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Ideal Education Model Essay
Education is one of the most important things for a society to prosper and be safe which forms the
character and intelligence of the individuals around the world. Education makes one able to
understand what is happening in the world logically and clearly. Education enables individuals to
put their potential to use and make a difference in the future. It is essential for individuals to be
educated in a way that they will expand their knowledge vastly. An ideal educational model is very
difficult to achieve, and is often argued over by people in society.
Every person in the world is unique in their own way, having their own strengths and weaknesses.
Everyone has a learning style that is unique to them, developed over time. It is more
It is also very important to maintain complete respect for the student. No matter what skill level a
student has they should be treated equally to all other students. "The secret of Education lies in
respecting the pupil. It is not for you to choose what he shall know, what he shall do" (Education).
The student chooses whether or not they want to be educated, one cannot force knowledge upon a
student. Teachers should encourage students and provide them the tools to learn, not force students
or put them down.
In order to teach successfully teachers must learn about first learn about their students. Teachers
must assess the student's capabilities and interests. Some students are visual learners, while others
learn from hands on activities, or verbal communication. Not all students can learn through
memorization, rather they learn through interest and relation to the topic. "To realize what an
experience, or empirical situation, means, we have to call to mind the sort of situation that presents
itself outside of school" (Democracy and Education). The curriculum should encompass material that
is most useful for a student to learn. It seems that in the majority of schools, students are not given
the flexibility to guide their own learning, but rather follow rigid instructions that destroy the
student's imagination.
Homeschooling is one pathway of education that effectively teachers each student based on their
individual needs. At home there is one student, and one
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A Successful Educator Essay
The primary goal of an educator is to provide a student with the tools needed to accomplish lifelong
goals as an adult. Specifically, each teacher is charged the responsibility to equip a student with the
knowledge and skills that will contribute to his/her cumulative educational goals. All too often,
students do not come to school with an unconditional love of learning. The educators therefore, have
the ominous task of educating, motivating and coaching the often disinterested young person. Often,
the best teachers are those that find ways to connect with their students. They therefore, find ways to
encourage connections to the students short and long term goals. Many times, students do not find it
easy to identify goals. more content...
Students who are well taken care of and live in safe happy environments are therefore, better
equipped to succeed in a learning environment. Educators must be observant of the student's well
being and willing to facilitate intervention if a student is in distress. Teachers often have to make
difficult decisions to protect their students. By law if an educator suspects child abuse or neglect, it
must be reported to the proper authorities. There may be times when a teacher has to go against the
student's wishes to protect him/her but, the educator must consequently adhere to "what is in the
best interest of the child." A successful teacher of flourishing students is involved in the school
community. Many times their day is lengthened as they choose to become integrated into other
aspects of their students' lives. Teachers see other sides of students when they are willing to
participate in extracurricular activities. Interaction with their students in non–learning environments
thus, gives the educator additional tools to help in the educational process. Interactions such as this
allow teachers to take their students interests and integrate them into the classroom learning
environment. Learning should not be limited to the traditional classroom. Moreover, there are many
"teachable moments" that can be utilized outside the classroom. Team sports, student government,
debate team, etc. provides the
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Definition of Education Essay
Definition of Education
Education what is it? It is defined as: 1. The act or process of educating or being educated. 2. The
knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process. 3. A program of instruction of a
specified kind or level. 4.
The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning, according to the
American Heritage dictionary. Its etymology comes from the
Latin word "educatio which means to bring up"1 But what does that tell us. It says to me that
education is training not learning.
Education trains the youth into what society deems as a productive member. We are not educated to
seek out what our interests are . We are educated so we can produce things. The age more
It is stated nowhere. Education should be about becoming enlightened to the works of the world.
I am not saying becoming a lawyer or a business person is wrong or inimical. What I am saying is
being a artist or philosopher is just as advantageous. In fact art and philosophy should be made
standard issue in schools. We all need to know how to think for ourselves. This is not an easy thing
to accomplish, we would need more money for schools in order to pay for teachers and materials.
This would not completely solve the problem however.
We must change the way we think and take control of ourselves. It is essential that we not be lead
blindly. It is time that we hold people accountable for their actions. No longer are we be to lead by
people just because they belong to a political party that we belong to. Instead we must be
independent in our thoughts. Most importantly education should be a tool not a crutch.
Education is defined in many ways, however, they all mean the same thing.
To be formed into the mold of a productive worker. What does this do for the world? Nothing, it
creates another mindless drone to carry out the work of its master. The people in power do not
want this to change because it serves their purposes. We must change or over time we will lose our
ability to think for ourselves. Then we are truly "dammed" to subservience. What type of life could
that ever be? A life in which we could not
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During my K–12 education I feel that it taught me how to fake it until I make it. You think school
teaches you how to be an adult in the real world but it only teaches you how to be complaint. I
never really thought about what I gained as a member of society. I think school tried to teach me
where my place is. I learned how even though this is 2017 and women don't have to sit and look
pretty, students are expected to sit and look pretty so to speak. For 12 years to earn a piece of
paper I learned that I am expected to follow traditional rules and methods. I am expected to do as
my teacher says because their title is teacher that means according to society they are smarter and
better than you. I learned that my opinion and my thoughts have no merit compared to people with
more experience. So thank you to 12 years of sitting in a class for 8 hours everyday to learn how to
fake compliance.
In the Working class schools, Knowledge was described as a set of facts to be learned. Creativity
was not important enough to be incorporated into the curriculum. During Elementary and Middle
school we were taught to sit still and memorize facts,information and that there is one way of doing
things, the teachers way. This form of education teachers individuals to follow other people's way of
thinking and behaving. This is how schools prepare the future workforce population to follow the
leader. In this type of setting students aren't taught to think for themselves or solve problems with
new ways of thinking or unconventional methods. Teachers want you to be compliant and those who
resist are perceived as a somehow less functioning member of society.Students act out and refuse to
do the tasks given to them in class not because they don't want to learn but because the teachers
aren't teaching them. So people who refuse to accept the Hidden curriculum integrated in our
education are perceived as drop outs, stupid,bad kids instead of being seen as kids looking to be
taught not going to school and memorize what is already written. In the Middle class school,
knowledge was presented as understanding curricular material. There was less fact memorization
and an encouragement for students to understand the content of the
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Problems with Education Essay
Problems with Education
Education is a very important aspect of the lives of all people all over the world. What we learn,
not just in the classroom, shapes who we are. We take our education everywhere we go. We use it
when talking to our buddies about sports or music, we use it while solving a math problem, we use
our education while debating with our family whether or not we should watch TV or go to the
movies. Our education is the foundation of who we are, since every decision we make and every
thought we think is dependent on what we know. Imagine how different the world would be if
everyone craved learning to such a degree that at lunch tables all over the world the topic of
conversation isn't who likes who, or how more content...
