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Ms. Amandeep Kaur
Nursing Tutor
 It is an inflammatory condition of the lung that is
caused by a microbial agent.
 “Pneumonitis” is a general term that describes an
inflammatory process in the lung tissue that may
predispose a patient to or place a patient at risk for
microbial invasion.
 It is the leading cause of death from the infectious
“An inflammation of the lung
parenchyma (the respiratory bronchioles
and the alveoli) is known as Pneumonia”.
Pneumonia is mainly caused by
microorganisms which enter the lower
respiratory system and cause infection.
The microorganism includes bacteria,
mycobacteria, mycoplasma, fungi,
parasites, and viruses.
 Common illness affecting approximately 450 million
people a year occurring in all part of the world, and 4
million death yearly .
 Rates are greater in children less than five years and
adult older than 75 years.
 It occurs five times more in the developing world than
in the developed world.
 It is the eighth leading cause of death in United States ,
resulting in almost 70,000 deaths per year. In persons
65 years of age and older, it is the fifth leading cause of
 In India it is the single largest cause of death in
children, resulting in nearly 120 million cases a year.
 1. According to the causative organisms
(a) Bacterial :-
 Pneumococcal pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumonia**
 Staphylococcal pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus
 Influenzal pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenza
 Gram-negative bacterial pneumonia caused by Klebsiella
 Anaerobic bacterial pneumonia caused by normal oral flora.
(b) Viral :-
 Rhinovirus, coronaviruses, influenza virus, respiratory sncytial virus(RSV),
adenovirus and parainfluenza.
 Herpes simplex virus rarely causes pneumonia in newborns, persons with
cancer, transplant recipients, and people with significant burns.
 People following organ transplantation or immunocompromised present
high rates of cytomegalovirus pneumonia.
(c) Fungal :-
 Fungal pneumonia caused by histoplasmosis , blastomycosis,
coccidioidomycosis, aspergillosis, candidiasis.
(d) Parasitic :-
 Parasitic pneumonia (caused by protozoa, nematodes,
platyhelminthes); common organism is Pneumocystis
(carinii) firoveci
2. According to the environment
 Community-acquired pneumonia.
 Hospital acquired pneumonia.
 Pneumonia in the immuno-compromised host.
 Ventilator acquired Pneumonia.(VAP)
3. According to the areas of the lung involved/affected
 Lobar pneumonia
 Multilobar pneumonia
 Bronchial pneumonia
 Interstitial pneumonia
 Alveolar (acinar) pneumonia
 Necrotizing pneumonia
 Segmental pneumonia
4. According to the cause
 Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP)/
cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis (COP).
 Eosinophilic pneumonia : occur in response to infection with
 Chemical pneumonia
 Aspiration pneumonia
 Dust pneumonia
 Bilateral pneumonia.
There are many causes of pneumonia including
bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, fungal agents and
protozoa. It may also result from inhalation of toxic
or caustic chemicals, smoke, dusts or gases or
aspiration of food, fluids, or vomitus. Pneumonia may
complicate to chronic illnesses.
 Age 60 or older
 Smoking
 Air pollution
 Altered consciousness : Alcoholism, head injury, anaesthesia,
drug overdose
 Tracheal intubation
 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
 Chronic Disease : Chronic lung disease, Diabetes mellitus,
heart disease, cancer
 Immunosuppression.
 Malnutrition.
 Inhalation of noxious substances.
 Prolonged Bed rest and immobility
 Aspiration of fluid, liquid, foreign or gastric content.
 Prolonged hospital stay.
