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CNS Infections
•Acute meningitis
•Chronic meningitis
•Encephalitis / myelitis
•Cerebral abscess
•Subdural empyema
Meningitis Infection of meninges & subarachnoid space
Encephalitis Diffuse infection of the brain parenchyma
Meningoencephalitis Combination of above
Brain abscess Focal infection of the brain parenchyma
Epidural abscess Collection of pus between the dura mater &
overlying bone in either the cranial or spinal
epidural space
Subdural empyema Collection of pus in the space between the
dura & arachnoid
Myelitis Infection of the spinal cord
Infections of the CNS
1. Pada saraf tepi : Neuritis
2. Pada mening : Meningitis
3. Pada Jar. Otak : Ensepalitis
4. Pada Jar. Med. Spin : Mielitis
1. Infeksi Virus
2. Infeksi Bakteri
3. Infeksi Spirokheta
4. Infeksi Fungus
5. Infeksi Parasit (Protozoa dan Metazoa)
1. Enteroviruses (echo-, coxsackieviruses)
• Most common cause of viral meningitis (80-85% of
• Fecal-oral transmission
• Most common in summer & fall; age <40
2. Arboviruses
• Vector transmission
• Includes St. Louis Encephalitis virus, Eastern Equine
Encephalitis virus, Western Equine Encephalitis
3. Mumps
• Incidence decreased due to vaccination
Viral Meningitis
4. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
• Transmitted via contact with hamsters, rat,
mice or their excreta
5. Herpesviruses
• Meningitis occurs in 20-30% of persons
with first episode of genital herpes
• Herpes zoster (shingles)
6. HIV
• Meningitis may be part of the acute
retroviral syndrome
Viral Meningitis
•presentation within 24 hours of meningeal
•Most acute cases are bacterial
•presentation within 1-7 days of symptoms
•presentation after 7 days of symptoms
Meningitis: Tempo of Illness
Encephalitis / Myelitis
Direct viral infections:
1.Enteroviruses (Coxsackie, Echo, Poliovirus)
2.Herpesviruses (HSV 1/2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6)
4.Measles, mumps
Post viral infections:
1. Herpesviruses (VZV, EBV)
2. Measles, mumps
3. Influenza
4. Rubella
Nonviral causes
Encephalitis / Myelitis (lanjutan)
Causes of Viral Meningitis
Virginia A. Triant, MD, MPH
The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part I - Viral Meningitis
Virginia A. Triant, MD, MPH
The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part I - Viral
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
Causative agents for acute
viral encephalitis in the United
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
Diseases that may mimic viral
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
Non-viral causes of infectious encephalitis (cont.)
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
Non-viral causes of infectious encephalitis (cont.)
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
Direct involvement
1. haematogenous
2. neural
3. direct (cribriform plate)
Indirect involvement
1. post infection
2. post vaccinal
Entry of virus into host
Primary replication :
Respiratory / GI tract,skin/muscle
Secondary replication
Vascular endothelium,RES or muscle
Persistent viremia
Choroid plexus to CSF Vascular endothelitis
Pathogenesis of viral inf.of the
CNS : Hematogeneous spread
Crosses from blood to brain
Pathogenesis & pathophsyology of viral CNS infections
Pathogenesis of viral inf.of the CNS :
Neuronal transmission
Penetration and
Replication of virus
at mucocutaneus site
Replication at dorsal
root ganglia
manifestations of
Transmission to
spinal cord
Axonal transport of
migration of virus
Pathogenesis & pathophsyology of viral CNS infections
Clinical Features
Nuchal rigidity
Signs of hydrocephalus
Focal neurological signs
Altered mental status
Hypothalamic dysregulation
Signs of cord involvement
Systemic findings may give clues to aetiology
Meningitis: Clinical Manifestations
•Nuchal rigidity
•Fever and chills
•Focal neurologic symptoms
•Altered sensorium (confusion, delirium, or declining level
of consciousness)
In meningitis, the stiff
neck is a problem of
forward flexion only;
resistance to lateral
flexion, rotation, or
extension must be due
to some other etiology
(Sapira, 2nd ed., p. 548)
Physical Examination: Nuchal Rigidity
Flexing neck 
involuntary hip
knee flexion
Physical Examination: Brudzinski Sign
Flex knee & hip to
90°, then extend
knee  pain in
Physical Examination: Kernig Sign
Lumbar puncture
CT/MRI brain
•If acute bacterial
meningitis is suspected,
obtain CSF & blood
cultures before
•If diagnosis is uncertain, a
repeat spinal tap should be
repeated in 8-12 hours
•12-39% of patients
undergoing LP develop
Lumbar Puncture
Normal Findings What abnormal findings may indicate
Pressure Less than 200cm
tumors, hydrocephalus, intracranial bleeding
Color Clear and
Cloudy-bacteria, WBCs
Red-tinged--subarachnoid bleeding
Blood None Cerebral hemorrhage or Traumatic tap (inadvertant
rupturing a blood vessel )
Cells No Red blood
Red blood cells-- blood within the spinal canal,
White blood cells--infection
Culture &
No organisms
Bacterial or fungal infection
Protein 15 - 45 mg/dl
up to 70mg/dl for
elderly and
Meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, tumors, inflammatory
Glucose 50 - 75 mg/dl
or 60 to 70% of
blood glucose
Meningitis, neoplasm
700 - 750 mg/dl Meningeal infections, tubercular meningitis
Lumbal Pungsi dan LCS
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
 Metode in vitro untuk menjelaskan rangkaian
suatu asam nukleat
 Terdiri dari beberapa siklus : denaturasi
DNA,primer annealing, dan ekstensi oleh
DNA polimerase
 Untuk menjelaskan sebuah segmen
DNA,digunakan 2 bahan
dasar(as.nukleat)untuk mengikatkan
rangkaian tambahan dari target gen
Zeev`Ronai,Ph.D.PCR in early detection and monitoring of cancer
 Dua bahan dasar ini,dicangkokkan pada
rangkaian lain dari DNA target pada arah
yang berlawanan,sehingga memungkinkan
DNA polimerase untuk menyambung
rangkaian tersebut
 Setiap siklus menghasilkan rangkaian DNA
yang saling melengkapi, dimana primer terikat
sebelum polimerase mempengaruhi
rangkaian lain di siklus berikutnya
Hasil dari setiap siklus adalah ganda
Hasil yang sangat sensitiv,sehingga
menyebabkan reaksi yang beragam dari
sebagian kecil dari rangkaian DNA awal
Zeev`Ronai,Ph.D.PCR in early detection and monitoring of cancer
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
Langkah – langkah pemeriksaan PCR
Empirical therapy
Presumptive/specific therapy
Supportive therapy
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:1016–1022
Virginia A. Triant, MD, MPH
The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part I - Viral Meningitis
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:1016–1022
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:1016–1022
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and
Differential diagnosis of acute meningitis
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
Differential diagnosis of acute meningitis (cont.)