School is also coercive, disciplinary and taught by many unmotivated teachers, so school being
mandatory is just icing on the cake. Teachers and the school system completely control the way
things are run and leave little room for students to do things their way. Teachers control what they
teach, how to teach, how to discipline, what is assigned, etc. Students need to have more of a say
in the way things are run since they are the majority. More freedom in decisions would create a
more comfortable environment and students would thus have an easier time learning. There is
also stress on a lack of communication since school is coercive. It is hard to reach a person if one
doesn?t have a relationship with that person, and one way to deal with this is through addressing
the students to hear their ideas and views on what direction should be taken. School is very similar
to an oligarchy where the faculty is the monarch and students are the populous. It should be more of
a democracy where all the students have a say in what happens, but how often is there a vote as to
class and school decisions? The current curriculum is one in which a teacher says ?jump? and a
student responds with ?how high.? And if a student responds with anything different, than they are
reprimanded or punished. Three are many aspects of school that are unhealthy to a students life that
many teachers don?t see and so these
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My Education Essay
My Education
When speaking of the topic of who a person is and their past, a massive part of this includes their
educational background. Isn't this what forms people, their education? Of course, this doesn't always
have to refer to their organized education. Everything that a person learns is something that educates
them; these words being synonymous. Even something like first learning to tie your shoes is a part
of your education. Which method works better for you: loop, swoop, and pull, or bunny ears? I of
course, like any other well educated person, use loop, swoop, and pull; it's just the best way, no bias
has ever developed there.
I started out as a twinkle in my father's eye in the fall of 1982, and then on that more
Starting in Nana's Nuggets preschool, which had a lot of interactive learning, I began my first
venture into organized education. This was a very warm environment, same as in my home, where
caring and working with others was very important. I made a lot of friends in this school that I
actually stayed with through all of high school. When this short stint was finished, I graduated onto
Seward Elementary School, located in the same buildings as the Middle and High Schools, where I
first learned that kissing a girl on the hand in kindergarten at story time wasn't a good idea. In the
Seward Community Schools system, ones learns a lot about the natural world around them, and about
Alaska in general, being as it is one of the worlds greatest natural resources. After first grade, there
was a new building necessary, as the population of Seward, like any other place on earth, was
growing. This new school was where I had a second grade teacher who had actually been in the
Ms. America pageant, whom everyone had a crush on. I started music which I loved every minute
of, as it would become a large part of me. As any other elementary school, this was where I learned
my basic stuff of course: typing, addition, speling, and even crazy things like percentages!
Going into middle school, I always had a taste for math and science, learning quickly all I could.
Other things
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what is education Essay
What is education?
What are the challenges facing those who provide it?
Education is a crucial part of life, it influences the way people think, speak, talk, write and react to
the world around them. However, education is much more than just an influence, it is a part of life
itself. Throughout the past century, education has dramatically called upon change and variation,
with new technology, science, and both ethical and cultural values making way. Hence, education
can really only be defined by its time and place. This means that as educators, we need to continually
update our qualifications and skills to be in equilibrium with the constant changes that are happening
around us, which is a challenge all educators face (Dusseldorp 1998) more content...
Moreover, with new fields of work constantly being created, there is a large demand for people with
the right qualifications and skills (Kalantzis 1998). Finding the right people with such skills can be a
hard task, unless educational institutions such as schools, tafes and universities are continually
updating the subjects they teach and their teaching methods (Dusseldorp 1998).
Along with changing careers is technology, the most rapidly developing resource on the planet.
According to Australian Bureau of Statistics, 66% of Australian households have access to at least
one computer at home and over 72% of households have access to mobile phones. Quality Education
Data have also surveyed that just over 90% of school teachers feel "unprepared" to effectively use
technology. This statistic really concretes a point; educators are not keeping up with technology,
and in consequence are slowing down the ability for children to gain experience with technology.
Today we live in a world that solely relies on technology, and not being able to effectively use this
technology can be a real problem. As technology changes more and more, educators will only find it
harder to keep their skills up–to–date unless they are consistent in keeping up with the move.
Education also strives to imitate and 'mirror' the ways society works, through both structure and
organisation (McBurney–Fry 2002). It slowly prepares children to face the reality of adult life where
there will be winners and
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Inclusive Education Essay
What is inclusive education?
Inclusive education is concerned with the education and accommodation of ALL children in society,
regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, or linguistic deficits. Inclusion should also include
children from disadvantaged groups, of all races and cultures as well as the gifted and the disabled
(UNESCO, 2003). Inclusion tries to reduce exclusion within the education system by tackling,
responding to and meeting the different needs of all learners (Booth, 1996). It involves changing the
education system so that it can accommodate the unique styles and way of learning of each learner
and ensure that there is quality education for all through the use of proper resources, suitable
curricula, more content...
Inclusive education also recognises that learning occurs both at home and in the community and
therefore the support of parents, family and the community is vital (Department of Education, 2001).
Truly inclusive schools understand the uniqueness of every child, that all children can learn and that
all children have different gifts, strengths learning styles and needs. These schools then provide the
appropriate means and support through which these needs can be met (UNESO, 2003)
The necessity for making schools and classrooms inclusive in South Africa
Inclusion has become a necessity in South Africa as South Africa has a history of violence and
the education system has always been politicised and used by the ruling class as a way of
marginalising and stigmatising various groups in society (De Lange, 1989). Inequalities in our
society, lack of access to basic services and poverty are prevailing historical factors that place our
children at risk and still lead to severe exclusion of children with barriers to learning (whether it be
economic, social, intellectual, language, socio–economic or physical barriers) (UNESCO, 2005).
Today there are still about two hundred and eighty thousand learners with disabilities or impairments
that are not in any form of education (Department of Education, 2001). Inclusion is therefore
necessary because all learners have a right to an education, to be accepted and given the
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Essay on What Is the Purpose of Education?
Getting educated is very important for every person. It goes without saying that each of us has to
have a proper education. We learn how to read, count and write. These are the basic abilities we
acquire and use during our life. Is there any other purpose of education or it is aimed only at giving
us a possibility to communicate our ideas and satisfy basic needs? During centuries, there were
different interpretations of the purpose of education. Many scientists, pedagogues and philosophers
tried to answer the question: what is the purpose of education? Taking into consideration the needs
and tendencies of a modern society, we can assume that the purpose of education is to prepare
students to be self–sufficient citizens capable of more content...
Our education should be aimed at educating people who love the world they lie in and who are
ready to become peacemakers and healers of the world (Orr 55). A sustainable society "consists"
of citizens, workers, specialists, technicians, etc, who are ready to work in order to build and
support such society. One of the ways to provide such education is to "get outdoor". The skills
and abilities develop in real world and not in artificial situations in class. In this regard, we may
refer to the Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". One should "touch" the real world problems and get
personal experience from it. Shadows in the cave are the retrospectives of the real knowledge. To
acquire the knowledge, we should leave the "cave". We can learn theory separated from practice and
this will not have any result. Instead, we should understand that every individual is a part of the
natural world, thus, education should be based on ecological literacy as "health of our planet" is one
of the most urgent questions of the modern social community.
For many centuries, the principles of the classical education were in the spotlight. The good of the
individual, realizing his/her own potential were the purposes of the learning process. Cultural
development is the aim of the classical education. It stands above everything, including religion.
(Nietzsche, n. p.). Referring to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" to interpret the classical education in
modern society, we can say that
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Essay on The Future of Education
The Future of Education
As teachers our primary concern should be the students and what type of learning environment will
be best suited to meet their needs. There are many different opinions as top what the most effective
or appropriate curriculum is for the students. I do not believe there is any one philosophy that can
provide the ideal curriculum for each and every student. Just as there are numerous methods of
teaching, there are also numerous ways to learn. It is essential that we keep this in mind as we help
the students achieve their goals and discover their talents. Above all we must encourage the students
to try new things and do what we can to prevent limiting them in any way.
I do not feel that more content...
I think that many of the schools today merely try to prepare the students to move on to college and
by doing so exclude the students who are gifted with other abilities that are equally important and
useful in society, even though those talents may not necessarily be something that can be refined
through a traditional four year college.
As a future teacher, I very strongly believe that students need to be shown practical applications of
the concepts they are taught. For myself this is especially notable in mathematical applications. As
teachers we need to not just show how to work through a problem: we need to show why it works
and what it is useful for. Without something to apply the information to math is nothing more than a
stream of numbers and formulas that students memorize for a specific test and then quickly forget.
By demonstrating specific examples of applications the students will be able to retain some of the
information easier and then adapt what they learn to other problems they encounter in the future.
Upon graduation I hope to begin teaching Math at the middle school or high school level.
Geometry, Trigonometry, and Algebra would be my first choices of classes I would like to teach,
but I feel I would enjoy teaching any of the other forms of math. I would prefer to teach in a rural
area since that is the
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Education Reflection Paper
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and
beliefs. Also Education is an enlightening experience. I ask myself, what's the purpose of
education? During this past year's I have read and learned that the main purpose of education is to
provide the betterment of each student for living morally, creatively and productively in a
democratic society. One philosophical perspective that schools should implement is perrenialism.
Perrenialism is the belief that schools should teach ideas that are everlasting. In my perspective, I
consider myself as a perrenialist, because I would have that courage and confidence giving lessons to
students that they can interpret and use in their daily more content...
Then I will give them few minutes to think for a response, then students will turn to a partner or
groups and share their responses. At the end, students will debate within them and then finalize with
a correct response and share with me, their teacher. That will be a good activity for them to think and
use their knowledge. Furthermore, the next activity will be that I will teach concepts that they will
use in their daily life and not only in school. For example in math, some teachers always used to
teach their students formulas. I as a teacher will not teach my students to learn formulas nor to
memories them. I will teach them how to solve the problem without using does formulas because
usually formulas don't help you in real life. I as the teacher will always place my students in group
so that they can socialize with each other and learn to share among them. My classes will always be
teacher centered, only few times will be student centered.
My students will be able to understand and have that potential to learn. Each student is considered as
a unique individual, with cultural background and prior knowledge influencing their learning. The
role of my students is constructivism. Constructivism is basically a theory– based on observation
and scientific study about how people learn. My students will engage and interact with the world
around, with peers and
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Online Education Essay
Online Education
Education is an important part of people's lives; it will either make them or break them in the future
depending on the careers they choose. Education is greatly diverse today in comparison to the 1950s
because of advancements in teaching and other great inventions that provide easier techniques of
teaching. One major issue that has been raised is distant learning courses and online education.
Distant learning could be any format from VHS videos, DVDs, or internet courses online. Online
education has been legal since 1993 and is a new way of teaching students of all ages. Online
education has been gaining popularity through out the years because of the ease of the internet. The
internet has made it easier more content...
Discussion on issues is done in chat rooms and forums where everybody writes their views on the
issue. This is an advantage for foreigners who can not speak proper English correctly. Live video
and sound can also be done with special equipment for a real time conversation with instructors and
Other features on the online courses are the learning aides that can be used while taking the course.
Certain programs can be made such as flash cards and games which can increase the learning
experience of the student. These learning aides can be done on the student's time and does not
require the teacher to be there.
Time for a face to face class is very difficult if a person works 40 hours a week but an online course
can put an ease on the time restriction because the person does the work at their own pace and
time. It is also easier to sign up for an online class than a class at a college. Message boards are in
use if the students need to leave a question or a comment about the subject their on. They also save
time by not traveling to the college and trying to find a parking space.
Rural areas where students have to travel a great distance to get to class can save time and money
by doing online classes. For example, a child of a farmer can help the family out in the morning
with the farming chores then go to an online class later on. Rural kids may also take additional
educational classes online that their school does not
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Surfwise: The Role Of Education In The Real World
Education is an essential mechanism for gaining knowledge and learning new skills. We begin the
process at home, then we carry our journey into the different level of schooling and finally into the
real world. Education guilds us to make decisive and better choices for our lives. Also, it
supplements a humans understanding and intelligence of leading a strong and prosperous life. But,
is it necessary to get educated only at school? The answer is no, however, the education we receive at
school, gets us prepared to compete and challenge this world.
Doc and Juliette Paskowitz did not fulfill their parental responsibility to educate their children
because they took away the opportunity to get any form of education from their children. The kids
were disadvantaged to compete with the society and did not have the knowledge to challenge the
world. More importantly, their possibility to build towards their future was taken away from them.
Nevertheless, from Doc's ideal perspective of lifestyle, his disbelieve from education led his kids to
a chaotic situation where the kids were not constructed to evolve in.
In the movie, Surfwise, we are presented with a documentary of Doc's early life. He had a
successful run in his early life, as he completed his education from the Stanford University and later
became the president of the Hawaii Medical Association. Although, most people would find that a
great accomplishment and assume he lived a happy life, Doc contemplated it as the "lowest
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Education
Education is undeniably vital and essential for people from all walks of life. Education is the key
to success, and as we all know it, there are too many reason why education is important in our lives
but none on the disadvantages of it because education only brings benefits towards us. According to
Oxford Dictionary, the word 'education' is derived from Latin, Д“ducДЃtiЕЌ in the mid–16th century
and is defined as "the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or
university." The origin of education began as story–telling passed knowledge and now it has taken
up to 3 forms of education which is; formal education, informal education and non–formal education.
Formal education is a planned education system in more content...
Students are often heard whining to their parents about school and finding a thousand and one
excuses not to go to school but as little as we realize, schools actually help build our character and
leads us to our career progression. An educated individual is capable of planning for the future,
choosing the right decisions in life and behaving appropriately. Education is not only a pathway to
our career but also paves the path to disillusionment. It gives us the insight on what is right and
wrong, making clear judgements and shapes our personalities. The nation's growth depends on the
literacy of the people. "Education is much more than an entry to the job market. It has the power to
shape a sustainable future and better world." (Unknown, 2012) With the help of education, one can
easily get an entry of a job while at the same time help develop the nation. Most countries realized
that in this competitive world, education is important for the social progress and economic growth
of a nation. As John F. Kennedy quotes, "our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress
in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource." In simple words, brain beats brawn,
which is used to define a country. A country with no education cannot win over a country with
enhanced technology and strategic
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Informative Essay On Education
Informative Analysis Essay In today's world, education has taken center stage and is considered
to be the focal point for success and prosperity in one's future. Education while previously thought
to not be important and was not necessarily required, has taken a complete 180 and has gained the
attention of many professionals and experts in several areas and fields (Hanford, "The Value of a
College Degree"). Many questions people ask are if education as a whole has taken a decline in
value, or whether or not people should still undertake a post–secondary education with all of the
costs associated with it. What was once thought to be a surefire way to guarantee a solid future has
turned into the target of debate as of late. Many people side with the continued thought that college
is worth it, but others are turning heads at the thought of going to college to try for a better future
(Tierney "AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION: How Does It Measure Up for the 21st Century?").
