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Team Deliverable #3 - Succession Planning Part Two
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BMGT 365 - Team Deliverable #3 Succession Planning Part Two
NOTE: All submitted work is to be your team's original work. You may not use any work
from another student, the Internet, or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to
understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy and know that it is your
responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations concerning
proper citation sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 7th Ed. (Students are
held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only.)
Team Deliverable #3 is due Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. eastern time of Week 4 unless otherwise
changed by the instructor.
The purpose of this project is to gain an understanding of succession planning and what it means
to plan for future leadership that is aligned with an organization's core values and leadership
Skill Building:
You are also completing this project to help you develop the skills of research, critical thinking,
teamwork, and writing a report intended for executive review. Writing is critical because, in
business, it is important to convey information clearly and concisely and to develop a personal
brand. Developing a personal brand is important because it is the ongoing process of establishing
an image or impression in the minds of others, especially those in positions above you. Having a
strong personal brand can lead to opportunities that include promotions.
Skills: Writing, Critical Thinking, Developing a Personal Brand, Succession Planning, Writing a
Succession Plan Report.
Outcomes Met With This Project:
Use leadership theories, assessment tools, and an understanding of the role of ethics, values, and
attitudes to evaluate and enhance personal leadership skills;
Assess the interactions between the external environment and the organization to foster
responsible and effective leadership and organizational practices;
Collaborate in teams utilizing effective communication techniques;
Develop individual awareness, style, and communication skills that enhance leadership skills;
Integrate and apply analytical principles and skills to make strategic decisions.
This project is the last of three group projects. Members of the team will collaborate, acting as a
self-managed team. As a self-managed team, members take collective responsibility for ensuring
the team operates effectively, sets team goals, manages time, makes decisions, solves problems,
communicates frequently and clearly, and meets the deadline. You may have team members that
are located all over the world. Working in a virtual environment should not stop the self-managed
team from successfully reaching the final goal. All work must appear in the Group area.
As a self-managed team, the following is the work for which team members are responsible:
Setting goals;
Determining roles and responsibilities for each team member;
Actively participating and communicating in the Group area of the classroom;
Completing the agreed-upon work before the deadline;
Resolving problems and issues among the team members;
Agreeing on a final product as a group (consensus decision making); and
Submitting the final product into the Assignment Folder (all students will submit into the
Assignment Folder).
All students on the team will receive the same grade unless a member fails to participate or does
not carry his or her weight in completing the project. These students will receive a zero or a
reduced grade depending on the level of participation and contribution to the team project.
Teams can consist of 2, 3, or 4 students but should not consist of more than four students. Team
members are responsible for completing the project even if a team member does not fulfill his or
ho create teams other than those created by the instructor. If a team member does not hear from
any other member, it is important to reach out to the ier obligation of submitting the agreed-upon
work. The project cannot be completed individually, and students cannot choose tnstructor.
If the project is submitted after the due date, the Late Assignment policy is applicable. No
extensions beyond the due date are granted to teams.
Background: Your Group has been assigned to be part of the Succession Plan Committee at Life
Science Nutraceuticals (LSN). This Committee has been hard at work for months, planning the
successor for President and CEO Alexandria Marvel and the rest of the executive team (largely
occupied by the immediate family.) They have assigned your group to complete the Succession
Plan for five key leadership positions. These positions will need to be filled over the next 12-24
months. There is not an immediate need for any of them currently, but vacancies will be imminent.
The preference is to fill these internally, but President - CEO Marvel has stressed that if the right
leader for a position does not exist already within the company, she would rather search for
someone externally than settle for less than the most qualified individual.
Your Group has already analyzed these five leadership positions and presented a report to
President and CEO Marvel about them. Now it is time to identify any internal candidates that may
be suitable for these positions.
The Committee has already interviewed five different internal candidates that have expressed an
interest in furthering their careers at LSN. All have leadership positions currently at different levels
and within different departments of LSN. All have agreed to accept any leadership position
assigned to them, and all are open to relocating.
