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Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters
All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016
Printed in the United States of America
Premarital Sex Adolescents at Junior High School Student
Pekanbaru Riau
Hetty Ismainar *
Hastuti Marlina**
Yessi Harnani ***
1. Doctoral Student of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
2. Public Health School Hang Tuah Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
3. Doctoral Student of Enviromental Health science, Riau University, Indonesia
Coresponding Author : Hetty Ismainar,
Background Adolescents is phase transition from childhood to adult.Physical growth and psychological influence
hormonal and sexual desire raising the interest towards sex is unable to control this risk premarital sex. Currently,
behavior that leads to negative has been used by to adolescents in junior high school. Types of activities premarital sex
among touching sensitive area, kissing, necking, petting, intercourse.
Aim To know relations factors (courtship status, knowledge, pornography acces, harmonious family, lifestyle, their
peers and parents monitoring) that affects premarital sex.
Methods, quantitative with the cross sectional design study. Research sample conducted in 400 students at 11 Junior
High School in Pekanbaru Riau. Proportional stratified random sampling, Instrument is questionnaires. Data analysis
univariat, bivariat chy aquare test, multivariate by logistic regression test.
Results showed 20.3% (81) conduct premarital sex, be courting status 53.5%, unharmony family 55,3%, knowledge
51,8%, pornography acces 35%, modern lifestyles 40%, the influence of peers 25.5%, and low parents monitoring
29.5%. Bivariat Analysis with chy square test, showed seven factors are related (p value < 0.05) and factors their peers
4.9 times mostly risk. Multivariate analysis, two factors that most influential towards sex premarital, they are
unharmony family and parents monitoring.
Conclusion there are relations and influence seven factors are towards premarital sex in junior high school student.
Prepare to build formation as PIK-R (information and counseling youth centre), To build BKR (family adolescents
development) as a precautionary measure increase premarital sex incidence
Keyword: adolescents, Premarital Sex, Junior High School
Premarital sex is behavior driven by
sexual desire with the opposite gender before
marriage. The activities include groping, kissing,
necking, petting and intercourse. Premarital sex
in the last few decades tended to increase among
adolescents and only a few reported.1
If the
teenagers are unable to control the risk of
premarital sex, they got depressed.2.3
Among the
adolescent of 15-19 years oldwho did premarital
sex, 16 million experienced pregnancy.In the
united states, 47,8 % adolescentsof 9-12 years old
have done premarital sex. Every hour happened
100 pregnancy.4
In Indonesia, 17 % adolescents in
Tasikmalaya claimed to have done premarital
sex, in Cirebon 6.7 %, Bandung and Jakarta 21-
30 %.5
In Pekanbaru, from 600 sample taken by
the researchers, there is found that 38,75% boys
and 16,98 % girls have done premarital sex.
29,46 % is done by 10-15 years old teenagers.6
In reality, premarital sex increase data against
Infection Sexually Transmitted and HIV (Human
Deficiency Virus) as one effect of premarital sex
and sex without condom.7
Other impacts are
unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion,and mental
In addition, they would also
facepsychological impact, the guilt and wicked
on theirselves and family. Getting Depressed,
losing the virginity (for girls) and feelingafraid
not to have brighterfuture.9
Some efforts should
be done to minimize premarital sex.10
The efforts
might be doneby restraining the factors that
cause premarital sex.11
Premarital sex on
adolescent is usually done for some reasons:
sense of affection and proving love (35.2 %), the
curiosity and want to try sex, and also afraid of
disappointing and afraid of being broken off the
relationship by the couple. In addition,
premarital sex are caused by less knowledge
about general health of reproduction andthe
danger,the risk, and also lack of knowledge to
avoid it.12
Easy access to media especially internet,
is one of the factors that trigger premarital
sex.Easy acces to internet means easy exposed to
Other reasons are lifestyle,
western culture impact, clubbing, alcohol
consumption, less of parents monitoring, most of
the time with their peers so encouragement their
Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters
All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016
Printed in the United States of America
peers are dominant to premarital sex, and the
decline ofreligious values.15 16 13
Many incidence
and impacts to premarital sex. Aim of research
isto know the factors related premarital sex in
Junior High School student.
The method is analytic quantitative with
cross sectional design. Sample size is 400
students of eleven Junior High Schools in
Pekanbaru, Riau. Using proportional stratified
random sampling (cluster system). Contributing
ten enumerators to collect the data. The
measuring instrument questioners have a validity
and reliability test. Of 420 questioners, 17 were
not completed and 3 sheets were not returned.
For data processing category, it used Chy Square
Test and numeric data used T Test with
estimated CI 95%.Analysis multivariate with
regression logistic with “permodelan”to see a
change Prevalence Odds Ratio (POR).
