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Personal Finance using
Management Consulting
Practical guide with case studies & real-life
A lot of people spend almost everything they earn, live on borrowed money and
struggle to make ends meet. This happens regardless of how much you earn.
This situation can be changed. You can start gradually building your wealth by applying
simple hacks that will help you spend less, earn more and be more productive
I will show you how to build your wealth gradually using Management Consulting Hacks.
Management Consultants are famous for the rational approach and efficiency
In this course I will teach you Management Consulting Hacks using
easy to understand useful case studies and real life examples.
In business you have to make a lot of important decisions
Thanks to this hacks, techniques and tools it will be much easier
for you to spend less, earn more and be much more productive
Personal Finance using Management
Consulting Hacks
What you will see in this presentation is a part of my online course where you
can find case studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel
Click here to check my course
How the presentation is
We have divided the course into 7 parts. Each part contains useful Management
Consulting Hacks that will help you improve your personal finance
Be more productive – How
to do the right things
Be more productive – How
to work faster
How to spend less
Additional revenue streams
How much money you
actually need?
How to earn more
How to invest wisely your
General framework for
personal finance
Building wealth can be boil down to 3 things
Income Expenses Savings=-
Savings x # of years = Total savings
Total savings x
1 + increase in
value in %
= Total wealth
Let’s have a look at the general framework that we will use in this course
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
In every section we will go deeper into things you can do. Below example
for ideas how to spend less
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
Spend less
Spend less – Introduction
In this section we will discuss useful ways that will help you spend less and save
more money
General framework for
spending less
Analysis of your
expenses / spending
Detailed discussion of
methods to spend less
Cases studies &
examples how to apply
Other useful things that
will help you spend less
& save money
General framework for
spending less
As you may remember we have the following general framework
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
In this section we will get deeper into ways to spend less
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the endgame
of an action and is it
worth it
Why you need data on what
you spend your money?
What gets measured gets managed
Peter Drucker
There are plenty of reasons why you have to first see on what you spend
currently your money
You will know how much money
you spend every month
You will see what is the structure of
your costs
You will be able to identify so
called one-offs
You can set priorities
You will know which categories you
will have to analyze in details
Awareness helps you already spend
You can set daily limits that will
help you get quick wins
You will know which habits /
believes you will have to deal with
How to get data on how you
spend your money
Let’s start with the goal. You want to see on what categories you spend
money and how much they make in your monthly spending
There are 4 approaches to gather data on how much you spend and on
Fill in data in Excel by
Fill in data in Excel –
every spending a
separate entry
Use data from your
bank account
 You create a matrix in Excel –
the rows are categories, the
columns are months
 Manually you put data every
time you spend them in the
proper cell
 You create a table in which
you put every spending.
 Every spending is a separate
 For every spending you put
not only the amount but also
the date of the spending and
you pick the category
 You can use the table to
create all sort of reports
 You can either do the
analysis directly in your
banking system by adding to
every spending the category
of spending
 You can also download the
data from the banking
system and analyze them in
Other specialized
tools for analyzing
your spending
 Mobile apps like: Mint,
Pocket Guard, YNAB
 Other similar tools that
aggregate your data from
different banking account
and the data that you put in
There are 4 approaches to gather data on how much you spend and on
Fill in data in Excel by
Fill in data in Excel –
every spending a
separate entry
Use data from your
bank account
 You create a matrix in Excel –
the rows are categories, the
columns are months
 Manually you put data every
time you spend them in the
proper cell
 You create a table in which
you put every spending.
 Every spending is a separate
 For every spending you put
not only the amount but also
the date of the spending and
you pick the category
 You can use the table to
create all sort of reports
 You can either do the
analysis directly in your
banking system by adding to
every spending the category
of spending
 You can also download the
data from the banking
system and analyze them in
Other specialized
tools for analyzing
your spending
 Mobile apps like: Mint,
Pocket Guard, YNAB
 Other similar tools that
aggregate your data from
different banking account
and the data that you put in
The fist method would look roughly like this in practice
The second method would look roughly like this in practice
Amount spend
In USD Reason Month Category
01/06/2019 400Mortgage 6Flat related expenses
01/06/2019 100
Fees for the
appartment 6Flat related expenses
01/06/2019 50Electricity 6Flat related expenses
01/06/2019 12Netflix 6Entertainment
01/06/2019 40Internet + HBO 6Entertainment
01/06/2019 30Phone 6Phone
03/06/2019 15Bachata 6Sport
10/06/2019 15Bachata 6Sport
17/06/2019 15Bachata 6Sport
24/06/2019 15Bachata 6Sport
04/06/2019 80Groceries 6Daily expenses
11/06/2019 60Groceries 6Daily expenses
18/06/2019 70Groceries 6Daily expenses
25/06/2019 90Groceries 6Daily expenses
03/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
04/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
05/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
06/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
07/06/2019 30Lunch outside 6Dinning out
10/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
11/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
12/06/2019 20Lunch outside 6Dinning out
13/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
14/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
17/06/2019 30Lunch outside 6Dinning out
18/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
There are 4 approaches to gather data on how much you spend and on
Fill in data in Excel by
Fill in data in Excel –
every spending a
separate entry
Use data from your
bank account
Other specialized
tools for analyzing
your spending
Reduce usage / frequency of
Just as reminder reducing usage is one of the ways in which we can spend
less. Now we will talk about this in details
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
To show you how important this technique is I will do the following 3
things in the next few lectures
Cases study showing reduction
of frequency of usage
Cases study showing reduction
of frequency of purchasing
How to identify which expenses
are worth reducing
Check the details of the cases in my online course
Reduce how often you do
something per month
Reduce how often you replace
Click here to check my course
How to identify which expenses
are worth reducing
As we said we have 2 cases
Reduce how often you do
something per month
Reduce how often you
replace something
 We reduce how often we do something
 In this way we reduce the overall all
 This techniques is great for things that are
cheap, but we do them very often:
coffee, parties, Uber / taxi etc.
 We reduce the frequency of purchase
 In other words we extend the time of
usage of specific thing
 It’s great for SMCG / items used for
longer period: clothes, cars, laptops,
smartphones, furniture etc.
Get the low hanging fruits first. By low
hanging fruits we mean things with big
impact and easy to accomplish
Resources needed
 Things with big impact that
require little work
 Easy but with low impact
 Things with big impact yet
expensive, time consuming
In low hanging fruits we divide the potential choices in 4 categories
As we said we have 2 cases
Reduce how often you do
something per month
Reduce how often you
replace something
Let’s see how the low hanging fruit framework would look for the first
Reduce how often you do
something per month
Reduce how often you
replace something
4 3
Frequency of doing
something during the month
Low % in total expenses
Lunch outside
In the case of the reducing frequency of usage the low hanging fruit method
looks like this. Below how it would look for Giuseppe
Uber / Taxi / Cab
Dinner with Girlfriend
Let’s see how the low hanging fruit framework would look for the
second category
Reduce how often you do
something per month
Reduce how often you
replace something
4 3
# of years between purchase
High How high is the cost / price
Renovating the flat
Below how it would look for Maria
Domestic appliances
Smartphone & Laptop
Eliminate some expenses
Just as reminder eliminating some expenses is one of the ways in which we
can spend less. Now we will talk about this in details
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
We will start by discussing how to identify which expenses are worth
eliminating. Later on as always we will move on to case studies
How to identify which
expenses are worth
Cases study showing
elimation of some expense
How to identify which expenses
that are worth eliminating
There are 3 main reasons why you should eliminate certain expenses
Eliminate things you
don’t use
Eliminate things you
don’t enjoy
 There is no point in paying for
something that you don’t use
 There is no point in paying for
something that you don’t enjoy
 In this category you will have all
sorts of products that you buy due
to social pressure or to show-off
Eliminate things that are
 Don’t pay for things that are
harming you
 It doesn’t make sense to pay for
pain or things that will cause a lot
of trouble in the future
Renegotiate prices & find
cheaper provider
Another great thing that you can use to spend is less is simply to look at the
prices you pay and change them
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
We will start with a general framework and later I will show you in practice how
to deal with this subject
Approach to renegotiation of prices
& finding cheaper providers
Cases study showing how to do it in
Renegotiate prices & find
cheaper provider
Below a nice approach that is useful when it comes to cutting down on
prices paid
List categories of
costs that you incur
Estimate annual
expenses for every
Estimate roughly the
potential in
percentage that you
can save
Prepare action plan
for every saving
Act using the action
plan you have
Total cost of ownership –
Now we will move to a bit more complicated issue the Total Cost of
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
We will start with a definition and later on I will show you a case study that will
use the concept of total cost of ownership
Definition of the Total Cost of
Cases study using Total Cost of
The case study will be devoted to trying to decide whether it’s better to own a
flat or rent it
Rent or buy a flat
Total cost of ownership
 All the cost related to owning or using a specific
item / thing
 It will also include the cost of lost opportunity i.e.
money not earned due to spending time on
repairing the thing
Total cost of
Let’s start with a short definition
 Cost of buying a car
 Insurance
 Fuel
 Cost of maintenance including repairs &
 Time wasted on maintenance, parking etc.
 Other i.e. parking tickets, traffic ticket etc.
Let’s compare the cost of owing a car and using a rideshare /
taxi / cab service
 Cost of rideshares
Rent or buy an apartment / flat –
Let’s imagine that Peter is considering 2 choice: buying an apartment or
renting it. Let’s use the total cost of ownership to see what makes sense.
Let’s have a look at the information that Peter has
Buying the apartment would
require EUR 150 K
Renting cost EUR 600 per month
Interest rate is 3%, inflation 2%,
Wage increase is 5%
Peter currently earns EUR 30 per
Personal Finance using Management
Consulting Hacks
For more details and content check my online course where you can find case
studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel
Click here to check my course
Adjust your behavior using Total
Costs of Ownership & tradeoffs
There are plenty of areas in which you can apply the Total Cost of Ownership
Choice of flat & the
way you finance it
Choice of car
Holiday house vs
paid holidays
Own boat vs rented
Choice of printer or
printing service
Choice of razors
Choice of cosmetic /
beauty procedure
Choice of
Choice of domestic
Car vs Scooter vs Bike Many, many more
Be healthy & stay in shape
Staying in shape can help you drastically reduce your
expenses. Here we have both direct as well as indirect impact
Below some of the benefits of staying in shape & healthy
You spend less on food
You spend less time on buying and
preparing food
You don’t have to exchange your
clothes that often
You spend drastically less on health
related issues
You spend less time with doctors /
You are more productive and have
more time to work
Your example will impact your kids
and they will be less costly for you
To show you how important it is and how to do it in practice we will do 3 case
studies and we will talk about 2 useful frameworks
Costs comparison
How to o lose
weight – case study
How to get into
shape using – case
Low hanging fruit
SMART goals
How to lose weight – Case
Imagine that you want to help Kate lose weight. Use the low hanging
fruit approach to map all the potential solutions. First list activities
How to lose weight –
List of potential activities
Just as a reminder you were supposed to help Kate lose weight. The first
step is to list all potential activities that can help her achieve the goal
Let’s first list all potential ideas
Cut down on sweets by 50%
Buy special meal kit / box diet
Run 2 times a week for 30 minutes
Walk every day 15 K steps
Hire personal trainer / coach
Measure calories intake
Do intermittent fasting
Stop eating carbs / carbohydrates
Eat 2 kg of vegetables every day Give up sweet beverages
Start drinking green tea Drink 4 liters of water every day
15 minutes of daily exercises Plastic surgery
Now try to map all ideas on the low hanging fruit matrix
4 3
Low Difficulty level
How to lose weight –
Just as a reminder you were supposed to help Kate lose weight. We have
the list let’s try to put the on the map and identify low hanging fruits
Let’s first list all potential ideas
Cut down on sweets by 50%
Buy special meal kit / box diet
Run 2 times a week for 30 minutes
Walk every day 15 K steps
Hire personal trainer / coach
Measure calories intake
Do Intermittent fasting
Stop eating carbs / carbohydrates
Eat 2 kg of vegetables every day Give up sweet beverages
Start drinking green tea Drink 4 liters of water every day
15 minutes of daily exercises Plastic surgery
Let’s map all ideas on the low hanging fruits matrix
4 3
Low Difficulty level
Cut down on sweets by 50%
Buy special meal kit / box diet
Run 2 times a week for 30 minutes Walk every day 15 K steps
Eat 2 kg of vegetables every day
Start drinking green tea
15 minutes of daily exercises
Hire personal trainer / coach
Measure calories intake
Do Intermittent fasting
Stop eating carbs / carbohydrates
Give up sweet beverages
Drink 4 liters of water every day
Plastic surgery
How to get in shape –
Let’s help Tom get in shape by using the SMART goal framework. Help
him achieve his goals in 9 months
Let’s first define the goals in the SMART framework
Tom weighs 110 kg. He wants to
lose 30 kg in 6 months
He can currently lift 30 kg. He
wants to reach 60 kg
He can currently run for 2
minutes at speed 7 min/km
We wants to run for 30 minutes
at the speed 5 min/km
Calculate the value of your
Whether you clean, cook, wait in the line you are effectively using your
precious resource that is also limited – the time
Time like money is limited and you can exchange between each other
Time Money
Calculating the value of your time is a next step that will help you save
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
Calculating the value of your time is a next step that will help you save
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
Whenever we are looking at a activity there will be 2 components. We calculate
the value of time to know the tradeoffs and be able to compare
Money Time
Preparing a meal
$ 5 1 hour
$ 5 $ 20
$ 25
Eating a meal at restaurant
$ 30 0.5 hour
$ 30 $ 10
$ 40
Now let’s see how you calculate the value of time
# of hours devoted
to activity
Hourly wage / salary
net of taxes
Value of 1 hour
expressed in money
Calculate the value of time –
Case Introduction
Let’s imagine that you want to help Maria use her time wisely. Therefore,
you want to show how much she invest in daily things expressed in money
There are a few things that we know about Maria
She earns EUR 40 per 1 hour
after deducting taxes
She cooks every day. It takes 1
hour to prepare a meal
She cleans the house every
week. It takes 4 hours to clean
She shops every second day. It
takes her 1.5 hours per 1 visit
How to use the value of your time
to make decisions?
