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EuTeens in Search of NewEuTeens in Search of New
Role ModelsRole Models
rujan 2012. – srpanj 2014.
Osnovne informacije
• Projekt pod pokroviteljstvom Agencije za mobilnost u okviru
programa za cjeloživotno učenje, potprograma Comenius
• Koordinator projekta:
iz Cavnica, Rumunjska (Claudia Stoica-prof engleskog jezika)
• Trajanje projekta – 2 godine
POPPA - ROZZI“, Teramo, Italija (Paola Matriziani Ioannone di
Sigismondo-prof. engleskog jezika)
, Turska (Ilhan Marangoz – prof. engleskog jezika)
MARITIM“, Valencia, Španjolska (Maria del Rosario Ruiz de
Cenzano Macian – prof. informatike
4. Opća srednja škola “Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo D. Dinis”, Coimbra
, Portugal (Margarida Castro – prof. portugalskog)
5. Strukovna škola “SREDNJA ŠKOLA BEDEKOVČINA” – Bedekovčina,
Hrvatska (Daniela Usmiani – prof. matematike i informatike)
6. Strukovna škola Európa 2000 Közgazdasági, Idegenforgalmi és
Informatikai Középiskola, Budimpešta, Mađarska (Karoly Kiss)
Glogow MLP, Poljska (Monika Rekosiewicz – Tokarz - prof.
engleskog jezika)
• Tijekom dvogodišnjeg partnerstva mladi iz 8 Europskih
zemalja će pronaći i analizirati uzore njihovih vršnjaka i
među njima prepoznati uzore s pozitivnim osobinama.
• Težnja je pomoć mladima da prepoznaju prave
vrijednosti kako iz povijesti tako i u svakidašnjem životu.
• Učenici uključeni u projekt moći će uvidjeti da li je njihovo
ponašanje i način razmišljanja o etičkim vrijednostima
društveno prihvaćen i uvažavajući.
• Cilj je da se prepoznaju pravi heroji iz zajednice koji žive
poštenim i skromnim životom,a ipak mogu biti uzori
mladih da od njih uvide prave humane vrijednosti, a
također i istaknu osobe koje su svjetski poznate i koje su
pozitivno utjecale na razvoj cijelog čovječanstva.
• Radeći zajedno na projektu, mladi iz 8 zemalja će moći
usporediti vlastite uzore sa uzorima drugih i međusobno
se upoznati. Na taj način će etičke, religijske i kulturne
barijere biti srušene s ciljem ujedinjenja europe u jednu
multikulturalnu zajednicu. Mladi šire svoje vidike i putujući
u druge zemlje stječu prijatelje i postaju aktivni članovi
europske zajednice.
iz Cavnica, Rumunjska (Claudia Stoica-prof engleskog jezika
• Our school operates in a disadvantaged area, namely, a former mining town. Cavnic Mine
was closed in December 2006 causing a high unemployment rate as the town was a mono-
industrial one. At present, the local administration is striving to transform the town into a
touristic resort, as our town has touristic potential. In response to the present requests and
tendencies on the local labour market, Colegiul Economic "Pintea Viteazul" adapted its
schooling offer and now we train students in the field of tourism, catering and banqueting.
• Unfortunately, most of our students come from families with poor social background: their
parents are either unemployed or, those who have a job commute to another town every
day. There are also many parents who have gone abroad in search for a better job, leaving
their children with grandparents. Due to the lack of surveillance, our school faces problems
like early school leaving and students missing classes a lot. Teachers are constantly trying to
deal with these problems and to motivate students not only to come to school but also to
continue their studies. Attractive classes and interesting projects developed by the school
have helped us in overcoming these issues.
• Our school will be the European coordinator of this project, responsible of creating a
cooperative environment, facilitating a coherent implementation of activities and the
evaluation of the progress and results of the partnership. We are going to participate to
project meetings and to host the final meeting. We are going to create the final products
proposed, including the joint product we undertook the responsibility of producing - the DVD
of the Congress of new role models.
Italija (Paola Matriziani Ioannone di Sigismondo-prof. engleskog jezika)
• Our school is a vocational one operating under the authority of the Ministry of Education. It
is located in Teramo, in the Abruzzo region, an area of natural beauty, providing for some
industries but still mainly based on wine, oil and other cultivation. Breeding and fishing are
good resources.