The results of the study, 20.3 % have done
premarital sex, 53,5% already have had
girlfriend/boyfriend. Less Knowledge 51,8 % and
35 % had also accessed pornography. Lifestyle
40% as well as the influence their peers 25,5%,
less parents monitoring 29.5 % (table 1) and to
know the relation between variables factors use
chi-square Test with α = 0,05, CI; 95% dan POR
> 1or POR<1 (table 2)
Tabel 1. Result of Univariate Analysis
Knowledge Pornography
Life style Peers Parents
Yes No Yes No Low High Yes No Yes No High Low Yes No Low High
81 319 214 186 207 193 140 260 179 221 160 240 102 298 118 282
Note. N= 400 Adolescents
Tabel 2. Result of Bivariate Analysis
∑ Knowledge ∑ Pornography
∑ harmonious
∑ Life
∑ Peers ∑ parents
Yes No Low High Yes No Yes No High Low Yes No Low High
Yes 62 19 81 54 27 81 51 30 81 61 20 81 54 27 81 43 38 81 46 35 81
No 152 167 319 153 166 319 89 230 319 160 159 319 106 213 319 59 260 319 72 247 319
∑ 214 186 400 207 193 400 140 260 400 221 179 400 160 240 400 102 298 400 118 282 400
P value 0,001 0,004 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001
POR 3,6 (2,1-6,3) 2,2 (1,3-3,6) 4,4 (2,6-7,3) 3,0 (1,7-5,3) 4,0 (2,4-6,7) 4,9 (2,9-8,3) 4,5 (2,7-7,5)
Note. N= 400 Adolescents
Tabel 3 Result of Multivariate Selection Criteria
Premarital sex Courtship status Knowledge Pornography acces harmonious family Life style Peers Parents Monitoring
Pvalue< 0.005
0.001 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Tabel 4 Result of Multivariat Analysis
Courtship status Knowledge Pornography acces harmonious family Life style Peers parents Monitoring
P Value 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001
POR 9,466 6, 121 7,447 14,309 9,019 9,228 20,237
95% CI for EXP (B)
Based on the statistics, all variable are
related with premarital sex. Their peers having of
dominant (POR=4.9), second and thirth, parents
monitoring variable and easy to access
pornography. Multivariate analysis that aims to
understand the most dominant relations between
all variabel. An early stage is to put variable
candidates multivariate. Pvalue< 0.25. Selection
multivarite can be seen in table 3. All variable
was a candidate analysis multivariate because the
value of p value <0.25 .We do “permodelan”
multivariate to all variable (table 4)
Based on multivariate analysis, there is no
variable with P value> 0.05. It means all the
independent variable related with premarital sex.
Less of parents monitoring will be influence
20,237 times (CI 9 %: POR=51,760-7,912) to
behave premarital sex .
Courtship Status
Based on the research, majority students
who did premartial sex are those who has
girlfriend or boyfriend. It is 214 students (53,5%).
There are of course, relationship between having
girlfriend with premarital sex (POR=9.466). Some
of them have dated 2-3 times with long courtship
3-6 months. Courtship is relationship between the
opposite gender who are related specially. It
isinitiated by the introduction until kissing,
necking, petting and intercourse. Almost 80%
Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters
All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016
Printed in the United States of America
student have done premarital sex with his
girlfriend or her boyfriend17
. The survey about
sexual behavior at Junior and Senior High Schools
in Cianjur West Java, it is found that 60% have
intercourse seksual.18
Kutai district teenagers also
did free sex.19
Research in four Junior high schools
in Makassar was done; 45% students have done
As normative and moral ethics between
teenager are uncontrolled, it will result
topremarital sex.21
A survey conducted in the
United States found that 47,8 % students of 9-12
years old have done premarital sex, 35 % high
school students have been active in seksual.22
this case, parents should understand and give
explanation to their children. Unfortunately, there
are still many parents who have less knowledge
about sex education because of their limited
education. Consequently, they could not guide
their children well.23
Anotherimpacts when
teenagers have courtship and then break off are:
(based on true story)24
they will feel regret and face
confidential and study problem
Based on this research, students who did
dating just talk about sex, hand embraced, holding
the waist (33.2%), kissing, necking (20%). There
is no one who did premarital sex. But if students
are not given education about health reproduction
and sex, they will gradually behave sex .
