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Life is a journey, not a destination. 
Where will you go today?
Education is not preparation for 
life; education is life itself. 
~John Dewey 
The future is not some place we are going, 
but one we are creating. The paths are not found, 
but made, and the activity of making them 
changes both the maker and the destination. 
~John Schaar 
What are Pathways? 
Student-Centered Standards-Based Future-Oriented 
Pathways are opportunities for students to explore their passions in real and meaningful ways. Similar 
to electives, Pathways occur during school and are academic. Unlike electives, however, Pathways are 
driven by student interest, not the school schedule. In fact, in order to be classified as a Pathway, each 
Pathway must adhere to five essential attributes: 
All Pathways must originate from student passion. In traditional models, students 
select from pre-chosen electives which change little from year to year. Pathways, 
on the other hand, are driven by students and are therefore naturally of high 
interest and relevancy for them, which increases their motivation to learn. 
Pathways are academic in nature. No matter the Pathway, learning can always be 
aligned with Common Core State Standards, as well as state and local standards. 
Students still must know how to read for information, learn new vocabulary, 
understand content related to their pathway and work in groups, to name a few. 
In Pathways, every teacher becomes a Learning Engineer, designing and 
engineering engaging opportunies for student achievement. 
All Pathways are career oriented. Even the term Pathway is used in Career and 
Technical Education to illustrate a course of study in a field or discipline. 21st 
Century Skills are also embedded to help students learn the skills necessary for 
their future. 
Community engagement is key to any successful Pathway. As Pathways are driven 
by student passion, it is important to connect students with mentors who share this 
passion so they may guide the student in the learning process. These mentors may 
be teachers or members of the community. Students must also exhibit their 
Pathway experience and demonstrate their learning and achievements to others in 
some fashion. 
In order to best prepare our students to be successful in today’s society, technology 
must be used as a key tool in student learning. Today’s students have never known 
life without computers, the internet and portable devices, and these technologies 
will become ever more integrated into our future lives. Therefore, teaching students 
how to navigate and use these resources is critical to their future success. 
These five attributes along with the Multiple Intelligences help us to maintain a strong Pathway 
curriculum for all students. This ensures that Pathways are positive and engaging learning 
experiences for all of our students. 
The overall goal of Pathways is to create community-oriented learning environments from 
opportunities rooted in student passion. Pathways allow learning opportunities to look less like 
school, and more like life itself. 
At Ilwaco Middle School, 
we encourage the discovery and 
relentless pursuit of 
one’s passion.
Multiple Intelligences 
Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart) 
Bodily-kinesthetic students are highly aware of the world through touch and movement. There is a 
special harmony between their bodies and their minds. They can control their bodies with grace, 
expertise, and athleticism These students learn better by movement and are generally good at 
physical activities such as sports, dance, acting, and making things. 
Intrapersonal (Self Smart) 
People with a strong intrapersonal intelligence have a deep awareness of their feelings, ideas, and 
goals. Students with this intelligence usually need time alone to process and create. 
Interpersonal (People Smart) 
Students strong in interpersonal intelligence have a natural ability to interact with, relate to, and 
get along with others effectively. They are good leaders. They use their insights about others to 
negotiate, persuade, and obtain information. They like to interact with others and usually have 
lots of people around. 
Logical-Mathematical (Math Smart) 
Logical-mathematical students enjoy working with numbers. They can easily interpret data and 
analyze abstract patterns. They have a well-developed ability to reason and are good at things like 
chess and computer programming. They think in terms of cause and effect 
Musical-Rhythmic (Music Smart) 
Musical students think, feel, and process information primarily through sound. They have a superior 
ability to perceive, compose, and/or perform music. Musically smart people constantly hear musical 
notes in their head. 
Naturalistic (Nature Smart) 
This intelligence refers to a person’s natural interest in the environment. These people enjoy being in 
nature and want to protect it from pollution. Students with strong naturalistic intelligence easily recog-nize 
and categorize plants, animals, and rocks. 
Verbal-Linguistic (Word Smart) 
Verbal-linguistic students love words and use them as a primary way of thinking and solving problems. 
They are good writers, speakers, or both. They use words to persuade, argue, entertain, and/or teach. 
