir en los prontuarios lo siguiente: De acuerdo a la certificación 16-43 del senado académico, el curso puede incluir hasta un 25% del total de horas contacto a través de la Internet. El objetivo es que todo profesor tenga esta alternativa ante cualquier eventualidad no programada. Prontuario subject to change as deemed necessary.