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Pinterest (n. pin-tərist) : a virtual bulletin board that enables users to share images and links they find
interesting or inspiring. Once shared, these images become “Pins” that can be placed on thematic “boards”
that users can customize for any topic. 


Pinterest’s audience statistics                                     

  W 70%+
         25-54 50%+
            75K+ 45%+   Pinterest’s average user today. 

                                                     From May 2011 to January 2012, monthly site visits grew
                                                     to nearly 12 million.

                                                     Percentage of Pinterest users accessing the site via mobile

           1.6 %
                                    browser, indicating an overwhelming majority of users
                                                     browse on PCs. 

                                                     In good company. Other top sites that Pinterest users
                                                     visit. All cross-over traffic reflect visits to sites that are
                                                     known for beautiful photography and good content. 

Sources: Comscore, February 2012 &


Pinterest’s features                              

•  The Pin: The core of the Pinterest experience is the Pin, a single inspiring image or item from the Internet that is
   shared with your followers. 

•  Boards: Users categorize their Pins into “boards” that reflect their interests. In April 2012, Pinterest allowed
   users to set the cover image for each of their boards. 

•  Following People: Pinterest encourages users to “follow” one another, similar to Twitter. The
   home page displays recent Pins chronologically. 

•  Following Individual Boards: Users are able to follow all of a user’s boards or select individual boards to cut
   through the clutter. 

•  The Pin-It Applet: Pinterest enables users to add a “Pin It” button to the bookmarks bar of any web browser.
   When a user comes across something interesting, clicking the “Pin It” button easily adds it to the user’s boards. 

•  Pinterest Behaviors: Users are encouraged to “Like” pins posted by the people they follow, “Repin” items they
   want to showcase on their boards and “Comment” on Pins they find interesting. Only the image is Pinned, so
   users expect to click-through a Pin to the original site, positioning Pinterest as a top referring traffic site. 


Pinterest’s home page                    

                                                           The home
                                                           page shows
                                                           Pins from the
                                                           people you


    Anatomy of a pin                          
                                 The site from which
                                                                                the Pin originated is
 On roll-over of the                                                            shown in the detailed
 pin, activity options                                                          view. 
 display, including               Standard Pin View
   Pin Detail View
 “Repin,” “Like” and
                                                                       Additional share
                                                                                   options are
Pins with prices                                                                   displayed on the
listed with “$” or                                                                 detailed view. 
“£” in the
generate price

The description of
your pin, set to a 500
character maximum.

Your profile                                                                     Pinning options are
photo, display                                                                  denoted in detail view,
name and board                                                                  including Pinmarklet or
you pinned this                                                                 the board from which
item to are all                                          The comment section    you repinned your Pin.
included in the                                          is moved to bottom
details below the                                        of the pin. 


What makes Pinterest special?
•  It’s Totally Addictive: Pins are always changing in your feed, so there’s a sense that the best Pins may pass you
   by if they’re missed the first time around. Additionally, Pinterest’s structure is social to the core. It’s easy to
   explore other peoples’ boards and Pins with a few clicks and get lost Pinterest exploration. 

•  It’s Timely: Pins are shown in a gallery chronologically. You see Pins as they happen, so there is constant
   content creation happening every minute. 

•  It’s Aspirational: Pinterest collects your inspirations and posts them for you to revisit later as visual bookmarks
   that plug-in to the way our brains are wired. 

•  It’s Built for Discovery: Pinterest limits a Pin’s description to 500 characters, so for recipes and other types of
   Pins, it’s best to click-through and discover the full details of a Pin. This helps users discover new sites and

                 “In January 2012, the average visit on lasted 97.8 minutes.”



Why Pin over Post?
•  On Pinterest, everyone is a tastemaker: Pinterest is a site that makes everyone an equal-opportunity influencer.
   While other social media channels enable you to share what you are doing and where you are, Pinterest lets
   you discover and share who you are and who you want to be. A freshman in her dorm room in Omaha can be
   just as influential as Marie Claire fashion director Nina Garcia. 

•  All Pinterest users are your audience: Pinterest has an inherently collaborative core, where other peoples’ Pins
   help define your own identity. Other social sites emphasize a one-way tastemaker relationship. 

