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The starting point for our development project this
autumn semester was to identify nuisances in public
spaces. The purpose of the research in the project
was to identify and build awareness about the issues
and possibilities around us. Based on these identi-
fied issues and possibilities we were to develop a
product to address our findings.
This project was started out with two groups of
7, all focusing on the public nuisances found in
winter. These groups were collaborating through the
research phases as well as the early stages of the
concept development, where there were formed 3
groups based on the 3 strongest concepts worked
out. All three development teams have been working
closely throughout the duration of the project, basing
the development on the same basic research and
taking inspiration from each others process.
Martin Pärn - Professor from the Estonian
Academy of Arts
Ruth-Helene Melioranski - Researcher at
Tallinn University of Technology
Peter McGrory - Visiting Professor from Aalto
Janno Nõu - Teaching assistant and D&E veteran
4 •
1. Data scavenging
2. Mood-boarding
3. shadowing
4. Conversations
5. literature review
winter and darkness
The aspect of pet
Fear of dark
the lighting
The balloon light
The drone light
Animal/bug light
hovering light
the rolling light
Light spheres
10 interaction
communication and
pendulum driven
battery and charging
further development
• 5
Dyre Magnus Vaa Johnsen
Bachelor of Architectural technology
Gina Metssalu
Bachelor of Mechanical engineering
Kristjan Jagomann
Bachelor of Mechanical engineering
6 •
How kids are affected by the
darkness of winter?
Winter is a season that brings about many nuisances,
whether it’s the discomfort of the cold, the threat to
personal safety from the array of hazards posed by
winter or the negative social and psychological impli-
cation that the season brings.
We decided to focus on the social implications of
winter since it was a phenomena that is highly
prevalent in Estonia and most northern countries.
Winter brings about onset of many psychological
ailments such as depression, seasonal affective
disorder, reclusion, inactivity and many more. The
common misconception is that these ailments are
linked with the cold, where in fact it’s the darkness
that is the real threat.
Our focus narrowed down to how kids are affected
by the darkness of winter and the way it shapes up
the social environment as well as their private life.
We wanted to go deeper into the issue and try to
find out and understand what actually causes these
problems and through that find ways to create an
environment that feels safe, secure and comfortable
for the kids affected by the dark.
• 7
1. Data scavenging
We scavenged various resources for various infor-
mation relevant to our topic. Our primary resource
was the internet where we looked for articles, defini-
tions, statistics and images based on keywords that
were relevant to the winter and darkness. Within this
process we were focusing on quantity of information,
amassing a large shared database for our collective
work. We were also looking for factual information
to build up under our perceptions and assumptions.
We went through the information together and
cataloged and systemized the information gathered
in the early phase of the research. All through the
sorting process, information relevant to our research
was kept and anything irrelevant was removed.
The intention with this approach was to search and
discover as much as possible, in as little time as
possible to build a shared knowledge and familiarize
ourselves with our topic and what is currently out
2. Mood-boarding
The images gathered in the data scavenging was
organized into mood boards of certain topics,
addressing feelings and scenarios we had identi-
fied, or feelings and scenarios that we would want
to produce.
3. Shadowing
Shadowing was an important research method
where we got to follow around users and observe
how they interacted with with each other and their
environment. We got to see real world situations
where people would act and do things naturally
where they wouldn’t have to consciously think. They
were unaware of filming which means they didn’t
perform out of the ordinary.
We set out to notice patterns and occurrences that
happen with people and document them and see if
there are any issues that arise that need attention or
habits that integrate that have to be preserved.
4. Conversations
As part of defining our problem and finding out
how others perceive the scenarios and problems we
outlined, we did have conversation with different
people. Our main focus area was kids in darkness,
to get quotes on how people look at this issue
we did talk to people about how they remember
their childhood, and we also talked to parents that
told about how their kids act and feels about the
darkness. Apart from focusing on the children, we
did also carry through conversations with all sorts of
people about winter, in order to get a high amount
of opinions on what winter is and how people feel
about it.
5. Literature
Throughout the process of data scavenging we
collected a large array of articles, statistics and other
published work relevant to our research. We went
through the material and tried to understand the
work and see what others have found out and then
extract the obtained knowledge and information
relevant to our work. From sources of social studies
to empirical research papers, the intention of this
method was to find data to support our work and
evidence that could be used to substantiate our
claims, as well as getting a broader view on what
winter, and related topics, are.
8 •
Relevant research
Winters in Estonia are cloudy and are characterized
by low amounts of sunshine, ranging from only 0.5
hours of sunshine per day in December to 4.1 hours
in March. At the winter solstice daylight only lasts for
6 hours. (1)
Schooldays in Estonia starts at 8.00 AM. Starting from
october sun rises after 8.00 am and sets already
around 17.00 PM. It is getting lighter only in March.
It means that almost half of schooldays begins and
ends in darkness for kids.
Lack of daylight very often leads kids to insufficient
outdoor activity and reclusive behavior. Kids tend to
stay inside more and have less outdoor activities in
Another threat for kids related to the lack of daylight
is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as
Winter Depression. SAD is a type of depression that’s
related to changes in seasons, it begins and ends at
about the same times every year. Symptoms start in
the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping
affected person’s energy and making them feel
moody and puts them in a depressive state.
Winter and
A kid going to school
7:30 AM
• 9
the aspect of pet
Sigmund Freud believed that our fear of darkness is
linked to separation anxiety and the absence of our
mothers. He wrote, “The yearning felt in darkness is
converted to fear of darkness.” Separation anxiety
disorder is a psychological condition in which an
individual experiences excessive anxiety regarding
separation from home or from people to whom the
individual has a strong emotional attachment (e.g. a
parent, caregiver, or siblings)
Several studies shows how it is helpful for child to
have a security object that he/she can keep during
the frightening situations or nighttime to help kid to
feel more relaxed. Specialists very often suggest that
a pet for companionship can also provide security
at night and reduce nighttime fear. Most commonly
there is said that the best solution is fish tank as it
supports beside “companion” a proper light source
as well. (3)
It is proved that pets can ease loneliness, reduce
stress, promote social interaction, encourage
exercise and playfulness, and provide unconditional
love and affection.
