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for Brands

             March 2012
2                                PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                 MARCH 2012

    Table of Contents
    The Purpose of this POV                            3

    What You Need to Know about Pinterest              4

    What You Use Pinterest                             5

    How Pinterest Can Be Utilized by Brands            8

    Brands on Pinterest                                10

    FAQ                                                11

    About Social@Ogilvy                                12
3                                                                     PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                                                              MARCH 2012

The Purpose of this POV

     he purpose of this POV is to inform                                              Pinterest enables users to “pin” images found
     brands how they can use Pinterest to                                             around the Web into categorized collections,
     create a new consumer touch point for                                            or boards. Think of it like an interactive,
social commerce, to raise brand awareness,                                            shareable scrapbook. Pinterest can capture
and shape brand positioning.                                                          the brand essence, personality, inspiration
                                                                                      for product design, or company culture
Summary                                                                               through visual boards. It could also be used to
                                                                                      organically grow your brand’s reach through
The #1 driver of consumer purchases is word                                           an influencer re-pinning strategy, to further
of mouth recommendations from friends, and                                            engage with fans through themed boards,
Pinterest holds the power to drive authentic                                          and to inspire consumers to action, perhaps
“word of eye” recommendations in a way                                                through a “best board” or a “most pins”
that is changing the landscape of social                                              contest.
commerce. The landing page for Pinterest is
an endless visual stream of subtle product                                            Currently availably stats show the average
recommendations from the very people                                                  Pinterest user spends 98 minutes per month
who influence your purchasing decisions –                                             on the site, compared to 2.5 hours on Tumblr,
friends and strangers with good taste. This                                           and 7 hours on Facebook 2. Pinterest is most
means that there is an endless opportunity                                            popular in North Eastern states, among
for your brand and its products to be seen by                                         females (estimates range from 58% to 70%
Pinterest’s 11.7 million unique monthly users1                                        female), and with visitors ages 25-44 (59% of
as endorsements from friends in the form of                                           visitors)3 .

                                                                                      2	   Id at Tech Crunch
1	   Tech Crunch, “Pinterest Hits 10 Million Monthly Uniques,” February 7, 2012,      3	   Heather Dougherty, “Pinteresting Trend in Social Media,” Hotwise, December                                                                 22, 2011,
4                                     PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                          MARCH 2012

What You Need to Know
about Pinterest

The basics                      The rules                        Creating
                                                                 brand boards
ƒƒ To join, you must request    ƒƒ Pin images from various
   an invite or be invited         sources – not just one site   ƒƒ Brand pages created 
                                                                    curated by individuals
ƒƒ Pin Images, repin others’    ƒƒ Be nice and courteous to
   images, follow a person or      other pinners                 ƒƒ Brands must pin form
   a board                                                          various sources, not just
                                ƒƒ Credit your sources (link        ecommerce site!
ƒƒ Pinterest is an open            back when applicable)
   network, so anyone can                                        ƒƒ Creatte boards that reflect
   follow you                   ƒƒ Avoid self promotion             brand’s essence, design,
                                                                    insipiration for products
                                                                    and services or acompany
5                                          PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                               MARCH 2012

What You Use Pinterest
When you visit or use Pinterest, there are five main touch points for the experience. Please see
images below each description. The touch points are:

ƒƒ The Landing Page: The landing page for Pinterest is a stream of visual images from people
   and boards you follow, so the default state of Pinterest is social. To find other pinners, click
   the Everything drop-down menu and leave a filter Boards by category. When you see a pin
   you like, you can Like it, leave a comment, or Repin it to one of your own boards (remember
   to give credit to the original Pinner). If you find a board you particularly like, you can follow
   its updates or visit the Pinner’s profile and follow all of his or her boards. Like Twitter, it’s an
   open network, so users don’t require permission and you don’t have to follow people back.
6                                       PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                            MARCH 2012

ƒƒ Pinterest Boards: Pinterest users create boards around various themes, and pin images
   they see online or re-pin images from other users on Pinterest. Pinning can also be a really
   valuable tool for people with a specific purpose in mind. For example, new homeowners are
   turning to Pinterest to find inspiration for home décor and furnishings, and many brides-to-be
   are replacing their three-ring binders with Pinterest boards filled with hairstyles, dresses,
   and flowers.

