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6to Bachillerato
Section “F”
1. Ambrosio Méndez, Edgar Samuel
2. Arriaza Fernández, Abner Josué
3. Avalos Soto, Rodolfo Alexander
4. Barrera Cosió, Hessler David
5. Braganza López, JefriJeancarlo
6. Cabrera Melgar, David Alexander
7. Cáceres Urizar, Feyser Emilio
8. Calgua Mateo, YensiSucely
9. CardenasLopez, Rudy Fernando
10. Carrillo Soyos, Yakelin Paola
11. Castañón Castañón, Edilma Doresly
12. Chámale Valdés, Luis Isaí
13. Choc Boj, Luis Josué
14. Chojolan Herrarte, Cesar Eduardo
15. Chonay Pérez, Kevin Daniel
16. Cu Sosa, Damaris Saraí
17. De León cux, Osmar André
18. Díaz Prado, David Roberto
19. Domínguez González, José Fernando
20. Espina Sánchez, Aarón Enmanuel
21. Fernández Chacón, Pablo Daniel
22. García Aquino, Stephany Giselle
23. Garrido Pérez, Lourdes Marisol
24. Girón Ordoñez, José Efraín
25. Gómez Choy, José Rafael
26. Gómez García, Brandon Josué
27. Gómez García, Salvador
28. González Albeño, Oscar Manfredo
29. González Castillo, Rudy Daniel
30. Hernández Pénate, Marlon Iván
31. Herrera Chun, David Eduardo
32. Herrera Furlan, Pablo David
33. Herrera López, Sabrina Miranda
34. Hi Ordoñez, Denilson Antonio
35. León Dell, José Llijon
36. López Cruz, Evelyn Gisell
American language
The indigenous languages of America are those
languages originated and developed in the
American continent, including the islands of its
continental shelf, from the first human
settlement until before the arrival of Europeans,
Africans and Asians, having been extinct many
since then until the present.
Before the arrival of the Europeans to the New
World, Amerindian languages were spoken from what
is now Canada to the southern tip of South America
by the ancestors of the present Amerindians. During
the last 500 years many of the Native American
ethnicities and languages have disappeared, although
several hundreds of them still speak. Today, three
Indo-European languages (Spanish, English and
Portuguese) are politically dominant in each
American country, and native languages have less
prestige and are used in very limited areas.
We can only estimate approximately the number of
native surviving languages and their number of
speakers, especially in South America where they are
worse documented than in North America,
Mesoamerica or Central America.
Approximately 375 million (Three hundred seventy-five
million)people speak English as their first language.
English today is probably the third largest language
by number of native speakers, after Chinese
Mandarin and Spanish.
Linguistic diversity is what characterizes the
Amerindian languages of North America, Mesoamerica,
Central America and South America, in all aspects:
phonological, morphosyntactic and lexico-semantic. In
fact, there are no characteristics common to all of
them, which reflects their diverse origin.
 Religion in the United States is characterized by a
diversity of religious beliefs and practices. Various
religious faiths have flourished within the United
States. A majority of Americans report that religion
plays a very important role in their lives, a proportion
unique among developed countries.
 Historically, the United States has always been marked
by religious pluralism and diversity, beginning with
various native beliefs of the pre-colonial time. In colonial
times, Anglicans, Roman Catholics and mainline
Protestants, as well as Jews, arrived from Europe. Eastern
Orthodoxy has been present since the Russian colonization
of Alaska. Various dissenting Protestants, who left
the Church of England, greatly diversified the religious
landscape. The Great Awakenings gave birth to
multiple Evangelical Protestant denominations;
membership in Methodist and Baptist churches increased
drastically in the Second Great Awakening. In the 18th
century, deism found support among American upper
classes and thinkers.
 The Episcopal Church, splitting from the Church of
England, came into being in the American Revolution.
New Protestant branches
like Adventism emerged; Restorationists and other
Christians like the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Latter Day
Saint movement, Churches of Christ and Church of
Christ, Scientist, as well
as Unitarian and Universalistcommunities all spread in
the 19th century. Pentecostalism emerged in the early
20th century as a result of the Azusa Street
Revival. Scientology emerged in the 1950s. Unitarian
Universalism resulted from the merge of Unitarian and
Universalist churches in the 20th century. Beginning in
1990s, the religious share of Christians is decreasing due
to secularization, while Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam,
and other religions are spreading. Protestantism,
historically dominant, ceased to be the religious
category of the majority in the early 2010s.
