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Phonograph Parlors
Commercialization of Records – The Record Labels
In 1889 "Phonograph Parlors" began to open up, marking the debut of phonographs to the mass
market. The first phonograph parlor opened up in San Francisco May of 1889. Almost all American
cities had at least one by the mid 1890's. These parlors would allow customers to sit amongst a desk
and speak through a tube to request a recorded title. The title would then play through a cylinder
phonograph from a room located below, allowing the customer to listen to it through two ear horns
at their private desk.
At the time the mass production of records was still in its infancy and was very primitive. One of the
first recording methods had live performers record their tracks onto a phonograph embodying up to
ten tubes leading to blank cylinders within other phonographs. Prior to this, each record had to be
individually produced. Nonetheless, even with this method artist had to re–record their songs
multiple times.
In terms of audio fidelity, grampaphone discs were not superior to cylinder records. Up until the
early 1900's both cylinder and disc recordings were available. The disc method, on the other hand,
did provide further manufacturing advantages as for discs could be efficiently stamped allowing
them to be easily mass–produced.
Emile Berliner's disc records, the first offered to the ... Show more content on ...
Throuhgout this time, Columiba licensed and sold both Bell/Tainters graphophone and Edison's
phonographs to distribute within the Washington D.C. area. Columbia's business relationship with
the Edison Company was terminated in 1894 when Edison ceased providing them with blank
cylinders. This left Columbia in a frantic to find a solution to make them in house. Edison's recipe
was a well–kept secret. The materials Edison used to make his phonographs were not labeled and
therefore attempts by Columbia to steal secrets from Edison employees were not
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The Beatles Influence On Music And Religion
The last major technological breakthrough that Frith discusses is the invention of magnetic tape.
Magnetic tape was such a huge leap in recording technology, because of the control it now gave
artists within the studio. This new tape allowed for artists to splice, dub, cut, and recording multiple
track on a tape. This gave artists complete control over their pieces of art. No longer were they
restricted by what they could perform live. They could produce pieces of music that had the purpose
of not being able to be recreated live, because it is how the artist wanted to represent their music.
Music started to be recorded in a much more intentional and methodical way (Frith 271–272). He
asserts "By the end of the 1960s the studio was, in itself, ... Show more content on
The Beatles' level of success enabled their music to attain major influence throughout the United
States. Because of this, their music was distributed to youth all over the United States. Through the
technology that the band took advantage of during the recording process, they were able to
accurately express their ideas and opinions. The lyrics of "Within You Without You" demonstrate
The Beatles expressing opinions on spirituality and religion that specifically discuss thinking for
oneself. While the youth were being introduced to The Beatles' music, they were simultaneously
gaining a new independence from their families. With America's youth having such a strong
connection to popular music, The Beatles' beliefs about spirituality influenced them. Although these
children had grown up in a country where participation in organized religion was a very common
practice, they began to lose their faith in the organized religions that they participated in, and grew
to make their own decisions regarding whether or not their religious texts were infallible. Dr. Aaron
Esman say that "adolescence ... serves as the weathervane to the observer of the cultural climate,"
(95). Therefore, the change in beliefs of youth in society, have a direct influence on society as a
whole through
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Converge Records Persuasive Speech
We are happy to inform you that we are turning 22 years soon! Go around and watch out for
surprises that await you as we wait for that BIG, BIG DAY! Just continuously follow us and stream
with us, and who knows? You might be among those people who have the chance to win amazing
giveaways from your favorite artists! That and more, only here at CONVERGE RECORDS!
Converge Records has a goal of building the biggest and most comprehensive music database and
marketplace that could be enjoyed by people of all ages. No matter where you are, what you are
doing, anytime, anywhere, Converge Records is ready to bring to your doorsteps beautiful songs
that inspire and give new meaning to music. There is no limit to what we can bring you. All our
music is good for the ears and would be a good therapy at the end of the day. Just relax as you close
your double–car garage door in Wichita while listening to different kinds of ... Show more content
on ...
OUR DATABASE Converge Records keeps more than 9,000,000 recordings in its data base. We
have over 6,000 artists contributing to make this possible, and staff and developers that continuously
recreate better ways to give people the uninterrupted access to this. We're far from done and you can
contribute too! Converge Records offers the ability to catalog your music collection. Now you could
already save into your playlist any song you want to continuously listen to it anytime you want. You
could also share your ratings, and reviews at the end of any song. We value your honesty and
patronage, as such, you are our partners in improving our craft. THE MARKETPLACE Converge
Records connects artists, merchants, and sellers world over. Through the years of receiving good
feedbacks from our followers, we are now the number on the to–go list of music enthusiasts who are
looking for a nice hangout place online. We are also the premier spot for old and new
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The Health Records Of Nurses And Other Health Workers Essay
Socially, recording and reporting are veritable tools on the hands of nurses and other health workers
because they show a compilation of well rounded record of their patients' trip through services and
encourages the continuation of care for the patients within and between services. Nurses should be
careful, precise, reliable while carrying out this particular duty because any step in wrong direction
can bring death, shame, conflict between the doctor or nurse and the clients. They are to be kept
secret according to the ethics of nursing regardless of the tool used in recording and reporting.
Application in my Current Workplace
Nurses in my workplace run a shift, and a particular shift is completed, a verbal report to the
succeeding shift is given showing the overall conditions and the therapy the patient had taken so far.
Support services give written reports describing the outcomes of diagnostic test. We make use of
hospital record or chart which permanently documents the patient's health records in the hospital.
After each clinic visit, information about why the patient sought medical care, diagnostic tests, the
physician's diagnosis and choice of therapy is recorded and whenever the patient come back after
discharge from the hospital, it is revisited and used as a basis for diagnosis for medical assessment.
Current Related Researches
Nwagwu Adanma Solomon, a lecturer at the School of Nursing, Owerri studied the characteristics of
a valid recording and reporting. She
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Sound Recording In Canada
Sound Recording in Canada, not regulated by the Government
Sound recording was initially invented in 1857 by Edouard–Leon Scott de Martinville. The
development of sound recording has gone through multiple stages to become what it is today. From
phonographs to magnetic tapes and further developments, sound recording has been used within the
music industry for ages. The government does not regulate the process of sound recording, however
conflicts regarding copyright infringements are present.
Brief History
An academic article written by Linda M. Fidler and William L. Schurk titled "Sound Recording
Archives" discusses the history of sound recording. During the 1960, the preservation of sound
recording "saw major changes in the ... Show more content on ...
Broadcasting is "$14 billion industry that includes radio and television, as well as the distribution
services of cable, satellite, and, increasingly the Internet and mobile devices" (Gasher, Skinner,
Lorimer 218). The Canadian government regulates broadcasting because "it serves national, cultural,
and political goals" (Gasher, Skinner, Lorimer 219). The reason for comparing regulations between
sound recording and broadcasting is the fact that a great proportion of radio broadcasting is recorded
music. "There is a significant symbiosis between radio broadcast policy and policies designed to
encourage the production and dissemination of Canadian music" (Gasher, Skinenr, Lorimer 225).
Radio broadcasters are required to have a license in order to broadcast music through their channel.
The Canadian Radio–television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is in charge of
issuing these licenses to broadcasters. "Today, the CRTC's duties in the broadcasting field include:
issuing and renewing licenses, up to a maximum of seven years, modifying existing license
conditions, and suspending or revoking licenses" (Gasher, Skinner, Lorimer 221). It is evident that
the use of sound recordings within the field of broadcasting is strictly regulated. This further
develops an idea that the sound recording industry will become regulated within the future, as it is
present in such a vast
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Developments Of Recording Technology During The 20th Century
Developments in recording technology in the 20th century brought an extensive increase in the
variety of music that people had access to. It also played a major role in how music could be heard.
These inventions gifted the public with new ways that music could be enjoyed more easily and more
often. It also influenced composers to experiment with new genres and styles. One aspect that was
provided to the public through inventions and developments in music technology was a major
convenience. They no loner needed to leave the comfort of their home to spend money on a live
performance. One particular invention that pushed this development was the radio. This invention
was the first known device to allow mass communication; not only nationally, but internationally as
well (Wyman). As early as the 1800's, multiple people began experimenting with wireless signals
and communication (CITE). In 1910, this wireless system developed to be referred to as the name
"radio"(CITE). However, it wasn't until 1920 that the first radio station in the US arose (CITE). The
radio was mainly used for news at first; but within the next couple of years as more radio stations
popped up, music became prominent on the radio. Another invention that played a major role in how
people heard music in the 20th century is the gramophone; also known as the phonograph. The
phonograph was a disc used as the primary medium for music reproduction until late in 20th century
(CITE). The phonograph was invented by
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Compulsory Indi A Developing Country And Party
COMPULSORY LICENCES IN INDIA: India, being a developing country and party to the Berne
Convention, has incorporated provisions in the Copyright Act for the grant of compulsory licenses
pursuant to the special provisions laid down in Berne Convention for the developing countries. The
Act provides for the grant of compulsory licences in Indian work in public interest in some limited
circumstances. The Indian Copyright Act has its scales inclined in favour of access to knowledge
and wider diffusion of Indian works. Though, it seeks to protect the rights of the authors in the best
possible manner, nevertheless, it has elaborate statutory provisions to encourage public access to
works through the system of compulsory licencing. The system ... Show more content on ...
Licence is a personal right and creates no more personal obligation between a licensor and licensee.
The licence is general revocable at the Will of the grantor. There are different kinds of licences. A
licence may be exclusive or non–exclusive; exclusive licence means a licence which confers on
licensor or licensee or persons authorized by him to the exclusion of all other persons (including the
owner of the copyright) any right comprised in the copyright in a work. In the case of non–exclusive
licence, the owner of copyright retains the right to grant licences to more than one person or to
exercise it himself. Licence is a personal right and licensee may not always be entitled to make
alterations to the terms. These are broad guidelines." Licence is granted to produce and publish a
translation of a literary or dramatic work in any language after a period of seven years (three years if
the translation is a non–Indian work) for the purpose of teaching, scholarship or research and one
year if such a translation is in a language not in any general use in any developed country from the
first publication of the work, under certain conditions. The royalty paid at the rate prescribed by the
Board, is required to be kept in the public account of India or such other account which may be
claimed by the Copyright owner or his legal heirs, executors or legal representatives at any time.
The Copyright Act, 1957 of India has successfully incorporated provisions for
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James T. Russell and the Invention of the Compact Disc Essay
James T. Russell and the Invention of the Compact Disc
James Russell was born in Bremerton, Washington in 1931. His first invention, at six years old, was
a remote–control battleship with a storage chamber for his lunch. In 1953, he earned his Bachelor of
Arts in physics and graduated from Reed College in Portland. Afterwards he went to work as a
Physicist in General Electric's nearby labs in Richland, Washington. There he started many
experimental instrumentation projects. He was one of the first to use a color TV screen and
keyboard with a computer. He designed and built the first electron beam welder.
When the Bettelle Memorial Institute opened its Pacific Northwest Laboratory in Richland, ... Show
more content on ...
He knew that if you could represent the binary 0 and 1 with dark and light, then a device could be
produced that is able to read sounds or any other information without wearing it out and if he could
make the binary compact enough he could store a bunch on a small piece of film.
Bettelle let him pursue his project and in 1970, after years of work, he succeeded in inventing the
first digital–to–optical recording and playback system, the CD.
A CD is a simple round piece of plastic about 4/100ths of an inch thick, and 12 centimeters in
diameter used for electronic recording, storing, and playback. Most of a CD consists of an injection–
moulded piece of clear polycarbonate plastic. During manufacturing, this plastic
is impressed with microscopic bumps arranged as a single, continuous, extremely long spiral track
of data circling from the inside of the disc to the outside. Once the clear piece of polycarbonate is
formed, a thin, reflective aluminum layer is put onto the disc, covering the bumps. Then a thin
acrylic layer is sprayed over the aluminum to protect it, and the CD label is printed onto the acrylic.
The compact disc was first used for audio storage only, but are now used to store audio, video, text,
and any other information in digital form, and are able to hold 783 megabytes in all.
The CD works, because binary information is
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Teletech 2005
Analysis Teletech 2005 WACC and Hurdle Rate: Risk drives required returns and is a fundamental
concept when determining whether or not a company is providing appropriate returns to its
shareholders. Teletech's policy was to use a uniform hurdle rate across segments. This policy works
well if each potential investment has the same risk. Unfortunately for Teletech, investments differ in
their level of risk and therefore in their required rates of return. To adequately assess potential
investments, Teletech should implement a hurdle rate for each segment and potentially risk–adjust
these hurdle rates for projects within each segment. As Teletech's EVP of Telecommunications
Services points out in his graph, a single hurdle rate for ... Show more content on ...
