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• “Management is the art of getting things done
through people”. - Mary Parker Follet
• “To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize, to
command, to co-ordinate and to control.” – Henry
• “Management is the art of knowing what you want
to do and then seeing that it is done in the best and
cheapest way”. – F.W.Taylor.
Nature and characteristics of Management
• Management is Goal oriented
• Management is Universal.
• Management is an integrative force.
• Management is a social process.
• Management is multidisciplinary.
• Management is a continuous process.
• Management is Intangible.
• Management is an Art as well as Science.
Objectives of Mangement
1. Organizational Objectives
i. Reasonable Profit
ii. Good return on the capital.
iii.Survival of the business.
iv. Growth and expansion of business.
v. Improving the goodwill and reputation of the
2. Personal Objectives :
a. Fair remuneration for work performed.
b. Reasonable working condition.
c. Opportunities for training and development
d. Security of job
3. Social Objectives :
a. Quality of Goods
b. Service at fair price to customers
c. Fair dealing with suppliers, dealers and
d. Preserving the ethical values of the society.
1. Planning – deciding in advance what is to be done,
when, how and by whom it will be done.
2. Organizing – establishing a structure that facilitates
the achievement of goals – delegation of authority
– defining and fixing responsibility.
3. Staffing – Manpower planning, recruitment,
selection,training and compensation.
Management Vs Administration
Administration :
It determines the specific goals and the broad areas within which those
goals are to be achieved.
Management :
It is concerned with carrying out the broad policies laid down by
According to American School of thought administrators think, managers
Administration is largely determinative whereas Management is essentially
• Concerned with
determination of major
objectives and policies.
• It is a thinking function
• Mainly a top level function
• Not directly concerned with
the direction of human
• Planning and Controlling are
the main functions
• Conceptual and human
skills are involved
• Largely used in Govt.and
Public sector Orgns.
• Example – Commissioner,
Registrar, V.C.,…etc.
• Concerned with
implementation of policies.
• It is an executive function
• Largely a middle and lower
level function
• Concerned with the
direction of human efforts
• Directing and Organizing are
the main functions
• Technical and human skills
are involved
• Mainly used in business
• Example – General
Manager, Sales Manager,
Branch Manager..etc
Principles of Managment
- A principle may be regarded as general statement or proposition
reflecting the relationship of cause and effect between two or more
- The emphasis on Management Principles has been given by many
management thinkers including Henry Fayol, Taylor, Bernard…etc.
- The Principles have been developed
i. to guide managers so that they may be able to take managerial
ii. The principles of mgt. are true in all managerial situation and or all levels
of mgt.
iii. It is applied in business/Govt./social or any type of Organization.
Principles of Management
by Henri Fayol
Henry Fayol has suggested 14 principles of Mgt. inorder to
make the job of mgt. more effective and efficient.
1. Division of Work
- Every employee should be assigned only one type of work
- Results in increased human efficiency and more
production is possible.
2. Authority and Responsibility
- must go hand in hand
- Authority is a power which enables a manager to
command subordinates to work
- Responsibility is an obligation owed by a subordinate to
the supervisor for the performance of job.
3. Discipline
- Obedience to the rules of the Orgn.
- Can be maintained with the help of good
- Necessary for the proper functioning of the
4. Unitiy of Command
- A subordinate must get orders and instructions
only from one supervisor at a time
- Helps in controlling and fixing responsibilities.
5. Unity of Direction
- There must be one Head and one plan
- Each group of activities should have the same objectives.
- Eg. There must be one Production Plan and only one
Prodn.Mgr. imparting similar instructions to all the workers.
6. Subordination of Individual Interest to general interest
- Each employee should sacrifice and subordinate his
personal interest
and goal for achieving the goals of the orgn.
- Common interest must prevail over individual interest.
7. Remuneration
- Wages and salaries should be neither low or high.
- It should be fair and satifactory for the services rendered.
8. Centralisation
- Reservation of decision making authority at the top level
of mgt.
- Managers should retain final responsibility but also need
to give their subordinates enough authority
to do their jobs properly.
9. Scalar Chain
- The chain of supervisors with grades of authority ranging
from the highest to the lowest.
- Chain of supervisor subordinate relationship which is
essential for achieving the goal.
10. Order
- Materials and people should be in the right place at the right time.
- People should be in the jobs most suited
for them.
11. Equity
- Fairness and justice to all working in the orgn.
- Similar treatment and impartiality should be assured to all employees
in the orgn.
- Mgt. should treat employees with justice and fairness.
12. Stability of tenure of personnel
- There should be reasonable security of job
- High employee turnover rate is not good for efficient functioning of
the orgn.
- Stability of tenure helps to develop loyalty towards orgn.
13. Initiative
- Refers to freedom to think out a plan and its execution
- Subordinates should be given the freedom to plan and
carry out their plans.
- Self motivating device for the employees.
- Makes them more dedicated and loyal towards the orgn.
14. Espirit-de-corps(Union is Strength)
- Advocates team spirit
- Helps to build team spirit among employees so that they
work with proper mutual understanding
to achieve organizational goals.
Scientific Management
• F.W.Taylor(Fredrick Winslow Taylor) is known as the father of
Scientific Management.
• First to identify the need to have a scientific approach to the
task of managing an orgn.
• Taylor’s definition of scientific mgt. contains 2 aspects
i. Management must know what is exactly expected from
ii. Workers do their jobs in the best and the cheapest
Salient features of Scientific
Management by F.W.Taylor
1. Separation of Planning and doing
- emphasized the separation of planning from actual doing
- Before Scientific Mgt. a worker to plan and do the work
- Taylor insisted that Planning should left to the supervisor and the
worker should concentrate on work
2. Functional Foremanship
-Instead of single foreman, there must be a number of foremen
-Each foreman being a specialist in performing of his role, is a functional
- Supervision of the work is entrusted to foremen
3. Job Analysis
- Taylor analysed the various jobs to find out the best way of doing with
the help
of Time/Motion/Fatigue/Method study.
i. Time Study
- Refers to the study of the time taken to perform each operation of a
job inorder to find out
the actual time taken to perform a job.
