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Process Journal 3/2/10, Tuesday
Alzira Fernandes

Marking Out the Seat

      Today in DT, we created a flow chart, and started marking out the pine wood that
we are going to cut for our stool. The stool that I am creating resembles a panda. The
seat of my stool will be the pandas face, and the legs will be the legs of the panda,
along with paws at the bottom. Today we also completed our orthographic sheet, which
shows the exact measurements and sides of the stool.

      Marking out the pine wood was not difficult, because we just needed to look at
the measurements from our orthographic sheet, and mark them on the piece of wood
with a ruler. The tenon saw that we will use to cut however, is 3 mm wide, so we need to
leave a small space on the wood for the saw to cut.

      I think the thing that I was best at, was creating the flow chart. It was easy
because we just needed to write down the process of our project, and how we were
going to create our seat in what order. This was in the form of a chart, using boxes and
arrows. If we were asking questions in the box such as “Is my project finished
correctly?”, they would be in a diamond shaped box. This is to help organize our
thoughts, and keep track of our work.

      One thing that I was not so strong at, was finding the materials for our
orthographic sheet. We needed to write down the number of each material we needed,
and the measurements of it. I thought finding the measurements was the most difficult
part, because I couldnʼt imagine what the parts would be like put together.

Learner Profile

       Today I think we were Inquirers, because we learned many new things about
measurements and gathering our thoughts to create a process, by asking questions. At
first, I donʼt think a lot of people were sure on how to create a flow chart, or the
orthographic sheet, but after we asked Mr. Anderson on the details of the sheets, he
explained to us how to complete them.

Approaches to Learning

        Today, the main AOI was Approaches to Learning, because we learned new
skills, such as marking out and creating a process. We also helped each other, because
when one of my group members did not understand how to do something, I was able to
just quickly help them, by explaining what we need to do. I think I could do this, because
I was very attentive while Mr. Anderson was explaining how to create a flow chart and
orthographic drawing. I find this part of the process very interesting.
A try-square is a tool that we used to
draw straight lines around corners of
wood. This helps us to cut the wood
more accurately.

                                     Metal Ruler
                                     The metal ruler is what we use to measure
                                     and mark out our pieces of wood. The
                                     measurements are the same as in our orthographic
                                     drawings, so all we need to do it measure it out
                                     on the actual piece of wood.

Process Journal 3/3/10, Wednesday
Alzira Fernandes

Starting to Cut the Seat

      Today in Design Technology, Xavier and I finished marking out and cutting the
piece of wood we need to create our seat. The wood was originally one long piece, but
Xavier and I cut it to fit the measurements of the seat of our stool. We each took turns
cutting the wood, because it was thicker than what we have worked with in previous
projects. As we started cutting the wood, we first made a groove in the side, by pulling
back the saw three times. The groove helps us keep steady while cutting in a forward

       The saw that we used to cut was a tenon saw. I find the tenon saw easy to use,
because the handle is large so you can keep control while cutting. I think I was good at
sawing, because I was able to stay in the 3mm range of where we were meant to cut,
and I was cutting efficiently.

       One thing I was not so good at, was marking out. I wasnʼt sure on how to use the
try-square at first, but then Mr. Anderson had demonstrated it to the class, which made it
quite clear to me. You need to put the try-square around the corner of the wood, so that
it is perfectly straight. Doing this will let you draw straight lines all around the sides of
your wood.

       While Xavier and I were taking turns cutting the piece of wood, the other person
was holding the wood in place, because the bench hook was not large enough to hold
our wood. If we did not hold the wood in place, it would have probably been difficult to
cut in a straight line. I think it felt cool when it was my turn to cut the seat, because I like
cutting the wood. I think Iʼm quite good at it

Learner Profile

      Since me and Xavier were working together, we needed to talk about how we
were going to cut it, and whose turn it was etc. This type of communication is an
important part of a project, because if you are working with someone, you need to kow
what they are going to do, for they might do something you donʼt like.


      When working with wood, some unwanted parts of the wood must be cut off. It
would be a shame if the wood was thrown away and wasted, so Mr. Anderson keeps the
chunks of wood that we cut off, for future projects. I think this can be classified as us
recycling the wood we use.
Tenon Saw
                                            This is a picture of a tenon saw.
                                            Xavier and I used the tenon saw to
                                            cut our piece of wood. A tenon saw
                                            is a type of backsaw, because the
                                            handle extends along the top of the
                                            saw, making it more sturdy. I think       the tenon saw is easy to use
  ProductImages/handsaws/052802.jpg         because it is controllable, mostly
                                            from the large handle.

                                            The handsaw is nearly the same as a
                                            tenon saw, however it is larger and
                                            backless. I find the handsaw difficult
                                            to use because it is so big. With it
                                            being backless, that makes it more
                                            difficult to control, because there is
                                            little support.

Cutting the rounds of my seat

  Today in Design Technology, I started cutting the curves of the panda face of my stool
  with a coping saw. I used a coping saw because it is the tool we use when cutting round
  pieces of wood. We did not need to use the bench hook for cutting any longer, because
  we are using a coping saw, and it would be hard to cut round edges. I think cutting
  round edges isnʼt very difficult, because I have done it before and know what it feels
       Before cutting, I needed to draw a basic sketch of where I was going to cut the
  seat. I drew very largely, so that I did not waste any wood around it. After lightly
  sketching where I would cut, Mr. Anderson demonstrated that we should make a dark
  line over where we sketched, so that it is more clear on where we should cut. He then
  showed that we should just put the piece of wood inside the vice rather than on a bench
  hook so that it will be easier to cut.
I found cutting the wood easy, because I used a coping saw to cut my last
    project, so I have some experience in using it. However, I did found it difficult to use in
    the beginning because I didnʼt understand how to make it cut curves. I then realized that
    you just need to hold it at the angle you wanted to cut in, and cut like you would with a
    normal backsaw.
      I thought marking out the shape of the seat was a bit difficult, because it was
    hard to fit the shape into the whole seat evenly. Luckily, I had sketched the shape first
    before doing a darker sketch, so that I could erase it and re-draw it.

    Learner Profile
      I think the Learner Profile that suits todayʼs work is Balanced. I needed to use artistic
    thinking for drawing the shape of my seat, and making it even. I then needed to use my
    ability to keep concentrated on my work, to cut the shape of the seat out properly, and
    not cut past the line. It was a bit difficult to concentrate, with all the other noises in the
    workshop going on, and people walking around.

      I think the main AOI for today was Health and Social Education, because surprisingly
    in DT class, many people cut their hands using saws. I think this is because the coping
    sawʼs teeth are very small, and easy to not have control over. I also got one small cut on
    my hand, because I pulled the coping saw too far back while cutting.

This is me cutting the curves of my
                                                          This is the block of wood I needed to
stool with a coping saw. A coping
                                                          cut for my stool seat. I drew the seat
makes cutting curves easier,
                                                          very close to the edges of the block,
because it is able to bend, and be
                                                          so that I did not waste any of the
held at an angle. I learned that using
                                                          wood. The wood is 350 mm x 250
the whole length of the saw to cut,
                                                          mm. I will first cut the corners of the
will have you cutting faster than
                                                          wood, just to get the waste pieces of
using just small strokes.
                                                          wood off.
Tuesday, 3/9/10

Cutting More Curves of the Seat of My Stool

       Today in Design Technology, I cut even further into the seat of my project. By
now, I am almost done with cutting out the seat. The seat is in the shape of a pandaʼs
face, so there are many curves in it. Cutting the curves is quite simple, because I am
using a coping saw. The coping saw is able to cut curves, by holding it at an angle.

       While cutting with the coping saw, I accidently twisted the saw in a direction that I
shouldnʼt have. This caused the blade of the saw to snap in half, and I had to get a new
blade. The blades of coping saws are very thin, so I need to be careful not to twist it in
an unfamiliar direction. Mr. Anderson helped me put the coping saw back together,
using a new blade and snapping it into place with the clamps on either side of the saw.

       What I found difficult, was being able to use the coping saw after that, because I
was very nervous that I would break it again. I was sure to be extra careful using the
saw, so that I would not bend it at an improper angle again. Mr. Anderson had also
advised me not to use the coping saw at a very dramatic angle, and try to keep it
straight because it is easier to cut that way, and it is less likely to break.

       Once I tried cutting straight, it became very easy to cut. I was able to cut faster,
and more efficiently. Also, I only needed to change the angle of f the coping saw a bit to
cut in a different direction.

       Next class, I will finish cutting my seat, and start filing and sanding it. I think I will
use a half-round file, because there are many curves in my seat. I will probably need to
do a lot of sanding, because the way I cut using the coping saw was a bit choppy and

Learner Profile
   I think the main Learner Profile today was Inquirers. I was an Inquirer, because I
learned many new things about coping saws. For example, I learned how easy it is to
break them because of their thin blades. I also learned that cutting them straight down
makes it very easy to cut. Asking Mr. Anderson questions about coping saws also
helped me learn more about them, and how to use them in the future.


      I think the main AOI today was Environments. While cutting the curves of my
panda seat, many chips and blocks of wood were being cut off. Rather than just
throwing out these pieces, we put them into a bin, where they are either recycled, or
used again in other projects. These helps us be less waste-full, and to make use of our
This is me, cutting from the top of my                   This is me, cutting down the side of
panda seat. I was cutting from the                       my panda seat. I was cutting down
top, so that I could cut around the                      the side, to make the seat more
ears. After I cut one side of the ears, I                rounded. If I had not cut down the
needed to start cutting on the other                     side, it would be very straight, and
side so that I could cut all the way                     would not appear like the face of a
through the wood.                                        panda.

     Wednesday, 3/10/10

     Completing Cutting my Panda Head Seat

       Today in Design Technology I completed cutting the seat of my stool. I cut the
     entire seat using coping saws, one of which I broke. The shape of my seat came out ok,
     however it is a bit different on one side. I think I can fix this using files. Although it was
     slightly difficult, I liked working with the coping saws because they are small, and light-
       The main difficulties I had were with the coping saws. I found them hard to use,
     because if you bend them the wrong way, they will snap. I think working with them
     would have been quite easy, I was just worried that I might bend them the wrong way
     again. The main reason that my seat looks a bit different on each side, is because I had
     a hard time focusing while cutting. The part that has more wood cut of, is very long, and
     takes a while to cut. This ended up with me starting to day-dream, and lose focus on
     what I was really meant to be doing.
       What I will do next, is filing. I think I will mainly use a half-round file, because
     there are many curves in my seat. Using the half-round file will help make them
     smoother and more rounded. I will need to do quite a bit of filing, especially where my
     seat is not symmetrical on both sides.
       Overall, I think cutting with the coping saw was an experience. It taught me a lot
     on how I need to be careful with smaller tools, and not use them too forcefully.

     Learner Profile
     I think the main Learner Profile for today was Open-minded. I feel I was Open-
     minded because I did not just give up when I did not cut with the coping saw correctly, I
saw it as an opportunity to improve. Being Open-minded is a good characteristic in
          Design Technology, because it is easy to make mistakes while making something, and
          you should not dwell over it for long.

     I think the main AOI today was Community and Service. I believe our class could
          be considered a small community, and I saw many students helping others. For
          example, helping them to cut pieces of wood, and explaining how to cut more efficiently.

     This is me using a coping saw. I am                       This is how the side of my project
     cutting next to the ears of the panda,                    looked after I finished cutting it with a
     so that they will be more defined and                      coping saw. As you can see, it looks
     will be sticking out of the head more.                    very choppy. I can fix this by using a
     I was careful not to cut too deep,                        half-round file and smoothing out the
     otherwise the ears would most likely                      areas that need attention.
     chip off when someone used the
     stool because of lack of support.

Thursday, 3/11/10

          Filing My Panda Head Seat

          Today in Design Technology, I completed filing my stoolʼs seat. I only used a half-round
          file, because I was focusing on round the curves of my seat. One side of my panda seat
          was a bit wider than the other, so I needed to do a lot of filing there. I did not use a wasp
          file, because I was afraid that it would take too much wood off of my seat. A wasp file
          has very sharp sides, so a lot of wood is shed off if you scratch it against the wood.
I think filing in general was not very difficult, because I just needed to follow the
curves on the outside of my seat. Some areas needed more filing than others, like the
ears and bottom of my seat. While cutting with the coping saw, I accidently cut one side
of my seat bigger than the other, so it is not symmetrical. All I needed to do was file
more of the other side so that it would look OK.

       Some of the difficulties I had was getting the shape of the ears right, because
they need to be round enough to look like panda ears. I kept making the base of the
ears thin, thinking they should be square, but then figured out that they should be round
so that they look more like a furry pandaʼs ears. I asked Sallyʼs advice on what I should
do with the ears, and she suggested that I keep the ears height short, but the length
long. This helped a lot because it made them look much more round.

       The main thing I was good at was shaping the bottom of my stool to be
symmetrical on both sides. I actually spent most of my time filing making sure that the
sides were symmetrical, so I did a pretty good job because I took my time.

       What I will do next, is sanding my panda seat, and marking out the legs of my
stool. I do not need to do much sanding, because I have been filing my project quite
carefully, and smoothly.

Learner Profile

      Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I feel I was Reflective
because I took the time to think my job on filing my seat, and used the comments I had
from other people to my advantage. For example, I would ask someone about what they
think about an area of my seat, and if they gave a comment on something bad, I could
easily know what it is, and fix it right away.


      Today I think the main AOI was Approaches to Learning. I feel the AOI was
Approaches to Learning because I was able to figure out the process for my project by
myself, without help from Mr. Anderson. Part of Approaches to Learning is being able to
do things and learn things on your own, and not having to need so much help.

 This is the half-round file that I used
 to shape my seat. A half-round file                  This is me using the half-round file to
 helps round curves and smooth                       shape the bottom of the stool of my
 edges on the wood. The rounded                      seat. I was shaping it because the
                                                     two sides are not symmetrical, and           look very lop-sided.
Monday, 3/15/10

Sanding My Panda Seat

       Today in Design Technology, I used the disc sander to sand my stoolʼs seat. It
was my first time using a disc sander, so I was sort of new to it. Mr. Anderson showed
me how to use it, and it was not as hard as I thought. You need to put your piece of
wood on one side of the disc sander, but not on the other, otherwise it will not cut. When
putting your piece of wood against the disc sander, you need to apply pressure to it, or
else it will not cut.

                                                               This is me using the disc sander to
                                                               sand my panda seat. A disc sander is
                                                               much faster, and easier to use than a
                                                               regular sanding block and

I liked using the disc sander, because it is a faster and more efficient way to sand wood.
I found it a bit overwhelming at first, because Iʼve only used a power tool in Design
Technology once before, so I do not have much experience. I liked how easy the disc
sander made sanding, because if you held the wood in one place for only a few
seconds, it would quickly shed off.

       What I was best at was sanding my wood up to the point where I had a line
drawn. A line is drawn to help mark where to stop sanding the wood. I was sure not to
go over the line and sand too much, and to just stop at where the line began.

       One of my weaknesses was sanding around corners of my seat. The corners
were difficult to sand, because I could not sand them without accidently sanding another
side of the wood. Tomorrow, I will draw a line on the back of my seat so that I can switch
sides and sand all the sides of my seat.

Learner Profile

      Today I think the main Learner Profile was Inquirers. I needed to ask questions
about the disc sander, and how to use it. I was also taking responsibility for my actions
at the disc sander, and being careful using the new tool.


      Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity because I learned how to use a
new tool, which helps sanding be more efficient, and fast. It helps us work faster, which
helps us finish projects quicker.
This is the disc sander that
                                   we used in Design
                                   Technology today. There is a
                                   sheet of sandpaper on a disc
                                   that spins very fast, This
                                   makes sanding very easy
                                   and simple.

  Tuesday, 3/16/10

  Marking Out and Cutting the Legs of My Stool

      Today in Design Technology, I marked out, and started cutting the legs of my
  stool. Since I have three legs on it, one is 250 mm, and the other two are 220 mm.
  When marking out, I was sure to leave a 3 mm wide space for the tenon saw to cut,
  since the saw is 3 mm wide. While cutting, I noticed that the tenon saw was slightly at
  an angle. This led me to re-cut a piece off of the end of each leg. In the next class, I will
  sand my legs using the disc sander, as well as sanding my panda seat.
                                   This is a picture of me
                                   cutting my stool legs with
                                   a tenon saw. Using a
                                   tenon saw made the job
                                   easier because its big
                                   teeth allow me to cut
                                   much faster.