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
Abses serebri adalah kumpulan material
piogenik dibatasi struktur melingkar yang
berlokasi pada perenkim otak.
Diperkirakan insiden abses serebri pada
negara industri adalah 1 dalam 10.000 orang.
Lebih banyak pada laki-laki dibanding
perempuan dengan perbandingan 1,7 : 1
sampai 3 : 1. Abses serebri terjadi pada
semua umur, nilai tengah umur yaitu 30
sampai 40 tahun, 25 % terjadi pada umur 50
sampai 60 tahun dan umur yang lebih muda
dari 15 tahun.
Pulmonary abnormalities
Congenital cyanotic heart disease
Bacterial endocarditis
Penetrating head trauma
Greenberg, 2001
Mikrobiologi penyebab abses otak
( Infections of the Central Nervous System, 1991 )
Organisma Total ( % )
Aerob 61,2
Staphylococcus aureus 13,4
Gram negative bacilli 15,7
Streptococci 32,1
Anaerob 32,1
Streptococci 9,6
Species Bacteriodes 10,8
Lain-lain 11,7
Miscellaneous 6,7
Abses otak : penyakit pendahulu, lokasi abses, dan mikrobiologi
(Infections of the Central Nervous System, 1991)
Penyakit pendahulu Lokasi abses Isolasi kuman dari abses
Penyebaran dari lokasi infeksi primer
pada otitis media dan mastoiditis
Lobus temporalis, hemisfer
Streptococci (anaerobic atau aerobic),
Bacteriodes fragilis, Enterobacteriaceae
Sinusitis frontoethmoidal Lobus frontalis Predominan streptococci, Bacteriodes,
Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus
aureus, species Haemophilus
Sinusitis sphenoidal Lobus frontalis, lobus temporalis Predominan streptococci, Bacteriodes,
Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus
aureus, species Haemophilus
Sepsis dental Lobus frontalis Campuran Fusobacterium, Bacteriodes,
dan species Streptococcus
Penetrasi trauma kepala, infeksi
pasca bedah, pelebaran dari infeksi
Berhubungan dengan luka Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci,
Enterobacteriaceae, Clostridium sp
Penyakit jantung kongenital Abses multiple, lazimnya distribusi
mengikuti arteri cerebri media
Viridans, anaerobic, dan microaerophilic
streptococci, species Haemophillus
Abses paru, empyema,
Abses multiple, lazimnya distribusi
mengikuti arteri cerebri media
Fusobacterium, Actinomyces,
Bacteriodes, streptococci, Nocardia
Endocarditis bacterial Abses multiple, lazimnya distribusi
mengikuti arteri cerebri media
Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci
Daya tahan tubuh lemah (terapi
imunosupresif, keganasan)
Abses multiple, lazimnya distribusi
mengikuti arteri cerebri media
Toxoplasma, fungi, Enterobacteriaceae,
Penyebaran langsung dari fokal infeksi
yang berdekatan
Penyebaran hematogen dari fokus infeksi
yang jauh
Infeksi postraumatik, infeksi kriptogenik
Infeksi pada pasien immunocompromised
oleh opportunistic pathogen.
Recipiens transplant organ
Penyebaran dari fokus infeksi yang jauh
Lokasi distribusi pada arteri serebri media
Lokasi awal pada gray matter-white
matter junction
Pengkapsulan tidak sempurna
Mortalitas tinggi
Penyebaran langsung dari area yang
berhubungan dengan osteitis atau
Penyebaran retrograd dari
thromboflebitis melalui vena diploica
atau emissaria
 A 3rd generation cephalosporin
(cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftizoxime)
 Metronidazole : adult 30mg/kg/d usually IV q 12
hr or q 6 hr
 Chloramphenicol : 1 gm IV q 6 hr
If culture shows only streptococcus : Penicillin G
high dose 5 M units IV q 6 hr
 IV antibiotics for 6-8 weeks (most commonly 6
 Duration of treatment may be reduced if abscess
and capsule entirely excised surgically
 Oral antibiotic may be used following IV, course
5-20% of abscesses recur within 6 weeks of
discontinuing antibiotics
Greenberg, 2001
Tindakan darurat untuk menurunkan
tekanan intrakranial
Konfirmasi diagnosis
Mengambil pus untuk diagnosis
Mempertinggi efikasi terapi antibiotika
Menghindari penyebaran iatrogenik infeksi
ke dalam ventrikel
Keterlambatan diagnosis
Lokasi abses pada tempat yang
Abses multiple dan terletak dalam
Ruptur abses ke ventrikel
Etiologi dari jamur
Antibiotika tidak adekuat
The role of LP is very dubious.
Although LP is abnormal in > 90 %, there
is no characteristic finding diagnostic of
abscess (Greenberg,2001)
The CSF profile from a patient with brain
abscess is nonspecific ( Scheld et al, 1991)
- Controversial
The potential drawbacks of these agents are :
 Reduced antibiotic entry into CNS
 Decreased collagen formation and glial response
 Alteration of the CT scan appearance of ring
enhancement as inflammation subsides
Scheld et al, 1991
Can retard the encapsulation process
Increase necrosis
Reduce antibiotic penetration into the
Steroid used to reduce cerebral edema
Brook, 2004
CT Scan Brain absces
MRI Brain Absces
cold abscess: an abscess of comparatively slow development with
little evidence of inflammation. (= chronic a. / tuberculous a.)
hot abscess, an acute abscess with symptoms of local inflammation.
