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Professional ePortfolio
                                  Dreem Penn
                  Psychology, Argosy University

― I Suffer from    CDO! ‖
I am Dreem Penn. I am from Atlanta, Georgia. Interesting
enough I have a background in Civil Engineering and
Architecture. I have worked in the field of Education the past
10 years. I love to help people explore their thoughts. I have
a true passion for what I do seriously. I have been behind the
master minding 3 successful businesses from just enjoying
what I do on a daily basis. My love spreads across the border
into Psychology because of past experiences and being able
to problem solve. It’s indeed a blessing to be chosen to listen
to inner thoughts and deep feelings that some tend to say are
hard to verbalize. I have prayed and tapped into a gift that
has lead me to decide to get further training. I am on a
mission to be tangible to individuals seeking help. I want to
become a Therapist. I have a strong passion for people who
need outlets and the need for someone to take time to hear
what they have to say and to not judge but help.
Although that is my passion I am here to listen to all persons.
Because of situations and feelings that I can relate to, I feel
that this is my destiny. Architecture was my career but
Psychology will be my LIFE.
Reflection: strengths
My academic career here at Argosy has allowed me to step
deep into a dream deferred. I have found my passion and my
strengths. The strengths on teamwork, hard work and power
to endure till the end. The instructors have given me a
foundation worth building on. I have set the stride for a
continuous pace in my future. The strength of a passionate
life of being a vessel as the Greater Power in me does the
expected in helping heal the mind, the body and the spirit.
Reflection: weaknesses
“Weakness of Attitude becomes Weakness of
Character!” –Albert Einstein

My weaknesses through this journey were the
struggles of getting through everyday chores of
life. Some days were better than others to be a
student in Psychology. Other days were
questionable to the extent of evaluating myself
as my personal client. Life was not said to be
easy, but it is said to get easier as you go along.

At Argosy I must say that my weakness played on
my behavior OCD, in a way that if one of my days
threw me off schedule, then that meant that my
tasks for school were shifted, so I had to learn to
balance the adjustments of school work to what
would happen in my daily routine.
Table of contents
•    Cognitive Abilities Critical
       Thinking and Information
•   Research Skills
•   Communication Skills Oral and
•   Ethics and Diversity Awareness
•   Foundations of Psychology
•   Applied Psychology
•   Interpersonal Effectiveness
Critical thinking

Critical thinking
                                             Consultative Report
                                    California Department of Corrections

                  A teenage boy by the name of Kipland ―Kip‖ Kinkel fifteen at the time of the incidents is

                  under investigation. In September 1998, Kip Kinkel confessed to the killing of his parents

                  in their home on May 20, 1998 and the next day, walking into the Thurston High School

                  cafeteria and spraying students with 50 rounds from a semiautomatic rifle, killing two

                  students, Ben Walker, 16, and Mikael Nickolauson, 17, and wounding 25 others (The

                  Killer at Thurston, 2000). Kip was charged with four counts of aggravated murder and 26

                  counts of aggravated attempted murder for the 25 students he wounded, plus his later

                  assault on a police detective (The Killer at Thurston, 2000).

                  a) What specific types of competencies are important to this case, and why? What

                  aspects of this particular case will be important to the legal concept of competency?

                  There is a seriousness that lies in the hand of the defense. The question is Kipland Kinkel

                  able to communicate the details to the lawyers. Kipland Kinkel is need of a mental

                  evaluation with a clear notion that has been stated out of his mouth referring to his brain

                  not working correctly. Is there enough conversation for Kip to initiate the recall of the

                  story for the simple fact all he is saying is that he had no choice with tears in his eyes. He

                  would say that he loved his parents but he had to kill them, so is there enough sense to be

                  mad from comments that are being retrieved from his mouth in order for the defense team

                  to come to his rescue. Will there be a need for the defense to plead insanity to the people
Critical thinking

