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D. III only 
1. One’s approach to teaching is influenced by Howard Gardner’s MI Theory. What is the challenged to do? I. 
To come up with 10 different ways of approaching lesson to cater to the 10 multiple intelligence 
II. To develop all student’s skill in all ten intelligences 
III. To provide worthwhile activities that acknowledge individual difference in children 
A. High school years 
2. According to Erikson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence? 
A. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking 
3. Which of the following does NOT describe the development of children aged 11 to 13? 
D. Scaffolding 
4. Teacher Hanz begins a lesson on tumbling, demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow motion and 
physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his students become more skillful, he stands back 
from the man and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did Teacher 
Hanz do? 
C. Sequence instruction 
5. What does Gagne’s hierarchy theory propose for effective instruction? 
D. Make schoolwork relevant to students’ basic human needs 
6. William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior in inspired by what satisfies a person’s want at any given 
time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn? 
D. discrimination 
7. Soc exhibit fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a 
pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated? 
B. Id 
8. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmate at the height of anger? 
D. Pavlovian 
9. Nadette enjoyed the roller coaster when he and her family went to Enchanted Kingdom. The mere sight of a roller 
coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains Nadette’s behavior? 
C. I (superego) 
10. According to Frued, with which should one be concern if he/she has to develop in the students a correct sense of 
right and wrong? 
B. assimilation 
11. When small children call animals “dog”, what process is illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive development theory? 
C. I and II 
12. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience a number of areas of the brain are 
simultaneously activated. Which of the following is/are implication/s of this research finding? 
I. Make use of field trips, guest speakers 
II. Do multicultural units of study 
III. Stick to the “left brain and right brain” approach
D. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feeling and ideas freely 
13. Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional center 
is tied into its ability to learn”? 
D. Expect hypothetical reasoning for learners between 12 to 15 years of age 
14. Research on Piagetian tasks indicates that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the formal 
operations stage. What is an educational implication of this finding? 
C. Make them realize that failure is a part of life 
15. Research says: “People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their failures to external 
causes.”Based on this finding, what should be taught to students for them to be genuinely motivated to succeed? 
C. I and III 
16. Which characterize/s a learning environment that promotes fairness among learners of various cultures, family 
background and gender? 
D. Work on one behavior at a time 
17. Which guideline should you follow for behavior modification to be effective? 
B. To the degree the student needs it 
18. In self-directed learning, to which extent should a teacher’s “scaffolding” be? 
C. Adolescence 
19. According to Havighurst to which developmental stages, is the developmental task of learning to get along with 
age mates belong? 
C. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others 
20. What is referred to as the “looking glass self” of Colley? 
D. Accommodation 
21. What process in which the children seek to incorporate some new experiences into what they already have? 
D. Excessive playing 
22. Fixation is the tendency of an individual to stay at a particular stage as a result of either frustration or 
overindulgence to the pleasures of a given stage. Which of the following problems is associated with fixation in 
latency stage? 
23. The period when the individuals discover that they are mature enough to openly express libido towards the 
opposite sex which manifested in activities like career, friendship, courtship and marriage is __________. 
C. phallic 
24. In which psychosexual stage is evident in the concept on Oedipus and Electra complex? 
A. oral 
25. Sucking, biting and playing with one’s mouth are activities which prove that the child is in _________ stage of the 
psychosexual theory.
B. messiness and disorderliness 
26. During the anal stage, lack of attention to child’s toilet training may lead to the _________________. 
A. Piaget 
27. Believed that persons who assimilate changes in the environment will also accommodate the experience. 
C. Kohlberg 
28. He decided to expand the moral development researches by making moral dilemmas that could be appropriate for 
B. Gardner 
29. ___________ is responsible for the multiple intelligence theory. 
C. Naturalist 
30. Mrs. Mayrain, our science teacher did not allow us to fly balloons because they can harm the whales, sharks, and 
other fishes. She manifests __________________ intelligence. 
B. Conventional 
34. In what stage of moral development, is the one who attends mass because he wanted to follow the Ten 
B. Inferiority 
39. Initiative: Guilt and Industry: ____________. 
B. Operant conditioning 
53. Teacher Joy claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the response". Which 
theory supported to her idea? 
D. Bandura 
54. Teacher Windstone, makes sure all eyes are on her as she demonstrates the proper behavior for lighting a Bunsen 
burner. Whose theory supports his practice? 
B. autism 
56. Mrs. Montenegro had observed that when her daughter was three years old, she won't play with other children. 
She acted as if she has a world of her own. The child has _______. 
A. myopia 
57. The visual acuity problem characterized by nearsightedness is _________. 
C. moderate 
58. The mentally retarded group that is not educable in the field of academic achievement but have the potentials for 
learning self-help skills is _______. 
C. polydactyl ism 
60. The son of our neighbor has six fingers on his right hand. He has the crippling condition that is 
LET Reviewer in Professional Education (Part I) Presentation Transcript
· D. III only 1. One’s approach to teaching is influenced by Howard Gardner’s MI Theory. What is the 
challenged to do? I. To come up with 10 different ways of approaching lesson to cater to the 10 multiple 
intelligence II. To develop all student’s skill in all ten intelligences III. To provide worthwhile activities that 
acknowledge individual difference in children intelligence type capability and perception Linguistic words 
and language Logical-Mathematical logic and numbers Musical music, sound, rhythm Bodily-Kinesthetic 
body movement control Spatial-Visual images and space Interpersonal other people's feelings Intrapersonal 
self-awareness Naturalist natural environment Spiritual/Existential religion and 'ultimate issues' Moral ethics, 
humanity, value of life 
· A. High school years 2. According to Erikson, what years are critical for the development of self- confidence? 
Psychosocial Stage 5 Identity vs. Confusion During adolescence, children explore their independence and 
develop a sense of self. Those who receive proper encouragement and reinforcement through personal 
exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control. 
· A. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking 3. Which of the following does NOT describe the 
development of children aged 11 to 13? 
· D. Scaffolding 4. Teacher Hanz begins a lesson on tumbling, demonstrating front and back somersaults in 
slow motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his students become 
more skillful, he stands back from the man and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With 
Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did Teacher Hanz do? With appropriate adult help, children can often 
perform tasks that they are incapable of completing on their own. With this in mind, scaffolding– where the 
adult continually adjusts the level of his or her help in response to the child’s level of performance–is an 
effective form of teaching. 
· C. Sequence instruction 5. What does Gagne’s hierarchy theory propose for effective instruction? 
· 6. William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior in inspired by what satisfies a person’s want at any 
given time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn? D. Make schoolwork relevant to 
students’ basic human needs 
· D. discrimination 7. Soc exhibit fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on 
a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated? 
· B. Id 8. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmate at the height of anger? 
· D. Pavlovian 9. Nadette enjoyed the roller coaster when he and her family went to Enchanted Kingdom. The 
mere sight of a roller coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains Nadette’s behavior? 
· C. I (superego) 10. According to Frued, with which should one be concern if he/she has to develop in the 
students a correct sense of right and wrong? 
· B. assimilation 11. When small children call animals “dog”, what process is illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive 
development theory? 
· C. I and II 12. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience a number of areas of 
the brain are simultaneously activated. Which of the following is/are implication/s of this research finding? I. 
