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Pitches (for inspirational use) - Pre Event Stories:
1 million Europeans will climb to the Moon and back
STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN: With an expected 1 million participants across Europe, the annual MOVE
Week will cement its position as the biggest community sport and physical activity event in Europe.
With so many participants the accumulated number of calories will surpass what it takes to climb stairs all
the way to the Moon and back. Every participant need to burn less than 150 calories during the MOVE Week
to reach the combined number of burned calories it will take to climb the approximately 477.7 million steps
to the Moon and the same 477.7 million back again
“MOVE Week has an amazing variety of events promoting physical activity. With this ‘Climb the Moon’-event
we are trying to show people in doubt that physical activity is fun and also how much is achievable”, says the
National Coordinator for MOVE Week in [your country], [your name].
(Room for more local content)
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
MOVE Week marks the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33
countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
Fun facts:
 You need to climb approximately 6.8 steps to burn one calorie depending on weight, age and gender.
 1470 burnt calories equals climbing approximately 10,000 steps ?
 If the climb was actually to the Moon the number of calories burnt would be a lot less because of
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information.
Around the World in a day
PARTICIPATE IN THE BIKE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE: A 100 km bike ride around [insert city] will mark
the beginning of the biggest community sport and physical activity event in Europe, the annual MOVE Week.
National Coordinator for MOVE Week in [your country], [your name], says: “If we can get 400 participants
to the finish line we will reach 40.000 km between the bike riders, equaling the distance around the Globe. It
is very ambitious but also very achievable because of our backing by the European Cyclists’ Federation”.
The trip around the World starts and ends in [insert place/city] on [insert weekday, date and time] and the
peloton will be lead by [famous bike rider/ambassador/National Coordinator/Move Agent]. There will be
refreshments on the route and all participants will receive a [prize e.g. a diploma, an “I rode around the
world”-t-shirt or other fun stuff you can get sponsored]
(Room for more local content)
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
The event is a part of the MOVE Week, which marks the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with
more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and
physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
Fun facts:
 The term “bicycle” was not introduced until the 1860s, when it was coined in France to describe a
new kind of two-wheeler with a mechanical drive. Before the word ‘bicycle’ become popular bikes
were typically called ‘velocipedes’.
 Americans use their bicycles for less than one percent of all urban trips. Europeans bike in cities a lot
more often—in Italy 5 percent of all trips are on bicycle, 30 percent in the Netherlands, and seven out
of eight Dutch people over age 15 have a bike.
 The energy required to cycle at low to medium speeds is roughly the same as the energy required to
 Statistics show that cyclists, even those who only travel short distances can reduce the risk of death
by 22 per cent. Cycling can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information. With over 70 members across nearly 40 countries, the European Cyclists’
Federation (ECF) unites cyclist’ associations from across the globe, giving them a voice on the
international level, with the aim to get more people cycling more often by influencing policy in favour of
cycling. Click here for more information.
People all over Europe will exercise next week
100 MILLION MORE EUROPEANS PHYSICALLY ACTIVE BY 2020: That is the ambitious goal set
by the European Union. One of the keys to reach this objective is the annual MOVE Week that takes place in
250 cities in 33 countries all over Europe from 29 September to 5 October 2014.
In [your country] there will be held approximately [number of events] throughout the week which is an
increase of [X events/percent] compared to last year. Find all the events near you on the website[local url].
“This is a fantastic opportunity for all [insert nationality e.g. ‘Germans’] to get moving. [Your country] is
among the EU member states with the highest [insert argument, e.g. fatality rate] due to [insert reason, e.g.
lifestyle diseases]. MOVE Week will help these numbers decline by staging more than [number of events]
events in [your country] during the week”, explains National Coordinator for MOVE Week in [your country],
[your name].
(Room for more local content)
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
MOVE Week marks the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33
countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
Facts about MOVE Week:
 2000 MOVE Week 2014 events
 33 countries
 250 cities involved
 1,000,000 individual participants
 25,000 volunteers
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information.