 Residence in institutional areas/setting where transmission is
 Fatigue
Infectious agent, Foreign substance, blood borne organisms
that enter the blood circulation or Aspiration of gastric content
Mucosal edema of
alveolar membrane occur
The alveoli fills with
Cause inflammation of pulmonary tissue affecting both
ventilation and diffusion
interferes with the
diffusion of oxygen and
carbon dioxide
causing occlution of
alveoli resulting in
decrease alveolar oxygen
Hypoxia occur with retention of
carbon dioxide, Shortness of
breath, Fatigue ,Crackles in
lungs Or decrease Breath
 Fever
 Chills and sweating
 Productive cough
 Shortness of breath
 Pleuritic chest pain
 Hypoxemia
 Fatigue
 Tachypnea
 Hemoptysis
 Dyspnea
 Tachypnea
 Headache
 Crackling sounds over affected area
 Dullness on percussion on affected area
 Decrease in breath sounds
 Unequal chest expansion
Cough 79–91%
Fatigue 90%
Fever 71–75%
Shortness of breath 67–75%
Sputum 60–65%
Chest pain 39–49%
 Physical examination.
 Chest X-ray.
 Gram stain and culture and sensitivity tests of sputum.
 Blood culture.
 Immunologic test to detect microbial antigens.
 CT Scan thorax.
 Transtracheal aspirate.
 Fiberoptic bronchoscopy or transcutaneous needle aspiration
 Transcutaneous oxygen level analysis or ABG.
 Antimicrobial therapy
Penicillin G or Penicillin
V, or amoxicillin
clavulanate (Augmentin),
sulfamethoxazole (TMP-
Macrolide antibiotics such as
azithromycin (Zithromax) or
clarithromycin (Biaxin);
doxycycline; oral beta lactams
such as cefuroxime (Ceftin),
Penicillin. Cephalosporins; vancomycin
(Vancocin) for methicillin-
resistant S. aureus.
cephalosporins, β lactam-
β- lactamase inhibitor,
Azithromycin, TMP-SMZ
Doxycycline, macrolides,
3rd generation cephalosporin
with or without
aminiglycoside, carbapenams
Aztreonam, β lactam-β-
lactamase inhibitor,
Macrolide + rifampin,
Doxycycline + rifampin
TMP-SMZ, pentamidine +
Dapsone + trimethoprim +
Clindamycin + primaquine +
 Oxygen therapy
 Nutritional support
 Fluid and electrolyte management
 Bronchodilators medications: albuterol sulphate, metaproterenol
or methylxanthines.
 Deep breathing exercises and spirometry
 Chest physiotherapy
 Percussion & Vibration
 Postural drainage
 Nasotracheal suctioning
FIG:- Patient positions for postural drainage.
 Empyema.
 Lung Abscess.
 Bronchiolitis Obliterans.
 Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome (ARDS).
 Sepsis.
 Bacterimia.
 Hypotension and shock,
especially in gram negative
bacterial disease, particularly in
elderly patients.
 Atelectasis.
 Pleural effusion.
 Pericarditis.
With treatment, most types of bacterial pneumonia
will stabilize in 3–6 days. It often takes a few
weeks before most symptoms resolved. In persons
requiring hospitalization, mortality may be as high
as 10%, and in those requiring intensive care it may
reach 30–50%.
NURSING MANAGEMENT Nursing Assessment
 Take a careful history to help establish etiologic diagnosis.
 Assess the elderly patient for unusual behavior, altered mental
status, dehydration, excessive fatigue, and concomitant heart
 Observe for anxious, flushed appearance, shallow respirations,
splinting of affected side, confusion, disorientation.
 Auscultate for crackles overlying affected region, and for
bronchial breath sounds when consolidation (filling of airspaces
with exudate) is present.
1. Impaired gas exchange related to inflammatory pulmonary
infection evidenced by presence of retained secretions,
Changes in respiratory rate diminished/adventitious breath
sounds, dyspnea, cyanosis Ineffective cough
 Assess rate, depth of respirations and chest movement.
 Auscultate lung fields.
 Elevate head of bed.
 Assist and demonstrate client with frequent deep-breathing
exercises, splinting the chest and coughing.
 Suctioning is done as indicated.
 Force fluids to at least 2500 mL per day, unless
contraindicated, as in HF
 Assist with and monitor effects of nebulizer treatments and
other respiratory physiotherapy, such as incentive spirometer,
percussion, and postural drainage.