ƒƒ Pinning Images: To pin items to a board, users must add the official Pin It Button, a simple
   drag-and-drop browser extension from the Pinterest website. When users come across an
   image they like, they simply click the Pin It Button and select the corresponding picture. Then,
   they assign the pin to a board and add a text line, such as, “This is the perfect everyday red
   bag.” Once pinned, the images hyperlink back to their original online source.
7                          PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                               MARCH 2012

                                                      ƒƒ Social Sharing Features:
                                                         There are multiple social
                                                         networking opportunities on
                                                         Pinterest. You can tweet or
                                                         share your pins to Facebook
                                                         to help expand your network
                                                         across all three platforms.
                                                         You can also tweet and “Like”
                                                         other users’ pins, which shares
                                                         the item as a tweet or as an
                                                         image in your timeline. This
                                                         also helps increase online WOM
                                                         recommendations for specific
                                                         products, and maximizes the
                                                         potential for getting in front
                                                         of a new audience in a more
                                                         authentic way.

ƒƒ The Everything Page:
   The Everything Page
   is a constant visual
   stream of literally every
   up-to-the-minute pin.
8                                       PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                            MARCH 2012

How Pinterest Can
Be Utilized by Brands
1.	 Create a social commerce                        3.	Identify and engage
    touch point                                        super fans
With 11.7 million UMVs and counting, Pinterest      Pinterest may also be a way to identify natural
presents an opportunity for brands to expand        brand advocates or “super fans.” You can
their audiences by going where the masses           search for your brand’s products and discover
are. Consumers are always a step ahead              who is most frequently pinning about your
of brands and its important for brands to           products and engage with those people.
follow behavior rather than dictate it. Your        Surprise and delight super fans by rewarding
brand’s presence on Pinterest will create           them with products they pin to their boards.
another consumer touch point and a way              Eventually you may create a fan-curated board
to be discovered by new people. The visual          that allows super fans to add their pins.
Pinterest boards would help invite new people
into the fabric of your brand by setting a mood     4.	Increase brand loyalty by
or encapsulating a lifestyle, helping users to         sharing your brand’s culture
imagine how your brand’s products, services
or culture fit their lives.                         Pinterest is a fun, inspirational and highly
                                                    visual atmosphere and your brand has an
2.	Grow influencer networks                         opportunity to engage fans in new and creative
                                                    ways. Consider creating boards that align with
Brands can leverage Pinterest to find               product or service themes, for example, West
influencers with whom to engage. You can            Elm categorizes its boards by colors from
expand your influencer networks by following        its design palette, such as “Aquamarine.” Or
influential Pinterest users and boards, and         create a board that reflects your company’s
repinning items to our own Pinterest boards,        dedication to a CSR initiative. Or, compile
giving credit to the influencer. Brands may also    pictures of everyday fans and influencers
choose to engage with influential bloggers and      engaging with your brand, such as a board
have them curate a board on their Pinterest         that features pins of people across the globe
page. Ask Ogilvy for advice on who to follow        wearing a retail brand’s clothing.
and repin, and who might be right to engage
offline or on another brand platform.
9                                       PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                            MARCH 2012

5.	Host contests for further                        7.	Promote your culture first,
   engagement                                          products and services second
Perhaps you can host a contest for fans to          The trick with Pinterest is to leverage the “soft
create the best Pinterest board with your           sell” and promote your brand culture over the
products, and reward the winning fan with           products or services themselves. Pinterest is
items from her board. Or, invite other users to     committed to maintaining a non-promotional
co-create boards on your page around certain        atmosphere, and the hard sell could get you
themes, and reward the winning team with            kicked off the platform. So to create the right
product or a brand experience. For example,         atmosphere, think about what your brand has
a travel brand can ask Pinners to create            to offer and what the images say to people and
mood boards that reflect a destination like the     what you want to ask, for example:
French Riviera, and then reward the winning
board with a trip.                                  ƒƒ A cable brand: “Do you like innovation?
                                                       We’re innovative too, and here’s a photo of
6.	Inspire repins (and                                 our engineers making the first-ever live-
   purchases) through bold                             streaming television app for iPhone we
   visuals                                             made.”