Pitches (for inspirational use) – Descriptive Event Stories/Post Event Stories:
Great success for European campaign in [your country]
European Network: More than [number and nationality] participated in last week’s MOVE Week, the
biggest community sport and physical activity event in Europe.
In [your country] there was [number] events held throughout the country ranging from [insert event type,
e.g. river rafting] to [insert event type, e.g. cross country roller skating]. Some events were held just this once
while most were sport clubs or organizations giving examples of what they do every day. The National
Coordinator for [your country], [your name], explains the benefits:
“A lot of sport clubs got to show the public what they have to offer and the feedback we got from the clubs are
that they’ve had many new members signing up. This is what MOVE Week is all about: Not only to get people
moving during one week, but for months, years or even a lifetime”.
(Room for more local content)
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33
countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
Facts about MOVE Week:
 Approximately [2000] MOVE Week 2014 events were held
 [33] countries took part
 More than [250] cities involved
 An expected 1,000,000 individuals participated
 Around [25,000] volunteers made it possible
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information.
MOVE Week got elderly across the country moving
SPORT FOR ALL: [Insert event e.g. Tai Chi] was among the events open to everyone in [your country]
during the pan-European MOVE Week. People of all ages participated and the arrangers were thrilled with
the participation of especially one age segment.
“We had events targeting ages between [youngest] and [oldest] and especially the elderly were an age group
we tried to engage this year. We know from the European Commission's annual public opinion survey,
Eurobarometer, that those aged 55 or over exercise less than half as much as the 15-24 year-olds so getting in
touch with our senior citizens was a very high priority for us”, says the National Coordinator for [your
country], [your name].
The [number] events had more than [number] of participants and the National Coordinator estimates that
[number] of those were aged 55 or over.
(Room for more local content)
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33
countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
Facts on elderly people and exercise:
 The inactivity figures for both women and men of those aged 55 and over are extremely
high, 71% of women and 70% of men of that age group do never or seldom exercise or play
 Only 8% of the 55+ age group are members of a sports club
 55-years old or more spend more time volunteering in sport than those younger (40%
spend at least six hours per month volunteering in sports compared with between 32% and
35% in younger age groups)
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information.
Local clubs from [city] enjoyed MOVE Week 2014
LOCAL COMMITMENT: Several clubs from [city] took part in Europe’s biggest event celebrating sport
and physical activity.
Sports clubs from [your city] signed up to participate in the International Sports & Cultural Association’s
European MOVE Week with a variety of sports, from badminton to kickboxing, all involved.
The project got a [insert word play e.g. flying] start when local [insert participants e.g. kite surfers], who train
at [location], gave it their backing.
Other events in [city] included a group of [insert e.g. youngsters, seniors etc.], at [club], who held a special
MOVE Week [insert event type] Competition. It is estimated that [insert number] participated in MOVE
Week events in [your city].
For more information on MOVE Week events in other parts of [insert country] read more on the website:
(Room for more local content)
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33
countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information.
Pitches (for inspirational use) – Case stories:
38-year old accountant is getting rid of 100 pound of body
fat in just one evening
COPENHAGEN: In an effort to lose a couple of pounds 38-year old Peter Jensen started to run five
kilometers 2-3 times per week. In less than six months he ran his first Marathon and within a year he
completed an Ironman. That was five years ago. Today he uses most of his spare time to help others get in
Peter Jensen: “It started on Facebook when I and three friends created a group to help motivate each other to
get in shape for a Triathlon. Suddenly we got a lot of requests to join the group from our friends and from
friends of friends. In a matter of weeks we were 33 guys in the group and planned different activities every
week. You could join a running activity Monday, a bike ride Wednesday, swimming Saturday etc. Almost
every day somebody was either swimming, running or going for a bike ride so you could plan your exercise
exactly as it fitted into your work and family life and there would always be somebody to train with”.
