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Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology                                   3

Contents                                            Team
1 Background 	                                                                                                               Aivo Arusaar
1.1 Project aim and objectives			            4                                                                               Estonian Academy of Arts,
1.2 Visiting the client				                  4                                                                               BA interior architecture 2011
1.3 Research					                            5
	       1.3.1 Open offices in Estonia		      5
	       1.3.2 Requirements			                8
	       1.3.3 Observations and interviews	   9
	       1.3.4 Personal space			              11
	       1.3.5 Market				                     12
1.4 Need					                                13
1.5 The idea					                            13
1.6 Personas					                            14

2 Concept
2.1 Field of concept				                     18
2.2 Introduction to the concept			           18
2.3 Development of the concept		             18
2.4 Final concept				                        22

3 Design
3.1 Design					                              26
	       3.1.1 Technical				                  28
	       3.1.2 Appearance			                  36		                                                                            Birgit Pulk
3.2 Dimensions				                           37                                                                              Estonian Academy of Arts,
3.3 Working principles				                   38                                                                              BA graphic design 2011
3.4 Use in space				                         38
3.5 Transporting and packing			              38

4 User
4.1 Meeting the need				                     42
4.2 Value to the end user			                 42

5 Product value
5.1 Business value				                       46
Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   Background

1 Background
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1 Background
                                                                                                                                                                                                          but at the same time they all need their privacy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Conditions today doesn’t offer too much private
                                                                                                                                                                                                          room and there is no possibility to change the lay-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          out of the office in new conditions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Key points of the visit:
                                                                                                                                                                                                          1. Mobility is essential - enables to change the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          layout of the office (due to changing people and
This report details an industry project in partner-        vestigate the current situation on the market and                                                                                              teams).
ship with furniture company Thulema undertak-              possible places for improvement.                                                                                                               2. Stackable or packable elements would be great
en by Design and Engineering Masters program                                                                                     Inspection of the furniture in Thulema’s showroom                        for unused furniture (some furniture is unused
students at Tallinn University of Technology.              1.2 Visiting the client                                                                                                                        during daytime due to different working habits
                                                           As the project is in partnership with the furniture                   1.3 Research                                                             and changing people).
1.1 Project aim and objectives                             company Thulema, visit to the companys’ show-                         Research process consisted of researching co-                            3. Multi-functional furniture - usable for different
The aim of the design project was to create a              room was proposed at first.                                           working places in Estonia, interviewing office us-                       type of activities (conferences, modelling, team-
shared working space furniture for creative work-          Thulema is an Estonian-based company located in                       ers, defining the need and forming the idea of the                       work, brainstorming, individual work).
space considering the needs of the modern user             Tallinn, Estonia. Right now they operate under                        product. Firstly we researched co-working places                         4. Light weight and good mobility for moving the
and offering the best possible solution taking into        the company Kitman, which is a leading manu-                          and offices in Estonia and mapped their good ide-                        furniture on your own (the office manager needs
account the teams’ viewpoints and focuses. The             facturer of shop fittings and contract furniture in                   as, but also problematic points.                                         to reorganize the space quite often).
outcome of this project is a solution for a “modern        Estonia.                                                                                                                                       5. Cable-management is necessary (cable mess on
office” and co-working places furniture that can           Thulema has always had smart and economic fur-                        1.3.1 Open offices in Estonia                                            site disables easy movement).
go beyond current and existing solutions and is a          niture solutions that have an eye to details. The                     Garage48 HUB is an open office for different                             6. Need for different combinations within the fur-
help to solve the need found during the research           series of office furniture contain a lot of parts that                start-ups for their workshops and seminars. They                         niture (needs are different).
process.                                                   can be rearranged and repositioned in the room for                    offer working space and fulfill the basic needs as                       7. Price is an important aspect of the furniture.
                                                           the user needs. Thulemas’ keywords are simplicity,                    an office for different starting companies. All the                      8. Furniture should encourage interaction and
21st century working structures, methods and               functionality, lightness and understandability. The                   people who work there are like a big collective,                         open discussion.
processes have redesigned the environment of of-           biggest competitor for Thulemas’ furniture in Es-
fices and places where people work. Modern office          tonia is Standard.
environement can be as versatile as the work that
is being done and there are no strict restrictions or
boundaries to the surroundings anymore. Offices
tend to be the „second home“ for every worker, so
the meaning of the room has changed a lot from a
conventional closed office to a open and commu-
nication promoting place. So this change arrises
a lot of questions: What are the modern criterias
that every office needs? What are the new pos-
sibles ways of working? How do people want to                                                                                    Visiting GarageHUB co-working space
                                                           Thulemas showroom in Tallinn	
The main objectives of the proposed project, deliv-        		              	
ered through a package of people-based activities
and a short-term feasibility study, are as follows:
1. To develop new ideas in office furniture.
2. To complement and build a working prototype
on the existing expertise and knowledge in the
area of workspace furniture.
3. To carry out a short-term feasibility study to in-
8                                                        Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology                                                         9

Garage48HUB 1st and 2nd floor plan

Der Tank is a graphic design company. They share            Key points of the visit:
office space with 3 other companies and have an             1. Natural materials are preferred for creative work.
open-office system. Der Tank has a pretty flat com-         2. Furniture should suit narrow office space.                         Der Tank office plan
pany hierarchy meaning everybody have the same              3. Furniture should enable teamwork (meetings
working-conditions and work more as one team                and brainstorming with project team).                                 Tehnopol is an incubator for start-ups, meaning                          easily movable, easily packable (by PINK).
rather than have a employer-employee type of rela-          4. Need for partition in the office space (no per-                    they provide different start-up companies with of-
tionship. Certain people are tied to certain projects       sonal space in the office).                                           fice space and furniture. As they are expanding                          During these site visits a common issue hatched
and clients, meaning the teams change quite often.          5. Daylight is important - high ceilings and                          and building a new office space, they have already                       - a need for furniture for project based companies
This kind of working conditions create a whole oth-         openness help the creativity.                                         thought about some aspects and functions they                            and teamworks, where a lot of work is done ver-
er variety of needs and possibilities for the workers       6. The office should provide a few quiet places for                   feel an open-office should provide. A lot of the                         bally, through discussion or meetings. There is also
in the office environment. The most significant dif-        phone-calls and meetings.                                             improvements in the new office space are related                         a need to adopt the new office structures through
ference in this office was the lack of personal space.      7. Post-its and brainstorming need big empty spac-                    to architecture and furniture.                                           furniture, because the furniture today limits work-
This quite a new solution in Estonia has also some          es (walls, surfaces etc).                                                                                                                      ers a lot and doesn’t offer any possibilities for a easy
negative sides to it: office deosn’t allow any quiet        8. Loud music, shouting in the office, a lot of peo-                  Key points of the visit:                                                 change.
places for phone calls, thinking or meetings. All of        ple – no personal space, sometimes work is being                      1. All communications are coming from the ceiling
the above has to be taken care of either outside or         done at home.                                                         (changing the layout is easier, no cables on the floor).
in the little meeting rooms that doesn’t offer any          9. Personal and company storage is important (a lot                   2. Walls are easily (re)movable (possibility to
comfort what so ever. So the office environment re-         of junk on the tables).                                               expand a rental-office for a company if needed).
minds more of a family or group of friends, a lot of        10. Office has to be comfortable (workers do a lot                    3. Open box office: movable, small (2 person boxes
people have to work together and accept each oth-           of extra-hours).                                                      in open areas).
ers music taste, working processes and habits.                                                                                    4. Especially made furniture for the office: wheels,