                  Patients who seek psychiatric help today for mood disorders stand a good chance of being

                  diagnosed with a disease that doesn’t exist and treated with a medication little more effective

                  than placebo.‖ Shorter added, ―American psychiatry is headed in . . . [a] direction [of] defining

                  ever-widening circles of the population as mentally ill with vague and undifferentiated diagnoses

                  and treating them with powerful drugs.‖ (― Psychiatric Disorders, 2010)

                  Experts gave the American Psychiatric Association, which publishes the [DSM] manual,

                  predictably mixed reviews. Some were relieved that the task force working on the manual—

RESEARCH SKILLS   which includes neurologists and psychologists as well as psychiatrists—had revised the previous

                  version rather than trying to rewrite it.‖ (― Psychiatric Disorders, 2010)

                  There may be controversy over the best way to measure clinical psychopathology (ie, should we

                  rely on a categorical diagnostic system such as DSM-IV, use a dimensional approach like that

                  used in the UCLA Family Study of Schizophrenia–related personality disorders,3 or should we

                  employ a combination of the two?). However, there is no question that the evolution of

                  psychiatric diagnosis into the mainstream of medical diagnosis will require an integration of

                  clinical psychopathology with phenotypes based on molecular biology, genomic science,

                  cognitive neuroscience, brain imaging, and psychopharmacology outcome research(― Psychiatric

                  Disorders, 2010).

                  What is DSM?

                  Psychiatric Diagnoses are categorized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

                  Disorders, 4th. Edition. Better known as the DSM-IV, the manual is published by the American

                  Psychiatric Association and covers all mental health disorders for both children and adults. It
Critical thinking
             EXTRA CREDIT: To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie           1

                                               Human Sexuality

                                   To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie

                                               Argosy University

    SKILLS                               Dr. Michelle Ramsey, Professor

                                                  Dreem Penn
MODULE SEVEN: Stress and Law Enforcement               1

                                  Critical thinking

                                   Stress and Law Enforcement

                                       Forensic Psychology

                                        Argosy University

    SKILLS                             Dr. Rodney Berger

                                          Dreem Penn
Play Time is for Everyone                                                                            1

                                         Critical thinking
       Duck, Duck, Duck, Duuuuuuuuck, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, Goose! Growing up for a child

                                                                                                         ETHICS AND DIVERSITY
is such a vital stage of development in character for a young person. This interaction of children

of both genders creates the understanding of the world and how to get along with others. It is

important for parents and guardians to invest into this movement to create satisfying

relationships and to help children to develop socially. This will create a structure of empathy,

expressions of feelings and cooperative play.

       In my findings in observing older children in a social environment around peers, I see

that the groups are segregated not based on color but by gender. I begin to focus on the activities

of the young people to find out that the segregation was based on competition for the attention of

the opposite gender. The girls huddled together in loud parades of chants and loud girl talk

involving hand gestures to be seen by the boys and the boys huddled together in competitive

sports to gain the attention of the females. With these two groups being on opposite sides of the

park, the games that each group was involved in was active and was directed to gain attention.

My question is: ―Why the two groups didn’t get closer to interact?‖ The games the children

were playing are definitely targeted to gender roles which defined another way that segregation

plays a part in just basic activities. But in my observation on the playground, the younger

children interacted as though they saw no gender. They played together as if no one other group


       Because there was segregation in a park full of older children, the games the young men

involved themselves in were games of catch and flips. It was obvious that the male gender had

games that defined clear winners and losers. Whereas the young females activities we less
Module 7: Race Relations Are Here Again!                                    1

                                Critical thinking

                                                                                ETHICS AND DIVERSITY
                               Race Relations Are Here Again!

