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NATURAL SKIN CARE embodies a trend to go back to the
basics. More women are realizing the harsh affects that
chemical laden products can have on their skin.
They want to see results,but the side effects often
 cause worse problems than what they are trying to cure.
Why you could be using products that are
 harmful to your skin and the environment.
Find out about which raw materials are
good for you and how the natural skin care will benefit you
What is acne ?
Acne is a term that is used to describe
whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. (You may well
recognize slang terms like spots, or zits). Most
teenagers get the type of acne called acne
vulgaris,    which      can    show    up    on    the
face, neck, shoulders, back, and chest. Skin pores
contain oil glands which naturally lubricate your skin
and hair. But sometimes if a pore gets clogged beneath
the skin with excess oil and bacteria.

 There     are     many variations of
acne, ranging in severity from mild to
severely disfiguring.

 Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of
acne.     Acne    vulgaris   lesions    include
blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodu
les and cysts.
1. whiteheads

       Whiteheads result when a pore is
       completely blocked, trapping sebum
       (oil), bacteria, and dead skin
       cells, causing a white appearance on
       the surface. Whiteheads are normally
       quicker in life cycle than blackheads.
2. Blackheads
     Blackheads result when a pore is only
     partially blocked, allowing some of the
     trapped sebum (oil), bacteria, and dead
     skin cells to slowly drain to the
     surface.The black color is not caused by
     dirt. Rather, it is the skin's own
     pigment, melanin, reacting with the
     oxygen in the air. A blackhead tends to
     be a stable structure, and can often take
     a long time to clear.
3. Papules
     Papules: Papules are
     inflamed, red,tender bumps with no
     head. Do not squeeze a papule. It
     will do no good, and may
     exacerbate scarring.
     The Regimen provides a step-by-
     step program on how to treat
4. Pustules:

     A pustule is inflamed, and appears as a
     red circle with a white or yellow center.
     Pustules are your garden variety zit.
     Before you pop or squeeze such a
     lesion, be sure to read about
      how to pop a pimple.
5. Nodules:
    As opposed to the lesions mentioned
    above, nodular acne consists of acne
    spots which are much larger, can be quite
    painful, and can sometimes last for
    months. Nodules are large, hard
     bumps under the skin's surface. Scarring
    is common.Unresolved nodules can
    sometimes leave an impaction
    behind, which can flare again and again.
    Absolutely do not attempt to squeeze such
    a lesion.
Blood vessels may also become more visible on the skin.
Blackheads are not part of rosacea. It is more prevalent
in women, but often more severe when found in men.
Left untreated, it can cause swelling of the nose and the
growth of excess tissue, a condition called rhinophyma.
Treatment is often different for rosacea than for
acne, and it is important that you consult a
dermatologist if you suspect you are experiencing
 Severe forms of acne are rare, but they
inflict great hardship to the people who
experience them
1. Acne Conglobata
Acne Conglobata: This is the most severe form
 of acne vulgaris and is more common in males.
 It is characterized by numerous large lesions,
which are sometimes interconnected, along with
widespread blackheads. It can cause severe,
 irrevocable damage to the skin, and disfiguring
scarring. It is found on the face, chest, back,
buttocks,upper arms, and thighs
The age of onset for acne conglobata is usually between
18 to 30 years,and the condition can stay active for
many years.As with all forms of acne, the cause of acne
conglobata is unknown. Treatment usually includes
isotretinoin (Accutane), and although acne conglobata is
sometimes resistant to treatment, it can often be
controlled through aggressive treatment over time
2. Acne Fulminans
   This is an abrupt onset of acne
   conglobata which normally afflicts young
   men. Symptoms of severe
   nodulocystic, often ulcerating acne are
   apparent.As with acne
   conglobata, extreme, disfiguring scarring
   is common. Acne fulminans is unique in
   that it also includes a fever and aching of
   the joints. Acne fulminans does not
   respond well to antibiotics. Isotretinoin
   (Accutane) and oral steroids are normally
3. Gram-Negative Folliculitis
       This condition is a bacterial infection
       characterized by pustules and
       cysts, possibly occurring as a
       complication resulting from a long term
       antibiotic treatment of acne vulgaris. It is
       a rare condition, and we do not know if it
       is more common in males or females at
       this time. Fortunately, isotretinoin
       (Accutane) is often effective in
       combating gram-negative folliculitis.
4. Pyoderma Faciale
(Rosacea Fulminans)
  This type of severe facial acne affects only
  females,usually between the ages of 20 to
  40 years old, and is characterized by large
  painful nodules, pustules, and sores, all of
  which may scar. It begins abruptly, and may
  occur on the skin of a woman who has never
  had acne before. It is confined to the
  face, and usually does not last longer than
  one year, but can wreak havoc in a very
  short time.
a) Hormones