•  Moving at the speed of a Pin: It’s expected that Pins will be shared often, so the amplification of your Pins
   results in a social experience that builds your own personal brand more than circulating a post to your existing


Pinterest do’s & don’ts for brands 
•  DO: Take the time to establish your boards, identity and strategy and fill your boards with starter Pins before
   connecting with followers and opening your Pinterest presence to public scrutiny. 

•  DO: Follow people. Connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to your Pinterest account to find your brand’s
   existing fans and followers.

•  DO: Use your followers as an informal focus group. Don’t just engage with them, listen to what they are saying
   through their Pins and boards. A lot of insight can be gained by keeping a finger on the pulse of your Pinterest

•  DON’T: Just post your own products, services or offerings. This isn’t just a suggestion, it’s a mandate. If
   Pinterest catches wind of you doing this, you may be removed as a user. Pinterest is all about inspiration – not
   self-promotion, it’s a soft sell. 

•  DO: Organize your pins into boards that represent your core values as a brand and surprise and delight your
   followers. Start off with Pinterest’s default boards to get you started, but as you discover and Pin new items,
   create new boards that fit into new themes. The possibilities are endless. 

•  DON’T: Create boards that are too specific. You’ll never fill them. 

•  DO: Write descriptions of your Pins and credit your sources, including the name of the recipe, artist or product.
   This will help your Pins show up when other users search for related topics. 


What does the future hold?
•  Pinterest is emerging as the top social commerce referral site,
   ranking fifth behind Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Yahoo.

•  Pinterest has quickly become one of the most popular social
   media portals for consumers to visit prior to visiting retailers’
   websites. It has already surpassed Google+ in driving retailer site

•  Estimated unique visitors to increased by 329%
   from September to December 2011.

•  As websites continue to add Pinterest to their social integration
   toolkit, Pinterest’s user base will continue to grow and refer traffic
   to retailers’ sites and beyond. Nonprofits and micro-lending
   organizations like Kiva are using the tool to showcase the people
   who are helped by their organization. 

•  Although a date hasn’t been set, Pinterest will launch publically,
   open its doors to all users and establish more concrete guidelines
   for brands and users. Currently, no safeguards exist to prevent
   users from “squatting” on brand names.


Which brands use Pinterest well?


•  Builds unexpectedly compelling boards
   that don’t necessarily relate to selling
   yogurt, but sell an aspirational lifestyle.
   Their boards represent the core values of
   their brand: simplicity, fitness, health,
   flavor and travel, including a board for
   their slogan “Nothing But Good” which
   has nearly 6,000 followers. 

•  Provides clever ideas that helpusers to
   make healthy choices in their everyday
   diets by using Chobani yogurt. 

•  Interacts with its followers and repins
   their pins. 

•  Provides parents with kid-friendly ideas
   on their “Chobani Champions” board.       


Martha Stewart
 •  Martha is active on Pinterest, with
    great boards full of Martha’s “Good

 •  Martha extends the Pinterest
    experience to her site, where all of her
    recipes include “Pin It” buttons along
    the side. More often than not, people
    share via Pinterest over the other
    options like StumbleUpon, Google+,
    Facebook and Twitter. 


Warby Parker
•  Much like Chobani, Warby Parker is
   selling a lifestyle. They post gorgeous
   photos of cities around the world as
   inspiration, as well as boards that
   showcase things related to glasses:
   sunny spots, books and city sights.

•  They assert themselves as style leaders
   by posting boards heavily influenced by

•  As a vendor of accessories, they post
   other accessories that may go well with
   glasses in their “In Good Company”


•  McDonald’s has a small following on
   Pinterest, but their account is fairly new. 

•  McDonald’s boards represent a well-
   rounded snapshot of their brand,
   including charitable efforts, global menu
   items, restaurant locations, sponsorships
   and partnerships. 

•  McDonald’s actively engages with their
   followers by commenting and adding
   Likes to Pins. 


How to use Pinterest in 5 steps
•  Get invited. Pinterest is still in private beta. Find somebody you know
   on Pinterest and get an invite. Yes, still. Brand names are being

•  Follow people. Travel-down the inspiration rabbit hole and follow
   people on Pinterest. Connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to
   find friends that are already on Pinterest. 

•  Start Pinning. Find what you love and pPn them to your boards.
   Evolve your boards as your content evolves. 

