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"Every child is special"
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 2
A.-About this project .............................................................................................3
B.-Our school: "CEIP Ginés Morata"..................................................................3
C.-Persona Doll methodology.................................................................................5
1.-THE PERSONA DOLL APPROACH..................................................5
2.-THE BIRTH OF THE DOLLS..............................................................5
3.- WHAT ARE THEY?.............................................................................6
4.- DEVELOPING PERSONAS................................................................6
5.-DOLLS WITH STORIES TO TELL....................................................7
D.-International dolls..............................................................................................9
1.-BULGARIAN DOLLS............................................................................9
2.-CZECH DOLLS.....................................................................................14
3.-ESTONIAN DOLLS...............................................................................19
4.-GREEK DOLLS.....................................................................................25
5.-ITALIAN DOLLS...................................................................................28
6.-POLISH DOLLS.....................................................................................36
7.-PORTUGUESSE DOLLS......................................................................43
8.-SPANISH DOLLS..................................................................................45
9.-TURKISH DOLLS.................................................................................52
E.-An example of activities with dolls..................................................................55
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 3
This "International doll book" has been created as one of the result of the ERASMUS+
K219 project "Every child is special" . Through this project we developed the Persona
Dolls methodology network in Europe. Teachers from different countries of Europe had a
opportunity to participate in Persona Dolls methodology training and received training
materials (teachers handbook and DVD) in their native language. The project budget has
been used to develop methodology in cooperation with partners and to create training
materials. The methodology will be available and active years after the project ends.
The aim of the project was:
• Prevent bullying and school violence in school;
• To develop and improve children social skills;
• To increase tolerance. Children are aware of differences and find them as values;
• Include children with special needs;
• Develop Persona Dolls methodology;
• Create in cooperation with partners teacher training materials to disseminate project
outcomes and methodology.
In the "International doll book" there are some information about the Spanish school :
CEIP Gines Morata, that is one of the partners of the project. You can also learn about the
methodology "Persona Doll" as well as know doll profiles and stories in every school and
the implementation of some activities with dolls in the classroom.
The C.E.I.P. Ginés Morata is a state
school that host infant and primary
education. lt is located in a new
neighborhood in the north of the
city of Almería. The school staff is
formed by thirty teachers, three
teachers’ assistants and a
receptionist. There are 150 pupils in
infant education and 350 pupils in
primary education. There are 3
classes for children with special
education needs where more than
twenty children with different
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 4
disabilities are schooled. The pupils’ families belong to medium class, but there are also
some children (approximately 15%) who have a low socio cultural status and belong to
ethnic’s minorities.
It is a bilingual school, children start to study English at 3 years-old. Social sciences,
natural sciences and Arts are taught in English in primary education. So there are many
teachers (40%) who have a high English level. Pupils can also study a second foreign
language (French) since 8 years old. In order to facilitate contact with real language there
is also an English conversation assistant working at school. The school usually participates
in several European programs in order to motivate children to learn foreign languages and
to promote multiculturalism and European citizenship.
The school promotes competences in languages, maths and sciences and ICT, as well as
individual and social values such as responsability, autonomy, equality, coexistence and
multiculturalism. The most important projects at this moment are the library, linguistic
communication skills, task and project based learning and gender equality. The school
council, the head teacher’s team, the staff and the school community are involved in all
these activities and they work together. The families support the staff and collaborate in the
The staff usually cooperate with the education authorities (Junta de Andalucia councelor)
and the teachers' training center where many of the teachers of the school participate in
training courses about new teaching methodologies. Some of them are also teachers'
trainers in different aspect (Project and task based learning, bilingual and foreign language
methodologies, ICT in education, gender equality at school, etc).
The school cooperates with the University of Almeria ( teaching, psicology and social
working faculties) so evey years groups between 20-30 students from the University of
Almería come to our school to develop their professional practices before starting to work.
Cooperation among teachers, team work , communication, motivation and implication of
the families in their children education are some special aims for the staff. Families are
always welcome at school where they can participate in several activities. Parents'
association has a relevant role in this relationship family/school and cooperates and helps
the school wiht materials, equipments, trips, extra curricular activites, volunteers, etc.
Because the high quality of the CEIP Ginés Morata, it is considered one of the best school
in our city. Last year it was awarded with the most important acknowledgement for
education institutions in Spain: The plaque of Honor of Alfonso X the wise.
We can offer several aspects that can be included for sharing during job shadowing
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 5
 Organization and participation in European projects: E-twinning & Erasmus K219
 Project based learning in Infant education.
 Tasks based learning in Primary education.
 Activities for teaching equality and prevent bulling.
 Inclusion and teaching children with special needs.
 Including the use of ICT in common activities in the classroom
 Developing linguistic competence through plurilinguism program
The Persona Doll approach offers an effective, stimulating, non-threatening and enjoyable
way to combat discrimination, foster emotional literacy, raise equality issues and empower
children at the Foundation Stage and at Key stages one and two. The Dolls and their stories
develop children's ability to empathise, to appreciate that name calling, teasing, exclusion
from play and treating other people unfairly causes pain and unhappiness just like hitting,
kicking and other physical responses do. Children are encouraged to stand up when they
experience or witness unfairness and prejudice. A tall order but if the Dolls are embedded
in an anti-discriminatory and culturally appropriate curriculum they are well able to meet
the challenge.
Persona Dolls were first used in the United States. At that time, the 1950s, very few
resources were available that reflected the ethnic diversity of children. Two teachers Kay
Taus and her colleague Ruth moaned and groaned about this unfair and unacceptable
situation. One day they took action.
They created dolls out of card and matched their skin colours and physical features as
accurately as they could to the children in their nursery school. Personas were developed
for each doll and stories based on children's experiences, were woven around the Dolls. The
children quickly identified and bonded with them.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 6
Persona Dolls are not ordinary Dolls; nor are they puppets. Teachers and practitioners by
giving the dolls their own individual personas change them from being inanimate objects
into 'people' with individual personalities, family, cultural and class backgrounds, names,
gender and ages. To ensure that the personas they create are detailed and authentic,
important facts are included such as who the Dolls live with, where they live and sleep, the
language(s) they speak, their likes and dislikes; the things they are good at and the ones
they find difficult, the things that make them happy and those that upset, frighten and worry
If possible, Persona Dolls need to be huggable, unique, special and different from the dolls
in the home corner. The Dolls need to reflect the children in the group. However, where all
the children are from the same ethnic or cultural group, speaking the dominant language
and having no obvious disabilities, it is important to introduce Dolls that do not reflect the
children. Everyone needs to be careful that they are not reinforcing stereotypes when
selecting Dolls, developing personas or creating stories. It's a good idea to introduce a boy
Doll first to capture the attention of the boys and because children often think all Dolls are
girls and only for girls. Boy Dolls provide opportunities to break down stereotypes the
children may have absorbed. For example, by saying that pink is a boy Doll's favourite
colour, is likely to provoke a reaction from the boys and the girls. Stories can help children
respect those who are different from them and appreciate the many things they have in
common. They all have eyes, skin and hair even though the colour, shape and texture may
be different. For example, one of the Dolls could tell the children about how happy she is
because she now has a hearing aid and can hear what people are saying. Perhaps later a
story could be told about her being teased or excluded because she's different.
The whole staff team needs to agree the gender, ethnicity, class, family structure, type of
home, religion, cultural background, languages spoken, physical features, skin colour,
special abilities and disabilities, likes and dislikes. of each of the Dolls. Especially for Dolls
from cultures with which practitioners and teachers are unfamiliar, they need to make sure
that they give appropriate names and pronounce them correctly. Names should fit the dolls’
personalities and cultural backgrounds. These basic details remain constant though
circumstances may change, e.g. a new baby, moving house. The persona for each Doll
needs to be written down in her/his book and all the stories created around her/him, added.
Many settings/schools have a range of Dolls to reflect all the children in the group as well
as those not present i.e. a setting/school may have a Sikh Doll but not have any Sikh
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 7
children. In this way a wide range of equally valued and respected lifestyles, cultures,
languages and abilities are presented to the group.
With the Doll sitting on the story-teller's lap and in her/his everyday speaking voice the
Doll is introduced to the children. The story-teller and the children have a conversation
about what has happened to the Doll, how she/he is feeling and, when necessary, what can
be done to help her/him sort out problems. In the process children become decision makers
and problem-solvers, a role that helps boost reasoning, reflection, self-esteem and
confidence. Through their identification with the Dolls they are helped to see the injustice
of the situations the stories describe and are motivated to think of solutions to the problems
the Dolls 'tell' them about. Empathising with the Dolls encourage children to stand up for
themselves and others when encountering unfairness. It is important that stories about
happy events and situations as well as discriminatory, unhappy ones are told. Children are
concerned about the Dolls and eager to help them especially when the stories highlight
situations or experiences that they consider are unfair.
During interactive Persona Doll sessions, story-tellers have high expectations of each and
every child and they offer support to those experiencing physical or verbal abuse from other
children or adults. They listen to each child's contribution, support children when necessary
and encourage. everyone to talk about the story and how it made them feel. Children's
powers of observation and understanding of the world around them are often under-
estimated and may surprise story-tellers.
Accepting and acknowledging that some children's ideas about the right way to act and
interact will not match theirs, most story-tellers check that they don't unconsciously
respond more positively to the children who are most like them. They recognise that the
body language children learn may be different from their own. For example, many Black
children are taught that looking at an older person straight in the eye is disrespectful and
impolite whereas many White children are taught to look directly at an adult when they are
spoken to: a sign of frankness and honesty.
In the relaxed, informal and supportive atmosphere of the story-telling session, children
have lots of opportunities to say what they think and feel about the issues being presented
to them through the Dolls. Story-tellers guide the session by asking scaffolding questions to
capture the children's interest and encourage them to reflect critically on what they and
their peers have said. As different stories gradually connect up in their heads, so their
understanding of quite complex social issues develops. Their questions and any topics that
have captured their interest can be explored in more detail in other areas of the curriculum
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 8
particularly citizenship at key stages one and two. By presenting a range of scenarios and
problems for children to assess, explore and solve, the Dolls through the stories they 'tell',
open up a world of possibilities and encourage children to imagine and talk about what it
might be like to live through situations that they have not personally experienced. When
sharing their cultural traditions and learning about those of their friends, recognising and
challenging stereotypes, their intellectual horizons are extended and their general
knowledge expanded. Being part of a creative and stimulating group activity can be an
enjoyable self-affirming experience. If they feel safe, secure and comfortable with adults
and their peers, they are more likely to contribute their ideas, feelings and experiences.
Persona Doll and their stories boost confidence, self-esteem, identity formation and
motivation to learn. They provide a valuable tool to enhance communication and language
as well as encouraging personal social and emotional development – both required by the
revised framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
The Dolls and the story-tellers have whispered conversations. Story-tellers convey to the
children everything that the Dolls have come to 'tell' them. Sometimes the stories are about
happy experiences like going to the park, having a sleepover, visiting grandparents or
celebrating a festival. At other times the stories focus on hurtful incidents such as being
excluded from play, name calling, being physically hurt or teased. When the story-teller
needs to ask the Doll for information, s/he whispers in the Doll's ear. The Dolls 'speak' by
'whispering' in the story tellers' ears. Most children suspend belief and accept that the Dolls
are dolls and therefore can't really talk. To be able to participate and contribute to the
discussion children need to have in their vocabularies words that describe emotions and
understand their meaning. At every opportunity story-tellers introduce alternative words
when talking about a Doll's feelings.
Persona Doll story-telling sessions importantly encourage children to feel good about their
own cultural and family backgrounds while at the same time respecting, valuing and
learning about the cultural and family backgrounds of the rest of the group. Talking about
these similarities and differences can help them understand that being different is not
something to tease or harass each other about.
For example:"Jo's feeling sad, miserable and upset"."Sunita is jumping about with joy and
excitement." Maria is cross and fed up."
By asking appropriate open-ended questions story-tellers spark discussion and encourage
children to name the Doll's feelings and empathise with her/him, listen to each other, think
critically and express for their ideas. Discussing feelings, ideas and solutions is more
important than finding perfect solutions to the problem the Dolls present..
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 9
For example: 'How do you think the Doll is feeling?' What makes you angry?
Have you ever been disappointed? How do you look when you are excited?
How do you look when you're surprised?
The methodology is from webpage:
1.1.- ALBENA
Age: 5 years
Physical feature: a dark skin, dark eyes, brown hair
Family: Mother – Muslim, father - Bulgarian, no brothers and
Background: The family lives in a village. For two years the
father of Albena is working abroad. The mother lives in the
town because there has begun work.
Albena lives in a village with his grandmother. She takes care
of her. The mother visited her daughter only on Sunday when
her day off. Albena is sad for her mother. In kindergarten Albena is timid and unsure of
herself. She has a sense of own insignificance and inferiority. Sometimes she takes from
kindergarten toys at home without permission from the teacher. She feels a strong desire for
a possession - if she likes a toy, which is personally owned by another child, also carries it
at home.
Where she lives: until the age of fifth year she lived with her grandmother in a village.
According to the Education Act in Bulgaria at that age every child is required to attend
kindergarten. So her mother takes her in the town. They live in a rented apartment in the
suburbs. She has no private room.
What she likes to do at home: watching TV
Languages that she speaks: Freedom speaks Turkish. She knows few Bulgarian words.
She does with ease / dislikes: Albena is singing and dancing with pleasure. Not likes that
has to sleep after lunch in kindergarten.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 10
What she cannot do / has difficulty: She communicates with children in the group
difficult because she does not know Bulgarian language.
What makes Albena happy / sad / depressed: Albena is happy when she is with her
mother. She is sad every time when her mother was away from her when she was working.
She is very sad for his father too. Father missing Albena very much. It is missing his jokes
and games - the time when they were both only.
Fears: She's afraid to share. Strangers frighten her. She is afraid of many people who are in
the same room.
Foods that she likes / dislikes: Likes milk, pasta /gyuzlemi, cakes/. Dislikes oatmeal,
boiled wheat /ashure /
Age: 6 years
Gender: boy
Physical feature: a white skin, blue eyes, light blond
Family: A mother and a father - Bulgarians, a sister -
4 years
Background: The family lived in the town. Parents
are highly involved in leading companies in positions
of responsibility. Family honors Bulgarian traditions,
lead a healthy lifestyle, do sports.
Parents often work at home, because working time is not enough. For this reason, children
often take care of their grandparents. And so it gets a discrepancy in the methods of
upbringing - parents declare the rights and freedoms of children, and grandparents’
restrictions and discipline.
Kaloian is receptive and inquisitive. He works with a computer, watches popular science
films. He has access to large information, but it is chaotic. Kaloian gets tired and he feels
tense. There are lacking control over him and his sister. He goes to bed after midnight
Where he lives: in an apartment, with excellent conditions, he has his own room. He does
not arrange the toys and his personal belongings. The family had a housemaid.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 11
What he likes to do at home: works on the computer and tablet, to play with a few toys at
the same time. He himself has learned to read. He likes to philosophize.
Languages that he speaks: correct Bulgarian language, he now studied English diligently
What he does with ease/ dislikes: quickly makes friends, do not bother himself to make
contact. Everyone and everything is interesting. He does not like to be alone.
What he cannot do / has difficulty: His attention is not sustainable, he does not listen his
interlocutors to the end, he does not finish work until the end.
What makes Kaloian happy / sad / depressed: to be with his family, visiting new places.
He loves to travel, and parents often take him on trips with them. He is interested in things
that definitely do adults. Kaloian wants everyone to hear his opinion and gets irritated when
they do not understand him.
Fears: He asks a lot of questions because he is afraid of the unknown. He worries about
events that did not concern him / eg. whether his father would succeed in time to change
winter tires to summer ones /
Foods that he likes / dislikes: likes vegetables, fruits, legumes, dairy products. The mother
is a vegetarian and often prepared vegetarian dishes. He dislikes meat. They did not buy
sweets and he almost does not know the taste of chocolate.
1.3.- KELVIN
Age: 5 years
Gender: Male
Physical feature: dark skin, dark eyes, black curly hair
Family: Father – Nigerian, mother – Bulgarian. They are
Christians, young people with secondary education. The
family respected different cultures and traditions, depending
on the origin of parents and where they live in the moment. In
the family no emphasis on education in values. The family
pays great importance of sport, physical activity, secular
partying and good vision. Kelvin has no brothers or sisters.
Parents have a marriage because they need it, not because
they believe in it.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 12
Background: The father is an athlete who left Nigeria many years ago. He received an
offer to play for English basketball team. In England he met a mother who is a dancer.
Their son Kelvin was born in England. When parents are busy for the child look after their
friends or colleagues. Kelvin briefly attended a private kindergarten. But the service is too
expensive and the parents refuse it. A year ago the father was offered a transfer in
Bulgarian basketball team. The family happily moved to Bulgaria. Kelvin is at least four
years. He began to study Bulgarian language of the children who play with. The mother
opened a private dancing club. It became necessary child to attend kindergarten. Kelvin
attends kindergarten with reluctance, he has difficulty in adapting and he is unhappy with
the organization in kindergarten. He is irritated by getting up early, from the requirements
in kindergarten. For the first time he falls within an environment in which absolutely all
children have light skin color. He thinks all consider him different from them. He has
difficulty with Bulgarian language - he can not communicate freely with the children and
teachers. This leads to lack of attention stability, disinterest in activities and various forms
of cooperation.