 The number one cause of acne is the production of sex
hormones,known as androgen, that begins at puberty.
This is why majority of acne sufferers are adolescents
and teens. Hormones are responsible for then acne
flare-ups during menstruation and pregnancy
When the sebaceous gland is stimulated by
androgens, it produces extra sebum. In its journey up
the follicle toward the surface, the sebum mixes with
common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have
been shed
 from the lining of the follicle. While this process is
normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle
increases the chances of clogging and acne
b) stress
It also cause the production of hormones, such
as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress
brings upon different hormone levels. With
hormone changes the body prompts the skins
oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil. Which
causes white heads, black heads and pimples.
c) Oily or heavy make up
Heavy make-up clogs the pores and oily make-ups add
more oil, which only adds to the problem if oily skin
already exists. Cosmetics, especially certain
moisturizers, foundations and pomades contain
lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl
stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid.
D) Certain medications
and steroids
Vitamins are good for your body, But an excess
of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-
ups. These vitamins are good for the skin, but
avoid overuse.

E) Diets
Diets: For some people, a diet that is high in refined
carbohydrates and sugars can actually aggravate their
f) Over abrasive cleansing
Harsh exfoliators can damage skin and spread infection

g) Picking and squeezing
This can actually send the infection deeper into
the skin and can cause scarring.
f) Environmental irritants
Environmental such as high humidity and pollution.
High humidity actually causes swelling of skin. Pollution
is of course is a big cause for clogging your pores.

 g) Genes:
Family members who are also acne sufferers.
Acne is inherited and severe cases known as
cystic acne usually come from heredity.
i) Sebaceous glands

Sebaceous glands are located deep in the skin. They vary in
size, and the larger ones are associated with visible skin
pores. The sebaceous glands are stimulated by
hormones, specially the male hormones called
androgens,mixing with dead skin cells, which leads to
plugged pores and outbreaks.This is particularly true during
the teenage years when androgen production is at its
j) Blockage of skin pores

 Oily skin occurs when an overactive sebaceous gland
enlarges and overproduces oil. Acne begins in the
hair follicles and develops when some of the pores
(through which oil normally flows from the oil gland
to reach the skin surface) become blocked, resulting
in trapping of oil within the skin pores
k) Bacteria
Rising hormone levels during puberty cause the
sebaceous glands to get bigger and produce more oil. The
mixture of oil and cells helps bacteria to grow, eventually
breaking the walls of the follicles. That's when sebum,
bacteria and shed skin cells collect under the skin,
causing inflammation, pain, redness and pus, causing
l) Drugs and alcohol

Drugs and alcohol are also culprits in causing acne. When
the body cleans itself, it sends drugs and alcohol out
through the skin, through sweat. Then the pores clog:
clogged pores are one of the reasons for acne. The skin
pores become clogged and oils and dirt become trapped.
They then become infected, which is what we call
pimples, whiteheads and blackheads.
m) Vitamins

Vitamins are good for your body, but an excess of
vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-ups.
These vitamins are good for the skin, but avoid
It doesn’t take a lot to foster a negative self
image in a teenager. Most of them are at least
somewhat insecure about their outward
appearance because of various real or
imaginary blemishes. But a real condition that
causes true discomfort and mars a young face is
something else altogether.
However, the psychological effects of acne must
also be fought, or else they may never go away.
The teenager who hated himself for having
pimples on his face will turn into the adult who
hates himself for being a little overweight or not
making as much money as some co-worker.
The feeling of discomfort and shame with oneself does
not always go away in time. Sometimes it just finds a
new problem to act as its power source.
This is the lasting effect of acne: a poor self image,
a lack of confidence and a feeling of being at a
 disadvantage when comparing oneself to other people.
 These moods and mindsets can ruin anybody’s
 social life and often times they also get in the way of
professional development. Unfortunately, acne is not
just skin deep.
To prevent acne, wash your face every morning with a skin
product that contains Benzoyl Peroxide or salicylic acid.
Creams, lotions or gels containing glycolic acid also reduces
bacteria that causes acne. If you have acne you more than
likely do not need the use of moisturizer, but if you have the
combination skin and need a moisturizer choose the oil free
moisturizer, so it will not activate more problems. Finally, do
not pick at pimples, all this does is make the area more
inflamed and the pimple larger.
There are a few essential oils found in aromatherapy
that are good for the skin, help control, and cure
acne. When using essential oils like
rosewood, which is an excellent skin healer, Atlas
cedar wood, roman chamomile and neroli:
remember to use them as a diluted concentrate.
Some of these essential oils are too strong to use in
full concentration. Use these oils with base oil such
as wheat germ oil and jojoba oil
1. Stop Touching Your Damn Face.
Believe it or not, the hands are prone to having
large amounts of bacteria all over them without us
even having a clue about it. This is due to the fact that
we come into contact with things throughout the course
of the day that are literally bacteria-ridden cesspools –
 things we would never touch if we knew just what
 was on them.
Having said that, using your hands to frequently
 to touch your face WILL DEFINITELY transfer
 bacteria to it, thereby leaving room for acne to
 develop and overrun your face quite quickly.