- Contralateral limb weakness
- Contralateral sensory loss
- Disfasia
- Disleksia, disgrafia, diskalkulia
- Disorientasi spasial
- Ggn saraf kranial
- Ggn fx vital
- Ggn bahasa
- Ggn memori
- Ggn mood
- Ggn perilaku
- Hearing & vision
- Demensia
- Ggn mood
- Ggn perilaku
- Inkontinensia
- disfungsi olfaktorius
- Disfungsi opticus
(Wilkinson, 1997)
 Demam
 Nyeri kepala hebat
 Kejang umum
 Gangguan kesadaran
 Kaku kuduk
 Brudzinky (+)
 Tanda Kernig (+)
 Mungkin terdapat bercak
merah (Neisseria)
Gejala klinik pada dewasa
dan anak lebih 5 tahun
 Nyeri kepala  tak tahu
 Kaku kuduk  mungkin tak ada
 Demam dan kejang
 Ngantuk
 Mudah terangsang
 Fontanella cembung.
Gejala klinik pada
anak-anak dan bayi
Infeksi pada arteri Cairan Serebospinal (SS) Piameter
Jaringan otak
Infeksi langsung
Traumatik : Luka ==> infeksi (infeksi sekitar
kepala otak
Non Traumatik : Mastoiditis ==> Otak
Saraf -saraf Tepi
Infeksi langsung cairan SS Otak
Meningitis piogenik akut adalah respon
inflamasi terhadap infeksi bakteri pada
membran arakhnoid dan piamater yang
membungkus otak dan medula spinalis
(Gilroy, 2000).
Insiden meningitis bacterial adalah 2 sampai 7
kasus tiap 100.000 orang pada dewasa dan
70 kasus tiap 100.000 pada anak (Weiner,
 Konsentrasi bakteri dalam darah tinggi
dan terjadi invasi ke susunan saraf pusat
 Anak dengan imunodefisiensi,
splenektomi dan asplenia kongenital
 Penyakit kronik seperti diabetes mellitus,
alkoholisme, sirosis hati.
 Sickle cell anemia dan hemoglobinopati
 Virulensi bakteri.
Gejala dan tanda
Pungsi lumbal, diikuti pemeriksaan:
* Gram’s stain
* Tes antigen bakteri
* Kultur bakteri
* Deteksi asam nukleat bakteri
POLYNEURITIS (Dejerine-Sottas
(Meningitis, Meningoencephalitis)
Viral Infection
 Peningkatan jumlah sel
(lymphocytes atau
 Sel mononuklear 10-
 Protein sedikit meningkat
 Glukosa normal
Bacterial Infection
 Lymphocytic pleocytosis
 Sel PMN predominan (50-
 Protein meningkat
 Kadar glukosa kurang 2/3
glukosa darah
Parameter Bacterial Viral Neoplastic Fungal
OP (< 170 mm
> 30 mm 200 mm 200 mm 300 mm
WBC ( < 5
> 1000 / L < 1000 / L < 5000 / L < 5000 / L
% PMNS (O) > 80 % 1 – 5 % 1 – 50 % 1 – 50 %
Glukosa ( > 40
< 40 mg / dL > 40 mg / dL < 40 mg / dL < 40 mg / dL
Protein ( < 50
mg/ dL)
> 200 mg/ dL < 200 mg / dL > 200 mg / dL > 200 mg /
Gram stain (-) (+) (-) (-) (-)
Cytology (-) (-) (-) (+) (+)
Greenlee , 1990
Profile Of CSF in Acute Meningitis and Encephalitis
Investigation Reference
Opening pressure < 30 mmH2) Raised Normal Increased
Total WBC count < 5 x 10 6/L Greatly
WBC Differential Lymphocytes (60%-
70%), monocytes
(30%-50%), no
neutrophil or red
blood cell
[Glucose] 28-44 mmol/L Decreased Normal Normal
CSF: serum
glucose Ratio
>60% Decreased
Normal Normal
[Protein] <0,45g/L Increased Normal or slightly
Normal or slightly
Berkley, 2003
Current causes of community-acquired bacterial meningitis
in children and adults in the United States and Canada
Bacterium Causative organism
(% of cases)
Incidence (per
100,000 population)
fatality rate
30-50 0.6-1.2 19-46
15-40 0.5-1 3-17
2-7 <1 3-11
1-3 0.1-0.2 15-40
<5 Not available Not available
*Including streptococci, staphylococci, aerobic gram-negative bacilli, and
anaerobic organisms.
Black, 2001
Common bacterial pathogens Empiric
0-1 month S. agalactiae, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, L.
ampicillin +
1-3 months S. agalactiae, E. coli, L..monocytogenes,
S.pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae
ampicillin +
3 mo-18 yrs N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae,
H. influenzae
ceftriaxone +
18-50 years S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis ceftriaxone +
> 50 years S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis,
L. monocytogenes,aerobic gram-negative
ampicillin +
y patients
P. aeruginosa, coagulase-negative
staphylococci Black, 2001
 Kongenital : Ibu hamil  infeksi : ookista
(feses kucing)  plasenta  bayi.
 Akuisita (droplet binatang piaraan) : makan
daging belum masak (dengan kista) 
kontak feses kucing (dengan kista)  usus
 darah  meningen  otak (destruksi).
Etiologi : Toxoplasma gondii
Kongenital (infeksi pasif) :
 Demam, kejang dan rash
 Hepatosplenomegali
 Chorioretinitis
 Hidrosefalus / mikrosefalus
 Kalsifikasi otak
 Retardasi mental
Manifestasi klinik
Akuisita  sama dengan meningoensefalitis kadang-kadang
tanpa panas.
 Toxoplasma gondii di LCS
 Biopsi otot
 Limfonodi
 Serologis : tes antibody fluid rescent indirect (+)
 Sabin feldman dye test titer 1 : 512 atau lebih
Hari I  Sulfadiazine : 4 gr
Pirimetamine : 100 – 200 mgr
Hari II sampai 4 minggu  Sulfadiazine : 2-6 mg/hari
Pirimetamine 25 mg/hari
Fansidar (sulfadiazine + pirimetamine)
Hari I : 4 tablet
Hari II sampai 3 minggu : 1 tablet
Spiramisin (untuk ibu hamil)
Leucovorin + asam folat : 2 – 10 mg/hr (selama 4 mgg)
Sifilis, cryptococcus dan tuberculosis.
Meningitis sifilitik : - simtomatik
- asimtomatik.
Meningitis Tb : - basil Tb sering tak tampak  cat.
- Kultur Tb  lama (beberapa minggu)
- Serologis IgG Tb (+)  sensitivitas 70%.
Cryptococcus : jumlahnya turun dalam cat.
Lekemia (meningitis lekemia)  LCS :
 sel limfoblas / mieloblas (+)
 Stadium akhir : sel limfoblas / mieloblas beribu-ribu.