                     Sociological Perspective Class, Ethnicity and Gender

                                     Argosy University

                                    Dr. Aloma Mendoza

                                           Dreem Penn
Critical thinking
 AUTISM: THE FOCAL POINT                              1


                           Autism: The Focal Point

                           Physiological Psychology

                              Argosy University

                              Professor Powers

                                 Dreem Penn
Critical thinking
 MODULE FIVE: Isaacs Parkinson Case                         1


                                  Isaacs Parkinson’s Case

                                  Physiology of Behavior

                                      Argosy University

                                      Yurandol Powers

                                        Dreem Penn
Critical thinking
                     Here Goes the Villain: A Revelation of Iago                            1


                                              Here Goes the Villian: A Revelation of Iago

                                                          Literary Experience

                                                          Argossy University

                                                        Dr. Kimberley Dobson

                                                             Dreem Penn
                     Critical thinking

                      True Boundaries
Critical thinking    MEMORANDUM
                 TO: Department of Justice

                 FROM: Dreem Penn, Forensic & Psychology Consultant

                 DATE: 17 October 2010

                 SUBJECT: A Program to reduce the incidence of staff members abusing inmates

                 In the Stanford Prison Experiment, it is definitely a revelation to the cognitive patterns that
                 conformed to environments of imprisonment. Individuals with good intentions and no desire of
                 becoming a monster to a poster child of evil that set the mood of the prison over powered the
                 change in environment. Does humanity win over evil or does evil triumph (Zimbardo, 2009)?


                 The mindset of someone who knows that they will one day be caught in the judicial system is
                 one thing, but to get caught in something as an surprise is one thing. In example for someone

                 who involves himself or herself in ―armed robbery‖, they know one day that it will end and
                 eventually they will face the prison doors, but for someone who goes for being at the wrong
                 place at the wrong time. Their mind it not focused on jail. They do not have a mindset of having
                 to serve time. So what does that do for the prison environment? It puts a strain on the ones there

                 and the ones that do not what to be there. This sets the key aspects of the prison to be cognitive.
                 It is what everyone thinks when they come into the doors.


                 -Prejudice (Staff already formulating thoughts to each individual that they are supervising)

                 -Hierarchy (Staff have a normal civilian life and come to work with authority to dictate another
                            humans life)


                 Implement more programs (reduces stress levels, haves inmates looking forward to another day)
                 I.E. Sending them to County Camps, this will elevate the caged in feeling that increases the
                 stress of anger that turns into violence towards the staff and other inmates.
                 Treat them like Humans (personal aspects no one would want their loved one treated like a
                 caged animal. We are giving more love to domesticated animals that make mistakes in their
Critical thinking
                 MODULE 2: Genesis The Creation!

                        In a time where there was no existence. The author Moses declared that God made the

                 Heavens and Earth out of nothing. Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning God created (made) the

                 Heaven and the Earth.‖ The development was all in Gods Architectural blueprint of the Earth

                 and the fullness thereof. Moses, the liberator who divided the seat o deliver the 10

                 commandments, who also is a figure of faith in Christianity and a Prophet in Islam, declared two

                 different scenarios in the first nine chapters of Genesis, the strengths and weakness of Adam,

                 Eve and Noah.

                        The Bible states, “So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he

                 him; male and female created he them,” (Gen. 1:27 New International Version). This was the

                 birth announcement of Adam and Eve to whom God had given commandments to be fruitful,

                 multiply and replenish the earth and have dominion over the Earth he created. Not only were

                 they created but out of creation there was matrimony, a strength in Gods eye, so that no sin or

                 shame came out of what was Holy, until the serpent appeared to change Gods plan. Moses

                 displays the weakness of Eve through the eyes of the serpent and the fruit bearing tree, which

                 became the birth of sin, going against the will of God. However, both Adam and Eve display

                 weakness through their lack of trust and temptation in going against Gods commandments with

                 eating the fruit. Next is the irresponsibility of taking ownership of their own individual actions,

                 for example in the scripture, Adam says in Genesis 3:12, ―…The woman whom thou gavest to be

                 with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat, then Eve explains in verse 13, “…the serpent

                 beguiled me and I did eat.” So, even in the chastising of God, they had forgotten they were

                 adults and didn’t even own up to their own sins. Was it because the fruits had not digested

                 enough for them to have ―holy boldness‖ or not grown enough to know that they could have just

                 told God the real truth if there was a real answer?
         I Suffer from CD O !
( Its like OCD but the letters are
    in alphabetical order as they
              should be ! )

