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                                             Table of Contents
                                             About Personiform...............................................2


                                             The Benefits to Providers....................................5

The Case for a
                                             Capturing New Revenue Through
                                             More Efficient Office Visits..................................6

Social Health
                                             Capturing Lost Revenue for
                                             Care Plan Oversight............................................9

                                             New Revenue for Electronic


                                             Moving Away from Fee-for-Service...................12

                                             Avoidable Readmissions and
                                             the Global Period...............................................15

                                             Meaningful Use and
Necessary changes to the healthcare system
                                             Patient Engagement..........................................16
will require new avenues of communication,
novels ways to engage patients, and the
capture of patient-generated health data
      In the age of social networks, patients want the same personalized and efficient communication about their health as they do
      with everything else in their lives. Healthcare organizations providing this capability can reap enormous benefits, but most do
 not take the steps to support and engage with their patients in this way. So patients take to social media, connecting with others
 about their healthcare. Their interactions are neither private nor secure, and critically do not involve their doctors. This valuable data
 from these social interactions is not structured, nor synchronized with the patient’s formal care team, and hence forgone.

 Personiform changes all of this. It is a secure and private social network for healthcare connecting patients, families, friends, and
 medical professionals. Patients log their symptoms, in their own terms, into a “Chronicle”, share this with their “Care Rings”, and ask
 for medical evaluations from their providers through the “Consult” function. Chronicle activity can be converted into medical codes,
 as used by leading Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) for billing and health records and presented to Care Team members in a
 useful format they can easily digest.

 Driven by government regulation, the transformation of healthcare has created a critical mass in the adoption of health information
 technology among hospitals in the US, yet consumers hoping to communicate electronically with fellow consumers and health care
 professionals still have very limited options. Personiform was created to provide efficient, transparent, and integrated collection and
 communication of health data, while leveraging the role of social networks to bring together vibrant communities of engaged and
 informed patients. Personiform is the world’s first “social health record.”

 How it works:

     1.	 Users log in and invite family, friends, and providers to join their Personiform network.

     2.	 Users create one or more, self-defined groups of providers, family and friends called Care Rings.

     3.	 Users create Chronicles to track a given health concern. Each Chronicle is built upon an intuitive set of symptoms that will
         be recorded as structured data, and include important attributes such as severity, duration, and intensity.

     4.	 Users input their basic personal health history including past medical history, past surgical history, medications, and

     5.	 Users can choose to share all or portions of their Chronicles, selectively with specific Care Rings. The privacy controls are
         granular enough such that any piece of data can be independently restricted.

     6.	 If desired, patients can directly request provider evaluation of a Chronicle by initiating a Consult, at which point the provider
         may engage other professionals in a Care Team to respond to the Consult.

     7.	 Once the Consult is completed, the provider can automatically generate precise medical coding based on the patient’s
         chronicle that will enable integration with enterprise EMR systems.

 Quick facts:

     •	 The platform is fully HIPAA compliant, and uses highly-advanced security measures to combat hackers and other cyber-
        security threats.

     •	 Personiform adheres to privacy best practices, providing users with complete and robust control over their data and how it is
        shared with others.

     •	 Personiform generates ICD-9, ICD-10, and SNOMED codes for over 2500 medical conditions. The library of medical
        conditions is from the National Library of Medicine.

     •	 In addition to the symptoms, users can also provide photos, documents, measurements, and location.

     •	 The provider platform can be extended and customized to meet the needs of various providers.

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                               2
S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record   3
        Changes to the US healthcare           In this paper we discuss the fundamental need for a new health information platform
               system will require new         to meet the challenges faced by the US healthcare system in the 21st century. We
       approaches to communication,            review evidence of the need for effective patient-provider communication systems,
            patient engagement, and            patient demand for online access to dynamic health information, and the value of real-
       collection of patient-generated         time provider feedback to patient engagement. We also acknowledge the limitations
                            health data        of existing health IT solutions in their ability to foster meaningful interactions and
                                               patient engagement.

                                               We then evaluate trends in the federal incentive programs for providers designed
                                               to improve care and lower costs across the system. Finally we look at the federal
                                               government’s Meaningful Use incentive program for use of healthcare IT and its
                                               momentum. These trends align to demonstrate the need for the new approach to
                                               patient-provider interaction and health data offered by Personiform.

                                               What is at stake in US healthcare?

                                               Statistics abound highlighting the US healthcare system’s exceptionally high costs
                                               paired with inconsistent and often sub-par outcomes. At least 30 million newly insured
                                               patients are set to engage with the system in coming years. Costs are projected to
                                               continue their upward spiral. The resulting pressure on the federal and state budgets
                                               is grave. Stakeholders resoundingly agree that something must be done. Healthcare
                                               experts all say that we must to create incentives for better health outcomes with less
                                               unnecessary care.

                                               We believe that the patient has long been left at the periphery of the healthcare
                                               system. Patients find themselves caught in a web of inconsistent access to
                                               information and a myriad of providers and care settings. They must manage multiple
                                               appointments, repeat their history to multiple caregivers, and struggle to pull together
                                               a comprehensive picture of their care to share with family members. We also believe
                                               it does not have to be this way.

                                               Reforms are already underway

                                               The system is already in the midst of a series of reforms that will alter delivery,
                                               payment incentives, and quality measures. First, the 2009 Health Information
                                               Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH) solidified the
                                               trend toward adoption of electronic medical records and set the standards for their
                                               Meaningful Use. Then the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)

                                               gave the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) broad authority to pilot
                                               new payment models and incentives for improved quality and lower costs.
        New payment
        models require
   better coordinated, more
                                      “        New payment models require better coordinated, more patient-centric, and integrated
                                               care. They reward seamless transitions of patients and care plans between primary
                                               care providers, specialists, and other caregivers. They also require more efficient,

   and integrated care.
                                               secure, and useful electronic avenues of communication.

                                               Electronic medical records and other existing forms of health information technology
                                               currently form the backbone of this information exchange. However, these systems

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                       4
often fall short in terms of the interoperability, connectivity, user-friendliness, and
                                               timeliness of their data. There exists a need for improved data to support EMR

                                               systems and platforms that enable and capture communication between patients and
        73% of patients                        caregivers.
   said they wish to use
   a secure online tool                        The healthcare system fails to meet patient demand for online tools
   for communicating
   with their physician.                       There is growing evidence that patients want more online interaction with healthcare
                                               providers and data. In a 2011 survey, 73% of patients said they wish to use a secure
   Half said they would
   consider switching
   physicians to use such
                                               online tool for communicating with their physician. Nearly half of patients said they
                                               would consider switching physicians in order to use such a tool.1

                                               Despite this demand, most physicians still do not regularly interact with patients via
   a tool.
                                               email. A survey by the Center for Studying Health System Change found that in 2008
                                               only 6.7% of all office-based physicians regularly emailed patients. Even among
                                               those physicians who had ready access to email in their practice, only about 20%
                                               routinely used it to interact with patients. That same survey cited several key barriers
                                               to physician use of email.2

                                                  •	   Lack of reimbursement mechanisms
                                                  •	   Potential for increased workload
                                                  •	   The challenge of maintaining data privacy and security

   “    Only 6.7% of
   office-based physicians
                                   “              •	   Concerns over increased liability
                                               In addition to those concerns, emails raise issues as unstructured messages.
                                               Unstructured text is difficult to integrate into electronic medical records. While some
   regularly email patients.
                                               EMR system add-ons and patient portals do support basic messaging, their use
                                               remains limited.

                                               Existing tools provide patients with static access to their health data and providers.
                                               Patient portals and personal health records (PHRs) typically allow patients to
                                               schedule appointments, view lab results, and access other health data downloaded
                                               from the EMR system. They do not provide a true platform for tracking and recording
                                               of new health data or sharing information dynamically with providers and caregivers.

                                               The Benefits to Providers
                                               Patient Satisfaction
          A social health record offers        As CMS and private insurers introduce pay-for-performance initiatives, providers will
            unique advantages to any           face new evaluations of their performance based on patient satisfaction ratings. The
               physician organization          two most common measures of performance are the effective use of health IT and
                                               patient satisfaction.3 Increased access to physicians and other members of the care
                                               team through use of Personiform should contribute to overall patient satisfaction and

                                               Patient Engagement and Self-Management

                                               The proliferation of chronic diseases is exacerbated by the challenges associated
                                               with managing them in a fragmented health system. Managing these conditions

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                          5
effectively is at the heart of the US healthcare system’s crisis. Patients that take an
                                               active role in tracking their symptoms and interfacing directly with providers are more
                                               likely to adhere to their course of treatment. However, effective patient engagement
                                               tools must fit into the patient’s daily life and also within the existing workflows of the
                                               provider. Personiform’s platform engages patients in the critical period between office
                                               visits and improves that engagement and adherence. It closes the loop on treatment
                                               plans, ensuring that patients do not forget everything they heard in the exam room.
                                               This puts patients at the center of their own care plan and places providers ahead of
                                               the curve in managing chronic disease.

                                               Practice Efficiency

                                               Studies have repeatedly shown that use of patient portals and other online tools lead
                                               to drops in call volume and decreased staff costs. However, the Personiform platform
                                               goes beyond those immediate benefits. The platform allows staff members segment
                                               and message certain groups of patients based on their conditions and reported
                                               symptoms. It streamlines patient communications as well as reminders to schedule
                                               new appointments. It allows providers to interface with more patients more efficiently.