 Administer medications, as indicated, for example, mucolytics,
expectorants, bronchodilators, and analgesics.
 Provide supplemental fluids such as IV, humidified oxygen,
and room humidification.
 Monitor serial chest x-rays, ABGs, and pulse oximetry
2. Impaired Gas Exchange related t oAlveolar-capillary
membrane changes Ventilation-perfusion imbalance, possibly
evidenced By dyspnea, abnormal skin color (e.g., pale,
dusky)tachycardia, restlessness, confusion ,Hypoxia
 Assess the respiratory status, skin colour, mental status, heart rhythm and
body temperature.
 Elevate head and encourage frequent position changes, deep breathing, and
effective coughing. And maintain bedrest
 Observe for deterioration in condition, noting hypotension, copious amounts
of pink or bloody sputum, pallor, cyanosis, change in level of
consciousness, severe dyspnea, and restlessness.
 Monitor ABGs and pulse oximetry.
 Administer oxygen therapy by appropriate .
3. Risk for Infection related to inadequate primary defenses due to
decreased ciliary action, stasis of body fluids [respiratory
secretions]; Inadequate secondary defenses due to [presence of
existing infection], immunosuppression; chronic disease,
malnutrition, possibly evidenced By presence of signs and
symptoms establishes an actual diagnosis.
 Monitor vital signs closely, especially during initiation of
 Instruct client concerning the disposition of secretions
reporting changes in color, amount, and odor of secretions.
 Change position frequently and provide good pulmonary toilet,.
 perform proper suctioning technique for ventilated clients as
 Limit visitors, and institute isolation precautions as
individually appropriate.
 Promote adequate nutritional intake.
 Investigate sudden changes or deterioration in condition,
such as increasing chest pain, extra heart sounds, altered
sensorium, recurring fever, and changes in sputum
 Administer antimicrobials, as indicated, by results of
sputum and blood cultures.
4. Activity Intolerance related To Imbalance between oxygen
supply and demand, General weakness, possibly evidenced by
report of weakness, fatigue, exertional dyspnea , Tachypnea,
Abnormal heart rate response to activity.
 Evaluate client’s response to activity. Note reports of dyspnea,
increased weakness and fatigue, and changes in vital signs
during and after activities
 Provide a quiet environment and limit visitors during acute
phase and encourage use of stress management and diversional
activities as appropriate.
 Explain importance of rest in treatment plan and necessity for
balancing activities with rest.
 Assist with self-care activities as necessary.
5. Acute Pain related to Injuring agents (e.g., biological—
inflammation of lung parenchyma, cellular reactions to
circulating toxins; physical—persistent coughing) possibly
evidenced by Verbal/coded report [pleuritic chest pain,
headache, muscle or joint pain] and guarded behavior,
expressive behavior—restlessness.
 Determine pain characteristics, Investigate changes in
character, location, and intensity of pain.
 Monitor vital signs.
 Provide comfort measures, such as back rubs, change of
position, and quiet music or conversation. Encourage use of
relaxation and breathing exercises.
 Instruct and assist client in chest-splinting techniques
during coughing episodes.
 Administer analgesics and antitussives, as indicated.
6. Deficient Knowledge regarding condition, treatment, self-care, and discharge
needs, related to lack of exposure , information misinterpretation, lack of
recall possibly evidenced by reports the problem, inaccurate follow-through of
 Assess the level of understanding of the patient and knowledge.
 Explain about the disease condition, its signs and symptoms and treatment
 Explain and demonstrate about the importance of effective coughing and deep
breathing exercises.
 Stress necessity of continuing antimicrobial therapy.
 Explain about balanced rest and activity, avoiding smoking, well-rounded diet,
program of aerobic exercise or strength training (particularly elderly
individuals), and avoidance of crowds during cold and flu season and of
persons with upper respiratory infections.
 Stress importance of continuing medical follow-up and obtaining vaccinations
and immunizations as appropriate for both children and adults.
The client will be able to :-
 Airway with breath sounds is clear and absence of
dyspnea and cyanosis.
