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Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay
Crafting an essay on this particular topic presents a multifaceted challenge that requires careful
navigation through ethical, medical, and societal considerations. Firstly, delving into the
intricacies of performance-enhancing drugs demands a thorough understanding of pharmacology,
physiology, and their effects on the human body. This necessitates extensive research to grasp
the various substances, their mechanisms of action, and the potential short-term benefits versus
long-term consequences.
Moreover, the topic is inherently controversial, as it intersects with issues of fair competition,
athlete health, and the integrity of sports. Addressing these ethical dilemmas requires a nuanced
approach, balancing arguments for individual autonomy and the preservation of fair play against
concerns about the potential harm to athletes and the integrity of sporting events.
Additionally, discussing performance-enhancing drugs entails examining broader societal
implications, including the role of pharmaceutical companies, regulatory frameworks, and
cultural attitudes towards achievement and success. Analyzing these factors demands critical
thinking and the ability to synthesize complex information from diverse sources.
Furthermore, constructing a coherent and persuasive argument on such a contentious topic
necessitates skillful argumentation and the ability to anticipate and address counterarguments
effectively. This involves presenting a well-structured essay with clear thesis statements,
supported by evidence-based reasoning and logical progression.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on this subject requires intellectual rigor, ethical sensitivity, and
the ability to navigate complex interdisciplinary terrain. It demands a deep dive into scientific
literature, ethical frameworks, and societal dynamics to construct a compelling narrative that
engages readers and sheds light on this contentious issue.
[Note: If you're seeking assistance with essays or academic writing, similar tasks can be
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Performance Enhancing Drugs EssayPerformance Enhancing Drugs Essay
Is Blackie A Good Dog In The Mixer
In the story The Mixer the Shy Man was dishonest . I believe this because he made
Blackie think that he was a good dog . It is not that I do not think that Blackie is a
good dog , but the Shy Man kept walloping him. Also the reason why Blackie thinks
he is a good person is because he gave him treats. The story exactly stated, Good dog,
he said now you can have this, after that he gave Blackie a treat for staying quiet.
The so called Shy Man also snuck into the house Blackie was supposed to be
guarding. One reason why Blackie did not attack or bark was because the Shy Man
taught him that when he comes through the window to lay down and not bark. I
know this because in the text it stated, Shut up ,he said. This explains that the Shy
My Ferrari Essay
It was half past seven in the morning and I had a busy day ahead of me. I got into my
Ferrari 360 spyder; put my bag on the passenger seat.
I started the engine, put it into gear and made my way to the airport, with the roaring
sound of the Ferrari behind me.
I had to go pretty fast because I had to be at the airport before my flight left. As I
approached the entrance to the airport, I made my way to the runway.
There was a barrier across it so that it would be blocked of for other customers. He
asked me why I was their. I showed him a pass which granted me permission to enter
the run way.
He kindly pushed a button in his small control box, which would lift the barrier. As I
passed ... Show more content on ...
The air stewardess came with a trolley of refreshments. I asked for a chicken and
salad sandwich, bottle of water and an ice cream bun with a cherry on top.
As I munched away on my snack, before I knew it the jet rocketed through the sky,
it soared over very quickly over the North Atlantic Ocean. I was heading to USA
(United States of America). I was approaching New York Cityinternational airport.
The captain made a second announcement; he said that we would be landing in the
airport shortly. As I through my litter in the bin of my jet and then made my way
back to my seat. The jet made a sudden jerk to the right, and it made me fall in my
I had time for a quick look out of the window, and it look like to me that we were
about to land in the airport. I buckled myself the second and last time. I was right we
landed on the runway of the airport with the wheels bumping off the runway to the
air, which happened a couple of times.
When the jet came to a steady motion and then eventually stopped it was time for
me to head into the city of New York. I headed for the exit of the airport, and there
were flocks of taxis. It was evening in New York, Which was lucky for me as I had
no other way of getting around New York.
I asked the driver if he could take me to the centre city of New York, 41st (street)
where there were lots of
The Consequences Of Genetic Engineering In The Film
Even perfection is not always perfect. This is quite applicable to the situation of
genetic engineering. By demonstrating through adroit filmmaking how social and
economic structures shift under the influence of new prejudices based solely on
genetic makeup, the movie Gattaca, directed by Andrew Niccol and released in 1997,
proves that genetic engineering, despite any initial positive scientific advancements,
has many deeper, underlying negative consequences. Gattacais set in the future when
eugenics has become the standard for creating human life. The plot portrays the
challenges, mainly genetic discrimination, Vincent Freeman faces to become the
astronaut he dreams of since he is an in valid or someone who was conceived
naturally, without the influence of genetic engineering. To reach his life goal of
completing space missions, Vincent seeks out the help of a man employed in the
newly developed private sector specializing in providing people with an
alternative, preferred genetic backgrounds. He is paired with Jerome Morrow, a
former swimming star who was paralyzed due to a car accident and a genetic elite.
Vincent undergoes extensive physical procedures to obtain Jerome s outward
appearance and Jerome prepares samples of hair and skin follicles, blood, and urine.
Armed with his, or Jerome s, superior genetic qualification, Vincent is able to work
at the Gattaca Aerospace Corporation, quickly rises up the ranks, and is scheduled for
a mission to Saturn s moon Titan.
Agile, Scrum And Kanban
The Daily Stand Up
Agile, Scrum and Kanban
There has been a lot said in the last few years about Agile project management
methodologies, and I have found that the general feeling is that Agile although not
perfect tends to provide better results in software development projects than
waterfall and other methodologies. People tend to be very opinionated about it, and
in my experience there three dominant positions about Agile: you either love it, hate
it or you don t care, in other words, you do not believe in methodologies at all, you
think they are all a waste of time and effort.
I can see where the different of views come from, and in my experience I have been
successful working with Agile, specifically Scrum, in software projects, but ... Show
more content on ...
I personally really like Agile, and I have worked very well in teams using Scrum.
Yes, we did have problems too, customers with bugs and we also fell behind on the
schedule sometimes. But applying Scrum correctly has allowed us to be informed,
committed and react quickly to those issues. Everybody in the team is in sync and
knows what to expect, stakeholders feel informed and involved, and you can
measure progress and forecast releases with a certain degree of certainty. All this
with what I would consider very little friction, bureaucracy and with what I would
consider a short learning curve, especially compared to other methodologies and
frameworks such as Rational Unified Process (RUP).
Agile, Scrum, Kanban and other methodologies are not necessarily perfect nor
complete, but they may be a good match, especially if you are running a software
project. To be honest, after years writing critical path method (CPM) / Gantt based
project management software, I can see that there is a value for every methodology
and it depends heavily on the characteristics of the project, and I think you can apply
Agile methodologies to projects outside the software and IT industry. The Kanban
software development methodology is inspired by the Kanban
The Pros And Cons Of Developing Countries
If I were the advisor to a government of a small developing country, I would advise
that said country to take caution when attempting to integrate into the world
economy. Simply put, it seems that smaller developing countries should open their
borders slowly and selectively. The concepts of free trade may seem enticing,
particularly for a developing countrybased on the rhetoric demonstrated by
organizations such as the World Bankfor example. Hunter Wade suggests that the
general consensus surrounding trade liberalization is largely based on assumptions
that in order to achieve further development, trade liberalization is entirely
necessary (Hunter Wade 2005). Moreover, Hunter Wade claims that there s also an
accord on trade liberalization that infers that developing countries would benefit
economically in the event that they reduced trade barriers. It s further suggested
that developing countries would also collectively experience economic gains in the
event that rich countries were to remove barriers to their exports (Hunter Wade
2005). When these types of ideas are widely dispersed and agreed upon, it can be
difficult for smaller developing countries to reject such claims. In reality, the
decision on whether or not to expand further into the global economy is much more
complex and must thus, consider factors that are seldom discussed by free trade
advocates. Hunter Wade presses that even if trade barriers were removed for exports
from developing countries, the
Knight And Squire In The Canterbury Tales Essay
The Canterbury Tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer the 1300s, and told the story
of twenty nine travelers making a pilgrimage to Canterbury, England. The pilgrims
wished to visit the relics of Saint Thomas Becket, in the Canterbury Cathedral. In the
prologue, the narrator depicts each character and their demeanor. Two particular
characters in Chaucer s CanterburyTales, the Knight and Squire, help to exemplify
the idea that wisdom and respect come with experience and age.
The Knight s wisdom and maturity above the Squire is proven not only through age,
but he also proved his traits through battle and hardships. The narrator tells of the
Knight s voyages, stating that he fought when Ayas and Attalia fell (Chaucer 60),
embarked with ... Show more content on ...
By describing the Knight like this, the narrator also establishes the Knight as a model
citizen who demonstrates chivalry and enthusiasm to do the right thing, similar to the
Squire. Rather than the Squire s childish persona, the Knight is presented as a figure
of maturity, formality, and authority, due to his title as a knight. The Knight s
maturity and genuinity illustrates how the Knight s wisdom and respect comes from
his experience and age above the Squire.
The narrator established that both the Knight and Squire acted as model citizens,
but he also exposed their motives for those actions, with the Knight s motives
being more wise due to his age and experiences. The narrator depicts the Knight as
being genuinely kind, while the Squire has ulterior motives. The Knight is said to
have noble graces (Chaucer 50) and pure intentions with his actions. This exposes
the Knight s drive to act as a proper knight and leave the most honorable legacy
possible for himself. In contrast, the Squire is described as being motivated to act
in hopes of winning a lady s grace (Chaucer 90). The Squire is a younger knight in
training, so it would be logical that his intentions aren t as pure as those of a true
knight, like his father. This is a demonstration of the Squire s lack of wisdom, due to
his naive motivation of courtship and his lack of driven motivation for his future as a
knight. The Squires lack of drive and
12 Angry Men Empowers Diversity
The play Twelve Angry Men written by playwright Reginald Rose. The play
conveys an optimistic view of society and the justice system. Set in New York 1957,
the play delves into the journey of twelve ordinary men as they struggle to come to a
unanimous decision, which in effect will determine the fate of a young boy. The play
empowers diversity rather than continuity by composing a cross section of characters
that embrace their differences. The playwright exhibits the notion that prejudices and
biases are factors in every dispute and can mask the truth. Additionally, Rose depicts
the dangers of a jurysystem that relies on 12 individual men that unanimously try to
reach a life or death decision.
Twelve Angry Men empowers diversity rather
Beauty And Physical Beauty
Physical beauty is something that is far more important than inner beauty in our
crooked society. There is a specific standard that American culture expects us to
uphold to be accepted and loved. Shaming others for how they look is practiced by
almost every individual. It is human nature and almost everyone is guilty of judging
or offending someone at some point in their life. There is a difference between
accidently saying something you did not know would affect someone and
excessively hurting somebody with your words daily. Words are very powerful and
if they are used negatively it could cause someone to develop a distant personality,
emotional distress, and a feeling of emptiness inside.
Growing up, I was always taught that thinness meant beauty. Not only by my class
peers, but by my own family members as well. I grew up as an obese kid/teen. Who
would have thought? School for me was a synonym for hell on earth for many
years. Waking up in the morning was the worst 30 minutes of my life followed by
7 hours of emotional torment. Making friends for me has always been very
difficult because I am a hardcore introvert. I remember always sitting alone in an
obnoxious lunch room and being picked on by the stereotypical mean girls and
boys. Yes, they do exist. I heard insults from How come you re so fat? to What
would happen if we got a needle and poked her with it? Would she explode? . The
insults are ridiculous and funny looking at it now, but as a child and young teen
they killed me inside. I never said anything back because I was always told to
ignore it by my teachers. My mom went to the office numerous times and
complained. I remember constantly asking my mom everyday afterschool why no
one liked me and why I did not have any friends. She never knew how to respond. It
ll go away , They re just kids being kids , they said. It never actually went away till
high school, when everyone had finally matured.
My freshman, sophomore and junior years of high school were probably one of the
most emotionally draining and difficult years of my life. I dealt with severe
insecurity and lacked any sort of mental health. With all the years of taunting and
bullying, I was basically numb yet shattered inside. I developed
Sex determination is an essential key in the forensic evaluation because it is the
important component of biological identity. Scapula is a flat bone and it was selected
for the reason that its negligible morphological changes during its life time when the
development is finished(1).
In present study, 186 patient were included only those who came for ct thorax
referred by the physician. The main goal is to estimate the scapular parameter check
whether there is any significance difference or not and finally with the use of the
discriminant analysis identify the gender.
Melad G Paulis, et al 200(100 males 100 females)P 0.00093.5%
In the present study in descriptive statistics of six variables are reported. Table no 1,
which shows mean and standard deviation for both sexes. The overall mean value
collected from the scapula of males are larger than that of females, this indicates the
existence of sexual dimorphism in the measurements ... Show more content on ...
Dabbs, conducted a study based on sex determination using the scapula in New
Kingdom skeletons from Tell El this project descriptive statistics for the
five variables included (Maximum length of the scapula, Maximum length of the
spine, Breadth of infraspinous body, Height of glenoid prominence, Breadth of
glenoid prominence, which shown the mean and standard deviation of both sexes as
well as the t values for both sexes(15).