                                               Regulatory Compliance

                                               Providers seeking to meet Meaningful Use requirements will need to engage with
                                               patients in deeper and new ways in Stage 2 of the program. Proposed requirements
                                               that 10% of patients use electronic messaging and 50% receive care summaries
                                               necessitate a captive and engaged patient audience. By virtue of its patient-centered
                                               design, Personiform’s social health platform will help build that audience for providers.
                                               Data captured through regular use of Personiform will also support many of the other
                                               proposed Stage 2 core objectives.

                                               Capturing New Revenue Through More
                                               Efficient Office Visits
            A social health record can         Both physicians and patients alike lament insufficient time together in the exam
    increase provider revenue through          room. Patients are unable to fully express themselves and their personal health story.
         more efficient office visits and      Physicians feel pressure from the volume-driven payment system, frustrating their
                 better documentation          efforts to deliver quality care. A 2005 study of how primary care physicians allocate
                                               their time, found that 45% of an average day is spent outside the exam room.4

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                         6
Driving this trend are requirements from payers to comprehensively document
                                               services provided. Any slip-up can result in partial or zero reimbursement from payers.
                                               As a result, providers and their staff often err on the side of caution when selecting
                                               billing codes. This practice of “down-coding,” can significantly decrease provider
                                               revenue. According to an 1998 article in Medical Economics, one physician regularly
                                               down-coding by just one level can cost a practice $40,000 to $60,000 each year.5

                                               Health IT vendors often claim that patient data captured in EMRs will improve the
                                               efficiency of healthcare. However, the quality of patient data available in EMRs is
                                               often uneven. Data may be incomplete and stored in multiple incompatible systems.
                                               In the best case scenario, the EMR provides a comprehensive list of a patient’s
                                               allergies and medications, lab results and imaging studies, notes from recent visits,
                                               and procedures. Physicians need access to a more robust and complete patient

                                               Patient history is a significant contributor to physician reimbursement

                                               When seeing a new or established patient in the office, physicians must closely follow
                                               CMS’s Evaluation and Management (E/M) service guidelines. The reimbursement
                                               level for any E/M office visit depends on the documentation of seven components.

                                               The first three—History, Medical Decision-Making, and Exam—are considered the key
                                               components used in selecting the appropriate E/M code. The most commonly used
                                               E/M codes for new and established patients, 99211-99215 and 99201-99205, require
                                               extensive documentation of Patient History. The complexity of that history is a key
                                               determinant of which level of consult and reimbursement a physician receives from
                                               payers. Three different elements comprise the overall Patient History.

                                                  •	   History of Present Illness (HPI)
                                                  •	   Review of Systems (ROS)
                                                  •	   Past Medical, Family History, and Social History (PFHS)
                                               The level of history recorded is determined by the number of history elements
                                               captured in each of the three history areas. A patient visit may include a
                                               problem-focused history, expanded problem-focused history, detailed history, or
                                               comprehensive history. Each of those more detailed levels of patient history is
                                               associated with a higher level of E/M reimbursement code.

                                               For example, established patient code 99213 requires an “expanded problem-

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                        7
focused history,” while 99214 requires a “detailed history.” Subtle differences in
                                               the number of HPI elements, bodily systems, and whether a PFHS is taken can
                                               determine whether a provider can bill the code 99214 with the higher reimbursement
                                               level. Even if the medical decision-making and exam were complex, simply not
                                               documenting enough detail about the HPI can result in down-coding to 99213. A
                                               study evaluating the coding accuracy of family physicians found that in 33% of the

                                               visits involving established patients, physicians’ code selections were lower than
                                               those of expert coders.6
        In 33% of the visits
   involving established
   patients, physicians’ code
   selections were lower than
                                 “             Let’s assume that a family physician sees 30 established patients per day and down-
                                               codes 30% of them one level. At an average lost revenue of $27, that’s $57,600 per
                                               annum lost revenue per physician just for established patient visits.7
   those of expert coders.
                                               Personiform can capture much of a patient’s history before an office
                                               visit, improving efficiency and quality

                                               While some of this data is captured on a waiting room form, physicians must still
                                               transcribe the much of a patient’s history by hand each time a patient visits the office.
                                               However, this could be documented or retrieved in advance of an office visit utilizing
                                               customized Personiform forms and surveys.

                                               For example, the History of Present Illness (HPI) requires documentation of location,
                                               quality, severity, duration, timing, context, modifying factors, associated signs and
                                               symptoms, and the status of chronic or inactive conditions. The more of these
                                               elements the physician captures the greater chance of appropriate reimbursement
                                               and coding of the visit. Using Personiform, the physician or staff could send a form in
                                               advance of a Consult asking the patient to describe the condition. Similarly, existing
                                               Personiform data captured in the patient’s Health Profile would support the Review of
                                               Systems (ROS) and Patient Family and Social History (PFSH) components.

                                               This would ensure that in more complex cases in which higher E/M codes are
                                               justified, physicians would be able to bill with confidence. Structured data captured
                                               in Personiform can also be transferred into the EMR for billing and record purposes.
                                               Most importantly, the physician is freed up to spend more time working with patients
                                               face-to-face to get to the root of the problem.

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                        8
Use of Personiform could
     significantly improve a physician’s
                             bottom line

                                               Capturing Lost Revenue for Care Plan
        Physicians and their staff spend       Care plan oversight (CPO) reimbursement is another type of reimbursement
    time coordinating with home health         physicians often miss due to documentation challenges. It is available to physicians
      and hospice facilities but miss out      of Medicare patients receiving care from approved Home Health or Hospice providers.
    on opportunities for reimbursement         Often physicians may perform services covered by the CPO reimbursement codes,
                                               but they are focused on patient care and overlook the documentation of CPO and
                                               subsequently cannot bill for them. These tasks include:

                                                   •	   Review of charts, reports, treatment plans, lab and other test results that were
                                                        not ordered during the face-to-face encounter qualifying patient for CPO

                                                   •	   Telephone calls to other health care professionals involved in care of patient

                                                   •	   Team conferences

                                                   •	   Telephone call/discussions with pharmacist about medication therapies

                                                   •	   Medical decision making

                                                   •	   Activities to coordinate services requiring the skills of a physician

                                                   •	   Documenting the services provided (includes time to write a note about
                                                        service provided, decision making performed, amount of time spent on
                                                        countable services)

                                                   •	   Time spent on activities undertaken on day of hospital discharge separately
                                                        documented as occurring after physical discharge from hospital

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                          9
Physicians must simply document that 30 or more minutes is spent on these activities
                                               each month. The potential to regain revenue is significant. The code G0181 for home
                                               health patients reimburses $104.84 while G0182 for hospice is $106.20. In addition
                                               physicians are eligible for code G0180 ($51.96) for developing and certifying initial
                                               care plan, and code G0179 ($38.97) for periodic recertification.

                                               Personiform supports these care coordination activities and can capture them for
                                               billing purposes. For example, Personiform will record physician time spent reviewing
                                               a patient’s specific Chronicle. Personiform also records a follow-up action, such as
                                               data forwarded to the home health facility or to other Care Team members for review.

                                               Care coordination is at the heart of many new payment incentives to improve care
                                               and lower costs. Though this application is limited to a pool of Medicare patients,
                                               future incentives should encourage the same coordination activities for broader pools
                                               of patients. Providers who utilize Personiform will have increased visibility into the
                                               time and effort spent on care coordination activities.

                                               New Revenue for Electronic
       Personiform enables physicians          As discussed, despite patient demand, physicians are generally reluctant to use
     to capture new reimbursement for          email to communicate directly with their patients. There are data security concerns
                 electronic office visits      associated with sending health information via email. Physicians also fear becoming
                                               inundated with unstructured patient questions that further depletes their already
                                               limited time. However, several insurers now reimburse physicians for online
                                               interactions known as “E-Visits.”

                                               E-Visits require that the patient initiate the visit, which cannot be related to an
                                               office visit in the previous week. It must occur via a secure HIPAA-compliant online
                                               connection. Finally, the physician must document the interaction and include it in the
                                               patient’s health record.

                                               Thus far, several major insurers, including Aetna, Cigna, and select BlueCross plans
                                               have agreed to reimburse physicians an average of $30 for E-Visits. A relatively small
          AAFP estimates that
    only about 3% of its
    members are currently
                               “               percentage of physicians have billed for E-Visits to date. Medicare has also created
                                               a CPT code (94444) for the E-Visit but has yet reimburse physicians for it. Several
                                               major physician and patient-advocacy groups, including the AAFP and ACP, are
    performing E-Visits.                       pushing for Medicare to reimburse for E-Visits. However, the AAFP estimates that
                                               only about 3% of its members are currently performing E-Visits.8

                                               When the E-Visit is not covered by insurance, physicians have asked patients to pay
                                               between $20 and $35 out-of-pocket. Patients are often receptive to the convenience
                                               of interacting online and avoid the lost time and expense of traveling to an office and
                                               waiting. As a result, cash-only and “concierge” primary care practices have begun to
                                               offer the service.