As mentioned earlier, the #1 driver of              ƒƒ A fashion brand: “Do you like bold, basic
consumer purchases is word of mouth                    colors? We love everything bright and bold,
recommendations from friends, and Pinterest            and this painting by Matisse captures our
holds the power to drive authentic “word               upcoming line’s color scheme.”
of eye” recommendations through a repin
endorsement. To accomplish this, you’ll want        ƒƒ A home furnishings brand: “Do you enjoy a
to make sure that you have high resolution,            clutter-free living space? So do we, and here
professional quality, close-up photos to               are three books that talk about a clutter-
leverage. Photos of products should be taken           free home.”
in a way that enables the viewer to imagine
herself wearing the product, engaging with          ƒƒ A credit card company or bank: “Do you
an item, or taking part in the setting. Photos         imagine yourself living a lifestyle of luxury?
should taken in a way that makes them stand            Here’s a picture from the beach in the Virgin
out in the visual stream that is Pinterest. For        Islands where you could be right now.”
example, a bold-colored photo or a gray-scale
photo might set itself apart from the photo         Through play and inspiration, Pinterest might
stream.                                             just empower you to become the architect of
                                                    your brand’s culture.
10                                       PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                            MARCH 2012

Brands on Pinterest
Nordstrom                West Elm                   Gap                       Williams-
Business type:           Business type: Home        Business type: Online
Fashion specialty        furnishing company         Retailer                  Business type:
retailer of clothing,    that designs products                                Retailer of
shoes and                for modern living.         Gap has a few             gourmet foods and
accessories.                                        different Pinterest       professional-quality
                         West Elm uses              boards including          cookware.
Nordstrom has a          Pinterest to curate        products from their
dedicated social         design inspiration         current like, a board     Williams-Sonoma’s
team that curates        around specific            featuring denim           boards focus on ways
its Pinterest boards.    trends, like               icons (think Michael      to use its various
The boards showcase      modernist, color           Jackson circa 1985 in     products.
seasonal trends and      blocking, stripes, etc.    stone washed jeans),
different product        This is a great way to     and “Everybody in
categories. It also      visualize trends for       Gap” – a board that
just started a board     customers, who can         allows anybody to pin
dedicated to its in-     then click through to      images of themselves
house spa and salon,     the West Elm site and      or others wearing
as well as a board       purchase products          Gap.
with photos from         that fit their chosen
inside various stores.   aesthetic.

“Real Simple” magazine                              Whole Foods               Shop It To Me
Business type: Print     Living up to its name,     Business type:            Business type: Online
publication that         Real Simple’s boards       Grocer                    personal shopping
provides creative,       focus on making                                      portal/flash sale site.
practical and            readers’ lives easier.     Whole Foods’
inspiring solutions      It provides easy hair      Pinterest boards          Shop It To Me uses
that make life easier.   ideas, a month’s           provide inspiration for   Pinterest to post
                         worth of meals, etc.       all things food, such     curated-style
                                                    as seasonal cooking,      inspiration from
                                                    hot kitchen decor, and    around the Web. It
                                                    food as art.              also has a board
                                                                              dedicated to its flash
11                                         PINTEREST FOR BRANDS
                                              MARCH 2012


Can I create a brand profile on                       Does Pinterest cost anything?
                                                      No, joining Pinterest is 100% free. You
You need to request an invite first, and see if       may want to invest hours and money into
Pinterest accepts your invite. If you decide to       developing a Pinterest strategy, time for
create a brand page, there will likely be an          collecting visual assets, and time for pinning.
approval process from Pinterest. Also note
that you will not likely be able to post your         I want to get started today. What
products if you join as a brand, but rather, will     do I do?
be limited to posting items that speak to your
brand’s essence.                                       Your Ogilvy team can set up time with you
                                                      to brainstorm ideas, strategize with you
What if I want to use an                              and walk you through the steps to develop a
employee as the Pinterest                             timeline and execute an action plan. The social
profile?                                              team at Ogilvy can set up time to brainstorm
                                                      application ideas, strategize about action
That’s fine too. If you select someone from           engagement and walk you through the steps to
within your company to host the account,              develop the application.
try to find someone who has an eye for the
brand aesthetic or culture to share images            I heard that there are potential
and photos that reflect the brand’s essence.          copyright infringements with
This person would also have the flexibility to        Pinterest, are those rumors
post photos or images of the brand’s product
themselves. Consult your Ogilvy rep to
determine the best approach.                          On March 24, 2012, Pinterest announced
                                                      new Terms of Service that further define
                                                      user rights with respect to images and other
                                                      aspects of Pinterest, which will be effective
                                                      as of April 6, 2012. Please consult your Ogilvy
                                                      representative to learn about how these terms
                                                      apply to your brand.
About Social@Ogilvy