We feel that she is both correct and incorrect in her logic and that ultimately segment hurdle rates
are a better measure of return maximization. Hurdle rates are an internal management tool and can
be set independent of WACC. We feel that the diversification of the company does help keep capital
costs down which benefit the company. However, the hurdle rate is the driving factor of resource
allocation. As more resources are shifted to the PS division, capital costs will begin to increase along
side risk. In addition, external investors and analysts have more information than Helen is
indicating. These analysts (36 following Teletech) and investors often look at companies by the
markets they are in. They specifically look at the types of returns each of Teletech's segments are
producing and are projected to produce and compare those to others in the industry. This may be the
main reason for Teletech's stock price and P/E ratio not keeping up with others in the industry. Once
again we feel that Teletech should institute segment specific hurdle rates. Economic Profit: Teletech
uses a calculation of Economic Profit (EP) to measure business unit performance as well as evaluate
and compensate the business unit leaders. We use the same EP calculation to determine if the PS
segment is underperforming and ultimately destroying value. Exhibit 2 shows the EP calculation for
each segment
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Who Invented The Phonograph
Most items went through transformations to get to the modern style that it is today. The phonograph
wasn't always called the 'phonograph'. It went through progression and slowly morphed into modern
technology. The phonograph was Thomas Edison's first major invention. "The Talking Machine" by
Randall Stross and "The History of of the Cylinder Phonograph" both include information about the
process of refining and marketing the phonograph. The article "Psst..Hey You," includes not only
information about the process of refining and marketing but also the development of the Audio
Spotlight. Throughout "The Talking Machine," Randall Stross talked about the phonograph and how
the public talked about it before it was ready to sell. The invention of the phonograph got out to the
public and many different possibilities blossomed among the audience. A lot of positive theories
were thought about the device. The article states, "the word of the invention spread, however, the
outside world saw greater possibilities. 'The dead could speak to us eternally,'" (Stross 2). Everyone
was excited for the device to go public. The quote indicates that if the the phonograph was ready to
sell, sales would be made. The device was popular. ... Show more content on ...
According to the article of "History of the Cylinder Phonograph," "As the December 22, 1877, issue
reported, 'Mr. Thomas A. Edison recently came into this office, placed a little machine on our desk,
turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we liked the phonograph,
informed us that it was very well, and bid us a cordial goodnight.' Interest was great, and the
invention was reported in several New York newspapers," (History 3). This quote shows that the
offices of Scientific American had a strong liking on the
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Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet Literary Analysis
Rebirth is an over arching theme in the book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, written by
Jamie Ford. One of the main symbols of second rebirth is the ever–present Oscar Holden record.
The records symbolizes not only Henry and Keiko's relationship, but how it can be renewed. From
when Henry and Keiko buy the record, to Henry finding it 40 years later, the record always has a
strong significance in the book. Though not the first mention of the Oscar Holden record, the story
of the vinyl started with Henry taking Keiko to the Black Elks Club. On that night Oscar Holden
dedicated song to them, and it became "their song". Later, Keiko gave Henry the record as a thank
you present for their exciting night at the Black Elks Club. The ... Show more content on ...
When Henry got to her apartment, he found out that Keiko was married and widowed, just like him.
Like the two halves of the record, though apart, still the same. Ultimately meeting after 40 years,
Henry and Keiko picked up where they left off. They were like an old married couple, finishing each
other's sentences. "They stood there, smiling at each other, like they had done all those years ago,
standing on either side of that fence. "Oai deki te..." She paused. "Ureshii desu," Henry said softly.
(pp. 285) With this shared sentence, Henry and Keiko were mending their relationship, putting the
parts back together to create a new bond, one that was never broken. Their old relationship could
never be truly fixed, but they started a new one with the intact record. The record, and Henry and
Keiko's bond, was finally renewed in this meeting. The book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and
Sweet, shows many themes through a simple vinyl record. One important aspect of the record's
meaning is rebirth, but it also stands for second chances, love, friendship, and of course, Henry and
Keiko. In the end, Keiko and Henry are not the same people, and their relationship is a new one, one
that was waiting for all the years they were apart. The Oscar Holden record holds its significance in
the book from the beginning to the
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Graphophone History
One of the utmost gratifying aspects of collecting vinyl is building an extensive collection of records
from distinct era's and decades. As you read through the history of vinyl you will be presented with
insight magnifying your ability to identify and understand information with regards to vinyl
pressings from as early as the 1900s. This chapter not only riffles through a variety of record facts
that will bring the newbie record collector up to speed, but also contains intriguing knowledge and
stories even the fanatical record collectors are expectedly unaware of. You will undoubtedly at some
point put this book down and head online or out to the record shop to locate obscure and noteworthy
Collecting vinyl requires a ... Show more content on ...
In the 1988 McDonald's held a Flexi Disc contest that gave 1 lucky winner a million dollars!
Chances of winning were only 1 in 80,000,000 but this campaign drew momentary attention. Flexi–
discs were also common additions to cereal boxes. Kids could cut out an Archie Comic on the back
of their Super Sugar Crisps or a Kiss Flexi with their "Kiss Krunch" cereal. Regardless of the fact
that Flexi–Disc releases can be designed for fun and creative purposes, they are easily worn out,
warp and bend and are therefore were not in reality favored.
Unusual, Obscure and Creative Records Over the years, an abundance of obscure and unique
records have been pressed using strange color combinations and unexpected materials. Here are a
few memorable pressings.
X–ray Records
During the 1950s in the Soviet Union x–rays were brought about to duplicate banned music. Using
X–rays discarded from hospitals, a bootlegger would cut them into circles, create a hole in the center
by burning the x–ray with a cigarette, and imprint music onto them. X–ray records are an item that
is hunted for and collected by particular vinyl
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The Evolution And Importance Of Sound
The Evolution and Importance of Sound in Media Sound has accompanied performances and visual
entertainment all throughout history, and more recently, with interactive media in video games.
Sound is an integral part of the user experience and helps solidify immersion and realism. With the
rapid increase of visual fidelity in film/television, and the rapid growth of graphical power in video
games and animation, sound plays a more important role than ever. In these visual and interactive
medias, the image you see is considered the most important factor. However, both factors of audio
and image must form a seamless bond to provide a well synced, uninterrupted experience. Sound
quality is often overlooked in both production and reception and should be held in the same regard
as cinematography, interactive gameplay, and other creative content. "Music has always been, until
now, experienced live." (Katz 11) The time before recorded sound is almost impossible to imagine.
The world is at a time in which imagined and virtual worlds are part of everyone's daily lives. Over
the last century, and beyond, there has been an exponential rise in technological advances that are
causing an increased simplicity of creating and distributing creative and technical multimedia
works. To get to this point, basic technologies and inventions from the world's greatest and creative
minds had to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of consumers and entertainment seekers. One of
the first of
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The Negative Impact Of Audio Recording On Tinfoil Processes
To think that audio recordings use to be recorded on a tinfoil cylinder and are now maybe 5.6MB
saved on a USB or laptop. Regardless to say a lot has changed since the development of audio
recording, it has gone from being heard by hand cranking to the push of a button to listen to
recordings that have not only found their way in different formats but to different forms which they
are used seemly in everyday life. From the movies that we go to with our friends, to jamming out to
our favorite tunes as to get in that last bit of info before an exam. It's integrated itself in a variety of
ways that stem from leisure, recreation, education, and even to the professional rem. Needless to
say, audio recording has had big impact in the areas that we ... Show more content on ...
However, it's just limited to those areas of leisure that audio recording has found its home, but in the
arenas of professionalism, everyday use and for those special moments that could be a memory
forever. When it comes to the professional side of things, rather writing all the exciting new ideas
for an upcoming project down, which can be hard in a fast pace working environment. Audio
recording 'Notes' on your phone or other device has been able to help put an end to the phrase, 'Oh
what did I just say a minute ago,' providing the chance to have a bit more memory space that we
normally have. When think in the aspect of everyday use from creating a voice recording of our
grocery list is no doubt important, because food is great, along with studying purposes for the
typical student that made have taken an audio recording of an important lecture. To some of the
more important things in life that we wished we had more time for, along the lines of the family
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Gramophone Research Paper
Some believe that about 30,000 to 60,000 years ago, music was first discovered. The love of a song
back then could only be heard live or if you learned to play it yourself. Since then, there have been
many inventions for you to listen to your favorite genres, songs, and artists anytime you like. The
history of music players dates back to November 21, 1877 when Thomas Alva Edison invented a
device for recording sounds and then playing it back called the Gramophone. It was patented on
February 19, 1878. The Gramophone looked like a cylinder that was smaller at one end and bigger
at the other. Even today, at the annual Grammy Awards the awards that are given out are miniature
versions of Edison's invention. Despite the Phonograph and the Gramophone's success, the
invention of the radio in 1906 was a threat to the recording industry. The major record companies
had a hard time keeping their own sales up due to the radio, but the later invention of the LPs and 45
rpm records made the sales rocket. By the 60s and 70s, the records had taken America by storm.
There are many types of records with a variety of number of songs. A 10–inch 78 RPM record could
play only about 3 minutes of music. But as sizes changed and the ways the songs were put on the
record changed, so ... Show more content on ...
The music industry is one of the biggest industries in the world due to how music is a universal
language that does not create barriers, it breaks down walls. People dream all of their life to make it
as a big star to write songs and make their mark on the recording industry. For most of the recording
artists out there today, music was something that saved them from any troubles. And from then on, it
is something that they wanted to create and write as if it is a journal. Music is something that people
want to share with each
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A Brief History of Music technology and Its Effect on...
Music has a great influent on people in our daily life, just like technology's effect on the music. In
the last 100 years, pop music has been a major part of American culture. There's always discussion
on how great can a pop music affect one's daily life. Both technology and music can affect one's life
in either good or bad way such that they are also related to each other. Technology had always had a
dominant role in human history like music since the 1900s. Since then, the advancement of
technology had create 'miracle' with music such that people won't be able to imagine the effect back
in 19th century. The effect of the technology on pop music can be observed through the instruments,
composition and mainly the recording and transmission ... Show more content on ...
Instead of pre–installed punching rolls, Clark invented Marking Piano which allow to record the
master roll data from live performance in 1912. The player piano market was lasted from 1900 until
the Depression in the 1930's and made the preservation of historical performance of Jazz and
Ragtime. This is because player piano sounded much better than radio and the early phonographs
during that era. People also enjoyed the musical talent of the best pianist of the day like Scott Joplin.
The sale of player piano reach its peak by 1924. However, the Great Depression caused the player
piano production ended effectively (Kimbrell & Sons Antique Player Piano and Pump Organ
Restorations, 2012). Most of the instruments were broken down for fuel during the Great
Depression. However, that's the starting point of music record. Thomas Edison is credited with the
invention of phonograph in 1877. Thanks to the invention of phonograph, the beautiful music can be
recorded and become accessible to all. At first, the purpose of the invention was only used for
entertainment until gramophone was invented such that the music was recorded in disc form as
oppose to cylinder. "Before twentieth century, listening music was a temporal fleeting experience –
and a rare treat (Colemn, 2003)." It was clear back in late 18th century, people only can access
music through commercial place or some events. The invention of phonograph allow people to
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Presentation Of A Business On Business Area Essay
These days IT is a spine of any association or business area. In today 's situation all the areas are
receiving the IT strategies for disentangling their work and taking care of the normal issues.
Innovation is not kidding stuff. It engages your association and its stakeholders to be compelling,
quicker, dependable and effective. Be that as it may it can 't be characterized essentially by fancy
odds and ends. Compelling engineering obliges a trusting, mindful, useful relationship behind it. As
more strong innovation is actualized, it enhances an association 's capability to adjust to changes in
the quick track period.
Associations like Airways, Railways and so forth additionally have these essential needs. They focus
on speedier operations, obligation and correspondence to build throughput. The Passenger ought to
be benefitted of offices which give speedier and correct operation of reservation, retraction and so
on the clients must be give a legitimate interface through which they can give essential data to the
travelers. The right to gain entrance or recovery of the data like flight calendars, traveler data and so
forth ought to be speedier on traveler requests and operational needs. Individuals working in diverse
offices all ought to see same data. At the point when one division completes with the information
section it is naturally directed to the following office. These all are additionally the prerequisites of
the associations like aviation routes,
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History And Training Guidelines : Record Making And The...
Art 501 the conservator's role
Section B
Icomos education and training guidelines
Record making and the historic environment
Restoration of lakeshmaswara temple, Gadag,Karnataka
A record of a historic building or a site is an exponential aid in project planning or implementation.
This involves a range of overlapping and mutual activities. A thorough analysis and interpretation of
historical elements of the buildings will help understand the process of decay and development to its
context. An uninformed resource cannot be effectively managed. For repair and maintenance of
historical building its necessary to document both the original state and the process of restoration as
a record, particularly where an element or a structure of the building is removed or reconstructed as
a process of conservation.