•  Pin It Buttons can be easily added to your site to encourage pinning
   behavior. Pinterest makes it easy for brands to pull the necessary
   code in the “goodies” section of their website. 

•  Search for what people have already pinned related to your brand.
   You might be surprised. 

Your friends in the Community department


Instagram (n. in-stə-gram): An iPhone and Android photo sharing application that allows users to share
photos with friends. After photos are taken, users may select from a variety of filters to add patina and
vintage flair to their photos. 

So, what is Instagram?
•  What it’s for: Instagram is the perfect tool for transforming
   your humdrum photos into art by applying filters to make
   your pictures look the right amount better. Great for the
   budding photographer, hipster or just the average person
   who wants to communicate their lifestyle in beautiful vintage-
   style photos. 

•  Constant content: Every second of every day, Instagram’s
   servers process 26 photo uploads and a new account
                                                    iPhone app"

•  The biggest and the best: Instagram has earned the title of
   the largest mobile-only social network.

                                                                                  Android app"

Instagram’s Audience

                                         On April 3, 2012 Instagram became available for Android
                                         devices in addition to iPhone devices. Since the release of the
                                         Android app, Instagram’s userbase has grown by nearly
                                         1,000,000 users a day.

                                         Active users as reported in April 2012. Recent growth of the mobile
                                         application is attributed to the release of the iPhone 4S with its
                                         faster processor and better camera and the Android application. 

                                         On April 9, 2012 Facebook purchased Instagram for $1 billion with
                                         the promise that the application will continue to operate as a
                                         stand-alone experience. 


Anatomy of a user or brand’s profile
                                             Photos are shown in
                                             gallery form or may be
                                             viewed in large form in a
                                             scrolling list if you select
When viewing a                               the list view button at the
user’s profile, the                           center top of the app. 
number of photos
posted, number of
followers and
number of people
they’re following is
listed at the top.
                                           Instagram’s app has
                                           navigation buttons in the
  The center section of                    dock at the bottom of
  the profile includes a                    the screen. From left to
  “follow” button, the                     right they are the home
  users’ profile and a                      screen, recent popular
  link to their website if                 images, take and upload
  they have provided                       an image, news feed
  one. This information                    (including Likes,
  can be edited at any                     comments and follower
                                  news) and settings. 

Anatomy of a posted photo

The user’s profile
picture and
username is front
and center. 
                                           Additional share
                                           functionality is included,
                                           including the ability to
                                           tweet or flag the photo
                                           for review. Clicking this
                                           button on your own
                                           photos allows you to
       The number of
                                           delete, share via Twitter,
       Likes, and
                                           Tumblr and Facebook,
       comments are
                                           copy the image URL or
       organized below the
                                           email the photo. 
       photo, as are the
       buttons to Like or

Instagram’s features. 
•  Following Accounts: Much like Twitter, you follow friends and
   strangers and view their photo uploads in a feed. Instagram makes
   it easy to connect other social channels like Facebook and Twitter
   to your Instagram profile to find friends and brands already using
   the service. You may also search through your phone’s contacts to
   find users. 

•  #hashtags are recognized and linked so that related photos can be
   browsed. Users can do this by clicking hashtags in their feed or by
   searching through Instagram and discovering for themselves. 

•  Users can Like, and Comment on photos, as well as tag the
   location and search for other photos tagged, based on
   Foursquare’s database of locations. Using a strong database like
   Foursquare ensures that all socially-active businesses may already
   have photos associated with them. 

What makes Instagram special? 
There are other photo apps out there. What made Instagram adoption faster than Hipstamatic and ShakeIt?

•  The Instagram API: They may not even have a full website yet, but Instagram’s API puts almost everything on
   Instagram out there for you to use. Tap into the API and pull photos by location, hashtag or user account. 

•  Simple Sharing: The user interface makes taking, filtering and sharing photos easy. 

•  It’s Free: Both the app and the photo filters are free. Forever. 

•  All of your (iPhone) friends are there. Or they will be. With 26 new users signing up every second, it’s only a
   matter of time. 


Instagram do’s and don’ts for brands 
•  DO: Learn the shortcuts. You can tap twice on any photo in your feed to Like it quickly. If you want to change a
   photo caption (hey, spelling mistakes happen) or delete a spammy comment, simply navigate to the photo, click
   the “comment” button and swipe left to right to delete individual comments. 

