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Enjoy your dinner. We will start soon
with feedback from anyone who did
some mojo last night or today …
Overview of tonight

1.  Some background about sunset and sunrise
    media industries (context for change)	

2.  Apps for reporting	

3.  Storybuilding case study	

4.  Multi-media / mojo reporting techniques	

5.  Q&A
A presentation to journalists at the
Philippine Daily Inquirer Company
Manila, 5 October 2011

Stephen Quinn, PhD               Notes at
Workshops in Asian region
•  Asian Center for Journalism, Manila	

•  Asian News Network, Bangkok	

•  Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting
   Development, Kuala Lumpur	

•  Malaysian Press Institute	

•  Nation Group, Bangkok	

•  Seoul Press Club	

•  Cambodian Club of Journalists, Phnom Penh	

•  Nanyang Technological Uni, Singapore	

•  Various Indian universities
Business of journalism: USA

                   US daily newspapers	



   production: 70%	

                                             editorial: 14%	

                                             marketing: 16%	

Business of journalism: Oz
             Daily newspapers in Australia	






Business of journalism: China

                 Chinese daily newspapers	



                                                 production: 35%	

                                                 editorial: 35%	

                                                 marketing: 30%	

Why talk abut these things?

•  Media are businesses; need to make profit to
   survive. Also need audiences	

•  Exceptions: public broadcasters and some
   trusts (eg Scott Trust for The Guardian)	

•  Does anyone know breakdown of costs for
   Filipino newspapers?
What this means at NYTimes

•  Print/distribution: $US 795 million	

   –  Newsprint $US 65 million 	

•  Editorial: $US 245 million (under a third
   of production costs) 	

•  Numbers from 2009; editorial moneys have
   probably declined since
Audiences getting older
•  Average age of US TV audiences: 57	

     •  NBC, 56 years; ABC, 59; CBS, 61; CNN, 62	

•  Average age of US newspaper reader:
   53 years.	

  –  For Australian newspapers: 50	

  –  For Filipino newspapers: ?
More on audience change
•  Median age of US population 37 versus
   newspaper reader: 53	

•  Median age in Philippines?	

•  Australia: media age of population 36
   versus newspaper reader: 50	

•  Median age Australian online audience:
   22.5 years (more on that later)
Media consumption in Australia


                               smh/theage page impressions	

                               % Listen to the radio	

                                                                % Use the internet	

                                                                % Read a magazine	

                                                                                        % Watch TV	

                                                                                        % Read a newspaper   	









                                                                                                                               Page Impressions	

% of Population	












What previous slide suggests
•    Australian read newspapers in morning and
     listen to radio. TV has small audience	

•    Online at work and / or home all hours of day.
     Peak use in business hours. Broadband access a
     key uptake factor	

•    Television gets big audiences after 6pm	

•    Mobile news: anywhere and anytime. But
     becoming popular 7am-9am for commuters and
     business people	

•    Question: How can a media company reach all
     consumer segments?	

•    Answer: multiple platforms or convergence	

Likely future …

•  Move to digital: From newspapers that
   have websites, to great websites that have
   associated print products	

•  Focus on strengths of media platforms	

•  For example: Print will focus on analytical
   content, in longer form (why and how).
   Online will focus on breaking news and
   multimedia (what, when and where)
Newsflow across platforms	

                                                                                                                      Diagram courtesy of
                                                                                                                      WAN / Ifra	

                                              Audience / target groups	

Mobile alert	






                                 Lead story	

                             news online	


                                                               News flash	




                                       The brand of the media house/editorial	

                                                                                                                    AGC = audience
                                                                                                                    generated content	

             News event	

                                                                                                                     Cross reference
What does this mean for you?