 From early colonial days, when some English and
German settlers came in search of religious freedom,
America has been profoundly influenced by
religion. That influence continues in American culture,
social life, and politics. Several of the original Thirteen
Colonies were established by settlers who wished to
practice their own religion within a community of like-
minded people: the Massachusetts Bay Colony was
established by English Puritans (Congregationalists),
Pennsylvania by British Quakers, Maryland by
English Catholics, and Virginia by English Anglicans.
Despite these, and as a result of intervening religious
strife and preference in England the Plantation Act
1740 would set official policy for new immigrants
coming to British America until the American
 American literature is the literature written or
produced in the area of the United States and
its preceding colonies. For more specific discussions of
poetry and theater, see Poetry of the United
States and Theater in the United States. During its
early history, America was a series of British colonies
on the eastern coast of the present-day United States.
Therefore, its literary tradition begins as linked to the
broader tradition of English literature. However,
unique American characteristics and the breadth of its
production usually now cause it to be considered a
separate path and tradition.
 The cinema of the United States, often metonymously
referred to as Hollywood, has had a profound effect on
cinema across the world since the early 20th century.
The dominant style of American cinema is Classical
Hollywood Cinema, which developed from 1917-1960
and characterizes most films to this day. While the
French Lumière Brothers are generally credited with
the birth of modern cinema,[7] it is American cinema
that soon became the most dominant force in an
emerging industry. Since the 1920s, the American film
industry has grossed more money every year than that
of any other country.
 Theater of the United States is based in the Western
tradition. Regional or resident theaters in the United
States are professional theater companies outside of
New York City that produce their own seasons.
Tv SHow
 United States is an American sitcom (dramedy) that
aired on NBC from March 11 until April 29, 1980.
 Larry Gelbart, the show's executive producer and chief
writer, said the name United States was not a reference
to the country but rather to "the state of being united
in a relationship". Gelbart envisioned a series that
would be "a situation comedy based on the real things
that happen in my marriage and in the marriages of
my friends".
Urban art
 Nobody loves slumlords, but some vigilante artists are
taking it a step further and shaming them by spray painting
and wheat-pasting murals with details about code
violations on neglected Baltimore buildings.
 While their work draws attention to urban decay, cities like
Baltimore have also embraced street art as a means of
urban beautification. And for a growing number of
travelers, notable examples of street art by name brands
like Banksy have become don’t-miss attractions that often
draw them out of downtown and into emerging
 The music of the United States reflects the country's multi-
ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. It is a
mixture of music influenced by West African, Irish, Scottish
and mainland European among others. The country's most
internationally renowned genres are jazz, blues, country,
bluegrass, rock, rhythm and blues, soul, ragtime, hip hop,
barbershop, pop, experimental, techno, house, dance,
boogaloo, salsa, and rock and roll. The United States has the
world's largest music market with a total retail value of 4,898.3
million dollars in 2014,[1] and its music is heard around the
world. Since the beginning of the 20th century, some forms of
American popular music have gained a near global audience.
 Visual art of the United States or American art is visual art made
in the United States or by American artists. Before colonization
there were many flourishing traditions of Native American art,
and where the Spanish colonized Spanish Colonial architecture
and the accompanying styles in other media were quickly in
place. Early colonial art on the East Coast initially relied on
artists from Europe, with John White (1540-c. 1593) the earliest
example. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, artists
primarily painted portraits, and some landscapes in a style based
mainly on English painting. Furniture-makers imitating English
styles and similar craftsmen were also established in the major
cities, but in the English colonies, locally made pottery remained
resolutely utilitarian until the 19th century, with fancy products
Braking bad is one of the most
famous series in the United States?
True False
Are movies not important in
Country is the most heard genre in
 Is a team sport played between two sets of eleven players
each and some referees who are concerned that the
standards are met correctly. It is widely considered the
most popular sport in the world, as it is practiced by
some 270 million people. It is also known as soccer
association or football association, name derived from
The Football Association, the first official federation of
the world in this sport and that used that name to
distinguish it from other sports that include the word
"soccer" or "soccer". In some English-speaking countries
it is also known as soccer, abbreviation of association,
since the name of football in those countries is
associated mainly to other sports with that name.
