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The Periodic Table
  and the Elements

              Penny Squires
            Pisgah High School
     3.3 Periodic Table          9.17.00 1:37 PM
The Periodic Table and the Elements
What is the periodic table ?
What information is obtained from the table ?
How can elemental properties be predicted base on the PT ?

                        3.3 Periodic Table                   9.17.00 1:37 PM
Dmitri Mendeleev (1869)
In 1869 Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer (Germany)
published nearly identical classification schemes
for elements known to date. The periodic table is
base on the similarity of properties and reactivities
exhibited by certain elements. Later, Henri
Moseley ( England,1887-1915) established that
each elements has a unique atomic number, which
is how the current periodic table is organized.
                                                         3.3 Periodic Table   9.17.00 1:37 PM
Periodic Law

The Periodic Law states that when elements are
arranged in order of increasing atomic number
 their physical and chemical properties show a
                periodic pattern.

                  3.3 Periodic Table             9.17.00 1:37 PM
The Periodic Table
               A map of the building block of matter.
       1                                                                                                                                  18
      IA                                                                                                                                 VIIIA
1     H
       1       2
                                            Periodic Table                                          13
                                                                                                                                 VIIA    He

    1.00797                                                                                                                              4.0026
      3        4                                                                                    5       6      7       8       9       10
2    Li       Be                                                                                    B      C       N      O       F      Ne
     6.939 9.0122                                                                                 10.811 12.0112 14.0067 15.9994 18.9984 20.179
      11       12       3      4       5     6      7        8        9     10     11     12        13     14      15      16     17      18
3    Na       Mg      IIIB    IVB     VB    VIB    VIIB             VIIIB          IB     IIB      Al      Si      P       S      Cl      Ar
    22.9898 24.305                                                                                26.9815 28.086 30.9738 32.064 35.453 39.948
      19       20      21      22     23     24     25       26      27     28     29      30       31     32      33      34     35      36
4     K       Ca      Sc      Ti      V      Cr    Mn       Fe      Co      Ni    Cu      Zn       Ga     Ge      As      Se      Br     Kr
    39.102 40.08 44.956 47.90 50.942 51.996 54.9380 55.847 58.9332 58.71          63.54   65.37   65.37   72.59 74.9216 78.96 79.909 83.80
      37       38      39      40     41     42     43       44      45     46     47      48       49     50      51      52     53      54
5    Rb       Sr       Y      Zr      Nb    Mo     Tc       Ru      Rh      Pd    Ag      Cd       In     Sn      Sb      Te       I     Xe
     85.47    87.62 88.905 91.22 92.906 95.94      [99]    101.07 102.905 106.4 107.870 112.40 114.82 118.69 121.75 127.60 126.904 131.30
      55       56      57      72     73     74     75       76      77     78     79      80       81     82      83      84     85      86
6    Cs       Ba      La      Hf      Ta     W     Re       Os       Ir     Pt    Au      Hg       Tl     Pb      Bi      Po      At     Rn
    132.905 137.34 138.91 178.49 180.948 183.85 186.2       190.2   192.2 195.09 196.967 200.59 204.37 207.19 208.980 [210]      [210]   [222]
      87       88      89     104     105    106   107       108     109
7    Fr       Ra      Ac      Ku                                   
     [223]    [226]   [227]   [260]

                                                          3.3 Periodic Table                                                        9.17.00 1:37 PM
The modern Periodic Table is arranged
    according to atomic number. 

Remember that it is the atomic number,
  or nuclear charge, that determines
     the identity of the element. 

             3.3 Periodic Table          9.17.00 1:37 PM
Periodic Table Expanded View
The way the periodic table usually seen
    is a compress view, placing the
   Lanthanides and actinides at the
          bottom of the stable.