Make use of field trips, guest speakers II. Do multicultural units of study III. Stick to the “left brain and right 
brain” approach 
· D. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feeling and ideas freely 13. Which 
appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional center is 
tied into its ability to learn”? 
· D. Expect hypothetical reasoning for learners between 12 to 15 years of age 14. Research on Piagetian tasks 
indicates that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the formal operations stage. What 
is an educational implication of this finding?
· C. Make them realize that failure is a part of life 15. Research says: “People tend to attribute their successes to 
internal causes and their failures to external causes.”Based on this finding, what should be taught to students 
for them to be genuinely motivated to succeed? 
· 16. Which characterize/s a learning environment that promotes fairness among learners of various cultures, 
family background and gender? C. I and III 
· D. Work on one behavior at a time 17. Which guideline should you follow for behavior modification to be 
· B. To the degree the student needs it 18. In self-directed learning, to which extent should a teacher’s 
“scaffolding” be? 
· C. Adolescence 19. According to Havighurst to which developmental stages, is the developmental task of 
learning to get along with age mates belong? Havighurst identified six major stages in human life. They are: 
1. Infancy & early childhood (Birth till 6) 2. Middle childhood (6-12) 3. Adolescence (13-18) 4. Early 
Adulthood (19-30) 5. Middle Age (30-60) 6. Later maturity (60 and over) (Ages 12-18) Achieving new and 
more mature relations with age mates of both sexes. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role. Accepting 
one’s physique and using the body effectively. Achieving emotional independence of parents and other adults. 
Preparing for marriage and family life. 
· C. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others 20. What is referred to as the “looking glass self” of 
· D. Accommodation 21. What process in which the children seek to incorporate some new experiences into 
what they already have? 
· D. Excessive playing 22. Fixation is the tendency of an individual to stay at a particular stage as a result of 
either frustration or overindulgence to the pleasures of a given stage. Which of the following problems is 
associated with fixation in latency stage? 
· D.genital 23. The period when the individuals discover that they are mature enough to openly express libido 
towards the opposite sex which manifested in activities like career, friendship, courtship and marriage is 
· C. phallic 24. In which psychosexual stage is evident in the concept on Oedipus and Electra complex? 
· A. oral 25. Sucking, biting and playing with one’s mouth are activities which prove that the child is in 
_________ stage of the psychosexual theory. 
· 26. During the anal stage, lack of attention to child’s toilet training may lead to the _________________. B. 
messiness and disorderliness 
· A. Piaget 27. Believed that persons who assimilate changes in the environment will also accommodate the 
· C. Kohlberg 28. He decided to expand the moral development researches by making moral dilemmas that 
could be appropriate for children. 
· B. Gardner 29. ___________ is responsible for the multiple intelligence theory. 
· C. Naturalist 30. Mrs. Mayrain, our science teacher did not allow us to fly balloons because they can harm the 
whales, sharks, and other fishes. She manifests __________________ intelligence. 
· 34. In what stage of moral development, is the one who attends mass because he wanted to follow the Ten 
Commandments? B. Conventional 
· B. Inferiority 39. Initiative: Guilt and Industry: ____________.
· B. Operant conditioning 53. Teacher Joy claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given 
immediately after the response". Which theory supported to her idea? 
· D. Bandura 54. Teacher Windstone, makes sure all eyes are on her as she demonstrates the proper behavior 
for lighting a Bunsen burner. Whose theory supports his practice? 
· 56. Mrs. Montenegro had observed that when her daughter was three years old, she won't play with other 
children. She acted as if she has a world of her own. The child has _______. B. autism 
· A. myopia 57. The visual acuity problem characterized by nearsightedness is _________. 
· C. moderate 58. The mentally retarded group that is not educable in the field of academic achievement but 
have the potentials for learning self-help skills is _______. Mental Retardation Classifications: a.Those 
children who are mildly mentally retarded are considered to be educable and may be able to achieve up to the 
6th grade level. b.Individuals who are moderately mentally retarded are considered to be trainable, which 
means they can learn to complete daily living skills. However, they will probably not be able to understand 
academic concepts. c.Those children who are severely or profoundly mentally retarded will often require 
supervision and help with daily living skills for the duration of their lifetime. 
· C. polydactyl ism 60. The son of our neighbor has six fingers on his right hand. He has the crippling condition 
that is _______________. club foot club hand 
· jewisharaneta-merin 
A. No, it was only with the effect of 
R.A. 7836 that a professional license was required 
B. The presence of Dep. Ed for basic education, CHED for higher education and TESDA for vocational 
2. For greater efficiency and effectiveness, the Philippine educational system is tri-focalized. What is a proof? 
Once a week during lunch break 
3. When all other requirements are met, when should religion be taught in public schools, as provided for in the 
A. Philippine Sports Commission 
4. With R.A. 9155, to which body were all the functions, programs, and activities of the Department of Education 
related to Sports competition transferred? 
D. The school 
5. Which according to RA 9155 is considered the “heart of formal education system”? 
B. instructional leader 
6. According to R.A. 9155, a school head has two roles, namely administrative manager and __________. 
C. Yes, it saves you a lot of time 
7. For a well managed classroom, is it wise to establish classroom routine? 
B. Employ a reactive approach to discipline 
8. Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction? 
B. Making the teaching-learning process interesting
9. Which practice in our present educational system is in line with Plato’s thought that “nothing learned under 
compulsion status with the mind?” 
C. By record evaluation done by an accrediting body 
10. Applying Confucius’ teachings, how would hiring personnel select the most fit in government positions? 
A. Confucius 
11. “Moral example has a greater effect on pupils’ discipline than laws and codes of punishment’ is an advice for 
teachers from __________. 
A. Pragmatism 
12. The significance of liberal education in holistic development of students is supported by __________. 
C. Skeptics’ 
13. In the schools, we teach realities that cannot be verified by the senses like an invisible God or Allah. Whose 
beliefs does this practice NEGATE? 
D. Yes, she is sick 
14. Is a sick teacher, the only one assigned in a remote school, excused from her teaching duty? 
D. I, II 
15. Why is the exodus of Filipino professionals, descry bed as “brain drain”? 
I. Those who go abroad are usually the better ones because they are the ones who pass screening procedures. 
II. Filipino professionals serve other countries instead. 
III. They contribute to nation building through their dollar remittances. 
A. You decide on how to teach a particular lesson 
16. What is a demonstration of your authority as a professional teacher? 
D. It seeks its own satisfaction and privilege 
17. Which statement on true authority is WRONG? 
B. talk directly with the teacher involved 
18. If you have a problem with another teacher, the first step towards resolution should be for you to __________. 
A. Understand the policy and support the school in its implementation 
19. What is ethical for you to do if deep within your heart you do not agree with the school policy on student 
C. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership in activities for the betterment of the 
communities when they live and work 
20. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teachings. Does this 
mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only with their teaching? 
C. No, it is her duty to faithfully carry it out even if she does not agree 
21. A teacher does NOT agree with the selective retention policy of the school and she openly talks against it in her 
classes. Is her behavior ethical?
22. You want to report on a colleague’s act of immorality. You don’t have the courage to confront her. To end her 
illicit affair with a married man you write and secretly distribute copies of your anonymous letter against your fellow 
teacher. What should have been done instead? REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 
Section 9. Administrative Charges. 
