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Determining a Company’s CSR Accountability Corporate
Social Responsibility Investing
Within this essay writing I will discuss how Peugeot is in the forefront of innovation and
technology and how they have become one of the most social responsible companies that have
been around for decades. Peugeot being a millennium company and a family car that my Uncle
Clifford Evans use to drive. I had to do a bit of research to find out what intrigued him about this
car in the 80's. This is one of Europe’s leading cars that generates a useful CSR report on a
yearly bases for all to observe.
MARCH 11, 2015
By: Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin
Colorado State University Global Campus
Instructor: Jamie Smith3/7/15
Peugeot is one of the leading pioneers within the car industry that have been around since the
turn of the century within their innovation and development they hold high standards within all
areas and aspects of the car industry.
Who is Peugeot?
"Peugeot is a French car brand, part of PSA Peugeot Citroën.
The family business that preceded the current Peugeot company
was founded in 1810, and manufactured coffee mills and bicycles.
On 20 November 1858, Emile Peugeot applied for the lion trademark.
Armand Peugeot built the concern's first car, an unreliable steam
tricycle, in collaboration with Leon Serpollet in 1889; this was followed
in 1890 by an internal combustion car with a Panhard-Daimler engine.
Due to family discord, Armand Peugeot in 1896 founded the Société des Automobiles
Peugeot" (Peugeot, 2015).
Peugeot is a company that does invest billions into other opportunities, but also gets invested
into by their buyers. Within this study and research paper I will discuss a few key points that
will help investors along with buyers make a relevant decision on what aspects of Peugeot where
they could potentially invest. The CSR report that is presented by Peugeot will showcase the
numbers, business ethics of Peugeot, and how they are socially responsible.
Thesis Statement
Peugeot has created and developed an entire line of other products including furniture to
clothing to complement their entire line of cars, motorcycles, and scooters. With Peugeot they
have a designing experiment renaissance taking place with their new, ‘Emotions & Motions’
which allows the buyer to decide which type of car they would like to drive based off the physics
of it all. This new millennium way of technology is engineered around the senses and the body
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Defining a social responsible company means for a company to be responsible in every aspect
i.e. environment, community, and economically. Peugeot is a company that has defined this
within the global market except for North America, but with anticipated hopes to do so by
providing proven records, numbers, and through visual proof of their work.
Peugeot SA also subscribes to the philosophy that trading in the country is not just about
importing cars and creating a dealer network—long term viability requires making a material
contribution to society, it believes.
"One of the schools Peugeot SA is assisting is Olievenhoutbos Primary
School, north of Johannesburg. It aims to empower learners and teachers
alike in terms of practical knowledge. This takes the form of creating and
maintaining a permaculture school garden capable of providing healthy
vegetables—the theory being that the garden must become part of the school’s
heartbeat, supplying its soup kitchen on a daily basis. The Olievenhoutbos
project falls under the Schools Environment Education and Development
(SEED) umbrella, a non-profit organization which is supporting a network of
34 schools in their Organic Classroom programme" (BE, 2011).
Other areas that Peugeot is giving back is by planting trees which is symbolic to "SEED" or
shall I say giving to the community and environment. Being able to take care of the seeds of
tomorrow and investing into your community. The plant a tree program plants a tree for every
tree chopped down for the trees are important to the environment. Peugeot has launched their
plant a tree program from Brazil to Lebanon. This innovative company has been able to make
factories in countries that need the economic development in order for the country to grow and
flourish. By Peugeot placing a factory within the Johannesburg area of South Africa it has
uplifted the country within the technology age and innovation. A once poor region of South
Africa/Africa Peugeot mere existence created jobs for citizens allowing them to have an
opportunity and chance for where there are jobs there are opportunities.