                              3.3 Periodic Table   9.17.00 1:37 PM
Periodic Table: Metallic arrangement
    Layout of the Periodic Table: Metals vs. nonmetals
     1                                                                                                        18
    IA                                                                                                       VIIIA
          2                                                                    13     14   15    16    17
1        IIA                                                                  IIIA   IVA   VA   VIA   VIIA


                 3     4     5    6     7        8      9     10   11   12
3              IIIB   IVB   VB   VIB   VIIB           VIIIB        IB   IIB

5                           Metals


                                              3.3 Periodic Table                                        9.17.00 1:37 PM

           Hard and Shiny

      3 or less valence electrons

       Form + ions by losing e-

Good conductors of heat and electricity

             3.3 Periodic Table           9.17.00 1:37 PM

     Gases or dull, brittle solids

     5 or more valence electrons

      Form - ions by gaining e-

Poor conductors of heat and electricity

             3.3 Periodic Table           9.17.00 1:37 PM

             Appearence will vary

            3 to 7 valence electrons

              Form + and/or - ions

Conduct better than nonmetals but not as well as

                  3.3 Periodic Table          9.17.00 1:37 PM
Periodic Table: The three broad Classes
           Main, Transition, Rare Earth
Main (Representative), Transition metals, lanthanides and actinides (rare earth)

                                 3.3 Periodic Table                                9.17.00 1:37 PM
Reading the Periodic Table: Classification
        Nonmetals, Metals, Metalloids, Noble gases

                     3.3 Periodic Table              9.17.00 1:37 PM
Across the Periodic Table
               Periods: Are arranged horizontally across the
                        periodic table (rows 1-7)
     1         These elements have the same number of valence shells.                                           18
    IA                                                                                                         VIIIA
          2                                                                      13     14   15    16    17
1        IIA                                                                    IIIA   IVA   VA   VIA   VIIA

                       2nd Period

                  3      4     5    6     7        8      9     10   11   12
3               IIIB    IVB   VB   VIB   VIIB           VIIIB        IB   IIB



                   6th Period


                                                3.3 Periodic Table                                        9.17.00 1:37 PM
s block                        p block

                    d block

                   f block


          3.3 Periodic Table             9.17.00 1:37 PM
Down the Periodic Table
               Family: Are arranged vertically down the periodic table
                              (columns or group, 1- 18 or 1-8 A,B)
               These elements have the same number electrons in the outer most
               shells, the valence shell.
     1                                                                                                         18
    IA                                                                                                        VIIIA
          2             Alkali Family:
                         Alkali Family:                                         13     14   15    16    17
1        IIA
                        11e- in the valence shell
                           e- in the valence shell
                                                                               IIIA   IVA   VA   VIA   VIIA


                  3     4     5    6     7       8      9     10    11   12
3               IIIB   IVB   VB   VIB   VIIB          VIIIB         IB   IIB

                                                                    Halogen Family:
                                                                     Halogen Family:
5                                                                   77e- in the valence shell
                                                                       e- in the valence shell



                                               3.3 Periodic Table                                        9.17.00 1:37 PM
Infamous Families of the Periodic Table
       Notable families of the Periodic Table and some important members:
        Alkali                                                 Halogen
                                                                    Noble Gas
              Alkaline                                   Chalcogens
               (earth)                                                    18
        2                                                                     13     14   15    16    17
1      IIA
                               Transition Metals                             IIIA   IVA   VA   VIA   VIIA


               3     4     5     6     7        8      9     10   11   12
3            IIIB   IVB   VB    VIB   VIIB           VIIIB        IB   IIB





                                             3.3 Periodic Table                                       9.17.00 1:37 PM

       A Unique Element 1s1
       Shown Over Group 1A & 7A
  Hydrogen is neither an alkali metal nor a
        However, hydrogen does show reactions
       that are
         similar to both alkali metals and

             H.    +   .
                           Cl :                                  H : Cl :

Hydrogen can also gain an electron to form an ion with a 1 - charge

  H.     +    e-                        H:    -
                                                       or   H-   called hydride

                                  3.3 Periodic Table                              9.17.00 1:37 PM
Group 1A:              Alkali Metals
React   with water easily to lose a valence electron.

Form    a +1 ion


Found    in nature combined with other elements

Good    conductors of heat and electricity

                       3.3 Periodic Table            9.17.00 1:37 PM
Group 2A:             Alkaline Earth Metals
Forms    compounds with Oxygen (Oxides)

React   with water

Shiny   solids that are heavier than Alkalis

React   with Oxygen or other metals found in the earth

Lose   valance electrons to form +2 ions
         Ca (g)       Ca+ (g)          +       e-   First Ionization Step

         Ca+ (g)      Ca2+ (g)       +        e-    Second Ionization Step

                         3.3 Periodic Table                                 9.17.00 1:37 PM
Group 3A: Boron Group
Always     found combined with other elements in

Found     as oxides in the earth’s crust.