   Are my actions routines vs.
How aware are people of the condition OCD? How are we viewing the
psychological behavior? Is it routine versus behavior? Is routine and
behavior the same thing said differently?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder also known as OCD is primarily an
anxiety and can be continuing obsessions clouding your mind to do and
it also includes doing things over and over that are known as

I have chosen this topic for literature review because of the behavioral
patterns that the brain has conditioned individuals to repeat that causes
anxiety if not performed. The person encamping OCD is mainly not
aware of the behavior until it is pointed out and then at that point of
recognition, the person with OCD starts to see and pay closer attention
to their behavior. In that discovery, it may become annoying and time
consuming due to the nature of awareness versus the previous behavior
only being a mere routine.
What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? OCD is an
anxiety disorder according to the DSM-IV-TR (the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition,
Text Revision (2000), which is the book that lists and classifies
all mental disorders. Anxiety disorders make their sufferers feel
disproportionately anxious or fearful, and the main anxiety
triggers people with OCD are obsessive thoughts, images or
impulses that are intrusive, inappropriate and greatly
distressing. In being a host of this disorder, I have found out
over time that it builds on ideas that others do not find
important or worth dwelling on a day-to-day basis. In the
endeavor to change, I find it hard but amusing to regulate
thoughts that have become part of my lifestyle which protect me
in mind, body, and spirit.
The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation website
(OCFOUNDATION.ORG) states that 1 to 40 adults and 1 in 200
children have OCD, which adds up to about 5 million people with
OCD in the United States. In addition, the DSM-IV-TR (2000)
states that the lifetime prevalence (the number of people in the
Unites States who have a disorder sometime over the course of
their life) of OCD is 2.5 percent (McGrath, 2007).
In working hands on with individuals every day, I
have made it a point to address certain actions like
carrying hand sanitizer in my lab coat, and when I’m
finished working in someone else’s area I sanitize
myself each time. This is not to be rude but the
obsession of what a person was doing with their
hands before I arrived is perplexing and drives me to
not touch or if that is not possible, to just be ready to
“clean up”. My disorder does not make me better
than another because I am cautious or repetitive, it
is just an ease on my mind that I have followed
through on my thoughts with actions.
The person like me is not aware of the behavior until it is
pointed out and then the person with OCD starts to see and
pay more attention to their behavior. A personal example
would be the positioning of objects sitting around me or items
I am interacting with. For instance, on my desk containers are
aligned from tallest to shortest, my pens by colors, the
computer and keyboard are at the same angle and everything
has its own personal space. Now did I notice that from the
beginning? Of course, not until a coworker noticed something
new and I had placed it within the sequence already displayed.
For the individual it may have seemed weird and that I just
placed it in an area that was free, but in my mind it was
grouping by association. In the question of research for me, is
OCD routine versus behavior or the same thing said
differently? In my case, everything is a routine until someone
notices to assume it is a behavior. Therefore, to answer my
own question it’s the same thing. For clarity, the way someone
acts is his or her personal routine of behavior.
I am CDO! That is the way it should be
organized in alphabetical order. With
studies of literature, there is not a proven
research study that says that OCD trickled
into my adulthood because scientists
have made it clear that all children have
rituals. Those rituals can also be defined,
as I would personally point out, which
shoe goes on first, do I brush before or
after I am dressed or things that you find
yourself doing in a strategic order to
make the mornings or nights smoother. I
would say that everyone has forms of
OCD, but they may not be as noticeable
because the actions have been adopted
as a regular duty every everyday life. You
too are OCD but in my brain chart, you
are OCD and have a lifetime membership
in CDO.