- Purpose is to determine the time taken for performing an operation.
ii. Motion Study
- Study of the movements of workers in performing an operation.
- The purpose is to eliminate unnecessary motions.
- Helps to detect which motions of the body made by the worker are
unnecessary and to avoid over fatigue
iii.Fatique Study
- Study helps to find out the amount and frequency of rest
required for a worker to enable him maintain
his efficiency to complete a job.
iv.Method Study
- The purpose is to maximize efficiency in the use of
materials, machinery, manpower and capital by
improving work methods.
- Study involves critical examination of plant layout,
product design, material handling and work process to
to minimize time and cost.
4. Standardisation
- Process of bringing uniformity
- Instruments and tools, period of work,
amount of work, working conditions and
cost of production have to be standardised
on the basis
of job analysis.
- It simplifies the process of production.
5. Scientific selection and training of workers
- Workers should be selected on a scientific basis taking into
account their education, work experience, aptitude,physical
- Worker should be given work for which he is physically and
technically most sutiable.
- Emphasis on training of workers to make them efficient
and effective.
6. Financial Incentive
- Introduced financial incentives to motivate workers to put in their
maximum efforts.
- Devised a scheme of wage payment “Differential Piece rate system”
- The features of this scheme are
i. A standard output for each worker is determined in advance through
work study.
ii. Two rates of wage payment (based on piece rate system)
a. A higher rate per unit of output – workers who produce the
output or exceed the standard are paid according to the higher
b. A lower rate per unit of output – workers who are unable to come
upto the standard are paid according to the lower rate for all the units
produced by them.
7. Economy
- Adequate consideration should be
given to economy and profit.
- Economy and profit can be achieved by
making the resources more productive
and as well as by eliminating the
8. Mental Revolution
- Suggested a change in the attitude of
employees and employers
- Conflict should be replaced by mutual co-operation
- Taylor emphasised that mental revolution is the most important
feature of Scientific management.
Hawthrone Experiment
- Conducted by Elton Mayo and his
associates in Western Electric Company
near Chicago.
- Emphasised the importance of human
factor in work situation.
1. The illumination experiment :
- Objective was to observe the influence of illumination upon the levels
of output
- Researchers divided the employees into two groups
- One group called the test group was subjected to change in lighting
- The lighting condition for the other group called the control group
remained constant throughout the study
- When the test group’s lighting conditions were improved, productivity
increased as expected.
- Researchers found that productivity continued to increase even when
the lighting was reduced.
- It was realised that something in addition to lighting was influencing the
worker’s performance.
2. Relay Assembly Test Experiment :
- 6 women telephone relay assemblers were placed in 2 separate rooms
- In one room the working conditions were altered and in the other room they
were not changed.
- Changes in the performance of workers were observed by changing the work
related factors
i. Increasing the wages
ii. Introducing rest periods
iii. Reducing the working days
- Workers were allowed to choose their own rest periods
- It was found that output went up in both rooms irrespective of changes in the
working conditions.
- Mayo concluded that physical conditions had no impact on output.
- Sympathetic attitude of supervisors, freedom in work environment, treatment
of workers and sense of belongingness were responsible for improved job
3. Mass Interviewing Programme :
- Workers were interviewed by indirect questions by researchers.
- Programme was aimed at finding out the attitude of employees towards
their job, working conditions and supervision.
- Thousands of workers were interviewed
- It was confirmed that social and psychological needs and the attitude of
employees have definite influence on their working behaviour.
4. Bank Wiring Observation Room Experiment :
- Conducted to investigate social pattern of behaviour of group.
- A group of 14 workers participated in this experiment
- They were paid on group basis
- An individual’s pay was dependent on the output of the entire group and his own
individual output.
- It was assumed that highly efficient workers would exert pressure on less efficient workers
to increase output and thus take advantage of group effort.
- The study confirmed that there existed informal group and regulated and affected
employee’s behaviour.
- The study proved that individual behaviour is regulated by informal social group.
• Selecting mission and objectives as well as the
actions to achieve them, which requires
decision making.
“Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done”. –
“Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done. It
involves the selection of objectives, policies, procedures and
programmes from among alternatives”.- M.E.Hurely
“Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it,
where to do it and who is to do it”. –Koontz and O’Donnell.
Features of Planning
1. Planning is goal oriented – seeks to achieve organizational
2. Future oriented – helps to manage future event to the best
advantage of the Orgn. Essential to predict the future.
3. An Intellectual process – It is a mental exercise involving
creative thinking. Involves logical and systematic thinking.
4. Primary function – It is the most basic function
5. Planning is pervasive – Required in all types of
orgns. and at all levels of mgt.
6. Planning is Continuous – It is an ongoing process.
Prepared for a specific time period. At the end of
the period new plans have to be prepared.
7. Aims at efficiency – Prepared to achieve the
objectives in the best way. Leads to acomplishment
of desired objectives.
Benefits/Importance/Merits of
1. Planning makes objectives clear
- Goals are decided in advance
- Planning serves as a guide
2. Helps the Organization to keep on the right path
- Employees understand how their action relate to the
organizational goal.
- Avoids aimless action
3. It reduces risk and uncertainty
- Helps to predict future
- Prepares to face unexpected events with the
help of planning
4. Improves efficiency of operation
- Helps to eliminate wastage and optimum
utilization of resources
- Helps to minimize cost of production
5. Provides basis for control
- Actual performance against standard can be
- Corrective action may be taken to rectify the
6. Facilitates decision making
7. Helps in effective co-ordination
- Determines the activities of different individual
groups and departments
8. Planning facilitates effective delegation
9. Goals, Policies, procedures and programmes are
determined in advance
Limitations of Planning
1. Planning premises may not be fully reliable
2. Technological changes
3. Availability of time is a limiting factor
4. Cost involved in planning is also a limiting factor
5. Procedural and policy rigidities proved to be a hindrance to
6. Political changes
7. Trade Unions
8. Lack of Planning skills
9. Lack of specific goals and objectives
10. Resistance to change
Steps in Planning
1. Determination of Objectives :
- To define Orgn. Objectives/Departmentwise
- Objectives should be clear and specific
- What is to be done and accomplished?
- Objectives specify the results expected
- Objectives specified in Key Result Areas
- Key Result Areas are profitability, sales, R&D,
2. Establishing Planning Premises :
- Planning premises are the assumptions about the future
ie expected external and internal conditions
- Provides boundaries in which plans will be implemented
- There are Internal and External premises
Internal premises
- Internal factors which influences the level of planning - organizational
objectives, policies,programs, man, material, money, machine and methods.
External premises :
- External factors which affect the level of planning - political conditions, govt.
policies, import and export regulations, licensing procedures, tax structure,
regulations of Reserve bank, guidelines by Registrar of Companies.
3. Identification of Alternate course of action :
- Based on objectives and planning premises, various
alternatives are identified
- To identify all possible alternatives, it is necessary
to collect and analyse all relevent information.
- Manager has to examine the various alternatives
carefully in the light of planning premises.
4. Evaluation of alternate course of action :
Manager compares relative importance of alternate course
of actions by weighing complex factors both tangible and
Tangible factors :
Profit, cost, funds, return on investment, break even point
Intangible factors :
Goodwill, Public relation, Morale of workers..etc
It is a decision making process.
5.Selection of best course of action from alternatives
- After evaluation of various alternatives, the best alternative
is selected.
- The organization follows the suggested course of action.
6. Formulation of Action Plan :
- After basic plan is decided, detailed plans are to be
- Detailed plans refer to the policies, procedures, programmes,
schedules, budgets…etc.
- Eg. When a company decides to develop a new product,
plans concerning product design, funds, purchase of
equipments/raw materials, recruitment, selection, training,
production, marketing, advertisement…etc are to be
7. Communicating the Plan :
- Explained to subordinates to earn their support in the
execution of plans
- To get whole hearted co-operation from employees
8. Follow-up action :
- Actual performance will be compared with the standard
- If there is any deviation follow-up action should be taken
- Regular follow-up is needed for effective implementation
1. Mission :
- Explains fundamental purpose of the Orgn.
- Explains how an orgn. will conduct its
- Defines basic intention of the firm
- Necessary to formulate meaningful
2. Objectives :
- It explains the future destination an orgn.
Wants to attain.
- Constitutes the basic plan of the orgn.
- Determined at the outset of planning
- Determined for the orgn. as a whole or for
an individual department
- Should be stated clearly to make the
employees to understand
3. Policies :
- General rule in written statement to be followed in
repetitive situations.
- Standing order to handle repetitive problem
- Managers consult the policy for decision making
- Provides basic framework within which managers operate
- Exists at all levels of management
- Eg. Production policy, Marketing policy, Personnel policy..etc
- Policy should be communicated to all managers.
4. Procedures :-
- Administrative Guide – prescribing the sequence in which various
activities are to be performed.
- Systematic way of handling regular events
- Planned sequence of operation for handling recurring business
- Formulated on the basis of Research and Analysis
- Helps in standardising and streamlining day to day activities
- Once a procedure is established all employees follow it
5. Rules :
- Statement of action asking subordinates to behave in a particular
- Prescribe in advance what is to be done or not to be done in a specific
- Must be strictly followed
- Generally pertains to administrative area
- Helps to regulate behaviour
- Violation is generally associated with disciplinary action
- More rigid than a policy
- Essential for smooth operation of business
- Eg. No smoking, No entry
6. Programme :
- Step by step approach to guide action necessary to reach
pre-determined targets
- Good programme ensures smooth and efficient operation
- Procedure tells how it is to be done whereas programme
tells what is to be done
- Eg. Programme to start a new factory, Computerisation of a
7. Budget :
- It is an appraisal of expected expenditure against anticipated income for a
future period
- Prepared in units of output, manhours, machine hours, sales target, expenses,
- Helps to compare the actual results with the budgeted one
- An instrument for managerial control
- Should not be rigid, should be flexible
- Eg. Production budget, Sales budget, Materials budget, labour budget, cash
budget, Master budget
8. Strategy :
- Defined as unified, comprehensive and integrated action plan designed to
achieve specific objectives in the event of difficulty
- Has been customarily used in army
- Relevant for business orgn. due to rapidly changing environment
- Fomulated on the basis of careful situational analysis of the orgn. and its
- Define the long term course of action for an Orgn. in the light of its
- Includes determination of organizational objectives for long term period
9. Methods :
- Prescribed manner of performing a given task with adequate consideration to
the objective, facilities, available time, money and effort
- Specifies how a task is performed in the best manner
- Indicates the techniques to be followed in performing a job
- To find out the best way of doing a piece of work
- Determination of method to be employed in any situation depends upon the
manager’s experience, knowledge and creativeness
- Various techniques available for methods improvement are time and motion
Management by Objectives(MBO)
It is a process whereby the supervisor and subordinate managers of an orgn. Jointly identify
its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of results
expected of him and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the
contribution of each of its memebers.
- MBO is also known as Management by Results
- The MBO was coined by Peter Drucker
- The fundamental principles of MBO is mutual setting of objectives between each subordinate
and his supervisor
- Objectives are set by each manager either by participation or consultation
- It is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of managers.
- Periodic review of performance is an important features of MBO
Features of MBO
- MBO emphasises participative approach to management
- The goals are determined by managers in consultation with their
- MBO is performance oriented – that is why its other name is Management
by Results
- MBO creates linkage between organizational goals and individual goals
- The performance of employees are periodically evaluated in the light of
predetermined targets
- MBO is a continuous process
MBO Process/Steps in MBO
1. Setting of Objectives :
- Involves setting up of Organizational goals and
goals of various divisions and departments
- Goals of individuals are derived from the
departmental goals
- Each dept. sets its long range and short range
objectives with the approval of top mgt.