 Is a team sport, played between two sets of five
players each. The goal of the team is to score
points by introducing a ball through the
basket, a hoop 3.05 meters above the surface of
the playing field from which a net hangs. The
score for each basket or basket is two or three
points, depending on the position from which
the shot is made, or one, if it is a free kick for a
foul by an opposing player. The winning team is
the one that gets the highest number of points.
 Is a racquet sport in which two players (single or
single) or two pairs (double) are located in the
opposite halves of a rectangular track divided by a
 Unlike other racket sports, badminton is not played
with a ball, but with a steering wheel.
 Players must hit the racket with their rackets so that
it crosses the runway above the net and falls into the
opposing sector. The point ends when the steering
wheel touches the ground, after surpassing the net.
 Is the movement and movement through
the water through the use of the body
extremities and usually without using any
instrument or support to advance,
swimming is generally done for recreation,
sport, exercise or survival. Humans can
hold underwater breathing and perform
rudimentary locomotor swimming, this can
be done weeks after birth as an evolutionary
 It is considered one of the most popular sports in
Australia, Canada, Colombia, South Korea, Cuba, the
United States, Holland, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic,
South Africa, Taiwan and Venezuela. The countries
considered as powers of this sport are concentrated in
America (North, Central, Caribbean) and in Asia,
being the European and African continents the most
behind. Nevertheless Europe has two good exponents
(Holland and Italy) ; And in Africa it is possible to
emphasize the selection of South Africa.
1. The football consists of
11 players in the field?
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
2. Football is played with
your hands?
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
3. The basketball is played
with a team of 6 members
and the other of 4??
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
4. The basketball is played
with a ball in the hands??
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
5. Can a player do 2 shots in the
same round of penalties?
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
6. Can a substituted player play
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
7. Waterpolo is a sport of
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
8. Handball is a sport of
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
9. An official pool have 10 lanes
and 2 m of long?
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
10. Baseball is a sport of 20 players
per side?
Wrong you should pay
more attention
Ok congratulations you
can continue
 The music of the United States reflects the
country's multi-ethnic population
through a diverse array of styles.
The country's most internationally renowned genres
are jazz,blues,country,bluegrass,rock,hip hop
 oThe music of the United States can be
characterized by the use f syncopation and
asymmetrical rhythms, long,
irregular melodies, which are said to "reflect
the wide open geography of (the American
landscape)" and the "sense of personal freedom
characteristic of American life". Some distinct
aspects of American music, like the call and
response format, are derived from African
techniques and instruments.
 The United States has produced many popular
musicians and composers in the modern world.
Beginning with the birth of recorded music,
American performers have continued to lead
the field of popular music, which out of "all the
contributions made by Americans to world
culture... has been taken to heart by the entire
in the 1920s
 The scholarly study of music in the United
States includes work relating music to
social class, racial, ethnic and religious
identity, gender and sexuality, as well as
studies of music history, musicology, and
other topics.
Holidays and festivals
 Music is an important part of several
American holidays, especially playing a
major part in the wintertime celebration
of Christmas. Music of the holiday includes
both religious songs like "O Holy Night"
and secular songs like "Jingle Bells".
Patriotic songs like the national anthem,
"The Star-Spangled Banner", are a major
part of Independence Day celebrations.
Music is an important part
of American holidays?
The scholarly study of music in
the United States includes
work relating music to social
Songs like "O Holy Night”,
"Jingle Bells”, are Music of
the holiday?
Country music is primarily a
fusion of europan American
blues and spirituals
with Appalachian folk
The United States has
produced many popular
musicians and composers in
the modern world?
The music of the United
States reflects the country's
multi-ethnic population?
includes both religious songs
like "O Holy Night" and
secular songs like "Jingle
are jazz,blues,country,bluegr
ass,rock,hip hop ?
popularized beginning in the
derived from African
techniques and
American Food
 The cuisine of the United States reflects its history.