This will ensure that it is constantly clean
 and free of bacteria.This is one of the easiest
 methods of acne prevention and one that
should be followed no matter what.
Many people don't care about how to prevent acne
through exercise, even if it is an important aspect. By
exercising on a consistent basis, you will be able to
reduce stress, increase circulation & blood flow, as well as
improve oxygen penetration of the skin cells. These three
factors, which many teens & adults with acne
overlook, can greatly aid with getting your acne to go
away and stay away. So many people focus on preventing
acne from the outside of the body, that they forget the
importance of acne prevention from the inside
By having a shower right after your workout or strenuous
exercise, you reduce the risk of developing acne. Why?
Because the excess oils that your body has produced –
which are a contributor to the clogging of your pores –
will be washed away during the shower.
One of the best ways of how to prevent acne is to
improve your sleeping habits as well as you're sleeping
environment. Always sleep on a clean pillowcase that is
changed (or washed) at least two to three times a week. If
you're a women, be sure that you do NOT go to bed with
makeup still on your face -- as this can contribute toward
acne build-up. What is also good is to pull the hair away
from the face when sleeping to avoid further oil build-up
on the skin. Whether you have tremendously oily hair or
not, try to to keep it from constantly touching your face.
Water is one of those wonderfully simple ways that'll
help to keep the skin free of acne. It's a natural detoxifier
that will keep skin cells clean and free of free-radicals
which can & do contribute toward clogged pores and
acne build up. You don't have to be chugging water down
 24/7, but you should be drinking WAY more of it than
sodas,soft drinks, and caffeinated beverages.
Drinking fruit & vegetable juices in addition to water is
also a good idea, sush as drinks come jam packed with
vitamins and antioxidants.
•If possible, try to minimize your stress levels.
•Avoid getting sunburned.
•Change your wash cloth every day, as bacteria can
grow on damp cloth.
•Wash your face twice a day with a gentle soap like
Dove or Lever 2000.
•Always rinse really well with lots of water.
•Only wear makeup on special occasions, and then
make sure you remove it completely.
•Granular facial scrub can make acne worse by
aggravating the skin.
You should squeeze, pick, scratch, or rub your skin as it
makes the problem worse, and it might even cause scarring.
 Regularly shampoo your hair, and try to keep it off your face
if possible- especially at night.
 Keep a food diary to work out if you are one of the few
people whose acne gets worse if they eat certain things.
Exercise regularly to get the old blood flowing, and make
sure you get a wash as soon after as possible.
 Avoid unnecessarily touching your face.
Information on pimples / acne scar removal, laser
treatment for acne scars, acne scarring and home
remedies for acne scars. Learn how to get rid of acne
scars with laser surgery for acne scar treatment.When
acne leaves unsightly and even disfiguring scars
behind, acne scar removal can make all the
difference. Over time, cosmetic surgeons have used
various techniques to tackle ugly acne scars and the
science of acne scar removal has evolved
. In the past, dermabrasion was a preferred method.
This entailed removing the scarred topmost layer of
the skin via a sanding procedure.
Understandably, this procedure was quite painful and
doctors often employed local anesthesia while using
it on patients. The skin would look raw and be
painfully tender for quite a while after
dermabrasion, too. New, unscarred skin often took
months to grow back after this procedure.
Many doctors used chemical peels to achieve
acne scar removal. This procedure was also
quite drastic, because it used chemicals that
caused the skin to blister and finally peel off.
Other procedures included punch
replacement grafting and soft tissue filling.
Because of the radical nature of some of these
procedures for acne scar removal, the coming of
new laser techniques was a very welcome
development. With these laser procedures, the
doctor retains complete control over the procedure
and no blood loss at all occurs. Surgeons now use
laser resurfacing to treat many other kinds of skin
flaws such as wrinkles and sunburns, too. In
fact, modern laser surgery is so precise that
surgeons even use them to correct eye defects
A very popular version of laser-based skin
surgery uses the non-ablative laser. In this
procedure, the laser does not burn off the
affected surface of the skin. Rather, it works
beneath its surface, stimulating collagen
production and tightening the overall tissue.
However, this procedure is not useful in
treating acne scars.
In laser-based acne scar removal, the surgeon uses a
wand-like laser hand-piece with which he burns off
the scarred skin cells. Fresh skin cells then replace the
burned-off cells. Because the procedure is so
precise, the surgeon can target only the affected skin
tissue, leaving unaffected skin alone. He can judge
the depth to which the laser penetrates
precisely, enabling him to remove the entire affected
area of skin. This is very important while performing
any kind of surgery on delicate facial skin.
Skin surgeons employ two kinds of lasers for acne
scar removal. The first is the Erbium (Er) or
erbium:YAG laser. The energy produced by this laser
has a very precise wavelength. The laser penetrates
the skin and the moisture content in the skin readily
absorbs it. The heat produced by this laser then
scatters, leaving normal skin unaffected. The second
is the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, which is a relatively
recent development in skin surgery circles.
It emits short bursts of extremely high-energy, highly
focused laser light that vaporizes the scarred skin
tissue a layer at a time, leaving only fresh skin in its
wake. Patients have to conform to certain medical
parameters if they wish to undergo this procedure.
However, those who qualify benefit from the fact that
acne scar removal by the above means entails very low
risks of further scarring. Medical complications after
laser surgery on acne scars are very rare.
Surgeons who perform laser-based acne
scar removal are highly qualified in the field
and have considerable artistic ability, too.
This is significant, since the surgeon must
literally re-craft the affected skin tissue using
a very precise instrument.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Pressing Issue Of Acne
   For Women Over 50