Misalnya :
sinusitis paranasal/mastoiditis, abses otak  LCS : sel
mononukleus predominan, glukosa normal dan organisme
tidak ada
Infeksi bakteri yang terletak dekat mening
Infeksi meningeal spesifik/parainfeksiosa  organisme tdk mungkin diisolir.
Invasi neoplasma (limfoma/karsinoma)
 Demam
 Nyeri kepala hebat
 Kejang umum
 Gangguan kesadaran
 Kaku kuduk
 Brudzinky (+)
 Tanda Kernig (+)
 Mungkin terdapat bercak
merah (Neisseria)
Gejala klinik pada dewasa
dan anak lebih 5 tahun
 Nyeri kepala  tak tahu
 Kaku kuduk  mungkin tak ada
 Demam dan kejang
 Ngantuk
 Mudah terangsang
 Fontanella cembung.
Gejala klinik pada
anak-anak dan bayi
• Konsep Fisiologik
• Kemungkinan komponen anatomi
 Dinding Kapiler
 Membrana Pialgial dan ruang Virchow - Robin
 Prosesus sel-sel Glia
Adalah suatu mekanisme pertahanan agar bahan-bahan
berbahaya tidak mudah begitu saja masuk kedalam cairan otak
( termasuk disini juga obat-obatan )
A barrier made up of neuroglia and
capillary walls which limits the movement
of substances in the bloodstream into the
The arachnoid membrane
Choroid plexus epithelium
Cerebral microvascular endothelium (
disorder in this level result separation
intercellular tight junctions, increased
Herpes simplex viruses account for approximately 10%
to 20% of viral encephalitides in the United States of
which HSV-1causes approximately 95% of cases in
patients beyond the neonatal period approximately one
third of cases caused by primary HSV-1 infection and two
thirds by viral reactivation,HSV-1infection of the central
nervous system (CNS) have a better neurologic outcome
than those infected with HSV-2In the past, the most
specific means for the diagnosis of HSE was brainbiopsy
[1]. However, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of CSF is
highly sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of HSE
(91% and 92%, respectively, in one study inpatients with
biopsy-proven disease)
Juliana Cepelowicz, MD,Allan R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Viral Encephalitis
The most common extracutaneous site of
involvement in children with varicella is the CNS.It is
estimated that0.1% to 0.75% of children with
varicella develop encephalitis,as direct involvement
of brain parenchyma or as an autoimmune-mediated
postinfectious,The pathogenesis of varicella
encephalitis includes small vessel vasculopathy with
ischemia and demyelination, medium and large
artery hemorrhage or ischemia, and periventricular
inflammation,The most common neurologic
abnormality associatedwith VZV is cerebellar ataxia
Juliana Cepelowicz, MD,Allan R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Viral Encephalitis
Encephalitis can be a consequence of
cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection of brain
parenchyma in immunosupressed patients,
particularly in patients infected with HIV who have
CMV disease outside the CNS, Two forms of
CMV encephalitis : One form is very similar to
HIV encephalopathy, in which patients have
mental status changes, confusion,disorientation,
progressive apathy, and dementia; thesepatients
differ clinically by the relative acute onset of CMV
encephalitis ,the other is cranial nerve palsy
,nistagmus ,ataxia,ventriculomegaly
Juliana Cepelowicz, MD,Allan R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Viral Encephalitis
The enteroviruses cause a wide spectrum of human
disease, from mild nonspecific fever to aseptic
meningitis and encephalitis,There are almost 70
serotypes of enteroviruses that cause disease; the
newly numbered enteroviruses 70 and 71 have been
reported to commonly cause CNS The clinical
syndrome of enteroviral encephalitis ranges from mild
mental status changes to frank coma; focal findings
may mimic those seen in HSE. A unique form of
brainstem encephalitis,rhombencephalitis
(characterized by myoclonus, tremors,ataxia, and
cranial nerve involvement) has been associated with
Juliana Cepelowicz, MD,Allan R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Viral Encephalitis
Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
Herpes simplex virus
Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
Herpes simplex virus
Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
Human Imunodeficiency Virus
Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
Human Cytomegalovirus
Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
Sistem Imun
Respon imun terhadap antigen
Rusak Darah
Aksi Kuman + Reaksi Tubuh
Runtuhan kuman +Unsur-
unsur tubuh (TOKSIN)
 Prodroma :
Demam, malaise
Tubuh menang
Tubuh kalah
Sawar Otak Darah (Septikemia)
Infeksi pada arteri Cairan Serebospinal (SS) Piameter
Jaringan otak
Infeksi langsung
Traumatik : Luka ==> infeksi (infeksi sekitar
kepala otak
Non Traumatik : Mastoiditis ==> Otak
Saraf -saraf Tepi
Infeksi langsung cairan SS Otak
Temperature 0 Centigrade 0 Faranheat
Normal 36.6 - 37.20 C 98 - 990 F
Pyrexia >37.20 C >99
0 F
Hyperpyrexia >41.60 C >1070 F
Subnormal <36.60 C <980 F
Hypothermia <350 C <950 F
Body temperature: The normal and the abnormal
Rationalmedicine, 2002
Viral infections in AIDS
–Chronic mucocutaneous
infection (oral & anogenital)
–Treatement: acyclovir
–Treatment: ganciclovir
–Paradoxical worsening of retinitis
after HAART
–Kaposi’s sarcoma

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pndukung textbook infeksi cns.ppt

  • 1.
  • 2. CNS Infections •Acute meningitis •Chronic meningitis •Encephalitis / myelitis •Cerebral abscess •Subdural empyema
  • 3. Meningitis Infection of meninges & subarachnoid space Encephalitis Diffuse infection of the brain parenchyma Meningoencephalitis Combination of above Brain abscess Focal infection of the brain parenchyma Epidural abscess Collection of pus between the dura mater & overlying bone in either the cranial or spinal epidural space Subdural empyema Collection of pus in the space between the dura & arachnoid Myelitis Infection of the spinal cord Infections of the CNS
  • 4. 1. Pada saraf tepi : Neuritis 2. Pada mening : Meningitis 3. Pada Jar. Otak : Ensepalitis 4. Pada Jar. Med. Spin : Mielitis 1. Infeksi Virus 2. Infeksi Bakteri 3. Infeksi Spirokheta 4. Infeksi Fungus 5. Infeksi Parasit (Protozoa dan Metazoa)
  • 5. 1. Enteroviruses (echo-, coxsackieviruses) • Most common cause of viral meningitis (80-85% of patients) • Fecal-oral transmission • Most common in summer & fall; age <40 2. Arboviruses • Vector transmission • Includes St. Louis Encephalitis virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus, Western Equine Encephalitis 3. Mumps • Incidence decreased due to vaccination Viral Meningitis
  • 6. 4. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus • Transmitted via contact with hamsters, rat, mice or their excreta 5. Herpesviruses • Meningitis occurs in 20-30% of persons with first episode of genital herpes • Herpes zoster (shingles) 6. HIV • Meningitis may be part of the acute retroviral syndrome Viral Meningitis
  • 7. •Acute: •presentation within 24 hours of meningeal symptoms •Most acute cases are bacterial •Subacute: •presentation within 1-7 days of symptoms •Chronic: •presentation after 7 days of symptoms Meningitis: Tempo of Illness
  • 8.
  • 9. Encephalitis / Myelitis Aetiology Direct viral infections: 1.Enteroviruses (Coxsackie, Echo, Poliovirus) 2.Herpesviruses (HSV 1/2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6) 3.Adenovirus 4.Measles, mumps 5.Arboviruses
  • 10. Post viral infections: 1. Herpesviruses (VZV, EBV) 2. Measles, mumps 3. Influenza 4. Rubella Nonviral causes Encephalitis / Myelitis (lanjutan)
  • 11. Causes of Viral Meningitis Virginia A. Triant, MD, MPH The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part I - Viral Meningitis
  • 12. Virginia A. Triant, MD, MPH The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part I - Viral Meningitis
  • 13. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 14. Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
  • 15. Causative agents for acute viral encephalitis in the United States Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
  • 16. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 17. Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
  • 18. Diseases that may mimic viral encephalitis Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
  • 19. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 20. Non-viral causes of infectious encephalitis (cont.) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 21. Non-viral causes of infectious encephalitis (cont.) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 22.
  • 23. Pathogenesis Direct involvement 1. haematogenous 2. neural 3. direct (cribriform plate) Indirect involvement 1. post infection 2. post vaccinal
  • 24. Entry of virus into host Primary replication : Respiratory / GI tract,skin/muscle Secondary replication Vascular endothelium,RES or muscle Persistent viremia Choroid plexus to CSF Vascular endothelitis Pathogenesis of viral inf.of the CNS : Hematogeneous spread Crosses from blood to brain Pathogenesis & pathophsyology of viral CNS infections
  • 25. Pathogenesis of viral inf.of the CNS : Neuronal transmission Penetration and Replication of virus at mucocutaneus site Replication at dorsal root ganglia Cutaneous manifestations of disease Transmission to spinal cord Axonal transport of virions Centrifugal migration of virus Pathogenesis & pathophsyology of viral CNS infections
  • 26.
  • 27. Clinical Features ‘Meningoencephalitis’ Headcahe Nuchal rigidity Signs of hydrocephalus Focal neurological signs Altered mental status Seizures Hypothalamic dysregulation ‘Myelitis’ Signs of cord involvement Systemic findings may give clues to aetiology
  • 28. Meningitis: Clinical Manifestations •Headache •Nuchal rigidity •Fever and chills •Photophobia •Vomiting •Seizures •Focal neurologic symptoms •Altered sensorium (confusion, delirium, or declining level of consciousness) •Rash
  • 29. In meningitis, the stiff neck is a problem of forward flexion only; resistance to lateral flexion, rotation, or extension must be due to some other etiology (Sapira, 2nd ed., p. 548) Physical Examination: Nuchal Rigidity
  • 30. Flexing neck  involuntary hip & knee flexion Physical Examination: Brudzinski Sign
  • 31. Flex knee & hip to 90°, then extend knee  pain in hamstrings Physical Examination: Kernig Sign
  • 32.
  • 34. •If acute bacterial meningitis is suspected, obtain CSF & blood cultures before neuroimaging •If diagnosis is uncertain, a repeat spinal tap should be repeated in 8-12 hours •12-39% of patients undergoing LP develop headache Lumbar Puncture
  • 35. The Evaluation Normal Findings What abnormal findings may indicate Pressure Less than 200cm H2O tumors, hydrocephalus, intracranial bleeding Color Clear and colorless Cloudy-bacteria, WBCs Red-tinged--subarachnoid bleeding Blood None Cerebral hemorrhage or Traumatic tap (inadvertant rupturing a blood vessel ) Cells No Red blood cells, <5 lymphocytes/mm2 Red blood cells-- blood within the spinal canal, White blood cells--infection Culture & Sensitivity No organisms present Bacterial or fungal infection Protein 15 - 45 mg/dl up to 70mg/dl for elderly and children Meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, tumors, inflammatory processes Glucose 50 - 75 mg/dl or 60 to 70% of blood glucose level Meningitis, neoplasm Chloride (not routinely evaluated) 700 - 750 mg/dl Meningeal infections, tubercular meningitis Lumbal Pungsi dan LCS
  • 36.
  • 37. Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
  • 38.  Metode in vitro untuk menjelaskan rangkaian suatu asam nukleat  Terdiri dari beberapa siklus : denaturasi DNA,primer annealing, dan ekstensi oleh DNA polimerase  Untuk menjelaskan sebuah segmen DNA,digunakan 2 bahan dasar(as.nukleat)untuk mengikatkan rangkaian tambahan dari target gen Zeev`Ronai,Ph.D.PCR in early detection and monitoring of cancer
  • 39.  Dua bahan dasar ini,dicangkokkan pada rangkaian lain dari DNA target pada arah yang berlawanan,sehingga memungkinkan DNA polimerase untuk menyambung rangkaian tersebut  Setiap siklus menghasilkan rangkaian DNA yang saling melengkapi, dimana primer terikat sebelum polimerase mempengaruhi rangkaian lain di siklus berikutnya
  • 40. Hasil dari setiap siklus adalah ganda Hasil yang sangat sensitiv,sehingga menyebabkan reaksi yang beragam dari sebagian kecil dari rangkaian DNA awal Zeev`Ronai,Ph.D.PCR in early detection and monitoring of cancer
  • 42. Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
  • 43. Langkah – langkah pemeriksaan PCR
  • 44.
  • 46. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:1016–1022
  • 47. Virginia A. Triant, MD, MPH The Health Care of Homeless Persons - Part I - Viral Meningitis
  • 48. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 49. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 50. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 51. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(Suppl I):i29–i35. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.034348
  • 52. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:1016–1022
  • 53. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2003;74:1016–1022
  • 54. Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
  • 55. Differential diagnosis of acute meningitis (cont.) Carolyn V Gould, Ebbing Lautenbach “Meningitis and encephalitis”
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  • 57.
  • 58. Abses serebri adalah kumpulan material piogenik dibatasi struktur melingkar yang berlokasi pada perenkim otak. Diperkirakan insiden abses serebri pada negara industri adalah 1 dalam 10.000 orang. Lebih banyak pada laki-laki dibanding perempuan dengan perbandingan 1,7 : 1 sampai 3 : 1. Abses serebri terjadi pada semua umur, nilai tengah umur yaitu 30 sampai 40 tahun, 25 % terjadi pada umur 50 sampai 60 tahun dan umur yang lebih muda dari 15 tahun.
  • 59. Pulmonary abnormalities Congenital cyanotic heart disease Bacterial endocarditis Penetrating head trauma AIDS Greenberg, 2001
  • 60. Mikrobiologi penyebab abses otak ( Infections of the Central Nervous System, 1991 ) Organisma Total ( % ) Aerob 61,2 Staphylococcus aureus 13,4 Gram negative bacilli 15,7 Streptococci 32,1 Anaerob 32,1 Streptococci 9,6 Species Bacteriodes 10,8 Lain-lain 11,7 Miscellaneous 6,7
  • 61. Abses otak : penyakit pendahulu, lokasi abses, dan mikrobiologi (Infections of the Central Nervous System, 1991) Penyakit pendahulu Lokasi abses Isolasi kuman dari abses Penyebaran dari lokasi infeksi primer pada otitis media dan mastoiditis Lobus temporalis, hemisfer cerebellar Streptococci (anaerobic atau aerobic), Bacteriodes fragilis, Enterobacteriaceae Sinusitis frontoethmoidal Lobus frontalis Predominan streptococci, Bacteriodes, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureus, species Haemophilus Sinusitis sphenoidal Lobus frontalis, lobus temporalis Predominan streptococci, Bacteriodes, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureus, species Haemophilus Sepsis dental Lobus frontalis Campuran Fusobacterium, Bacteriodes, dan species Streptococcus Penetrasi trauma kepala, infeksi pasca bedah, pelebaran dari infeksi primer Berhubungan dengan luka Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, Enterobacteriaceae, Clostridium sp Penyakit jantung kongenital Abses multiple, lazimnya distribusi mengikuti arteri cerebri media Viridans, anaerobic, dan microaerophilic streptococci, species Haemophillus Abses paru, empyema, bronchiectases Abses multiple, lazimnya distribusi mengikuti arteri cerebri media Fusobacterium, Actinomyces, Bacteriodes, streptococci, Nocardia asteroides Endocarditis bacterial Abses multiple, lazimnya distribusi mengikuti arteri cerebri media Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci Daya tahan tubuh lemah (terapi imunosupresif, keganasan) Abses multiple, lazimnya distribusi mengikuti arteri cerebri media Toxoplasma, fungi, Enterobacteriaceae, Nocardia
  • 62. Penyebaran langsung dari fokal infeksi yang berdekatan Penyebaran hematogen dari fokus infeksi yang jauh Infeksi postraumatik, infeksi kriptogenik Infeksi pada pasien immunocompromised oleh opportunistic pathogen.
  • 64. Penyebaran dari fokus infeksi yang jauh Lokasi distribusi pada arteri serebri media Lokasi awal pada gray matter-white matter junction Pengkapsulan tidak sempurna Mortalitas tinggi
  • 65. Penyebaran langsung dari area yang berhubungan dengan osteitis atau osteomielitis Penyebaran retrograd dari thromboflebitis melalui vena diploica atau emissaria
  • 66.
  • 67.  A 3rd generation cephalosporin (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftizoxime) Plus  Metronidazole : adult 30mg/kg/d usually IV q 12 hr or q 6 hr Or  Chloramphenicol : 1 gm IV q 6 hr If culture shows only streptococcus : Penicillin G high dose 5 M units IV q 6 hr
  • 68.  IV antibiotics for 6-8 weeks (most commonly 6 weeks)  Duration of treatment may be reduced if abscess and capsule entirely excised surgically  Oral antibiotic may be used following IV, course 5-20% of abscesses recur within 6 weeks of discontinuing antibiotics Greenberg, 2001
  • 69. Tindakan darurat untuk menurunkan tekanan intrakranial Konfirmasi diagnosis Mengambil pus untuk diagnosis mikrobiologi Mempertinggi efikasi terapi antibiotika Menghindari penyebaran iatrogenik infeksi ke dalam ventrikel
  • 70. Keterlambatan diagnosis Lokasi abses pada tempat yang berbahaya Abses multiple dan terletak dalam Ruptur abses ke ventrikel Koma Etiologi dari jamur Antibiotika tidak adekuat
  • 71. The role of LP is very dubious. Although LP is abnormal in > 90 %, there is no characteristic finding diagnostic of abscess (Greenberg,2001) The CSF profile from a patient with brain abscess is nonspecific ( Scheld et al, 1991)
  • 72. - Controversial The potential drawbacks of these agents are :  Reduced antibiotic entry into CNS  Decreased collagen formation and glial response  Alteration of the CT scan appearance of ring enhancement as inflammation subsides Scheld et al, 1991
  • 73. Can retard the encapsulation process Increase necrosis Reduce antibiotic penetration into the abscess Steroid used to reduce cerebral edema Brook, 2004
  • 74. CT Scan Brain absces MRI Brain Absces
  • 75. cold abscess: an abscess of comparatively slow development with little evidence of inflammation. (= chronic a. / tuberculous a.) hot abscess, an acute abscess with symptoms of local inflammation.
  • 76. - Contralateral limb weakness - Contralateral sensory loss - Disfasia - Disleksia, disgrafia, diskalkulia - Disorientasi spasial Hemianopsia Homonim Kontralateral Nistagmus Disartria Ataksia - Ggn saraf kranial - Ggn fx vital - Ggn bahasa - Ggn memori - Ggn mood - Ggn perilaku - Hearing & vision pathways - Demensia - Ggn mood - Ggn perilaku - Inkontinensia - disfungsi olfaktorius - Disfungsi opticus (Wilkinson, 1997)
  • 77.