Kelvin spends his time mainly on parents workplaces - in sport halls and clubs. There he is
left to the care of a random acquaintance friend - often staff member. His employment
mother does not cook at home. The family ordered takeout . Or have dinner in a restaurant.
Kelvin goes to bed after midnight. There is no introduced certain rules / norms of behavior
in the family with which the child to comply. The family has a liberal education - do not
make adjustments to the children's actions.
Where he lives: the family lives for rent in newly built luxury studio. Kelvin has his own
room, but he does not spend time in it. Young people speaking English visit their home,
and Kelvin prefers their company. His older friends enjoy him and they showered him with
What he likes to do at home: playing electronic games, watching TV / mostly sports
matches, music videos /.
Languages that he speaks: He fluently speaks English, speaks incorrect Bulgarian
language, but understands it.
He does with ease / dislikes: Any purposeful physical activity attracts Kelvin - he rides a
bike, swim. He loves to run. He quickly makes friends with adults. He listens
uncharacteristic of his age music / funk, rock, techno /. He danced rhythmically and with
What he cannot do / has difficulty: He disagrees with the regime and the guidance in
kindergarten. He does not like to work independently on assigned task, he gave up quickly
and does not end activities to end.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 13
What makes Kelvin happy: Kelvin is happy when he is in the gym or dancing club,
stand-alone game without parental control, planning alone games. He loves to interact with
young and emotional personalities. He is interested in sports and famous athletes, to watch
films in English. He feels substantial when they refer to him as an adult.
What makes Kelvin sad / depressed: when his parents took him to kindergarten when he
had to comply with the discipline. Daily regime in kindergarten nervous Kelvin. He does
not like to sleep at noon to eat with everyone in a certain time and why he violently
expressed his dissatisfaction. Then he became aggressive - breaking and throwing objects
around him. He calms hard and cries inconsolably.
Fears: He is afraid to stay alone. He worries to play with other children, even when they
invited him to play with them. He hates to be pressed with demands to him and observance
of rules. He does not like to stand in a closed room for a long time. Some cartoons and fairy
tale characters bored him and it even scared him at times.
Foods that he likes / dislikes: He loves pizza, toast, duners, fruit, yogurt. He dislikes
cooked meals, soups, creams with milk.
1.4.- ALISA
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Physical feature: a light skin, face covered with freckles, green eyes, red hair
Family: Mother and father - Irish, the profession of parents - programmers, Alisa has 10
years old brother. The father plays the Scottish bagpipe, and during the holidays dresses a
kilt - a Scottish skirt.
Background: So far Alisa has lived in Inverness, a
town in northeast Scotland. Inverness is located
around the estuary of the River Ness. Here lies the large
lake Loch Ness, known all over the world, with the
underwater creature - the Nessie monster.
Alisa has attended kindergarten. Her beloved teacher
loved to repeat: "Learn to think!“
The family moved to Bulgaria on the advice of the
doctors. The air in Scotland is of increased humidity.
Specialists recommend parents seek a country with a
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 14
warmer and more dry climate, because of lung problems Alisa. She sometimes gets seizures
and to ease her breathing, she uses an inhaler. She did not part with it, even when sleeping.
Alisa almost always wears sunglasses. They protect her eyes. They are very sensitive to
direct sunlight and the bright rays dazzle her.
Where she lives: In the house for rent, at the foot of Ilchov Hill. She has a private room.
What she likes to do: Walk around the hill in the morning when the air is fresh; play
outside; to swim in the pool of the yard. She loves parents to read her fairy tales, for
magicians, for fictional beings.
Languages that she speaks: Only English. She does not understand a single Bulgarian
She does with ease / dislikes: She sings Irish songs with pleasure, especially when her
father plays the bagpiper; she loves insects - she has a herbarium of a variety of bugs.
What she cannot do / has difficulty: When she runs away, when she is scared or anxious,
she gasps.
What makes Alisa happy / sad / depressed: The noise of the sea and warm sand, the
smell of pine forest. She's sad when wants to tell kids from kindergarten and ladies about
her Scotland, but she can not because she can not speak Bulgarian.
Fears: Do not lose her inhaler, which in a moment of crisis helps her breathe
Foods that she likes / dislikes: Oatmeal - traditional Scottish breakfast; fried eggs; toast
with sausages; tea with milk; pancakes and hagi; Scottish smoked salmon. She does not like
spices in eating.
2.1.- THOMAS
Family structure: mother, father, sister( 8 years)
Cultural background: Mother is Czech, father is an
Where he lives: Thomas lives in a private house in
Languages he speaks: With her mother and sister Czech,
when the father is at home, everyone speaks English.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 15
Likes: Thomas often plays with Lego, with large cubes- he builds them houses. Outdoors
like riding a bike, playing football and various physical games. His favorite sport is
swimming. Like playing cards.
Dislikes: Cleaning.
Is difficult: Thomas hard to bear defeat.
Is important for him: To be first everywhere.
Is important for family: Health, family ties- meeting with family( also from England)
The most beautiful days of the year: Holidays, Christmas and birthdays.
Food he likes: Chicken with potatoes, lasagna and Nuttela.
Food he dislikes: Tomato soup, fish and cabbage.
Fears: Of an English school that will come after the holidays.
Physical speciality: Thomas is hyperactive.
Recent history: Thomas was born in Prague. When he was 2 years old, the family moved
to Moravia in the village Šardice, because their father had a job here. Thomas was in our
village very satisfied. When he was 5 years old, they had to move back to Prague. Thomas
was very unhappy. They moved again because of his father’s work and because their father
wished the children to attend in Prague an English school. Parents still house in Šardice
sold and so they’ve often run as a cottage and Thomas is very happy. He always comes to
us also look to Kindergarten.
Wish: Thomas wants to go back to Šardice.
2.2.- ANNA
Age: 4 years
Family structure: mother, father, two older brothers (12 and 15
Cultural background: Mother and father are Czech.
Where she lives: Anna lives in the family house with his parents and
siblings in Šardice.
She speaks: Czech.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 16
Likes: Anna likes drawing, painting, playing the flute, singing, dancing, is multi-talented.
She likes listening to fairy tales, she loves animals.
Dislikes: The loss, loneliness.
Is difficult:- to attend ballet that does not like, but it must be because parents want it-
submit – children and adults( mostly parents)
Is important for her: -to be in the company of adults and children
-to be a leader
Is important for family: Health, joint field trips, public holidays, meeting with friends.
The most beautiful days of the year: Christmas, birthdays, holidays and the days when
the whole family together
Food she likes: Spinach soup, rice with meat and fruit compote, popcorn.
Food she dislikes: Pea soup, sweet rice.
Fears: From the fact that the father moves and forever remain with her mother and brother
Physical speciality: Anna wearing glasses.
Recent history:Anna was born in South Moravia. She grew up surrounded by his parents
and older brothers and was cherished child. When she was 2 years old, the situation was
another.The father lost his job and started disagreements and problems in the family. After
some time, the father found work, but away from home- in Plzen, which had partly
relocated. Older brother, who was now end of primary school, trying to find a high school
in Plzen, in order to live with her father.
Wish:- Anna very much hopes that the whole family was together and everything was as
before, when she was little. A dream of a sea, where there has never been and knew him
only from stories of brothers.
2.3.- VOJTA
Age: five years
Family structure: mother, father, older brother Michal (7 years)
Cultural background: Parents come from a village near rno. ojta s granfather still live in a
village where ojta s father and mother are from.
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Where he lives:Now they live in Brno, second largest city in the Czech
He speaks: Czech.
Physical speciality:When Vojta was 3,5 years old he went to the park
with his mother. There are many trees in the park, and Vojta on a not
too high tree climbed and fell down from it and injured his spine. His
spine was operated in hospital and has used a wheelchair since he can
not walk
anymore. He must move the troley by himself with his arms. Vojta
often has to go to a doctor or a physiotherapist, he must train his legs
and his abdomen.
Likes:He likes animals and Lego- figures. Sometimes he makes figures from plasticine. He likes to
visit his grandfather on a farm. His grandfather made a ramp to Vojta to get in and out of the house.
randfather has also rebuilt the toilet, so ojta can do it himself when he has to. ojta s grandfather
built a special hutch so that Vojta can easily get to feed the animals. Sometimes they sit on their lap
and stroke them. Vojta likes the days when he and his grandfather take care of the animals, wearing
wood from the shed or peeling potatoes. And the most beautiful day is Vojta's birthday when Mum
cooks a cake and cooks his favorite food, and everyone congratulates him and sings his birthday
song for him. He likes his best frind Alenka also.
Dislikes: ometimes kids from kindergaden don t want to play with ojta and ojta is sad about it.
What Vojta wants: He wants to go to his grandfather on summer holiday. Vojta knows he will go
to school early. He wishes he can go to school with his friends.
: There is a table, chairs, armchair and wheelchair so he can
comfortably reach everywhere with a wheelchair. In the bathroom, Vojta is on the right and on the
left beside the toilet handle so that he can hold tight when he goes to the toilet. The Vojta's room
has a table with Lego and pieces for playing. There is always a stock of model in all colors
on the table. Vojta has a yellow dumbbell on the shelf. You are the burden of his training.
Age: 4 years
Family structure: mother, father,older sisters Naja (9 years) and Shaaira (11 years)
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Cultural background: Mother and father is from Nigeria, father studied in the Czech
Republic Faculty of Pharmacy and works in Brno in the laboratory for the production of
drugs. Mother cares for children. All children were born in the Czech Republic.
Where she lives:Yaasmin lives with her parents and sisters in Kyjov family house.
Languages she speaks: At home, everyone speaks English, Czech children speak together.
Likes:Yaasmin liked drawing and painting, but most of all she likes to treat stuffed
Dislikes:When it some people on the street too browsing.
Is difficult: -speak Czech, because it still can not completely well.
Is important for her: Carry her teddy bear, which sent her grandmother from Nigeria.
Isimportant for family: Respect of some Nigerian traditions, common dinner.
The most beautiful days of the year:Celebrating her birthday at the garden, show with
Food she likes:Yaasmin loves pancakes with fruit and whipped cream.
Food she dislikes: Lentils, dill sauce.
Fears:Yaasmin fears of a new boy in class who treat her badly.
Physical speciality:Yaasmin has a brown color of the
Recent history:Yaasmin was born in Kyjov in Czech
Republic. The family is of African origin and all other
relatives live in Nigeria. Yaasmin is in contact with the
monly through Skype, but personally met with them yet.
She likes listening when children in kindergarten talking
about grandmothers and grandfathers and watching when
the grandparent spick up from kindergarten.Yaasmin
pick up from kindergarten still only sisters or
parents.The sisters have already seen their grandparents
were in Nigeria to visit beforeYaasmin born.
Wish:Yaasmin should really wanted to go on holiday to
Nigeria, to know her grandmothers and grandfather. She would also take care of some little
animal,dreaming of a furry puppy or kitten. And she would like to learn to ride a bike.
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3.1.- PEETER
Family: Peeter lives together with his mother and father.
He is the only child in the family.
Cultural background: Peeter was born in Estonia, his
mother and father are Estonian. Peeter speaks Estonian,
but knows a few words in English, which he has learned
from the internet (youtube).
Where he lives: Peeter lives in the center of Tallinn, in a
neighborhood with private houses. Peeter lives in a semi-
detached house. He has a neighbor who is one year
younger than him.
Likes/didlikes /is difficult: Peeter likes to play on his
Ipad. He knows how to search for and play videos on
Youtube. Peeter is very interested in playing computer games.
Peeter doesn´t like sports and he hates playing outside. He finds it difficult to imagine
himself doing outdoor activities. Peeter doesn’t find any activities in kindergarten that he
likes, and he wants to take his telephone with him to kindergarten to play with.
Peeter has difficulties participating in sports games, especially running. He is always the
last, and he feels that he does not want to run at all. To Peeter making new friends is
difficult, because he don’t know how to do it. He often feels alone in the
kindergarten.Peeter feels bold only when he is playing computer games – he is happy to
communicate with his invisible friends.
Peeter doesn´t like to eat together with his family at the table. He likes to eat in his room,
and likes very much to eat snacks, and then he can watch TV or sit in front of the computer
at the same time.
Food he likes, dislikes: Peeter likes sandwiches, and cheese curds. Peeter dislikes soup and
sauces. Peeter never eats buckwheat porridge and fish soup.
Fears: He is afraid of performing in front of others and communicating with other children.
Physical peculiarity: Peter is overweight for his age. Physically weak – he can´t and
doesn’t want to participate in sports activities.
Recent history: ecause Peeter’s bodyweight is significantly greater than average Peeter
went with his mother to the doctor. It turned out that Peeter's spine is curved and his
eyesight has gone worse. Peeter's parents decided to change his habits. Peeter doesn´t like it
at all, that his parents have limited his the time on the Ipad, and don´t allow him to eat in
his room. Now Peeter has to eat a warm dinner with his family at the table. Peeter doesn´t
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like it at all, that the parents made those rules. Now Peeter is only allowed to spend half an
hour a day in front of the computer. His parents said also that, he can only be a half hour in
front of the computer if he plays at least half an hour outside. To Peeter playing outdoors is
uncomfortable, he would rather watch Youtube videos on his Ipad or play computer games.
Family: Ibrahim lives with his mother and father. He has a older sister and a younger
Cultural background: Ibrahim was born in the North- African country Libyans. Ibrahim’s
family are muslims and they follow muslim traditions. Ibrahim’s mother and older sister
wear head scarf when they are outside home. Ibrahim’s family don’t eat pork meat and the
family celebrates every year ramadan during what the families older child and parents fast.
Ibrahim speaks arabian language, some words in english and some words in estonian.
Where he lives: Family lives in Lasnamäe in 2 rooms apartment.
Likes/dislikes/ is difficult: For Ibrahim is difficult to speak in estonian language and
communicating with other children. In kindergarten Ibrahim don’t understand everything
that is done or said. Ibrahim does not like snow and cold weather. He is used to live is
warm climate.
Ibrahim likes to look and read books. He likes to go to the
meetings with people from his homecountry. On these
meetings he can communicate and play with children his age
who can speak and understand arabic language.
Food he likes, dislikes: Ibrahim likes meals made from
chicken and different vegetable salads. He likes different
Libyans desserts and fruits. Ibrahim is used to eat spicy food,
he likes it very much. Ibrahim does not like Estonian food. He
does not eat potatoes and sauce. Ibrahim does not like
kindergarten meals because those are very different from the
dishes he is used to and what they prepare in his home.
Fears: Ibrahim is afraid of the dark and loud noices. He sleeps in the same bed with his
mother and father because he is afraid to sleep alone.
Physical peculiarity: Ibrahim has dark skincolor and dark black curly hair. He has dark
eyes. Ibrahim can sing very good.
Recent history: In Ibrahim’ s homecountry Libyans is currently taking place a civil war
and therefore many people escape from that country to Europe. Ibrahim came with his
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family 1 year ago to Estonia. At first they lived in refugee shelter but now the family lives
in 2 room private apartment in Tallinn, Lasnamäe.
In Libyans Ibrahim’s father was a doctor and mother worked in library. In Estonia it is very
difficult for Ibrahim’s father to find a job and it the family struggles for that reason.
Ibrahim started to go to kindergarten recently. It is very difficult for Ibrahim to find new
friends in kindergarten. He can not communicate with others because he does not speak
estonian. Ibrahim is worried because he has different clothes than everyone else. Families
clothes came from helpers. Ibrahim’s family is having very difficult times adapting because
they feel excluded.
Family: Marie lives with mother and father. She is the only child
in family.
Cultural background: Marie’s father is french businessman and
her mother is estonian. Marie speaks in estonian and french.
Where she lives: Marie lives in Estonia, Viimsi parish (near
Tallinn). Her family lives in a big private house.
Likes/dislikes/is difficult: Marie likes to sing. She is attending
ballroom dance lessons and she also participates in ballroom dance competitions. Marie
likes to participate in dance competitions and wear sparkly dance dresses.At home Marie
likes to play princess games and beauty pageant. Marie doesn’t like if other children and
adults touch her hair. Her curly hair look different from estonian children’s hair so
everyone want to touch her hair all the time. Marie doesn’t like to get dirty and because of
that she never wants to play in sandbox.
Food she likes/dislikes: Marie really likes to eat pasta and sushi. he doesn’t like
lemonade and sour cabbage. Marie never eats meat with fat.
Fears: Marie is afraid that she will feel bad and weak and mother is not with her that time.
Physical peculiarity: Marie has diabetes. She is in very good physical shape. Marie is very
talented kid – she can handle everything perfectly.
Recent history: Recently her family found out that Marie has diabetes. Diabetes is so
serious that Marie has to carry insulin syringe with her in kindergarten.
Mother thinks that Marie can’t attend ballroom dance lessons anymore because she is sick
and weak. Marie still wants to attend dance lessons and she doesn’t agree to quit dance
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Marie has always been very good and talented kid. She can handle everything perfectly.
Marie is used to get praised constantly. ecause of that she doesn’t want other kids to find
out about her diabetes. he doesn’t want other kids think that she is sick and weak.
Family: Loviise lives with her grandmother and grandfather.
Loviise lives with her grandparents since the age of 2. Loviise’s
parents did not manage to take care of a child and therefore the
granparenents are raising her. Loviise does not remember the time
when she lived with her parents, she has very few memories of
Cultural background: Loviise is born in Estonia, she speaks
estonian language and they celebrate Estonian traditions at home.
Where she lives: Loviise lives in Tallinn in Nõmme in a old private
Likes/dislikes/is difficult: Loviise likes different sport activities.
