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Continuous	Improvement
(version	2.2)
MSc.	PMP.	Nguyen	Thanh	Phuoc
Key	Topics
• Agile	hybrid models
• Approved	iterations
• Continuous	improvement
• Feedback	methods
• Learning	cycle
• Process	analysis
– Anti-patterns
– Success	criteria
– Success	patterns
• Process	Tailoring
– Risks
– Recommendations
• Product	feedback	loop
• Project	pre-mortems
• Retrospectives	
– Five-step	process
– Three	problem	solving	steps
• Reviews
• Self-assessment	tools	and	
• Systems	thinking
• Value	stream	mapping
– Non	value-added	time
– Process	cycle	efficiency
– Total	cycle	time
– Value-added	time
Tasks	TO	DO
1. Periodically review and	tailor the	process
2. Improve	team	processes	through	retrospectives
3. Seek	product	feedback	via	frequent	demonstrations
4. Create	an	environment	for	continued	learning
5. Use	value	stream	analysis	to	improve	processes
6. Spread	improvements to	other	groups	in	the	
Continuous	Improvement	 - Non-Agile
• Most	traditional	projects	capture	the	majority	of	their	lessons	learned	
at	the	end	of	the	project.	The	intent	behind	capturing	these	lessons	is	
to	allow	the	organization	to	apply	them	to	future	projects	with	a	similar	
business	or	technical		domain,	or	to	projects	that	have	similar	team
• This	approach,	frankly,	is	too	little,	too	late.	We	need	to	apply	the	
benefits of		learning	as	we	go on	our	current	project,	and	as	soon	as
Continuous Improvement
• The	agile	approach	to	lessons	learned	is	deliberate	and	frequent,	
and	it	helps	ensure	that	the	team	regularly	considers	adaptation	
and improvement	to	the	point	where	it	becomes	habitual	and	
part	of	their	normal	way	of working.
• We	will	look	at	the	T&T	and	K&S that	are	part	of	this	“Learn” step:
o Retrospectives;	Process	Tailoring
o Principles	of	Systems	Thinking	(Complex,	Adaptive,	Chaos)
o Process	Analysis
o Self	Assessment
>	Agile	Cycle	vs	PDCA
• The	agile	cycle employs	a	continuous cycle	of	Plan,	Develop,	Evaluate,	
and	LEARN. This	cycle	is	very	similar	to	Deming’s	“Plan,	Do,	Check,	Act”	
Agile Cycle
Plan, Do, Check, Act Cycle
>	Agile	Cycle	vs	PDCA
>	Agile	Cycle
• As	shown	in	the	diagram	below,	the	“Learn”	step	of	inspecting,	
adapting,	and	improving is	built	into	every	agile	iteration
• The	“Learn”	step	shown	here	includes the	team’s	iteration	reviews	
and	retrospectives
Continuous	Improvement	(cont.)
• Multiple	Levels	of	Improvement
– Agile	continuous	improvement	efforts	are	layered	like	an	onion
Continuous	Improvement (cont.)
• This	process	is	never	completed;	instead,	it	continues	throughout	
the	project	in	much	the	same	way	as	stakeholder	communications	
• Kaizen	focuses	on	encouraging	the	team	to	frequently	initiate	and	
implement	small,	incremental	improvements
• Continuous	Improvement	works	on	three levels:
Ø Continuous	Process Improvement
Ø Continuous	Product	Improvement
Ø Continuous	People	Improvement
Continuous	PROCESS	
[K&S]	Process	Continuous	Improvement
• [T&T]	Process	Tailoring
• [K&S]	Hybrid	Models
• [K&S]	Systems	Thinking
• [K&S]	Process	Analysis
• [T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping
• [T&T]	Project	Pre-Mortems
>	Process Tailoring
• Amend	the methodology to	better	fit	the	project	environment.
• Create	process-per-project approach.
• Process	tailoring	can	be	effective	and	productive,	but	that	we	
should	be	aware	of	the	risks	involved	in	this	practice.
• Removing or	augmenting	any	of	these	elements	in	process	without	
understanding	the	relationships	among	them	can	lead	to	problems
• Examples	about	Tailoring
• Scrum	BUT
• XP	minus	TDD	practice,	Pair	Programming.