B,   Al, Ga, and In form +3 ions

Tl   only forms a +1 ion

                         3.3 Periodic Table         9.17.00 1:37 PM
Group 4A: Carbon Group
 Few rules apply to this group!!!!

            3.3 Periodic Table       9.17.00 1:37 PM
Group 5A: Nitrogen Group
Wide    variety of Chemical and Physical properties.

N    forms a –3 ion

Bi   forms a +3 ion

                       3.3 Periodic Table          9.17.00 1:37 PM
Group 6A: Oxygen Group or
Act   like nonmetals

Tend   to gain 2 e- to form –2 ions.

Can   also share 2 e-

                         3.3 Periodic Table   9.17.00 1:37 PM
Group 7A: Halogens
Form    compounds with almost all metals

Salts     (NaCl)

Have    different Physical properties

Very    reactive and found combined in nature

Tend    to share or gain 1 e- to form a –1 ion

                        3.3 Periodic Table        9.17.00 1:37 PM
Group 8A: Noble Gases


•Last to be discovered

•Rarely react (1st time was in a lab in 1962)

                         3.3 Periodic Table     9.17.00 1:37 PM
Rare Earth Metals
1.   Lanthanides –
      Named because they follow lanthanum
      Silvery metals with high melting points
      Found mixed in nature – very hard to seperate

2.   Actinide –
      Named because they follow actinium
      Radioactive elements
      Only 3 exist in nature – the rest are synthetic

                       3.3 Periodic Table               9.17.00 1:37 PM
Transition Metals
Share conductivity, luster and malleability with
 other metals.

Closein atomic size, electronegativity and ionization

Different physical properties (determined by their
 electron configuration)

Can   lose 2 e- to form +2 ion or 3 to form a +3 ion

Ifthey form more than one type of ion the element
 will have a different color when combined.
                       3.3 Periodic Table               9.17.00 1:37 PM
Periodic Table
          e- configuration from the periodic periodic table

     1                                                                                                                  18
    IA                                                                                                                 VIIIA
            2                                                                           13     14   15     16    17
1   H      IIA                                                                         IIIA   IVA   VA    VIA   VIIA     He
    1s1                                                                                                                  1s2
2   Li     Be                                                                           B     BC   N  O          F      Ne
    2s1    2s2                                                                         2p1    2p 2p 2p4
                                                                                                 2  3           2p5     2p6
3   Na     Mg
                                                     8      9
                                                                  10    11
                                                                                 IIB   Al     Si     P   S       Cl      Ar
    3s1    3s2                                                                         3p1    3p2   3p3 3p4      3p5     3p6
4   K      Ca    Sc     Ti     V    Cr     Mn       Fe     Co Ni         Cu      Zn Ga Ge           As    Se    Be      Kr
    4s1    4s2   3d1    3d2   3d3 4s13d5   3d5      3d6    3d7 3d8     4s13d10   3d10 4p1 4p2       4p3   4p4   4p5     4p6
5   Rb     Sr     Y     Zr    Nb Mo        Tc       Ru     Rh Ni        Ag       Cd    In Sn        Sb    Te      I     Xe
    5s1    5s2   4d1    4d2   4d3 5s14d5   4d5      4d6    4d7 4d8     5s14d10   4d 10
                                                                                       5p1 5p2      5p3   5p4    5p5    5p6
6   Cs     Ba    La     Hf Ta W Re Os                      Ir  Ni       Au       Hg    Tl Pb        Bi Po At            Rn
    6s1    6s2   5d1    5d2 5d3 6s15d5 5d5 5d6             5d7 5d8     6s15d10   5d 10
                                                                                       6p1 6p2      6p3 6p4 6p5         6p6
7   Fr     Ra    Ac Rf        Db Sg Bh              Hs     Mt
    7s1    7s2   6d1 6d2      6d3 7s16d5 6d5        6d6    6d7

                                                  3.3 Periodic Table                                              9.17.00 1:37 PM
Periodic Table: electron behavior
The periodic table can be classified by the behavior of their electrons

               West (South)               Mid-plains            East (North)
                  METALS              METALLOID             NON-METALS
                     Alkali                                     Noble gas
                    Alkaline                                     Halogens
                  Transition                                    Calcogens
               These elements        These elements          These elements
               tend to give up       will give up e- or      tend to accept
                 e - and form            accept e-             e - and form
                 CATIONS                                        ANIONS                            18
    IA                                                                                           VI A
          2                                                           13    14   15   16   17
1        IA
          I                                                           II
                                                                      IA   I A
                                                                            V    VA   VA
                                                                                       I   VI


               3     4    5     6    7     8    9     10   11    12
3             II
               IB   I B
                     V    VB   VB
                                I   VI
                                     IB        VI B
                                                II         IB    IB





                                      3.3 Periodic Table                                     9.17.00 1:37 PM
2. Trend in Atomic Radius
Atomic Radius:
The size of at atomic species as
determine by the boundaries of the
valence e-.
Largest atomic species are those
found in the lower left corner since
these atoms have the largest n.

                               3.3 Periodic Table   9.17.00 1:37 PM
Trend in Ionic Radius
Ionic Radius:
Atoms can gain or lose electrons to
  form ions.

Electrons are negative so if they gain
  or lose one they will have a charge.
(Cation = lose to form + ion/becomes
Anion = gains to form – ion/becomes

                                  3.3 Periodic Table   9.17.00 1:37 PM
Ionic Radius (cont.)

     3.3 Periodic Table   9.17.00 1:37 PM
3. Trend in Ionization Energy
Ionization potential:
The energy required to remove the
valence electron from an atomic
species. Largest toward top right
corner of PT since these atoms hold
on to their valence e- the tightest.

                            3.3 Periodic Table   9.17.00 1:37 PM
4. Trend in Electron Affinity

Electron Affinity:
The energy release
when an electron is
added to an atom.
Most favorable
toward NE corner of
PT since these atoms
have a great affinity
for e-.

                        3.3 Periodic Table   9.17.00 1:37 PM
Summary of Trend
Periodic Table and Periodic Trends
1. Electron Configuration             3. Ionization Energy: Largest toward NE of PT
                                      4. Electron Affinity: Most favorable NE of PT

        2. Atomic Radius: Largest toward SW corner of PT
                             3.3 Periodic Table                             9.17.00 1:37 PM

Periodic Table: Map of the Building block of matter
Type: Metal, metalloid and Nonmetal
 Groupings: Representative or main, transition and
Family: Elements in the same column have similar
 chemical property because of similar valence
 Alkali, Alkaline, chalcogens, halogens, noble gases
Period: Elements in the same row have valence
 electrons in the same shell.