While people with dogs often experience the greatest
health benefits, a pet doesn’t necessarily have to be a
dog or a cat. Even watching fish in an aquarium can
help reduce muscle tension and lower pulse rate.(4)
Robotic pets become more common as substitutes
or supplements to living companion animals. Robotic
pets may ultimately have a place within the complex
relationships that humans have with animals.
Result of a study (5) showed that most children
thought the robot could be their friend. The results
suggested that children enjoyed playing with the
robot more than playing alone.
In respect to safety, winter poses a lot of physical
threats to users. The cold and hypothermia are
major concerns in a northern climate but according
to official statistics, the number of deaths/injuries
resulting from the cold are relatively low in Estonia.
What seems to pose the most threat to people seems
to be the dark. As mentioned earlier, the dark seem
isn’t only the basis of many mental health issues and
social issues, but the basis of physical safety hazards
as well. Visibility being the main concern.
In Estonian Law, every citizen travelling by foot at
night or in conditions of inadequate lighting must
wear a reflex reflector. These should be attached to
a person’s outerwear or bag. Persons not wearing
them could be subject to a fine of up to €400. Law is
in place to help minimize the number of fatal auto-
mobile accidents involving pedestrians in areas of
low visibility, primarily outside the city where streets
and roads are not officially lit.
According to official statistics, 86% of children and
65% of adults wear reflectors, but the numbers are
polarized in young children below 13 and adults
above 25. It is indicated that the prevalence of reflec-
tors amongst youth and teens is very low, putting
their physical safety at a much higher risk. As the kids
reflectors are usually placing much lower than adults,
then these are harder to notice for drivers. Extra light
source could rise visibility in traffic situations!
10 •10 •10 •
Being affected by the lack of sunlight creates a
breeding ground for different health problems, psy-
chological subjects among them. A toddler or pre-
schooler tends to be afraid of unfamiliar things that
they don’t understand or can’t control. their active
imaginations, and their inability to always distinguish
between reality and fantasy means they may believe
that monsters are under the bed or in the wardrobe
waiting to spring once the light goes out.
If not addressed, a child’s fear of the dark may linger
and continue to disrupt their bedtime routine and
sleeping habits. recent study shows that about
90% children have certain kind of fears, and fear of
darkness is the most common fear encountered by
children from a wide range of ages.
usually, the fear of the dark hits home for kids
around the ages of 2 or 3, when they’re old enough
to imagine, but not wise enough to distinguish
fantasy from reality. It begins to decrease in the
majority of children after age nine. over 15% of
children between 8 years of age and 12 still list the
dark as their biggest fear.
A night light may be helpful for providing security at
night even if child is not afraid of the dark. As long as
the light does not interfere with child’s sleep onset, it
is appropriate to have dim light on at bedtime.
fear of the dark is usually not fear of darkness itself,
but fear of possible or imagined dangers concealed
by darkness. when there’s a lack of one sense
(eyesight) then our imagination start compensating
it by using other senses (hearing, smelling etc) more
intensively leading to unreal imaginations. when a
normal fear becomes intense, persistent and irra-
tional, it develops into a phobia. Achluophobia and
nyctophobia are two terms used to describe a phobia
of the darkness or the night. normal people usually
worry about something they cannot see in the dark,
but nyctophobic people are different. Aside from
fearing what they cannot see, nyctophobic people
are simply afraid of the dark itself. this may be a
significant hindrance to people’s life since it limits
people’s night activities as well as people’s choices of
places to go.(2)
feAr of the dArk
• 11• 11
Studies shows that about
90% children have certain
kind of fears, and fear
of darkness is the most
common fear encountered
by children from a wide
range of ages.
12 •
After analysing the data and research that we
conducted we came to the conclusion that there is
a strong link between the dark and fears. Also the
proofs that lack of daylight very often leads people
(kids among them) to insufficient outdoor activity
and reclusive behavior.
In fighting with fears, specialists suggest to distract
attention and at the matter of fear of darkness, to
compensate the lack of light somehow.
Kids have always loved the light and fire. Through
everyday use, it seems comforting, warm and helpful.
And playing with light and fire seems very attempting
to every kid. Playing is one of the most important
things that kids can do. Among all other important
things that playing can improve and give the kids, it
also helps a kid to feel loved, happy and safe.
However, presence of a companion and peoples
native tendency to love playing can help to fight
against threats of darkness.
• 13
Our aim is to create a product that will allow people
to be active and for them to go wherever they want
and to do whatever they want, regardless of the
amount of natural and artificial light. Although we
found that the fear of the dark is one of the most
common fear and phobia for most age groups, we
decided to focus on the kids as a specific group,
as this issue is more common at younger age. One
crucial finding to take into consideration when devel-
oping this project is that the most important rule
when it comes to tackling kids fear of dark, is that we
have to respect their fear. By respecting their fear,
and not make fun of it or trivialize it, they are much
more likely to overcome the fear.
14 •
1 The lighting
In the early stages of the concept generation we did not restrict ourselves much, and we generated ideas
for applying light to winter in many different ways. We had ideas of making common points in public spaces
where users could gather around a light source, possibly also providing heat and pleasing sounds. Later on
we also looked into possible scenarios and situations where people would like a movable light source, both
personal light and public lights.
The concept we ended up working further on was the idea of having a personal light, that you carry with you
to light up your path, not restricting you to limited lidt paths. We saw the value in such a light, and carried on
the development into finding the right form and function of the personal light.
Progress of ideas
With the idea of a personal light we looked at how
you would carry this personal light around with you.
We mapped out what kind of items and also apparels
you would carry with or on you, especially in winter.
We came up with ideas for lighting jackets and other
apparel as well as lighting backpacks. With lighting
apparel or backpacks we imagined a very special
effect of light trails when multiple users of the light
would walk down the same path. There was also
interesting ideas of social get together of users of
the product and ideas of connecting several units
together to amplify the lighting effect. This concept,
with a greater focus on the social part of the personal
light was taken further into the interaction between
users of the product and later went into a part of the
“wearable interaction” project.