Only one of the 33 group members didn’t manage to show up at the starting line. The success lead Peter
Jensen to create another Facebook group for an upcoming Ironman. This time the group had more than 250
members of whom 213 completed the Ironman. Now he and a handful of friends pick a specific event they
want to prepare for and then create a group on the social network. When he learned about MOVE Week he
and his friends decided to make an event open to everyone instead of only those in really good shape, he
decided to become a MOVE Agent.
“Every exercise today is about burning calories so we decided to make a run for it. On Wednesday 1 October
everyone who wants to be a part of our little experiment can show up at Amager Beach, Tower 3 at 6 pm and
get a map of our routes. We have made 5 km, 10 km, half a Marathon and a full Marathon route so anyone
can join in and help us reach our goal of burning 350,000 calories in just one evening”, explains Peter
The 38-year old accountant expects somewhere between 500 and 1000 Danes participating in his MOVE
Week event. The target of 350,000 calories equals 100 pound of body fat. Join the event on Wednesday 1
October and the group ‘100 pound of body fat in one evening’ on Facebook.
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33
countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information.
I run, therefore I am
MY RUNNING PHILOSOPHY: For [X]-year old [your full name], running was never something that
came easy. Born with one leg an inch shorter than the other physical activity was difficult and sometimes
even painful during childhood.
After a troublesome youth, [your first name] ended up at local physician by chance: “I just had an
inflammation of the middle ear that I wanted to get examined. My normal physician was away on vacation so
I had to go to a complete stranger. After looking at my ears he asked if there was anything else he could do for
me. I just made a fun remark about him being welcome to cure me and my legs. He actually figured out how
to treat my back pains and also showed me a method to both walk and run without stressing my body”.
From not being able to do anything physically demanding the first [X] years, [your name] suddenly could do
the same as everyone else in [insert home city]. “I started slowly but got fit really, really fast and within six
months I was able to run 5 km. I got very emotional when I reached 10 km two months later and now I just
can’t stop running”, says [your name].
With a childhood struggle like that and something resembling a cure [your name] decided to help others with
minor physical anomalies like leg length discrepancy. After taking a diploma in physiotherapy [your name]
started out working with the running style that worked on [his/hers] own body, Pose Running.
Pose Running
[Your name] explains: “Pose Running is not only for those with Unequal Leg Lenght or similar physical
rarities but also perfectly healthy people getting back pains from running. Of course exercises for the back are
vital in preventing back pains but Pose Running offers a much less physically demanding way to exercise
than normal running styles”.
Pose Running was actually invented in Russia in the early 80’s but wasn’t known in the broader public until
late 90’s. Pose Running is a simple method to eliminate injuries and if you get to master it you will
substantially improve your personal best time. In short it works by utilizing gravity to propel the body
forward, in a sort of "falling”.
If you want to try it yourself, [your full name] will instruct on the running technique [location e.g. in
Tiergarten, meeting point outside Starbucks on Pariser Platz (Brandenburger Tor)] every day during
Europe's biggest sport and physical activity event, MOVE Week, which runs from 29 September to 5 October
in 33 countries all over the continent.
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33
countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information.
My sport volunteering became my career
[x]-year old [your name] had something to give. It was not a lot of money or other goods, but he/she had
time, a lot of time.
For many people, a career in sports is a dream. It is an area that is notoriously difficult to get into, and every
year thousands of people across [your country] apply for voluntary positions in order to get their foot in the
door. [Your name] began volunteering because he/she had a lot of time to give – and ended up building a
career from it.
“As a student I had all the time in the world every day after finishing my homework. I really wanted to give
something back to my community, so it was time that I put to good use, by helping others in sports.
Volunteering made me many new friends but most important I found that I could put a smile on someone’s
face just by donating my time in the local sports club”, says the National Coordinator for [your country],
[your name] and continues:
“I didn’t initially intend to make a career out of the volunteering. But after I completed my studies in [your
major e.g. Medicine or Humanities and Social Sport] I realised that I might actually be able to turn what I
was doing for fun into a job”.
[Your name] started as an [job title] in [month or year] and has worked professionally with grassroots sports
ever since.