Compare and Contrast
Compare other Auto Makers
When you compare Peugeot to other auto makers it is evident that they are teaming up with
top of the line, high quality, and supreme car manufactures like Dongfeng. Peugeot has created
and developed an entire line of other products including furniture to clothing to complement their
entire line of cars, motorcycles, and scooters. This year Peugeot launched a new Peugeot 508
with Dongfeng that would help save the company and make it more sustainable for the future
and since the merger with Dongfeng sales have grown 41%.
With Peugeot they have a designing experiment renaissance taking place with their new,
‘Emotions & Motions’ which allows the buyer to decide which type of car they would like to
drive based off the physics of the car and the buyer. This new millennium way of technology is
engineered around the senses and the body chemistry. Peugeot stated, “For the Paris Motor
Show, this feature is highlighted by a clear line between the rear door and the quarter light that
creates a sophisticated tone-on-tone transition between the bare steel and the grey of the Shark
Skin. The result is a finish notably different from the version seen in Beijing” (Peugeot, 2015).
Peugeot with their ‘Supreme’ Intelligence, designs, and mergers have brought them back into
existence and caught the eye of car lovers all over the globe.
Peugeot Dow Jones Report
The Wall Street Journal reported that Peugeot was able to secure a 63 billion capital
injection from the French government and Chinese auto maker Dongfeng Motor Group. Within
the last year Peugeot was able to make sustainable gain. The Dow Jones report for March 10,
“Peugeot SA EPA: UG - Mar 10 5:38 PM CET -16.200.04 (0.25%)” (2015, DJ). Bloomberg
reported on February 17, 2015, “Operating income was 905 million euros ($1.03 billion) in 2014
after a loss of 364 million euros a year earlier, the Paris-based company said in an e-mailed
statement today. Revenue edged up 1 percent to 53.6 billion euros” (Bloomberg, 2015). Since
teaming up with Dongfeng the car maker and retailer Peugeot has made excellent gain and looks
promising within its sales and delivery.
Peugeot Sustainability Indexes and the Global 100
In 2011 the Journal of Business & Economics Research gave Peugeot a rating on their
comparison table showing, “12 PSA - Peugeot -1.08%” (Clute Institute, 2011). This rating shows
where they stand within their sustainable value margin. Clute Institute also reported in 2011,
“Four companies were already reporting at the A or A+ level (Daimler, Ford, Toyota-Australia,
VW) for their initial G3 reports, but seven companies (BMW, Fiat, Kia, Peugeot, Tata, Toyota-
Europe, and Volvo) have increased their level of reporting in successive iterations” (Clute
Institute, 2011). Since 2011 Peugeot has made an overall increase in sales and since 2014 they
have progressed 41% and still climbing.
Index Ratings
Table 2: Roberts Environmental Center Scores (2009): Peugeot: Overall Grade -A,
Environmental Reporting A, Environmental Performance- A. In 2011 Clute Institute reported
on their : G3 Core Performance Indicators table Peugeot to be at 100% within their Social
Society Responsibility, Social Human Rights, Environment, Labor Practices and Work. From
this report from Clute Institute is seems that in 2009 to 2011 Peugeot made a decision not to take
away from the quality of their industry and market but to advance it by merging and innovation.
Peugeot Multicultural Company
Peugeot has never the less crossed over waters and land to market and sale their cars and
trucks to all diverse countries and nationalities. Would I consider Peugeot to be a company that
is multicultural? Yes! Peugeot is one company that has been able to branch their innovative
limbs out to dominate a European and making ground within Africa. When Peugeot comes into
a country not only do they provide an economically sound solution to job supply, but they also
plant seeds or shall I say they invest in the community and country. From their index reporting
which showed 100% within the social economical market Peugeot obtained high ratings because
they do their part when it comes to giving back to diverse populations and community.
Peugeot has created jobs within East, South and West Africa to help the country to develop
economically for the betterment of the country. The Los Angeles Times Reported, “The Peugeot
504 probably won't disappear entirely from Africa's roads any time soon. On the continent, as
everywhere in the Third World, human labor is cheap and machinery expensive. African
mechanics are among the best you've ever seen in keeping equipment running” (LAT, 2013). In
order for Peugeot to stay successful they need to stay within the African market and continue to
be innovative within that country. Peugeot should not stop within their community development,
but also create more opportunities to the people of Africa by investing in the people and the
country as a whole.