While many experts and activists in the field of education, as well as those outside education,
share universal ground over the ideas of obtaining a "worthwhile" education and the outcome of a
better future based on the education one receives, they have not acquired a complete agreement
about if college is worth pursuing in relation to the costs that accompany it, how much education is
enough in today's world and if it is important to even possess a degree. Over the last 100 or so years,
the price of going to
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Eassy on Education
Essay on Education
This essay will discuss to what extent can education overcome social inequality? Social inequality
means the lack of social equality, whereby individuals in society differ in equal social status. This
could be in so many ways such as, racism; sexism; ageism; disability; social class; income levels;
and sexuality; but social class; income level and poverty are the main factors.
Social inequality takes place as principles and power is combined together in order to make some
individuals better or poorer then others. Education is an important factor in our life's in order to
successed and makes better living for ourselves. Anthony Giddens notes that social class affects
Education is a social more content...
Although in theory, education is equal for all, no matter what their background is, in practice it can
reproduce existing inequalities and legitimize acceptable ideas which works to reinforce the
positions of the privileged groups.
Education to some degree works by maintaining the status quo, where working class students become
working class adults and middle class students become middle and also upper class students. This
cycle occurs and is maintained because the dominant group has aligned education with the norms,
values and ideas of the middle class and as a result leading to the alienation of working class and
lower class people.
Most teachers also assume that students have a middle class attributes, ideas and experiences at
home, however this is not true for most students who are expected to help out their parent(s) who are
mainly lone parent at home. This domestic labour makes it hard for them to find time to do their
homework's and therefore this affects their academic performance. Also many working class students
don't see the direct link between the subject they are studying and their perceived future in the labour
market; this leads them to display anti–school values.
No matter what their ability or their desires to learn are, students from poor families have very little
chance of securing success. On the other hand, for middle class and upper class students maintaining
their privileged positions requires very little effort, and their future
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Essay on Education: Causes & Effects
Education: Causes and Effects
In many situations, higher education separates people from their families, social backgrounds, and
cultures. This often causes mixed emotions, awkward feelings, and other conflicts. Some of these
conflicts are described in works such as "Aria" by Richard Rodriguez, and "The
Right to Write" by Frederic Douglass.
"Aria" comes from the biography of Richard Rodriguez, the son of two Mexican
immigrants. He describes his struggle to grow up in a primarily white, English–speaking area. As a
young child knowing less than fifty English words, Rodriguez began his schooling in Sacramento,
California. He not only faced the more content...
However, as Richard grew older, language became a real problem for him. He developed negative
feelings towards his parents because of their English. He felt a sense of embarrassment around them
in a social atmosphere. He says, "It was troubling for me to hear my parents speak in
public." Hearing them speak broken English also brought him a feeling of insecurity. "It
was unsettling to hear my parents struggle with English. Hearing them, I'd grow nervous, my
clutching trust in their protection and power weakened," said Rodriguez.
The language barrier was a disadvantage for Rodriguez because it created a barrier between his
home and public. He felt comfortable at home, speaking Spanish with his family, as he had his
whole life. However,
he became hesitant to go into public at all because of his language.
He says, "I'd rarely leave home at all alone or without reluctance." The language barrier
affected Rodriguez both emotionally and socially.
As and adult, Rodriguez became an award–winning writer. Despite the emotional and social
problems that Rodriguez dealt with earlier in his life, he learned to adapt and use the English
language for his advantage.
In "The Right to Write," the situation is much different. Frederick Douglass, the son of a
slave woman and
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Essay on Education Is Not the Key to Success
About 20 years ago, education was something that a person did only if he/she wanted to.
Unfortunately, as the years went by, the idea of "Education is the key to success" got more, and
more enforced. People eventually started to believe that education was the single way to succeed,
and the only thing needed for success. Despite the fact, many Americans believe a college degree
will lead them to be successful, in reality, education is not the solitary way to succeed. Not
everybody can receive an education, or even an excellent education from a "decent academic"
college/university. "There are many students who have no desire to attend college and who would be
much better off if more content...
Education or book learning had nothing to do with the success of those people that chose to take
another path rather than the typical one (education). People can be successful in any field with
the right skills. Book learning has a lot to do with the knowledge a person has, but not with the
skills a person has. There are many A+ graduates out there that cannot get a job, or are stuck
working at a place that had nothing to do with their degree. A numerous amount of students in
college care more about grades than knowledge; some graduate having forgotten everything they
ever learned. So there goes a college graduate with little knowledge and no skills. Can a person
like that succeed? No. That's why education is not the key to success. People cannot just go to
college and expect that passing classes will get them to succeed. The main thing a person needs in
order to succeed is drive, motivation and passion. He/she has to know what their end goal is and
what they need to do to get it. "Commit to the achievement of the elusive goal in your life"
(Arcement, 101). The person has to go about learning what skills will take her or him to be
successful. One of the main skills a person should have is persistence. A person must always keep
going after his or her goal even if it takes
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Essay on Education
Dear College Bound Student,
You are about to embark upon an important journey. You are going to pursue a higher education. To
succeed in attaining a higher education, you must first understand what is education. Everyone from
ancient Greek philosophers to modern day English professors have evaluated the definition and goal
of education. You must gather the knowledge of these humanitarians to understand the definition
education, thereby directing you down the right path towards an enlightening college experience.
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato describes education in his "Allegory of the Cave" as a process
of spiritual enlightenment. According to Plato:
If (one) is reluctantly dragged up a steep more content...
Joon was different from other students who had the potential of enlightenment because he put forth
the effort to understand the information he was given in his courses. When a student puts his need
for entertainment and satisfaction aside, and takes the initiative to gain knowledge, he/she allows
the material to form himself/herself into an intellectual. Joon is a prime example of a student who
looks beyond getting a good grade, and focuses his college experience to acquire an education. If
you want to take charge of your college education, you should model after Joon and pursue the
knowledge presented in your classes. You must look beyond the homework and tests as grades, and
perceive them as academic opportunities for you to utilize your understanding of the material. This
is relative to Plato's interpretation of education, where the prisoner made the effort to achieve
knowledge, instead of returning to the cave, and attained spiritual enlightenment. It can then be said
that every soul possesses the power of learning, yet the entire soul must be turned away from the
world in order to see the "light"...knowledge. You have the potential for acquiring a "good"
education, but you must turn and face your challenges in order to obtain knowledge in college.
Earl Shorris determined that the poor were unable to progress in
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My Reflection On My Educational Experience Essay
My family, culture, educational, professional experiences have all been positive. The different
teachers that I have had; guided me into considering the teaching career for many reasons. First, my
family has guided me, my mom and dad have always found the right schools for me. They have
pushed me to do hard things that make me scared. They have had faith in the school's that I chose
were the right choices, and they will grow on me. My cultural experience is also a factor of why I
want to be a teacher. My schools have been centered on helping students who have learning
differences, so I have always been open about having a learning difference to other people. My
educational experience has been amazing. It has been positive for me because the schools I have
gone to were safe places that I could be myself. The teachers at my schools made a significant
impact on me starting at a young age. The professional experience has been limited but beneficial.
I worked at Stratford Friends School; I learned it is so much fun to work with children who were just
like me. I love the children and school. I get excited about going back to school shopping. I love to
dance in the isles, and I love to look at all the beautiful school supplies.
I want to be a special education teacher for many reasons. First, the community has made a big
impact on me. I know how the children feel to be struggling in school. I want them to know that I
also struggled in school and I still achieved my dream. I love
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Essay On Education

  • 1. Ideal Education Model Essay Education is one of the most important things for a society to prosper and be safe which forms the character and intelligence of the individuals around the world. Education makes one able to understand what is happening in the world logically and clearly. Education enables individuals to put their potential to use and make a difference in the future. It is essential for individuals to be educated in a way that they will expand their knowledge vastly. An ideal educational model is very difficult to achieve, and is often argued over by people in society. Every person in the world is unique in their own way, having their own strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has a learning style that is unique to them, developed over time. It is more content... It is also very important to maintain complete respect for the student. No matter what skill level a student has they should be treated equally to all other students. "The secret of Education lies in respecting the pupil. It is not for you to choose what he shall know, what he shall do" (Education). The student chooses whether or not they want to be educated, one cannot force knowledge upon a student. Teachers should encourage students and provide them the tools to learn, not force students or put them down. In order to teach successfully teachers must learn about first learn about their students. Teachers must assess the student's capabilities and interests. Some students are visual learners, while others learn from hands on activities, or verbal communication. Not all students can learn through memorization, rather they learn through interest and relation to the topic. "To realize what an experience, or empirical situation, means, we have to call to mind the sort of situation that presents itself outside of school" (Democracy and Education). The curriculum should encompass material that is most useful for a student to learn. It seems that in the majority of schools, students are not given the flexibility to guide their own learning, but rather follow rigid instructions that destroy the student's imagination. Homeschooling is one pathway of education that effectively teachers each student based on their individual needs. At home there is one student, and one Get more content on
  • 2. A Successful Educator Essay The primary goal of an educator is to provide a student with the tools needed to accomplish lifelong goals as an adult. Specifically, each teacher is charged the responsibility to equip a student with the knowledge and skills that will contribute to his/her cumulative educational goals. All too often, students do not come to school with an unconditional love of learning. The educators therefore, have the ominous task of educating, motivating and coaching the often disinterested young person. Often, the best teachers are those that find ways to connect with their students. They therefore, find ways to encourage connections to the students short and long term goals. Many times, students do not find it easy to identify goals. more content... Students who are well taken care of and live in safe happy environments are therefore, better equipped to succeed in a learning environment. Educators must be observant of the student's well being and willing to facilitate intervention if a student is in distress. Teachers often have to make difficult decisions to protect their students. By law if an educator suspects child abuse or neglect, it must be reported to the proper authorities. There may be times when a teacher has to go against the student's wishes to protect him/her but, the educator must consequently adhere to "what is in the best interest of the child." A successful teacher of flourishing students is involved in the school community. Many times their day is lengthened as they choose to become integrated into other aspects of their students' lives. Teachers see other sides of students when they are willing to participate in extracurricular activities. Interaction with their students in non–learning environments thus, gives the educator additional tools to help in the educational process. Interactions such as this allow teachers to take their students interests and integrate them into the classroom learning environment. Learning should not be limited to the traditional classroom. Moreover, there are many "teachable moments" that can be utilized outside the classroom. Team sports, student government, debate team, etc. provides the Get more content on
  • 3. Definition of Education Essay Definition of Education Education what is it? It is defined as: 1. The act or process of educating or being educated. 2. The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process. 3. A program of instruction of a specified kind or level. 4. The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning, according to the American Heritage dictionary. Its etymology comes from the Latin word "educatio which means to bring up"1 But what does that tell us. It says to me that education is training not learning. Education trains the youth into what society deems as a productive member. We are not educated to seek out what our interests are . We are educated so we can produce things. The age more content... It is stated nowhere. Education should be about becoming enlightened to the works of the world. I am not saying becoming a lawyer or a business person is wrong or inimical. What I am saying is being a artist or philosopher is just as advantageous. In fact art and philosophy should be made standard issue in schools. We all need to know how to think for ourselves. This is not an easy thing to accomplish, we would need more money for schools in order to pay for teachers and materials. This would not completely solve the problem however. We must change the way we think and take control of ourselves. It is essential that we not be lead blindly. It is time that we hold people accountable for their actions. No longer are we be to lead by people just because they belong to a political party that we belong to. Instead we must be independent in our thoughts. Most importantly education should be a tool not a crutch. Education is defined in many ways, however, they all mean the same thing. To be formed into the mold of a productive worker. What does this do for the world? Nothing, it creates another mindless drone to carry out the work of its master. The people in power do not want this to change because it serves their purposes. We must change or over time we will lose our ability to think for ourselves. Then we are truly "dammed" to subservience. What type of life could that ever be? A life in which we could not Get more content on
  • 4. During my K–12 education I feel that it taught me how to fake it until I make it. You think school teaches you how to be an adult in the real world but it only teaches you how to be complaint. I never really thought about what I gained as a member of society. I think school tried to teach me where my place is. I learned how even though this is 2017 and women don't have to sit and look pretty, students are expected to sit and look pretty so to speak. For 12 years to earn a piece of paper I learned that I am expected to follow traditional rules and methods. I am expected to do as my teacher says because their title is teacher that means according to society they are smarter and better than you. I learned that my opinion and my thoughts have no merit compared to people with more experience. So thank you to 12 years of sitting in a class for 8 hours everyday to learn how to fake compliance. In the Working class schools, Knowledge was described as a set of facts to be learned. Creativity was not important enough to be incorporated into the curriculum. During Elementary and Middle school we were taught to sit still and memorize facts,information and that there is one way of doing things, the teachers way. This form of education teachers individuals to follow other people's way of thinking and behaving. This is how schools prepare the future workforce population to follow the leader. In this type of setting students aren't taught to think for themselves or solve problems with new ways of thinking or unconventional methods. Teachers want you to be compliant and those who resist are perceived as a somehow less functioning member of society.Students act out and refuse to do the tasks given to them in class not because they don't want to learn but because the teachers aren't teaching them. So people who refuse to accept the Hidden curriculum integrated in our education are perceived as drop outs, stupid,bad kids instead of being seen as kids looking to be taught not going to school and memorize what is already written. In the Middle class school, knowledge was presented as understanding curricular material. There was less fact memorization and an encouragement for students to understand the content of the Get more content on
  • 5. Problems with Education Essay Problems with Education Education is a very important aspect of the lives of all people all over the world. What we learn, not just in the classroom, shapes who we are. We take our education everywhere we go. We use it when talking to our buddies about sports or music, we use it while solving a math problem, we use our education while debating with our family whether or not we should watch TV or go to the movies. Our education is the foundation of who we are, since every decision we make and every thought we think is dependent on what we know. Imagine how different the world would be if everyone craved learning to such a degree that at lunch tables all over the world the topic of conversation isn't who likes who, or how more content... School is also coercive, disciplinary and taught by many unmotivated teachers, so school being mandatory is just icing on the cake. Teachers and the school system completely control the way things are run and leave little room for students to do things their way. Teachers control what they teach, how to teach, how to discipline, what is assigned, etc. Students need to have more of a say in the way things are run since they are the majority. More freedom in decisions would create a more comfortable environment and students would thus have an easier time learning. There is also stress on a lack of communication since school is coercive. It is hard to reach a person if one doesn?t have a relationship with that person, and one way to deal with this is through addressing the students to hear their ideas and views on what direction should be taken. School is very similar to an oligarchy where the faculty is the monarch and students are the populous. It should be more of a democracy where all the students have a say in what happens, but how often is there a vote as to class and school decisions? The current curriculum is one in which a teacher says ?jump? and a student responds with ?how high.? And if a student responds with anything different, than they are reprimanded or punished. Three are many aspects of school that are unhealthy to a students life that many teachers don?t see and so these Get more content on
  • 6. My Education Essay My Education When speaking of the topic of who a person is and their past, a massive part of this includes their educational background. Isn't this what forms people, their education? Of course, this doesn't always have to refer to their organized education. Everything that a person learns is something that educates them; these words being synonymous. Even something like first learning to tie your shoes is a part of your education. Which method works better for you: loop, swoop, and pull, or bunny ears? I of course, like any other well educated person, use loop, swoop, and pull; it's just the best way, no bias has ever developed there. I started out as a twinkle in my father's eye in the fall of 1982, and then on that more content... Starting in Nana's Nuggets preschool, which had a lot of interactive learning, I began my first venture into organized education. This was a very warm environment, same as in my home, where caring and working with others was very important. I made a lot of friends in this school that I actually stayed with through all of high school. When this short stint was finished, I graduated onto Seward Elementary School, located in the same buildings as the Middle and High Schools, where I first learned that kissing a girl on the hand in kindergarten at story time wasn't a good idea. In the Seward Community Schools system, ones learns a lot about the natural world around them, and about Alaska in general, being as it is one of the worlds greatest natural resources. After first grade, there was a new building necessary, as the population of Seward, like any other place on earth, was growing. This new school was where I had a second grade teacher who had actually been in the Ms. America pageant, whom everyone had a crush on. I started music which I loved every minute of, as it would become a large part of me. As any other elementary school, this was where I learned my basic stuff of course: typing, addition, speling, and even crazy things like percentages! Going into middle school, I always had a taste for math and science, learning quickly all I could. Other things Get more content on
  • 7. what is education Essay What is education? What are the challenges facing those who provide it? Education is a crucial part of life, it influences the way people think, speak, talk, write and react to the world around them. However, education is much more than just an influence, it is a part of life itself. Throughout the past century, education has dramatically called upon change and variation, with new technology, science, and both ethical and cultural values making way. Hence, education can really only be defined by its time and place. This means that as educators, we need to continually update our qualifications and skills to be in equilibrium with the constant changes that are happening around us, which is a challenge all educators face (Dusseldorp 1998) more content... Moreover, with new fields of work constantly being created, there is a large demand for people with the right qualifications and skills (Kalantzis 1998). Finding the right people with such skills can be a hard task, unless educational institutions such as schools, tafes and universities are continually updating the subjects they teach and their teaching methods (Dusseldorp 1998). Along with changing careers is technology, the most rapidly developing resource on the planet. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics, 66% of Australian households have access to at least one computer at home and over 72% of households have access to mobile phones. Quality Education Data have also surveyed that just over 90% of school teachers feel "unprepared" to effectively use technology. This statistic really concretes a point; educators are not keeping up with technology, and in consequence are slowing down the ability for children to gain experience with technology. Today we live in a world that solely relies on technology, and not being able to effectively use this technology can be a real problem. As technology changes more and more, educators will only find it harder to keep their skills up–to–date unless they are consistent in keeping up with the move. Education also strives to imitate and 'mirror' the ways society works, through both structure and organisation (McBurney–Fry 2002). It slowly prepares children to face the reality of adult life where there will be winners and Get more content on
  • 8. Inclusive Education Essay What is inclusive education? Inclusive education is concerned with the education and accommodation of ALL children in society, regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, or linguistic deficits. Inclusion should also include children from disadvantaged groups, of all races and cultures as well as the gifted and the disabled (UNESCO, 2003). Inclusion tries to reduce exclusion within the education system by tackling, responding to and meeting the different needs of all learners (Booth, 1996). It involves changing the education system so that it can accommodate the unique styles and way of learning of each learner and ensure that there is quality education for all through the use of proper resources, suitable curricula, more content... Inclusive education also recognises that learning occurs both at home and in the community and therefore the support of parents, family and the community is vital (Department of Education, 2001). Truly inclusive schools understand the uniqueness of every child, that all children can learn and that all children have different gifts, strengths learning styles and needs. These schools then provide the appropriate means and support through which these needs can be met (UNESO, 2003) The necessity for making schools and classrooms inclusive in South Africa Inclusion has become a necessity in South Africa as South Africa has a history of violence and the education system has always been politicised and used by the ruling class as a way of marginalising and stigmatising various groups in society (De Lange, 1989). Inequalities in our society, lack of access to basic services and poverty are prevailing historical factors that place our children at risk and still lead to severe exclusion of children with barriers to learning (whether it be economic, social, intellectual, language, socio–economic or physical barriers) (UNESCO, 2005). Today there are still about two hundred and eighty thousand learners with disabilities or impairments that are not in any form of education (Department of Education, 2001). Inclusion is therefore necessary because all learners have a right to an education, to be accepted and given the Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on What Is the Purpose of Education? Getting educated is very important for every person. It goes without saying that each of us has to have a proper education. We learn how to read, count and write. These are the basic abilities we acquire and use during our life. Is there any other purpose of education or it is aimed only at giving us a possibility to communicate our ideas and satisfy basic needs? During centuries, there were different interpretations of the purpose of education. Many scientists, pedagogues and philosophers tried to answer the question: what is the purpose of education? Taking into consideration the needs and tendencies of a modern society, we can assume that the purpose of education is to prepare students to be self–sufficient citizens capable of more content... Our education should be aimed at educating people who love the world they lie in and who are ready to become peacemakers and healers of the world (Orr 55). A sustainable society "consists" of citizens, workers, specialists, technicians, etc, who are ready to work in order to build and support such society. One of the ways to provide such education is to "get outdoor". The skills and abilities develop in real world and not in artificial situations in class. In this regard, we may refer to the Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". One should "touch" the real world problems and get personal experience from it. Shadows in the cave are the retrospectives of the real knowledge. To acquire the knowledge, we should leave the "cave". We can learn theory separated from practice and this will not have any result. Instead, we should understand that every individual is a part of the natural world, thus, education should be based on ecological literacy as "health of our planet" is one of the most urgent questions of the modern social community. For many centuries, the principles of the classical education were in the spotlight. The good of the individual, realizing his/her own potential were the purposes of the learning process. Cultural development is the aim of the classical education. It stands above everything, including religion. (Nietzsche, n. p.). Referring to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" to interpret the classical education in modern society, we can say that Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on The Future of Education The Future of Education As teachers our primary concern should be the students and what type of learning environment will be best suited to meet their needs. There are many different opinions as top what the most effective or appropriate curriculum is for the students. I do not believe there is any one philosophy that can provide the ideal curriculum for each and every student. Just as there are numerous methods of teaching, there are also numerous ways to learn. It is essential that we keep this in mind as we help the students achieve their goals and discover their talents. Above all we must encourage the students to try new things and do what we can to prevent limiting them in any way. I do not feel that more content... I think that many of the schools today merely try to prepare the students to move on to college and by doing so exclude the students who are gifted with other abilities that are equally important and useful in society, even though those talents may not necessarily be something that can be refined through a traditional four year college. As a future teacher, I very strongly believe that students need to be shown practical applications of the concepts they are taught. For myself this is especially notable in mathematical applications. As teachers we need to not just show how to work through a problem: we need to show why it works and what it is useful for. Without something to apply the information to math is nothing more than a stream of numbers and formulas that students memorize for a specific test and then quickly forget. By demonstrating specific examples of applications the students will be able to retain some of the information easier and then adapt what they learn to other problems they encounter in the future. Upon graduation I hope to begin teaching Math at the middle school or high school level. Geometry, Trigonometry, and Algebra would be my first choices of classes I would like to teach, but I feel I would enjoy teaching any of the other forms of math. I would prefer to teach in a rural area since that is the Get more content on
  • 11. Education Reflection Paper Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and beliefs. Also Education is an enlightening experience. I ask myself, what's the purpose of education? During this past year's I have read and learned that the main purpose of education is to provide the betterment of each student for living morally, creatively and productively in a democratic society. One philosophical perspective that schools should implement is perrenialism. Perrenialism is the belief that schools should teach ideas that are everlasting. In my perspective, I consider myself as a perrenialist, because I would have that courage and confidence giving lessons to students that they can interpret and use in their daily more content... Then I will give them few minutes to think for a response, then students will turn to a partner or groups and share their responses. At the end, students will debate within them and then finalize with a correct response and share with me, their teacher. That will be a good activity for them to think and use their knowledge. Furthermore, the next activity will be that I will teach concepts that they will use in their daily life and not only in school. For example in math, some teachers always used to teach their students formulas. I as a teacher will not teach my students to learn formulas nor to memories them. I will teach them how to solve the problem without using does formulas because usually formulas don't help you in real life. I as the teacher will always place my students in group so that they can socialize with each other and learn to share among them. My classes will always be teacher centered, only few times will be student centered. My students will be able to understand and have that potential to learn. Each student is considered as a unique individual, with cultural background and prior knowledge influencing their learning. The role of my students is constructivism. Constructivism is basically a theory– based on observation and scientific study about how people learn. My students will engage and interact with the world around, with peers and Get more content on
  • 12. Online Education Essay Online Education Education is an important part of people's lives; it will either make them or break them in the future depending on the careers they choose. Education is greatly diverse today in comparison to the 1950s because of advancements in teaching and other great inventions that provide easier techniques of teaching. One major issue that has been raised is distant learning courses and online education. Distant learning could be any format from VHS videos, DVDs, or internet courses online. Online education has been legal since 1993 and is a new way of teaching students of all ages. Online education has been gaining popularity through out the years because of the ease of the internet. The internet has made it easier more content... Discussion on issues is done in chat rooms and forums where everybody writes their views on the issue. This is an advantage for foreigners who can not speak proper English correctly. Live video and sound can also be done with special equipment for a real time conversation with instructors and peers. Other features on the online courses are the learning aides that can be used while taking the course. Certain programs can be made such as flash cards and games which can increase the learning experience of the student. These learning aides can be done on the student's time and does not require the teacher to be there. Time for a face to face class is very difficult if a person works 40 hours a week but an online course can put an ease on the time restriction because the person does the work at their own pace and time. It is also easier to sign up for an online class than a class at a college. Message boards are in use if the students need to leave a question or a comment about the subject their on. They also save time by not traveling to the college and trying to find a parking space. Rural areas where students have to travel a great distance to get to class can save time and money by doing online classes. For example, a child of a farmer can help the family out in the morning with the farming chores then go to an online class later on. Rural kids may also take additional educational classes online that their school does not Get more content on
  • 13. Surfwise: The Role Of Education In The Real World Education is an essential mechanism for gaining knowledge and learning new skills. We begin the process at home, then we carry our journey into the different level of schooling and finally into the real world. Education guilds us to make decisive and better choices for our lives. Also, it supplements a humans understanding and intelligence of leading a strong and prosperous life. But, is it necessary to get educated only at school? The answer is no, however, the education we receive at school, gets us prepared to compete and challenge this world. Doc and Juliette Paskowitz did not fulfill their parental responsibility to educate their children because they took away the opportunity to get any form of education from their children. The kids were disadvantaged to compete with the society and did not have the knowledge to challenge the world. More importantly, their possibility to build towards their future was taken away from them. Nevertheless, from Doc's ideal perspective of lifestyle, his disbelieve from education led his kids to a chaotic situation where the kids were not constructed to evolve in. In the movie, Surfwise, we are presented with a documentary of Doc's early life. He had a successful run in his early life, as he completed his education from the Stanford University and later became the president of the Hawaii Medical Association. Although, most people would find that a great accomplishment and assume he lived a happy life, Doc contemplated it as the "lowest Get more content on
  • 14. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Education Education is undeniably vital and essential for people from all walks of life. Education is the key to success, and as we all know it, there are too many reason why education is important in our lives but none on the disadvantages of it because education only brings benefits towards us. According to Oxford Dictionary, the word 'education' is derived from Latin, Д“ducДЃtiЕЌ in the mid–16th century and is defined as "the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university." The origin of education began as story–telling passed knowledge and now it has taken up to 3 forms of education which is; formal education, informal education and non–formal education. Formal education is a planned education system in more content... Students are often heard whining to their parents about school and finding a thousand and one excuses not to go to school but as little as we realize, schools actually help build our character and leads us to our career progression. An educated individual is capable of planning for the future, choosing the right decisions in life and behaving appropriately. Education is not only a pathway to our career but also paves the path to disillusionment. It gives us the insight on what is right and wrong, making clear judgements and shapes our personalities. The nation's growth depends on the literacy of the people. "Education is much more than an entry to the job market. It has the power to shape a sustainable future and better world." (Unknown, 2012) With the help of education, one can easily get an entry of a job while at the same time help develop the nation. Most countries realized that in this competitive world, education is important for the social progress and economic growth of a nation. As John F. Kennedy quotes, "our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource." In simple words, brain beats brawn, which is used to define a country. A country with no education cannot win over a country with enhanced technology and strategic Get more content on
  • 15. Informative Essay On Education Informative Analysis Essay In today's world, education has taken center stage and is considered to be the focal point for success and prosperity in one's future. Education while previously thought to not be important and was not necessarily required, has taken a complete 180 and has gained the attention of many professionals and experts in several areas and fields (Hanford, "The Value of a College Degree"). Many questions people ask are if education as a whole has taken a decline in value, or whether or not people should still undertake a post–secondary education with all of the costs associated with it. What was once thought to be a surefire way to guarantee a solid future has turned into the target of debate as of late. Many people side with the continued thought that college is worth it, but others are turning heads at the thought of going to college to try for a better future (Tierney "AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION: How Does It Measure Up for the 21st Century?"). While many experts and activists in the field of education, as well as those outside education, share universal ground over the ideas of obtaining a "worthwhile" education and the outcome of a better future based on the education one receives, they have not acquired a complete agreement about if college is worth pursuing in relation to the costs that accompany it, how much education is enough in today's world and if it is important to even possess a degree. Over the last 100 or so years, the price of going to Get more content on
  • 16. Eassy on Education Essay on Education This essay will discuss to what extent can education overcome social inequality? Social inequality means the lack of social equality, whereby individuals in society differ in equal social status. This could be in so many ways such as, racism; sexism; ageism; disability; social class; income levels; and sexuality; but social class; income level and poverty are the main factors. Social inequality takes place as principles and power is combined together in order to make some individuals better or poorer then others. Education is an important factor in our life's in order to successed and makes better living for ourselves. Anthony Giddens notes that social class affects everyone Education is a social more content... Although in theory, education is equal for all, no matter what their background is, in practice it can reproduce existing inequalities and legitimize acceptable ideas which works to reinforce the positions of the privileged groups. Education to some degree works by maintaining the status quo, where working class students become working class adults and middle class students become middle and also upper class students. This cycle occurs and is maintained because the dominant group has aligned education with the norms, values and ideas of the middle class and as a result leading to the alienation of working class and lower class people. Most teachers also assume that students have a middle class attributes, ideas and experiences at home, however this is not true for most students who are expected to help out their parent(s) who are mainly lone parent at home. This domestic labour makes it hard for them to find time to do their homework's and therefore this affects their academic performance. Also many working class students don't see the direct link between the subject they are studying and their perceived future in the labour market; this leads them to display anti–school values. No matter what their ability or their desires to learn are, students from poor families have very little chance of securing success. On the other hand, for middle class and upper class students maintaining their privileged positions requires very little effort, and their future Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Education: Causes & Effects Education: Causes and Effects In many situations, higher education separates people from their families, social backgrounds, and cultures. This often causes mixed emotions, awkward feelings, and other conflicts. Some of these conflicts are described in works such as "Aria" by Richard Rodriguez, and "The Right to Write" by Frederic Douglass. "Aria" comes from the biography of Richard Rodriguez, the son of two Mexican immigrants. He describes his struggle to grow up in a primarily white, English–speaking area. As a young child knowing less than fifty English words, Rodriguez began his schooling in Sacramento, California. He not only faced the more content... However, as Richard grew older, language became a real problem for him. He developed negative feelings towards his parents because of their English. He felt a sense of embarrassment around them in a social atmosphere. He says, "It was troubling for me to hear my parents speak in public." Hearing them speak broken English also brought him a feeling of insecurity. "It was unsettling to hear my parents struggle with English. Hearing them, I'd grow nervous, my clutching trust in their protection and power weakened," said Rodriguez. The language barrier was a disadvantage for Rodriguez because it created a barrier between his home and public. He felt comfortable at home, speaking Spanish with his family, as he had his whole life. However, he became hesitant to go into public at all because of his language. He says, "I'd rarely leave home at all alone or without reluctance." The language barrier affected Rodriguez both emotionally and socially. As and adult, Rodriguez became an award–winning writer. Despite the emotional and social problems that Rodriguez dealt with earlier in his life, he learned to adapt and use the English language for his advantage. In "The Right to Write," the situation is much different. Frederick Douglass, the son of a slave woman and Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Education Is Not the Key to Success About 20 years ago, education was something that a person did only if he/she wanted to. Unfortunately, as the years went by, the idea of "Education is the key to success" got more, and more enforced. People eventually started to believe that education was the single way to succeed, and the only thing needed for success. Despite the fact, many Americans believe a college degree will lead them to be successful, in reality, education is not the solitary way to succeed. Not everybody can receive an education, or even an excellent education from a "decent academic" college/university. "There are many students who have no desire to attend college and who would be much better off if more content... Education or book learning had nothing to do with the success of those people that chose to take another path rather than the typical one (education). People can be successful in any field with the right skills. Book learning has a lot to do with the knowledge a person has, but not with the skills a person has. There are many A+ graduates out there that cannot get a job, or are stuck working at a place that had nothing to do with their degree. A numerous amount of students in college care more about grades than knowledge; some graduate having forgotten everything they ever learned. So there goes a college graduate with little knowledge and no skills. Can a person like that succeed? No. That's why education is not the key to success. People cannot just go to college and expect that passing classes will get them to succeed. The main thing a person needs in order to succeed is drive, motivation and passion. He/she has to know what their end goal is and what they need to do to get it. "Commit to the achievement of the elusive goal in your life" (Arcement, 101). The person has to go about learning what skills will take her or him to be successful. One of the main skills a person should have is persistence. A person must always keep going after his or her goal even if it takes Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Education Education Dear College Bound Student, You are about to embark upon an important journey. You are going to pursue a higher education. To succeed in attaining a higher education, you must first understand what is education. Everyone from ancient Greek philosophers to modern day English professors have evaluated the definition and goal of education. You must gather the knowledge of these humanitarians to understand the definition education, thereby directing you down the right path towards an enlightening college experience. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato describes education in his "Allegory of the Cave" as a process of spiritual enlightenment. According to Plato: If (one) is reluctantly dragged up a steep more content... (129). Joon was different from other students who had the potential of enlightenment because he put forth the effort to understand the information he was given in his courses. When a student puts his need for entertainment and satisfaction aside, and takes the initiative to gain knowledge, he/she allows the material to form himself/herself into an intellectual. Joon is a prime example of a student who looks beyond getting a good grade, and focuses his college experience to acquire an education. If you want to take charge of your college education, you should model after Joon and pursue the knowledge presented in your classes. You must look beyond the homework and tests as grades, and perceive them as academic opportunities for you to utilize your understanding of the material. This is relative to Plato's interpretation of education, where the prisoner made the effort to achieve knowledge, instead of returning to the cave, and attained spiritual enlightenment. It can then be said that every soul possesses the power of learning, yet the entire soul must be turned away from the world in order to see the "light"...knowledge. You have the potential for acquiring a "good" education, but you must turn and face your challenges in order to obtain knowledge in college. Earl Shorris determined that the poor were unable to progress in Get more content on
  • 20. My Reflection On My Educational Experience Essay My family, culture, educational, professional experiences have all been positive. The different teachers that I have had; guided me into considering the teaching career for many reasons. First, my family has guided me, my mom and dad have always found the right schools for me. They have pushed me to do hard things that make me scared. They have had faith in the school's that I chose were the right choices, and they will grow on me. My cultural experience is also a factor of why I want to be a teacher. My schools have been centered on helping students who have learning differences, so I have always been open about having a learning difference to other people. My educational experience has been amazing. It has been positive for me because the schools I have gone to were safe places that I could be myself. The teachers at my schools made a significant impact on me starting at a young age. The professional experience has been limited but beneficial. I worked at Stratford Friends School; I learned it is so much fun to work with children who were just like me. I love the children and school. I get excited about going back to school shopping. I love to dance in the isles, and I love to look at all the beautiful school supplies. I want to be a special education teacher for many reasons. First, the community has made a big impact on me. I know how the children feel to be struggling in school. I want them to know that I also struggled in school and I still achieved my dream. I love Get more content on