The European colonization of the Americas yielded
the introduction of a number of ingredients and
cooking styles to the latter. The various styles
continued expanding well into the 19th and 20th
centuries, proportional to the influx of immigrants
from many different nations; such influx developed a
rich diversity in food preparation throughout the
 Early Native Americans utilized a number of cooking
methods in early American Cuisine that have been
blended with early European cooking methods to form
the basis of American Cuisine. When the colonists
came to the colonies, they farmed animals for clothing
and meat in a similar fashion to what they had done in
Europe. They had cuisine similar to their
previous British cuisine.
 The American colonial diet varied depending on the settled
region in which someone lived. Commonly hunted game
included deer, bear, buffalo, and wild turkey. A number
of fats and oils made from animals served to cook much of
the colonial foods. Prior to the Revolution, New Englanders
consumed large quantities of rum and beer, as maritime
trade provided them relatively easy access to the goods
needed to produce these items: rum was the distilled spirit
of choice, as the main ingredient, molasses, was readily
available from trade with the West Indies. In comparison to
the northern colonies, the southern colonies were quite
diverse in their agricultural diet and did not have a central
region of culture.
Pre-colonial cuisine
 Seafood in the United States originated with
the Native Americans, who often ate cod, lemon
sole, flounder, herring, halibut, sturgeon, smelt, dru
m on the East Coast, and olachen and salmon on the
West Coast. Whale was hunted by Native Americans
off the Northwest coast, especially by the Makah,
and used for their meat and oil.
Colonial period
 When the colonists came to Virginia, Massachusetts,
or any of the other English colonies on the eastern
seaboard of North America, their initial attempts at
survival included planting crops familiar to them from
back home in England. In the same way, they farmed
animals for clothing and meat in a similar fashion.
Through hardships and eventual establishment of
trade with Britain, the West Indies and other regions,
the colonists were able to establish themselves in the
American colonies with a cuisine similar to their
previous British cuisine.
Post-colonial cuisine
 During the 18th and 19th centuries, Americans
developed many new foods. Some, such as Rocky
Mountain oysters, stayed regional; some spread
throughout the nation but with little international
appeal, such as peanut butter (a core ingredient of the
famous peanut butter and jelly sandwich); and some
spread throughout the world, such as popcorn, Coca-
Cola and its competitors, fried chicken, cornbread,
unleavened muffins such as the poppyseed muffin,
and brownies.
Modern cuisine
 During the Progressive Era (1890s–1920s) food
production and presentation became more
industrialized. Major railroads featured upscale
cuisine in their dining cars. Restaurant chains
emerged with standardized decor and menus, most
famously the Fred Harvey restaurants along the route
of the Sante Fe Railroad in the Southwest.
 At the universities, nutritionists and home economists
taught a new scientific approach to food. During
World War I the Progressives' moral advice about food
conservation was emphasized in large-scale state and
federal programs designed to educate housewives.
Large-scale foreign aid during and after the war
brought American standards to Europe.
 Newspapers and magazines ran recipe columns, aided
by research from corporate kitchens, which were major
food manufacturers like General Mills, Campbell's,
and Kraft Foods. One characteristic of American
cooking is the fusion of multiple ethnic or regional
approaches into completely new cooking styles. For
example, spaghetti is Italian, while hot dogs are
German; a popular meal, especially among young
children, is spaghetti containing slices of hot
dogs. Since the 1960s Asian cooking has played a
particularly large role in American fusion cuisine.
 Newspapers and magazines ran recipe columns, aided
by research from corporate kitchens, which were major
food manufacturers like General Mills, Campbell's,
and Kraft Foods. One characteristic of American
cooking is the fusion of multiple ethnic or regional
approaches into completely new cooking styles. For
example, spaghetti is Italian, while hot dogs are
German; a popular meal, especially among young
children, is spaghetti containing slices of hot
dogs. Since the 1960s Asian cooking has played a
particularly large role in American fusion cuisine.