Practitioners often collaborate, insights are generated by various specialists such as photographers,
cadd technicians, surveyors etc, the records are promptly shared and integrated as a consolidated
document. In circumstances, the combination of all records is meticulously checked for accuracy as
a guiding principle which involves cross–referencing and consulting with any archive that might
determine the parts of the records.
Planning Requirements
Provisions for record making at the national heritage site,Someshwara temple
complex,Lakshmeshwara,Karnataka,India a listed building under the ASI ,archaeological survey of
India and ministry of cultural affairs ,Government of India,
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1970's Music Analysis
Over the past 50 years, the advancement of science and technology has had a profound and an
unprecedented impact on the global media landscape. Technology has changed the way the artists
record music as well as how the audience listens to and perceives their compositions. In other
words, media contains within them an explanation to why the contemporaries think about music the
way they do. From the 1960s through 2000s, many important events have taken place in the world
of music that transformed it and created its modern image.
The 1960s in the United States of America were a period of significant socio–cultural
transformation. In the 1960s, the War in Vietnam, which lasted for almost 20 years, was gaining
momentum. The 1960s happened to be ... Show more content on ...
Some of the artists to perform were Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Nirvana. Nirvana played their
MTV Unplugged concert at Sony Studios (New York) late in the autumn of 1993. The performance
was followed by the release of an album in 1994. 1994 was also a year of Kurt Cobain's death. Kurt
Cobain was one of the most prominent figures of the grunge scene, the embodiment of what that
particular style of music represents. Grunge at its core has a rebellion against the domineering
(oppressive) parenting, the consumer culture and the vices it tolerates. At their concert, Nirvana
presented their cover version of Bowie's song called "The Man Who Sold the World". Nirvana's
version of Bowie's composition is not merely a tribute to the old days, but a definitive proof that the
issues people concerned themselves in the seventieth and the eighties were still
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The Phonograph: Similar To The Development Of The Audio...
The development of the phonograph is similar to the development of the Audio Spotlight. The first
rudimentary machine was for recording and playing back sounds. The way it all started out was
using paper strips to make a record of telegraph messages. By attaching a needle to the back of the
diaphragm and mounting it above rollers for the paper strips, then putting sound to the into the
mouthpiece causes the diaphragm to move. After, this causes the needle to inscribe squiggled
indentations into the strips. Last, the indentations would move the attached diaphragm, which should
reproduce the original sound.
¨Thomas Edison was always a better inventor than salesman¨ says Randall Stross. Edison despite the
obvious commercial promise could not
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Are It Is Time Consuming When Analyzing The Data And It
are it is time consuming when analyzing the data and it can be expensive when transcribing. The use
of informed consent is important regardless of what research method is taking place. For example,
in the article, before carrying out semi– structure interview, it shows the researcher had given out
informed consent to the schools and approached potential participants to explain the study (Wan &
Neihart, 2015). It is acceptable for the researcher to encourage the participants but this should not
run the risk of coercing the participants (Matthew & Ross, 2010). Under BERA 's ethical guidelines
it is unacceptable to coerce participants as they should have the freedom to choose. Another ethical
issue was confidentiality. It is important to ... Show more content on ...
For example, in the study ' 'an initial pilot procedure was conducted using 12 female year 7 pupils ' '
(Elliott & Hoyle, 2014, pg 6). This increases reliability, validity and gains some feedback from the
respondents based on whether the questionnaire can be easily understood (Cohen,. et al, 2011). In
contrast, to interviews this can be difficult to achieve because the researcher asks a slightly different
question to each participant according to the flow of discussion and compared to questionnaires,
interviews are time–consuming to carry out a trial (Cohen,. et al, 2011). Another benefit is that the
researcher can collect a large amount of data in a short amount of time. The evidence is in the article
where the researcher hands the questionnaires to the teacher so he can give it to the students, and
explains how to administer the questionnaire (Elliot & Hoyle, 2014). This shows the researcher
saves time. Compared to interviews, questionnaires are easy to analyze and results can be generalize
to get an overview of why girls do not want to participate in physical Education (Elliott & Hoyle,
2014). However, generalization is difficult in interviews because different people have different
opinions. One weakness I found in this article was the questionnaire design as the researcher used
rating scales. For example, the researcher provided two options which were ' '1= strongly disagree
... Get more on ...
Tape Recorder Essay
INTRODUCTION: Tape recorder was invented for recording sound by Fritz Pfleumer in 1928 based
on the invention of magnetic wire recording by valdemar poulsen in 1898.The first tape recorder
from AGE was the magnetophon K1, demonstrated in Germany in 1935.Eduard schuller of AGE
built the recorders and developed a ring shaped recording and playback head. "A tape recorder is a
portable electronic gadget used to record, reproduce, erase and rerecord sound on a magnetic tape.
This devise can be used without any problem anybody by operating the press buttons attached to the
recorder, viz. stop, play, wind, rewind, record, pause and reject".
 Functions of tape and recorded cassette must be ensured before its use.
 The teacher should be prepare, customize, and practice the recorded lesson before using in the
 The teacher can use prerecorded programmed in tape recorder.
 The teacher must store all the cassette so that they can be used later. All can use the prestigious
person's talks for their purpose and this can be possible only because of tape recorder. The store data
of computer and measurement can be done in the instruments of scientific research and medical
research. To preserve and reproduce the various forms of information tape recorder can be helpful.
The tape recorder records and reproduces sound by keeping electrical signals as magnetic patterns
on a plastic tape coated with
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Bill Fontan An Internationally Reputable Composer And...
Bill Fontana is an internationally reputable composer and pioneering American sound sculptor born
April 25th 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio. Since the mid to late 70's Fontana has used sound as a
sculptural medium, able to interact and transform our perceptions of visual and architectural spaces.
Fontana is constantly engaged with the idea that at any moment there will be something musical to
hear in the coherent sound patterns around him. His sound sculptures use the human or natural
environment surrounding as a living source of musical information, often creating multiple networks
of live listening points that relay real time acoustics to a common listening place or sculptural site.
All of Fontana's works produced over the years experiment with process of listening, recording,
relocating and representing found sound patterns. Through discussion of his works and the process
undertaken in his listening for different found sound, the technologies used in recording and relaying
of these sounds to site, and the sites themselves through his works can be seen to complicate the
idea of 'medium' within his practice.
Links from Fontana's background can be seen to have influence upon the development of his
practice. Fontana started his musical career in the 60's as a composition student, attending the New
School for Social Research in New York, studying both music and philosophy. It was here that
Fontana became a student of John Cage's 'Experimental Composition' course at the school. By
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The Influence Of Napster's Contribution To The Culture Of...
Throughout the course of history there have been many technological advances that have made a
tremendous impact on human culture and the way our society functions. Inventions like the
automobile, television, and the internet have all contributed to improve the quality of living as we
know it. One major contribution to media and our culture was the development and rise of sound
recording. Since it's inception sound recording has evolved and adapted to fit our ever growing need
for media. Thanks to this reason it remains heavily integrated into our culture. As sound recording
developed, it pushed music, one of the oldest forms of media into a constant cycle of rebirth. As
popular forms of music and its' artists begin to heavily influence our ... Show more content on ...
Not only did Napster take the concept of music sharing to a new level, it changed the way music
was listened to and how the music industry would begin to market popular music. With the internet
becoming a fully formed popular resource, Napster was a free online service that specialized in
sharing MP3 files over the internet via P2P (Peer–to–peer) file sharing. P2P allowed users to gain
access to music; which usually is paid content, by searching for a Host (the source of the content)
that would upload and distribute this content for free. This meant that everyone across the world
who had access to internet could find libraries of albums from various recording artists that they
would generally have to pay hundreds of dollars to listen to. What made this so appealing to the
masses was that they could access it all for free. This significantly impacted the music industry
because it had no official way to control such a vast network. Why would consumer want to pay for
music when they could find it for free? The music industry which essentially makes a profit from
record sales believed that this online service would cost them millions. Rather than the music
industry making sales from each record sold, one Napster user could purchase a record, upload it to
the service and then hundreds of other users could download it for free. Those hundreds of users no
longer need to purchase the record themselves because they have already gained access to
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Disc-Jockey's Influence On The Music Industry
The history of DJ'ing is a long path all the way back to the early 1900's. People had stated to
discover that you could have the same effect on a crowd as bands and orchestras but only some
sound equipment and songs by yourself. Many people have no idea how long DJ's have been
influencing the music industry and what is to be played on radio stations worldwide. The first
known disc–jockey took his place in history in 1909. Ray Newby of California played records from
a small transmitter while he was a student in college at the age of 16. By 1910, radio broadcasts had
become a very normal, but still exciting part of life. The world's first DJ dance party was thrown by
Jimmy Savile in 1943; he mainly played jazz records for the people who attended these parties. A
few years later, Savile became the first person to use turntables live at a dance party so that he could
a continuous flow of music playing. In Kingston, Jamaica, promoters would call themselves DJs
which would throw giant dance parties in the streets, and DJs would blast their music from huge PA
speaker systems. Jamaicans called these party entrepreneurs sound systems. The city of New York
became the breeding ground for experimentation with the music and style of DJs. In the 1970's, DJ
Kool Herc and Afrikan Bambatta were deemed the "fathers of hip hop", throwing huge ... Show
more content on ...
This would then create the need for "DJ battle records" for young/new DJ's to practice with only
these records instead of have collate 100's of records for drum breaks and scratch
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How Did Technology Shape American Culture
Technology and music have always been interlinked. As technology improves ways of recording and
distributing music improves. Over history we have gone from scratchy records to clear and portable
MP3s. New and innovative technology have helped to shape America's culture as a nation.
In 1877 the first human voice was recorded by Thomas Edison using tinfoil. He was attempting to
improve the telegraph when he realized that when he moved tape through the machine it made a
noise that sounded similar to speech. He then placed a stylus on to a cylinder made of tinfoil and
spoke the words of Mary had a little lamb into the makeshift machine.
Edison is widely considered to be the first person to record sound but a man in France actually beat
him to ... Show more content on ...
Before music radio stations broadcasted things such as sermons, sports and the news. Department
stores would also have their own stations and they used them to advertise their merchandise.
In 1926 the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) began the National Broadcasting Network (NBC).
These were groups of stations that worked with local stations to syndicate radio shows. These shows
focused mostly on music and featured several different live performers. The types of music were
diverse and could vary from country to jazz.
The Golden Age of Radio was the time period of 1930– 1955. During this time was the great
depression and radio was a way to listen to music and receive the news for free. It was a cheap way
to have entertainment instead of more expensive ways such as going to a live concert or the movies.
Eventually radio shows and broadcasts about news decreased in popularity. All that was left was
music. Radio networks transitioned to playing prerecorded music of popular artists. The most
popular type of station was a station that plays Top 40. Top 40 is the top 40 songs on the music
charts in that particular time period. FM or radio was introduced soon after this and it instantly
became popular because it offered music in a high
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Sound Recording 's Evolution : Does It Affect The Music...
Konrad Strzalkowski
28 December 2016
Sound Recording's Evolution
Does it affect music industry?
Music industry these days is an open world to every one. Building own and expensive music library
over the years or spending hours in record stores seeking for your favourite taste of the sound... is
over. If anyone decide to hear album by for example: 'The Beatles' or single called 'Feeling Good' by
'Nina Simone', it can be found and played within seconds. Music platforms such as YouTube,
Spotify, iTunes, SoundCould etc. gives us possibilities to reach any music at any time and mostly for
free. Additionally, these days making or recording music is easier than ever before and commonly
available. Every Mac ships with a copy of GarageBand, software powerful enough to let anyone
record an album. There is on going and endless argument, where some people say that the new
world of music industry has liberated music and grown listeners with wider taste than ever, whereas
on the other hand others worry that finding music is too easy and without need to save money to by
an album we are becoming care less about music. In this essay I am not going through the argument,
explaining what is good and bad about today's music industry. I am going to talk about evolution of
recorded sound, what is the very first factor that contributed to the changes of industry and mention
eventual changes that appeared.
Middle 1800's... up in till then the only way to hear a song was to find
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Wall Of Sound Niil Saval Summary
"Wall of Sound" by Nikil Saval argues that the iPod and music streaming changed the way society
responds to music. Saval's deterrence comes from the belief that the addition of music streaming
causes isolation between audiences. However, this is not the case at all around the world music
continues to bring audiences together and organize movements. The idea that streaming music
promotes isolation between audiences is absurd. Saval's concern comes from the possibility of
isolation that is caused by streaming music. Stating that, "Before the invention of the record and the
gramophone (1887), the only form of listening people knew was social...". This point is not only
ignorant to how audiences use music streaming to socialize but, it condemns ... Show more content
on ...