Step 1: Course Material
For this project, you are required to use the case scenario facts and the course material. External
sources are not permitted. You are not researching on the Internet or using resources from outside
the course. You are expected to answer the requirements identified below, showing the
connection between the case scenario facts and the course material. Using course material
requires going beyond defining terms. Students are expected to apply the terms in the applicable
case-scenario situations. Avoid making unsupported statements. Make observations that explain
how something happens or why something happens and that focus on importance and impact. In
closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and critically, demonstrating an
understanding of the logical connections among the ideas presented in a case scenario, the
course material, and the question(s) being asked. A significant in-text citation is expected
throughout this assignment. Using one or two in-text citations from the course materials will not
earn many points on this assignment. The in-text citation of a variety of course materials is
expected to support your analysis. The in-text citation support must be relevant and applicable to
the topic being discussed. Points are not earned for mentioning a term or concept but for clearly
and thoroughly explaining or discussing the issue being addressed.
Step 2: Review the Leadership Competencies Table
Review the Leadership Competencies Table completed in Week Two to accompany the Job
Announcement. (You may also wish to review any feedback received by your Instructor about your
Step 3: Review Upcoming Positions
Review the five different upcoming positions your group has been tasked with filling and the
leadership competencies you identified for each position. You may also wish to review any
feedback received by your Instructor about these competencies.
Step 4: Read Profiles of Five Internal Candidates
Read the profiles of the five internal candidates that have put themselves forward for leadership
Candidate 1 - Jackie Johnson Current Position - Director of Purchasing
Jackie Johnson currently works as Director of Purchasing and obtains this job directly after serving
in the military. She is a graduate of UMGC's business administration program. Johnson entered
the interview room all smiles and with a firm handshake. The interviewer admitted to being
impressed by the firm handshake and the constant eye contact throughout the interview. Johnson
was very prepared to discuss her future with the company. She had completed extensive research
on all four geographic divisions before the interview. Johnson had also spoken with current
employees throughout Headquarters. As Director of Purchasing, Johnson indicated that she had
worked very hard to create a small business "subculture" within her department. She felt that her
employees were empowered to make their own decisions, which freed her to think strategically
about purchasing for LSN. She admits that this "free-rein" approach to leadership has sometimes
allowed her department to have missteps in distribution with divisions outside of North America.
She has worked hard to overcome that image by altering her leadership style according to the
situation or the employee she is dealing with.
Her approach to leading is to look for leadership opportunities and encourage employees to act
upon them, if possible. Johnson believes she is positive about the future. While she admits to only
having worked in the purchasing department, she feels that she can bring a big picture perspective
to the company, having worked with suppliers and customers. When asked about her risk
tolerance, she replied, "I believe that is demonstrated in the small-business, entrepreneurial
subculture I created in purchasing. At the end of the day, I'm more risk-tolerant than cautious."
Johnson said she sees herself as a transformational leader. She feels that good leadership is built
on good relationships with followers. Relational Theory seems to make the most sense to her for
the 21st century because people make change work and leading change in the future.
Candidate 2 - Henrietta Higgins Current Position Assistant Director of Purchasing
Henrietta currently works at LSN Headquarters in the Purchasing Department. She is 28 years old
with 3 years of college. Henrietta is a business administration major and expects to graduate in
about one year. She is friendly and has a quiet demeanor. She does not tolerate much nonsense
from people, hates surprises, and wants people to be brief in talking with her.
When asked what she likes about her current position, she replied that she likes the feeling of a
small business that her boss has created within the purchasing department. She appreciates that
it makes her feel in control in such an environment. She likes the idea of a collaborative
environment and responded well to the idea that her opinions and suggestions were always
welcome. However, she expressed some concern that the youthful employees of IT, and some
other departments, had plenty of opinions but not a lot of discipline in their work ethic. She has
found that structure, procedures, and rules have worked better than asking for input. When asked
how her staff perceived her, she laughed and said they called her a "Type A." The interviewer
noted that it was only one of two times during the interview that she held his gaze for any length of
time during this statement. When asked what characteristics she thought a leader needed to
possess to succeed in the 21st century, she replied, "objective, practical, controlled and fair."
Higgins said her leadership style was transactional, but the interviewer was unsure if it was more
When asked what leadership theory she thought was most likely to work in the 21st century, her
reply was "Great Man because it emphasizes the characteristics of a person like honesty and
trust." Higgins's knowledge of the business was sound, but she said no when asked if anyone
could be a leader. It was up to the position that a person holds. Higgins did understand that
sustainability was critical to the business. She said she had some ideas on making the process
aspects of LSN better and more efficient while saving costs. She also thought that being eco-
friendly was important but realized that was the other meaning of business sustainability.
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Group Category
Team Work
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Team Get-it-Done
BMGT 365 - Team Deliverable #3 Succession Planning Part Two
NOTE: All submitted work is to be your team's original work. You may not use any work
from another student, the Internet, or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to
understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy and know that it is your
responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations concerning
proper citation sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 7th Ed. (Students are
held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only.)
Team Deliverable #3 is due Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. eastern time of Week 4 unless otherwise
changed by the instructor.
The purpose of this project is to gain an understanding of succession planning and what it means
to plan for future leadership that is aligned with an organization's core values and leadership
Skill Building:
You are also completing this project to help you develop the skills of research, critical thinking,
teamwork, and writing a report intended for executive review. Writing is critical because, in
business, it is important to convey information clearly and concisely and to develop a personal
brand. Developing a personal brand is important because it is the ongoing process of establishing
an image or impression in the minds of others, especially those in positions above you. Having a
strong personal brand can lead to opportunities that include promotions.
Skills: Writing, Critical Thinking, Developing a Personal Brand, Succession Planning, Writing a
Succession Plan Report.
Outcomes Met With This Project:
Use leadership theories, assessment tools, and an understanding of the role of ethics, values,
and attitudes to evaluate and enhance personal leadership skills;
Assess the interactions between the external environment and the organization to foster
responsible and effective leadership and organizational practices;
Collaborate in teams utilizing effective communication techniques;
Develop individual awareness, style, and communication skills that enhance leadership skills;
Integrate and apply analytical principles and skills to make strategic decisions.
This project is the last of three group projects. Members of the team will collaborate, acting as a
self-managed team. As a self-managed team, members take collective responsibility for ensuring
the team operates effectively, sets team goals, manages time, makes decisions, solves problems,
communicates frequently and clearly, and meets the deadline. You may have team members that
are located all over the world. Working in a virtual environment should not stop the self-managed
team from successfully reaching the final goal. All work must appear in the Group area.
As a self-managed team, the following is the work for which team members are responsible:
Setting goals;
Determining roles and responsibilities for each team member;
Actively participating and communicating in the Group area of the classroom;
Completing the agreed-upon work before the deadline;
Resolving problems and issues among the team members;
Agreeing on a final product as a group (consensus decision making); and
Submitting the final product into the Assignment Folder (all students will submit into the
Assignment Folder).
All students on the team will receive the same grade unless a member fails to participate or does
not carry his or her weight in completing the project. These students will receive a zero or a
reduced grade depending on the level of participation and contribution to the team project.
Teams can consist of 2, 3, or 4 students but should not consist of more than four students. Team
members are responsible for completing the project even if a team member does not fulfill his or
ho create teams other than those created by the instructor. If a team member does not hear from
any other member, it is important to reach out to the ier obligation of submitting the agreed-upon
work. The project cannot be completed individually, and students cannot choose tnstructor.
If the project is submitted after the due date, the Late Assignment policy is applicable. No
extensions beyond the due date are granted to teams.
Background: Your Group has been assigned to be part of the Succession Plan Committee at
Life Science Nutraceuticals (LSN). This Committee has been hard at work for months, planning
the successor for President and CEO Alexandria Marvel and the rest of the executive team
(largely occupied by the immediate family.) They have assigned your group to complete the
Succession Plan for five key leadership positions. These positions will need to be filled over the
next 12-24 months. There is not an immediate need for any of them currently, but vacancies will
be imminent. The preference is to fill these internally, but President - CEO Marvel has stressed
that if the right leader for a position does not exist already within the company, she would rather
search for someone externally than settle for less than the most qualified individual.
Your Group has already analyzed these five leadership positions and presented a report to
President and CEO Marvel about them. Now it is time to identify any internal candidates that may
be suitable for these positions.
The Committee has already interviewed five different internal candidates that have expressed an
interest in furthering their careers at LSN. All have leadership positions currently at different levels
and within different departments of LSN. All have agreed to accept any leadership position
assigned to them, and all are open to relocating.