(Room for more local content)
MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020
MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33
countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.
Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult
population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per
day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths,
about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.
ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational
sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137
member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click
here for more information.

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PR Pitches MW 2014

  • 1. Pitches (for inspirational use) - Pre Event Stories: 1 million Europeans will climb to the Moon and back STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN: With an expected 1 million participants across Europe, the annual MOVE Week will cement its position as the biggest community sport and physical activity event in Europe. With so many participants the accumulated number of calories will surpass what it takes to climb stairs all the way to the Moon and back. Every participant need to burn less than 150 calories during the MOVE Week to reach the combined number of burned calories it will take to climb the approximately 477.7 million steps to the Moon and the same 477.7 million back again “MOVE Week has an amazing variety of events promoting physical activity. With this ‘Climb the Moon’-event we are trying to show people in doubt that physical activity is fun and also how much is achievable”, says the National Coordinator for MOVE Week in [your country], [your name]. (Room for more local content) MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 MOVE Week marks the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. Fun facts:  You need to climb approximately 6.8 steps to burn one calorie depending on weight, age and gender.  1470 burnt calories equals climbing approximately 10,000 steps ?  If the climb was actually to the Moon the number of calories burnt would be a lot less because of gravity ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information.
  • 2. Around the World in a day PARTICIPATE IN THE BIKE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE: A 100 km bike ride around [insert city] will mark the beginning of the biggest community sport and physical activity event in Europe, the annual MOVE Week. National Coordinator for MOVE Week in [your country], [your name], says: “If we can get 400 participants to the finish line we will reach 40.000 km between the bike riders, equaling the distance around the Globe. It is very ambitious but also very achievable because of our backing by the European Cyclists’ Federation”. The trip around the World starts and ends in [insert place/city] on [insert weekday, date and time] and the peloton will be lead by [famous bike rider/ambassador/National Coordinator/Move Agent]. There will be refreshments on the route and all participants will receive a [prize e.g. a diploma, an “I rode around the world”-t-shirt or other fun stuff you can get sponsored] (Room for more local content) MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 The event is a part of the MOVE Week, which marks the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. Fun facts:  The term “bicycle” was not introduced until the 1860s, when it was coined in France to describe a new kind of two-wheeler with a mechanical drive. Before the word ‘bicycle’ become popular bikes were typically called ‘velocipedes’.  Americans use their bicycles for less than one percent of all urban trips. Europeans bike in cities a lot more often—in Italy 5 percent of all trips are on bicycle, 30 percent in the Netherlands, and seven out of eight Dutch people over age 15 have a bike.  The energy required to cycle at low to medium speeds is roughly the same as the energy required to walk.  Statistics show that cyclists, even those who only travel short distances can reduce the risk of death by 22 per cent. Cycling can reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information. With over 70 members across nearly 40 countries, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) unites cyclist’ associations from across the globe, giving them a voice on the international level, with the aim to get more people cycling more often by influencing policy in favour of cycling. Click here for more information.
  • 3. People all over Europe will exercise next week 100 MILLION MORE EUROPEANS PHYSICALLY ACTIVE BY 2020: That is the ambitious goal set by the European Union. One of the keys to reach this objective is the annual MOVE Week that takes place in 250 cities in 33 countries all over Europe from 29 September to 5 October 2014. In [your country] there will be held approximately [number of events] throughout the week which is an increase of [X events/percent] compared to last year. Find all the events near you on the website[local url]. “This is a fantastic opportunity for all [insert nationality e.g. ‘Germans’] to get moving. [Your country] is among the EU member states with the highest [insert argument, e.g. fatality rate] due to [insert reason, e.g. lifestyle diseases]. MOVE Week will help these numbers decline by staging more than [number of events] events in [your country] during the week”, explains National Coordinator for MOVE Week in [your country], [your name]. (Room for more local content) MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 MOVE Week marks the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. Facts about MOVE Week:  2000 MOVE Week 2014 events  33 countries  250 cities involved  1,000,000 individual participants  25,000 volunteers ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information.