Administrative charges against a teacher shall be heard initially by a committee composed of the 
corresponding School Superintendent of the Division or a duly authorized representative who should at least 
have the rank of a division supervisor, where the teacher belongs, as chairman, a representative of the local or, 
in its absence, any existing provincial or national teacher's organization and a supervisor of the Division. The 
last two to be designated by the Director of Public Schools. The committee shall submit its findings and 
recommendations to the Director of Public Schools within thirty days from the termination of the hearings: 
Provided, however, That where the school superintendent is the complainant or an interested party, all the 
members of the committee shall be appointed by the Secretary of Education. 
B. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through continuing professional 
23. Teacher Wyneth, a teacher for forty years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that her forty years of teaching 
is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are her actuation and thinking in accordance with the Code of 
Ethics for Professional Teachers? 
C. She got the merit which was due for her teacher-writers 
24. A principal asked her good teachers to write modular lessons in Science, and she had them published with her 
name printed as author. Which is unethical in this case? 
C. No, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion of her/his religious interest in the classroom. 
25. Is it ethical on the part of the teacher to proselyte (make converts) in her classroom every Friday? 
D. Emphasis on religious instruction 
26. Which describes Philippine education during the Spanish Regime? 
D. The 1901 Department of Public Instruction established Grade 7 
27. Which statement below is true about grade 7 in the Philippines? 
C. No, abortion is immoral 
28. A pregnant, unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she morally justified to do that? 
B. Behaviorist’s 
29. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher A? 
The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He is determined by his environment.” 
B. existentialist 
30. Teacher B’s response comes from the mouth of a / an __________. 
Teacher B – “The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment”. 
D. progressivist 
31. If you agree with Teacher C, you are more of a / an __________. 
Teacher C – “The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others”. 
D. perennialist 
32. If you identify yourself with Teacher D, you adhere to the __________ philosophy.
Teacher D – “The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers”. 
A. Teacher A’s 
33. Whose response denies man’s free will? 
C. mobile teacher 
34. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out to children 
who are far from a school? 
C. patriotic citizen 
35. Complete this analogy, 
Spanish period: moral and religious person. American period: ____________. 
B. Structured 
36. Which is NOT a characteristic of education during the Pre-Spanish era? 
B. Less prescriptive 
37. Referring to the characteristics of the latest Basic Educational Curriculum, which does NOT belong to the group? 
C. Adopt-A-School-Program 
38. Which program is Dep.Ed’s vehicle in mobilizing support from the private and non-government sectors to support 
programs based on DepEd’s menu of assistance packages? 
B. pensionados 
39. Just as selected Filipino teachers today are sent to study, the Americans did the same in 1903. These teacher 
scholars were known as ________. 
D. Accreditation and Equivalency 
40. Which Dep.Ed test do out-of-school youths and adults take enable them to enroll in college if they pass it? 
C. Elementary education 
41. Which is compulsory for children of school ages as stated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution? 
B. Emphasis on religious instruction 
42. Which feature was TRUE of Philippine education during the Spanish regime? 
C. Program accreditation 
43. Which is in line with equitable access to education but runs counter to quality? 
B. Against the democratization of access to education 
44. The National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) was abolished, because it was perceived to 
A. quality and relevance 
45. To avail of the Accreditation and Equivalency Test for adults and out-of-school youth is in support of the 
government’s educational program towards __________. 
46. An educator from Rotterdam who wrote the book “Liberal Education of Children” where he advanced the idea of 
using games and play and individualized instruction to educate children. 
47. The Father of Reformation who wrote the 95 theses, denouncing the Catholic Church. 
48. He established a child centered school in 1840 which came to be known as “Kindergarten”. 
49. Classes begin in September and end in June of every year. Duration of compulsory education is from entry of 6 
years old to exit of 18 years old. 
50. The entry age of compulsory education is 6 years old and exit age of 15 years old. Other students may get a job 
after year 10 or go to a TAFE College to learn technical skills. 
LET Reviewer in Professional Education (Part II) 
· A. No, it was only with the effect of R.A. 7836 that a professional license was required 1. Were teachers in 
the Philippines required of a professional license since the establishment of the Philippine educational 
system? CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 
(e), Article 11, of R.A. No. 7836,otherwise known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 
and paragraph (a), section 6, P.D. No. 223, as amended, the Board for Professional Teachers hereby adopt the 
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers 
· B. The presence of Dep. Ed for basic education, CHED for higher education and TESDA for vocational 
education 2. For greater efficiency and effectiveness, the Philippine educational system is tri-focalized. What 
is a proof? 
· Once a week during lunch break 3. When all other requirements are met, when should religion be taught in 
public schools, as provided for in the Constitution? 
· A. Philippine Sports Commission 4. With R.A. 9155, to which body were all the functions, programs, and 
activities of the Department of Education related to Sports competition transferred? 
· D. The school 5. Which according to RA 9155 is considered the “heart of formal education system”? 
school shall be the heart of the formal education system. It is where children learn. Schools shall have a single 
aim of providing the best possible basic education for all learners. 
· 6. According to R.A. 9155, a school head has two roles, namely administrative manager and __________. B. 
instructional leader Section 4. Definition of Terms. (m) .School Head - is a person responsible for the 
administrative and instructional supervision of the school or cluster of school 
· C. Yes, it saves you a lot of time 7. For a well managed classroom, is it wise to establish classroom routine? 
· B. Employ a reactive approach to discipline 8. Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for 
instruction? In the proactive approach to classroom management, the teacher uses different behaviours to 
lessen the likelihood that a student will act out. The student will achieve the desired behaviour. A teacher can
use a proactive approach by establishing rules in the classroom and praising students who behave according to 
behaviour expectations. The reactive approach to classroom management is a teacher's response following a 
student's misbehavior in the classroom. The teacher imposes punishment that is fair and consistent when 
dealing with a student's inappropriate actions. An example of this would be a student being excessively late to 
class. This student may be punished by having to serve detention after school. 
· B. Making the teaching-learning process interesting 9. Which practice in our present educational system is in 
line with Plato’s thought that “nothing learned under compulsion status with the mind?” 
· C. By record evaluation done by an accrediting body 10. Applying Confucius’ teachings, how would hiring 
personnel select the most fit in government positions? 
· A. Confucius 11. “Moral example has a greater effect on pupils’ discipline than laws and codes of 
punishment’ is an advice for teachers from __________. 
· A. Pragmatism 12. The significance of liberal education in holistic development of students is supported by 
· C. Skeptics’ 13. In the schools, we teach realities that cannot be verified by the senses like an invisible God or 
Allah. Whose beliefs does this practice NEGATE? 
· D. Yes, she is sick 14. Is a sick teacher, the only one assigned in a remote school, excused from her teaching 
TEACHERS V.LEAVE AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS Sec. 25.Indefinite Leave. An indefinite sick leave 
of absence shall be granted to teachers when the nature of the illness demands a long treatment that will 
exceed one year at the least. 
· D. I, II 15. Why is the exodus of Filipino professionals, descry bed as “brain drain”? I.Those who go abroad 
are usually the better ones because they are the ones who pass screening procedures. II.Filipino professionals 
serve other countries instead. III.They contribute to nation building through their dollar remittances. 