                                               Personiform could enable providers to easily facilitate E-Visits. Patients can
                                               request that their doctor review an existing Chronicle with a pattern of symptoms
                                               and even attach photos or video. Alternatively, a patient can securely message his

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                      10
or her physician with a concern and the physician can request that they fill out a
                                               provider-generated form documenting the symptoms. Personiform will generate the
                                               appropriate codes to accompany the E-Visit and integrate them into the patient’s

                                               Electronic referrals may be the next e-reimbursement trend

                                               The lack of communication between primary care physicians (PCPs) and specialists
                                               contributes to unnecessary and poorly coordinated healthcare. Physicians
                                               consistently lament the lack of accountability in the referral process. At best, a
                                               specialist may receive unstructured clinical notes about the patient from the PCP.
                                               PCPs report rarely receiving follow-up on their patient’s experience with the specialist.

                                               This lack of communication is costly to the health system. Estimates say up to 30%
                                               of specialist referrals could potentially be avoided if better communication channels
                                               existed between PCPs and specialists.9 While shared EMR systems can enable
                                               communication and information sharing, they rarely have the necessary level of

                                               functionality for facilitating and capturing detailed interactions between PCPs and
     At the Mayo Clinic,
if E-Consultations were                        Asynchronous communications between physicians, such as that supported by
ordered a modest two to                        Personiform’s data capture and messaging, could alleviate these problems. Online
three times monthly by                         interactions between specialists and referring physicians are increasingly known as
each provider, the system                      E-Consultations. E-Consultations can replace or supplement mechanisms clinicians
could avoid 1,800                              currently use to communicate about patients. The Commonwealth Fund estimates
specialty consultations                        that reductions in specialist visits through the use of E-Consultation range from 8.9%

per year, reducing
direct costs by
                             “                 to 51%, with the majority of estimated reductions around 30%.10

                                               At the Mayo Clinic, researchers have extrapolated that if E-Consultations were

$450,000 annually.                             ordered only two to three times monthly by each provider, the system could avoid
                                               1,800 specialty consultations per year, reducing direct costs by $450,000 annually.11
                                               These benefits may also stretch beyond integrated care organizations to fee-for-
                                               service environments. Several pilot programs have reimbursed physicians directly for
                                               use of E-Consultations at an average of $50.

                                               For example, a PCP could review data stored in a Personiform Chronicle by the
                                               patient. The patient has captured structured data on the condition, such as level of
                                               discomfort, location, and attached a photo. All of this stored data is used to support
                                               the initial consult with the PCP. When the PCP decides to refer the patient to a
                                               dermatologist, the Personiform data can be shared. These interactions are stored in
                                               Personiform, available to both physicians, and are searchable for future reference
                                               should a similar issue arise with the same patient.

                                               Providers and patients that utilize Personiform will have a richer cache of data to
                                               draw from when communicating. The result should be better referrals for the right
                                               patients and proper documentation for incentives and payments.

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                        11
New Payment Mechanisms and Documentation Requirements

                                                         CMS and private payers continue to search for new ways to measure and
                                                         compensate providers for better care and lower costs. Providers will increasingly
                                                         need to show evidence of coordinated and personalized care outside of traditional
                                                         office visits. This might create a documentation quagmire if every email and phone
                                                         call were required to be captured manually for reimbursement.

                                                                                                         This will necessitate a flexible and
   		                   PERSONIFORM USER STORY: PAMELA                                                   intuitive platform that captures time
                                                                                                         spent interacting with patients, other
                                                                                                         members of the care team, and the
                                                                                                         patient’s health data. Personiform
   Challenge:                                                                                            allows providers to generate reports
   Pamela faces the constant challenge of keeping in touch with patients. Currently she uses text        detailing time spent interacting
   messages to stay in touch with her patients, who are generally young women. Pamela is not too         with a specific patient, evaluating
   concerned about the security of SMS messaging but is more focused on her need to keep her             recorded symptoms in Chronicles, and
   colleagues up to date on her patients and aware of the messages that have been sent.                  generating a diagnosis.
   The messages she sends to patients are a mixture of answering specific questions, referring
   to useful articles, and encouraging patients to set reminders. These messages are driven by
   the specific phase of the pregnancy of her patients. Pamela would like to be able to setup
                                                                                                         Moving away from
   standard messages that are based on the phase in the pregnancy or recovery and care of a
   newborn infant.
                                                                                                         While the Personiform platform offers
   Solution:                                                                                             immediate value to providers and
   Pamela signs into her Personiform account on her computer and accesses the home page. For             patients in our current health system,
   a given patient, she can bring up an overview of her patient’s health history. She clicks on a link   its strength will grow under future
   to drill down into more details drawn from a Chronicle that was earlier created by her patient.       payment scenarios. Exponentially
   The patient shared the Chronicle with Pamela and other members of the patient’s Care Team             rising health costs and the associated
   that are involved with the pregnancy. She can review the patient’s symptoms and details from          pressure on budgets have already
   the last office visit with the patient. The symptoms tracked in the Chronicle are also converted      spurred experimentation with new
   into SNOMED and ICD-10 medical codes. Those codes have been recorded and stored in her                models. Integrated delivery systems
   practice’s electronic medical record system.                                                          are looking to take advantage of
                                                                                                         opportunities to capture shared savings
   Pamela clicks on a Consult request from another patient that requires her attention. She reviews      as Accountable Care Organizations.
   a list of frequently used responses that are appropriate to the patient, who is in the 34th week of   Other networks of physicians and
   her pregnancy. However, she sees that none of them matches the question her patient asked.            facilities are considering forming new
   Instead of using a template, Pamela writes a short message in response and includes a link to         ACOs. Practices are considering
   an information page that is relevant to the question. This link is to an article that was actually    becoming patient-centered medical
   written by her patient’s own OBGYN Doctor. The article also has additional resources to inform        homes and may form the backbone of
   the patient, including a video recorded by the same doctor. Pamela sends the message via              future ACOs.
   Personiform to her patient and encourages the patient set a follow-up reminder.
                                                                                                    CMS is also piloting new forms of
                                                                                                    episode-based reimbursement models.
                                                                                                    These models will require new levels of
                                                         patient engagement, communication, health data, and coordination of care between

                                                         Instead of simply supporting documentation and an avenue for reimbursement in the
                                                         fee-for-service environment, Personiform’s social health record will be central to an IT

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                               12
strategy that lowers costs and unnecessary episodes, while delivering higher quality

                                               The Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative
             Episode-of-care payments          The CMS Bundled Payments Initiative provides joint payments for hospitals,
           are evolving to include more        physicians, and other healthcare providers across an episode of a patient’s care. The
           opportunities and incentives        program gives flexibility to provider teams to design their own care bundles.
            to bundle payments across
                              providers.       However, three of the four payment models commit providers to a 30-day
                                               readmission risk. Providers thus have an incentive to lower the cost of post-acute
                                               care and prevent avoidable hospital readmissions. CMS is focusing on episodes with
                                               high rates of avoidable readmissions when reviewing program applications.

                                               Personiform supports the coordination of this post-acute care period between
                                               providers, patients, and family members. Structured messaging and Chronicles
                                               enable patients and family members to track their recovery process and alert the
                                               provider team of any changes or new symptoms.

                                               The Bundled Payments Initiative remains in its infancy as the first applications are still
                                               being accepted. If bundled payments evolve beyond the current trial program and into
                                               the mainstream, this should create new incentives for innovation in patient-provider
                                               interaction. Online interactions that increase efficiency and save both provider and
                                               patient time will become more attractive.

                                               The Patient-Centered Medical Home and Comprehensive Care

                                               The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a team-based model of care led by
                                               a PCP who provides coordinated care throughout a patient’s life to maximize health
                                               outcomes. A Medical Home practice is responsible for providing for all of a patient’s
                                               health care needs or appropriately arranging care with other qualified professionals.
                                               This includes the provision of preventive services, treatment of acute and chronic
                                               illness, and assistance with end-of-life issues.

                                               Currently, the PCMH model is being tested in a number of pilots across the country
                                               as well as through the CMS Medical Home Demonstration project and Medicaid-
                                               Medicare Advanced Primary Care Demonstration Initiative. As of May 2012, 4,220
                                               practices nationwide had achieved PCMH status. The four major primary care
                                               organizations support the PCMH. The American Academy of Family Physicians
                                               (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American College of Physicians
                                               (ACP), and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) together represent about
                                               333,000 physicians.

                                               Expanding on the PCMH concept, CMS also recently launched the Comprehensive
                                               Primary Care initiative. This four-year initiative builds on the momentum of the
                                               Medical Home movement. CMS will pay participating primary care practices a $20
                                               per-patient monthly care management fee in seven markets. Forty-five private
                                               insurers have agreed to join the initiative alongside CMS. Participating practices will
                                               receive this fee in exchange for providing enhanced services to their patients with a
                                               focus on care coordination.