  • 4. Pitches (for inspirational use) – Descriptive Event Stories/Post Event Stories: Great success for European campaign in [your country] European Network: More than [number and nationality] participated in last week’s MOVE Week, the biggest community sport and physical activity event in Europe. In [your country] there was [number] events held throughout the country ranging from [insert event type, e.g. river rafting] to [insert event type, e.g. cross country roller skating]. Some events were held just this once while most were sport clubs or organizations giving examples of what they do every day. The National Coordinator for [your country], [your name], explains the benefits: “A lot of sport clubs got to show the public what they have to offer and the feedback we got from the clubs are that they’ve had many new members signing up. This is what MOVE Week is all about: Not only to get people moving during one week, but for months, years or even a lifetime”. (Room for more local content) MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. Facts about MOVE Week:  Approximately [2000] MOVE Week 2014 events were held  [33] countries took part  More than [250] cities involved  An expected 1,000,000 individuals participated  Around [25,000] volunteers made it possible ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information.
  • 5. MOVE Week got elderly across the country moving SPORT FOR ALL: [Insert event e.g. Tai Chi] was among the events open to everyone in [your country] during the pan-European MOVE Week. People of all ages participated and the arrangers were thrilled with the participation of especially one age segment. “We had events targeting ages between [youngest] and [oldest] and especially the elderly were an age group we tried to engage this year. We know from the European Commission's annual public opinion survey, Eurobarometer, that those aged 55 or over exercise less than half as much as the 15-24 year-olds so getting in touch with our senior citizens was a very high priority for us”, says the National Coordinator for [your country], [your name]. The [number] events had more than [number] of participants and the National Coordinator estimates that [number] of those were aged 55 or over. (Room for more local content) MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. Facts on elderly people and exercise:  The inactivity figures for both women and men of those aged 55 and over are extremely high, 71% of women and 70% of men of that age group do never or seldom exercise or play sport  Only 8% of the 55+ age group are members of a sports club  55-years old or more spend more time volunteering in sport than those younger (40% spend at least six hours per month volunteering in sports compared with between 32% and 35% in younger age groups) ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information.
  • 6. Local clubs from [city] enjoyed MOVE Week 2014 LOCAL COMMITMENT: Several clubs from [city] took part in Europe’s biggest event celebrating sport and physical activity. Sports clubs from [your city] signed up to participate in the International Sports & Cultural Association’s European MOVE Week with a variety of sports, from badminton to kickboxing, all involved. The project got a [insert word play e.g. flying] start when local [insert participants e.g. kite surfers], who train at [location], gave it their backing. Other events in [city] included a group of [insert e.g. youngsters, seniors etc.], at [club], who held a special MOVE Week [insert event type] Competition. It is estimated that [insert number] participated in MOVE Week events in [your city]. For more information on MOVE Week events in other parts of [insert country] read more on the website: (Room for more local content) MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information.
  • 7. Pitches (for inspirational use) – Case stories: 38-year old accountant is getting rid of 100 pound of body fat in just one evening COPENHAGEN: In an effort to lose a couple of pounds 38-year old Peter Jensen started to run five kilometers 2-3 times per week. In less than six months he ran his first Marathon and within a year he completed an Ironman. That was five years ago. Today he uses most of his spare time to help others get in shape. Peter Jensen: “It started on Facebook when I and three friends created a group to help motivate each other to get in shape for a Triathlon. Suddenly we got a lot of requests to join the group from our friends and from friends of friends. In a matter of weeks we were 33 guys in the group and planned different activities every week. You could join a running activity Monday, a bike ride Wednesday, swimming Saturday etc. Almost every day somebody was either swimming, running or going for a bike ride so you could plan your exercise exactly as it fitted into your work and family life and there would always be somebody to train with”. Only one of the 33 group members didn’t manage to show up at the starting line. The success lead Peter Jensen to create another Facebook group for an upcoming Ironman. This time the group had more than 250 members of whom 213 completed the Ironman. Now he and a handful of friends pick a specific event they want to prepare for and then create a group on the social network. When he learned about MOVE Week he and his friends decided to make an event open to everyone instead of only those in really good shape, he decided to become a MOVE Agent. “Every exercise today is about burning calories so we decided to make a run for it. On Wednesday 1 October everyone who wants to be a part of our little experiment can show up at Amager Beach, Tower 3 at 6 pm and get a map of our routes. We have made 5 km, 10 km, half a Marathon and a full Marathon route so anyone can join in and help us reach our goal of burning 350,000 calories in just one evening”, explains Peter Jensen. The 38-year old accountant expects somewhere between 500 and 1000 Danes participating in his MOVE Week event. The target of 350,000 calories equals 100 pound of body fat. Join the event on Wednesday 1 October and the group ‘100 pound of body fat in one evening’ on Facebook. MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information.