He states "By the early '70s, popular music had more or less forfeited its capacity to promote social
movements"3. This statement completely disregards the many genres that have been tied to many of
today's social movements. For example, rap artists like, Wu Tang Clan and N.W.A discussed social
injustices and brought the trouble of the hood mainstream during the War on Drugs. Punk bands
such as Bad Religion and the Dead Kennedy's brought teen angst and aggression to. Although all of
these examples were from the 80's and the 90's, the same idea is present in music today. Perfect
examples of this is found in modern Metal and Rap genres. Punk band, Stray From the Path released
their song Goodnight Alt–Right discussing their disgust with the state of the prevalence of Neo–
Nazi's in the media. letlive.'s Good Mourning America depicts the injustices in the American system
towards Black
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Influence Of Music Media
Music Media Preferences for Different Generations
Music media has drastically changed over time due to technology and cultural shifts. Although it's
not common for people to use old forms of media today, some people still prefer to use products
such as vinyl records over modern forms of media. To begin with, the first form of music media
goes back all the way to the phonograph which was made by Thomas Edison in 1877. Later the
graphophone and gramophone were introduced as innovations of the phonograph. In the western
world, someone who would be my grandparents' age would use the gramophone to listen to classical
music, which was popular in that time period. Records for gramophones would be made out of glass
and people would listen as the arm read the rhythm of the music. My grandparents did not use
gramophones as often as people did in the North America because in South Asia it was more
common to listen to music through live performances instead of records. However, my grandparents
often listened to music through the radio or television and through Bollywood movies. Moving
forward, after WW2 when plastic records became extremely popular in North America many
teenagers who are now baby boomers used this form of music media to listen to music. The baby
boomer generation was well known for listening to rock and roll music through record players. Later
on, in the 70's, cassette players were introduced which made it very easy to listen to music as you
can listen to one song and
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Essay about SWOT Analysis for Wondermusic, a Non-Profit...
Executive Summary
Chart: Highlights 1.1 Objectives
Wondermusic is a non–profit organization that promotes young music talent by creating a free
educational and musical guidance program. Establish a space to provide musical educational
programs, sound proof rooms, recording studios and a private stage to promote their talent. Organize
music festivals and theater appearances around the city, as a performing experience and has an
educational, social and recreational alternative, and also to create awareness to the cause. Donate
instruments and award college scholarships.
Promoting and giving stage time to young talent will give them confidence and the opportunity to be
heard, and in some cases have a chance to develop a career that will ... Show more content on ...
Establish a space to provide musical educational programs, sound proof rooms, recording studios
and a private stage to promote their talent. Organize music festivals and theater appearances around
the city, as a performing experience and has an educational, social and recreational alternative, and
also to create awareness to the cause. Donate instruments and award college scholarships. The
founding team is comprise by Antonio Gonzalez, US Army veteran, Pace University senior and will
finish his BBA in Entrepreneurship this summer 2014 and with international marketing and
management experience, and Yelitza Montilla BBA in Marketing and Administration and with more
than 10 years of experience.
Promoting and giving stage time to young talent will give them confidence and the opportunity to be
heard, and in some cases have a chance to develop a career that will give them a financial
independence, in other cases, this talent will support their social and mental wellness to develop a
parallel professional career that will give them also a financial stability.
We will raise the funds needed for our program and service goals by organizing music festivals and
partnering with theaters, music halls. A special sales team will be formed, with a starting pay of $12
the hour, and for each $250,000 raise a 5% share for the team (4 or 5 persons), this team will target
government agencies with budget for this purpose, private sector, and private donors. A
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Elsme Music V National Broadcasting Company Case Study
The brief history of Sampling
The digital sampling existed since the 1960s, sampling was originally improved by musicians who
made an experiment and physically operate tape loops on a phonograph. Later on the late 1960s,
revolution of sampling impact the development of rock and jazz music. However, in the 1970s, hip
hop music industry was the first well know music genre to test and try the ability of the sampler in
purpose of reuse the primary works, mix and then relocated them into completely new context.
Many musician use a portion of prior sound recording, replaying unique and noticeable famous
grooves or cutting up breaks to produce new song as same as many producers that simply use
sample of popular and favourites parts of song and then mix or cut those in new attractive ways.
Using sampling in the music industry is become more popular in the age of electronic music and
disco in the mid–70s to the early 80s. Because of the improvement of digital sampling technology,
recently, the sampling computer software has been introduced and replace the traditional sampling
methods. The incorporation of sampling tools in the ... Show more content on ...
Elsmere Music sued the National Broadcasting Company due to comedy sketch that show on the
popular television programme "Saturday Night Live." The Saturday Night Live use four–note
melodic of "I Love New York" which is a public relation campaign of the city written by Steve
Karmen who well–known author that highly successful in created commercial jingles. The
performance of Saturday Night Live is related to improvement of the town of Sodom which singing
"I Love Sodom" in the melody of "I Love New York." The District Court for the Southern District of
New York, Judge Gerald Goettel rejected the claim of the plaintiff in copyright infringement and the
Second Circuit affirmed District Court
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The Effects Of Music On The Music Industry
Before sound recording were possible, music was enjoyed live by watching the performers
performing on their instruments in front of you. When sound recording became possible, the way we
enjoy music was not limited to watching the performers anymore. By looking at the development of
sound reproduction and the devices that are capable of sound playback, we are able to take a look at
look on how the production and consumption of music have been affected over the years in terms of
portability, affordability and how it affects the music industry. Reproduction of sound has come a
long way, dating all the way back to 1855 where French inventor Édouard–Léon Scott de
Martinville invented the phonautograph. Even though the phonautograph was not capable of doing a
playback of what was recorded, it set the path for sound recording. (Crane, 2015) However, the
credit for the records and gramophone that we use today goes to American Inventor Emil Berliner.
Despite the innovation, the gramophone did not became commercially popular when it was first
invented. It was only until the end of 1897 that the first commercially manufactured disc record
appeared in the United States and made the gramophone popular as a mean of entertainment. (Read,
1952) Records then began to be mass produced and distributed for different occasions. Katz (2004)
noted: "True, mass–reproduced art does lack temporal and physical uniqueness, yet reproductions,
no longer bound to the circumstances of their creation, many
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Essay on Escape in The Glass Menagerie
Escape in The Glass Menagerie
In Tennessee Williams' play, The Glass Menagerie, none of the characters are capable of living in
the real world. Laura, Amanda, Tom and Jim use various methods to escape the brutalities of life.
Laura retreats into a world of glass animals and old gramophone records. Amanda is obsessed with
living in her past. Tom escapes into his world of poetry writing and movies. Jim also reverts to his
past and remembers the days when he was a hero.
Laura retreats into a world of glass animals and old gramophone records. Even when it appears that
Laura is finally overcoming her shyness and hypersensitivity with Jim, she instantly reverts back to
playing the Victrola once he tells her he's engaged. She is unable ... Show more content on ...
Amanda chooses to live in the past.
Tom escapes into his world of poetry writing and movies. He cannot handle his menial job and his
unsatisfying home life. He believes that the atmosphere is stifling and damaging to his creative
capacities. Finally, when he does leave the Wingfield apartment, he is still trapped by his memories
(the past) of Laura. As a result, he is unable to function in the present and wanders aimlessly
thinking of his sister.
Jim, though not as severely as the Wingfields, also reverts to his past as he looks through high
school yearbooks with Laura and remembers the days when he was a hero. He is also not satisfied
with the present – working at the same warehouse as Tom, despite Tom's prediction that he would
'arrive at nothing short of the White House by the time he was thirty' (Williams 83). Tom realises
that he 'was valuable to him [Jim] as someone who could remember his former glory' (Williams 84).
When Jim reminisces about his lead in the operetta, Laura asks him to sign her programme and he
signs it 'with a flourish' (Williams 116). Only by entering into the Wingfield's world of illusions can
Jim become this high school hero again. As the scene progresses, Jim regresses to his high school
days of wooing women as he woos the innocent Laura by dancing
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Vinyl Collection Research Paper
Introduction Building your vinyl collection is an exciting hobby There is a plethora of ways to get
out there and build your collecting, including your local record stores, big box retailers who are now
selling vinyl, garage sales, online stores, thrift shops and I can go on forever!! It seems that just
about everywhere is selling vinyl records. Over the last few years' millions of brand new vinyl has
been pressed with the numbers continuing to climb upwards. The few big box music retailers have
begun stocking their shelves with vinyl once again, along with several unexpected retailers adding
vinyl to their line of products carried such as Whole Foods and even Cracker Barrel! The
availability of independent retailers are popping up in city and towns all across North America
almost weekly! There are plenty of places to purchase new vinyl, with a few of them not so obvious.
Below is provided a fairly detailed list of where to not only shop for new vinyl, but which retailers
are carrying newly pressed, hidden vinyl gems. ... Show more content on ...
Used vinyl tends to be less in price and readily available since often vinyl collectors preserved their
records to an exceptional condition. However, with the vinyl boom in full force finding stacks of
used records is not as easy as it was five years ago. The value of used records has increased
significantly and many recognize this. Commonly, if a stockpile of used vinyl is for sale at a
reasonably low rate it is quickly snatched up by professional record buyers who hunt various
sources daily. I will send you well on your way to navigating the art of finding used
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What Is The Role Of Entertainment In The 1950-1960's
Oral History Sound Recording was one of the first entertainment programs implemented to the
public in the 1950–1960's. Before there was sound recording people only listened to the radio. The
radio played live music, shows and stories. This wave of entertainment was done through radio.
Radio gave most individuals in this time a connection to many artist and actors across the world. As
radio became more wide–spread the invention of the television became another source of connection
around the world. People were not only able to imagine, they were able to now put a visual
connection to the artist and actors. This bring more reality to what the people had already visualized
through radio in the early 1950–1960's. Television paved a way for out of the home entertainment as
well, movies and films were now the biggest used of entertainment out of the home. People were
able to leave their homes and travel to different cinemas and theaters to watch movies and films that
were not available on regular TV's. This also became a huge ... Show more content on ...
It bring all sort of types of music to the public. People began to develop a sense of happiness for
each other. Eddie Hardwick says, "Some of the records he listen to was based on music categories
from Rock and Roll/Disco." This popularity of certain type of music in the 1950–1960's in
Pittsburgh, Pa. gave individuals vocal freedom to sing like the artist over the radio. It was very
influential in how people interact with each other and the way people treated others. One thing
Eddie said was that, "it bring family and friends together, for a time period where nothing matter but
each other." Some of his favorite music artist were The Drifters, Sky Liners and Sam Cook. These
groups sung a lot of love songs. This implemented a great way of thinking in a positive manner
towards women and men. Men were able to express their love for women through song with easy
words of
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Sound Recording, Its History and Impact on Media in the...
Sound Recording, Its History And Impact On Media In The 21st Century
On this essay I will try to show how Sound Recording impacts media in the 21st century. But in
order for me to do that I will need to explore the history of Sound Recording, which started in the
19th Century.
Before 1877 sound could be recorded but not played. That year Thomas Alva Edison invented the
talking tin foil, also known as the phonograph (voice – writer), which enabled sound to be played
back (the first speech to be recorded and played back was the poem by Sarah Josepha Hale (1830)
'Mary had a little lamb', which, unfortunately "was not preserved, but in 1927, Edison re–enacted
the recording for Fox Movietone news. It can be heard on the ... Show more content on ...
waltzes, polkas, cakewalks, and so on. Yet the most famous leader of such a band, John Philip
Sousa, had doubts about the phonograph and publicly denounced recordings as inferior to live
music. Thus began a decades–long campaign against recorded music, sponsored by a succession of
music critics, social theorists, and musicians.
As one of those social theorists has argued, the real significance of the early phonograph was that it
transformed the way people listened to music. Where once music was a unique, live performance,
experienced in a public place with a group, now it was heard privately in the home and it was
possible to hear the same "performance" over and over. According to this argument, the listening
experience was cheapened." Recording
Music was available almost anywhere, any time so people, in theory, would be exposed to a wider
selection of music, which, some people believed, would result in a social uplift process. However in
the United States and Europe most people kept buying popular music instead of what reformers
called "good" music. "Good" music started being advertised more heavily, by companies like Victor,
Columbia and Edison's, by offering a wider variety of "good" music in their catalogs.
"Historians have also countered the argument that the phonograph degraded musical taste by noting
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The Pros And Cons Of Analogue Versus Digital
Get a group of recording engineers together, and sooner or later the conversation will turn to a
discussion (probably quickly escalating to an argument) about 'analogue warmth' and how things
sounded so much better 'BD' (Before Digital) – and even engineers and musicians who've never
worked in earnest with all‑analogue systems (digital having become mainstream as far back as the
1980s) seem keen to bring this perceived 'warmth' into their productions.
What Is Analogue Warmth?
Not everyone has had first‑hand experience of magnetic tape recording and other analogue
recording technology, of course, but we've all heard and admired the vast back catalogue of classic
records made using this technology from the 1950s onwards.