Step 1: Course Material
For this project, you are required to use the case scenario facts and the course material. External
sources are not permitted. You are not researching on the Internet or using resources from
outside the course. You are expected to answer the requirements identified below, showing the
connection between the case scenario facts and the course material. Using course material
requires going beyond defining terms. Students are expected to apply the terms in the applicable
case-scenario situations. Avoid making unsupported statements. Make observations that explain
how something happens or why something happens and that focus on importance and impact. In
closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and critically, demonstrating an
understanding of the logical connections among the ideas presented in a case scenario, the
course material, and the question(s) being asked. A significant in-text citation is expected
throughout this assignment. Using one or two in-text citations from the course materials will not
earn many points on this assignment. The in-text citation of a variety of course materials is
expected to support your analysis. The in-text citation support must be relevant and applicable to
the topic being discussed. Points are not earned for mentioning a term or concept but for clearly
and thoroughly explaining or discussing the issue being addressed.
Step 2: Review the Leadership Competencies Table
Review the Leadership Competencies Table completed in Week Two to accompany the Job
Announcement. (You may also wish to review any feedback received by your Instructor about
your Table.)
Step 3: Review Upcoming Positions
Review the five different upcoming positions your group has been tasked with filling and the
leadership competencies you identified for each position. You may also wish to review any
feedback received by your Instructor about these competencies.
Step 4: Read Profiles of Five Internal Candidates
Read the profiles of the five internal candidates that have put themselves forward for leadership
Candidate 1 - Jackie Johnson Current Position - Director of Purchasing
Jackie Johnson currently works as Director of Purchasing and obtains this job directly after
serving in the military. She is a graduate of UMGC's business administration program. Johnson
entered the interview room all smiles and with a firm handshake. The interviewer admitted to
being impressed by the firm handshake and the constant eye contact throughout the interview.
Johnson was very prepared to discuss her future with the company. She had completed
extensive research on all four geographic divisions before the interview. Johnson had also
spoken with current employees throughout Headquarters. As Director of Purchasing, Johnson
indicated that she had worked very hard to create a small business "subculture" within her
department. She felt that her employees were empowered to make their own decisions, which
freed her to think strategically about purchasing for LSN. She admits that this "free-rein" approach
to leadership has sometimes allowed her department to have missteps in distribution with
divisions outside of North America. She has worked hard to overcome that image by altering her
leadership style according to the situation or the employee she is dealing with.
Her approach to leading is to look for leadership opportunities and encourage employees to act
upon them, if possible. Johnson believes she is positive about the future. While she admits to only
having worked in the purchasing department, she feels that she can bring a big picture
perspective to the company, having worked with suppliers and customers. When asked about her
risk tolerance, she replied, "I believe that is demonstrated in the small-business, entrepreneurial
subculture I created in purchasing. At the end of the day, I'm more risk-tolerant than cautious."
Johnson said she sees herself as a transformational leader. She feels that good leadership is
built on good relationships with followers. Relational Theory seems to make the most sense to her
for the 21st century because people make change work and leading change in the future.
Candidate 2 - Henrietta Higgins Current Position Assistant Director of Purchasing
Henrietta currently works at LSN Headquarters in the Purchasing Department. She is 28 years
old with 3 years of college. Henrietta is a business administration major and expects to graduate
in about one year. She is friendly and has a quiet demeanor. She does not tolerate much
nonsense from people, hates surprises, and wants people to be brief in talking with her.
When asked what she likes about her current position, she replied that she likes the feeling of a
small business that her boss has created within the purchasing department. She appreciates that
it makes her feel in control in such an environment. She likes the idea of a collaborative
environment and responded well to the idea that her opinions and suggestions were always
welcome. However, she expressed some concern that the youthful employees of IT, and some
other departments, had plenty of opinions but not a lot of discipline in their work ethic. She has
found that structure, procedures, and rules have worked better than asking for input. When asked
how her staff perceived her, she laughed and said they called her a "Type A." The interviewer
noted that it was only one of two times during the interview that she held his gaze for any length
of time during this statement. When asked what characteristics she thought a leader needed to
possess to succeed in the 21st century, she replied, "objective, practical, controlled and fair."
Higgins said her leadership style was transactional, but the interviewer was unsure if it was more
When asked what leadership theory she thought was most likely to work in the 21st century, her
reply was "Great Man because it emphasizes the characteristics of a person like honesty and
trust." Higgins's knowledge of the business was sound, but she said no when asked if anyone
could be a leader. It was up to the position that a person holds. Higgins did understand that
sustainability was critical to the business. She said she had some ideas on making the process
aspects of LSN better and more efficient while saving costs. She also thought that being eco-
friendly was important but realized that was the other meaning of business sustainability.

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Team Deliverable 3 Succession Planning Part Two Hide Assi.pdf

  • 1. Team Deliverable #3 - Succession Planning Part Two Hide Assignment Information BMGT 365 - Team Deliverable #3 Succession Planning Part Two NOTE: All submitted work is to be your team's original work. You may not use any work from another student, the Internet, or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations concerning proper citation sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 7th Ed. (Students are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only.) Team Deliverable #3 is due Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. eastern time of Week 4 unless otherwise changed by the instructor. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to gain an understanding of succession planning and what it means to plan for future leadership that is aligned with an organization's core values and leadership competencies. Skill Building: You are also completing this project to help you develop the skills of research, critical thinking, teamwork, and writing a report intended for executive review. Writing is critical because, in business, it is important to convey information clearly and concisely and to develop a personal brand. Developing a personal brand is important because it is the ongoing process of establishing an image or impression in the minds of others, especially those in positions above you. Having a strong personal brand can lead to opportunities that include promotions. Skills: Writing, Critical Thinking, Developing a Personal Brand, Succession Planning, Writing a Succession Plan Report. Outcomes Met With This Project: Use leadership theories, assessment tools, and an understanding of the role of ethics, values, and attitudes to evaluate and enhance personal leadership skills; Assess the interactions between the external environment and the organization to foster responsible and effective leadership and organizational practices; Collaborate in teams utilizing effective communication techniques; Develop individual awareness, style, and communication skills that enhance leadership skills; Integrate and apply analytical principles and skills to make strategic decisions. This project is the last of three group projects. Members of the team will collaborate, acting as a self-managed team. As a self-managed team, members take collective responsibility for ensuring the team operates effectively, sets team goals, manages time, makes decisions, solves problems, communicates frequently and clearly, and meets the deadline. You may have team members that are located all over the world. Working in a virtual environment should not stop the self-managed team from successfully reaching the final goal. All work must appear in the Group area. As a self-managed team, the following is the work for which team members are responsible: Setting goals; Determining roles and responsibilities for each team member; Actively participating and communicating in the Group area of the classroom;
  • 2. Completing the agreed-upon work before the deadline; Resolving problems and issues among the team members; Agreeing on a final product as a group (consensus decision making); and Submitting the final product into the Assignment Folder (all students will submit into the Assignment Folder). All students on the team will receive the same grade unless a member fails to participate or does not carry his or her weight in completing the project. These students will receive a zero or a reduced grade depending on the level of participation and contribution to the team project. Teams can consist of 2, 3, or 4 students but should not consist of more than four students. Team members are responsible for completing the project even if a team member does not fulfill his or ho create teams other than those created by the instructor. If a team member does not hear from any other member, it is important to reach out to the ier obligation of submitting the agreed-upon work. The project cannot be completed individually, and students cannot choose tnstructor. If the project is submitted after the due date, the Late Assignment policy is applicable. No extensions beyond the due date are granted to teams. Background: Your Group has been assigned to be part of the Succession Plan Committee at Life Science Nutraceuticals (LSN). This Committee has been hard at work for months, planning the successor for President and CEO Alexandria Marvel and the rest of the executive team (largely occupied by the immediate family.) They have assigned your group to complete the Succession Plan for five key leadership positions. These positions will need to be filled over the next 12-24 months. There is not an immediate need for any of them currently, but vacancies will be imminent. The preference is to fill these internally, but President - CEO Marvel has stressed that if the right leader for a position does not exist already within the company, she would rather search for someone externally than settle for less than the most qualified individual. Your Group has already analyzed these five leadership positions and presented a report to President and CEO Marvel about them. Now it is time to identify any internal candidates that may be suitable for these positions. The Committee has already interviewed five different internal candidates that have expressed an interest in furthering their careers at LSN. All have leadership positions currently at different levels and within different departments of LSN. All have agreed to accept any leadership position assigned to them, and all are open to relocating. Instructions: Step 1: Course Material For this project, you are required to use the case scenario facts and the course material. External sources are not permitted. You are not researching on the Internet or using resources from outside the course. You are expected to answer the requirements identified below, showing the connection between the case scenario facts and the course material. Using course material requires going beyond defining terms. Students are expected to apply the terms in the applicable case-scenario situations. Avoid making unsupported statements. Make observations that explain how something happens or why something happens and that focus on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and critically, demonstrating an understanding of the logical connections among the ideas presented in a case scenario, the
  • 3. course material, and the question(s) being asked. A significant in-text citation is expected throughout this assignment. Using one or two in-text citations from the course materials will not earn many points on this assignment. The in-text citation of a variety of course materials is expected to support your analysis. The in-text citation support must be relevant and applicable to the topic being discussed. Points are not earned for mentioning a term or concept but for clearly and thoroughly explaining or discussing the issue being addressed. Step 2: Review the Leadership Competencies Table Review the Leadership Competencies Table completed in Week Two to accompany the Job Announcement. (You may also wish to review any feedback received by your Instructor about your Table.) Step 3: Review Upcoming Positions Review the five different upcoming positions your group has been tasked with filling and the leadership competencies you identified for each position. You may also wish to review any feedback received by your Instructor about these competencies. Step 4: Read Profiles of Five Internal Candidates Read the profiles of the five internal candidates that have put themselves forward for leadership positions. Candidate 1 - Jackie Johnson Current Position - Director of Purchasing Jackie Johnson currently works as Director of Purchasing and obtains this job directly after serving in the military. She is a graduate of UMGC's business administration program. Johnson entered the interview room all smiles and with a firm handshake. The interviewer admitted to being impressed by the firm handshake and the constant eye contact throughout the interview. Johnson was very prepared to discuss her future with the company. She had completed extensive research on all four geographic divisions before the interview. Johnson had also spoken with current employees throughout Headquarters. As Director of Purchasing, Johnson indicated that she had worked very hard to create a small business "subculture" within her department. She felt that her employees were empowered to make their own decisions, which freed her to think strategically about purchasing for LSN. She admits that this "free-rein" approach to leadership has sometimes allowed her department to have missteps in distribution with divisions outside of North America. She has worked hard to overcome that image by altering her leadership style according to the situation or the employee she is dealing with. Her approach to leading is to look for leadership opportunities and encourage employees to act upon them, if possible. Johnson believes she is positive about the future. While she admits to only having worked in the purchasing department, she feels that she can bring a big picture perspective to the company, having worked with suppliers and customers. When asked about her risk tolerance, she replied, "I believe that is demonstrated in the small-business, entrepreneurial subculture I created in purchasing. At the end of the day, I'm more risk-tolerant than cautious." Johnson said she sees herself as a transformational leader. She feels that good leadership is built on good relationships with followers. Relational Theory seems to make the most sense to her for the 21st century because people make change work and leading change in the future. Candidate 2 - Henrietta Higgins Current Position Assistant Director of Purchasing Henrietta currently works at LSN Headquarters in the Purchasing Department. She is 28 years old
  • 4. with 3 years of college. Henrietta is a business administration major and expects to graduate in about one year. She is friendly and has a quiet demeanor. She does not tolerate much nonsense from people, hates surprises, and wants people to be brief in talking with her. When asked what she likes about her current position, she replied that she likes the feeling of a small business that her boss has created within the purchasing department. She appreciates that it makes her feel in control in such an environment. She likes the idea of a collaborative environment and responded well to the idea that her opinions and suggestions were always welcome. However, she expressed some concern that the youthful employees of IT, and some other departments, had plenty of opinions but not a lot of discipline in their work ethic. She has found that structure, procedures, and rules have worked better than asking for input. When asked how her staff perceived her, she laughed and said they called her a "Type A." The interviewer noted that it was only one of two times during the interview that she held his gaze for any length of time during this statement. When asked what characteristics she thought a leader needed to possess to succeed in the 21st century, she replied, "objective, practical, controlled and fair." Higgins said her leadership style was transactional, but the interviewer was unsure if it was more authoritarian. When asked what leadership theory she thought was most likely to work in the 21st century, her reply was "Great Man because it emphasizes the characteristics of a person like honesty and trust." Higgins's knowledge of the business was sound, but she said no when asked if anyone could be a leader. It was up to the position that a person holds. Higgins did understand that sustainability was critical to the business. She said she had some ideas on making the process aspects of LSN better and more efficient while saving costs. She also thought that being eco- friendly was important but realized that was the other meaning of business sustainability. Ca Hide Assignment Information Turnitin This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. Group Category Team Work Group Name Team Get-it-Done Instructions