•  DO: Follow the Instagram blog. They post app updates, tips (like those above) and other fun information.

•  DON’T: Just post a single kind of photo – followers will get bored of the monotony. Instagram does the hard
   work of making your photos look extra interesting, so just keep you eyes peeled for inspiration and cool things
   around you that represent your brand’s identity.

•  DO: Tag the location of your photos. Instagram taps into the Foursquare API for their locations, so just about
   everywhere you go, there will be an album of photos other users are contributing to. If your business is location-
   based, periodically review the photos that are tagged there and send a Like or comment as a shout-out.

•  DO: Hashtag! On Instagram, users can search for photos by hashtags. As an added bonus, when photos with
   hashtags are shared via Twitter, the hashtag links are carried over.

•  DON’T: Take a photo of everything. Be selective. There’s an informal two latte per month limit. 

•  DON’T: Like everything in your feed. This isn’t a popularity contest.

•  DO: Use Instagram to give behind-the-scenes looks at new products or announcements.


Which brands are using Instagram well?


Boston Celtics
 •  The Celtics give their followers center
    court tickets by posting up-close and
    personal photos of team members and
    game activities from the floor. 

 •  The Celtics have a ravenous fanbase,
    currently topping 80,000 fans. 

 •  The Celtics tag all of their photos at TD
    Garden – where the Celtics play – and
    have used follower-posted photos posted
    at games during their in-game
    entertainment on Jumbotrons. 


General Electric
 •  GE launched an Instagram-based
    contest to find the next GE
    “Instagrapher” by urging followers to
    share photos that represent GE’s core
    values: moving, curing, powering and

 •  GE selected a winner from more than
    3,000 entries using the hashtag
    #GEinspiredME to win a first class trip to
    the United Kingdom to tour GE facilities
    and earn the title of GE’s Instagrapher
    (valued at $11,000).

 •  GE cross-promoted their Instagram
    contest by creating a Facebook album of
    the hand-selected best photo
    submissions so fans could vote for their
                                The winning photo"


How to use Instagram in 5 easy steps
   •  Grab your phone and download the app. 

   •  Follow people. Find friends of your brand by connecting
      your Instagram account with Facebook and Twitter. 

   •  Snap some photos and discover your favorite filters. Fill your
      Instagram feed with at least a few pictures before following
      users and give them something to Like. 

   •  Use #hashtags and tag a location for your photos. This will
      help users find your photos more easily. 

   •  Explore your #hashtags and locations, and follow like-
      minded friends.

PERISCOPE                                        THANK YOU!
"                      "


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Social Studies: Pinterest & Instagram for Brands