She likes to dance. Loviise prefers to play with boys because she likes differnet running,
ball and climbing games. Loviise’s favourite activity is swimming. he likes to go to
swimming lessons in a big swimmingpool. She is a very good swimmer.
Loviise does not like to eat in kindergarten. She does not like the food served in
kindergarten and she will be anxious when somebody asks her to try new food. Loviise
does not like when other children point their fingers to her and say with loud voice that
Loviise is not eating anything. Loviise usually eats in kindergarten only bread, rice and
drinks water. Loviise does not like to draw because she thinks that it is boring. She would
rather run outside or play ball.
Food she likes, dislikes: Loviise eats only pancakes, dumplings, rice, ryebread, white
bread and fishfingers. All other food Loviise refuses to try.
Fears: Loviise is afraid that she will be forces to eat. If Loviise tryes a food that she does
not like then she will get sick in stomach.
Physical peculiarity: Loviise is very active and athletic. She is very thin and has very light
Recent history: Recently something serious happened with Loviise in the swimming pool.
She had not eaten almost anything for a whole day and when she went swimming in the
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pool she felt very bad: she was dizzy and weak. Grandmother is now very worried about
her health. They are visiting psychologist to get some help. Grandmother wishes that
Loviise would start to eat more new things that her eating habits would be more healthy and
Loviise now has a lunch box with her every day in kindergarten so she would not feel sick
again because of not been eating the whole day.
3.5.- TRIINU
Family: Triinu lives with her father and fathers new wife
and her 2 older sons.
Cultural background: Triinu’s father is Estonian
and they celebrate at home Estonian traditions.
Where she lives: Triinu lives in a 4 room apartment at
old big apartmentbuilding in Mustamäe.
Likes/dislikes/is difficult: Triinu would like to play
together with other children and find herselt good friends
but it is very difficult for her to connect with others
because she does not know how to communicate with
others. Because Triinu would like to play with others children she could be very pushing
towards others, that could be annoiing to others.
When others exclude Triinu from games then she would be very sad. Sometimes she does
not understand why she can not join others game she could then be aggressive, say nastu
things and hurt others. Triinule dos not like when older brothers bully her and exclude from
games. She then could be aggressive.
Triinule likes animals. She has at home a kitten who is her best friend. Triinu appreciates
her kitten very much. Triinul likes different animal books and cartoons. Triinu favourite
activity is playing with her kitten.
Triinul does not like when others comment about her speech or improve her words when
they don’t understand her. Triinu does not like to clean the room.
Food she likes/dislikes: Triinu eats everything. Her favourite dish is macaroni and meat
sauce. She does not like salads with sour cream, like potato salad.
Fears: Triinu is afraid to speak in front of others and then others will say that they don’t
understand her. Therefore Triinu speaks with very low voice. Triinu calls herselt Liinu and
Tiinu but she does not like when othes repeat it.
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Physical peculiarity: Triinu has red hair and freckles. Triinu’s speech is incomprehensive.
Recent history: Triinu lived with her father. The father was always very busy and Triinu
was often alone. Recently they moved to the home of fathers new wife and there also lives
2 older boys. Triinu was at first very happy that now she has somebody to play with but the
bigger boys bully her instead. Father newer founds time to deal with Triinus concern.
Triinu feels so sad and lonely. Recently Triinus teacher said to father that he need to go to
speech therapy with Triinu, because other can not understand her speech. Triinu hopes that
her speech improves and then others want to be her friend.
Family: Kristjan lives with his mother and father. He has a 2 years
older sister.
Cultural background: Kristjan is born in Estonia. He speaks
estonian language.
Where he lives: Kristjan lives in a rental apartement in a big
apartement building in the city centre of Tallinn.
Likes/dislikes/is difficult: Kristjanile likes sport activities. He likes to participate in sport
competitions. Kristjan goes to training every day. He goes to swimming, athleticks and
judo. He likes when he does very good in competitions and he recieves a medal. His family
is then very proud about him. Kristjan also likes to training camps, because he want’s to be
someday a proffessional athlete and compete in olympic games. Kristjan likes to watch
sport from TV with his father.
Kristjan does not like books, reading, board games and puzzles. He gets bored of them
quickli. It is difficult for him to spend a lot of time behind a table.
Food he likes/dislikes: Kristjan eats everything. His favourite food is chicken soup and
minced meat sauce. Kristjan does not like spicy dishes.
Fears: There are no fears. Kristjan is very brave in everything.
Physical peculiarity: Kristjan is very athletic, hei s very strong and physically very well
developed. He runs very fast.
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Recent history: Kristjan is very good at communication and h ehas very many friends in
kindergarten. All children want to be his friends and to play with him. Lately Kristjan feels
a little sad. In kindergarten there has been problems that some boys tell Kristjan to choose
who he wants to play together with. But Kristjan does not want to choose, he wants to play
with everyone. Kristjan is also sad beacuse his father has to be sometimes a week away
from home because he drives a truck in Europe. Kristjan really misses his father a lot.
Kristjan is very excited that the family soon moves to private house and then he has a
opportunity to play outside and he will have his own room.
4.1.- ELLEN
•Ellen was born in Denmark, her family came to Crete
because of her father’s work(he works in an energy factory as
• he speaks danish and little of English. It is difficult for her to
speak and understand greek that’s why it’s difficult to
communicate with other kids.
• he does not like playing with other kids due to her difficulty
in communication.
•He likes to read books and to play with her little sister.
• he likes greekfood.
• he likes local sweets and fruits.
• he can dance very well.
• he looks different comparing to greekgirls because of her blonde hair.
•They have lived in ermany for a year before coming to reece.
What have we done?
• reek language lessons for better and faster communication.
• iving more opportunities her to take part in school activities and village’s life.
4.2.- ERIC
•He comes from enegal and he is muslim.
•He has one brother and one sister both older than him.
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•His parents work at a local company of olive oil .
•His family came to Crete because they had some relatives living
here but at the moment they are the only africaners in the village
because their relatives have left some months ago.
•He likes to spend his time playing football around the village.
•He does not studying enough or taking part in school activities.
•He doesn’t speak greek and it is difficult for him to find friends
and to communicate with others.
•He doesn’t like to eat with the other kids.
What have we done?
•We have talked with children about migration and problems migrants face in their new
•We are trying him to learn better greekand being closer to him and his difficulties.
4.3.- YURI
•He likes to spend his time playing basketball in his school
•He loves to take part in every school activity .
•He doesn’t speak greek, but he speaks a little English. It is a little
difficult for him to find friends and to communicate with others, but
he learns fast so in little time everything will be better.
•He likes eating with the other kids but because he wears glasses
some kids are mocking him, sometimes even for his hair’s color.
What have we done?
•We have talked with children about migration and problems migrants face in their new
home and about some personal characteri-sticswhich have to do with color, physical or
kinetic difficulties.
•We are trying him to learn better greekand being closer to him and his difficulties.
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4.4.- ANNA
She comes from Ukraine and she came with his family to
Greece just after the war.
• he has one brother, older than her.
•Her parents were teachers in Ukraine.
•Her family came to Crete because they heard that it’s
easier to find a work on Crete and they found work in travel
agency. They live in Sitia.
• he does not like playing with other kids due to her difficulty in communication, because
she doesn’t speak reek or English, but mostly because she has kinetic problem on her left
leg due to a war injury.
•He likes to read books and to play with her brother.
• he likes greek weather and the sea. Very often she walks next to the seaside.
• he likes cretan diet.
• he can play piano very well and she wants to participate in school music activities soon
after she is getting better and learning some more greek.
• he looks different comparing to greek girls because of her blonde hair and as her brother
sometimes she has problem with some of her classmates.
• he wants to be in health again and she wants to study in America when she will be older.
What have we done?
• reek language lessons for better and faster communication, medical and
psycologicalsupport just to overcome her leg’s problem.
• iving more opportunities to be as an equal member in our school society.
PROFILE: His name is Haris, he is Greek and six years old.
He was born in Crete-Sitia which is an island in the south of
Greece and his parents are Greek,too. Because of the economical
crisis they left Greece and went to Germany for a better life. They
came back this year because they couldn’t get used to life of
Germany and they missed their island, their home as well as
His father called George and before the crisis he ran his own
business. He was forced to close his shop and take his family
abroad. In Germany he worked as a chef at a big restaurant.
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His mother is Anastasia and he used to work with his father. In Germany she worked at
the same restaurant as a waitress.
He has a sister named Maria and she is 9 years old. She is very clever and she helps
Charis to do his homework and also they usually play board games together.
Haris likes to play the guitar and to sing. He also likes to play football and basketball but
because of a genetic problem of his he can’t run very quickly. He likes souvlaki and gyros
and also mousaka.
Haris was born with a kinetic problem. Last year he put an additional leg and his life get
better. Now he can walk, run and play football.
Haris got a problem. When he was at Germany he was going to kindergarten. The other
child's didn’t want to play with him because he didn’t speak very well their language and
also because off his kinetic problem. They were saying that if he plays with them, their
team will be beaded because he couldn’t run quickly. One day one boy shouted at him to go
away, you are …lame.
Now, he is thinking that it will happen the same. He thinks that nobody want to be friend
and play with him.
5.1.- MARIA
Age: 6
Family structure: mother and sister
Cultural background: Maria lives in Battipaglia with her
mother and her sister. Maria’s father lives in Morocco and
he is a carpenter. Five years ago Maria lived in the suburb
in Milano where her grand mother lives. Maria’s mother
and grand mother come from Albania. She speaks Italian
and Albanian.
Where she lives: she lives in Battipaglia in a small flat .
Language: she speaks Italian and Albanian.
W e e l ke / e ’ l ke: she likes playing with dolls and playing with cooking
games. She loves playing with Lorella, she lives near her home, infact she hopes that
Lorella will go to her school because she goes to an other school ( Ravenna street), and
going to school together would be great. She likes playing in the park and singing but she
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knows only albanian songs so nobody understands her. Maria’s mother wants that maria
goes to the gym, but she doesn’t like it because she has problems in walking .
Difficulty: she limps just a little bit.
Food: she likes chocolate cake and she doesn’t like pasta with beans.
Fears: she is afraid of dogs and to stay alone at home.
Current situation: she hasn’t got many friends because has recently arrived in battipaglia
and her mother doesn’t speak italian very well so she doesn’t meet many people. Maria
suffers because children don’t accept her because she doesn’t speak italian very well and
she isn’t fast in motion games.
One day Maria started to cry and didn’t go to school. The girls in her classroom were
playing with dolls and Maria asked them to play but one girl said that she couldn’t because
she limped. After that Maria started to cry because she discovered her disability. She went
to her teacher and told her that the girls of the classroom didn’t want to play with her. The
teacher embraced Maria and asked some questions in the classroom.
Is someone having a bad behaviour? Who?
Have you ever seen similar situations?
Is it correct to reject a person different from you?
Does someone know songs in other laguages?
What do you do to host people coming from other countries?
Children said that girls had a bad behaviour
Children said that they knew many people limping but nobody singing in Albanian.
Children said that it wasn’t correct to reject someone only because different.
Children said thtat there were many games that they could do with Maria.
Children said we have to accept people as they are.
5.2.- SANIR
Age: 5 years
Sex: female
Physical features: dark skin, dark eyes, braids
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Father - Congolese, Mother - Italian. She was born in Italy. The family has respected
different cultures and traditions, depending on the origin of the parents and the place where
I live. The family attaches great importance to sports, physical activity. Sanir has no
brothers or sisters.
The father is an athlete who left Congo many years ago. He received an offer to play for the
Battipaglia basketball team. In Italy he met his wife, who is a modern ballet dancer. When
her parents are busy Sanir is left with friends and colleagues and maternal grandmother or
stays in her mother's gym to play with the phone.
Problems began when Sanir had to attend kindergarten. She is always late for school
because she does not like to get up early and cries every morning.
For the first time she finds herself in an environment where all children have light skin
colour. She thinks everyone else considers her different from them. She has trouble in
socializing because she always interacts with adults - cannot communicate freely with
children and teachers. This leads to a lack of focus on stability, lack of interest in activities
and various forms of cooperation.
Sanir goes to bed after midnight. There are no rules in the family, norms of behavior with
which the child has to comply are not introduced.
Where she lives:
The family lives in a rented apartment provided by her father's basketball company. Sarin
has her room with computer and television.
What she likes to do at home: playing electronic games, watching TV / especially sports
games, music videos
Speaking languages: fluent in Italian and French.
What she likes:
any targeted physical activity attracts Sarin - she can
ride and skate. She loves running. She quickly makes
friends with adults. She listens to funk, rock, techno
music. She dances with rhythm and pleasure.
What she finds difficult:
she does not like to work with her teammates, does
not finish her homework, quickly renounces and does
not end up finishing her activities. She has a corner of
the classroom where she isolates.
Sarin is happy when she is in the gym or dance club.
She interacts with young and emotional characters.
She is interested in basketball and famous athletes.
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She feels important when someone refers to her as an adult.
What makes Sanir sad:
when her parents brought her to the asylum. She does not like to eat at the canteen table
with all of her schoolfriends. She is continually scold and becomes aggressive breaking and
throwing objects around her.
She's afraid to stay alone. She does not want to play with other children, even when they
invite her to play with them. She hates being pushed with requests and observing the rules.
She loves staying in a closed room for a long time.
Likes and dislikes:
The food that she likes is pizza. She does not like pasta and vegetables.
The teacher realizes that the situation is difficult and invites Sanir's mother to come to
school. They are organizing a grandfather’s day party and anir's mother will be the dance
teacher who will teach children to dance. Sanir is happy because her mother will be in
school and the children will welcome her with affection and love. After the party in
kindergarten they all become happy.
5.3.- TERESA
Age: 5 years
Family structure: mother, father, one brother.
Cultural background: Teresa was born in pain. Teresa’s
mother is from Italy and his father from Spain. The family
lived in Spain until Teresa was two years old, where Teresa's
mother worked in Hospital. At home they follow the
traditions of both countries. They eat paella and lasagna and
dance flamenco and tarantella.
Where she lives: Teresa lives in a rented flat in Battipaglia.
Languages she speaks: Teresa speaks Spanish very well, she does not know Italian well.
Likes, dislikes, difficulties: Teresa is very athletic. She practices rhythmic gymnastics.
Teresa likes different games. She plays board games, computer games and box games. She
always wants to be the first and to win. Teresa shares his toys with other children.
Teresa does not like waking up early in the morning. She does not like it when sometimes
children tease her in the kindergarten. She does not like singing and learning poems,
because then she has to show them in public. Teresa finds it difficult to speak Italian
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 32
Food she likes, dislikes: Teresa likes chicken. She does not like vegetables
Fears: Teresa is afraid to be alone at home.
Physical specialties: She is deaf to one ear, because she had the measles when she was a
Recent history: Teresa's family moved to Italythree years ago. Teresa started to go to
kindergarten and tothe gym for gymnastics. Teresa really likes living in Italy, because it Is
a country like Spain. Teresa's grandmother teaches her Italian so that it can be easier for her
to communicate with other children. Teresa tells the teacher she does not hear when the
children call her. She suffers because she cannot play with them.
The teacher tells children to get close to Teresa when they talk and they want to play with
har to or take her hand. Children say they understand and play with her.
Age: 4 years
Family structure: parents, two brothers , a younger sister.
Cultural background: he was born in Tunisia, the family lived in a country when
Mohamed was three years. Grandparents have stayed in Tunisia. The father is very tall
strong and a great worker (working as a farmhand). The mother is a housewife. They
usually celebrate the traditions of their country. All the family arrived in Italy by boat. They
have been into a house in Acerno near Battipaglia, then in January they arrived in
Where he lives: he lives in Battipaglia in a farm located in Spineta
Language: he speaks Arabic very well, French and a little bit of Italian.
e e l ke / e ’ l ke: he likes running in the "competition" and he wants
always to win .he likes listening music and nursery rhymes, but he doesn’t love perform
He has few toys and he doesn’t like sharing them with the other ; he doesn’t like to wake
up early in the morning; he doesn’t like wearing glasses.
Difficulty : to speak Italian.
Food: he doesn’t like fish,he likes hamburgers.
Fears:he is afraid of the sea and crowded places.
Appearance: he has got dark skin color, he is tall, thin and strong
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 33
Current situation: recently he is attending this school and a basketball course in Aversana.
Mohamed likes to live in Italy and especially in the country because he likes playing in the
open space with the animals like ducks, horses. At home they try to speak Italian in order to
have an easy communications with the others.
The story of a school Mohamed
Mohamed is hyperactive and sometimes he creates problems in the classroom . He is very
athletic. He likes competitions where he can show his skills and he wants always to win.
Sometimes happens that Mohamed has some problems with his friends and for that some
of the other parents’child complain with teacher. The last time the situation has gotten
worse , his friends didn’t want to play with him because he looked like a pirate. The teacher
spoke to his mother to understand what was happening to him.
That after an accident occurred on the boat during the travel, Mohamed started to have a
problem with his eyes after that he had to put the glasses, but Mohammed never accepted.
From the last period he’s wearing an eye patch because he had some problems at his left
eye. This situation makes him particularly nervious, arrogant and impatient. His mother is
very worried about it and she not able to solve the problem. The teacher suggest her to let
him attend school more regularly. Even if he sometimes doesn’t go to school a little basket
to play in the class. Mohamed was interested and showed his best skills in playing basket.
After a couple of weeks he was less impatient and more collaborative with the other
children. A little miracle happened, one day Mohamed appears most sociable because he
feels accepted by his friends. During the party of carnival the teacher asked the students to
wear a eye pacht and a gilet and he became “ pirate Morgan”. He was very happy because
he sung and played with his friends.