                  The Pressing Issue Of Acne
                      For Women Over 50

    The Pressing Issue Of Acne For Women Over 50
    Acne in women over 50 has really become a major
    concern for mature beauties.Generally, reaching the
    age of an adult woman usually signals the departure from a
    problem associated with the teenage girl phase, specifically
    acne. It is a condition typical of teenage girls, but it is also a
    dilemma for some adult and mature women. When dealing
    with other people, women over 50 suffering from acne may
    feel embarrassment and self-consciousness. Stress,
    anxiety and low self-esteem can further worsen the condition.
Acne can be a constant battle for some
women, usually commencing during the adolescent
stage. Women who have been grappling with acne in
the puberty stage may continue struggling with the
ailment even in adulthood, and over 50. This is
referred to as chronic acne. However, there are
instances of acne affliction starting in the adult
woman years.
In senior or mature women, blackheads will often
indicate the onset of acne. These blackheads, which
crop up when grime and dead skin cells are collected on
the pores of the skin, clog the sebaceous glands and
bring in bacteria. Upon contact with the air, these
buildups become black in color. They then
expand, become red in reaction to bacteria and develop
into pimples. If infected with anything dirty, these skin
irritations turn into pustules or whiteheads. The pimples
are most often found on the neck, chest and back areas.
One particular form of acne in women over
50 is Rosacea. This type of acne can cause
breakouts and redness as blood vessels form
on the skin. When infected, a rash develops
on the face. Rosacea usually hits women
between 40 and 60.
Some common culprits for the development of acne are stress
and anxiety, using low-grade makeup, and hormonal activity.
Unnecessary stress often leads to increased production of
sebum. Using cheap cosmetics can likewise result in infections. A
certain hormone in women, specifically androgen, may give off
an uncharacteristic discharge that can cause the abscess to
break out. For some women who are still fertile, birth control
medications, which contain the hormone androgen, raise the
level of the hormones and can lead to acne. Even though it is a
widespread belief, eating chocolate and cheese does not lead to
the occurrence of acne.
Acne in sexy senior and mature women can be pinned
down on hereditary issues and lax personal hygiene. It
is a widespread concept that genetic factors influence a
person's likelihood of developing pustules. Most prone
to developing acne are families with oily skin. Another
potential reason is poor hygiene. When too much oil is
hoarded up on the skin, clogging of pores occurs, which
definitely is a major contributor to acne. In
general, maintaining cleanliness of the body is
obligatory to avoid acne invasion.
Over-the-counter medications and other
therapies are available to relieve acne. To
be sure, getting help and expert advice
from dermatologists won't hurt.
The key to avoiding acne in women over 50 lies within
oneself. If a woman possesses the discipline to keep
her body clean at all times, there probably won't be a
need to resort to other artificial treatments. Watching
one's regular diet, religiously cleaning the face and
body, avoiding antioxidants, and using only mild
cleansing creams or liquids targeted to mature women
acne are few of the ways that help to reduce the
incidence of acne suffering.
Most of teens will forced with acne (pimple) problem
when their age mature.So, as a teens we should know
about type of acne and some tips of simple treatment
to aviod the acne problem in the future. If not, it will
make our skin look ugly and we will feel ashamed and
less confident to ourself. Starting now, as teen
espcially to girl, should take care about skin,
 because late is better than never.
Prepared by :