2. Developing Action Plan :
- Both supervisors and subordinates meet to develop action plan
- They analyse key results as goals are represented in terms of results
The key results should contain the following
- Overall objectives of the subordinates
- Key results that are to be achieved to fulfill
individual objectives
- Task priorities both long term and short term
- Assistance that is expected from the supervisor and from other
- Reports to be generated to carry out self evaluation
- To set standards for performance evaluation
3. Establishing standards of performance :
- Supervisor establishes standards of performance for
evaluating the progress of subordinates
- The standards should be defined quantitatively
- MBO ensures periodic meetings between the supervisor
and subordinate to review the progress towards the
accomplishment of targets of subordinates
4. Review of Performance :
- Informal performance appraisal of a subordinate is done by his
immediate supervisor almost everyday
- Formal appraisal is usually done once in a year
- The performance of every individual is evaluated interms of the
standards or results clearly agreed to by the supervisor and
- Performance review aims at assisting the subordinate to improve his
performance in the future
- It also helps in setting fresh goals for the next year
Merits of MBO
1. Helps in better planning – involves in setting of goals through
active participation of both supervisor and subordinates
2. Basis for better control – a clear cut set of verifiable goals serve
as a basis for better control
3. Higher productivity – Considerable improvement of
productivity since goals are set by the supervisor in
consultation with the subordinates
4. Motivational force – Offers a feeling of true participation in the
5. Better morale among the employees – participative decision
making and two way communication psycologically influence
the subordinates and result in better morale among the
6. Better appraisal of performance – Appraisal is result oriented;
an individual himself can evaluate the results of his own
performance; performance appraisal can be done honestly by
7. Executive Development - MBO is a tool for self development of
Limitations of MBO
1. Time consuming
2. Resistance to adopt MBO technique
3. Lack of training – both supervisors and subordinates
4. Expensive process
5. Limited application
6. Difficulty in setting goals
7. Difficulty in teaching MBO philosophy
8. Danger of inflexibility
Strategic Planning/Corporate Planning
- It is a systematic process of long range planning, taking into account of the resources and the
capabilities of the Orgn. and the environment within which it has to operate and viewing the
Orgn. as a total corporate unit.
- Long range plan covering nearly 5 to 10 years
- Deals with the basic objectives and policies and corporate strategies.
- Covers all important areas of business activities such as profit, capital expenditure, Orgn.
Structure, pricing, marketing, finance, personnel, advertising, labour relations, product
planning, R&D, Social responsibilities..etc.
- Gives special consideration to environmental changes and uncontrollable factors
- Mostly carried out by the planning committee consisting of top executives of the company
Steps followed by Planning Committee for efficient Strategic Planning
a. Determining long range objectives
b. An appraisal of the existing internal situation of the Orgn.
c. A review of the Organization’s position in the market
d. An evaluation of the present competition and a prediction of the futute competition
e. An assessment of the general economic factors in the country like money condition, the
phase of trade cycle..etc
f. A review of Govt.’s policy as regards employment, location of plants, pollution control,
consumer protection, taxation..etc.
g. Stragegic planning sets long term goals for the entire orgn.
SWOT Analysis
The term SWOT means Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and threats
a. Strength – It involves all good and advantageous aspects of the firm
Eg. Goodwill, reputation, brand loyalty, adequate financial resources.
b. Weakness – It involves all the bad aspect (-ve) of the Orgn. Weakness represent retarding influences
on the sucess of the Orgn. These must be thoroughly and honestly probed.
Eg. Non adoption of advanced technology, poor sales, lack of arrangement for management succession
at the higher level, inadequate R&D activities..etc.
c. Opportunities – They are usually external whereas strength and weakness are from iniside the Orgn.
Opportunities should be recognised and grasped firmly when they arise.
d. Threats – Like Opportunities, threats are most often from outside. Their adverse effect on the Orgn.
may be mainly due to weak mgt., interpersonal conflicts, lack of financial resources, changing
technology, cut throat competition, economic and political uncertainity..etc.
It is essential that SWOT analysis requires mgt. to work very closely and analytically at every aspect of
its operation.
Social Responsibility of Business
- It implies recognition and understanding of the
aspirations of the society and determination to
contribute to its achievement – George A.Steiner
- It is an obligation (of managers) to pursue those
policies, to follow those lines of action which are
desirable in terms of objectives and values of the
society – H.R.Bowen
Areas of Social responsibilities of Business:
i. Towards the consumer and community
ii. Towards employees and workers
iii. Towards shareholders of companies
iv. Towards Governement
i.Towards the Consumer and
- Production of cheap and better quality of goods and services
- Deciding priorities of production in the country’s interest and conserving
natural resources
- Preventing the creation of monopolies. It makes the community to face
high prices, short supply and inferior quality of goods.
- Providing after sales service
- Ensuring hygienic disposal of smoke and waste
- Achieving better public relations through education and other means
- Providing to the community true and adequate information about its
- Honouring contracts and honest trade practice
- Levelling out seasonal variations in employment and production through
accurate forecasts, production scheduling and product diversification
ii. Towards Employees and workers
- Fair wage to the workers
- Scientific selection and training and promotion of employees
without any discrimination on the grounds of sex, race,
religion and physical appearanc
- Satisfying the conditions of work and social security
- Good human relations(maintaining industrial peace), creating
atmosphere for collective bargaining, participative mgt…etc
- Freedom and self respect to employees
- Proper care of health of the employees
- Due consideration for employee’s valuable suggestions
- Welfare facilities to employees
iii. Towards Share Holders
- Mgt. has to keep the owners of the business well
informed about the progress and financial position of
the position.
- It is the responsibility of the mgt. to secure and
safeguard the investment of the share holders and
satisfactory declaration of dividend.
- Arranging timely meeting of the shareholders.
IV. Towards the Government
- Duty of the mgt. to pay taxes and other dues to Govt.
- To govern their business orgn. according to the laws and acts
concerning them
- To follow fair trade practices; should not encourage black
money, corruption, black marketing, artificial shortage of
goods, monopoly, unhealthy competitions…etc
- Policies should be laid down after taking into considerations
the provisions of various legislations and guidelines issued by
the Govt.
- Should continuously work to contribute to the socio-economic
goals of the nation.
- To use the national resources properly and economically and
must conserve them and take optimum utilization for national
betterment and advancement

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Principles of manahdhdurrirjjhfhffjideii

  • 2. MANAGEMENT • “Management is the art of getting things done through people”. - Mary Parker Follet • “To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize, to command, to co-ordinate and to control.” – Henry Fayol. • “Management is the art of knowing what you want to do and then seeing that it is done in the best and cheapest way”. – F.W.Taylor.