  • 8. I run, therefore I am MY RUNNING PHILOSOPHY: For [X]-year old [your full name], running was never something that came easy. Born with one leg an inch shorter than the other physical activity was difficult and sometimes even painful during childhood. After a troublesome youth, [your first name] ended up at local physician by chance: “I just had an inflammation of the middle ear that I wanted to get examined. My normal physician was away on vacation so I had to go to a complete stranger. After looking at my ears he asked if there was anything else he could do for me. I just made a fun remark about him being welcome to cure me and my legs. He actually figured out how to treat my back pains and also showed me a method to both walk and run without stressing my body”. From not being able to do anything physically demanding the first [X] years, [your name] suddenly could do the same as everyone else in [insert home city]. “I started slowly but got fit really, really fast and within six months I was able to run 5 km. I got very emotional when I reached 10 km two months later and now I just can’t stop running”, says [your name]. With a childhood struggle like that and something resembling a cure [your name] decided to help others with minor physical anomalies like leg length discrepancy. After taking a diploma in physiotherapy [your name] started out working with the running style that worked on [his/hers] own body, Pose Running. Pose Running [Your name] explains: “Pose Running is not only for those with Unequal Leg Lenght or similar physical rarities but also perfectly healthy people getting back pains from running. Of course exercises for the back are vital in preventing back pains but Pose Running offers a much less physically demanding way to exercise than normal running styles”. Pose Running was actually invented in Russia in the early 80’s but wasn’t known in the broader public until late 90’s. Pose Running is a simple method to eliminate injuries and if you get to master it you will substantially improve your personal best time. In short it works by utilizing gravity to propel the body forward, in a sort of "falling”. If you want to try it yourself, [your full name] will instruct on the running technique [location e.g. in Tiergarten, meeting point outside Starbucks on Pariser Platz (Brandenburger Tor)] every day during Europe's biggest sport and physical activity event, MOVE Week, which runs from 29 September to 5 October in 33 countries all over the continent. MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information.
  • 9. My sport volunteering became my career [x]-year old [your name] had something to give. It was not a lot of money or other goods, but he/she had time, a lot of time. For many people, a career in sports is a dream. It is an area that is notoriously difficult to get into, and every year thousands of people across [your country] apply for voluntary positions in order to get their foot in the door. [Your name] began volunteering because he/she had a lot of time to give – and ended up building a career from it. “As a student I had all the time in the world every day after finishing my homework. I really wanted to give something back to my community, so it was time that I put to good use, by helping others in sports. Volunteering made me many new friends but most important I found that I could put a smile on someone’s face just by donating my time in the local sports club”, says the National Coordinator for [your country], [your name] and continues: “I didn’t initially intend to make a career out of the volunteering. But after I completed my studies in [your major e.g. Medicine or Humanities and Social Sport] I realised that I might actually be able to turn what I was doing for fun into a job”. [Your name] started as an [job title] in [month or year] and has worked professionally with grassroots sports ever since. (Room for more local content) MOVE Week will move 100 million more Europeans by 2020 MOVE Week was the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The vision is to have 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population over 15 years in Europe do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 137 member organisations worldwide, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Click here for more information.