There are many factors that combine to create character in recordings, ranging from instruments,
musicians and performances, through the rooms and mics used, to the ... Show more content on ...
A lot of the early digital gear certainly didn't live up to the hype that surrounded it, but
understanding and technology have come on in leaps and bounds since then, and to my mind digital
recording systems can now deliver pretty much all that was once promised: a near‑perfect recording
medium that gives back exactly what was recorded.
That's great in some circumstances, but it's not always what we want: in many cases, the technical
limitations and imperfections of analogue systems have become an integral part of the quality of the
recorded sounds that we all grew up with – and the end result is perceived by many people as being
more pleasing than we can easily achieve today with all‑digital recording chains. Further than that,
some of the sounds resulting from 'abuse' of analogue gear have become recognised effects in their
own right (tube overdrive and tape saturation being obvious
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Phonograph Parlors

  • 1. Phonograph Parlors Commercialization of Records – The Record Labels In 1889 "Phonograph Parlors" began to open up, marking the debut of phonographs to the mass market. The first phonograph parlor opened up in San Francisco May of 1889. Almost all American cities had at least one by the mid 1890's. These parlors would allow customers to sit amongst a desk and speak through a tube to request a recorded title. The title would then play through a cylinder phonograph from a room located below, allowing the customer to listen to it through two ear horns at their private desk. At the time the mass production of records was still in its infancy and was very primitive. One of the first recording methods had live performers record their tracks onto a phonograph embodying up to ten tubes leading to blank cylinders within other phonographs. Prior to this, each record had to be individually produced. Nonetheless, even with this method artist had to re–record their songs multiple times. In terms of audio fidelity, grampaphone discs were not superior to cylinder records. Up until the early 1900's both cylinder and disc recordings were available. The disc method, on the other hand, did provide further manufacturing advantages as for discs could be efficiently stamped allowing them to be easily mass–produced. Emile Berliner's disc records, the first offered to the ... Show more content on ... Throuhgout this time, Columiba licensed and sold both Bell/Tainters graphophone and Edison's phonographs to distribute within the Washington D.C. area. Columbia's business relationship with the Edison Company was terminated in 1894 when Edison ceased providing them with blank cylinders. This left Columbia in a frantic to find a solution to make them in house. Edison's recipe was a well–kept secret. The materials Edison used to make his phonographs were not labeled and therefore attempts by Columbia to steal secrets from Edison employees were not ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Beatles Influence On Music And Religion The last major technological breakthrough that Frith discusses is the invention of magnetic tape. Magnetic tape was such a huge leap in recording technology, because of the control it now gave artists within the studio. This new tape allowed for artists to splice, dub, cut, and recording multiple track on a tape. This gave artists complete control over their pieces of art. No longer were they restricted by what they could perform live. They could produce pieces of music that had the purpose of not being able to be recreated live, because it is how the artist wanted to represent their music. Music started to be recorded in a much more intentional and methodical way (Frith 271–272). He asserts "By the end of the 1960s the studio was, in itself, ... Show more content on ... The Beatles' level of success enabled their music to attain major influence throughout the United States. Because of this, their music was distributed to youth all over the United States. Through the technology that the band took advantage of during the recording process, they were able to accurately express their ideas and opinions. The lyrics of "Within You Without You" demonstrate The Beatles expressing opinions on spirituality and religion that specifically discuss thinking for oneself. While the youth were being introduced to The Beatles' music, they were simultaneously gaining a new independence from their families. With America's youth having such a strong connection to popular music, The Beatles' beliefs about spirituality influenced them. Although these children had grown up in a country where participation in organized religion was a very common practice, they began to lose their faith in the organized religions that they participated in, and grew to make their own decisions regarding whether or not their religious texts were infallible. Dr. Aaron Esman say that "adolescence ... serves as the weathervane to the observer of the cultural climate," (95). Therefore, the change in beliefs of youth in society, have a direct influence on society as a whole through ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Converge Records Persuasive Speech We are happy to inform you that we are turning 22 years soon! Go around and watch out for surprises that await you as we wait for that BIG, BIG DAY! Just continuously follow us and stream with us, and who knows? You might be among those people who have the chance to win amazing giveaways from your favorite artists! That and more, only here at CONVERGE RECORDS! Converge Records has a goal of building the biggest and most comprehensive music database and marketplace that could be enjoyed by people of all ages. No matter where you are, what you are doing, anytime, anywhere, Converge Records is ready to bring to your doorsteps beautiful songs that inspire and give new meaning to music. There is no limit to what we can bring you. All our music is good for the ears and would be a good therapy at the end of the day. Just relax as you close your double–car garage door in Wichita while listening to different kinds of ... Show more content on ... OUR DATABASE Converge Records keeps more than 9,000,000 recordings in its data base. We have over 6,000 artists contributing to make this possible, and staff and developers that continuously recreate better ways to give people the uninterrupted access to this. We're far from done and you can contribute too! Converge Records offers the ability to catalog your music collection. Now you could already save into your playlist any song you want to continuously listen to it anytime you want. You could also share your ratings, and reviews at the end of any song. We value your honesty and patronage, as such, you are our partners in improving our craft. THE MARKETPLACE Converge Records connects artists, merchants, and sellers world over. Through the years of receiving good feedbacks from our followers, we are now the number on the to–go list of music enthusiasts who are looking for a nice hangout place online. We are also the premier spot for old and new ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Health Records Of Nurses And Other Health Workers Essay Socially, recording and reporting are veritable tools on the hands of nurses and other health workers because they show a compilation of well rounded record of their patients' trip through services and encourages the continuation of care for the patients within and between services. Nurses should be careful, precise, reliable while carrying out this particular duty because any step in wrong direction can bring death, shame, conflict between the doctor or nurse and the clients. They are to be kept secret according to the ethics of nursing regardless of the tool used in recording and reporting. Application in my Current Workplace Nurses in my workplace run a shift, and a particular shift is completed, a verbal report to the succeeding shift is given showing the overall conditions and the therapy the patient had taken so far. Support services give written reports describing the outcomes of diagnostic test. We make use of hospital record or chart which permanently documents the patient's health records in the hospital. After each clinic visit, information about why the patient sought medical care, diagnostic tests, the physician's diagnosis and choice of therapy is recorded and whenever the patient come back after discharge from the hospital, it is revisited and used as a basis for diagnosis for medical assessment. Current Related Researches Nwagwu Adanma Solomon, a lecturer at the School of Nursing, Owerri studied the characteristics of a valid recording and reporting. She ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Sound Recording In Canada Sound Recording in Canada, not regulated by the Government Introduction Sound recording was initially invented in 1857 by Edouard–Leon Scott de Martinville. The development of sound recording has gone through multiple stages to become what it is today. From phonographs to magnetic tapes and further developments, sound recording has been used within the music industry for ages. The government does not regulate the process of sound recording, however conflicts regarding copyright infringements are present. Brief History An academic article written by Linda M. Fidler and William L. Schurk titled "Sound Recording Archives" discusses the history of sound recording. During the 1960, the preservation of sound recording "saw major changes in the ... Show more content on ... Broadcasting is "$14 billion industry that includes radio and television, as well as the distribution services of cable, satellite, and, increasingly the Internet and mobile devices" (Gasher, Skinner, Lorimer 218). The Canadian government regulates broadcasting because "it serves national, cultural, and political goals" (Gasher, Skinner, Lorimer 219). The reason for comparing regulations between sound recording and broadcasting is the fact that a great proportion of radio broadcasting is recorded music. "There is a significant symbiosis between radio broadcast policy and policies designed to encourage the production and dissemination of Canadian music" (Gasher, Skinenr, Lorimer 225). Radio broadcasters are required to have a license in order to broadcast music through their channel. The Canadian Radio–television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is in charge of issuing these licenses to broadcasters. "Today, the CRTC's duties in the broadcasting field include: issuing and renewing licenses, up to a maximum of seven years, modifying existing license conditions, and suspending or revoking licenses" (Gasher, Skinner, Lorimer 221). It is evident that the use of sound recordings within the field of broadcasting is strictly regulated. This further develops an idea that the sound recording industry will become regulated within the future, as it is present in such a vast ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Developments Of Recording Technology During The 20th Century Developments in recording technology in the 20th century brought an extensive increase in the variety of music that people had access to. It also played a major role in how music could be heard. These inventions gifted the public with new ways that music could be enjoyed more easily and more often. It also influenced composers to experiment with new genres and styles. One aspect that was provided to the public through inventions and developments in music technology was a major convenience. They no loner needed to leave the comfort of their home to spend money on a live performance. One particular invention that pushed this development was the radio. This invention was the first known device to allow mass communication; not only nationally, but internationally as well (Wyman). As early as the 1800's, multiple people began experimenting with wireless signals and communication (CITE). In 1910, this wireless system developed to be referred to as the name "radio"(CITE). However, it wasn't until 1920 that the first radio station in the US arose (CITE). The radio was mainly used for news at first; but within the next couple of years as more radio stations popped up, music became prominent on the radio. Another invention that played a major role in how people heard music in the 20th century is the gramophone; also known as the phonograph. The phonograph was a disc used as the primary medium for music reproduction until late in 20th century (CITE). The phonograph was invented by ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Compulsory Indi A Developing Country And Party COMPULSORY LICENCES IN INDIA: India, being a developing country and party to the Berne Convention, has incorporated provisions in the Copyright Act for the grant of compulsory licenses pursuant to the special provisions laid down in Berne Convention for the developing countries. The Act provides for the grant of compulsory licences in Indian work in public interest in some limited circumstances. The Indian Copyright Act has its scales inclined in favour of access to knowledge and wider diffusion of Indian works. Though, it seeks to protect the rights of the authors in the best possible manner, nevertheless, it has elaborate statutory provisions to encourage public access to works through the system of compulsory licencing. The system ... Show more content on ... Licence is a personal right and creates no more personal obligation between a licensor and licensee. The licence is general revocable at the Will of the grantor. There are different kinds of licences. A licence may be exclusive or non–exclusive; exclusive licence means a licence which confers on licensor or licensee or persons authorized by him to the exclusion of all other persons (including the owner of the copyright) any right comprised in the copyright in a work. In the case of non–exclusive licence, the owner of copyright retains the right to grant licences to more than one person or to exercise it himself. Licence is a personal right and licensee may not always be entitled to make alterations to the terms. These are broad guidelines." Licence is granted to produce and publish a translation of a literary or dramatic work in any language after a period of seven years (three years if the translation is a non–Indian work) for the purpose of teaching, scholarship or research and one year if such a translation is in a language not in any general use in any developed country from the first publication of the work, under certain conditions. The royalty paid at the rate prescribed by the Board, is required to be kept in the public account of India or such other account which may be claimed by the Copyright owner or his legal heirs, executors or legal representatives at any time. The Copyright Act, 1957 of India has successfully incorporated provisions for ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. James T. Russell and the Invention of the Compact Disc Essay James T. Russell and the Invention of the Compact Disc James Russell was born in Bremerton, Washington in 1931. His first invention, at six years old, was a remote–control battleship with a storage chamber for his lunch. In 1953, he earned his Bachelor of Arts in physics and graduated from Reed College in Portland. Afterwards he went to work as a Physicist in General Electric's nearby labs in Richland, Washington. There he started many experimental instrumentation projects. He was one of the first to use a color TV screen and keyboard with a computer. He designed and built the first electron beam welder. When the Bettelle Memorial Institute opened its Pacific Northwest Laboratory in Richland, ... Show more content on ... He knew that if you could represent the binary 0 and 1 with dark and light, then a device could be produced that is able to read sounds or any other information without wearing it out and if he could make the binary compact enough he could store a bunch on a small piece of film. Bettelle let him pursue his project and in 1970, after years of work, he succeeded in inventing the first digital–to–optical recording and playback system, the CD. A CD is a simple round piece of plastic about 4/100ths of an inch thick, and 12 centimeters in diameter used for electronic recording, storing, and playback. Most of a CD consists of an injection– moulded piece of clear polycarbonate plastic. During manufacturing, this plastic is impressed with microscopic bumps arranged as a single, continuous, extremely long spiral track of data circling from the inside of the disc to the outside. Once the clear piece of polycarbonate is formed, a thin, reflective aluminum layer is put onto the disc, covering the bumps. Then a thin acrylic layer is sprayed over the aluminum to protect it, and the CD label is printed onto the acrylic. The compact disc was first used for audio storage only, but are now used to store audio, video, text, and any other information in digital form, and are able to hold 783 megabytes in all. The CD works, because binary information is ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Teletech 2005 Analysis Teletech 2005 WACC and Hurdle Rate: Risk drives required returns and is a fundamental concept when determining whether or not a company is providing appropriate returns to its shareholders. Teletech's policy was to use a uniform hurdle rate across segments. This policy works well if each potential investment has the same risk. Unfortunately for Teletech, investments differ in their level of risk and therefore in their required rates of return. To adequately assess potential investments, Teletech should