      My strengths were cutting with the gents saw. After cutting with the tenon saw, I
  noticed that the cut was a bit crooked. The led me to cutting a bit off the ends of each
  leg with a gents saw, which is smaller and easier to control in cutting straight lines.
  Although the gents saw is more accurate, it takes a very long time to cut with because it
  is so small.
                                     This is a picture of me using a
                                     gents saw. I used the gents
                                     saw to cut pieces of wood off
                                     the ends of my stool legs and
                                     make them look straighter. I
                                     used the gents saw to do this
                                     because it is small and easy
                                     to control, and makes cutting
                                     more accurate.
My weaknesses were probably marking out. I havenʼt had much practice with
marking out, and using a try-square. The main reason I wasnʼt so good at marking out,
is because I kept having the lines not be together on all sides of the wood. However,
once I got the hang of it I eventually got used to the idea of marking out on all sides of
the wood.

                                     This is a picture of me
                                     using a try-square and
                                     marking out the legs of
                                     my stool. As you can see,
                                     I have drawn lines on all
                                     the sides of my wood so
                                     that it is easier to see
                                     where I am sawing.

     Next class, I will finish sanding all the bottoms of the legs of my stool, and the
Panda seat using the disc sander. I was not able to finish sanding the seat last class
because I had not marked out on both sides of the wood.

Learner Profile

      Today I think the main Learner Profile was Risk-Takers. I believe I was a Risk-
Taker because I used many new tools, and was confronted with new concepts in Design
Technology that I have never used before. The main tool that was new to me was the
gents saw, because I have never worked with it before, and it was very different using
such a small saw.


      Today I think the main AOI was Health and Social Education. I think this because
when people were using chisels or sawing, a lot of dust was in the air. This caused
some people to start coughing, and complain about the dust. It is important not to have
too much dust in the air, because it can get into peopleʼs lungs, and slow their
Wednesday, 3/17/10

Completing Disc Sanding My Stoolʼs Legs, Seat, and Rails

      Today in Design Technology, I finished using the Disc Sander to sand my rails,
legs, and seat for my stool. On my rails and legs I needed to sand the ends because
when I was cutting them off with a tenon saw, they we very jagged and rough. It is
important that the ends are smooth, because that way they will fit into the seat of the
stool more easily.
                                         This is a picture of my rails
                                         and legs for my stool. As you
                                         can see, this is after I sanded
                                         them because the endings
                                         are very smooth. You can
                                         also see the protective
                                         goggles in the background, I
                                         used these to protect my
                                         eyes from the sawdust while

       What I was best at, was probably sanding the rails and legs of my stool. I found
this easy because I only needed to keep the piece of wood straight while sanding, and I
did not have to make any curves. Sanding the rails and legs was also a bit difficult
however because I did not have a very accurate try-square line going around my pieces
of wood. This was bad because the try-square line helps tell me where to stop sanding.

       My main weakness was sanding the Panda seat. Sanding the Panda seat was
difficult because it is rounded. Sanding a rounded surface it quite difficult because I kept
needing to flip the seat over so that I could sand from looking at the other side. When
sanding around rounded corners, you have to be careful not to sand the corner opposite
of where you are trying to sand, otherwise it will be un-even.

       What I will do next class, is starting to round my legs, so that they look like
cylinders. If the legs look like cylinders, I think this will give them a more “playful” feel,
one that would be good for a child, as this is a childʼs stool.

Learner Profile

      Today I think the main Learner Profile was Knowledgeable. I think I was
Knowledgeable because when using the Disc Sander, I was very careful of any safety
issues that were to be remembered. Some examples of safety issues are keeping
distance away from the sander, always wearing protective goggles, and being sure to
turn the sander on and off properly.


     Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. In out Design
Technology class, I think of it as a small community. By respecting the rules in the
Design Technology class, we are respecting our small community, and setting an
example to everyone to follow the rules and be careful around the classroom.

                                      This is a picture of me using
                                      the disc sander to sand the
                                      seat of my Panda stool. While
                                      using the disc sander, I
                                      needed to switch the side of
                                      my seat that I was sanding, so
                                      that I could get to all the
                                      corners of it.

Thursday, 3/18/10

Cutting the Angles of My Rails

     Today in Design Technology, I started cutting my rails, so that they would fit on an
angle against my legs. I cut my rails like this so that when they are attached to my seat,
they will be able to hold the legs of my stool in place. I used a gents saw to cut my

                                     This is how the rails looked
                                     after marking out. After I cut out
                                     the shapes in the rails, I will be
                                     able to fit them against the side
                                     of my legs, and hold the legs in

My main strength today was marking out my rails. Mr. Anderson first showed me how to
mark them out, and it seemed a bit complicated. However, when I tried marking out
myself, it was very easy. All I needed to do was try two triangles on either side of the
wood and conjoin them, and drawing a line at an angle on the other side of the wood.
My main weakness today was cutting the angles of the wood. I found it hard to
place the wood at a vertical angle, because they were facing in different directions. I
needed to cut the wood at a vertical angle, because gents saws cannot cut at an angle,
only coping saws can.

      What I will do next class is finish cutting my rails with the gents saw, and try to
figure out how I am going to place the rails and legs on my seat. Mr. Anderson will help
me with this, because there is a specific way to do it.

Learner Profile

      I think the main Learner Profile for today was Risk-Takers. I feel I was a Risk-
Taker because I used different techniques than I was used to doing today. For instance,
I cut on an angle using a gents saw, which I am normally used to do doing with a coping


       I think the main AOI for today was Health and Social Education. Many people
were using the disc sander today, and needed to be careful of the safety issues about it.
A lot of dust is created when using the disc sander, and needs to be extracted using the
dust extraction system, otherwise the dust could get in peopleʼs eyes, or they could
accidently breathe it in. One other safety issue of the disc sander is being wary of your
fingers. If you keep your fingers too close to the machine, your fingernails could possibly
get sanded, or you would get a burn on your finger from the sander rubbing against it.

Monday, March 22 2010

Cutting the Rails of My Seat

What I did

       Today in Design Technology, I continued cutting the rails of my seat. I used the
same process as before, and cutting in the same areas. I did this by cutting at an angle
on the end of my rail, and cutting triangle shapes into the other end. These will help me
fit my rails into the sides of the legs of my stool. Mr. Anderson also gave a
demonstration on how to glue the staves of a cylindrical stool together. Although I am
not making a cylindrical stool, knowing how to put it together will be helpful in the future
if I do make such a project.

                                            This is me cutting
                                            the triangular
                                            shapes out of my
                                            rail. These shapes
                                            will help me fit my
                                            rails into the legs
                                            of my stool so that
                                            they stay put

      My main strengths today was the angle off of the side of my rail. I found this easy
to do because I only needed to cut straight until the piece of wood was cut off, and there
was no limit I needed to worry about passing for cutting. At first I needed to carefully
place the gents saw, because where I started cutting was right on the edge of the wood,
and a bit hard to balance.


      My main weakness today was cutting the triangle shapes out of my wood. I had
already done one triangle shape on Thursday, so I just needed to do one more shape.
However, while I was cutting I realized that I had cut a bit outside of the line, so the rails
do not look exactly the same.


        Today I felt quite good about cutting the rails. This is mostly because I had
practice with cutting them yesterday, so it was somewhat familiar to me. However, it was
still a bit confusing cutting out the triangular shapes because it is hard to get them the
same exact length.

What next?

        What I will do next class is have Mr. Anderson explain to me what I need to do to
cut the final rail. He said that it will be a bit different considering that it is longer than the
                                       other rails.
                                        This is me cutting the angle
                                        off of the end of my rail. I had
                                        to cut a small groove in the
                                        wood a few times before
                                        cutting the actual wood,
                                        because it would have been
                                        very messy if I just started

Learner Profile

     Today I think the main Leaner Profile was Caring. I think I was Caring because I
needed to take care of my fingers while cutting, take care of the pencil line while
marking out so that it was even, and take care of the wood while cutting, so that it was
not uneven or chipped.

       Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I think the main AOI was
Human Ingenuity because I needed to be creative, and open-minded to be able to cut
the triangular shapes out of my rails. This is because I havenʼt used a gents saw to cut
at an angle much in the past, so I need to keep an open mind about it to understand the
concept more.

Tuesday, 3/23/10

Cutting the Legs of My Stool

What I did

       Today in Design Technology, I started cutting the legs of my stool to fit along with
the rails. I did this by marking out along the ends of the legs, so that a gap would be
created. I first needed to saw along the sides of the lines where the gap will be. I also
needed to cut one line in the middle of where the gap would be, so that it is easier to
hollow out. By the time I finished sawing the gap, Mr. Anderson explained to me what I
should do next.

                                This is what cutting out
                                the gap in the legs of
                                my stool looked like. As
                                you can see, I cut out
                                three lines which
                                weakens the wood, and
                                makes it easier for

Whatʼs next?

     Next class, I will chisel out the wood that I cut, and make the gap hollow. I will
then be able to fit the end of the rails into the legs of my stool.


       Today I think I was good at marking out. I was good at marking out because I
could figure out how wide or how long the gap needed to be to be able to fit the rail into
it. Mr. Anderson had showed me how to mark out the lines on one side of the wood, so I
think that helped me in being able to figure it out.
This is me cutting the leg of my
                            stool with a gents saw. I used a
                            gents saw because the width of
                            its teeth are very thin, and good
                            to use for cutting more detailed


      I think I was not so strong at cutting, because it was slightly difficult to cut the
gap, without cutting too deep. This is why I spent a lot of time working on cutting,
because it is very detailed work. Also, I think I spent a lot of time cutting because I was
using a gents saw, in which the teeth are not very sharp.


      In the beginning of cutting, I got a bit frustrated because it was difficult cutting
from such an unfamiliar angle. I needed to cut straight forward very slowly so that I did
not cut too far down. Although, once I got the hang of it, it was not as hard, and I was
able to progress a bit faster.

Learner Profile

       Today I think the main Learner Profile was Balanced. I think I was Balanced
because of the way I was able to handle trying different ways of cutting, and trying to do
so more efficiently. I say efficiently because in the beginning, I was not so confident
about cutting at a new angle, but then I began to try harder, and be more focused so
that I could work faster.


      Today I think the main AOI was Environments. The main AOI was Environments
because today especially, many people were cutting off chunks of wood, or using a
smoothing plane to cut off strips of wood. Rather than just letting these pieces go to
waste, we put them in a bin so that people can possibly use the pieces for small
Wednesday, 3/24/10

Chiseling the Legs of My Stool

What I did

      Today in Design Technology, I began chiseling the legs of my stool. I did this by
using an 8mm chisel, and a wooden mallet. I needed to use the chisel on both sides of
the leg, in both vertical directions and on an angle. Before chiseling, I had cut three lines
on either side of the leg, to help guide me on where I should chisel, and to make the
wood weaker.

                                    This is me using the
                                    chisel in a vertical
                                    direction, to make a
                                    hole straight down in
                                    the wood. I am using
                                    the wooden mallet
                                    and 8mm chisel.


      I chiseled out the sides of my stool legs so that when I place my rails inside the
gap, they will make the stool more stable to use. I used an 8mm chisel because the
area that I was chiseling in was quite small, and needed more detailed work, so I
needed to use the smallest chisel.


       I think I was best at chiseling my wood from the side, because when I did so, the
wood came out very smoothly and delicately which is what it is meant to do so that the
wood is not too rough. The main reason I think this worked out is because I held the leg
in the vice very tightly, so that it did not slip out.

                                      This is me chiseling
                                      the leg of my stool
                                      from the side.
                                      Chiseling from the
                                      side is when the
                                      wood actually starts
                                      to come out. I used
                                      an 8mm chisel and
                                      a wooden mallet.

      Today I think my main weakness was chiseling straight down in a vertical
position. This is because it was hard to tell when I should stop chiseling, as I didnʼt
know how deep the chisel was. However, when I chiseled from the other direction, I was
able to get all of the wood out of the gap because I had chiseled deep enough on the
other side.


       I really liked chiseling. It was my first time doing it, and I think it is my favorite tool
so far. I like using the chisel and wooden mallet so much because it makes it very easy
to take out small pieces of wood from a large piece of wood.

Learner Profile

     Today I think the main Learner Profile was Risk-Takers. I think I was a Risk-Taker
because it was my first time using the wooden mallet and chisel, but I still tried using
them very confidently, and the outcome came out very nicely.


      Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I think the main AOI was
Human Ingenuity because using the chisel is a very creative process, as it lets you cut
to your liking. I say this because the chisel is very easy to control and takes little effort,
yet you need to be creative when using it.

Thursday, March 25 2010

Continuing Cutting and Chiseling the Legs of My Stool

What I did

      Today In Design Technology, I continued cutting and chiseling the legs of my
stool. When I had finished chiseling, I then realized that the gap in the leg of my stool
would not be big enough to hold the rail in place, so I needed to cut it again to make the
gap bigger. Then I will need to chisel out the wood that I cut to hollow out the gap.

                                    This is a picture of me chiseling my
                                    stoolʼs leg. At this point, I was just
                                    taking out little bits of wood that were
                                    still stuck in the gap, so I did not
                                    need to use the chisel for long.

       I need to make the gap in the legs of my stool bigger, because the rails are too
big to fit into the gaps currently, so they need to be sized down. I am making the gaps
bigger rather than the rails smaller because the rails are very small, and difficult to saw
or work on.


       I think what I was best at was chiseling with the 8mm chisel and wooden mallet
because chiseling does not take much effort, and only a light tap with the wooden mallet
will cause the chisel to cut quite deeply into the wood. Chiseling makes removing small
bits of wood very easy, and carefree.


       My main weakness today was cutting along the side of the gap to make it bigger.
I think this was my main weakness because using a saw to cut small spaces can be
quite difficult, considering the small space is very delicate, and you need to be careful. I
found myself not cutting along the line, and a bit on the outside.


                                  This is me cutting the gap in the legs
                                  of my stool to make them wider. I am
                                  using a gents saw to do this,
                                  because the gents sawʼs teeth are
                                  quite narrow, and can cut in small


      I feel that I did a pretty good job in cutting today, although I hadnʼt cut a lot. I was
able to keep the saw steady, and in a straight direction. I also think that I had chiseled
very well, because I got all of the bits of wood out from the gap.

Whatʼs next?

       Next class, I will finish chiseling the leg of my stool. I will do this using an 8mm
chisel, and a wooden mallet. Hopefully I will be able to complete the chiseling that
needs to be done on this leg of my stool.

Learner Profile

       Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I believe I was Reflective
because I basically repeated some of the same things today that I had done last lesson,
just to make sure that my project was presentable.

      Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. Our Design Technology
class is basically its own small community, and today I saw many people helping each
other out. For example, if someone wasnʼt sure on how to cut, their friend would simply
show them.

Monday, 3/29/10

Cutting and Chiseling the Leg of My Stool

What I did

        Today in Design Technology, I finished cutting and chiseling one leg of my stool.
Basically I just made the gap for the housing joint wider, so that I would be able to fit the
rail into it. While cutting the housing joint gap last class, I realized it was not big enough
and needed to enlarge it. I used a gents saw and an 8mm chisel to cut out the bits of
wood to make the housing joint gap larger.

                                         This is me using a gents saw to cut
                                         the gap of the housing joint in the leg
                                         of my stool to make it wider. I needed
                                         to make it the same depth of the
                                         original, but about 1mm wider. This is
                                         to help hold the rail in place more


     I enlarged the gap for the housing joint in a leg of my stool because the rails were
much too big to fit into them. Making the gap of the housing joint wider is much easier
than making the rail smaller because the rail is smaller, and would be difficult to
accurately cut.


     I think I was best at using the 8mm chisel. I found the 8mm chisel easy to use
because it is small and easy to control, and requires little effort to cut into the wood.
Using a wooden mallet also makes driving the chisel into the wood easier because it is
very heavy, which adds pressure onto the chisel.


     What I was not so strong at was sawing. I found sawing difficult because I
needed to cut in a very small area, so I needed to cut very carefully. This was hard
because it took a very long time to complete.

      I felt quite frustrated when I was cutting, mostly because it took a very long time
to cut enough to be ready to chisel. Otherwise, everything was quite easy because it
was repeating what I have been doing for a few days now.

                                    This is me using a wooden mallet
                                    and chisel to pick out the wood from
                                    the leg of my stool. I first used the
                                    chisel in a vertical direction to cut
                                    the depth, and then I chiseled from
                                    the side to pull up the wood.

Whatʼs next?

      Next class, I will mark out another leg of my stool, so that I can cut it out for a
housing joint. The joint will be 3mm wide, and 20mm long, this is to make sure that my
stool stays in place with rails.