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                       13
The core requirements for being deemed a PCMH are:

                                                   •	 Access and communication
        The AAFP, AAP, ACP,                        •	 Patient tracking and registry functions
    and the AOA support the
    Medical Home concept.
    Together theyrepresent
                           “                       •	 Care management
                                                   •	 Self-management support
                                                   •	 Advanced electronic communications
    about 33,000
                                                   •	 Electronic prescribing
    physicians.                                    •	 Test tracking
                                                   •	 Referral tracking
                                                   •	 Performance reporting and improvement

                                               The requirements for the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative:
                                                   •	   Coordinating care with patients’ other health care providers
                                                   •	   Engaging patients and caregivers in managing their own care
                                                   •	   Providing individualized, enhanced care for patients living	
                                                        with multiple chronic diseases and higher needs
                                                   •	   Longer and more flexible hours
                                                   •	   Using electronic medical records
                                                   •	   Delivering preventive care

                                               These primary care programs necessitate user-friendly and engaging platforms for
                                               physician-patient interactions. Personiform’s social health record offers providers,
                                               patients, and specialists an avenue through which to communicate and securely
                                               share health information.

                                               Lowering The Costs of Care Coordination

                                               Improved care coordination is at the center of these new programs and healthcare
                                               reform in general. A 2004 study in Pediatrics evaluated care coordination efforts for a
                                               small community-based pediatrics practice. They estimate that annual coordination
                                               costs ranged between $22,809 (at the 25th percentile) to $33,048 (at the 75th
                                               percentile).12 Any tool that can mitigate a practice cost of this magnitude will prove
                                               immensely valuable.

                                               Another useful analysis estimates the per-patient costs of care coordination. It utilizes
                                               typical nurse-to-patient ratios in outpatient care coordination programs (between
                                               1:750 and 1:1500) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the fully loaded cost of
                                               an RN in 2010. This yields $5.57 to $11.13 per patient while acknowledging that
                                               additional overhead and administrative costs of 50% would likely increase the cost
                                               range to $8.35 to $16.70. These estimates suggest the $20 per-patient fee offered
                                               under the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative is reasonable and perhaps even
                                               offers some new margin for enterprising organizations.13

                                               However, that margin can only be captured with more efficient coordination of care.
                                               The bulk of care coordination efforts, such as coordinating visits with consultants
                                               or information sharing among the medical team and family, require phone calls and

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                       14
other inefficient mediums of communication. Personiform can cut down on these
                                               inefficient forms of coordination by streamlining communications and capturing critical
                                               clinical information.

                                               Avoidable Readmissions and the Global
 In addition to “carrot” incentives,           Avoidable hospital readmissions are another massive avoidable cost to the healthcare
CMS is also using “stick” penalties            system. Nearly one in every five Medicare patients discharged from the hospital is
            to lower readmissions              readmitted within 30 days.14 Across all insured patients, the preventable readmission
                                               rate is 11%, while the rate for Medicare patients is significantly higher at 13.3%.15
                                               Unsurprisingly, CMS is piloting programs to lower the rate of avoidable hospital
                                               readmissions amongst its population.

                                               In 2013 CMS will start penalizing hospitals with above average risk-adjusted
                                               readmissions rates for cases of congestive heart failure, heart attack, and pneumonia.
                                               The penalty will be 1% of the hospital’s total Medicare payments in 2013 and
                                               eventually rises to 3%. It is unclear what other penalties CMS may introduce in
                                               coming years, but reducing avoidable hospital readmissions will remain a top priority
                                               for Medicare and other payers.

                                               In addition, episode-based payments also create incentives to lower readmissions
                                               and provide efficient post-discharge care. Under the physician fee schedule a major
                                               surgery has a 90-day post-operative period in which E/M services are not separately
                                               reimbursed. A 2008 study found that 70% of 90-day global package procedures
                                               would have generated more revenue for the provider had the comprehensive daily
                                               office visits been billed individually instead of the operation.16 Providers face the dual
                                               challenge of lowering readmissions while limiting unreimbursed care during the global

                                               However, targeted interventions to lower readmission rates are very expensive.
                                               Evidence suggests that discharge programs using specially trained nurse advocates
                                               can reduce 30-day readmissions by 30% to 35%.17 Nurses spend significant time
                                               educating and coaching the patient to manage his or her disease after discharge.
                                               However, the study also estimates that these interventions to create and sustain
                                               reductions in readmissions typically cost about $200 per discharge, depending on
                                               labor costs. Unsurprisingly, hospitals have been slow to adopt these best practices.

                                               Successful interventions to avoid readmissions require the elements of effective
                                               discharge planning:

                                                    1.	 Coordination between the hospital-based and primary care physician

                                                    2.	 Better communication between the hospital-based physician and the patient

                                                    3.	 Better education and support for patients to manage their own condition

                                                    4.	 Reconciliation of medications at discharge or immediately afterward

                                               Personiform supports more efficient post-discharge care. It offers a way to monitor

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                       15
patient status with fewer office visits and less expensive labor. For example, a recent
                                               surgical patient can share a Personiform Chronicle with record of recent symptoms as
                                               well as photos. The physician or nurse can then use Personiform to confirm whether
                                               or not there is risk of an infection, potentially avoiding an unnecessary office visit or
                                               preventing a readmission.

                                               Meaningful Use and Patient Engagement
 Personiform data and interactions             A recent study of Meaningful Use Stage 1 requirements revealed that attesting
     support the most challenging              organizations often deferred the menu criteria related to patient engagement
  and critical patient engagement              and care coordination. Hospitals struggled with requirements directly related to
   elements of the Meaningful Use              sending and receiving information to patients. At least 62% of hospitals deferred
                          program              the criteria for sending educational materials to 10% of patients. Hospitals cited
                                               challenges identifying populations of patients and matching them with the appropriate
                                               educational materials.

                                               A searchable record of interactions and Chronicles in Personiform can help overcome
                                               this and identify the appropriate patient groups. For example, patients using
                                               Personiform will have a robust family history recorded as structured data (yet another
                                               Stage 2 requirement). Patients complete a comprehensive My Health Profile when
                                               joining and setting up their Personiform account. This prerequisite will allow providers
                                               to search for those with elevated risk for certain conditions and send relevant
                                               educational and screening materials.

                                               While Personiform data and interactions can support the many Stage 2 core
                                               requirements (see chart), it is particularly useful for meeting those elements requiring
                                               patient engagement.

                                               New Requirements for E-Communication Creates Need for a Captive

                                               Stage 2 also requires that 10% of the patients of Eligible Professionals use secure
                                               electronic messaging to send at least one message to their provider. Upon first
                                               glance, this may appear to be an achievable threshold. However, this represents a

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                      16
significant challenge in terms of patient engagement. While EMR systems and health
                                               portals often enable messaging, it remains difficult to engage patients to be more
                                               than intermittent users.

                                               Personiform users will be encouraged to share their own symptoms and self-
                                               management experiences with providers on a frequent basis. Electronic messaging
                                               will be integrated into patient use of Personiform.

                                               More Robust Transitions of Care

                                               The aforementioned study found that 93% of attesting hospitals in 2011 skipped the
                                               requirement to electronically transmit care summary records during transitions of
                                               care. Like the majority of menu requirements from Stage 1, this will become a core
                                               requirement under Stage 2. At least 65% of transitions of care must now have a care
                                               summary document and 10% of those must be sent electronically.

                                               Personiform will capture the majority of the data fields required in the care summary
                                               document. This includes the past diagnoses, updated problem list, medication and
                                               drug allergy list, list of additional care team members, and other basic demographic
                                               data. This data can be imported into an EMR or another platform to efficiently and
                                               accurately generate continuity of care documentation. In addition, Personiform
                                               Chronicles and their data can be added to a care summary document.

                                               Future Meaningful Use Requirements

                                               In 2012 The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) convened several
                                               meetings on the future of patient-generated health data (PGHD) and its role in the
                                               Meaningful Use program. ONC also recently requested comments on how PGHD
                                               should be integrated into Stage 3 of the program. While many physicians currently
                                               integrate PGHD into paper charts or by hand using email and spreadsheets, very few
                                               have created standardized pathways for patients to enter data that can eventually be
                                               integrated into the EMR.

                                               The proliferation of remote monitoring devices, mobile applications, and other
                                               networks are enabling massive growth of PGHD. Increasingly, PGHD will be created,
                                               recorded, and shared electronically. By providing a platform for capturing data and
                                               importing it into an EMR, Personiform’s social health record will put providers ahead
                                               of the curve.

                                               In order to leverage it for clinical decision-making, PGHD can and should be captured
                                               in a structured way. All of the key elements of symptomatic data (timing, intensity,
                                               duration, triggers) can be recorded as structured data, using rating scales for the
                                               more subjective elements such as intensity. Personiform’s intuitive user interface
                                               easily enables patients to create structured symptomatic data in this way.

                                               Further, Stage 3 will emphasize access to self-management tools for patients.
                                               Engaged users of Personiform will not only have access to new self-management
                                               tools and information, but they’ll also be more likely to use them. Personiform will
                                               also allow providers to identify populations that are not particularly active in their
                                               self-management, based on their Personiform usage data. This will enable physicians
                                               to identify subpopulations to target with extra messages, reminders, and tailored
                                               educational content.

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                    17
                                               Changes are underway in the US healthcare system. CMS and payers have begun to
                                               scratch the surface of true reform by realigning incentives toward outcomes and lower
                                               costs. However, these changes also require a fundamental shift in the way actors
                                               within healthcare system share information and interact with patients. That shift has
                                               yet to occur using existing health IT tools.

                                               Care must not be limited to short, fragmented bursts of time spent in the clinical
                                               delivery system. Instead, patients must have a role in improving their own health each
                                               and every day. Whether operating as part of a Medical Home, an ACO, a hospital
                                               experimenting with Bundled Payments, or simply responding to other new pay-for-
                                               performance incentives, physicians must engage with patients to improve outcomes
                                               and prevent unnecessary care.

                                               Personiform’s social health record platform provides new points of contact outside of
                                               the exam room. Engaged patients will use the platform to provide a more structured
                                               health narrative for physicians, saving them time and effort. As risk and responsibility
                                               for patient outcomes shift toward providers, Personiform provides an avenue through
                                               which to educate patients and encourage treatment adherence.

                                               In the near-term, Personiform’s open and intelligent exchange of information will
                                               enable providers to improve patient engagement and satisfaction, take advantage of
                                               new payment incentives, document care more efficiently, and comply with Meaningful
                                               Use regulations. Patients will have newfound access to information along with the
                                               ability to track their own health and wellness in coordination with loved ones and

                                               However, Personiform’s ultimate goal is broader than that. When we finally have a
                                               system based on wellness outcomes and not a system based on volume of medical
                                               intervention, Personiform will be part of a positive feedback loop of information,
                                               engagement, and adherence that puts the patient at the center of healthcare.

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                      18
     1.	 Intuit Health. (2011, March 2nd) Intuit Health Survey: Americans Worried About Costs; Want Greater Access
         to Physicians. Retrieved at:

     2.	 Center for Studying Health System Change. (2010, October). Physicians Slow to Routine Email with Patients. (Issue Brief No. 134). Retrieved

     3.	 Bard M, Nugent M. Navigant Consulting, Inc. Accountable Care Organizations and Payment Reform: Setting a Course for Success. (2011)
         Retrieved at:

     4.	 Flocke, Susan A and Andrew Gottschalk. Time Spent in Face-to-Face Patient Care and Work Outside the Examination Room. Annals of
         Family Medicine. 2005 3(6):488-493. Retrieved from:

     5.	 MedicaLogic. (2000) Establishing a Business Case: Ambulatory EMR. Retrieved from:

     6.	 King MS, Sharp L, Lipsky M. Accuracy of CPT evaluation and management coding by family physicians. J Am Board Fam Pract.

     7.	 Hill, Emily. How to Get All the 99214s You Deserve. (2003). Family Practice Management. 10(9), 31-36. Retrieved from:

     8.	 Matthews, Anne Wildes. (2009, July 9). The Doctor Will Text You Now. The Wall Street Journal Retrieved from:

     9.	 Horner K, Tufano J, Wagner E. Electronic Consultations Between Primary and Specialty Care Clinicians:Early Insights. Commonwealth
         Fund Issue Brief (October 2011). Retrieved at:

     10.	Ibid

     11.	Angstman KB Adamson SC, Furst JW et al., “Provider Satisfaction with Virtual Specialist Consultations in a Family Medicine Department,” The
         Health Care Manager, Jan.–March 2009 28(1):14–18. Retrieved from:

     12.	Antonelli RC and DM. (2004). Providing a Medical Home: The Cost of Care Coordination Services in a Community-Based, General Pediatric
         Practice. Pediatrics.113(5 Suppl):1522-8. Retrieved from:

     13.	Sidorov, Jaan. (2011, October 25). The Per Patient Monthly Cost of Care Coordination for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). Retrieved

     14.	Jencks SF, Williams MV, Coleman EA, Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee-for-service program, New Engl J Med,
         2009;360(14):1418–1428. Retrieved at:

     15.	Goldfield NI, McCullough EC, Hughes JS, et al., Identifying potentially preventable readmissions, Health Care Finance Review,
         2008;30(1):75-91. Retrieved from:

     16.	Reed, R Lawrence II; Luchette, Fred A.; Esposito, Thomas J.; Pyrz, Karen; Gamelli, Richard L. Medicare’s Global Terrorism: Where is the Pay
         for Performance? Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care. 64(2):374-384, February 2008. Retrieved from:

     17.	Chollet D, Barrett A, Lake T. Reducing hospital readmissions in New York State: a simulation analysis of alternative payment incentives.
         Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, September 2011. Retrieved from:

S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record                                                                                     19