implement a hurdle rate for each segment and potentially risk–adjust these hurdle rates for projects within each segment. As Teletech's EVP of Telecommunications Services points out in his graph, a single hurdle rate for ... Show more content on ... We feel that she is both correct and incorrect in her logic and that ultimately segment hurdle rates are a better measure of return maximization. Hurdle rates are an internal management tool and can be set independent of WACC. We feel that the diversification of the company does help keep capital costs down which benefit the company. However, the hurdle rate is the driving factor of resource allocation. As more resources are shifted to the PS division, capital costs will begin to increase along side risk. In addition, external investors and analysts have more information than Helen is indicating. These analysts (36 following Teletech) and investors often look at companies by the markets they are in. They specifically look at the types of returns each of Teletech's segments are producing and are projected to produce and compare those to others in the industry. This may be the main reason for Teletech's stock price and P/E ratio not keeping up with others in the industry. Once again we feel that Teletech should institute segment specific hurdle rates. Economic Profit: Teletech uses a calculation of Economic Profit (EP) to measure business unit performance as well as evaluate and compensate the business unit leaders. We use the same EP calculation to determine if the PS segment is underperforming and ultimately destroying value. Exhibit 2 shows the EP calculation for each segment ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Who Invented The Phonograph Most items went through transformations to get to the modern style that it is today. The phonograph wasn't always called the 'phonograph'. It went through progression and slowly morphed into modern technology. The phonograph was Thomas Edison's first major invention. "The Talking Machine" by Randall Stross and "The History of of the Cylinder Phonograph" both include information about the process of refining and marketing the phonograph. The article "Psst..Hey You," includes not only information about the process of refining and marketing but also the development of the Audio Spotlight. Throughout "The Talking Machine," Randall Stross talked about the phonograph and how the public talked about it before it was ready to sell. The invention of the phonograph got out to the public and many different possibilities blossomed among the audience. A lot of positive theories were thought about the device. The article states, "the word of the invention spread, however, the outside world saw greater possibilities. 'The dead could speak to us eternally,'" (Stross 2). Everyone was excited for the device to go public. The quote indicates that if the the phonograph was ready to sell, sales would be made. The device was popular. ... Show more content on ... According to the article of "History of the Cylinder Phonograph," "As the December 22, 1877, issue reported, 'Mr. Thomas A. Edison recently came into this office, placed a little machine on our desk, turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we liked the phonograph, informed us that it was very well, and bid us a cordial goodnight.' Interest was great, and the invention was reported in several New York newspapers," (History 3). This quote shows that the offices of Scientific American had a strong liking on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet Literary Analysis Rebirth is an over arching theme in the book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, written by Jamie Ford. One of the main symbols of second rebirth is the ever–present Oscar Holden record. The records symbolizes not only Henry and Keiko's relationship, but how it can be renewed. From when Henry and Keiko buy the record, to Henry finding it 40 years later, the record always has a strong significance in the book. Though not the first mention of the Oscar Holden record, the story of the vinyl started with Henry taking Keiko to the Black Elks Club. On that night Oscar Holden dedicated song to them, and it became "their song". Later, Keiko gave Henry the record as a thank you present for their exciting night at the Black Elks Club. The ... Show more content on ... When Henry got to her apartment, he found out that Keiko was married and widowed, just like him. Like the two halves of the record, though apart, still the same. Ultimately meeting after 40 years, Henry and Keiko picked up where they left off. They were like an old married couple, finishing each other's sentences. "They stood there, smiling at each other, like they had done all those years ago, standing on either side of that fence. "Oai deki te..." She paused. "Ureshii desu," Henry said softly. (pp. 285) With this shared sentence, Henry and Keiko were mending their relationship, putting the parts back together to create a new bond, one that was never broken. Their old relationship could never be truly fixed, but they started a new one with the intact record. The record, and Henry and Keiko's bond, was finally renewed in this meeting. The book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, shows many themes through a simple vinyl record. One important aspect of the record's meaning is rebirth, but it also stands for second chances, love, friendship, and of course, Henry and Keiko. In the end, Keiko and Henry are not the same people, and their relationship is a new one, one that was waiting for all the years they were apart. The Oscar Holden record holds its significance in the book from the beginning to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Graphophone History Introduction One of the utmost gratifying aspects of collecting vinyl is building an extensive collection of records from distinct era's and decades. As you read through the history of vinyl you will be presented with insight magnifying your ability to identify and understand information with regards to vinyl pressings from as early as the 1900s. This chapter not only riffles through a variety of record facts that will bring the newbie record collector up to speed, but also contains intriguing knowledge and stories even the fanatical record collectors are expectedly unaware of. You will undoubtedly at some point put this book down and head online or out to the record shop to locate obscure and noteworthy finds. Collecting vinyl requires a ... Show more content on ... In the 1988 McDonald's held a Flexi Disc contest that gave 1 lucky winner a million dollars! Chances of winning were only 1 in 80,000,000 but this campaign drew momentary attention. Flexi– discs were also common additions to cereal boxes. Kids could cut out an Archie Comic on the back of their Super Sugar Crisps or a Kiss Flexi with their "Kiss Krunch" cereal. Regardless of the fact that Flexi–Disc releases can be designed for fun and creative purposes, they are easily worn out, warp and bend and are therefore were not in reality favored. Unusual, Obscure and Creative Records Over the years, an abundance of obscure and unique records have been pressed using strange color combinations and unexpected materials. Here are a few memorable pressings. X–ray Records During the 1950s in the Soviet Union x–rays were brought about to duplicate banned music. Using X–rays discarded from hospitals, a bootlegger would cut them into circles, create a hole in the center by burning the x–ray with a cigarette, and imprint music onto them. X–ray records are an item that is hunted for and collected by particular vinyl ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Evolution And Importance Of Sound The Evolution and Importance of Sound in Media Sound has accompanied performances and visual entertainment all throughout history, and more recently, with interactive media in video games. Sound is an integral part of the user experience and helps solidify immersion and realism. With the rapid increase of visual fidelity in film/television, and the rapid growth of graphical power in video games and animation, sound plays a more important role than ever. In these visual and interactive medias, the image you see is considered the most important factor. However, both factors of audio and image must form a seamless bond to provide a well synced, uninterrupted experience. Sound quality is often overlooked in both production and reception and should be held in the same regard as cinematography, interactive gameplay, and other creative content. "Music has always been, until now, experienced live." (Katz 11) The time before recorded sound is almost impossible to imagine. The world is at a time in which imagined and virtual worlds are part of everyone's daily lives. Over the last century, and beyond, there has been an exponential rise in technological advances that are causing an increased simplicity of creating and distributing creative and technical multimedia works. To get to this point, basic technologies and inventions from the world's greatest and creative minds had to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of consumers and entertainment seekers. One of the first of ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Negative Impact Of Audio Recording On Tinfoil Processes To think that audio recordings use to be recorded on a tinfoil cylinder and are now maybe 5.6MB saved on a USB or laptop. Regardless to say a lot has changed since the development of audio recording, it has gone from being heard by hand cranking to the push of a button to listen to recordings that have not only found their way in different formats but to different forms which they are used seemly in everyday life. From the movies that we go to with our friends, to jamming out to our favorite tunes as to get in that last bit of info before an exam. It's integrated itself in a variety of ways that stem from leisure, recreation, education, and even to the professional rem. Needless to say, audio recording has had big impact in the areas that we ... Show more content on ... However, it's just limited to those areas of leisure that audio recording has found its home, but in the arenas of professionalism, everyday use and for those special moments that could be a memory forever. When it comes to the professional side of things, rather writing all the exciting new ideas for an upcoming project down, which can be hard in a fast pace working environment. Audio recording 'Notes' on your phone or other device has been able to help put an end to the phrase, 'Oh what did I just say a minute ago,' providing the chance to have a bit more memory space that we normally have. When think in the aspect of everyday use from creating a voice recording of our grocery list is no doubt important, because food is great, along with studying purposes for the typical student that made have taken an audio recording of an important lecture. To some of the more important things in life that we wished we had more time for, along the lines of the family ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Gramophone Research Paper Some believe that about 30,000 to 60,000 years ago, music was first discovered. The love of a song back then could only be heard live or if you learned to play it yourself. Since then, there have been many inventions for you to listen to your favorite genres, songs, and artists anytime you like. The history of music players dates back to November 21, 1877 when Thomas Alva Edison invented a device for recording sounds and then playing it back called the Gramophone. It was patented on February 19, 1878. The Gramophone looked like a cylinder that was smaller at one end and bigger at the other. Even today, at the annual Grammy Awards the awards that are given out are miniature versions of Edison's invention. Despite the Phonograph and the Gramophone's success, the invention of the radio in 1906 was a threat to the recording industry. The major record companies had a hard time keeping their own sales up due to the radio, but the later invention of the LPs and 45 rpm records made the sales rocket. By the 60s and 70s, the records had taken America by storm. There are many types of records with a variety of number of songs. A 10–inch 78 RPM record could play only about 3 minutes of music. But as sizes changed and the ways the songs were put on the record changed, so ... Show more content on ... The music industry is one of the biggest industries in the world due to how music is a universal language that does not create barriers, it breaks down walls. People dream all of their life to make it as a big star to write songs and make their mark on the recording industry. For most of the recording artists out there today, music was something that saved them from any troubles. And from then on, it is something that they wanted to create and write as if it is a journal. Music is something that people want to share with each ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. A Brief History of Music technology and Its Effect on... Music has a great influent on people in our daily life, just like technology's effect on the music. In the last 100 years, pop music has been a major part of American culture. There's always discussion on how great can a pop music affect one's daily life. Both technology and music can affect one's life in either good or bad way such that they are also related to each other. Technology had always had a dominant role in human history like music since the 1900s. Since then, the advancement of technology had create 'miracle' with music such that people won't be able to imagine the effect back in 19th century. The effect of the technology on pop music can be observed through the instruments, composition and mainly the recording and transmission ... Show more content on ... Instead of pre–installed punching rolls, Clark invented Marking Piano which allow to record the master roll data from live performance in 1912. The player piano market was lasted from 1900 until the Depression in the 1930's and made the preservation of historical performance of Jazz and Ragtime. This is because player piano sounded much better than radio and the early phonographs during that era. People also enjoyed the musical talent of the best pianist of the day like Scott Joplin. The sale of player piano reach its peak by 1924. However, the Great Depression caused the player piano production ended effectively (Kimbrell & Sons Antique Player Piano and Pump Organ Restorations, 2012). Most of the instruments were broken down for fuel during the Great Depression. However, that's the starting point of music record. Thomas Edison is credited with the invention of phonograph in 1877. Thanks to the invention of phonograph, the beautiful music can be recorded and become accessible to all. At first, the purpose of the invention was only used for entertainment until gramophone was invented such that the music was recorded in disc form as oppose to cylinder. "Before twentieth century, listening music was a temporal fleeting experience – and a rare treat (Colemn, 2003)." It was clear back in late 18th century, people only can access music through commercial place or some events. The invention of phonograph allow people to ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Presentation Of A Business On Business Area Essay Presentation These days IT is a spine of any association or business area. In today 's situation all the areas are receiving the IT strategies for disentangling their work and taking care of the normal issues. Innovation is not kidding stuff. It engages your association and its stakeholders to be compelling, quicker, dependable and effective. Be that as it may it can 't be characterized essentially by fancy odds and ends. Compelling engineering obliges a trusting, mindful, useful relationship behind it. As more strong innovation is actualized, it enhances an association 's capability to adjust to changes in the quick track period. Associations like Airways, Railways and so forth additionally have these essential needs. They focus on speedier operations, obligation and correspondence to build throughput. The Passenger ought to be benefitted of offices which give speedier and correct operation of reservation, retraction and so on the clients must be give a legitimate interface through which they can give essential data to the travelers. The right to gain entrance or recovery of the data like flight calendars, traveler data and so forth ought to be speedier on traveler requests and operational needs. Individuals working in diverse offices all ought to see same data. At the point when one division completes with the information section it is naturally directed to the following office. These all are additionally the prerequisites of the associations like aviation routes, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. History And Training Guidelines : Record Making And The... Art 501 the conservator's role Section B Icomos education and training guidelines Record making and the historic environment Restoration of lakeshmaswara temple, Gadag,Karnataka A record of a historic building or a site is an exponential aid in project planning or implementation. This involves a range of overlapping and mutual activities. A thorough analysis and interpretation of historical elements of the buildings will help understand the process of decay and development to its context. An uninformed resource cannot be effectively managed. For repair and maintenance of historical building its necessary to document both the original state and the process of restoration as a record, particularly where an element or a structure of the building is removed or reconstructed as a process of conservation. Practitioners often collaborate, insights are generated by various specialists such as photographers, cadd technicians, surveyors etc, the records are promptly shared and integrated as a consolidated document. In circumstances, the combination of all records is meticulously checked for accuracy as a guiding principle which involves cross–referencing and consulting with any archive that might determine the parts of the records. Planning Requirements Provisions for record making at the national heritage site,Someshwara temple complex,Lakshmeshwara,Karnataka,India a listed building under the ASI ,archaeological survey of India and ministry of cultural affairs ,Government of India, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. 1970's Music Analysis Over the past 50 years, the advancement of science and technology has had a profound and an unprecedented impact on the global media landscape. Technology has changed the way the artists record music as well as how the audience listens to and perceives their compositions. In other words, media contains within them an explanation to why the contemporaries think about music the way they do. From the 1960s through 2000s, many important events have taken place in the world of music that transformed it and created its modern image. The 1960s in the United States of America were a period of significant socio–cultural transformation. In the 1960s, the War in Vietnam, which lasted for almost 20 years, was gaining momentum. The 1960s happened to be ... Show more content on ... Some of the artists to perform were Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Nirvana. Nirvana played their MTV Unplugged concert at Sony Studios (New York) late in the autumn of 1993. The performance was followed by the release of an album in 1994. 1994 was also a year of Kurt Cobain's death. Kurt Cobain was one of the most prominent figures of the grunge scene, the embodiment of what that particular style of music represents. Grunge at its core has a rebellion against the domineering (oppressive) parenting, the consumer culture and the vices it tolerates. At their concert, Nirvana presented their cover version of Bowie's song called "The Man Who Sold the World". Nirvana's version of Bowie's composition is not merely a tribute to the old days, but a definitive proof that the issues people concerned themselves in the seventieth and the eighties were still ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Phonograph: Similar To The Development Of The Audio... The development of the phonograph is similar to the development of the Audio Spotlight. The first rudimentary machine was for recording and playing back sounds. The way it all started out was using paper strips to make a record of telegraph messages. By attaching a needle to the back of the diaphragm and mounting it above rollers for the paper strips, then putting sound to the into the mouthpiece causes the diaphragm to move. After, this causes the needle to inscribe squiggled indentations into the strips. Last, the indentations would move the attached diaphragm, which should reproduce the original sound. ¨Thomas Edison was always a better inventor than salesman¨ says Randall Stross. Edison despite the obvious commercial promise could not ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Are It Is Time Consuming When Analyzing The Data And It are it is time consuming when analyzing the data and it can be expensive when transcribing. The use of informed consent is important regardless of what research method is taking place. For example, in the article, before carrying out semi– structure interview, it shows the researcher had given out informed consent to the schools and approached potential participants to explain the study (Wan & Neihart, 2015). It is acceptable for the researcher to encourage the participants but this should not run the risk of coercing the participants (Matthew & Ross, 2010). Under BERA 's ethical guidelines it is unacceptable to coerce participants as they should have the freedom to choose. Another ethical issue was confidentiality. It is important to ... Show more content on ... For example, in the study ' 'an initial pilot procedure was conducted using 12 female year 7 pupils ' ' (Elliott & Hoyle, 2014, pg 6). This increases reliability, validity and gains some feedback from the respondents based on whether the questionnaire can be easily understood (Cohen,. et al, 2011). In contrast, to interviews this can be difficult to achieve because the researcher asks a slightly different question to each participant according to the flow of discussion and compared to questionnaires, interviews are time–consuming to carry out a trial (Cohen,. et al, 2011). Another benefit is that the researcher can collect a large amount of data in a short amount of time. The evidence is in the article where the researcher hands the questionnaires to the teacher so he can give it to the students, and explains how to administer the questionnaire (Elliot & Hoyle, 2014). This shows the researcher saves time. Compared to interviews, questionnaires are easy to analyze and results can be generalize to get an overview of why girls do not want to participate in physical Education (Elliott & Hoyle, 2014). However, generalization is difficult in interviews because different people have different opinions. One weakness I found in this article was the questionnaire design as the researcher used rating scales. For example, the researcher provided two options which were ' '1= strongly disagree and ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Tape Recorder Essay INTRODUCTION: Tape recorder was invented for recording sound by Fritz Pfleumer in 1928 based on the invention of magnetic wire recording by valdemar poulsen in 1898.The first tape recorder from AGE was the magnetophon K1, demonstrated in Germany in 1935.Eduard schuller of AGE built the recorders and developed a ring shaped recording and playback head. "A tape recorder is a portable electronic gadget used to record, reproduce, erase and rerecord sound on a magnetic tape. This devise can be used without any problem anybody by operating the press buttons attached to the recorder, viz. stop, play, wind, rewind, record, pause and reject". GUIDELINES FOR USING A TAPE RECORDER IN TEACHING  Functions of tape and recorded cassette must be ensured before its use.  The teacher should be prepare, customize, and practice the recorded lesson before using in the classroom.  The teacher can use prerecorded programmed in tape recorder.  The teacher must store all the cassette so that they can be used later. All can use the prestigious person's talks for their purpose and this can be possible only because of tape recorder. The store data of computer and measurement can be done in the instruments of scientific research and medical research. To preserve and reproduce the various forms of information tape recorder can be helpful. The tape recorder records and reproduces sound by keeping electrical signals as magnetic patterns on a plastic tape coated with ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Bill Fontan An Internationally Reputable Composer And... Bill Fontana is an internationally reputable composer and pioneering American sound sculptor born April 25th 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio. Since the mid to late 70's Fontana has used sound as a sculptural medium, able to interact and transform our perceptions of visual and architectural spaces. Fontana is constantly engaged with the idea that at any moment there will be something musical to hear in the coherent sound patterns around him. His sound sculptures use the human or natural environment surrounding as a living source of musical information, often creating multiple networks of live listening points that relay real time acoustics to a common listening place or sculptural site. All of Fontana's works produced over the years experiment with process of listening, recording, relocating and representing found sound patterns. Through discussion of his works and the process undertaken in his listening for different found sound, the technologies used in recording and relaying of these sounds to site, and the sites themselves through his works can be seen to complicate the idea of 'medium' within his practice. Links from Fontana's background can be seen to have influence upon the development of his practice. Fontana started his musical career in the 60's as a composition student, attending the New School for Social Research in New York, studying both music and philosophy. It was here that Fontana became a student of John Cage's 'Experimental Composition' course at the school. By ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Influence Of Napster's Contribution To The Culture Of... Throughout the course of history there have been many technological advances that have made a tremendous impact on human culture and the way our society functions. Inventions like the automobile, television, and the internet have all contributed to improve the quality of living as we know it. One major contribution to media and our culture was the development and rise of sound recording. Since it's inception sound recording has evolved and adapted to fit our ever growing need for media. Thanks to this reason it remains heavily integrated into our culture. As sound recording developed, it pushed music, one of the oldest forms of media into a constant cycle of rebirth. As popular forms of music and its' artists begin to heavily influence our ... Show more content on ... Not only did Napster take the concept of music sharing to a new level, it changed the way music was listened to and how the music industry would begin to market popular music. With the internet becoming a fully formed popular resource, Napster was a free online service that specialized in sharing MP3 files over the internet via P2P (Peer–to–peer) file sharing. P2P allowed users to gain access to music; which usually is paid content, by searching for a Host (the source of the content) that would upload and distribute this content for free. This meant that everyone across the world who had access to internet could find libraries of albums from various recording artists that they would generally have to pay hundreds of dollars to listen to. What made this so appealing to the masses was that they could access it all for free. This significantly impacted the music industry because it had no official way to control such a vast network. Why would consumer want to pay for music when they could find it for free? The music industry which essentially makes a profit from record sales believed that this online service would cost them millions. Rather than the music industry making sales from each record sold, one Napster user could purchase a record, upload it to the service and then hundreds of other users could download it for free. Those hundreds of users no longer need to purchase the record themselves because they have already gained access to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Disc-Jockey's Influence On The Music Industry The history of DJ'ing is a long path all the way back to the early 1900's. People had stated to discover that you could have the same effect on a crowd as bands and orchestras but only some sound equipment and songs by yourself. Many people have no idea how long DJ's have been influencing the music industry and what is to be played on radio stations worldwide. The first known disc–jockey took his place in history in 1909. Ray Newby of California played records from a small transmitter while he was a student in college at the age of 16. By 1910, radio broadcasts had become a very normal, but still exciting part of life. The world's first DJ dance party was thrown by Jimmy Savile in 1943; he mainly played jazz records for the people who attended these parties. A few years later, Savile became the first person to use turntables live at a dance party so that he could a continuous flow of music playing. In Kingston, Jamaica, promoters would call themselves DJs which would throw giant dance parties in the streets, and DJs would blast their music from huge PA speaker systems. Jamaicans called these party entrepreneurs sound systems. The city of New York became the breeding ground for experimentation with the music and style of DJs. In the 1970's, DJ Kool Herc and Afrikan Bambatta were deemed the "fathers of hip hop", throwing huge ... Show more content on ... This would then create the need for "DJ battle records" for young/new DJ's to practice with only these records instead of have collate 100's of records for drum breaks and scratch ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. How Did Technology Shape American Culture Technology and music have always been interlinked. As technology improves ways of recording and distributing music improves. Over history we have gone from scratchy records to clear and portable MP3s. New and innovative technology have helped to shape America's culture as a nation. In 1877 the first human voice was recorded by Thomas Edison using tinfoil. He was attempting to improve the telegraph when he realized that when he moved tape through the machine it made a noise that sounded similar to speech. He then placed a stylus on to a cylinder made of tinfoil and spoke the words of Mary had a little lamb into the makeshift machine. Edison is widely considered to be the first person to record sound but a man in France actually beat him to ... Show more content on ... Before music radio stations broadcasted things such as sermons, sports and the news. Department stores would also have their own stations and they used them to advertise their merchandise. In 1926 the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) began the National Broadcasting Network (NBC). These were groups of stations that worked with local stations to syndicate radio shows. These shows focused mostly on music and featured several different live performers. The types of music were diverse and could vary from country to jazz. The Golden Age of Radio was the time period of 1930– 1955. During this time was the great depression and radio was a way to listen to music and receive the news for free. It was a cheap way to have entertainment instead of more expensive ways such as going to a live concert or the movies. Eventually radio shows and broadcasts about news decreased in popularity. All that was left was music. Radio networks transitioned to playing prerecorded music of popular artists. The most popular type of station was a station that plays Top 40. Top 40 is the top 40 songs on the music charts in that particular time period. FM or radio was introduced soon after this and it instantly became popular because it offered music in a high ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Sound Recording 's Evolution : Does It Affect The Music... Konrad Strzalkowski 28 December 2016 Sound Recording's Evolution Does it affect music industry? Music industry these days is an open world to every one. Building own and expensive music library over the years or spending hours in record stores seeking for your favourite taste of the sound... is over. If anyone decide to hear album by for example: 'The Beatles' or single called 'Feeling Good' by 'Nina Simone', it can be found and played within seconds. Music platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, SoundCould etc. gives us possibilities to reach any music at any time and mostly for free. Additionally, these days making or recording music is easier than ever before and commonly available. Every Mac ships with a copy of GarageBand, software powerful enough to let anyone record an album. There is on going and endless argument, where some people say that the new world of music industry has liberated music and grown listeners with wider taste than ever, whereas on the other hand others worry that finding music is too easy and without need to save money to by an album we are becoming care less about music. In this essay I am not going through the argument, explaining what is good and bad about today's music industry. I am going to talk about evolution of recorded sound, what is the very first factor that contributed to the changes of industry and mention eventual changes that appeared. *** Phonograph Middle 1800's... up in till then the only way to hear a song was to find ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Wall Of Sound Niil Saval Summary "Wall of Sound" by Nikil Saval argues that the iPod and music streaming changed the way society responds to music. Saval's deterrence comes from the belief that the addition of music streaming causes isolation between audiences. However, this is not the case at all around the world music continues to bring audiences together and organize movements. The idea that streaming music promotes isolation between audiences is absurd. Saval's concern comes from the possibility of isolation that is caused by streaming music. Stating that, "Before the invention of the record and the gramophone (1887), the only form of listening people knew was social...". This point is not only ignorant to how audiences use music streaming to socialize but, it condemns ... Show more content on ... He states "By the early '70s, popular music had more or less forfeited its capacity to promote social movements"3. This statement completely disregards the many genres that have been tied to many of today's social movements. For example, rap artists like, Wu Tang Clan and N.W.A discussed social injustices and brought the trouble of the hood mainstream during the War on Drugs. Punk bands such as Bad Religion and the Dead Kennedy's brought teen angst and aggression to. Although all of these examples were from the 80's and the 