Presentación Ingles

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Presentación Ingles

  • 2. 1. Ambrosio Méndez, Edgar Samuel 2. Arriaza Fernández, Abner Josué 3. Avalos Soto, Rodolfo Alexander 4. Barrera Cosió, Hessler David 5. Braganza López, JefriJeancarlo 6. Cabrera Melgar, David Alexander 7. Cáceres Urizar, Feyser Emilio 8. Calgua Mateo, YensiSucely 9. CardenasLopez, Rudy Fernando 10. Carrillo Soyos, Yakelin Paola 11. Castañón Castañón, Edilma Doresly 12. Chámale Valdés, Luis Isaí 13. Choc Boj, Luis Josué 14. Chojolan Herrarte, Cesar Eduardo 15. Chonay Pérez, Kevin Daniel 16. Cu Sosa, Damaris Saraí 17. De León cux, Osmar André 18. Díaz Prado, David Roberto 19. Domínguez González, José Fernando 20. Espina Sánchez, Aarón Enmanuel 21. Fernández Chacón, Pablo Daniel 22. García Aquino, Stephany Giselle 23. Garrido Pérez, Lourdes Marisol 24. Girón Ordoñez, José Efraín 25. Gómez Choy, José Rafael 26. Gómez García, Brandon Josué 27. Gómez García, Salvador 28. González Albeño, Oscar Manfredo 29. González Castillo, Rudy Daniel 30. Hernández Pénate, Marlon Iván 31. Herrera Chun, David Eduardo 32. Herrera Furlan, Pablo David 33. Herrera López, Sabrina Miranda 34. Hi Ordoñez, Denilson Antonio 35. León Dell, José Llijon 36. López Cruz, Evelyn Gisell
  • 3. American language The indigenous languages of America are those languages originated and developed in the American continent, including the islands of its continental shelf, from the first human settlement until before the arrival of Europeans, Africans and Asians, having been extinct many since then until the present.
  • 4.
  • 5. History Before the arrival of the Europeans to the New World, Amerindian languages were spoken from what is now Canada to the southern tip of South America by the ancestors of the present Amerindians. During the last 500 years many of the Native American ethnicities and languages have disappeared, although several hundreds of them still speak. Today, three Indo-European languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese) are politically dominant in each American country, and native languages have less prestige and are used in very limited areas.
  • 6. Distribution We can only estimate approximately the number of native surviving languages and their number of speakers, especially in South America where they are worse documented than in North America, Mesoamerica or Central America. Approximately 375 million (Three hundred seventy-five million)people speak English as their first language. English today is probably the third largest language by number of native speakers, after Chinese Mandarin and Spanish.
  • 7.
  • 8. Characteristics Linguistic diversity is what characterizes the Amerindian languages of North America, Mesoamerica, Central America and South America, in all aspects: phonological, morphosyntactic and lexico-semantic. In fact, there are no characteristics common to all of them, which reflects their diverse origin.
  • 9.
  • 10.  Religion in the United States is characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. Various religious faiths have flourished within the United States. A majority of Americans report that religion plays a very important role in their lives, a proportion unique among developed countries.
  • 11.  Historically, the United States has always been marked by religious pluralism and diversity, beginning with various native beliefs of the pre-colonial time. In colonial times, Anglicans, Roman Catholics and mainline Protestants, as well as Jews, arrived from Europe. Eastern Orthodoxy has been present since the Russian colonization of Alaska. Various dissenting Protestants, who left the Church of England, greatly diversified the religious landscape. The Great Awakenings gave birth to multiple Evangelical Protestant denominations; membership in Methodist and Baptist churches increased drastically in the Second Great Awakening. In the 18th century, deism found support among American upper classes and thinkers.
  • 12.  The Episcopal Church, splitting from the Church of England, came into being in the American Revolution. New Protestant branches like Adventism emerged; Restorationists and other Christians like the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Latter Day Saint movement, Churches of Christ and Church of Christ, Scientist, as well as Unitarian and Universalistcommunities all spread in the 19th century. Pentecostalism emerged in the early 20th century as a result of the Azusa Street Revival. Scientology emerged in the 1950s. Unitarian Universalism resulted from the merge of Unitarian and Universalist churches in the 20th century. Beginning in 1990s, the religious share of Christians is decreasing due to secularization, while Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and other religions are spreading. Protestantism, historically dominant, ceased to be the religious category of the majority in the early 2010s.