      ocial@Ogilvy is the largest social media marketing communications
      network in the world. Named 2011 Global Digital/Social
      Consultancy of the Year by The Holmes Report, the practice
leverages social media expertise across all Ogilvy  Mather disciplines,
offering an extensive list of services within the foundational business
solutions – Listening and Analytics; Social Business Solutions; Social
Media Marketing and Communications; Social Shopping; Social CRM;
Social Care; and Conversation Impact.

For more information, visit and connect with
us at,


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  • 1. Pinterest for Brands March 2012
  • 2. 2 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 Table of Contents The Purpose of this POV 3 What You Need to Know about Pinterest 4 What You Use Pinterest 5 How Pinterest Can Be Utilized by Brands 8 Brands on Pinterest 10 FAQ 11 About Social@Ogilvy 12
  • 3. 3 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 The Purpose of this POV T he purpose of this POV is to inform Pinterest enables users to “pin” images found brands how they can use Pinterest to around the Web into categorized collections, create a new consumer touch point for or boards. Think of it like an interactive, social commerce, to raise brand awareness, shareable scrapbook. Pinterest can capture and shape brand positioning. the brand essence, personality, inspiration for product design, or company culture Summary through visual boards. It could also be used to organically grow your brand’s reach through The #1 driver of consumer purchases is word an influencer re-pinning strategy, to further of mouth recommendations from friends, and engage with fans through themed boards, Pinterest holds the power to drive authentic and to inspire consumers to action, perhaps “word of eye” recommendations in a way through a “best board” or a “most pins” that is changing the landscape of social contest. commerce. The landing page for Pinterest is an endless visual stream of subtle product Currently availably stats show the average recommendations from the very people Pinterest user spends 98 minutes per month who influence your purchasing decisions – on the site, compared to 2.5 hours on Tumblr, friends and strangers with good taste. This and 7 hours on Facebook 2. Pinterest is most means that there is an endless opportunity popular in North Eastern states, among for your brand and its products to be seen by females (estimates range from 58% to 70% Pinterest’s 11.7 million unique monthly users1 female), and with visitors ages 25-44 (59% of as endorsements from friends in the form of visitors)3 . repins. 2 Id at Tech Crunch 1 Tech Crunch, “Pinterest Hits 10 Million Monthly Uniques,” February 7, 2012, 3 Heather Dougherty, “Pinteresting Trend in Social Media,” Hotwise, December 22, 2011,
  • 4. 4 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 What You Need to Know about Pinterest The basics The rules Creating brand boards ƒƒ To join, you must request ƒƒ Pin images from various an invite or be invited sources – not just one site ƒƒ Brand pages created curated by individuals ƒƒ Pin Images, repin others’ ƒƒ Be nice and courteous to images, follow a person or other pinners ƒƒ Brands must pin form a board various sources, not just ƒƒ Credit your sources (link ecommerce site! ƒƒ Pinterest is an open back when applicable) network, so anyone can ƒƒ Creatte boards that reflect follow you ƒƒ Avoid self promotion brand’s essence, design, insipiration for products and services or acompany culture
  • 5. 5 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 What You Use Pinterest When you visit or use Pinterest, there are five main touch points for the experience. Please see images below each description. The touch points are: ƒƒ The Landing Page: The landing page for Pinterest is a stream of visual images from people and boards you follow, so the default state of Pinterest is social. To find other pinners, click the Everything drop-down menu and leave a filter Boards by category. When you see a pin you like, you can Like it, leave a comment, or Repin it to one of your own boards (remember to give credit to the original Pinner). If you find a board you particularly like, you can follow its updates or visit the Pinner’s profile and follow all of his or her boards. Like Twitter, it’s an open network, so users don’t require permission and you don’t have to follow people back.
  • 6. 6 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 ƒƒ Pinterest Boards: Pinterest users create boards around various themes, and pin images they see online or re-pin images from other users on Pinterest. Pinning can also be a really valuable tool for people with a specific purpose in mind. For example, new homeowners are turning to Pinterest to find inspiration for home décor and furnishings, and many brides-to-be are replacing their three-ring binders with Pinterest boards filled with hairstyles, dresses, and flowers. ƒƒ Pinning Images: To pin items to a board, users must add the official Pin It Button, a simple drag-and-drop browser extension from the Pinterest website. When users come across an image they like, they simply click the Pin It Button and select the corresponding picture. Then, they assign the pin to a board and add a text line, such as, “This is the perfect everyday red bag.” Once pinned, the images hyperlink back to their original online source.