 Improved ventilation and oxygenation of tissues by
ABGs within client’s acceptable range.
 Participate in actions to maximize oxygenation
 Achieve timely resolution of current infection without
 Identify interventions to prevent and reduce risk and
spread of a secondary infection.
 Report and demonstrate a measurable increase in
tolerance to activity.
 Verbalize understanding of disease condition
participate in treatment program.
 Advise patient to complete entire course of antibiotics.
 Once clinically stable, encourage gradual increase in activities to
bring energy level back to pre-illness stage.
 Encourage breathing exercises.
 Explain that a chest X-ray is usually taken 4 to 6 weeks after
recovery .
 Advise smoking cessation .
 Advise patient to keep up natural resistance with good nutrition and
adequate rest.
 Instruct patient to avoid fatigue, sudden extremes in temperature, and
excessive alcohol intake.
 Advice patient to practice frequent handwashing, especially after
contact with others.
1. Oral health and ventilator-associated pneumonia among
critically ill patients: a prospective study.
Saensom D, Merchant AT, wara-Aswapati N, Ruaisungneon w, Pitiphat W
OBJECTIVE:- To evaluate the association between oral health and ventilator
associated pneumonia (VAP) among critically ill patients.
METHODS:- A prospective cohort study was conducted among 162 critically
ill patients who are newly intubated and treated with mechanical ventilator
in one tertiary hospital in Thailand. Oral health status was assessed using
Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT), Plaque Index (PI), and number of
teeth. VAP, defined as Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score>6, was assessed
on Day 4 after intubation. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs)
were calculated using Cox proportional hazards regression adjusted for
 Critically ill patients had deteriorating oral health status after
 Early-onset VAP developed in 69 patients (42.6%), with VAP
incidence of 117 episodes per 1000 ventilator-days.
 Patients with moderate-to-very poor oral hygiene assessed by
PI had increased VAP risk of 1.66-folds .The number of teeth
was not associated with VAP development.
 CONCLUSIONS:- There is a strong association between poor
oral health and increased risk for early-onset VAP. Routine oral
care possibly prevents VAP development among critically ill
patients treated with mechanical ventilator.
 Fischer Walker, C., Rudan, I.,Liu, L. et al. Global burden of childhood
pneumonia and diarrhea, Lancet, 2013.
 Lewis Mantik Sharon, Hetkamper Mclean Margeret, Dirksen Ruff
Shannon. Medical Surgical Nursing : Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problems. 6th Edition. USA; Published by Mosby. 2000.p. 593-
 Lemone Priscilla, Karen Burke. Medical Surgical Nursing: Critical
Thinking in Client Care. 4th Edition. New Delhi: Published by Dorling
Kindersley (India) Pvt, Ltd. 2003.p.1267-1276.
 Smeltzer C Suzanne, Bare G Brenda, Hinkle L Jainice, Cheever H Kerry.
Brunner and Suddharth textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 11th
Edition. New Delhi: Published by Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt, Ltd.
2008. P.636-647.
 Ruuskanen, O;Lahti, E; Jennings, LC; Murdoch, DR (2011-04-09). “Viral
Pneumonia:. Lancet. 337 (9773):1264-75. doi:10.1016/S0140-
6736(10)61459-6. PMID21435708.
Pneumonia seminar presentaation

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Pneumonia seminar presentaation

  • 2. INTRODUCTION  It is an inflammatory condition of the lung that is caused by a microbial agent.  “Pneumonitis” is a general term that describes an inflammatory process in the lung tissue that may predispose a patient to or place a patient at risk for microbial invasion.  It is the leading cause of death from the infectious disease.
  • 3. DEFINITION “An inflammation of the lung parenchyma (the respiratory bronchioles and the alveoli) is known as Pneumonia”. Pneumonia is mainly caused by microorganisms which enter the lower respiratory system and cause infection. The microorganism includes bacteria, mycobacteria, mycoplasma, fungi, parasites, and viruses.