                      3.3 Periodic Table               9.17.00 1:37 PM

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Periodic table

  • 1. The Periodic Table and the Elements Penny Squires Pisgah High School 2005 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 2. The Periodic Table and the Elements What is the periodic table ? What information is obtained from the table ? How can elemental properties be predicted base on the PT ? 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 3. Dmitri Mendeleev (1869) In 1869 Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer (Germany) published nearly identical classification schemes for elements known to date. The periodic table is base on the similarity of properties and reactivities exhibited by certain elements. Later, Henri Moseley ( England,1887-1915) established that each elements has a unique atomic number, which is how the current periodic table is organized. 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 4. Periodic Law The Periodic Law states that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number their physical and chemical properties show a periodic pattern. 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 5. The Periodic Table A map of the building block of matter. 1 18 IA VIIIA 1 H 1 2 IIA Periodic Table 13 IIIA 14 IVA 15 VA 16 VIA 17 VIIA He 2 1.00797 4.0026 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Li Be B C N O F Ne 6.939 9.0122 10.811 12.0112 14.0067 15.9994 18.9984 20.179 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3 Na Mg IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB VIIIB IB IIB Al Si P S Cl Ar 22.9898 24.305 26.9815 28.086 30.9738 32.064 35.453 39.948 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 39.102 40.08 44.956 47.90 50.942 51.996 54.9380 55.847 58.9332 58.71 63.54 65.37 65.37 72.59 74.9216 78.96 79.909 83.80 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 85.47 87.62 88.905 91.22 92.906 95.94 [99] 101.07 102.905 106.4 107.870 112.40 114.82 118.69 121.75 127.60 126.904 131.30 55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 132.905 137.34 138.91 178.49 180.948 183.85 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.09 196.967 200.59 204.37 207.19 208.980 [210] [210] [222] 87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 7 Fr Ra Ac Ku [223] [226] [227] [260] 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 6. Arrangement The modern Periodic Table is arranged according to atomic number.  Remember that it is the atomic number, or nuclear charge, that determines the identity of the element.  3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 7. Periodic Table Expanded View The way the periodic table usually seen is a compress view, placing the Lanthanides and actinides at the bottom of the stable. 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 8. Periodic Table: Metallic arrangement Layout of the Periodic Table: Metals vs. nonmetals 1 18 IA VIIIA 2 13 14 15 16 17 1 IIA IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB VIIIB IB IIB 4 Nonmetals 5 Metals 6 7 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 9. METALS Hard and Shiny 3 or less valence electrons Form + ions by losing e- Good conductors of heat and electricity 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 10. NONMETALS Gases or dull, brittle solids 5 or more valence electrons Form - ions by gaining e- Poor conductors of heat and electricity 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 11. Metalloids Appearence will vary 3 to 7 valence electrons Form + and/or - ions Conduct better than nonmetals but not as well as metals 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 12. Periodic Table: The three broad Classes Main, Transition, Rare Earth Main (Representative), Transition metals, lanthanides and actinides (rare earth) 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 13. Reading the Periodic Table: Classification Nonmetals, Metals, Metalloids, Noble gases 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 14. Across the Periodic Table Periods: Are arranged horizontally across the periodic table (rows 1-7) 1 These elements have the same number of valence shells. 18 IA VIIIA 2 13 14 15 16 17 1 IIA IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA 2nd Period 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB VIIIB IB IIB 4 5 6th Period 6 7 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 15. s block p block d block f block 3 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 16. Down the Periodic Table Family: Are arranged vertically down the periodic table (columns or group, 1- 18 or 1-8 A,B) These elements have the same number electrons in the outer most shells, the valence shell. 1 18 IA VIIIA 2 Alkali Family: Alkali Family: 13 14 15 16 17 1 IIA 11e- in the valence shell e- in the valence shell IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB VIIIB IB IIB 4 Halogen Family: Halogen Family: 5 77e- in the valence shell e- in the valence shell 6 7 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 17. Infamous Families of the Periodic Table Notable families of the Periodic Table and some important members: Alkali Halogen Noble Gas Alkaline Chalcogens 1 IA (earth) 18 VIIIA 2 13 14 15 16 17 1 IIA Transition Metals IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB VIIIB IB IIB 4 5 6 7 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 18. Hydrogen: A Unique Element 1s1 Shown Over Group 1A & 7A Hydrogen is neither an alkali metal nor a halogen  However, hydrogen does show reactions that are similar to both alkali metals and halogens H. + . Cl : H : Cl : Hydrogen can also gain an electron to form an ion with a 1 - charge H. + e- H: - or H- called hydride 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 19. Group 1A: Alkali Metals React with water easily to lose a valence electron. Form a +1 ion Soft Found in nature combined with other elements Good conductors of heat and electricity 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 20. Group 2A: Alkaline Earth Metals Forms compounds with Oxygen (Oxides) React with water Shiny solids that are heavier than Alkalis React with Oxygen or other metals found in the earth Lose valance electrons to form +2 ions Ca (g) Ca+ (g) + e- First Ionization Step Ca+ (g) Ca2+ (g) + e- Second Ionization Step 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 21. Group 3A: Boron Group Always found combined with other elements in nature. Found as oxides in the earth’s crust. B, Al, Ga, and In form +3 ions Tl only forms a +1 ion 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 22. Group 4A: Carbon Group Few rules apply to this group!!!! 