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Stakeholder	Engagement
(version	2.2)
MSc.	PMP.	Nguyen	Thanh	Phuoc
Key	Topics
• Agile	chartering
• Agile	modeling
• Assessing	and	incorporating	
community	and	stakeholder	values
• Brainstorming,	Active	Listening
• Collaboration	game
• Communication	management
– Face	to	face	(F2F)
– Social	media
– Two-way	(trustworthy,	conversion-
• Conflict	resolution	(Levels	of	conflict)
• Definition	of	DONE
• Workshops
• Emotional	Intelligence
• Facilitation
• Information	radiators
• Knowledge	sharing/written	
• Negotiation
• Participatory	decision	model
– Decision	Spectrum
– First	of	five	voting
– Simple	voting
– Thumbs	up/down/sideways
• Personas,	Wireframes
Tasks	TO	DO
1. Engage empowered	business	stakeholders
2. Share	information	frequency	with	all	stakeholders
3. Form	working agreements	for	participation
4. Assess	organizational	changes	to	maintain	stakeholder	
5. Use	collaborative	decision making	and	conflict	
6. Establish	a	shared	vision	to	align	stakeholders
7. Maintain	a	shared	understanding	of	success
8. Provide	transparency for	better	decisions
9. Balance	certainty and	adaptability for	better	planning
[K&S]	Taking	Care	of	Stakeholders
The	project	team	is	considered	
stakeholders	in	traditional	project	
management	(according	to	PMBOK
Stakeholder	Management	in	Non	Agile
1. Identify	all	the	stakeholders	periodically	(in	particular	the	key	
stakeholders	who	will	have	a	big	impact	on	project	success)
2. Communicate	with	selected	stakeholders	for	requirements	and	
needs	gathering
3. Enhance	stakeholder	involvement	by	active	communication	and	
information	sharing
4. As	project	evolves,	the	interests	of	key	stakeholders	must	be	
managed	actively
5. Discuss	updated	estimates	and	projections	timely	and	openly	
(even	in	case	of	bad	news)	so	as	to	facilitate	future	planning
6. Keep	a	good	relationship	with	all	stakeholders	by	disseminating	
necessary	information	and	collecting	feedback	from	them	
StakeholdersClassification in	Non	Agile
[K&S]	Taking	Care	of	Stakeholders
• Stakeholder	Stewardship versus	Stakeholder	Management	in	Non	
– Stakeholder	stewardship	means	looking	after	everyone	with	a	
mindset	of	serving	the	team rather	than	trying	to	tell	people	how	
to	do	their	jobs
– Educating	Stakeholders	about	Agile	(…)
– Keep	Stakeholders	Engaged (…)
[K&S]	Taking	Care	of	Stakeholders	(cont.)
• Educating	Stakeholders	about	Agile
– Need	some	basic	education	about	how	agile	projects	operate	
to	help	them	understand	the	agile	approach
– Address	any	myths	about	agile and	guide	their	expectations.	
– This	education	should	include	
• the	goals,	
• values,	
• practices,	
• and	benefits	of	the	agile	approach
Help	them	understand	why	the	project	
will	be	executed	in	this	manner.	
[K&S]	Taking	Care	of	Stakeholders	(cont.)
• Keep	Stakeholders	Engaged
– Short	iterations	prevent	stakeholders	from	losing	interest.
– Engaging	stakeholders	in	project	events	is	that	not	all	
stakeholders	can	be	handled	in	the	same	way
– Stakeholder	stewardship	is	establishing	a	process	for	
escalating	issues	that	need	a	high	level	of	authority	to	
[K&S]	Incorporating	Stakeholder’s	Values
• Focus	on	bringing	project	priorities into	alignment	with	
stakeholder priorities
• Engage	the	product	owner	in	the	prioritization of	the	backlog
• Invite stakeholders	to	planning meetings	and	sprint review
• Help	to	hear	about	change	requests	as	soon	as	possible.