You can use the value of time for 3 things
Make-or-buy analysis Spend less
 You can use the value of time to do
the so called make it or buy it
 In make-or-buy analysis you try to
see what makes sense: to do
something on your own (i.e.
cleaning) or to delegate this to
somebody else, buy the service or
 In some cases you may decide to
do something on your own even
though the price of buying it is
lower than the value of time you
devote to it
 You do it when you are stranded
for cash, but you have time that
you can use to do some tasks to
save cash
Earn more
 In cases when you can turn your
time into more money you can use
the result of the make-or-buy
analysis and decide to delegate
some things to other people / firms
 The saved time you should put to
working more / earning more to be
able to pay to the supplier of
services / products that you
decided not to do
In a sense you can use the following criteria to decide what to do
Is the price
lower than the
value of your
Do you need the
Can you turn
additional time
into additional
Do the thing on
your own
Buy the thing
and start
working more
Do the thing on
your own
Decide using
other criteria i.e.
Do make it or buy it analysis
using value of your time
As we have suggested you should use the value of your time to decide whether
you should do something personally or you should buy it /delegate it
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
I have mentioned that you should follow an easy rule to decide what
you do and what you don’t do yourself
Is the price
lower than the
value of your
Do you need the
Can you turn
additional time
into additional
Do the thing on
your own
Buy the thing
and start
working more
Do the thing on
your own
Decide using
other criteria i.e.
Check my online course for details on the case studies
Should Maria delegate some of
her everyday work?
Car vs Uber
Click here to check my course
Car vs Uber – Introduction
Let’s imagine that you were to decided whether it makes more sense to
buy a car or to use Uber
We will consider 3 scenarios
Consider 3 scenarios
In scenario 1 you use the car just
to get to work
In scenario 2 you use it also for
buying and visiting friends
In scenario 3 you also travel on
Let’s see what is the difference for
# of days during
which you use the
car during the
Scenario 1 - just to get to
 20
Average # of km per
day covered
 50
Scenario 2 - work, shopping,
 26
 70
Scenario 3 - work, shopping,
friends, weekends
 30
 90
% probability of
 50%  30%  20%
A few hints on what costs you should take into consideration
for the own car option
Purchasing of the car & financing
Other costs i.e. traffic tickets
Measure happiness per 100 USD
spent & adjust your choices
Now we will move to spending efficiency. This time the efficiency we will
measure in happiness level per 100 USD spent
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
Let’s have a look at a short example that will exemplify what we have in mind
$ 10 5 hour
$ 10 2 hour
Happiness level for 100
$ 100 50 hour $ 100 20 hour
You should group the activities and pick rather things that give you
more happiness per 100 USD spend
Your relations with friends
Your relations with your
Your relations with family
Reduce Liabilities / Debts / Loans
Many people are stacked with expensive debts. You have to deal with them to
reduce your overall expenses
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
There are some golden rules that you should follow when it comes to
debt reduction
Pay first the most expensive debts
Pay the expensive loans / debt as
soon as possible
Don’t loose liquidity. Be able to cover
your payments in every period
Increase the amount on the cheapest
debt to pay off the more expensive
Play with the length of the loan to be
liquid in every period
Play with the size of the loan to be
liquid in every period
Below a nice approach that is the most useful when it comes to
reducing debts
List all debts and
interest paid on
Model each debt /
loan in a separate
Check what is the
cash gap and what
you have to do it to
cover it
Check how much
you can save by
paying off the most
expensive debt first
Act using the action
plan you have
Reduce Liabilities – Case
Let’s imagine that you have to help Adam and Eva deal with their debts. They want to
lower the amount they spend on interest paid. Have a look at their debts
A few information about Adam and Eva
They earn in total EUR 6 000
They can save up to 20%
They have 3 loans: mortgage,
credit card and car loan
Try to help them restructure
their debt
Repurpose assets that don't
generate income
Another step you can take is to repurpose assets that don’t generate income
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the end
outcome of things
and is it worth it
Let’s first start by dividing our assets into 4 groups
Do we use the assets
Useful & valuable
 You use them currently – so they don’t
generate cash.
 This asset value will increase with the time so
don’t sell it – keep it!
 Try to make this group as small as possible
Potential investment that can generate cash
 Keep them provided you don’t have to repay
your debts
 Try to generate cash from them
Not used & losing value
 Sell them
 If selling is not possible rent them to generate
some cash
Useful & losing value
 Don’t buy too much of those
 Use them as much as possible
 Try to make this group as small as possible
Does its value
increase with time?
Let’s have a look at some examples
Do we use the assets
Useful & valuable
 Our first flat / apartment that is located in the
Potential investment that can generate cash
 Second flat / apartment located in the center
 Summer house
 Books that are no-longer printed
 Jewelry
Not used & losing value
 Clothes that we hardly ever wear
 Second laptop or second iPhone
 Second flat located in a town which population
is decreasing
 Car we hardly every use
Useful & losing value
 Car that we use to go to work
 Clothes we wear
 Our smartphone that we use daily
Does its value
increase with time?
Below the approach we propose to handling the assets
Divide the assets
into 4 groups
Sell assets that you
are not using and
that are losing value
Rent the rest of
assets that you are
not using
Try to minimize the
assets you use
Rent bigger part of
the assets you are
not using
Repurpose assets – Case
Tomasz & Monika married 5 years ago and they have decided with his wife to
go through their assets and put them to use. Help them with this task
A few things we know about Tomasz & his wife Monika
They have has 2 cars. Monika uses her
car once every 2 weeks
They have 2 small apartments and 1
big apartment.
One of the small apartment is filled
with their old clothes
In the second apartment they rent
just 1 room out of 2
Below a detailed list of their main assets
Old clothes
Tomasz’s car
Monika’s car
Small Apartment 1
2 toaster
3 vacuum cleaners
Books from the beginning of 20th century
2 old laptops
Small Apartment 2 4 old smartphones
Big Apartment
Land in the village with one of the highest
unemployment rate in Poland
Do we use the assets
Does its value
increase with time?
Useful & valuable
Potential investment that can generate cash
Not used & losing value
Useful & losing value
Try to map them using our framework. Divided them in 4 groups
Repurpose assets – Assets
Just as a reminder you were supposed to help Tomasz and his wife to go
through their assets and put them to use. First you had to divide into 4 groups
A few things we know about Tomasz & his wife Monika
They have has 2 cars. Monika uses her
car once every 2 weeks
They have 2 small apartments and 1
big apartment.
One of the small apartment is filled
with their old clothes
In the second apartment they rent
just 1 room out of 2
Below all detailed list of their main assets we got from them
Old clothes
Tomasz’s car
Monika’s car
Small Apartment 1
2 toaster
3 vacuum cleaners
Books from the beginning of 20th century
2 old laptops
Small Apartment 2 4 old smartphones
Big Apartment
Land in the village with one of the highest
unemployment rate in Poland
Do we use the
assets for
Does its value increase with time?
Useful & valuable
Potential investment that can generate cash
todayNot used & losing value
Useful & losing value
We can divide their assets in the following way
Old clothes
Tomasz’s car
Monika’s car Small Apartment 1
Small Apartment 2
Big Apartment
1 toaster
1 vacuum cleaners
Books from the beginning of
20th century
1 toaster
2 vacuum cleaners
2 old laptops
4 old smartphones
Land in the village
Check the endgame
The last thing worth considering that will help you spend less is to check the
end outcome before investing
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Reduce usage /
frequency of using /
Eliminate some
Renegotiate prices &
find cheaper provider
Calculate Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO)
Adjust your choices
and behavior using
TCO & tradeoffs
Be healthy & in shape
Calculate the value of
your time
Do make it or buy it
analysis using value
of your time
Measure happiness
per 100 USD spent &
adjust your choices
Reduce expensive
Repurpose assets
that don’t generate
Check the endgame
of something and
whether it is worth it
In those situation usually you must spend significant amount of money in
advance. The outcome may be small..
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
…or great.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
There are plenty of situation that this approach is extremely important
Buying a car
Buying a flat / house
Investing in a certificate
Startup investment
Stock investment
Moving to a new place
Changing your career path
Check the online course for details on the case study and calculation in
Should George do the MBA?
Click here to check my course
Personal Finance using Management
Consulting Hacks
For more details and content check my online course where you can find case
studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel
Click here to check my course
Be more productive
Be more productive
– Introduction
The key to growing your wealth is to be more productive. In other words to
do more valuable output, more efficiently and most of all do the right things
We have covered methods to spend less. Now it’s time to have a look at
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Check our presentation on productivity hacks to learn how to 10x your
Management consultant
productivity hacks
How to be lazy and still get things done
Earn more
General framework for earning
In this section we will get deeper into ways to earn more
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Be more productive
Acquire new skills &
Deliver value
Demonstrate that
you have delivered
the value
Ask for a raise
Change the way you
are getting your
Befriend people
within the firm
Network outside the
Get promoted
Move from one firm
to another
Get more hours
Change your career
path to a more
promising one
Be more productive
The first step to earning more is simply to be more productive. This is the
cornerstone for all other moves. First take care of that
When it comes to the most useful personal productivity hacks they can
be divided into 2 groups
Select (do the right
Work faster
When it comes to doing the right things are few simple rules / tools that
you can use
80/20 rule
Go from general to
Use simple math
Go for low hanging
Right down issue
Use benchmarksSet priorities
Working faster requires you to do some changes in the way you work
Create to-do lists Set SMART goals
Use the right tools
and master them
Remove bottlenecks
Talk and write in a
simple way
Create universal
structure for folders
Avoid emailsAvoid multitasking
Create templates and
Avoid iterations
Guess and prepare
Acquire new skills & knowledge
New skills & knowledge are extremely important for variety of reasons
Can help you do you work faster / do more
or better work
You can be able to do more valuable things
for the firm
Signaling effect of new skills & knowledge
New skills can help you change the rules of
the game i.e. automate work
Thanks to new skills / knowledge you may
be able to better cooperate with other
If the skills / knowledge you have just
acquired does not exist in the firm you
became the main expert
Some skills are required on a specific
Check the following case studies in the course
Compound effect
Case study – Ann improving her
reading speed
Click here to check my course
Deliver value
Delivering value is extremely important and unfortunately difficult
You The firm
The value may have different forms. No matter what it is make sure you
are delivering it
Physical product (i.e. produce part of the
finished product, tool, building, machine)
Digital product (i.e. create post, video,
manual, tool, software)
Service (i.e. analyze something, count,
transport, give advice, train people)
Generate sales
Status / Show off effect
Other (i.e. provide a different point of
Bring new customers
Deliver value – the Process
Below the approach to deliver value
Figure out who
decides about the
Define with him
what value for him
and the firm is
Define the KPIs to
measure the output
& quality of the
Learn how often and
how the value will
be measured
Define what to do to
deliver more value
Let’s have a look at an example of a sales representative
Figure out who
decides about the
Define with him
what value for him
and the firm is
Define the KPIs to
measure the output
& quality of the
Learn how often and
how the value will
be measured
Define what to do to
deliver more value
 Sales Director  Revenue generated
by the customers
assigned to the
specific sales rep
 Gross Margin
generated by the
customers assigned
to the specific sales
 Gross Margin value
expressed in
thousands of EUR
 % Plan execution of
Gross margin
 Payment terms
expressed in days
 Monthly
 Measured by the
Finance department
 Improve the
acquisition of new
 Create tools that
would shorten the
visit at the
 Organized the
routes in a more
optimal way
Demonstrate that you have
delivered the value
Famous philosopher Kierkegaard wondered what sound
makes the tree when it falls in an empty forest.