  • 7. 7 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 ƒƒ Social Sharing Features: There are multiple social networking opportunities on Pinterest. You can tweet or share your pins to Facebook to help expand your network across all three platforms. You can also tweet and “Like” other users’ pins, which shares the item as a tweet or as an image in your timeline. This also helps increase online WOM recommendations for specific products, and maximizes the potential for getting in front of a new audience in a more authentic way. ƒƒ The Everything Page: The Everything Page is a constant visual stream of literally every up-to-the-minute pin.
  • 8. 8 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 How Pinterest Can Be Utilized by Brands 1. Create a social commerce 3. Identify and engage touch point super fans With 11.7 million UMVs and counting, Pinterest Pinterest may also be a way to identify natural presents an opportunity for brands to expand brand advocates or “super fans.” You can their audiences by going where the masses search for your brand’s products and discover are. Consumers are always a step ahead who is most frequently pinning about your of brands and its important for brands to products and engage with those people. follow behavior rather than dictate it. Your Surprise and delight super fans by rewarding brand’s presence on Pinterest will create them with products they pin to their boards. another consumer touch point and a way Eventually you may create a fan-curated board to be discovered by new people. The visual that allows super fans to add their pins. Pinterest boards would help invite new people into the fabric of your brand by setting a mood 4. Increase brand loyalty by or encapsulating a lifestyle, helping users to sharing your brand’s culture imagine how your brand’s products, services or culture fit their lives. Pinterest is a fun, inspirational and highly visual atmosphere and your brand has an 2. Grow influencer networks opportunity to engage fans in new and creative ways. Consider creating boards that align with Brands can leverage Pinterest to find product or service themes, for example, West influencers with whom to engage. You can Elm categorizes its boards by colors from expand your influencer networks by following its design palette, such as “Aquamarine.” Or influential Pinterest users and boards, and create a board that reflects your company’s repinning items to our own Pinterest boards, dedication to a CSR initiative. Or, compile giving credit to the influencer. Brands may also pictures of everyday fans and influencers choose to engage with influential bloggers and engaging with your brand, such as a board have them curate a board on their Pinterest that features pins of people across the globe page. Ask Ogilvy for advice on who to follow wearing a retail brand’s clothing. and repin, and who might be right to engage offline or on another brand platform.
  • 9. 9 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 5. Host contests for further 7. Promote your culture first, engagement products and services second Perhaps you can host a contest for fans to The trick with Pinterest is to leverage the “soft create the best Pinterest board with your sell” and promote your brand culture over the products, and reward the winning fan with products or services themselves. Pinterest is items from her board. Or, invite other users to committed to maintaining a non-promotional co-create boards on your page around certain atmosphere, and the hard sell could get you themes, and reward the winning team with kicked off the platform. So to create the right product or a brand experience. For example, atmosphere, think about what your brand has a travel brand can ask Pinners to create to offer and what the images say to people and mood boards that reflect a destination like the what you want to ask, for example: French Riviera, and then reward the winning board with a trip. ƒƒ A cable brand: “Do you like innovation? We’re innovative too, and here’s a photo of 6. Inspire repins (and our engineers making the first-ever live- purchases) through bold streaming television app for iPhone we visuals made.” As mentioned earlier, the #1 driver of ƒƒ A fashion brand: “Do you like bold, basic consumer purchases is word of mouth colors? We love everything bright and bold, recommendations from friends, and Pinterest and this painting by Matisse captures our holds the power to drive authentic “word upcoming line’s color scheme.” of eye” recommendations through a repin endorsement. To accomplish this, you’ll want ƒƒ A home furnishings brand: “Do you enjoy a to make sure that you have high resolution, clutter-free living space? So do we, and here professional quality, close-up photos to are three books that talk about a clutter- leverage. Photos of products should be taken free home.” in a way that enables the viewer to imagine herself wearing the product, engaging with ƒƒ A credit card company or bank: “Do you an item, or taking part in the setting. Photos imagine yourself living a lifestyle of luxury? should taken in a way that makes them stand Here’s a picture from the beach in the Virgin out in the visual stream that is Pinterest. For Islands where you could be right now.” example, a bold-colored photo or a gray-scale photo might set itself apart from the photo Through play and inspiration, Pinterest might stream. just empower you to become the architect of your brand’s culture.