  • 3. Nature and characteristics of Management • Management is Goal oriented • Management is Universal. • Management is an integrative force. • Management is a social process. • Management is multidisciplinary. • Management is a continuous process. • Management is Intangible. • Management is an Art as well as Science.
  • 4. Objectives of Mangement 1. Organizational Objectives i. Reasonable Profit ii. Good return on the capital. iii.Survival of the business. iv. Growth and expansion of business. v. Improving the goodwill and reputation of the company.
  • 5. Contd.. 2. Personal Objectives : a. Fair remuneration for work performed. b. Reasonable working condition. c. Opportunities for training and development d. Security of job
  • 6. Contd.. 3. Social Objectives : a. Quality of Goods b. Service at fair price to customers c. Fair dealing with suppliers, dealers and competitors d. Preserving the ethical values of the society.
  • 7. FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT 1. Planning – deciding in advance what is to be done, when, how and by whom it will be done. 2. Organizing – establishing a structure that facilitates the achievement of goals – delegation of authority – defining and fixing responsibility. 3. Staffing – Manpower planning, recruitment, selection,training and compensation.
  • 8. Management Vs Administration Administration : It determines the specific goals and the broad areas within which those goals are to be achieved. Management : It is concerned with carrying out the broad policies laid down by administration. According to American School of thought administrators think, managers act. Administration is largely determinative whereas Management is essentially executive.
  • 9. Administration • Concerned with determination of major objectives and policies. • It is a thinking function • Mainly a top level function • Not directly concerned with the direction of human efforts • Planning and Controlling are the main functions • Conceptual and human skills are involved • Largely used in Govt.and Public sector Orgns. • Example – Commissioner, Registrar, V.C.,…etc. Management • Concerned with implementation of policies. • It is an executive function • Largely a middle and lower level function • Concerned with the direction of human efforts • Directing and Organizing are the main functions • Technical and human skills are involved • Mainly used in business Orgns • Example – General Manager, Sales Manager, Branch Manager..etc
  • 10. Principles of Managment - A principle may be regarded as general statement or proposition reflecting the relationship of cause and effect between two or more variables. - The emphasis on Management Principles has been given by many management thinkers including Henry Fayol, Taylor, Bernard…etc. - The Principles have been developed i. to guide managers so that they may be able to take managerial decisions. ii. The principles of mgt. are true in all managerial situation and or all levels of mgt. iii. It is applied in business/Govt./social or any type of Organization.
  • 11. Principles of Management by Henri Fayol Henry Fayol has suggested 14 principles of Mgt. inorder to make the job of mgt. more effective and efficient. 1. Division of Work - Every employee should be assigned only one type of work - Results in increased human efficiency and more production is possible. 2. Authority and Responsibility - must go hand in hand - Authority is a power which enables a manager to command subordinates to work - Responsibility is an obligation owed by a subordinate to the supervisor for the performance of job.
  • 12. 3. Discipline - Obedience to the rules of the Orgn. - Can be maintained with the help of good supervision. - Necessary for the proper functioning of the Organization. 4. Unitiy of Command - A subordinate must get orders and instructions only from one supervisor at a time - Helps in controlling and fixing responsibilities.
  • 13. 5. Unity of Direction - There must be one Head and one plan - Each group of activities should have the same objectives. - Eg. There must be one Production Plan and only one Prodn.Mgr. imparting similar instructions to all the workers. 6. Subordination of Individual Interest to general interest - Each employee should sacrifice and subordinate his personal interest and goal for achieving the goals of the orgn. - Common interest must prevail over individual interest. 7. Remuneration - Wages and salaries should be neither low or high. - It should be fair and satifactory for the services rendered.
  • 14. 8. Centralisation - Reservation of decision making authority at the top level of mgt. - Managers should retain final responsibility but also need to give their subordinates enough authority to do their jobs properly. 9. Scalar Chain - The chain of supervisors with grades of authority ranging from the highest to the lowest. - Chain of supervisor subordinate relationship which is essential for achieving the goal.
  • 15. Contd… 10. Order - Materials and people should be in the right place at the right time. - People should be in the jobs most suited for them. 11. Equity - Fairness and justice to all working in the orgn. - Similar treatment and impartiality should be assured to all employees in the orgn. - Mgt. should treat employees with justice and fairness. 12. Stability of tenure of personnel - There should be reasonable security of job - High employee turnover rate is not good for efficient functioning of the orgn. - Stability of tenure helps to develop loyalty towards orgn.
  • 16. 13. Initiative - Refers to freedom to think out a plan and its execution - Subordinates should be given the freedom to plan and carry out their plans. - Self motivating device for the employees. - Makes them more dedicated and loyal towards the orgn. 14. Espirit-de-corps(Union is Strength) - Advocates team spirit - Helps to build team spirit among employees so that they work with proper mutual understanding to achieve organizational goals.
  • 17. Scientific Management • F.W.Taylor(Fredrick Winslow Taylor) is known as the father of Scientific Management. • First to identify the need to have a scientific approach to the task of managing an orgn. • Taylor’s definition of scientific mgt. contains 2 aspects i. Management must know what is exactly expected from workers ii. Workers do their jobs in the best and the cheapest manner.
  • 18. Salient features of Scientific Management by F.W.Taylor 1. Separation of Planning and doing - emphasized the separation of planning from actual doing - Before Scientific Mgt. a worker to plan and do the work - Taylor insisted that Planning should left to the supervisor and the worker should concentrate on work 2. Functional Foremanship -Instead of single foreman, there must be a number of foremen -Each foreman being a specialist in performing of his role, is a functional foreman - Supervision of the work is entrusted to foremen
  • 19. 3. Job Analysis - Taylor analysed the various jobs to find out the best way of doing with the help of Time/Motion/Fatigue/Method study. i. Time Study - Refers to the study of the time taken to perform each operation of a job inorder to find out the actual time taken to perform a job. - Purpose is to determine the time taken for performing an operation. ii. Motion Study - Study of the movements of workers in performing an operation. - The purpose is to eliminate unnecessary motions. - Helps to detect which motions of the body made by the worker are unnecessary and to avoid over fatigue
  • 20. Contd.. iii.Fatique Study - Study helps to find out the amount and frequency of rest required for a worker to enable him maintain his efficiency to complete a job. iv.Method Study - The purpose is to maximize efficiency in the use of materials, machinery, manpower and capital by improving work methods. - Study involves critical examination of plant layout, product design, material handling and work process to to minimize time and cost.