  • 78.  Demam  Nyeri kepala hebat  Kejang umum  Gangguan kesadaran  Kaku kuduk  Brudzinky (+)  Tanda Kernig (+)  Mungkin terdapat bercak merah (Neisseria) Gejala klinik pada dewasa dan anak lebih 5 tahun  Nyeri kepala  tak tahu  Kaku kuduk  mungkin tak ada  Demam dan kejang  Ngantuk  Mudah terangsang  Fontanella cembung. Gejala klinik pada anak-anak dan bayi
  • 79. INFEKSI TAK MELALUI SAWAR OTAK Infeksi pada arteri Cairan Serebospinal (SS) Piameter Jaringan otak Infeksi langsung Traumatik : Luka ==> infeksi (infeksi sekitar kepala otak Non Traumatik : Mastoiditis ==> Otak Saraf -saraf Tepi Otak Infeksi langsung cairan SS Otak
  • 80. Meningitis piogenik akut adalah respon inflamasi terhadap infeksi bakteri pada membran arakhnoid dan piamater yang membungkus otak dan medula spinalis (Gilroy, 2000). Insiden meningitis bacterial adalah 2 sampai 7 kasus tiap 100.000 orang pada dewasa dan 70 kasus tiap 100.000 pada anak (Weiner, 1999).
  • 81.  Konsentrasi bakteri dalam darah tinggi dan terjadi invasi ke susunan saraf pusat  Anak dengan imunodefisiensi, splenektomi dan asplenia kongenital  Penyakit kronik seperti diabetes mellitus, alkoholisme, sirosis hati.  Sickle cell anemia dan hemoglobinopati  Virulensi bakteri.
  • 82. Gejala dan tanda Pungsi lumbal, diikuti pemeriksaan: * Gram’s stain * Tes antigen bakteri * Kultur bakteri * Deteksi asam nukleat bakteri
  • 83. Rash
  • 85. Viral Infection  Peningkatan jumlah sel (lymphocytes atau monocytes)  Sel mononuklear 10- 1000/mm3  Protein sedikit meningkat  Glukosa normal Bacterial Infection  Lymphocytic pleocytosis  Sel PMN predominan (50- 4000/mm3)  Protein meningkat  Kadar glukosa kurang 2/3 glukosa darah
  • 86. Parameter Bacterial Viral Neoplastic Fungal OP (< 170 mm CSF) > 30 mm 200 mm 200 mm 300 mm WBC ( < 5 mononuklear) > 1000 / L < 1000 / L < 5000 / L < 5000 / L % PMNS (O) > 80 % 1 – 5 % 1 – 50 % 1 – 50 % Glukosa ( > 40 mg/dL) < 40 mg / dL > 40 mg / dL < 40 mg / dL < 40 mg / dL Protein ( < 50 mg/ dL) > 200 mg/ dL < 200 mg / dL > 200 mg / dL > 200 mg / dL Gram stain (-) (+) (-) (-) (-) Cytology (-) (-) (-) (+) (+) Greenlee , 1990
  • 87. Profile Of CSF in Acute Meningitis and Encephalitis Investigation Reference Range Meningitis Bacterial Meningitis Viral Encephalitis Opening pressure < 30 mmH2) Raised Normal Increased Total WBC count < 5 x 10 6/L Greatly increased Moderately increased Moderately increased WBC Differential Lymphocytes (60%- 70%), monocytes (30%-50%), no neutrophil or red blood cell Neutrophils predominant Lymphocytes predominant Lymphocytes predominant [Glucose] 28-44 mmol/L Decreased Normal Normal CSF: serum glucose Ratio >60% Decreased 34/109 Normal Normal [Protein] <0,45g/L Increased Normal or slightly increased Normal or slightly increased Berkley, 2003
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90.
  • 92. Current causes of community-acquired bacterial meningitis in children and adults in the United States and Canada Bacterium Causative organism (% of cases) Incidence (per 100,000 population) Case- fatality rate (%) Streptococcus pneumoniae 30-50 0.6-1.2 19-46 Neisseria meningitidis 15-40 0.5-1 3-17 Haemophilus influenzae 2-7 <1 3-11 Listeria monocytogene s 1-3 0.1-0.2 15-40 Other bacteria* <5 Not available Not available *Including streptococci, staphylococci, aerobic gram-negative bacilli, and anaerobic organisms. Black, 2001
  • 93. Age group Common bacterial pathogens Empiric Regimens 0-1 month S. agalactiae, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, L. monocytogenes ampicillin + cefotaxime 1-3 months S. agalactiae, E. coli, L..monocytogenes, S.pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, H. influenzae ampicillin + ceftriaxone 3 mo-18 yrs N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae ceftriaxone + vancomycin 18-50 years S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis ceftriaxone + vancomycin > 50 years S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, L. monocytogenes,aerobic gram-negative bacilli ampicillin + ceftriaxone neurosurger y patients P. aeruginosa, coagulase-negative staphylococci Black, 2001
  • 94.
  • 95.  Kongenital : Ibu hamil  infeksi : ookista (feses kucing)  plasenta  bayi.  Akuisita (droplet binatang piaraan) : makan daging belum masak (dengan kista)  kontak feses kucing (dengan kista)  usus  darah  meningen  otak (destruksi). Etiologi : Toxoplasma gondii
  • 96. Kongenital (infeksi pasif) :  Demam, kejang dan rash  Hepatosplenomegali  Chorioretinitis  Hidrosefalus / mikrosefalus  Kalsifikasi otak  Retardasi mental Manifestasi klinik Akuisita  sama dengan meningoensefalitis kadang-kadang tanpa panas.  Toxoplasma gondii di LCS  Biopsi otot  Limfonodi  Serologis : tes antibody fluid rescent indirect (+)  Sabin feldman dye test titer 1 : 512 atau lebih Diagnosis
  • 97. Hari I  Sulfadiazine : 4 gr Pirimetamine : 100 – 200 mgr Hari II sampai 4 minggu  Sulfadiazine : 2-6 mg/hari Pirimetamine 25 mg/hari Fansidar (sulfadiazine + pirimetamine) Hari I : 4 tablet Hari II sampai 3 minggu : 1 tablet Spiramisin (untuk ibu hamil) Leucovorin + asam folat : 2 – 10 mg/hr (selama 4 mgg)
  • 98. Sifilis, cryptococcus dan tuberculosis. Meningitis sifilitik : - simtomatik - asimtomatik. Meningitis Tb : - basil Tb sering tak tampak  cat. - Kultur Tb  lama (beberapa minggu) - Serologis IgG Tb (+)  sensitivitas 70%. Cryptococcus : jumlahnya turun dalam cat. Lekemia (meningitis lekemia)  LCS :  sel limfoblas / mieloblas (+)  Stadium akhir : sel limfoblas / mieloblas beribu-ribu. Misalnya : sinusitis paranasal/mastoiditis, abses otak  LCS : sel mononukleus predominan, glukosa normal dan organisme tidak ada Infeksi bakteri yang terletak dekat mening Infeksi meningeal spesifik/parainfeksiosa  organisme tdk mungkin diisolir. Invasi neoplasma (limfoma/karsinoma)
  • 99.  Demam  Nyeri kepala hebat  Kejang umum  Gangguan kesadaran  Kaku kuduk  Brudzinky (+)  Tanda Kernig (+)  Mungkin terdapat bercak merah (Neisseria) Gejala klinik pada dewasa dan anak lebih 5 tahun  Nyeri kepala  tak tahu  Kaku kuduk  mungkin tak ada  Demam dan kejang  Ngantuk  Mudah terangsang  Fontanella cembung. Gejala klinik pada anak-anak dan bayi
  • 100.
  • 101. • Konsep Fisiologik • Kemungkinan komponen anatomi  Dinding Kapiler  Membrana Pialgial dan ruang Virchow - Robin  Prosesus sel-sel Glia Adalah suatu mekanisme pertahanan agar bahan-bahan berbahaya tidak mudah begitu saja masuk kedalam cairan otak ( termasuk disini juga obat-obatan )
  • 102. Definition: A barrier made up of neuroglia and capillary walls which limits the movement of substances in the bloodstream into the brain
  • 103. The arachnoid membrane Choroid plexus epithelium Cerebral microvascular endothelium ( disorder in this level result separation intercellular tight junctions, increased pinocytosis)
  • 104.
  • 105. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUSES Herpes simplex viruses account for approximately 10% to 20% of viral encephalitides in the United States of which HSV-1causes approximately 95% of cases in patients beyond the neonatal period approximately one third of cases caused by primary HSV-1 infection and two thirds by viral reactivation,HSV-1infection of the central nervous system (CNS) have a better neurologic outcome than those infected with HSV-2In the past, the most specific means for the diagnosis of HSE was brainbiopsy [1]. However, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of CSF is highly sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of HSE (91% and 92%, respectively, in one study inpatients with biopsy-proven disease) Juliana Cepelowicz, MD,Allan R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Viral Encephalitis
  • 106. VARICELLA-ZOSTER VIRUS The most common extracutaneous site of involvement in children with varicella is the CNS.It is estimated that0.1% to 0.75% of children with varicella develop encephalitis,as direct involvement of brain parenchyma or as an autoimmune-mediated postinfectious,The pathogenesis of varicella encephalitis includes small vessel vasculopathy with ischemia and demyelination, medium and large artery hemorrhage or ischemia, and periventricular inflammation,The most common neurologic abnormality associatedwith VZV is cerebellar ataxia Juliana Cepelowicz, MD,Allan R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Viral Encephalitis
  • 107. Encephalitis can be a consequence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection of brain parenchyma in immunosupressed patients, particularly in patients infected with HIV who have CMV disease outside the CNS, Two forms of CMV encephalitis : One form is very similar to HIV encephalopathy, in which patients have mental status changes, confusion,disorientation, progressive apathy, and dementia; thesepatients differ clinically by the relative acute onset of CMV encephalitis ,the other is cranial nerve palsy ,nistagmus ,ataxia,ventriculomegaly CYTOMEGALOVIRUS Juliana Cepelowicz, MD,Allan R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Viral Encephalitis
  • 108. The enteroviruses cause a wide spectrum of human disease, from mild nonspecific fever to aseptic meningitis and encephalitis,There are almost 70 serotypes of enteroviruses that cause disease; the newly numbered enteroviruses 70 and 71 have been reported to commonly cause CNS The clinical syndrome of enteroviral encephalitis ranges from mild mental status changes to frank coma; focal findings may mimic those seen in HSE. A unique form of brainstem encephalitis,rhombencephalitis (characterized by myoclonus, tremors,ataxia, and cranial nerve involvement) has been associated with enterovirus ENTEROVIRUSES Juliana Cepelowicz, MD,Allan R. Tunkel, MD, PhD, Viral Encephalitis
  • 109. Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town Cytomegalovirus
  • 110. Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town Herpes simplex virus
  • 111. Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town Herpesvirus
  • 112. Herpes simplex virus Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
  • 113. Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town Human Imunodeficiency Virus
  • 114. Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town Adenovirus
  • 115. Human Cytomegalovirus Image Courtesy of Linda Stannard, of the Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
  • 116.
  • 119. Konjungtiva Mukosa Kulit Rusak Darah Limfa Aksi Kuman + Reaksi Tubuh Runtuhan kuman +Unsur- unsur tubuh (TOKSIN) Toksemia  Prodroma : Demam, malaise Anoreksia Tubuh menang Tubuh kalah Sawar Otak Darah (Septikemia) Kuman
  • 120. INFEKSI TAK MELALUI SAWAR OTAK Infeksi pada arteri Cairan Serebospinal (SS) Piameter Jaringan otak Infeksi langsung Traumatik : Luka ==> infeksi (infeksi sekitar kepala otak Non Traumatik : Mastoiditis ==> Otak Saraf -saraf Tepi Otak Infeksi langsung cairan SS Otak
  • 121. Temperature 0 Centigrade 0 Faranheat Normal 36.6 - 37.20 C 98 - 990 F Pyrexia >37.20 C >99 0 F Hyperpyrexia >41.60 C >1070 F Subnormal <36.60 C <980 F Hypothermia <350 C <950 F Body temperature: The normal and the abnormal Rationalmedicine, 2002
  • 122.
  • 123. Viral infections in AIDS •HSV –Chronic mucocutaneous infection (oral & anogenital) –Treatement: acyclovir •VZV –shingles •CMV –Sites •retinitis •encephalitis •hepatitis •pneumonia –Treatment: ganciclovir –Paradoxical worsening of retinitis after HAART •HHV8 –Kaposi’s sarcoma