Learner Profile

      Today I think the main Learner Profile was Knowledgable. I believe I was
Knowledgable because I was able to figure out the next steps of what I was meant to do
in my project, by referencing my flow chart.


      Today i think the main AOI was Health and Social Education. Many people were
using new tools today, which means they need to be aware of any new safety issues.
For example, if youʼre using a router, you need to be careful not to hold it too close to
your face because a lot of dust comes up from it, or your fingers because you could
possibly skin them.
Tuesday, 3/30/10

Cutting the Rails of My Stool

What I did

      Today in Design Technology, I cut the longest rail of my stool. I cut it so that it will
be able to fit into the legs of my stool as a housing joint. The length of the sides that will
go into the legs is 20mm wide, and about 4mm wide. I used a try-square and ruler to
mark these measurements out, and a gents saw to cut the housing joint out.


     I used a gents saw to cut out the housing joint, because only a small amount of
wood needs to be cut, and itʼs in a very confined space, this leads me to use the gents
saw as it is small, and can be used to cut details.

                           This is me using the try-square to
                           mark out my rail. I needed to draw a
                           pencil line all around the wood, so
                           that when I was cutting, I could
                           alternate which side of the wood I
                           was cutting.


     What I think I was best at today was marking out the rail of my stool. I found this
easy because Mr. Anderson had told me the measurements I needed to use
(20mmx3mm), and I just needed to mark that around the piece of wood. Using the try-
square helped me mark out a lot because it helped me to draw straight lines, and
connect with the lines around the wood.


       What I think I didnʼt do so well at today was cutting my rail. I kept cutting with
more pressure at the back of the saw, which caused one side to be a little less steady,
and tilted more towards the right.


       Today I felt very accomplished. I felt accomplished because I was able to get a
lot of work done in the double period, which I purposely wanted to do so that I would be
able to finish my stool more quickly.

Whatʼs next?

     Next class Iʼm going to start marking out one leg of my stool, so that I can cut it
open, and use it as a housing joint for the rail that I just cut
This is me cutting the rail of my stool
                             with a gents saw. I was using a gents
                             saw because the teeth are very
                             narrow, and allow me to cut in
                             detailed areas. The wood I needed to
                             cut was only 3mm wide, so I felt it
                             was appropriate to use a gents saw.

Learner Profile

     Today I think the main Learner Profile was Knowledgeable. I believe I was
Knowledgeable because I was able to figure out the mistakes I had made while cutting
or marking out, and I could easily fix them using the tool I was using.


      Today I think the main AOI was Environments. I was cutting off bits of wood from
my rail today, and instead of just throwing them out, I put them into a bin so that
students can use them for future projects if they want to, this helps preserve wood.

Wednesday, 3/31/10

Marking Out the Legs of My Stool

What I did

      Today in Design Technology, I completed cutting the rails of my stool and marked
out the remaining two legs of my stool, so that they can be used for a housing joint. I
used a try-square and a ruler to mark out the lines that I needed to cut, so that the
measurements would be accurate. I also used a gents saw to cut the rails, because it is
very narrow and can be used for cutting detailed pieces of wood. The gap in the sides of
the legs will be about 4mm wide by 20mm tall.


      I marked out the legs of my stool, so that when I try to cut them they will fit well
with my rails. I used a gents saw to cut the rails of my stool, because it is very narrow
and can cut detailed areas. I used a try-square to measure out the legs of my stool
because it will allow me to have accurate measurements, and have straight lines for
cutting along.

                                 This is me marking out the leg of my
                                 stool. As you can see, I am using a
                                 try-square to draw the pencil against,
                                 and be able to have straight right
                                 angled lines to cut against.

      Today I think the main thing I was good at was marking out the legs of my stool. I
found this easy to do because I knew the measurements that I was supposed to follow
for drawing out on the legs, and just needed to follow them. I also found connecting the
pencil lines on different sides of the leg easy because I was using the try-square, which
allowed me to follow the lines and connect them on different sides of the leg.


       What I think I didnʼt do so well at was cutting the rail of my stool. I found this a bit
difficult because I kept sawing using pressure on mostly the back part of the saw, which
caused the part in front where I was cutting to be a bit thicker than the rest of the wood.


      I felt quite neutral today. I did not really have any likes or dislikes in what I did,
causing me to work quite efficiently because I did not have any problems with what I
was doing. However, I did feel a bit confused when I needed to mark out the legs of my
stool at first, because I didnʼt really have anyone to show me how to do it.

                                This is me sawing the rail of my stool
                                with a gents saw. I was using a gents
                                saw because its teeth are very
                                narrow, which allow me to cut in
                                smaller areas of wood more carefully.

Learner Profile

     Today I think the main Learner Profile was Balanced. I believe I was Balanced
because I needed to cut and mark out my pieces of wood in one class. This makes me
Balanced because it involves physical work as well as being careful mentally and


      Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I believe the main AOI was
Human Ingenuity because cutting and marking out are two very important aspects of
Design Technology that require a lot of creativity and thinking. Although I think mostly
creativity is used because marking out requires new ideas, and thinking outside the box.
Thursday, 4/1/10

Cutting and Chiseling the Leg of My Stool

What I did

         Today in Design Technology, I cut one side of a leg on my stool, and dug out the
little bits of wood left with a chisel. I did this using a gents saw, 8mm chisel, and a
wooden mallet. I had already done this step previously on one leg, so I basically knew
what to do. I was sure not to cut too deep with the chisel, because then the gap would
be too big to fit the rails into.


        I was cutting a gap in the leg of my stool so that I could fit the rails of my stool
into it, and the seat of my stool would be balanced when someone tries to step or sit on
it. I used a gents saw to cut the gap because the gents sawʼs teeth are very narrow, and
can cut small areas. I used an 8mm chisel to dig in the wood because it is the smallest
chisel, and can cut in detailed areas.

                                    This is me cutting the leg of my stool
                                    using a gents saw. I only cut straight
                                    with the gents saw, and not across
                                    because I would be using the chisel
                                    to chisel out the bits of wood that I
                                    cut straight with.


       What I think my main strengths were today was chiseling the leg of my stool. I
think I was good at this because when I did it before, I had no problem doing it, which
led me to do an even better job with this leg of my stool. I was also very careful not to
put the chisel too deep into the wood, because the wood would then weaken, and
wouldnʼt be able to hold up the seat on my stool.


      What I think my main weaknesses were today was cutting the leg of my stool
with the gents saw. I found this difficult because I had to cut it from an awkward position,
so that I could cut it in a straight line and use a chisel and wooden mallet to take the rest
of the wood out.


      Today I felt that I worked very efficiently, because I was able to finish one side of
the leg, which took a lot of patience. It took a lot of patience because it took time to cut
carefully, and make sure that the sides were the right length.
Whatʼs next?

      Next class, I will finish cutting the other leg of my stool, so that it is ready to be
used in a housing joint. I will use the gents saw, 8mm chisel, and wooden mallet again
to cut out the wood from the leg.

                                 This is me using the 8mm chisel and
                                 wooden mallet to take out the bits of
                                 wood that I cut in the side of the leg
                                 of my stool, to create a gap for a
                                 housing joint. This will allow the rail of
                                 my stool to fit into it, and create
                                 support for the seat of my stool.

Leaner Profile

     Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I believe I was Reflective
because I did a lot of the same things that I have done in other Design Technology
classes, so I just needed to think back on what I had done in the past classes to help
me with what to do now.


      Today I think the main AOI for today was Approaches to Learning. Although I had
been doing the same thing as in past classes, this helped me to learn more. Since I was
repeating steps, it helps me be more informative about the specific tools that I have
been using, such as the gents saw and 8mm chisel.
Monday, 4/12/10

Chiseling the Legs and Marking Out the Rails of my Stool

What I did

      Today in Design Technology, I chiseled the legs of my stool, and started marking
out the rails of my stool. I needed to continue chiseling one of the legs of my stool,
because the gap was not deep enough, and could not support the housing joint. I used
an 8mm chisel, a wooden mallet, a try-square and pencil to do the chiseling and
marking out.


      I continued chiseling one leg of my stool because its gap was not deep enough,
and would not have been able to support the housing joint. I marked out the rails of my
stool again, because they are too long, and wonʼt fit along the bottom of the seat of my


       Today, I felt like I am understanding the concept of being in the workshop more.
This is because today I mainly needed to try to fix things about the legs and rails of my
stool that had something wrong with them. This tells me that its OK to make mistakes
while youʼre creating, but it is easiest not to.

                              This is me, using the 8mm chisel and
                              wooden mallet to make the gap in the
                              leg deeper. I needed to make the gap
                              about 2-3mm deeper, so that I could
                              fit one of my rails into it, and use it as
                              a housing joint.


        I think my main strength today was marking out the rails of my stool. I felt this
was one of my strengths because I have had a lot of practice with marking out, and I
feel it is one of the easier things that can be done in Design Technology. I am also able
to keep steady while marking out, so my lines are usually accurate.


       I think my main weakness today was using the 8mm chisel to make the gap in
the leg of my stool deeper. I felt this was one of my weaknesses because it was hard to
tell exactly how deep I had been going inside of the leg. I needed to make it about
2-3mm deeper, which was hard to see because I could not measure it.
This is me using the 8mm chisel and
                                 wooden mallet to chisel out the wood
                                 bits from the legs of my stool. Iʼm
                                 chiseling out the wood bits so that a
                                 gap will be created in the leg, and be
                                 used as a housing joint.

Whatʼs next?

       Next class, I will finish marking out the rails of my stool, and start cutting them. I
will probably use a tenon saw to cut the rails, because a gents saw is too small to cut all
the way through them.

Learner Profile

     Today I think the main Learner Profile was Inquirers. I believe I was an Inquirer
because I learned new things about what to do when you make a mistake using wood in
Design Technology, and how to easily fix small problems such as having a piece of
wood thatʼs too big, or a hole thatʼs not deep enough.


      Today I think the main AOI was Approaches to Learning. I think the main AOI was
Approaches to Learning because I learned more about what to do when you make
mistakes in Design Technology, and how to fix problems when youʼre doing things such
as cutting or chiseling wood.

                                   This is me marking out one rail of my
                                   stool with a try-square. I need to cut
                                   this rail down to size so that it can fit
                                   along the bottom of the seat, and fit
                                   in with the legs of my stool. Right
                                   now, 2 of the rails are too long, so I
                                   need to make them shorter.
Tuesday, 4/13/10

Completely cutting and Chiseling the Legs and Rails of my Stool

What I did

       Today in Design Technology, I completed cutting and chiseling the legs and rails
of my stool. This stage in making my stool probably took the longest to complete, so I
am very happy and proud that I was able to complete it today. I first completed cutting
the rails, as they were the easiest to do. I then disc- sanded the rails to make them
smooth so that they can fit against the legs of my stool. I then cut the legs of my stool
using a gents saw, then tapped out the pieces of wood to form a gap using an 8mm
chisel and wooden mallet.


       I needed to cut the rails of my stool again, because they were too long to fit
along the legs, and across the seat. I needed to then disc-sand the rails because they
were a bit choppy from when I was cutting them, since I was using a tenon saw which
has thick teeth. I continued chiseling some of the legs of my stool, because the rails did
not fit into them, as the gaps were not deep enough, which required me to make them
about 1mm deeper.


      Today I felt very proud and accomplished, because I was able to finish chiseling
and cutting my rails and legs. It took quite a long time to complete this stage, and a lot
of patience. After completing this stage, I realized that all the things I needed to do
repeatedly really paid off, as they made my stool look much better.

                                   This is me cutting sections off the
                                   rails of my stool. I used a tenon saw
                                   to cut them because it cuts very fast
                                   through the wood, and I didnʼt need
                                   to worry uch about doing delicate
                                   work, which wouldʼve caused me to
                                   use a gents saw I was also very
                                   careful to cut in a straight line, so
                                   that I did not have to fix it up that
                                   much using the disc-sander.


      Today I think one of my main strengths was cutting the rails of my stool. I think I
did a pretty good job with this, because I did not need to spend so much time at the
disc-sander polishing any mistakes that I had made. I also think I did a good job cutting
with the tenon saw because it is very big and stable, which makes it easy to use.

     My main weakness was definitely chiseling the legs of my stool. I have had some
experience with chiseling before, but this time it was quite difficult because it was mainly
making the gap in the legs deeper or wider, so that I could fit the rails into it. I think I
found editing the gaps in the legs difficult because I wasnʼt able to make it the right
depth or width very easily.

Whatʼs next?

      Next class, I will begin gluing and nailing all the parts of my stool together. This is
a very exciting step, because it means I am nearing completion of my stool. I will use
both nails and glue to put things together, because it makes the stool more secure, and
able to perform more tasks.

                                This is me chiseling downwards on a
                                leg of my stool, so make the gap in it
                                deeper. I am using an 8mm chisel
                                and wooden mallet to chisel as I am
                                trying to make it wider and not

Learner Profile

     I think the main Learner Profile for today was Thinkers. I believe I was a Thinker
because although I got many things accomplished today, I needed to think very carefully
about everything that I did. If I had not thought carefully about these things, I would
need to re-do them, and spend even more time doing them.


      I think the main AOI for today was Health and Social Education. Since I was
doing a mix of things today with different tools, it required me to follow the many safety
rules that follow each tool. For example, with using the tenon saw, I need to remember
to keep my distance from where I am cutting, to keep the wood at a practical and
comfortable angle, and to keep the hand I am not cutting with at a safe distance
Wednesday, 4/14/10

Cutting and Disc Sanding the rails of My Stool

What I did

       Today in Design Technology, I finished fixing any mistakes that were left in the
cutting of my stool. The first mistake I fixed was on the end of one of my rails. The end
of the rail is supposed to fit into one of the legs, but it was uneven. This led me to disc-
sanding the end of one rail, so that it was a nice square shape and could fit into the leg.
The other mistake that I fixed was sawing off a bit of the ends on my longest rail. I did
this so that it would fit better into the legs of my stool.


       I fixed some of the parts of my stool because if I hadnʼt, the rails would not be
able to fit into the legs of my stool, and it would not be stable. I used a gents saw to cut
off the ends of one of my rails because a gents saw has very narrow teeth, and is used
on smaller pieces of wood. I used the disc sander to make one of my rails more even,
because it would have been to complicated to try to saw it off, as the end of the rail is
very small.


       Today I feel like I did a good job in fixing some of the mistakes I made in my
stool. I also feel rather accomplished, because this means that I can start gluing and
nailing my project together tomorrow.

                                   This is a picture of me sawing one
                                   end of a rail off with a gents saw.
                                   However, this picture is quite
                                   incorrect because I should be using
                                   the bench-hook to hold my piece of
                                   wood, rather than the vice. This is
                                   mainly to make it more comfortable
                                   for sawing.


       Today I think my main strength was sawing the ends of one of my rails off with
the gents saw. I think this is one of my strengths because I was very focused, and could
saw straight forwards and backwards, and stay parallel to the line that I was following to
cut. I was also able to finish this task very quickly, even though I was using a gents saw
which does not cut so quickly.

       Today I think my main weakness was when I was using the disc sander. I think
this was one of my weaknesses because it was sort of hard to tell how small I needed to
make the end of the rail be, and what shape. However, Mr. Anderson helped me draw a
line to show where I needed to sand, so that I would know when to stop.

Whatʼs next?

     Next class, I will begin gluing and nailing the pieces of my stool together, so that
everything will be built. This is quite an exciting step, because it means Iʼm nearing
completion of my stool.

                               This is a picture of my cutting one
                               end of one of my rails with a gents
                               saw. This is a proper picture, unlike
                               the other one, because I am keeping
                               the piece of wood held in a bench-
                               hook, rather than the vice. The
                               bench-hook makes it easier and
                               more comfortable to cut.

Learner Profile

     Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I believe I was Reflective
because I had finished a big part in the making of my stool, and I needed to look back,
and see how well I did, and what my progress efficiency was like.


      Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. Our Design Technology
class is like its own small community, and that helps us learn because if we are not
quite sure on what step to do next, we can always ask our friends. Also, many people
are nearing completion of their stools now, so we are basically doing the same steps.
Thursday, 4/15/10

Gluing the Rails and Legs of my Stool Together

What I did

      Today in Design Technology, I started gluing the parts of my stool together. I was
only able to finish gluing one rail and two legs together so far, but I think it is a pretty
good start. This is my first time using PVA glue to put pieces of wood together, so I was
quite nervous that I would make a mistake. Since PVA glue is very strong, I needed to
be extra careful not to get any extra glue on my wood, or it would not come off.


       I used PVA glue to glue the pieces of my stool together because it is very strong,
and will be able to hold them tightly in place once it dries. I glued the longest of my rails
with its two matching legs first because I knew how to fit it into the legs easily, as it is not
positioned at an angle. I used a clamp to hold the pieces of wood together while it dries
because then they would fit together tightly, and not drift apart while they are drying.


      Today was quite exciting, because I was using new tools (the PVA glue, clamp,
and jig). I find using new tools exciting because it helps me learn even more about the
process in Design Technology class. Today I was also a bit nervous because I was
using the PVA glue, and I was afraid that I would put it on the wrong part of my wood,
and it would not come off.

                                     This is a picture of my lightly pressing
                                     the pieces of wood inside a jig. I was
                                     only holding it now, because I still
                                     needed to put the clamp on the wood
                                     to hold the pieces in place.


      I think my main strength today was balancing the pieces of wood together, so
that they are even. I needed to keep them even so that when they dry, they will fit well
with the other pieces of wood in my stool. I also needed to make them even so that the
legs will stand up straight and properly.

       Today I think my main weakness was figuring out how to use the clamp. Mr.
Anderson had first showed me how to use it, but I would have not guessed to put two
pieces of plywood between the clamp and the jig, or to use a try-square to measure and
see if the wood was at a correct angle. However, learning these things will help me in
the future to make the things that I glue more straight.

 Whatʼs next?

     Next class, I will check on the wood that I glued to see if it is dry, and set it up on
the seat of my stool to see what it looks like. I will even possibly start gluing or nailing
more pieces of my seat together, so that I can finish my stool more quickly.

                                   This is a picture of the clamp holding
                                   the pieces of my wood together. As
                                   you can see, there is a piece of
                                   plywood in-between the clamp and
                                   the piece of wood, so that it will not
                                   damage the wood. The other end of
                                   the clamp is attatched to the jig, to
                                   keep it stable with the wood.

Learner Profile

          Today I think the main Learner Profile was Risk-Takers. I believe I was a Risk-
Takers because I used many different tools today that I was not sure on how to use, but
I still tried my best at trying to figure them out, and I think I did pretty good job in using
them. I think the tool that I used that required me to be a Risk-Taker the most was the
PVA glue because it is super strong glue, that made me vry nervous to use as I thought
I would get it on the wrong place on my wood.


     Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I think the main AOI was
Human Ingenuity because I was very creative today, using glue to put the pieces of my
wood together how I wanted them to be. I can always change my plans if I want to do
something different with the pieces, which leads me to be even more creative.
Monday, 4/19/10

Cutting the Rails and Gluing my Stool Together

What I did

       Today in Design Technology, I finished any cutting that I need to do on my stool
before I glued it, I needed to cut a small bit off of one of the rails, so that it would fit in
better to the leg. I used a gents saw to do this, as it was a very small and detailed task
to perform. I then glued all of the legs and rails of my stool together, so that they will be
dry for next class. I used PVA glue to glue them because it is a very strong-hold glue,
that will hold the parts together steadily.


      The reason I cut off the bit of wood from one of my rails is so that it will fit in
better with the legs of my stool, and the stool will then be stronger. I glued the rails and
legs of my stool together before gluing them to the seat, because once they dry, I can
simply just lay them on the stool and glue them.


      Although today was only a single period, I feel I completed an important step in
the final stages of my project. I feel this way because I will now only need to glue the
seat to the base, put in some screws to hold it together, and then paint and I will finally
be done with my project.

                                         This is me cutting one of the rails of
                                         my stool with the gents saw. As you
                                         can see, I am cutting at a very deep
                                         angle. This is because the piece I
                                         needed to cut off was along the side
                                         of the rail, therefore I needed to cut
                                         at an awkward angle. I used a gents
                                         saw to do this because it is very
                                         narrow, and can cut small pieces of


      Today I think my main strength was cutting the small piece of wood off of my rail
with the gents saw. I feel this was one of my strengths because although at the end, I
had to cut a small leftover piece off, I was able to do it very cleanly without creating a
gap in the wood. I think whenever I use the gents saw, I am quite good at it because I
have used it so much in the past that it is one of my strong suits.

       Today I think my main weakness was using the PVA glue to glue the parts of the
bottom of my stool together. I found this as one of my weaknesses because at first I did
not put enough glue on the rails so that it would stay, and I put glue on the ends of my
rails, not showing I shouldnʼt have. However, Mr. Anderson helped me, and showed me
how to correct my mistakes.

Whatʼs next?

      Next class, I think I will finish the final stages of gluing my project together, and
then begin to use screws to hold it all together. I must first make sure that my gluing
from today is dry, so that I can continue on tomorrow.

This is a picture of my using the PVA          This is a picture of my holding the
glue to put inside of the legs of my           pieces of my stool together, so that
stool. I needed to put a lot so that my        when the glue dries, everything will
rails will easily stay inside of it. At        stick together and wonʼt be loose.
first, I did not put enough, so I was           This is also to eliminate any air
sure to put enough of it in he second          pockets that could be inside the glue.

Learner Profile

      Today I think the main Learner Profile was Inquirers. I believe I was an Inquirer
because I learned a lot about gluing, and how to make sure that you can glue efficiently,
without mistakes. I also was able understand what Mr. Anderson was explaining to me
about the different tools he was using, and how to use them well.


       Today I think the main AOI was Health and Social Education. I think the main AOI
was Health and Social Education because when using new tools such as PVA glue, you
need to be careful of the safety concerns, such as the fumes from it, and how it can
stick to your fingers if youʼre not careful.
Tuesday, 4/20/10

Putting the Bottom of my Stool Together

What I did

       Today in Design Technology, I completed putting together the bottom of my stool.
This means that all the rails and legs have been attached using glue and screws. I first
drilled holes into the rails, so that I could make space to screw-drive the screws in. I
then used the screwdriver to put in the screws. I made sure they were very tight, so that
my stool would be able to hold more easily. After I finished working on the bottom of my
stool, I was able to finish filing around the edges of the seat, so that it wonʼt be sharp,
and be more comfortable to sit on.


        I had first drilled holes into the rails of my stool, so that when I put in the screws,
it will be much easier and I can control where the screw goes more easily. I also drove
in the screws very tightly, so that when someone uses the stool, it wonʼt easily collapse
or break. I filed around the edges of the seat of my stool so that the edges will be less
sharp, and it will be more safe to sit on.


       Today although I learned many things, it was quite stressful learning them all. For
instance, it was my first time using an electric drill, and I found it quite difficult. I mostly
found it difficult because the drill is so heavy, and it is difficult to hold it up. I also felt a
bit worried while driving the screws into my stool, because I heard a cracking noise, I
then realized that it was just the screw going into the wood, and my wood was not going
to split open.

This is a picture of me marking out               This is a picture of me actually drilling
where I am going to drill the holes               the wholes into the rail of my stool,
into the rail. I made sure that the               where the marks used to be. As you
holes were close enough to the leg,               can see, the holes are right above
so that the screw would fit correctly              each other, and not too close to the
into it. I also needed to make sure               edge of the rail. I was sure to put the
that the holes were right above each              rail into the vice before I used it, so
other, so that the screws could be                that I would not drill a hole in the
drilled in evenly.                                workbench.

        Today I think my main strengths using the screwdriver to put the screws into the
legs of my stool. Although it took some getting used to, I feel I was able to place the
screws in a very suitable place, where they would be able to hold my stool together
tightly. I also think one of my strengths was filing my panda seat. I was able to finish
filing very quickly, and the edges were nice around round when I was done.


      I think my main weakness today was drilling holes into the rails of my stool. I
found this difficult because I have never used an electric drill before, and it was very
heavy, and hard to lift up. I was also worried about whether I would be drilling in the
correct direction or not when I had actually started drilling.

Whatʼs next?

      Next class, I will begin rounding the legs of my stool, as I want them to have a
round shape. I think the round shape makes the stool look more designed, and possibly
more like a panda.

                                    This is a picture of my using the
                                    screwdriver to tightly wind the
                                    screws into the legs of my stool,
                                    from the rails. I made the screws
                                    very tight, so that the stool will be
                                    able to hold strong items, and will
                                    not collapse.

Learner Profile

       Today I think the main Learner Profile was Communicators. I believe I was a
Communicator because Mr. Anderson needed to explain how to use the different tools
that I was going to be using, and I would need to communicate (ask) him about different
new things.


     Today I think the main AOI was Approaches to Learning. I think the main AOI was
Approaches to Learning because I learned many new skills, along with using new tools.
Some of these new tools were the electric drill and the screwdriver. I learned how to
properly hold an electric drill so that it does not seem so heavy, and how to use a
screwdriver very strongly, so that it will stay together bonding the two pieces of wood.
Thursday, 4/22/10

Sanding and Filing the Seat and Legs of my Stool

What I did

       Today in Design Technology, I finished sanding the seat of my stool, and started
round the edges of the legs. I am using a half-round file to round the legs, as it is the
easiest tool to use for this task. I am aiming to make the legs as round as possible,
because I want them to appear almost as cylinders. I took a lot of time to sand around
the seat of my stool, because I wanted the edges to be very smooth and comfortable to
sit on.


      The reason I want the legs of my stool to be like cylinders. is because I think they
make the stool look more creative, and unique with rounded legs rather than just plain
rectangular ones. I used a half-round file to round the edges of the legs rather than a
wasp file, because I think the wasp file might take off the wood too quickly, and I would
rather do a good job in finishing my project than finishing it quickly.


      Today I feel that I was working hard to improve the quality of my project. I feel
this way, because I could have easily just been done with the bottom part of my stool,
but I wanted to do more so that it would have a more positive presentation. I would not
want to spend all this time on my project, and not have a positive outcome, so I wanted
to do the best possible.

                                    This is me sanding the edges of the
                                    seat of my stool. I hand-sanded them
                                    rather than using the disc sander,
                                    because I wanted to easily control
                                    how well sanded the seat was. This
                                    was mostly so that I could tell if it was
                                    smooth enough.


      I think my main strength today was sanding and filing the seat of my stool. I
found this quite easy to do, because I knew the technique I wanted to use so that the
seat would be a bit rounded, yet smooth at the same time. I would alternate filing the
two sides of the stool with the half-round file, so that the edges would be rounded and
more comfortable for someone to sit on.

       Today I think my main weakness was filing the legs of my stool. I found this
difficult because it was the first time I tried to round a very pointy piece of wood. The
most difficult part of this was making sure that all along the leg it was equally rounded,
and that one part was not more straight than the other.

Whatʼs next?

      Next class, I will continue rounding the edges of the legs of my stool using the
half-round file. I donʼt think I will have enough time to complete it, but if I do, I will be
able to sand them, and possibly attach the bottom of my stool to the seat.

                                       This is me filing and rounding the
                                       edges of the legs of my stool, using
                                       the half-round file. I am doing this so
                                       that the legs will be more of a
                                       cylindrical shape, rather than
                                       rectangular. I need to file the legs
                                       quite a bit to make them this shape,
                                       so I will probably be doing this step
                                       for a while.

Learner Profile

       Today I think the main Learner Profile was Knowledgeable. I believe I was
Knowledgeable because I needed to use my knowledge from past steps in this project,
and incorporate it into what I am doing now. For example, I needed to think about the
last time I was using the half-round file, and the sanding block/paper for my project.


      Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I feel the main AOI was Human
Ingenuity because I was taking the creative initiative to add something a bit extra into
my project. I could have just kept going on with my project, and not rounded the legs,
but I believe this way my seat will look better, and be more positively presented.
Monday, 4/26/10

Sanding the Seat of my Stool

What I did

      Today in Design Technology, I continued sanding the seat of my stool. I used a
sanding block and sanding paper to do this, rather than the disc sander. I didnʼt use the
disc sander because the wood would have been cut too quickly, and would not have
been accurate. I spent the whole period sanding, because I needed to make sure that
the edges of the seat were smooth and well rounded, as well as the sides not having
any bumps.


      I used a sanding block and sanding paper to sand my seat, because if I had used
the disc sander, the sides would not have bumps but the edges would become sharper.
It would also be more difficult to control how much I am sanding if I use the the disc
sander, because it is hard to manually stop sanding. The reason I like sanding so much,
is because if I concentrate and set my mind on finishing, I can really get a lot of sanding
done, even if the sanding paper is dull.


       Today I felt like I did quite a good job with sanding the seat of my stool. I feel I did
a good job with this, because I was able to get a lot of sanding done, and quite
effectively. I think I especially did a good job with sanding the edges, because at first
they were sticking out, and were pointed, but now they are smooth and you can run
your fingers around them.

                                    This is me sanding the seat of my
                                    stool. I am using a sanding block and
                                    sanding paper, and sanding around
                                    the edges and on the sides of the
                                    seat. I was sure to make very clean
                                    strokes, and see that there were no
                                    bumps left on the seat.


       I think my main strength today was sanding on the edges of the seat of my stool.
I feel this was one of my strengths because I was able to make the edges very smooth,
when they were originally quite pointed out, and sharp. I also used the file for this step,
but I think the sanding is what made the edges so smooth.

      I think my main weakness today was sanding the sides of the seat of my stool. I
especially had a hard time with one area on the side, that had very small grooves in it.
These grooves were hard to sand out, because they were actually set into the wood,
and I would need to sand all around them to make the wood equal.

Whatʼs next?

     Next class I will make sure that the seat of my stool is completely sanded, and
then continue on with filing the legs of my stool. I think the filing will take a while,
considering I have to file all the sides of 3 legs.

Learner Profile

      Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I believe I was Reflective
because I needed to look back on my progress as I am sanding, to see if I did a good
enough job to move onto the next step. If I did not make sure that the process was
good, the seat would definitely not look as nice.


     Today I think the main was Human Ingenuity. I think the main AOI was Human
Ingenuity because I was very creative, in thinking about what the proper amount of
sanding was that I needed to do. If I did not think about this, I would probably have done
not enough, or too much sanding, and my seat would not be as presentable.

                                         This is me just fitting the bottom parts
                                         of my stool on the seat. I wanted to
                                         see if the legs would fit properly on
                                         the seat still with all of the sanding
                                         that I had done, because you can
                                         never be too careful.
Tuesday, 4/27/10

Filing and Sanding the Legs of my Stool

What I did

      Today in Design Technology, I completed filing the legs of my stool, and began
sanding them. The filing took a while, since I have four corners on each of the three
legs, and I needed to round them so that they did not have any sharp bits sticking out. I
used a half-round file the round the edges of the legs, because the shape of the file
helps create a smoother feel.


       The main reason I spent such a long time filing the legs of my stool, was because
there was a lot that needed to be done. There were four corners on each of the three
legs of my stool, which led me to filing 12 corners, being careful with each corner. I used
a half-round file for the legs, because itsʼ purpose is to help make wood rounder, and
more smooth.


      Today I felt like some weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I thought filing the
legs of my stool would take a long time to complete, but it was really quite easy once I
began practicing the right technique. At first, I was just putting the stool on the bench,
and filing free-hand, but then when I put it inside the vice, I found it much more easy to
control and to file much faster.

                                      This is me filing the edges of the legs
                                      of my stool using a half-round file. As
                                      you can see, I am applying pressure
                                      to the file using my index finger, so
                                      that the wood can be filed much


      I think my main strength today was sanding the legs of my stool. I found this quite
easy to do, because once the edges were all filed, I only needed to sand out the
grooves and make them even. I also found sanding easy to do, because I used my
whole hand to apply pressure for sanding, rather than just one finger.

      I think my main weakness today was filing the legs of my stool. Although I had
practiced doing this last class, it was still quite difficult to equally round all the edges.
For instance, one edge of a leg might be slightly larger than the other edge, which
would cause the leg to look uneven.

Whatʼs next?

     Next class, I will complete sanding the legs of my stool, and then attaching the
bottom and seat of my stool together. I will probably use both glue, and screws to attach
them together, so that everything is very secure.

                                  This is me sanding the legs of my
                                  stool using a sanding block and
                                  garnet paper. I tried to use garnet
                                  paper that was not too worn out,
                                  because I wanted the legs to be well
                                  rounded, and not have so many
                                  grooves in them.

Learner Profile

        Today I think the main Learner Profile was Open-minded. I believe I was Open-
minded because I found myself become more open about trying to finish filing the legs.
At first, I came onto it as a challenge, but once I saw how easy it was, I decided to think
of it from a different perspective, and use it to my advantage.


      Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. Some people today
were using the smoothing plane, which helps take of layers of wood. The small layers
that are taken off are in small curly shapes, which I thought were pretty cool-looking. So,
I decided that I could possibly use these pieces in a future project, or just for a craft at
Tuesday, 5/4/10

Attaching the Bottom and Top of my Stool Together

What I did

       Today in Design Technology, I screwed the legs and rails of my stool to the seat.
At first it was a bit confusing, because I didnʼt know how to properly set up where the
screws would go in the wood. Mr. Anderson then showed me that I should put the
screws in the middle of where the rails are, because it will strengthen the stool. I also
learned how to drill a hole in the wood so that the screws will hold in place more
thoroughly and strongly.


       The reason I used a drill bit which is smaller than the actual screw to make the
whole that the screw was going into, is so that the screw can “bit” along the sides of the
wood, and hold in place. The reason the screw will hold in place better, is because there
is tight space surrounding it, and almost no space for it to move. I used a screwdriver
rather than the electric cordless drill to screw-drive my screws into the wood because
the screwdriver gives you more control, as you are manually doing something.


      Today was quite a bit confusing, but very successful. I think today was confusing
because doing something such as screwing a top to a bottom was very new to me, and
I wasnʼt sure on all the steps that would make the process go smoothly. I say today was
very successful however, because I can now start finishing off my project by sanding it
one last time, and then painting and lacquering it.

This is me marking out where                 This is me drilling holes into the
the holes in the seat of my stool            seat of my stool. These holes are
will be. I did this by using a ruler,        where the screws will be put in.
and measuring how close to the               All of the holes are in-line with
edge of the seat the rails were,             the rails underneath the seat, so
since rails are what I need to put           that the screws will dig into them,
my screws into. I then marked                and attach the two parts together.
where I needed to drill with an X.

      I think one of the best things I did today was drilling through the seat of my stool,
to make the holes for the screws to go into. I found this as one of my strengths because
I could easily drill through the wood, as I now knew the proper technique to do so. I was
sure to add enough pressure while drilling, because if I had not have, I would be
standing drilling for quite a while, wondering why it is not drilling all the way through.


       Today I think my main weakness was finding the right measurement so that I
could drill holes into my seat. I found this difficult because although I had a ruler to mark
out, it was still difficult finding the proper place to drill the holes. I needed to make sure
that the measurements were exactly correct, otherwise the stool would not be strong
enough, or it would just have a gaping whole in it.

Whatʼs next?

      Next class, I will finish the final sanding around my stool, and begin painting. I am
very excited about beginning painting, because it shows the amount of creativity that
your project can have to its fullest.

                                  This is me screw-driving the screws
                                  into the seat of my stool. The screws
                                  then go into the rails, and attach the
                                  bottom and seat of my stool together.
                                  Using a screw-driver is much better
                                  for doing this than an electric
                                  cordless drill, because you have
                                  much much control oer what you are

Leaner Profile

     Today I think the main Learner Profile was Inquirer. I believe I was an Inquirer
because I learned many new things about attaching pieces of wood together using
screws, and how to do it so that your project is not weakened, but made stronger.


      Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. I think the main AOI was
Community and Service because Mr. Anderson taught our class (which is like a small
community) how to properly use screws to attach your project together step by step.
This helped clear things up for me a lot, because I was very unsure on what to do
before that.
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Process journal