>	[K&S]	Hybrid	Models
– Might	be	a	combination	of	two	(or	more)	agile	methods,	or	an	
agile	methodology	and	(heaven	forbid!)	a	traditional	approach
– Let’s	look	at	examples	of	both	an	agile-agile	and	an	agile-
traditional	hybrid	model
• Agile-Agile	Hybrid:	Scrum-XP
• Agile-Traditional	Hybrid
>	[K&S]	Hybrid	Models
– Agile-Agile	Hybrid:	Scrum-XP
• XP	provides	great	technical	guidance	but	not	much	in	the	way	of	
project	governance	guidance
• Scrum	provides	a	project	governance	model	but	not	much	in	the	
way	of	how	to	do	the	work
• Because	there	is	so	little	overlap	between	these	two	methodologies,	
this	hybrid	can	offer	well-formed.
>	[K&S]	Hybrid	Models
• Agile-Traditional	Hybrids
– Sometimes	certain	
portions	of	a	project	are	
best	suited	to	an	agile	
approach	and	other	
parts	to	a	traditional	
>	[K&S]	System Thinking
• One part of the systems-
thinking approach
involves classifying
projects in terms of their
complexity (i.e., level of
uncertainty) in two areas:
the project requirements
and the technological
• Tailoring our process, it’s
helpful to consider the
project environment from
this systems - level
Close	to		
Far	from		
Close	to		
Far	from		
Agile	works		
well here
>	[K&S]	Process Analysis
• Process	analysis is	closely	related	to	process	tailoring	and	
systems	thinking.	
• Process	analysis	involves	reviewing	and	diagnosing	issues	with	a	
team's	agile	methods.	This	analysis	can	help	us	reach	a	decision
about	whether	to	tailor	the	process.
>	[K&S]	Process Analysis
• Methodology	Anti-Patterns	Alistair	Cockburn	provides	the	
following	list	of	anti-patterns	(bad	or	unhelpful	attributes)	to	watch	
out	for	in	our	methodologies:
– One	size	for	all	projects	(một cho tất cả)
• It	isn’t	possible	to	create	one	optimal	methodology	for	all	types	of	
projects,	all	technologies,	and	all	team	sizes.
– Intolerant (không khoan dung)
• A	methodology	can	be	like	a	straight	jacket,	in	the	sense	that	it	is	
a	set	of	conventions	and	policies	that	we	agree	to	follow	and	use.	
• The	size	and	shape	of	the	straight	jacket	should	be	chosen	by	the	
team	and	should	not	be	made	any	tighter	than	necessary,	to	give	
people	a	little	wiggle	room	in	their	choices
>	[K&S]	Process Analysis
• Methodology	Anti-Patterns	(cont.)
– Heavy	(nặng nề)
• There	is	a	common	but	incorrect	belief	that	the	heavier	a	
methodology	is,	the	safer	it	is.	However,	adding	weight	to	a	
methodology	is	not	likely	to	improve	our	chance	of	delivering	
the	project	successfully.	Instead,	its	imply	diverts	our	
attention	from	the	real	goal	of	the	project
– Embellished	(tân trang)
• All	methods	tend	to	get	embellished	(decorate)	over	time.	
Teams	tend	to	add	things	that	they	think	they	“should”	be	
doing—but	that	way	of	thinking	usually	just	leads	to	
potentially	expensive,	error- prone	add-ons	to	the	process
>	[K&S]	Process Analysis (cont.)
• Methodology	Anti-Patterns	(cont.)
– Untried	(chưa thử qua)
• Instead	of	creating	a	complicated	new	theoretical	methodology,	it	
is	better	to	reuse,	adjust,	tune,	and	create	just	what	is	needed
– Used	once	(sử dung	một lần)
• A	methodology	that	is	used	once	is	a	little	better	than	one	that	is	
untried,	but	it	is	still	no	recipe	for	success	è not	sure	for	success	
with	your	project
>	[K&S]	Process Analysis (cont.)