  • 21. 4. Standardisation - Process of bringing uniformity - Instruments and tools, period of work, amount of work, working conditions and cost of production have to be standardised on the basis of job analysis. - It simplifies the process of production.
  • 22. 5. Scientific selection and training of workers - Workers should be selected on a scientific basis taking into account their education, work experience, aptitude,physical strength…etc - Worker should be given work for which he is physically and technically most sutiable. - Emphasis on training of workers to make them efficient and effective.
  • 23. Contd.. 6. Financial Incentive - Introduced financial incentives to motivate workers to put in their maximum efforts. - Devised a scheme of wage payment “Differential Piece rate system” - The features of this scheme are i. A standard output for each worker is determined in advance through work study. ii. Two rates of wage payment (based on piece rate system) a. A higher rate per unit of output – workers who produce the standard output or exceed the standard are paid according to the higher rate. b. A lower rate per unit of output – workers who are unable to come upto the standard are paid according to the lower rate for all the units produced by them.
  • 24. Contd… 7. Economy - Adequate consideration should be given to economy and profit. - Economy and profit can be achieved by making the resources more productive and as well as by eliminating the wastages. 8. Mental Revolution - Suggested a change in the attitude of employees and employers - Conflict should be replaced by mutual co-operation - Taylor emphasised that mental revolution is the most important feature of Scientific management.
  • 25. BEHAVIOURAL APPROACH Hawthrone Experiment - Conducted by Elton Mayo and his associates in Western Electric Company near Chicago. - Emphasised the importance of human factor in work situation.
  • 26. Contd.. 1. The illumination experiment : - Objective was to observe the influence of illumination upon the levels of output - Researchers divided the employees into two groups - One group called the test group was subjected to change in lighting - The lighting condition for the other group called the control group remained constant throughout the study - When the test group’s lighting conditions were improved, productivity increased as expected. - Researchers found that productivity continued to increase even when the lighting was reduced. - It was realised that something in addition to lighting was influencing the worker’s performance.
  • 27. Contd.. 2. Relay Assembly Test Experiment : - 6 women telephone relay assemblers were placed in 2 separate rooms - In one room the working conditions were altered and in the other room they were not changed. - Changes in the performance of workers were observed by changing the work related factors i. Increasing the wages ii. Introducing rest periods iii. Reducing the working days - Workers were allowed to choose their own rest periods - It was found that output went up in both rooms irrespective of changes in the working conditions. - Mayo concluded that physical conditions had no impact on output. - Sympathetic attitude of supervisors, freedom in work environment, treatment of workers and sense of belongingness were responsible for improved job performance.
  • 28. Contd.. 3. Mass Interviewing Programme : - Workers were interviewed by indirect questions by researchers. - Programme was aimed at finding out the attitude of employees towards their job, working conditions and supervision. - Thousands of workers were interviewed - It was confirmed that social and psychological needs and the attitude of employees have definite influence on their working behaviour.
  • 29. Contd.. 4. Bank Wiring Observation Room Experiment : - Conducted to investigate social pattern of behaviour of group. - A group of 14 workers participated in this experiment - They were paid on group basis - An individual’s pay was dependent on the output of the entire group and his own individual output. - It was assumed that highly efficient workers would exert pressure on less efficient workers to increase output and thus take advantage of group effort. - The study confirmed that there existed informal group and regulated and affected employee’s behaviour. - The study proved that individual behaviour is regulated by informal social group.
  • 30. Planning • Selecting mission and objectives as well as the actions to achieve them, which requires decision making.
  • 31. Planning Defn: “Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done”. – W.H.Newman “Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done. It involves the selection of objectives, policies, procedures and programmes from among alternatives”.- M.E.Hurely “Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, where to do it and who is to do it”. –Koontz and O’Donnell.
  • 32. Features of Planning 1. Planning is goal oriented – seeks to achieve organizational goals. 2. Future oriented – helps to manage future event to the best advantage of the Orgn. Essential to predict the future. 3. An Intellectual process – It is a mental exercise involving creative thinking. Involves logical and systematic thinking. 4. Primary function – It is the most basic function
  • 33. 5. Planning is pervasive – Required in all types of orgns. and at all levels of mgt. 6. Planning is Continuous – It is an ongoing process. Prepared for a specific time period. At the end of the period new plans have to be prepared. 7. Aims at efficiency – Prepared to achieve the objectives in the best way. Leads to acomplishment of desired objectives.
  • 34. Benefits/Importance/Merits of Planning 1. Planning makes objectives clear - Goals are decided in advance - Planning serves as a guide 2. Helps the Organization to keep on the right path - Employees understand how their action relate to the organizational goal. - Avoids aimless action
  • 35. 3. It reduces risk and uncertainty - Helps to predict future - Prepares to face unexpected events with the help of planning 4. Improves efficiency of operation - Helps to eliminate wastage and optimum utilization of resources - Helps to minimize cost of production
  • 36. Contd.. 5. Provides basis for control - Actual performance against standard can be measured - Corrective action may be taken to rectify the deviation 6. Facilitates decision making
  • 37. 7. Helps in effective co-ordination - Determines the activities of different individual groups and departments 8. Planning facilitates effective delegation 9. Goals, Policies, procedures and programmes are determined in advance
  • 38. Limitations of Planning 1. Planning premises may not be fully reliable 2. Technological changes 3. Availability of time is a limiting factor 4. Cost involved in planning is also a limiting factor 5. Procedural and policy rigidities proved to be a hindrance to planning 6. Political changes 7. Trade Unions 8. Lack of Planning skills 9. Lack of specific goals and objectives 10. Resistance to change
  • 39. Steps in Planning 1. Determination of Objectives : - To define Orgn. Objectives/Departmentwise objectives - Objectives should be clear and specific - What is to be done and accomplished? - Objectives specify the results expected - Objectives specified in Key Result Areas - Key Result Areas are profitability, sales, R&D, manufacturing…etc
  • 40. Contd… 2. Establishing Planning Premises : - Planning premises are the assumptions about the future ie expected external and internal conditions - Provides boundaries in which plans will be implemented - There are Internal and External premises Internal premises - Internal factors which influences the level of planning - organizational objectives, policies,programs, man, material, money, machine and methods. External premises : - External factors which affect the level of planning - political conditions, govt. policies, import and export regulations, licensing procedures, tax structure, regulations of Reserve bank, guidelines by Registrar of Companies.