Japan, (Mizushima) .Mitsubishi Motors plant: iOn
Czech Republic (Kolín), Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech: 107
France (Poissy): 206 Plus, 208, 1007
France (Mulhouse):206 Plus, 208, 308
France (Sochaux): 308, 3008, 5008
France (Rennes):, 508
France (joint venture Sevel Nord near Valenciennes): Expert
Argentina (Buenos Aires):206 Plus (aka 207), 308, 408
Brazil (Porto Real):206 Plus (aka 207), 206 Sedan (aka 207 Passion), Hoggar, 208
Slovakia (Trnava):208
Spain (Madrid):
Spain (Vigo): Partner, 301
Indonesia (Jakarta):308
China (Wuhan), joint venture Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroën Automobile: 206 Plus, 308, 508, 307,
Austria (Graz .Manufactured by Magna Steyr: RCZ
Russia (Kaluga), joint venture Peugeot Ciroen Mitsubishi Alliance: 4007, 408
Netherlands (Born), Mitsubishi NedCar: 4007, 4008
Turkey (Bursa), Tofaş: Bipper
Portugal (Mangualde): Partner Origin
Italy (Val di Sangro), joint venture Sevel : Boxer
Iran (Tehran) .Iran Khodro: 206, 206 Sedan, 207 Passion, 405 (Peugeot, 2015)
Performance and Strategies Report
Within the 2013 Sustainable Development and Annual Report written by PSA Peugeot they
have made substantial changes within their entire company from marketing, executive boards,
and alliance to ensure they gain economically and environmentally. Their new Alliance with
Dongfeng is clarified and elaborated within the entire 2013 report. “PSA Peugeot Citroën turned
the corner in 2013 and is now back in the race. During the year, we exceeded our target of
cutting in half cash burn rate. Measures to turn our operations around in Europe produced results.
Our Rebound 2015 plan, introduced in 2012 to restore the Automotive Division’s
competitiveness in Europe, has already delivered €0.9 billion in savings, putting us on track to
meet our target of €1.5 billion in 2015” (Peugeot, 2013). The report for 2013 which announces
the merger with Dongfeng and how this merger will make the company bounce back from a
deficit and default is encased within the entire exquisite report.
Final Analysis Report for Investing
Stock Market:
Peugeot has made excellent gain within their stock market ratings, but in order to make sure
there is no disturbing loose within their index they must keep up with the innovation process
seek out proper mergers and always remember to buy products reasonably priced (parts), and sell
high or mid high. Peugeot last month declined a bit within the stock market, but was still
balanced based off the number of overall sales from last year’s gain. It would be in Peugeot’s
best interest to sale enough cars in order to be comfortable within the automotive market.
Marketing even within the US even though they do not have factories within the states could still
create an extraordinary gain for Peugeot. Market now and take orders later in order to see the
Peugeot has been able to remain sustainable even after pulling out of the American market
years ago, but if they want to make an excellent come back within the US it may be keen or even
cleaver to launch a new car with BMW or even Mercedes as a merger by creating a luxury sports
car and a fuller body sedan geared toward the family as a beta test to see how they would do
once again in the United States. Peugeot has been able to show that they can keep up with the
millennium and the ever changing time, but being able to convenience the American people once
again that Peugeots’ are excellent commuter cars and excellent for all sorts of travel is the
challenge that Peugeot may want to take on for the benefit of the company.
Environment and Economic Corporation Social Responsibility (CSR)
One thing that Peugeot prides themselves on is their go green concept along with planting
trees. In order for Peugeot to make it within the US market they would have to come in strong
with the entire concept along with bringing in community and people by being a corporation that
demonstrates social responsibility and showing how they give back financially along with
socially to the community. In other words they would have to invest in the US just like they do
within any other country by job creation and having less of a carbon foot print. Peugeots are not
heavy weight cars and the parts do not create such an environmental danger as many others, but
it is always good practice to develop an environmentally sound way of disposing of parts along
with creating low emissions cars.
Peugeot is a company that delivers high end cars to buyers all over the globe, and creates a
line of sport cars along with utility vehicles. Since Peugeot did their merger they are once again
on the rise due to a brilliant merger with Dongfeng. Many on lookers are intrigued but at the
same time still wondering if this merger will help Peugeot make it a second time in the American
market after pulling out. I believe that with resilience and excellent marketing that Peugeot
could if they decided to launch a beta program in the States. Watching and observing the diverse
styles of new cars within their line looks promising. The innovation is truly there and evident,
but it is up to the buyers to make the final decision regarding Peugeot. Currently I do consider
Peugeot to be a company with excellent CSR ratings and I would be willing to invest within
Peugeot as a buyer of an automobile as a consumer.
Hiltzik, M. (2013). Los Angeles Times. In Is the Peugeot 504 reaching its end as Africa's
workhorse? Los Angeles, California: Los Angeles Times.
Peugeot Posts First Profit in Three Years on Cost Cuts. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from
three- years-after-cutting-costs
Experiment. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from
PEUGEOT launches the Dongfeng Peugeot 508 in China. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from
Peugeot Posts First Profit in Three Years on Cost Cuts. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from
three- years-after-cutting-costs
Peugeot. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from
Peugeot SA. (2011, November 25). Retrieved March 7, 2015, from http://www.bus-
Sustainable Development and Annual Report. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. (2013, January 1). Retrieved from
file:///C:/Users/CoreStu/Desktop/2013_radd_en (4).pdf
Video Link
<i>Peugeot Sport Lebanon - Planting a Cedar Tree - Ma3aser al Chouf</i> [Motion
picture]. (2013). Lebanon: Peugeot Sport Lebanon.

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  • 1. Running Head: DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY Peugeot Determining a Company’s CSR Accountability Corporate Social Responsibility Investing Abstract Within this essay writing I will discuss how Peugeot is in the forefront of innovation and technology and how they have become one of the most social responsible companies that have been around for decades. Peugeot being a millennium company and a family car that my Uncle Clifford Evans use to drive. I had to do a bit of research to find out what intrigued him about this car in the 80's. This is one of Europe’s leading cars that generates a useful CSR report on a yearly bases for all to observe. MARCH 11, 2015 By: Tunisia I.E. Al-Salahuddin Colorado State University Global Campus Instructor: Jamie Smith3/7/15
  • 2. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 1 Introduction Peugeot is one of the leading pioneers within the car industry that have been around since the turn of the century within their innovation and development they hold high standards within all areas and aspects of the car industry. Who is Peugeot? "Peugeot is a French car brand, part of PSA Peugeot Citroën. The family business that preceded the current Peugeot company was founded in 1810, and manufactured coffee mills and bicycles. On 20 November 1858, Emile Peugeot applied for the lion trademark. Armand Peugeot built the concern's first car, an unreliable steam tricycle, in collaboration with Leon Serpollet in 1889; this was followed in 1890 by an internal combustion car with a Panhard-Daimler engine. Due to family discord, Armand Peugeot in 1896 founded the Société des Automobiles Peugeot" (Peugeot, 2015). Peugeot is a company that does invest billions into other opportunities, but also gets invested into by their buyers. Within this study and research paper I will discuss a few key points that will help investors along with buyers make a relevant decision on what aspects of Peugeot where they could potentially invest. The CSR report that is presented by Peugeot will showcase the numbers, business ethics of Peugeot, and how they are socially responsible. Thesis Statement Peugeot has created and developed an entire line of other products including furniture to clothing to complement their entire line of cars, motorcycles, and scooters. With Peugeot they have a designing experiment renaissance taking place with their new, ‘Emotions & Motions’ which allows the buyer to decide which type of car they would like to drive based off the physics of it all. This new millennium way of technology is engineered around the senses and the body chemistry.
  • 3. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 2 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Defining a social responsible company means for a company to be responsible in every aspect i.e. environment, community, and economically. Peugeot is a company that has defined this within the global market except for North America, but with anticipated hopes to do so by providing proven records, numbers, and through visual proof of their work. Peugeot SA also subscribes to the philosophy that trading in the country is not just about importing cars and creating a dealer network—long term viability requires making a material contribution to society, it believes. "One of the schools Peugeot SA is assisting is Olievenhoutbos Primary School, north of Johannesburg. It aims to empower learners and teachers alike in terms of practical knowledge. This takes the form of creating and maintaining a permaculture school garden capable of providing healthy vegetables—the theory being that the garden must become part of the school’s heartbeat, supplying its soup kitchen on a daily basis. The Olievenhoutbos project falls under the Schools Environment Education and Development (SEED) umbrella, a non-profit organization which is supporting a network of 34 schools in their Organic Classroom programme" (BE, 2011). Other areas that Peugeot is giving back is by planting trees which is symbolic to "SEED" or shall I say giving to the community and environment. Being able to take care of the seeds of tomorrow and investing into your community. The plant a tree program plants a tree for every tree chopped down for the trees are important to the environment. Peugeot has launched their plant a tree program from Brazil to Lebanon. This innovative company has been able to make factories in countries that need the economic development in order for the country to grow and flourish. By Peugeot placing a factory within the Johannesburg area of South Africa it has uplifted the country within the technology age and innovation. A once poor region of South Africa/Africa Peugeot mere existence created jobs for citizens allowing them to have an opportunity and chance for where there are jobs there are opportunities.
  • 4. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 3 Compare and Contrast Compare other Auto Makers When you compare Peugeot to other auto makers it is evident that they are teaming up with top of the line, high quality, and supreme car manufactures like Dongfeng. Peugeot has created and developed an entire line of other products including furniture to clothing to complement their entire line of cars, motorcycles, and scooters. This year Peugeot launched a new Peugeot 508 with Dongfeng that would help save the company and make it more sustainable for the future and since the merger with Dongfeng sales have grown 41%. Contrast With Peugeot they have a designing experiment renaissance taking place with their new, ‘Emotions & Motions’ which allows the buyer to decide which type of car they would like to drive based off the physics of the car and the buyer. This new millennium way of technology is engineered around the senses and the body chemistry. Peugeot stated, “For the Paris Motor Show, this feature is highlighted by a clear line between the rear door and the quarter light that creates a sophisticated tone-on-tone transition between the bare steel and the grey of the Shark Skin. The result is a finish notably different from the version seen in Beijing” (Peugeot, 2015). Peugeot with their ‘Supreme’ Intelligence, designs, and mergers have brought them back into existence and caught the eye of car lovers all over the globe. Peugeot Dow Jones Report The Wall Street Journal reported that Peugeot was able to secure a 63 billion capital injection from the French government and Chinese auto maker Dongfeng Motor Group. Within the last year Peugeot was able to make sustainable gain. The Dow Jones report for March 10, “Peugeot SA EPA: UG - Mar 10 5:38 PM CET -16.200.04 (0.25%)” (2015, DJ). Bloomberg
  • 5. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 4 reported on February 17, 2015, “Operating income was 905 million euros ($1.03 billion) in 2014 after a loss of 364 million euros a year earlier, the Paris-based company said in an e-mailed statement today. Revenue edged up 1 percent to 53.6 billion euros” (Bloomberg, 2015). Since teaming up with Dongfeng the car maker and retailer Peugeot has made excellent gain and looks promising within its sales and delivery. Peugeot Sustainability Indexes and the Global 100 In 2011 the Journal of Business & Economics Research gave Peugeot a rating on their comparison table showing, “12 PSA - Peugeot -1.08%” (Clute Institute, 2011). This rating shows where they stand within their sustainable value margin. Clute Institute also reported in 2011, “Four companies were already reporting at the A or A+ level (Daimler, Ford, Toyota-Australia, VW) for their initial G3 reports, but seven companies (BMW, Fiat, Kia, Peugeot, Tata, Toyota- Europe, and Volvo) have increased their level of reporting in successive iterations” (Clute Institute, 2011). Since 2011 Peugeot has made an overall increase in sales and since 2014 they have progressed 41% and still climbing. Index Ratings Table 2: Roberts Environmental Center Scores (2009): Peugeot: Overall Grade -A, Environmental Reporting A, Environmental Performance- A. In 2011 Clute Institute reported on their : G3 Core Performance Indicators table Peugeot to be at 100% within their Social Society Responsibility, Social Human Rights, Environment, Labor Practices and Work. From this report from Clute Institute is seems that in 2009 to 2011 Peugeot made a decision not to take away from the quality of their industry and market but to advance it by merging and innovation.
  • 6. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 5 Peugeot Multicultural Company Peugeot has never the less crossed over waters and land to market and sale their cars and trucks to all diverse countries and nationalities. Would I consider Peugeot to be a company that is multicultural? Yes! Peugeot is one company that has been able to branch their innovative limbs out to dominate a European and making ground within Africa. When Peugeot comes into a country not only do they provide an economically sound solution to job supply, but they also plant seeds or shall I say they invest in the community and country. From their index reporting which showed 100% within the social economical market Peugeot obtained high ratings because they do their part when it comes to giving back to diverse populations and community. Peugeot has created jobs within East, South and West Africa to help the country to develop economically for the betterment of the country. The Los Angeles Times Reported, “The Peugeot 504 probably won't disappear entirely from Africa's roads any time soon. On the continent, as everywhere in the Third World, human labor is cheap and machinery expensive. African mechanics are among the best you've ever seen in keeping equipment running” (LAT, 2013). In order for Peugeot to stay successful they need to stay within the African market and continue to be innovative within that country. Peugeot should not stop within their community development, but also create more opportunities to the people of Africa by investing in the people and the country as a whole. Japan, (Mizushima) .Mitsubishi Motors plant: iOn Czech Republic (Kolín), Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech: 107 France (Poissy): 206 Plus, 208, 1007 France (Mulhouse):206 Plus, 208, 308 France (Sochaux): 308, 3008, 5008 France (Rennes):, 508 France (joint venture Sevel Nord near Valenciennes): Expert Argentina (Buenos Aires):206 Plus (aka 207), 308, 408
  • 7. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 6 Brazil (Porto Real):206 Plus (aka 207), 206 Sedan (aka 207 Passion), Hoggar, 208 Slovakia (Trnava):208 Spain (Madrid): Spain (Vigo): Partner, 301 Indonesia (Jakarta):308 China (Wuhan), joint venture Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroën Automobile: 206 Plus, 308, 508, 307, 408 Austria (Graz .Manufactured by Magna Steyr: RCZ Russia (Kaluga), joint venture Peugeot Ciroen Mitsubishi Alliance: 4007, 408 Netherlands (Born), Mitsubishi NedCar: 4007, 4008 Turkey (Bursa), Tofaş: Bipper Portugal (Mangualde): Partner Origin Italy (Val di Sangro), joint venture Sevel : Boxer Iran (Tehran) .Iran Khodro: 206, 206 Sedan, 207 Passion, 405 (Peugeot, 2015) Performance and Strategies Report Within the 2013 Sustainable Development and Annual Report written by PSA Peugeot they have made substantial changes within their entire company from marketing, executive boards, and alliance to ensure they gain economically and environmentally. Their new Alliance with Dongfeng is clarified and elaborated within the entire 2013 report. “PSA Peugeot Citroën turned the corner in 2013 and is now back in the race. During the year, we exceeded our target of cutting in half cash burn rate. Measures to turn our operations around in Europe produced results. Our Rebound 2015 plan, introduced in 2012 to restore the Automotive Division’s competitiveness in Europe, has already delivered €0.9 billion in savings, putting us on track to meet our target of €1.5 billion in 2015” (Peugeot, 2013). The report for 2013 which announces the merger with Dongfeng and how this merger will make the company bounce back from a deficit and default is encased within the entire exquisite report.