  • 4. EPIDEMIOLOGY  Common illness affecting approximately 450 million people a year occurring in all part of the world, and 4 million death yearly .  Rates are greater in children less than five years and adult older than 75 years.  It occurs five times more in the developing world than in the developed world.
  • 5. EPIDEMIOLOGY cont...  It is the eighth leading cause of death in United States , resulting in almost 70,000 deaths per year. In persons 65 years of age and older, it is the fifth leading cause of death.  In India it is the single largest cause of death in children, resulting in nearly 120 million cases a year.
  • 6. CLASSIFICATION  1. According to the causative organisms (a) Bacterial :-  Pneumococcal pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumonia**  Staphylococcal pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus  Influenzal pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenza  Gram-negative bacterial pneumonia caused by Klebsiella pneumonia  Anaerobic bacterial pneumonia caused by normal oral flora.
  • 7. CLASSIFICATION contd… (b) Viral :-  Rhinovirus, coronaviruses, influenza virus, respiratory sncytial virus(RSV), adenovirus and parainfluenza.  Herpes simplex virus rarely causes pneumonia in newborns, persons with cancer, transplant recipients, and people with significant burns.  People following organ transplantation or immunocompromised present high rates of cytomegalovirus pneumonia. (c) Fungal :-  Fungal pneumonia caused by histoplasmosis , blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, aspergillosis, candidiasis.
  • 8. CLASSIFICATION cont… (d) Parasitic :-  Parasitic pneumonia (caused by protozoa, nematodes, platyhelminthes); common organism is Pneumocystis (carinii) firoveci
  • 9. CLASSIFICATION cont… 2. According to the environment  Community-acquired pneumonia.  Hospital acquired pneumonia.  Pneumonia in the immuno-compromised host.  Ventilator acquired Pneumonia.(VAP)
  • 10. CLASSIFICATION cont… 3. According to the areas of the lung involved/affected  Lobar pneumonia  Multilobar pneumonia  Bronchial pneumonia  Interstitial pneumonia  Alveolar (acinar) pneumonia  Necrotizing pneumonia  Segmental pneumonia
  • 11. CLASSIFICATION cont… 4. According to the cause  Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP)/ cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis (COP).  Eosinophilic pneumonia : occur in response to infection with parasite.  Chemical pneumonia  Aspiration pneumonia  Dust pneumonia  Bilateral pneumonia.
  • 12. ETIOLOY There are many causes of pneumonia including bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, fungal agents and protozoa. It may also result from inhalation of toxic or caustic chemicals, smoke, dusts or gases or aspiration of food, fluids, or vomitus. Pneumonia may complicate to chronic illnesses.
  • 13. RISK FACTORS  Age 60 or older  Smoking  Air pollution  Altered consciousness : Alcoholism, head injury, anaesthesia, drug overdose  Tracheal intubation  Upper Respiratory Tract Infection  Chronic Disease : Chronic lung disease, Diabetes mellitus, heart disease, cancer
  • 14. RISK FACTORS contd…  Immunosuppression.  Malnutrition.  Inhalation of noxious substances.  Prolonged Bed rest and immobility  Aspiration of fluid, liquid, foreign or gastric content.  Prolonged hospital stay.  Residence in institutional areas/setting where transmission is prone.  Fatigue
  • 15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Infectious agent, Foreign substance, blood borne organisms that enter the blood circulation or Aspiration of gastric content Mucosal edema of alveolar membrane occur The alveoli fills with exudates Cause inflammation of pulmonary tissue affecting both ventilation and diffusion
  • 16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY interferes with the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide causing occlution of alveoli resulting in decrease alveolar oxygen tension Hypoxia occur with retention of carbon dioxide, Shortness of breath, Fatigue ,Crackles in lungs Or decrease Breath sounds
  • 17. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION  Fever  Chills and sweating  Productive cough  Shortness of breath  Pleuritic chest pain  Hypoxemia  Fatigue  Tachypnea
  • 18. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION CONTD…  Hemoptysis  Dyspnea  Tachypnea  Headache  Crackling sounds over affected area  Dullness on percussion on affected area  Decrease in breath sounds  Unequal chest expansion
  • 19. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION CONT… SYMPTOMS FREQUENCY SYMPTOM FREQUENCY Cough 79–91% Fatigue 90% Fever 71–75% Shortness of breath 67–75% Sputum 60–65% Chest pain 39–49%
  • 20. DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION  Physical examination.  Chest X-ray.  Gram stain and culture and sensitivity tests of sputum.  Blood culture.  Immunologic test to detect microbial antigens.  CT Scan thorax.  Transtracheal aspirate.  Fiberoptic bronchoscopy or transcutaneous needle aspiration /biopsy.  Transcutaneous oxygen level analysis or ABG.