· 16. What is a demonstration of your authority as a professional teacher? A. You decide on how to teach a 
particular lesson 
· D. It seeks its own satisfaction and privilege 17. Which statement on true authority is WRONG? REPUBLIC 
ACT NO. 9155 Section 4 i) Learning Facilitator - is the key learning support person who is responsible for 
supervising/facilitating the learning process and activities of the learner; 
· B. talk directly with the teacher involved 18. If you have a problem with another teacher, the first step 
towards resolution should be for you to __________. 
· A. Understand the policy and support the school in its implementation 19. What is ethical for you to do if 
deep within your heart you do not agree with the school policy on student absences? 
· C. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership in activities for the betterment of the 
communities when they live and work 20. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments 
that adversely affect their teachings. Does this mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only with their 
· C. No, it is her duty to faithfully carry it out even if she does not agree 21. A teacher does NOT agree with the 
selective retention policy of the school and she openly talks against it in her classes. Is her behavior ethical? 
· 22. You want to report on a colleague’s act of immorality. You don’t have the courage to confront her. To end 
her illicit affair with a married man you write and secretly distribute copies of your anonymous letter against 
your fellow teacher. What should have been done instead? REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 THE MAGNA 
CARTA FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS Section 9. Administrative Charges. Administrative charges 
against a teacher shall be heard initially by a committee composed of the corresponding School 
Superintendent of the Division or a duly authorized representative who should at least have the rank of a 
division supervisor, where the teacher belongs, as chairman, a representative of the local or, in its absence,
any existing provincial or national teacher's organization and a supervisor of the Division. The last two to be 
designated by the Director of Public Schools. The committee shall submit its findings and recommendations 
to the Director of Public Schools within thirty days from the termination of the hearings: Provided, however, 
That where the school superintendent is the complainant or an interested party, all the members of the 
committee shall be appointed by the Secretary of Education. 
· B. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through continuing professional 
education 23. Teacher Wyneth, a teacher for forty years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that her forty 
years of teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are her actuation and thinking in 
accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? 
· C. She got the merit which was due for her teacher-writers 24. A principal asked her good teachers to write 
modular lessons in Science, and she had them published with her name printed as author. Which is unethical 
Level There shall be a school head for all public elementary schools and public high schools or a cluster 
thereof. Consistent with the national educational policies, plans and standards, the school heads shall have 
authority, accountability and responsibility for the following: (1) Setting the mission, vision, goals and 
objectives of the school; (2) Creating an environment within the school that is conducive to teaching and 
learning; (3) Implementing the school curriculum and being accountable for higher learning outcomes; (4) 
Developing the school education program and school improvement plan; (5) Offering educational programs, 
projects and services which provide equitable opportunities for all learners in the community; (6) Introducing 
new and innovative modes of instruction to achieve higher learning outcomes; (7) Administering and 
managing all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the school; (8) Recommending the staffing 
complement of the school based on its needs; (9) Encouraging staff development; (10) Establishing school 
and community networks and encouraging the active participation of teachers organization. 
· C. No, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion of her/his religious interest in the classroom. 25. Is it 
ethical on the part of the teacher to proselyte (make converts) in her classroom every Friday? 
· 26. Which describes Philippine education during the Spanish Regime? D. Emphasis on religious instruction 
· D. The 1901 Department of Public Instruction established Grade 7 27. Which statement below is true about 
grade 7 in the Philippines? A highly centralized public school system was installed in 1901 by the Philippine 
Commission by virtue of Act No. 74. The implementation of this act created a heavy shortage of teachers. As 
a result, Philippine Commission authorized the Secretary of Public Instruction to bring to the Philippines 
more than 1,000 teachers from the United States called the Thomasites from 1901 to 1902. These teachers 
were scattered throughout the islands to establish barangay schools.[12] The same law established the 
Philippine Normal School (now the Philippine Normal University) to train aspiring Filipino teachers. 
· C. No, abortion is immoral 28. A pregnant, unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she 
morally justified to do that? 
· B. Behaviorist’s 29. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher A? The learner is a product of his 
environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He is determined by his environment.” 
· B. existentialist 30. Teacher B’s response comes from the mouth of a / an __________. Teacher B – “The 
learner can choose what he can become despite his environment”. 
· 31. If you agree with Teacher C, you are more of a / an __________. Teacher C – “The learner is a social 
being who learns well through an active interplay with others”. D. progressivist 
· D. perennialist 32. If you identify yourself with Teacher D, you adhere to the __________ philosophy. 
Teacher D – “The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers”. 
· A. Teacher A’s 33. Whose response denies man’s free will? 
· C. mobile teacher 34. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant 
to reach out to children who are far from a school? Alternative Learning System -is a parallel learning system
to provide a viable alternative to the existing formal education instruction. It encompasses both the non-formal 
and informal sources of knowledge and skills; 
· 35. Complete this analogy, Spanish period: moral and religious person. American period: ____________. C. 
patriotic citizen 
· B. Structured 36. Which is NOT a characteristic of education during the Pre-Spanish era? 
· B. Less prescriptive 37. Referring to the characteristics of the latest Basic Educational Curriculum, which 
does NOT belong to the group? 
· C. Adopt-A-School-Program 38. Which program is Dep.Ed’s vehicle in mobilizing support from the private 
and non-government sectors to support programs based on DepEd’s menu of assistance packages? 
· 39. Just as selected Filipino teachers today are sent to study, the Americans did the same in 1903. These 
teacher scholars were known as ________. B. pensionados The Pensionado Act of 1903 (or Act 854) refers to 
the law which allowed qualified Filipino students to study in the United States. Passed on August 26, 1903 by 
Governor General William Howard Taft‘s government through the Philippine Commission, this act provided 
funds for such students, called Pensionados, to acquire their college degrees at schools in the United States. 
· D. Accreditation and Equivalency 40. Which Dep.Ed test do out-of-school youths and adults take enable them 
to enroll in college if they pass it? 
· C. Elementary education 41. Which is compulsory for children of school ages as stated in the 1987 Philippine 
SPORTS EDUCATION Section 2. The State shall: (1)Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, 
and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society; (2) Establish and maintain, 
a system of free public education in the elementary and high school levels. Without limiting the natural rights 
of parents to rear their children, elementary education is compulsory for all children of school age; 
· B. Emphasis on religious instruction 42. Which feature was TRUE of Philippine education during the Spanish 
· PACUCOA - Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities C. Program accreditation 43. Which is in 
line with equitable access to education but runs counter to quality? 
· B. Against the democratization of access to education 44. The National College Entrance Examination 
(NCEE) was abolished, because it was perceived to be____________. 
· A. quality and relevance 45. To avail of the Accreditation and Equivalency Test for adults and out- of-school 
youth is in support of the government’s educational program towards __________. 
· D. ERASMUS 46. An educator from Rotterdam who wrote the book “Liberal Education of Children” where 
he advanced the idea of using games and play and individualized instruction to educate children. 
· 47. The Father of Reformation who wrote the 95 theses, denouncing the Catholic Church. B. LUTHER 
· C. FROEBEL 48. He established a child centered school in 1840 which came to be known as “Kindergarten”. 
· B. USA 49. Classes begin in September and end in June of every year. Duration of compulsory education is 
from entry of 6 years old to exit of 18 years old. It is provided by the government, with control and funding 
coming from three levels: federal, state and local. Educational standards and standardized testing decisions 
are usually made by state governments. Children are required to begin school with a one-year Kindergarten 
class during the year in which they turn 4 or 5. They are required to continue attending school until the age of 
16 to 18, depending on the state, with a growing number of states now requiring school attendance until the 
age of 18 
· A.AUSTRALIA 50. The entry age of compulsory education is 6 years old and exit age of 15 years old. Other 
students may get a job after year 10 or go to a TAFE College to learn technical skills. Has a high quality of
education A. Basic Education : i. Primary school is for six yrs., ii. High school is for six yrs., junior(yr 7 - 10), 
senior high (yr 11 – 12) B. Higher Education: Academic yr. in Australia begins in March and ends in 
November. University level studies begin with the undergraduate level. Second stage is postgraduate studies 
· jewisharaneta-merin

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Pro Ed Child and Adult Development

  • 1. D. III only 1. One’s approach to teaching is influenced by Howard Gardner’s MI Theory. What is the challenged to do? I. To come up with 10 different ways of approaching lesson to cater to the 10 multiple intelligence II. To develop all student’s skill in all ten intelligences III. To provide worthwhile activities that acknowledge individual difference in children A. High school years 2. According to Erikson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence? A. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking 3. Which of the following does NOT describe the development of children aged 11 to 13? D. Scaffolding 4. Teacher Hanz begins a lesson on tumbling, demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his students become more skillful, he stands back from the man and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did Teacher Hanz do? C. Sequence instruction 5. What does Gagne’s hierarchy theory propose for effective instruction? D. Make schoolwork relevant to students’ basic human needs 6. William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior in inspired by what satisfies a person’s want at any given time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn? D. discrimination 7. Soc exhibit fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated? B. Id 8. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmate at the height of anger? D. Pavlovian 9. Nadette enjoyed the roller coaster when he and her family went to Enchanted Kingdom. The mere sight of a roller coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains Nadette’s behavior? C. I (superego) 10. According to Frued, with which should one be concern if he/she has to develop in the students a correct sense of right and wrong? B. assimilation 11. When small children call animals “dog”, what process is illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive development theory? C. I and II 12. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience a number of areas of the brain are simultaneously activated. Which of the following is/are implication/s of this research finding? I. Make use of field trips, guest speakers II. Do multicultural units of study III. Stick to the “left brain and right brain” approach
  • 2. D. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feeling and ideas freely 13. Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional center is tied into its ability to learn”? D. Expect hypothetical reasoning for learners between 12 to 15 years of age 14. Research on Piagetian tasks indicates that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the formal operations stage. What is an educational implication of this finding? C. Make them realize that failure is a part of life 15. Research says: “People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their failures to external causes.”Based on this finding, what should be taught to students for them to be genuinely motivated to succeed? C. I and III 16. Which characterize/s a learning environment that promotes fairness among learners of various cultures, family background and gender? D. Work on one behavior at a time 17. Which guideline should you follow for behavior modification to be effective? B. To the degree the student needs it 18. In self-directed learning, to which extent should a teacher’s “scaffolding” be? C. Adolescence 19. According to Havighurst to which developmental stages, is the developmental task of learning to get along with age mates belong? C. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others 20. What is referred to as the “looking glass self” of Colley? D. Accommodation 21. What process in which the children seek to incorporate some new experiences into what they already have? D. Excessive playing 22. Fixation is the tendency of an individual to stay at a particular stage as a result of either frustration or overindulgence to the pleasures of a given stage. Which of the following problems is associated with fixation in latency stage? D.genital 23. The period when the individuals discover that they are mature enough to openly express libido towards the opposite sex which manifested in activities like career, friendship, courtship and marriage is __________. C. phallic 24. In which psychosexual stage is evident in the concept on Oedipus and Electra complex? A. oral 25. Sucking, biting and playing with one’s mouth are activities which prove that the child is in _________ stage of the psychosexual theory.
  • 3. B. messiness and disorderliness 26. During the anal stage, lack of attention to child’s toilet training may lead to the _________________. A. Piaget 27. Believed that persons who assimilate changes in the environment will also accommodate the experience. C. Kohlberg 28. He decided to expand the moral development researches by making moral dilemmas that could be appropriate for children. B. Gardner 29. ___________ is responsible for the multiple intelligence theory. C. Naturalist 30. Mrs. Mayrain, our science teacher did not allow us to fly balloons because they can harm the whales, sharks, and other fishes. She manifests __________________ intelligence. B. Conventional 34. In what stage of moral development, is the one who attends mass because he wanted to follow the Ten Commandments? B. Inferiority 39. Initiative: Guilt and Industry: ____________. B. Operant conditioning 53. Teacher Joy claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the response". Which theory supported to her idea? D. Bandura 54. Teacher Windstone, makes sure all eyes are on her as she demonstrates the proper behavior for lighting a Bunsen burner. Whose theory supports his practice? B. autism 56. Mrs. Montenegro had observed that when her daughter was three years old, she won't play with other children. She acted as if she has a world of her own. The child has _______. A. myopia 57. The visual acuity problem characterized by nearsightedness is _________. C. moderate 58. The mentally retarded group that is not educable in the field of academic achievement but have the potentials for learning self-help skills is _______. C. polydactyl ism 60. The son of our neighbor has six fingers on his right hand. He has the crippling condition that is _______________. LET Reviewer in Professional Education (Part I) Presentation Transcript
  • 4. · RATIONALIZATION OF THE PRE-TEST in FL DR. JEWISH ARANETA-MERIN · D. III only 1. One’s approach to teaching is influenced by Howard Gardner’s MI Theory. What is the challenged to do? I. To come up with 10 different ways of approaching lesson to cater to the 10 multiple intelligence II. To develop all student’s skill in all ten intelligences III. To provide worthwhile activities that acknowledge individual difference in children intelligence type capability and perception Linguistic words and language Logical-Mathematical logic and numbers Musical music, sound, rhythm Bodily-Kinesthetic body movement control Spatial-Visual images and space Interpersonal other people's feelings Intrapersonal self-awareness Naturalist natural environment Spiritual/Existential religion and 'ultimate issues' Moral ethics, humanity, value of life · A. High school years 2. According to Erikson, what years are critical for the development of self- confidence? Psychosocial Stage 5 Identity vs. Confusion During adolescence, children explore their independence and develop a sense of self. Those who receive proper encouragement and reinforcement through personal exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control. · A. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking 3. Which of the following does NOT describe the development of children aged 11 to 13? · D. Scaffolding 4. Teacher Hanz begins a lesson on tumbling, demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his students become more skillful, he stands back from the man and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did Teacher Hanz do? With appropriate adult help, children can often perform tasks that they are incapable of completing on their own. With this in mind, scaffolding– where the adult continually adjusts the level of his or her help in response to the child’s level of performance–is an effective form of teaching. · C. Sequence instruction 5. What does Gagne’s hierarchy theory propose for effective instruction? · 6. William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior in inspired by what satisfies a person’s want at any given time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn? D. Make schoolwork relevant to students’ basic human needs · D. discrimination 7. Soc exhibit fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated? · B. Id 8. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmate at the height of anger? · D. Pavlovian 9. Nadette enjoyed the roller coaster when he and her family went to Enchanted Kingdom. The mere sight of a roller coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains Nadette’s behavior? · C. I (superego) 10. According to Frued, with which should one be concern if he/she has to develop in the students a correct sense of right and wrong? · B. assimilation 11. When small children call animals “dog”, what process is illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive development theory? · C. I and II 12. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience a number of areas of the brain are simultaneously activated. Which of the following is/are implication/s of this research finding? I. Make use of field trips, guest speakers II. Do multicultural units of study III. Stick to the “left brain and right brain” approach · D. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feeling and ideas freely 13. Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional center is tied into its ability to learn”? · D. Expect hypothetical reasoning for learners between 12 to 15 years of age 14. Research on Piagetian tasks indicates that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the formal operations stage. What is an educational implication of this finding?
  • 5. · C. Make them realize that failure is a part of life 15. Research says: “People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their failures to external causes.”Based on this finding, what should be taught to students for them to be genuinely motivated to succeed? · 16. Which characterize/s a learning environment that promotes fairness among learners of various cultures, family background and gender? C. I and III · D. Work on one behavior at a time 17. Which guideline should you follow for behavior modification to be effective? · B. To the degree the student needs it 18. In self-directed learning, to which extent should a teacher’s “scaffolding” be? · C. Adolescence 19. According to Havighurst to which developmental stages, is the developmental task of learning to get along with age mates belong? Havighurst identified six major stages in human life. They are: 1. Infancy & early childhood (Birth till 6) 2. Middle childhood (6-12) 3. Adolescence (13-18) 4. Early Adulthood (19-30) 5. Middle Age (30-60) 6. Later maturity (60 and over) (Ages 12-18) Achieving new and more mature relations with age mates of both sexes. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role. Accepting one’s physique and using the body effectively. Achieving emotional independence of parents and other adults. Preparing for marriage and family life. · C. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others 20. What is referred to as the “looking glass self” of Colley? · D. Accommodation 21. What process in which the children seek to incorporate some new experiences into what they already have? · D. Excessive playing 22. Fixation is the tendency of an individual to stay at a particular stage as a result of either frustration or overindulgence to the pleasures of a given stage. Which of the following problems is associated with fixation in latency stage? · D.genital 23. The period when the individuals discover that they are mature enough to openly express libido towards the opposite sex which manifested in activities like career, friendship, courtship and marriage is __________. · C. phallic 24. In which psychosexual stage is evident in the concept on Oedipus and Electra complex? · A. oral 25. Sucking, biting and playing with one’s mouth are activities which prove that the child is in _________ stage of the psychosexual theory. · 26. During the anal stage, lack of attention to child’s toilet training may lead to the _________________. B. messiness and disorderliness · A. Piaget 27. Believed that persons who assimilate changes in the environment will also accommodate the experience. · C. Kohlberg 28. He decided to expand the moral development researches by making moral dilemmas that could be appropriate for children. · B. Gardner 29. ___________ is responsible for the multiple intelligence theory. · C. Naturalist 30. Mrs. Mayrain, our science teacher did not allow us to fly balloons because they can harm the whales, sharks, and other fishes. She manifests __________________ intelligence. · 34. In what stage of moral development, is the one who attends mass because he wanted to follow the Ten Commandments? B. Conventional · B. Inferiority 39. Initiative: Guilt and Industry: ____________.
  • 6. · B. Operant conditioning 53. Teacher Joy claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the response". Which theory supported to her idea? · D. Bandura 54. Teacher Windstone, makes sure all eyes are on her as she demonstrates the proper behavior for lighting a Bunsen burner. Whose theory supports his practice? · 56. Mrs. Montenegro had observed that when her daughter was three years old, she won't play with other children. She acted as if she has a world of her own. The child has _______. B. autism · A. myopia 57. The visual acuity problem characterized by nearsightedness is _________. · C. moderate 58. The mentally retarded group that is not educable in the field of academic achievement but have the potentials for learning self-help skills is _______. Mental Retardation Classifications: a.Those children who are mildly mentally retarded are considered to be educable and may be able to achieve up to the 6th grade level. b.Individuals who are moderately mentally retarded are considered to be trainable, which means they can learn to complete daily living skills. However, they will probably not be able to understand academic concepts. c.Those children who are severely or profoundly mentally retarded will often require supervision and help with daily living skills for the duration of their lifetime. · C. polydactyl ism 60. The son of our neighbor has six fingers on his right hand. He has the crippling condition that is _______________. club foot club hand · jewisharaneta-merin A. No, it was only with the effect of R.A. 7836 that a professional license was required B. The presence of Dep. Ed for basic education, CHED for higher education and TESDA for vocational education 2. For greater efficiency and effectiveness, the Philippine educational system is tri-focalized. What is a proof? Once a week during lunch break 3. When all other requirements are met, when should religion be taught in public schools, as provided for in the Constitution? A. Philippine Sports Commission 4. With R.A. 9155, to which body were all the functions, programs, and activities of the Department of Education related to Sports competition transferred? D. The school 5. Which according to RA 9155 is considered the “heart of formal education system”? B. instructional leader 6. According to R.A. 9155, a school head has two roles, namely administrative manager and __________. C. Yes, it saves you a lot of time 7. For a well managed classroom, is it wise to establish classroom routine? B. Employ a reactive approach to discipline 8. Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction? B. Making the teaching-learning process interesting
  • 7. 9. Which practice in our present educational system is in line with Plato’s thought that “nothing learned under compulsion status with the mind?” C. By record evaluation done by an accrediting body 10. Applying Confucius’ teachings, how would hiring personnel select the most fit in government positions? A. Confucius 11. “Moral example has a greater effect on pupils’ discipline than laws and codes of punishment’ is an advice for teachers from __________. A. Pragmatism 12. The significance of liberal education in holistic development of students is supported by __________. C. Skeptics’ 13. In the schools, we teach realities that cannot be verified by the senses like an invisible God or Allah. Whose beliefs does this practice NEGATE? D. Yes, she is sick 14. Is a sick teacher, the only one assigned in a remote school, excused from her teaching duty? D. I, II 15. Why is the exodus of Filipino professionals, descry bed as “brain drain”? I. Those who go abroad are usually the better ones because they are the ones who pass screening procedures. II. Filipino professionals serve other countries instead. III. They contribute to nation building through their dollar remittances. A. You decide on how to teach a particular lesson 16. What is a demonstration of your authority as a professional teacher? D. It seeks its own satisfaction and privilege 17. Which statement on true authority is WRONG? B. talk directly with the teacher involved 18. If you have a problem with another teacher, the first step towards resolution should be for you to __________. A. Understand the policy and support the school in its implementation 19. What is ethical for you to do if deep within your heart you do not agree with the school policy on student absences? C. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership in activities for the betterment of the communities when they live and work 20. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teachings. Does this mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only with their teaching? C. No, it is her duty to faithfully carry it out even if she does not agree 21. A teacher does NOT agree with the selective retention policy of the school and she openly talks against it in her classes. Is her behavior ethical?