In present study multivariate test was done which demonstrate there are significance
difference between males and females for all the six variables (p
A Summary Of Under Armour s Campaign
The company Under Armour launched a campaign in 2014 with the tagline I Will
What I Want. The campaign features athletes and a model that all defy what society
believes in them. I Will What I Want has print adverts and then also TV spots that
are only about 60 seconds. They launched the campaign with Misty Copeland who is
a principal ballerina for the American Ballet Theatre. The other women in the
beginning of the campaign are Gisele Bundchen and Lindsey Vonn. Drogs5, an
advertising company, developed the campaign to show fierce females tune out
society s standards and achieve their dreams. (Droga5) The larger social context for
the campaign is not just the message to work hard and achieve your dreams. The
campaign features strong women,
A Research Study On The Field Of Psychology
The field of psychology is truly fascinating, as the discovery of new and remarkable
ideas arise with every question a researcher chooses to explore. Where questions can
develop into a research study, which can either solidify, contribute, support, inspire,
or provide answers in the field of psychology. In a sense, researchis a trial and error
approach as researchers are not always cognizant of the results that a study will
provide. However, with sufficient knowledge the researcher can conduct a study,
with less error, should the researcher be aware of a few simple ingredients.
First, as simple as it sounds, knowing whether if a question is sufficient is a good
place to start. Once that has been determined, then the researcher can ... Show more
content on ...
In conclusion, this writer will be discussing how the statistical model created in
outline form can be useful, its limitations, along with what this writer learned in the
process of creating a unique statistical model of this writer s liking and understanding.
Decision s Model in Outline Form Is your question adequate and sufficient? This is
determined by figuring out whether if you have put enough thought into your
question, if only you can answer the following 4 questions (Sukal, 2013).
(1). What is your overarching research question? (Sukal, 2013)
Note: According to Sukal (2013), this can be determined by figuring out whether if
there are keywords within the question, such as effects to refer to cause and effect
(Sukal, 2013). The word association , indicates figuring out if there is a relationship
amongst the variables (Sukal, 2013). The word prediction can signify regression
(Sukal, 2013).
(2). How many Independent Variables (IV), Dependent Variables (DV), and covariate
variables are in the study? (Sukal, 2013).
Note: The dependent variable is thought of as the criterion or consequence variable,
while independent variable is thought to be the predictor or the variable that brings
out an effect on the dependent variable (Sukal, 2013). Further, a variable is
something a person plans to observe, manipulate, test, record, or evaluate
The Story of J.D. Salinger
The Story of J. D. Salinger J. D. Salinger became one of the most popular and
known American authors in America today. Up to this day students from all over
the country have read and purchased the novel The Catcher in the Rye which was a
novel that was not so long ago controversial due to vulgar language, sexual
references, and unacceptable behavior; parents were concerned that J. D. Salinger
s novel was going to influence their children. Salinger was one of many authors
that stood out more from a group of authors that wrote simply about society.
Salinger on the other hand criticised the society by using the word phony most of
the time. The word phony meant fake, false, and fraudulent and by the 1950 s the
word became used more and more frequently. Some of Salinger s famous pieces of
work like Nine Stories, Franny and Zooey, The Catcher in the Rye , and Raise High
the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction presented themes such as
love,war, death, and the reminiscing of something. The themes widely connected to
J. D. Salinger by reason of his personal experiences and character traits . The success
of J. D. Salinger was reached by personally experiencing the drafting to war and
actively writing about his surroundings.
Jerome David Salinger, the talented author born in New York had a decent stable life
growing up with both of his parents and sister. Jerome David Salinger lived
comfortable throughout his childhood. Many authors go through a smooth
Brain Disorders In Autistic Children
Autism is a development disorder that is affected with communication verbal and non
verbal also behavior problems such as social interaction repeated behavior and none
focus of interest. Autism is a brain disorder that affects the way the brain transmits
information or uses information. Autism is a disorder that is found everywhere in the
world. Autismusually occurs before the child is three years old and it continuous
throughout their entire lifetime. There are different varieties of Autism these include
extremely unusual, repetitive, self injury, and aggressive behavior. Autism may be
treatable but it is never completely cured. If diagnosed early with proper treatment a
child with Autism can live a healthy full life. (The Gale encyclopedia... Show more
content on ...
With proper treatment that is the best suited for the autistic child as they grow up
will improve each and every day. It is founded that Autism is increasing throughout
the world. A person who has Autism can live a long happy life they have a normal
life span. Researchers, parents, and caregivers are driven to give the best therapies
that there is for autistic children so they can develop at their highest level and
Women In Mathematics 1900-1860
Many women have achieved in the mathematics field since the 1900 s. Especially
women of color. No matter how young or old, these women have taken their careers
in mathematics to an inspiring degree. Take the following women as examples, for
they have created history in mathematics forever.
Euphemia Lofton Haynes
In 1943, Euphemia Lofton Haynes was the first African Americanwoman to earn a
Ph.D. in Mathematics. Ms. Haynes attended the Catholic University in Washington,
D.C. Ms. Haynes father, Dr. William S. Lofton, was a prominent black dentist and
financier of black business in the area and her mother, Lavinia Day Lofton, was
active in the Catholic church. She was married to Harold Appo Haynes who was a
principal and deputy superintendent ... Show more content on ...
In 1932, Williams was born in Warri, Nigeria. She received her education at Queens
College in Lagos, University Colllege at Ibadan and the University of Vermont,
before receiving a Ph.D in mathematics education from the University of Chicago in
1963. She made history as the first Nigerian woman to be awarded a doctorate. Dr.
Williams returned to Nigeria for a couple of years postdoctoral work at the University
of Ibadan before joining the University of Lagos in 1965 as a faculty member.
Dr. Williams continued interest in mathematics education was originally sparked by
her stay in the United States, which coincided with the Sputnik phenomenon.
Working with the African Mathematics Programs in Newton, Massachusetts, under
the leadership on MIT professor Ted Martins, she participated in mathematics
workshops held in various African cities. Her courses covered basic concepts in
mathematics, working in concert with leading mathematicians and educators. She
spent a decade directing the Institute of Education, which introduced innovative no
degree programs and certificate recipients working as elementary teachers. She is
currently a Professor of Mathematics at the University of
The Most Merciful Thing Of The World
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to
correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of
black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences,
each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the
piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of
reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the
revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle wherein our
world and humanrace form transient incidents. They have hinted at strange
survivals in terms which would freeze the blood if not masked by a bland
optimism. But it is not from them that there came the single glimpse of forbidden
aeons which chills me when I think of it and maddens me when I dream of it. That
glimpse, like all dread glimpses of truth, flashed out from an accidental piecing
together of separated things in this case an old newspaper item and the notes of a
dead professor. I hope that no one else will accomplish this piecing out; certainly, if
I live, I shall never knowingly supply a link in so hideous a chain. I think that the
professor, too, intended to keep silent regarding the part he knew, and that he would
have destroyed his notes had not sudden deathseized him. My knowledge of
Handwriting Analysis Lab Report
Handwriting Analysis Lab Report The purpose of this report is to show the
similarities between the ransom note and the suspects handwriting. My partners and I
used 12 different characteristics to analyze the handwriting of the ransom note. The
characteristics were; smoothness of line quality, word and margin spacing, ratio of
small letters to capitals, continuous writing, letter connections, complete letter
formations, cursive writing, pressure, slant, litters written on line, fancy curls or
loops, and if the t s are crossed and I s are dotted. My partners and I were able to
eliminate every suspect besides one, and we proved that that person wrote the ransom
note. The writing in the ransom note was not continuous. Continuous writing is when
the spacing between words remains consistent even when there is punctuation, such
as a period... Show more content on ...
The ransom note was written on a lined piece of notebook paper, so the author of
the note should have written on the lines. The authors writing was 2 millimeters of
the line at most and it varied throughout the note. If the author of a ransom note
does not write on the lines of a lined paper in can be very distinguishing. However,
most of the suspect writers did not write on the line. The varying distance of the
authors writing from the line also made it difficult to find a clear cut author
through this characteristic. Fancy curls or loops in someone writing can be
defined as; any elaborative or unneeded additions to letters. This can be a very
helpful characteristic in identifying the author of a ransom note. If a person writes
a certain letter with a giant unneeded loop or curve, they are probably one of few
people that writes that certain letter in that way. The author of our ransom note
wrote their g s with an exaggerated curve on the hook of the g. This was a helpful
characteristic in narrowing down our suspects, as very few of the suspects wrote
their g s in this
Civil Liberties In America
The United States of America is viewed throughout the world as the symbol of
freedom. Battling for its freedom from the beast of the 1700s Great Britain, the
United States made sure to cherish its freedom with the ensured liberties given to the
people that would evolve the nation into the super power of modern time. While
many believe that the United Stateskept its promise of libraries throughout its time, in
actuality its freedoms diminished during times of calamity and war by ways such as.
Many civil liberties, such as freedom of speechand freedom of press were suppressed
due to the passing of several acts during World War I.
At any given time when the United States is at peace, nothing is done against anyone
who would speak against the
Blackberry Picking Figurative Language
In Blackberry Picking, describes not only a literal experience of blackberry
picking, but of a love that always seems to end in tears. The poet achieves this
meaning through diction, imagery, and figurative language. Heaney first creates a
vivid image through descriptive words given such as a glossy purple clot and wet
grass bleached our boots. It is clear to the reader that the speaker and the speaker s
partner seem to have a romantic or deep connection similar to the experience of
blackberry picking. Seamus Heaney uses imagery and diction to create the image
and shape the meaning of this love. Second, Heaney uses figurative language like
simile and metaphor to compare the speaker s love to the blackberry picking process.
Heaney uses
Gertrude And Claudius s Arranged Marriage
Within Shakespeare s Hamlet, Gertrude and Claudius marriage was a direct result
of the one sided marriages during Elizabethan times, as through marriage, Claudius
takes away Hamlet s right to rule. In particular, Gertrude s arranged marriage
reveals that she is not in control of her own fate and her lineage s fate. This was a
direct result of the social guidelines of Elizabethan society, were woman were
expected to accept a man s proposal to marriage regardless of the situation ().
Ultimately, Claudius, Hamlets uncle, took advantage of his brother s death, and
allowed him to gain power he otherwise would not have gained. The assets gained by
Claudius proved the dowries, commonly apart of Elizabethan marriages, exclusively
When It Comes To Folktales, Fairytales, Legends, Myths,
When it comes to folktales, fairytales, legends, myths, and popular and unpopular
lore, I believe I have a pretty extensive collection of fairytales and myths stored
away in my mental library. These are tales that I can pull out and tell on a moment
s notice. My library has stories from all over Europe, including obscure or not well
known stories such as Brother and Sister (a German tale), The White Snake (a
German tale), Cap o Rushes (an English tale), and Bluebeard (a French tale) that I
can recall and tell to others at the drop of a dime. I know a few from Asia, like
Father Frost (a Russian tale) and The Stonecutter (a Chinese tale). I am even familiar
with a few stories originating in the native civilizations of Africa,... Show more
content on ...
In ancient Greek and Norse mythology they had the gods and goddesses as
characters that would pop up now and again. Characters like Ares, Poseidon,
Hercules, Odin, and Thor are all characters that reached iconic levels in modern era
storytelling due to their popularity in the storytelling of ancient times. In medieval
countries like England and Germany, they had stock characters such as the Knight,
the Princess, and the creature that usually represented the Devil. Due to the sheer
number of Native American tribes that have been documented and with each having
their own set of beliefs, stories, and gods, I will only discuss those deities that were
revered by the largest of the Native American tribes (in terms of land occupied not
number of members). In addition I will discuss the most wide spread stock character
in North American folklore.
The character of the Trickster was one that showed up in many different forms across
the board. The Trickster character could come in the form of anything from a raven to
a coyote to a racoon, depending on the tribe, and would share some common traits.
These similarities included fundamentally cause[ing] confusion and inconsistent[cies]
, being a deceiver and play[ing] tricks , being a shapeshifter , turning a situation
upside down and often reflect[ing] the uncertain nature of life , act[ing] as a
messenger and imitator of the gods , and acting spontaneous, without proper thought
( While many
Michael Foucault s Different Forms of Power Essay
Michael Foucault s Different Forms of Power
Michael Foucault distinguishes between two different and distinct forms of power,
disciplinary and sovereign. Fouccault describes disciplinary power as the new type
of power in the modern civilization. The use of disciplinary power transpired in the
17th and 18th century, and it used specific procedures such as distributing individuals
into space, controls of activity, observation, judging, and examination, to regulate the
people. The first way to create discipline is to distribute individuals in space. This
space is usually analytical and physical. Discipline demands enclose, so that you see
everything that is going on. Inside of this enclosure there is a partitioning where each
... Show more content on ...
We have something similar to this in gymnastics. We do and exhibition where
everything need to be perfectly times and everyone s movements in their tumbling
needs to be the exact same. We break down the movements of the back handsprings
and backs flips and learn how to do the special movements exactly the same as
everyone else, so we look together. To be able to have our exhibitions be successful
we need constant monitoring to see if we are with the music and with each other. The
next step to achieving discipline is through observation. This gives you power by
simply observing visually seeing what is going on. In this you are under constant
surveillance. By being put under this constant examination you are always being
put to the test to see if you measure up to set standards. An example of this is the
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. You are always under constant surveillance, even
when you are not in uniform or performing. Even if you are not wearing anything
associated with the organization, and are out going to the local 7 11 and you look
bad, you can get in a lot of trouble. You are always held to a standard with how you
look at how much you weigh. In the DCC you are weighed every week and you re
not allowed to gain more than five pounds or you will be dropped off the squad if
you do not lose the extra weight. This brings us to the next part of discipline,
normalizing judgment. This is where you have a rule or task and have
Makeup Is The Most Popular Eye Makeup
Makeup has been around for over 10,000 years because women have always strived
to make themselves perfect. Makeup is cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied
to the face and is used to enhance or alter the appearance.Over the years the use of
makeup has been used for many things other than enhancing a womans natural
beauty. Women wear makeup to look more appealing and boost their confidence
rather than wearing it for a man. For instance eye makeup was onced used for
getting rid of spirits and better sight according to makeup enhance. According to
makeup enhance black and green was the most popular eye makeup colors. They
decorated their eyes by applying dark green to the under lid and using kohl to
outline the eyes, creating that alluring almond eye look ( Makeup Enhance). This
is an example of makeup being used for other purposes rather than for what people
think the only reason is which is to Look beautiful. When all women are already
beautiful. Lipstick has been around for many decades. Lipstick is a waxy solid
usually colored cosmetic in stick form for the lips (Merriam Webster). Egyptians
had used two ingredients that are extremely deadly when combined together. Soon
the lipstick had became known as the kiss of death . However they continued using
the color to get red lips. Damien Gayle, author of Why red lips can make a woman
look younger , found that the redness of lips decreases with aging. Red lips Over the
years women has turned to
Modern Robotic Arms
Mind melding as between the machines and animal is not something never heard
of. The researchers have tried to attempt it since as early as the beginning of
1970s. Some studies in the past within interfaces of brain machine have enabled
the monkeys to gain control of the robotic arms as well as the people who were
paralyzed to control the cursors over the screen. Even then the researchers could not
know it at all if the humans would be able to control the robotic arms for performing
finer and complex tasks like having the capability to maneuver in 3 dimensions and
also grasping any small thing without moving or else knocking it down.
It is from many years that the scientists predicted that the connection of brain and
computer would permit the people with any injuries of spinal cord and the brain to
live lives independently, without help from their folks or those around. This is
something that has kept the hope of such paralyzed people alive from a long time but
with minimum results.
A robotic arm that is thought powered is the innovation which could put
independence in reach for the disabled patients. They could think of leading their
lives without constantly looking for someone to run their tasks for them. In a study
lately, 2 people who had around total paralysis of the body could reach for and get
hold of little foam balls as well as a coffee thermos, by using only the signal of their
brains for directing the motion. Conclusion
Universal Healthcare
Universal Health Coverage: A Possibility for the United States
Brittannie DePew
Eng 122
David Moskowitz
Medical costs are getting too expensive. Ever fought with your insurance providers
because they refused to pay for care, or struggle to find an in network provider? I
know a woman whose name I will change for her privacy and the struggles she is
going through are a perfect example of an issue many people face when dealing
with insurance; Nancy s (name changed for privacy) story is a perfect example of
how our healthcare system is no longer working for the people. Nancy is this
woman whose husband recently passed away. Nancy used to work for county and
county workers cannot receive social security; and Nancy is too ... Show more content
on ...
The administration of the United States is incompetent and is growing more useless,
this is stated when a compare and contrast between the United States, who does not
have universal healthcare, and Canada, who does have universal health care. Canada s
healthcare is not too far from the United States but it does vary with certain things.
One of these key things is cost, and administration. (Woolhandler, Himmelstein. 1991)
The cost of health care within the United States has enlarged, Canada s spending has
waned. Canada funds the hospitals and doctors with one payer (one lump sum) while
The United States hospitals bills several different insurances (per patient policy) who
vary with policies, qualifications, and certification. Doing this causes a complex
accounting scheme for acquiring payment and further charging insurance and
patients. Another reason the administration of healthcare in the United States is
incompetent is due to private insurance, because, the owner profits a percentage of
premiums that is much larger that the federal government.
The United States could implement a universal healthcare program; however, it has
yet to be put into effect. The last time it was attempted it was turned down despite the
efforts by the Clinton administration. The Clinton
Ethical Issues In Bhopal, India ( Union Carbide )
Bhopal, India (Union Carbide)
Bhopal, India (Union Carbide)
Background and history of the Union Carbide Accident
The Union Carbide Accident occurred in 1984 in Bhopal, India. The incident led to a
discharge of approximately 30 tons of highly poisonous gases, including methyl
isocyanate (MIC). The plant was situated in close proximity to shanty outskirts of the
town (Taylor, 2014). Following the incident, close to six hundred thousand people
were exposed to the toxic gas. The effects of the incident on human health were
manifested through nausea, eye and throat burns and eventually, deaths. In addition,
the incident led to retardation of mental development in infants. The average death
toll was reported as 15,000 persons. Today, toxic substances are still evident at the
site (Taylor, 2014).
Ethical Questions or Problems that Came Up
Preliminary investigations point out a fundamentally flawed working environment at
the facility. There was a fundamental departure from the ASCE Canon that requires
engineers to hold paramount the welfare, health and safety of the public ( Code of
Ethics, 2016). Simply, the plant was devoid of adequate operational and safety
instruments. The available instruments such as MIC refrigerators were of poor
quality. This affected the operation of the systems components (Taylor, 2014).
The second ethical issue observed was gross negligence by the government to protect
public interest. Even though three separate
Website Localization
Read the Case study 4.1 The implications of globalization for consumer attitudes on
page 218 and answer the question there.
Question Based on this article and your experiences, debate the question: `Site
localization is essential for each country for an e commerce offering to be successful
in that country.
After referring to several online articles and couple of published papers on Website
localization , I have summarized below some key learning and findings about Why
website localization is essential?
Website localization facilitates reaching more customers throughout the world and
hence increase Sales, revenue and profits
World Wide Webitself means a business can reach out all over the world through a
click of the button. ... Show more content on ...
McDonald a hamburger chain when launched in India found out that at least 40% of
the customers in India are Vegetarians.
To cater to these customers McDonald introduced its first local burger, the Aloo
tikki burger which is a patty of potatoes and peas flavored with Indian spices,
McDonald s had to develop 130 ingredients and use 50 suppliers.
To respect the local culture, India is the only country where McDonald does not
serve its iconic Big Mac since the burger patty contains beef. Similarly no products
having pork are sold in McDonald India.
In 1997 consumers classified McDonald food as bland. They launched Veg
Mcpuffs (Samosa + Pizza ingredients) and Chicken Mcgrill (with extra tangy Indian
spices) and by 2000 McDonald food items were sought for its taste. McDonalds
have also launched McSpicy Paneer (Cottage Cheese) in March 2011 to cater to
Vegetarian Indian families. Till 2011 India was the only country where McDonalds
offered so much of variety in Vegetarian food.
Thus to be successful in India McDonalds has altered its menu to reflects the tastes of
Hindus and have added more items to suit local tastes. Thus McDonald s Indian
website also has been localized to highlight all
Vegetarian products along with other Non Vegetarian products it offers.
Website localization understands cultural differences and customers in a better
The Consequences Of School Shootings
After written by Francine Prose is a dystopian novel about a nearby school shooting
and the attempts to become a safer program and school to gain the result that students
feel safer while gaining their education. Following the school shooting, a large
amount of safety measurements and guidelines are enforced to prevent it from
happening at Central High School. In 2013, Everytown which is a gun safety
organization began tracking gunfire in schools and at college and universities
public reports that a firearm was discharged inside a school building or on school
or campus grounds and over the next three years identified 160 qualifying
incidents. (Everytown) This is evidence which shows that this is still a social issue
today. Not only is this social issue turned into a dystopian novel, but is also
depicted in our real world society today as you can see the measures. A social
relation to this can also be 9/11. If you have ever been on a plane dating back
before September 11th, 2001 you would know that security and customs weren t as
dramatic and as much as an uphold until the attack occurred. Since the attack many
security policies were put into force and immediately there was a change to
eliminate this problem from occurring again. Just like the book After the school
started enforcing policies and guidelines to ensure this doesn t happen again. In
the US, school shootings aren t something that is rare, unfortunately, they happen
quite often. Due to the violence the school must enforce rules that may seem
bezerk, in the book rules began to be enforced, for example, the students were no
longer able to wear the color red because the shooters at the school wore the color
red. A societal comparison can be the dress codes enforced in schools today to
eliminate gang alliance, violence, and risky behavior. In the novel, Francine Prose
uses a good choice of diction while developing the tone of the story. When
frightening conflicts happen nearby it tends to affect the individuals involved or
closely surrounded by the event for a period of time. To continue, Thomas s dad
discusses the nearby shooting with his son and states, It s worrisome... I guess I didn
t know how bad things were until the school started sending
Nail Police Procedures
Your heart is light and your stresses are gone sitting in a comfortable pedicure chair,
where you get your toe nails painted, until your feet get rubbed with a cuticle
softener; the strong scent of the softener stinging your nose and you sense something
s not quite right. The nail technician s hands touch your feet and as you look around
you see unmarked bottles of beauty products; not thinking much of any of it. After
about 20 minutes while you have your nice manicuredone, your feet start to feel
tingly and as if they re burning. You don t bother to ask your nailtechnician about the
burning sensation and only think to yourself, it is all part of the pedicurewhile they
paint your fingernails in the pedicure chair. A while longer passes... Show more
content on ...
There are actions customers can take to make sure the salon they will be getting
their nails done at will be a clean and safe place for them. Dr. David A. Johnson
talked with Daryl Nelson and made the statement that no one should accept on
blind trust that a business is taking the necessary steps to prevent transmission of
blood borne infections such as hepatitis. Clients can ask for SDS s, cleaning logs,
and see licenses of nail technicians to check by themselves to see if the surrounding
areas look right and if they feel comfortable with the steps the salon has taken to
guarantee their safety. When walking into a salon and before even asking salon
owners or nail technicians about their safety and cleanliness, Nelson gives the
advice of checking their surroundings quickly to see if it appears clean. By
checking their surroundings, individuals will be able to see if floors, ceilings, and
walls are clean and if by chance they aren t, the rest of the salon most likely won t
be much cleaner, giving a warning sign to that customer. When getting a pedicure,
there are multiple actions customers can do to make certain they ll be well cared
for and safe. Having a liner in the foot basin can really safeguard from bacteria from
prior uses, but if the salon doesn t use tub liners, then you can opt out of the water
and have a dry pedicure instead (Elliot). Something to consider
Foam Pipe Insulation Techniques
1 foam pipe insulation from local hardware store Masking tape Marbles You can
also include elements from around the classroom, like tables, chairs, yardsticks,
string, etc. To make the project more interesting, I sometimes acquire refrigerator
sized cardboard boxes and duct tape them to the floor of the classroom. Turn your
class into an amusement park! Most pipe insulator has one side pre cut almost all
the way through. Use your hands to completely split the pipe open. 6.Next, use a pair
of scissors to carefully cut the tube in half. After cutting a few inches, you can simply
hold the scissors open and slowly pull the tube through the open blade. I find that this
technique is faster and cuts straighter than making repeated cuts. 7. You ll... Show
more content on ...
You should definitely emphasize this with students because no matter how
awesome the roller coaster looks, if the connections are sloppy, it won t work well.
Most of the time, your students roller coasters will need to touch down onto a flat
surface like the floor. To secure the tubing to the floor, use two smaller pieces of
tape and secure the sides of the roller coaster. Do not tape across the entire tube.
Leaving the track clear of tape helps ensure that the marble will roll smoothly. The
second photo shows how a typical roller coaster might look after the first few
minutes of construction. And finally, show your students how to make turns. The
track must be turned on it s side if the marble is travelling even moderately fast. In
roller coaster construction, this is called track banking. This is a good opportunity to
explain the negative effects of momentum. A marble travelling forward will continue
moving in that direction because of it s momentum. If a curved track is not banked,
the marble may fly off of the edge of the track. However banking the track allows the
marble to run along the bottom of the track. Once the turn is complete, the track
should be straightened
Dalton Trumbo Influences
Dalton Trumbo boiled down his interpretation of the results of the First World War
into the barest essentials; that there are the living and the dead, and the true
sacrifice and experience of the dead can only be written about by the living, and as
a result, cannot ever be truly expressed or comprehended. Thus, those most effected
by war cannot speak out against it. To apply the anti war litmus test, Trumbo gave a
name, a face, and a heartbreaking story to one of the millions of soldiers, creating an
incredible bond with the reader. Joe s inner monologue fulfils the remaining
qualifications, starting with the aforementioned rant over the futility of dying for
ideals, and for someone else s chance to live free , and concluding with his
overwhelming frustration at the massive communication gap between himself and
the rest of the world, due to both his physical incapacitation and mental anguish
about surviving when so many others were killed. Having published Johnny in 1939,
on the eve of war, Trumbo had the added benefit of twenty years of hindsight. The
War to End All Wars had not
... Show more content on ...
A soldier with extreme mental anguish was starting to be understood of not as a
coward or feeble willed , but as a casualty. Additionally, the motivations behind
joining this conflict were more traditionally respectable than in previous American
involved conflicts. Troops were not jumping into France or landing on Guadalcanal
for the sake of American business interests . It is far easier to support liberating
death camps or avenging an attack on American soil than making the world safe for
democracy . Regardless of Dalton Trumbo s cynicism, American s still recognized the
merit in protecting other s right to life and
Beautiful Boy
In this book I think that David Sheff lays down a great visual into the life of his
son Nic. He tells us how brilliant Nic is, that Nic has a great imagination and that
all of his teachers think that he is a very smart and intelligent boy. But on the other
hand he also lets us know that Nic is torn between the fact that he has to live two
lives, one with his father, David, and one with his mother, Vicki. In the beginning it
was good because his mother did not live to far from him but when she relocates
things get a little more complicated. David Sheff the father describes his and his
family s experience dealing with his son Nic who is addicted to the drug crystal
methamphetamine. In telling his story David takes us down memory lane... Show
more content on ...
David s painting is of a broken suitcase and a river with tributaries of tears. He also
draws a the hole in his head from which the tears are coming from which represent
pain, rage, and terror. The broken suitcase is spilling out David s former self. I
believe that chapter 4 is one of the most important chapters. I think this because Nic
is confronted about the marijuana, he admits to getting drunk on a ski trip to Lake
Tahoe, and David and Karen have a talk with the teacher. That is why I think this is
a significant In the book Beautiful Boy. One point in this chapter that I find to be
significant is when Nic is confronted about the marijuana in his backpack. For
example, his parents call him in for the first time out of many, for doing drugs:
Standing on the deck, I call to the boys. They come over, Nic palming the ball,
breathing hard...They look at the outstretched hand holding the marijuana. (53). I
believe this is important because Jasper is seeing marijuana for the first time.
They had no idea how big this was gonna get at the time. I believed this to be
important because it is David s first time that he has had to deal with Nic and drugs
at all. Another point in this chapter that I found to have some significance is when
Nic confesses to him and his friend from the city, Phillip getting drunk on a trip to
Lake Tahoe. We got drunk. Once. Me and Philip. It was on the ski trip (55). I found
this to have some significance is because it is
The Role Of Journalists On The Media
Imagine a world in which you did not have access to any news the only thing you
consider current events is what you yourself see and what you hear from others.
Obviously, this world would be very problematic. We all rely on the news media to
connect us to the entire world, which is why the role of journalists is essential.
Journalists have the very important duty of reporting on current events accurately and
objectively. Along with written text, pictures also tell a story, which presents a
continuous ethical issue for many journalists. Although newspapers and magazines
routinely publish photos, there are many ethical values that journalists must consider
before publishing those photos, such as the impact a photo or video could have...
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There are typically three types of news stories journalists look for: natural events or
disasters, a person, group, or organization completing some newsworthy act, and
when journalists themselves develop their own story through beat reporting ( News ).
Once these stories have been found, it is imperative that journalists report on these
events both accurately and objectively. This balance is imperative for journalists to
maintain because according to Greenberg and Wheelwright, a key aspect of
journalistic ethics is the management of readers expectations (514). Although the
field as a whole has been transforming due to the online news media, considering
what is newsworthy for the general public has always been a main concern for
journalists. As a result of this transformation, trust in the news media has drastically
decreased over the past several years for a variety of reasons, which is why a revival
of essential journalistic values, such as honesty and integrity, is needed.
Along with using written text to tell a news story, pictures also play an important role
in journalism. The popular phrase a picture is worth a thousand words is often true in
this field. When thinking back on a previous news story, readers will most likely
remember the visual portrayal of a news story rather than the written text. According
to recent research, as
Internet Pornography, the ACLU, and Congress Essay
Internet Porn, the ACLU, and Congress
Ashcroft vs. ACLU, 00 1293, deals with a challenge to the Child Online Protection
Act (COPA), which Congress passed in 1998. The law, which is the subject of this
essay, attempts to protect minors from exposure to Internet pornography by requiring
that commercial adult websites containing indecent material that is harmful to minors
use age verification mechanisms such as credit cards or adult identification
An earlier version of the law the 1996 Communications Decency Act was struck down
as an unconstitutional restriction of free speech when challenged by the ACLU; the
1998 version attempted to address the constitutional concerns by limiting its scope to
... Show more content on ...
Beeson argued before the court that if COPA goes into effect, her clients, and
others like them, would censor themselves by keeping certain material off the Web.
What it s effectively going to do is drive a certain category of speech protected for
adults from the marketplace of ideas that is the Web, Beeson said.
The government s brief claims that COPA s age verification mechanisms are
constitutional because they parallel state display laws that require local stores to
place pornographic material that is harmful to minors behind blinder racks, in sealed
wrappers, in opaque covers or behind the counter laws that have been upheld by state
and appellate courts.
At oral argument, the justices questions focused on how the community standards
requirement could apply to the Internet:
Would it be possible for a North Carolina jury ... to decide whether a particular
pornographic transmission would offend the standards of Las Vegas or New York
City? Justice Antonin Scalia asked Solicitor General Theodore Olson. Olson replied
that juries should be instructed to use a national standard when evaluating whether
online material is harmful to minors. He said that he believed that the statute could be
interpreted so that the community addressed is considered
Little Red Cap Essay Questions
Question 2
Chihiro is described as brave, responsible young girl who learned to avoid her fears
to help those that she cared. She protected her friends and family from a spell which
turned them into pigs due to their greediness. She turned down her former
personality and became a brave and reliable girl. On the other hand, Little Red Cap is
a caring, happy and innocent kid. When she found the wolf dressed in her
grandmother s clothes, she was concerned, and when straight to the bed and started
asking questions, she gets being lovable, and she runs to her family since the
huntsman stops to check in on the grandmother.
The tales help us understand that before knowing anything we must involve the body
and the soul to do all things in themselves, ... Show more content on
The kitchen is the center of attention and the meeting place in the house where
people come together and share ideas. Manners are taught in the table where girls
are referred as women and boys refer as men. The poem describes many fights, births
and death shared in the table; this describes how people come together to the kitchen
table to celebrate. In the poem Dinner Guest: Me, the kitchen table is also seen as a
place where people come together to solve problems. The white guest shared the meal
in the table and shared ideas about how to solve the problem he was facing. In the
poem, I too also describes a kitchen table as a place where the family comes
together, eat well and grow strong. In the poem, the darker brother refuses to eat in
the kitchen when others are on the
Essay On Stalingrad
The battle between Russia and Germany in the summer of 1941 is known as the
largest land theatre of war in history. It was the most horrific war of all time.
Stalingrad was called Tsaritsyn until 1925, it was then renamed Stalingrad in honor of
Josef Stalin. The cities name was changed again in 1961 to Volgograd, meaning Volga
City. This monumental battle is considered a turning point in the war on the Eastern
Front. The invading Gerans saw the conquering of Stalingrad as essential to their
campaign in Russia, because from this strategic point on the Volga River they could
launch further assaults in the Caucasus. The Russians were determined to defend the
city in any way as an important industrial and transportation center. Stalingrad
stretched... Show more content on ...
Army Group South under Field Marshal Fedor von Bock would undertake the
offensive. On June 28, 1942, operations began with significant German victories, But
Germany lost the war because Hitler was stubborn and made poor decisions, was not
prepared for the war, and had bad timing.
Hitler was stubborn and made poor decisions and assumption. Stalingrad, located in
Southwest Russia on the Volga River was a major industrial city and a
communication center for the Soviet Union, and was also named after the Soviet
leader Josef Stalin. This made the city important to Stalin and also important to Hitler
because he hated Stalin. The turning point of the battle came with a huge Soviet
counteroffensive (code named Operation Uranus) which was planned by Generals
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Nikolay Nikolayevich Voronov, and Aleksandr
Mikhailovich Vasilevsky. It was launched in two spearheads, about 50 miles north and
south of the German salient with Stalingrad at the tip. The counteroffensive surprised
the Germans, because they thought the Soviets were incapable of carrying out such
an attack. The operation was a deep
Lord Of The Flies Nature Analysis
William Golding s experiences in World War II deeply influenced his views on man
s nature. Golding s allegorical novel Lord of The Flies explores the frightening and
consistent, yet ignored, truths of man s nature. British schoolboys board a plane in
hopes to escape their war torn land. Unfortunately, the planeis shot down, thrusting
the boys into a deserted island and leaving them to their own devices. At first, the
boys look to find independence and freedom in the island. However, as the boys dig
deeper and uncover more and more truths about ____________, it is clear that the
island has imprisoned them. Civilization no longer matters. How is the island a mask
for the evils within?______How do the boys take advantage of the freedom,... Show
more content on ...
This shift inhibit Jack s loss of childhood innocence and displays his vulnerability to
the evil which has taken root in his heart. Jack is no longer human; he is a savage
who has lost all control and power over his own life. So, he looks for control and
power in the lives of others.
Regardless of Jack s self serving manners, in order to ensure their own security, the
boys blindly trust and give power to Jack. The boys are forced to blindly trust Jack.
It is in human nature to either lead or to follow and Jack refuses to do the latter.
Although the boys follow Jack throughout the novel, there is evidence of slight
resistance in the beginning. When asked for support for Jack, with dreary obedience
the choir raised their hands (Golding 23). Though the choir supports Jack, it is
important to note that pause. The pause signifies a moment of not only hesitation,
but thought. The shadow of doubt, which ceases to exist further on, has passed
over their minds for a brief moment. In this moment, the boys are free. Too soon,
the boys are engulfed in the power of Jack which rips apart any chance for the boys
to think for themselves. Jack says, See? They do what I want (Golding 179). No
matter whether the leader or the follower, each one holds a responsibility. The leader
holds the
Universal Motors Aquires
SCMA 311
Assignment Brief
In your study syndicates, you are expected to read, analyse and interpret the key
underlying issues of the following case study titled The Universal Motor Company
Acquires Semiconductors . Six (6) questions have to be answered and these questions
can be found at the end of the case study.
Your answers to the questions must relate to the issues in the case, however you are
expected to support your responses with appropriate and relevant literature from the
prescribed text: Monczka et al, 2009. You may also reference internet... Show more
content on ...
It seemed likely that this growth would be replicated by the entire auto industry.
However, this growth did not increase the market position of the auto industry, as the
semiconductor industry was growing faster than the automotive industry market
component. Based on these observations, it became clear that something had to
change. The 1980 semiconductor supply situation was intolerable. Of equal or greater
concern, projected growth in electronics requirements appeared to be unsupportable.
Forward Planning In 1980, the concept of forward planning, business planning, or
strategic planning was not commonly associated with the supply function. Supply
management was most often thought of as a reactive function organized to support
manufacturing. Marketing, on the other hand, was more often thought of as the
proactive organization focused on the future of the firm. The failure of management
to recognize the strategic and futuristic implementation of supply management
limited innovative actions when dealing with a firm s supply world. The 1980
situation demanded new thinking and a new approach to the acquisition of
semiconductors. The supply managers involved had little choice, given the
circumstances. Supply had no experience with strategic planning. There were no
guidelines to follow. The responsible supply managers started with a clean piece of
paper, a mission, and a
Cancel Grace Interview
Interview: Ms. Cancel Grace Marie is a 27 year old Puerto Rican female born on 8/30
/1981. Ms. Cancel is the mother of Jaden Rodriguez 2 years old and Feliciano
Kahil 1 year old. Ms. Cancel Grace interview took place at DCFS office on
September 1st 2017 at DCFS office 6201 S Emerald. Ms. Cancel Grace was
accompanied by her public defender Robert J Breslin during the interview. Ms.
Grace is currently residing at A Safe Haven shelter 2750 W Roosevelt Rd. Interview
was conducted in her secondary language English. In some occasion s she would
respond in her primary language Spanish during the interview and translated in
English to her public defender. Ms. Cancel was informed that reportwould be made
available to court and used for assessment... Show more content on ...
Grace Cancel has never been married.
Ms. Grace Cancel first relationship took place when she was 17 years old. Mr.
Jonathan Martinez was 25 years old. She informed she met him in the same
neighborhood when she lived in Puerto Rico. This relationship lasted 4 years. She
informed it was a nice relationship there was no domestic violence. Their relationship
ended due to lots of interest and a mutual break up.
Ms. Grace Cancel reports her second relationship was at the age 21. Mr. Juan Luis
Irisari was 22 years old. She knew him from high school and had an on line
relationship with him. Mr. Juan Luis Irisari returned to Puerto Rico and they dated for
one year and half. Ms. Graced informed he became very possessive toward her and
began to cheat on her. Mr. Grace Cancel informed she left Mr. Juan Luis Irisari after
she seen it was not a healthy
The Rhetorical Analysis Of Best In Class
For almost two centuries, the system of public education has honored the best and
the brightest high school graduates with the honorable titles of valedictorian and
salutatorian.Though these titles have been a valued part of graduation for what
seem like the entire history of American public schooling, they are under heavy
scrutiny as impassioned and angry parents, as well as their hardworking students,
attack the idea of only recognizing one or two of the class s most talented seniors. In
Best in Class , reporter Margaret Talbotchallenges the traditional system of choosing
a single valedictorian by by exposing the emotional opposition to the system s
change or preservation; her use of emotional dialogue as well as far less emotional,
far more objective writing style allows Talbot to emphasize specific ideas and
opinions with syntaxto avoid confrontation, while simultaneously establishing that it
is time for the traditional system of valedictory to change. One key rhetorical pattern
that allows Talbot extensive control over how the audienceviews her topic is diverse
syntax. Via mostly cumulative sentences, Talbot is able to clearly emphasize a
specific idea about the subject while remaining neutral. For example, she explains
that Saratosa is a competitive school district while visiting the area, I saw a car with
a bumper sticker that read, My Child Was Student of The Month at Tuttle Elementary
but most of the high schools have taken Kennedy s lead (224).
How Lean s Helps A Sustainable Print Company
How Lean Methodology Leads to a Sustainable Print Company
Continual improvement is a goal for all print companies looking for future success.
To become a sustainable company one needs to cut unnecessary costs and waste
generated by doing business. Removing cost and waste may seem like simple things
to do but finding the necessary changes and implementing these changes requires
time and effort. A method used to accomplish this goal is lean manufacturing.
Lean manufacturing is a continuous improvement practice that focuses on waste
reduction. Waste in its simplest form is anything that is excessive and consumes
resources. It can also be referred to as non value added activities that do not add
value to the end product (Rizzo, 2008, 58). Sustainability on the other hand
recognizes a print company s capability to satisfy the 3 dimensions: people, profit and
environment (Wirtenberg, 2013). These three dimensions are referred to as the triple
bottom line (TBL). Even when a business is making a profit, anything that does not
create value for customers, fulfill employees needs, and benefit the environment is
wasteful and must be restructured to eliminate non value added activities (Wandiga,
2013).This is the philosophy of lean manufacturing; a beneficial concept that can help
reduce the amount of wasted resources in a company and contribute to its
Knowing the theories behind lean and sustainability is not enough, print companies
need to know how to implement
The Basics Of The Criteria For Obtaining The Funds
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the aid of a Captain Cash loan. We help individuals in your situation on a daily
basis and will be glad to take your application. A financial crisis may arise at any
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application process has been simplified and the approval process condensed. As a
result, a person can have the funds they need, often the same day, and move forward
with life.
Obtaining The Funds
Getting the funds needed is a simple process, as we understand time is often short in
these situations. There is no paper to be filled out. ... Show more content on ...
Other Uses For A Captain Cash Loan
There are times in life when a person discovers they can take advantage of a once in
a lifetime opportunity, only they don t have the money to do so. For example, their
favorite hockey player may be traded to a team in their division and will be playing
in a nearby town and they want to go see it. Unfortunately, they don t have enough
cash for the tickets. A Captain Cash loan can ensure they don t miss out.
Another individual may have an old school mate show up in town and they want to
go out for the evening. You won t be able to join them because payday isn t until
next week. Call on Captain Cash and enjoy the evening catching up. The funds can
be repaid with the upcoming paycheck, so you get the best of both worlds.Following
are some places a person may wish to visit when taking guests out on the town.
Culture Days
A three day celebration, Culture Days provides insight into the cultural life of the
local community. The area has been taking part in the celebration for the past nine
years and will continue to do so this year. Be sure to take part in the many activities,
as they are of great fun and very informative.
Fort Murray Urban Market
An Alberta Approved Farmer s Market, this is one attraction that is not to be missed.
Be aware, however, that the market is only open during the summer and plan a visit

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  • 1. Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay Crafting an essay on this particular topic presents a multifaceted challenge that requires careful navigation through ethical, medical, and societal considerations. Firstly, delving into the intricacies of performance-enhancing drugs demands a thorough understanding of pharmacology, physiology, and their effects on the human body. This necessitates extensive research to grasp the various substances, their mechanisms of action, and the potential short-term benefits versus long-term consequences. Moreover, the topic is inherently controversial, as it intersects with issues of fair competition, athlete health, and the integrity of sports. Addressing these ethical dilemmas requires a nuanced approach, balancing arguments for individual autonomy and the preservation of fair play against concerns about the potential harm to athletes and the integrity of sporting events. Additionally, discussing performance-enhancing drugs entails examining broader societal implications, including the role of pharmaceutical companies, regulatory frameworks, and cultural attitudes towards achievement and success. Analyzing these factors demands critical thinking and the ability to synthesize complex information from diverse sources. Furthermore, constructing a coherent and persuasive argument on such a contentious topic necessitates skillful argumentation and the ability to anticipate and address counterarguments effectively. This involves presenting a well-structured essay with clear thesis statements, supported by evidence-based reasoning and logical progression. In conclusion, tackling an essay on this subject requires intellectual rigor, ethical sensitivity, and the ability to navigate complex interdisciplinary terrain. It demands a deep dive into scientific literature, ethical frameworks, and societal dynamics to construct a compelling narrative that engages readers and sheds light on this contentious issue. [Note: If you're seeking assistance with essays or academic writing, similar tasks can be outsourced to professional services like] Performance Enhancing Drugs EssayPerformance Enhancing Drugs Essay
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  • 4. The Consequences Of Genetic Engineering In The Film Gattaca Even perfection is not always perfect. This is quite applicable to the situation of genetic engineering. By demonstrating through adroit filmmaking how social and economic structures shift under the influence of new prejudices based solely on genetic makeup, the movie Gattaca, directed by Andrew Niccol and released in 1997, proves that genetic engineering, despite any initial positive scientific advancements, has many deeper, underlying negative consequences. Gattacais set in the future when eugenics has become the standard for creating human life. The plot portrays the challenges, mainly genetic discrimination, Vincent Freeman faces to become the astronaut he dreams of since he is an in valid or someone who was conceived naturally, without the influence of genetic engineering. To reach his life goal of completing space missions, Vincent seeks out the help of a man employed in the newly developed private sector specializing in providing people with an alternative, preferred genetic backgrounds. He is paired with Jerome Morrow, a former swimming star who was paralyzed due to a car accident and a genetic elite. Vincent undergoes extensive physical procedures to obtain Jerome s outward appearance and Jerome prepares samples of hair and skin follicles, blood, and urine. Armed with his, or Jerome s, superior genetic qualification, Vincent is able to work at the Gattaca Aerospace Corporation, quickly rises up the ranks, and is scheduled for a mission to Saturn s moon Titan.
  • 5. Agile, Scrum And Kanban The Daily Stand Up Agile, Scrum and Kanban There has been a lot said in the last few years about Agile project management methodologies, and I have found that the general feeling is that Agile although not perfect tends to provide better results in software development projects than waterfall and other methodologies. People tend to be very opinionated about it, and in my experience there three dominant positions about Agile: you either love it, hate it or you don t care, in other words, you do not believe in methodologies at all, you think they are all a waste of time and effort. I can see where the different of views come from, and in my experience I have been successful working with Agile, specifically Scrum, in software projects, but ... Show more content on ... I personally really like Agile, and I have worked very well in teams using Scrum. Yes, we did have problems too, customers with bugs and we also fell behind on the schedule sometimes. But applying Scrum correctly has allowed us to be informed, committed and react quickly to those issues. Everybody in the team is in sync and knows what to expect, stakeholders feel informed and involved, and you can measure progress and forecast releases with a certain degree of certainty. All this with what I would consider very little friction, bureaucracy and with what I would consider a short learning curve, especially compared to other methodologies and frameworks such as Rational Unified Process (RUP). Agile, Scrum, Kanban and other methodologies are not necessarily perfect nor complete, but they may be a good match, especially if you are running a software project. To be honest, after years writing critical path method (CPM) / Gantt based project management software, I can see that there is a value for every methodology and it depends heavily on the characteristics of the project, and I think you can apply Agile methodologies to projects outside the software and IT industry. The Kanban software development methodology is inspired by the Kanban
  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of Developing Countries If I were the advisor to a government of a small developing country, I would advise that said country to take caution when attempting to integrate into the world economy. Simply put, it seems that smaller developing countries should open their borders slowly and selectively. The concepts of free trade may seem enticing, particularly for a developing countrybased on the rhetoric demonstrated by organizations such as the World Bankfor example. Hunter Wade suggests that the general consensus surrounding trade liberalization is largely based on assumptions that in order to achieve further development, trade liberalization is entirely necessary (Hunter Wade 2005). Moreover, Hunter Wade claims that there s also an accord on trade liberalization that infers that developing countries would benefit economically in the event that they reduced trade barriers. It s further suggested that developing countries would also collectively experience economic gains in the event that rich countries were to remove barriers to their exports (Hunter Wade 2005). When these types of ideas are widely dispersed and agreed upon, it can be difficult for smaller developing countries to reject such claims. In reality, the decision on whether or not to expand further into the global economy is much more complex and must thus, consider factors that are seldom discussed by free trade advocates. Hunter Wade presses that even if trade barriers were removed for exports from developing countries, the
  • 7. Knight And Squire In The Canterbury Tales Essay The Canterbury Tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer the 1300s, and told the story of twenty nine travelers making a pilgrimage to Canterbury, England. The pilgrims wished to visit the relics of Saint Thomas Becket, in the Canterbury Cathedral. In the prologue, the narrator depicts each character and their demeanor. Two particular characters in Chaucer s CanterburyTales, the Knight and Squire, help to exemplify the idea that wisdom and respect come with experience and age. The Knight s wisdom and maturity above the Squire is proven not only through age, but he also proved his traits through battle and hardships. The narrator tells of the Knight s voyages, stating that he fought when Ayas and Attalia fell (Chaucer 60), embarked with ... Show more content on ... By describing the Knight like this, the narrator also establishes the Knight as a model citizen who demonstrates chivalry and enthusiasm to do the right thing, similar to the Squire. Rather than the Squire s childish persona, the Knight is presented as a figure of maturity, formality, and authority, due to his title as a knight. The Knight s maturity and genuinity illustrates how the Knight s wisdom and respect comes from his experience and age above the Squire. The narrator established that both the Knight and Squire acted as model citizens, but he also exposed their motives for those actions, with the Knight s motives being more wise due to his age and experiences. The narrator depicts the Knight as being genuinely kind, while the Squire has ulterior motives. The Knight is said to have noble graces (Chaucer 50) and pure intentions with his actions. This exposes the Knight s drive to act as a proper knight and leave the most honorable legacy possible for himself. In contrast, the Squire is described as being motivated to act in hopes of winning a lady s grace (Chaucer 90). The Squire is a younger knight in training, so it would be logical that his intentions aren t as pure as those of a true knight, like his father. This is a demonstration of the Squire s lack of wisdom, due to his naive motivation of courtship and his lack of driven motivation for his future as a knight. The Squires lack of drive and
  • 8. 12 Angry Men Empowers Diversity The play Twelve Angry Men written by playwright Reginald Rose. The play conveys an optimistic view of society and the justice system. Set in New York 1957, the play delves into the journey of twelve ordinary men as they struggle to come to a unanimous decision, which in effect will determine the fate of a young boy. The play empowers diversity rather than continuity by composing a cross section of characters that embrace their differences. The playwright exhibits the notion that prejudices and biases are factors in every dispute and can mask the truth. Additionally, Rose depicts the dangers of a jurysystem that relies on 12 individual men that unanimously try to reach a life or death decision. Twelve Angry Men empowers diversity rather
  • 9. Beauty And Physical Beauty Physical beauty is something that is far more important than inner beauty in our crooked society. There is a specific standard that American culture expects us to uphold to be accepted and loved. Shaming others for how they look is practiced by almost every individual. It is human nature and almost everyone is guilty of judging or offending someone at some point in their life. There is a difference between accidently saying something you did not know would affect someone and excessively hurting somebody with your words daily. Words are very powerful and if they are used negatively it could cause someone to develop a distant personality, emotional distress, and a feeling of emptiness inside. Growing up, I was always taught that thinness meant beauty. Not only by my class peers, but by my own family members as well. I grew up as an obese kid/teen. Who would have thought? School for me was a synonym for hell on earth for many years. Waking up in the morning was the worst 30 minutes of my life followed by 7 hours of emotional torment. Making friends for me has always been very difficult because I am a hardcore introvert. I remember always sitting alone in an obnoxious lunch room and being picked on by the stereotypical mean girls and boys. Yes, they do exist. I heard insults from How come you re so fat? to What would happen if we got a needle and poked her with it? Would she explode? . The insults are ridiculous and funny looking at it now, but as a child and young teen they killed me inside. I never said anything back because I was always told to ignore it by my teachers. My mom went to the office numerous times and complained. I remember constantly asking my mom everyday afterschool why no one liked me and why I did not have any friends. She never knew how to respond. It ll go away , They re just kids being kids , they said. It never actually went away till high school, when everyone had finally matured. My freshman, sophomore and junior years of high school were probably one of the most emotionally draining and difficult years of my life. I dealt with severe insecurity and lacked any sort of mental health. With all the years of taunting and bullying, I was basically numb yet shattered inside. I developed
  • 10. Scapula Sex determination is an essential key in the forensic evaluation because it is the important component of biological identity. Scapula is a flat bone and it was selected for the reason that its negligible morphological changes during its life time when the development is finished(1). In present study, 186 patient were included only those who came for ct thorax referred by the physician. The main goal is to estimate the scapular parameter check whether there is any significance difference or not and finally with the use of the discriminant analysis identify the gender. STUDYNUMBER OF PATIENTSP VALUERESULT ACCURACY Melad G Paulis, et al 200(100 males 100 females)P 0.00093.5% In the present study in descriptive statistics of six variables are reported. Table no 1, which shows mean and standard deviation for both sexes. The overall mean value collected from the scapula of males are larger than that of females, this indicates the existence of sexual dimorphism in the measurements ... Show more content on ... Dabbs, conducted a study based on sex determination using the scapula in New Kingdom skeletons from Tell El this project descriptive statistics for the five variables included (Maximum length of the scapula, Maximum length of the spine, Breadth of infraspinous body, Height of glenoid prominence, Breadth of glenoid prominence, which shown the mean and standard deviation of both sexes as well as the t values for both sexes(15). In present study multivariate test was done which demonstrate there are significance difference between males and females for all the six variables (p
  • 11. A Summary Of Under Armour s Campaign The company Under Armour launched a campaign in 2014 with the tagline I Will What I Want. The campaign features athletes and a model that all defy what society believes in them. I Will What I Want has print adverts and then also TV spots that are only about 60 seconds. They launched the campaign with Misty Copeland who is a principal ballerina for the American Ballet Theatre. The other women in the beginning of the campaign are Gisele Bundchen and Lindsey Vonn. Drogs5, an advertising company, developed the campaign to show fierce females tune out society s standards and achieve their dreams. (Droga5) The larger social context for the campaign is not just the message to work hard and achieve your dreams. The campaign features strong women,
  • 12. A Research Study On The Field Of Psychology The field of psychology is truly fascinating, as the discovery of new and remarkable ideas arise with every question a researcher chooses to explore. Where questions can develop into a research study, which can either solidify, contribute, support, inspire, or provide answers in the field of psychology. In a sense, researchis a trial and error approach as researchers are not always cognizant of the results that a study will provide. However, with sufficient knowledge the researcher can conduct a study, with less error, should the researcher be aware of a few simple ingredients. First, as simple as it sounds, knowing whether if a question is sufficient is a good place to start. Once that has been determined, then the researcher can ... Show more content on ... In conclusion, this writer will be discussing how the statistical model created in outline form can be useful, its limitations, along with what this writer learned in the process of creating a unique statistical model of this writer s liking and understanding. Decision s Model in Outline Form Is your question adequate and sufficient? This is determined by figuring out whether if you have put enough thought into your question, if only you can answer the following 4 questions (Sukal, 2013). (1). What is your overarching research question? (Sukal, 2013) Note: According to Sukal (2013), this can be determined by figuring out whether if there are keywords within the question, such as effects to refer to cause and effect (Sukal, 2013). The word association , indicates figuring out if there is a relationship amongst the variables (Sukal, 2013). The word prediction can signify regression (Sukal, 2013). (2). How many Independent Variables (IV), Dependent Variables (DV), and covariate variables are in the study? (Sukal, 2013). Note: The dependent variable is thought of as the criterion or consequence variable, while independent variable is thought to be the predictor or the variable that brings out an effect on the dependent variable (Sukal, 2013). Further, a variable is something a person plans to observe, manipulate, test, record, or evaluate
  • 13. The Story of J.D. Salinger The Story of J. D. Salinger J. D. Salinger became one of the most popular and known American authors in America today. Up to this day students from all over the country have read and purchased the novel The Catcher in the Rye which was a novel that was not so long ago controversial due to vulgar language, sexual references, and unacceptable behavior; parents were concerned that J. D. Salinger s novel was going to influence their children. Salinger was one of many authors that stood out more from a group of authors that wrote simply about society. Salinger on the other hand criticised the society by using the word phony most of the time. The word phony meant fake, false, and fraudulent and by the 1950 s the word became used more and more frequently. Some of Salinger s famous pieces of work like Nine Stories, Franny and Zooey, The Catcher in the Rye , and Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction presented themes such as love,war, death, and the reminiscing of something. The themes widely connected to J. D. Salinger by reason of his personal experiences and character traits . The success of J. D. Salinger was reached by personally experiencing the drafting to war and actively writing about his surroundings. Jerome David Salinger, the talented author born in New York had a decent stable life growing up with both of his parents and sister. Jerome David Salinger lived comfortable throughout his childhood. Many authors go through a smooth
  • 14. Brain Disorders In Autistic Children Autism is a development disorder that is affected with communication verbal and non verbal also behavior problems such as social interaction repeated behavior and none focus of interest. Autism is a brain disorder that affects the way the brain transmits information or uses information. Autism is a disorder that is found everywhere in the world. Autismusually occurs before the child is three years old and it continuous throughout their entire lifetime. There are different varieties of Autism these include extremely unusual, repetitive, self injury, and aggressive behavior. Autism may be treatable but it is never completely cured. If diagnosed early with proper treatment a child with Autism can live a healthy full life. (The Gale encyclopedia... Show more content on ... With proper treatment that is the best suited for the autistic child as they grow up will improve each and every day. It is founded that Autism is increasing throughout the world. A person who has Autism can live a long happy life they have a normal life span. Researchers, parents, and caregivers are driven to give the best therapies that there is for autistic children so they can develop at their highest level and
  • 15. Women In Mathematics 1900-1860 Many women have achieved in the mathematics field since the 1900 s. Especially women of color. No matter how young or old, these women have taken their careers in mathematics to an inspiring degree. Take the following women as examples, for they have created history in mathematics forever. Euphemia Lofton Haynes In 1943, Euphemia Lofton Haynes was the first African Americanwoman to earn a Ph.D. in Mathematics. Ms. Haynes attended the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Ms. Haynes father, Dr. William S. Lofton, was a prominent black dentist and financier of black business in the area and her mother, Lavinia Day Lofton, was active in the Catholic church. She was married to Harold Appo Haynes who was a principal and deputy superintendent ... Show more content on ... In 1932, Williams was born in Warri, Nigeria. She received her education at Queens College in Lagos, University Colllege at Ibadan and the University of Vermont, before receiving a Ph.D in mathematics education from the University of Chicago in 1963. She made history as the first Nigerian woman to be awarded a doctorate. Dr. Williams returned to Nigeria for a couple of years postdoctoral work at the University of Ibadan before joining the University of Lagos in 1965 as a faculty member. Dr. Williams continued interest in mathematics education was originally sparked by her stay in the United States, which coincided with the Sputnik phenomenon. Working with the African Mathematics Programs in Newton, Massachusetts, under the leadership on MIT professor Ted Martins, she participated in mathematics workshops held in various African cities. Her courses covered basic concepts in mathematics, working in concert with leading mathematicians and educators. She spent a decade directing the Institute of Education, which introduced innovative no degree programs and certificate recipients working as elementary teachers. She is currently a Professor of Mathematics at the University of
  • 16. The Most Merciful Thing Of The World The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle wherein our world and humanrace form transient incidents. They have hinted at strange survivals in terms which would freeze the blood if not masked by a bland optimism. But it is not from them that there came the single glimpse of forbidden aeons which chills me when I think of it and maddens me when I dream of it. That glimpse, like all dread glimpses of truth, flashed out from an accidental piecing together of separated things in this case an old newspaper item and the notes of a dead professor. I hope that no one else will accomplish this piecing out; certainly, if I live, I shall never knowingly supply a link in so hideous a chain. I think that the professor, too, intended to keep silent regarding the part he knew, and that he would have destroyed his notes had not sudden deathseized him. My knowledge of
  • 17. Handwriting Analysis Lab Report Handwriting Analysis Lab Report The purpose of this report is to show the similarities between the ransom note and the suspects handwriting. My partners and I used 12 different characteristics to analyze the handwriting of the ransom note. The characteristics were; smoothness of line quality, word and margin spacing, ratio of small letters to capitals, continuous writing, letter connections, complete letter formations, cursive writing, pressure, slant, litters written on line, fancy curls or loops, and if the t s are crossed and I s are dotted. My partners and I were able to eliminate every suspect besides one, and we proved that that person wrote the ransom note. The writing in the ransom note was not continuous. Continuous writing is when the spacing between words remains consistent even when there is punctuation, such as a period... Show more content on ... The ransom note was written on a lined piece of notebook paper, so the author of the note should have written on the lines. The authors writing was 2 millimeters of the line at most and it varied throughout the note. If the author of a ransom note does not write on the lines of a lined paper in can be very distinguishing. However, most of the suspect writers did not write on the line. The varying distance of the authors writing from the line also made it difficult to find a clear cut author through this characteristic. Fancy curls or loops in someone writing can be defined as; any elaborative or unneeded additions to letters. This can be a very helpful characteristic in identifying the author of a ransom note. If a person writes a certain letter with a giant unneeded loop or curve, they are probably one of few people that writes that certain letter in that way. The author of our ransom note wrote their g s with an exaggerated curve on the hook of the g. This was a helpful characteristic in narrowing down our suspects, as very few of the suspects wrote their g s in this
  • 18. Civil Liberties In America The United States of America is viewed throughout the world as the symbol of freedom. Battling for its freedom from the beast of the 1700s Great Britain, the United States made sure to cherish its freedom with the ensured liberties given to the people that would evolve the nation into the super power of modern time. While many believe that the United Stateskept its promise of libraries throughout its time, in actuality its freedoms diminished during times of calamity and war by ways such as. Many civil liberties, such as freedom of speechand freedom of press were suppressed due to the passing of several acts during World War I. At any given time when the United States is at peace, nothing is done against anyone who would speak against the
  • 19. Blackberry Picking Figurative Language In Blackberry Picking, describes not only a literal experience of blackberry picking, but of a love that always seems to end in tears. The poet achieves this meaning through diction, imagery, and figurative language. Heaney first creates a vivid image through descriptive words given such as a glossy purple clot and wet grass bleached our boots. It is clear to the reader that the speaker and the speaker s partner seem to have a romantic or deep connection similar to the experience of blackberry picking. Seamus Heaney uses imagery and diction to create the image and shape the meaning of this love. Second, Heaney uses figurative language like simile and metaphor to compare the speaker s love to the blackberry picking process. Heaney uses
  • 20. Gertrude And Claudius s Arranged Marriage Within Shakespeare s Hamlet, Gertrude and Claudius marriage was a direct result of the one sided marriages during Elizabethan times, as through marriage, Claudius takes away Hamlet s right to rule. In particular, Gertrude s arranged marriage reveals that she is not in control of her own fate and her lineage s fate. This was a direct result of the social guidelines of Elizabethan society, were woman were expected to accept a man s proposal to marriage regardless of the situation (). Ultimately, Claudius, Hamlets uncle, took advantage of his brother s death, and allowed him to gain power he otherwise would not have gained. The assets gained by Claudius proved the dowries, commonly apart of Elizabethan marriages, exclusively benefited
  • 21. When It Comes To Folktales, Fairytales, Legends, Myths, When it comes to folktales, fairytales, legends, myths, and popular and unpopular lore, I believe I have a pretty extensive collection of fairytales and myths stored away in my mental library. These are tales that I can pull out and tell on a moment s notice. My library has stories from all over Europe, including obscure or not well known stories such as Brother and Sister (a German tale), The White Snake (a German tale), Cap o Rushes (an English tale), and Bluebeard (a French tale) that I can recall and tell to others at the drop of a dime. I know a few from Asia, like Father Frost (a Russian tale) and The Stonecutter (a Chinese tale). I am even familiar with a few stories originating in the native civilizations of Africa,... Show more content on ... In ancient Greek and Norse mythology they had the gods and goddesses as characters that would pop up now and again. Characters like Ares, Poseidon, Hercules, Odin, and Thor are all characters that reached iconic levels in modern era storytelling due to their popularity in the storytelling of ancient times. In medieval countries like England and Germany, they had stock characters such as the Knight, the Princess, and the creature that usually represented the Devil. Due to the sheer number of Native American tribes that have been documented and with each having their own set of beliefs, stories, and gods, I will only discuss those deities that were revered by the largest of the Native American tribes (in terms of land occupied not number of members). In addition I will discuss the most wide spread stock character in North American folklore. The character of the Trickster was one that showed up in many different forms across the board. The Trickster character could come in the form of anything from a raven to a coyote to a racoon, depending on the tribe, and would share some common traits. These similarities included fundamentally cause[ing] confusion and inconsistent[cies] , being a deceiver and play[ing] tricks , being a shapeshifter , turning a situation upside down and often reflect[ing] the uncertain nature of life , act[ing] as a messenger and imitator of the gods , and acting spontaneous, without proper thought ( While many
  • 22. Michael Foucault s Different Forms of Power Essay Michael Foucault s Different Forms of Power Michael Foucault distinguishes between two different and distinct forms of power, disciplinary and sovereign. Fouccault describes disciplinary power as the new type of power in the modern civilization. The use of disciplinary power transpired in the 17th and 18th century, and it used specific procedures such as distributing individuals into space, controls of activity, observation, judging, and examination, to regulate the people. The first way to create discipline is to distribute individuals in space. This space is usually analytical and physical. Discipline demands enclose, so that you see everything that is going on. Inside of this enclosure there is a partitioning where each ... Show more content on ... We have something similar to this in gymnastics. We do and exhibition where everything need to be perfectly times and everyone s movements in their tumbling needs to be the exact same. We break down the movements of the back handsprings and backs flips and learn how to do the special movements exactly the same as everyone else, so we look together. To be able to have our exhibitions be successful we need constant monitoring to see if we are with the music and with each other. The next step to achieving discipline is through observation. This gives you power by simply observing visually seeing what is going on. In this you are under constant surveillance. By being put under this constant examination you are always being put to the test to see if you measure up to set standards. An example of this is the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. You are always under constant surveillance, even when you are not in uniform or performing. Even if you are not wearing anything associated with the organization, and are out going to the local 7 11 and you look bad, you can get in a lot of trouble. You are always held to a standard with how you look at how much you weigh. In the DCC you are weighed every week and you re not allowed to gain more than five pounds or you will be dropped off the squad if you do not lose the extra weight. This brings us to the next part of discipline, normalizing judgment. This is where you have a rule or task and have
  • 23. Makeup Is The Most Popular Eye Makeup Makeup has been around for over 10,000 years because women have always strived to make themselves perfect. Makeup is cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face and is used to enhance or alter the appearance.Over the years the use of makeup has been used for many things other than enhancing a womans natural beauty. Women wear makeup to look more appealing and boost their confidence rather than wearing it for a man. For instance eye makeup was onced used for getting rid of spirits and better sight according to makeup enhance. According to makeup enhance black and green was the most popular eye makeup colors. They decorated their eyes by applying dark green to the under lid and using kohl to outline the eyes, creating that alluring almond eye look ( Makeup Enhance). This is an example of makeup being used for other purposes rather than for what people think the only reason is which is to Look beautiful. When all women are already beautiful. Lipstick has been around for many decades. Lipstick is a waxy solid usually colored cosmetic in stick form for the lips (Merriam Webster). Egyptians had used two ingredients that are extremely deadly when combined together. Soon the lipstick had became known as the kiss of death . However they continued using the color to get red lips. Damien Gayle, author of Why red lips can make a woman look younger , found that the redness of lips decreases with aging. Red lips Over the years women has turned to
  • 24. Modern Robotic Arms INTRODUCTION Mind melding as between the machines and animal is not something never heard of. The researchers have tried to attempt it since as early as the beginning of 1970s. Some studies in the past within interfaces of brain machine have enabled the monkeys to gain control of the robotic arms as well as the people who were paralyzed to control the cursors over the screen. Even then the researchers could not know it at all if the humans would be able to control the robotic arms for performing finer and complex tasks like having the capability to maneuver in 3 dimensions and also grasping any small thing without moving or else knocking it down. It is from many years that the scientists predicted that the connection of brain and computer would permit the people with any injuries of spinal cord and the brain to live lives independently, without help from their folks or those around. This is something that has kept the hope of such paralyzed people alive from a long time but with minimum results. THE IDEA OF ROBOTIC ARM A robotic arm that is thought powered is the innovation which could put independence in reach for the disabled patients. They could think of leading their lives without constantly looking for someone to run their tasks for them. In a study lately, 2 people who had around total paralysis of the body could reach for and get hold of little foam balls as well as a coffee thermos, by using only the signal of their brains for directing the motion. Conclusion
  • 25. Universal Healthcare Universal Health Coverage: A Possibility for the United States Brittannie DePew Eng 122 David Moskowitz 9/21/2013 Medical costs are getting too expensive. Ever fought with your insurance providers because they refused to pay for care, or struggle to find an in network provider? I know a woman whose name I will change for her privacy and the struggles she is going through are a perfect example of an issue many people face when dealing with insurance; Nancy s (name changed for privacy) story is a perfect example of how our healthcare system is no longer working for the people. Nancy is this woman whose husband recently passed away. Nancy used to work for county and county workers cannot receive social security; and Nancy is too ... Show more content on ... The administration of the United States is incompetent and is growing more useless, this is stated when a compare and contrast between the United States, who does not have universal healthcare, and Canada, who does have universal health care. Canada s healthcare is not too far from the United States but it does vary with certain things. One of these key things is cost, and administration. (Woolhandler, Himmelstein. 1991) The cost of health care within the United States has enlarged, Canada s spending has waned. Canada funds the hospitals and doctors with one payer (one lump sum) while The United States hospitals bills several different insurances (per patient policy) who vary with policies, qualifications, and certification. Doing this causes a complex accounting scheme for acquiring payment and further charging insurance and patients. Another reason the administration of healthcare in the United States is incompetent is due to private insurance, because, the owner profits a percentage of premiums that is much larger that the federal government. The United States could implement a universal healthcare program; however, it has yet to be put into effect. The last time it was attempted it was turned down despite the efforts by the Clinton administration. The Clinton
  • 26. Ethical Issues In Bhopal, India ( Union Carbide ) Bhopal, India (Union Carbide) Name University Bhopal, India (Union Carbide) Background and history of the Union Carbide Accident The Union Carbide Accident occurred in 1984 in Bhopal, India. The incident led to a discharge of approximately 30 tons of highly poisonous gases, including methyl isocyanate (MIC). The plant was situated in close proximity to shanty outskirts of the town (Taylor, 2014). Following the incident, close to six hundred thousand people were exposed to the toxic gas. The effects of the incident on human health were manifested through nausea, eye and throat burns and eventually, deaths. In addition, the incident led to retardation of mental development in infants. The average death toll was reported as 15,000 persons. Today, toxic substances are still evident at the site (Taylor, 2014). Ethical Questions or Problems that Came Up Preliminary investigations point out a fundamentally flawed working environment at the facility. There was a fundamental departure from the ASCE Canon that requires engineers to hold paramount the welfare, health and safety of the public ( Code of Ethics, 2016). Simply, the plant was devoid of adequate operational and safety instruments. The available instruments such as MIC refrigerators were of poor quality. This affected the operation of the systems components (Taylor, 2014). The second ethical issue observed was gross negligence by the government to protect public interest. Even though three separate
  • 27. Website Localization Read the Case study 4.1 The implications of globalization for consumer attitudes on page 218 and answer the question there. Question Based on this article and your experiences, debate the question: `Site localization is essential for each country for an e commerce offering to be successful in that country. After referring to several online articles and couple of published papers on Website localization , I have summarized below some key learning and findings about Why website localization is essential? Website localization facilitates reaching more customers throughout the world and hence increase Sales, revenue and profits World Wide Webitself means a business can reach out all over the world through a click of the button. ... Show more content on ... McDonald a hamburger chain when launched in India found out that at least 40% of the customers in India are Vegetarians. To cater to these customers McDonald introduced its first local burger, the Aloo tikki burger which is a patty of potatoes and peas flavored with Indian spices, McDonald s had to develop 130 ingredients and use 50 suppliers. To respect the local culture, India is the only country where McDonald does not serve its iconic Big Mac since the burger patty contains beef. Similarly no products having pork are sold in McDonald India. In 1997 consumers classified McDonald food as bland. They launched Veg Mcpuffs (Samosa + Pizza ingredients) and Chicken Mcgrill (with extra tangy Indian spices) and by 2000 McDonald food items were sought for its taste. McDonalds have also launched McSpicy Paneer (Cottage Cheese) in March 2011 to cater to Vegetarian Indian families. Till 2011 India was the only country where McDonalds offered so much of variety in Vegetarian food. Thus to be successful in India McDonalds has altered its menu to reflects the tastes of Hindus and have added more items to suit local tastes. Thus McDonald s Indian website also has been localized to highlight all Vegetarian products along with other Non Vegetarian products it offers. Website localization understands cultural differences and customers in a better
  • 28. The Consequences Of School Shootings After written by Francine Prose is a dystopian novel about a nearby school shooting and the attempts to become a safer program and school to gain the result that students feel safer while gaining their education. Following the school shooting, a large amount of safety measurements and guidelines are enforced to prevent it from happening at Central High School. In 2013, Everytown which is a gun safety organization began tracking gunfire in schools and at college and universities public reports that a firearm was discharged inside a school building or on school or campus grounds and over the next three years identified 160 qualifying incidents. (Everytown) This is evidence which shows that this is still a social issue today. Not only is this social issue turned into a dystopian novel, but is also depicted in our real world society today as you can see the measures. A social relation to this can also be 9/11. If you have ever been on a plane dating back before September 11th, 2001 you would know that security and customs weren t as dramatic and as much as an uphold until the attack occurred. Since the attack many security policies were put into force and immediately there was a change to eliminate this problem from occurring again. Just like the book After the school started enforcing policies and guidelines to ensure this doesn t happen again. In the US, school shootings aren t something that is rare, unfortunately, they happen quite often. Due to the violence the school must enforce rules that may seem bezerk, in the book rules began to be enforced, for example, the students were no longer able to wear the color red because the shooters at the school wore the color red. A societal comparison can be the dress codes enforced in schools today to eliminate gang alliance, violence, and risky behavior. In the novel, Francine Prose uses a good choice of diction while developing the tone of the story. When frightening conflicts happen nearby it tends to affect the individuals involved or closely surrounded by the event for a period of time. To continue, Thomas s dad discusses the nearby shooting with his son and states, It s worrisome... I guess I didn t know how bad things were until the school started sending
  • 29. Nail Police Procedures Your heart is light and your stresses are gone sitting in a comfortable pedicure chair, where you get your toe nails painted, until your feet get rubbed with a cuticle softener; the strong scent of the softener stinging your nose and you sense something s not quite right. The nail technician s hands touch your feet and as you look around you see unmarked bottles of beauty products; not thinking much of any of it. After about 20 minutes while you have your nice manicuredone, your feet start to feel tingly and as if they re burning. You don t bother to ask your nailtechnician about the burning sensation and only think to yourself, it is all part of the pedicurewhile they paint your fingernails in the pedicure chair. A while longer passes... Show more content on ... There are actions customers can take to make sure the salon they will be getting their nails done at will be a clean and safe place for them. Dr. David A. Johnson talked with Daryl Nelson and made the statement that no one should accept on blind trust that a business is taking the necessary steps to prevent transmission of blood borne infections such as hepatitis. Clients can ask for SDS s, cleaning logs, and see licenses of nail technicians to check by themselves to see if the surrounding areas look right and if they feel comfortable with the steps the salon has taken to guarantee their safety. When walking into a salon and before even asking salon owners or nail technicians about their safety and cleanliness, Nelson gives the advice of checking their surroundings quickly to see if it appears clean. By checking their surroundings, individuals will be able to see if floors, ceilings, and walls are clean and if by chance they aren t, the rest of the salon most likely won t be much cleaner, giving a warning sign to that customer. When getting a pedicure, there are multiple actions customers can do to make certain they ll be well cared for and safe. Having a liner in the foot basin can really safeguard from bacteria from prior uses, but if the salon doesn t use tub liners, then you can opt out of the water and have a dry pedicure instead (Elliot). Something to consider
  • 30. Foam Pipe Insulation Techniques 1 foam pipe insulation from local hardware store Masking tape Marbles You can also include elements from around the classroom, like tables, chairs, yardsticks, string, etc. To make the project more interesting, I sometimes acquire refrigerator sized cardboard boxes and duct tape them to the floor of the classroom. Turn your class into an amusement park! Most pipe insulator has one side pre cut almost all the way through. Use your hands to completely split the pipe open. 6.Next, use a pair of scissors to carefully cut the tube in half. After cutting a few inches, you can simply hold the scissors open and slowly pull the tube through the open blade. I find that this technique is faster and cuts straighter than making repeated cuts. 7. You ll... Show more content on ... You should definitely emphasize this with students because no matter how awesome the roller coaster looks, if the connections are sloppy, it won t work well. Most of the time, your students roller coasters will need to touch down onto a flat surface like the floor. To secure the tubing to the floor, use two smaller pieces of tape and secure the sides of the roller coaster. Do not tape across the entire tube. Leaving the track clear of tape helps ensure that the marble will roll smoothly. The second photo shows how a typical roller coaster might look after the first few minutes of construction. And finally, show your students how to make turns. The track must be turned on it s side if the marble is travelling even moderately fast. In roller coaster construction, this is called track banking. This is a good opportunity to explain the negative effects of momentum. A marble travelling forward will continue moving in that direction because of it s momentum. If a curved track is not banked, the marble may fly off of the edge of the track. However banking the track allows the marble to run along the bottom of the track. Once the turn is complete, the track should be straightened
  • 31. Dalton Trumbo Influences Dalton Trumbo boiled down his interpretation of the results of the First World War into the barest essentials; that there are the living and the dead, and the true sacrifice and experience of the dead can only be written about by the living, and as a result, cannot ever be truly expressed or comprehended. Thus, those most effected by war cannot speak out against it. To apply the anti war litmus test, Trumbo gave a name, a face, and a heartbreaking story to one of the millions of soldiers, creating an incredible bond with the reader. Joe s inner monologue fulfils the remaining qualifications, starting with the aforementioned rant over the futility of dying for ideals, and for someone else s chance to live free , and concluding with his overwhelming frustration at the massive communication gap between himself and the rest of the world, due to both his physical incapacitation and mental anguish about surviving when so many others were killed. Having published Johnny in 1939, on the eve of war, Trumbo had the added benefit of twenty years of hindsight. The War to End All Wars had not ... Show more content on ... A soldier with extreme mental anguish was starting to be understood of not as a coward or feeble willed , but as a casualty. Additionally, the motivations behind joining this conflict were more traditionally respectable than in previous American involved conflicts. Troops were not jumping into France or landing on Guadalcanal for the sake of American business interests . It is far easier to support liberating death camps or avenging an attack on American soil than making the world safe for democracy . Regardless of Dalton Trumbo s cynicism, American s still recognized the merit in protecting other s right to life and
  • 32. Beautiful Boy In this book I think that David Sheff lays down a great visual into the life of his son Nic. He tells us how brilliant Nic is, that Nic has a great imagination and that all of his teachers think that he is a very smart and intelligent boy. But on the other hand he also lets us know that Nic is torn between the fact that he has to live two lives, one with his father, David, and one with his mother, Vicki. In the beginning it was good because his mother did not live to far from him but when she relocates things get a little more complicated. David Sheff the father describes his and his family s experience dealing with his son Nic who is addicted to the drug crystal methamphetamine. In telling his story David takes us down memory lane... Show more content on ... David s painting is of a broken suitcase and a river with tributaries of tears. He also draws a the hole in his head from which the tears are coming from which represent pain, rage, and terror. The broken suitcase is spilling out David s former self. I believe that chapter 4 is one of the most important chapters. I think this because Nic is confronted about the marijuana, he admits to getting drunk on a ski trip to Lake Tahoe, and David and Karen have a talk with the teacher. That is why I think this is a significant In the book Beautiful Boy. One point in this chapter that I find to be significant is when Nic is confronted about the marijuana in his backpack. For example, his parents call him in for the first time out of many, for doing drugs: Standing on the deck, I call to the boys. They come over, Nic palming the ball, breathing hard...They look at the outstretched hand holding the marijuana. (53). I believe this is important because Jasper is seeing marijuana for the first time. They had no idea how big this was gonna get at the time. I believed this to be important because it is David s first time that he has had to deal with Nic and drugs at all. Another point in this chapter that I found to have some significance is when Nic confesses to him and his friend from the city, Phillip getting drunk on a trip to Lake Tahoe. We got drunk. Once. Me and Philip. It was on the ski trip (55). I found this to have some significance is because it is
  • 33. The Role Of Journalists On The Media Imagine a world in which you did not have access to any news the only thing you consider current events is what you yourself see and what you hear from others. Obviously, this world would be very problematic. We all rely on the news media to connect us to the entire world, which is why the role of journalists is essential. Journalists have the very important duty of reporting on current events accurately and objectively. Along with written text, pictures also tell a story, which presents a continuous ethical issue for many journalists. Although newspapers and magazines routinely publish photos, there are many ethical values that journalists must consider before publishing those photos, such as the impact a photo or video could have... Show more content on ... There are typically three types of news stories journalists look for: natural events or disasters, a person, group, or organization completing some newsworthy act, and when journalists themselves develop their own story through beat reporting ( News ). Once these stories have been found, it is imperative that journalists report on these events both accurately and objectively. This balance is imperative for journalists to maintain because according to Greenberg and Wheelwright, a key aspect of journalistic ethics is the management of readers expectations (514). Although the field as a whole has been transforming due to the online news media, considering what is newsworthy for the general public has always been a main concern for journalists. As a result of this transformation, trust in the news media has drastically decreased over the past several years for a variety of reasons, which is why a revival of essential journalistic values, such as honesty and integrity, is needed. Along with using written text to tell a news story, pictures also play an important role in journalism. The popular phrase a picture is worth a thousand words is often true in this field. When thinking back on a previous news story, readers will most likely remember the visual portrayal of a news story rather than the written text. According to recent research, as
  • 34. Internet Pornography, the ACLU, and Congress Essay Internet Porn, the ACLU, and Congress Ashcroft vs. ACLU, 00 1293, deals with a challenge to the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), which Congress passed in 1998. The law, which is the subject of this essay, attempts to protect minors from exposure to Internet pornography by requiring that commercial adult websites containing indecent material that is harmful to minors use age verification mechanisms such as credit cards or adult identification numbers.(Child) An earlier version of the law the 1996 Communications Decency Act was struck down as an unconstitutional restriction of free speech when challenged by the ACLU; the 1998 version attempted to address the constitutional concerns by limiting its scope to ... Show more content on ... Beeson argued before the court that if COPA goes into effect, her clients, and others like them, would censor themselves by keeping certain material off the Web. What it s effectively going to do is drive a certain category of speech protected for adults from the marketplace of ideas that is the Web, Beeson said. The government s brief claims that COPA s age verification mechanisms are constitutional because they parallel state display laws that require local stores to place pornographic material that is harmful to minors behind blinder racks, in sealed wrappers, in opaque covers or behind the counter laws that have been upheld by state and appellate courts. At oral argument, the justices questions focused on how the community standards requirement could apply to the Internet: Would it be possible for a North Carolina jury ... to decide whether a particular pornographic transmission would offend the standards of Las Vegas or New York City? Justice Antonin Scalia asked Solicitor General Theodore Olson. Olson replied that juries should be instructed to use a national standard when evaluating whether online material is harmful to minors. He said that he believed that the statute could be interpreted so that the community addressed is considered
  • 35. Little Red Cap Essay Questions Question 2 Chihiro is described as brave, responsible young girl who learned to avoid her fears to help those that she cared. She protected her friends and family from a spell which turned them into pigs due to their greediness. She turned down her former personality and became a brave and reliable girl. On the other hand, Little Red Cap is a caring, happy and innocent kid. When she found the wolf dressed in her grandmother s clothes, she was concerned, and when straight to the bed and started asking questions, she gets being lovable, and she runs to her family since the huntsman stops to check in on the grandmother. The tales help us understand that before knowing anything we must involve the body and the soul to do all things in themselves, ... Show more content on ... The kitchen is the center of attention and the meeting place in the house where people come together and share ideas. Manners are taught in the table where girls are referred as women and boys refer as men. The poem describes many fights, births and death shared in the table; this describes how people come together to the kitchen table to celebrate. In the poem Dinner Guest: Me, the kitchen table is also seen as a place where people come together to solve problems. The white guest shared the meal in the table and shared ideas about how to solve the problem he was facing. In the poem, I too also describes a kitchen table as a place where the family comes together, eat well and grow strong. In the poem, the darker brother refuses to eat in the kitchen when others are on the
  • 36. Essay On Stalingrad The battle between Russia and Germany in the summer of 1941 is known as the largest land theatre of war in history. It was the most horrific war of all time. Stalingrad was called Tsaritsyn until 1925, it was then renamed Stalingrad in honor of Josef Stalin. The cities name was changed again in 1961 to Volgograd, meaning Volga City. This monumental battle is considered a turning point in the war on the Eastern Front. The invading Gerans saw the conquering of Stalingrad as essential to their campaign in Russia, because from this strategic point on the Volga River they could launch further assaults in the Caucasus. The Russians were determined to defend the city in any way as an important industrial and transportation center. Stalingrad stretched... Show more content on ... Army Group South under Field Marshal Fedor von Bock would undertake the offensive. On June 28, 1942, operations began with significant German victories, But Germany lost the war because Hitler was stubborn and made poor decisions, was not prepared for the war, and had bad timing. Hitler was stubborn and made poor decisions and assumption. Stalingrad, located in Southwest Russia on the Volga River was a major industrial city and a communication center for the Soviet Union, and was also named after the Soviet leader Josef Stalin. This made the city important to Stalin and also important to Hitler because he hated Stalin. The turning point of the battle came with a huge Soviet counteroffensive (code named Operation Uranus) which was planned by Generals Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Nikolay Nikolayevich Voronov, and Aleksandr Mikhailovich Vasilevsky. It was launched in two spearheads, about 50 miles north and south of the German salient with Stalingrad at the tip. The counteroffensive surprised the Germans, because they thought the Soviets were incapable of carrying out such an attack. The operation was a deep
  • 37. Lord Of The Flies Nature Analysis William Golding s experiences in World War II deeply influenced his views on man s nature. Golding s allegorical novel Lord of The Flies explores the frightening and consistent, yet ignored, truths of man s nature. British schoolboys board a plane in hopes to escape their war torn land. Unfortunately, the planeis shot down, thrusting the boys into a deserted island and leaving them to their own devices. At first, the boys look to find independence and freedom in the island. However, as the boys dig deeper and uncover more and more truths about ____________, it is clear that the island has imprisoned them. Civilization no longer matters. How is the island a mask for the evils within?______How do the boys take advantage of the freedom,... Show more content on ... This shift inhibit Jack s loss of childhood innocence and displays his vulnerability to the evil which has taken root in his heart. Jack is no longer human; he is a savage who has lost all control and power over his own life. So, he looks for control and power in the lives of others. Regardless of Jack s self serving manners, in order to ensure their own security, the boys blindly trust and give power to Jack. The boys are forced to blindly trust Jack. It is in human nature to either lead or to follow and Jack refuses to do the latter. Although the boys follow Jack throughout the novel, there is evidence of slight resistance in the beginning. When asked for support for Jack, with dreary obedience the choir raised their hands (Golding 23). Though the choir supports Jack, it is important to note that pause. The pause signifies a moment of not only hesitation, but thought. The shadow of doubt, which ceases to exist further on, has passed over their minds for a brief moment. In this moment, the boys are free. Too soon, the boys are engulfed in the power of Jack which rips apart any chance for the boys to think for themselves. Jack says, See? They do what I want (Golding 179). No matter whether the leader or the follower, each one holds a responsibility. The leader holds the
  • 38. Universal Motors Aquires SCMA 311 SPECIAL TOPICS IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SYNDICATE ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: 14th SEPTEMBER 2012 Assignment Brief In your study syndicates, you are expected to read, analyse and interpret the key underlying issues of the following case study titled The Universal Motor Company Acquires Semiconductors . Six (6) questions have to be answered and these questions can be found at the end of the case study. Your answers to the questions must relate to the issues in the case, however you are expected to support your responses with appropriate and relevant literature from the prescribed text: Monczka et al, 2009. You may also reference internet... Show more content on ... It seemed likely that this growth would be replicated by the entire auto industry. However, this growth did not increase the market position of the auto industry, as the semiconductor industry was growing faster than the automotive industry market component. Based on these observations, it became clear that something had to change. The 1980 semiconductor supply situation was intolerable. Of equal or greater concern, projected growth in electronics requirements appeared to be unsupportable. Forward Planning In 1980, the concept of forward planning, business planning, or strategic planning was not commonly associated with the supply function. Supply management was most often thought of as a reactive function organized to support manufacturing. Marketing, on the other hand, was more often thought of as the proactive organization focused on the future of the firm. The failure of management to recognize the strategic and futuristic implementation of supply management limited innovative actions when dealing with a firm s supply world. The 1980 situation demanded new thinking and a new approach to the acquisition of semiconductors. The supply managers involved had little choice, given the circumstances. Supply had no experience with strategic planning. There were no guidelines to follow. The responsible supply managers started with a clean piece of paper, a mission, and a
  • 39. Cancel Grace Interview Interview: Ms. Cancel Grace Marie is a 27 year old Puerto Rican female born on 8/30 /1981. Ms. Cancel is the mother of Jaden Rodriguez 2 years old and Feliciano Kahil 1 year old. Ms. Cancel Grace interview took place at DCFS office on September 1st 2017 at DCFS office 6201 S Emerald. Ms. Cancel Grace was accompanied by her public defender Robert J Breslin during the interview. Ms. Grace is currently residing at A Safe Haven shelter 2750 W Roosevelt Rd. Interview was conducted in her secondary language English. In some occasion s she would respond in her primary language Spanish during the interview and translated in English to her public defender. Ms. Cancel was informed that reportwould be made available to court and used for assessment... Show more content on ... Grace Cancel has never been married. Ms. Grace Cancel first relationship took place when she was 17 years old. Mr. Jonathan Martinez was 25 years old. She informed she met him in the same neighborhood when she lived in Puerto Rico. This relationship lasted 4 years. She informed it was a nice relationship there was no domestic violence. Their relationship ended due to lots of interest and a mutual break up. Ms. Grace Cancel reports her second relationship was at the age 21. Mr. Juan Luis Irisari was 22 years old. She knew him from high school and had an on line relationship with him. Mr. Juan Luis Irisari returned to Puerto Rico and they dated for one year and half. Ms. Graced informed he became very possessive toward her and began to cheat on her. Mr. Grace Cancel informed she left Mr. Juan Luis Irisari after she seen it was not a healthy
  • 40. The Rhetorical Analysis Of Best In Class For almost two centuries, the system of public education has honored the best and the brightest high school graduates with the honorable titles of valedictorian and salutatorian.Though these titles have been a valued part of graduation for what seem like the entire history of American public schooling, they are under heavy scrutiny as impassioned and angry parents, as well as their hardworking students, attack the idea of only recognizing one or two of the class s most talented seniors. In Best in Class , reporter Margaret Talbotchallenges the traditional system of choosing a single valedictorian by by exposing the emotional opposition to the system s change or preservation; her use of emotional dialogue as well as far less emotional, far more objective writing style allows Talbot to emphasize specific ideas and opinions with syntaxto avoid confrontation, while simultaneously establishing that it is time for the traditional system of valedictory to change. One key rhetorical pattern that allows Talbot extensive control over how the audienceviews her topic is diverse syntax. Via mostly cumulative sentences, Talbot is able to clearly emphasize a specific idea about the subject while remaining neutral. For example, she explains that Saratosa is a competitive school district while visiting the area, I saw a car with a bumper sticker that read, My Child Was Student of The Month at Tuttle Elementary but most of the high schools have taken Kennedy s lead (224).
  • 41. How Lean s Helps A Sustainable Print Company How Lean Methodology Leads to a Sustainable Print Company Continual improvement is a goal for all print companies looking for future success. To become a sustainable company one needs to cut unnecessary costs and waste generated by doing business. Removing cost and waste may seem like simple things to do but finding the necessary changes and implementing these changes requires time and effort. A method used to accomplish this goal is lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is a continuous improvement practice that focuses on waste reduction. Waste in its simplest form is anything that is excessive and consumes resources. It can also be referred to as non value added activities that do not add value to the end product (Rizzo, 2008, 58). Sustainability on the other hand recognizes a print company s capability to satisfy the 3 dimensions: people, profit and environment (Wirtenberg, 2013). These three dimensions are referred to as the triple bottom line (TBL). Even when a business is making a profit, anything that does not create value for customers, fulfill employees needs, and benefit the environment is wasteful and must be restructured to eliminate non value added activities (Wandiga, 2013).This is the philosophy of lean manufacturing; a beneficial concept that can help reduce the amount of wasted resources in a company and contribute to its sustainability. Knowing the theories behind lean and sustainability is not enough, print companies need to know how to implement
  • 42. The Basics Of The Criteria For Obtaining The Funds Are you running short on cash? Did you have an unexpected bill this month, such as a home repair bill, that set you back financially? Get back on track quickly with the aid of a Captain Cash loan. We help individuals in your situation on a daily basis and will be glad to take your application. A financial crisis may arise at any time, and individuals often aren t prepared when they do. For this reason, the application process has been simplified and the approval process condensed. As a result, a person can have the funds they need, often the same day, and move forward with life. Obtaining The Funds Getting the funds needed is a simple process, as we understand time is often short in these situations. There is no paper to be filled out. ... Show more content on ... Other Uses For A Captain Cash Loan There are times in life when a person discovers they can take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity, only they don t have the money to do so. For example, their favorite hockey player may be traded to a team in their division and will be playing in a nearby town and they want to go see it. Unfortunately, they don t have enough cash for the tickets. A Captain Cash loan can ensure they don t miss out. Another individual may have an old school mate show up in town and they want to go out for the evening. You won t be able to join them because payday isn t until next week. Call on Captain Cash and enjoy the evening catching up. The funds can be repaid with the upcoming paycheck, so you get the best of both worlds.Following are some places a person may wish to visit when taking guests out on the town. Culture Days A three day celebration, Culture Days provides insight into the cultural life of the local community. The area has been taking part in the celebration for the past nine years and will continue to do so this year. Be sure to take part in the many activities, as they are of great fun and very informative. Fort Murray Urban Market An Alberta Approved Farmer s Market, this is one attraction that is not to be missed. Be aware, however, that the market is only open during the summer and plan a visit