  • 21.
  • 22. MANAGEMENT  Antimicrobial therapy CAUSATIVE ORGANISM ANTIBIOTIC OF CHOICE ALTERNATE ANTIBIOTICS Streptococcus Pneumonia Penicillin G or Penicillin V, or amoxicillin clavulanate (Augmentin), Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (TMP- SMZ). Macrolide antibiotics such as azithromycin (Zithromax) or clarithromycin (Biaxin); doxycycline; oral beta lactams such as cefuroxime (Ceftin), Linozolid. Staphylococcus Aureus Penicillin. Cephalosporins; vancomycin (Vancocin) for methicillin- resistant S. aureus. Haemophilus Influenza 2nd/3rdgeneration cephalosporins, β lactam- β- lactamase inhibitor, doxycycline. Azithromycin, TMP-SMZ
  • 23. MANAGEMENT cont… CAUSATIVE ORGANISM ANTIBIOTIC OF CHOICE ALTERNATE ANTIBIOTICS Mycoplasma Pneumonia Doxycycline, macrolides, Fluoroquinolone Klebsiella Pneumonia 3rd generation cephalosporin with or without aminiglycoside, carbapenams Aztreonam, β lactam-β- lactamase inhibitor, fluoroquinolone Legionella Pneumonia Macrolide + rifampin, fluoroquinolone Doxycycline + rifampin Pneumocystis TMP-SMZ, pentamidine + prednisone. Dapsone + trimethoprim + Clindamycin + primaquine + Trimetrexate
  • 24. MANAGEMENT cont…  Oxygen therapy  Nutritional support  Fluid and electrolyte management  Bronchodilators medications: albuterol sulphate, metaproterenol or methylxanthines.  Deep breathing exercises and spirometry  Chest physiotherapy  Percussion & Vibration  Postural drainage  Nasotracheal suctioning
  • 25. FIG:- Patient positions for postural drainage.
  • 26. COMPLICATION  Empyema.  Lung Abscess.  Bronchiolitis Obliterans.  Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).  Sepsis.  Bacterimia.  Hypotension and shock, especially in gram negative bacterial disease, particularly in elderly patients.  Atelectasis.  Pleural effusion.  Pericarditis.
  • 27. PROGNOSIS With treatment, most types of bacterial pneumonia will stabilize in 3–6 days. It often takes a few weeks before most symptoms resolved. In persons requiring hospitalization, mortality may be as high as 10%, and in those requiring intensive care it may reach 30–50%.
  • 28. NURSING MANAGEMENT Nursing Assessment  Take a careful history to help establish etiologic diagnosis.  Assess the elderly patient for unusual behavior, altered mental status, dehydration, excessive fatigue, and concomitant heart failure.  Observe for anxious, flushed appearance, shallow respirations, splinting of affected side, confusion, disorientation.  Auscultate for crackles overlying affected region, and for bronchial breath sounds when consolidation (filling of airspaces with exudate) is present.