  • 1. Process Journal 3/2/10, Tuesday Alzira Fernandes Marking Out the Seat Today in DT, we created a flow chart, and started marking out the pine wood that we are going to cut for our stool. The stool that I am creating resembles a panda. The seat of my stool will be the pandas face, and the legs will be the legs of the panda, along with paws at the bottom. Today we also completed our orthographic sheet, which shows the exact measurements and sides of the stool. Marking out the pine wood was not difficult, because we just needed to look at the measurements from our orthographic sheet, and mark them on the piece of wood with a ruler. The tenon saw that we will use to cut however, is 3 mm wide, so we need to leave a small space on the wood for the saw to cut. I think the thing that I was best at, was creating the flow chart. It was easy because we just needed to write down the process of our project, and how we were going to create our seat in what order. This was in the form of a chart, using boxes and arrows. If we were asking questions in the box such as “Is my project finished correctly?”, they would be in a diamond shaped box. This is to help organize our thoughts, and keep track of our work. One thing that I was not so strong at, was finding the materials for our orthographic sheet. We needed to write down the number of each material we needed, and the measurements of it. I thought finding the measurements was the most difficult part, because I couldnʼt imagine what the parts would be like put together. Learner Profile Inquirers Today I think we were Inquirers, because we learned many new things about measurements and gathering our thoughts to create a process, by asking questions. At first, I donʼt think a lot of people were sure on how to create a flow chart, or the orthographic sheet, but after we asked Mr. Anderson on the details of the sheets, he explained to us how to complete them. AOI Approaches to Learning Today, the main AOI was Approaches to Learning, because we learned new skills, such as marking out and creating a process. We also helped each other, because when one of my group members did not understand how to do something, I was able to just quickly help them, by explaining what we need to do. I think I could do this, because I was very attentive while Mr. Anderson was explaining how to create a flow chart and orthographic drawing. I find this part of the process very interesting.
  • 2. Try-Square A try-square is a tool that we used to draw straight lines around corners of wood. This helps us to cut the wood more accurately. <> Metal Ruler The metal ruler is what we use to measure and mark out our pieces of wood. The measurements are the same as in our orthographic drawings, so all we need to do it measure it out on the actual piece of wood. < ruler.jpg> Process Journal 3/3/10, Wednesday Alzira Fernandes Starting to Cut the Seat Today in Design Technology, Xavier and I finished marking out and cutting the piece of wood we need to create our seat. The wood was originally one long piece, but Xavier and I cut it to fit the measurements of the seat of our stool. We each took turns cutting the wood, because it was thicker than what we have worked with in previous projects. As we started cutting the wood, we first made a groove in the side, by pulling
  • 3. back the saw three times. The groove helps us keep steady while cutting in a forward direction. The saw that we used to cut was a tenon saw. I find the tenon saw easy to use, because the handle is large so you can keep control while cutting. I think I was good at sawing, because I was able to stay in the 3mm range of where we were meant to cut, and I was cutting efficiently. One thing I was not so good at, was marking out. I wasnʼt sure on how to use the try-square at first, but then Mr. Anderson had demonstrated it to the class, which made it quite clear to me. You need to put the try-square around the corner of the wood, so that it is perfectly straight. Doing this will let you draw straight lines all around the sides of your wood. While Xavier and I were taking turns cutting the piece of wood, the other person was holding the wood in place, because the bench hook was not large enough to hold our wood. If we did not hold the wood in place, it would have probably been difficult to cut in a straight line. I think it felt cool when it was my turn to cut the seat, because I like cutting the wood. I think Iʼm quite good at it Learner Profile Communicators Since me and Xavier were working together, we needed to talk about how we were going to cut it, and whose turn it was etc. This type of communication is an important part of a project, because if you are working with someone, you need to kow what they are going to do, for they might do something you donʼt like. AOI Environments When working with wood, some unwanted parts of the wood must be cut off. It would be a shame if the wood was thrown away and wasted, so Mr. Anderson keeps the chunks of wood that we cut off, for future projects. I think this can be classified as us recycling the wood we use.
  • 4. Tenon Saw This is a picture of a tenon saw. Xavier and I used the tenon saw to cut our piece of wood. A tenon saw is a type of backsaw, because the handle extends along the top of the saw, making it more sturdy. I think the tenon saw is easy to use ProductImages/handsaws/052802.jpg because it is controllable, mostly from the large handle. Handsaw The handsaw is nearly the same as a tenon saw, however it is larger and backless. I find the handsaw difficult to use because it is so big. With it being backless, that makes it more difficult to control, because there is little support. images/handsaw.jpg Cutting the rounds of my seat 3/8/10 Monday Today in Design Technology, I started cutting the curves of the panda face of my stool with a coping saw. I used a coping saw because it is the tool we use when cutting round pieces of wood. We did not need to use the bench hook for cutting any longer, because we are using a coping saw, and it would be hard to cut round edges. I think cutting round edges isnʼt very difficult, because I have done it before and know what it feels like. Before cutting, I needed to draw a basic sketch of where I was going to cut the seat. I drew very largely, so that I did not waste any wood around it. After lightly sketching where I would cut, Mr. Anderson demonstrated that we should make a dark line over where we sketched, so that it is more clear on where we should cut. He then showed that we should just put the piece of wood inside the vice rather than on a bench hook so that it will be easier to cut.
  • 5. I found cutting the wood easy, because I used a coping saw to cut my last project, so I have some experience in using it. However, I did found it difficult to use in the beginning because I didnʼt understand how to make it cut curves. I then realized that you just need to hold it at the angle you wanted to cut in, and cut like you would with a normal backsaw. I thought marking out the shape of the seat was a bit difficult, because it was hard to fit the shape into the whole seat evenly. Luckily, I had sketched the shape first before doing a darker sketch, so that I could erase it and re-draw it. Learner Profile I think the Learner Profile that suits todayʼs work is Balanced. I needed to use artistic thinking for drawing the shape of my seat, and making it even. I then needed to use my ability to keep concentrated on my work, to cut the shape of the seat out properly, and not cut past the line. It was a bit difficult to concentrate, with all the other noises in the workshop going on, and people walking around. AOI I think the main AOI for today was Health and Social Education, because surprisingly in DT class, many people cut their hands using saws. I think this is because the coping sawʼs teeth are very small, and easy to not have control over. I also got one small cut on my hand, because I pulled the coping saw too far back while cutting. This is me cutting the curves of my This is the block of wood I needed to stool with a coping saw. A coping cut for my stool seat. I drew the seat makes cutting curves easier, very close to the edges of the block, because it is able to bend, and be so that I did not waste any of the held at an angle. I learned that using wood. The wood is 350 mm x 250 the whole length of the saw to cut, mm. I will first cut the corners of the will have you cutting faster than wood, just to get the waste pieces of using just small strokes. wood off.
  • 6. Tuesday, 3/9/10 Cutting More Curves of the Seat of My Stool Today in Design Technology, I cut even further into the seat of my project. By now, I am almost done with cutting out the seat. The seat is in the shape of a pandaʼs face, so there are many curves in it. Cutting the curves is quite simple, because I am using a coping saw. The coping saw is able to cut curves, by holding it at an angle. While cutting with the coping saw, I accidently twisted the saw in a direction that I shouldnʼt have. This caused the blade of the saw to snap in half, and I had to get a new blade. The blades of coping saws are very thin, so I need to be careful not to twist it in an unfamiliar direction. Mr. Anderson helped me put the coping saw back together, using a new blade and snapping it into place with the clamps on either side of the saw. What I found difficult, was being able to use the coping saw after that, because I was very nervous that I would break it again. I was sure to be extra careful using the saw, so that I would not bend it at an improper angle again. Mr. Anderson had also advised me not to use the coping saw at a very dramatic angle, and try to keep it straight because it is easier to cut that way, and it is less likely to break. Once I tried cutting straight, it became very easy to cut. I was able to cut faster, and more efficiently. Also, I only needed to change the angle of f the coping saw a bit to cut in a different direction. Next class, I will finish cutting my seat, and start filing and sanding it. I think I will use a half-round file, because there are many curves in my seat. I will probably need to do a lot of sanding, because the way I cut using the coping saw was a bit choppy and rough. Learner Profile I think the main Learner Profile today was Inquirers. I was an Inquirer, because I learned many new things about coping saws. For example, I learned how easy it is to break them because of their thin blades. I also learned that cutting them straight down makes it very easy to cut. Asking Mr. Anderson questions about coping saws also helped me learn more about them, and how to use them in the future. AOI I think the main AOI today was Environments. While cutting the curves of my panda seat, many chips and blocks of wood were being cut off. Rather than just throwing out these pieces, we put them into a bin, where they are either recycled, or used again in other projects. These helps us be less waste-full, and to make use of our resources.
  • 7. This is me, cutting from the top of my This is me, cutting down the side of panda seat. I was cutting from the my panda seat. I was cutting down top, so that I could cut around the the side, to make the seat more ears. After I cut one side of the ears, I rounded. If I had not cut down the needed to start cutting on the other side, it would be very straight, and side so that I could cut all the way would not appear like the face of a through the wood. panda. Wednesday, 3/10/10 Completing Cutting my Panda Head Seat Today in Design Technology I completed cutting the seat of my stool. I cut the entire seat using coping saws, one of which I broke. The shape of my seat came out ok, however it is a bit different on one side. I think I can fix this using files. Although it was slightly difficult, I liked working with the coping saws because they are small, and light- weight. The main difficulties I had were with the coping saws. I found them hard to use, because if you bend them the wrong way, they will snap. I think working with them would have been quite easy, I was just worried that I might bend them the wrong way again. The main reason that my seat looks a bit different on each side, is because I had a hard time focusing while cutting. The part that has more wood cut of, is very long, and takes a while to cut. This ended up with me starting to day-dream, and lose focus on what I was really meant to be doing. What I will do next, is filing. I think I will mainly use a half-round file, because there are many curves in my seat. Using the half-round file will help make them smoother and more rounded. I will need to do quite a bit of filing, especially where my seat is not symmetrical on both sides. Overall, I think cutting with the coping saw was an experience. It taught me a lot on how I need to be careful with smaller tools, and not use them too forcefully. Learner Profile I think the main Learner Profile for today was Open-minded. I feel I was Open- minded because I did not just give up when I did not cut with the coping saw correctly, I
  • 8. saw it as an opportunity to improve. Being Open-minded is a good characteristic in Design Technology, because it is easy to make mistakes while making something, and you should not dwell over it for long. AOI I think the main AOI today was Community and Service. I believe our class could be considered a small community, and I saw many students helping others. For example, helping them to cut pieces of wood, and explaining how to cut more efficiently. This is me using a coping saw. I am This is how the side of my project cutting next to the ears of the panda, looked after I finished cutting it with a so that they will be more defined and coping saw. As you can see, it looks will be sticking out of the head more. very choppy. I can fix this by using a I was careful not to cut too deep, half-round file and smoothing out the otherwise the ears would most likely areas that need attention. chip off when someone used the stool because of lack of support. Thursday, 3/11/10 Filing My Panda Head Seat Today in Design Technology, I completed filing my stoolʼs seat. I only used a half-round file, because I was focusing on round the curves of my seat. One side of my panda seat was a bit wider than the other, so I needed to do a lot of filing there. I did not use a wasp file, because I was afraid that it would take too much wood off of my seat. A wasp file has very sharp sides, so a lot of wood is shed off if you scratch it against the wood.
  • 9. I think filing in general was not very difficult, because I just needed to follow the curves on the outside of my seat. Some areas needed more filing than others, like the ears and bottom of my seat. While cutting with the coping saw, I accidently cut one side of my seat bigger than the other, so it is not symmetrical. All I needed to do was file more of the other side so that it would look OK. Some of the difficulties I had was getting the shape of the ears right, because they need to be round enough to look like panda ears. I kept making the base of the ears thin, thinking they should be square, but then figured out that they should be round so that they look more like a furry pandaʼs ears. I asked Sallyʼs advice on what I should do with the ears, and she suggested that I keep the ears height short, but the length long. This helped a lot because it made them look much more round. The main thing I was good at was shaping the bottom of my stool to be symmetrical on both sides. I actually spent most of my time filing making sure that the sides were symmetrical, so I did a pretty good job because I took my time. What I will do next, is sanding my panda seat, and marking out the legs of my stool. I do not need to do much sanding, because I have been filing my project quite carefully, and smoothly. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I feel I was Reflective because I took the time to think my job on filing my seat, and used the comments I had from other people to my advantage. For example, I would ask someone about what they think about an area of my seat, and if they gave a comment on something bad, I could easily know what it is, and fix it right away. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Approaches to Learning. I feel the AOI was Approaches to Learning because I was able to figure out the process for my project by myself, without help from Mr. Anderson. Part of Approaches to Learning is being able to do things and learn things on your own, and not having to need so much help. This is the half-round file that I used to shape my seat. A half-round file This is me using the half-round file to helps round curves and smooth shape the bottom of the stool of my edges on the wood. The rounded seat. I was shaping it because the two sides are not symmetrical, and look very lop-sided. file-15-4167--15-4168--15-4169--15-4170- middle.jpg
  • 10. Monday, 3/15/10 Sanding My Panda Seat Today in Design Technology, I used the disc sander to sand my stoolʼs seat. It was my first time using a disc sander, so I was sort of new to it. Mr. Anderson showed me how to use it, and it was not as hard as I thought. You need to put your piece of wood on one side of the disc sander, but not on the other, otherwise it will not cut. When putting your piece of wood against the disc sander, you need to apply pressure to it, or else it will not cut. This is me using the disc sander to sand my panda seat. A disc sander is much faster, and easier to use than a regular sanding block and sandpaper. I liked using the disc sander, because it is a faster and more efficient way to sand wood. I found it a bit overwhelming at first, because Iʼve only used a power tool in Design Technology once before, so I do not have much experience. I liked how easy the disc sander made sanding, because if you held the wood in one place for only a few seconds, it would quickly shed off. What I was best at was sanding my wood up to the point where I had a line drawn. A line is drawn to help mark where to stop sanding the wood. I was sure not to go over the line and sand too much, and to just stop at where the line began. One of my weaknesses was sanding around corners of my seat. The corners were difficult to sand, because I could not sand them without accidently sanding another side of the wood. Tomorrow, I will draw a line on the back of my seat so that I can switch sides and sand all the sides of my seat. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Inquirers. I needed to ask questions about the disc sander, and how to use it. I was also taking responsibility for my actions at the disc sander, and being careful using the new tool. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity because I learned how to use a new tool, which helps sanding be more efficient, and fast. It helps us work faster, which helps us finish projects quicker.
  • 11. This is the disc sander that we used in Design Technology today. There is a sheet of sandpaper on a disc that spins very fast, This makes sanding very easy and simple. 902788/8776674/0/1240383754/ disc_sander_sanding_machine.jpg Tuesday, 3/16/10 Marking Out and Cutting the Legs of My Stool Today in Design Technology, I marked out, and started cutting the legs of my stool. Since I have three legs on it, one is 250 mm, and the other two are 220 mm. When marking out, I was sure to leave a 3 mm wide space for the tenon saw to cut, since the saw is 3 mm wide. While cutting, I noticed that the tenon saw was slightly at an angle. This led me to re-cut a piece off of the end of each leg. In the next class, I will sand my legs using the disc sander, as well as sanding my panda seat. This is a picture of me cutting my stool legs with a tenon saw. Using a tenon saw made the job easier because its big teeth allow me to cut much faster. My strengths were cutting with the gents saw. After cutting with the tenon saw, I noticed that the cut was a bit crooked. The led me to cutting a bit off the ends of each leg with a gents saw, which is smaller and easier to control in cutting straight lines. Although the gents saw is more accurate, it takes a very long time to cut with because it is so small. This is a picture of me using a gents saw. I used the gents saw to cut pieces of wood off the ends of my stool legs and make them look straighter. I used the gents saw to do this because it is small and easy to control, and makes cutting more accurate.
  • 12. My weaknesses were probably marking out. I havenʼt had much practice with marking out, and using a try-square. The main reason I wasnʼt so good at marking out, is because I kept having the lines not be together on all sides of the wood. However, once I got the hang of it I eventually got used to the idea of marking out on all sides of the wood. This is a picture of me using a try-square and marking out the legs of my stool. As you can see, I have drawn lines on all the sides of my wood so that it is easier to see where I am sawing. Next class, I will finish sanding all the bottoms of the legs of my stool, and the Panda seat using the disc sander. I was not able to finish sanding the seat last class because I had not marked out on both sides of the wood. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Risk-Takers. I believe I was a Risk- Taker because I used many new tools, and was confronted with new concepts in Design Technology that I have never used before. The main tool that was new to me was the gents saw, because I have never worked with it before, and it was very different using such a small saw. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Health and Social Education. I think this because when people were using chisels or sawing, a lot of dust was in the air. This caused some people to start coughing, and complain about the dust. It is important not to have too much dust in the air, because it can get into peopleʼs lungs, and slow their breathing.
  • 13. Wednesday, 3/17/10 Completing Disc Sanding My Stoolʼs Legs, Seat, and Rails Today in Design Technology, I finished using the Disc Sander to sand my rails, legs, and seat for my stool. On my rails and legs I needed to sand the ends because when I was cutting them off with a tenon saw, they we very jagged and rough. It is important that the ends are smooth, because that way they will fit into the seat of the stool more easily. This is a picture of my rails and legs for my stool. As you can see, this is after I sanded them because the endings are very smooth. You can also see the protective goggles in the background, I used these to protect my eyes from the sawdust while sanding. What I was best at, was probably sanding the rails and legs of my stool. I found this easy because I only needed to keep the piece of wood straight while sanding, and I did not have to make any curves. Sanding the rails and legs was also a bit difficult however because I did not have a very accurate try-square line going around my pieces of wood. This was bad because the try-square line helps tell me where to stop sanding. My main weakness was sanding the Panda seat. Sanding the Panda seat was difficult because it is rounded. Sanding a rounded surface it quite difficult because I kept needing to flip the seat over so that I could sand from looking at the other side. When sanding around rounded corners, you have to be careful not to sand the corner opposite of where you are trying to sand, otherwise it will be un-even. What I will do next class, is starting to round my legs, so that they look like cylinders. If the legs look like cylinders, I think this will give them a more “playful” feel, one that would be good for a child, as this is a childʼs stool. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Knowledgeable. I think I was Knowledgeable because when using the Disc Sander, I was very careful of any safety issues that were to be remembered. Some examples of safety issues are keeping distance away from the sander, always wearing protective goggles, and being sure to turn the sander on and off properly. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. In out Design Technology class, I think of it as a small community. By respecting the rules in the
  • 14. Design Technology class, we are respecting our small community, and setting an example to everyone to follow the rules and be careful around the classroom. This is a picture of me using the disc sander to sand the seat of my Panda stool. While using the disc sander, I needed to switch the side of my seat that I was sanding, so that I could get to all the corners of it. Thursday, 3/18/10 Cutting the Angles of My Rails Today in Design Technology, I started cutting my rails, so that they would fit on an angle against my legs. I cut my rails like this so that when they are attached to my seat, they will be able to hold the legs of my stool in place. I used a gents saw to cut my wood. This is how the rails looked after marking out. After I cut out the shapes in the rails, I will be able to fit them against the side of my legs, and hold the legs in place. My main strength today was marking out my rails. Mr. Anderson first showed me how to mark them out, and it seemed a bit complicated. However, when I tried marking out myself, it was very easy. All I needed to do was try two triangles on either side of the wood and conjoin them, and drawing a line at an angle on the other side of the wood.
  • 15. My main weakness today was cutting the angles of the wood. I found it hard to place the wood at a vertical angle, because they were facing in different directions. I needed to cut the wood at a vertical angle, because gents saws cannot cut at an angle, only coping saws can. What I will do next class is finish cutting my rails with the gents saw, and try to figure out how I am going to place the rails and legs on my seat. Mr. Anderson will help me with this, because there is a specific way to do it. Learner Profile I think the main Learner Profile for today was Risk-Takers. I feel I was a Risk- Taker because I used different techniques than I was used to doing today. For instance, I cut on an angle using a gents saw, which I am normally used to do doing with a coping saw. AOI I think the main AOI for today was Health and Social Education. Many people were using the disc sander today, and needed to be careful of the safety issues about it. A lot of dust is created when using the disc sander, and needs to be extracted using the dust extraction system, otherwise the dust could get in peopleʼs eyes, or they could accidently breathe it in. One other safety issue of the disc sander is being wary of your fingers. If you keep your fingers too close to the machine, your fingernails could possibly get sanded, or you would get a burn on your finger from the sander rubbing against it. Monday, March 22 2010 Cutting the Rails of My Seat What I did Today in Design Technology, I continued cutting the rails of my seat. I used the same process as before, and cutting in the same areas. I did this by cutting at an angle on the end of my rail, and cutting triangle shapes into the other end. These will help me fit my rails into the sides of the legs of my stool. Mr. Anderson also gave a demonstration on how to glue the staves of a cylindrical stool together. Although I am not making a cylindrical stool, knowing how to put it together will be helpful in the future if I do make such a project. This is me cutting the triangular shapes out of my rail. These shapes will help me fit my rails into the legs of my stool so that they stay put easily.