Der Tank office                                                                                                                   Tehnopol office now (on the right the communications solution: coming from the ceiling)
10                                                   Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology                                                          11

                                                                                                                              Emotional requirements:
                                                                                                                                               Requirement                                                              Why?
                                                                                                                               No high barriers                                                  Daylight is important, promote teamwork /
                                                                                                                                                                                                 people’s collaboration
                                                                                                                               Use of natural materials                                          Promotes no stress, comfortable feeling
                                                                                                                               Variety of materials                                              Interesting, fun, change, keeps people alert
                                                                                                                               Colors                                                            Stress, change, keeps people alert, diversity
                                                                                                                               Shape                                                             Safety
                                                                                                                               Openness/transparecy                                              Sense of space, sense of freedom

                                                                                                                              1.3.3 Observations and interviews
                                                                                                                              In addition to the visits to Estonia’s most modern                       helps also the working process. Tables for the
                                                                                                                              open offices, several observations and interviews                        workers don’t change often, people seem to be
                                                                                                                              were being done during the research phase of the                         quite satisfied with their positionings in the room.
                                                                                                                              project.                                                                 Tables are spacious and have a lot of storage
                                                                                                                                                                                                       space. Since the office is more of a open-office
                                                                                                                              Some of the research information was also col-                           type, all the tables tend to be quite clean, people
                                                                                                                              lected from the obervations from one web-design                          don’t like to keep much of their personal or work
Tehnopol new office plan (ready in 2012-2013)                                                                                 office in Tallinn. These observations helped to de-                      materials on the table for everyone else to see.
                                                                                                                              fine better the concrete working processes every                         To create some sort of privacy, tables are separated
1.3.2 Requirements                                                                                                            worker have and the patterns that occur in some                          with a screen between the tables. The need for
The key points found in the visits became a ba-         that have to be kept in mind during the design                        time during the day.                                                     a bigger shared board space accurs when people
sis for the functional and emotional requirements       process. Under the requirements are also why this                                                                                              what to discuss the project details or brainstorm
created for our furniture. These requirements help      function is needed and how it could be achieved.                      Working day usually starts at 9.30. First people                         together. Now this work is being done via e-mail
to define the needs of the users for the furniture                                                                            arrive around 9.30-10.00. Firstly everyone turns                         or just talking. Not very much visual material is
                                                                                                                              on their computer, makes themselves coffee or tea                        created. Therefor there is not very much infor-
Functional requirements:                                                                                                      and start working. Working process tends to be                           mation on the walls that could help the working
      Requirement                         Why?                                            How?                                very quiet since everyone is wearing their head-                         process a lot in the sense of reminding old, forgot-
 Movable                 For using space for different events /               Light weight, wheels, tracks                    phones and listening to music or just being silent.                      ten things.
                         assignements                                                                                         First meeting takes place around 11 and it lasts for                     Personal space is decorated very differently. A lot
 Stackable               Getting free space when needed or                    Foldable, detachable, stackable                 an hour. After the meeting, every worker goes for                        of tables look quite anonymus, but some have pic-
                         furniture not in use                                                                                 a lunch: some people join together to go outside                         tures or flowers on them. Usually personal materials
                                                                                                                              and eat and others heat up their food in the mi-                         consist of books or post-it notes with necessary as-
 Multifunctional use     To suit different working                    Combine table and brain-
                         methods                                      storming board, enable work-                            crowave. Those who stay in the office, talk to each                      signments and notices. Documents as such are often
                                                                      ing in different positions.,                            other about random subjects not considering work                         taken home with the worker, almost nobody wants
                                                                      beaming                                                 and also watching videos or reading news. This is                        to keep them at work. The room for very confidential
                                                                                                                              their free time of the day. After the lunch work                         materials is missing. This is also a trust issue. For per-
 Wise cable management       Comfortability                           Holes, tracks for cables, plugs
                                                                      under the table                                         continues and there is a visibile pattern: again                         sonalizing, people often keep their random drawings
                                                                                                                              making coffee or tea and continuing working in                           and scetches and put them on their screens to create
 Combinable                  To suit into different architectures, to All pieces suit together
                                                                                                                              the silence. Another meeting is in the noon also.                        more relaxed environment. Some people surround
                             suit with different user needs
                                                                                                                              At around 5 o’clock people start to leave.                               themselves also with good books to help making the
 Shape                       1m2 – €                                  As compact as possible, as                              The room in the office is divided between two                            inspiration and working process more smooth.
                                                                      large as possible
                                                                                                                              floors. On the first floor there are tables for design-                  People communicate by talking to each other. Some-
                                                                                                                              ers and programmers and also a meeting room.                             times it is complicated as someone else is talking at
                                                                                                                              On the second floor there are tables for analysts.                       the same time. For some very important talks that
                                                                                                                              The rooms are filled with light, ceilings are high                       other people don’t need to hear, they go upstairs or
                                                                                                                              and the room has a lot of sense of space which                           they communicate via Skype or e-mail.
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To get familiar with the working processes even           ble I have my computer, phone, document draw-                         and go home.                                                             modern office. People can’t trust the enivironment
more, interviews were taken with different work-          ers, calendar, pen box, note paper. All the weekly                    2. My table is relatively big. On the table I have                       they are working in and they are also creating
ers of different age and from different companies.        assignments are divided by day in the drawers.                        a screen for the computer, PEZ candies, some                             personal space with a lot of small details (flowers,
The aim of these interviews were to find some             Before I go home, I put all the documents in the                      papers, scetchbook, pens, blackbook, mug and a                           pictures, slippers etc), yet feeling themselves quite
weaknesses or shortages of their offices and where        drawer to keep the table clean for the next day.                      phone. I keep my table very organized, because I                         uncomfortable.
is the room for improvement. Interviews were              3. Flowers, some mood photos and pictures are                         don’t like if things pile up on the table.
taken with people who work in quite conventional          missing. I would like a lot if the furniture wouldn’t                 3. I miss in my office a corner for arts and crafts,                     So in the context of the research and the changed
offices in the sense of work structure and office         be so classical, but inspiring and new. The lack of                   where I could cut and glue and brainstorm with                           environment of the modern office, one of the most
layout and also with people working in quite open         colors also makes the room look boring. Office                        paper. I like that the office is open and bright.                        important question arises: how big role is played
and modern offices.                                       should be a place where a person comes happily                        4. On the table I leave my digiboard. Sometimes I                        by the environment to motivate a person to work?
                                                          and where all the good thoughts are created.                          leave my blackbook also there, but nothing more,                         Or if you go deeper into the research: how much
These were the questions asked:                           4. I don’t leave any personal documents at work.                      because I need all of the other things after work                        personal space people still have in the context of
1. How does your typical day at work look like?           They are private and since my office is being                         also.                                                                    their fully open offices? Actually, not a lot. Peo-
Describe it as detail as possible.                        cleaned by another company (stranger), it is not                      5. Depends on the day. My lunchbreaks are very                           ple are forced to fit to the given scale and leav-
2. How does your cabinet or office table look like?       very safe.                                                            short, because I try to do as much work as pos-                          ing their nature and personal self at home. At the
Describe what’s on the table, how often you clean         5. I am not at my own desk at about 50% of the                        sible during the day. I have some meetings, at that                      same time the lack of personal space creates a lot
it, is there enough space or not?                         working day.                                                          time I’m not also at my table. But they are not very                     of ups and downs in the process of the working
3. What is missing in your office? What do you            6. To communicate with other colleagues, I al-                        often.                                                                   day as seen from the interviews. People look for
like the most?                                            ways go to their cabinet.                                             6. I communicate with my colleagues from face-                           new places to work, they change places, go out etc.
4. How many personal documents and materi-                7. I re-organize my office often to create comfort-                   to-face. I also e-mail those who are too far from                        They look the familiar yet likeable things to make
als you leave at work after you go home in the            able and nice environment for myself.                                 me. We have quite quiet office.                                          them feel more comfortable and also to inspire
evening?                                                  8. My cabinet looks a lot like my own world. I                        7. I have brought couple of my own things there                          them. Offices are too fixed or too open to make a
5. How much time do you spend away from your              change it as often as I need to, so that I could feel                 like the PEZ candy container and digiboard. One                          person feel good.
table? In the kitchen, meeting room, outside etc.         happy and good. If the cabinet is not inspiring                       very important part of personalization is also the                       As found out from the interviews, there are sev-
6. How do you communicate with your col-                  anymore or gets boring, I change something.                           contents of the computer: bookmarks, wallpaper                           eral possibilities to make an office more personal.
leagues?                                                  9. Sometimes I work at home, but it’s not very                        etc.                                                                     Most of all, soft values tend to make the office
7. How do you personalize your office environ-            good since my family gets a lot less attention then.”                 8. My teammate sits just opposite from me and                            environment more comfortable and home-like.
ment?                                                                                                                           that gives us a good opportunity to work together                        People make their office area homey by having a
8. Why the position of your table of cabinet is like      Secondly, an interview was taken with a 23 year                       and communicate. I’m quite near to the window,                           mug of their own, wearing cozy slippers, or even
it is? Would you like to change it? How?                  old girl working in a advertisement agency in the                     but I would like to be next to the window because                        keeping an office pet. As open-office users don’t
9. Do you work outside the office as well? Where?         center of Tallinn. The office is more open and the                    of the light.                                                            have a cabinet, their table becomes their private
Why? What are the positive and negative sides of          employers there are young people who promote                          9. I work outside the office very often, because I                       area, with baby pictures and personal motivational
these places?                                             open office ideas and therefor the workers have to                    go to school in the evenings and that’s why I can’t                      notes on it.
                                                          adopt to that.                                                        finish some of my work at the office. My office
Firstly, an interview was taken with a 53 year old        “1. I get to work at 9.15, drive the elevator to the                  environment always sets my mood up and that is
woman working in one very conventional office in          4th floor. Then I check my e-mail. After that I go                    very hard to achieve somewhere else. Working at
Kopli, North-Tallinn.                                     to the kitchen and make myself some coffee, read                      home is sometimes also good.”
“1. I go to work around 8 AM. Before lunch I              some newspapers. If the coffee is ready, I return to
have 2 meetings, after lunch about 3 short meet-          my table and work until 11.30. Then I get the first                   1.3.4 Personal space
ings. My working day also consists of counselling         feeling of hunger, but I keep working. At about                       Office today is a kitchen, resting area, bed, party
workers and managers. The official lunch break            12.30 I leave for lunch outside the office. I usually                 place, working area and meeting area. It combines
is 1 hour and 30 minutes. I don’t go out to eat, I        buy some food from the supermarket and eat it in                      several functions within itself since people spend
eat in the office the food I have taken from home.        the office kitchen. After lunch I continue work-                      there almost 1/3 of their day. The space has to of-
During the day I drink about 2 cups of tea. I leave       ing, sometimes talk to colleagues, watch some                         fer them several possibilities to change environ-
work around 6 PM.                                         Youtube videos. Around 17.30 I think about going                      ment but at the same time being able to keep every
2. My office is an average size, it has white walls       home, but sometimes it’s not possible since there is                  workers personal self and space. The need for per-
and it is open and with a lot of light. My table is       a lot of work. In the end of the day I complete the                   sonal space has been also an outcome or one quite
too small for all the necassary documents. On ta-         working schedule, return it to the secretarys table                   big problem in the sense of either conventional or
14                                                        Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   15