      Jacklyn dimah     Donna limbun

        Rabecca bali   *Who is this girl?*

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. NATURAL SKIN CARE embodies a trend to go back to the basics. More women are realizing the harsh affects that chemical laden products can have on their skin. They want to see results,but the side effects often cause worse problems than what they are trying to cure. Why you could be using products that are harmful to your skin and the environment. Find out about which raw materials are good for you and how the natural skin care will benefit you
  • 4. What is acne ? Acne is a term that is used to describe whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. (You may well recognize slang terms like spots, or zits). Most teenagers get the type of acne called acne vulgaris, which can show up on the face, neck, shoulders, back, and chest. Skin pores contain oil glands which naturally lubricate your skin and hair. But sometimes if a pore gets clogged beneath the skin with excess oil and bacteria.
  • 5.
  • 6. TYPE OF ACNE  There are many variations of acne, ranging in severity from mild to severely disfiguring.  Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne. Acne vulgaris lesions include blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodu les and cysts.
  • 7. 1. whiteheads Whiteheads result when a pore is completely blocked, trapping sebum (oil), bacteria, and dead skin cells, causing a white appearance on the surface. Whiteheads are normally quicker in life cycle than blackheads.
  • 8. 2. Blackheads Blackheads result when a pore is only partially blocked, allowing some of the trapped sebum (oil), bacteria, and dead skin cells to slowly drain to the surface.The black color is not caused by dirt. Rather, it is the skin's own pigment, melanin, reacting with the oxygen in the air. A blackhead tends to be a stable structure, and can often take a long time to clear.
  • 9. 3. Papules Papules: Papules are inflamed, red,tender bumps with no head. Do not squeeze a papule. It will do no good, and may exacerbate scarring. The Regimen provides a step-by- step program on how to treat papules.
  • 10. 4. Pustules: A pustule is inflamed, and appears as a red circle with a white or yellow center. Pustules are your garden variety zit. Before you pop or squeeze such a lesion, be sure to read about how to pop a pimple.
  • 11. 5. Nodules: As opposed to the lesions mentioned above, nodular acne consists of acne spots which are much larger, can be quite painful, and can sometimes last for months. Nodules are large, hard bumps under the skin's surface. Scarring is common.Unresolved nodules can sometimes leave an impaction behind, which can flare again and again. Absolutely do not attempt to squeeze such a lesion.
  • 12.
  • 13. Blood vessels may also become more visible on the skin. Blackheads are not part of rosacea. It is more prevalent in women, but often more severe when found in men. Left untreated, it can cause swelling of the nose and the growth of excess tissue, a condition called rhinophyma. Treatment is often different for rosacea than for acne, and it is important that you consult a dermatologist if you suspect you are experiencing rosacea.
  • 14.  Severe forms of acne are rare, but they inflict great hardship to the people who experience them
  • 15. 1. Acne Conglobata Acne Conglobata: This is the most severe form of acne vulgaris and is more common in males. It is characterized by numerous large lesions, which are sometimes interconnected, along with widespread blackheads. It can cause severe, irrevocable damage to the skin, and disfiguring scarring. It is found on the face, chest, back, buttocks,upper arms, and thighs
  • 16. The age of onset for acne conglobata is usually between 18 to 30 years,and the condition can stay active for many years.As with all forms of acne, the cause of acne conglobata is unknown. Treatment usually includes isotretinoin (Accutane), and although acne conglobata is sometimes resistant to treatment, it can often be controlled through aggressive treatment over time
  • 17. 2. Acne Fulminans This is an abrupt onset of acne conglobata which normally afflicts young men. Symptoms of severe nodulocystic, often ulcerating acne are apparent.As with acne conglobata, extreme, disfiguring scarring is common. Acne fulminans is unique in that it also includes a fever and aching of the joints. Acne fulminans does not respond well to antibiotics. Isotretinoin (Accutane) and oral steroids are normally prescribed.
  • 18. 3. Gram-Negative Folliculitis This condition is a bacterial infection characterized by pustules and cysts, possibly occurring as a complication resulting from a long term antibiotic treatment of acne vulgaris. It is a rare condition, and we do not know if it is more common in males or females at this time. Fortunately, isotretinoin (Accutane) is often effective in combating gram-negative folliculitis.
  • 19. 4. Pyoderma Faciale (Rosacea Fulminans) This type of severe facial acne affects only females,usually between the ages of 20 to 40 years old, and is characterized by large painful nodules, pustules, and sores, all of which may scar. It begins abruptly, and may occur on the skin of a woman who has never had acne before. It is confined to the face, and usually does not last longer than one year, but can wreak havoc in a very short time.
  • 20.
  • 21. a) Hormones The number one cause of acne is the production of sex hormones,known as androgen, that begins at puberty. This is why majority of acne sufferers are adolescents and teens. Hormones are responsible for then acne flare-ups during menstruation and pregnancy