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Personiform whitepaper

  • 1. SPECIAL REPORT Table of Contents About Personiform...............................................2 Personiform: Introduction.........................................................4 The Benefits to Providers....................................5 The Case for a Capturing New Revenue Through More Efficient Office Visits..................................6 Social Health Capturing Lost Revenue for Care Plan Oversight............................................9 New Revenue for Electronic Record Communications...............................................10 Moving Away from Fee-for-Service...................12 Avoidable Readmissions and the Global Period...............................................15 Meaningful Use and Necessary changes to the healthcare system Patient Engagement..........................................16 will require new avenues of communication, Conclusion........................................................18 novels ways to engage patients, and the References.......................................................19 capture of patient-generated health data
  • 2. In the age of social networks, patients want the same personalized and efficient communication about their health as they do with everything else in their lives. Healthcare organizations providing this capability can reap enormous benefits, but most do not take the steps to support and engage with their patients in this way. So patients take to social media, connecting with others about their healthcare. Their interactions are neither private nor secure, and critically do not involve their doctors. This valuable data from these social interactions is not structured, nor synchronized with the patient’s formal care team, and hence forgone. Personiform changes all of this. It is a secure and private social network for healthcare connecting patients, families, friends, and medical professionals. Patients log their symptoms, in their own terms, into a “Chronicle”, share this with their “Care Rings”, and ask for medical evaluations from their providers through the “Consult” function. Chronicle activity can be converted into medical codes, as used by leading Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) for billing and health records and presented to Care Team members in a useful format they can easily digest. Driven by government regulation, the transformation of healthcare has created a critical mass in the adoption of health information technology among hospitals in the US, yet consumers hoping to communicate electronically with fellow consumers and health care professionals still have very limited options. Personiform was created to provide efficient, transparent, and integrated collection and communication of health data, while leveraging the role of social networks to bring together vibrant communities of engaged and informed patients. Personiform is the world’s first “social health record.” How it works: 1. Users log in and invite family, friends, and providers to join their Personiform network. 2. Users create one or more, self-defined groups of providers, family and friends called Care Rings. 3. Users create Chronicles to track a given health concern. Each Chronicle is built upon an intuitive set of symptoms that will be recorded as structured data, and include important attributes such as severity, duration, and intensity. 4. Users input their basic personal health history including past medical history, past surgical history, medications, and allergies. 5. Users can choose to share all or portions of their Chronicles, selectively with specific Care Rings. The privacy controls are granular enough such that any piece of data can be independently restricted. 6. If desired, patients can directly request provider evaluation of a Chronicle by initiating a Consult, at which point the provider may engage other professionals in a Care Team to respond to the Consult. 7. Once the Consult is completed, the provider can automatically generate precise medical coding based on the patient’s chronicle that will enable integration with enterprise EMR systems. Quick facts: • The platform is fully HIPAA compliant, and uses highly-advanced security measures to combat hackers and other cyber- security threats. • Personiform adheres to privacy best practices, providing users with complete and robust control over their data and how it is shared with others. • Personiform generates ICD-9, ICD-10, and SNOMED codes for over 2500 medical conditions. The library of medical conditions is from the National Library of Medicine. • In addition to the symptoms, users can also provide photos, documents, measurements, and location. • The provider platform can be extended and customized to meet the needs of various providers. S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 2
  • 3. S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 3
  • 4. Introduction Changes to the US healthcare In this paper we discuss the fundamental need for a new health information platform system will require new to meet the challenges faced by the US healthcare system in the 21st century. We approaches to communication, review evidence of the need for effective patient-provider communication systems, patient engagement, and patient demand for online access to dynamic health information, and the value of real- collection of patient-generated time provider feedback to patient engagement. We also acknowledge the limitations health data of existing health IT solutions in their ability to foster meaningful interactions and patient engagement. We then evaluate trends in the federal incentive programs for providers designed to improve care and lower costs across the system. Finally we look at the federal government’s Meaningful Use incentive program for use of healthcare IT and its momentum. These trends align to demonstrate the need for the new approach to patient-provider interaction and health data offered by Personiform. What is at stake in US healthcare? Statistics abound highlighting the US healthcare system’s exceptionally high costs paired with inconsistent and often sub-par outcomes. At least 30 million newly insured patients are set to engage with the system in coming years. Costs are projected to continue their upward spiral. The resulting pressure on the federal and state budgets is grave. Stakeholders resoundingly agree that something must be done. Healthcare experts all say that we must to create incentives for better health outcomes with less unnecessary care. We believe that the patient has long been left at the periphery of the healthcare system. Patients find themselves caught in a web of inconsistent access to information and a myriad of providers and care settings. They must manage multiple appointments, repeat their history to multiple caregivers, and struggle to pull together a comprehensive picture of their care to share with family members. We also believe it does not have to be this way. Reforms are already underway The system is already in the midst of a series of reforms that will alter delivery, payment incentives, and quality measures. First, the 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH) solidified the trend toward adoption of electronic medical records and set the standards for their Meaningful Use. Then the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) “ gave the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) broad authority to pilot new payment models and incentives for improved quality and lower costs. New payment models require better coordinated, more patient-centric, “ New payment models require better coordinated, more patient-centric, and integrated care. They reward seamless transitions of patients and care plans between primary care providers, specialists, and other caregivers. They also require more efficient, and integrated care. secure, and useful electronic avenues of communication. Electronic medical records and other existing forms of health information technology currently form the backbone of this information exchange. However, these systems S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 4
  • 5. often fall short in terms of the interoperability, connectivity, user-friendliness, and timeliness of their data. There exists a need for improved data to support EMR “ systems and platforms that enable and capture communication between patients and 73% of patients caregivers. said they wish to use a secure online tool The healthcare system fails to meet patient demand for online tools for communicating with their physician. There is growing evidence that patients want more online interaction with healthcare providers and data. In a 2011 survey, 73% of patients said they wish to use a secure “ Half said they would consider switching physicians to use such online tool for communicating with their physician. Nearly half of patients said they would consider switching physicians in order to use such a tool.1 Despite this demand, most physicians still do not regularly interact with patients via a tool. email. A survey by the Center for Studying Health System Change found that in 2008 only 6.7% of all office-based physicians regularly emailed patients. Even among those physicians who had ready access to email in their practice, only about 20% routinely used it to interact with patients. That same survey cited several key barriers to physician use of email.2 • Lack of reimbursement mechanisms • Potential for increased workload • The challenge of maintaining data privacy and security “ Only 6.7% of office-based physicians “ • Concerns over increased liability In addition to those concerns, emails raise issues as unstructured messages. Unstructured text is difficult to integrate into electronic medical records. While some regularly email patients. EMR system add-ons and patient portals do support basic messaging, their use remains limited. Existing tools provide patients with static access to their health data and providers. Patient portals and personal health records (PHRs) typically allow patients to schedule appointments, view lab results, and access other health data downloaded from the EMR system. They do not provide a true platform for tracking and recording of new health data or sharing information dynamically with providers and caregivers. The Benefits to Providers Patient Satisfaction A social health record offers As CMS and private insurers introduce pay-for-performance initiatives, providers will unique advantages to any face new evaluations of their performance based on patient satisfaction ratings. The physician organization two most common measures of performance are the effective use of health IT and patient satisfaction.3 Increased access to physicians and other members of the care team through use of Personiform should contribute to overall patient satisfaction and loyalty. Patient Engagement and Self-Management The proliferation of chronic diseases is exacerbated by the challenges associated with managing them in a fragmented health system. Managing these conditions S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 5
  • 6. effectively is at the heart of the US healthcare system’s crisis. Patients that take an active role in tracking their symptoms and interfacing directly with providers are more likely to adhere to their course of treatment. However, effective patient engagement tools must fit into the patient’s daily life and also within the existing workflows of the provider. Personiform’s platform engages patients in the critical period between office visits and improves that engagement and adherence. It closes the loop on treatment plans, ensuring that patients do not forget everything they heard in the exam room. This puts patients at the center of their own care plan and places providers ahead of the curve in managing chronic disease. Practice Efficiency Studies have repeatedly shown that use of patient portals and other online tools lead to drops in call volume and decreased staff costs. However, the Personiform platform goes beyond those immediate benefits. The platform allows staff members segment and message certain groups of patients based on their conditions and reported symptoms. It streamlines patient communications as well as reminders to schedule new appointments. It allows providers to interface with more patients more efficiently. Regulatory Compliance Providers seeking to meet Meaningful Use requirements will need to engage with patients in deeper and new ways in Stage 2 of the program. Proposed requirements that 10% of patients use electronic messaging and 50% receive care summaries necessitate a captive and engaged patient audience. By virtue of its patient-centered design, Personiform’s social health platform will help build that audience for providers. Data captured through regular use of Personiform will also support many of the other proposed Stage 2 core objectives. Capturing New Revenue Through More Efficient Office Visits A social health record can Both physicians and patients alike lament insufficient time together in the exam increase provider revenue through room. Patients are unable to fully express themselves and their personal health story. more efficient office visits and Physicians feel pressure from the volume-driven payment system, frustrating their better documentation efforts to deliver quality care. A 2005 study of how primary care physicians allocate their time, found that 45% of an average day is spent outside the exam room.4 S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 6
  • 7. Driving this trend are requirements from payers to comprehensively document services provided. Any slip-up can result in partial or zero reimbursement from payers. As a result, providers and their staff often err on the side of caution when selecting billing codes. This practice of “down-coding,” can significantly decrease provider revenue. According to an 1998 article in Medical Economics, one physician regularly down-coding by just one level can cost a practice $40,000 to $60,000 each year.5 Health IT vendors often claim that patient data captured in EMRs will improve the efficiency of healthcare. However, the quality of patient data available in EMRs is often uneven. Data may be incomplete and stored in multiple incompatible systems. In the best case scenario, the EMR provides a comprehensive list of a patient’s allergies and medications, lab results and imaging studies, notes from recent visits, and procedures. Physicians need access to a more robust and complete patient narrative. Patient history is a significant contributor to physician reimbursement When seeing a new or established patient in the office, physicians must closely follow CMS’s Evaluation and Management (E/M) service guidelines. The reimbursement level for any E/M office visit depends on the documentation of seven components. The first three—History, Medical Decision-Making, and Exam—are considered the key components used in selecting the appropriate E/M code. The most commonly used E/M codes for new and established patients, 99211-99215 and 99201-99205, require extensive documentation of Patient History. The complexity of that history is a key determinant of which level of consult and reimbursement a physician receives from payers. Three different elements comprise the overall Patient History. • History of Present Illness (HPI) • Review of Systems (ROS) • Past Medical, Family History, and Social History (PFHS) The level of history recorded is determined by the number of history elements captured in each of the three history areas. A patient visit may include a problem-focused history, expanded problem-focused history, detailed history, or comprehensive history. Each of those more detailed levels of patient history is associated with a higher level of E/M reimbursement code. For example, established patient code 99213 requires an “expanded problem- S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 7