2 The balloon
The concept of the lighting balloon was worked
out with the approach of a disposable/one time
use light. This concept worked on a basis of the
combination of a service and a product where you
for example could offer these lighting balloons in
a park, where you could walk in the park with this
light, inviting to a different experience to walking
on lit paths. Instead of having street lights lighting
up the path, you would light up the paths of the
park yourself. We also took this a step further to a
personal balloon light that you could own yourself,
and refill whenever you would be going out in the
• 15
The concept of the drone light took inspiration from
drone cameras that are used by some athletes,
primarily in extreme and motor sports. In these
cameras there is a drone following the athlete while
filming from above. We were imagining the same
kind of function where the drone would fly over
the user, following the user wherever it went, while
lighting up the path ahead as well as the users sur-
3 The drone
4 Animal/bug
Focusing on the fact that the kids can benefits from
having a pet, we did look into possibilities for giving
the light the shape of some kind of animal and even
bug. Bugs move in interesting ways and gave us
many new ideas for how the light could move about.
We did look at hovering bugs and lights moving
about with the help of legs. What put us of this idea
in the end was the way many of these lights would
move potentially could be freaky and unpleasant for
certain kids.
While working on the idea of the light in the form of
a bug we started playing with the idea of a hovering
caterpillar. The benefits of the light moving about
as a hovercraft is the hovercrafts ability to move
on various terrains and its ability to pass obstacles.
However, the solution of hovercrafts have the same
kind of problems and restrictions as flying drones.
5 hovering light
We saw a lot of possibilities and opportunities with the
flying drone light, but we did also see some possible
issues and obstacles such as noise, problems with
crashing with objects, price, weight as well as the
issue of the lighting effect of a flying drone. What we
were looking for was a product lighting up the path
and the surroundings of the user, here a flying drone
would not be the most efficient. We did find existing
remote controlled balls on the marked, supporting
our concept as a feasible solution. Remote controlled
spheres did also seem like a very interesting and
different solution, at the same time the round shape
gives good possibilities of movement, the natural
movement of a ball is to roll.
6 The rolling
16 •
• 17
and focus
We started to generate ideas on how this light could move on the ground taking into consideration how it
would cope with different obstacles, how agile it would be and also how appealing the movement would look
for the user. We evaluated both flying ways of moving and possibilities for moving on the ground like hovering,
rolling and walking, as well as different editions and combinations of these.
For evaluating the generated concepts we set ourselves some criteria and requirements covering our desired
values and performance of the final product and on the basis of this we evaluated our concepts. We looked
at how each concept tackled the issues we were probing, specifically the movement and lighting part. The
parameters we used to evaluate the concepts where things such as ability to carry weight, ability to cast good
light, agility and ability to move in various terrain and also how pleasing and inviting the movement would be
to the eye.
Some concepts did work very well on some points, while they worked less good on other points. We had to
consider which criteria was more important for us, and also in what areas we could live with poorer perfor-
mance. After doing our evaluation and considering the different possible solutions, we ended up on going for
a form of ball. The ball has the natural movement of rolling and it is a very good shape for casting an even
amount of light in all directions. We decided on the ball, but further on in the concept generation we did also
look into how wheels could function in the same way as a ball, and also how shapes in between a ball and a
wheel could be good options.
18 •
lIght SphereS
when we started to generate ideas on how this light
could move about, the firs aspect we evaluated was
how different light spheres can influence lightning
effect. we had concepts of lights moving both on the
ground and in the air, via simple prototypes, in the
form of balloons lit up with led’s, we did tests on
how the light would feel for the users in the different
we found that the light provided three main types of
light, where the first one is the object itself being lit
up, the second is where the ground around the light
is lit up and the third light sphere is the surroundings
being lit up.
during this testing we found that light sources
moving in the air requires a very high amount of
light in order to light up the ground, which was not
the case for lights moving on the ground. the lights
moving on the ground turned out to be the most
sufficient solution for lighting up both the ground
ahead of the user as well as the users surroundings.
during the testing and discovery of light spheres, we
did also see the need and the convenience of having
the ground ahead of you lit up.
• 19
of different
moving options
20 •20 •
LightBest Friends Forever
• 21• 21
petlight is a functional toy that will help the users to activate them self, to be independent individuals and to
act independently of the season and light conditions. petlight also provides a fun experience for the user as
a remoted controlled and playful ball.
the petlight is a remote controlled ball that lights up the users surroundings, taking away all fear and making
sure there are no hazards ahead for the user. It also makes user as an pedestrian more visible in traffic.
petlight is controlled with intuitive hand controls with accelerometers taking inspiration from the way a real
pet is “controlled” with the leash. the petlight can be set to roll ahead of you with a convenient distance or it
can be fully controlled by the user.
petlight is the protecting companion of the user, and will make sure the user never feels alone or insecure.
the petlight can light up the bedroom when it is scary, it can be played with at home, it can join the user on
the way to school when it’s dark and it can join the user when he is going out to play with his friends a dark
the aim of this product is through understanding the kids fear and problems with darkness, providing them
with a tool and a toy that they would appreciate having with them, and at the same time help them with over-
coming and tackling their fear. we see this product as a synthesis of an attractive flashlight and a functional
toy, meaning that the users would want to carry this flashlight, and the parents of the user would feel at ease
knowing that their kids feel safe.
BAll hAndle
the ball is the main part of the petlight. It contains
all the components that moves and lights up the
petlight. Although we talk of the petlight as a ball,
it is actually not a sphere, it has flattened sides and
rolls only on the middle perimeter. this shape and
way of movement is chosen to have a flat side that
the petlight can “lie down on” when charging and in
static mode, and it moves more like a wheel to keep
potential dirt of the side where the handle is sitting.
1 2
the handle sits on the side of the petlight, away
from the possible dirty points of the ball, and can
always be easily accessed by the user when they
want to lift the petlight and move it manually. In the
handle is also the dock for the remote controller,
when the remote controller is in the dock, it can still
be used to control the light intensity or turn on or off
the petlight.
the light source of the petlight sits inside the ball
itself. It is powered by a battery and the light source
are led lights. the light intensity can be set conve-
niently via the remote controller.
chArgIng poInt4
the charging point for the petlight is a mat that
the petlight can be placed on, or roll onto, and the
petlight will charge wirelessly by using inductive
charging while on the mat. the wireless charging
allows for convenient charging without any extra
cables and plugs.
What is the PetLight?
22 •
When you get the PetLight you will receive three pieces, the ball itself, the charging matt and the controller.
The charging matt will work as a stationary item and a dock for the PetLight to recharge, while the ball and the
controller is what you need in order to use the product.
The main use when used outdoors would be the semi
automatic mode. The inspiration for this mode is
taken from the way people walk their dogs, the Pet-
Light will be rolling ahead of the user at a set distance,
while the user could adjust the PetLights direction
and distance by suttile hand movements. For the user
to be able to look around and not keep an eye on the
PetLight at all time, there will be given a vibrating notifi-
cation to the user if the PetLight was to roll of the path, to
allow for the user to make correcting moves.
Semi automatic use
Fully controlled
The fully controlled mode is a mode made for the play-
ful part of the PetLight. In this mode the PetLight func-
tions like a remote controlled toy, and the user is in full
control of the PetLight. The user can steer the PetLight
wherever they want, inside as well as outside, and ex-
plore the playfulness and possibilities of a remote con-
trolled ball.
• 23
The PetLight can also be used in a static mode, where
it is not rolling around, but it is used as a light source.
the amount and intensity of light can be controlled
via the remote controller while in its dock or with the
controller in the users hand. In this way the PetLight
can light up places like the playground or the users
Static use
When the PetLight is in close proximity to the charg-
ing point, the ball will roll towards, and place itself on
the charging point. The PetLight can also be carried or
controlled to the charging point. While at the charging
point, the PetLight can be used in the same way as in
the static use.
24 •
W e
refer to ou
product as a func
toy, and we will also
product as a toy in s
toy stores. We aim a
product in the medium
of similar product, in o
be a product out of
potential users tha
would want and
our product.
offers a companion
for the user, a companion that
will be with the user at all time, it can
serve as a protecting companion that will
provide safety for the user. By rolling along
with the user the user will not feel alone, and with
the help of the light, the PetLight can light up the
surroundings and make the user feel safe and secure
about their surroundings and their environment. In
addition to offering safety and security to the user,
the PetLight is also a playful toy and a new way of
remote controlled toy that offers fun and new
experiences to the user. We want to make
the users of the product to feel safe and
secure and by that feel more inde-
pendent and for the users to
have fun.
Providing a
safe environ-
ment for kids
in dark seasons
and places.
• 25
also sell our
in shops and
im at being a
ium price range
in order to not
t of reach for
that really
and need
Our target
users are children
with a certain fear of the
dark aged 5 - 10, although we
do also see this as a product that
could be attractive to kids without
this fear.
Our target customer are the
parents of these
LightBest Friends Forever
up kids sur-
giving them
safety and
making them
feel indepen-
dent and
26 •
The spherical design is simplicity itself. Although
the ball have flattened sides for the handle and
charging point. With its circumference as big as
football, PetLight takes all kinds of terrain in its
stride. Inside, all the mechanical and electronical
parts that makes the PetLight move are sealed off
from the outside world. In other words, inside com-
ponents are protected from dust, water and also
from bangs and knocks.
and control
There is no need to read instructions to control the
PetLight, controlling PetLight is as intuitive as walking
your dog. A main with feature with PetLight is its
motion sensing capability, this allows the user to
interact and control PetLight via gesture recognition.
The Accelerometer it what making things happen,
it senses movements on all three axis: X-axis -side
to side; Y-axis - up and down; Z-axis - front to back.
Data received from the accelerometer is converted
into signals that are sent to PetLight via bluetooth.
The way of communication is similar to the remote
control of the Nintendo Wii. It use a similar system
to register the movement and sending signals to the
Wii console
There is a pendulum driven system inside the
PetLigh, it is one method out of many to describe
the act of shifting a robot’s center of mass (the bary-
center) in order to produce a desired motion. The
pendulum model consists of a fixed shaft through
the center of the outer shell and a pendulum that
rotates around the shaft. To create momentum, a
built-in motor raises the pendulum. This changes
the center of gravity and the PetLight begins to roll
in the direction that the pendulum has been moved.
The weight of the pendulum consist of the batteries
which are attached to the pendulum. The heavier
the pendulum is, the more momentum is created
which in turn can be used to drive the ball. However
heavier pendulum means a heavier ball.
Pendulum driven
• 27
Battery &
The battery have two main function: storing elec-
trical energy to provide enough energy to power
motors, lights and other components, as well as
being the weight that helps the pendulum to provide
momentum and movement for the PetLight. The
batteries powering the PetLight are Lithium-Ion (Li-
Wireless charging also known as inductive charging
uses an electromagnetic field to transfer energy
between two objects. The charging mat have the
induction coil and the second induction coil is located
inside the ball. The two induction coils in proximity
combine to form an electrical transformer, that
recharges the batteries in the PetLight.
Proncple of inductiv charging
led lamps Control centre
Fixed axis Inductive
outer shell
Flash Battery
led lamps
28 •
PetLight moves through sand, snow and mud without
getting stuck. Physical contact with the outer world
is high which cause friction. The chosen materials
must be long-lasting and wear resistant, materials
must also be strong enough to withstand knocks
and bangs. It is therefore crucial to choose durable
materials for the outer parts of the product.
Outer shell and handle
To achieve desired properties for the ball, it is
necessary to coat the outer shell with non-stick and
low friction coating. The ball is made out of poly-
carbonate (PC) and the outer shell is coated with
fluoropolymer for the purpose of non-stick and
low friction properties. Airtight construction makes
PetLight water- and dustproof.
This project is mostly focusing on kids in dark envi-
ronment. However, we did also identify how other
age groups also have problems with the darker
seasons, and one specific group are young females. It
is not necessarily that there are more young females
with fear of the dark, but there are actual threats
specifically to this group like sexual predators.
It was important to go out and test different light
sources and placements directly in relevant places.
Spending time with kids in real world situations at
darkness built the necessary empathy. An observa-
tion about effect of different light sources and place-
ments gave insights about needs.
To test the concept idea it is wise to build physical
prototype. It is necessary for several reasons. First of
all, to test light diffusing. Secondly, to get the feeling
of physical shape. Also to test the concept on the
streets with potential users. Preliminary prototype is
build to get the feeling how it diffuse the light on dark
with the right shape. Further more developments will
be focused on functional side of the prototype, such
as pendulum-driven mechanism and electronics.
We used Plexiglas (PMMA) to build outer shell.
Thermoforming is suitable process to get the desired
shape of outer shell of the PetLight. Thermoforming
process heats a thermoplastic sheet to its softening
point, then stretching it over mold, and holding it in
place while it cools and solidifies into the desired
For the preliminary prototype we used simple LED
lights and rechargeable battery.