  • 22. When the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens, it produces extra sebum. In its journey up the follicle toward the surface, the sebum mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. While this process is normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle increases the chances of clogging and acne
  • 23. b) stress It also cause the production of hormones, such as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress brings upon different hormone levels. With hormone changes the body prompts the skins oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil. Which causes white heads, black heads and pimples.
  • 24. c) Oily or heavy make up Heavy make-up clogs the pores and oily make-ups add more oil, which only adds to the problem if oily skin already exists. Cosmetics, especially certain moisturizers, foundations and pomades contain lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid.
  • 25. D) Certain medications and steroids Vitamins are good for your body, But an excess of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare- ups. These vitamins are good for the skin, but avoid overuse. E) Diets Diets: For some people, a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates and sugars can actually aggravate their acne.
  • 26. f) Over abrasive cleansing Harsh exfoliators can damage skin and spread infection g) Picking and squeezing This can actually send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause scarring.
  • 27. f) Environmental irritants Environmental such as high humidity and pollution. High humidity actually causes swelling of skin. Pollution is of course is a big cause for clogging your pores. g) Genes: Family members who are also acne sufferers. Acne is inherited and severe cases known as cystic acne usually come from heredity.
  • 28. i) Sebaceous glands Sebaceous glands are located deep in the skin. They vary in size, and the larger ones are associated with visible skin pores. The sebaceous glands are stimulated by hormones, specially the male hormones called androgens,mixing with dead skin cells, which leads to plugged pores and outbreaks.This is particularly true during the teenage years when androgen production is at its highest
  • 29. j) Blockage of skin pores Oily skin occurs when an overactive sebaceous gland enlarges and overproduces oil. Acne begins in the hair follicles and develops when some of the pores (through which oil normally flows from the oil gland to reach the skin surface) become blocked, resulting in trapping of oil within the skin pores
  • 30. k) Bacteria Rising hormone levels during puberty cause the sebaceous glands to get bigger and produce more oil. The mixture of oil and cells helps bacteria to grow, eventually breaking the walls of the follicles. That's when sebum, bacteria and shed skin cells collect under the skin, causing inflammation, pain, redness and pus, causing acne
  • 31. l) Drugs and alcohol Drugs and alcohol are also culprits in causing acne. When the body cleans itself, it sends drugs and alcohol out through the skin, through sweat. Then the pores clog: clogged pores are one of the reasons for acne. The skin pores become clogged and oils and dirt become trapped. They then become infected, which is what we call pimples, whiteheads and blackheads.
  • 32. m) Vitamins Vitamins are good for your body, but an excess of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-ups. These vitamins are good for the skin, but avoid overuse.
  • 33.
  • 34. It doesn’t take a lot to foster a negative self image in a teenager. Most of them are at least somewhat insecure about their outward appearance because of various real or imaginary blemishes. But a real condition that causes true discomfort and mars a young face is something else altogether.
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  • 40. However, the psychological effects of acne must also be fought, or else they may never go away. The teenager who hated himself for having pimples on his face will turn into the adult who hates himself for being a little overweight or not making as much money as some co-worker.
  • 41. The feeling of discomfort and shame with oneself does not always go away in time. Sometimes it just finds a new problem to act as its power source. This is the lasting effect of acne: a poor self image, a lack of confidence and a feeling of being at a disadvantage when comparing oneself to other people. These moods and mindsets can ruin anybody’s social life and often times they also get in the way of professional development. Unfortunately, acne is not just skin deep.
  • 42.
  • 43. To prevent acne, wash your face every morning with a skin product that contains Benzoyl Peroxide or salicylic acid. Creams, lotions or gels containing glycolic acid also reduces bacteria that causes acne. If you have acne you more than likely do not need the use of moisturizer, but if you have the combination skin and need a moisturizer choose the oil free moisturizer, so it will not activate more problems. Finally, do not pick at pimples, all this does is make the area more inflamed and the pimple larger.
  • 44. There are a few essential oils found in aromatherapy that are good for the skin, help control, and cure acne. When using essential oils like rosewood, which is an excellent skin healer, Atlas cedar wood, roman chamomile and neroli: remember to use them as a diluted concentrate. Some of these essential oils are too strong to use in full concentration. Use these oils with base oil such as wheat germ oil and jojoba oil