The future for life long learning is one that will
encamp my behaviors as research. I believe we
are all test and trials in the mirror of others. My
future holds the keys to research as I join the
many who strive to make a change in the people
around us. Learning is an on going policy of life
because things are constantly changing, so why
not assist in the transition of life with the years of
education that transformed my thoughts.
 Thank you for viewing my ePortfolio.

For further information, please contact
     me at the e-mail address below.

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Professional E Portfolio

  • 1. Professional ePortfolio Dreem Penn Psychology, Argosy University 2011 ― I Suffer from CDO! ‖
  • 2. PERSONAL STATEMENT I am Dreem Penn. I am from Atlanta, Georgia. Interesting enough I have a background in Civil Engineering and Architecture. I have worked in the field of Education the past 10 years. I love to help people explore their thoughts. I have a true passion for what I do seriously. I have been behind the master minding 3 successful businesses from just enjoying what I do on a daily basis. My love spreads across the border into Psychology because of past experiences and being able to problem solve. It’s indeed a blessing to be chosen to listen to inner thoughts and deep feelings that some tend to say are hard to verbalize. I have prayed and tapped into a gift that has lead me to decide to get further training. I am on a mission to be tangible to individuals seeking help. I want to become a Therapist. I have a strong passion for people who need outlets and the need for someone to take time to hear what they have to say and to not judge but help. Although that is my passion I am here to listen to all persons. Because of situations and feelings that I can relate to, I feel that this is my destiny. Architecture was my career but Psychology will be my LIFE.
  • 4. Reflection: strengths My academic career here at Argosy has allowed me to step deep into a dream deferred. I have found my passion and my strengths. The strengths on teamwork, hard work and power to endure till the end. The instructors have given me a foundation worth building on. I have set the stride for a continuous pace in my future. The strength of a passionate life of being a vessel as the Greater Power in me does the expected in helping heal the mind, the body and the spirit.
  • 5. Reflection: weaknesses “Weakness of Attitude becomes Weakness of Character!” –Albert Einstein My weaknesses through this journey were the struggles of getting through everyday chores of life. Some days were better than others to be a student in Psychology. Other days were questionable to the extent of evaluating myself as my personal client. Life was not said to be easy, but it is said to get easier as you go along. At Argosy I must say that my weakness played on my behavior OCD, in a way that if one of my days threw me off schedule, then that meant that my tasks for school were shifted, so I had to learn to balance the adjustments of school work to what would happen in my daily routine.
  • 6. Table of contents • Cognitive Abilities Critical Thinking and Information Literacy • Research Skills • Communication Skills Oral and Written • Ethics and Diversity Awareness • Foundations of Psychology • Applied Psychology • Interpersonal Effectiveness
  • 8. Critical thinking Consultative Report For California Department of Corrections A teenage boy by the name of Kipland ―Kip‖ Kinkel fifteen at the time of the incidents is under investigation. In September 1998, Kip Kinkel confessed to the killing of his parents in their home on May 20, 1998 and the next day, walking into the Thurston High School cafeteria and spraying students with 50 rounds from a semiautomatic rifle, killing two RESEARCH SKILLS students, Ben Walker, 16, and Mikael Nickolauson, 17, and wounding 25 others (The Killer at Thurston, 2000). Kip was charged with four counts of aggravated murder and 26 counts of aggravated attempted murder for the 25 students he wounded, plus his later assault on a police detective (The Killer at Thurston, 2000). a) What specific types of competencies are important to this case, and why? What aspects of this particular case will be important to the legal concept of competency? There is a seriousness that lies in the hand of the defense. The question is Kipland Kinkel able to communicate the details to the lawyers. Kipland Kinkel is need of a mental evaluation with a clear notion that has been stated out of his mouth referring to his brain not working correctly. Is there enough conversation for Kip to initiate the recall of the story for the simple fact all he is saying is that he had no choice with tears in his eyes. He would say that he loved his parents but he had to kill them, so is there enough sense to be mad from comments that are being retrieved from his mouth in order for the defense team to come to his rescue. Will there be a need for the defense to plead insanity to the people