• Success	Patterns:	Cock	burn	also	lists	seven	principles	that	tells	us	
if	the	methodology	tend	to	success	criteria:
1. Interactive,	face-to-face	communication is	the	cheapest	and	fastest	
channel	for	exchanging	information
2. Excess	(dư thᝍa) methodology	weight	is	costly:	we	want	to	minimize	
such	documentation	to	a	barely	sufficient	level
3. Larger	teams	need	heavier	methodologies
4. Greater	ceremony is	appropriate	for	projects	with	greater	criticality
5. Increasing	feedback	and	communication	reduces	the	need	for		
intermediate	deliverables
6. Discipline,	skills,	and	understanding	counter	process,	formality,	and		
7. Efficiency	is	expendable	in	non-bottleneck	activities.
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping
– We	create	a	visual	map	of	a	process	flow,	so	that	we	can	identify	
where	delays,	waste,	and	constraints	are	occurring
– The	goal	of	this	technique	is	to	optimize	the	flow	of	information
or	materials	required	to	complete	a	process,	there	by	reducing	
the	time	it	takes	to	create	value	and	eliminating	wasteful	or	
unnecessary	work
– Once	we	identify	the	areas that	could	be	improved in	the	
process,	we	can	then	look	for	ways	to	remove	those	problems
and	make	the	process	more	efficient
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping	(cont.)
– The	value	stream	mapping	process	involves	the	following	
1. Identify	the	product	or	service	to	be	analyzed
2. Create	a	value	stream	map	of	the	current	process,	identifying	
steps,	queues,	delays,	and	information	flows
3. Review	the	map	to	find	delays,	waste,	and	constraints
4. Create	a	new	value	stream	map	of	the	desired	future	state	of	
the	process,	optimized	to	remove	or	reduce	delays,	waste,	and	
5. Develop	a	road	map	for	creating	the	optimized	state
6. Plan	to	revisit	the	process	in	the	future	to	continually	refine	and	
optimize	it
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping	(cont.)
– Value	Stream	Mapping	Example
• Step	1:	identifying	the	activity	we	want	to	map
– You're	buying	a	cake	so	that	you	and	a	friend	can	have	a	little	party	
to	celebrate	your	passing	the	PMI-ACP	exam
• Step	2:	begin	mapping	the	value	stream
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping	(cont.)
– Value	Stream	Mapping	Example
• Step	2:	begin	mapping	the	value	stream	(cont.)
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping	(cont.)
– Value	Stream	Mapping	Example
• Step	2:	begin	mapping	the	value	stream	(cont.)
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping	(cont.)
– Step	3:	review	the	value	stream	map	to	identify	
waste,	bottlenecks,	and	process	inefficiencies
Ex:	there	are	waiting	delays	at	the	bakery	counter
and	the	checkout	counter	
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping	(cont.)
– Step	4:	remove	the	waste	and	create	a	new	value	stream	map	of	
the	future	optimized	state,	along	with	a	roadmap	of	how	to	get	
to	that	state.	
è Solution:	we	could	consider	phoning	a	specialty	cake	catering	
service	and	having	the	cake	express-delivered	to	our	house
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping	(cont.)
To	understand	value	stream	mapping,	we	need	to	break	
down	the	concept	of	cycle	time	into	more	detail—there	
are	four	more	terms	you’ll	need	to	know
• Total	cycle	time
• Value-added	time
• Non	value-added	time
• Process	cycle	efficiency:	This	is	the	value	- added	
time	divided	by	the	total	cycle	time	
>	[T&T]	Value	Stream	Mapping	(cont.)
– Step	5:	Develop	a	road	map	for	creating	the	optimized	state
– Step	6:	Plan	to	revisit	the	process	in	the	future	to	
continually	refine	and	optimize	it
>	[T&T]	Project	Pre-Mortems
– A	project	pre-mortem	is	a	facilitated	team	exercise	that	aims	to	
identify	the	possible	failure	points on	a	project	before		they	happen,	
so	that	we	can	avoid	or	minimize	those	risks.
– The	product	owner’s	participation	is	key,	because	the	team will	be	
proposing	risk	avoidance	or	mitigation	actions	that	the	product	
owner	will	need	to	agree	to	add	to	the	product	backlog.
– A	pre-mortem	exercise	typically	includes	four	working	steps
1. Imagine	the	failure
2. Generate	the	reasons	for	the	failure
3. Consolidate	the	list
4. Revisit	the	plan
[K&S]	Continuous	PRODUCT
Continuous	PRODUCT	Improvement
• [T&T]	Reviews
• [T&T]	Product	Feedback	Loops	and	Learning	Cycles
• [T&T]	Feedback	Methods
• [T&T]	Approved	Iterations
Continuous	Improvement - Product
• Iterative	and	incremental	development	is	a	form	of	
continuous	improvement,	with	customer	feedback	
steering	us	toward	the	final	solution
>	[T&T]	Product	Feedback	Loops	and	Learning	Cycles
• [T&T]	Product	Feedback	Loops	and	Learning	Cycles
>	[T&T]	Feedback	Methods
– Product	feedback	methods	such	as	prototypes,	
simulations,	and	demonstrations of	functionality	are	
critical	for	success	on	agile	projects
– The	term	IKIWISI(“I’ll	Know	It	When	I	see	It!”)