Interaction teacher / pupil
1. Wich sport is Mohamed good at ?
2. What’s your favorite sport?
3. What do you like about the history of Mohamed?
4. What you don’t like?
5. What do you understand of this story?
A. It was very nice that all the children play basket together and Mohamed helps who can’t
play well , now the other students play better thanks to him
. It isn’t fair to laugh at someone because we are all "special", every child is good at doing
C. Everyone can teach each other
D. We are all friends, if sometimes someone aren’t polite we have to help him.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 34
Age: 5 years old
Structure of the family: father, mother and a three year old sister
Cultural context: Roberta lives in Battipaglia with his mother, father and sister. Roberta's
father is a mathematics teacher, her mother is a lawyer, but no longer practices, her sister
attends the first year of kindergarten and has a teacher just for her because she suffers from
a severe form of autism. Roberta lives in a large two-story house on the outskirts of
Battipaglia. On the ground floor live her grandparents, Gianni and Anna. Until a year ago
she lived in Salerno, where she and her sister were born. The father was transferred to a
school in Battipaglia and so the whole family decided to live in the new city.
Difficulty: A little girl with relationship problems
Likes and dislikes: She likes to listen to music and does not like
to see people wearing shoes.
Fears: she is afraid of loud noises and screaming people
Current situation: She does not have many friends because she
has recently arrived in Battipaglia. Earlier, she lived in Salerno.
Roberta suffers because in the new school children do not accept
her because she almost always breaks other children’s things and
is very aggressive with both the teachers and the children.
Story: One day, Roberta begins crying and tells the teacher she
does not want to go to school because her friends do not want her
in their group. The teacher calls Roberta’s parents to better understand the situation. he
comes to school with his father because the mother has to look after the little sister. The
father says that Roberta behaves in this way also in the playground, the playroom and in all
places where there is aggregation of many people. Also the father explains that Roberta’s
sister suffers from autism and talks about Roberta’s relationship with the little sister.
Unfortunately, Roberta misses a playmate and this is because they live out of town and also
because they are very busy with their second daughter. Grandparents often take care of
Roberta. The only girl with whom she has a relationship is the little sister, who does not
speak, does not accept touching her and often cries. After listening to the whole story the
teacher understands the reason of the Roberta’s behaviour and even the aggressive attitude
that she shows. The teacher embraces Roberta and invites children to listen to rock music
on the floor without shoes.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 35
After a little time children are near each other, they roll on the ground hugging each other
and laughing and having fun. Roberta is one of them.
After the activity the teacher ask the children some questions:
• Is there anyone who does not play with new children? Who is it?
• Have you ever seen similar situations?
• Is it right to reject a new person at school?
• Does anyone know other music to dance?
• What should we do to make new people feel comfortable?
• The children recognize that they had had a bullying behaviour.
Children say that Roberta is beautiful and sweet.
• The children recognize that it is not right to reject someone just because you do not know
• Children say that there are many games they can play with Roberta.
• Children say that they too want to be without shoes and only with socks.
• Children want to invite Roberta to their home.
• Children say that we should accept people as they are.
Family: Assad lives in Italy with the whole family
Life: Assad was born in Tunisia of Tunisian parents. They arrived two years ago. They are
Muslim and follow the Muslim religion
His mother speaks only Arabic, his father speaks a little Italian, he and his sister speak
French and a bit of Italian.
They do not eat pork and his mother wears the chador
Where he lives: he lives in a house near the school with other Arabs. He attends children
school. His sister attends primary school.
What he likes and does not like: He likes to go to the children school because there are
other friends who speak like him.
He does not like not to understand what the teachers say at school and Italian children
Food: Assad likes to eat chicken and various vegetable salads. He likes sweets and dried
fruit. He does not like fish.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 36
He does not eat pasta. Assad does not like to eat at school
because the food is very different from the plates he is used to
and what they prepare at home. He does not like soup, omelet
and pizza.
Fear: Assad is afraid of the dark and loud noises. He sleeps in
the same room as the mother.
Physical features: He has got a very dark skin, his hair is black
and curly, his eyes are large and black. He is 4 years old.
Current life: His father was an architect in Tunisia, his mother a
teacher of history. They came to Italy because in their country there was no work. Now the
father is a bricklayer and his mother a housewife. They do not have much money and are
helped by associations for immigrants. He suffers because he feels different from other
children. Many times he plays on the sidelines with Mohamed, another Arab child who
goes to the children school.
Teachers do not care about trying to integrate Assad.
What should we do not to make Assad cry?
Do you have any suggestions?
Do you want to play with him?
Teacher, let him come to school with his sister, who is in the other class
We could play his games
We could ask the lady of the canteen to cook Arabic food
We could give him new clothes
Age:4 year old
Language: English, polish (she can say only few words)
When is she happy: When she is meetings with friends,
when grandma is visiting her, when she can spend time with
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 37
When is she sad: when parents are very long at work, when she is sick and she can’t play
with her friends, when parents are argue
e’ : storm, darnkness.
Where does she lives:in the flats, she has her own room
Parents: father is sales representative in pharmaceutical company, mum is pediatrician
Favourities plays at home: play with dolls, watch cartoons, help mum in the kitchen,
draw, play games with parents
Is she/he good at something/ is it something dificult for her/him: She can Draw very
Favourite food: pizza, pancakes, ice cream, tomato soup
F e ’ l ke: cucumber soup, dumplings with meat
What important happend to her: Zuzia lived in London with her parents. Recently, she
moved to Poland, because her grandma was very sick, and parents need to take care of her.
Zuzia was born in Poland. When she had one year, they moved to London, where her father
got very well paid job. She went to the kindergarten there, she had a friends whit whom she
meet. Her parents speak English mostly, so she know only few fords in Polish. She was
very sad, when she found out that grandma is sick, but she also was warried because of
movig to Poland. In Poland she can’t find her own place, she don’t have any friends here.
In kindergarten, she can’t understand what children and teachers are saying. No one want to
play with her, so mostly she is alone.
How she feels?
How would you feel in this situation?
What does Zuzia feel when she has problem with understending the others speech?
How can we help her?
6.2.- MACIEK
Age: 3
Language: Polish
When is he happy: When he is playing with a miniature railway and LEGOs
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 38
What is he sad: When he is ill
What is afraid of: dogs
Where does he lives: Maciek lives with his parents in a big flat in Warsaw
Parents: Maciek’s mom and dad have a pharmacy
What does he like: Building with LEGOs
e’ g / w ’ l ?: He draws very nice, he doesn’t like playing
with puzzles
Favourite food: pancakes and sandwiches
F e e ’ l ke: salad, rice
Have happen anything important in his life? Mathew in 3 years old and he went to
nursery school in September
Maciek was born in Warsaw and he lives there with his parents. He just turned 3 years old
and went to kindergarten for the first time. It is hard for him to part with his parents when
he comes to kindergarten in the morning. He cries and doesn’t want to stay there or play
with other children and teacher. He miss his parents very much and keeps asking „When
I’II go home?” and „When my parents will come?”. He’s very sad and keeps crying and
wal king around the calssroom with a teacher when other children play.
How’ M ek eel g?
How can we help the boy?
What can we do to make him feel better at kindergarten?
Age: 5 years old
Language: Polish
When is she cheerful: She is happy when she plays with
herfriends. And when she goes to trip with her parents
When is she sad: She is sad when someone is laughing at Barbara
and when she is sick. he is sad when it’s raining.
What is she afraid of: black cats, storm
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 39
When does she live: Barbara lives with parents in the block of flat. She has got own
Parents:Her mum works in office. Her dad is a policeman
What does she like to do at home: She likes playing dolls, watching a cartoon, drawing,
helping her mum in the kitchen and playing with dog
What is she good at: Barbara cannot tie shoelaces
What is difficult for her: She cannot wait your turn in the game. She hates when
somebody take her toys, and when somebody doesn’t listen her commends.
Favourite food:ice creams, cucumber soup, pizza, spaghetti
Hate food: tomato, spinach
Story: Barbara goes to kindergarten. She likes spending time in the Kindergarten, she likes
her teacher and classmates. She has got glasses for some time. When she was an optician
with her parents, the doctors said that her eyesight deteriorated and she must wear glasses.
Parents told with Barbara about this situation and why to wear glasses is important. Barbara
was warried her sick eyes but when she can choose pink glasses, she was happy. Girl gladly
showed herself glasses her friends in the Kindergarten. One day to Kindergarten began to
go new boy who laugh at arbara’s glasses. He often teases arbara – he pulls arbara’s
hair and takes her glasses. arbara said her parents that she doesn’t want to go to
kindergarten because there isn’t fine. he often forgets about glasses despite the she
remembered what doctor and parents said (that is important)
What does she feel?
What do you feel in this situation?
Have you seen how someone laugh at different person because she/he has got glasses?
What can we help Barbara?
Why should she wear glasses?
6.4.- MICHAL
Age: 5 years old
Language: Polish
When is she cheerful: He is happy when he can play with his grandparents and when he
can play in the playgraund
When is she sad: He is sad when he cannot go to outside.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 40
What is she afraid: spiders
Where does she live: Michał lives in Warszawa in block of flat on tenth floors. The flat
has got two rooms. The boy has got own bedroom.
Parents: His mum works in the library and his dad works as engineer
What does he like to do at home: He likes playing his planes, helping his mum in the
kitchen, playing LEGO blocks
What is he good at: Micheal can fast run and ride a bike
What is difficult for him: He cannot independently put clothes on
Favourite food: tomato soup with pasta, pizza, sandwich with cottage
Hate food: cucumbers, bean soup, cucumber soup
What happened in his life: His dad lost job in residence
Story: Michał was born in the Poland and he lives in Warszawa with
parents and his younger sister (Camilla). Michael’s dad works in Wrocław and he goes
back to home only weekends. The boy goes to Kindergarten. In the Kindergarten he has got
two the best friends – Martin and Clara. Michał cannot accept the rules to prevailing in the
group. During lessons, he often stands, teases classmates, shouts. During fun, he takes toys
and imposes his views. Michał wants to be first in all game, if he cannot be first he loud
shouts, stamp his feet. He doesn’t tidy up toys and he doesn’t perform tasks on time.
What does he feel?
Can you accept this behave?
Why does he behave in this way?
D k w l ? elp M ł?
Age: 5 years old
Languages: Polish
When is he/she happy: When she walks with parents, spends Holiday on the beach, meets
with friends
When is he/she sad: when her sister is sick, when she hasn’t seen her grandma for long
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 41
What is he/she afraid of: darkness, spiders, the barking
Where does he/she live: Caroline lives blok of flat with
parents and her younger sister. She shares bedroom with
Parents: Father is a teacher in High School, mother works
in library
What does she like do at home: when she plays with dolls,
watches cartoons, draws, plays with younger sister
He/she is good at: Carolina can dance very well
Favourite food: sorrel soup, beetroot
Important moment in his/her life: Carolina moved with her parents to a new apartment,
she also had to change the kindergarten.
Story: Karolinka moved to a new apartment in Mokotów with her parents and sister, and
she also had to change the kindergarten. The girl was sad to leave her friends, but she was
also glad she could meet new peers. The girl is very sociable and cheerful, likes spending
time with other children. She liked her new kindergarten and she also liked her new
teacher. She eagerly went to kindergarten, brought her toys she shared with others.
However, when Karolinka tried to join the play, she heard from the children: "There is no
place anymore", "We do not have enough toys to play with you," we have too many
children. The girl stopped being so cheerful as before, stopped bringing her toys to
kindergarten. he wanted to have fun together with others, but children didn’t want to
invite her to play.
How does Karolinka feel?
What do you feel in this situation?
Have you ever had a similar situation in your life?
we e e e ’ eel l ke K l k ?
6.6.- ANETA
Age:5 years old
When is she happy: She is happy when she plays with herfirends. And when her mum
reads book in the evening.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 42
When is she sad: She is sad when her parents argue and when she is sick. She is sad when
her brother is more important than Aneta for her parents- her brother needs a lot of time
because he is seriously sick. She cannot cope with her emotions so: to beat different
children, to loud stout, she doesn’t listen adults, to throw classroom things.
What is she afraid of:dogs, noise
When does she live:Aneta lives with parents and brather in the block of flat.
She shares bedroom with her older brother.
Parents: Her dad works as bus driver. Her mum works as accountant.
What does she like to do at home: She likes playing of blocks, solving tasks
in the book, playing board games with parents
What is she good at: Aneta can make differents things with papper and she
can build house for her dolls.
What is difficult for her: She can not wait your turn in the game. She hates
when somebody takeher toys, and when somebody doesn’t listen her commends.
Favourite food: pizza, pancakes, ice carems, tomato soup
Hate food:Cucumber soup, dumplings with meat, pepper
Story:Aneta always goes to kindergarten in different mood.Sometimes she is happy but
sometimes she is irritable because she doesn’t likegetting up early ( Kindergarten is far
from herhome). She goes to Kindergarten by car but first sequence her mum must driver
Aneta’s brothers to school. Aneta sometimes takes toys to chldren and she doesn’t want to
share toys with different children. Sometimes she cannot ask other children about to borrow
their toys – when children don’t agree to give toys for Aneta, she sometimes bites other
children. She is nerovous when her teacher draws attention to her behavior, asks her to
adjust her toys or when the teacher asks her to sit on carpet lessons. Aneta has many
friends but when she behaves badly ( to beat, to bite, to take toys, to use vulgar words)
chlidren don’t want to play with Aneta.
What do you think why does Aneta beat or bite other children?
What does feel Aneta when she tease other children?
What do you think, Aneta would like to have friends?
What she can do to politely play with children?
What do you k w e e e p e leg e ’ w
How can we help Aneta?
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 43
Family: Father, mother and two brothers.
Cultural background:Born in Maputo, Mozambique. Her father is a
musician and her mother a housewife. They recently came to
Portugal because the father was invited to play with a big orchestra.
Home: They live in a small flat, where she shares a room with her
brother. They are looking for a bigger house.
Language: Portuguese
Likes: Ballet, the colour orange and school
Dislikes: noise, fights and dogs
Food: Likes: Salad, hamburger and prawns. Dislikes: codfish, gummy bear sweets and
Fears:The dark, sleeping alone and dogs (because she has been bitten)
Physical peculiarity: Doesn’t have any
Recent history: Arrived recently and is still adjusting. Valeria's grandparents stayed in
Mozambique and she misses them. Her grandmother sends her dresses and they speak via
skype. In Mozambique, she stayed home with her mum, in Portugal she goes to school. She
has not made many friends yet.
Family: Father and mother (divorced).
Cultural background:His parents are divorced. His mother is a
Judge and his father is a Doctor. Tomé is an only child.
Language: Portuguese
Likes: His favourite colour is red and he likes going to school.
Dislikes:He doesn’t like running or physical sports.
Food: Likes: Loves pizza. Dislikes: Soup.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 44
Fears:He is afraid of sleeping alone.
Physical peculiarity: Has red hair, brown eyes and freckles.
Recent history:He lives in Lisbon (Portugal) with his mother. He is being brought up by
Maria, (his Nanny) due to the lack of time and availability of his parents. He is addicted to
electronic devices.
Family: 65 year-old father, 29 year-old mother and a 33 year-
old step-brother (from the father’s side). The step-brother
already has an 8 year-old son.
Cultural background:She was born in Portugal (Lisbon),
where her father works as a businessman. Her mother works as
a model and has an international career.
Home: They live in a luxurious apartment in the centre of
Language: Portuguese
Likes:She likes chocolate. She has some difficulties
controlling her appetite.
Dislikes: he doesn’t like affection.
Food: Like: She likes eating everything.
Physical peculiarity: Overweight
Recent history: Maria Eduarda suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD). She is a victim of bullying due to her physical appearance. She takes refuge in
eating when she is upset.
Family: 50 year-old father, 52 year-old mother and 20 year-old twin sisters.
Cultural background:He was born at home in the village of Monsaraz (Alentejo).
Home:They live in a rented house by the river.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 45
Language: Portuguese
Likes:He likes eating popcorn and going fishing.
Dislikes: He doesn’t like people making fun of the way he talks
(his accent) and calling him “alentejanito” (short person that was
born in Alentejo)
Food: Likes: He likes eating “açorda de alho”, a typical dish from
Alentejo, made with crumbled bread and garlic.
Physical peculiarity: Due to complications during delivery, he
has some breathing problems. He doesn’t like kissing and
hugging. As he has Asperger syndrome, he doesn’t look people in
the eyes when talking to them.
Recent history:His parents have always worked in pottery but due to financial issues
caused by the crisis that affected Portugal, the family had to move to the fishing city of
Setúbal. Nowadays, his father works as a fisherman and his mother as a cleaning lady.
Despite the family’s delicate economic situation, his two twin sisters go to private schools.
Family: She lives together with her mother and her mother's boyfriend. She is the only
child in the family. Her parents got divorced 3 months ago.
Cultural background: María del Mar was born in Almería. Her parents are Spanish. She
speaks Spanish and she studies English at school, so she can speak a little English.
Where he lives: She lives in Almeria in a flat near the school
Likes / dislikes / difficulties: Maria del Mar loves drawing and creating
new things. At night, she gets up to invent stories and to paint. She
doesn't like writing. She gets bored in the class when the teacher is
explaining. She prefers drawing rather than listening to the teacher.
When her teacher or her mother force her to write and to do her
homework she feels sad.