Visual-Spatial (Picture Smart) 
Students strong in spatial intelligence think and process information in pictures and images. They have 
excellent visual receptive skills and excellent fine motor skills. Students with this intelligence use their 
eyes and hands to make artistic or creatively designed projects. For example, they can often build with 
Legos, read maps, and put together 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles. 
This visual model of Multiple Intelligences was created for use by Ocean Beach School District for the 
development of Ilwaco Middle School Pathways. 
Definitions above come from, based upon the book Brain-Based Strategies to Reach Every 
Learner, by J. Dianne Connell, © 2005, published by Scholastic. 
Model for 
Self-Discovery and Growth 
Who am I? 
Who do I want to be? 
What can I do? 
What do I want to learn to do? 
Pathway Clusters by Multiple Intelligences 
Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart) 
Intrapersonal (Self Smart) 
Interpersonal (People Smart) 
Logical-Mathematical (Math Smart) 
• 4-H 
• Aquaculture 
• Archery 
• Art: Drawing and Painting 
• Canoeing and Boating 
• Culinary Arts 
• Dance 
• Drama 
• Gardening and Landscaping 
• Green Team 
• Longboarding and Board Sports 
• Mechanical and Small Engine 
• Mountain Biking and Bike 
• Outdoor Survival 
• Personal Fitness 
• Team Sports 
• Teen Cert 
• 4-H 
• Aquaculture 
• Archery 
• Art: Drawing and Painting 
• Collecting 
• Computers 
• Creative Writing and Poetry 
• Culinary Arts 
• Entrepreneurship/Start a business 
• Fashion Design 
• Game Design / Chess 
• Gardening and Landscaping 
• Green Team 
• Humane Society 
• Jewelry Making 
• MAKE: Inventor’s Workshop 
• Marine Biology 
• Mechanics/Small Engine Repair 
• Mountain Biking / Bike Repair 
• Movie Making 
• Personal Fitness 
• Print Shop and Graphic Design 
• Psychology 
• Robotics 
• School Magazine, Yearbook 
• Critics Corner 
• Debate and Public Speaking 
• Destination Imagination 
• Drama 
• Entrepreneurship / Start your 
own business 
• Movie Making 
• Philanthropy 
• Radio Broadcasting 
• School Magazine, Yearbook and 
• Social Committee and 
• Student Court 
• Team Sports 
• World Cultures 
• Aquaculture 
• Collecting 
• Computers and Programming 
• Debate and Public Speaking 
• Destination Imagination 
• Entrepeneurship / Start your 
own business 
• Game Design / Chess 
• MAKE: Inventor’s Workshop 
• Marine Biology 
• Mechanical and Small Engine 
• Pscyhology 
• Robotics 
• Social Committee and 
• Student Court 
• Teen Cert
Pathway Clusters by Multiple Intelligences 
Musical-Rhythmic (Music Smart) 
Naturalistic (Nature Smart) 
Verbal-Linguistic (Word Smart) 
Visual-Spatial (Picture Smart) 
• Dance 
• Drama 
• Radio Broadcasting 
• World Cultures 
• 4-H 
• Aquaculture 
• Canoeing/Boating 
• Culinary Arts 
• Gardening and Landscaping 
• Green Team 
• Humane Society 
• Marine Biology 
• Outdoor Survival 
• Psychology 
• Creative Writing and Poetry 
• Critics Corner 
• Debate and Public Speaking 
• Destination Imagination 
• Drama 
• Movie Making 
• Radio Broadcasting 
• School Magazine, Yearbook and 
• Student Court 
• Art: Drawing and Painting 
• Collecting 
• Computers 
• Culinary Arts 
• Destination Imagination 
• Fashion Design 
• Green Team 
• Jewelry Making 
• MAKE: Inventor’s Workshop 
• Mechanical and Small Engine 
• Mountain Biking and Bike 
• Repair 
• Movie Making 
• Print Shop and Graphic Design 
• Quilting 
• Robotics 
• School Magazine, Yearbook and 
• World Cultures
Alphabetical Listing 
4-H is a fun program where you get to “Learn by 
Doing.” All youth between the ages of 5 and 19 
are invited to join! In 4-H you can go to camp, 
start a business, ride in a bike rodeo, take part 
in an international exchange, raise an animal, 
create a blog, give a presentation, participate 
in a community service project, develop your 
resume, practice interview skills, learn about 
healthy eating habits, build lifelong friendships. 
Do you like aquariums? Are you mesmerized by 
the fish swimming effortlessly through the water 
under the light of the tank? Did you feel bad for 
the fish in the tank in Finding Nemo? (Yeah, me 
too). In Aquaculture you will learn about various 
kinds of fish suited for indoor aquariums, how to 
care for them, where they came from and what 
climates they are suited to. Join Aquaculture 
and dive in. 
Whether you identify with Robin Hood or 
Katniss Everdeen, Archery Pathway might be for 
you. Can you imagine yourself steadying your 
aim and trying to hit a bulls-eye on a target 30 
meters away? Do you think you’ve got what it 
Drawing and Painting 
Are you an artist? Would you like to be? Do you 
like to draw or paint? Or take an idea from your 
mind and put it on paper? Then consider being in 
the Art Pathway and learn the use of line, shading, 
color, and form, using charcoal, pen and ink, brush 
and pencil. Join this Pathway and become the 
next Monet, Manet, Michelangelo or Mondrian. 
If you already know who any of these artists are, 
then this Pathway just might be for you. 
Do you like being outdoors? Do you like exploring? 
Do you like water? Consider boating and canoeing 
as a Pathway. You may enjoy feeling like an early 
explorer, learning basic skills and techniques, or just 
picking a quiet and peaceful spot on a lake and 
going there. Students may even create their own 
boat. I can think of many reasons to be in this 
Pathway. Canoe think of any? 
Collecting: Stamps, Coins, 
Rocks, and more... 
People all over the world collect all kinds of things 
that are meaningful to them in some way. Some 
of these things are valuable, and some are REALLY 
valuable. People collect works of art, stamps, rocks, 
coins, baseball cards, Pez dispensers and more. 
Collecting involves a great deal of cataloguing and 
research, and can be a great way to build a fortune, 
or just a hobby. Is there something you like 
collecting? If so, this Pathway is for you!
In dance pathway we will learn the history 
behind dances while learning how to put our full 
emotion into the story behind the 
choreography. The culminating project for this 
pathway will be a talent show highlighting the 
dance troupe. 
Alphabetical Listing 
Computers & Programming 
This pathway would teach you how to use vari-ous 
programs like Word, PowerPoint, Prezi and 
Excel. You would learn about various apps and 
how to use Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You 
would also learn about programing and computer 
etiquette. At the end of the class students would 
create a sample of what they learned and give a 
community presentation. 
Culinary Arts 
This pathway is designed for students who want 
to learn how to cook and bake. This pathway 
will teach students how to cook different foods 
from different cultures. For example, one Friday 
the students would learn about Italy and then 
they would prepare a menu, a shopping list and 
a plan to make a meal from a region of Italy and 
report about the food and how it was prepared 
and why they chose those foods. 
Creative Writing 
and Poetry 
Do you have a way with words? Do you like to 
read and write? Do you have a story, idea or 
poem in your head that you are dying to tell? The 
Creative Writing and Poetry Pathway will allow 
you to write your own story, share it with others, 
and provide feedback to other writers. If you 
want, you can even have the Movie Making 
Pathway turn your story into a short film. Perhaps 
you will be the next great American writer! 
Critics Corner 
Students would learn the art of writing critiques. 
Each week they would critique something 
different. One week it might be a restaurant, 
another week a movie and another week a book. 
The students would publish their critiques in the 
Chinook Observer. 
Debate & 
Public Speaking 
In this pathway students would work on skills 
needed for debate and public speaking. They 
would compete against other schools. Students 
would be required to give a speech at a public 
forum such as Rotary, AAUW or Toastmasters. Su-dents 
would organize a formal debate and invite 
the community to attend.
Alphabetical Listing 
Fashion Design 
In fashion pathway the students would learn to 
sew and design outfits by learning about color 
combination, body types and fabrics. At the end 
they could put on a fashion show for the school 
and make clothes for people in need, or create 
costumes for drama, movie making, or dance, or 
sell them in the Entrepreneurship Pathway. 
and Landscaping 
This pathway would involve students learning 
about gardening by having a greenhouse where 
they could grow vegetables and flowers. They 
would learn about soil, seeds, root systems and 
all things botanical. They would work with the 
culinary pathway to help grow things for the 
culinary students to use for their meals. 