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 23. Group 5A: Nitrogen Group Wide variety of Chemical and Physical properties. N forms a –3 ion Bi forms a +3 ion 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 24. Group 6A: Oxygen Group or Chalcogens Act like nonmetals Tend to gain 2 e- to form –2 ions. Can also share 2 e- 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 25. Group 7A: Halogens Form compounds with almost all metals Salts (NaCl) Have different Physical properties Very reactive and found combined in nature Tend to share or gain 1 e- to form a –1 ion 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 26. Group 8A: Noble Gases •Colorless •Unreactive •Last to be discovered •Rarely react (1st time was in a lab in 1962) 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 27. Rare Earth Metals 1. Lanthanides – Named because they follow lanthanum Silvery metals with high melting points Found mixed in nature – very hard to seperate 2. Actinide – Named because they follow actinium Radioactive elements Only 3 exist in nature – the rest are synthetic 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 28. Transition Metals Share conductivity, luster and malleability with other metals. Closein atomic size, electronegativity and ionization energy Different physical properties (determined by their electron configuration) Can lose 2 e- to form +2 ion or 3 to form a +3 ion Ifthey form more than one type of ion the element will have a different color when combined. 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 29. Periodic Table e- configuration from the periodic periodic table 1 18 IA VIIIA 2 13 14 15 16 17 1 H IIA IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA He 1s1 1s2 2 Li Be B BC N O F Ne 2s1 2s2 2p1 2p 2p 2p4 1 2 3 2p5 2p6 3 Na Mg 3 IIIB 4 IVB 5 VB 6 VIB 7 VIIB 8 9 VIIIB 10 11 IB 12 IIB Al Si P S Cl Ar 3s1 3s2 3p1 3p2 3p3 3p4 3p5 3p6 4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Be Kr 4s1 4s2 3d1 3d2 3d3 4s13d5 3d5 3d6 3d7 3d8 4s13d10 3d10 4p1 4p2 4p3 4p4 4p5 4p6 5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Ni Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 5s1 5s2 4d1 4d2 4d3 5s14d5 4d5 4d6 4d7 4d8 5s14d10 4d 10 5p1 5p2 5p3 5p4 5p5 5p6 6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Ni Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 6s1 6s2 5d1 5d2 5d3 6s15d5 5d5 5d6 5d7 5d8 6s15d10 5d 10 6p1 6p2 6p3 6p4 6p5 6p6 7 Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt 7s1 7s2 6d1 6d2 6d3 7s16d5 6d5 6d6 6d7 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 30. Periodic Table: electron behavior The periodic table can be classified by the behavior of their electrons West (South) Mid-plains East (North) METALS METALLOID NON-METALS Alkali Noble gas Alkaline Halogens Transition Calcogens These elements These elements These elements tend to give up will give up e- or tend to accept e - and form accept e- e - and form 1 CATIONS ANIONS 18 IA VI A II 2 13 14 15 16 17 1 IA I II IA I A V VA VA I VI IA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 II IB I B V VB VB I VI IB VI B II IB IB I 4 5 6 7 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 31. 2. Trend in Atomic Radius Atomic Radius: The size of at atomic species as determine by the boundaries of the valence e-. Largest atomic species are those found in the lower left corner since these atoms have the largest n. 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 32. Trend in Ionic Radius Ionic Radius: Atoms can gain or lose electrons to form ions. Electrons are negative so if they gain or lose one they will have a charge. (Cation = lose to form + ion/becomes smaller and Anion = gains to form – ion/becomes larger) 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 33. Ionic Radius (cont.) 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 34. 3. Trend in Ionization Energy Ionization potential: The energy required to remove the valence electron from an atomic species. Largest toward top right corner of PT since these atoms hold on to their valence e- the tightest. 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 35. 4. Trend in Electron Affinity Electron Affinity: The energy release when an electron is added to an atom. Most favorable toward NE corner of PT since these atoms have a great affinity for e-. 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 36. Summary of Trend Periodic Table and Periodic Trends 1. Electron Configuration 3. Ionization Energy: Largest toward NE of PT 4. Electron Affinity: Most favorable NE of PT 2. Atomic Radius: Largest toward SW corner of PT 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM
  • 37. Summary Periodic Table: Map of the Building block of matter Table Type: Metal, metalloid and Nonmetal Type Groupings: Representative or main, transition and Lanthanide/Actanides Family: Elements in the same column have similar Family chemical property because of similar valence electrons Alkali, Alkaline, chalcogens, halogens, noble gases Period: Elements in the same row have valence electrons in the same shell. 3.3 Periodic Table 9.17.00 1:37 PM