Several possibilites to make an office more personal                                                                               Personal space through storage space

1.3.5 Market                                                                                                                       1.4 Need
As considering the personal space in an office,              furniture, but at the same time offer a possibility                   Through the market came the need for a fast
there are several solutions in the context of furni-         to cover or hide the personal quickly and create                      change within the furniture, at the same time
ture dealing with this topic. Here are two possible          new layers of working surfaces through it. This                       keeping the personal space of the worker and cre-
ways of dealing with this project.                           solutions offers a way to store personal things in                    ating the feeling of private office environment in
                                                             a way that their position stays the same and they                     the open office context. The change could be cre-
First solution is the way to create personal space           are not going to be put away. There are no similar                    ated by changing the layers of the working space
in the office furniture to collect and store personal        furniture solutions on the market at the moment,                      and therefor creating a space with different func-
photos, documents, things etc about the individual           so the market is non-existant.                                        tions.
working there. There are several solutions on this
subject on the market. These solutions offer storage                                                                               1.5 The idea
space within the frniture itself and the possibility to                                                                            The idea of the project is to maintain the personal-
put away or hide the personal belongigs by cleaning.                                                                               ized space in shared/open office when the purpose
Second way is to create personal space within the                                                                                  of the room changes.
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1.6 Personas
Based on the research, 2 personas of the most              Kristi is 32 years old and also works in an open
popular users of the open offices were created.            type of office.
They were based on the interviews, observations
and statistics of the users in open and shared of-
fices. Personas are called Martin and Kristi.

Martin is 40 years old, works as a partner in a de-
sign company. Their office is a open type.


                                                           She is very clean and focused in her work. There-
                                                           for her table is always clean and she cleans it often.
                                                           Oppose to Martin, her table is very personalized
                                                           with pictures of her family and friends. Kristi has
Martin                                                     to spend a lot of time at her table due to her work,
                                                           but she doesn’t want to meet her colleagues at her
His desk at his office is always messy. But he             table, because of her personal things. Therefor she
knows always where everything is when he needs             looks for different random places to meet his col-
it, so it can be called an organized mess. Table is        leagues and discuss necessary things. Finding a
mainly covered with work related things such as            suitable place is not very easy ofcourse, since office
laptop, documents, catalogues etc. Since he has lot        is often full of people and there is little or no free
of projects and little free time, he has no time to        space.
clean his table. Because of the long working days,
he also doesn’t have any time to go out of the of-
fice, therefor he would like to meet his partners
also in his office, but right know it is not possible
or it needs long planning ahead. The only possible
place for meetings is the bigger room in their of-
fice with meeting table, but that tends to be oc-
cupied by some of the workers and work materials.

                                                           Kristi’s table at her office

Martin’s table at his office
Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   19

2 Concept
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2 Concept
After working out the idea, concept of the furni-            market offers only one desktop with several storage
ture was created to meet the need and idea of the            possibilities. There was two possible directions of
product and the user.                                        moving on.

2.1 Field of concept                                         2.3 Development of the concept
In the brief of the project, it was described that the       First of all, the design of the concept started also
furniture has to fit in the open office context, offer-      with creating several solutions for hiding personal
ing a series of products to meet the need of the users.      things by cleaning them or putting them away.
So the field of the concept could be focused on sev-         This was the first direction which was thought
eral items: multifunctional working surface, stor-           about. But this sketches did not offer the solution
age unit, separators, blackboards etc. This project          to satisfy the need of the users for a fast change
focused mainly on the creation of a multifunctional          within the furniture, at the same time keeping the
working surface. After creating the principles of the        personal space of the worker.
furniture idea, all of the other items coul be created
using the same principles of design.                                                                                               Sketches of the office furniture. Possibility to put things away, extra storage space

2.2 Introduction to the concept                                                                                                    Second, the most promising direction was the way                         table by creating new layers of working surfaces.
The concept was created based on the research of                                                                                   of maintaining the personal things on the                                First of all, several simple solutions were created.
the users and their needs. So there is a need for sev-
eral desktops/layers within the working surface, but

                                                                                                                                   Solution1. New layers of working surface. Layers “slide” on the previous working surface.