  • 29. NURSING MANAGEMENT cont… NURSING DIAGNOSIS AND INTERVENTIONS 1. Impaired gas exchange related to inflammatory pulmonary infection evidenced by presence of retained secretions, Changes in respiratory rate diminished/adventitious breath sounds, dyspnea, cyanosis Ineffective cough INTERVENTION  Assess rate, depth of respirations and chest movement.  Auscultate lung fields.  Elevate head of bed.  Assist and demonstrate client with frequent deep-breathing exercises, splinting the chest and coughing.  Suctioning is done as indicated.  Force fluids to at least 2500 mL per day, unless contraindicated, as in HF
  • 30. NURSING MANAGEMENT cont…  Assist with and monitor effects of nebulizer treatments and other respiratory physiotherapy, such as incentive spirometer, percussion, and postural drainage.  Administer medications, as indicated, for example, mucolytics, expectorants, bronchodilators, and analgesics.  Provide supplemental fluids such as IV, humidified oxygen, and room humidification.  Monitor serial chest x-rays, ABGs, and pulse oximetry readings.
  • 31. 2. Impaired Gas Exchange related t oAlveolar-capillary membrane changes Ventilation-perfusion imbalance, possibly evidenced By dyspnea, abnormal skin color (e.g., pale, dusky)tachycardia, restlessness, confusion ,Hypoxia INTERVENTION  Assess the respiratory status, skin colour, mental status, heart rhythm and body temperature.  Elevate head and encourage frequent position changes, deep breathing, and effective coughing. And maintain bedrest  Observe for deterioration in condition, noting hypotension, copious amounts of pink or bloody sputum, pallor, cyanosis, change in level of consciousness, severe dyspnea, and restlessness.  Monitor ABGs and pulse oximetry.  Administer oxygen therapy by appropriate .
  • 32. 3. Risk for Infection related to inadequate primary defenses due to decreased ciliary action, stasis of body fluids [respiratory secretions]; Inadequate secondary defenses due to [presence of existing infection], immunosuppression; chronic disease, malnutrition, possibly evidenced By presence of signs and symptoms establishes an actual diagnosis. INTERVENTION  Monitor vital signs closely, especially during initiation of therapy.  Instruct client concerning the disposition of secretions reporting changes in color, amount, and odor of secretions.  Change position frequently and provide good pulmonary toilet,.  perform proper suctioning technique for ventilated clients as appropriate.  Limit visitors, and institute isolation precautions as individually appropriate.
  • 33. NURSING INTERVENTION cont…  Promote adequate nutritional intake.  Investigate sudden changes or deterioration in condition, such as increasing chest pain, extra heart sounds, altered sensorium, recurring fever, and changes in sputum characteristics  Administer antimicrobials, as indicated, by results of sputum and blood cultures.
  • 34. 4. Activity Intolerance related To Imbalance between oxygen supply and demand, General weakness, possibly evidenced by report of weakness, fatigue, exertional dyspnea , Tachypnea, Abnormal heart rate response to activity. INTERVENTION  Evaluate client’s response to activity. Note reports of dyspnea, increased weakness and fatigue, and changes in vital signs during and after activities  Provide a quiet environment and limit visitors during acute phase and encourage use of stress management and diversional activities as appropriate.  Explain importance of rest in treatment plan and necessity for balancing activities with rest.  Assist with self-care activities as necessary.
  • 35. 5. Acute Pain related to Injuring agents (e.g., biological— inflammation of lung parenchyma, cellular reactions to circulating toxins; physical—persistent coughing) possibly evidenced by Verbal/coded report [pleuritic chest pain, headache, muscle or joint pain] and guarded behavior, expressive behavior—restlessness. INTERVENTION  Determine pain characteristics, Investigate changes in character, location, and intensity of pain.  Monitor vital signs.  Provide comfort measures, such as back rubs, change of position, and quiet music or conversation. Encourage use of relaxation and breathing exercises.  Instruct and assist client in chest-splinting techniques during coughing episodes.  Administer analgesics and antitussives, as indicated.