He came to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter. If there
is no observer, the tree doesn’t matter. It doesn’t exist
Only the presence of the observer makes something real. The same goes
for the value you deliver. If nobody knows about it – it does not exist
A few tips what to do to demonstrate the value
Pick the right boss
Define with your boss the value that
you have to deliver
Define & track the KPIs for the value
Make yourself and the value you create
visible (i.e. participate in rankings)
Participate in projects that will help you
highlight the value you create
Create things that will be used by a
large number of people in the firm
Discuss your progress in value creation
with your boss
Create things that will be used by the
most important decision makers
Ask for a raise
One day the lion – the king of all animals have gathered them in the
forest and told them that he is very annoyed with the current situation.
Therefore, he has prepared a list of animals that he will eat.
The rabbit came and asked him if he was on the list. The lion
confirmed that and told him to say goodbye to his family
Next came the dear and got the same answer. Animals came and went and almost
all of them got the same answer from the king. Prepare to die – you will be eaten.
At some point came the Fox. He asked the Lion the same
question. The Lion told him that he is also on the list.
At this point the Fox did something no other animal dared to do
He asked the Lion: ”Can you cross me off the list”. The Lion surprising
said YES and cross him off the list. In this way the fox survived.
Below the approach we propose to negotiating the raise
Do you research
Prepare you pitch –
why you deserve the
Prepare the ground
for the discussion
about the raise
Meet with your boss
and be persistent
Don’t overdo it
 Check what is the
level of salaries in
your department,
the firm on similar
positions and on
the market
 Check your
against others
 Check what is the
financial situation of
the whole firm
 Prepare on the
basis of the
research the
reasons why you
should get the raise
 Such reasons
include: your much
performance, your
salary is much lower
than on similar
positions, you are
delivering new
value to the firm
 Don’t ambush the
 Ask him for a
special meeting to
discuss your salary
 Make sure that
around the point of
discussion you are
creating a lot of
value and your boss
is aware of that
 Meet with the boss
and present your
pitch – why you
should get a raise
and what amount of
money you have in
 Make it clear that
you are happy with
the work regardless
of your salary
 Make sure that he
agrees that you are
delivering high
value and you are
relatively underpaid
 If he doesn’t agree
for a raise ask under
what conditions and
when you can get it
 Don’t try to get too
big a raise – this
may put you in
danger if your
performance is a
little bit lower or
the firm has
 Don’t ask for a raise
too often. Once a
year, especially
around the
performance review
is a good rule of
Change the way you are getting
your money
Another way to earn more is simply to change the way you earn money. Let’s
consider 2 employees that are creating content
5 000
Peter John
Base salary 5 000
168# hours they work a
10# of posts they create
a month
How they are paid By the hour By the # of posts
Now let’s imagine that both of them increase their productivity by 50%. As you
can see John earns much more
5 000
Peter John
Base salary 7 500
168# hours they work a
15# of posts they create
a month
How they are paid By the hour By the # of posts
0% 50%
50% 50%
Now let’s think when it makes sense to move from charging by the hour (effort)
to charging by the output
You can be much more productive
than the average employee
You enjoy working
You don’t need that much socializing
at the work place
The output is easily observable by
you and your employee
The output is relatively standardized
– there is little variance
You are healthy and hardly ever
experience things that can harm your
Befriend people within the firm
Let’s see why it makes sense to befriend people at your firm
People give more willingly raises to
people that they like
You are more likely to get a help from
colleagues if they like you
People talk & share information with
colleagues that they like
If they like you will have higher chances
to participate in interesting projects
Being likeable increases your chances of
getting promoted
If you are liked a decrease in your
performance will be treated more lightly
If you have more information & earlier
you see the threats & opportunities
Once we know why it is important to be liked let’s talk about how to achieve it
Real work – delivering
Real work – delivering
Help others
Below the approach to befriending your colleagues
Define how to help
other and deliver
Allocate time for this
Be proactive – ask to
help people
Help your colleagues
As for help when
you need it
Network outside the firm
Networking within your firm is not enough. You have to reach out to
outside network as well. Below a few reasons why it is so important
You can get new opportunities not
available within your firm
You can catch new, interesting trends
You can bring those trends to your firm
and be perceived as an authority in
this area
You can learn new things
They may offer you to participate in
events, projects that will improve your
personal brand
You may get new interesting job offers
Below the approach to networking outside your firm
Pick the form of
networking that is
comfortable for you
Allocate time for this
Plan where to go
and what to do
Define KPIs for you
networking activities
Execute & track
efficiency of you
Get promoted
Another way to earn more is simply to be promoted to a higher position
Higher position in most cases means
higher salary
Higher position means more influence
on the firm
Higher position means more exposure
to Board Members and the outside
At certain level you will be entitled to
bonus schemes
At higher positions you will benefit
more from productivity gains
If you change the company at higher
position your salary gain will be
usually bigger
Below the approach to getting promoted
Understand the
career paths that
exists in the firm
Learn the
requirements for
getting promoted
Understand the
Define with your
boss what you have
to do get promoted
Execute & track your
progress towards
 In many firms you
have very limited
number of positions
directly above you
that you can fill in
 In many cases the
promotion have to be
done by moving to a
different department
or region
 Not all firms have
defined career paths
 In many cases there
are some informal
rules i.e. director has
to have at least
certain number of
years experience in
specific department
 Your promotion will
depend on the
 The most important of
them is usually your
direct boss or his boss
 Huge importance in
some firms play the
HR Manager
Get more hours
As you may remember we said that you can work more by improving
productivity. You can gain a lot also by eliminating chores at home
Real work – delivering
168 hours
Time spend on other
chores at home
Real work – delivering
Help others
Time spend on other
chores at home
40-60 hours
In this way we can drastically increase the time for work
Real work – delivering
168 hours
Real work – delivering
Help others
Time spend on other
chores at home
40-60 hours
Time spend on other
chores at home
Real work – delivering
Remodel your life
Help others
Real work – delivering
Such drastic remodeling of your life makes sense for many reasons
Specialization leads usually to
efficiency jump
You reach faster excellence level – the
10 thousand hours rule
You can generate more cash
You can deliver 2x-3x more output
than your colleagues / competitors
You reach the critical mass much
You progress becomes more visible
Change your career path to more
In many cases you have the choice to stay on your career path…..
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….or to change it to a more promising one
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Below some reasons why you should do it
Your current job may stop existing
You can gain much more if you
change the career path
You can apply part of your current
experience on the new path
You are bored with your current
career path
You find the new career path
You want more flexibility that current
career path does not offer
Change your career path to a more
promising one – Case Introduction
Julia has finished History and currently works as a barista in a coffee shop.
Help her decide whether it makes sense to change her career path.
Below a few information about Julia
She currently earns
EUR 800 per month
She can become a programmer and
earn 50% more
Requalifying would cost her
EUR 4 000
As a programmer she would get 5%
salary increase every year above
what she can get now
Personal Finance using Management
Consulting Hacks
For more details and content check my online course where you can find case
studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel
Click here to check my course
Additional revenue streams
Additional revenue streams
– Introduction
In this section we will discuss useful ways that will help you generate additional
revenue streams
General framework for
additional revenue streams
Detailed discussion of
Cases studies & examples
how to apply them in
General framework for additional
revenue streams
In this section we will get deeper into ways to earn more
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Sell your services
Exchange your time
for something else
(i.e. shares)
Create assets & tools
Sell or rent your
assets & tools
Create new revenue
streams using your
assets & tools
Other (i.e. create new
Sell your services
In previous sections we said that thanks to better work and by doing make-
or-buy analysis we can gain a lot of time
Real work – delivering
168 hours
Real work – delivering
Help others
Time spend on other
chores at home
40-60 hours
Time spend on other
chores at home
Real work – delivering
Remodel your life
Help others
Real work – delivering
You can also do with this time a lot of other things that will help you earn
more money
Real work – delivering
168 hours
Real work – delivering
Help others
Time spend on other
chores at home
40-60 hours
Time spend on other
chores at home
Real work – delivering
Remodel your life
Help others
The additional time that we have gained by outsourcing some of the chores &
improving productivity we can apply to the following areas
Additional time
Work more for
the current
Sell services to
other firms
Learn new things
that will help you
earn more
Create Assets &
Tools that you
can sell / rent
Create your own
Work for other
Other options i.e.
As you can see selling services is one of the alternatives to working more for
the current employer
Additional time
Work more for
the current
Sell services to
other firms
Learn new things
that will help me
earn more
Create Assets &
Tools that I can
sell / rent
Create my own
Work for other
Other options i.e.
Let’s see when it may make sense to sell your services to other firms
There is no conflict of interest
There are no other legal barriers
You have / you can acquire the
skills needed
There is an easy way to get
Preferably there is a marketplace
for those services
The services can be delivered
The service will not impact
negatively you primary job
You have necessary assets, tools to
do the service
You can earn more from the service
The customer will pay you
Sell your services – Examples
Let’s have a look at some services that you can provide
and related
 Uber / Lyft
 DoorDash /
Postmates / Uber
 Lime / Bird
 Instacart
Requiring design
/ graphical skills
 99designs
 Fiverr
 Dribbble
 Guru
Data gathering /
 UpWork
 Freelancer
Programming /
 UpWork
 Freelancer
 GitHub Jobs
 People Per Hour
 Toptal
 Hired
 Dice
 Guru
 TaskRabbit
 Amazon
Mechanical Turk
Assets & Tools
By Assets we mean things that you can create and later monetize in some way
Physical assets i.e. house, garage
Blog, posts, presentations
Emailing List
YouTube channel with
Online courses
Others i.e. short music, photos
Tools are special class of assets that needs more details. Let’s start with a short
 Tools are assets that can solve a problem that the user has
yet it requires certain input from the user
 Tools can either automate some work done previously by
the user or do work that previously the user couldn’t do
by himself
We have the following main groups of assets
Provides internal data
to users
 Data on the rents in the
city provided by Airbnb
 Open Baremetrics
showing internal KPIs &
metrics to external users
Automates work
Calculates something
for the user
Combines information
from different sources
 Emailing software
 Zapier
 Macro / VBA in Excel
 Calculators of mortgage
related data
 Calculator of net income
depending on the taxes
 Offers from different
 Macro data reported by
different institution
 Data on the sales prices
of real estates
 Check lists
 Templates
 Standard documents
Assets & Tools – Examples
Tools can start from a very simple form. Below some examples
Excel based sheets
Google Sheet
Power Point or PDF documents
Airtable based tools
Mobile app created with a builder
Chatbot created with a builder
Questionnaire created using Jot-
Calculator created using Calculoid
WordPress based theme
Sell or rent your Assets & Tools
If you wan to monetize your assets or tools you have 3 main channels
 Amazon
 Udemy / Skillshare
 Eloquens
 YouTube
 Shutterstock / Adobe Stock /
Direct sales Own e-commerce
 You personally
 Your sales force
 WordPress plugins
 Shopify
 GumRoad
To support them you can consider 3 main marketing techniques
Content Marketing
 You create a content that will
support your sales, creating traffic
for your sales channels
 The most popular forms are posts
(blog on WordPress), presentations
(SlideShare), movies (YouTube)
 Many build additional distribution
channels for the content: Instagram
page, Facebook page, LinkedIn
account, twitter account
Freemium or Free Trial
Affiliate Marketing &
Referral programs
 In Freemium you offer part of the
product for ever for free
 In Free trial you offer the whole
product for a limited time i.e. 30
 In Affiliate marketing you offer part
of your revenues for bringing
customers to independent Partners
 Affiliate marketing is done usually
via affiliate platforms that already
have a lot of potential partners for
 In referral programs you offer
usually some gifts (i.e. your tool,
assets for free for some time) for
bringing a user or a customer
 One of the most famous referral
program was run by Dropbox – you
got additional free space for some
actions including bringing new users
Assets & Tools – Where to find
There are 5 main sources of ideas for creating Assets & Tools
 Books: Amazon,
 Online courses: Udemy,
Skillshare, Coursera,
 Excel based tools:
 Mobile Apps: App
Store, Google Play,
Amazon Appstore
 Movies: YouTube,
Shutterstock, Adobe
 Music: YouTube,
 Photos: Shutterstock,
Adobe Stock,
News about startups
that got funding
Forums Other
 Smart Passive Income
 The Foundation
 Chris Ducker
 The Foundation
 Indie Hackers
 Entrepreneurs On Fire
 Crunchbase  Reddit
 Local copies of Reddit
 Forums devoted to
specific topic
 Facebook Groups
 Product Hunt
 Your own needs
 The needs of your
current customers or a
group you know well
Sell or rent your Assets & Tools
– Case Introduction
Let’s imagine that you have to help Jorge estimate what Assets & Tools he should build
to use to the fullest potential the time he has gained by improving his productivity.