  • 41. Contd.. 3. Identification of Alternate course of action : - Based on objectives and planning premises, various alternatives are identified - To identify all possible alternatives, it is necessary to collect and analyse all relevent information. - Manager has to examine the various alternatives carefully in the light of planning premises.
  • 42. Contd.. 4. Evaluation of alternate course of action : Manager compares relative importance of alternate course of actions by weighing complex factors both tangible and intangible Tangible factors : Profit, cost, funds, return on investment, break even point Intangible factors : Goodwill, Public relation, Morale of workers..etc It is a decision making process.
  • 43. 5.Selection of best course of action from alternatives - After evaluation of various alternatives, the best alternative is selected. - The organization follows the suggested course of action. 6. Formulation of Action Plan : - After basic plan is decided, detailed plans are to be developed - Detailed plans refer to the policies, procedures, programmes, schedules, budgets…etc. - Eg. When a company decides to develop a new product, plans concerning product design, funds, purchase of equipments/raw materials, recruitment, selection, training, production, marketing, advertisement…etc are to be formulated
  • 44. 7. Communicating the Plan : - Explained to subordinates to earn their support in the execution of plans - To get whole hearted co-operation from employees 8. Follow-up action : - Actual performance will be compared with the standard - If there is any deviation follow-up action should be taken - Regular follow-up is needed for effective implementation
  • 45. TYPES OF PLANS 1. Mission : - Explains fundamental purpose of the Orgn. - Explains how an orgn. will conduct its business - Defines basic intention of the firm - Necessary to formulate meaningful objectives
  • 46. Contd.. 2. Objectives : - It explains the future destination an orgn. Wants to attain. - Constitutes the basic plan of the orgn. - Determined at the outset of planning - Determined for the orgn. as a whole or for an individual department - Should be stated clearly to make the employees to understand
  • 47. Contd.. 3. Policies : - General rule in written statement to be followed in repetitive situations. - Standing order to handle repetitive problem - Managers consult the policy for decision making - Provides basic framework within which managers operate - Exists at all levels of management - Eg. Production policy, Marketing policy, Personnel policy..etc - Policy should be communicated to all managers.
  • 48. Contd… 4. Procedures :- - Administrative Guide – prescribing the sequence in which various activities are to be performed. - Systematic way of handling regular events - Planned sequence of operation for handling recurring business transactions - Formulated on the basis of Research and Analysis - Helps in standardising and streamlining day to day activities - Once a procedure is established all employees follow it
  • 49. Contd.. 5. Rules : - Statement of action asking subordinates to behave in a particular manner - Prescribe in advance what is to be done or not to be done in a specific situation - Must be strictly followed - Generally pertains to administrative area - Helps to regulate behaviour - Violation is generally associated with disciplinary action - More rigid than a policy - Essential for smooth operation of business - Eg. No smoking, No entry
  • 50. Contd.. 6. Programme : - Step by step approach to guide action necessary to reach pre-determined targets - Good programme ensures smooth and efficient operation - Procedure tells how it is to be done whereas programme tells what is to be done - Eg. Programme to start a new factory, Computerisation of a department
  • 51. Contd.. 7. Budget : - It is an appraisal of expected expenditure against anticipated income for a future period - Prepared in units of output, manhours, machine hours, sales target, expenses, revenue..etc - Helps to compare the actual results with the budgeted one - An instrument for managerial control - Should not be rigid, should be flexible - Eg. Production budget, Sales budget, Materials budget, labour budget, cash budget, Master budget
  • 52. Contd.. 8. Strategy : - Defined as unified, comprehensive and integrated action plan designed to achieve specific objectives in the event of difficulty - Has been customarily used in army - Relevant for business orgn. due to rapidly changing environment - Fomulated on the basis of careful situational analysis of the orgn. and its environment - Define the long term course of action for an Orgn. in the light of its environment. - Includes determination of organizational objectives for long term period
  • 53. Contd.. 9. Methods : - Prescribed manner of performing a given task with adequate consideration to the objective, facilities, available time, money and effort - Specifies how a task is performed in the best manner - Indicates the techniques to be followed in performing a job - To find out the best way of doing a piece of work - Determination of method to be employed in any situation depends upon the manager’s experience, knowledge and creativeness - Various techniques available for methods improvement are time and motion study.
  • 54. Management by Objectives(MBO) Defn.: It is a process whereby the supervisor and subordinate managers of an orgn. Jointly identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected of him and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its memebers. - MBO is also known as Management by Results - The MBO was coined by Peter Drucker - The fundamental principles of MBO is mutual setting of objectives between each subordinate and his supervisor - Objectives are set by each manager either by participation or consultation - It is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of managers. - Periodic review of performance is an important features of MBO
  • 55. Features of MBO - MBO emphasises participative approach to management - The goals are determined by managers in consultation with their subordinates - MBO is performance oriented – that is why its other name is Management by Results - MBO creates linkage between organizational goals and individual goals - The performance of employees are periodically evaluated in the light of predetermined targets - MBO is a continuous process
  • 56. MBO Process/Steps in MBO 1. Setting of Objectives : - Involves setting up of Organizational goals and goals of various divisions and departments - Goals of individuals are derived from the departmental goals - Each dept. sets its long range and short range objectives with the approval of top mgt.