  • 36. 6. Deficient Knowledge regarding condition, treatment, self-care, and discharge needs, related to lack of exposure , information misinterpretation, lack of recall possibly evidenced by reports the problem, inaccurate follow-through of instructions. INTERVENTION  Assess the level of understanding of the patient and knowledge.  Explain about the disease condition, its signs and symptoms and treatment modalities.  Explain and demonstrate about the importance of effective coughing and deep breathing exercises.  Stress necessity of continuing antimicrobial therapy.  Explain about balanced rest and activity, avoiding smoking, well-rounded diet, program of aerobic exercise or strength training (particularly elderly individuals), and avoidance of crowds during cold and flu season and of persons with upper respiratory infections.  Stress importance of continuing medical follow-up and obtaining vaccinations and immunizations as appropriate for both children and adults.
  • 37. EXPECTED OUTCOME The client will be able to :-  Airway with breath sounds is clear and absence of dyspnea and cyanosis.  Improved ventilation and oxygenation of tissues by ABGs within client’s acceptable range.  Participate in actions to maximize oxygenation  Achieve timely resolution of current infection without complications.
  • 38. EXPECTED OUTCOME cont...  Identify interventions to prevent and reduce risk and spread of a secondary infection.  Report and demonstrate a measurable increase in tolerance to activity.  Verbalize understanding of disease condition participate in treatment program.
  • 39. PATIENT EDUCATION AND HEALTH MAINTENANCE  Advise patient to complete entire course of antibiotics.  Once clinically stable, encourage gradual increase in activities to bring energy level back to pre-illness stage.  Encourage breathing exercises.  Explain that a chest X-ray is usually taken 4 to 6 weeks after recovery .  Advise smoking cessation .  Advise patient to keep up natural resistance with good nutrition and adequate rest.  Instruct patient to avoid fatigue, sudden extremes in temperature, and excessive alcohol intake.  Advice patient to practice frequent handwashing, especially after contact with others.
  • 40. RESEARCH INPUT 1. Oral health and ventilator-associated pneumonia among critically ill patients: a prospective study. Saensom D, Merchant AT, wara-Aswapati N, Ruaisungneon w, Pitiphat W OBJECTIVE:- To evaluate the association between oral health and ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) among critically ill patients. METHODS:- A prospective cohort study was conducted among 162 critically ill patients who are newly intubated and treated with mechanical ventilator in one tertiary hospital in Thailand. Oral health status was assessed using Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT), Plaque Index (PI), and number of teeth. VAP, defined as Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score>6, was assessed on Day 4 after intubation. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using Cox proportional hazards regression adjusted for confounders.
  • 41. RESEARCH INPUT contd..  RESULTS:-  Critically ill patients had deteriorating oral health status after intubation.  Early-onset VAP developed in 69 patients (42.6%), with VAP incidence of 117 episodes per 1000 ventilator-days.  Patients with moderate-to-very poor oral hygiene assessed by PI had increased VAP risk of 1.66-folds .The number of teeth was not associated with VAP development.  CONCLUSIONS:- There is a strong association between poor oral health and increased risk for early-onset VAP. Routine oral care possibly prevents VAP development among critically ill patients treated with mechanical ventilator.
  • 44. REFERENCES  Fischer Walker, C., Rudan, I.,Liu, L. et al. Global burden of childhood pneumonia and diarrhea, Lancet, 2013.  Lewis Mantik Sharon, Hetkamper Mclean Margeret, Dirksen Ruff Shannon. Medical Surgical Nursing : Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. 6th Edition. USA; Published by Mosby. 2000.p. 593- 601.  Lemone Priscilla, Karen Burke. Medical Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care. 4th Edition. New Delhi: Published by Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt, Ltd. 2003.p.1267-1276.  Smeltzer C Suzanne, Bare G Brenda, Hinkle L Jainice, Cheever H Kerry. Brunner and Suddharth textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 11th Edition. New Delhi: Published by Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt, Ltd. 2008. P.636-647.  Ruuskanen, O;Lahti, E; Jennings, LC; Murdoch, DR (2011-04-09). “Viral Pneumonia:. Lancet. 337 (9773):1264-75. doi:10.1016/S0140- 6736(10)61459-6. PMID21435708.