  • 16. Strengths My main strengths today was the angle off of the side of my rail. I found this easy to do because I only needed to cut straight until the piece of wood was cut off, and there was no limit I needed to worry about passing for cutting. At first I needed to carefully place the gents saw, because where I started cutting was right on the edge of the wood, and a bit hard to balance. Weaknesses My main weakness today was cutting the triangle shapes out of my wood. I had already done one triangle shape on Thursday, so I just needed to do one more shape. However, while I was cutting I realized that I had cut a bit outside of the line, so the rails do not look exactly the same. Emotion Today I felt quite good about cutting the rails. This is mostly because I had practice with cutting them yesterday, so it was somewhat familiar to me. However, it was still a bit confusing cutting out the triangular shapes because it is hard to get them the same exact length. What next? What I will do next class is have Mr. Anderson explain to me what I need to do to cut the final rail. He said that it will be a bit different considering that it is longer than the other rails. This is me cutting the angle off of the end of my rail. I had to cut a small groove in the wood a few times before cutting the actual wood, because it would have been very messy if I just started cutting. Learner Profile Today I think the main Leaner Profile was Caring. I think I was Caring because I needed to take care of my fingers while cutting, take care of the pencil line while marking out so that it was even, and take care of the wood while cutting, so that it was not uneven or chipped.
  • 17. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity because I needed to be creative, and open-minded to be able to cut the triangular shapes out of my rails. This is because I havenʼt used a gents saw to cut at an angle much in the past, so I need to keep an open mind about it to understand the concept more. Tuesday, 3/23/10 Cutting the Legs of My Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I started cutting the legs of my stool to fit along with the rails. I did this by marking out along the ends of the legs, so that a gap would be created. I first needed to saw along the sides of the lines where the gap will be. I also needed to cut one line in the middle of where the gap would be, so that it is easier to hollow out. By the time I finished sawing the gap, Mr. Anderson explained to me what I should do next. This is what cutting out the gap in the legs of my stool looked like. As you can see, I cut out three lines which weakens the wood, and makes it easier for chiseling. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will chisel out the wood that I cut, and make the gap hollow. I will then be able to fit the end of the rails into the legs of my stool. Strengths Today I think I was good at marking out. I was good at marking out because I could figure out how wide or how long the gap needed to be to be able to fit the rail into it. Mr. Anderson had showed me how to mark out the lines on one side of the wood, so I think that helped me in being able to figure it out.
  • 18. This is me cutting the leg of my stool with a gents saw. I used a gents saw because the width of its teeth are very thin, and good to use for cutting more detailed areas. Weaknesses I think I was not so strong at cutting, because it was slightly difficult to cut the gap, without cutting too deep. This is why I spent a lot of time working on cutting, because it is very detailed work. Also, I think I spent a lot of time cutting because I was using a gents saw, in which the teeth are not very sharp. Emotion In the beginning of cutting, I got a bit frustrated because it was difficult cutting from such an unfamiliar angle. I needed to cut straight forward very slowly so that I did not cut too far down. Although, once I got the hang of it, it was not as hard, and I was able to progress a bit faster. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Balanced. I think I was Balanced because of the way I was able to handle trying different ways of cutting, and trying to do so more efficiently. I say efficiently because in the beginning, I was not so confident about cutting at a new angle, but then I began to try harder, and be more focused so that I could work faster. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Environments. The main AOI was Environments because today especially, many people were cutting off chunks of wood, or using a smoothing plane to cut off strips of wood. Rather than just letting these pieces go to waste, we put them in a bin so that people can possibly use the pieces for small projects.
  • 19. Wednesday, 3/24/10 Chiseling the Legs of My Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I began chiseling the legs of my stool. I did this by using an 8mm chisel, and a wooden mallet. I needed to use the chisel on both sides of the leg, in both vertical directions and on an angle. Before chiseling, I had cut three lines on either side of the leg, to help guide me on where I should chisel, and to make the wood weaker. This is me using the chisel in a vertical direction, to make a hole straight down in the wood. I am using the wooden mallet and 8mm chisel. Why I chiseled out the sides of my stool legs so that when I place my rails inside the gap, they will make the stool more stable to use. I used an 8mm chisel because the area that I was chiseling in was quite small, and needed more detailed work, so I needed to use the smallest chisel. Strengths I think I was best at chiseling my wood from the side, because when I did so, the wood came out very smoothly and delicately which is what it is meant to do so that the wood is not too rough. The main reason I think this worked out is because I held the leg in the vice very tightly, so that it did not slip out. This is me chiseling the leg of my stool from the side. Chiseling from the side is when the wood actually starts to come out. I used an 8mm chisel and a wooden mallet.
  • 20. Weaknesses Today I think my main weakness was chiseling straight down in a vertical position. This is because it was hard to tell when I should stop chiseling, as I didnʼt know how deep the chisel was. However, when I chiseled from the other direction, I was able to get all of the wood out of the gap because I had chiseled deep enough on the other side. Emotion I really liked chiseling. It was my first time doing it, and I think it is my favorite tool so far. I like using the chisel and wooden mallet so much because it makes it very easy to take out small pieces of wood from a large piece of wood. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Risk-Takers. I think I was a Risk-Taker because it was my first time using the wooden mallet and chisel, but I still tried using them very confidently, and the outcome came out very nicely. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity because using the chisel is a very creative process, as it lets you cut to your liking. I say this because the chisel is very easy to control and takes little effort, yet you need to be creative when using it. Thursday, March 25 2010 Continuing Cutting and Chiseling the Legs of My Stool What I did Today In Design Technology, I continued cutting and chiseling the legs of my stool. When I had finished chiseling, I then realized that the gap in the leg of my stool would not be big enough to hold the rail in place, so I needed to cut it again to make the gap bigger. Then I will need to chisel out the wood that I cut to hollow out the gap. This is a picture of me chiseling my stoolʼs leg. At this point, I was just taking out little bits of wood that were still stuck in the gap, so I did not need to use the chisel for long.
  • 21. Why I need to make the gap in the legs of my stool bigger, because the rails are too big to fit into the gaps currently, so they need to be sized down. I am making the gaps bigger rather than the rails smaller because the rails are very small, and difficult to saw or work on. Strengths I think what I was best at was chiseling with the 8mm chisel and wooden mallet because chiseling does not take much effort, and only a light tap with the wooden mallet will cause the chisel to cut quite deeply into the wood. Chiseling makes removing small bits of wood very easy, and carefree. Weaknesses My main weakness today was cutting along the side of the gap to make it bigger. I think this was my main weakness because using a saw to cut small spaces can be quite difficult, considering the small space is very delicate, and you need to be careful. I found myself not cutting along the line, and a bit on the outside. This is me cutting the gap in the legs of my stool to make them wider. I am using a gents saw to do this, because the gents sawʼs teeth are quite narrow, and can cut in small areas. Emotion I feel that I did a pretty good job in cutting today, although I hadnʼt cut a lot. I was able to keep the saw steady, and in a straight direction. I also think that I had chiseled very well, because I got all of the bits of wood out from the gap. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will finish chiseling the leg of my stool. I will do this using an 8mm chisel, and a wooden mallet. Hopefully I will be able to complete the chiseling that needs to be done on this leg of my stool. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I believe I was Reflective because I basically repeated some of the same things today that I had done last lesson, just to make sure that my project was presentable.
  • 22. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. Our Design Technology class is basically its own small community, and today I saw many people helping each other out. For example, if someone wasnʼt sure on how to cut, their friend would simply show them. Monday, 3/29/10 Cutting and Chiseling the Leg of My Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I finished cutting and chiseling one leg of my stool. Basically I just made the gap for the housing joint wider, so that I would be able to fit the rail into it. While cutting the housing joint gap last class, I realized it was not big enough and needed to enlarge it. I used a gents saw and an 8mm chisel to cut out the bits of wood to make the housing joint gap larger. This is me using a gents saw to cut the gap of the housing joint in the leg of my stool to make it wider. I needed to make it the same depth of the original, but about 1mm wider. This is to help hold the rail in place more efficiently. Why I enlarged the gap for the housing joint in a leg of my stool because the rails were much too big to fit into them. Making the gap of the housing joint wider is much easier than making the rail smaller because the rail is smaller, and would be difficult to accurately cut. Strengths I think I was best at using the 8mm chisel. I found the 8mm chisel easy to use because it is small and easy to control, and requires little effort to cut into the wood. Using a wooden mallet also makes driving the chisel into the wood easier because it is very heavy, which adds pressure onto the chisel. Weaknesses What I was not so strong at was sawing. I found sawing difficult because I needed to cut in a very small area, so I needed to cut very carefully. This was hard because it took a very long time to complete.
  • 23. Emotion I felt quite frustrated when I was cutting, mostly because it took a very long time to cut enough to be ready to chisel. Otherwise, everything was quite easy because it was repeating what I have been doing for a few days now. This is me using a wooden mallet and chisel to pick out the wood from the leg of my stool. I first used the chisel in a vertical direction to cut the depth, and then I chiseled from the side to pull up the wood. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will mark out another leg of my stool, so that I can cut it out for a housing joint. The joint will be 3mm wide, and 20mm long, this is to make sure that my stool stays in place with rails. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Knowledgable. I believe I was Knowledgable because I was able to figure out the next steps of what I was meant to do in my project, by referencing my flow chart. AOI Today i think the main AOI was Health and Social Education. Many people were using new tools today, which means they need to be aware of any new safety issues. For example, if youʼre using a router, you need to be careful not to hold it too close to your face because a lot of dust comes up from it, or your fingers because you could possibly skin them.
  • 24. Tuesday, 3/30/10 Cutting the Rails of My Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I cut the longest rail of my stool. I cut it so that it will be able to fit into the legs of my stool as a housing joint. The length of the sides that will go into the legs is 20mm wide, and about 4mm wide. I used a try-square and ruler to mark these measurements out, and a gents saw to cut the housing joint out. Why I used a gents saw to cut out the housing joint, because only a small amount of wood needs to be cut, and itʼs in a very confined space, this leads me to use the gents saw as it is small, and can be used to cut details. This is me using the try-square to mark out my rail. I needed to draw a pencil line all around the wood, so that when I was cutting, I could alternate which side of the wood I was cutting. Strengths What I think I was best at today was marking out the rail of my stool. I found this easy because Mr. Anderson had told me the measurements I needed to use (20mmx3mm), and I just needed to mark that around the piece of wood. Using the try- square helped me mark out a lot because it helped me to draw straight lines, and connect with the lines around the wood. Weaknesses What I think I didnʼt do so well at today was cutting my rail. I kept cutting with more pressure at the back of the saw, which caused one side to be a little less steady, and tilted more towards the right. Emotion Today I felt very accomplished. I felt accomplished because I was able to get a lot of work done in the double period, which I purposely wanted to do so that I would be able to finish my stool more quickly. Whatʼs next? Next class Iʼm going to start marking out one leg of my stool, so that I can cut it open, and use it as a housing joint for the rail that I just cut
  • 25. This is me cutting the rail of my stool with a gents saw. I was using a gents saw because the teeth are very narrow, and allow me to cut in detailed areas. The wood I needed to cut was only 3mm wide, so I felt it was appropriate to use a gents saw. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Knowledgeable. I believe I was Knowledgeable because I was able to figure out the mistakes I had made while cutting or marking out, and I could easily fix them using the tool I was using. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Environments. I was cutting off bits of wood from my rail today, and instead of just throwing them out, I put them into a bin so that students can use them for future projects if they want to, this helps preserve wood. Wednesday, 3/31/10 Marking Out the Legs of My Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I completed cutting the rails of my stool and marked out the remaining two legs of my stool, so that they can be used for a housing joint. I used a try-square and a ruler to mark out the lines that I needed to cut, so that the measurements would be accurate. I also used a gents saw to cut the rails, because it is very narrow and can be used for cutting detailed pieces of wood. The gap in the sides of the legs will be about 4mm wide by 20mm tall. Why I marked out the legs of my stool, so that when I try to cut them they will fit well with my rails. I used a gents saw to cut the rails of my stool, because it is very narrow and can cut detailed areas. I used a try-square to measure out the legs of my stool because it will allow me to have accurate measurements, and have straight lines for cutting along. This is me marking out the leg of my stool. As you can see, I am using a try-square to draw the pencil against, and be able to have straight right angled lines to cut against.
  • 26. Strengths Today I think the main thing I was good at was marking out the legs of my stool. I found this easy to do because I knew the measurements that I was supposed to follow for drawing out on the legs, and just needed to follow them. I also found connecting the pencil lines on different sides of the leg easy because I was using the try-square, which allowed me to follow the lines and connect them on different sides of the leg. Weaknesses What I think I didnʼt do so well at was cutting the rail of my stool. I found this a bit difficult because I kept sawing using pressure on mostly the back part of the saw, which caused the part in front where I was cutting to be a bit thicker than the rest of the wood. Emotion I felt quite neutral today. I did not really have any likes or dislikes in what I did, causing me to work quite efficiently because I did not have any problems with what I was doing. However, I did feel a bit confused when I needed to mark out the legs of my stool at first, because I didnʼt really have anyone to show me how to do it. This is me sawing the rail of my stool with a gents saw. I was using a gents saw because its teeth are very narrow, which allow me to cut in smaller areas of wood more carefully. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Balanced. I believe I was Balanced because I needed to cut and mark out my pieces of wood in one class. This makes me Balanced because it involves physical work as well as being careful mentally and physically. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I believe the main AOI was Human Ingenuity because cutting and marking out are two very important aspects of Design Technology that require a lot of creativity and thinking. Although I think mostly creativity is used because marking out requires new ideas, and thinking outside the box.
  • 27. Thursday, 4/1/10 Cutting and Chiseling the Leg of My Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I cut one side of a leg on my stool, and dug out the little bits of wood left with a chisel. I did this using a gents saw, 8mm chisel, and a wooden mallet. I had already done this step previously on one leg, so I basically knew what to do. I was sure not to cut too deep with the chisel, because then the gap would be too big to fit the rails into. Why I was cutting a gap in the leg of my stool so that I could fit the rails of my stool into it, and the seat of my stool would be balanced when someone tries to step or sit on it. I used a gents saw to cut the gap because the gents sawʼs teeth are very narrow, and can cut small areas. I used an 8mm chisel to dig in the wood because it is the smallest chisel, and can cut in detailed areas. This is me cutting the leg of my stool using a gents saw. I only cut straight with the gents saw, and not across because I would be using the chisel to chisel out the bits of wood that I cut straight with. Strengths What I think my main strengths were today was chiseling the leg of my stool. I think I was good at this because when I did it before, I had no problem doing it, which led me to do an even better job with this leg of my stool. I was also very careful not to put the chisel too deep into the wood, because the wood would then weaken, and wouldnʼt be able to hold up the seat on my stool. Weaknesses What I think my main weaknesses were today was cutting the leg of my stool with the gents saw. I found this difficult because I had to cut it from an awkward position, so that I could cut it in a straight line and use a chisel and wooden mallet to take the rest of the wood out. Emotion Today I felt that I worked very efficiently, because I was able to finish one side of the leg, which took a lot of patience. It took a lot of patience because it took time to cut carefully, and make sure that the sides were the right length.
  • 28. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will finish cutting the other leg of my stool, so that it is ready to be used in a housing joint. I will use the gents saw, 8mm chisel, and wooden mallet again to cut out the wood from the leg. This is me using the 8mm chisel and wooden mallet to take out the bits of wood that I cut in the side of the leg of my stool, to create a gap for a housing joint. This will allow the rail of my stool to fit into it, and create support for the seat of my stool. Leaner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I believe I was Reflective because I did a lot of the same things that I have done in other Design Technology classes, so I just needed to think back on what I had done in the past classes to help me with what to do now. AOI Today I think the main AOI for today was Approaches to Learning. Although I had been doing the same thing as in past classes, this helped me to learn more. Since I was repeating steps, it helps me be more informative about the specific tools that I have been using, such as the gents saw and 8mm chisel.
  • 29. Monday, 4/12/10 Chiseling the Legs and Marking Out the Rails of my Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I chiseled the legs of my stool, and started marking out the rails of my stool. I needed to continue chiseling one of the legs of my stool, because the gap was not deep enough, and could not support the housing joint. I used an 8mm chisel, a wooden mallet, a try-square and pencil to do the chiseling and marking out. Why I continued chiseling one leg of my stool because its gap was not deep enough, and would not have been able to support the housing joint. I marked out the rails of my stool again, because they are too long, and wonʼt fit along the bottom of the seat of my stool. Emotion Today, I felt like I am understanding the concept of being in the workshop more. This is because today I mainly needed to try to fix things about the legs and rails of my stool that had something wrong with them. This tells me that its OK to make mistakes while youʼre creating, but it is easiest not to. This is me, using the 8mm chisel and wooden mallet to make the gap in the leg deeper. I needed to make the gap about 2-3mm deeper, so that I could fit one of my rails into it, and use it as a housing joint. Strengths I think my main strength today was marking out the rails of my stool. I felt this was one of my strengths because I have had a lot of practice with marking out, and I feel it is one of the easier things that can be done in Design Technology. I am also able to keep steady while marking out, so my lines are usually accurate. Weaknesses I think my main weakness today was using the 8mm chisel to make the gap in the leg of my stool deeper. I felt this was one of my weaknesses because it was hard to tell exactly how deep I had been going inside of the leg. I needed to make it about 2-3mm deeper, which was hard to see because I could not measure it.
  • 30. This is me using the 8mm chisel and wooden mallet to chisel out the wood bits from the legs of my stool. Iʼm chiseling out the wood bits so that a gap will be created in the leg, and be used as a housing joint. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will finish marking out the rails of my stool, and start cutting them. I will probably use a tenon saw to cut the rails, because a gents saw is too small to cut all the way through them. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Inquirers. I believe I was an Inquirer because I learned new things about what to do when you make a mistake using wood in Design Technology, and how to easily fix small problems such as having a piece of wood thatʼs too big, or a hole thatʼs not deep enough. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Approaches to Learning. I think the main AOI was Approaches to Learning because I learned more about what to do when you make mistakes in Design Technology, and how to fix problems when youʼre doing things such as cutting or chiseling wood. This is me marking out one rail of my stool with a try-square. I need to cut this rail down to size so that it can fit along the bottom of the seat, and fit in with the legs of my stool. Right now, 2 of the rails are too long, so I need to make them shorter.
  • 31. Tuesday, 4/13/10 Completely cutting and Chiseling the Legs and Rails of my Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I completed cutting and chiseling the legs and rails of my stool. This stage in making my stool probably took the longest to complete, so I am very happy and proud that I was able to complete it today. I first completed cutting the rails, as they were the easiest to do. I then disc- sanded the rails to make them smooth so that they can fit against the legs of my stool. I then cut the legs of my stool using a gents saw, then tapped out the pieces of wood to form a gap using an 8mm chisel and wooden mallet. Why I needed to cut the rails of my stool again, because they were too long to fit along the legs, and across the seat. I needed to then disc-sand the rails because they were a bit choppy from when I was cutting them, since I was using a tenon saw which has thick teeth. I continued chiseling some of the legs of my stool, because the rails did not fit into them, as the gaps were not deep enough, which required me to make them about 1mm deeper. Emotion Today I felt very proud and accomplished, because I was able to finish chiseling and cutting my rails and legs. It took quite a long time to complete this stage, and a lot of patience. After completing this stage, I realized that all the things I needed to do repeatedly really paid off, as they made my stool look much better. This is me cutting sections off the rails of my stool. I used a tenon saw to cut them because it cuts very fast through the wood, and I didnʼt need to worry uch about doing delicate work, which wouldʼve caused me to use a gents saw I was also very careful to cut in a straight line, so that I did not have to fix it up that much using the disc-sander. Strengths Today I think one of my main strengths was cutting the rails of my stool. I think I did a pretty good job with this, because I did not need to spend so much time at the disc-sander polishing any mistakes that I had made. I also think I did a good job cutting with the tenon saw because it is very big and stable, which makes it easy to use.
  • 32. Weaknesses My main weakness was definitely chiseling the legs of my stool. I have had some experience with chiseling before, but this time it was quite difficult because it was mainly making the gap in the legs deeper or wider, so that I could fit the rails into it. I think I found editing the gaps in the legs difficult because I wasnʼt able to make it the right depth or width very easily. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will begin gluing and nailing all the parts of my stool together. This is a very exciting step, because it means I am nearing completion of my stool. I will use both nails and glue to put things together, because it makes the stool more secure, and able to perform more tasks. This is me chiseling downwards on a leg of my stool, so make the gap in it deeper. I am using an 8mm chisel and wooden mallet to chisel as I am trying to make it wider and not deeper. Learner Profile I think the main Learner Profile for today was Thinkers. I believe I was a Thinker because although I got many things accomplished today, I needed to think very carefully about everything that I did. If I had not thought carefully about these things, I would need to re-do them, and spend even more time doing them. AOI I think the main AOI for today was Health and Social Education. Since I was doing a mix of things today with different tools, it required me to follow the many safety rules that follow each tool. For example, with using the tenon saw, I need to remember to keep my distance from where I am cutting, to keep the wood at a practical and comfortable angle, and to keep the hand I am not cutting with at a safe distance away.