• 29
•	 Sotsiaaltrendid. 6. Social TrendsISBN 978-9985-74-531-1
•	 Shahid, S., Krahmer, E., and Swerts, M. Child-robot Interaction: Playing Alone or Together. In Proc. CHI
2011, (2011), 1399-1404.
Pet light

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Pet light

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. • 3 Introduction The starting point for our development project this autumn semester was to identify nuisances in public spaces. The purpose of the research in the project was to identify and build awareness about the issues and possibilities around us. Based on these identi- fied issues and possibilities we were to develop a product to address our findings. This project was started out with two groups of 7, all focusing on the public nuisances found in winter. These groups were collaborating through the research phases as well as the early stages of the concept development, where there were formed 3 groups based on the 3 strongest concepts worked out. All three development teams have been working closely throughout the duration of the project, basing the development on the same basic research and taking inspiration from each others process. Supervisors Martin Pärn - Professor from the Estonian Academy of Arts Ruth-Helene Melioranski - Researcher at Tallinn University of Technology Peter McGrory - Visiting Professor from Aalto University Janno Nõu - Teaching assistant and D&E veteran
  • 4. 4 • content 1 2 3 6 4 7 5 8 9 TEAM research Methodology opportunity Relevant research conceptual development insights focus product 1. Data scavenging 2. Mood-boarding 3. shadowing 4. Conversations 5. literature review winter and darkness safety The aspect of pet Fear of dark the lighting backpack The balloon light The drone light Animal/bug light hovering light the rolling light Light spheres moving 10 interaction technology11 communication and control pendulum driven battery and charging materials prototyping further development Recourses12
  • 5. • 5 teAM Dyre Magnus Vaa Johnsen Designer Bachelor of Architectural technology Gina Metssalu Business Bachelor of Mechanical engineering Kristjan Jagomann Engineer Bachelor of Mechanical engineering
  • 6. 6 • Research How kids are affected by the darkness of winter? Winter is a season that brings about many nuisances, whether it’s the discomfort of the cold, the threat to personal safety from the array of hazards posed by winter or the negative social and psychological impli- cation that the season brings. We decided to focus on the social implications of winter since it was a phenomena that is highly prevalent in Estonia and most northern countries. Winter brings about onset of many psychological ailments such as depression, seasonal affective disorder, reclusion, inactivity and many more. The common misconception is that these ailments are linked with the cold, where in fact it’s the darkness that is the real threat. Our focus narrowed down to how kids are affected by the darkness of winter and the way it shapes up the social environment as well as their private life. We wanted to go deeper into the issue and try to find out and understand what actually causes these problems and through that find ways to create an environment that feels safe, secure and comfortable for the kids affected by the dark.
  • 7. • 7 1. Data scavenging We scavenged various resources for various infor- mation relevant to our topic. Our primary resource was the internet where we looked for articles, defini- tions, statistics and images based on keywords that were relevant to the winter and darkness. Within this process we were focusing on quantity of information, amassing a large shared database for our collective work. We were also looking for factual information to build up under our perceptions and assumptions. We went through the information together and cataloged and systemized the information gathered in the early phase of the research. All through the sorting process, information relevant to our research was kept and anything irrelevant was removed. The intention with this approach was to search and discover as much as possible, in as little time as possible to build a shared knowledge and familiarize ourselves with our topic and what is currently out there. 2. Mood-boarding The images gathered in the data scavenging was organized into mood boards of certain topics, addressing feelings and scenarios we had identi- fied, or feelings and scenarios that we would want to produce. 3. Shadowing Shadowing was an important research method where we got to follow around users and observe how they interacted with with each other and their environment. We got to see real world situations where people would act and do things naturally where they wouldn’t have to consciously think. They were unaware of filming which means they didn’t perform out of the ordinary. We set out to notice patterns and occurrences that happen with people and document them and see if there are any issues that arise that need attention or habits that integrate that have to be preserved. 4. Conversations method- ology As part of defining our problem and finding out how others perceive the scenarios and problems we outlined, we did have conversation with different people. Our main focus area was kids in darkness, to get quotes on how people look at this issue we did talk to people about how they remember their childhood, and we also talked to parents that told about how their kids act and feels about the darkness. Apart from focusing on the children, we did also carry through conversations with all sorts of people about winter, in order to get a high amount of opinions on what winter is and how people feel about it. 5. Literature Review Throughout the process of data scavenging we collected a large array of articles, statistics and other published work relevant to our research. We went through the material and tried to understand the work and see what others have found out and then extract the obtained knowledge and information relevant to our work. From sources of social studies to empirical research papers, the intention of this method was to find data to support our work and evidence that could be used to substantiate our claims, as well as getting a broader view on what winter, and related topics, are.