  • 9. Critical thinking Controversies! Patients who seek psychiatric help today for mood disorders stand a good chance of being diagnosed with a disease that doesn’t exist and treated with a medication little more effective than placebo.‖ Shorter added, ―American psychiatry is headed in . . . [a] direction [of] defining ever-widening circles of the population as mentally ill with vague and undifferentiated diagnoses and treating them with powerful drugs.‖ (― Psychiatric Disorders, 2010) Experts gave the American Psychiatric Association, which publishes the [DSM] manual, predictably mixed reviews. Some were relieved that the task force working on the manual— RESEARCH SKILLS which includes neurologists and psychologists as well as psychiatrists—had revised the previous version rather than trying to rewrite it.‖ (― Psychiatric Disorders, 2010) There may be controversy over the best way to measure clinical psychopathology (ie, should we rely on a categorical diagnostic system such as DSM-IV, use a dimensional approach like that used in the UCLA Family Study of Schizophrenia–related personality disorders,3 or should we employ a combination of the two?). However, there is no question that the evolution of psychiatric diagnosis into the mainstream of medical diagnosis will require an integration of clinical psychopathology with phenotypes based on molecular biology, genomic science, cognitive neuroscience, brain imaging, and psychopharmacology outcome research(― Psychiatric Disorders, 2010). What is DSM? Psychiatric Diagnoses are categorized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th. Edition. Better known as the DSM-IV, the manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and covers all mental health disorders for both children and adults. It
  • 10. Critical thinking EXTRA CREDIT: To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie 1 Human Sexuality COMMUNICATION To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Argosy University SKILLS Dr. Michelle Ramsey, Professor Dreem Penn
  • 11. MODULE SEVEN: Stress and Law Enforcement 1 Critical thinking Stress and Law Enforcement COMMUNICATION Forensic Psychology Argosy University SKILLS Dr. Rodney Berger Dreem Penn
  • 12. Play Time is for Everyone 1 Critical thinking Duck, Duck, Duck, Duuuuuuuuck, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, Goose! Growing up for a child ETHICS AND DIVERSITY is such a vital stage of development in character for a young person. This interaction of children of both genders creates the understanding of the world and how to get along with others. It is important for parents and guardians to invest into this movement to create satisfying relationships and to help children to develop socially. This will create a structure of empathy, expressions of feelings and cooperative play. In my findings in observing older children in a social environment around peers, I see that the groups are segregated not based on color but by gender. I begin to focus on the activities of the young people to find out that the segregation was based on competition for the attention of the opposite gender. The girls huddled together in loud parades of chants and loud girl talk involving hand gestures to be seen by the boys and the boys huddled together in competitive sports to gain the attention of the females. With these two groups being on opposite sides of the park, the games that each group was involved in was active and was directed to gain attention. My question is: ―Why the two groups didn’t get closer to interact?‖ The games the children were playing are definitely targeted to gender roles which defined another way that segregation plays a part in just basic activities. But in my observation on the playground, the younger children interacted as though they saw no gender. They played together as if no one other group existed. Because there was segregation in a park full of older children, the games the young men involved themselves in were games of catch and flips. It was obvious that the male gender had games that defined clear winners and losers. Whereas the young females activities we less
  • 13. Module 7: Race Relations Are Here Again! 1 Critical thinking ETHICS AND DIVERSITY Race Relations Are Here Again! Sociological Perspective Class, Ethnicity and Gender Argosy University Dr. Aloma Mendoza Dreem Penn
  • 14. Critical thinking AUTISM: THE FOCAL POINT 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF PSYCHOLOGY Autism: The Focal Point Physiological Psychology Argosy University Professor Powers Dreem Penn
  • 15. Critical thinking MODULE FIVE: Isaacs Parkinson Case 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF PSYCHOLOGY Isaacs Parkinson’s Case Physiology of Behavior Argosy University Yurandol Powers Dreem Penn