  • 8. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 7 Final Analysis Report for Investing Stock Market: Peugeot has made excellent gain within their stock market ratings, but in order to make sure there is no disturbing loose within their index they must keep up with the innovation process seek out proper mergers and always remember to buy products reasonably priced (parts), and sell high or mid high. Peugeot last month declined a bit within the stock market, but was still balanced based off the number of overall sales from last year’s gain. It would be in Peugeot’s best interest to sale enough cars in order to be comfortable within the automotive market. Marketing even within the US even though they do not have factories within the states could still create an extraordinary gain for Peugeot. Market now and take orders later in order to see the numbers. Sustainability Peugeot has been able to remain sustainable even after pulling out of the American market years ago, but if they want to make an excellent come back within the US it may be keen or even cleaver to launch a new car with BMW or even Mercedes as a merger by creating a luxury sports car and a fuller body sedan geared toward the family as a beta test to see how they would do once again in the United States. Peugeot has been able to show that they can keep up with the millennium and the ever changing time, but being able to convenience the American people once again that Peugeots’ are excellent commuter cars and excellent for all sorts of travel is the challenge that Peugeot may want to take on for the benefit of the company.
  • 9. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 8 Environment and Economic Corporation Social Responsibility (CSR) One thing that Peugeot prides themselves on is their go green concept along with planting trees. In order for Peugeot to make it within the US market they would have to come in strong with the entire concept along with bringing in community and people by being a corporation that demonstrates social responsibility and showing how they give back financially along with socially to the community. In other words they would have to invest in the US just like they do within any other country by job creation and having less of a carbon foot print. Peugeots are not heavy weight cars and the parts do not create such an environmental danger as many others, but it is always good practice to develop an environmentally sound way of disposing of parts along with creating low emissions cars. Conclusion Peugeot is a company that delivers high end cars to buyers all over the globe, and creates a line of sport cars along with utility vehicles. Since Peugeot did their merger they are once again on the rise due to a brilliant merger with Dongfeng. Many on lookers are intrigued but at the same time still wondering if this merger will help Peugeot make it a second time in the American market after pulling out. I believe that with resilience and excellent marketing that Peugeot could if they decided to launch a beta program in the States. Watching and observing the diverse styles of new cars within their line looks promising. The innovation is truly there and evident, but it is up to the buyers to make the final decision regarding Peugeot. Currently I do consider Peugeot to be a company with excellent CSR ratings and I would be willing to invest within Peugeot as a buyer of an automobile as a consumer.
  • 10. DETERMINING A COMPANY’S CSR ACCOUNTABILITY 9 Reference Hiltzik, M. (2013). Los Angeles Times. In Is the Peugeot 504 reaching its end as Africa's workhorse? Los Angeles, California: Los Angeles Times. Peugeot Posts First Profit in Three Years on Cost Cuts. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from three- years-after-cutting-costs Experiment. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from PEUGEOT launches the Dongfeng Peugeot 508 in China. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Peugeot Posts First Profit in Three Years on Cost Cuts. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from three- years-after-cutting-costs Peugeot. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from Peugeot SA. (2011, November 25). Retrieved March 7, 2015, from http://www.bus- Sustainable Development and Annual Report. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from annual-report SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. (2013, January 1). Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/CoreStu/Desktop/2013_radd_en (4).pdf Video Link <i>Peugeot Sport Lebanon - Planting a Cedar Tree - Ma3aser al Chouf</i> [Motion picture]. (2013). Lebanon: Peugeot Sport Lebanon.