  • 8. 8 • Relevant research Winters in Estonia are cloudy and are characterized by low amounts of sunshine, ranging from only 0.5 hours of sunshine per day in December to 4.1 hours in March. At the winter solstice daylight only lasts for 6 hours. (1) Schooldays in Estonia starts at 8.00 AM. Starting from october sun rises after 8.00 am and sets already around 17.00 PM. It is getting lighter only in March. It means that almost half of schooldays begins and ends in darkness for kids. Lack of daylight very often leads kids to insufficient outdoor activity and reclusive behavior. Kids tend to stay inside more and have less outdoor activities in winter. Another threat for kids related to the lack of daylight is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as Winter Depression. SAD is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons, it begins and ends at about the same times every year. Symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping affected person’s energy and making them feel moody and puts them in a depressive state. Winter and darkness A kid going to school 10.01.2015 7:30 AM
  • 9. • 9 the aspect of pet Sigmund Freud believed that our fear of darkness is linked to separation anxiety and the absence of our mothers. He wrote, “The yearning felt in darkness is converted to fear of darkness.” Separation anxiety disorder is a psychological condition in which an individual experiences excessive anxiety regarding separation from home or from people to whom the individual has a strong emotional attachment (e.g. a parent, caregiver, or siblings) Several studies shows how it is helpful for child to have a security object that he/she can keep during the frightening situations or nighttime to help kid to feel more relaxed. Specialists very often suggest that a pet for companionship can also provide security at night and reduce nighttime fear. Most commonly there is said that the best solution is fish tank as it supports beside “companion” a proper light source as well. (3) It is proved that pets can ease loneliness, reduce stress, promote social interaction, encourage exercise and playfulness, and provide unconditional love and affection. While people with dogs often experience the greatest health benefits, a pet doesn’t necessarily have to be a dog or a cat. Even watching fish in an aquarium can help reduce muscle tension and lower pulse rate.(4) Robotic pets become more common as substitutes or supplements to living companion animals. Robotic pets may ultimately have a place within the complex relationships that humans have with animals. Result of a study (5) showed that most children thought the robot could be their friend. The results suggested that children enjoyed playing with the robot more than playing alone. safety In respect to safety, winter poses a lot of physical threats to users. The cold and hypothermia are major concerns in a northern climate but according to official statistics, the number of deaths/injuries resulting from the cold are relatively low in Estonia. What seems to pose the most threat to people seems to be the dark. As mentioned earlier, the dark seem isn’t only the basis of many mental health issues and social issues, but the basis of physical safety hazards as well. Visibility being the main concern. In Estonian Law, every citizen travelling by foot at night or in conditions of inadequate lighting must wear a reflex reflector. These should be attached to a person’s outerwear or bag. Persons not wearing them could be subject to a fine of up to €400. Law is in place to help minimize the number of fatal auto- mobile accidents involving pedestrians in areas of low visibility, primarily outside the city where streets and roads are not officially lit. According to official statistics, 86% of children and 65% of adults wear reflectors, but the numbers are polarized in young children below 13 and adults above 25. It is indicated that the prevalence of reflec- tors amongst youth and teens is very low, putting their physical safety at a much higher risk. As the kids reflectors are usually placing much lower than adults, then these are harder to notice for drivers. Extra light source could rise visibility in traffic situations!
  • 10. 10 •10 •10 • Being affected by the lack of sunlight creates a breeding ground for different health problems, psy- chological subjects among them. A toddler or pre- schooler tends to be afraid of unfamiliar things that they don’t understand or can’t control. their active imaginations, and their inability to always distinguish between reality and fantasy means they may believe that monsters are under the bed or in the wardrobe waiting to spring once the light goes out. If not addressed, a child’s fear of the dark may linger and continue to disrupt their bedtime routine and sleeping habits. recent study shows that about 90% children have certain kind of fears, and fear of darkness is the most common fear encountered by children from a wide range of ages. usually, the fear of the dark hits home for kids around the ages of 2 or 3, when they’re old enough to imagine, but not wise enough to distinguish fantasy from reality. It begins to decrease in the majority of children after age nine. over 15% of children between 8 years of age and 12 still list the dark as their biggest fear. A night light may be helpful for providing security at night even if child is not afraid of the dark. As long as the light does not interfere with child’s sleep onset, it is appropriate to have dim light on at bedtime. fear of the dark is usually not fear of darkness itself, but fear of possible or imagined dangers concealed by darkness. when there’s a lack of one sense (eyesight) then our imagination start compensating it by using other senses (hearing, smelling etc) more intensively leading to unreal imaginations. when a normal fear becomes intense, persistent and irra- tional, it develops into a phobia. Achluophobia and nyctophobia are two terms used to describe a phobia of the darkness or the night. normal people usually worry about something they cannot see in the dark, but nyctophobic people are different. Aside from fearing what they cannot see, nyctophobic people are simply afraid of the dark itself. this may be a significant hindrance to people’s life since it limits people’s night activities as well as people’s choices of places to go.(2) feAr of the dArk
  • 11. • 11• 11 Studies shows that about 90% children have certain kind of fears, and fear of darkness is the most common fear encountered by children from a wide range of ages.
  • 12. 12 • Insights After analysing the data and research that we conducted we came to the conclusion that there is a strong link between the dark and fears. Also the proofs that lack of daylight very often leads people (kids among them) to insufficient outdoor activity and reclusive behavior. In fighting with fears, specialists suggest to distract attention and at the matter of fear of darkness, to compensate the lack of light somehow. Kids have always loved the light and fire. Through everyday use, it seems comforting, warm and helpful. And playing with light and fire seems very attempting to every kid. Playing is one of the most important things that kids can do. Among all other important things that playing can improve and give the kids, it also helps a kid to feel loved, happy and safe. However, presence of a companion and peoples native tendency to love playing can help to fight against threats of darkness.
  • 13. • 13 oppor- tunity Our aim is to create a product that will allow people to be active and for them to go wherever they want and to do whatever they want, regardless of the amount of natural and artificial light. Although we found that the fear of the dark is one of the most common fear and phobia for most age groups, we decided to focus on the kids as a specific group, as this issue is more common at younger age. One crucial finding to take into consideration when devel- oping this project is that the most important rule when it comes to tackling kids fear of dark, is that we have to respect their fear. By respecting their fear, and not make fun of it or trivialize it, they are much more likely to overcome the fear.
  • 14. 14 • Conceptual Development 1 The lighting backpack In the early stages of the concept generation we did not restrict ourselves much, and we generated ideas for applying light to winter in many different ways. We had ideas of making common points in public spaces where users could gather around a light source, possibly also providing heat and pleasing sounds. Later on we also looked into possible scenarios and situations where people would like a movable light source, both personal light and public lights. The concept we ended up working further on was the idea of having a personal light, that you carry with you to light up your path, not restricting you to limited lidt paths. We saw the value in such a light, and carried on the development into finding the right form and function of the personal light. Progress of ideas With the idea of a personal light we looked at how you would carry this personal light around with you. We mapped out what kind of items and also apparels you would carry with or on you, especially in winter. We came up with ideas for lighting jackets and other apparel as well as lighting backpacks. With lighting apparel or backpacks we imagined a very special effect of light trails when multiple users of the light would walk down the same path. There was also interesting ideas of social get together of users of the product and ideas of connecting several units together to amplify the lighting effect. This concept, with a greater focus on the social part of the personal light was taken further into the interaction between users of the product and later went into a part of the “wearable interaction” project. 2 The balloon light The concept of the lighting balloon was worked out with the approach of a disposable/one time use light. This concept worked on a basis of the combination of a service and a product where you for example could offer these lighting balloons in a park, where you could walk in the park with this light, inviting to a different experience to walking on lit paths. Instead of having street lights lighting up the path, you would light up the paths of the park yourself. We also took this a step further to a personal balloon light that you could own yourself, and refill whenever you would be going out in the dark.