  • 5. BMGT 365 - Team Deliverable #3 Succession Planning Part Two NOTE: All submitted work is to be your team's original work. You may not use any work from another student, the Internet, or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations concerning proper citation sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 7th Ed. (Students are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only.) Team Deliverable #3 is due Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. eastern time of Week 4 unless otherwise changed by the instructor. Purpose: The purpose of this project is to gain an understanding of succession planning and what it means to plan for future leadership that is aligned with an organization's core values and leadership competencies. Skill Building: You are also completing this project to help you develop the skills of research, critical thinking, teamwork, and writing a report intended for executive review. Writing is critical because, in business, it is important to convey information clearly and concisely and to develop a personal brand. Developing a personal brand is important because it is the ongoing process of establishing an image or impression in the minds of others, especially those in positions above you. Having a strong personal brand can lead to opportunities that include promotions. Skills: Writing, Critical Thinking, Developing a Personal Brand, Succession Planning, Writing a Succession Plan Report. Outcomes Met With This Project: Use leadership theories, assessment tools, and an understanding of the role of ethics, values, and attitudes to evaluate and enhance personal leadership skills; Assess the interactions between the external environment and the organization to foster responsible and effective leadership and organizational practices; Collaborate in teams utilizing effective communication techniques; Develop individual awareness, style, and communication skills that enhance leadership skills; Integrate and apply analytical principles and skills to make strategic decisions. This project is the last of three group projects. Members of the team will collaborate, acting as a self-managed team. As a self-managed team, members take collective responsibility for ensuring the team operates effectively, sets team goals, manages time, makes decisions, solves problems, communicates frequently and clearly, and meets the deadline. You may have team members that are located all over the world. Working in a virtual environment should not stop the self-managed team from successfully reaching the final goal. All work must appear in the Group area. As a self-managed team, the following is the work for which team members are responsible: Setting goals; Determining roles and responsibilities for each team member; Actively participating and communicating in the Group area of the classroom; Completing the agreed-upon work before the deadline; Resolving problems and issues among the team members;
  • 6. Agreeing on a final product as a group (consensus decision making); and Submitting the final product into the Assignment Folder (all students will submit into the Assignment Folder). All students on the team will receive the same grade unless a member fails to participate or does not carry his or her weight in completing the project. These students will receive a zero or a reduced grade depending on the level of participation and contribution to the team project. Teams can consist of 2, 3, or 4 students but should not consist of more than four students. Team members are responsible for completing the project even if a team member does not fulfill his or ho create teams other than those created by the instructor. If a team member does not hear from any other member, it is important to reach out to the ier obligation of submitting the agreed-upon work. The project cannot be completed individually, and students cannot choose tnstructor. If the project is submitted after the due date, the Late Assignment policy is applicable. No extensions beyond the due date are granted to teams. Background: Your Group has been assigned to be part of the Succession Plan Committee at Life Science Nutraceuticals (LSN). This Committee has been hard at work for months, planning the successor for President and CEO Alexandria Marvel and the rest of the executive team (largely occupied by the immediate family.) They have assigned your group to complete the Succession Plan for five key leadership positions. These positions will need to be filled over the next 12-24 months. There is not an immediate need for any of them currently, but vacancies will be imminent. The preference is to fill these internally, but President - CEO Marvel has stressed that if the right leader for a position does not exist already within the company, she would rather search for someone externally than settle for less than the most qualified individual. Your Group has already analyzed these five leadership positions and presented a report to President and CEO Marvel about them. Now it is time to identify any internal candidates that may be suitable for these positions. The Committee has already interviewed five different internal candidates that have expressed an interest in furthering their careers at LSN. All have leadership positions currently at different levels and within different departments of LSN. All have agreed to accept any leadership position assigned to them, and all are open to relocating. Instructions: Step 1: Course Material For this project, you are required to use the case scenario facts and the course material. External sources are not permitted. You are not researching on the Internet or using resources from outside the course. You are expected to answer the requirements identified below, showing the connection between the case scenario facts and the course material. Using course material requires going beyond defining terms. Students are expected to apply the terms in the applicable case-scenario situations. Avoid making unsupported statements. Make observations that explain how something happens or why something happens and that focus on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and critically, demonstrating an understanding of the logical connections among the ideas presented in a case scenario, the course material, and the question(s) being asked. A significant in-text citation is expected throughout this assignment. Using one or two in-text citations from the course materials will not
  • 7. earn many points on this assignment. The in-text citation of a variety of course materials is expected to support your analysis. The in-text citation support must be relevant and applicable to the topic being discussed. Points are not earned for mentioning a term or concept but for clearly and thoroughly explaining or discussing the issue being addressed. Step 2: Review the Leadership Competencies Table Review the Leadership Competencies Table completed in Week Two to accompany the Job Announcement. (You may also wish to review any feedback received by your Instructor about your Table.) Step 3: Review Upcoming Positions Review the five different upcoming positions your group has been tasked with filling and the leadership competencies you identified for each position. You may also wish to review any feedback received by your Instructor about these competencies. Step 4: Read Profiles of Five Internal Candidates Read the profiles of the five internal candidates that have put themselves forward for leadership positions. Candidate 1 - Jackie Johnson Current Position - Director of Purchasing Jackie Johnson currently works as Director of Purchasing and obtains this job directly after serving in the military. She is a graduate of UMGC's business administration program. Johnson entered the interview room all smiles and with a firm handshake. The interviewer admitted to being impressed by the firm handshake and the constant eye contact throughout the interview. Johnson was very prepared to discuss her future with the company. She had completed extensive research on all four geographic divisions before the interview. Johnson had also spoken with current employees throughout Headquarters. As Director of Purchasing, Johnson indicated that she had worked very hard to create a small business "subculture" within her department. She felt that her employees were empowered to make their own decisions, which freed her to think strategically about purchasing for LSN. She admits that this "free-rein" approach to leadership has sometimes allowed her department to have missteps in distribution with divisions outside of North America. She has worked hard to overcome that image by altering her leadership style according to the situation or the employee she is dealing with. Her approach to leading is to look for leadership opportunities and encourage employees to act upon them, if possible. Johnson believes she is positive about the future. While she admits to only having worked in the purchasing department, she feels that she can bring a big picture perspective to the company, having worked with suppliers and customers. When asked about her risk tolerance, she replied, "I believe that is demonstrated in the small-business, entrepreneurial subculture I created in purchasing. At the end of the day, I'm more risk-tolerant than cautious." Johnson said she sees herself as a transformational leader. She feels that good leadership is built on good relationships with followers. Relational Theory seems to make the most sense to her for the 21st century because people make change work and leading change in the future. Candidate 2 - Henrietta Higgins Current Position Assistant Director of Purchasing Henrietta currently works at LSN Headquarters in the Purchasing Department. She is 28 years old with 3 years of college. Henrietta is a business administration major and expects to graduate in about one year. She is friendly and has a quiet demeanor. She does not tolerate much
  • 8. nonsense from people, hates surprises, and wants people to be brief in talking with her. When asked what she likes about her current position, she replied that she likes the feeling of a small business that her boss has created within the purchasing department. She appreciates that it makes her feel in control in such an environment. She likes the idea of a collaborative environment and responded well to the idea that her opinions and suggestions were always welcome. However, she expressed some concern that the youthful employees of IT, and some other departments, had plenty of opinions but not a lot of discipline in their work ethic. She has found that structure, procedures, and rules have worked better than asking for input. When asked how her staff perceived her, she laughed and said they called her a "Type A." The interviewer noted that it was only one of two times during the interview that she held his gaze for any length of time during this statement. When asked what characteristics she thought a leader needed to possess to succeed in the 21st century, she replied, "objective, practical, controlled and fair." Higgins said her leadership style was transactional, but the interviewer was unsure if it was more authoritarian. When asked what leadership theory she thought was most likely to work in the 21st century, her reply was "Great Man because it emphasizes the characteristics of a person like honesty and trust." Higgins's knowledge of the business was sound, but she said no when asked if anyone could be a leader. It was up to the position that a person holds. Higgins did understand that sustainability was critical to the business. She said she had some ideas on making the process aspects of LSN better and more efficient while saving costs. She also thought that being eco- friendly was important but realized that was the other meaning of business sustainability. Ca