A few information about Jorge. Try to estimate how much he can earn and
what option is better
Jorge earns 30 EUR per hour
He has managed to save 40
hours a month
He can create online course or
Excel based tools
Below additional information on the online course
1 online course with 60 lecture
requires 240 hours of work
He can earn EUR 90 per month
from 1 course
He has to pay additionally EUR
30 per lecture for editing
Below additional information on Excel based tools
1 Excel based tool will take him
15 hours to create
He can earn EUR 10 per month
from 1 Excel based tool
Create new revenue streams using
your Assets & Tools – Introduction
In some cases you can create on the basis of assets and tools new additional
revenue streams. Below example of what you can do using Excel based tools
Excel based tool SaaS based tool Consulting firm
 You help the
customers use or
implement the tool
 You gain fees from
the consulting
hours sold to the
 You can up-sell him
new services and
find ideas for new
 You earn one-off
payment from the
sales of the tool
 You have no contact
with the end
 You earn
subscription fee
from the customer
 You have direct
access to your
customers via
emailing list and in-
 You can up-sell him
new products or
upgrades (better
Below another example of a evolution from a small YouTuber to something
entirely different and a bit unexpected
1 YouTube channel
Multiple YouTube
Content Production
 You have not only
YouTube channels
but also blogs,
 Content is produced
by many teams
 You have multiple
revenue streams
 You earn from ads,
branded content,
 You earn only from
you own production
 You earn from ads,
branded content,
 Most of the
channels have
content produced
by your employees
Content Production
Firm & e-commerce
 You have not only
YouTube channels
but also blogs,
 Content is produced
by many teams
 You have multiple
revenue streams
 You add to your
revenue streams
income from sales
of physical or digital
Content Production
Firm & Brand
 You use your
channels to
produce content &
create brands
 Content is produced
by many teams
 You have multiple
revenue streams
 Majority of your
revenues comes
from licensing the
brands you have
created and
cooperation with
other brands
Create new revenue streams using your
Assets & Tools – When it makes sense
Creating additional revenue stream using the Assets & Tools makes
sense under certain conditions
You can’t gain more by allocating the
time to building new assets
You can gain more from new revenue
streams than assets building
You can gain more from new revenue
streams than current works
Current assets may stop to exist or
stop to being unique
You expect a decrease in revenues
from assets
You want to build independent
business using the assets
Personal Finance using Management
Consulting Hacks
For more details and content check my online course where you can find case
studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel
Click here to check my course
How much money you need
How much money you need
– Introduction
It is always a good idea to calculate how much money you actually need
to live the life you want. We will discuss this issue in this short section
We will discuss in this section the following issue
Backward logic
Retirement age if you
have no passive income
– case study
Retirement age if you
have passive income –
case study
Invest wisely your money
Invest wisely your money –
In this section we will discuss useful ways that will help you invest wisely
General framework for
investing wisely
Overview of some methods
and assets you can invest
General framework for investing
wisely your money
As you may remember we have the following general framework
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
In this section we will get a little bit deeper into how to invest wisely your
How to build your
Earn more Spend less
Be more
Add new revenue
Invest wisely your
Choose your life
partners wisely
Manage your kids
Understand different
types of investment
Understand the
Be rationale not
Adjust your
investments to your
Different types of assets in which
you can invest
You have 6 main groups of investment assets
Cash Bonds
Mutual funds
ETFs (passive
Others i.e.
Real Estates
 Low
 Low  Medium
 Long term
below ETFs
 Medium  Medium  Low - High
 Low within
certain limit
 Close to zero
for some
 Big  Big  Medium  Huge
 Low  Medium  Medium  Medium  Big  Huge
 Medium
 Huge
 Big
You have 5 main groups of investment assets
Cash Bonds
Mutual funds
ETFs (passive
Others i.e.
Real Estates
 Low
 1%
 Low
 ≈ 0-3%
 Medium
 Below ETF
 Medium
 ≈ 5-10%
 Medium
 ≈ 4%
 Sky is the
 Low within
certain limit
 Close to zero
for some
 Big  Big  Medium  Huge
 Low  Low  Medium  Medium  Big  Huge
 Medium
 ≈ 5-10%
 Huge
 Big
Basic rules of investing
Below a few golden rules worth applying
Don’t loose the money
Check the timing
Invest small portion of your wealth
in risky assets
Invest at minimal constant pace no
matter what
Invest more in bad times
Invest less in good times
Avoid debt for majority of
Adjust your investments to your
Things that will influence your
There are 3 factors that will impact your investment results
 How much you know about a class
of assets
 How much you know about the
general investment landscape
 How much you understand unit
economics of the business assets
 How much you know about
specific asset you have bought
Timing Luck
 In what part of the economical
cycle you are
 Usually, when you invest at the
top of the cycle you buy assets at
too high prices
 Usually, when you invest at the
bottom of the cycle you buy
assets at much lower price than
the fair value
 The random things that you are
not able to account for – the
government suddenly passed the
law in your favor, the weather
was much hotter or colder than
expected, etc.
Let’s see how important & timing is for different type of assets
Cash Bonds Stocks
Mutual funds &
Real Estates
 10%
 20%  30%  20%  10%
 0%  10%  30%  60%  50%
 90%  70%  40%  20%  40%
When it comes to stocks there 2 ways in which you can earn money
from them
 A part of the profit paid out to
Increase in value of the
 The price of the share may change
after you bought them. If it goes
up, you in theory gain. If it goes
down in theory, you lose
Let’s see what drives the dividends and the increase in the value of
stocks / shares
Increase in value of the
Net profit /
Cash from
other sources
Increase in
Buy Backs
The problem with stocks is that you don’t know whether you have
bought a winner
Dow Jones 30 1999, 2000, 2010, 2019
Now let’s have a look what kind of returns you can expect
% Dividend and % Total Return Rate
Also with bonds you have to be very careful. Some consider them safer, yet
you must know that they differ greatly. We can divide them in 3 categories
Bonds issued by countries
 Countries issue bonds to finance
mainly their public debt
 They can be nominated in
different currencies
 Some have fixed interest rate
some have variable interest rate
 You can lose part o the invested
money or everything (100%) – if
the country goes bankrupt –
happened to many of them:
Argentina, Mexico, Brasil, Poland
Bonds issued by states,
 Also regions and state can issue
debts to finance projects or
refinance their public debt
 Usually those bonds are less safe
than the bonds of the country of
which they are a part
 You can lose part o the invested
money or everything (100%)
Bonds issued by firms
 Some firms instead of taking loans
from banks issue bonds to finance
their growth.
 The bonds can be backed up with
some collateral or have no
collateral at all
 Usually they have offer higher
interest rate than the country in
which they are located
 They are in most cases less safe
than the bonds issued by their
 You can lose part o the invested
money or everything (100%)
Let’s see at some examples
Bonds issued by countries
 Eurozone
 Switzerland
Bonds issued by states,
Bonds issued by firms
 Emerging
 EU members
that are not
part of
 States /
regions with
standing that
are part of
 States /
regions with
bad financial
 Firms with
great ability
to produce
cash flow no
matter what
i.e. Amazon
 Firms with
and almost a
 Others i.e.
Toys R us
Now let’s have a look what kind of returns you can expect
% Dividend and % Total Return Rate
Real Estates
When it comes to real estates, we have 3 main groups. Majority invest in
residential real estates
 Flats, apartments, houses
 Shopping malls
 Offices
 Warehouses
 Hotels
 Others
There are many ways in which you can earn money on residential real estates
Buy & rent the whole
Buy & rent rooms Light flip
Extensive flip
Daily renting (Airbnb,
Subletting (Renting of
apartments that don’t
belong to you)
Buy to keep
The great thing about real estates is that you can leverage it (take a lot of
debt. Below short example
 300
Real estate
 300Amount invested
In thousands of USD
 300  1 500Value of the assets
you can buy
In thousands of USD
 3%  5%Yield / Interest rate /
Dividend rate
In %
 9  75Cash flow generated
from the assets
In thousands of USD
Real Estates – the Risks
Of course real estates have their risk factors as well
Change in the status of the
Legal changes
Maintenance costs
Political changes
Infrastructure changes
Interest rate
Too big supply
What is a portfolio management
Create new revenue streams using your
Assets & Tools – Case Introduction
First let’s think about what kind of cost positions you have
Food & Drinks
Clothes (bride and the
The band
The place / venue
Entertainers for the kids
Church costs
Other costs
First let’s divide the cost into 2 groups: fixed and depending on
the number of guests
Food & Drinks
Clothes (bride and the
The band
The place / venue
Entertainers for the kids
Church costs
Other costs
Let’s see how we can estimate the costs of food & drinks, hotel,
place / venue
# guests
Cost of food &
drinks per 1 guest
Food & drinks costs
Hotel costs
# of rooms needed
Cost per 1 room
x# of guests per 1
# of guest requiring
% of guest
requiring hotel
# sq m (space)
Cost per 1 sq m
Place venue costs
xSpace per 1 guest
Let’s see how we can estimate the costs of entertainment and flower
# guests
Cost of food &
drinks per 1 guest
Food & drinks costs
# of kids
Cost per 1 kid
x# of kids per 1
# of guests with
% of guests with
# of vases
Cost per 1 vase
Flower costs
# of guests per 1
After we have calculated every cost position we have to sum them
up to get the total cost of the wedding
Food & drinks costs
Hotel costs
Cost depending on
the # of guests
Entertainment costs
Flower Costs
Place / venue costs
Clothes (bride and
the groom)
The band
Other costs
Church costs
Fixed costs
Total cost of the
Create Issue tree
Issue tree - general
Area of analysis
Area 1
Problem 1
Problem 2
Possible Reason 1
Possible Reason 2
Possible Reason 3
Possible Reason 4
Possible reasonsSuspected problems
Analysis to be
Analysis 1
Analysis 2
Analysis 3
Analysis 4
Issue tree for John's flat –
Imagine that you would have to create an issue tree for John’s flat. What
kind of problem he has and what could be the reasons for that
Low hanging fruits
Opportunity tree
Opportunity tree
Gross Margin
% Gross Margin
% Front Margin
% Back Margin
# of transactions
% conversion
 YouTube
 Ads on instagram
 Affiliation with bloggers
 Guest blogging
 Long form / Short form
 Reduction of delivery methods
 No account
 Emailing for people abandoning cart
 Upselling and Cross selling
 Free delivery for higher tickets
 Introduction of new categories
 Reducing number of suppliers
 Finding new suppliers
 Renegotiation
Cost drivers
Cost drivers are causing the cost to go or down
Cost of a Udemy course
Slide preparation
Recording and editing
# of slides
Cost of 1 hour
# of hours per 1 slide
# of lectures
Cost of 1 hour
# of minutes per 1 lecture
Personal KPIs – Introduction
Let’s imagine that you have to define the personal KPIs for Giuseppe that
will help him make sure that he is increasing his chances of being happy
A few information about Giuseppe
Giuseppe has a girlfriend
He works as a business analyst
His family, health and friends are
important to him
He also wants to get more
financially sound
To define KPIs I would recommend following a very simple
sequence of actions
Define what areas
matter for you
Identify drivers Define output KPIs Define input KPIs Set targets for KPIs
Let’s look how we can define KPIS for the financial well-being
Financial well-being
His net value
Area Drivers Output KPI Input KPI
Generate positive CF
 Net value in EUR  % of his salary not spent during the
 Additional money invested
 Additional income generated
 Cash flow generated during the month
 Positive cash flow generated during the
month as % of his salary
 % of his salary not spent during the
 Additional income generated
Personal Finance using Management
Consulting Hacks
For more details and content check my online course where you can find case
studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel
Click here to check my course
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Personal Finance using Management Consulting Hacks

  • 1. 1 Personal Finance using Management Consulting Hacks Practical guide with case studies & real-life examples
  • 2. 2 A lot of people spend almost everything they earn, live on borrowed money and struggle to make ends meet. This happens regardless of how much you earn.
  • 3. 3 This situation can be changed. You can start gradually building your wealth by applying simple hacks that will help you spend less, earn more and be more productive
  • 4. 4 I will show you how to build your wealth gradually using Management Consulting Hacks. Management Consultants are famous for the rational approach and efficiency
  • 5. 5 In this course I will teach you Management Consulting Hacks using easy to understand useful case studies and real life examples.
  • 6. 6 In business you have to make a lot of important decisions Thanks to this hacks, techniques and tools it will be much easier for you to spend less, earn more and be much more productive
  • 7. 7 Personal Finance using Management Consulting Hacks $190 $19 What you will see in this presentation is a part of my online course where you can find case studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel Click here to check my course
  • 8. 8 How the presentation is organized
  • 9. 9 We have divided the course into 7 parts. Each part contains useful Management Consulting Hacks that will help you improve your personal finance
  • 10. 10 Be more productive – How to do the right things Be more productive – How to work faster How to spend less Additional revenue streams How much money you actually need? How to earn more How to invest wisely your money
  • 12. 12 Building wealth can be boil down to 3 things Income Expenses Savings=- Savings x # of years = Total savings Total savings x 1 + increase in value in % = Total wealth
  • 13. 13 Let’s have a look at the general framework that we will use in this course How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly
  • 14. 14 In every section we will go deeper into things you can do. Below example for ideas how to spend less How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 16. 16 Spend less – Introduction
  • 17. 17 In this section we will discuss useful ways that will help you spend less and save more money General framework for spending less Analysis of your expenses / spending Detailed discussion of methods to spend less Cases studies & examples how to apply them Other useful things that will help you spend less & save money
  • 19. 19 As you may remember we have the following general framework How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly
  • 20. 20 In this section we will get deeper into ways to spend less How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the endgame of an action and is it worth it
  • 21. 21 Why you need data on what you spend your money?