  • 3. Meet, Pinterest (n. pin-tərist) : a virtual bulletin board that enables users to share images and links they find interesting or inspiring. Once shared, these images become “Pins” that can be placed on thematic “boards” that users can customize for any topic. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 4. PINTEREST’S AUDIENCE Pinterest’s audience statistics W 70%+ 25-54 50%+ 75K+ 45%+ Pinterest’s average user today. From May 2011 to January 2012, monthly site visits grew to nearly 12 million. Percentage of Pinterest users accessing the site via mobile 1.6 % browser, indicating an overwhelming majority of users browse on PCs. In good company. Other top sites that Pinterest users visit. All cross-over traffic reflect visits to sites that are known for beautiful photography and good content. Sources: Comscore, February 2012 & SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 5. PINTEREST’S FEATURES Pinterest’s features •  The Pin: The core of the Pinterest experience is the Pin, a single inspiring image or item from the Internet that is shared with your followers. •  Boards: Users categorize their Pins into “boards” that reflect their interests. In April 2012, Pinterest allowed users to set the cover image for each of their boards. •  Following People: Pinterest encourages users to “follow” one another, similar to Twitter. The home page displays recent Pins chronologically. •  Following Individual Boards: Users are able to follow all of a user’s boards or select individual boards to cut through the clutter. •  The Pin-It Applet: Pinterest enables users to add a “Pin It” button to the bookmarks bar of any web browser. When a user comes across something interesting, clicking the “Pin It” button easily adds it to the user’s boards. •  Pinterest Behaviors: Users are encouraged to “Like” pins posted by the people they follow, “Repin” items they want to showcase on their boards and “Comment” on Pins they find interesting. Only the image is Pinned, so users expect to click-through a Pin to the original site, positioning Pinterest as a top referring traffic site. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 6. PINTEREST.COM HOME PAGE Pinterest’s home page The home page shows Pins from the people you follow. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 7. THE ANATOMY OF A PIN Anatomy of a pin The site from which the Pin originated is On roll-over of the shown in the detailed pin, activity options view. display, including Standard Pin View Pin Detail View “Repin,” “Like” and “Comment.” Additional share options are Pins with prices displayed on the listed with “$” or detailed view. “£” in the description automatically generate price banners. The description of your pin, set to a 500 character maximum. Your profile Pinning options are photo, display denoted in detail view, name and board including Pinmarklet or you pinned this the board from which item to are all The comment section you repinned your Pin. included in the is moved to bottom details below the of the pin. description. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 8. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SHARING What makes Pinterest special? •  It’s Totally Addictive: Pins are always changing in your feed, so there’s a sense that the best Pins may pass you by if they’re missed the first time around. Additionally, Pinterest’s structure is social to the core. It’s easy to explore other peoples’ boards and Pins with a few clicks and get lost Pinterest exploration. •  It’s Timely: Pins are shown in a gallery chronologically. You see Pins as they happen, so there is constant content creation happening every minute. •  It’s Aspirational: Pinterest collects your inspirations and posts them for you to revisit later as visual bookmarks that plug-in to the way our brains are wired. •  It’s Built for Discovery: Pinterest limits a Pin’s description to 500 characters, so for recipes and other types of Pins, it’s best to click-through and discover the full details of a Pin. This helps users discover new sites and inspiration. “In January 2012, the average visit on lasted 97.8 minutes.” Source: SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 9. PIN VS POST Why Pin over Post? •  On Pinterest, everyone is a tastemaker: Pinterest is a site that makes everyone an equal-opportunity influencer. While other social media channels enable you to share what you are doing and where you are, Pinterest lets you discover and share who you are and who you want to be. A freshman in her dorm room in Omaha can be just as influential as Marie Claire fashion director Nina Garcia. •  All Pinterest users are your audience: Pinterest has an inherently collaborative core, where other peoples’ Pins help define your own identity. Other social sites emphasize a one-way tastemaker relationship. •  Moving at the speed of a Pin: It’s expected that Pins will be shared often, so the amplification of your Pins results in a social experience that builds your own personal brand more than circulating a post to your existing audiences. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 10. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SHARING Pinterest do’s & don’ts for brands •  DO: Take the time to establish your boards, identity and strategy and fill your boards with starter Pins before connecting with followers and opening your Pinterest presence to public scrutiny. •  DO: Follow people. Connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to your Pinterest account to find your brand’s existing fans and followers. •  DO: Use your followers as an informal focus group. Don’t just engage with them, listen to what they are saying through their Pins and boards. A lot of insight can be gained by keeping a finger on the pulse of your Pinterest followers. •  DON’T: Just post your own products, services or offerings. This isn’t just a suggestion, it’s a mandate. If Pinterest catches wind of you doing this, you may be removed as a user. Pinterest is all about inspiration – not self-promotion, it’s a soft sell. •  DO: Organize your pins into boards that represent your core values as a brand and surprise and delight your followers. Start off with Pinterest’s default boards to get you started, but as you discover and Pin new items, create new boards that fit into new themes. The possibilities are endless. •  DON’T: Create boards that are too specific. You’ll never fill them. •  DO: Write descriptions of your Pins and credit your sources, including the name of the recipe, artist or product. This will help your Pins show up when other users search for related topics. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 11. THE FUTURE OF PINTEREST What does the future hold? •  Pinterest is emerging as the top social commerce referral site, ranking fifth behind Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Yahoo. •  Pinterest has quickly become one of the most popular social media portals for consumers to visit prior to visiting retailers’ websites. It has already surpassed Google+ in driving retailer site traffic. •  Estimated unique visitors to increased by 329% from September to December 2011. •  As websites continue to add Pinterest to their social integration toolkit, Pinterest’s user base will continue to grow and refer traffic to retailers’ sites and beyond. Nonprofits and micro-lending organizations like Kiva are using the tool to showcase the people who are helped by their organization. •  Although a date hasn’t been set, Pinterest will launch publically, open its doors to all users and establish more concrete guidelines for brands and users. Currently, no safeguards exist to prevent users from “squatting” on brand names. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 13. BRANDS ON PINTEREST Chobani •  Builds unexpectedly compelling boards that don’t necessarily relate to selling yogurt, but sell an aspirational lifestyle. Their boards represent the core values of their brand: simplicity, fitness, health, flavor and travel, including a board for their slogan “Nothing But Good” which has nearly 6,000 followers. •  Provides clever ideas that helpusers to make healthy choices in their everyday diets by using Chobani yogurt. •  Interacts with its followers and repins their pins. •  Provides parents with kid-friendly ideas on their “Chobani Champions” board. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 14. BRANDS ON PINTEREST Martha Stewart •  Martha is active on Pinterest, with great boards full of Martha’s “Good Things.” •  Martha extends the Pinterest experience to her site, where all of her recipes include “Pin It” buttons along the side. More often than not, people share via Pinterest over the other options like StumbleUpon, Google+, Facebook and Twitter. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 15. BRANDS ON PINTEREST Warby Parker •  Much like Chobani, Warby Parker is selling a lifestyle. They post gorgeous photos of cities around the world as inspiration, as well as boards that showcase things related to glasses: sunny spots, books and city sights. •  They assert themselves as style leaders by posting boards heavily influenced by style. •  As a vendor of accessories, they post other accessories that may go well with glasses in their “In Good Company” board. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 16. BRANDS ON PINTEREST McDonald’s •  McDonald’s has a small following on Pinterest, but their account is fairly new. •  McDonald’s boards represent a well- rounded snapshot of their brand, including charitable efforts, global menu items, restaurant locations, sponsorships and partnerships. •  McDonald’s actively engages with their followers by commenting and adding Likes to Pins. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 17. START PINNING How to use Pinterest in 5 steps •  Get invited. Pinterest is still in private beta. Find somebody you know on Pinterest and get an invite. Yes, still. Brand names are being squatted. •  Follow people. Travel-down the inspiration rabbit hole and follow people on Pinterest. Connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to find friends that are already on Pinterest. •  Start Pinning. Find what you love and pPn them to your boards. Evolve your boards as your content evolves. •  Pin It Buttons can be easily added to your site to encourage pinning behavior. Pinterest makes it easy for brands to pull the necessary code in the “goodies” section of their website. •  Search for what people have already pinned related to your brand. You might be surprised. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 18. Your friends in the Community department SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 19. Meet, Instagram (n. in-stə-gram): An iPhone and Android photo sharing application that allows users to share photos with friends. After photos are taken, users may select from a variety of filters to add patina and vintage flair to their photos. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 21. So, what is Instagram? •  What it’s for: Instagram is the perfect tool for transforming your humdrum photos into art by applying filters to make your pictures look the right amount better. Great for the budding photographer, hipster or just the average person who wants to communicate their lifestyle in beautiful vintage- style photos. •  Constant content: Every second of every day, Instagram’s servers process 26 photo uploads and a new account activation. iPhone app" •  The biggest and the best: Instagram has earned the title of the largest mobile-only social network. Android app" SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 22. Instagram’s Audience On April 3, 2012 Instagram became available for Android devices in addition to iPhone devices. Since the release of the Android app, Instagram’s userbase has grown by nearly 1,000,000 users a day. 40,000,000+ Active users as reported in April 2012. Recent growth of the mobile application is attributed to the release of the iPhone 4S with its faster processor and better camera and the Android application. On April 9, 2012 Facebook purchased Instagram for $1 billion with the promise that the application will continue to operate as a stand-alone experience. Sources: SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 23. Anatomy of a user or brand’s profile Photos are shown in gallery form or may be viewed in large form in a scrolling list if you select When viewing a the list view button at the user’s profile, the center top of the app. number of photos posted, number of followers and number of people they’re following is listed at the top. Instagram’s app has navigation buttons in the The center section of dock at the bottom of the profile includes a the screen. From left to “follow” button, the right they are the home users’ profile and a screen, recent popular link to their website if images, take and upload they have provided an image, news feed one. This information (including Likes, can be edited at any comments and follower time. news) and settings. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 24. Anatomy of a posted photo The user’s profile picture and username is front and center. Additional share functionality is included, including the ability to tweet or flag the photo for review. Clicking this button on your own photos allows you to The number of delete, share via Twitter, Likes, and Tumblr and Facebook, comments are copy the image URL or organized below the email the photo. photo, as are the buttons to Like or comment. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 25. Instagram’s features. •  Following Accounts: Much like Twitter, you follow friends and strangers and view their photo uploads in a feed. Instagram makes it easy to connect other social channels like Facebook and Twitter to your Instagram profile to find friends and brands already using the service. You may also search through your phone’s contacts to find users. •  #hashtags are recognized and linked so that related photos can be browsed. Users can do this by clicking hashtags in their feed or by searching through Instagram and discovering for themselves. •  Users can Like, and Comment on photos, as well as tag the location and search for other photos tagged, based on Foursquare’s database of locations. Using a strong database like Foursquare ensures that all socially-active businesses may already have photos associated with them. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 26. What makes Instagram special? There are other photo apps out there. What made Instagram adoption faster than Hipstamatic and ShakeIt? •  The Instagram API: They may not even have a full website yet, but Instagram’s API puts almost everything on Instagram out there for you to use. Tap into the API and pull photos by location, hashtag or user account. •  Simple Sharing: The user interface makes taking, filtering and sharing photos easy. •  It’s Free: Both the app and the photo filters are free. Forever. •  All of your (iPhone) friends are there. Or they will be. With 26 new users signing up every second, it’s only a matter of time. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 27. DO’S AND DON’TS Instagram do’s and don’ts for brands •  DO: Learn the shortcuts. You can tap twice on any photo in your feed to Like it quickly. If you want to change a photo caption (hey, spelling mistakes happen) or delete a spammy comment, simply navigate to the photo, click the “comment” button and swipe left to right to delete individual comments. •  DO: Follow the Instagram blog. They post app updates, tips (like those above) and other fun information. •  DON’T: Just post a single kind of photo – followers will get bored of the monotony. Instagram does the hard work of making your photos look extra interesting, so just keep you eyes peeled for inspiration and cool things around you that represent your brand’s identity. •  DO: Tag the location of your photos. Instagram taps into the Foursquare API for their locations, so just about everywhere you go, there will be an album of photos other users are contributing to. If your business is location- based, periodically review the photos that are tagged there and send a Like or comment as a shout-out. •  DO: Hashtag! On Instagram, users can search for photos by hashtags. As an added bonus, when photos with hashtags are shared via Twitter, the hashtag links are carried over. •  DON’T: Take a photo of everything. Be selective. There’s an informal two latte per month limit. •  DON’T: Like everything in your feed. This isn’t a popularity contest. •  DO: Use Instagram to give behind-the-scenes looks at new products or announcements. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 28. BRANDS ON INSTAGRAM Which brands are using Instagram well? SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 29. BRANDS ON INSTAGRAM Boston Celtics •  The Celtics give their followers center court tickets by posting up-close and personal photos of team members and game activities from the floor. •  The Celtics have a ravenous fanbase, currently topping 80,000 fans. •  The Celtics tag all of their photos at TD Garden – where the Celtics play – and have used follower-posted photos posted at games during their in-game entertainment on Jumbotrons. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 30. BRANDS ON INSTAGRAM General Electric •  GE launched an Instagram-based contest to find the next GE “Instagrapher” by urging followers to share photos that represent GE’s core values: moving, curing, powering and building. •  GE selected a winner from more than 3,000 entries using the hashtag #GEinspiredME to win a first class trip to the United Kingdom to tour GE facilities and earn the title of GE’s Instagrapher (valued at $11,000). •  GE cross-promoted their Instagram contest by creating a Facebook album of the hand-selected best photo submissions so fans could vote for their favorites. The winning photo" SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM
  • 31. GET STARTED How to use Instagram in 5 easy steps •  Grab your phone and download the app. •  Follow people. Find friends of your brand by connecting your Instagram account with Facebook and Twitter. •  Snap some photos and discover your favorite filters. Fill your Instagram feed with at least a few pictures before following users and give them something to Like. •  Use #hashtags and tag a location for your photos. This will help users find your photos more easily. •  Explore your #hashtags and locations, and follow like- minded friends. SOCIAL STUDIES: PINTEREST & INSTAGRAM