  • 13. History  From early colonial days, when some English and German settlers came in search of religious freedom, America has been profoundly influenced by religion. That influence continues in American culture, social life, and politics. Several of the original Thirteen Colonies were established by settlers who wished to practice their own religion within a community of like- minded people: the Massachusetts Bay Colony was established by English Puritans (Congregationalists), Pennsylvania by British Quakers, Maryland by English Catholics, and Virginia by English Anglicans. Despite these, and as a result of intervening religious strife and preference in England the Plantation Act 1740 would set official policy for new immigrants coming to British America until the American Revolution.
  • 14.
  • 15. Literature  American literature is the literature written or produced in the area of the United States and its preceding colonies. For more specific discussions of poetry and theater, see Poetry of the United States and Theater in the United States. During its early history, America was a series of British colonies on the eastern coast of the present-day United States. Therefore, its literary tradition begins as linked to the broader tradition of English literature. However, unique American characteristics and the breadth of its production usually now cause it to be considered a separate path and tradition.
  • 16. movies  The cinema of the United States, often metonymously referred to as Hollywood, has had a profound effect on cinema across the world since the early 20th century. The dominant style of American cinema is Classical Hollywood Cinema, which developed from 1917-1960 and characterizes most films to this day. While the French Lumière Brothers are generally credited with the birth of modern cinema,[7] it is American cinema that soon became the most dominant force in an emerging industry. Since the 1920s, the American film industry has grossed more money every year than that of any other country.
  • 17. theater  Theater of the United States is based in the Western tradition. Regional or resident theaters in the United States are professional theater companies outside of New York City that produce their own seasons.
  • 18. Tv SHow  United States is an American sitcom (dramedy) that aired on NBC from March 11 until April 29, 1980.  Larry Gelbart, the show's executive producer and chief writer, said the name United States was not a reference to the country but rather to "the state of being united in a relationship". Gelbart envisioned a series that would be "a situation comedy based on the real things that happen in my marriage and in the marriages of my friends".
  • 19. Urban art  Nobody loves slumlords, but some vigilante artists are taking it a step further and shaming them by spray painting and wheat-pasting murals with details about code violations on neglected Baltimore buildings.  While their work draws attention to urban decay, cities like Baltimore have also embraced street art as a means of urban beautification. And for a growing number of travelers, notable examples of street art by name brands like Banksy have become don’t-miss attractions that often draw them out of downtown and into emerging neighborhoods.
  • 20.  The music of the United States reflects the country's multi- ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. It is a mixture of music influenced by West African, Irish, Scottish and mainland European among others. The country's most internationally renowned genres are jazz, blues, country, bluegrass, rock, rhythm and blues, soul, ragtime, hip hop, barbershop, pop, experimental, techno, house, dance, boogaloo, salsa, and rock and roll. The United States has the world's largest music market with a total retail value of 4,898.3 million dollars in 2014,[1] and its music is heard around the world. Since the beginning of the 20th century, some forms of American popular music have gained a near global audience.
  • 21. Paintings  Visual art of the United States or American art is visual art made in the United States or by American artists. Before colonization there were many flourishing traditions of Native American art, and where the Spanish colonized Spanish Colonial architecture and the accompanying styles in other media were quickly in place. Early colonial art on the East Coast initially relied on artists from Europe, with John White (1540-c. 1593) the earliest example. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, artists primarily painted portraits, and some landscapes in a style based mainly on English painting. Furniture-makers imitating English styles and similar craftsmen were also established in the major cities, but in the English colonies, locally made pottery remained resolutely utilitarian until the 19th century, with fancy products imported.
  • 22. Braking bad is one of the most famous series in the United States? True False
  • 23.
  • 24. Are movies not important in America? TRUE FALSE
  • 25. Country is the most heard genre in America? TRUE FALSE
  • 26.
  • 28. Football  Is a team sport played between two sets of eleven players each and some referees who are concerned that the standards are met correctly. It is widely considered the most popular sport in the world, as it is practiced by some 270 million people. It is also known as soccer association or football association, name derived from The Football Association, the first official federation of the world in this sport and that used that name to distinguish it from other sports that include the word "soccer" or "soccer". In some English-speaking countries it is also known as soccer, abbreviation of association, since the name of football in those countries is associated mainly to other sports with that name.
  • 29. Basketball  Is a team sport, played between two sets of five players each. The goal of the team is to score points by introducing a ball through the basket, a hoop 3.05 meters above the surface of the playing field from which a net hangs. The score for each basket or basket is two or three points, depending on the position from which the shot is made, or one, if it is a free kick for a foul by an opposing player. The winning team is the one that gets the highest number of points.