  • 22. 22 What gets measured gets managed Peter Drucker
  • 23. 23 There are plenty of reasons why you have to first see on what you spend currently your money You will know how much money you spend every month You will see what is the structure of your costs You will be able to identify so called one-offs You can set priorities You will know which categories you will have to analyze in details Awareness helps you already spend less You can set daily limits that will help you get quick wins You will know which habits / believes you will have to deal with
  • 24. 24 How to get data on how you spend your money
  • 25. 25 Let’s start with the goal. You want to see on what categories you spend money and how much they make in your monthly spending
  • 26. 26 There are 4 approaches to gather data on how much you spend and on what Fill in data in Excel by categories Fill in data in Excel – every spending a separate entry Use data from your bank account  You create a matrix in Excel – the rows are categories, the columns are months  Manually you put data every time you spend them in the proper cell  You create a table in which you put every spending.  Every spending is a separate row  For every spending you put not only the amount but also the date of the spending and you pick the category  You can use the table to create all sort of reports  You can either do the analysis directly in your banking system by adding to every spending the category of spending  You can also download the data from the banking system and analyze them in Excel Other specialized tools for analyzing your spending  Mobile apps like: Mint, Pocket Guard, YNAB  Other similar tools that aggregate your data from different banking account and the data that you put in manually
  • 27. 27 There are 4 approaches to gather data on how much you spend and on what Fill in data in Excel by categories Fill in data in Excel – every spending a separate entry Use data from your bank account  You create a matrix in Excel – the rows are categories, the columns are months  Manually you put data every time you spend them in the proper cell  You create a table in which you put every spending.  Every spending is a separate row  For every spending you put not only the amount but also the date of the spending and you pick the category  You can use the table to create all sort of reports  You can either do the analysis directly in your banking system by adding to every spending the category of spending  You can also download the data from the banking system and analyze them in Excel Other specialized tools for analyzing your spending  Mobile apps like: Mint, Pocket Guard, YNAB  Other similar tools that aggregate your data from different banking account and the data that you put in manually
  • 28. 28 The fist method would look roughly like this in practice
  • 29. 29 The second method would look roughly like this in practice Date Amount spend In USD Reason Month Category 01/06/2019 400Mortgage 6Flat related expenses 01/06/2019 100 Fees for the appartment 6Flat related expenses 01/06/2019 50Electricity 6Flat related expenses 01/06/2019 12Netflix 6Entertainment 01/06/2019 40Internet + HBO 6Entertainment 01/06/2019 30Phone 6Phone 03/06/2019 15Bachata 6Sport 10/06/2019 15Bachata 6Sport 17/06/2019 15Bachata 6Sport 24/06/2019 15Bachata 6Sport 04/06/2019 80Groceries 6Daily expenses 11/06/2019 60Groceries 6Daily expenses 18/06/2019 70Groceries 6Daily expenses 25/06/2019 90Groceries 6Daily expenses 03/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out 04/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out 05/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out 06/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out 07/06/2019 30Lunch outside 6Dinning out 10/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out 11/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out 12/06/2019 20Lunch outside 6Dinning out 13/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out 14/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out 17/06/2019 30Lunch outside 6Dinning out 18/06/2019 25Lunch outside 6Dinning out
  • 30. 30 There are 4 approaches to gather data on how much you spend and on what Fill in data in Excel by categories Fill in data in Excel – every spending a separate entry Use data from your bank account Other specialized tools for analyzing your spending
  • 31. 31 Reduce usage / frequency of using
  • 32. 32 Just as reminder reducing usage is one of the ways in which we can spend less. Now we will talk about this in details How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 33. 33 To show you how important this technique is I will do the following 3 things in the next few lectures Cases study showing reduction of frequency of usage Cases study showing reduction of frequency of purchasing How to identify which expenses are worth reducing
  • 34. 34 Check the details of the cases in my online course Reduce how often you do something per month Reduce how often you replace something Click here to check my course
  • 35. 35 How to identify which expenses are worth reducing
  • 36. 36 As we said we have 2 cases Reduce how often you do something per month Reduce how often you replace something  We reduce how often we do something  In this way we reduce the overall all expenses  This techniques is great for things that are cheap, but we do them very often: coffee, parties, Uber / taxi etc.  We reduce the frequency of purchase  In other words we extend the time of usage of specific thing  It’s great for SMCG / items used for longer period: clothes, cars, laptops, smartphones, furniture etc.
  • 37. 37 Get the low hanging fruits first. By low hanging fruits we mean things with big impact and easy to accomplish
  • 38. 38 Resources needed Impact SmallBig High Low  Things with big impact that require little work 1  Easy but with low impact 3  Things with big impact yet expensive, time consuming 2 No In low hanging fruits we divide the potential choices in 4 categories
  • 39. 39 As we said we have 2 cases Reduce how often you do something per month Reduce how often you replace something
  • 40. 40 Let’s see how the low hanging fruit framework would look for the first category Reduce how often you do something per month Reduce how often you replace something
  • 41. 41 12 4 3 Frequency of doing something during the month High Low % in total expenses HighLow Lunch outside In the case of the reducing frequency of usage the low hanging fruit method looks like this. Below how it would look for Giuseppe Coffee Mortgage Uber / Taxi / Cab Dinner with Girlfriend Netflix Cinema
  • 42. 42 Let’s see how the low hanging fruit framework would look for the second category Reduce how often you do something per month Reduce how often you replace something
  • 43. 43 12 4 3 # of years between purchase Low High How high is the cost / price HighLow Renovating the flat Below how it would look for Maria Clothes Domestic appliances Smartphone & Laptop
  • 45. 45 Just as reminder eliminating some expenses is one of the ways in which we can spend less. Now we will talk about this in details How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 46. 46 We will start by discussing how to identify which expenses are worth eliminating. Later on as always we will move on to case studies How to identify which expenses are worth eliminating Cases study showing elimation of some expense
  • 47. 47 How to identify which expenses that are worth eliminating
  • 48. 48 There are 3 main reasons why you should eliminate certain expenses Eliminate things you don’t use Eliminate things you don’t enjoy  There is no point in paying for something that you don’t use  There is no point in paying for something that you don’t enjoy  In this category you will have all sorts of products that you buy due to social pressure or to show-off Eliminate things that are harmful  Don’t pay for things that are harming you  It doesn’t make sense to pay for pain or things that will cause a lot of trouble in the future
  • 49. 49 Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider
  • 50. 50 Another great thing that you can use to spend is less is simply to look at the prices you pay and change them How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 51. 51 We will start with a general framework and later I will show you in practice how to deal with this subject Approach to renegotiation of prices & finding cheaper providers Cases study showing how to do it in practice
  • 52. 52 Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider
  • 53. 53 Below a nice approach that is useful when it comes to cutting down on prices paid List categories of costs that you incur Estimate annual expenses for every category Estimate roughly the potential in percentage that you can save Prepare action plan for every saving Act using the action plan you have defined
  • 54. 54 Total cost of ownership – Introduction
  • 55. 55 Now we will move to a bit more complicated issue the Total Cost of Ownership How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 56. 56 We will start with a definition and later on I will show you a case study that will use the concept of total cost of ownership Definition of the Total Cost of Ownership Cases study using Total Cost of Ownership
  • 57. 57 The case study will be devoted to trying to decide whether it’s better to own a flat or rent it Rent or buy a flat
  • 58. 58 Total cost of ownership
  • 59. 59  All the cost related to owning or using a specific item / thing  It will also include the cost of lost opportunity i.e. money not earned due to spending time on repairing the thing Total cost of ownership = Let’s start with a short definition
  • 60. 60  Cost of buying a car  Insurance  Fuel  Cost of maintenance including repairs & parts  Time wasted on maintenance, parking etc.  Other i.e. parking tickets, traffic ticket etc. Let’s compare the cost of owing a car and using a rideshare / taxi / cab service  Cost of rideshares
  • 61. 61 Rent or buy an apartment / flat – Introduction
  • 62. 62 Let’s imagine that Peter is considering 2 choice: buying an apartment or renting it. Let’s use the total cost of ownership to see what makes sense.
  • 63. 63 Let’s have a look at the information that Peter has Buying the apartment would require EUR 150 K Renting cost EUR 600 per month Interest rate is 3%, inflation 2%, Wage increase is 5% Peter currently earns EUR 30 per hour
  • 64. 64 Personal Finance using Management Consulting Hacks $190 $19 For more details and content check my online course where you can find case studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel Click here to check my course
  • 65. 65 Adjust your behavior using Total Costs of Ownership & tradeoffs
  • 66. 66 There are plenty of areas in which you can apply the Total Cost of Ownership framework Choice of flat & the way you finance it Choice of car Holiday house vs paid holidays Own boat vs rented boat Choice of printer or printing service Choice of razors Choice of cosmetic / beauty procedure Choice of smartphone Choice of domestic appliance Car vs Scooter vs Bike Many, many more
  • 67. 67 Be healthy & stay in shape
  • 68. 68 Staying in shape can help you drastically reduce your expenses. Here we have both direct as well as indirect impact
  • 69. 69 Below some of the benefits of staying in shape & healthy You spend less on food You spend less time on buying and preparing food You don’t have to exchange your clothes that often You spend drastically less on health related issues You spend less time with doctors / hospitals You are more productive and have more time to work Your example will impact your kids and they will be less costly for you
  • 70. 70 To show you how important it is and how to do it in practice we will do 3 case studies and we will talk about 2 useful frameworks Costs comparison How to o lose weight – case study How to get into shape using – case study Low hanging fruit framework SMART goals
  • 71. 71 How to lose weight – Case Introduction
  • 72. 72 Imagine that you want to help Kate lose weight. Use the low hanging fruit approach to map all the potential solutions. First list activities
  • 73. 73 How to lose weight – List of potential activities
  • 74. 74 Just as a reminder you were supposed to help Kate lose weight. The first step is to list all potential activities that can help her achieve the goal
  • 75. 75 Let’s first list all potential ideas Cut down on sweets by 50% Buy special meal kit / box diet Run 2 times a week for 30 minutes Walk every day 15 K steps Hire personal trainer / coach Measure calories intake Do intermittent fasting Stop eating carbs / carbohydrates Eat 2 kg of vegetables every day Give up sweet beverages Start drinking green tea Drink 4 liters of water every day 15 minutes of daily exercises Plastic surgery
  • 76. 76 1 Now try to map all ideas on the low hanging fruit matrix 2 4 3 Impact High Low Difficulty level LowHigh
  • 77. 77 How to lose weight – Solution
  • 78. 78 Just as a reminder you were supposed to help Kate lose weight. We have the list let’s try to put the on the map and identify low hanging fruits
  • 79. 79 Let’s first list all potential ideas Cut down on sweets by 50% Buy special meal kit / box diet Run 2 times a week for 30 minutes Walk every day 15 K steps Hire personal trainer / coach Measure calories intake Do Intermittent fasting Stop eating carbs / carbohydrates Eat 2 kg of vegetables every day Give up sweet beverages Start drinking green tea Drink 4 liters of water every day 15 minutes of daily exercises Plastic surgery
  • 80. 80 1 Let’s map all ideas on the low hanging fruits matrix 2 4 3 Impact High Low Difficulty level LowHigh Cut down on sweets by 50% Buy special meal kit / box diet Run 2 times a week for 30 minutes Walk every day 15 K steps Eat 2 kg of vegetables every day Start drinking green tea 15 minutes of daily exercises Hire personal trainer / coach Measure calories intake Do Intermittent fasting Stop eating carbs / carbohydrates Give up sweet beverages Drink 4 liters of water every day Plastic surgery
  • 81. 81 How to get in shape – Introduction
  • 82. 82 Let’s help Tom get in shape by using the SMART goal framework. Help him achieve his goals in 9 months
  • 83. 83 Let’s first define the goals in the SMART framework Tom weighs 110 kg. He wants to lose 30 kg in 6 months He can currently lift 30 kg. He wants to reach 60 kg He can currently run for 2 minutes at speed 7 min/km We wants to run for 30 minutes at the speed 5 min/km
  • 84. 84 Calculate the value of your time
  • 85. 85 Whether you clean, cook, wait in the line you are effectively using your precious resource that is also limited – the time
  • 86. 86 Time like money is limited and you can exchange between each other Time Money
  • 87. 87 Calculating the value of your time is a next step that will help you save money How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 88. 88 Calculating the value of your time is a next step that will help you save money How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 89. 89 Whenever we are looking at a activity there will be 2 components. We calculate the value of time to know the tradeoffs and be able to compare Activity Money Time Preparing a meal $ 5 1 hour $ 5 $ 20 $ 25 Eating a meal at restaurant $ 30 0.5 hour $ 30 $ 10 $ 40
  • 90. 90 Now let’s see how you calculate the value of time # of hours devoted to activity x Hourly wage / salary net of taxes = Value of 1 hour expressed in money
  • 91. 91 Calculate the value of time – Case Introduction
  • 92. 92 Let’s imagine that you want to help Maria use her time wisely. Therefore, you want to show how much she invest in daily things expressed in money
  • 93. 93 There are a few things that we know about Maria She earns EUR 40 per 1 hour after deducting taxes She cooks every day. It takes 1 hour to prepare a meal She cleans the house every week. It takes 4 hours to clean She shops every second day. It takes her 1.5 hours per 1 visit
  • 94. 94 How to use the value of your time to make decisions?