•  Journalists must understand strengths and
   weaknesses of main reporting platforms	

1. Print (newspaper and magazine)	

2. Broadcast (radio and television)	

3. Online	

4. Mobile/tablets	

•  Journalists must understand when audiences
   take different media 	

Group exercise

•  Break into 4 groups	

•  Produce a list of the strengths and
   weaknesses for journalism of the media
   platform you are assigned	

•  One person in group will report back	

•  You have 20 minutes …
Modern reporters need to:
 1.  Understand strengths and
     weaknesses of four media forms
     (helps us choose most appropriate
     way to tell our stories)	

 2.  Understand their audiences	

 3.  Develop multimedia mindset	

 4.  Understand power of new
     newsgathering tools, and new

Modern reporters need to:
1.  Some will need to know how to work like a
    wire service reporter	

  –  balance of speed and accuracy; many deadlines	

  –  appreciate continuous nature of news cycles	

2.  Concentrate on “craft mastery” but
    appreciate different writing styles and be
    able to work across platforms	

3.  Develop depth of knowledge in one subject	

     •    “T” learning	

Why this approach?
•  Modern reporting is based on the story	

•  The news values/characteristics of
   the story influences way news reported	

   –  A routine story such as news conference requires basic
      form of reporting, and one reporter	

   –  But a big fire in a block of apartments needs another
      form of reporting because of the nature of the story	

•  Needs constant discussion about how you will tell
   each story	

Why this approach?
•  Journalists need to think about who is
   going to hear / read / see their story	

•  Ask: Who is the audience for this story?	

•  What is the most appropriate platform?	

•  The audience influences the way news is

Aussies aged 18-22

•  All have mobile phone	

•  Surveyed annually 2006 to 2009	



n (2009) = 245; 51% response, 2006-09	

•  Use phone more for text than talk	

•  9 / 10 (89%) take photos with phone	

•  Half (53%) send photos from phone
Aussies aged 18-22

•    7 / 10 (73%) shoot video with phone	

•    1 / 5 (19%) send videos from phone	

•    2 / 5 (43%) access Internet from phone	

•    4 / 5 (80%) happy to receive advertising
Twitter and Facebook use

•  Student survey August-September 2010	

•  75% students have Twitter accounts (before
   required by teacher)	

  –  4 / 5 female	

•  All had Facebook account
Online Asians aged 8-24 multi-task*
•  On average day Asians^ aged 8-24 will	

    –  Email 56.2 minutes 	

                  * They sleep about 8
    –  Social networking 69.4 minutes 	

      hours, yet manage to
                                               squeeze 30 hours of
    –  Instant messaging 134.2 minutes 	

     activity into 16
    –  Other Internet activities 111.1 minutes waking hours	


•  Total 6 hours and 10.8 minutes	

^ Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines,
   South Korea, China, India, Japan and Vietnam 	

 Source: Synovate Young Asians 2008 Target Report
What media do you trust?

                                                       Recommendations from
                                                       friends/family: 54%	

                                                          adverts: 16%	

Source: TNS Media 2009 (China, HK, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand)
Future journalism must embrace

 •  Social media	

 •  Multiple platforms to reach many audiences	

   –  Multimedia	

 •  Mobility (remember the audience)	

 •  Become entrepreneurial (think brand)
Case study from Norway	

Norway’s equivalent of PDI
News displays outside the office
Newsdesk at Aftenposten

    Newsdesk at Aftenposten, Oslo. Aftenposten (though a
    tabloid) is a serious daily. Shared newsroom with a
    circular news desk.
VG: Norway’s most popular tabloid

                Integrated newspaper (print
                and online)	

                Tabloid size but serious

                Lots of content from
                audience, who are paid
Editorial numbers at VG
•  Note: shared newsroom with news hub	

•  VG (print) 160 journalists; about half work
   as reporters	

• (online) 50 editorial staff but 40
   work as reporters Norway’s most popular web site

                Online site very popular: 77%
                of Norwegians read
                online each month 	

                86% of traffic goes through the
                home page	

                Home page banner advert
                worth 210,000 NOK/ 24 hours
3 people edit home page
One person monitors social media
                      All 40 VG reporters
                      have Twitter and
                      Facebook accounts
                      linked to byline	

                      Editor-in-chief Espen
                      Egil Hansen expects
                      reporters to spent 20%
                      of time each week with
                      social media
The future is bright …
A workshop for the
Philippine Daily Inquirer
5 October 2011

Stephen Quinn
iPhone replaces many tools
Where do we start?