90's, the same idea is present in music today. Perfect examples of this is found in modern Metal and Rap genres. Punk band, Stray From the Path released their song Goodnight Alt–Right discussing their disgust with the state of the prevalence of Neo– Nazi's in the media. letlive.'s Good Mourning America depicts the injustices in the American system towards Black ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Influence Of Music Media Music Media Preferences for Different Generations Music media has drastically changed over time due to technology and cultural shifts. Although it's not common for people to use old forms of media today, some people still prefer to use products such as vinyl records over modern forms of media. To begin with, the first form of music media goes back all the way to the phonograph which was made by Thomas Edison in 1877. Later the graphophone and gramophone were introduced as innovations of the phonograph. In the western world, someone who would be my grandparents' age would use the gramophone to listen to classical music, which was popular in that time period. Records for gramophones would be made out of glass and people would listen as the arm read the rhythm of the music. My grandparents did not use gramophones as often as people did in the North America because in South Asia it was more common to listen to music through live performances instead of records. However, my grandparents often listened to music through the radio or television and through Bollywood movies. Moving forward, after WW2 when plastic records became extremely popular in North America many teenagers who are now baby boomers used this form of music media to listen to music. The baby boomer generation was well known for listening to rock and roll music through record players. Later on, in the 70's, cassette players were introduced which made it very easy to listen to music as you can listen to one song and ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Essay about SWOT Analysis for Wondermusic, a Non-Profit... Executive Summary Chart: Highlights 1.1 Objectives Wondermusic is a non–profit organization that promotes young music talent by creating a free educational and musical guidance program. Establish a space to provide musical educational programs, sound proof rooms, recording studios and a private stage to promote their talent. Organize music festivals and theater appearances around the city, as a performing experience and has an educational, social and recreational alternative, and also to create awareness to the cause. Donate instruments and award college scholarships. Promoting and giving stage time to young talent will give them confidence and the opportunity to be heard, and in some cases have a chance to develop a career that will ... Show more content on ... Establish a space to provide musical educational programs, sound proof rooms, recording studios and a private stage to promote their talent. Organize music festivals and theater appearances around the city, as a performing experience and has an educational, social and recreational alternative, and also to create awareness to the cause. Donate instruments and award college scholarships. The founding team is comprise by Antonio Gonzalez, US Army veteran, Pace University senior and will finish his BBA in Entrepreneurship this summer 2014 and with international marketing and management experience, and Yelitza Montilla BBA in Marketing and Administration and with more than 10 years of experience. Promoting and giving stage time to young talent will give them confidence and the opportunity to be heard, and in some cases have a chance to develop a career that will give them a financial independence, in other cases, this talent will support their social and mental wellness to develop a parallel professional career that will give them also a financial stability. We will raise the funds needed for our program and service goals by organizing music festivals and partnering with theaters, music halls. A special sales team will be formed, with a starting pay of $12 the hour, and for each $250,000 raise a 5% share for the team (4 or 5 persons), this team will target government agencies with budget for this purpose, private sector, and private donors. A ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Elsme Music V National Broadcasting Company Case Study The brief history of Sampling The digital sampling existed since the 1960s, sampling was originally improved by musicians who made an experiment and physically operate tape loops on a phonograph. Later on the late 1960s, revolution of sampling impact the development of rock and jazz music. However, in the 1970s, hip hop music industry was the first well know music genre to test and try the ability of the sampler in purpose of reuse the primary works, mix and then relocated them into completely new context. Many musician use a portion of prior sound recording, replaying unique and noticeable famous grooves or cutting up breaks to produce new song as same as many producers that simply use sample of popular and favourites parts of song and then mix or cut those in new attractive ways. Using sampling in the music industry is become more popular in the age of electronic music and disco in the mid–70s to the early 80s. Because of the improvement of digital sampling technology, recently, the sampling computer software has been introduced and replace the traditional sampling methods. The incorporation of sampling tools in the ... Show more content on ... Elsmere Music sued the National Broadcasting Company due to comedy sketch that show on the popular television programme "Saturday Night Live." The Saturday Night Live use four–note melodic of "I Love New York" which is a public relation campaign of the city written by Steve Karmen who well–known author that highly successful in created commercial jingles. The performance of Saturday Night Live is related to improvement of the town of Sodom which singing "I Love Sodom" in the melody of "I Love New York." The District Court for the Southern District of New York, Judge Gerald Goettel rejected the claim of the plaintiff in copyright infringement and the Second Circuit affirmed District Court ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Effects Of Music On The Music Industry Before sound recording were possible, music was enjoyed live by watching the performers performing on their instruments in front of you. When sound recording became possible, the way we enjoy music was not limited to watching the performers anymore. By looking at the development of sound reproduction and the devices that are capable of sound playback, we are able to take a look at look on how the production and consumption of music have been affected over the years in terms of portability, affordability and how it affects the music industry. Reproduction of sound has come a long way, dating all the way back to 1855 where French inventor Édouard–Léon Scott de Martinville invented the phonautograph. Even though the phonautograph was not capable of doing a playback of what was recorded, it set the path for sound recording. (Crane, 2015) However, the credit for the records and gramophone that we use today goes to American Inventor Emil Berliner. Despite the innovation, the gramophone did not became commercially popular when it was first invented. It was only until the end of 1897 that the first commercially manufactured disc record appeared in the United States and made the gramophone popular as a mean of entertainment. (Read, 1952) Records then began to be mass produced and distributed for different occasions. Katz (2004) noted: "True, mass–reproduced art does lack temporal and physical uniqueness, yet reproductions, no longer bound to the circumstances of their creation, many ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay on Escape in The Glass Menagerie Escape in The Glass Menagerie In Tennessee Williams' play, The Glass Menagerie, none of the characters are capable of living in the real world. Laura, Amanda, Tom and Jim use various methods to escape the brutalities of life. Laura retreats into a world of glass animals and old gramophone records. Amanda is obsessed with living in her past. Tom escapes into his world of poetry writing and movies. Jim also reverts to his past and remembers the days when he was a hero. Laura retreats into a world of glass animals and old gramophone records. Even when it appears that Laura is finally overcoming her shyness and hypersensitivity with Jim, she instantly reverts back to playing the Victrola once he tells her he's engaged. She is unable ... Show more content on ... Amanda chooses to live in the past. Tom escapes into his world of poetry writing and movies. He cannot handle his menial job and his unsatisfying home life. He believes that the atmosphere is stifling and damaging to his creative capacities. Finally, when he does leave the Wingfield apartment, he is still trapped by his memories (the past) of Laura. As a result, he is unable to function in the present and wanders aimlessly thinking of his sister. Jim, though not as severely as the Wingfields, also reverts to his past as he looks through high school yearbooks with Laura and remembers the days when he was a hero. He is also not satisfied with the present – working at the same warehouse as Tom, despite Tom's prediction that he would 'arrive at nothing short of the White House by the time he was thirty' (Williams 83). Tom realises that he 'was valuable to him [Jim] as someone who could remember his former glory' (Williams 84). When Jim reminisces about his lead in the operetta, Laura asks him to sign her programme and he signs it 'with a flourish' (Williams 116). Only by entering into the Wingfield's world of illusions can Jim become this high school hero again. As the scene progresses, Jim regresses to his high school days of wooing women as he woos the innocent Laura by dancing ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Vinyl Collection Research Paper Introduction Building your vinyl collection is an exciting hobby There is a plethora of ways to get out there and build your collecting, including your local record stores, big box retailers who are now selling vinyl, garage sales, online stores, thrift shops and I can go on forever!! It seems that just about everywhere is selling vinyl records. Over the last few years' millions of brand new vinyl has been pressed with the numbers continuing to climb upwards. The few big box music retailers have begun stocking their shelves with vinyl once again, along with several unexpected retailers adding vinyl to their line of products carried such as Whole Foods and even Cracker Barrel! The availability of independent retailers are popping up in city and towns all across North America almost weekly! There are plenty of places to purchase new vinyl, with a few of them not so obvious. Below is provided a fairly detailed list of where to not only shop for new vinyl, but which retailers are carrying newly pressed, hidden vinyl gems. ... Show more content on ... Used vinyl tends to be less in price and readily available since often vinyl collectors preserved their records to an exceptional condition. However, with the vinyl boom in full force finding stacks of used records is not as easy as it was five years ago. The value of used records has increased significantly and many recognize this. Commonly, if a stockpile of used vinyl is for sale at a reasonably low rate it is quickly snatched up by professional record buyers who hunt various sources daily. I will send you well on your way to navigating the art of finding used ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Is The Role Of Entertainment In The 1950-1960's Oral History Sound Recording was one of the first entertainment programs implemented to the public in the 1950–1960's. Before there was sound recording people only listened to the radio. The radio played live music, shows and stories. This wave of entertainment was done through radio. Radio gave most individuals in this time a connection to many artist and actors across the world. As radio became more wide–spread the invention of the television became another source of connection around the world. People were not only able to imagine, they were able to now put a visual connection to the artist and actors. This bring more reality to what the people had already visualized through radio in the early 1950–1960's. Television paved a way for out of the home entertainment as well, movies and films were now the biggest used of entertainment out of the home. People were able to leave their homes and travel to different cinemas and theaters to watch movies and films that were not available on regular TV's. This also became a huge ... Show more content on ... It bring all sort of types of music to the public. People began to develop a sense of happiness for each other. Eddie Hardwick says, "Some of the records he listen to was based on music categories from Rock and Roll/Disco." This popularity of certain type of music in the 1950–1960's in Pittsburgh, Pa. gave individuals vocal freedom to sing like the artist over the radio. It was very influential in how people interact with each other and the way people treated others. One thing Eddie said was that, "it bring family and friends together, for a time period where nothing matter but each other." Some of his favorite music artist were The Drifters, Sky Liners and Sam Cook. These groups sung a lot of love songs. This implemented a great way of thinking in a positive manner towards women and men. Men were able to express their love for women through song with easy words of ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Sound Recording, Its History and Impact on Media in the... Sound Recording, Its History And Impact On Media In The 21st Century On this essay I will try to show how Sound Recording impacts media in the 21st century. But in order for me to do that I will need to explore the history of Sound Recording, which started in the 19th Century. Before 1877 sound could be recorded but not played. That year Thomas Alva Edison invented the talking tin foil, also known as the phonograph (voice – writer), which enabled sound to be played back (the first speech to be recorded and played back was the poem by Sarah Josepha Hale (1830) 'Mary had a little lamb', which, unfortunately "was not preserved, but in 1927, Edison re–enacted the recording for Fox Movietone news. It can be heard on the ... Show more content on ... waltzes, polkas, cakewalks, and so on. Yet the most famous leader of such a band, John Philip Sousa, had doubts about the phonograph and publicly denounced recordings as inferior to live music. Thus began a decades–long campaign against recorded music, sponsored by a succession of music critics, social theorists, and musicians. As one of those social theorists has argued, the real significance of the early phonograph was that it transformed the way people listened to music. Where once music was a unique, live performance, experienced in a public place with a group, now it was heard privately in the home and it was possible to hear the same "performance" over and over. According to this argument, the listening experience was cheapened." Recording Music was available almost anywhere, any time so people, in theory, would be exposed to a wider selection of music, which, some people believed, would result in a social uplift process. However in the United States and Europe most people kept buying popular music instead of what reformers called "good" music. "Good" music started being advertised more heavily, by companies like Victor, Columbia and Edison's, by offering a wider variety of "good" music in their catalogs. "Historians have also countered the argument that the phonograph degraded musical taste by noting ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Pros And Cons Of Analogue Versus Digital Get a group of recording engineers together, and sooner or later the conversation will turn to a discussion (probably quickly escalating to an argument) about 'analogue warmth' and how things sounded so much better 'BD' (Before Digital) – and even engineers and musicians who've never worked in earnest with all‑analogue systems (digital having become mainstream as far back as the 1980s) seem keen to bring this perceived 'warmth' into their productions. What Is Analogue Warmth? Not everyone has had first‑hand experience of magnetic tape recording and other analogue recording technology, of course, but we've all heard and admired the vast back catalogue of classic records made using this technology from the 1950s onwards. There are many factors that combine to create character in recordings, ranging from instruments, musicians and performances, through the rooms and mics used, to the ... Show more content on ... A lot of the early digital gear certainly didn't live up to the hype that surrounded it, but understanding and technology have come on in leaps and bounds since then, and to my mind digital recording systems can now deliver pretty much all that was once promised: a near‑perfect recording medium that gives back exactly what was recorded. That's great in some circumstances, but it's not always what we want: in many cases, the technical limitations and imperfections of analogue systems have become an integral part of the quality of the recorded sounds that we all grew up with – and the end result is perceived by many people as being more pleasing than we can easily achieve today with all‑digital recording chains. Further than that, some of the sounds resulting from 'abuse' of analogue gear have become recognised effects in their own right (tube overdrive and tape saturation being obvious ... Get more on ...