  • 30. Badminton  Is a racquet sport in which two players (single or single) or two pairs (double) are located in the opposite halves of a rectangular track divided by a net.  Unlike other racket sports, badminton is not played with a ball, but with a steering wheel.  Players must hit the racket with their rackets so that it crosses the runway above the net and falls into the opposing sector. The point ends when the steering wheel touches the ground, after surpassing the net.
  • 31. Swimming  Is the movement and movement through the water through the use of the body extremities and usually without using any instrument or support to advance, swimming is generally done for recreation, sport, exercise or survival. Humans can hold underwater breathing and perform rudimentary locomotor swimming, this can be done weeks after birth as an evolutionary response.
  • 32. Baseball  It is considered one of the most popular sports in Australia, Canada, Colombia, South Korea, Cuba, the United States, Holland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Taiwan and Venezuela. The countries considered as powers of this sport are concentrated in America (North, Central, Caribbean) and in Asia, being the European and African continents the most behind. Nevertheless Europe has two good exponents (Holland and Italy) ; And in Africa it is possible to emphasize the selection of South Africa.
  • 33. 1. The football consists of 11 players in the field? TRUE FALS E
  • 34. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 35. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 36. 2. Football is played with your hands? TRUE FALS E
  • 37. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 38. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 39. 3. The basketball is played with a team of 6 members and the other of 4?? TRUE FALS E
  • 40. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 41. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 42. 4. The basketball is played with a ball in the hands?? TRUE FALS E
  • 43. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 44. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 45. 5. Can a player do 2 shots in the same round of penalties? TRUE FALS E
  • 46. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 47. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 48. 6. Can a substituted player play again? TRUE FALS E
  • 49. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 50. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 51. 7. Waterpolo is a sport of swimming? TRUE FALS E
  • 52. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 53. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 54. 8. Handball is a sport of swimming? TRUE FALS E
  • 55. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 56. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 57. 9. An official pool have 10 lanes and 2 m of long? TRUE FALS E
  • 58. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 59. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 60. 10. Baseball is a sport of 20 players per side? TRUE FALS E
  • 61. Wrong you should pay more attention Continua r
  • 62. Ok congratulations you can continue Continua r
  • 64.
  • 65. MUSIC
  • 66. MUSIC  The music of the United States reflects the country's multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. The country's most internationally renowned genres are jazz,blues,country,bluegrass,rock,hip hop
  • 67. Characteristics  oThe music of the United States can be characterized by the use f syncopation and asymmetrical rhythms, long, irregular melodies, which are said to "reflect the wide open geography of (the American landscape)" and the "sense of personal freedom characteristic of American life". Some distinct aspects of American music, like the call and response format, are derived from African techniques and instruments.
  • 68.  The United States has produced many popular musicians and composers in the modern world. Beginning with the birth of recorded music, American performers have continued to lead the field of popular music, which out of "all the contributions made by Americans to world culture... has been taken to heart by the entire world
  • 70. Scholarship  The scholarly study of music in the United States includes work relating music to social class, racial, ethnic and religious identity, gender and sexuality, as well as studies of music history, musicology, and other topics.
  • 71. Holidays and festivals  Music is an important part of several American holidays, especially playing a major part in the wintertime celebration of Christmas. Music of the holiday includes both religious songs like "O Holy Night" and secular songs like "Jingle Bells". Patriotic songs like the national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner", are a major part of Independence Day celebrations.
  • 73. Music is an important part of American holidays? NO YES 1
  • 74. The scholarly study of music in the United States includes work relating music to social class? NO YES 2
  • 75. Songs like "O Holy Night”, "Jingle Bells”, are Music of the holiday? NO YES 3
  • 76. Country music is primarily a fusion of europan American blues and spirituals with Appalachian folk music? NO YES 4
  • 77. The United States has produced many popular musicians and composers in the modern world? 5 NO YES
  • 78. NEXT
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  • 83. The music of the United States reflects the country's multi-ethnic population? NO YES 6
  • 84. includes both religious songs like "O Holy Night" and secular songs like "Jingle Bells“? NO YES 7
  • 86. THE COUNTRY WERE popularized beginning in the 1930s NO YES 9
  • 87. THE AMERICAN MUSIC ARE derived from African techniques and instruments? NO YES 10
  • 88. NEXT
  • 89. NEXT
  • 90. NEXT
  • 91. NEXT
  • 92. NEXT
  • 94.
  • 95. American Food  The cuisine of the United States reflects its history. The European colonization of the Americas yielded the introduction of a number of ingredients and cooking styles to the latter. The various styles continued expanding well into the 19th and 20th centuries, proportional to the influx of immigrants from many different nations; such influx developed a rich diversity in food preparation throughout the country.
  • 96.  Early Native Americans utilized a number of cooking methods in early American Cuisine that have been blended with early European cooking methods to form the basis of American Cuisine. When the colonists came to the colonies, they farmed animals for clothing and meat in a similar fashion to what they had done in Europe. They had cuisine similar to their previous British cuisine.
  • 97.  The American colonial diet varied depending on the settled region in which someone lived. Commonly hunted game included deer, bear, buffalo, and wild turkey. A number of fats and oils made from animals served to cook much of the colonial foods. Prior to the Revolution, New Englanders consumed large quantities of rum and beer, as maritime trade provided them relatively easy access to the goods needed to produce these items: rum was the distilled spirit of choice, as the main ingredient, molasses, was readily available from trade with the West Indies. In comparison to the northern colonies, the southern colonies were quite diverse in their agricultural diet and did not have a central region of culture.
  • 98. Pre-colonial cuisine  Seafood in the United States originated with the Native Americans, who often ate cod, lemon sole, flounder, herring, halibut, sturgeon, smelt, dru m on the East Coast, and olachen and salmon on the West Coast. Whale was hunted by Native Americans off the Northwest coast, especially by the Makah, and used for their meat and oil.
  • 99. Colonial period  When the colonists came to Virginia, Massachusetts, or any of the other English colonies on the eastern seaboard of North America, their initial attempts at survival included planting crops familiar to them from back home in England. In the same way, they farmed animals for clothing and meat in a similar fashion. Through hardships and eventual establishment of trade with Britain, the West Indies and other regions, the colonists were able to establish themselves in the American colonies with a cuisine similar to their previous British cuisine.
  • 100. Post-colonial cuisine  During the 18th and 19th centuries, Americans developed many new foods. Some, such as Rocky Mountain oysters, stayed regional; some spread throughout the nation but with little international appeal, such as peanut butter (a core ingredient of the famous peanut butter and jelly sandwich); and some spread throughout the world, such as popcorn, Coca- Cola and its competitors, fried chicken, cornbread, unleavened muffins such as the poppyseed muffin, and brownies.
  • 101. Modern cuisine  During the Progressive Era (1890s–1920s) food production and presentation became more industrialized. Major railroads featured upscale cuisine in their dining cars. Restaurant chains emerged with standardized decor and menus, most famously the Fred Harvey restaurants along the route of the Sante Fe Railroad in the Southwest.
  • 102.  At the universities, nutritionists and home economists taught a new scientific approach to food. During World War I the Progressives' moral advice about food conservation was emphasized in large-scale state and federal programs designed to educate housewives. Large-scale foreign aid during and after the war brought American standards to Europe.
  • 103.  Newspapers and magazines ran recipe columns, aided by research from corporate kitchens, which were major food manufacturers like General Mills, Campbell's, and Kraft Foods. One characteristic of American cooking is the fusion of multiple ethnic or regional approaches into completely new cooking styles. For example, spaghetti is Italian, while hot dogs are German; a popular meal, especially among young children, is spaghetti containing slices of hot dogs. Since the 1960s Asian cooking has played a particularly large role in American fusion cuisine.
  • 104.  Newspapers and magazines ran recipe columns, aided by research from corporate kitchens, which were major food manufacturers like General Mills, Campbell's, and Kraft Foods. One characteristic of American cooking is the fusion of multiple ethnic or regional approaches into completely new cooking styles. For example, spaghetti is Italian, while hot dogs are German; a popular meal, especially among young children, is spaghetti containing slices of hot dogs. Since the 1960s Asian cooking has played a particularly large role in American fusion cuisine.