  • 95. 95 You can use the value of time for 3 things Make-or-buy analysis Spend less  You can use the value of time to do the so called make it or buy it analysis  In make-or-buy analysis you try to see what makes sense: to do something on your own (i.e. cleaning) or to delegate this to somebody else, buy the service or product  In some cases you may decide to do something on your own even though the price of buying it is lower than the value of time you devote to it  You do it when you are stranded for cash, but you have time that you can use to do some tasks to save cash Earn more  In cases when you can turn your time into more money you can use the result of the make-or-buy analysis and decide to delegate some things to other people / firms  The saved time you should put to working more / earning more to be able to pay to the supplier of services / products that you decided not to do
  • 96. 96 In a sense you can use the following criteria to decide what to do Make-or-buy analysis Is the price lower than the value of your time? Do you need the cash Can you turn additional time into additional money YES Do the thing on your own NO YES Buy the thing and start working more Do the thing on your own YES NO Decide using other criteria i.e. happiness NO
  • 97. 97 Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time
  • 98. 98 As we have suggested you should use the value of your time to decide whether you should do something personally or you should buy it /delegate it How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 99. 99 I have mentioned that you should follow an easy rule to decide what you do and what you don’t do yourself Make-or-buy analysis Is the price lower than the value of your time Do you need the cash Can you turn additional time into additional money YES Do the thing on your own NO YES Buy the thing and start working more Do the thing on your own YES NO Decide using other criteria i.e. happiness NO
  • 100. 100 Check my online course for details on the case studies Should Maria delegate some of her everyday work? Car vs Uber Click here to check my course
  • 101. 101 Car vs Uber – Introduction
  • 102. 102 Let’s imagine that you were to decided whether it makes more sense to buy a car or to use Uber
  • 103. 103 We will consider 3 scenarios Consider 3 scenarios In scenario 1 you use the car just to get to work In scenario 2 you use it also for buying and visiting friends In scenario 3 you also travel on weekends
  • 104. 104 Let’s see what is the difference for # of days during which you use the car during the month Scenario 1 - just to get to work  20 Average # of km per day covered  50 Scenario 2 - work, shopping, friends  26  70 Scenario 3 - work, shopping, friends, weekends  30  90 % probability of scenario  50%  30%  20%
  • 105. 105 A few hints on what costs you should take into consideration for the own car option Purchasing of the car & financing Maintenance Insurance Fuel Parking Other costs i.e. traffic tickets
  • 106. 106 Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices
  • 107. 107 Now we will move to spending efficiency. This time the efficiency we will measure in happiness level per 100 USD spent How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 108. 108 Let’s have a look at a short example that will exemplify what we have in mind Activity Cost Duration Happiness Book $ 10 5 hour Cinema $ 10 2 hour Happiness level for 100 USD $ 100 50 hour $ 100 20 hour
  • 109. 109 You should group the activities and pick rather things that give you more happiness per 100 USD spend Entertainment Sport Your relations with friends Your relations with your girlfriend Your relations with family Food
  • 110. 110 Reduce Liabilities / Debts / Loans
  • 111. 111 Many people are stacked with expensive debts. You have to deal with them to reduce your overall expenses How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 112. 112 There are some golden rules that you should follow when it comes to debt reduction Pay first the most expensive debts Pay the expensive loans / debt as soon as possible Don’t loose liquidity. Be able to cover your payments in every period Increase the amount on the cheapest debt to pay off the more expensive debts Play with the length of the loan to be liquid in every period Play with the size of the loan to be liquid in every period
  • 113. 113 Below a nice approach that is the most useful when it comes to reducing debts List all debts and interest paid on them Model each debt / loan in a separate sheet Check what is the cash gap and what you have to do it to cover it Check how much you can save by paying off the most expensive debt first Act using the action plan you have defined
  • 114. 114 Reduce Liabilities – Case Introduction
  • 115. 115 Let’s imagine that you have to help Adam and Eva deal with their debts. They want to lower the amount they spend on interest paid. Have a look at their debts
  • 116. 116 A few information about Adam and Eva They earn in total EUR 6 000 They can save up to 20% They have 3 loans: mortgage, credit card and car loan Try to help them restructure their debt
  • 117. 117 Repurpose assets that don't generate income
  • 118. 118 Another step you can take is to repurpose assets that don’t generate income How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the end outcome of things and is it worth it
  • 119. 119 Let’s first start by dividing our assets into 4 groups YES Do we use the assets currently? Useful & valuable  You use them currently – so they don’t generate cash.  This asset value will increase with the time so don’t sell it – keep it!  Try to make this group as small as possible Potential investment that can generate cash today  Keep them provided you don’t have to repay your debts  Try to generate cash from them Not used & losing value  Sell them  If selling is not possible rent them to generate some cash Useful & losing value  Don’t buy too much of those  Use them as much as possible  Try to make this group as small as possible NO Not-used Used Does its value increase with time?
  • 120. 120 Let’s have a look at some examples YES Do we use the assets currently? Useful & valuable  Our first flat / apartment that is located in the center Potential investment that can generate cash today  Second flat / apartment located in the center  Summer house  Books that are no-longer printed  Jewelry Not used & losing value  Clothes that we hardly ever wear  Second laptop or second iPhone  Second flat located in a town which population is decreasing  Car we hardly every use Useful & losing value  Car that we use to go to work  Clothes we wear  Our smartphone that we use daily NO Not-used Used Does its value increase with time?
  • 121. 121 Below the approach we propose to handling the assets Divide the assets into 4 groups Sell assets that you are not using and that are losing value Rent the rest of assets that you are not using Try to minimize the assets you use Rent bigger part of the assets you are not using
  • 122. 122 Repurpose assets – Case Introduction
  • 123. 123 Tomasz & Monika married 5 years ago and they have decided with his wife to go through their assets and put them to use. Help them with this task
  • 124. 124 A few things we know about Tomasz & his wife Monika They have has 2 cars. Monika uses her car once every 2 weeks They have 2 small apartments and 1 big apartment. One of the small apartment is filled with their old clothes In the second apartment they rent just 1 room out of 2
  • 125. 125 Below a detailed list of their main assets Old clothes Tomasz’s car Monika’s car Small Apartment 1 2 toaster 3 vacuum cleaners Books from the beginning of 20th century 2 old laptops Small Apartment 2 4 old smartphones Big Apartment Land in the village with one of the highest unemployment rate in Poland
  • 126. 126 YESNO Not- used Used Do we use the assets currently? Does its value increase with time? Useful & valuable Potential investment that can generate cash today Not used & losing value Useful & losing value Try to map them using our framework. Divided them in 4 groups
  • 127. 127 Repurpose assets – Assets mapping
  • 128. 128 Just as a reminder you were supposed to help Tomasz and his wife to go through their assets and put them to use. First you had to divide into 4 groups
  • 129. 129 A few things we know about Tomasz & his wife Monika They have has 2 cars. Monika uses her car once every 2 weeks They have 2 small apartments and 1 big apartment. One of the small apartment is filled with their old clothes In the second apartment they rent just 1 room out of 2
  • 130. 130 Below all detailed list of their main assets we got from them Old clothes Tomasz’s car Monika’s car Small Apartment 1 2 toaster 3 vacuum cleaners Books from the beginning of 20th century 2 old laptops Small Apartment 2 4 old smartphones Big Apartment Land in the village with one of the highest unemployment rate in Poland
  • 131. 131 YESNO Not- used Used Do we use the assets for currently Does its value increase with time? Useful & valuable Potential investment that can generate cash todayNot used & losing value Useful & losing value We can divide their assets in the following way Old clothes Tomasz’s car Monika’s car Small Apartment 1 Small Apartment 2 Big Apartment 1 toaster 1 vacuum cleaners Books from the beginning of 20th century 1 toaster 2 vacuum cleaners 2 old laptops 4 old smartphones Land in the village
  • 133. 133 The last thing worth considering that will help you spend less is to check the end outcome before investing How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Reduce usage / frequency of using / purchasing Eliminate some expenses Renegotiate prices & find cheaper provider Calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Adjust your choices and behavior using TCO & tradeoffs Be healthy & in shape Calculate the value of your time Do make it or buy it analysis using value of your time Measure happiness per 100 USD spent & adjust your choices Reduce expensive liabilities Repurpose assets that don’t generate income Check the endgame of something and whether it is worth it
  • 134. 134 In those situation usually you must spend significant amount of money in advance. The outcome may be small.. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
  • 135. 135 …medium… Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
  • 136. 136 …or great. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
  • 137. 137 There are plenty of situation that this approach is extremely important Education Buying a car Buying a flat / house Investing in a certificate Startup investment Stock investment Moving to a new place Changing your career path
  • 138. 138 Check the online course for details on the case study and calculation in Excel Should George do the MBA? Click here to check my course
  • 139. 139 Personal Finance using Management Consulting Hacks $190 $19 For more details and content check my online course where you can find case studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel Click here to check my course
  • 141. 141 Be more productive – Introduction
  • 142. 142 The key to growing your wealth is to be more productive. In other words to do more valuable output, more efficiently and most of all do the right things
  • 143. 143 We have covered methods to spend less. Now it’s time to have a look at productivity How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly
  • 144. 144 Check our presentation on productivity hacks to learn how to 10x your efficiency Management consultant productivity hacks How to be lazy and still get things done presentation
  • 146. 146 General framework for earning more
  • 147. 147 In this section we will get deeper into ways to earn more How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Be more productive Acquire new skills & knowledge Deliver value Demonstrate that you have delivered the value Ask for a raise Change the way you are getting your money Befriend people within the firm Network outside the firm Get promoted Move from one firm to another Get more hours Change your career path to a more promising one
  • 149. 149 The first step to earning more is simply to be more productive. This is the cornerstone for all other moves. First take care of that
  • 150. 150 When it comes to the most useful personal productivity hacks they can be divided into 2 groups Select (do the right things) Work faster
  • 151. 151 When it comes to doing the right things are few simple rules / tools that you can use 80/20 rule Go from general to specific Use simple math Go for low hanging fruit Right down issue trees Use benchmarksSet priorities
  • 152. 152 Working faster requires you to do some changes in the way you work Create to-do lists Set SMART goals Use the right tools and master them Remove bottlenecks Talk and write in a simple way Create universal structure for folders Avoid emailsAvoid multitasking Standardize everything Create templates and modules Avoid iterations Guess and prepare ahead
  • 153. 153 Acquire new skills & knowledge
  • 154. 154 New skills & knowledge are extremely important for variety of reasons Can help you do you work faster / do more or better work You can be able to do more valuable things for the firm Signaling effect of new skills & knowledge New skills can help you change the rules of the game i.e. automate work Thanks to new skills / knowledge you may be able to better cooperate with other departments If the skills / knowledge you have just acquired does not exist in the firm you became the main expert Some skills are required on a specific position
  • 155. 155 Check the following case studies in the course Compound effect Case study – Ann improving her reading speed Click here to check my course
  • 157. 157 Delivering value is extremely important and unfortunately difficult You The firm Value Money
  • 158. 158 The value may have different forms. No matter what it is make sure you are delivering it Physical product (i.e. produce part of the finished product, tool, building, machine) Digital product (i.e. create post, video, manual, tool, software) Service (i.e. analyze something, count, transport, give advice, train people) Generate sales Status / Show off effect Other (i.e. provide a different point of view) Bring new customers
  • 159. 159 Deliver value – the Process
  • 160. 160 Below the approach to deliver value Figure out who decides about the value Define with him what value for him and the firm is Define the KPIs to measure the output & quality of the value Learn how often and how the value will be measured Define what to do to deliver more value
  • 161. 161 Let’s have a look at an example of a sales representative Figure out who decides about the value Define with him what value for him and the firm is Define the KPIs to measure the output & quality of the value Learn how often and how the value will be measured Define what to do to deliver more value  Sales Director  Revenue generated by the customers assigned to the specific sales rep  Gross Margin generated by the customers assigned to the specific sales rep  Gross Margin value expressed in thousands of EUR  % Plan execution of Gross margin  Payment terms expressed in days  Monthly  Measured by the Finance department  Improve the acquisition of new customers  Create tools that would shorten the visit at the customers  Organized the routes in a more optimal way
  • 162. 162 Demonstrate that you have delivered the value
  • 163. 163 Famous philosopher Kierkegaard wondered what sound makes the tree when it falls in an empty forest.