• The school is one of the biggest in the city, with about 1000 students raging from 14 to 18
years old. The school is in the centre of the city, but most of the students are commuters
from the villages nearby. It is a multicultural school, as more and more students are children
of migrants and refugee coming from the North Africa , East of Europe and from China, and
some at risk of drop out.
• The area around Teramo is still mainly a rural area, and it has been developing as refers to
industries, in particular in the touristic sector, for few years. Our school in fact offers the
opportunity to get a job in several fields: crop cultivation, oil and wine production, and
related service activities; food and beverage services, catering and hosting; management and
tourism services and related service activities. In addition, among our students there is a
conspicuous number of disadvantaged pupils both for economic and cultural reasons as well
as disabled ones.
• The participation as partner to a project that opens upon the new young generation compels
the school to pay more attention to the European community requirements as refers to
competences and can enable students to be and behave as European citizens, being all-
understanding and tolerant towards otherness. Project activities will be carried out by our
school according to calendar and we will be in charge of finalizing and printing the 2 posters
that will offer a comparative view between teens' role models nowadays and the new role
models they will identify.
Turska (Ilhan Marangoz – prof. engleskog jezika)
• Turkish partner is a metropolitan-located vocational high school, in a multicultural context,
bringing East and West heritages together. A large number of the pupils in our school come
from deprived backgrounds, single-parent families and many pupils are at disadvantage
because of their special needs. Nevertheless, we have had no access to large-scale
international cooperation for our pupils aged 14-18. We have about 400 students and 40
teachers. The students get education on clothing, fashion design and modeling as well as
social subjects. Our institution plays an outstanding role in the field of textiles and social care
in the west region of Istanbul. The school offers the opportunity to get a job in textile and
modeling fields. Last year students practised in their fields.
• It is a great opportunity for our pupils to get involved in international good practices and
learn from their partners from abroad. We also feel that the project would be a great
motivating chance for pupils to practise and learn English through communication in
practice. We believe that the project can ensure the motivation of our pupils and build
bridges for them with foreign friends and acquaintances, making them more tolerant and
raise their awareness of citizenship. As an added value, our teachers could also benefit from
the cooperation and share their knowledge with foreign colleagues.
• Our school is a partner in this project and our responsibility is to take part in all activities and
to create a common brochure about the new role models found by pupils. .
Valencia, Španjolska (Maria del Rosario Ruiz de Cenzano Macian – prof.
• Valencia is a town on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, with a population of almost a million
inhabitants. The area is rich in agriculture, rice, oranges, wine and vegetables being
traditional products of the region. Although in the last years it has grown very much due to
the development of tourism, the present financial crisis brought a lot of difficulties.
• The school is located in the maritime district, between the old neighborhood of the port and
the new one. It has nearly 900 pupils and 90 teachers. The pupils come from different
economic and social levels and there is a high percentage of immigrants, especially from
Latin America. The pupils with disabilities are offered the necessary help to succeed and
those who have special difficulties in their studies have additional help too.
• Our center provides secondary, high and vocational education. The age range is between 12
and 18 in secondary and high education and between 16 and 20, or more, in vocational
education. High school offers two specialities, social sciences and scientific-technical. The
vocational school offers sports activities.
• Our school is one of the partners on this project. The team that attends it consists of four
teachers from different departments. All of us have already participated in Comenius
projects before. We will take part in all the activities and cooperate in the implementation
and maintenance of the project website. We will participate to project meetings and host
one of them. We will also prepare the joint leaflet with criteria to choose a positive role
Opća srednja škola “Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo D. Dinis”, Coimbra,
Portugal (Margarida Castro – prof. portugalskog)
• Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo D. Dinis is the most northern secondary school in Coimbra, a
city known for its University founded in the 13th century, located in the center of the
• We offer different branches of studies, from O levels to A levels, from academic preparation
to active life work. Our school is considered a school of special difficulty, not only because of
that, but because we work with students from different ethnic groups, different nationalities,
different ages (from 12 to 18 years old), some with Special Educational Needs. Although
some of our pupils are studying to go to the University, as far as Science and Humanities are
concerned, the majority has no expectations for their future life. They come from families
with poor social background, with little schooling, poor wages, temporary work or even
unemployment. They are at school to get away from home, to be with friends and to have
the free meals they are entitled to, but they don't like the school work, they don't find it
useful. They want to leave school, they miss classes, and the teachers are always looking up
for new ways to motivate them.
• This project will be a great way to raise their self-esteem and to build their motivation;
collecting information about role models, discussing it and promoting positive ones will
contribute not only to the personal development of our students, but it will also enhance
community cohesion, as the project includes analyses of international, national and local role
• As partners in the project, our school will be responsible of the implementation, evaluation
and dissemination of activities and during the first project meeting, hosted by us, we will film
the role play session with presentations of role models described by pupils in their essays.
Strukovna srednja škola “SREDNJA ŠKOLA BEDEKOVČINA” – Bedekovčina, Hrvatska
(Daniela Usmiani – prof. matematike i informatike)
• Secondary school Bedekovčina is located in Krapina-Zagorje County, in a small town called
Bedekovčina, about 50 km from Zagreb, Croatia's capital. Krapina-Zagorje County is one of
the medium-developed counties in Croatia. The majority of the county's population depends
on agriculture. Our whole country is affected by the economic crisis, which is inevitably
reflected in local population's life style. On the other hand, our county abounds in both
cultural (archaeological sites, castles) and natural (thermal water springs) monuments. This
makes it a popular touristic destination. However, there is plenty of work to be done in this
particular area.
• Our school is the VAT School (Vocational Education and Training School) that educates young
people from the ages of 14 - 18 in the field of civil engineering, medicine and agriculture ( 4-
year programmes) and crafts (3-year programmes) connected with construction industry
(brick layer, carpenter, tiler). After they finish this type of education, our students are fully
prepared for labour market. A certain number of students who finished our 4-year
programmes successfully graduated from faculties, which made our school extremely proud.
• These days, more and more people are losing their jobs, so there is a large number of
students in our school whose parents (one or both) are unemployed or severely underpaid.
Because of this, our school has been organising a number of humanitarian actions to help
those students. We have also established a secret shop where students can pick clothes and
take them free of charge.
• Our teachers use various methods for motivating students in their theoretical and practical
learning. We have taken part in many projects (especially from the beginning of this school
year) in order to make the process of teaching and learning more interesting and motivating.
The projects organised by the Agency for Mobility will greatly contribute to the quality of
knowledge and skills our school provides.
• Our school is one of the partners on this project and, as the other partners, we will
implement all activities and we will also participate to international meetings. During the
project meeting hosted by our institution, we will prepare a joint product, a video to
promote positive role models.
Strukovna škola Európa 2000 Közgazdasági, Idegenforgalmi és Informatikai
Középiskola, Budimpešta, Mađarska (Karoly Kiss-prof.)
• Our school, Europe 2000 Secondary School for Economics, Information Technology and
Tourism, was founded in 1992. The fundamental aim of "Europa 2000" is the development of
such students who hold the values of Europe and they are aware with the handling of conflicts
among nationalities on the European level. Almost 500 students and 27 experienced teachers
have the sense of belonging. In the past few years, a significant number of the teachers have
been using technical equipment on daily basis and the modern, competence based teaching is
also built in to our education. The colleagues participating in Comenius programme are open to
the use of modern, new tools and they feel the importance of the developing of students
towards the European horizon. Our school stands for the traditional structure of teaching but,
because of the recognition of the economical, social and cultural changes in the world, we are
open for the new methodologies, as well. We use career models, project work, cooperative
learning techniques, small group activities, e-learning, and we organise module system based
on competencies. In honor of our school's name, we would like to enhance our students'
consciousness of national and international identity to be a mature European citizen who
respects the traditions and is aware of the rules of democracy.
• Our aim is to guarantee equal chances to the disadvantaged students, that is why 25% of the
members of the project are from this group. Besides these, the adaptation of the project
provides the opportunity of a pattern to be followed or useful activities for the other students
and teachers. The education of an open, tolerant person can help in defeating prejudice. The
daily use of the English language can help the students’ dedicated and active work on the field
of language learning.
• All things considered, giving experience based knowledge and cooperative techniques help the
students to develop their communication and social competences actively. Our school would
like to educate open, tolerant persons. The students deal with this question daily. We would
like to examine the effects of border changes and European solutions for the minority
problems. The implication of mobility can give the opportunity to the students to experience
the above mentioned questions in lifelike situations.
• Our institution has undertaken the responsibility to create and regularly update the common
website of the project, due to our experience in this field.
Poljska (Monika Rekosiewicz – Tokarz - prof. engleskog jezika)
• Our school is a comprehensive secondary school operating under the authority of the
Ministry of Education. It is located in Glogow Malopolski , in the Podkarpacie region, an area
of natural beauty, providing for some industries but still mainly based on agriculture. The
school is in the centre of the town, but most of the students are commuters from the villages
nearby. A large number of the pupils in our school come from deprived backgrounds, single-
parent families and many pupils are disadvantaged because of their special needs.
Nevertheless, we have had no access to large-scale international cooperation for our pupils
aged 16-18. We have about 180 students and 25 teachers. The area around Glogow is still
mainly a rural area, and it has been developing as refers to industries, in particular in the
technical sector, for few years. Our school in fact offers the opportunity to continue studies
at higher level and get a job in several fields: medical sector, economic and technical one.
• It is a great opportunity for our pupils to get involved in international good practices and
learn from other partners from abroad. We also feel that the project would be a great
motivating chance for pupils to practise and learn English through communication in
practice. The project can ensure the motivation of our pupils and build bridges for them with
foreign friends and acquaintances, making them more tolerant and raise their awareness of
citizenship. As an added value, our teachers could also benefit from the cooperation and
share their knowledge with foreign colleagues.
• Our school is a partner in this project and our responsibility is to take part in all activities and
to prepare the final form of the European Charta of True Role Models.

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Projekt EU Teens In Search of New Role Models

  • 1. EuTeens in Search of NewEuTeens in Search of New Role ModelsRole Models rujan 2012. – srpanj 2014.
  • 2. Osnovne informacije • Projekt pod pokroviteljstvom Agencije za mobilnost u okviru programa za cjeloživotno učenje, potprograma Comenius • Koordinator projekta: COLEGIUL ECONOMIC "PINTEA VITEAZUL“, iz Cavnica, Rumunjska (Claudia Stoica-prof engleskog jezika) • Trajanje projekta – 2 godine
  • 3. 1. Strukovna škola ISTITUTO D'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE "L. DI POPPA - ROZZI“, Teramo, Italija (Paola Matriziani Ioannone di Sigismondo-prof. engleskog jezika) 2. Strukovna škola “AVCILAR İHKİB KIZ TEKNİK VE MESLEK LİSESİ”, Istanbul , Turska (Ilhan Marangoz – prof. engleskog jezika) 3. Strukovna škola INSTITUTO DE ENSEÑANZA SECUNDARIA "DISTRICTE MARITIM“, Valencia, Španjolska (Maria del Rosario Ruiz de Cenzano Macian – prof. informatike 4. Opća srednja škola “Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo D. Dinis”, Coimbra , Portugal (Margarida Castro – prof. portugalskog) 5. Strukovna škola “SREDNJA ŠKOLA BEDEKOVČINA” – Bedekovčina, Hrvatska (Daniela Usmiani – prof. matematike i informatike) 6. Strukovna škola Európa 2000 Közgazdasági, Idegenforgalmi és Informatikai Középiskola, Budimpešta, Mađarska (Karoly Kiss) 7. Opća srednja škola SAMORZĄDOWE LICEUM OGÓLNOKSZTAŁCĄCE, Glogow MLP, Poljska (Monika Rekosiewicz – Tokarz - prof. engleskog jezika) Š K O L E P A R T N E R I:
  • 4. • Tijekom dvogodišnjeg partnerstva mladi iz 8 Europskih zemalja će pronaći i analizirati uzore njihovih vršnjaka i među njima prepoznati uzore s pozitivnim osobinama. • Težnja je pomoć mladima da prepoznaju prave vrijednosti kako iz povijesti tako i u svakidašnjem životu. • Učenici uključeni u projekt moći će uvidjeti da li je njihovo ponašanje i način razmišljanja o etičkim vrijednostima društveno prihvaćen i uvažavajući. • Cilj je da se prepoznaju pravi heroji iz zajednice koji žive poštenim i skromnim životom,a ipak mogu biti uzori mladih da od njih uvide prave humane vrijednosti, a također i istaknu osobe koje su svjetski poznate i koje su pozitivno utjecale na razvoj cijelog čovječanstva. • Radeći zajedno na projektu, mladi iz 8 zemalja će moći usporediti vlastite uzore sa uzorima drugih i međusobno se upoznati. Na taj način će etičke, religijske i kulturne barijere biti srušene s ciljem ujedinjenja europe u jednu multikulturalnu zajednicu. Mladi šire svoje vidike i putujući u druge zemlje stječu prijatelje i postaju aktivni članovi europske zajednice. AA KK TT II VV NN OO SS TT II
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. COLEGIUL ECONOMIC "PINTEA VITEAZUL“, iz Cavnica, Rumunjska (Claudia Stoica-prof engleskog jezika • Our school operates in a disadvantaged area, namely, a former mining town. Cavnic Mine was closed in December 2006 causing a high unemployment rate as the town was a mono- industrial one. At present, the local administration is striving to transform the town into a touristic resort, as our town has touristic potential. In response to the present requests and tendencies on the local labour market, Colegiul Economic "Pintea Viteazul" adapted its schooling offer and now we train students in the field of tourism, catering and banqueting. • Unfortunately, most of our students come from families with poor social background: their parents are either unemployed or, those who have a job commute to another town every day. There are also many parents who have gone abroad in search for a better job, leaving their children with grandparents. Due to the lack of surveillance, our school faces problems like early school leaving and students missing classes a lot. Teachers are constantly trying to deal with these problems and to motivate students not only to come to school but also to continue their studies. Attractive classes and interesting projects developed by the school have helped us in overcoming these issues. • Our school will be the European coordinator of this project, responsible of creating a cooperative environment, facilitating a coherent implementation of activities and the evaluation of the progress and results of the partnership. We are going to participate to project meetings and to host the final meeting. We are going to create the final products proposed, including the joint product we undertook the responsibility of producing - the DVD of the Congress of new role models.
  • 11. Tehnička škola ISTITUTO D'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE "L. DI POPPA - ROZZI“, Teramo, Italija (Paola Matriziani Ioannone di Sigismondo-prof. engleskog jezika) • Our school is a vocational one operating under the authority of the Ministry of Education. It is located in Teramo, in the Abruzzo region, an area of natural beauty, providing for some industries but still mainly based on wine, oil and other cultivation. Breeding and fishing are good resources. • The school is one of the biggest in the city, with about 1000 students raging from 14 to 18 years old. The school is in the centre of the city, but most of the students are commuters from the villages nearby. It is a multicultural school, as more and more students are children of migrants and refugee coming from the North Africa , East of Europe and from China, and some at risk of drop out. • The area around Teramo is still mainly a rural area, and it has been developing as refers to industries, in particular in the touristic sector, for few years. Our school in fact offers the opportunity to get a job in several fields: crop cultivation, oil and wine production, and related service activities; food and beverage services, catering and hosting; management and tourism services and related service activities. In addition, among our students there is a conspicuous number of disadvantaged pupils both for economic and cultural reasons as well as disabled ones. • The participation as partner to a project that opens upon the new young generation compels the school to pay more attention to the European community requirements as refers to competences and can enable students to be and behave as European citizens, being all- understanding and tolerant towards otherness. Project activities will be carried out by our school according to calendar and we will be in charge of finalizing and printing the 2 posters that will offer a comparative view between teens' role models nowadays and the new role models they will identify.
  • 12. Tehnička škola “AVCILAR İHKİB KIZ TEKNİK VE MESLEK LİSESİ”, Istanbul, Turska (Ilhan Marangoz – prof. engleskog jezika) • Turkish partner is a metropolitan-located vocational high school, in a multicultural context, bringing East and West heritages together. A large number of the pupils in our school come from deprived backgrounds, single-parent families and many pupils are at disadvantage because of their special needs. Nevertheless, we have had no access to large-scale international cooperation for our pupils aged 14-18. We have about 400 students and 40 teachers. The students get education on clothing, fashion design and modeling as well as social subjects. Our institution plays an outstanding role in the field of textiles and social care in the west region of Istanbul. The school offers the opportunity to get a job in textile and modeling fields. Last year students practised in their fields. • It is a great opportunity for our pupils to get involved in international good practices and learn from their partners from abroad. We also feel that the project would be a great motivating chance for pupils to practise and learn English through communication in practice. We believe that the project can ensure the motivation of our pupils and build bridges for them with foreign friends and acquaintances, making them more tolerant and raise their awareness of citizenship. As an added value, our teachers could also benefit from the cooperation and share their knowledge with foreign colleagues. • • Our school is a partner in this project and our responsibility is to take part in all activities and to create a common brochure about the new role models found by pupils. .
  • 13. Tehnička škola INSTITUTO DE ENSEÑANZA SECUNDARIA "DISTRICTE MARITIM“, Valencia, Španjolska (Maria del Rosario Ruiz de Cenzano Macian – prof. informatike • Valencia is a town on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, with a population of almost a million inhabitants. The area is rich in agriculture, rice, oranges, wine and vegetables being traditional products of the region. Although in the last years it has grown very much due to the development of tourism, the present financial crisis brought a lot of difficulties. • The school is located in the maritime district, between the old neighborhood of the port and the new one. It has nearly 900 pupils and 90 teachers. The pupils come from different economic and social levels and there is a high percentage of immigrants, especially from Latin America. The pupils with disabilities are offered the necessary help to succeed and those who have special difficulties in their studies have additional help too. • Our center provides secondary, high and vocational education. The age range is between 12 and 18 in secondary and high education and between 16 and 20, or more, in vocational education. High school offers two specialities, social sciences and scientific-technical. The vocational school offers sports activities. • Our school is one of the partners on this project. The team that attends it consists of four teachers from different departments. All of us have already participated in Comenius projects before. We will take part in all the activities and cooperate in the implementation and maintenance of the project website. We will participate to project meetings and host one of them. We will also prepare the joint leaflet with criteria to choose a positive role model.
  • 14. Opća srednja škola “Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo D. Dinis”, Coimbra, Portugal (Margarida Castro – prof. portugalskog) • Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo D. Dinis is the most northern secondary school in Coimbra, a city known for its University founded in the 13th century, located in the center of the country. • We offer different branches of studies, from O levels to A levels, from academic preparation to active life work. Our school is considered a school of special difficulty, not only because of that, but because we work with students from different ethnic groups, different nationalities, different ages (from 12 to 18 years old), some with Special Educational Needs. Although some of our pupils are studying to go to the University, as far as Science and Humanities are concerned, the majority has no expectations for their future life. They come from families with poor social background, with little schooling, poor wages, temporary work or even unemployment. They are at school to get away from home, to be with friends and to have the free meals they are entitled to, but they don't like the school work, they don't find it useful. They want to leave school, they miss classes, and the teachers are always looking up for new ways to motivate them. • This project will be a great way to raise their self-esteem and to build their motivation; collecting information about role models, discussing it and promoting positive ones will contribute not only to the personal development of our students, but it will also enhance community cohesion, as the project includes analyses of international, national and local role models. • As partners in the project, our school will be responsible of the implementation, evaluation and dissemination of activities and during the first project meeting, hosted by us, we will film the role play session with presentations of role models described by pupils in their essays.
  • 15. Strukovna srednja škola “SREDNJA ŠKOLA BEDEKOVČINA” – Bedekovčina, Hrvatska (Daniela Usmiani – prof. matematike i informatike) • Secondary school Bedekovčina is located in Krapina-Zagorje County, in a small town called Bedekovčina, about 50 km from Zagreb, Croatia's capital. Krapina-Zagorje County is one of the medium-developed counties in Croatia. The majority of the county's population depends on agriculture. Our whole country is affected by the economic crisis, which is inevitably reflected in local population's life style. On the other hand, our county abounds in both cultural (archaeological sites, castles) and natural (thermal water springs) monuments. This makes it a popular touristic destination. However, there is plenty of work to be done in this particular area. • Our school is the VAT School (Vocational Education and Training School) that educates young people from the ages of 14 - 18 in the field of civil engineering, medicine and agriculture ( 4- year programmes) and crafts (3-year programmes) connected with construction industry (brick layer, carpenter, tiler). After they finish this type of education, our students are fully prepared for labour market. A certain number of students who finished our 4-year programmes successfully graduated from faculties, which made our school extremely proud. • These days, more and more people are losing their jobs, so there is a large number of students in our school whose parents (one or both) are unemployed or severely underpaid. Because of this, our school has been organising a number of humanitarian actions to help those students. We have also established a secret shop where students can pick clothes and take them free of charge. • Our teachers use various methods for motivating students in their theoretical and practical learning. We have taken part in many projects (especially from the beginning of this school year) in order to make the process of teaching and learning more interesting and motivating. The projects organised by the Agency for Mobility will greatly contribute to the quality of knowledge and skills our school provides. • Our school is one of the partners on this project and, as the other partners, we will implement all activities and we will also participate to international meetings. During the project meeting hosted by our institution, we will prepare a joint product, a video to promote positive role models.
  • 16. Strukovna škola Európa 2000 Közgazdasági, Idegenforgalmi és Informatikai Középiskola, Budimpešta, Mađarska (Karoly Kiss-prof.) • Our school, Europe 2000 Secondary School for Economics, Information Technology and Tourism, was founded in 1992. The fundamental aim of "Europa 2000" is the development of such students who hold the values of Europe and they are aware with the handling of conflicts among nationalities on the European level. Almost 500 students and 27 experienced teachers have the sense of belonging. In the past few years, a significant number of the teachers have been using technical equipment on daily basis and the modern, competence based teaching is also built in to our education. The colleagues participating in Comenius programme are open to the use of modern, new tools and they feel the importance of the developing of students towards the European horizon. Our school stands for the traditional structure of teaching but, because of the recognition of the economical, social and cultural changes in the world, we are open for the new methodologies, as well. We use career models, project work, cooperative learning techniques, small group activities, e-learning, and we organise module system based on competencies. In honor of our school's name, we would like to enhance our students' consciousness of national and international identity to be a mature European citizen who respects the traditions and is aware of the rules of democracy. • Our aim is to guarantee equal chances to the disadvantaged students, that is why 25% of the members of the project are from this group. Besides these, the adaptation of the project provides the opportunity of a pattern to be followed or useful activities for the other students and teachers. The education of an open, tolerant person can help in defeating prejudice. The daily use of the English language can help the students’ dedicated and active work on the field of language learning. • All things considered, giving experience based knowledge and cooperative techniques help the students to develop their communication and social competences actively. Our school would like to educate open, tolerant persons. The students deal with this question daily. We would like to examine the effects of border changes and European solutions for the minority problems. The implication of mobility can give the opportunity to the students to experience the above mentioned questions in lifelike situations. • Our institution has undertaken the responsibility to create and regularly update the common website of the project, due to our experience in this field.
  • 17. Opća srednja škola SAMORZĄDOWE LICEUM OGÓLNOKSZTAŁCĄCE, Glogow MLP, Poljska (Monika Rekosiewicz – Tokarz - prof. engleskog jezika) • Our school is a comprehensive secondary school operating under the authority of the Ministry of Education. It is located in Glogow Malopolski , in the Podkarpacie region, an area of natural beauty, providing for some industries but still mainly based on agriculture. The school is in the centre of the town, but most of the students are commuters from the villages nearby. A large number of the pupils in our school come from deprived backgrounds, single- parent families and many pupils are disadvantaged because of their special needs. Nevertheless, we have had no access to large-scale international cooperation for our pupils aged 16-18. We have about 180 students and 25 teachers. The area around Glogow is still mainly a rural area, and it has been developing as refers to industries, in particular in the technical sector, for few years. Our school in fact offers the opportunity to continue studies at higher level and get a job in several fields: medical sector, economic and technical one. • It is a great opportunity for our pupils to get involved in international good practices and learn from other partners from abroad. We also feel that the project would be a great motivating chance for pupils to practise and learn English through communication in practice. The project can ensure the motivation of our pupils and build bridges for them with foreign friends and acquaintances, making them more tolerant and raise their awareness of citizenship. As an added value, our teachers could also benefit from the cooperation and share their knowledge with foreign colleagues. • Our school is a partner in this project and our responsibility is to take part in all activities and to prepare the final form of the European Charta of True Role Models.