There are something that make her get angry for example when adults
scold her and when her mates laught at her. She feels in bad mood when
she makes a mistake

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  • 1. ERASMUS + K219 2015-2-EE01-KA219-013458 "Every child is special" CEIP GINES MORATA ALMERÍA INTERNATIONAL DOLL BOOK
  • 2. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 2 INTERNATIONAL DOLL BOOK INDEX A.-About this project .............................................................................................3 B.-Our school: "CEIP Ginés Morata"..................................................................3 C.-Persona Doll methodology.................................................................................5 1.-THE PERSONA DOLL APPROACH..................................................5 2.-THE BIRTH OF THE DOLLS..............................................................5 3.- WHAT ARE THEY?.............................................................................6 4.- DEVELOPING PERSONAS................................................................6 5.-DOLLS WITH STORIES TO TELL....................................................7 D.-International dolls..............................................................................................9 1.-BULGARIAN DOLLS............................................................................9 2.-CZECH DOLLS.....................................................................................14 3.-ESTONIAN DOLLS...............................................................................19 4.-GREEK DOLLS.....................................................................................25 5.-ITALIAN DOLLS...................................................................................28 6.-POLISH DOLLS.....................................................................................36 7.-PORTUGUESSE DOLLS......................................................................43 8.-SPANISH DOLLS..................................................................................45 9.-TURKISH DOLLS.................................................................................52 E.-An example of activities with dolls..................................................................55 F.-Conclusions........................................................................................................57
  • 3. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 3 A-ABOUT THIS PROJECT This "International doll book" has been created as one of the result of the ERASMUS+ K219 project "Every child is special" . Through this project we developed the Persona Dolls methodology network in Europe. Teachers from different countries of Europe had a opportunity to participate in Persona Dolls methodology training and received training materials (teachers handbook and DVD) in their native language. The project budget has been used to develop methodology in cooperation with partners and to create training materials. The methodology will be available and active years after the project ends. The aim of the project was: • Prevent bullying and school violence in school; • To develop and improve children social skills; • To increase tolerance. Children are aware of differences and find them as values; • Include children with special needs; • Develop Persona Dolls methodology; • Create in cooperation with partners teacher training materials to disseminate project outcomes and methodology. In the "International doll book" there are some information about the Spanish school : CEIP Gines Morata, that is one of the partners of the project. You can also learn about the methodology "Persona Doll" as well as know doll profiles and stories in every school and the implementation of some activities with dolls in the classroom. B-OUR SCHOOL: CEIP GINES MORATA The C.E.I.P. Ginés Morata is a state school that host infant and primary education. lt is located in a new neighborhood in the north of the city of Almería. The school staff is formed by thirty teachers, three teachers’ assistants and a receptionist. There are 150 pupils in infant education and 350 pupils in primary education. There are 3 classes for children with special education needs where more than twenty children with different
  • 4. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 4 disabilities are schooled. The pupils’ families belong to medium class, but there are also some children (approximately 15%) who have a low socio cultural status and belong to ethnic’s minorities. It is a bilingual school, children start to study English at 3 years-old. Social sciences, natural sciences and Arts are taught in English in primary education. So there are many teachers (40%) who have a high English level. Pupils can also study a second foreign language (French) since 8 years old. In order to facilitate contact with real language there is also an English conversation assistant working at school. The school usually participates in several European programs in order to motivate children to learn foreign languages and to promote multiculturalism and European citizenship. The school promotes competences in languages, maths and sciences and ICT, as well as individual and social values such as responsability, autonomy, equality, coexistence and multiculturalism. The most important projects at this moment are the library, linguistic communication skills, task and project based learning and gender equality. The school council, the head teacher’s team, the staff and the school community are involved in all these activities and they work together. The families support the staff and collaborate in the projects. SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE The staff usually cooperate with the education authorities (Junta de Andalucia councelor) and the teachers' training center where many of the teachers of the school participate in training courses about new teaching methodologies. Some of them are also teachers' trainers in different aspect (Project and task based learning, bilingual and foreign language methodologies, ICT in education, gender equality at school, etc). The school cooperates with the University of Almeria ( teaching, psicology and social working faculties) so evey years groups between 20-30 students from the University of Almería come to our school to develop their professional practices before starting to work. Cooperation among teachers, team work , communication, motivation and implication of the families in their children education are some special aims for the staff. Families are always welcome at school where they can participate in several activities. Parents' association has a relevant role in this relationship family/school and cooperates and helps the school wiht materials, equipments, trips, extra curricular activites, volunteers, etc. Because the high quality of the CEIP Ginés Morata, it is considered one of the best school in our city. Last year it was awarded with the most important acknowledgement for education institutions in Spain: The plaque of Honor of Alfonso X the wise. We can offer several aspects that can be included for sharing during job shadowing activity:
  • 5. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 5  Organization and participation in European projects: E-twinning & Erasmus K219  Project based learning in Infant education.  Tasks based learning in Primary education.  Activities for teaching equality and prevent bulling.  Inclusion and teaching children with special needs.  Including the use of ICT in common activities in the classroom  Developing linguistic competence through plurilinguism program C-PERSONA DOLL METHODOLOGY 1.-THE PERSONA DOLL APPROACH The Persona Doll approach offers an effective, stimulating, non-threatening and enjoyable way to combat discrimination, foster emotional literacy, raise equality issues and empower children at the Foundation Stage and at Key stages one and two. The Dolls and their stories develop children's ability to empathise, to appreciate that name calling, teasing, exclusion from play and treating other people unfairly causes pain and unhappiness just like hitting, kicking and other physical responses do. Children are encouraged to stand up when they experience or witness unfairness and prejudice. A tall order but if the Dolls are embedded in an anti-discriminatory and culturally appropriate curriculum they are well able to meet the challenge. 2.-THE BIRTH OF THE DOLLS Persona Dolls were first used in the United States. At that time, the 1950s, very few resources were available that reflected the ethnic diversity of children. Two teachers Kay Taus and her colleague Ruth moaned and groaned about this unfair and unacceptable situation. One day they took action. They created dolls out of card and matched their skin colours and physical features as accurately as they could to the children in their nursery school. Personas were developed for each doll and stories based on children's experiences, were woven around the Dolls. The children quickly identified and bonded with them.
  • 6. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 6 3.-WHAT ARE THEY? Persona Dolls are not ordinary Dolls; nor are they puppets. Teachers and practitioners by giving the dolls their own individual personas change them from being inanimate objects into 'people' with individual personalities, family, cultural and class backgrounds, names, gender and ages. To ensure that the personas they create are detailed and authentic, important facts are included such as who the Dolls live with, where they live and sleep, the language(s) they speak, their likes and dislikes; the things they are good at and the ones they find difficult, the things that make them happy and those that upset, frighten and worry them. If possible, Persona Dolls need to be huggable, unique, special and different from the dolls in the home corner. The Dolls need to reflect the children in the group. However, where all the children are from the same ethnic or cultural group, speaking the dominant language and having no obvious disabilities, it is important to introduce Dolls that do not reflect the children. Everyone needs to be careful that they are not reinforcing stereotypes when selecting Dolls, developing personas or creating stories. It's a good idea to introduce a boy Doll first to capture the attention of the boys and because children often think all Dolls are girls and only for girls. Boy Dolls provide opportunities to break down stereotypes the children may have absorbed. For example, by saying that pink is a boy Doll's favourite colour, is likely to provoke a reaction from the boys and the girls. Stories can help children respect those who are different from them and appreciate the many things they have in common. They all have eyes, skin and hair even though the colour, shape and texture may be different. For example, one of the Dolls could tell the children about how happy she is because she now has a hearing aid and can hear what people are saying. Perhaps later a story could be told about her being teased or excluded because she's different. 4.-DEVELOPING PERSONAS The whole staff team needs to agree the gender, ethnicity, class, family structure, type of home, religion, cultural background, languages spoken, physical features, skin colour, special abilities and disabilities, likes and dislikes. of each of the Dolls. Especially for Dolls from cultures with which practitioners and teachers are unfamiliar, they need to make sure that they give appropriate names and pronounce them correctly. Names should fit the dolls’ personalities and cultural backgrounds. These basic details remain constant though circumstances may change, e.g. a new baby, moving house. The persona for each Doll needs to be written down in her/his book and all the stories created around her/him, added. Many settings/schools have a range of Dolls to reflect all the children in the group as well as those not present i.e. a setting/school may have a Sikh Doll but not have any Sikh
  • 7. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 7 children. In this way a wide range of equally valued and respected lifestyles, cultures, languages and abilities are presented to the group. 5.-DOLLS WITH STORIES TO TELL With the Doll sitting on the story-teller's lap and in her/his everyday speaking voice the Doll is introduced to the children. The story-teller and the children have a conversation about what has happened to the Doll, how she/he is feeling and, when necessary, what can be done to help her/him sort out problems. In the process children become decision makers and problem-solvers, a role that helps boost reasoning, reflection, self-esteem and confidence. Through their identification with the Dolls they are helped to see the injustice of the situations the stories describe and are motivated to think of solutions to the problems the Dolls 'tell' them about. Empathising with the Dolls encourage children to stand up for themselves and others when encountering unfairness. It is important that stories about happy events and situations as well as discriminatory, unhappy ones are told. Children are concerned about the Dolls and eager to help them especially when the stories highlight situations or experiences that they consider are unfair. During interactive Persona Doll sessions, story-tellers have high expectations of each and every child and they offer support to those experiencing physical or verbal abuse from other children or adults. They listen to each child's contribution, support children when necessary and encourage. everyone to talk about the story and how it made them feel. Children's powers of observation and understanding of the world around them are often under- estimated and may surprise story-tellers. Accepting and acknowledging that some children's ideas about the right way to act and interact will not match theirs, most story-tellers check that they don't unconsciously respond more positively to the children who are most like them. They recognise that the body language children learn may be different from their own. For example, many Black children are taught that looking at an older person straight in the eye is disrespectful and impolite whereas many White children are taught to look directly at an adult when they are spoken to: a sign of frankness and honesty. In the relaxed, informal and supportive atmosphere of the story-telling session, children have lots of opportunities to say what they think and feel about the issues being presented to them through the Dolls. Story-tellers guide the session by asking scaffolding questions to capture the children's interest and encourage them to reflect critically on what they and their peers have said. As different stories gradually connect up in their heads, so their understanding of quite complex social issues develops. Their questions and any topics that have captured their interest can be explored in more detail in other areas of the curriculum
  • 8. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 8 particularly citizenship at key stages one and two. By presenting a range of scenarios and problems for children to assess, explore and solve, the Dolls through the stories they 'tell', open up a world of possibilities and encourage children to imagine and talk about what it might be like to live through situations that they have not personally experienced. When sharing their cultural traditions and learning about those of their friends, recognising and challenging stereotypes, their intellectual horizons are extended and their general knowledge expanded. Being part of a creative and stimulating group activity can be an enjoyable self-affirming experience. If they feel safe, secure and comfortable with adults and their peers, they are more likely to contribute their ideas, feelings and experiences. Persona Doll and their stories boost confidence, self-esteem, identity formation and motivation to learn. They provide a valuable tool to enhance communication and language as well as encouraging personal social and emotional development – both required by the revised framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The Dolls and the story-tellers have whispered conversations. Story-tellers convey to the children everything that the Dolls have come to 'tell' them. Sometimes the stories are about happy experiences like going to the park, having a sleepover, visiting grandparents or celebrating a festival. At other times the stories focus on hurtful incidents such as being excluded from play, name calling, being physically hurt or teased. When the story-teller needs to ask the Doll for information, s/he whispers in the Doll's ear. The Dolls 'speak' by 'whispering' in the story tellers' ears. Most children suspend belief and accept that the Dolls are dolls and therefore can't really talk. To be able to participate and contribute to the discussion children need to have in their vocabularies words that describe emotions and understand their meaning. At every opportunity story-tellers introduce alternative words when talking about a Doll's feelings. Persona Doll story-telling sessions importantly encourage children to feel good about their own cultural and family backgrounds while at the same time respecting, valuing and learning about the cultural and family backgrounds of the rest of the group. Talking about these similarities and differences can help them understand that being different is not something to tease or harass each other about. For example:"Jo's feeling sad, miserable and upset"."Sunita is jumping about with joy and excitement." Maria is cross and fed up." By asking appropriate open-ended questions story-tellers spark discussion and encourage children to name the Doll's feelings and empathise with her/him, listen to each other, think critically and express for their ideas. Discussing feelings, ideas and solutions is more important than finding perfect solutions to the problem the Dolls present..
  • 9. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 9 For example: 'How do you think the Doll is feeling?' What makes you angry? Have you ever been disappointed? How do you look when you are excited? How do you look when you're surprised? The methodology is from webpage: D-INTERNATIONAL DOLLS 1.-BULGARIAN DOLLS 1.1.- ALBENA Age: 5 years Gender:Female Physical feature: a dark skin, dark eyes, brown hair Family: Mother – Muslim, father - Bulgarian, no brothers and sisters Background: The family lives in a village. For two years the father of Albena is working abroad. The mother lives in the town because there has begun work. Albena lives in a village with his grandmother. She takes care of her. The mother visited her daughter only on Sunday when her day off. Albena is sad for her mother. In kindergarten Albena is timid and unsure of herself. She has a sense of own insignificance and inferiority. Sometimes she takes from kindergarten toys at home without permission from the teacher. She feels a strong desire for a possession - if she likes a toy, which is personally owned by another child, also carries it at home. Where she lives: until the age of fifth year she lived with her grandmother in a village. According to the Education Act in Bulgaria at that age every child is required to attend kindergarten. So her mother takes her in the town. They live in a rented apartment in the suburbs. She has no private room. What she likes to do at home: watching TV Languages that she speaks: Freedom speaks Turkish. She knows few Bulgarian words. She does with ease / dislikes: Albena is singing and dancing with pleasure. Not likes that has to sleep after lunch in kindergarten.
  • 10. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 10 What she cannot do / has difficulty: She communicates with children in the group difficult because she does not know Bulgarian language. What makes Albena happy / sad / depressed: Albena is happy when she is with her mother. She is sad every time when her mother was away from her when she was working. She is very sad for his father too. Father missing Albena very much. It is missing his jokes and games - the time when they were both only. Fears: She's afraid to share. Strangers frighten her. She is afraid of many people who are in the same room. Foods that she likes / dislikes: Likes milk, pasta /gyuzlemi, cakes/. Dislikes oatmeal, boiled wheat /ashure / 1.2.- KALOYAN Age: 6 years Gender: boy Physical feature: a white skin, blue eyes, light blond hair Family: A mother and a father - Bulgarians, a sister - 4 years Background: The family lived in the town. Parents are highly involved in leading companies in positions of responsibility. Family honors Bulgarian traditions, lead a healthy lifestyle, do sports. Parents often work at home, because working time is not enough. For this reason, children often take care of their grandparents. And so it gets a discrepancy in the methods of upbringing - parents declare the rights and freedoms of children, and grandparents’ restrictions and discipline. Kaloian is receptive and inquisitive. He works with a computer, watches popular science films. He has access to large information, but it is chaotic. Kaloian gets tired and he feels tense. There are lacking control over him and his sister. He goes to bed after midnight often. Where he lives: in an apartment, with excellent conditions, he has his own room. He does not arrange the toys and his personal belongings. The family had a housemaid.
  • 11. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 11 What he likes to do at home: works on the computer and tablet, to play with a few toys at the same time. He himself has learned to read. He likes to philosophize. Languages that he speaks: correct Bulgarian language, he now studied English diligently What he does with ease/ dislikes: quickly makes friends, do not bother himself to make contact. Everyone and everything is interesting. He does not like to be alone. What he cannot do / has difficulty: His attention is not sustainable, he does not listen his interlocutors to the end, he does not finish work until the end. What makes Kaloian happy / sad / depressed: to be with his family, visiting new places. He loves to travel, and parents often take him on trips with them. He is interested in things that definitely do adults. Kaloian wants everyone to hear his opinion and gets irritated when they do not understand him. Fears: He asks a lot of questions because he is afraid of the unknown. He worries about events that did not concern him / eg. whether his father would succeed in time to change winter tires to summer ones / Foods that he likes / dislikes: likes vegetables, fruits, legumes, dairy products. The mother is a vegetarian and often prepared vegetarian dishes. He dislikes meat. They did not buy sweets and he almost does not know the taste of chocolate. 1.3.- KELVIN Age: 5 years Gender: Male Physical feature: dark skin, dark eyes, black curly hair Family: Father – Nigerian, mother – Bulgarian. They are Christians, young people with secondary education. The family respected different cultures and traditions, depending on the origin of parents and where they live in the moment. In the family no emphasis on education in values. The family pays great importance of sport, physical activity, secular partying and good vision. Kelvin has no brothers or sisters. Parents have a marriage because they need it, not because they believe in it.