Based on this study, 207 (51,8%) students
have less knowledge. Knowledge give
contribution on premarital sex. Knowledge of a
person will affect his attitude then contribute to
intention for making it happen.25
Research in
Sukoharjo Junior High School found that
68.8%students have less knowledge.26
Surakarta only 23% have good knowledge, and
the others still in enough and low category.27
Junior high school students still have unstable
psychological and still in puberty. It is make them
easier to get trapped into unhealty sex.28
Experience is factor that influences knowledge.29
Dating experience directly will affect and impact
on the attitudes and behavior of their free sex.
Attitude about free sex influenced by several
things among other: personal experience, the
influence of others, and the influence of culture.30
Indonesian culture considers “tabu” about free
sex, the condition should ease for them to avoid
free sex. Religious education are considered
effective to prevent behavior of premarital sex.
The other factors that affect knowledge is
information. The easier information got, the better
new knowledge will somebody got. Information
obtained from formal or non-formal education can
give impact to the short-term (immediate impact)
that can change and enlarge knowledge.31
Various forms of media such as television, radio,
newspaper, magazine and others have great
influence on the establishment of opinions and
The provision of information can be
undertaken through promotion.33
activity can be done to support teaching and
learning in schools and can be developed to
become part of the curriculum in Junior High
School. This can be manifested if there is
cooperation between the Ministry of National
Education, the Ministry of Health and the other
related division.
Pornography Acces
There are relationship between
pornography acces with premarital sex. From
4500 student of 12 big cities in Indonesia, 97
percent watched porn movie.34
In Mataram 91
percent of students exposed to the pornography.20
Pornography acces through internet is not
“tabu” now, the use of smartphone through Short
Message Service (SMS).36
The utilization is very
many among teenagers, Starting from doing their
tasks, communicating, doing other activities and
Other impacts of the use of smartphone is
the delivery porn picture.38
Internet also has a role
in affecting premarital sex.14
Compared with
VCD/ DVD and the internet, mobile phone is
more simple. Pornography lover easily access and
enjoy it personally. Mobile phone provide it.
Research in USA in children (10-17 years old)
found that there are six percent who received
pornographic pictures and 28 percent transmits
that images.39
Media ease pornography acces
among teenagers. It is important for parents and
teachers to give sex education.40
Education persons and other decision
makers need to make policy and explain how
premarital sex give negative impact for student
In sweden, the premarital sex done by fee for
among high school students reported pertaining
by the high exposure or consumption of
The number was even higher than
students in the United States. From 1352 students
in five Junior High Schools in USA for average
age 13 years old, reported that 27 percent of girl
and 62 percent of boy students have experience
premarital sex.44
The Pornography acces
contribute conduct masturbation.45
The use of
smartphone by students need to get serious
attention for teachers and decision makers.
Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters
All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016
Printed in the United States of America
Smartphone is the media that transmit
pornography most. If the use of smartphone
unavoidable, so restrictions specification mobile
phone need to do.20
Besides smartphone uses a
computer in the internet network also familiar
among teenagers. Research in Israel, internet use
very dominant (64%), just chat that result in
behavior diverge like cyberbullying and download
In this study, students who use smartphone
through SMS or MMS to stimulate sex 35,7%,
watching porn CD/VCD 44%. It indicates that the
role of this media access teenagers to expand
curiosity about sex. If there is no controll by all
sides, it will deliver tothe increasing of premarital
Harmonious family
Harmonious family is the second factor
that has great influence towards sex premarital.
The inharmonious family is 14,309 times risk than
those who are not. One of the effects of
inharmony within families is misbehavior. One of
misbehaviour is premarital sex.47
Significant role
between harmony in family and self concept will
increase and decrease the premarital sexual
Research on three conditions distinct
families: inharmonious, normal family and
harmonious families. The teenagers that grew up
in inharmonious family tend to have greater risk
of mind disturbance, being naughty and take part
in anti social action.49
Teenagers who performs premarital sex
came from divorced families. Another factors of
inharmonies family is consuming alcohol. Those
who began to be alcoholic<13 years old may be
risk 2 times more to have planned sex. Then if we
see from cultural and religional aspects of
community, it is can be fine. Need further
The divorce Data in Pekanbaru 2014 is
1.700 case. Increased than 200 cases which is on
2013 only 1.500 case. Parents are expected to
maintain their marriage by participating in various
counseling to improve harmonious family. Do not
mock in front of the children..
In this study, students who are categorized
asmodern lifestyle students is 60 % (240
students). Modern lifestyle is 40 % (160
student).The relationship between lifestyle with
premarital is exist, but it is insignificant. Modern
Lifestyle risk premarital sex 9,019 times than non
modern lifestyle. In other research there was no
correlation between lifestyle with the premarital
sex behavior.51
Lifestyle in the globalization
influenced by technological progress. Lifestyle
can be defined as the state of having seen porn
video. The impacts is that it can increase doing
sex, addicted, lower women‟s dignity and finally
decline the concentration, lazy to learn, and just
want to have fun.53
The lifestyle of junior high
school student in Pekanbaru is still categorized
not modern. So it does not have any impact on
premarital sex. Related data is still needed.