  • 164. 164 He came to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter. If there is no observer, the tree doesn’t matter. It doesn’t exist
  • 165. 165 Only the presence of the observer makes something real. The same goes for the value you deliver. If nobody knows about it – it does not exist
  • 166. 166 A few tips what to do to demonstrate the value Pick the right boss Define with your boss the value that you have to deliver Define & track the KPIs for the value Make yourself and the value you create visible (i.e. participate in rankings) Participate in projects that will help you highlight the value you create Create things that will be used by a large number of people in the firm Discuss your progress in value creation with your boss Create things that will be used by the most important decision makers
  • 167. 167 Ask for a raise
  • 168. 168 One day the lion – the king of all animals have gathered them in the forest and told them that he is very annoyed with the current situation.
  • 169. 169 Therefore, he has prepared a list of animals that he will eat.
  • 170. 170 The rabbit came and asked him if he was on the list. The lion confirmed that and told him to say goodbye to his family
  • 171. 171 Next came the dear and got the same answer. Animals came and went and almost all of them got the same answer from the king. Prepare to die – you will be eaten.
  • 172. 172 At some point came the Fox. He asked the Lion the same question. The Lion told him that he is also on the list.
  • 173. 173 At this point the Fox did something no other animal dared to do
  • 174. 174 He asked the Lion: ”Can you cross me off the list”. The Lion surprising said YES and cross him off the list. In this way the fox survived.
  • 175. 175 Below the approach we propose to negotiating the raise Do you research Prepare you pitch – why you deserve the raise Prepare the ground for the discussion about the raise Meet with your boss and be persistent Don’t overdo it  Check what is the level of salaries in your department, the firm on similar positions and on the market  Check your performance against others  Check what is the financial situation of the whole firm  Prepare on the basis of the research the reasons why you should get the raise  Such reasons include: your much higher performance, your salary is much lower than on similar positions, you are delivering new value to the firm  Don’t ambush the boss  Ask him for a special meeting to discuss your salary  Make sure that around the point of discussion you are creating a lot of value and your boss is aware of that  Meet with the boss and present your pitch – why you should get a raise and what amount of money you have in mind  Make it clear that you are happy with the work regardless of your salary  Make sure that he agrees that you are delivering high value and you are relatively underpaid  If he doesn’t agree for a raise ask under what conditions and when you can get it  Don’t try to get too big a raise – this may put you in danger if your performance is a little bit lower or the firm has problems  Don’t ask for a raise too often. Once a year, especially around the performance review is a good rule of thumb
  • 176. 176 Change the way you are getting your money
  • 177. 177 Another way to earn more is simply to change the way you earn money. Let’s consider 2 employees that are creating content 5 000 Peter John Base salary 5 000 168# hours they work a month 168 10# of posts they create a month 10 How they are paid By the hour By the # of posts
  • 178. 178 Now let’s imagine that both of them increase their productivity by 50%. As you can see John earns much more 5 000 Peter John Base salary 7 500 168# hours they work a month 168 15# of posts they create a month 15 How they are paid By the hour By the # of posts 0% 50% 50% 50%
  • 179. 179 Now let’s think when it makes sense to move from charging by the hour (effort) to charging by the output You can be much more productive than the average employee You enjoy working You don’t need that much socializing at the work place The output is easily observable by you and your employee The output is relatively standardized – there is little variance You are healthy and hardly ever experience things that can harm your output
  • 181. 181 Let’s see why it makes sense to befriend people at your firm People give more willingly raises to people that they like You are more likely to get a help from colleagues if they like you People talk & share information with colleagues that they like If they like you will have higher chances to participate in interesting projects Being likeable increases your chances of getting promoted If you are liked a decrease in your performance will be treated more lightly If you have more information & earlier you see the threats & opportunities
  • 182. 182 Once we know why it is important to be liked let’s talk about how to achieve it Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies Before Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies After Help others
  • 183. 183 Below the approach to befriending your colleagues Define how to help other and deliver value Allocate time for this activity Be proactive – ask to help people Help your colleagues As for help when you need it
  • 185. 185 Networking within your firm is not enough. You have to reach out to outside network as well. Below a few reasons why it is so important You can get new opportunities not available within your firm You can catch new, interesting trends earlier You can bring those trends to your firm and be perceived as an authority in this area You can learn new things They may offer you to participate in events, projects that will improve your personal brand You may get new interesting job offers
  • 186. 186 Below the approach to networking outside your firm Pick the form of networking that is comfortable for you Allocate time for this activity Plan where to go and what to do Define KPIs for you networking activities Execute & track efficiency of you networking
  • 188. 188 Another way to earn more is simply to be promoted to a higher position Higher position in most cases means higher salary Higher position means more influence on the firm Higher position means more exposure to Board Members and the outside world At certain level you will be entitled to bonus schemes At higher positions you will benefit more from productivity gains If you change the company at higher position your salary gain will be usually bigger
  • 189. 189 Below the approach to getting promoted Understand the career paths that exists in the firm Learn the requirements for getting promoted Understand the limitations Define with your boss what you have to do get promoted Execute & track your progress towards promotion  In many firms you have very limited number of positions directly above you that you can fill in  In many cases the promotion have to be done by moving to a different department or region  Not all firms have defined career paths  In many cases there are some informal rules i.e. director has to have at least certain number of years experience in specific department  Your promotion will depend on the gatekeepers  The most important of them is usually your direct boss or his boss  Huge importance in some firms play the HR Manager
  • 191. 191 As you may remember we said that you can work more by improving productivity. You can gain a lot also by eliminating chores at home Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies 168 hours Before Time spend on other chores at home Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies After Help others Time spend on other chores at home 40-60 hours
  • 192. 192 In this way we can drastically increase the time for work Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies 168 hours Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies After Help others Before Time spend on other chores at home 40-60 hours Time spend on other chores at home Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies Remodel your life Help others Real work – delivering value
  • 193. 193 Such drastic remodeling of your life makes sense for many reasons Specialization leads usually to efficiency jump You reach faster excellence level – the 10 thousand hours rule You can generate more cash You can deliver 2x-3x more output than your colleagues / competitors You reach the critical mass much faster You progress becomes more visible
  • 194. 194 Change your career path to more promising
  • 195. 195 In many cases you have the choice to stay on your career path….. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
  • 196. 196 ….or to change it to a more promising one Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
  • 197. 197 Below some reasons why you should do it Your current job may stop existing You can gain much more if you change the career path You can apply part of your current experience on the new path You are bored with your current career path You find the new career path stimulating You want more flexibility that current career path does not offer
  • 198. 198 Change your career path to a more promising one – Case Introduction
  • 199. 199 Julia has finished History and currently works as a barista in a coffee shop. Help her decide whether it makes sense to change her career path.
  • 200. 200 Below a few information about Julia She currently earns EUR 800 per month She can become a programmer and earn 50% more Requalifying would cost her EUR 4 000 As a programmer she would get 5% salary increase every year above what she can get now
  • 201. 201 Personal Finance using Management Consulting Hacks $190 $19 For more details and content check my online course where you can find case studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel Click here to check my course
  • 204. 204 In this section we will discuss useful ways that will help you generate additional revenue streams General framework for additional revenue streams Detailed discussion of methods Cases studies & examples how to apply them in practice
  • 205. 205 General framework for additional revenue streams
  • 206. 206 In this section we will get deeper into ways to earn more How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Sell your services Exchange your time for something else (i.e. shares) Create assets & tools Sell or rent your assets & tools Create new revenue streams using your assets & tools Other (i.e. create new business)
  • 208. 208 In previous sections we said that thanks to better work and by doing make- or-buy analysis we can gain a lot of time Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies 168 hours Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies After Help others Before Time spend on other chores at home 40-60 hours Time spend on other chores at home Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies Remodel your life Help others Real work – delivering value
  • 209. 209 You can also do with this time a lot of other things that will help you earn more money Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies 168 hours Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies After Help others Before Time spend on other chores at home 40-60 hours Time spend on other chores at home Real work – delivering value Inefficiencies Remodel your life Help others ?
  • 210. 210 The additional time that we have gained by outsourcing some of the chores & improving productivity we can apply to the following areas Additional time Work more for the current employer Sell services to other firms Learn new things that will help you earn more Create Assets & Tools that you can sell / rent Create your own startup Work for other startups Other options i.e. network
  • 211. 211 As you can see selling services is one of the alternatives to working more for the current employer Additional time Work more for the current employer Sell services to other firms Learn new things that will help me earn more Create Assets & Tools that I can sell / rent Create my own startup Work for other startups Other options i.e. network
  • 212. 212 Let’s see when it may make sense to sell your services to other firms There is no conflict of interest There are no other legal barriers You have / you can acquire the skills needed There is an easy way to get customers Preferably there is a marketplace for those services The services can be delivered flexibly The service will not impact negatively you primary job You have necessary assets, tools to do the service You can earn more from the service The customer will pay you
  • 213. 213 Sell your services – Examples
  • 214. 214 Let’s have a look at some services that you can provide Transportation and related  Uber / Lyft  DoorDash / Postmates / Uber Eats  Lime / Bird  Instacart Requiring design / graphical skills  99designs  Fiverr  Dribbble  Guru Data gathering / inputting  UpWork  Freelancer Programming / Coding  UpWork  Freelancer  GitHub Jobs  People Per Hour  Toptal  Hired  Dice  Guru Other  TaskRabbit  Amazon Mechanical Turk
  • 216. 216 By Assets we mean things that you can create and later monetize in some way Physical assets i.e. house, garage Blog, posts, presentations Emailing List Movies YouTube channel with subscribers Online courses Books Patents Tools Others i.e. short music, photos
  • 217. 217 Tools are special class of assets that needs more details. Let’s start with a short definition  Tools are assets that can solve a problem that the user has yet it requires certain input from the user  Tools can either automate some work done previously by the user or do work that previously the user couldn’t do by himself Tools =
  • 218. 218 We have the following main groups of assets Provides internal data to users  Data on the rents in the city provided by Airbnb  Open Baremetrics showing internal KPIs & metrics to external users Automates work Calculates something for the user Combines information from different sources Other  Emailing software  Zapier  Macro / VBA in Excel  Calculators of mortgage related data  Calculator of net income depending on the taxes  Offers from different banks  Macro data reported by different institution  Data on the sales prices of real estates  Check lists  Templates  Standard documents
  • 219. 219 Assets & Tools – Examples
  • 220. 220 Tools can start from a very simple form. Below some examples Excel based sheets Google Sheet Power Point or PDF documents Airtable based tools Mobile app created with a builder Chatbot created with a builder Questionnaire created using Jot- form Calculator created using Calculoid WordPress based theme Others
  • 221. 221 Sell or rent your Assets & Tools
  • 222. 222 If you wan to monetize your assets or tools you have 3 main channels Marketplaces  Amazon  Udemy / Skillshare  Eloquens  YouTube  Shutterstock / Adobe Stock / Envato Direct sales Own e-commerce  You personally  Your sales force  WordPress plugins  Shopify  GumRoad
  • 223. 223 To support them you can consider 3 main marketing techniques Content Marketing  You create a content that will support your sales, creating traffic for your sales channels  The most popular forms are posts (blog on WordPress), presentations (SlideShare), movies (YouTube)  Many build additional distribution channels for the content: Instagram page, Facebook page, LinkedIn account, twitter account Freemium or Free Trial Model Affiliate Marketing & Referral programs  In Freemium you offer part of the product for ever for free  In Free trial you offer the whole product for a limited time i.e. 30 days  In Affiliate marketing you offer part of your revenues for bringing customers to independent Partners  Affiliate marketing is done usually via affiliate platforms that already have a lot of potential partners for you  In referral programs you offer usually some gifts (i.e. your tool, assets for free for some time) for bringing a user or a customer  One of the most famous referral program was run by Dropbox – you got additional free space for some actions including bringing new users
  • 224. 224 Assets & Tools – Where to find ideas
  • 225. 225 There are 5 main sources of ideas for creating Assets & Tools Marketplaces  Books: Amazon, SlideShare  Online courses: Udemy, Skillshare, Coursera, Lynda  Excel based tools: Eloquens  Mobile Apps: App Store, Google Play, Amazon Appstore  Movies: YouTube, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock,  Music: YouTube,  Photos: Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Podcasts News about startups that got funding Forums Other  Smart Passive Income  The Foundation  Chris Ducker  The Foundation  Indie Hackers  Entrepreneurs On Fire  Crunchbase  Reddit  Local copies of Reddit  Forums devoted to specific topic  Facebook Groups  Product Hunt  Your own needs  The needs of your current customers or a group you know well
  • 226. 226 Sell or rent your Assets & Tools – Case Introduction
  • 227. 227 Let’s imagine that you have to help Jorge estimate what Assets & Tools he should build to use to the fullest potential the time he has gained by improving his productivity.