  • 45. 1. Stop Touching Your Damn Face. Believe it or not, the hands are prone to having large amounts of bacteria all over them without us even having a clue about it. This is due to the fact that we come into contact with things throughout the course of the day that are literally bacteria-ridden cesspools – things we would never touch if we knew just what was on them.
  • 46. Having said that, using your hands to frequently to touch your face WILL DEFINITELY transfer bacteria to it, thereby leaving room for acne to develop and overrun your face quite quickly.
  • 47. . This will ensure that it is constantly clean and free of bacteria.This is one of the easiest methods of acne prevention and one that should be followed no matter what.
  • 48. Many people don't care about how to prevent acne through exercise, even if it is an important aspect. By exercising on a consistent basis, you will be able to reduce stress, increase circulation & blood flow, as well as improve oxygen penetration of the skin cells. These three factors, which many teens & adults with acne overlook, can greatly aid with getting your acne to go away and stay away. So many people focus on preventing acne from the outside of the body, that they forget the importance of acne prevention from the inside
  • 49. By having a shower right after your workout or strenuous exercise, you reduce the risk of developing acne. Why? Because the excess oils that your body has produced – which are a contributor to the clogging of your pores – will be washed away during the shower.
  • 50. One of the best ways of how to prevent acne is to improve your sleeping habits as well as you're sleeping environment. Always sleep on a clean pillowcase that is changed (or washed) at least two to three times a week. If you're a women, be sure that you do NOT go to bed with makeup still on your face -- as this can contribute toward acne build-up. What is also good is to pull the hair away from the face when sleeping to avoid further oil build-up on the skin. Whether you have tremendously oily hair or not, try to to keep it from constantly touching your face.
  • 51. Water is one of those wonderfully simple ways that'll help to keep the skin free of acne. It's a natural detoxifier that will keep skin cells clean and free of free-radicals which can & do contribute toward clogged pores and acne build up. You don't have to be chugging water down 24/7, but you should be drinking WAY more of it than sodas,soft drinks, and caffeinated beverages. Drinking fruit & vegetable juices in addition to water is also a good idea, sush as drinks come jam packed with vitamins and antioxidants.
  • 52. •If possible, try to minimize your stress levels. •Avoid getting sunburned. •Change your wash cloth every day, as bacteria can grow on damp cloth. •Wash your face twice a day with a gentle soap like Dove or Lever 2000. •Always rinse really well with lots of water. •Only wear makeup on special occasions, and then make sure you remove it completely. •Granular facial scrub can make acne worse by aggravating the skin.
  • 53. You should squeeze, pick, scratch, or rub your skin as it makes the problem worse, and it might even cause scarring.  Regularly shampoo your hair, and try to keep it off your face if possible- especially at night.  Keep a food diary to work out if you are one of the few people whose acne gets worse if they eat certain things. Exercise regularly to get the old blood flowing, and make sure you get a wash as soon after as possible.  Avoid unnecessarily touching your face.
  • 54.
  • 55. Information on pimples / acne scar removal, laser treatment for acne scars, acne scarring and home remedies for acne scars. Learn how to get rid of acne scars with laser surgery for acne scar treatment.When acne leaves unsightly and even disfiguring scars behind, acne scar removal can make all the difference. Over time, cosmetic surgeons have used various techniques to tackle ugly acne scars and the science of acne scar removal has evolved considerably.
  • 56. . In the past, dermabrasion was a preferred method. This entailed removing the scarred topmost layer of the skin via a sanding procedure. Understandably, this procedure was quite painful and doctors often employed local anesthesia while using it on patients. The skin would look raw and be painfully tender for quite a while after dermabrasion, too. New, unscarred skin often took months to grow back after this procedure.
  • 57. Many doctors used chemical peels to achieve acne scar removal. This procedure was also quite drastic, because it used chemicals that caused the skin to blister and finally peel off. Other procedures included punch replacement grafting and soft tissue filling.
  • 58. Because of the radical nature of some of these procedures for acne scar removal, the coming of new laser techniques was a very welcome development. With these laser procedures, the doctor retains complete control over the procedure and no blood loss at all occurs. Surgeons now use laser resurfacing to treat many other kinds of skin flaws such as wrinkles and sunburns, too. In fact, modern laser surgery is so precise that surgeons even use them to correct eye defects
  • 59. A very popular version of laser-based skin surgery uses the non-ablative laser. In this procedure, the laser does not burn off the affected surface of the skin. Rather, it works beneath its surface, stimulating collagen production and tightening the overall tissue. However, this procedure is not useful in treating acne scars.