• Help	to	identify	potential	risks,	defects,	and	issues
• Big	Focus	on	Stakeholders
– User	story	workshops
– Participatory	decision	making	
– Collaboration	games
– Frequent	discussions	of	the	“definition	of	done”
Principles of	Stakeholder	Engagement
1. Get	the	right	stakeholder
2. Cement	(Hold) stakeholder	involvement
Ex:	We	could	also	report	on	the	benefits	or	issues	resulting	from	
the	stakeholders’	involvement
3. Actively	manage	stakeholder	interest
4. Frequency	discuss	what	“done”	looks	like	(acceptance	criteria
for	each	user	story)
5. Show	progress and	capabilities
6. Candidly	(thẳng thắn) discuss	estimates	and	projections
How	to	establish	
a	shared	vision
How	to	establish	a	shared	vision
• Some	key	tools	that	agile	teams	
use	to	establish	a	shared	vision	
among	all	the	stakeholders
– Agile	Charter
– Definition	of	done	(DOD)
– Workshops
– Agile	Modeling
– Wireframes	
– Personas
Establishing	a	Shared	Vision
• [T&T,	K&S]	Agile	Chartering
– Project	charter	is	one	of	the	first	documents	produced	for	a	
• It	describes	the	project’s	goal,	purpose,	composition,	and	
approach,	and	it	provides	authorization from	the	sponsor
for	the	project	to	proceed
• Agile	charters	can	range	from	very	lightweight	worksheets	
and	barely	expanded	vision	statements	to	fairly	detailed	
– Agile	versus	Non-Agile	Charters
• The	goal	of	an	agile	charter	is	to	describe	the	project	at	a	
high	level
• They	typically	have	less	detail	than	non-agile	charters,	and	
focus	more	on	how	the	project	will	be	run than on	exactly	
what	will	be	built
Establishing	a	Shared	Vision
• [T&T,	K&S]	Agile	Chartering
– Elevator	statement
[T&T]	Agile	Modeling
• Use	Case	Diagrams
• Data	Model
[T&T]	Agile	Modeling
• Screen	Designs
[T&T]	Wireframes
• Quick	mock-up	of	a	product
• Low	fidelity	prototyping
• Quick	and	cheap	way
[T&T]	Personas
• Provide	an	archetypal	description	of	users
• Be	grounded	in	reality
• Be	goal-oriented,	specific	and	relevant,	generate	focus
[K&S]	Communicating	
with	Stakeholders
[K&S]	Communicating	with	Stakeholders
• Face	to	Face	Communication
– face-to-face	communication	at	a	whiteboard has	the	
highest	efficiency
[T&T]	Two-Way	Communication
the	“dispatching”	model	
traditionally	used	in	a	
command	and	control	
In	the	collaborative,	
two-way	communication	
style	used	on	agile	
[T&T]	Knowledge	Sharing
• Knowledge	sharing	by	using	low-tech,	high-touch tools	like	cards	
on	a	wall	to	plan	and	schedule	the	project
• Generate	lists	of	work	done,	work	planned,	and	issues	that	have	
• Speed	the	sharing	of	information	that	occurs	in	face- to-face	
environments	through	osmotic	communication	and	tacit	
(unwritten)	knowledge
• Knowledge	sharing
– From	Customer	to	Team
– From	Team	to	Customer
[T&T]	Knowledge	Sharing	in	XP
[T&T]	Information	Radiators
[T&T]	Information	Radiators	(cont.)
Some	of	the	information	radiators	that	are	used	in	Agile	
projects	are:
1. Burnup	charts
2. Burndown	charts
3. Kanban	or	Task	Boards
4. Impediment	Logs
[T&T]	Information	Radiators	(cont.)
Some	of	the	information	radiators	that	are	used	in	Agile	
projects	are:
1. Burnup	charts
2. Burndown	charts
3. Kanban	or	Task	Boards
4. Impediment	Logs
[T&T]	Information	Radiators	(cont.)
Some	of	the	information	radiators	that	are	used	in	Agile	
projects	are:
1. Burnup	charts
2. Burndown	charts
3. Kanban	or	Task	Boards
4. Impediment	Logs
[T&T]	Social	Media
Social media are a great way to collect ideas,
requirements and feedback from the community
[T&T]	Workshop
• How	to	conduct	workshops	more	effective:
– Diverse	groups	reflect	a	wider	range	of	viewpoints	than	just	a	
few	experts
– To	prevent	dominant individuals	è the	facilitator	can	use	
techniques	such	as	going	round-robin	style	around	the	group	
or	generating	ideas	on	sticky	notes.
• User	story	workshop	(story	writing	workshop)
• Reason	for	conducting	user	story	workshops	is	to
– Engage the	key	stakeholders	in	the	design	process	(ex:	UI)
– Can	discuss	the	trade-offs	and	priorities	of	the	work
– The	team	will	get	a	better	understanding	of	the	stakeholders’	
needs,	without	jumping	directly	to	possible	solutions
– the	business	will	get	a	better	sense	of	the	costs	and	options
[T&T]	Brainstorming
• A	group	tries	to	rapidly	generate	a	lot	of	ideas about	a	
problem	or	issue	
• Agile	teams	can	use	this	approach	to	help	identify	
options,	solve	issues,	and	find	ways	to	improve	
• For	example,	the	team	might	brainstorm
– Product	roles	to	feature in	personas
– Features to	include	in	the	minimal	viable	product for	a	
– Potential	risks	that	could	impact the	project
– Solutions	to	a	problem	raised	in	a	retrospective
[T&T]	Collaboration	Games
Collaboration	games	(innovation	games)	are	facilitated	workshop	
techniques	that	agile	stakeholders	can	use	to	get	a	better
understanding	of	complex	or	ambiguous	issues	and	reach	
consensus	on	options	and	solutions.