  • 57. Contd.. 2. Developing Action Plan : - Both supervisors and subordinates meet to develop action plan - They analyse key results as goals are represented in terms of results The key results should contain the following Information - Overall objectives of the subordinates - Key results that are to be achieved to fulfill individual objectives - Task priorities both long term and short term - Assistance that is expected from the supervisor and from other departments - Reports to be generated to carry out self evaluation - To set standards for performance evaluation
  • 58. Contd.. 3. Establishing standards of performance : - Supervisor establishes standards of performance for evaluating the progress of subordinates - The standards should be defined quantitatively - MBO ensures periodic meetings between the supervisor and subordinate to review the progress towards the accomplishment of targets of subordinates
  • 59. Contd.. 4. Review of Performance : - Informal performance appraisal of a subordinate is done by his immediate supervisor almost everyday - Formal appraisal is usually done once in a year - The performance of every individual is evaluated interms of the standards or results clearly agreed to by the supervisor and subordinates - Performance review aims at assisting the subordinate to improve his performance in the future - It also helps in setting fresh goals for the next year
  • 60. Merits of MBO 1. Helps in better planning – involves in setting of goals through active participation of both supervisor and subordinates 2. Basis for better control – a clear cut set of verifiable goals serve as a basis for better control 3. Higher productivity – Considerable improvement of productivity since goals are set by the supervisor in consultation with the subordinates 4. Motivational force – Offers a feeling of true participation in the task 5. Better morale among the employees – participative decision making and two way communication psycologically influence the subordinates and result in better morale among the employees 6. Better appraisal of performance – Appraisal is result oriented; an individual himself can evaluate the results of his own performance; performance appraisal can be done honestly by MBO 7. Executive Development - MBO is a tool for self development of executives
  • 61. Limitations of MBO 1. Time consuming 2. Resistance to adopt MBO technique 3. Lack of training – both supervisors and subordinates 4. Expensive process 5. Limited application 6. Difficulty in setting goals 7. Difficulty in teaching MBO philosophy 8. Danger of inflexibility
  • 62. Strategic Planning/Corporate Planning - It is a systematic process of long range planning, taking into account of the resources and the capabilities of the Orgn. and the environment within which it has to operate and viewing the Orgn. as a total corporate unit. - Long range plan covering nearly 5 to 10 years - Deals with the basic objectives and policies and corporate strategies. - Covers all important areas of business activities such as profit, capital expenditure, Orgn. Structure, pricing, marketing, finance, personnel, advertising, labour relations, product planning, R&D, Social responsibilities..etc. - Gives special consideration to environmental changes and uncontrollable factors - Mostly carried out by the planning committee consisting of top executives of the company
  • 63. Contd.. Steps followed by Planning Committee for efficient Strategic Planning a. Determining long range objectives b. An appraisal of the existing internal situation of the Orgn. c. A review of the Organization’s position in the market d. An evaluation of the present competition and a prediction of the futute competition e. An assessment of the general economic factors in the country like money condition, the phase of trade cycle..etc f. A review of Govt.’s policy as regards employment, location of plants, pollution control, consumer protection, taxation..etc. g. Stragegic planning sets long term goals for the entire orgn.
  • 64. SWOT Analysis The term SWOT means Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and threats a. Strength – It involves all good and advantageous aspects of the firm Eg. Goodwill, reputation, brand loyalty, adequate financial resources. b. Weakness – It involves all the bad aspect (-ve) of the Orgn. Weakness represent retarding influences on the sucess of the Orgn. These must be thoroughly and honestly probed. Eg. Non adoption of advanced technology, poor sales, lack of arrangement for management succession at the higher level, inadequate R&D activities..etc. c. Opportunities – They are usually external whereas strength and weakness are from iniside the Orgn. Opportunities should be recognised and grasped firmly when they arise. d. Threats – Like Opportunities, threats are most often from outside. Their adverse effect on the Orgn. may be mainly due to weak mgt., interpersonal conflicts, lack of financial resources, changing technology, cut throat competition, economic and political uncertainity..etc. It is essential that SWOT analysis requires mgt. to work very closely and analytically at every aspect of its operation.
  • 65. Social Responsibility of Business - It implies recognition and understanding of the aspirations of the society and determination to contribute to its achievement – George A.Steiner - It is an obligation (of managers) to pursue those policies, to follow those lines of action which are desirable in terms of objectives and values of the society – H.R.Bowen
  • 66. Contd… Areas of Social responsibilities of Business: i. Towards the consumer and community ii. Towards employees and workers iii. Towards shareholders of companies iv. Towards Governement
  • 67. i.Towards the Consumer and Community - Production of cheap and better quality of goods and services - Deciding priorities of production in the country’s interest and conserving natural resources - Preventing the creation of monopolies. It makes the community to face high prices, short supply and inferior quality of goods. - Providing after sales service - Ensuring hygienic disposal of smoke and waste - Achieving better public relations through education and other means - Providing to the community true and adequate information about its working - Honouring contracts and honest trade practice - Levelling out seasonal variations in employment and production through accurate forecasts, production scheduling and product diversification
  • 68. ii. Towards Employees and workers - Fair wage to the workers - Scientific selection and training and promotion of employees without any discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, religion and physical appearanc - Satisfying the conditions of work and social security measures. - Good human relations(maintaining industrial peace), creating atmosphere for collective bargaining, participative mgt…etc - Freedom and self respect to employees - Proper care of health of the employees - Due consideration for employee’s valuable suggestions - Welfare facilities to employees
  • 69. iii. Towards Share Holders - Mgt. has to keep the owners of the business well informed about the progress and financial position of the position. - It is the responsibility of the mgt. to secure and safeguard the investment of the share holders and satisfactory declaration of dividend. - Arranging timely meeting of the shareholders.
  • 70. IV. Towards the Government - Duty of the mgt. to pay taxes and other dues to Govt. regularly - To govern their business orgn. according to the laws and acts concerning them - To follow fair trade practices; should not encourage black money, corruption, black marketing, artificial shortage of goods, monopoly, unhealthy competitions…etc - Policies should be laid down after taking into considerations the provisions of various legislations and guidelines issued by the Govt. - Should continuously work to contribute to the socio-economic goals of the nation. - To use the national resources properly and economically and must conserve them and take optimum utilization for national betterment and advancement