  • 33. Wednesday, 4/14/10 Cutting and Disc Sanding the rails of My Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I finished fixing any mistakes that were left in the cutting of my stool. The first mistake I fixed was on the end of one of my rails. The end of the rail is supposed to fit into one of the legs, but it was uneven. This led me to disc- sanding the end of one rail, so that it was a nice square shape and could fit into the leg. The other mistake that I fixed was sawing off a bit of the ends on my longest rail. I did this so that it would fit better into the legs of my stool. Why I fixed some of the parts of my stool because if I hadnʼt, the rails would not be able to fit into the legs of my stool, and it would not be stable. I used a gents saw to cut off the ends of one of my rails because a gents saw has very narrow teeth, and is used on smaller pieces of wood. I used the disc sander to make one of my rails more even, because it would have been to complicated to try to saw it off, as the end of the rail is very small. Emotion Today I feel like I did a good job in fixing some of the mistakes I made in my stool. I also feel rather accomplished, because this means that I can start gluing and nailing my project together tomorrow. This is a picture of me sawing one end of a rail off with a gents saw. However, this picture is quite incorrect because I should be using the bench-hook to hold my piece of wood, rather than the vice. This is mainly to make it more comfortable for sawing. Strengths Today I think my main strength was sawing the ends of one of my rails off with the gents saw. I think this is one of my strengths because I was very focused, and could saw straight forwards and backwards, and stay parallel to the line that I was following to cut. I was also able to finish this task very quickly, even though I was using a gents saw which does not cut so quickly.
  • 34. Weaknesses Today I think my main weakness was when I was using the disc sander. I think this was one of my weaknesses because it was sort of hard to tell how small I needed to make the end of the rail be, and what shape. However, Mr. Anderson helped me draw a line to show where I needed to sand, so that I would know when to stop. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will begin gluing and nailing the pieces of my stool together, so that everything will be built. This is quite an exciting step, because it means Iʼm nearing completion of my stool. This is a picture of my cutting one end of one of my rails with a gents saw. This is a proper picture, unlike the other one, because I am keeping the piece of wood held in a bench- hook, rather than the vice. The bench-hook makes it easier and more comfortable to cut. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I believe I was Reflective because I had finished a big part in the making of my stool, and I needed to look back, and see how well I did, and what my progress efficiency was like. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. Our Design Technology class is like its own small community, and that helps us learn because if we are not quite sure on what step to do next, we can always ask our friends. Also, many people are nearing completion of their stools now, so we are basically doing the same steps.
  • 35. Thursday, 4/15/10 Gluing the Rails and Legs of my Stool Together What I did Today in Design Technology, I started gluing the parts of my stool together. I was only able to finish gluing one rail and two legs together so far, but I think it is a pretty good start. This is my first time using PVA glue to put pieces of wood together, so I was quite nervous that I would make a mistake. Since PVA glue is very strong, I needed to be extra careful not to get any extra glue on my wood, or it would not come off. Why I used PVA glue to glue the pieces of my stool together because it is very strong, and will be able to hold them tightly in place once it dries. I glued the longest of my rails with its two matching legs first because I knew how to fit it into the legs easily, as it is not positioned at an angle. I used a clamp to hold the pieces of wood together while it dries because then they would fit together tightly, and not drift apart while they are drying. Emotion Today was quite exciting, because I was using new tools (the PVA glue, clamp, and jig). I find using new tools exciting because it helps me learn even more about the process in Design Technology class. Today I was also a bit nervous because I was using the PVA glue, and I was afraid that I would put it on the wrong part of my wood, and it would not come off. This is a picture of my lightly pressing the pieces of wood inside a jig. I was only holding it now, because I still needed to put the clamp on the wood to hold the pieces in place. Strengths I think my main strength today was balancing the pieces of wood together, so that they are even. I needed to keep them even so that when they dry, they will fit well with the other pieces of wood in my stool. I also needed to make them even so that the legs will stand up straight and properly.
  • 36. Weaknesses Today I think my main weakness was figuring out how to use the clamp. Mr. Anderson had first showed me how to use it, but I would have not guessed to put two pieces of plywood between the clamp and the jig, or to use a try-square to measure and see if the wood was at a correct angle. However, learning these things will help me in the future to make the things that I glue more straight. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will check on the wood that I glued to see if it is dry, and set it up on the seat of my stool to see what it looks like. I will even possibly start gluing or nailing more pieces of my seat together, so that I can finish my stool more quickly. This is a picture of the clamp holding the pieces of my wood together. As you can see, there is a piece of plywood in-between the clamp and the piece of wood, so that it will not damage the wood. The other end of the clamp is attatched to the jig, to keep it stable with the wood. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Risk-Takers. I believe I was a Risk- Takers because I used many different tools today that I was not sure on how to use, but I still tried my best at trying to figure them out, and I think I did pretty good job in using them. I think the tool that I used that required me to be a Risk-Taker the most was the PVA glue because it is super strong glue, that made me vry nervous to use as I thought I would get it on the wrong place on my wood. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity because I was very creative today, using glue to put the pieces of my wood together how I wanted them to be. I can always change my plans if I want to do something different with the pieces, which leads me to be even more creative.
  • 37. Monday, 4/19/10 Cutting the Rails and Gluing my Stool Together What I did Today in Design Technology, I finished any cutting that I need to do on my stool before I glued it, I needed to cut a small bit off of one of the rails, so that it would fit in better to the leg. I used a gents saw to do this, as it was a very small and detailed task to perform. I then glued all of the legs and rails of my stool together, so that they will be dry for next class. I used PVA glue to glue them because it is a very strong-hold glue, that will hold the parts together steadily. Why The reason I cut off the bit of wood from one of my rails is so that it will fit in better with the legs of my stool, and the stool will then be stronger. I glued the rails and legs of my stool together before gluing them to the seat, because once they dry, I can simply just lay them on the stool and glue them. Emotion Although today was only a single period, I feel I completed an important step in the final stages of my project. I feel this way because I will now only need to glue the seat to the base, put in some screws to hold it together, and then paint and I will finally be done with my project. This is me cutting one of the rails of my stool with the gents saw. As you can see, I am cutting at a very deep angle. This is because the piece I needed to cut off was along the side of the rail, therefore I needed to cut at an awkward angle. I used a gents saw to do this because it is very narrow, and can cut small pieces of wood. Strengths Today I think my main strength was cutting the small piece of wood off of my rail with the gents saw. I feel this was one of my strengths because although at the end, I had to cut a small leftover piece off, I was able to do it very cleanly without creating a gap in the wood. I think whenever I use the gents saw, I am quite good at it because I have used it so much in the past that it is one of my strong suits.
  • 38. Weaknesses Today I think my main weakness was using the PVA glue to glue the parts of the bottom of my stool together. I found this as one of my weaknesses because at first I did not put enough glue on the rails so that it would stay, and I put glue on the ends of my rails, not showing I shouldnʼt have. However, Mr. Anderson helped me, and showed me how to correct my mistakes. Whatʼs next? Next class, I think I will finish the final stages of gluing my project together, and then begin to use screws to hold it all together. I must first make sure that my gluing from today is dry, so that I can continue on tomorrow. This is a picture of my using the PVA This is a picture of my holding the glue to put inside of the legs of my pieces of my stool together, so that stool. I needed to put a lot so that my when the glue dries, everything will rails will easily stay inside of it. At stick together and wonʼt be loose. first, I did not put enough, so I was This is also to eliminate any air sure to put enough of it in he second pockets that could be inside the glue. time. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Inquirers. I believe I was an Inquirer because I learned a lot about gluing, and how to make sure that you can glue efficiently, without mistakes. I also was able understand what Mr. Anderson was explaining to me about the different tools he was using, and how to use them well. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Health and Social Education. I think the main AOI was Health and Social Education because when using new tools such as PVA glue, you need to be careful of the safety concerns, such as the fumes from it, and how it can stick to your fingers if youʼre not careful.
  • 39. Tuesday, 4/20/10 Putting the Bottom of my Stool Together What I did Today in Design Technology, I completed putting together the bottom of my stool. This means that all the rails and legs have been attached using glue and screws. I first drilled holes into the rails, so that I could make space to screw-drive the screws in. I then used the screwdriver to put in the screws. I made sure they were very tight, so that my stool would be able to hold more easily. After I finished working on the bottom of my stool, I was able to finish filing around the edges of the seat, so that it wonʼt be sharp, and be more comfortable to sit on. Why I had first drilled holes into the rails of my stool, so that when I put in the screws, it will be much easier and I can control where the screw goes more easily. I also drove in the screws very tightly, so that when someone uses the stool, it wonʼt easily collapse or break. I filed around the edges of the seat of my stool so that the edges will be less sharp, and it will be more safe to sit on. Emotion Today although I learned many things, it was quite stressful learning them all. For instance, it was my first time using an electric drill, and I found it quite difficult. I mostly found it difficult because the drill is so heavy, and it is difficult to hold it up. I also felt a bit worried while driving the screws into my stool, because I heard a cracking noise, I then realized that it was just the screw going into the wood, and my wood was not going to split open. This is a picture of me marking out This is a picture of me actually drilling where I am going to drill the holes the wholes into the rail of my stool, into the rail. I made sure that the where the marks used to be. As you holes were close enough to the leg, can see, the holes are right above so that the screw would fit correctly each other, and not too close to the into it. I also needed to make sure edge of the rail. I was sure to put the that the holes were right above each rail into the vice before I used it, so other, so that the screws could be that I would not drill a hole in the drilled in evenly. workbench.
  • 40. Strengths Today I think my main strengths using the screwdriver to put the screws into the legs of my stool. Although it took some getting used to, I feel I was able to place the screws in a very suitable place, where they would be able to hold my stool together tightly. I also think one of my strengths was filing my panda seat. I was able to finish filing very quickly, and the edges were nice around round when I was done. Weaknesses I think my main weakness today was drilling holes into the rails of my stool. I found this difficult because I have never used an electric drill before, and it was very heavy, and hard to lift up. I was also worried about whether I would be drilling in the correct direction or not when I had actually started drilling. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will begin rounding the legs of my stool, as I want them to have a round shape. I think the round shape makes the stool look more designed, and possibly more like a panda. This is a picture of my using the screwdriver to tightly wind the screws into the legs of my stool, from the rails. I made the screws very tight, so that the stool will be able to hold strong items, and will not collapse. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Communicators. I believe I was a Communicator because Mr. Anderson needed to explain how to use the different tools that I was going to be using, and I would need to communicate (ask) him about different new things. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Approaches to Learning. I think the main AOI was Approaches to Learning because I learned many new skills, along with using new tools. Some of these new tools were the electric drill and the screwdriver. I learned how to properly hold an electric drill so that it does not seem so heavy, and how to use a screwdriver very strongly, so that it will stay together bonding the two pieces of wood.
  • 41. Thursday, 4/22/10 Sanding and Filing the Seat and Legs of my Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I finished sanding the seat of my stool, and started round the edges of the legs. I am using a half-round file to round the legs, as it is the easiest tool to use for this task. I am aiming to make the legs as round as possible, because I want them to appear almost as cylinders. I took a lot of time to sand around the seat of my stool, because I wanted the edges to be very smooth and comfortable to sit on. Why The reason I want the legs of my stool to be like cylinders. is because I think they make the stool look more creative, and unique with rounded legs rather than just plain rectangular ones. I used a half-round file to round the edges of the legs rather than a wasp file, because I think the wasp file might take off the wood too quickly, and I would rather do a good job in finishing my project than finishing it quickly. Emotion Today I feel that I was working hard to improve the quality of my project. I feel this way, because I could have easily just been done with the bottom part of my stool, but I wanted to do more so that it would have a more positive presentation. I would not want to spend all this time on my project, and not have a positive outcome, so I wanted to do the best possible. This is me sanding the edges of the seat of my stool. I hand-sanded them rather than using the disc sander, because I wanted to easily control how well sanded the seat was. This was mostly so that I could tell if it was smooth enough. Strengths I think my main strength today was sanding and filing the seat of my stool. I found this quite easy to do, because I knew the technique I wanted to use so that the seat would be a bit rounded, yet smooth at the same time. I would alternate filing the two sides of the stool with the half-round file, so that the edges would be rounded and more comfortable for someone to sit on.
  • 42. Weaknesses Today I think my main weakness was filing the legs of my stool. I found this difficult because it was the first time I tried to round a very pointy piece of wood. The most difficult part of this was making sure that all along the leg it was equally rounded, and that one part was not more straight than the other. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will continue rounding the edges of the legs of my stool using the half-round file. I donʼt think I will have enough time to complete it, but if I do, I will be able to sand them, and possibly attach the bottom of my stool to the seat. This is me filing and rounding the edges of the legs of my stool, using the half-round file. I am doing this so that the legs will be more of a cylindrical shape, rather than rectangular. I need to file the legs quite a bit to make them this shape, so I will probably be doing this step for a while. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Knowledgeable. I believe I was Knowledgeable because I needed to use my knowledge from past steps in this project, and incorporate it into what I am doing now. For example, I needed to think about the last time I was using the half-round file, and the sanding block/paper for my project. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity. I feel the main AOI was Human Ingenuity because I was taking the creative initiative to add something a bit extra into my project. I could have just kept going on with my project, and not rounded the legs, but I believe this way my seat will look better, and be more positively presented.
  • 43. Monday, 4/26/10 Sanding the Seat of my Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I continued sanding the seat of my stool. I used a sanding block and sanding paper to do this, rather than the disc sander. I didnʼt use the disc sander because the wood would have been cut too quickly, and would not have been accurate. I spent the whole period sanding, because I needed to make sure that the edges of the seat were smooth and well rounded, as well as the sides not having any bumps. Why I used a sanding block and sanding paper to sand my seat, because if I had used the disc sander, the sides would not have bumps but the edges would become sharper. It would also be more difficult to control how much I am sanding if I use the the disc sander, because it is hard to manually stop sanding. The reason I like sanding so much, is because if I concentrate and set my mind on finishing, I can really get a lot of sanding done, even if the sanding paper is dull. Emotion Today I felt like I did quite a good job with sanding the seat of my stool. I feel I did a good job with this, because I was able to get a lot of sanding done, and quite effectively. I think I especially did a good job with sanding the edges, because at first they were sticking out, and were pointed, but now they are smooth and you can run your fingers around them. This is me sanding the seat of my stool. I am using a sanding block and sanding paper, and sanding around the edges and on the sides of the seat. I was sure to make very clean strokes, and see that there were no bumps left on the seat. Strengths I think my main strength today was sanding on the edges of the seat of my stool. I feel this was one of my strengths because I was able to make the edges very smooth, when they were originally quite pointed out, and sharp. I also used the file for this step, but I think the sanding is what made the edges so smooth.
  • 44. Weaknesses I think my main weakness today was sanding the sides of the seat of my stool. I especially had a hard time with one area on the side, that had very small grooves in it. These grooves were hard to sand out, because they were actually set into the wood, and I would need to sand all around them to make the wood equal. Whatʼs next? Next class I will make sure that the seat of my stool is completely sanded, and then continue on with filing the legs of my stool. I think the filing will take a while, considering I have to file all the sides of 3 legs. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Reflective. I believe I was Reflective because I needed to look back on my progress as I am sanding, to see if I did a good enough job to move onto the next step. If I did not make sure that the process was good, the seat would definitely not look as nice. AOI Today I think the main was Human Ingenuity. I think the main AOI was Human Ingenuity because I was very creative, in thinking about what the proper amount of sanding was that I needed to do. If I did not think about this, I would probably have done not enough, or too much sanding, and my seat would not be as presentable. This is me just fitting the bottom parts of my stool on the seat. I wanted to see if the legs would fit properly on the seat still with all of the sanding that I had done, because you can never be too careful.
  • 45. Tuesday, 4/27/10 Filing and Sanding the Legs of my Stool What I did Today in Design Technology, I completed filing the legs of my stool, and began sanding them. The filing took a while, since I have four corners on each of the three legs, and I needed to round them so that they did not have any sharp bits sticking out. I used a half-round file the round the edges of the legs, because the shape of the file helps create a smoother feel. Why The main reason I spent such a long time filing the legs of my stool, was because there was a lot that needed to be done. There were four corners on each of the three legs of my stool, which led me to filing 12 corners, being careful with each corner. I used a half-round file for the legs, because itsʼ purpose is to help make wood rounder, and more smooth. Emotion Today I felt like some weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I thought filing the legs of my stool would take a long time to complete, but it was really quite easy once I began practicing the right technique. At first, I was just putting the stool on the bench, and filing free-hand, but then when I put it inside the vice, I found it much more easy to control and to file much faster. This is me filing the edges of the legs of my stool using a half-round file. As you can see, I am applying pressure to the file using my index finger, so that the wood can be filed much quicker. Strengths I think my main strength today was sanding the legs of my stool. I found this quite easy to do, because once the edges were all filed, I only needed to sand out the grooves and make them even. I also found sanding easy to do, because I used my whole hand to apply pressure for sanding, rather than just one finger.
  • 46. Weaknesses I think my main weakness today was filing the legs of my stool. Although I had practiced doing this last class, it was still quite difficult to equally round all the edges. For instance, one edge of a leg might be slightly larger than the other edge, which would cause the leg to look uneven. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will complete sanding the legs of my stool, and then attaching the bottom and seat of my stool together. I will probably use both glue, and screws to attach them together, so that everything is very secure. This is me sanding the legs of my stool using a sanding block and garnet paper. I tried to use garnet paper that was not too worn out, because I wanted the legs to be well rounded, and not have so many grooves in them. Learner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Open-minded. I believe I was Open- minded because I found myself become more open about trying to finish filing the legs. At first, I came onto it as a challenge, but once I saw how easy it was, I decided to think of it from a different perspective, and use it to my advantage. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. Some people today were using the smoothing plane, which helps take of layers of wood. The small layers that are taken off are in small curly shapes, which I thought were pretty cool-looking. So, I decided that I could possibly use these pieces in a future project, or just for a craft at home.
  • 47. Tuesday, 5/4/10 Attaching the Bottom and Top of my Stool Together What I did Today in Design Technology, I screwed the legs and rails of my stool to the seat. At first it was a bit confusing, because I didnʼt know how to properly set up where the screws would go in the wood. Mr. Anderson then showed me that I should put the screws in the middle of where the rails are, because it will strengthen the stool. I also learned how to drill a hole in the wood so that the screws will hold in place more thoroughly and strongly. Why The reason I used a drill bit which is smaller than the actual screw to make the whole that the screw was going into, is so that the screw can “bit” along the sides of the wood, and hold in place. The reason the screw will hold in place better, is because there is tight space surrounding it, and almost no space for it to move. I used a screwdriver rather than the electric cordless drill to screw-drive my screws into the wood because the screwdriver gives you more control, as you are manually doing something. Emotion Today was quite a bit confusing, but very successful. I think today was confusing because doing something such as screwing a top to a bottom was very new to me, and I wasnʼt sure on all the steps that would make the process go smoothly. I say today was very successful however, because I can now start finishing off my project by sanding it one last time, and then painting and lacquering it. This is me marking out where This is me drilling holes into the the holes in the seat of my stool seat of my stool. These holes are will be. I did this by using a ruler, where the screws will be put in. and measuring how close to the All of the holes are in-line with edge of the seat the rails were, the rails underneath the seat, so since rails are what I need to put that the screws will dig into them, my screws into. I then marked and attach the two parts together. where I needed to drill with an X.
  • 48. Strengths I think one of the best things I did today was drilling through the seat of my stool, to make the holes for the screws to go into. I found this as one of my strengths because I could easily drill through the wood, as I now knew the proper technique to do so. I was sure to add enough pressure while drilling, because if I had not have, I would be standing drilling for quite a while, wondering why it is not drilling all the way through. Weaknesses Today I think my main weakness was finding the right measurement so that I could drill holes into my seat. I found this difficult because although I had a ruler to mark out, it was still difficult finding the proper place to drill the holes. I needed to make sure that the measurements were exactly correct, otherwise the stool would not be strong enough, or it would just have a gaping whole in it. Whatʼs next? Next class, I will finish the final sanding around my stool, and begin painting. I am very excited about beginning painting, because it shows the amount of creativity that your project can have to its fullest. This is me screw-driving the screws into the seat of my stool. The screws then go into the rails, and attach the bottom and seat of my stool together. Using a screw-driver is much better for doing this than an electric cordless drill, because you have much much control oer what you are doing. Leaner Profile Today I think the main Learner Profile was Inquirer. I believe I was an Inquirer because I learned many new things about attaching pieces of wood together using screws, and how to do it so that your project is not weakened, but made stronger. AOI Today I think the main AOI was Community and Service. I think the main AOI was Community and Service because Mr. Anderson taught our class (which is like a small community) how to properly use screws to attach your project together step by step. This helped clear things up for me a lot, because I was very unsure on what to do before that.