  • 8. 22. You want to report on a colleague’s act of immorality. You don’t have the courage to confront her. To end her illicit affair with a married man you write and secretly distribute copies of your anonymous letter against your fellow teacher. What should have been done instead? REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 THE MAGNA CARTA FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS Section 9. Administrative Charges. Administrative charges against a teacher shall be heard initially by a committee composed of the corresponding School Superintendent of the Division or a duly authorized representative who should at least have the rank of a division supervisor, where the teacher belongs, as chairman, a representative of the local or, in its absence, any existing provincial or national teacher's organization and a supervisor of the Division. The last two to be designated by the Director of Public Schools. The committee shall submit its findings and recommendations to the Director of Public Schools within thirty days from the termination of the hearings: Provided, however, That where the school superintendent is the complainant or an interested party, all the members of the committee shall be appointed by the Secretary of Education. B. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through continuing professional education 23. Teacher Wyneth, a teacher for forty years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that her forty years of teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are her actuation and thinking in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? C. She got the merit which was due for her teacher-writers 24. A principal asked her good teachers to write modular lessons in Science, and she had them published with her name printed as author. Which is unethical in this case? C. No, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion of her/his religious interest in the classroom. 25. Is it ethical on the part of the teacher to proselyte (make converts) in her classroom every Friday? D. Emphasis on religious instruction 26. Which describes Philippine education during the Spanish Regime? D. The 1901 Department of Public Instruction established Grade 7 27. Which statement below is true about grade 7 in the Philippines? C. No, abortion is immoral 28. A pregnant, unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she morally justified to do that? B. Behaviorist’s 29. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher A? The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He is determined by his environment.” B. existentialist 30. Teacher B’s response comes from the mouth of a / an __________. Teacher B – “The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment”. D. progressivist 31. If you agree with Teacher C, you are more of a / an __________. Teacher C – “The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others”. D. perennialist 32. If you identify yourself with Teacher D, you adhere to the __________ philosophy.
  • 9. Teacher D – “The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers”. A. Teacher A’s 33. Whose response denies man’s free will? C. mobile teacher 34. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out to children who are far from a school? C. patriotic citizen 35. Complete this analogy, Spanish period: moral and religious person. American period: ____________. B. Structured 36. Which is NOT a characteristic of education during the Pre-Spanish era? B. Less prescriptive 37. Referring to the characteristics of the latest Basic Educational Curriculum, which does NOT belong to the group? C. Adopt-A-School-Program 38. Which program is Dep.Ed’s vehicle in mobilizing support from the private and non-government sectors to support programs based on DepEd’s menu of assistance packages? B. pensionados 39. Just as selected Filipino teachers today are sent to study, the Americans did the same in 1903. These teacher scholars were known as ________. D. Accreditation and Equivalency 40. Which Dep.Ed test do out-of-school youths and adults take enable them to enroll in college if they pass it? C. Elementary education 41. Which is compulsory for children of school ages as stated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution? B. Emphasis on religious instruction 42. Which feature was TRUE of Philippine education during the Spanish regime? C. Program accreditation 43. Which is in line with equitable access to education but runs counter to quality? B. Against the democratization of access to education 44. The National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) was abolished, because it was perceived to be____________. A. quality and relevance 45. To avail of the Accreditation and Equivalency Test for adults and out-of-school youth is in support of the government’s educational program towards __________. D. ERASMUS
  • 10. 46. An educator from Rotterdam who wrote the book “Liberal Education of Children” where he advanced the idea of using games and play and individualized instruction to educate children. B. LUTHER 47. The Father of Reformation who wrote the 95 theses, denouncing the Catholic Church. C. FROEBEL 48. He established a child centered school in 1840 which came to be known as “Kindergarten”. B. USA 49. Classes begin in September and end in June of every year. Duration of compulsory education is from entry of 6 years old to exit of 18 years old. A.AUSTRALIA 50. The entry age of compulsory education is 6 years old and exit age of 15 years old. Other students may get a job after year 10 or go to a TAFE College to learn technical skills. LET Reviewer in Professional Education (Part II) · RATIONALIZATION in TEACHING PROFESSION Dr. Jewish Araneta-Merin · A. No, it was only with the effect of R.A. 7836 that a professional license was required 1. Were teachers in the Philippines required of a professional license since the establishment of the Philippine educational system? CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e), Article 11, of R.A. No. 7836,otherwise known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 and paragraph (a), section 6, P.D. No. 223, as amended, the Board for Professional Teachers hereby adopt the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers · B. The presence of Dep. Ed for basic education, CHED for higher education and TESDA for vocational education 2. For greater efficiency and effectiveness, the Philippine educational system is tri-focalized. What is a proof? · Once a week during lunch break 3. When all other requirements are met, when should religion be taught in public schools, as provided for in the Constitution? · A. Philippine Sports Commission 4. With R.A. 9155, to which body were all the functions, programs, and activities of the Department of Education related to Sports competition transferred? · D. The school 5. Which according to RA 9155 is considered the “heart of formal education system”? REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9155 August 11, 2001 AN ACT INSTITUTING A FRAME WORK OF GOVERNANCE FOR BASIC EDUCATION, ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY, RENAMING THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS AS THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Section 2. Declaration of Policy. The school shall be the heart of the formal education system. It is where children learn. Schools shall have a single aim of providing the best possible basic education for all learners. · 6. According to R.A. 9155, a school head has two roles, namely administrative manager and __________. B. instructional leader Section 4. Definition of Terms. (m) .School Head - is a person responsible for the administrative and instructional supervision of the school or cluster of school · C. Yes, it saves you a lot of time 7. For a well managed classroom, is it wise to establish classroom routine? · B. Employ a reactive approach to discipline 8. Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction? In the proactive approach to classroom management, the teacher uses different behaviours to lessen the likelihood that a student will act out. The student will achieve the desired behaviour. A teacher can
  • 11. use a proactive approach by establishing rules in the classroom and praising students who behave according to behaviour expectations. The reactive approach to classroom management is a teacher's response following a student's misbehavior in the classroom. The teacher imposes punishment that is fair and consistent when dealing with a student's inappropriate actions. An example of this would be a student being excessively late to class. This student may be punished by having to serve detention after school. · B. Making the teaching-learning process interesting 9. Which practice in our present educational system is in line with Plato’s thought that “nothing learned under compulsion status with the mind?” · C. By record evaluation done by an accrediting body 10. Applying Confucius’ teachings, how would hiring personnel select the most fit in government positions? · A. Confucius 11. “Moral example has a greater effect on pupils’ discipline than laws and codes of punishment’ is an advice for teachers from __________. · A. Pragmatism 12. The significance of liberal education in holistic development of students is supported by __________. · C. Skeptics’ 13. In the schools, we teach realities that cannot be verified by the senses like an invisible God or Allah. Whose beliefs does this practice NEGATE? · D. Yes, she is sick 14. Is a sick teacher, the only one assigned in a remote school, excused from her teaching duty? REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 June 18, 1966 THE MAGNA CARTA FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS V.LEAVE AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS Sec. 25.Indefinite Leave. An indefinite sick leave of absence shall be granted to teachers when the nature of the illness demands a long treatment that will exceed one year at the least. · D. I, II 15. Why is the exodus of Filipino professionals, descry bed as “brain drain”? I.Those who go abroad are usually the better ones because they are the ones who pass screening procedures. II.Filipino professionals serve other countries instead. III.They contribute to nation building through their dollar remittances. · 16. What is a demonstration of your authority as a professional teacher? A. You decide on how to teach a particular lesson · D. It seeks its own satisfaction and privilege 17. Which statement on true authority is WRONG? REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9155 Section 4 i) Learning Facilitator - is the key learning support person who is responsible for supervising/facilitating the learning process and activities of the learner; · B. talk directly with the teacher involved 18. If you have a problem with another teacher, the first step towards resolution should be for you to __________. · A. Understand the policy and support the school in its implementation 19. What is ethical for you to do if deep within your heart you do not agree with the school policy on student absences? · C. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership in activities for the betterment of the communities when they live and work 20. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teachings. Does this mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only with their teaching? · C. No, it is her duty to faithfully carry it out even if she does not agree 21. A teacher does NOT agree with the selective retention policy of the school and she openly talks against it in her classes. Is her behavior ethical? · 22. You want to report on a colleague’s act of immorality. You don’t have the courage to confront her. To end her illicit affair with a married man you write and secretly distribute copies of your anonymous letter against your fellow teacher. What should have been done instead? REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 THE MAGNA CARTA FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS Section 9. Administrative Charges. Administrative charges against a teacher shall be heard initially by a committee composed of the corresponding School Superintendent of the Division or a duly authorized representative who should at least have the rank of a division supervisor, where the teacher belongs, as chairman, a representative of the local or, in its absence,
  • 12. any existing provincial or national teacher's organization and a supervisor of the Division. The last two to be designated by the Director of Public Schools. The committee shall submit its findings and recommendations to the Director of Public Schools within thirty days from the termination of the hearings: Provided, however, That where the school superintendent is the complainant or an interested party, all the members of the committee shall be appointed by the Secretary of Education. · B. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through continuing professional education 23. Teacher Wyneth, a teacher for forty years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that her forty years of teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Are her actuation and thinking in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? · C. She got the merit which was due for her teacher-writers 24. A principal asked her good teachers to write modular lessons in Science, and she had them published with her name printed as author. Which is unethical in this case? REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9155 CHAPTER 1.GOVERNANCE OF BASIC EDUCATION E. School Level There shall be a school head for all public elementary schools and public high schools or a cluster thereof. Consistent with the national educational policies, plans and standards, the school heads shall have authority, accountability and responsibility for the following: (1) Setting the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school; (2) Creating an environment within the school that is conducive to teaching and learning; (3) Implementing the school curriculum and being accountable for higher learning outcomes; (4) Developing the school education program and school improvement plan; (5) Offering educational programs, projects and services which provide equitable opportunities for all learners in the community; (6) Introducing new and innovative modes of instruction to achieve higher learning outcomes; (7) Administering and managing all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the school; (8) Recommending the staffing complement of the school based on its needs; (9) Encouraging staff development; (10) Establishing school and community networks and encouraging the active participation of teachers organization. · C. No, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion of her/his religious interest in the classroom. 25. Is it ethical on the part of the teacher to proselyte (make converts) in her classroom every Friday? · 26. Which describes Philippine education during the Spanish Regime? D. Emphasis on religious instruction · D. The 1901 Department of Public Instruction established Grade 7 27. Which statement below is true about grade 7 in the Philippines? A highly centralized public school system was installed in 1901 by the Philippine Commission by virtue of Act No. 74. The implementation of this act created a heavy shortage of teachers. As a result, Philippine Commission authorized the Secretary of Public Instruction to bring to the Philippines more than 1,000 teachers from the United States called the Thomasites from 1901 to 1902. These teachers were scattered throughout the islands to establish barangay schools.[12] The same law established the Philippine Normal School (now the Philippine Normal University) to train aspiring Filipino teachers. · C. No, abortion is immoral 28. A pregnant, unmarried woman aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she morally justified to do that? · B. Behaviorist’s 29. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher A? The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He is determined by his environment.” · B. existentialist 30. Teacher B’s response comes from the mouth of a / an __________. Teacher B – “The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment”. · 31. If you agree with Teacher C, you are more of a / an __________. Teacher C – “The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with others”. D. progressivist · D. perennialist 32. If you identify yourself with Teacher D, you adhere to the __________ philosophy. Teacher D – “The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers”. · A. Teacher A’s 33. Whose response denies man’s free will? · C. mobile teacher 34. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out to children who are far from a school? Alternative Learning System -is a parallel learning system
  • 13. to provide a viable alternative to the existing formal education instruction. It encompasses both the non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills; · 35. Complete this analogy, Spanish period: moral and religious person. American period: ____________. C. patriotic citizen · B. Structured 36. Which is NOT a characteristic of education during the Pre-Spanish era? · B. Less prescriptive 37. Referring to the characteristics of the latest Basic Educational Curriculum, which does NOT belong to the group? · C. Adopt-A-School-Program 38. Which program is Dep.Ed’s vehicle in mobilizing support from the private and non-government sectors to support programs based on DepEd’s menu of assistance packages? · 39. Just as selected Filipino teachers today are sent to study, the Americans did the same in 1903. These teacher scholars were known as ________. B. pensionados The Pensionado Act of 1903 (or Act 854) refers to the law which allowed qualified Filipino students to study in the United States. Passed on August 26, 1903 by Governor General William Howard Taft‘s government through the Philippine Commission, this act provided funds for such students, called Pensionados, to acquire their college degrees at schools in the United States. · D. Accreditation and Equivalency 40. Which Dep.Ed test do out-of-school youths and adults take enable them to enroll in college if they pass it? · C. Elementary education 41. Which is compulsory for children of school ages as stated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution? ARTICLE XIV EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ARTS, CULTURE AND SPORTS EDUCATION Section 2. The State shall: (1)Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society; (2) Establish and maintain, a system of free public education in the elementary and high school levels. Without limiting the natural rights of parents to rear their children, elementary education is compulsory for all children of school age; · B. Emphasis on religious instruction 42. Which feature was TRUE of Philippine education during the Spanish regime? · PACUCOA - Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities C. Program accreditation 43. Which is in line with equitable access to education but runs counter to quality? · B. Against the democratization of access to education 44. The National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) was abolished, because it was perceived to be____________. · A. quality and relevance 45. To avail of the Accreditation and Equivalency Test for adults and out- of-school youth is in support of the government’s educational program towards __________. · D. ERASMUS 46. An educator from Rotterdam who wrote the book “Liberal Education of Children” where he advanced the idea of using games and play and individualized instruction to educate children. · 47. The Father of Reformation who wrote the 95 theses, denouncing the Catholic Church. B. LUTHER · C. FROEBEL 48. He established a child centered school in 1840 which came to be known as “Kindergarten”. · B. USA 49. Classes begin in September and end in June of every year. Duration of compulsory education is from entry of 6 years old to exit of 18 years old. It is provided by the government, with control and funding coming from three levels: federal, state and local. Educational standards and standardized testing decisions are usually made by state governments. Children are required to begin school with a one-year Kindergarten class during the year in which they turn 4 or 5. They are required to continue attending school until the age of 16 to 18, depending on the state, with a growing number of states now requiring school attendance until the age of 18 · A.AUSTRALIA 50. The entry age of compulsory education is 6 years old and exit age of 15 years old. Other students may get a job after year 10 or go to a TAFE College to learn technical skills. Has a high quality of
  • 14. education A. Basic Education : i. Primary school is for six yrs., ii. High school is for six yrs., junior(yr 7 - 10), senior high (yr 11 – 12) B. Higher Education: Academic yr. in Australia begins in March and ends in November. University level studies begin with the undergraduate level. Second stage is postgraduate studies · jewisharaneta-merin