  • 15. • 15 The concept of the drone light took inspiration from drone cameras that are used by some athletes, primarily in extreme and motor sports. In these cameras there is a drone following the athlete while filming from above. We were imagining the same kind of function where the drone would fly over the user, following the user wherever it went, while lighting up the path ahead as well as the users sur- roundings. 3 The drone light 4 Animal/bug light Focusing on the fact that the kids can benefits from having a pet, we did look into possibilities for giving the light the shape of some kind of animal and even bug. Bugs move in interesting ways and gave us many new ideas for how the light could move about. We did look at hovering bugs and lights moving about with the help of legs. What put us of this idea in the end was the way many of these lights would move potentially could be freaky and unpleasant for certain kids. While working on the idea of the light in the form of a bug we started playing with the idea of a hovering caterpillar. The benefits of the light moving about as a hovercraft is the hovercrafts ability to move on various terrains and its ability to pass obstacles. However, the solution of hovercrafts have the same kind of problems and restrictions as flying drones. 5 hovering light We saw a lot of possibilities and opportunities with the flying drone light, but we did also see some possible issues and obstacles such as noise, problems with crashing with objects, price, weight as well as the issue of the lighting effect of a flying drone. What we were looking for was a product lighting up the path and the surroundings of the user, here a flying drone would not be the most efficient. We did find existing remote controlled balls on the marked, supporting our concept as a feasible solution. Remote controlled spheres did also seem like a very interesting and different solution, at the same time the round shape gives good possibilities of movement, the natural movement of a ball is to roll. 6 The rolling light
  • 17. • 17 EvaLUation and focus We started to generate ideas on how this light could move on the ground taking into consideration how it would cope with different obstacles, how agile it would be and also how appealing the movement would look for the user. We evaluated both flying ways of moving and possibilities for moving on the ground like hovering, rolling and walking, as well as different editions and combinations of these. For evaluating the generated concepts we set ourselves some criteria and requirements covering our desired values and performance of the final product and on the basis of this we evaluated our concepts. We looked at how each concept tackled the issues we were probing, specifically the movement and lighting part. The parameters we used to evaluate the concepts where things such as ability to carry weight, ability to cast good light, agility and ability to move in various terrain and also how pleasing and inviting the movement would be to the eye. Some concepts did work very well on some points, while they worked less good on other points. We had to consider which criteria was more important for us, and also in what areas we could live with poorer perfor- mance. After doing our evaluation and considering the different possible solutions, we ended up on going for a form of ball. The ball has the natural movement of rolling and it is a very good shape for casting an even amount of light in all directions. We decided on the ball, but further on in the concept generation we did also look into how wheels could function in the same way as a ball, and also how shapes in between a ball and a wheel could be good options.
  • 18. 18 • lIght SphereS when we started to generate ideas on how this light could move about, the firs aspect we evaluated was how different light spheres can influence lightning effect. we had concepts of lights moving both on the ground and in the air, via simple prototypes, in the form of balloons lit up with led’s, we did tests on how the light would feel for the users in the different scenarios. we found that the light provided three main types of light, where the first one is the object itself being lit up, the second is where the ground around the light is lit up and the third light sphere is the surroundings being lit up. during this testing we found that light sources moving in the air requires a very high amount of light in order to light up the ground, which was not the case for lights moving on the ground. the lights moving on the ground turned out to be the most sufficient solution for lighting up both the ground ahead of the user as well as the users surroundings. during the testing and discovery of light spheres, we did also see the need and the convenience of having the ground ahead of you lit up.
  • 20. 20 •20 • Pet LightBest Friends Forever
  • 21. • 21• 21 petlight is a functional toy that will help the users to activate them self, to be independent individuals and to act independently of the season and light conditions. petlight also provides a fun experience for the user as a remoted controlled and playful ball. the petlight is a remote controlled ball that lights up the users surroundings, taking away all fear and making sure there are no hazards ahead for the user. It also makes user as an pedestrian more visible in traffic. petlight is controlled with intuitive hand controls with accelerometers taking inspiration from the way a real pet is “controlled” with the leash. the petlight can be set to roll ahead of you with a convenient distance or it can be fully controlled by the user. petlight is the protecting companion of the user, and will make sure the user never feels alone or insecure. the petlight can light up the bedroom when it is scary, it can be played with at home, it can join the user on the way to school when it’s dark and it can join the user when he is going out to play with his friends a dark afternoon. the aim of this product is through understanding the kids fear and problems with darkness, providing them with a tool and a toy that they would appreciate having with them, and at the same time help them with over- coming and tackling their fear. we see this product as a synthesis of an attractive flashlight and a functional toy, meaning that the users would want to carry this flashlight, and the parents of the user would feel at ease knowing that their kids feel safe. pRoduct BAll hAndle the ball is the main part of the petlight. It contains all the components that moves and lights up the petlight. Although we talk of the petlight as a ball, it is actually not a sphere, it has flattened sides and rolls only on the middle perimeter. this shape and way of movement is chosen to have a flat side that the petlight can “lie down on” when charging and in static mode, and it moves more like a wheel to keep potential dirt of the side where the handle is sitting. lIght 1 2 3 the handle sits on the side of the petlight, away from the possible dirty points of the ball, and can always be easily accessed by the user when they want to lift the petlight and move it manually. In the handle is also the dock for the remote controller, when the remote controller is in the dock, it can still be used to control the light intensity or turn on or off the petlight. the light source of the petlight sits inside the ball itself. It is powered by a battery and the light source are led lights. the light intensity can be set conve- niently via the remote controller. chArgIng poInt4 the charging point for the petlight is a mat that the petlight can be placed on, or roll onto, and the petlight will charge wirelessly by using inductive charging while on the mat. the wireless charging allows for convenient charging without any extra cables and plugs. What is the PetLight? Parts
  • 22. 22 • interaction When you get the PetLight you will receive three pieces, the ball itself, the charging matt and the controller. The charging matt will work as a stationary item and a dock for the PetLight to recharge, while the ball and the controller is what you need in order to use the product. The main use when used outdoors would be the semi automatic mode. The inspiration for this mode is taken from the way people walk their dogs, the Pet- Light will be rolling ahead of the user at a set distance, while the user could adjust the PetLights direction and distance by suttile hand movements. For the user to be able to look around and not keep an eye on the PetLight at all time, there will be given a vibrating notifi- cation to the user if the PetLight was to roll of the path, to allow for the user to make correcting moves. Semi automatic use Fully controlled use The fully controlled mode is a mode made for the play- ful part of the PetLight. In this mode the PetLight func- tions like a remote controlled toy, and the user is in full control of the PetLight. The user can steer the PetLight wherever they want, inside as well as outside, and ex- plore the playfulness and possibilities of a remote con- trolled ball.
  • 23. • 23 The PetLight can also be used in a static mode, where it is not rolling around, but it is used as a light source. the amount and intensity of light can be controlled via the remote controller while in its dock or with the controller in the users hand. In this way the PetLight can light up places like the playground or the users bedroom. Static use When the PetLight is in close proximity to the charg- ing point, the ball will roll towards, and place itself on the charging point. The PetLight can also be carried or controlled to the charging point. While at the charging point, the PetLight can be used in the same way as in the static use. Charging
  • 24. 24 • Business W e refer to ou product as a func toy, and we will also product as a toy in s toy stores. We aim a product in the medium of similar product, in o be a product out of potential users tha would want and our product. Strategy Values PetLight offers a companion for the user, a companion that will be with the user at all time, it can serve as a protecting companion that will provide safety for the user. By rolling along with the user the user will not feel alone, and with the help of the light, the PetLight can light up the surroundings and make the user feel safe and secure about their surroundings and their environment. In addition to offering safety and security to the user, the PetLight is also a playful toy and a new way of remote controlled toy that offers fun and new experiences to the user. We want to make the users of the product to feel safe and secure and by that feel more inde- pendent and for the users to have fun. Providing a safe environ- ment for kids in dark seasons and places. Vision
  • 25. • 25 e our functional also sell our in shops and im at being a ium price range in order to not t of reach for that really and need duct. Our target users are children with a certain fear of the dark aged 5 - 10, although we do also see this as a product that could be attractive to kids without this fear. Our target customer are the parents of these children. Target group Pet LightBest Friends Forever Lighting up kids sur- rounding, giving them safety and making them feel indepen- dent and respected. mission
  • 26. 26 • The spherical design is simplicity itself. Although the ball have flattened sides for the handle and charging point. With its circumference as big as football, PetLight takes all kinds of terrain in its stride. Inside, all the mechanical and electronical parts that makes the PetLight move are sealed off from the outside world. In other words, inside com- ponents are protected from dust, water and also from bangs and knocks. Components technology Communication and control There is no need to read instructions to control the PetLight, controlling PetLight is as intuitive as walking your dog. A main with feature with PetLight is its motion sensing capability, this allows the user to interact and control PetLight via gesture recognition. The Accelerometer it what making things happen, it senses movements on all three axis: X-axis -side to side; Y-axis - up and down; Z-axis - front to back. Data received from the accelerometer is converted into signals that are sent to PetLight via bluetooth. The way of communication is similar to the remote control of the Nintendo Wii. It use a similar system to register the movement and sending signals to the Wii console There is a pendulum driven system inside the PetLigh, it is one method out of many to describe the act of shifting a robot’s center of mass (the bary- center) in order to produce a desired motion. The pendulum model consists of a fixed shaft through the center of the outer shell and a pendulum that rotates around the shaft. To create momentum, a built-in motor raises the pendulum. This changes the center of gravity and the PetLight begins to roll in the direction that the pendulum has been moved. The weight of the pendulum consist of the batteries which are attached to the pendulum. The heavier the pendulum is, the more momentum is created which in turn can be used to drive the ball. However heavier pendulum means a heavier ball. Pendulum driven
  • 27. • 27 Battery & Charging The battery have two main function: storing elec- trical energy to provide enough energy to power motors, lights and other components, as well as being the weight that helps the pendulum to provide momentum and movement for the PetLight. The batteries powering the PetLight are Lithium-Ion (Li- Ion). Wireless charging also known as inductive charging uses an electromagnetic field to transfer energy between two objects. The charging mat have the induction coil and the second induction coil is located inside the ball. The two induction coils in proximity combine to form an electrical transformer, that recharges the batteries in the PetLight. Proncple of inductiv charging led lamps Control centre Fixed axis Inductive charger outer shell handle Flash Battery Magnets led lamps
  • 28. 28 • Materials PetLight moves through sand, snow and mud without getting stuck. Physical contact with the outer world is high which cause friction. The chosen materials must be long-lasting and wear resistant, materials must also be strong enough to withstand knocks and bangs. It is therefore crucial to choose durable materials for the outer parts of the product. Outer shell and handle To achieve desired properties for the ball, it is necessary to coat the outer shell with non-stick and low friction coating. The ball is made out of poly- carbonate (PC) and the outer shell is coated with fluoropolymer for the purpose of non-stick and low friction properties. Airtight construction makes PetLight water- and dustproof. This project is mostly focusing on kids in dark envi- ronment. However, we did also identify how other age groups also have problems with the darker seasons, and one specific group are young females. It is not necessarily that there are more young females with fear of the dark, but there are actual threats specifically to this group like sexual predators. Further development Prototyping It was important to go out and test different light sources and placements directly in relevant places. Spending time with kids in real world situations at darkness built the necessary empathy. An observa- tion about effect of different light sources and place- ments gave insights about needs. To test the concept idea it is wise to build physical prototype. It is necessary for several reasons. First of all, to test light diffusing. Secondly, to get the feeling of physical shape. Also to test the concept on the streets with potential users. Preliminary prototype is build to get the feeling how it diffuse the light on dark with the right shape. Further more developments will be focused on functional side of the prototype, such as pendulum-driven mechanism and electronics. Shell We used Plexiglas (PMMA) to build outer shell. Thermoforming is suitable process to get the desired shape of outer shell of the PetLight. Thermoforming process heats a thermoplastic sheet to its softening point, then stretching it over mold, and holding it in place while it cools and solidifies into the desired shape. Light For the preliminary prototype we used simple LED lights and rechargeable battery.
  • 29. • 29 Resources • Sotsiaaltrendid. 6. Social TrendsISBN 978-9985-74-531-1 • • 20021047 • • • • • • Shahid, S., Krahmer, E., and Swerts, M. Child-robot Interaction: Playing Alone or Together. In Proc. CHI 2011, (2011), 1399-1404.