  • 8. focused history,” while 99214 requires a “detailed history.” Subtle differences in the number of HPI elements, bodily systems, and whether a PFHS is taken can determine whether a provider can bill the code 99214 with the higher reimbursement level. Even if the medical decision-making and exam were complex, simply not documenting enough detail about the HPI can result in down-coding to 99213. A study evaluating the coding accuracy of family physicians found that in 33% of the “ visits involving established patients, physicians’ code selections were lower than those of expert coders.6 In 33% of the visits involving established patients, physicians’ code selections were lower than “ Let’s assume that a family physician sees 30 established patients per day and down- codes 30% of them one level. At an average lost revenue of $27, that’s $57,600 per annum lost revenue per physician just for established patient visits.7 those of expert coders. Personiform can capture much of a patient’s history before an office visit, improving efficiency and quality While some of this data is captured on a waiting room form, physicians must still transcribe the much of a patient’s history by hand each time a patient visits the office. However, this could be documented or retrieved in advance of an office visit utilizing customized Personiform forms and surveys. For example, the History of Present Illness (HPI) requires documentation of location, quality, severity, duration, timing, context, modifying factors, associated signs and symptoms, and the status of chronic or inactive conditions. The more of these elements the physician captures the greater chance of appropriate reimbursement and coding of the visit. Using Personiform, the physician or staff could send a form in advance of a Consult asking the patient to describe the condition. Similarly, existing Personiform data captured in the patient’s Health Profile would support the Review of Systems (ROS) and Patient Family and Social History (PFSH) components. This would ensure that in more complex cases in which higher E/M codes are justified, physicians would be able to bill with confidence. Structured data captured in Personiform can also be transferred into the EMR for billing and record purposes. Most importantly, the physician is freed up to spend more time working with patients face-to-face to get to the root of the problem. S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 8
  • 9. Use of Personiform could significantly improve a physician’s bottom line Capturing Lost Revenue for Care Plan Oversight Physicians and their staff spend Care plan oversight (CPO) reimbursement is another type of reimbursement time coordinating with home health physicians often miss due to documentation challenges. It is available to physicians and hospice facilities but miss out of Medicare patients receiving care from approved Home Health or Hospice providers. on opportunities for reimbursement Often physicians may perform services covered by the CPO reimbursement codes, but they are focused on patient care and overlook the documentation of CPO and subsequently cannot bill for them. These tasks include: • Review of charts, reports, treatment plans, lab and other test results that were not ordered during the face-to-face encounter qualifying patient for CPO • Telephone calls to other health care professionals involved in care of patient • Team conferences • Telephone call/discussions with pharmacist about medication therapies • Medical decision making • Activities to coordinate services requiring the skills of a physician • Documenting the services provided (includes time to write a note about service provided, decision making performed, amount of time spent on countable services) • Time spent on activities undertaken on day of hospital discharge separately documented as occurring after physical discharge from hospital S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 9
  • 10. Physicians must simply document that 30 or more minutes is spent on these activities each month. The potential to regain revenue is significant. The code G0181 for home health patients reimburses $104.84 while G0182 for hospice is $106.20. In addition physicians are eligible for code G0180 ($51.96) for developing and certifying initial care plan, and code G0179 ($38.97) for periodic recertification. Personiform supports these care coordination activities and can capture them for billing purposes. For example, Personiform will record physician time spent reviewing a patient’s specific Chronicle. Personiform also records a follow-up action, such as data forwarded to the home health facility or to other Care Team members for review. Care coordination is at the heart of many new payment incentives to improve care and lower costs. Though this application is limited to a pool of Medicare patients, future incentives should encourage the same coordination activities for broader pools of patients. Providers who utilize Personiform will have increased visibility into the time and effort spent on care coordination activities. New Revenue for Electronic Communications Personiform enables physicians As discussed, despite patient demand, physicians are generally reluctant to use to capture new reimbursement for email to communicate directly with their patients. There are data security concerns electronic office visits associated with sending health information via email. Physicians also fear becoming inundated with unstructured patient questions that further depletes their already limited time. However, several insurers now reimburse physicians for online interactions known as “E-Visits.” E-Visits require that the patient initiate the visit, which cannot be related to an office visit in the previous week. It must occur via a secure HIPAA-compliant online connection. Finally, the physician must document the interaction and include it in the patient’s health record. “ Thus far, several major insurers, including Aetna, Cigna, and select BlueCross plans have agreed to reimburse physicians an average of $30 for E-Visits. A relatively small AAFP estimates that only about 3% of its members are currently “ percentage of physicians have billed for E-Visits to date. Medicare has also created a CPT code (94444) for the E-Visit but has yet reimburse physicians for it. Several major physician and patient-advocacy groups, including the AAFP and ACP, are performing E-Visits. pushing for Medicare to reimburse for E-Visits. However, the AAFP estimates that only about 3% of its members are currently performing E-Visits.8 When the E-Visit is not covered by insurance, physicians have asked patients to pay between $20 and $35 out-of-pocket. Patients are often receptive to the convenience of interacting online and avoid the lost time and expense of traveling to an office and waiting. As a result, cash-only and “concierge” primary care practices have begun to offer the service. Personiform could enable providers to easily facilitate E-Visits. Patients can request that their doctor review an existing Chronicle with a pattern of symptoms and even attach photos or video. Alternatively, a patient can securely message his S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 10
  • 11. or her physician with a concern and the physician can request that they fill out a provider-generated form documenting the symptoms. Personiform will generate the appropriate codes to accompany the E-Visit and integrate them into the patient’s EMR. Electronic referrals may be the next e-reimbursement trend The lack of communication between primary care physicians (PCPs) and specialists contributes to unnecessary and poorly coordinated healthcare. Physicians consistently lament the lack of accountability in the referral process. At best, a specialist may receive unstructured clinical notes about the patient from the PCP. PCPs report rarely receiving follow-up on their patient’s experience with the specialist. This lack of communication is costly to the health system. Estimates say up to 30% of specialist referrals could potentially be avoided if better communication channels existed between PCPs and specialists.9 While shared EMR systems can enable communication and information sharing, they rarely have the necessary level of “ functionality for facilitating and capturing detailed interactions between PCPs and specialists. At the Mayo Clinic, if E-Consultations were Asynchronous communications between physicians, such as that supported by ordered a modest two to Personiform’s data capture and messaging, could alleviate these problems. Online three times monthly by interactions between specialists and referring physicians are increasingly known as each provider, the system E-Consultations. E-Consultations can replace or supplement mechanisms clinicians could avoid 1,800 currently use to communicate about patients. The Commonwealth Fund estimates specialty consultations that reductions in specialist visits through the use of E-Consultation range from 8.9% per year, reducing direct costs by “ to 51%, with the majority of estimated reductions around 30%.10 At the Mayo Clinic, researchers have extrapolated that if E-Consultations were $450,000 annually. ordered only two to three times monthly by each provider, the system could avoid 1,800 specialty consultations per year, reducing direct costs by $450,000 annually.11 These benefits may also stretch beyond integrated care organizations to fee-for- service environments. Several pilot programs have reimbursed physicians directly for use of E-Consultations at an average of $50. For example, a PCP could review data stored in a Personiform Chronicle by the patient. The patient has captured structured data on the condition, such as level of discomfort, location, and attached a photo. All of this stored data is used to support the initial consult with the PCP. When the PCP decides to refer the patient to a dermatologist, the Personiform data can be shared. These interactions are stored in Personiform, available to both physicians, and are searchable for future reference should a similar issue arise with the same patient. Providers and patients that utilize Personiform will have a richer cache of data to draw from when communicating. The result should be better referrals for the right patients and proper documentation for incentives and payments. S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 11
  • 12. New Payment Mechanisms and Documentation Requirements CMS and private payers continue to search for new ways to measure and compensate providers for better care and lower costs. Providers will increasingly need to show evidence of coordinated and personalized care outside of traditional office visits. This might create a documentation quagmire if every email and phone call were required to be captured manually for reimbursement. This will necessitate a flexible and PERSONIFORM USER STORY: PAMELA intuitive platform that captures time spent interacting with patients, other members of the care team, and the patient’s health data. Personiform Challenge: allows providers to generate reports Pamela faces the constant challenge of keeping in touch with patients. Currently she uses text detailing time spent interacting messages to stay in touch with her patients, who are generally young women. Pamela is not too with a specific patient, evaluating concerned about the security of SMS messaging but is more focused on her need to keep her recorded symptoms in Chronicles, and colleagues up to date on her patients and aware of the messages that have been sent. generating a diagnosis. The messages she sends to patients are a mixture of answering specific questions, referring to useful articles, and encouraging patients to set reminders. These messages are driven by the specific phase of the pregnancy of her patients. Pamela would like to be able to setup Moving away from standard messages that are based on the phase in the pregnancy or recovery and care of a newborn infant. fee-for-service While the Personiform platform offers Solution: immediate value to providers and Pamela signs into her Personiform account on her computer and accesses the home page. For patients in our current health system, a given patient, she can bring up an overview of her patient’s health history. She clicks on a link its strength will grow under future to drill down into more details drawn from a Chronicle that was earlier created by her patient. payment scenarios. Exponentially The patient shared the Chronicle with Pamela and other members of the patient’s Care Team rising health costs and the associated that are involved with the pregnancy. She can review the patient’s symptoms and details from pressure on budgets have already the last office visit with the patient. The symptoms tracked in the Chronicle are also converted spurred experimentation with new into SNOMED and ICD-10 medical codes. Those codes have been recorded and stored in her models. Integrated delivery systems practice’s electronic medical record system. are looking to take advantage of opportunities to capture shared savings Pamela clicks on a Consult request from another patient that requires her attention. She reviews as Accountable Care Organizations. a list of frequently used responses that are appropriate to the patient, who is in the 34th week of Other networks of physicians and her pregnancy. However, she sees that none of them matches the question her patient asked. facilities are considering forming new Instead of using a template, Pamela writes a short message in response and includes a link to ACOs. Practices are considering an information page that is relevant to the question. This link is to an article that was actually becoming patient-centered medical written by her patient’s own OBGYN Doctor. The article also has additional resources to inform homes and may form the backbone of the patient, including a video recorded by the same doctor. Pamela sends the message via future ACOs. Personiform to her patient and encourages the patient set a follow-up reminder. CMS is also piloting new forms of episode-based reimbursement models. These models will require new levels of patient engagement, communication, health data, and coordination of care between providers. Instead of simply supporting documentation and an avenue for reimbursement in the fee-for-service environment, Personiform’s social health record will be central to an IT S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 12