  • 16. Critical thinking Here Goes the Villain: A Revelation of Iago 1 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Here Goes the Villian: A Revelation of Iago Literary Experience Argossy University Dr. Kimberley Dobson Dreem Penn
  • 17. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Critical thinking Confession of True Boundaries
  • 18. Critical thinking MEMORANDUM TO: Department of Justice FROM: Dreem Penn, Forensic & Psychology Consultant DATE: 17 October 2010 SUBJECT: A Program to reduce the incidence of staff members abusing inmates In the Stanford Prison Experiment, it is definitely a revelation to the cognitive patterns that conformed to environments of imprisonment. Individuals with good intentions and no desire of becoming a monster to a poster child of evil that set the mood of the prison over powered the change in environment. Does humanity win over evil or does evil triumph (Zimbardo, 2009)? ASPECTS THAT DEFINE A PRISON ENVIRONMENT The mindset of someone who knows that they will one day be caught in the judicial system is one thing, but to get caught in something as an surprise is one thing. In example for someone INTERPERSONAL who involves himself or herself in ―armed robbery‖, they know one day that it will end and eventually they will face the prison doors, but for someone who goes for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Their mind it not focused on jail. They do not have a mindset of having to serve time. So what does that do for the prison environment? It puts a strain on the ones there EFFECTIVENESS and the ones that do not what to be there. This sets the key aspects of the prison to be cognitive. It is what everyone thinks when they come into the doors. KEY CHARACTERISTICS LEADING PRSION STAFF TO ABUSE INMATES -Prejudice (Staff already formulating thoughts to each individual that they are supervising) -Hierarchy (Staff have a normal civilian life and come to work with authority to dictate another humans life) PRISON OFFICIALS REDUCING THE INCIDENCE OF PRISON VIOLENCE Implement more programs (reduces stress levels, haves inmates looking forward to another day) I.E. Sending them to County Camps, this will elevate the caged in feeling that increases the stress of anger that turns into violence towards the staff and other inmates. Treat them like Humans (personal aspects no one would want their loved one treated like a caged animal. We are giving more love to domesticated animals that make mistakes in their
  • 19. Critical thinking MODULE 2: Genesis The Creation! In a time where there was no existence. The author Moses declared that God made the Heavens and Earth out of nothing. Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning God created (made) the Heaven and the Earth.‖ The development was all in Gods Architectural blueprint of the Earth and the fullness thereof. Moses, the liberator who divided the seat o deliver the 10 commandments, who also is a figure of faith in Christianity and a Prophet in Islam, declared two different scenarios in the first nine chapters of Genesis, the strengths and weakness of Adam, Eve and Noah. The Bible states, “So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he INTERPERSONAL him; male and female created he them,” (Gen. 1:27 New International Version). This was the birth announcement of Adam and Eve to whom God had given commandments to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth and have dominion over the Earth he created. Not only were EFFECTIVENESS they created but out of creation there was matrimony, a strength in Gods eye, so that no sin or shame came out of what was Holy, until the serpent appeared to change Gods plan. Moses displays the weakness of Eve through the eyes of the serpent and the fruit bearing tree, which became the birth of sin, going against the will of God. However, both Adam and Eve display weakness through their lack of trust and temptation in going against Gods commandments with eating the fruit. Next is the irresponsibility of taking ownership of their own individual actions, for example in the scripture, Adam says in Genesis 3:12, ―…The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat, then Eve explains in verse 13, “…the serpent beguiled me and I did eat.” So, even in the chastising of God, they had forgotten they were adults and didn’t even own up to their own sins. Was it because the fruits had not digested enough for them to have ―holy boldness‖ or not grown enough to know that they could have just told God the real truth if there was a real answer?
  • 20. REVIEW PAPER I Suffer from CD O ! ( Its like OCD but the letters are in alphabetical order as they should be ! ) Are my actions routines vs. behavior?