Sketches of the office furniture. Possibility to put things away, extra storage space.
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Solution 2. Table/suitcase concept

So as the need for several desktops within one            and papers could be put away quickly.
working surface was defined, first concepts were          The idea of Klapit is to reverse the traditional old
created. The most important aspects of the con-           schooltable idea, by offering a person to work on
cept was to cover the existing table space, so that       the “inside” of the table and the possibility to close
the user could change within the working surfaces         the cover helps to hide personal belongigs. The                       First sketches of the table with a closable cover
quickly and cover their personal belongigs as easily      space created by closing the cover helps to hold
as possible. The idea of covering something on the        meetings and brainstorming on top of the new
table also remindes old school tables, where books        clean surface.

First sketches of the table with a closable cover                                                                               More concrete sketches of the table
24                                                     Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   25

2.4 Final concept
After the idea of the furniture and first sketches        Some more sketch drawings were made of the
and ideas were put on paper, a final concept was          furniture product before final assembly drawings
made. Final concept consisted of 3 main parts of          for pruducing of the prototype.
the working surface: legs, base and top.

Table with the cover. On the left, table is open and ready for working, on the right, meeting space

                                                                                                                                Sketches of legs, base and cover positions

Sketches of legs, base and cover positions
Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   27

3 Design
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3 Design
3.1 Design
The design process of the working furniture started        place of the table is not possible. People often tend
with defining the dimensions and overall apper-            to keep their personal belongings (books, docu-                       The top plate of the table
ance of the product. The dimensions were measured          ments) on the table, so therefor the free space for
through testing of the existing tables and finding         working gets even more smaller. To figure out the
out the most comfortable space for working. Exist-         final dimensions, carboard prototype of the table
ing working surfaces tend to have too little space         was made. It was tested several times before the
for working, they are not very long, so that often         dimensions for the prototype were fixed.
using computer and doing paperwork in the same

                                                                                                                                 Base + plate closed

Carboard prototypes. On the left: closed table, on the right: open table

After the dimensions were defined, first 3D solu-          base and the top only, legs were designed in the
tions were created. In the 3D materials, shape and         further progress of the project.
first colors were also defined. 3D was made of the

The base of the table                                                                                                            Base + plate open
30                                                       Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology   31

3.1.1 Technical
After the main design of the base and plate were            the product itself had to be flatpacked for trans-
defined, the final legs design was also made. The           porting. Therefor the legs are separated from the
design of the legs was based on three main prin-            top frame and can be attached to it with screw
ciples. First of all, it had to support the table base      bolts. The third aspect of the frame design con-
from all four angles. Since the base is lowered in          sidered the way how the table could be positioned
the back, the frame had to support the base rela-           in the room. Legs are positioned with an angle
tively well from the middle. The second most im-            to make the positioning of several tables together
portant part of the leg design was the fact that            more easy.
                                                                                                                                  Hinges used in the plate

                                                                                                                                  Vacuum form for the base of the table

ANSYS calculations of the frame with total deformation, weight applied is 100kg

The base is vacuum formed and made from felt. It            The creases between different parts of the table
consists of an area for working and a “pocket” for          are connected to each other with hinges that al-
larger things. In the pocket there is also a “flower”,      low the plates to turn 180 degrees.
stamped area for cables. The working area of the base
is covered with plastic to make writing on it better.       Technical drawings of the legs and plate, pages 30-35.
The plate is made of MDF and consists of 4 main
parts. One part attaches the plate to the table, two
plates can be used as a separator when the plate of
the table is open and the fourth part of the table
is attached to the third one and acts as a cover for
the front of the table.                                                                                                           Hole for cables and open plate as a separator; place for hinges
RAAM EESTVAADE                                                                                                                                                                      RAAM KÜLGVAADE                                                          A
      SCALE 1 : 5                                                                                                                                                                         SCALE 1 : 5
                                                                                              EESMINE PÕIKPUU

                     12,500                                                                    1360                                                          12,500                                                            465
                                                                                               1385                                                                                                                            490

      SCALE 1 : 5                                                                                                                                                                                           KEEVITUS 90-KRAADISE NURGA ALL
                                                                                                                                                                                             DETAIL A
                                                                                                                                                                                            SCALE 1 : 1

                                                                                                TAGUMINE PÕIKPUU
                                             KÜLGMINE PÕIKPUU                                                                       KÜLGMINE PÕIKPUU




                                                                                                    EESMINE PÕIKPUU

                                                                                                    1385                                                                                                                                      22            25


          KÜLGMINE PÕIKPUU                                                                                              LAUARAAM KOOST                             3
             SCALE 1 : 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ITEM NO.        PART                                DESCRIPTION      QTY.


                                                                                               20                                                                                                                                            1    Külgmine põikpuu                                             2
                     25                      440                              25               25                                                                                                                                                  2        Eesmine põikpuu                                        1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3        Tagumine põikpuu                                       1

                                                                                                                                                                                        2                                       Material                                         Tolerances               Mass Scale

                                                                                                                    1                                                                                               Author     A.Arusaar, B.Pulk               Title
                                             490                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Laua raam/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Supervisor Pent Talvet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Validated                                           Külgmine põikpuu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TUT Department of                          Sheet             Drawing nr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mechanical Engineering                        1/1                                 No. 004

          VASAK LAUAJALG EESTVAADE                                                VASAK LAUAJALG VASAKULT VAADE                                               PAREM LAUAJALG PAREMALT VAADE                                                                            PAREM LAUAJALG EESTVAADE
                  SCALE 1 : 5                                                               SCALE 1 : 5                                                                 SCALE 1 : 5                                                                                            SCALE 1 : 5



                                                                                                                                                                                                   6,5 mm ava

                                                                                                           6,5 mm ava
                                                                                                                                                                                                   6,5 mm ava

                                                                                                           6,5 mm ava
                                                                                                                                                                                              Painutus 90-kraadi
                                                                                                     Painutus 90-kraadi                                                                       26mm tsentriraadius
                                                                                                     26 mm tsentriraadius

                                                                                                     Painutus 90-kraadi                                                                       Painutus 90-kraadi
                                                                                                     26 mm tsentriraadius                                                                     26mm tsentriraadius








                                                                                                              A                                                                                       B

                                     18                          6                                            A                     R2                                                                B                                                 R2                                               18

                                                               R2                                                                     6                                                                   569,874
   VASAK LAUAJALG PEALTVAADE                                                                    639,874                                                                                                   639,874                                                          PAREM LAUAJALG PEALTVAADE
            SCALE 1 : 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SCALE 1 : 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SECTION B-B
                                                                      SECTION A-A                                                                                                                                    SCALE 1 : 1
                                                                       SCALE 1 : 1
                            01        6,5 mm ava

                          6,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      6,5 mm ava


                90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 90

          6,50                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  6,50
             25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      0



                                                                                         18                                                                                                                                              18

                                     6,5 mm ava                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                °
               0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      6,5 mm ava
          6,50                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       6,50
              25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0

                               64                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   64
                                90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 90

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Material                                         Tolerances               Mass Scale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Author     A.Arusaar, B.Pulk               Title
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Supervisor Pent Talvet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Parem lauajalg/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Validated                                           Vasak lauajalg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TUT Department of                          Sheet             Drawing nr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mechanical Engineering                        1/1                                 No. 003
25                               A                                                                                           25





 22    25                                     6                                                                                                                                       R5
                                            R5                                                                                                                                           6
                                                   56        144              50                            860                                            50    144      56
                                   12,500          56                                                      1248                                                           56        12,500
                                                                                   A                       1360

                                      12,500       56        144              50                            860                                            50     144     56        12,500

            SECTION A-A                                                                       DETAIL C
             SCALE 1 : 1                                                                                                     M6 mutter DIN934
                                                                                             SCALE 1 : 1                     (pinnakatteta)


                                                                   1,500 25

                                                                                                            25          25


M6 mutter DIN934                                                                                                               Material                     Tolerances              Mass Scale

(pinnakatteta)                                                                                                                                                                            1/5
                                                                                                                  Author     A.Arusaar, B.Pulk    Title
                                                                                                                  Supervisor Pent Talvet                   Tagumine põikpuu
                                    19             20                                                             Validated
                                      22           25                                                             TUT Department of               Sheet     Drawing nr.
                                                                                                                  Mechanical Engineering             1/1                       No. 001

                                                  25               A                                                                                                           25





 22    25                                     6                                                                                                                                       R5
                                            R5                                                                                                                                           6
                                                   56 24 50                                                1100                                                     50 24 56
                                   12,500          56                                                      1248                                                           56        12,500
                                                                   A                                       1360


                                      12,500       56 24 50                                                1100                                                     50 24 56        12,500

            SECTION A-A                                                                       DETAIL C
             SCALE 1 : 1                                                                                                     M6 mutter DIN934
                                                                                             SCALE 1 : 1                     (pinnakatteta)

                                                                   1,500 25


                                                                                                            25          25


M6 mutter DIN934                                                                                                               Material                     Tolerances              Mass Scale

(pinnakatteta)                                                                                                                                                                            1/5
                                                                                                                  Author     A.Arusaar, B.Pulk    Title
                                                                                                                  Supervisor Pent Talvet                   Eesmine põikpuu
                                    19             20                                                             Validated
                                      22           25                                                             TUT Department of               Sheet     Drawing nr.
                                                                                                                  Mechanical Engineering             1/1                       No. 002

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  • 2. Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 3 Contents Team 1 Background Aivo Arusaar 1.1 Project aim and objectives 4 Estonian Academy of Arts, 1.2 Visiting the client 4 BA interior architecture 2011 1.3 Research 5 1.3.1 Open offices in Estonia 5 1.3.2 Requirements 8 1.3.3 Observations and interviews 9 1.3.4 Personal space 11 1.3.5 Market 12 1.4 Need 13 1.5 The idea 13 1.6 Personas 14 2 Concept 2.1 Field of concept 18 2.2 Introduction to the concept 18 2.3 Development of the concept 18 2.4 Final concept 22 3 Design 3.1 Design 26 3.1.1 Technical 28 3.1.2 Appearance 36 Birgit Pulk 3.2 Dimensions 37 Estonian Academy of Arts, 3.3 Working principles 38 BA graphic design 2011 3.4 Use in space 38 3.5 Transporting and packing 38 4 User 4.1 Meeting the need 42 4.2 Value to the end user 42 5 Product value 5.1 Business value 46
  • 3. Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Background 5 1 Background
  • 4. 6 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 7 1 Background but at the same time they all need their privacy. Conditions today doesn’t offer too much private room and there is no possibility to change the lay- out of the office in new conditions. Key points of the visit: 1. Mobility is essential - enables to change the layout of the office (due to changing people and This report details an industry project in partner- vestigate the current situation on the market and teams). ship with furniture company Thulema undertak- possible places for improvement. 2. Stackable or packable elements would be great en by Design and Engineering Masters program Inspection of the furniture in Thulema’s showroom for unused furniture (some furniture is unused students at Tallinn University of Technology. 1.2 Visiting the client during daytime due to different working habits As the project is in partnership with the furniture 1.3 Research and changing people). 1.1 Project aim and objectives company Thulema, visit to the companys’ show- Research process consisted of researching co- 3. Multi-functional furniture - usable for different The aim of the design project was to create a room was proposed at first. working places in Estonia, interviewing office us- type of activities (conferences, modelling, team- shared working space furniture for creative work- Thulema is an Estonian-based company located in ers, defining the need and forming the idea of the work, brainstorming, individual work). space considering the needs of the modern user Tallinn, Estonia. Right now they operate under product. Firstly we researched co-working places 4. Light weight and good mobility for moving the and offering the best possible solution taking into the company Kitman, which is a leading manu- and offices in Estonia and mapped their good ide- furniture on your own (the office manager needs account the teams’ viewpoints and focuses. The facturer of shop fittings and contract furniture in as, but also problematic points. to reorganize the space quite often). outcome of this project is a solution for a “modern Estonia. 5. Cable-management is necessary (cable mess on office” and co-working places furniture that can Thulema has always had smart and economic fur- 1.3.1 Open offices in Estonia site disables easy movement). go beyond current and existing solutions and is a niture solutions that have an eye to details. The Garage48 HUB is an open office for different 6. Need for different combinations within the fur- help to solve the need found during the research series of office furniture contain a lot of parts that start-ups for their workshops and seminars. They niture (needs are different). process. can be rearranged and repositioned in the room for offer working space and fulfill the basic needs as 7. Price is an important aspect of the furniture. the user needs. Thulemas’ keywords are simplicity, an office for different starting companies. All the 8. Furniture should encourage interaction and 21st century working structures, methods and functionality, lightness and understandability. The people who work there are like a big collective, open discussion. processes have redesigned the environment of of- biggest competitor for Thulemas’ furniture in Es- fices and places where people work. Modern office tonia is Standard. environement can be as versatile as the work that is being done and there are no strict restrictions or boundaries to the surroundings anymore. Offices tend to be the „second home“ for every worker, so the meaning of the room has changed a lot from a conventional closed office to a open and commu- nication promoting place. So this change arrises a lot of questions: What are the modern criterias that every office needs? What are the new pos- sibles ways of working? How do people want to Visiting GarageHUB co-working space work? Thulemas showroom in Tallinn The main objectives of the proposed project, deliv- ered through a package of people-based activities and a short-term feasibility study, are as follows: 1. To develop new ideas in office furniture. 2. To complement and build a working prototype on the existing expertise and knowledge in the area of workspace furniture. 3. To carry out a short-term feasibility study to in-
  • 5. 8 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 9 Garage48HUB 1st and 2nd floor plan Der Tank is a graphic design company. They share Key points of the visit: office space with 3 other companies and have an 1. Natural materials are preferred for creative work. open-office system. Der Tank has a pretty flat com- 2. Furniture should suit narrow office space. Der Tank office plan pany hierarchy meaning everybody have the same 3. Furniture should enable teamwork (meetings working-conditions and work more as one team and brainstorming with project team). Tehnopol is an incubator for start-ups, meaning easily movable, easily packable (by PINK). rather than have a employer-employee type of rela- 4. Need for partition in the office space (no per- they provide different start-up companies with of- tionship. Certain people are tied to certain projects sonal space in the office). fice space and furniture. As they are expanding During these site visits a common issue hatched and clients, meaning the teams change quite often. 5. Daylight is important - high ceilings and and building a new office space, they have already - a need for furniture for project based companies This kind of working conditions create a whole oth- openness help the creativity. thought about some aspects and functions they and teamworks, where a lot of work is done ver- er variety of needs and possibilities for the workers 6. The office should provide a few quiet places for feel an open-office should provide. A lot of the bally, through discussion or meetings. There is also in the office environment. The most significant dif- phone-calls and meetings. improvements in the new office space are related a need to adopt the new office structures through ference in this office was the lack of personal space. 7. Post-its and brainstorming need big empty spac- to architecture and furniture. furniture, because the furniture today limits work- This quite a new solution in Estonia has also some es (walls, surfaces etc). ers a lot and doesn’t offer any possibilities for a easy negative sides to it: office deosn’t allow any quiet 8. Loud music, shouting in the office, a lot of peo- Key points of the visit: change. places for phone calls, thinking or meetings. All of ple – no personal space, sometimes work is being 1. All communications are coming from the ceiling the above has to be taken care of either outside or done at home. (changing the layout is easier, no cables on the floor). in the little meeting rooms that doesn’t offer any 9. Personal and company storage is important (a lot 2. Walls are easily (re)movable (possibility to comfort what so ever. So the office environment re- of junk on the tables). expand a rental-office for a company if needed). minds more of a family or group of friends, a lot of 10. Office has to be comfortable (workers do a lot 3. Open box office: movable, small (2 person boxes people have to work together and accept each oth- of extra-hours). in open areas). ers music taste, working processes and habits. 4. Especially made furniture for the office: wheels, Der Tank office Tehnopol office now (on the right the communications solution: coming from the ceiling)
  • 6. 10 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 11 Emotional requirements: Requirement Why? No high barriers Daylight is important, promote teamwork / people’s collaboration Use of natural materials Promotes no stress, comfortable feeling Variety of materials Interesting, fun, change, keeps people alert Colors Stress, change, keeps people alert, diversity Shape Safety Openness/transparecy Sense of space, sense of freedom 1.3.3 Observations and interviews In addition to the visits to Estonia’s most modern helps also the working process. Tables for the open offices, several observations and interviews workers don’t change often, people seem to be were being done during the research phase of the quite satisfied with their positionings in the room. project. Tables are spacious and have a lot of storage space. Since the office is more of a open-office Some of the research information was also col- type, all the tables tend to be quite clean, people lected from the obervations from one web-design don’t like to keep much of their personal or work Tehnopol new office plan (ready in 2012-2013) office in Tallinn. These observations helped to de- materials on the table for everyone else to see. fine better the concrete working processes every To create some sort of privacy, tables are separated 1.3.2 Requirements worker have and the patterns that occur in some with a screen between the tables. The need for The key points found in the visits became a ba- that have to be kept in mind during the design time during the day. a bigger shared board space accurs when people sis for the functional and emotional requirements process. Under the requirements are also why this what to discuss the project details or brainstorm created for our furniture. These requirements help function is needed and how it could be achieved. Working day usually starts at 9.30. First people together. Now this work is being done via e-mail to define the needs of the users for the furniture arrive around 9.30-10.00. Firstly everyone turns or just talking. Not very much visual material is on their computer, makes themselves coffee or tea created. Therefor there is not very much infor- Functional requirements: and start working. Working process tends to be mation on the walls that could help the working Requirement Why? How? very quiet since everyone is wearing their head- process a lot in the sense of reminding old, forgot- Movable For using space for different events / Light weight, wheels, tracks phones and listening to music or just being silent. ten things. assignements First meeting takes place around 11 and it lasts for Personal space is decorated very differently. A lot Stackable Getting free space when needed or Foldable, detachable, stackable an hour. After the meeting, every worker goes for of tables look quite anonymus, but some have pic- furniture not in use a lunch: some people join together to go outside tures or flowers on them. Usually personal materials and eat and others heat up their food in the mi- consist of books or post-it notes with necessary as- Multifunctional use To suit different working Combine table and brain- methods storming board, enable work- crowave. Those who stay in the office, talk to each signments and notices. Documents as such are often ing in different positions., other about random subjects not considering work taken home with the worker, almost nobody wants beaming and also watching videos or reading news. This is to keep them at work. The room for very confidential their free time of the day. After the lunch work materials is missing. This is also a trust issue. For per- Wise cable management Comfortability Holes, tracks for cables, plugs under the table continues and there is a visibile pattern: again sonalizing, people often keep their random drawings making coffee or tea and continuing working in and scetches and put them on their screens to create Combinable To suit into different architectures, to All pieces suit together the silence. Another meeting is in the noon also. more relaxed environment. Some people surround suit with different user needs At around 5 o’clock people start to leave. themselves also with good books to help making the Shape 1m2 – € As compact as possible, as The room in the office is divided between two inspiration and working process more smooth. large as possible floors. On the first floor there are tables for design- People communicate by talking to each other. Some- ers and programmers and also a meeting room. times it is complicated as someone else is talking at On the second floor there are tables for analysts. the same time. For some very important talks that The rooms are filled with light, ceilings are high other people don’t need to hear, they go upstairs or and the room has a lot of sense of space which they communicate via Skype or e-mail.
  • 7. 12 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 13 To get familiar with the working processes even ble I have my computer, phone, document draw- and go home. modern office. People can’t trust the enivironment more, interviews were taken with different work- ers, calendar, pen box, note paper. All the weekly 2. My table is relatively big. On the table I have they are working in and they are also creating ers of different age and from different companies. assignments are divided by day in the drawers. a screen for the computer, PEZ candies, some personal space with a lot of small details (flowers, The aim of these interviews were to find some Before I go home, I put all the documents in the papers, scetchbook, pens, blackbook, mug and a pictures, slippers etc), yet feeling themselves quite weaknesses or shortages of their offices and where drawer to keep the table clean for the next day. phone. I keep my table very organized, because I uncomfortable. is the room for improvement. Interviews were 3. Flowers, some mood photos and pictures are don’t like if things pile up on the table. taken with people who work in quite conventional missing. I would like a lot if the furniture wouldn’t 3. I miss in my office a corner for arts and crafts, So in the context of the research and the changed offices in the sense of work structure and office be so classical, but inspiring and new. The lack of where I could cut and glue and brainstorm with environment of the modern office, one of the most layout and also with people working in quite open colors also makes the room look boring. Office paper. I like that the office is open and bright. important question arises: how big role is played and modern offices. should be a place where a person comes happily 4. On the table I leave my digiboard. Sometimes I by the environment to motivate a person to work? and where all the good thoughts are created. leave my blackbook also there, but nothing more, Or if you go deeper into the research: how much These were the questions asked: 4. I don’t leave any personal documents at work. because I need all of the other things after work personal space people still have in the context of 1. How does your typical day at work look like? They are private and since my office is being also. their fully open offices? Actually, not a lot. Peo- Describe it as detail as possible. cleaned by another company (stranger), it is not 5. Depends on the day. My lunchbreaks are very ple are forced to fit to the given scale and leav- 2. How does your cabinet or office table look like? very safe. short, because I try to do as much work as pos- ing their nature and personal self at home. At the Describe what’s on the table, how often you clean 5. I am not at my own desk at about 50% of the sible during the day. I have some meetings, at that same time the lack of personal space creates a lot it, is there enough space or not? working day. time I’m not also at my table. But they are not very of ups and downs in the process of the working 3. What is missing in your office? What do you 6. To communicate with other colleagues, I al- often. day as seen from the interviews. People look for like the most? ways go to their cabinet. 6. I communicate with my colleagues from face- new places to work, they change places, go out etc. 4. How many personal documents and materi- 7. I re-organize my office often to create comfort- to-face. I also e-mail those who are too far from They look the familiar yet likeable things to make als you leave at work after you go home in the able and nice environment for myself. me. We have quite quiet office. them feel more comfortable and also to inspire evening? 8. My cabinet looks a lot like my own world. I 7. I have brought couple of my own things there them. Offices are too fixed or too open to make a 5. How much time do you spend away from your change it as often as I need to, so that I could feel like the PEZ candy container and digiboard. One person feel good. table? In the kitchen, meeting room, outside etc. happy and good. If the cabinet is not inspiring very important part of personalization is also the As found out from the interviews, there are sev- 6. How do you communicate with your col- anymore or gets boring, I change something. contents of the computer: bookmarks, wallpaper eral possibilities to make an office more personal. leagues? 9. Sometimes I work at home, but it’s not very etc. Most of all, soft values tend to make the office 7. How do you personalize your office environ- good since my family gets a lot less attention then.” 8. My teammate sits just opposite from me and environment more comfortable and home-like. ment? that gives us a good opportunity to work together People make their office area homey by having a 8. Why the position of your table of cabinet is like Secondly, an interview was taken with a 23 year and communicate. I’m quite near to the window, mug of their own, wearing cozy slippers, or even it is? Would you like to change it? How? old girl working in a advertisement agency in the but I would like to be next to the window because keeping an office pet. As open-office users don’t 9. Do you work outside the office as well? Where? center of Tallinn. The office is more open and the of the light. have a cabinet, their table becomes their private Why? What are the positive and negative sides of employers there are young people who promote 9. I work outside the office very often, because I area, with baby pictures and personal motivational these places? open office ideas and therefor the workers have to go to school in the evenings and that’s why I can’t notes on it. adopt to that. finish some of my work at the office. My office Firstly, an interview was taken with a 53 year old “1. I get to work at 9.15, drive the elevator to the environment always sets my mood up and that is woman working in one very conventional office in 4th floor. Then I check my e-mail. After that I go very hard to achieve somewhere else. Working at Kopli, North-Tallinn. to the kitchen and make myself some coffee, read home is sometimes also good.” “1. I go to work around 8 AM. Before lunch I some newspapers. If the coffee is ready, I return to have 2 meetings, after lunch about 3 short meet- my table and work until 11.30. Then I get the first 1.3.4 Personal space ings. My working day also consists of counselling feeling of hunger, but I keep working. At about Office today is a kitchen, resting area, bed, party workers and managers. The official lunch break 12.30 I leave for lunch outside the office. I usually place, working area and meeting area. It combines is 1 hour and 30 minutes. I don’t go out to eat, I buy some food from the supermarket and eat it in several functions within itself since people spend eat in the office the food I have taken from home. the office kitchen. After lunch I continue work- there almost 1/3 of their day. The space has to of- During the day I drink about 2 cups of tea. I leave ing, sometimes talk to colleagues, watch some fer them several possibilities to change environ- work around 6 PM. Youtube videos. Around 17.30 I think about going ment but at the same time being able to keep every 2. My office is an average size, it has white walls home, but sometimes it’s not possible since there is workers personal self and space. The need for per- and it is open and with a lot of light. My table is a lot of work. In the end of the day I complete the sonal space has been also an outcome or one quite too small for all the necassary documents. On ta- working schedule, return it to the secretarys table big problem in the sense of either conventional or
  • 8. 14 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 15 Several possibilites to make an office more personal Personal space through storage space 1.3.5 Market 1.4 Need As considering the personal space in an office, furniture, but at the same time offer a possibility Through the market came the need for a fast there are several solutions in the context of furni- to cover or hide the personal quickly and create change within the furniture, at the same time ture dealing with this topic. Here are two possible new layers of working surfaces through it. This keeping the personal space of the worker and cre- ways of dealing with this project. solutions offers a way to store personal things in ating the feeling of private office environment in a way that their position stays the same and they the open office context. The change could be cre- First solution is the way to create personal space are not going to be put away. There are no similar ated by changing the layers of the working space in the office furniture to collect and store personal furniture solutions on the market at the moment, and therefor creating a space with different func- photos, documents, things etc about the individual so the market is non-existant. tions. working there. There are several solutions on this subject on the market. These solutions offer storage 1.5 The idea space within the frniture itself and the possibility to The idea of the project is to maintain the personal- put away or hide the personal belongigs by cleaning. ized space in shared/open office when the purpose Second way is to create personal space within the of the room changes.