  • 10. 10 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 Brands on Pinterest Nordstrom West Elm Gap Williams- Sonoma Business type: Business type: Home Business type: Online Fashion specialty furnishing company Retailer Business type: retailer of clothing, that designs products Retailer of shoes and for modern living. Gap has a few gourmet foods and accessories. different Pinterest professional-quality West Elm uses boards including cookware. Nordstrom has a Pinterest to curate products from their dedicated social design inspiration current like, a board Williams-Sonoma’s team that curates around specific featuring denim boards focus on ways its Pinterest boards. trends, like icons (think Michael to use its various The boards showcase modernist, color Jackson circa 1985 in products. seasonal trends and blocking, stripes, etc. stone washed jeans), different product This is a great way to and “Everybody in categories. It also visualize trends for Gap” – a board that just started a board customers, who can allows anybody to pin dedicated to its in- then click through to images of themselves house spa and salon, the West Elm site and or others wearing as well as a board purchase products Gap. with photos from that fit their chosen inside various stores. aesthetic. “Real Simple” magazine Whole Foods Shop It To Me Business type: Print Living up to its name, Business type: Business type: Online publication that Real Simple’s boards Grocer personal shopping provides creative, focus on making portal/flash sale site. practical and readers’ lives easier. Whole Foods’ inspiring solutions It provides easy hair Pinterest boards Shop It To Me uses that make life easier. ideas, a month’s provide inspiration for Pinterest to post worth of meals, etc. all things food, such curated-style as seasonal cooking, inspiration from hot kitchen decor, and around the Web. It food as art. also has a board dedicated to its flash sales.
  • 11. 11 PINTEREST FOR BRANDS MARCH 2012 FAQ Can I create a brand profile on Does Pinterest cost anything? Pinterest? No, joining Pinterest is 100% free. You You need to request an invite first, and see if may want to invest hours and money into Pinterest accepts your invite. If you decide to developing a Pinterest strategy, time for create a brand page, there will likely be an collecting visual assets, and time for pinning. approval process from Pinterest. Also note that you will not likely be able to post your I want to get started today. What products if you join as a brand, but rather, will do I do? be limited to posting items that speak to your brand’s essence. Your Ogilvy team can set up time with you to brainstorm ideas, strategize with you What if I want to use an and walk you through the steps to develop a employee as the Pinterest timeline and execute an action plan. The social profile? team at Ogilvy can set up time to brainstorm application ideas, strategize about action That’s fine too. If you select someone from engagement and walk you through the steps to within your company to host the account, develop the application. try to find someone who has an eye for the brand aesthetic or culture to share images I heard that there are potential and photos that reflect the brand’s essence. copyright infringements with This person would also have the flexibility to Pinterest, are those rumors post photos or images of the brand’s product true? themselves. Consult your Ogilvy rep to determine the best approach. On March 24, 2012, Pinterest announced new Terms of Service that further define user rights with respect to images and other aspects of Pinterest, which will be effective as of April 6, 2012. Please consult your Ogilvy representative to learn about how these terms apply to your brand.
  • 12. About Social@Ogilvy S ocial@Ogilvy is the largest social media marketing communications network in the world. Named 2011 Global Digital/Social Consultancy of the Year by The Holmes Report, the practice leverages social media expertise across all Ogilvy Mather disciplines, offering an extensive list of services within the foundational business solutions – Listening and Analytics; Social Business Solutions; Social Media Marketing and Communications; Social Shopping; Social CRM; Social Care; and Conversation Impact. For more information, visit and connect with us at, socialogilvy, Contact: