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Week 4 - Discussion 1
Heather Regennitter
12/1/2016 6:02:23 PM
The CIRO (context, inputs, reactions, outcomes) method for
training evaluation is objective based in the long run. Context
is referring to the environment that the training was used for
and if it effectively should have met the needs of the
organization. This also applies to how the objectives were
chosen. The inputs evaluation focuses on the participants and
the equipment and facilities needed for the program. This
includes budgets as well as stakeholders and anyone involved in
the process. The reactions evaluation gauges the reactions of
the trainees to the training program. It is important that they
receive the training well so they can implement it and
encourage others to do so. The outcomes must be measurable
against the objectives that were first put in place.
An example of this would be my current project at work. I am
the process owner for a LEAN event. Part of our lean event is
starting with a project charter, an SOP, and a SIPOC. The
charter contains team members, current metrics and project
goals. The SIPOC identifies the suppliers, inputs, process,
outputs, customers involved in the process. At the end of the
project, to conduct a CIRO evaluation, we would look closer at
the project charter and the SIPOC to evaluate the context and
inputs. The reactions of employees are being gauged during the
project but also after the project is completed we will do a
follow up to see if there are unmet needs and if the trainees
were happy with the LEAN event. We will identify if the
employees thought the GEMBA walk and KAIZEN event were
useful to the task at hand. The outcomes will be evaluated based
on if our new processes were implemented and if we improved
our performance metrics. We will also evaluate if the
employees learned new skills.
The CIRO method can be a great tool for measuring training
effectiveness because it focuses on a well thought out plan as
well as metrics. There is a lot of information that must be
analyzed in the CIRO method such as who is involved and why
the training is taking place. There are also downsides to the
CIRO method. If you do not have specific goals in place it can
be hard to measure. You may also lose focus and might not be
able to put all of your attention to the problem at hand. You
may end up with excess data that does not help the CIRO
Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance
improvement through learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint
Rashawn Mitchell
RaShawn Mitchell
12/1/2016 11:29:13 PM
Stufflebeam's CIPP model of evaluation is decision focused
approach to evaluation; it emphasizes the systematic provision
of information for program management and operation. (Koop,
2013) CIPP stands for context, input, process, and product
which are the four different aspect points of this model. Each
aspect shows the relevant needs for the decision making more
effective in each phase.
Advantages of this model are that it can help develop a more
concrete understanding of the goals and outcomes that the
program or training is intended. Also it can promote an analysis
of the program's efficiency and cost effectiveness.(Brewer,
While this methods help planning, structural, implementing, and
recycling decisions it all depends on the information gathered
which can be a big disadvantage. Information that is gathered
can be from a perspective that may be interpreted in a wrong
way which in the outcome alter decision making.
Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance
improvement through learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint
Week 4 - Discussion 2
The transfer of learning is dependent on the student’s
perception of the organizations atmosphere where the
fundamental elements of individual expert knowledge,
perceptual concept, joint objectives, group education and
organizational understanding are prevalent (Kopp, 2014).
Expert knowledge is essentially personal development, meaning
that a how far they want to go towards becoming an expert in
their field. In this element the organization is supportive of the
employees endeavor. Perceptual concept is someone’s point of
view of the occurrences. In an organization this means
concentrating on the method of the handover. Joint objectives
is the when the organization and the students work towards the
same end state together through jointly developed strategies.
Group education is working together as a whole instead of
individuals, so the exchange of knowledge can be passed on a
larger scale. Organizational understanding is how an
organization conducts itself and with the personnel in it.
Through evaluation the organization can determine how to be
more effective (Kopp, 2014). Basically, these elements
represent an organization that is working towards improvements
through performance and behavior through a positive learning
My organization is a learning organization. Changes occur all
the time with leadership changes, but no matter who is in charge
of the organization subject matter experts are used to work
together towards a desired outcome. Those who have the most
knowledge on the matter share their knowledge, so that the
group can develop a road map to get to the completed task. For
example as the First Sergeant I had to have a general knowledge
of what the Airmen did, but I had to deep knowledge of the
organization as a whole and how to develop our Airmen to be
good citizens not just good Airmen. When there were events
being held within one of my organizations I would be there to
guide and mentor the team, through my experiences.
Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human Resource Development:
Performance through Learning. San Diego: Bridgepoint
Education, Inc.
Is It a Learning Organization Week 4
Janeka White
12/1/2016 7:29:17 PM
The characteristics of a learning organization is that it is a
systems thinking process which is used to access an
organization and has systems that measures a trainees
performance. This also is a cornerstone for the learning
environment as well. A learning organization is a commitment
from a trainee that processes the learning organization that is
continuously on learning mode. The learning organization is a
process that has to be acquired and not possessed. The learning
organization is broken down into several different mastering
which are personal, team, shared vision, and mental models.
Each one of these terms are each combined together to work as
a team. Team mastery is beneficial in order for the team to
learn. It helps employees grow into what they need to become
and learn how to problem solve. In this particular mastery you
have to use dialogue and discussion which are both essential to
the learning organization which will lead into the development
of having open communication. Personal mastery is based on
knowing that without having to deal with things on a personal
level the learning organization will not happen. With having a
shared vision each one of the trainees can develop and share
their views of what the future has in store for them and gain a
sense of being a long-term and fundamental process. Lastly, is
mental models which are based on trainees having the
assumption or visions that are based upon how they understand
the world from their own point-of-view. With have a mental
model employees learn new skills and new orientations which
will give them a need to have an open-mind. I do believe that
with each one of these characteristics that this is a learning
organization because these terms each have something that will
always go back to the understanding that this is how we learn
no matter what learning organization that you are in. Things
have to be mastered and achieved and without these
characteristics that are developed into each learning
organization will help generate a better future for trainees
within the future.
Short Essays: There will be 5 short essay questions. Each
essay will be valued at 5 points for a total of 25 points. Your
answers to the essay questions must be in the IRAC format (see
below). The essays are to be completed outside of the
classroom. They are individual assignments. The essays are
due no later than Monday, November 28, 2016 at 5:00 pm on
Canvas; however you may turn your essays in any time
throughout the term.
The short essay questions are as follows found on pages (in
parenthesis) in the text:
· 3-6: arbitration - (pg. 77)
· 5-6: establishment clause – (pg. 119)
· 6-7: contracts (pg. 139)
· 10-1: contract performance (pg. 239)
· 12-2: defamation (pg. 302)
3-7. Arbitration. Horton Automatics and the Industrial
Division of the Communications Workers of America,
the union that represented Horton^ workers, negotiated
a collective bargaining agreement. If an employee's dis-
charge for a workplace-rule violation was submitted to
arbitration, the agreement limited the arbitrator to deter-
mining whether the rule was reasonable and whether the
employee violated it. When Horton discharged employee
Ruben de la Garza, the union appealed to arbitration.
The arbitrator found that de la Garza had violated a
reasonable safety rule, but "was not totally convinced"
that Horton should have treated the violation more seri-
ously than other rule violations. The arbitrator ordered
de la Garza reinstated. Can a court set aside this order?
Explain. [Horton Automatics v. The Industrial Division of the
Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, 2013 WL
59204 (5th Cir. 2013)]
Establishment Clause.Judge James DcWeese hung a poster in
his court-room showing the Ten Commandments. The American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a suit, alleging that the
poster violated the establishment clause. DeWeese responded
that his purpose was not to promote religion but to express his
view about “warring” legal philosophies—moral relativism and
moral absolutism. “our legal system is based on moral absolutes
from divine law handed down by God through the Ten
Commandments.”Does this poster violate the establishment
clause? Why or why miot? [American Civil Liberties Union of
Ohio loundation, Inc.v. DeWeese, 633 F.3d 424 (6th Cir.
6—7. Arbitrary and Capricious Test. Michael Manin, an airline
pilot, was twice convicted of disorderly conduct, a minor
misdemeanor. To renew his flight certification with the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Manin filed an application
that asked him about his criminal history. He did not disclose
his two convictions. When these came to light more than ten
years later, Manin argued that he had not known that he was
required to report convictions for minor misdemeanors. The
NTSB’s policy was to consider an applicant’s understanding of
what information a question sought before determining whether
an answer was false. But without explanation, the agency
departed from this policy, refused to consider Manin’s
argument, and revoked his certification. Was this action
arbitrary or capricious? Explain. [Manin v. National
Transportation Safet’ Board, 627 F.3d 1239 (D.C.Cir. 2011)]
IRAC is the method in which most courts write decisions. It was
extremely helpful to me in law school. I also think it helps
solve problems in other disciplines as well. It certainly helps
students begin to learn logical thinking.
I = Issue
R = Rule
A = Analysis / Application
C = Conclusion
Issue - What is the legal issue or question raised by the facts of
a case. Said in another way, what is the legal issue or question
the court (you) are trying to answer? Often, the chapter question
provides you with the legal issue. Sometimes, you should try to
be more specific. For instance, some questions ask at the end:
“How should the court decide this case?” Of course, that is the
general question of every single case ever tried in court. It isn't
specific enough. Instead, a more specific way to state the issue
might be, for instance, “Did the plaintiff breach the contract?”
or “Is X Corporation liable for a defective product that injured a
3rd party?”
Rule - State and explain or define the law or rule that applies to
this case. You will have read the rule somewhere in the chapter.
As an example: “Hearsay is testimony someone gives in court
about a statement made by someone else who was not under
oath at the time of the statement.” “Hearsay is not admissible
as evidence.” In this section, you do not discuss the facts of the
case - you just state the rule that would apply in any case
involving this particular issue. Make sure you include an
explanation of the rule - not just the name.
Application / Analysis Here you apply the rule you've identified
above to the facts to reach a conclusion. Said another way, you
analyze the facts according to the law to reach a conclusion.
There are always two sides to each case. While sometimes one
side has a much stronger argument than the other, and obviously
the court will decide the case based on the strongest argument,
that does not mean the other's argument is necessarily invalid.
Assuming you've identified the correct issue and rule, your
conclusion will usually not be “wrong” provided your analysis
is logical. The majority of the class may not subscribe to your
conclusion; however, what I am looking for is whether you
support your conclusion with sound reasoning.
Conclusion - This can be a one sentence statement. Carrying
forth with the example above: “the witness’ testimony was
hearsay (for the reasons set forth in your application) therefore
the court shall exclude it as inadmissible evidence.”
Week 4
Two Separate discussion post to be completed separately and
due on the same document, if you are willing to do the
assignment you must also be willing to do the peer responses
that will be posted later within the week.
Discussions due on Thursdays
Peer responses due on Saturdays:- WILL POST PEER
Discussion 1:Evaluative Tools
In chapter seven, three additional evaluation tools were
introduced: the CIPP model of evaluation, Kaufman’s five
levels of evaluation, and CIRO. Choose one of the three models
of evaluation. Describe the model. What are the advantages?
What are the disadvantages?
Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond
to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Discussion 2:Is It a
Learning Organization?
In chapter eight, transfer of learning is examined. Transfer of
learning is based on organizational climate. The climate of a
learning organization is most conducive to the transfer of
learning. Describe the characteristics of the learning
organization. Based on the characteristics of your organization
is it a learning organization? Why or why not?
Use this week’s lecture as a basis for your post. Reference and
cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two
of your classmates’ posts.
Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the
criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.
Kopp (2014) stated that organizational climates affect the
transfer of learning. An organizational climate that is focused
on the transfer of learning is a learning organization. Messara
and El-Kassar (2013) stated that
to successfully respond to a world of interdependence and
change, some companies are adopting the principles of a
Learning Organization. Learning Organization refers to a
culture that has developed the capacity to adapt and change
continuously by promoting a learning environment that
embraces both individual and organizational learning. (p. 19)
This description can be applied to employee training. If the
organizational climate creates a learning organization,
employees are more likely to transfer training to the
Messara and El-Kassar (2013) posited that organizational
climates are measurable work environs that are perceived
directly and indirectly by people who work in the organization
that impact motivation and behavior. Studies have demonstrated
that organizational climate is positively correlated to
organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This type of
climate is beneficial to employee learning (Messara & El-
Kassar, 2013).
Messara and El-Kassar (2013) stated that seven learning
dimensions affect the climate of the learning organization. The
seven dimensions are continuous learning, inquiry and dialogue,
team learning, embedded systems, empowerment, system
connections, and strategic leadership. Continuous learning is
promoted through rewards and conflict. Inquiry and dialogue
are promoted through warmth and support. Team learning is
promoted through rewards and conflict. Embedded systems are
promoted through rewards, conflict, structure, and high risk.
Empowerment is promoted through rewards and conflict.
System connections are promoted through rewards, warmth and
support, and conflict. Strategic leadership is promoted through
expected approval, structure, low risk, reward, and warmth and
support (Messara & El-Kassar, 2013). The ways in which the
seven dimensions are promoted have similarities and
The dimensions of the learning climate can create a learning
organization. However, the individuals within the organization
must be prepared to learn. Senge’s five disciplines define how
the individual must master specific disciplines to be active
members of the learning organization (Kopp, 2014). Barker and
Camarata (1998) stated that Senge’s five disciplines are habits
of the mind. The five disciplines are systems thinking, personal
mastery, mental models, building shared vision, and team
learning (Barker & Camarata, 1998).
Systems thinking is a comprehension of the interrelatedness of
individuals, teams, structures, and processes. If an individual
understands the interconnectedness of the organization, he or
she is better able to contribute to the goals of the organization
(Barker & Camarata, 1998). Barker and Camarata (1998) stated
that personal mastery is the recurrent process of growth and
development necessary for creativity from the individual and
the organization. Mental models are images, assumptions, and
narratives that individuals believe regarding themselves, other
people, organizations, and the general world (Barker &
Camarata, 1998). Barker and Camarata (1998) stated that
building shared vision “in this context is an amalgamation of
the personal visions of organizational members during what
Senge calls the visioning process” (p. 455). Team learning is
the focus of directing and developing the action, beliefs, and
needs of members of a team (Barker & Camarata, 1998).
This week you will be examining how learning is transferred
from the trainer to the individual and to the organization.
Understanding the climate and Senge’s discipline will help in
examining how a trainer can develop methodologies that create
Barker, R. T., & Camarata, M. R. (1998). The role of
communication in creating and maintaining a learning
organization: Preconditions, indicators, and disciplines. The
Journal of Business Communications, 35(4), 443-467. Retrieved
from EBSCOhost database.
Kopp, D.M. (2014). Human resource training & development:
Performance improvement through workplace learning. San
Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education
Messara, L. C., & El-Kassar, A. (2013). Identifying
organizational climate affect learning organization. Business
Studies Journal, 5(1), 19-28. Retrieved from EBSCOhost

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  • 1. PEER RESPONSES: WEEK 3 - DISCUSSION 1 3 Week 4 - Discussion 1 wk4d1hv Heather Regennitter 12/1/2016 6:02:23 PM The CIRO (context, inputs, reactions, outcomes) method for training evaluation is objective based in the long run. Context is referring to the environment that the training was used for and if it effectively should have met the needs of the organization. This also applies to how the objectives were chosen. The inputs evaluation focuses on the participants and the equipment and facilities needed for the program. This includes budgets as well as stakeholders and anyone involved in the process. The reactions evaluation gauges the reactions of the trainees to the training program. It is important that they receive the training well so they can implement it and encourage others to do so. The outcomes must be measurable against the objectives that were first put in place. An example of this would be my current project at work. I am the process owner for a LEAN event. Part of our lean event is
  • 2. starting with a project charter, an SOP, and a SIPOC. The charter contains team members, current metrics and project goals. The SIPOC identifies the suppliers, inputs, process, outputs, customers involved in the process. At the end of the project, to conduct a CIRO evaluation, we would look closer at the project charter and the SIPOC to evaluate the context and inputs. The reactions of employees are being gauged during the project but also after the project is completed we will do a follow up to see if there are unmet needs and if the trainees were happy with the LEAN event. We will identify if the employees thought the GEMBA walk and KAIZEN event were useful to the task at hand. The outcomes will be evaluated based on if our new processes were implemented and if we improved our performance metrics. We will also evaluate if the employees learned new skills. The CIRO method can be a great tool for measuring training effectiveness because it focuses on a well thought out plan as well as metrics. There is a lot of information that must be analyzed in the CIRO method such as who is involved and why the training is taking place. There are also downsides to the CIRO method. If you do not have specific goals in place it can be hard to measure. You may also lose focus and might not be able to put all of your attention to the problem at hand. You may end up with excess data that does not help the CIRO evaluation. Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. Rashawn Mitchell RaShawn Mitchell 12/1/2016 11:29:13 PM
  • 3. Stufflebeam's CIPP model of evaluation is decision focused approach to evaluation; it emphasizes the systematic provision of information for program management and operation. (Koop, 2013) CIPP stands for context, input, process, and product which are the four different aspect points of this model. Each aspect shows the relevant needs for the decision making more effective in each phase. Advantages of this model are that it can help develop a more concrete understanding of the goals and outcomes that the program or training is intended. Also it can promote an analysis of the program's efficiency and cost effectiveness.(Brewer, 2011) While this methods help planning, structural, implementing, and recycling decisions it all depends on the information gathered which can be a big disadvantage. Information that is gathered can be from a perspective that may be interpreted in a wrong way which in the outcome alter decision making. Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.>Home>Vol14,No3(2013) Week 4 - Discussion 2 The transfer of learning is dependent on the student’s perception of the organizations atmosphere where the
  • 4. fundamental elements of individual expert knowledge, perceptual concept, joint objectives, group education and organizational understanding are prevalent (Kopp, 2014). Expert knowledge is essentially personal development, meaning that a how far they want to go towards becoming an expert in their field. In this element the organization is supportive of the employees endeavor. Perceptual concept is someone’s point of view of the occurrences. In an organization this means concentrating on the method of the handover. Joint objectives is the when the organization and the students work towards the same end state together through jointly developed strategies. Group education is working together as a whole instead of individuals, so the exchange of knowledge can be passed on a larger scale. Organizational understanding is how an organization conducts itself and with the personnel in it. Through evaluation the organization can determine how to be more effective (Kopp, 2014). Basically, these elements represent an organization that is working towards improvements through performance and behavior through a positive learning environment. My organization is a learning organization. Changes occur all the time with leadership changes, but no matter who is in charge of the organization subject matter experts are used to work together towards a desired outcome. Those who have the most knowledge on the matter share their knowledge, so that the group can develop a road map to get to the completed task. For example as the First Sergeant I had to have a general knowledge of what the Airmen did, but I had to deep knowledge of the organization as a whole and how to develop our Airmen to be good citizens not just good Airmen. When there were events being held within one of my organizations I would be there to guide and mentor the team, through my experiences. Reference
  • 5. Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human Resource Development: Performance through Learning. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Is It a Learning Organization Week 4 Janeka White 12/1/2016 7:29:17 PM The characteristics of a learning organization is that it is a systems thinking process which is used to access an organization and has systems that measures a trainees performance. This also is a cornerstone for the learning environment as well. A learning organization is a commitment from a trainee that processes the learning organization that is continuously on learning mode. The learning organization is a process that has to be acquired and not possessed. The learning organization is broken down into several different mastering which are personal, team, shared vision, and mental models. Each one of these terms are each combined together to work as a team. Team mastery is beneficial in order for the team to learn. It helps employees grow into what they need to become and learn how to problem solve. In this particular mastery you have to use dialogue and discussion which are both essential to the learning organization which will lead into the development of having open communication. Personal mastery is based on knowing that without having to deal with things on a personal level the learning organization will not happen. With having a shared vision each one of the trainees can develop and share their views of what the future has in store for them and gain a sense of being a long-term and fundamental process. Lastly, is mental models which are based on trainees having the assumption or visions that are based upon how they understand the world from their own point-of-view. With have a mental model employees learn new skills and new orientations which will give them a need to have an open-mind. I do believe that
  • 6. with each one of these characteristics that this is a learning organization because these terms each have something that will always go back to the understanding that this is how we learn no matter what learning organization that you are in. Things have to be mastered and achieved and without these characteristics that are developed into each learning organization will help generate a better future for trainees within the future. Short Essays: There will be 5 short essay questions. Each essay will be valued at 5 points for a total of 25 points. Your answers to the essay questions must be in the IRAC format (see below). The essays are to be completed outside of the classroom. They are individual assignments. The essays are due no later than Monday, November 28, 2016 at 5:00 pm on Canvas; however you may turn your essays in any time throughout the term. The short essay questions are as follows found on pages (in parenthesis) in the text: · 3-6: arbitration - (pg. 77) · 5-6: establishment clause – (pg. 119) · 6-7: contracts (pg. 139) · 10-1: contract performance (pg. 239) · 12-2: defamation (pg. 302) P77↓ 3-7. Arbitration. Horton Automatics and the Industrial Division of the Communications Workers of America, the union that represented Horton^ workers, negotiated a collective bargaining agreement. If an employee's dis- charge for a workplace-rule violation was submitted to arbitration, the agreement limited the arbitrator to deter-
  • 7. mining whether the rule was reasonable and whether the employee violated it. When Horton discharged employee Ruben de la Garza, the union appealed to arbitration. The arbitrator found that de la Garza had violated a reasonable safety rule, but "was not totally convinced" that Horton should have treated the violation more seri- ously than other rule violations. The arbitrator ordered de la Garza reinstated. Can a court set aside this order? Explain. [Horton Automatics v. The Industrial Division of the Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, 2013 WL 59204 (5th Cir. 2013)] P71↓ P119↓ 5-6. BUSINESS CASE PROBLEMWITH SAMPLE ANSWER: Establishment Clause.Judge James DcWeese hung a poster in his court-room showing the Ten Commandments. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a suit, alleging that the poster violated the establishment clause. DeWeese responded that his purpose was not to promote religion but to express his view about “warring” legal philosophies—moral relativism and moral absolutism. “our legal system is based on moral absolutes from divine law handed down by God through the Ten Commandments.”Does this poster violate the establishment clause? Why or why miot? [American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio loundation, Inc.v. DeWeese, 633 F.3d 424 (6th Cir. 2011)]P112↓P139↓ 6—7. Arbitrary and Capricious Test. Michael Manin, an airline pilot, was twice convicted of disorderly conduct, a minor misdemeanor. To renew his flight certification with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Manin filed an application that asked him about his criminal history. He did not disclose
  • 8. his two convictions. When these came to light more than ten years later, Manin argued that he had not known that he was required to report convictions for minor misdemeanors. The NTSB’s policy was to consider an applicant’s understanding of what information a question sought before determining whether an answer was false. But without explanation, the agency departed from this policy, refused to consider Manin’s argument, and revoked his certification. Was this action arbitrary or capricious? Explain. [Manin v. National Transportation Safet’ Board, 627 F.3d 1239 (D.C.Cir. 2011)] P125↓P239↓ P223↓ P302↓ P291↓ IRAC is the method in which most courts write decisions. It was extremely helpful to me in law school. I also think it helps solve problems in other disciplines as well. It certainly helps students begin to learn logical thinking. I = Issue R = Rule A = Analysis / Application C = Conclusion Issue - What is the legal issue or question raised by the facts of a case. Said in another way, what is the legal issue or question the court (you) are trying to answer? Often, the chapter question provides you with the legal issue. Sometimes, you should try to be more specific. For instance, some questions ask at the end: “How should the court decide this case?” Of course, that is the
  • 9. general question of every single case ever tried in court. It isn't specific enough. Instead, a more specific way to state the issue might be, for instance, “Did the plaintiff breach the contract?” or “Is X Corporation liable for a defective product that injured a 3rd party?” Rule - State and explain or define the law or rule that applies to this case. You will have read the rule somewhere in the chapter. As an example: “Hearsay is testimony someone gives in court about a statement made by someone else who was not under oath at the time of the statement.” “Hearsay is not admissible as evidence.” In this section, you do not discuss the facts of the case - you just state the rule that would apply in any case involving this particular issue. Make sure you include an explanation of the rule - not just the name. Application / Analysis Here you apply the rule you've identified above to the facts to reach a conclusion. Said another way, you analyze the facts according to the law to reach a conclusion. There are always two sides to each case. While sometimes one side has a much stronger argument than the other, and obviously the court will decide the case based on the strongest argument, that does not mean the other's argument is necessarily invalid. Assuming you've identified the correct issue and rule, your conclusion will usually not be “wrong” provided your analysis is logical. The majority of the class may not subscribe to your conclusion; however, what I am looking for is whether you support your conclusion with sound reasoning. Conclusion - This can be a one sentence statement. Carrying forth with the example above: “the witness’ testimony was hearsay (for the reasons set forth in your application) therefore the court shall exclude it as inadmissible evidence.” Week 4
  • 10. Two Separate discussion post to be completed separately and due on the same document, if you are willing to do the assignment you must also be willing to do the peer responses that will be posted later within the week. Discussions due on Thursdays Peer responses due on Saturdays:- WILL POST PEER RESPONSES ON WEDNESDAY 11/30 Discussion 1:Evaluative Tools In chapter seven, three additional evaluation tools were introduced: the CIPP model of evaluation, Kaufman’s five levels of evaluation, and CIRO. Choose one of the three models of evaluation. Describe the model. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Discussion 2:Is It a Learning Organization? In chapter eight, transfer of learning is examined. Transfer of learning is based on organizational climate. The climate of a learning organization is most conducive to the transfer of learning. Describe the characteristics of the learning organization. Based on the characteristics of your organization is it a learning organization? Why or why not? Use this week’s lecture as a basis for your post. Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread. WEEK 4 - ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE, ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING, AND SENGE’S FIVE DISCIPLINES
  • 11. Kopp (2014) stated that organizational climates affect the transfer of learning. An organizational climate that is focused on the transfer of learning is a learning organization. Messara and El-Kassar (2013) stated that to successfully respond to a world of interdependence and change, some companies are adopting the principles of a Learning Organization. Learning Organization refers to a culture that has developed the capacity to adapt and change continuously by promoting a learning environment that embraces both individual and organizational learning. (p. 19) This description can be applied to employee training. If the organizational climate creates a learning organization, employees are more likely to transfer training to the organization. Messara and El-Kassar (2013) posited that organizational climates are measurable work environs that are perceived directly and indirectly by people who work in the organization that impact motivation and behavior. Studies have demonstrated that organizational climate is positively correlated to organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This type of climate is beneficial to employee learning (Messara & El- Kassar, 2013). Messara and El-Kassar (2013) stated that seven learning dimensions affect the climate of the learning organization. The seven dimensions are continuous learning, inquiry and dialogue, team learning, embedded systems, empowerment, system connections, and strategic leadership. Continuous learning is promoted through rewards and conflict. Inquiry and dialogue are promoted through warmth and support. Team learning is promoted through rewards and conflict. Embedded systems are promoted through rewards, conflict, structure, and high risk. Empowerment is promoted through rewards and conflict. System connections are promoted through rewards, warmth and
  • 12. support, and conflict. Strategic leadership is promoted through expected approval, structure, low risk, reward, and warmth and support (Messara & El-Kassar, 2013). The ways in which the seven dimensions are promoted have similarities and differences. The dimensions of the learning climate can create a learning organization. However, the individuals within the organization must be prepared to learn. Senge’s five disciplines define how the individual must master specific disciplines to be active members of the learning organization (Kopp, 2014). Barker and Camarata (1998) stated that Senge’s five disciplines are habits of the mind. The five disciplines are systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, building shared vision, and team learning (Barker & Camarata, 1998). Systems thinking is a comprehension of the interrelatedness of individuals, teams, structures, and processes. If an individual understands the interconnectedness of the organization, he or she is better able to contribute to the goals of the organization (Barker & Camarata, 1998). Barker and Camarata (1998) stated that personal mastery is the recurrent process of growth and development necessary for creativity from the individual and the organization. Mental models are images, assumptions, and narratives that individuals believe regarding themselves, other people, organizations, and the general world (Barker & Camarata, 1998). Barker and Camarata (1998) stated that building shared vision “in this context is an amalgamation of the personal visions of organizational members during what Senge calls the visioning process” (p. 455). Team learning is the focus of directing and developing the action, beliefs, and needs of members of a team (Barker & Camarata, 1998). This week you will be examining how learning is transferred from the trainer to the individual and to the organization. Understanding the climate and Senge’s discipline will help in
  • 13. examining how a trainer can develop methodologies that create learning. References Barker, R. T., & Camarata, M. R. (1998). The role of communication in creating and maintaining a learning organization: Preconditions, indicators, and disciplines. The Journal of Business Communications, 35(4), 443-467. Retrieved from EBSCOhost database. Kopp, D.M. (2014). Human resource training & development: Performance improvement through workplace learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Messara, L. C., & El-Kassar, A. (2013). Identifying organizational climate affect learning organization. Business Studies Journal, 5(1), 19-28. Retrieved from EBSCOhost database.