•    Accessing iTunes	

•    Organising apps	

•    Deleting apps	

•    Maximising battery
Apps for finding things

•  Laptop Cafes (wifi)	

•  Melbourne Coffee	

•  Around Me (petrol, ATM, parking, bars,
   coffee, hospitals, hotels, cinemas, etc)
Useful apps

•    Voice Memo	

•    iTalk (Lite is free version)	

•    Clock	

•    Maps	

•    Skype
More useful apps

•    ProPrompter	

•    Business Card Reader	

•    Banner Free	

•    Facebook / Flickr / LinkedIn	

•    Metro maps (Shanghai)

•    Dragon Dictation	

•    XE Currency calculator	

•    Calculator	

•    Alarm Clock
Audio-visual apps

•    TweetDeck and Twitteriffic (tweeting)	

•    AudioBoo (podcasts)	

•    Qik (streaming video)	

•    Showcase (slideshows)	

•    1st Video (TV)
iPhone apps for video photo:	

Mashable’s iPhone site: 	

Poynter mobile column:  	

Quinn Delicious:  	

Quinn mojo blog: 	

Vericorder’s web site
Mojo techniques	

A presentation to the
Philippine Daily Inquirer
5 October 2011

Stephen Quinn
Levels of multi-media reporting

•  Three levels of multi-    1.  Breaking news	

   media reporting, with     2.  Multi platform coverage
   breaking news as the          of story (“storybuilding”)	

   first level	

                             3.  Long form (feature)	

•  The mojo allows news

Other tools available for
   web sites to get multi-
                                   more sophisticated forms
   media of breaking
                                   of multi-media	

   news online quickly
Recent examples of level 1
•  Burma protests; aftermath of Iranian
   elections; Urumqi riots; Jakarta bombings;
   Haiti earthquake; Moscow subway
   bombings; Japan tsunami	

•  Useful for isolated locations	

  –  AlJazeera mojos in Niger and Mali in Africa	

•  CBS TV journalist used iPhone to do first
   live cross in July 2009
What mojo offers …
•  Breaking news: Mojo gives online sites
   multi-media almost live …	

  –  Video, audio and still photos plus text	

•  Mojo via iPhone offers quality multi-media
   slideshows, audio and video …	

•  Mojo allows reporters to get exclusives
   because controllers/authorities do not
   believe interview is taking place …
A case study from Australia
•  No one-on-one interviews	

•  I got the only individual
   interview with player 	

•  Player thought I was just
   chatting …	

•  I streamed live video to
   paper’s web site in seconds	

•  It was an exclusive
Level 2	


Case study from Fairfax Media

Multimedia case study: Pasha Bulker

“It was a dark and stormy night” Edward Bulwer Lytton* 	

 First report that a large ship was close to running aground on Newcastle beach,
 160km north of Sydney, came from the news desk at 10.15am on Friday, 8
 June 2007. It was the start of a 3-day weekend (Monday was a public holiday)	

 The first story (2 sentences) went online a few minutes later.	

 At the top of the story was an invitation to readers to send pictures or videos
 via the Scoop email address. Scoop is a blue button on all news pages of the
 Sydney Morning Herald with an email address. 	

                                           *This is generally regarded as the worst
                                           introduction to a novel ever written. But it
                                           seems appropriate for this story 	

Some photographs from the audience	

More photographs from the audience	

Another of the photographs from the audience	

A reader sent a link to their YouTube site	

•  Meanwhile reporters Jano Gibson,
   Erik Jensen and David Braithwaite
   continued to update the story from

•  The editor of The Newcastle
   Herald, Rod Quinn, filed quotes
   from the beach to one of the
   reporters. These were included in
   the story.	

•  The multimedia news team did a
   second interview with Rod Quinn.
   This audio was added to the site.	

Photo-gallery from contributed pictures	

Multimedia editor Kim Porteous built a photo-gallery from the
readers’ pictures that came by email to Scoop plus pictures from
Newcastle Herald photographers: Photogallery	

This was soon converted into a slideshow (built with Soundslides). It
was a silent slideshow at first.	

Then it was updated with an interview with Newcastle Herald reporter
Greg Wendt.	

The best and latest images were added to the slideshow during the

Bad weather spread across the entire state of NSW*	

                                    Reporters updated the main
                                    story as the wild weather

                                    Two other ships narrowly
                                    missed running aground. 	

                                    The Pasha Bulker crew
                                    rescued from the ship.	

                                    Concerns the ship was
                                    leaking fuel and posed an
                                    environmental risk.	

  *New South Wales contains a
  third of Australia’s              The site moved to a larger
  population, so the story          presentation of the story
                                    about 2pm (see image).	

  impacted on many people	

Many weather-related stories appeared on the site	

A second photo-gallery of wild weather in Sydney put on the site later in the
day: Wild weather photo gallery	

Then a separate story about a couple reportedly being washed away in their
four-wheel-drive in the Hunter region of the state	

About 5pm reports from the ambulance service that as many as nine people
had been swept away by flood waters	

At 7pm a photograph of the collapsed road came through and was blended
with the story of the missing family: Highway collapse	

The bad weather continued for two more days	

The site continued to update the stories throughout the night and for the next
two days	

Online reporter David Braithwaite recorded audio about the floods around
Maitland, 50km from Newcastle, and this was turned into a slide show:
Flood slideshow	

The site also linked to a Coastwatch livecam for the rescue operation 	

Lessons learned from this story	

•  Producing stories with multimedia elements is a team effort 

•  The audience is happy to contribute to the story	

•  Reporters break the story with a few words via their mobile telling what
   happened …

•  Vital to plan ahead and communicate – reporters on the scene need to tell
   the newsdesk if they think a story can benefit from a video or a graphic

•  Getting right people to the right places can take some time to organise, so
   the earlier everyone knows what is happening the better.	

Lessons learned at Fairfax Media

•  Debate and communication vital	

    –  People need time to accept the change from
       mono-media to multi-media working	

    –  Some need chance to vent their feelings	

•  Training never ends (lifelong learning)	

•  Need to work on processes appropriate for a 24-
   hour newsroom	

    –  Constant deadlines	

Lessons learned at Fairfax Media

•  Newsroom structure influences information flow	

•  Need for one conductor in a converged newsroom	

•  Web first policy … but keep occasional exclusive for

•  Filing online and building the story produces more
   angles through audience feedback	

MOJO reporting techniques
•  Interviews: Get close so the person fills the
   screen (in TV language, think close up).
   This also ensures you get good sound	

•  Speak slowly and clearly when you ask

•  Shoot outside as much as possible. If you
   have to shoot inside, put subject sideways
   by a window (not in front of it) and use the
   light from the window.
MOJO reporting techniques

•  Avoid sudden movements -- images tend to
   get blurred (but OK if you want to suggest

•  Better to choose a location and let action
   come to you	

•  Watch videos at International Center for
Other options: Flip camera
•  Flip camera makes it   •  HD version of Flip
   all so easy …	

          available since May 2009
Skype for reporting
•  Video interviews via
   skype, plus CallRecorder	

•  Drop video into editing
Demonstrate skype

•  Talk about CallRecorder
Thank you for your time

•  Questions   ?

Stephen Quinn	


Blogs: and	


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Pdi day02

  • 1. WELCOME BACK ! Enjoy your dinner. We will start soon with feedback from anyone who did some mojo last night or today …
  • 2. Overview of tonight 1.  Some background about sunset and sunrise media industries (context for change) 2.  Apps for reporting 3.  Storybuilding case study 4.  Multi-media / mojo reporting techniques 5.  Q&A
  • 3. SOME THOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE OF JOURNALISM A presentation to journalists at the Philippine Daily Inquirer Company Manila, 5 October 2011 Stephen Quinn, PhD Notes at
  • 4. Workshops in Asian region •  Asian Center for Journalism, Manila •  Asian News Network, Bangkok •  Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, Kuala Lumpur •  Malaysian Press Institute •  Nation Group, Bangkok •  Seoul Press Club •  Cambodian Club of Journalists, Phnom Penh •  Nanyang Technological Uni, Singapore •  Various Indian universities
  • 5. 5
  • 6. Business of journalism: USA US daily newspapers 16% 70% production: 70% editorial: 14% marketing: 16% 14%
  • 7. Business of journalism: Oz Daily newspapers in Australia 20% production editorial 62% marketing 18%
  • 8. Business of journalism: China Chinese daily newspapers 30% 35% production: 35% editorial: 35% marketing: 30% 35%
  • 9. Why talk abut these things? •  Media are businesses; need to make profit to survive. Also need audiences •  Exceptions: public broadcasters and some trusts (eg Scott Trust for The Guardian) •  Does anyone know breakdown of costs for Filipino newspapers?
  • 10. What this means at NYTimes •  Print/distribution: $US 795 million –  Newsprint $US 65 million •  Editorial: $US 245 million (under a third of production costs) •  Numbers from 2009; editorial moneys have probably declined since
  • 11. Audiences getting older •  Average age of US TV audiences: 57 •  NBC, 56 years; ABC, 59; CBS, 61; CNN, 62 •  Average age of US newspaper reader: 53 years. –  For Australian newspapers: 50 –  For Filipino newspapers: ?
  • 12. More on audience change •  Median age of US population 37 versus newspaper reader: 53 •  Median age in Philippines? •  Australia: media age of population 36 versus newspaper reader: 50 •  Median age Australian online audience: 22.5 years (more on that later)
  • 13. Media consumption in Australia 100% smh/theage page impressions % Listen to the radio % Use the internet % Read a magazine % Watch TV % Read a newspaper 800000 90% 700000 80% 600000 70% 500000 60% Page Impressions % of Population 50% 400000 40% 300000 30% 200000 20% 100000 10% 0% 0 13
  • 14. What previous slide suggests •  Australian read newspapers in morning and listen to radio. TV has small audience •  Online at work and / or home all hours of day. Peak use in business hours. Broadband access a key uptake factor •  Television gets big audiences after 6pm •  Mobile news: anywhere and anytime. But becoming popular 7am-9am for commuters and business people •  Question: How can a media company reach all consumer segments? •  Answer: multiple platforms or convergence 14
  • 15. Likely future … •  Move to digital: From newspapers that have websites, to great websites that have associated print products •  Focus on strengths of media platforms •  For example: Print will focus on analytical content, in longer form (why and how). Online will focus on breaking news and multimedia (what, when and where)
  • 16. Newsflow across platforms Diagram courtesy of WAN / Ifra Audience / target groups Mobile alert Mobile Online Broadcast Print Updates Lead story Breaking news online AGC News flash Report AGC Analysis The brand of the media house/editorial AGC = audience generated content News event Cross reference
  • 17. What does this mean for you? •  Journalists must understand strengths and weaknesses of main reporting platforms 1. Print (newspaper and magazine) 2. Broadcast (radio and television) 3. Online 4. Mobile/tablets •  Journalists must understand when audiences take different media 17
  • 18. Group exercise •  Break into 4 groups •  Produce a list of the strengths and weaknesses for journalism of the media platform you are assigned •  One person in group will report back •  You have 20 minutes …
  • 19. Modern reporters need to: 1.  Understand strengths and weaknesses of four media forms (helps us choose most appropriate way to tell our stories) 2.  Understand their audiences 3.  Develop multimedia mindset 4.  Understand power of new newsgathering tools, and new software 19
  • 20. Modern reporters need to: 1.  Some will need to know how to work like a wire service reporter –  balance of speed and accuracy; many deadlines –  appreciate continuous nature of news cycles 2.  Concentrate on “craft mastery” but appreciate different writing styles and be able to work across platforms 3.  Develop depth of knowledge in one subject •  “T” learning 20
  • 21. Why this approach? •  Modern reporting is based on the story •  The news values/characteristics of the story influences way news reported –  A routine story such as news conference requires basic form of reporting, and one reporter –  But a big fire in a block of apartments needs another form of reporting because of the nature of the story •  Needs constant discussion about how you will tell each story 21
  • 22. Why this approach? •  Journalists need to think about who is going to hear / read / see their story •  Ask: Who is the audience for this story? •  What is the most appropriate platform? •  The audience influences the way news is reported 22
  • 24. Aussies aged 18-22 •  All have mobile phone •  Surveyed annually 2006 to 2009 n (2009) = 245; 51% response, 2006-09 •  Use phone more for text than talk •  9 / 10 (89%) take photos with phone •  Half (53%) send photos from phone
  • 25. Aussies aged 18-22 •  7 / 10 (73%) shoot video with phone •  1 / 5 (19%) send videos from phone •  2 / 5 (43%) access Internet from phone •  4 / 5 (80%) happy to receive advertising
  • 26. Twitter and Facebook use •  Student survey August-September 2010 •  75% students have Twitter accounts (before required by teacher) –  4 / 5 female •  All had Facebook account
  • 27. Online Asians aged 8-24 multi-task* •  On average day Asians^ aged 8-24 will –  Email 56.2 minutes * They sleep about 8 –  Social networking 69.4 minutes hours, yet manage to squeeze 30 hours of –  Instant messaging 134.2 minutes activity into 16 –  Other Internet activities 111.1 minutes waking hours •  Total 6 hours and 10.8 minutes ^ Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, South Korea, China, India, Japan and Vietnam Source: Synovate Young Asians 2008 Target Report
  • 28. What media do you trust? Recommendations from friends/family: 54% Newspaper adverts: 16% Source: TNS Media 2009 (China, HK, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand)
  • 30. Future journalism must embrace •  Social media •  Multiple platforms to reach many audiences –  Multimedia •  Mobility (remember the audience) •  Become entrepreneurial (think brand)
  • 31. Case study from Norway HOW SCHIBSTED WORKS WITH THE AUDIENCE
  • 33. News displays outside the office
  • 34. Newsdesk at Aftenposten Newsdesk at Aftenposten, Oslo. Aftenposten (though a tabloid) is a serious daily. Shared newsroom with a circular news desk.
  • 35. VG: Norway’s most popular tabloid Integrated newspaper (print and online) Tabloid size but serious content Lots of content from audience, who are paid
  • 36. Editorial numbers at VG •  Note: shared newsroom with news hub •  VG (print) 160 journalists; about half work as reporters • (online) 50 editorial staff but 40 work as reporters
  • 37. Norway’s most popular web site Online site very popular: 77% of Norwegians read online each month 86% of traffic goes through the home page Home page banner advert worth 210,000 NOK/ 24 hours
  • 38. 3 people edit home page
  • 39. One person monitors social media All 40 VG reporters have Twitter and Facebook accounts linked to byline Editor-in-chief Espen Egil Hansen expects reporters to spent 20% of time each week with social media
  • 40. The future is bright …
  • 41. THE iPHONE FOR REPORTING A workshop for the Philippine Daily Inquirer 5 October 2011 Stephen Quinn
  • 43. Where do we start? •  Accessing iTunes •  Organising apps •  Deleting apps •  Maximising battery
  • 44. Apps for finding things •  Laptop Cafes (wifi) •  Melbourne Coffee •  Around Me (petrol, ATM, parking, bars, coffee, hospitals, hotels, cinemas, etc)
  • 45. Useful apps •  Voice Memo •  iTalk (Lite is free version) •  Clock •  Maps •  Skype
  • 46. More useful apps •  ProPrompter •  Business Card Reader •  Banner Free •  Facebook / Flickr / LinkedIn •  Metro maps (Shanghai)
  • 47. Productivity •  Dragon Dictation •  XE Currency calculator •  Calculator •  Alarm Clock
  • 48. Audio-visual apps •  TweetDeck and Twitteriffic (tweeting) •  AudioBoo (podcasts) •  Qik (streaming video) •  Showcase (slideshows) •  1st Video (TV)
  • 49. Resources iPhone apps for video photo: Mashable’s iPhone site: Poynter mobile column:   Quinn Delicious:   Quinn mojo blog: Vericorder’s web site
  • 50. Mojo techniques A presentation to the Philippine Daily Inquirer 5 October 2011 Stephen Quinn
  • 51. Levels of multi-media reporting •  Three levels of multi- 1.  Breaking news media reporting, with 2.  Multi platform coverage breaking news as the of story (“storybuilding”) first level 3.  Long form (feature) •  The mojo allows news Other tools available for web sites to get multi- more sophisticated forms media of breaking of multi-media news online quickly
  • 52. Recent examples of level 1 •  Burma protests; aftermath of Iranian elections; Urumqi riots; Jakarta bombings; Haiti earthquake; Moscow subway bombings; Japan tsunami •  Useful for isolated locations –  AlJazeera mojos in Niger and Mali in Africa •  CBS TV journalist used iPhone to do first live cross in July 2009
  • 53. What mojo offers … •  Breaking news: Mojo gives online sites multi-media almost live … –  Video, audio and still photos plus text •  Mojo via iPhone offers quality multi-media slideshows, audio and video … •  Mojo allows reporters to get exclusives because controllers/authorities do not believe interview is taking place …
  • 54. A case study from Australia •  No one-on-one interviews •  I got the only individual interview with player •  Player thought I was just chatting … •  I streamed live video to paper’s web site in seconds •  It was an exclusive
  • 55. Level 2 STORY-BUILDING Case study from Fairfax Media 55
  • 56. Multimedia case study: Pasha Bulker 56
  • 57. “It was a dark and stormy night” Edward Bulwer Lytton* First report that a large ship was close to running aground on Newcastle beach, 160km north of Sydney, came from the news desk at 10.15am on Friday, 8 June 2007. It was the start of a 3-day weekend (Monday was a public holiday) The first story (2 sentences) went online a few minutes later. At the top of the story was an invitation to readers to send pictures or videos via the Scoop email address. Scoop is a blue button on all news pages of the Sydney Morning Herald with an email address. *This is generally regarded as the worst introduction to a novel ever written. But it seems appropriate for this story 57
  • 58. Some photographs from the audience 58
  • 59. More photographs from the audience 59
  • 60. Another of the photographs from the audience 60
  • 61. A reader sent a link to their YouTube site •  Meanwhile reporters Jano Gibson, Erik Jensen and David Braithwaite continued to update the story from Sydney. •  The editor of The Newcastle Herald, Rod Quinn, filed quotes from the beach to one of the reporters. These were included in the story. •  The multimedia news team did a second interview with Rod Quinn. This audio was added to the site. 61
  • 62. Photo-gallery from contributed pictures Multimedia editor Kim Porteous built a photo-gallery from the readers’ pictures that came by email to Scoop plus pictures from Newcastle Herald photographers: Photogallery This was soon converted into a slideshow (built with Soundslides). It was a silent slideshow at first. Then it was updated with an interview with Newcastle Herald reporter Greg Wendt. The best and latest images were added to the slideshow during the day. 62
  • 63. Bad weather spread across the entire state of NSW* Reporters updated the main story as the wild weather continued. Two other ships narrowly missed running aground. The Pasha Bulker crew rescued from the ship. Concerns the ship was leaking fuel and posed an environmental risk. *New South Wales contains a third of Australia’s The site moved to a larger population, so the story presentation of the story about 2pm (see image). impacted on many people 63
  • 64. Many weather-related stories appeared on the site A second photo-gallery of wild weather in Sydney put on the site later in the day: Wild weather photo gallery Then a separate story about a couple reportedly being washed away in their four-wheel-drive in the Hunter region of the state About 5pm reports from the ambulance service that as many as nine people had been swept away by flood waters At 7pm a photograph of the collapsed road came through and was blended with the story of the missing family: Highway collapse 64
  • 65. The bad weather continued for two more days The site continued to update the stories throughout the night and for the next two days Online reporter David Braithwaite recorded audio about the floods around Maitland, 50km from Newcastle, and this was turned into a slide show: Flood slideshow The site also linked to a Coastwatch livecam for the rescue operation 65
  • 66. Lessons learned from this story •  Producing stories with multimedia elements is a team effort •  The audience is happy to contribute to the story •  Reporters break the story with a few words via their mobile telling what happened … •  Vital to plan ahead and communicate – reporters on the scene need to tell the newsdesk if they think a story can benefit from a video or a graphic online •  Getting right people to the right places can take some time to organise, so the earlier everyone knows what is happening the better. 66
  • 67. Lessons learned at Fairfax Media •  Debate and communication vital –  People need time to accept the change from mono-media to multi-media working –  Some need chance to vent their feelings •  Training never ends (lifelong learning) •  Need to work on processes appropriate for a 24- hour newsroom –  Constant deadlines 67
  • 68. Lessons learned at Fairfax Media •  Newsroom structure influences information flow •  Need for one conductor in a converged newsroom •  Web first policy … but keep occasional exclusive for paper •  Filing online and building the story produces more angles through audience feedback 68
  • 69. MOJO reporting techniques •  Interviews: Get close so the person fills the screen (in TV language, think close up). This also ensures you get good sound •  Speak slowly and clearly when you ask questions  •  Shoot outside as much as possible. If you have to shoot inside, put subject sideways by a window (not in front of it) and use the light from the window.
  • 70. MOJO reporting techniques •  Avoid sudden movements -- images tend to get blurred (but OK if you want to suggest action) •  Better to choose a location and let action come to you •  Watch videos at International Center for Journalists:
  • 71. Other options: Flip camera •  Flip camera makes it •  HD version of Flip all so easy … available since May 2009
  • 72. Skype for reporting •  Video interviews via skype, plus CallRecorder •  Drop video into editing package
  • 73. Demonstrate skype •  Talk about CallRecorder
  • 74. Thank you for your time •  Questions ? Stephen Quinn Email: Blogs: and 74