  • 21. REVIEW PAPER Abstract How aware are people of the condition OCD? How are we viewing the psychological behavior? Is it routine versus behavior? Is routine and behavior the same thing said differently? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder also known as OCD is primarily an anxiety and can be continuing obsessions clouding your mind to do and it also includes doing things over and over that are known as compulsions. I have chosen this topic for literature review because of the behavioral patterns that the brain has conditioned individuals to repeat that causes anxiety if not performed. The person encamping OCD is mainly not aware of the behavior until it is pointed out and then at that point of recognition, the person with OCD starts to see and pay closer attention to their behavior. In that discovery, it may become annoying and time consuming due to the nature of awareness versus the previous behavior only being a mere routine.
  • 22. REVIEW PAPER What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? OCD is an anxiety disorder according to the DSM-IV-TR (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (2000), which is the book that lists and classifies all mental disorders. Anxiety disorders make their sufferers feel disproportionately anxious or fearful, and the main anxiety triggers people with OCD are obsessive thoughts, images or impulses that are intrusive, inappropriate and greatly distressing. In being a host of this disorder, I have found out over time that it builds on ideas that others do not find important or worth dwelling on a day-to-day basis. In the endeavor to change, I find it hard but amusing to regulate thoughts that have become part of my lifestyle which protect me in mind, body, and spirit.
  • 23. REVIEW PAPER The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation website (OCFOUNDATION.ORG) states that 1 to 40 adults and 1 in 200 children have OCD, which adds up to about 5 million people with OCD in the United States. In addition, the DSM-IV-TR (2000) states that the lifetime prevalence (the number of people in the Unites States who have a disorder sometime over the course of their life) of OCD is 2.5 percent (McGrath, 2007).
  • 24. REVIEW PAPER In working hands on with individuals every day, I have made it a point to address certain actions like carrying hand sanitizer in my lab coat, and when I’m finished working in someone else’s area I sanitize myself each time. This is not to be rude but the obsession of what a person was doing with their hands before I arrived is perplexing and drives me to not touch or if that is not possible, to just be ready to “clean up”. My disorder does not make me better than another because I am cautious or repetitive, it is just an ease on my mind that I have followed through on my thoughts with actions.
  • 25. REVIEW PAPER The person like me is not aware of the behavior until it is pointed out and then the person with OCD starts to see and pay more attention to their behavior. A personal example would be the positioning of objects sitting around me or items I am interacting with. For instance, on my desk containers are aligned from tallest to shortest, my pens by colors, the computer and keyboard are at the same angle and everything has its own personal space. Now did I notice that from the beginning? Of course, not until a coworker noticed something new and I had placed it within the sequence already displayed. For the individual it may have seemed weird and that I just placed it in an area that was free, but in my mind it was grouping by association. In the question of research for me, is OCD routine versus behavior or the same thing said differently? In my case, everything is a routine until someone notices to assume it is a behavior. Therefore, to answer my own question it’s the same thing. For clarity, the way someone acts is his or her personal routine of behavior.
  • 26. REVIEW PAPER I am CDO! That is the way it should be organized in alphabetical order. With studies of literature, there is not a proven research study that says that OCD trickled into my adulthood because scientists have made it clear that all children have rituals. Those rituals can also be defined, as I would personally point out, which shoe goes on first, do I brush before or after I am dressed or things that you find yourself doing in a strategic order to make the mornings or nights smoother. I would say that everyone has forms of OCD, but they may not be as noticeable because the actions have been adopted as a regular duty every everyday life. You too are OCD but in my brain chart, you are OCD and have a lifetime membership in CDO.
  • 27. mY FUTURE IN LEARNING The future for life long learning is one that will encamp my behaviors as research. I believe we are all test and trials in the mirror of others. My future holds the keys to research as I join the many who strive to make a change in the people around us. Learning is an on going policy of life because things are constantly changing, so why not assist in the transition of life with the years of education that transformed my thoughts.
  • 28. CONTACT ME Thank you for viewing my ePortfolio. For further information, please contact me at the e-mail address below.