  • 12. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 12 Background: The father is an athlete who left Nigeria many years ago. He received an offer to play for English basketball team. In England he met a mother who is a dancer. Their son Kelvin was born in England. When parents are busy for the child look after their friends or colleagues. Kelvin briefly attended a private kindergarten. But the service is too expensive and the parents refuse it. A year ago the father was offered a transfer in Bulgarian basketball team. The family happily moved to Bulgaria. Kelvin is at least four years. He began to study Bulgarian language of the children who play with. The mother opened a private dancing club. It became necessary child to attend kindergarten. Kelvin attends kindergarten with reluctance, he has difficulty in adapting and he is unhappy with the organization in kindergarten. He is irritated by getting up early, from the requirements in kindergarten. For the first time he falls within an environment in which absolutely all children have light skin color. He thinks all consider him different from them. He has difficulty with Bulgarian language - he can not communicate freely with the children and teachers. This leads to lack of attention stability, disinterest in activities and various forms of cooperation. Kelvin spends his time mainly on parents workplaces - in sport halls and clubs. There he is left to the care of a random acquaintance friend - often staff member. His employment mother does not cook at home. The family ordered takeout . Or have dinner in a restaurant. Kelvin goes to bed after midnight. There is no introduced certain rules / norms of behavior in the family with which the child to comply. The family has a liberal education - do not make adjustments to the children's actions. Where he lives: the family lives for rent in newly built luxury studio. Kelvin has his own room, but he does not spend time in it. Young people speaking English visit their home, and Kelvin prefers their company. His older friends enjoy him and they showered him with compliments. What he likes to do at home: playing electronic games, watching TV / mostly sports matches, music videos /. Languages that he speaks: He fluently speaks English, speaks incorrect Bulgarian language, but understands it. He does with ease / dislikes: Any purposeful physical activity attracts Kelvin - he rides a bike, swim. He loves to run. He quickly makes friends with adults. He listens uncharacteristic of his age music / funk, rock, techno /. He danced rhythmically and with pleasure. What he cannot do / has difficulty: He disagrees with the regime and the guidance in kindergarten. He does not like to work independently on assigned task, he gave up quickly and does not end activities to end.
  • 13. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 13 What makes Kelvin happy: Kelvin is happy when he is in the gym or dancing club, stand-alone game without parental control, planning alone games. He loves to interact with young and emotional personalities. He is interested in sports and famous athletes, to watch films in English. He feels substantial when they refer to him as an adult. What makes Kelvin sad / depressed: when his parents took him to kindergarten when he had to comply with the discipline. Daily regime in kindergarten nervous Kelvin. He does not like to sleep at noon to eat with everyone in a certain time and why he violently expressed his dissatisfaction. Then he became aggressive - breaking and throwing objects around him. He calms hard and cries inconsolably. Fears: He is afraid to stay alone. He worries to play with other children, even when they invited him to play with them. He hates to be pressed with demands to him and observance of rules. He does not like to stand in a closed room for a long time. Some cartoons and fairy tale characters bored him and it even scared him at times. Foods that he likes / dislikes: He loves pizza, toast, duners, fruit, yogurt. He dislikes cooked meals, soups, creams with milk. 1.4.- ALISA Age: 5 years Gender: Female Physical feature: a light skin, face covered with freckles, green eyes, red hair Family: Mother and father - Irish, the profession of parents - programmers, Alisa has 10 years old brother. The father plays the Scottish bagpipe, and during the holidays dresses a kilt - a Scottish skirt. Background: So far Alisa has lived in Inverness, a town in northeast Scotland. Inverness is located around the estuary of the River Ness. Here lies the large lake Loch Ness, known all over the world, with the underwater creature - the Nessie monster. Alisa has attended kindergarten. Her beloved teacher loved to repeat: "Learn to think!“ The family moved to Bulgaria on the advice of the doctors. The air in Scotland is of increased humidity. Specialists recommend parents seek a country with a
  • 14. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 14 warmer and more dry climate, because of lung problems Alisa. She sometimes gets seizures and to ease her breathing, she uses an inhaler. She did not part with it, even when sleeping. Alisa almost always wears sunglasses. They protect her eyes. They are very sensitive to direct sunlight and the bright rays dazzle her. Where she lives: In the house for rent, at the foot of Ilchov Hill. She has a private room. What she likes to do: Walk around the hill in the morning when the air is fresh; play outside; to swim in the pool of the yard. She loves parents to read her fairy tales, for magicians, for fictional beings. Languages that she speaks: Only English. She does not understand a single Bulgarian word. She does with ease / dislikes: She sings Irish songs with pleasure, especially when her father plays the bagpiper; she loves insects - she has a herbarium of a variety of bugs. What she cannot do / has difficulty: When she runs away, when she is scared or anxious, she gasps. What makes Alisa happy / sad / depressed: The noise of the sea and warm sand, the smell of pine forest. She's sad when wants to tell kids from kindergarten and ladies about her Scotland, but she can not because she can not speak Bulgarian. Fears: Do not lose her inhaler, which in a moment of crisis helps her breathe Foods that she likes / dislikes: Oatmeal - traditional Scottish breakfast; fried eggs; toast with sausages; tea with milk; pancakes and hagi; Scottish smoked salmon. She does not like spices in eating. 2.-CZECH DOLLS 2.1.- THOMAS Family structure: mother, father, sister( 8 years) Cultural background: Mother is Czech, father is an Englishman. Where he lives: Thomas lives in a private house in Prague. Languages he speaks: With her mother and sister Czech, when the father is at home, everyone speaks English.
  • 15. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 15 Likes: Thomas often plays with Lego, with large cubes- he builds them houses. Outdoors like riding a bike, playing football and various physical games. His favorite sport is swimming. Like playing cards. Dislikes: Cleaning. Is difficult: Thomas hard to bear defeat. Is important for him: To be first everywhere. Is important for family: Health, family ties- meeting with family( also from England) The most beautiful days of the year: Holidays, Christmas and birthdays. Food he likes: Chicken with potatoes, lasagna and Nuttela. Food he dislikes: Tomato soup, fish and cabbage. Fears: Of an English school that will come after the holidays. Physical speciality: Thomas is hyperactive. Recent history: Thomas was born in Prague. When he was 2 years old, the family moved to Moravia in the village Šardice, because their father had a job here. Thomas was in our village very satisfied. When he was 5 years old, they had to move back to Prague. Thomas was very unhappy. They moved again because of his father’s work and because their father wished the children to attend in Prague an English school. Parents still house in Šardice sold and so they’ve often run as a cottage and Thomas is very happy. He always comes to us also look to Kindergarten. Wish: Thomas wants to go back to Šardice. 2.2.- ANNA Age: 4 years Family structure: mother, father, two older brothers (12 and 15 years) Cultural background: Mother and father are Czech. Where she lives: Anna lives in the family house with his parents and siblings in Šardice. She speaks: Czech.
  • 16. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 16 Likes: Anna likes drawing, painting, playing the flute, singing, dancing, is multi-talented. She likes listening to fairy tales, she loves animals. Dislikes: The loss, loneliness. Is difficult:- to attend ballet that does not like, but it must be because parents want it- submit – children and adults( mostly parents) Is important for her: -to be in the company of adults and children -to be a leader Is important for family: Health, joint field trips, public holidays, meeting with friends. The most beautiful days of the year: Christmas, birthdays, holidays and the days when the whole family together Food she likes: Spinach soup, rice with meat and fruit compote, popcorn. Food she dislikes: Pea soup, sweet rice. Fears: From the fact that the father moves and forever remain with her mother and brother alone. Physical speciality: Anna wearing glasses. Recent history:Anna was born in South Moravia. She grew up surrounded by his parents and older brothers and was cherished child. When she was 2 years old, the situation was another.The father lost his job and started disagreements and problems in the family. After some time, the father found work, but away from home- in Plzen, which had partly relocated. Older brother, who was now end of primary school, trying to find a high school in Plzen, in order to live with her father. Wish:- Anna very much hopes that the whole family was together and everything was as before, when she was little. A dream of a sea, where there has never been and knew him only from stories of brothers. 2.3.- VOJTA Age: five years Family structure: mother, father, older brother Michal (7 years) Cultural background: Parents come from a village near rno. ojta s granfather still live in a village where ojta s father and mother are from.
  • 17. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 17 Where he lives:Now they live in Brno, second largest city in the Czech republic. He speaks: Czech. Physical speciality:When Vojta was 3,5 years old he went to the park with his mother. There are many trees in the park, and Vojta on a not too high tree climbed and fell down from it and injured his spine. His spine was operated in hospital and has used a wheelchair since he can not walk anymore. He must move the troley by himself with his arms. Vojta often has to go to a doctor or a physiotherapist, he must train his legs and his abdomen. Likes:He likes animals and Lego- figures. Sometimes he makes figures from plasticine. He likes to visit his grandfather on a farm. His grandfather made a ramp to Vojta to get in and out of the house. randfather has also rebuilt the toilet, so ojta can do it himself when he has to. ojta s grandfather built a special hutch so that Vojta can easily get to feed the animals. Sometimes they sit on their lap and stroke them. Vojta likes the days when he and his grandfather take care of the animals, wearing wood from the shed or peeling potatoes. And the most beautiful day is Vojta's birthday when Mum cooks a cake and cooks his favorite food, and everyone congratulates him and sings his birthday song for him. He likes his best frind Alenka also. Dislikes: ometimes kids from kindergaden don t want to play with ojta and ojta is sad about it. What Vojta wants: He wants to go to his grandfather on summer holiday. Vojta knows he will go to school early. He wishes he can go to school with his friends. : There is a table, chairs, armchair and wheelchair so he can comfortably reach everywhere with a wheelchair. In the bathroom, Vojta is on the right and on the left beside the toilet handle so that he can hold tight when he goes to the toilet. The Vojta's room has a table with Lego and pieces for playing. There is always a stock of model in all colors on the table. Vojta has a yellow dumbbell on the shelf. You are the burden of his training. 2.4.- YAASMIN Age: 4 years Family structure: mother, father,older sisters Naja (9 years) and Shaaira (11 years)
  • 18. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 18 Cultural background: Mother and father is from Nigeria, father studied in the Czech Republic Faculty of Pharmacy and works in Brno in the laboratory for the production of drugs. Mother cares for children. All children were born in the Czech Republic. Where she lives:Yaasmin lives with her parents and sisters in Kyjov family house. Languages she speaks: At home, everyone speaks English, Czech children speak together. Likes:Yaasmin liked drawing and painting, but most of all she likes to treat stuffed animals. Dislikes:When it some people on the street too browsing. Is difficult: -speak Czech, because it still can not completely well. Is important for her: Carry her teddy bear, which sent her grandmother from Nigeria. Isimportant for family: Respect of some Nigerian traditions, common dinner. The most beautiful days of the year:Celebrating her birthday at the garden, show with majorettes. Food she likes:Yaasmin loves pancakes with fruit and whipped cream. Food she dislikes: Lentils, dill sauce. Fears:Yaasmin fears of a new boy in class who treat her badly. Physical speciality:Yaasmin has a brown color of the skin. Recent history:Yaasmin was born in Kyjov in Czech Republic. The family is of African origin and all other relatives live in Nigeria. Yaasmin is in contact with the monly through Skype, but personally met with them yet. She likes listening when children in kindergarten talking about grandmothers and grandfathers and watching when the grandparent spick up from kindergarten.Yaasmin pick up from kindergarten still only sisters or parents.The sisters have already seen their grandparents were in Nigeria to visit beforeYaasmin born. Wish:Yaasmin should really wanted to go on holiday to Nigeria, to know her grandmothers and grandfather. She would also take care of some little animal,dreaming of a furry puppy or kitten. And she would like to learn to ride a bike.
  • 19. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 19 3.-ESTONIAN DOLLS 3.1.- PEETER Family: Peeter lives together with his mother and father. He is the only child in the family. Cultural background: Peeter was born in Estonia, his mother and father are Estonian. Peeter speaks Estonian, but knows a few words in English, which he has learned from the internet (youtube). Where he lives: Peeter lives in the center of Tallinn, in a neighborhood with private houses. Peeter lives in a semi- detached house. He has a neighbor who is one year younger than him. Likes/didlikes /is difficult: Peeter likes to play on his Ipad. He knows how to search for and play videos on Youtube. Peeter is very interested in playing computer games. Peeter doesn´t like sports and he hates playing outside. He finds it difficult to imagine himself doing outdoor activities. Peeter doesn’t find any activities in kindergarten that he likes, and he wants to take his telephone with him to kindergarten to play with. Peeter has difficulties participating in sports games, especially running. He is always the last, and he feels that he does not want to run at all. To Peeter making new friends is difficult, because he don’t know how to do it. He often feels alone in the kindergarten.Peeter feels bold only when he is playing computer games – he is happy to communicate with his invisible friends. Peeter doesn´t like to eat together with his family at the table. He likes to eat in his room, and likes very much to eat snacks, and then he can watch TV or sit in front of the computer at the same time. Food he likes, dislikes: Peeter likes sandwiches, and cheese curds. Peeter dislikes soup and sauces. Peeter never eats buckwheat porridge and fish soup. Fears: He is afraid of performing in front of others and communicating with other children. Physical peculiarity: Peter is overweight for his age. Physically weak – he can´t and doesn’t want to participate in sports activities. Recent history: ecause Peeter’s bodyweight is significantly greater than average Peeter went with his mother to the doctor. It turned out that Peeter's spine is curved and his eyesight has gone worse. Peeter's parents decided to change his habits. Peeter doesn´t like it at all, that his parents have limited his the time on the Ipad, and don´t allow him to eat in his room. Now Peeter has to eat a warm dinner with his family at the table. Peeter doesn´t
  • 20. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 20 like it at all, that the parents made those rules. Now Peeter is only allowed to spend half an hour a day in front of the computer. His parents said also that, he can only be a half hour in front of the computer if he plays at least half an hour outside. To Peeter playing outdoors is uncomfortable, he would rather watch Youtube videos on his Ipad or play computer games. 3.2.- IBRAHIM Family: Ibrahim lives with his mother and father. He has a older sister and a younger brother. Cultural background: Ibrahim was born in the North- African country Libyans. Ibrahim’s family are muslims and they follow muslim traditions. Ibrahim’s mother and older sister wear head scarf when they are outside home. Ibrahim’s family don’t eat pork meat and the family celebrates every year ramadan during what the families older child and parents fast. Ibrahim speaks arabian language, some words in english and some words in estonian. Where he lives: Family lives in Lasnamäe in 2 rooms apartment. Likes/dislikes/ is difficult: For Ibrahim is difficult to speak in estonian language and communicating with other children. In kindergarten Ibrahim don’t understand everything that is done or said. Ibrahim does not like snow and cold weather. He is used to live is warm climate. Ibrahim likes to look and read books. He likes to go to the meetings with people from his homecountry. On these meetings he can communicate and play with children his age who can speak and understand arabic language. Food he likes, dislikes: Ibrahim likes meals made from chicken and different vegetable salads. He likes different Libyans desserts and fruits. Ibrahim is used to eat spicy food, he likes it very much. Ibrahim does not like Estonian food. He does not eat potatoes and sauce. Ibrahim does not like kindergarten meals because those are very different from the dishes he is used to and what they prepare in his home. Fears: Ibrahim is afraid of the dark and loud noices. He sleeps in the same bed with his mother and father because he is afraid to sleep alone. Physical peculiarity: Ibrahim has dark skincolor and dark black curly hair. He has dark eyes. Ibrahim can sing very good. Recent history: In Ibrahim’ s homecountry Libyans is currently taking place a civil war and therefore many people escape from that country to Europe. Ibrahim came with his
  • 21. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 21 family 1 year ago to Estonia. At first they lived in refugee shelter but now the family lives in 2 room private apartment in Tallinn, Lasnamäe. In Libyans Ibrahim’s father was a doctor and mother worked in library. In Estonia it is very difficult for Ibrahim’s father to find a job and it the family struggles for that reason. Ibrahim started to go to kindergarten recently. It is very difficult for Ibrahim to find new friends in kindergarten. He can not communicate with others because he does not speak estonian. Ibrahim is worried because he has different clothes than everyone else. Families clothes came from helpers. Ibrahim’s family is having very difficult times adapting because they feel excluded. 3.3.- MARIE (MARII) Family: Marie lives with mother and father. She is the only child in family. Cultural background: Marie’s father is french businessman and her mother is estonian. Marie speaks in estonian and french. Where she lives: Marie lives in Estonia, Viimsi parish (near Tallinn). Her family lives in a big private house. Likes/dislikes/is difficult: Marie likes to sing. She is attending ballroom dance lessons and she also participates in ballroom dance competitions. Marie likes to participate in dance competitions and wear sparkly dance dresses.At home Marie likes to play princess games and beauty pageant. Marie doesn’t like if other children and adults touch her hair. Her curly hair look different from estonian children’s hair so everyone want to touch her hair all the time. Marie doesn’t like to get dirty and because of that she never wants to play in sandbox. Food she likes/dislikes: Marie really likes to eat pasta and sushi. he doesn’t like lemonade and sour cabbage. Marie never eats meat with fat. Fears: Marie is afraid that she will feel bad and weak and mother is not with her that time. Physical peculiarity: Marie has diabetes. She is in very good physical shape. Marie is very talented kid – she can handle everything perfectly. Recent history: Recently her family found out that Marie has diabetes. Diabetes is so serious that Marie has to carry insulin syringe with her in kindergarten. Mother thinks that Marie can’t attend ballroom dance lessons anymore because she is sick and weak. Marie still wants to attend dance lessons and she doesn’t agree to quit dance competitions.
  • 22. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 22 Marie has always been very good and talented kid. She can handle everything perfectly. Marie is used to get praised constantly. ecause of that she doesn’t want other kids to find out about her diabetes. he doesn’t want other kids think that she is sick and weak. 3.4.- LOVIISE Family: Loviise lives with her grandmother and grandfather. Loviise lives with her grandparents since the age of 2. Loviise’s parents did not manage to take care of a child and therefore the granparenents are raising her. Loviise does not remember the time when she lived with her parents, she has very few memories of them. Cultural background: Loviise is born in Estonia, she speaks estonian language and they celebrate Estonian traditions at home. Where she lives: Loviise lives in Tallinn in Nõmme in a old private house. Likes/dislikes/is difficult: Loviise likes different sport activities. She likes to dance. Loviise prefers to play with boys because she likes differnet running, ball and climbing games. Loviise’s favourite activity is swimming. he likes to go to swimming lessons in a big swimmingpool. She is a very good swimmer. Loviise does not like to eat in kindergarten. She does not like the food served in kindergarten and she will be anxious when somebody asks her to try new food. Loviise does not like when other children point their fingers to her and say with loud voice that Loviise is not eating anything. Loviise usually eats in kindergarten only bread, rice and drinks water. Loviise does not like to draw because she thinks that it is boring. She would rather run outside or play ball. Food she likes, dislikes: Loviise eats only pancakes, dumplings, rice, ryebread, white bread and fishfingers. All other food Loviise refuses to try. Fears: Loviise is afraid that she will be forces to eat. If Loviise tryes a food that she does not like then she will get sick in stomach. Physical peculiarity: Loviise is very active and athletic. She is very thin and has very light skin. Recent history: Recently something serious happened with Loviise in the swimming pool. She had not eaten almost anything for a whole day and when she went swimming in the
  • 23. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 23 pool she felt very bad: she was dizzy and weak. Grandmother is now very worried about her health. They are visiting psychologist to get some help. Grandmother wishes that Loviise would start to eat more new things that her eating habits would be more healthy and versatile. Loviise now has a lunch box with her every day in kindergarten so she would not feel sick again because of not been eating the whole day. 3.5.- TRIINU Family: Triinu lives with her father and fathers new wife and her 2 older sons. Cultural background: Triinu’s father is Estonian and they celebrate at home Estonian traditions. Where she lives: Triinu lives in a 4 room apartment at old big apartmentbuilding in Mustamäe. Likes/dislikes/is difficult: Triinu would like to play together with other children and find herselt good friends but it is very difficult for her to connect with others because she does not know how to communicate with others. Because Triinu would like to play with others children she could be very pushing towards others, that could be annoiing to others. When others exclude Triinu from games then she would be very sad. Sometimes she does not understand why she can not join others game she could then be aggressive, say nastu things and hurt others. Triinule dos not like when older brothers bully her and exclude from games. She then could be aggressive. Triinule likes animals. She has at home a kitten who is her best friend. Triinu appreciates her kitten very much. Triinul likes different animal books and cartoons. Triinu favourite activity is playing with her kitten. Triinul does not like when others comment about her speech or improve her words when they don’t understand her. Triinu does not like to clean the room. Food she likes/dislikes: Triinu eats everything. Her favourite dish is macaroni and meat sauce. She does not like salads with sour cream, like potato salad. Fears: Triinu is afraid to speak in front of others and then others will say that they don’t understand her. Therefore Triinu speaks with very low voice. Triinu calls herselt Liinu and Tiinu but she does not like when othes repeat it.
  • 24. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 24 Physical peculiarity: Triinu has red hair and freckles. Triinu’s speech is incomprehensive. Recent history: Triinu lived with her father. The father was always very busy and Triinu was often alone. Recently they moved to the home of fathers new wife and there also lives 2 older boys. Triinu was at first very happy that now she has somebody to play with but the bigger boys bully her instead. Father newer founds time to deal with Triinus concern. Triinu feels so sad and lonely. Recently Triinus teacher said to father that he need to go to speech therapy with Triinu, because other can not understand her speech. Triinu hopes that her speech improves and then others want to be her friend. 3.6.- KRISTJIAN Family: Kristjan lives with his mother and father. He has a 2 years older sister. Cultural background: Kristjan is born in Estonia. He speaks estonian language. Where he lives: Kristjan lives in a rental apartement in a big apartement building in the city centre of Tallinn. Likes/dislikes/is difficult: Kristjanile likes sport activities. He likes to participate in sport competitions. Kristjan goes to training every day. He goes to swimming, athleticks and judo. He likes when he does very good in competitions and he recieves a medal. His family is then very proud about him. Kristjan also likes to training camps, because he want’s to be someday a proffessional athlete and compete in olympic games. Kristjan likes to watch sport from TV with his father. Kristjan does not like books, reading, board games and puzzles. He gets bored of them quickli. It is difficult for him to spend a lot of time behind a table. Food he likes/dislikes: Kristjan eats everything. His favourite food is chicken soup and minced meat sauce. Kristjan does not like spicy dishes. Fears: There are no fears. Kristjan is very brave in everything. Physical peculiarity: Kristjan is very athletic, hei s very strong and physically very well developed. He runs very fast.
  • 25. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 25 Recent history: Kristjan is very good at communication and h ehas very many friends in kindergarten. All children want to be his friends and to play with him. Lately Kristjan feels a little sad. In kindergarten there has been problems that some boys tell Kristjan to choose who he wants to play together with. But Kristjan does not want to choose, he wants to play with everyone. Kristjan is also sad beacuse his father has to be sometimes a week away from home because he drives a truck in Europe. Kristjan really misses his father a lot. Kristjan is very excited that the family soon moves to private house and then he has a opportunity to play outside and he will have his own room. 4.-GREEK DOLLS 4.1.- ELLEN Profile •Ellen was born in Denmark, her family came to Crete because of her father’s work(he works in an energy factory as enginner). • he speaks danish and little of English. It is difficult for her to speak and understand greek that’s why it’s difficult to communicate with other kids. • he does not like playing with other kids due to her difficulty in communication. •He likes to read books and to play with her little sister. • he likes greekfood. • he likes local sweets and fruits. • he can dance very well. • he looks different comparing to greekgirls because of her blonde hair. •They have lived in ermany for a year before coming to reece. What have we done? • reek language lessons for better and faster communication. • iving more opportunities her to take part in school activities and village’s life. 4.2.- ERIC Profile •He comes from enegal and he is muslim. •He has one brother and one sister both older than him.
  • 26. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 26 •His parents work at a local company of olive oil . •His family came to Crete because they had some relatives living here but at the moment they are the only africaners in the village because their relatives have left some months ago. •He likes to spend his time playing football around the village. •He does not studying enough or taking part in school activities. •He doesn’t speak greek and it is difficult for him to find friends and to communicate with others. •He doesn’t like to eat with the other kids. What have we done? •We have talked with children about migration and problems migrants face in their new home. •We are trying him to learn better greekand being closer to him and his difficulties. 4.3.- YURI Profile: •He likes to spend his time playing basketball in his school playground. •He loves to take part in every school activity . •He doesn’t speak greek, but he speaks a little English. It is a little difficult for him to find friends and to communicate with others, but he learns fast so in little time everything will be better. •He likes eating with the other kids but because he wears glasses some kids are mocking him, sometimes even for his hair’s color. What have we done? •We have talked with children about migration and problems migrants face in their new home and about some personal characteri-sticswhich have to do with color, physical or kinetic difficulties. •We are trying him to learn better greekand being closer to him and his difficulties.
  • 27. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 27 4.4.- ANNA Profile: She comes from Ukraine and she came with his family to Greece just after the war. • he has one brother, older than her. •Her parents were teachers in Ukraine. •Her family came to Crete because they heard that it’s easier to find a work on Crete and they found work in travel agency. They live in Sitia. • he does not like playing with other kids due to her difficulty in communication, because she doesn’t speak reek or English, but mostly because she has kinetic problem on her left leg due to a war injury. •He likes to read books and to play with her brother. • he likes greek weather and the sea. Very often she walks next to the seaside. • he likes cretan diet. • he can play piano very well and she wants to participate in school music activities soon after she is getting better and learning some more greek. • he looks different comparing to greek girls because of her blonde hair and as her brother sometimes she has problem with some of her classmates. • he wants to be in health again and she wants to study in America when she will be older. What have we done? • reek language lessons for better and faster communication, medical and psycologicalsupport just to overcome her leg’s problem. • iving more opportunities to be as an equal member in our school society. 4.5.-HARIS PROFILE: His name is Haris, he is Greek and six years old. He was born in Crete-Sitia which is an island in the south of Greece and his parents are Greek,too. Because of the economical crisis they left Greece and went to Germany for a better life. They came back this year because they couldn’t get used to life of Germany and they missed their island, their home as well as relatives. His father called George and before the crisis he ran his own business. He was forced to close his shop and take his family abroad. In Germany he worked as a chef at a big restaurant.
  • 28. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 28 His mother is Anastasia and he used to work with his father. In Germany she worked at the same restaurant as a waitress. He has a sister named Maria and she is 9 years old. She is very clever and she helps Charis to do his homework and also they usually play board games together. Haris likes to play the guitar and to sing. He also likes to play football and basketball but because of a genetic problem of his he can’t run very quickly. He likes souvlaki and gyros and also mousaka. Story Haris was born with a kinetic problem. Last year he put an additional leg and his life get better. Now he can walk, run and play football. Haris got a problem. When he was at Germany he was going to kindergarten. The other child's didn’t want to play with him because he didn’t speak very well their language and also because off his kinetic problem. They were saying that if he plays with them, their team will be beaded because he couldn’t run quickly. One day one boy shouted at him to go away, you are …lame. Now, he is thinking that it will happen the same. He thinks that nobody want to be friend and play with him. 5.-ITALIAN DOLLS 5.1.- MARIA Age: 6 Family structure: mother and sister Cultural background: Maria lives in Battipaglia with her mother and her sister. Maria’s father lives in Morocco and he is a carpenter. Five years ago Maria lived in the suburb in Milano where her grand mother lives. Maria’s mother and grand mother come from Albania. She speaks Italian and Albanian. Where she lives: she lives in Battipaglia in a small flat . Language: she speaks Italian and Albanian. W e e l ke / e ’ l ke: she likes playing with dolls and playing with cooking games. She loves playing with Lorella, she lives near her home, infact she hopes that Lorella will go to her school because she goes to an other school ( Ravenna street), and going to school together would be great. She likes playing in the park and singing but she
  • 29. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 29 knows only albanian songs so nobody understands her. Maria’s mother wants that maria goes to the gym, but she doesn’t like it because she has problems in walking . Difficulty: she limps just a little bit. Food: she likes chocolate cake and she doesn’t like pasta with beans. Fears: she is afraid of dogs and to stay alone at home. Current situation: she hasn’t got many friends because has recently arrived in battipaglia and her mother doesn’t speak italian very well so she doesn’t meet many people. Maria suffers because children don’t accept her because she doesn’t speak italian very well and she isn’t fast in motion games. Story One day Maria started to cry and didn’t go to school. The girls in her classroom were playing with dolls and Maria asked them to play but one girl said that she couldn’t because she limped. After that Maria started to cry because she discovered her disability. She went to her teacher and told her that the girls of the classroom didn’t want to play with her. The teacher embraced Maria and asked some questions in the classroom. Teacher Is someone having a bad behaviour? Who? Have you ever seen similar situations? Is it correct to reject a person different from you? Does someone know songs in other laguages? What do you do to host people coming from other countries? Children Children said that girls had a bad behaviour Children said that they knew many people limping but nobody singing in Albanian. Children said that it wasn’t correct to reject someone only because different. Children said thtat there were many games that they could do with Maria. Children said we have to accept people as they are. 5.2.- SANIR Age: 5 years Sex: female Physical features: dark skin, dark eyes, braids Family:
  • 30. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 30 Father - Congolese, Mother - Italian. She was born in Italy. The family has respected different cultures and traditions, depending on the origin of the parents and the place where I live. The family attaches great importance to sports, physical activity. Sanir has no brothers or sisters. Background: The father is an athlete who left Congo many years ago. He received an offer to play for the Battipaglia basketball team. In Italy he met his wife, who is a modern ballet dancer. When her parents are busy Sanir is left with friends and colleagues and maternal grandmother or stays in her mother's gym to play with the phone. Problems began when Sanir had to attend kindergarten. She is always late for school because she does not like to get up early and cries every morning. For the first time she finds herself in an environment where all children have light skin colour. She thinks everyone else considers her different from them. She has trouble in socializing because she always interacts with adults - cannot communicate freely with children and teachers. This leads to a lack of focus on stability, lack of interest in activities and various forms of cooperation. Sanir goes to bed after midnight. There are no rules in the family, norms of behavior with which the child has to comply are not introduced. Where she lives: The family lives in a rented apartment provided by her father's basketball company. Sarin has her room with computer and television. What she likes to do at home: playing electronic games, watching TV / especially sports games, music videos Speaking languages: fluent in Italian and French. What she likes: any targeted physical activity attracts Sarin - she can ride and skate. She loves running. She quickly makes friends with adults. She listens to funk, rock, techno music. She dances with rhythm and pleasure. What she finds difficult: she does not like to work with her teammates, does not finish her homework, quickly renounces and does not end up finishing her activities. She has a corner of the classroom where she isolates. Sarin is happy when she is in the gym or dance club. She interacts with young and emotional characters. She is interested in basketball and famous athletes.
  • 31. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 31 She feels important when someone refers to her as an adult. What makes Sanir sad: when her parents brought her to the asylum. She does not like to eat at the canteen table with all of her schoolfriends. She is continually scold and becomes aggressive breaking and throwing objects around her. Fears: She's afraid to stay alone. She does not want to play with other children, even when they invite her to play with them. She hates being pushed with requests and observing the rules. She loves staying in a closed room for a long time. Likes and dislikes: The food that she likes is pizza. She does not like pasta and vegetables. The teacher realizes that the situation is difficult and invites Sanir's mother to come to school. They are organizing a grandfather’s day party and anir's mother will be the dance teacher who will teach children to dance. Sanir is happy because her mother will be in school and the children will welcome her with affection and love. After the party in kindergarten they all become happy. 5.3.- TERESA Age: 5 years Family structure: mother, father, one brother. Cultural background: Teresa was born in pain. Teresa’s mother is from Italy and his father from Spain. The family lived in Spain until Teresa was two years old, where Teresa's mother worked in Hospital. At home they follow the traditions of both countries. They eat paella and lasagna and dance flamenco and tarantella. Where she lives: Teresa lives in a rented flat in Battipaglia. Languages she speaks: Teresa speaks Spanish very well, she does not know Italian well. Likes, dislikes, difficulties: Teresa is very athletic. She practices rhythmic gymnastics. Teresa likes different games. She plays board games, computer games and box games. She always wants to be the first and to win. Teresa shares his toys with other children. Teresa does not like waking up early in the morning. She does not like it when sometimes children tease her in the kindergarten. She does not like singing and learning poems, because then she has to show them in public. Teresa finds it difficult to speak Italian
  • 32. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 32 Food she likes, dislikes: Teresa likes chicken. She does not like vegetables Fears: Teresa is afraid to be alone at home. Physical specialties: She is deaf to one ear, because she had the measles when she was a baby Recent history: Teresa's family moved to Italythree years ago. Teresa started to go to kindergarten and tothe gym for gymnastics. Teresa really likes living in Italy, because it Is a country like Spain. Teresa's grandmother teaches her Italian so that it can be easier for her to communicate with other children. Teresa tells the teacher she does not hear when the children call her. She suffers because she cannot play with them. The teacher tells children to get close to Teresa when they talk and they want to play with har to or take her hand. Children say they understand and play with her. 5.4.-MOHAMED Age: 4 years Family structure: parents, two brothers , a younger sister. Cultural background: he was born in Tunisia, the family lived in a country when Mohamed was three years. Grandparents have stayed in Tunisia. The father is very tall strong and a great worker (working as a farmhand). The mother is a housewife. They usually celebrate the traditions of their country. All the family arrived in Italy by boat. They have been into a house in Acerno near Battipaglia, then in January they arrived in Battipaglia. Where he lives: he lives in Battipaglia in a farm located in Spineta Language: he speaks Arabic very well, French and a little bit of Italian. e e l ke / e ’ l ke: he likes running in the "competition" and he wants always to win .he likes listening music and nursery rhymes, but he doesn’t love perform acting. He has few toys and he doesn’t like sharing them with the other ; he doesn’t like to wake up early in the morning; he doesn’t like wearing glasses. Difficulty : to speak Italian. Food: he doesn’t like fish,he likes hamburgers. Fears:he is afraid of the sea and crowded places. Appearance: he has got dark skin color, he is tall, thin and strong
  • 33. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 33 Current situation: recently he is attending this school and a basketball course in Aversana. Mohamed likes to live in Italy and especially in the country because he likes playing in the open space with the animals like ducks, horses. At home they try to speak Italian in order to have an easy communications with the others. The story of a school Mohamed Mohamed is hyperactive and sometimes he creates problems in the classroom . He is very athletic. He likes competitions where he can show his skills and he wants always to win. Sometimes happens that Mohamed has some problems with his friends and for that some of the other parents’child complain with teacher. The last time the situation has gotten worse , his friends didn’t want to play with him because he looked like a pirate. The teacher spoke to his mother to understand what was happening to him. That after an accident occurred on the boat during the travel, Mohamed started to have a problem with his eyes after that he had to put the glasses, but Mohammed never accepted. From the last period he’s wearing an eye patch because he had some problems at his left eye. This situation makes him particularly nervious, arrogant and impatient. His mother is very worried about it and she not able to solve the problem. The teacher suggest her to let him attend school more regularly. Even if he sometimes doesn’t go to school a little basket to play in the class. Mohamed was interested and showed his best skills in playing basket. After a couple of weeks he was less impatient and more collaborative with the other children. A little miracle happened, one day Mohamed appears most sociable because he feels accepted by his friends. During the party of carnival the teacher asked the students to wear a eye pacht and a gilet and he became “ pirate Morgan”. He was very happy because he sung and played with his friends. Interaction teacher / pupil Teacher 1. Wich sport is Mohamed good at ? 2. What’s your favorite sport? 3. What do you like about the history of Mohamed? 4. What you don’t like? 5. What do you understand of this story? Students A. It was very nice that all the children play basket together and Mohamed helps who can’t play well , now the other students play better thanks to him . It isn’t fair to laugh at someone because we are all "special", every child is good at doing something C. Everyone can teach each other D. We are all friends, if sometimes someone aren’t polite we have to help him.