>	[T&T]	Approved	Iterations
– The	term	“approved	iterations”	in	the	exam	content	
outline	is	related	to	iteration	(or	sprint)	reviews
– If	the	product	owner	is	satisfied	that	the	increment	has	
met	the	iteration	goal—the	items	selected	from	the	
backlog	forth	at	iteration—then	they	will	“approve”	that	
– When	working	in	an	out	sourced	environment,	approved	
iterations	can	be	used	to	control	the	release	of	
incremental	funding	payments to	a	vendor
[K&S]	Continuous	PEOPLE	
Continuous	PEOPLE	Improvement
• [T&T]	Retrospective	
• [K&S]	Team	Self-Assessment
>	[T&T]	Retrospectives
Ø Retrospectives are	the primary	learning,	reflection,	and
readjustment	events	on	agile projects.
Ø A	retrospective	is	a	special	meeting	that	takes	place	after	each	
iteration,	in	which	the	team	members	gather	to	inspect	and	
improve their	methods	and		teamwork.
Ø Retrospectives	offer	a	number	of	benefits	for	teams,	including	the	
following	types	of	improvements:
• Improved	productivity
• Improved	capability
• Improved	quality
>	[T&T]	Retrospectives (cont.)
Ø The	retrospective	process	goes	through	the	following	five	steps:
The	typical	time	is	2	hours (timebox:	2	hours)
1. Set Stage (5%)
2. Gather Data(30-50%)
3. Generate Insights(20-30%)
4. Decide what to do(15-20%)
5. Close the Retrospective (10-15%)
>	[T&T]	Retrospectives (cont.)
1.	Set Stage
2.	GatherData
3.	GenerateInsights
4.	Decide	what	to do
5.	Close	the		
3.	Deliver	completed user		
stories	for evaluation
2.	Build	and	test	selected		
user stories
1.	Plan	the	iteration,		
improvements and
experiments	identified	in		
the retrospective
These	steps	operate	
in		an	ongoing	cycle	
that		is	synchronized	
with		the	iterations
[T&T]	Retrospectives (cont.)
Ø Step 1: Set the Stage:
Ø At	the	start	of	the	retrospective,	we	need	to	set	the	stage	to	
help	people		focus	on	the	task	at	hand	of	reflecting	on	how	
things	went.
Ø In	setting	the	stage,	we	aim	to	create	an	atmosphere	where	
people	feel	comfortable	speaking	about	things	that	may	not	
have	gone	so	well	on	the		project.
Ø Activities	to	help	set	the	stage	include:
• Check-in
• Focus	on/	Focus	off
ØWorking	agreements
[T&T]	Retrospectives (cont.)
Ø Step 2: Gather Data:
Ø In the gathering data phase, we create a shared picture of what
happened during the iteration (or release or project, depending on the
focus of the retrospective).
Ø Without a common vision for what occurred, the team will simply be
speculating on what changes or improvements to make and may
actually be addressing different issues or concerns without realizing it.
Ø There are several team-based activates that can be used to gather
Ø Timeline; Triple nickels; Color code dots.
Ø Mad, sad, glad; Locate strengths.
Ø Satisfaction histogram; Team radar; Like tolike.
Ø When we are finished with this step in the process, we should have a
comprehensive collection of observations, facts, and findings, all of
which have a shared understanding by the team.
[T&T]	Retrospectives (cont.)
Ø Step 3: Generate Insights:
Ø This	stage	gives	the	team	time	to	evaluate	the	data	that	was		gathered	in	
the	previous	step	and	derive	meaningful	insights	from	it.
Ø The	goal	of	the	generating	insights	stage	is	to	help	team	members		
understand	the	implications	of	their	findings	and	discussions.
Ø There	are	several	team-based	activates	that	can	be	used	to	gather	data:
ØFive	whys (5WHY)
ØPrioritize	with	dots
ØIdentify	themes (topics)
[T&T]	Retrospectives (cont.)