Some	examples	of	the	collaborative	games
1. Remember	the	Future
– This	is	a	vision-setting and	requirements-elicitation exercise
2. Prune	the	Product	Tree
– This	exercise	helps	stakeholders	gather	and	shape	requirements
3. Speedboat (aka	Sailboat)
– The	goal	of	this	exercise	is	to	identify	threats	and	opportunities(risks)	for	
the	project
4. Buy a	Feature
Using	Critical	Interpersonal	Skills
• [T&T]	Emotional	Intelligence
• [T&T]	Active	Listening
• [K&S]	Facilitation
• Negotiation
• Conflict resolution
• Participatory	decision	making
• More	Inter-Personal	Skills…
Using	Critical	Interpersonal	Skills	(cont.)
• [T&T]	Emotional	Intelligence	(Trí tuệ cảm xúc)
(Personal Competence)
(Social Competence)
Using	Critical	Interpersonal	Skills	(cont.)
• [T&T]	Active	Listening
Using	Critical	Interpersonal	Skills	(cont.)
• [K&S]	Facilitation	(MC,	Điều phối viên)
– Goals
• A	clear	goal for	each	meeting or	workshop
• Get	engaged	in	the	discussion	from	the	start
• can	shorten	the	session	time,	making	the	
discussion	feel	more	valuable	to	all	involved
– Rules
• Basic	ground	rules
• The	rules	must	also	been	force	during	each	
– Timing	(kiểm soát thời gian)
• Breaks will	take	place
– Assisting	(hỗ trợ thêm…)
Using	Critical	Interpersonal	Skills	(cont.)
• [T&T]	Conflict	Resolution
• [T&T]	Conflict	Resolution
Negotiation	to	resolve	conflict	in	AGILE
• Kenneth	Thomas	and	Ralph	Kilmann	identified	five	conflict	
– Competing - High assertiveness and	low	cooperativeness	è The	goal	is	to	
– Avoiding - Low assertiveness and	low cooperativeness	è The	goal	is	to	
– Compromising - Moderate assertiveness	and	cooperativeness	è The	goal	is	
to	“find	a	middle	ground.”
– Collaborating - High assertiveness	and	high cooperativeness	è The	goal	is	to	
“find	a	win-win	solution.”
– Accommodating - Low assertiveness	and	high cooperativeness	è The	goal	is	
to	“yield.”
• Agile	always	focuses	on	Collaborating	Mode	of	conflict	resolution	è
This	results	in	a	positive	mindset	among	the	team.	
• The	agile	leader	plays	a	significant	role	in	ensuring	the	collaborative	
style	of	conflict	resolution,	where	the	outcome	always	results	in	a	
Win-Win	scenario.
[K&S]	Participatory	Decision	Making
• Engaging the	project	stakeholders in	the	decision-making	process
• Communication and	decision-making	processes are	more	critical	
for	keeping	everyone	informed	and	engaged
• Teams	need	to	be	enabled	and	encouraged	to	make	these	
decisions	quickly because	in	the	short	timeboxes	in	which	Agile	
works,	any	delay	in	decision	making can	have	a	greater	impact	on	
the	project	timeline.
• With	participatory	decision	models,	a	key	point	to	remember	is,	
“not	involved	means	not	committed.”
[K&S]	Participatory	Decision	Making	(cont.)
• Agile	methods	favor	more	team	empowerment	and	less	
command-and-control	direction	on	projects.	
• Convergent,	Shared	Collaboration
– Convergence:	aim	for	convergence,	or	collective	agreement	on	the	
best	answer
– Shared	Collaboration:	looking	for	group consensus	than	individual
• Participatory	Decision	Models
– Simple	Voting
– Thumbs	Up/Down/Sideways
– Fist-of-Five	Voting
Chapter	Review	by	Quizziz	CODE
• Active	listening
• Agile	chartering
• Agile	modeling
• Assessing	and	incorporating	
community	and	stakeholder	values
• Brainstorming
• Collaboration	game
• Communication	management
– Face	to	face	(F2F)
– Social	media
– Two-way	(trustworthy,	conversion-
• Conflict	resolution	(Levels	of	conflict)
• Definition	of	DONE
• Workshops
• Emotional	Intelligence
• Facilitation
• Information	radiators
• Knowledge	sharing/written	
• Negotiation
• Participatory	decision	model
– Decision	Spectrum
– First	of	five	voting
– Simple	voting
– Thumbs	up/down/sideways
• Personas
• Stakeholder	management	
• Wireframes
• PMI-ACP	Exam	Prep	2015	By	Mike	Griffiths,	PMI-ACP,	PMP
• Many	other	resources	from	Internet
Thank	you	for	your	attention!

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