  • 34. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 34 5.5.-ROBERTA Age: 5 years old Structure of the family: father, mother and a three year old sister Cultural context: Roberta lives in Battipaglia with his mother, father and sister. Roberta's father is a mathematics teacher, her mother is a lawyer, but no longer practices, her sister attends the first year of kindergarten and has a teacher just for her because she suffers from a severe form of autism. Roberta lives in a large two-story house on the outskirts of Battipaglia. On the ground floor live her grandparents, Gianni and Anna. Until a year ago she lived in Salerno, where she and her sister were born. The father was transferred to a school in Battipaglia and so the whole family decided to live in the new city. Difficulty: A little girl with relationship problems Likes and dislikes: She likes to listen to music and does not like to see people wearing shoes. Fears: she is afraid of loud noises and screaming people Current situation: She does not have many friends because she has recently arrived in Battipaglia. Earlier, she lived in Salerno. Roberta suffers because in the new school children do not accept her because she almost always breaks other children’s things and is very aggressive with both the teachers and the children. Story: One day, Roberta begins crying and tells the teacher she does not want to go to school because her friends do not want her in their group. The teacher calls Roberta’s parents to better understand the situation. he comes to school with his father because the mother has to look after the little sister. The father says that Roberta behaves in this way also in the playground, the playroom and in all places where there is aggregation of many people. Also the father explains that Roberta’s sister suffers from autism and talks about Roberta’s relationship with the little sister. Unfortunately, Roberta misses a playmate and this is because they live out of town and also because they are very busy with their second daughter. Grandparents often take care of Roberta. The only girl with whom she has a relationship is the little sister, who does not speak, does not accept touching her and often cries. After listening to the whole story the teacher understands the reason of the Roberta’s behaviour and even the aggressive attitude that she shows. The teacher embraces Roberta and invites children to listen to rock music on the floor without shoes.
  • 35. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 35 After a little time children are near each other, they roll on the ground hugging each other and laughing and having fun. Roberta is one of them. After the activity the teacher ask the children some questions: Teacher • Is there anyone who does not play with new children? Who is it? • Have you ever seen similar situations? • Is it right to reject a new person at school? • Does anyone know other music to dance? • What should we do to make new people feel comfortable? Children • The children recognize that they had had a bullying behaviour. Children say that Roberta is beautiful and sweet. • The children recognize that it is not right to reject someone just because you do not know them. • Children say that there are many games they can play with Roberta. • Children say that they too want to be without shoes and only with socks. • Children want to invite Roberta to their home. • Children say that we should accept people as they are. 5.6.-ASSAD Family: Assad lives in Italy with the whole family Life: Assad was born in Tunisia of Tunisian parents. They arrived two years ago. They are Muslim and follow the Muslim religion His mother speaks only Arabic, his father speaks a little Italian, he and his sister speak French and a bit of Italian. They do not eat pork and his mother wears the chador Where he lives: he lives in a house near the school with other Arabs. He attends children school. His sister attends primary school. What he likes and does not like: He likes to go to the children school because there are other friends who speak like him. He does not like not to understand what the teachers say at school and Italian children Food: Assad likes to eat chicken and various vegetable salads. He likes sweets and dried fruit. He does not like fish.
  • 36. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 36 He does not eat pasta. Assad does not like to eat at school because the food is very different from the plates he is used to and what they prepare at home. He does not like soup, omelet and pizza. Fear: Assad is afraid of the dark and loud noises. He sleeps in the same room as the mother. Physical features: He has got a very dark skin, his hair is black and curly, his eyes are large and black. He is 4 years old. Current life: His father was an architect in Tunisia, his mother a teacher of history. They came to Italy because in their country there was no work. Now the father is a bricklayer and his mother a housewife. They do not have much money and are helped by associations for immigrants. He suffers because he feels different from other children. Many times he plays on the sidelines with Mohamed, another Arab child who goes to the children school. Teachers do not care about trying to integrate Assad. Questions: What should we do not to make Assad cry? Do you have any suggestions? Do you want to play with him? Answers: Teacher, let him come to school with his sister, who is in the other class We could play his games We could ask the lady of the canteen to cook Arabic food We could give him new clothes 6.-POLISH DOLLS 6.1.-ZUZANNA Age:4 year old Language: English, polish (she can say only few words) When is she happy: When she is meetings with friends, when grandma is visiting her, when she can spend time with parents
  • 37. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 37 When is she sad: when parents are very long at work, when she is sick and she can’t play with her friends, when parents are argue e’ : storm, darnkness. Where does she lives:in the flats, she has her own room Parents: father is sales representative in pharmaceutical company, mum is pediatrician Favourities plays at home: play with dolls, watch cartoons, help mum in the kitchen, draw, play games with parents Is she/he good at something/ is it something dificult for her/him: She can Draw very nice Favourite food: pizza, pancakes, ice cream, tomato soup F e ’ l ke: cucumber soup, dumplings with meat What important happend to her: Zuzia lived in London with her parents. Recently, she moved to Poland, because her grandma was very sick, and parents need to take care of her. Story: Zuzia was born in Poland. When she had one year, they moved to London, where her father got very well paid job. She went to the kindergarten there, she had a friends whit whom she meet. Her parents speak English mostly, so she know only few fords in Polish. She was very sad, when she found out that grandma is sick, but she also was warried because of movig to Poland. In Poland she can’t find her own place, she don’t have any friends here. In kindergarten, she can’t understand what children and teachers are saying. No one want to play with her, so mostly she is alone. How she feels? How would you feel in this situation? What does Zuzia feel when she has problem with understending the others speech? How can we help her? 6.2.- MACIEK Age: 3 Language: Polish When is he happy: When he is playing with a miniature railway and LEGOs
  • 38. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 38 What is he sad: When he is ill What is afraid of: dogs Where does he lives: Maciek lives with his parents in a big flat in Warsaw Parents: Maciek’s mom and dad have a pharmacy What does he like: Building with LEGOs e’ g / w ’ l ?: He draws very nice, he doesn’t like playing with puzzles Favourite food: pancakes and sandwiches F e e ’ l ke: salad, rice Have happen anything important in his life? Mathew in 3 years old and he went to nursery school in September Story: Maciek was born in Warsaw and he lives there with his parents. He just turned 3 years old and went to kindergarten for the first time. It is hard for him to part with his parents when he comes to kindergarten in the morning. He cries and doesn’t want to stay there or play with other children and teacher. He miss his parents very much and keeps asking „When I’II go home?” and „When my parents will come?”. He’s very sad and keeps crying and wal king around the calssroom with a teacher when other children play. How’ M ek eel g? How can we help the boy? What can we do to make him feel better at kindergarten? 6.3.-BARBARA Age: 5 years old Language: Polish When is she cheerful: She is happy when she plays with herfriends. And when she goes to trip with her parents When is she sad: She is sad when someone is laughing at Barbara and when she is sick. he is sad when it’s raining. What is she afraid of: black cats, storm
  • 39. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 39 When does she live: Barbara lives with parents in the block of flat. She has got own bedroom. Parents:Her mum works in office. Her dad is a policeman What does she like to do at home: She likes playing dolls, watching a cartoon, drawing, helping her mum in the kitchen and playing with dog What is she good at: Barbara cannot tie shoelaces What is difficult for her: She cannot wait your turn in the game. She hates when somebody take her toys, and when somebody doesn’t listen her commends. Favourite food:ice creams, cucumber soup, pizza, spaghetti Hate food: tomato, spinach Story: Barbara goes to kindergarten. She likes spending time in the Kindergarten, she likes her teacher and classmates. She has got glasses for some time. When she was an optician with her parents, the doctors said that her eyesight deteriorated and she must wear glasses. Parents told with Barbara about this situation and why to wear glasses is important. Barbara was warried her sick eyes but when she can choose pink glasses, she was happy. Girl gladly showed herself glasses her friends in the Kindergarten. One day to Kindergarten began to go new boy who laugh at arbara’s glasses. He often teases arbara – he pulls arbara’s hair and takes her glasses. arbara said her parents that she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten because there isn’t fine. he often forgets about glasses despite the she remembered what doctor and parents said (that is important) What does she feel? What do you feel in this situation? Have you seen how someone laugh at different person because she/he has got glasses? What can we help Barbara? Why should she wear glasses? 6.4.- MICHAL Age: 5 years old Language: Polish When is she cheerful: He is happy when he can play with his grandparents and when he can play in the playgraund When is she sad: He is sad when he cannot go to outside.
  • 40. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 40 What is she afraid: spiders Where does she live: Michał lives in Warszawa in block of flat on tenth floors. The flat has got two rooms. The boy has got own bedroom. Parents: His mum works in the library and his dad works as engineer What does he like to do at home: He likes playing his planes, helping his mum in the kitchen, playing LEGO blocks What is he good at: Micheal can fast run and ride a bike What is difficult for him: He cannot independently put clothes on Favourite food: tomato soup with pasta, pizza, sandwich with cottage cheese Hate food: cucumbers, bean soup, cucumber soup What happened in his life: His dad lost job in residence Story: Michał was born in the Poland and he lives in Warszawa with parents and his younger sister (Camilla). Michael’s dad works in Wrocław and he goes back to home only weekends. The boy goes to Kindergarten. In the Kindergarten he has got two the best friends – Martin and Clara. Michał cannot accept the rules to prevailing in the group. During lessons, he often stands, teases classmates, shouts. During fun, he takes toys and imposes his views. Michał wants to be first in all game, if he cannot be first he loud shouts, stamp his feet. He doesn’t tidy up toys and he doesn’t perform tasks on time. What does he feel? Can you accept this behave? Why does he behave in this way? D k w l ? elp M ł? 6.5.-KAROLINKA Age: 5 years old Languages: Polish When is he/she happy: When she walks with parents, spends Holiday on the beach, meets with friends When is he/she sad: when her sister is sick, when she hasn’t seen her grandma for long time
  • 41. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 41 What is he/she afraid of: darkness, spiders, the barking dogs Where does he/she live: Caroline lives blok of flat with parents and her younger sister. She shares bedroom with sister Parents: Father is a teacher in High School, mother works in library What does she like do at home: when she plays with dolls, watches cartoons, draws, plays with younger sister He/she is good at: Carolina can dance very well Favourite food: sorrel soup, beetroot Important moment in his/her life: Carolina moved with her parents to a new apartment, she also had to change the kindergarten. Story: Karolinka moved to a new apartment in Mokotów with her parents and sister, and she also had to change the kindergarten. The girl was sad to leave her friends, but she was also glad she could meet new peers. The girl is very sociable and cheerful, likes spending time with other children. She liked her new kindergarten and she also liked her new teacher. She eagerly went to kindergarten, brought her toys she shared with others. However, when Karolinka tried to join the play, she heard from the children: "There is no place anymore", "We do not have enough toys to play with you," we have too many children. The girl stopped being so cheerful as before, stopped bringing her toys to kindergarten. he wanted to have fun together with others, but children didn’t want to invite her to play. How does Karolinka feel? What do you feel in this situation? Have you ever had a similar situation in your life? we e e e ’ eel l ke K l k ? 6.6.- ANETA Age:5 years old Language:Polish When is she happy: She is happy when she plays with herfirends. And when her mum reads book in the evening.
  • 42. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 42 When is she sad: She is sad when her parents argue and when she is sick. She is sad when her brother is more important than Aneta for her parents- her brother needs a lot of time because he is seriously sick. She cannot cope with her emotions so: to beat different children, to loud stout, she doesn’t listen adults, to throw classroom things. What is she afraid of:dogs, noise When does she live:Aneta lives with parents and brather in the block of flat. She shares bedroom with her older brother. Parents: Her dad works as bus driver. Her mum works as accountant. What does she like to do at home: She likes playing of blocks, solving tasks in the book, playing board games with parents What is she good at: Aneta can make differents things with papper and she can build house for her dolls. What is difficult for her: She can not wait your turn in the game. She hates when somebody takeher toys, and when somebody doesn’t listen her commends. Favourite food: pizza, pancakes, ice carems, tomato soup Hate food:Cucumber soup, dumplings with meat, pepper Story:Aneta always goes to kindergarten in different mood.Sometimes she is happy but sometimes she is irritable because she doesn’t likegetting up early ( Kindergarten is far from herhome). She goes to Kindergarten by car but first sequence her mum must driver Aneta’s brothers to school. Aneta sometimes takes toys to chldren and she doesn’t want to share toys with different children. Sometimes she cannot ask other children about to borrow their toys – when children don’t agree to give toys for Aneta, she sometimes bites other children. She is nerovous when her teacher draws attention to her behavior, asks her to adjust her toys or when the teacher asks her to sit on carpet lessons. Aneta has many friends but when she behaves badly ( to beat, to bite, to take toys, to use vulgar words) chlidren don’t want to play with Aneta. What do you think why does Aneta beat or bite other children? What does feel Aneta when she tease other children? What do you think, Aneta would like to have friends? What she can do to politely play with children? What do you k w e e e p e leg e ’ w something? How can we help Aneta?
  • 43. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 43 7.-PORTUGUESE DOLLS 7.1.-VALÉRIA Family: Father, mother and two brothers. Cultural background:Born in Maputo, Mozambique. Her father is a musician and her mother a housewife. They recently came to Portugal because the father was invited to play with a big orchestra. Home: They live in a small flat, where she shares a room with her brother. They are looking for a bigger house. Language: Portuguese Likes: Ballet, the colour orange and school Dislikes: noise, fights and dogs Food: Likes: Salad, hamburger and prawns. Dislikes: codfish, gummy bear sweets and oranges Fears:The dark, sleeping alone and dogs (because she has been bitten) Physical peculiarity: Doesn’t have any Recent history: Arrived recently and is still adjusting. Valeria's grandparents stayed in Mozambique and she misses them. Her grandmother sends her dresses and they speak via skype. In Mozambique, she stayed home with her mum, in Portugal she goes to school. She has not made many friends yet. 7.2.-TOMÉ Family: Father and mother (divorced). Cultural background:His parents are divorced. His mother is a Judge and his father is a Doctor. Tomé is an only child. Language: Portuguese Likes: His favourite colour is red and he likes going to school. Dislikes:He doesn’t like running or physical sports. Food: Likes: Loves pizza. Dislikes: Soup.
  • 44. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 44 Fears:He is afraid of sleeping alone. Physical peculiarity: Has red hair, brown eyes and freckles. Recent history:He lives in Lisbon (Portugal) with his mother. He is being brought up by Maria, (his Nanny) due to the lack of time and availability of his parents. He is addicted to electronic devices. 7.3.-MARIA EDUARDA Family: 65 year-old father, 29 year-old mother and a 33 year- old step-brother (from the father’s side). The step-brother already has an 8 year-old son. Cultural background:She was born in Portugal (Lisbon), where her father works as a businessman. Her mother works as a model and has an international career. Home: They live in a luxurious apartment in the centre of Lisbon. Language: Portuguese Likes:She likes chocolate. She has some difficulties controlling her appetite. Dislikes: he doesn’t like affection. Food: Like: She likes eating everything. Physical peculiarity: Overweight Recent history: Maria Eduarda suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). She is a victim of bullying due to her physical appearance. She takes refuge in eating when she is upset. 7.4.-CARLOS Family: 50 year-old father, 52 year-old mother and 20 year-old twin sisters. Cultural background:He was born at home in the village of Monsaraz (Alentejo). Home:They live in a rented house by the river.
  • 45. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Page 45 Language: Portuguese Likes:He likes eating popcorn and going fishing. Dislikes: He doesn’t like people making fun of the way he talks (his accent) and calling him “alentejanito” (short person that was born in Alentejo) Food: Likes: He likes eating “açorda de alho”, a typical dish from Alentejo, made with crumbled bread and garlic. Physical peculiarity: Due to complications during delivery, he has some breathing problems. He doesn’t like kissing and hugging. As he has Asperger syndrome, he doesn’t look people in the eyes when talking to them. Recent history:His parents have always worked in pottery but due to financial issues caused by the crisis that affected Portugal, the family had to move to the fishing city of Setúbal. Nowadays, his father works as a fisherman and his mother as a cleaning lady. Despite the family’s delicate economic situation, his two twin sisters go to private schools. 8.-SPANISH DOLLS 8.1.-MARIA DEL MAR Family: She lives together with her mother and her mother's boyfriend. She is the only child in the family. Her parents got divorced 3 months ago. Cultural background: María del Mar was born in Almería. Her parents are Spanish. She speaks Spanish and she studies English at school, so she can speak a little English. Where he lives: She lives in Almeria in a flat near the school Likes / dislikes / difficulties: Maria del Mar loves drawing and creating new things. At night, she gets up to invent stories and to paint. She doesn't like writing. She gets bored in the class when the teacher is explaining. She prefers drawing rather than listening to the teacher. When her teacher or her mother force her to write and to do her homework she feels sad. There are something that make her get angry for example when adults scold her and when her mates laught at her. She feels in bad mood when she makes a mistake