Ø Step 3: Generate Insights (cont.)
Ø Brainstorming
Ø Five whys
Ø Fishbone
Ø Prioritize with dots
• To determine their priorities, the team members use the dot
voting technique
Ø Identify themes (topics)
• The participants identify recurring patterns in the strengths
[T&T]	Retrospectives
Step 4: Decide What to Do:
Ø The activities involved in the "decide what to do" step move the
team from thinking about the iteration they just completed into
thinking about the next iteration, including what they will change
and how they will behave differently.
Ø In this step, the team identifies the highest-priority action items,
creates detailed plans for experiments, and sets measurable goals to
achieve the desired results.
Ø There are several activities that can be used to help the team
decide on an action plan:
Ø Short subjects.
Ø SMART goals.
Ø Retrospective planning
Ø Circle of questions.
[T&T]	Retrospectives (cont.)
Step 5: Close the Retrospective:
Ø The final step is closing the retrospective. We provide the team members
opportunities to reflect on what happened during the retrospective and
to express appreciation to each other
Ø Activities that summarize what the team decided to keep and what to
change, what we are thankful for, and where we can make the best
use of our time going forward, help round out the retrospective and
reinforce its value to the project.
Ø There are several team-based activities that can be used in this final
Ø Plus/Delta.
Ø Helped, Hindered, Hypothesis.
Ø Return on Time Invested (ROTI).
Ø Appreciations.
>	[K&S]	Team	Self Assessments	(by	James Shore)
Ø “James	Shore”	offers	a	self-assessment	quiz and	scoring	model	that	is	
focused	on	XP	practices,	teams	can	use	this	model	to	gauge	their	
Ø The	quiz	and	scoring	graph	measures	how	teams	perform	within	the	
following	categories:
• Thinking
• Collaborating
• Releasing
• Planning
• Developing
Ø The	quiz	is	completed	by	answering	questions	within	each	category	and	
scoring		the	answers	on	a	0-100	scale.
1.	Self-organization:	Is	the	team	self-organizing,	rather	than	functioning	
in	a	command-and-control,	top-down	organization?
2.	Empowered	to	make	decisions:	Is	the	team	empowered	to	discuss,	
evaluate,	and	make	decisions,		rather	than	being	dictated	to	by	an	
outside	authority?
3.	Belief	in	vision	and	success:	Do	team	members	understand	the	
project	vision	and	goals,	and	do	they		truly	believe	that,	as	a	team,	they	
can	solve	any	problem	to	achieve	those	goals?
4.	Committed	team:	Are	team	members	committed	to	succeed	as	a	
team,	rather	than	being	committed		to	individual	success	at	any	cost?
>	[K&S]	Team	Self	Assessments	(by	Jean Tabaka)
5.	Trust	each	other:	Does	the	team	have	the	confidence	to	continually	
work	on	improving	their	ability	to		act	without	fear,	anger,	or	bullying?
6.	Participatory	decision	making:	Is	the	team	engaged	in	participatory	
decision	making,	rather	than		bending	to	authoritarian	decision	
making	or	succumbing	to	decisions	from	others?
7.	Consensus-driven: Are	team	decisions	consensus-driven,	rather	
than	leader-driven?	Do	team		members	share	their	opinions	freely	
and	participate	in	the	final	decision?
8.	Constructive	disagreement:	Is	the	team	able	to	negotiate through	
a	variety	of	alternatives	and		impacts	surrounding	a decision,	and	
craft	the	one	that	provides	the	best	outcome?
[K&S]	Team	Self	Assessments	(by	Jean Tabaka)
>	[K&S]	Team	Self	Assessments	(by	Jean	Tabaka)
Review	by	Key	Topics
• Agile	hybrid	models
• Approved	iterations
• Continuous	improvement
• Feedback	methods
• Learning	cycle
• Process	analysis
– Anti-patterns
– Success	criteria
– Success	patterns
• Process	Tailoring
– Risks
– Recommendations
• Product	feedback	loop
• Project	pre-mortems
• Retrospectives	
– Five-step	process
– Three	problem	solving	steps
• Reviews
• Self-assessment	tools	and	
• Systems	thinking
• Value	stream	mapping
– Nonvalue-added	time
– Process	cycle	efficiency
– Total	cycle	time
– Value-added	time
Thank	you	for	your	attention!

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