  • 9. 16 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 17 1.6 Personas Based on the research, 2 personas of the most Kristi is 32 years old and also works in an open popular users of the open offices were created. type of office. They were based on the interviews, observations and statistics of the users in open and shared of- fices. Personas are called Martin and Kristi. Martin is 40 years old, works as a partner in a de- sign company. Their office is a open type. Kristi She is very clean and focused in her work. There- for her table is always clean and she cleans it often. Oppose to Martin, her table is very personalized with pictures of her family and friends. Kristi has Martin to spend a lot of time at her table due to her work, but she doesn’t want to meet her colleagues at her His desk at his office is always messy. But he table, because of her personal things. Therefor she knows always where everything is when he needs looks for different random places to meet his col- it, so it can be called an organized mess. Table is leagues and discuss necessary things. Finding a mainly covered with work related things such as suitable place is not very easy ofcourse, since office laptop, documents, catalogues etc. Since he has lot is often full of people and there is little or no free of projects and little free time, he has no time to space. clean his table. Because of the long working days, he also doesn’t have any time to go out of the of- fice, therefor he would like to meet his partners also in his office, but right know it is not possible or it needs long planning ahead. The only possible place for meetings is the bigger room in their of- fice with meeting table, but that tends to be oc- cupied by some of the workers and work materials. Kristi’s table at her office Martin’s table at his office
  • 10. Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 19 2 Concept
  • 11. 20 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 21 2 Concept After working out the idea, concept of the furni- market offers only one desktop with several storage ture was created to meet the need and idea of the possibilities. There was two possible directions of product and the user. moving on. 2.1 Field of concept 2.3 Development of the concept In the brief of the project, it was described that the First of all, the design of the concept started also furniture has to fit in the open office context, offer- with creating several solutions for hiding personal ing a series of products to meet the need of the users. things by cleaning them or putting them away. So the field of the concept could be focused on sev- This was the first direction which was thought eral items: multifunctional working surface, stor- about. But this sketches did not offer the solution age unit, separators, blackboards etc. This project to satisfy the need of the users for a fast change focused mainly on the creation of a multifunctional within the furniture, at the same time keeping the working surface. After creating the principles of the personal space of the worker. furniture idea, all of the other items coul be created using the same principles of design. Sketches of the office furniture. Possibility to put things away, extra storage space 2.2 Introduction to the concept Second, the most promising direction was the way table by creating new layers of working surfaces. The concept was created based on the research of of maintaining the personal things on the First of all, several simple solutions were created. the users and their needs. So there is a need for sev- eral desktops/layers within the working surface, but Solution1. New layers of working surface. Layers “slide” on the previous working surface. Sketches of the office furniture. Possibility to put things away, extra storage space.
  • 12. 22 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 23 Solution 2. Table/suitcase concept So as the need for several desktops within one and papers could be put away quickly. working surface was defined, first concepts were The idea of Klapit is to reverse the traditional old created. The most important aspects of the con- schooltable idea, by offering a person to work on cept was to cover the existing table space, so that the “inside” of the table and the possibility to close the user could change within the working surfaces the cover helps to hide personal belongigs. The First sketches of the table with a closable cover quickly and cover their personal belongigs as easily space created by closing the cover helps to hold as possible. The idea of covering something on the meetings and brainstorming on top of the new table also remindes old school tables, where books clean surface. First sketches of the table with a closable cover More concrete sketches of the table
  • 13. 24 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 25 2.4 Final concept After the idea of the furniture and first sketches Some more sketch drawings were made of the and ideas were put on paper, a final concept was furniture product before final assembly drawings made. Final concept consisted of 3 main parts of for pruducing of the prototype. the working surface: legs, base and top. Table with the cover. On the left, table is open and ready for working, on the right, meeting space Sketches of legs, base and cover positions Sketches of legs, base and cover positions
  • 14. Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 27 3 Design
  • 15. 28 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 29 3 Design 3.1 Design The design process of the working furniture started place of the table is not possible. People often tend with defining the dimensions and overall apper- to keep their personal belongings (books, docu- The top plate of the table ance of the product. The dimensions were measured ments) on the table, so therefor the free space for through testing of the existing tables and finding working gets even more smaller. To figure out the out the most comfortable space for working. Exist- final dimensions, carboard prototype of the table ing working surfaces tend to have too little space was made. It was tested several times before the for working, they are not very long, so that often dimensions for the prototype were fixed. using computer and doing paperwork in the same Base + plate closed Carboard prototypes. On the left: closed table, on the right: open table After the dimensions were defined, first 3D solu- base and the top only, legs were designed in the tions were created. In the 3D materials, shape and further progress of the project. first colors were also defined. 3D was made of the The base of the table Base + plate open
  • 16. 30 Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology Thulema / Aivo Arusaar, Birgit Pulk / Tallinn University of Technology 31 3.1.1 Technical After the main design of the base and plate were the product itself had to be flatpacked for trans- defined, the final legs design was also made. The porting. Therefor the legs are separated from the design of the legs was based on three main prin- top frame and can be attached to it with screw ciples. First of all, it had to support the table base bolts. The third aspect of the frame design con- from all four angles. Since the base is lowered in sidered the way how the table could be positioned the back, the frame had to support the base rela- in the room. Legs are positioned with an angle tively well from the middle. The second most im- to make the positioning of several tables together portant part of the leg design was the fact that more easy. Hinges used in the plate Vacuum form for the base of the table ANSYS calculations of the frame with total deformation, weight applied is 100kg The base is vacuum formed and made from felt. It The creases between different parts of the table consists of an area for working and a “pocket” for are connected to each other with hinges that al- larger things. In the pocket there is also a “flower”, low the plates to turn 180 degrees. stamped area for cables. The working area of the base is covered with plastic to make writing on it better. Technical drawings of the legs and plate, pages 30-35. The plate is made of MDF and consists of 4 main parts. One part attaches the plate to the table, two plates can be used as a separator when the plate of the table is open and the fourth part of the table is attached to the third one and acts as a cover for the front of the table. Hole for cables and open plate as a separator; place for hinges
  • 17. RAAM EESTVAADE RAAM KÜLGVAADE A SCALE 1 : 5 SCALE 1 : 5 EESMINE PÕIKPUU 95 70 95 70 12,500 1360 12,500 465 1385 490 RAAM PEALTVAADE SCALE 1 : 5 KEEVITUS 90-KRAADISE NURGA ALL DETAIL A SCALE 1 : 1 25 TAGUMINE PÕIKPUU 90 ° KÜLGMINE PÕIKPUU KÜLGMINE PÕIKPUU 465 465 70 95 487,500 487,500 EESMINE PÕIKPUU 1360 23,452 1385 22 25 1 KÜLGMINE PÕIKPUU LAUARAAM KOOST 3 SCALE 1 : 5 25 ° ITEM NO. PART DESCRIPTION QTY. 45 45 ° 20 1 Külgmine põikpuu 2 25 440 25 25 2 Eesmine põikpuu 1 490 3 Tagumine põikpuu 1 2 Material Tolerances Mass Scale 25 1/5 1 Author A.Arusaar, B.Pulk Title 490 Laua raam/ Supervisor Pent Talvet Validated Külgmine põikpuu TUT Department of Sheet Drawing nr. Mechanical Engineering 1/1 No. 004 VASAK LAUAJALG EESTVAADE VASAK LAUAJALG VASAKULT VAADE PAREM LAUAJALG PAREMALT VAADE PAREM LAUAJALG EESTVAADE SCALE 1 : 5 SCALE 1 : 5 SCALE 1 : 5 SCALE 1 : 5 18 ° 18 90 90 6,5 mm ava ° 6,5 mm ava 6,5 mm ava 6,5 mm ava Painutus 90-kraadi Painutus 90-kraadi 26mm tsentriraadius 26 mm tsentriraadius 11 Painutus 90-kraadi Painutus 90-kraadi 26 mm tsentriraadius 26mm tsentriraadius 668,3 668,3 11 718 700 700 718 648 700 718 718 700 648 ° 74 ° ,42 90 ° ,4 90 74 2° A B 6 18 6 A R2 B R2 18 6 R2 R2 6 569,874 569,874 VASAK LAUAJALG PEALTVAADE 639,874 639,874 PAREM LAUAJALG PEALTVAADE SCALE 1 : 5 SCALE 1 : 5 SECTION B-B SECTION A-A SCALE 1 : 1 SCALE 1 : 1 ° 01 6,5 mm ava 10 6, 6,5 mm ava 6, 10 01 ° 90 90 0 6,50 6,50 25 0 25 639,874 639,874 096 418, 14 14 096 418, 18 18 10 6, 01 6,5 mm ava ° 0 6,5 mm ava 6,50 6,50 25 0 25 18 18 64 64 90 90 Material Tolerances Mass Scale 1/5 Author A.Arusaar, B.Pulk Title Supervisor Pent Talvet Parem lauajalg/ Validated Vasak lauajalg TUT Department of Sheet Drawing nr. Mechanical Engineering 1/1 No. 003
  • 18. 25 A 25 C 95 95 82,500 82,500 82,500 22 25 6 R5 R5 6 56 144 50 860 50 144 56 12,500 56 1248 56 12,500 A 1360 1385 20 25 25 20 12,500 56 144 50 860 50 144 56 12,500 1360 1385 SECTION A-A DETAIL C SCALE 1 : 1 M6 mutter DIN934 SCALE 1 : 1 (pinnakatteta) 45° 1,500 25 25 22 56 25 25 6,500 50 M6 mutter DIN934 Material Tolerances Mass Scale 12,500 (pinnakatteta) 1/5 Author A.Arusaar, B.Pulk Title Supervisor Pent Talvet Tagumine põikpuu 19 20 Validated 22 25 TUT Department of Sheet Drawing nr. Mechanical Engineering 1/1 No. 001 25 A 25 C 95 95 82,500 82,500 82,500 22 25 6 R5 R5 6 56 24 50 1100 50 24 56 12,500 56 1248 56 12,500 A 1360 1385 20 25 25 20 12,500 56 24 50 1100 50 24 56 12,500 1360 1385 SECTION A-A DETAIL C SCALE 1 : 1 M6 mutter DIN934 SCALE 1 : 1 (pinnakatteta) 45° 1,500 25 22 25 56 25 25 6,500 50 M6 mutter DIN934 Material Tolerances Mass Scale 12,500 (pinnakatteta) 1/5 Author A.Arusaar, B.Pulk Title Supervisor Pent Talvet Eesmine põikpuu 19 20 Validated 22 25 TUT Department of Sheet Drawing nr. Mechanical Engineering 1/1 No. 002