  • 228. 228 A few information about Jorge. Try to estimate how much he can earn and what option is better Jorge earns 30 EUR per hour He has managed to save 40 hours a month He can create online course or Excel based tools
  • 229. 229 Below additional information on the online course 1 online course with 60 lecture requires 240 hours of work He can earn EUR 90 per month from 1 course He has to pay additionally EUR 30 per lecture for editing
  • 230. 230 Below additional information on Excel based tools 1 Excel based tool will take him 15 hours to create He can earn EUR 10 per month from 1 Excel based tool
  • 231. 231 Create new revenue streams using your Assets & Tools – Introduction
  • 232. 232 In some cases you can create on the basis of assets and tools new additional revenue streams. Below example of what you can do using Excel based tools Excel based tool SaaS based tool Consulting firm  You help the customers use or implement the tool  You gain fees from the consulting hours sold to the customer  You can up-sell him new services and find ideas for new products  You earn one-off payment from the sales of the tool  You have no contact with the end customer  You earn subscription fee from the customer  You have direct access to your customers via emailing list and in- product communication  You can up-sell him new products or upgrades (better plans)
  • 233. 233 Below another example of a evolution from a small YouTuber to something entirely different and a bit unexpected 1 YouTube channel Multiple YouTube channels Content Production Firm  You have not only YouTube channels but also blogs, podcasts  Content is produced by many teams  You have multiple revenue streams  You earn from ads, branded content, sponsorships  You earn only from you own production  You earn from ads, branded content, sponsorships  Most of the channels have content produced by your employees Content Production Firm & e-commerce firm  You have not only YouTube channels but also blogs, podcasts  Content is produced by many teams  You have multiple revenue streams  You add to your revenue streams income from sales of physical or digital products Content Production Firm & Brand Owner  You use your channels to produce content & create brands  Content is produced by many teams  You have multiple revenue streams  Majority of your revenues comes from licensing the brands you have created and cooperation with other brands
  • 234. 234 Create new revenue streams using your Assets & Tools – When it makes sense
  • 235. 235 Creating additional revenue stream using the Assets & Tools makes sense under certain conditions You can’t gain more by allocating the time to building new assets You can gain more from new revenue streams than assets building You can gain more from new revenue streams than current works Current assets may stop to exist or stop to being unique You expect a decrease in revenues from assets You want to build independent business using the assets
  • 236. 236 Personal Finance using Management Consulting Hacks $190 $19 For more details and content check my online course where you can find case studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel Click here to check my course
  • 237. 237 How much money you need
  • 238. 238 How much money you need – Introduction
  • 239. 239 It is always a good idea to calculate how much money you actually need to live the life you want. We will discuss this issue in this short section
  • 240. 240 We will discuss in this section the following issue Backward logic Retirement age if you have no passive income – case study Retirement age if you have passive income – case study
  • 242. 242 Invest wisely your money – Introduction
  • 243. 243 In this section we will discuss useful ways that will help you invest wisely General framework for investing wisely Overview of some methods and assets you can invest into
  • 244. 244 General framework for investing wisely your money
  • 245. 245 As you may remember we have the following general framework How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly
  • 246. 246 In this section we will get a little bit deeper into how to invest wisely your money How to build your wealth Earn more Spend less Be more productive Add new revenue streams Invest wisely your money Choose your life partners wisely Manage your kids properly Understand different types of investment assets Diversify Understand the timing Be rationale not emotional Automate investment Adjust your investments to your age
  • 247. 247 Different types of assets in which you can invest
  • 248. 248 You have 6 main groups of investment assets Cash Bonds Mutual funds (active management) ETFs (passive management) Others i.e. startups, commodity Returns Real Estates  Low Risk Required knowledge  Low  Medium  Long term below ETFs  Medium  Medium  Low - High  Low within certain limit  Close to zero for some bonds  Big  Big  Medium  Huge  Low  Medium  Medium  Medium  Big  Huge Stocks  Medium  Huge  Big
  • 249. 249 You have 5 main groups of investment assets Cash Bonds Mutual funds (active management) ETFs (passive management) Others i.e. startups, commodity Returns Real Estates  Low  1% Risk Required knowledge  Low  ≈ 0-3%  Medium  Below ETF  Medium  ≈ 5-10%  Medium  ≈ 4%  Sky is the limit  Low within certain limit  Close to zero for some bonds  Big  Big  Medium  Huge  Low  Low  Medium  Medium  Big  Huge Stocks  Medium  ≈ 5-10%  Huge  Big
  • 250. 250 Basic rules of investing
  • 251. 251 Below a few golden rules worth applying Don’t loose the money Check the timing Invest small portion of your wealth in risky assets Invest at minimal constant pace no matter what Invest more in bad times Invest less in good times Avoid debt for majority of investments Adjust your investments to your age
  • 252. 252 Things that will influence your returns
  • 253. 253 There are 3 factors that will impact your investment results Knowledge  How much you know about a class of assets  How much you know about the general investment landscape  How much you understand unit economics of the business assets  How much you know about specific asset you have bought Timing Luck  In what part of the economical cycle you are  Usually, when you invest at the top of the cycle you buy assets at too high prices  Usually, when you invest at the bottom of the cycle you buy assets at much lower price than the fair value  The random things that you are not able to account for – the government suddenly passed the law in your favor, the weather was much hotter or colder than expected, etc.
  • 254. 254 Let’s see how important & timing is for different type of assets Cash Bonds Stocks Mutual funds & ETFS Luck Real Estates  10% Timing Knowledge  20%  30%  20%  10%  0%  10%  30%  60%  50%  90%  70%  40%  20%  40%
  • 256. 256 When it comes to stocks there 2 ways in which you can earn money from them Dividends  A part of the profit paid out to shareholders Increase in value of the stocks  The price of the share may change after you bought them. If it goes up, you in theory gain. If it goes down in theory, you lose
  • 257. 257 Let’s see what drives the dividends and the increase in the value of stocks / shares Dividends Increase in value of the stocks Net profit / EBITDA Cash from other sources Increase in expected profits Buy Backs
  • 258. 258 The problem with stocks is that you don’t know whether you have bought a winner Dow Jones 30 1999, 2000, 2010, 2019
  • 259. 259 Now let’s have a look what kind of returns you can expect % Dividend and % Total Return Rate
  • 261. 261 Also with bonds you have to be very careful. Some consider them safer, yet you must know that they differ greatly. We can divide them in 3 categories Bonds issued by countries  Countries issue bonds to finance mainly their public debt  They can be nominated in different currencies  Some have fixed interest rate some have variable interest rate  You can lose part o the invested money or everything (100%) – if the country goes bankrupt – happened to many of them: Argentina, Mexico, Brasil, Poland Bonds issued by states, regions  Also regions and state can issue debts to finance projects or refinance their public debt  Usually those bonds are less safe than the bonds of the country of which they are a part  You can lose part o the invested money or everything (100%) Bonds issued by firms  Some firms instead of taking loans from banks issue bonds to finance their growth.  The bonds can be backed up with some collateral or have no collateral at all  Usually they have offer higher interest rate than the country in which they are located  They are in most cases less safe than the bonds issued by their countries  You can lose part o the invested money or everything (100%)
  • 262. 262 Let’s see at some examples Bonds issued by countries  USA  Eurozone  Switzerland Bonds issued by states, regions Bonds issued by firms Good Potentially Bad  Emerging Markets  EU members that are not part of Eurozone  States / regions with good financial standing that are part of stable countries Good Potentially Bad  States / regions with bad financial standing  Firms with great ability to produce cash flow no matter what i.e. Amazon  Firms with high profitability and almost a monopoly Good Potentially Bad  Others i.e. Toys R us
  • 263. 263 Now let’s have a look what kind of returns you can expect % Dividend and % Total Return Rate
  • 265. 265 When it comes to real estates, we have 3 main groups. Majority invest in residential real estates Residential  Flats, apartments, houses Commercial  Shopping malls  Offices  Warehouses  Hotels  Others Land
  • 266. 266 There are many ways in which you can earn money on residential real estates Buy & rent the whole apartment Buy & rent rooms Light flip Extensive flip Daily renting (Airbnb, Subletting (Renting of apartments that don’t belong to you) Buy to keep
  • 267. 267 The great thing about real estates is that you can leverage it (take a lot of debt. Below short example Stocks  300 Real estate  300Amount invested In thousands of USD  300  1 500Value of the assets you can buy In thousands of USD  3%  5%Yield / Interest rate / Dividend rate In %  9  75Cash flow generated from the assets In thousands of USD
  • 268. 268 Real Estates – the Risks
  • 269. 269 Of course real estates have their risk factors as well Timing Change in the status of the district Legal changes Maintenance costs Political changes Infrastructure changes Interest rate Too big supply
  • 270. 270 What is a portfolio management
  • 271. 271 Create new revenue streams using your Assets & Tools – Case Introduction
  • 272. 272 First let’s think about what kind of cost positions you have Food & Drinks Hotel Clothes (bride and the groom) The band The place / venue Flowers Entertainers for the kids Church costs Other costs
  • 273. 273 First let’s divide the cost into 2 groups: fixed and depending on the number of guests Food & Drinks Hotel Clothes (bride and the groom) The band The place / venue Flowers Entertainers for the kids Church costs Other costs
  • 274. 274 Let’s see how we can estimate the costs of food & drinks, hotel, place / venue # guests Cost of food & drinks per 1 guest Food & drinks costs Hotel costs x # of rooms needed Cost per 1 room x# of guests per 1 room # of guest requiring hotel % of guest requiring hotel ÷x # sq m (space) Cost per 1 sq m Place venue costs xSpace per 1 guest x
  • 275. 275 Let’s see how we can estimate the costs of entertainment and flower costs # guests Cost of food & drinks per 1 guest Food & drinks costs Entertainment costs x # of kids Cost per 1 kid x# of kids per 1 guest # of guests with kids % of guests with kids xx # of vases Cost per 1 vase Flower costs x # of guests per 1 vase ÷
  • 276. 276 After we have calculated every cost position we have to sum them up to get the total cost of the wedding Food & drinks costs Hotel costs Cost depending on the # of guests Entertainment costs Flower Costs Place / venue costs + Clothes (bride and the groom) The band Other costs Church costs Fixed costs Total cost of the wedding + +
  • 278. 278 Issue tree - general Area of analysis Area 1 Problem 1 Problem 2 Possible Reason 1 Possible Reason 2 Possible Reason 3 Possible Reason 4 Possible reasonsSuspected problems Analysis to be performed Analysis 1 Analysis 2 Analysis 3 Analysis 4
  • 279. 279 Issue tree for John's flat – Introduction
  • 280. 280 Imagine that you would have to create an issue tree for John’s flat. What kind of problem he has and what could be the reasons for that
  • 283. 283 Opportunity tree Gross Margin Sales % Gross Margin % Front Margin % Back Margin # of transactions ATV Traffic % conversion  YouTube  Ads on instagram  Affiliation with bloggers  Guest blogging Opportunities  Long form / Short form  Reduction of delivery methods  No account  Emailing for people abandoning cart  Upselling and Cross selling  Free delivery for higher tickets  Introduction of new categories  Reducing number of suppliers  Finding new suppliers  Renegotiation
  • 285. 285 Cost drivers are causing the cost to go or down Cost of a Udemy course Slide preparation Recording and editing # of slides Cost of 1 hour # of hours per 1 slide # of lectures Cost of 1 hour # of minutes per 1 lecture
  • 286. 286 Personal KPIs – Introduction
  • 287. 287 Let’s imagine that you have to define the personal KPIs for Giuseppe that will help him make sure that he is increasing his chances of being happy
  • 288. 288 A few information about Giuseppe Giuseppe has a girlfriend He works as a business analyst His family, health and friends are important to him He also wants to get more financially sound
  • 289. 289 To define KPIs I would recommend following a very simple sequence of actions Define what areas matter for you Identify drivers Define output KPIs Define input KPIs Set targets for KPIs
  • 290. 290 Let’s look how we can define KPIS for the financial well-being Financial well-being His net value Area Drivers Output KPI Input KPI Generate positive CF  Net value in EUR  % of his salary not spent during the month  Additional money invested  Additional income generated  Cash flow generated during the month  Positive cash flow generated during the month as % of his salary  % of his salary not spent during the month  Additional income generated
  • 291. 291 Personal Finance using Management Consulting Hacks $190 $19 For more details and content check my online course where you can find case studies showing analyses along with detailed calculations in Excel Click here to check my course