In this study, the percentage of peers affect
students activities is 25,5% (102 students). Risk
9,228 times to conduct premarital sex.The
teenagers who did premarital sex case in
Surakarta (64 %) and 62% mentioned the role of
their peers.There was correlation between peers
and premarital sex.54
Teenagers in Padang West
Sumatera, 16,6 % who behave risky, 4,3 % did
premarital sex.55
In Jogjakarta , 4,77% have done
premarital sex in 15 and 18 years old. They are
adopted information by their friends, without
having accurate information.11
In Banglades, 45%
of women received information about
reproductive health from peers.56
in Taheran
(34%). Research on development model
reproductive health services get 45% teenagers
get information from the peers.57
In this study the
influence their peers through the communication
like smartphone make them get information about
sex. It is important to teach religious value early.
It is also important for institutions to give
provision and teaching about how to choose good
friends and guide them to behave positively
Parents Monitoring
This study found that there is relationship
between parents control toward premarital sex
.There is significant connection between parents
monitoring with the seksual behavior.52
This study
found that sexual behavior dominated by good
sexual behavior. But if there is no proper
monitoring from the parents, could be deviate
behavior. The survey found that the majority of
Indonesia has quite bad sexual behavior, 62.7 %
teenagers are not virgin, 29 % teenagers agreed to
the premarital sex.16
Bad sexual behavior is
dominated by parents mistake. Parents did not
provide information about sex and health
reproduction. Less parents monitoring because of
less understanding about it.58
In addition
economic factors cause parents have little time to
meet their children. But in this study we did not
observe parents‟ point of view, this study focused
Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters
All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016
Printed in the United States of America
on junior high school students. Need further
research for this case.
Other impacts of low parents monitoring is
premarital sex. Communication and religious
education. It is a need for parents to participate in
giving health education. Cooperating with school
management and related.59 52
One of the facilities
to learn and share the experience is at “Bina
Keluarga Remaja” (BKR) in public and integrated
with PIK-R (Center of Information and
Counseling ). Routine agenda of BKR is telling
the role of parents for developing teenager, moral
view, health reproduction, drugs, HIV/AIDs,
nutritional and better life
This study analyzes factors that related to
premarital sex on 400 students ineleven Junior
High school at Pekanbaru Riau. This factor is
courtship status, knowledge, pornography access,
harmonious family, lifestyle, peers and parents
monitoring. Based on analysis bivariat by chy
square Test, seven factors are related with
premarital sex (P value<0.05), significant factors
is peers factor risk 4,9 times do premarital sex.
Multivariate analysis by regression logisticTest,
two factors that most influential towards
premarital sex, that are parents monitoring (POR;
20,2 times ) and harmony family (POR; 14,3
times). Suggestion: to build formation PIK-R (on
Information and counseling youth centre), to build
BKR (Family Adolescents Development)
precautionary measure an increase premarital sex
We would like to thanks Directorate General of
Higher Education Foundation Special Fund for
Health Scientific Research. Department of
education in Pekanbaru Riau. Thanks to Dr Mitra
for his perspectives and encouragement
throughout the study as head of research and
community institutions in STIKes Hang Tuah
Pekanbaru Riau. We would like thanks to Eleven
Junior high school student in Pekanbaru Riau.
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Premarital sex adolencents at junior high school

  • 1. Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016 Printed in the United States of America Premarital Sex Adolescents at Junior High School Student Pekanbaru Riau Hetty Ismainar * Hastuti Marlina** Yessi Harnani *** 1. Doctoral Student of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Indonesia 2. Public Health School Hang Tuah Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia 3. Doctoral Student of Enviromental Health science, Riau University, Indonesia Coresponding Author : Hetty Ismainar, Background Adolescents is phase transition from childhood to adult.Physical growth and psychological influence hormonal and sexual desire raising the interest towards sex is unable to control this risk premarital sex. Currently, behavior that leads to negative has been used by to adolescents in junior high school. Types of activities premarital sex among touching sensitive area, kissing, necking, petting, intercourse. Aim To know relations factors (courtship status, knowledge, pornography acces, harmonious family, lifestyle, their peers and parents monitoring) that affects premarital sex. Methods, quantitative with the cross sectional design study. Research sample conducted in 400 students at 11 Junior High School in Pekanbaru Riau. Proportional stratified random sampling, Instrument is questionnaires. Data analysis univariat, bivariat chy aquare test, multivariate by logistic regression test. Results showed 20.3% (81) conduct premarital sex, be courting status 53.5%, unharmony family 55,3%, knowledge 51,8%, pornography acces 35%, modern lifestyles 40%, the influence of peers 25.5%, and low parents monitoring 29.5%. Bivariat Analysis with chy square test, showed seven factors are related (p value < 0.05) and factors their peers 4.9 times mostly risk. Multivariate analysis, two factors that most influential towards sex premarital, they are unharmony family and parents monitoring. Conclusion there are relations and influence seven factors are towards premarital sex in junior high school student. Prepare to build formation as PIK-R (information and counseling youth centre), To build BKR (family adolescents development) as a precautionary measure increase premarital sex incidence Keyword: adolescents, Premarital Sex, Junior High School 1. INTRODUCTION Premarital sex is behavior driven by sexual desire with the opposite gender before marriage. The activities include groping, kissing, necking, petting and intercourse. Premarital sex in the last few decades tended to increase among adolescents and only a few reported.1 If the teenagers are unable to control the risk of premarital sex, they got depressed.2.3 Among the adolescent of 15-19 years oldwho did premarital sex, 16 million experienced pregnancy.In the united states, 47,8 % adolescentsof 9-12 years old have done premarital sex. Every hour happened 100 pregnancy.4 In Indonesia, 17 % adolescents in Tasikmalaya claimed to have done premarital sex, in Cirebon 6.7 %, Bandung and Jakarta 21- 30 %.5 In Pekanbaru, from 600 sample taken by the researchers, there is found that 38,75% boys and 16,98 % girls have done premarital sex. 29,46 % is done by 10-15 years old teenagers.6 In reality, premarital sex increase data against Infection Sexually Transmitted and HIV (Human Deficiency Virus) as one effect of premarital sex and sex without condom.7 Other impacts are unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion,and mental disorder.8 In addition, they would also facepsychological impact, the guilt and wicked on theirselves and family. Getting Depressed, losing the virginity (for girls) and feelingafraid not to have brighterfuture.9 Some efforts should be done to minimize premarital sex.10 The efforts might be doneby restraining the factors that cause premarital sex.11 Premarital sex on adolescent is usually done for some reasons: sense of affection and proving love (35.2 %), the curiosity and want to try sex, and also afraid of disappointing and afraid of being broken off the relationship by the couple. In addition, premarital sex are caused by less knowledge about general health of reproduction andthe danger,the risk, and also lack of knowledge to avoid it.12 . Easy access to media especially internet, is one of the factors that trigger premarital sex.Easy acces to internet means easy exposed to pornography.13 Other reasons are lifestyle, western culture impact, clubbing, alcohol consumption, less of parents monitoring, most of the time with their peers so encouragement their
  • 2. Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016 Printed in the United States of America peers are dominant to premarital sex, and the decline ofreligious values.15 16 13 Many incidence and impacts to premarital sex. Aim of research isto know the factors related premarital sex in Junior High School student. 2. METHOD The method is analytic quantitative with cross sectional design. Sample size is 400 students of eleven Junior High Schools in Pekanbaru, Riau. Using proportional stratified random sampling (cluster system). Contributing ten enumerators to collect the data. The measuring instrument questioners have a validity and reliability test. Of 420 questioners, 17 were not completed and 3 sheets were not returned. For data processing category, it used Chy Square Test and numeric data used T Test with estimated CI 95%.Analysis multivariate with regression logistic with “permodelan”to see a change Prevalence Odds Ratio (POR). 3. RESULT The results of the study, 20.3 % have done premarital sex, 53,5% already have had girlfriend/boyfriend. Less Knowledge 51,8 % and 35 % had also accessed pornography. Lifestyle 40% as well as the influence their peers 25,5%, less parents monitoring 29.5 % (table 1) and to know the relation between variables factors use chi-square Test with α = 0,05, CI; 95% dan POR > 1or POR<1 (table 2) Tabel 1. Result of Univariate Analysis Premarital sex Courtship status Knowledge Pornography acces Harmonious family Life style Peers Parents Monitoring Yes No Yes No Low High Yes No Yes No High Low Yes No Low High 81 319 214 186 207 193 140 260 179 221 160 240 102 298 118 282 Note. N= 400 Adolescents Tabel 2. Result of Bivariate Analysis Premarital sex Courtship status ∑ Knowledge ∑ Pornography acces ∑ harmonious family ∑ Life style ∑ Peers ∑ parents Monitoring ∑ Yes No Low High Yes No Yes No High Low Yes No Low High Yes 62 19 81 54 27 81 51 30 81 61 20 81 54 27 81 43 38 81 46 35 81 No 152 167 319 153 166 319 89 230 319 160 159 319 106 213 319 59 260 319 72 247 319 ∑ 214 186 400 207 193 400 140 260 400 221 179 400 160 240 400 102 298 400 118 282 400 P value 0,001 0,004 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 POR 3,6 (2,1-6,3) 2,2 (1,3-3,6) 4,4 (2,6-7,3) 3,0 (1,7-5,3) 4,0 (2,4-6,7) 4,9 (2,9-8,3) 4,5 (2,7-7,5) Note. N= 400 Adolescents Tabel 3 Result of Multivariate Selection Criteria Premarital sex Courtship status Knowledge Pornography acces harmonious family Life style Peers Parents Monitoring Pvalue< 0.005 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 Tabel 4 Result of Multivariat Analysis Courtship status Knowledge Pornography acces harmonious family Life style Peers parents Monitoring P Value 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 POR 9,466 6, 121 7,447 14,309 9,019 9,228 20,237 95% CI for EXP (B) Lower Upper 3,899 22,978 2,708 13,832 3,394 16,337 5,406 37,873 4,048 20,097 4,066 20,944 7,912 51,760 Based on the statistics, all variable are related with premarital sex. Their peers having of dominant (POR=4.9), second and thirth, parents monitoring variable and easy to access pornography. Multivariate analysis that aims to understand the most dominant relations between all variabel. An early stage is to put variable candidates multivariate. Pvalue< 0.25. Selection multivarite can be seen in table 3. All variable was a candidate analysis multivariate because the value of p value <0.25 .We do “permodelan” multivariate to all variable (table 4) Based on multivariate analysis, there is no variable with P value> 0.05. It means all the independent variable related with premarital sex. Less of parents monitoring will be influence 20,237 times (CI 9 %: POR=51,760-7,912) to behave premarital sex . 4. DISCUSSION Courtship Status Based on the research, majority students who did premartial sex are those who has girlfriend or boyfriend. It is 214 students (53,5%). There are of course, relationship between having girlfriend with premarital sex (POR=9.466). Some of them have dated 2-3 times with long courtship 3-6 months. Courtship is relationship between the opposite gender who are related specially. It isinitiated by the introduction until kissing, necking, petting and intercourse. Almost 80%
  • 3. Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016 Printed in the United States of America student have done premarital sex with his girlfriend or her boyfriend17 . The survey about sexual behavior at Junior and Senior High Schools in Cianjur West Java, it is found that 60% have intercourse seksual.18 Kutai district teenagers also did free sex.19 Research in four Junior high schools in Makassar was done; 45% students have done dating.20 As normative and moral ethics between teenager are uncontrolled, it will result topremarital sex.21 A survey conducted in the United States found that 47,8 % students of 9-12 years old have done premarital sex, 35 % high school students have been active in seksual.22 In this case, parents should understand and give explanation to their children. Unfortunately, there are still many parents who have less knowledge about sex education because of their limited education. Consequently, they could not guide their children well.23 Anotherimpacts when teenagers have courtship and then break off are: (based on true story)24 they will feel regret and face confidential and study problem Based on this research, students who did dating just talk about sex, hand embraced, holding the waist (33.2%), kissing, necking (20%). There is no one who did premarital sex. But if students are not given education about health reproduction and sex, they will gradually behave sex . Knowledge Based on this study, 207 (51,8%) students have less knowledge. Knowledge give contribution on premarital sex. Knowledge of a person will affect his attitude then contribute to intention for making it happen.25 Research in Sukoharjo Junior High School found that 68.8%students have less knowledge.26 in Surakarta only 23% have good knowledge, and the others still in enough and low category.27 Junior high school students still have unstable psychological and still in puberty. It is make them easier to get trapped into unhealty sex.28 Experience is factor that influences knowledge.29 Dating experience directly will affect and impact on the attitudes and behavior of their free sex. Attitude about free sex influenced by several things among other: personal experience, the influence of others, and the influence of culture.30 Indonesian culture considers “tabu” about free sex, the condition should ease for them to avoid free sex. Religious education are considered effective to prevent behavior of premarital sex. The other factors that affect knowledge is information. The easier information got, the better new knowledge will somebody got. Information obtained from formal or non-formal education can give impact to the short-term (immediate impact) that can change and enlarge knowledge.31 Various forms of media such as television, radio, newspaper, magazine and others have great influence on the establishment of opinions and trust. The provision of information can be undertaken through promotion.33 Promotion activity can be done to support teaching and learning in schools and can be developed to become part of the curriculum in Junior High School. This can be manifested if there is cooperation between the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Health and the other related division. Pornography Acces There are relationship between pornography acces with premarital sex. From 4500 student of 12 big cities in Indonesia, 97 percent watched porn movie.34 In Mataram 91 percent of students exposed to the pornography.20 35 Pornography acces through internet is not “tabu” now, the use of smartphone through Short Message Service (SMS).36 The utilization is very many among teenagers, Starting from doing their tasks, communicating, doing other activities and etc.37 Other impacts of the use of smartphone is the delivery porn picture.38 Internet also has a role in affecting premarital sex.14 Compared with VCD/ DVD and the internet, mobile phone is more simple. Pornography lover easily access and enjoy it personally. Mobile phone provide it. Research in USA in children (10-17 years old) found that there are six percent who received pornographic pictures and 28 percent transmits that images.39 Media ease pornography acces among teenagers. It is important for parents and teachers to give sex education.40 Education persons and other decision makers need to make policy and explain how premarital sex give negative impact for student .41.42 In sweden, the premarital sex done by fee for among high school students reported pertaining by the high exposure or consumption of pornography.43 The number was even higher than students in the United States. From 1352 students in five Junior High Schools in USA for average age 13 years old, reported that 27 percent of girl and 62 percent of boy students have experience premarital sex.44 The Pornography acces contribute conduct masturbation.45 The use of smartphone by students need to get serious attention for teachers and decision makers.
  • 4. Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016 Printed in the United States of America Smartphone is the media that transmit pornography most. If the use of smartphone unavoidable, so restrictions specification mobile phone need to do.20 Besides smartphone uses a computer in the internet network also familiar among teenagers. Research in Israel, internet use very dominant (64%), just chat that result in behavior diverge like cyberbullying and download film.46 In this study, students who use smartphone through SMS or MMS to stimulate sex 35,7%, watching porn CD/VCD 44%. It indicates that the role of this media access teenagers to expand curiosity about sex. If there is no controll by all sides, it will deliver tothe increasing of premarital behavior. Harmonious family Harmonious family is the second factor that has great influence towards sex premarital. The inharmonious family is 14,309 times risk than those who are not. One of the effects of inharmony within families is misbehavior. One of misbehaviour is premarital sex.47 Significant role between harmony in family and self concept will increase and decrease the premarital sexual behavior.48 Research on three conditions distinct families: inharmonious, normal family and harmonious families. The teenagers that grew up in inharmonious family tend to have greater risk of mind disturbance, being naughty and take part in anti social action.49 Teenagers who performs premarital sex came from divorced families. Another factors of inharmonies family is consuming alcohol. Those who began to be alcoholic<13 years old may be risk 2 times more to have planned sex. Then if we see from cultural and religional aspects of community, it is can be fine. Need further research.50 The divorce Data in Pekanbaru 2014 is 1.700 case. Increased than 200 cases which is on 2013 only 1.500 case. Parents are expected to maintain their marriage by participating in various counseling to improve harmonious family. Do not mock in front of the children.. Lifestyle In this study, students who are categorized asmodern lifestyle students is 60 % (240 students). Modern lifestyle is 40 % (160 student).The relationship between lifestyle with premarital is exist, but it is insignificant. Modern Lifestyle risk premarital sex 9,019 times than non modern lifestyle. In other research there was no correlation between lifestyle with the premarital sex behavior.51 Lifestyle in the globalization influenced by technological progress. Lifestyle can be defined as the state of having seen porn video. The impacts is that it can increase doing sex, addicted, lower women‟s dignity and finally decline the concentration, lazy to learn, and just want to have fun.53 The lifestyle of junior high school student in Pekanbaru is still categorized not modern. So it does not have any impact on premarital sex. Related data is still needed. Peers In this study, the percentage of peers affect students activities is 25,5% (102 students). Risk 9,228 times to conduct premarital sex.The teenagers who did premarital sex case in Surakarta (64 %) and 62% mentioned the role of their peers.There was correlation between peers and premarital sex.54 Teenagers in Padang West Sumatera, 16,6 % who behave risky, 4,3 % did premarital sex.55 In Jogjakarta , 4,77% have done premarital sex in 15 and 18 years old. They are adopted information by their friends, without having accurate information.11 In Banglades, 45% of women received information about reproductive health from peers.56 in Taheran (34%). Research on development model reproductive health services get 45% teenagers get information from the peers.57 In this study the influence their peers through the communication like smartphone make them get information about sex. It is important to teach religious value early. It is also important for institutions to give provision and teaching about how to choose good friends and guide them to behave positively Parents Monitoring This study found that there is relationship between parents control toward premarital sex .There is significant connection between parents monitoring with the seksual behavior.52 This study found that sexual behavior dominated by good sexual behavior. But if there is no proper monitoring from the parents, could be deviate behavior. The survey found that the majority of Indonesia has quite bad sexual behavior, 62.7 % teenagers are not virgin, 29 % teenagers agreed to the premarital sex.16 Bad sexual behavior is dominated by parents mistake. Parents did not provide information about sex and health reproduction. Less parents monitoring because of less understanding about it.58 In addition economic factors cause parents have little time to meet their children. But in this study we did not observe parents‟ point of view, this study focused
  • 5. Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters All rights reserved Vol.v (n), p1-p2, 2016 Printed in the United States of America on junior high school students. Need further research for this case. Other impacts of low parents monitoring is premarital sex. Communication and religious education. It is a need for parents to participate in giving health education. Cooperating with school management and related.59 52 One of the facilities to learn and share the experience is at “Bina Keluarga Remaja” (BKR) in public and integrated with PIK-R (Center of Information and Counseling ). Routine agenda of BKR is telling the role of parents for developing teenager, moral view, health reproduction, drugs, HIV/AIDs, nutritional and better life 5. CONCLUSION This study analyzes factors that related to premarital sex on 400 students ineleven Junior High school at Pekanbaru Riau. This factor is courtship status, knowledge, pornography access, harmonious family, lifestyle, peers and parents monitoring. Based on analysis bivariat by chy square Test, seven factors are related with premarital sex (P value<0.05), significant factors is peers factor risk 4,9 times do premarital sex. Multivariate analysis by regression logisticTest, two factors that most influential towards premarital sex, that are parents monitoring (POR; 20,2 times ) and harmony family (POR; 14,3 times). Suggestion: to build formation PIK-R (on Information and counseling youth centre), to build BKR (Family Adolescents Development) precautionary measure an increase premarital sex incidence. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thanks Directorate General of Higher Education Foundation Special Fund for Health Scientific Research. Department of education in Pekanbaru Riau. Thanks to Dr Mitra for his perspectives and encouragement throughout the study as head of research and community institutions in STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru Riau. We would like thanks to Eleven Junior high school student in Pekanbaru Riau. References 1. Stephenson, J., Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., Copas, A., Allen, E., Johnson, A. M. Pupil-led sex education in England (RIPPLE study): cluster randomised intervention trial. Lancet, 364. (2004) 2. Sarwono, SW. Psikologi Remaja. Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta. (2006) 3. Sze, T.-M., Lin, S.-H., Hsieh, P.-J., & Chen, I.-J. Sex Differences In The Development Of Perceived Family Cohesion And Depressive Symptoms In Taiwanese Adolescents. Psychological Reports, 113(1), 54–72. (2013) 4. Damanik, Hotmelia. Pengaruh Paparan Media Internet dan Teman Sebaya Terhadap Perilaku Seks Bebas Pada Remaja SMA XYZ tahun 2012. Tesis. Program Studi Magister FKM USU Medan. (2012) 5. BBKBN, Orang Tua Sebagai Sahabat Remaja, Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana, Jakarta (2002) 6. PKBI. Hasil penelitian Remaja di Pekanbaru (2008) 7. Witte, S. S., Aira, T., Tsai, L. C., Riedel, M., Offringa, R., Chang, M., Ssewamala, F. Efficacy of a savings-led microfinance intervention to reduce sexual risk for HIV among women engaged in sex work: A randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Public Health, 105(3), e95– e102. (2015) 8. Herd, P., Higgins, J., Sicinski, K., & Merkurieva, I. The implications of unintended pregnancies for mental health in later life. American Journal of Public Health, 106(3), 421–429. (2016) 9. Pangkahila, A. Perilaku Seksual Remaja. Sagung Seto. Jakarta (2005) 10. Zaltzman A,Falcon B,Harrison ME. Body Image in Adolescent Pregnancy. North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. (2015) 11. Sutjiningsih. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku seksual pranikah pada remaja [Edisi 2006], Disertasi. Yogyakarta. (2006) 12. Juliani, KP. Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Sikap Remaja Tentang Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Pada Siswi Kelas X Di SMA Negeri 1 Manado. Skripsi Universitas Samratulangi Manado (2014) 13. Marlina, H. Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Seksual Remaja SMA Negeri Se- Kota Pekanbaru. Jurnal Komunitas Kesehatan (2012) 14. Baumgartner, S. E., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. The Influence of Descriptive and Injunctive Peer Norms on Adolescents‟ Risky Sexual Online Behavior. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(12), 753–758. (2011) 15. Kinnaird,. Keluarga Makin Baik Hubungan Orangtua-Remaja Makin Rendah Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Diakses pada Tanggal 6 Januari 2009. (2003)
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