  • 13. strategy that lowers costs and unnecessary episodes, while delivering higher quality care. The Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative Episode-of-care payments The CMS Bundled Payments Initiative provides joint payments for hospitals, are evolving to include more physicians, and other healthcare providers across an episode of a patient’s care. The opportunities and incentives program gives flexibility to provider teams to design their own care bundles. to bundle payments across providers. However, three of the four payment models commit providers to a 30-day readmission risk. Providers thus have an incentive to lower the cost of post-acute care and prevent avoidable hospital readmissions. CMS is focusing on episodes with high rates of avoidable readmissions when reviewing program applications. Personiform supports the coordination of this post-acute care period between providers, patients, and family members. Structured messaging and Chronicles enable patients and family members to track their recovery process and alert the provider team of any changes or new symptoms. The Bundled Payments Initiative remains in its infancy as the first applications are still being accepted. If bundled payments evolve beyond the current trial program and into the mainstream, this should create new incentives for innovation in patient-provider interaction. Online interactions that increase efficiency and save both provider and patient time will become more attractive. The Patient-Centered Medical Home and Comprehensive Care Initiative The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a team-based model of care led by a PCP who provides coordinated care throughout a patient’s life to maximize health outcomes. A Medical Home practice is responsible for providing for all of a patient’s health care needs or appropriately arranging care with other qualified professionals. This includes the provision of preventive services, treatment of acute and chronic illness, and assistance with end-of-life issues. Currently, the PCMH model is being tested in a number of pilots across the country as well as through the CMS Medical Home Demonstration project and Medicaid- Medicare Advanced Primary Care Demonstration Initiative. As of May 2012, 4,220 practices nationwide had achieved PCMH status. The four major primary care organizations support the PCMH. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American College of Physicians (ACP), and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) together represent about 333,000 physicians. Expanding on the PCMH concept, CMS also recently launched the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative. This four-year initiative builds on the momentum of the Medical Home movement. CMS will pay participating primary care practices a $20 per-patient monthly care management fee in seven markets. Forty-five private insurers have agreed to join the initiative alongside CMS. Participating practices will receive this fee in exchange for providing enhanced services to their patients with a focus on care coordination. S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 13
  • 14. The core requirements for being deemed a PCMH are: “ • Access and communication The AAFP, AAP, ACP, • Patient tracking and registry functions and the AOA support the Medical Home concept. Together theyrepresent “ • Care management • Self-management support • Advanced electronic communications about 33,000 • Electronic prescribing physicians. • Test tracking • Referral tracking • Performance reporting and improvement The requirements for the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative: • Coordinating care with patients’ other health care providers • Engaging patients and caregivers in managing their own care • Providing individualized, enhanced care for patients living with multiple chronic diseases and higher needs • Longer and more flexible hours • Using electronic medical records • Delivering preventive care These primary care programs necessitate user-friendly and engaging platforms for physician-patient interactions. Personiform’s social health record offers providers, patients, and specialists an avenue through which to communicate and securely share health information. Lowering The Costs of Care Coordination Improved care coordination is at the center of these new programs and healthcare reform in general. A 2004 study in Pediatrics evaluated care coordination efforts for a small community-based pediatrics practice. They estimate that annual coordination costs ranged between $22,809 (at the 25th percentile) to $33,048 (at the 75th percentile).12 Any tool that can mitigate a practice cost of this magnitude will prove immensely valuable. Another useful analysis estimates the per-patient costs of care coordination. It utilizes typical nurse-to-patient ratios in outpatient care coordination programs (between 1:750 and 1:1500) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the fully loaded cost of an RN in 2010. This yields $5.57 to $11.13 per patient while acknowledging that additional overhead and administrative costs of 50% would likely increase the cost range to $8.35 to $16.70. These estimates suggest the $20 per-patient fee offered under the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative is reasonable and perhaps even offers some new margin for enterprising organizations.13 However, that margin can only be captured with more efficient coordination of care. The bulk of care coordination efforts, such as coordinating visits with consultants or information sharing among the medical team and family, require phone calls and S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 14
  • 15. other inefficient mediums of communication. Personiform can cut down on these inefficient forms of coordination by streamlining communications and capturing critical clinical information. Avoidable Readmissions and the Global Period In addition to “carrot” incentives, Avoidable hospital readmissions are another massive avoidable cost to the healthcare CMS is also using “stick” penalties system. Nearly one in every five Medicare patients discharged from the hospital is to lower readmissions readmitted within 30 days.14 Across all insured patients, the preventable readmission rate is 11%, while the rate for Medicare patients is significantly higher at 13.3%.15 Unsurprisingly, CMS is piloting programs to lower the rate of avoidable hospital readmissions amongst its population. In 2013 CMS will start penalizing hospitals with above average risk-adjusted readmissions rates for cases of congestive heart failure, heart attack, and pneumonia. The penalty will be 1% of the hospital’s total Medicare payments in 2013 and eventually rises to 3%. It is unclear what other penalties CMS may introduce in coming years, but reducing avoidable hospital readmissions will remain a top priority for Medicare and other payers. In addition, episode-based payments also create incentives to lower readmissions and provide efficient post-discharge care. Under the physician fee schedule a major surgery has a 90-day post-operative period in which E/M services are not separately reimbursed. A 2008 study found that 70% of 90-day global package procedures would have generated more revenue for the provider had the comprehensive daily office visits been billed individually instead of the operation.16 Providers face the dual challenge of lowering readmissions while limiting unreimbursed care during the global period. However, targeted interventions to lower readmission rates are very expensive. Evidence suggests that discharge programs using specially trained nurse advocates can reduce 30-day readmissions by 30% to 35%.17 Nurses spend significant time educating and coaching the patient to manage his or her disease after discharge. However, the study also estimates that these interventions to create and sustain reductions in readmissions typically cost about $200 per discharge, depending on labor costs. Unsurprisingly, hospitals have been slow to adopt these best practices. Successful interventions to avoid readmissions require the elements of effective discharge planning: 1. Coordination between the hospital-based and primary care physician 2. Better communication between the hospital-based physician and the patient 3. Better education and support for patients to manage their own condition 4. Reconciliation of medications at discharge or immediately afterward Personiform supports more efficient post-discharge care. It offers a way to monitor S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 15
  • 16. patient status with fewer office visits and less expensive labor. For example, a recent surgical patient can share a Personiform Chronicle with record of recent symptoms as well as photos. The physician or nurse can then use Personiform to confirm whether or not there is risk of an infection, potentially avoiding an unnecessary office visit or preventing a readmission. Meaningful Use and Patient Engagement Personiform data and interactions A recent study of Meaningful Use Stage 1 requirements revealed that attesting support the most challenging organizations often deferred the menu criteria related to patient engagement and critical patient engagement and care coordination. Hospitals struggled with requirements directly related to elements of the Meaningful Use sending and receiving information to patients. At least 62% of hospitals deferred program the criteria for sending educational materials to 10% of patients. Hospitals cited challenges identifying populations of patients and matching them with the appropriate educational materials. A searchable record of interactions and Chronicles in Personiform can help overcome this and identify the appropriate patient groups. For example, patients using Personiform will have a robust family history recorded as structured data (yet another Stage 2 requirement). Patients complete a comprehensive My Health Profile when joining and setting up their Personiform account. This prerequisite will allow providers to search for those with elevated risk for certain conditions and send relevant educational and screening materials. While Personiform data and interactions can support the many Stage 2 core requirements (see chart), it is particularly useful for meeting those elements requiring patient engagement. New Requirements for E-Communication Creates Need for a Captive Audience Stage 2 also requires that 10% of the patients of Eligible Professionals use secure electronic messaging to send at least one message to their provider. Upon first glance, this may appear to be an achievable threshold. However, this represents a S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 16
  • 17. significant challenge in terms of patient engagement. While EMR systems and health portals often enable messaging, it remains difficult to engage patients to be more than intermittent users. Personiform users will be encouraged to share their own symptoms and self- management experiences with providers on a frequent basis. Electronic messaging will be integrated into patient use of Personiform. More Robust Transitions of Care The aforementioned study found that 93% of attesting hospitals in 2011 skipped the requirement to electronically transmit care summary records during transitions of care. Like the majority of menu requirements from Stage 1, this will become a core requirement under Stage 2. At least 65% of transitions of care must now have a care summary document and 10% of those must be sent electronically. Personiform will capture the majority of the data fields required in the care summary document. This includes the past diagnoses, updated problem list, medication and drug allergy list, list of additional care team members, and other basic demographic data. This data can be imported into an EMR or another platform to efficiently and accurately generate continuity of care documentation. In addition, Personiform Chronicles and their data can be added to a care summary document. Future Meaningful Use Requirements In 2012 The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) convened several meetings on the future of patient-generated health data (PGHD) and its role in the Meaningful Use program. ONC also recently requested comments on how PGHD should be integrated into Stage 3 of the program. While many physicians currently integrate PGHD into paper charts or by hand using email and spreadsheets, very few have created standardized pathways for patients to enter data that can eventually be integrated into the EMR. The proliferation of remote monitoring devices, mobile applications, and other networks are enabling massive growth of PGHD. Increasingly, PGHD will be created, recorded, and shared electronically. By providing a platform for capturing data and importing it into an EMR, Personiform’s social health record will put providers ahead of the curve. In order to leverage it for clinical decision-making, PGHD can and should be captured in a structured way. All of the key elements of symptomatic data (timing, intensity, duration, triggers) can be recorded as structured data, using rating scales for the more subjective elements such as intensity. Personiform’s intuitive user interface easily enables patients to create structured symptomatic data in this way. Further, Stage 3 will emphasize access to self-management tools for patients. Engaged users of Personiform will not only have access to new self-management tools and information, but they’ll also be more likely to use them. Personiform will also allow providers to identify populations that are not particularly active in their self-management, based on their Personiform usage data. This will enable physicians to identify subpopulations to target with extra messages, reminders, and tailored educational content. S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 17
  • 18. Conclusion Changes are underway in the US healthcare system. CMS and payers have begun to scratch the surface of true reform by realigning incentives toward outcomes and lower costs. However, these changes also require a fundamental shift in the way actors within healthcare system share information and interact with patients. That shift has yet to occur using existing health IT tools. Care must not be limited to short, fragmented bursts of time spent in the clinical delivery system. Instead, patients must have a role in improving their own health each and every day. Whether operating as part of a Medical Home, an ACO, a hospital experimenting with Bundled Payments, or simply responding to other new pay-for- performance incentives, physicians must engage with patients to improve outcomes and prevent unnecessary care. Personiform’s social health record platform provides new points of contact outside of the exam room. Engaged patients will use the platform to provide a more structured health narrative for physicians, saving them time and effort. As risk and responsibility for patient outcomes shift toward providers, Personiform provides an avenue through which to educate patients and encourage treatment adherence. In the near-term, Personiform’s open and intelligent exchange of information will enable providers to improve patient engagement and satisfaction, take advantage of new payment incentives, document care more efficiently, and comply with Meaningful Use regulations. Patients will have newfound access to information along with the ability to track their own health and wellness in coordination with loved ones and friends. However, Personiform’s ultimate goal is broader than that. When we finally have a system based on wellness outcomes and not a system based on volume of medical intervention, Personiform will be part of a positive feedback loop of information, engagement, and adherence that puts the patient at the center of healthcare. S P E C I A L R E P O R T : The Case for a Social Health Record 18
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