  • 60. In laser-based acne scar removal, the surgeon uses a wand-like laser hand-piece with which he burns off the scarred skin cells. Fresh skin cells then replace the burned-off cells. Because the procedure is so precise, the surgeon can target only the affected skin tissue, leaving unaffected skin alone. He can judge the depth to which the laser penetrates precisely, enabling him to remove the entire affected area of skin. This is very important while performing any kind of surgery on delicate facial skin.
  • 61. Skin surgeons employ two kinds of lasers for acne scar removal. The first is the Erbium (Er) or erbium:YAG laser. The energy produced by this laser has a very precise wavelength. The laser penetrates the skin and the moisture content in the skin readily absorbs it. The heat produced by this laser then scatters, leaving normal skin unaffected. The second is the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, which is a relatively recent development in skin surgery circles.
  • 62. It emits short bursts of extremely high-energy, highly focused laser light that vaporizes the scarred skin tissue a layer at a time, leaving only fresh skin in its wake. Patients have to conform to certain medical parameters if they wish to undergo this procedure. However, those who qualify benefit from the fact that acne scar removal by the above means entails very low risks of further scarring. Medical complications after laser surgery on acne scars are very rare.
  • 63. Surgeons who perform laser-based acne scar removal are highly qualified in the field and have considerable artistic ability, too. This is significant, since the surgeon must literally re-craft the affected skin tissue using a very precise instrument.
  • 64. Sunday, June 27, 2010 The Pressing Issue Of Acne For Women Over 50
  • 65. . The Pressing Issue Of Acne For Women Over 50 The Pressing Issue Of Acne For Women Over 50 Acne in women over 50 has really become a major concern for mature beauties.Generally, reaching the age of an adult woman usually signals the departure from a problem associated with the teenage girl phase, specifically acne. It is a condition typical of teenage girls, but it is also a dilemma for some adult and mature women. When dealing with other people, women over 50 suffering from acne may feel embarrassment and self-consciousness. Stress, anxiety and low self-esteem can further worsen the condition.
  • 66. Acne can be a constant battle for some women, usually commencing during the adolescent stage. Women who have been grappling with acne in the puberty stage may continue struggling with the ailment even in adulthood, and over 50. This is referred to as chronic acne. However, there are instances of acne affliction starting in the adult woman years.
  • 67. In senior or mature women, blackheads will often indicate the onset of acne. These blackheads, which crop up when grime and dead skin cells are collected on the pores of the skin, clog the sebaceous glands and bring in bacteria. Upon contact with the air, these buildups become black in color. They then expand, become red in reaction to bacteria and develop into pimples. If infected with anything dirty, these skin irritations turn into pustules or whiteheads. The pimples are most often found on the neck, chest and back areas.
  • 68. One particular form of acne in women over 50 is Rosacea. This type of acne can cause breakouts and redness as blood vessels form on the skin. When infected, a rash develops on the face. Rosacea usually hits women between 40 and 60.
  • 69. Some common culprits for the development of acne are stress and anxiety, using low-grade makeup, and hormonal activity. Unnecessary stress often leads to increased production of sebum. Using cheap cosmetics can likewise result in infections. A certain hormone in women, specifically androgen, may give off an uncharacteristic discharge that can cause the abscess to break out. For some women who are still fertile, birth control medications, which contain the hormone androgen, raise the level of the hormones and can lead to acne. Even though it is a widespread belief, eating chocolate and cheese does not lead to the occurrence of acne.
  • 70. Acne in sexy senior and mature women can be pinned down on hereditary issues and lax personal hygiene. It is a widespread concept that genetic factors influence a person's likelihood of developing pustules. Most prone to developing acne are families with oily skin. Another potential reason is poor hygiene. When too much oil is hoarded up on the skin, clogging of pores occurs, which definitely is a major contributor to acne. In general, maintaining cleanliness of the body is obligatory to avoid acne invasion.
  • 71. Over-the-counter medications and other therapies are available to relieve acne. To be sure, getting help and expert advice from dermatologists won't hurt.
  • 72. The key to avoiding acne in women over 50 lies within oneself. If a woman possesses the discipline to keep her body clean at all times, there probably won't be a need to resort to other artificial treatments. Watching one's regular diet, religiously cleaning the face and body, avoiding antioxidants, and using only mild cleansing creams or liquids targeted to mature women acne are few of the ways that help to reduce the incidence of acne suffering.
  • 73. Most of teens will forced with acne (pimple) problem when their age mature.So, as a teens we should know about type of acne and some tips of simple treatment to aviod the acne problem in the future. If not, it will make our skin look ugly and we will feel ashamed and less confident to ourself. Starting now, as teen espcially to girl, should take care about skin, because late is better than never.
  • 74. Prepared by : Jacklyn dimah Donna limbun Rabecca bali *Who is this girl?*