Destination Imagination 
Imagination is the key. Destination tourna-ments 
is the goal. Destination Imagination (DI) 
involves teams of seven members who choose 
one of seven different challenges to solve. They 
would use technology, creativity, science, art, 
engineering, and presentation skills to highlight 
and present solutions at local, regional, and even 
international tournaments. 
This pathway would allow students to study 
all aspects of the theater; producing, directing, 
technical as well as acting. We will work with 
local theater groups making use of the many 
talented theatrical people in our community. 
The end of semester would be the presentation 
of the play students have chosen to produce. 
Start your own business 
Do you like the idea of being your own boss? Do you 
think you have what it takes to make a million dollars? 
Why not try out Entrepreneurship to learn how to 
start your own business? This Pathway will teach you 
the basics of starting your own business such as 
identifying a product or service to sell, marketing 
yourself, developing a plan and what to do when 
you’re actually making money. This Pathway could 
also develop a student store for Ilwaco Middle School. 
Game Design and Chess 
Are you a brilliant strategist? Does no one want 
to play games with you because you always 
win? Have you ever wanted to design your own 
game? Then Game Design is for you. In this 
Pathway you will learn the basic of game design 
and the many different kinds of games available, 
such as social, strategic, race games, economic, 
military domination and more. Join this Pathway 
and develop your own game.
Alphabetical Listing 
Green Team 
If ecology is your game, then this pathway is your way 
to fame! This pathway will work on ways to turn Ilwaco 
Middle School into a Green School. Recycling cans, 
bottles, and glass will be part of this team. It will be 
messy and sometimes funky, but you’ll be making a 
positive contribution to the environment and help us 
earn money for our school. You also might be involved 
in collecting composting material and adding it to a 
compost tumbler which the team will eventually either 
use in the greenhouse or bag for sale to the community. 
Humane Society 
Is there a special place in your heart for animals? Do 
you love being around animals and even helping 
them? Would you have a million pets if your parents 
would let you? The Humane Society Pathway aims to 
stop animal suffering due to cruelty or other reasons. 
This pathway would raise awareness about programs 
that educate people and help prevent animal cruelty 
as well as organizing food drives for animals in need 
(Sadly, animals go hungry too, and sometimes people 
can’t afford pet food). This Pathway would also work 
along with the local Humane Society. 
Jewelry Making 
Are you creative? Are you artistic? Would you 
like working with a variety of tools to create 
works of art that you can wear? Then you should 
consider Jewelry Making as a Pathway. In this 
Pathway students will work in beads, copper, 
silver, leather and more to create amazing and 
wearable works of art. 
Longboarding and Board 
The longboard pathway is a place where students 
with longboards could meet and ride various hills 
and trails. This class would teach balance, timing, 
strength, pererverance, and many other mental 
and physical skills. The students would be also be 
attending meetings and planning to create a local 
Skate Park. 
MAKE: Inventor’s Workshop 
and Reverse Engineering 
Have you ever thought of being an inventor, or 
a mad scientist with your own desert island or 
underground lair? Do you love the idea of 
building something new from scratch or 
understanding how electronic components and 
simple machines work together. If so, consider 
joining Inventor’s Workshop and creating the 
world’s next cool invention. 
Marine Biology 
As a peninsula, we are nearly surrounded by 
water: the Pacific Ocean to the west, Willapa 
Bay to the east, and the Columbia River to the 
South. Have you ever wondered what worlds lie 
just beneath the surface of these waters? What 
organisms make these waters their home? How 
do they live, and what are they like? In Marine 
Biology you’ll learn about all of these organisms 
and their significance in our region.
Alphabetical Listing 
Mechanical and Small 
Engine Repair 
If tinkering is your thing, then mechanical repair 
might be your choice. Working on and repairing 
small engines and bicycles is the focus of this 
Pathway. Learn how to repair or even build small 
engines. Or maybe you will choose how to modify 
or fix that old bicycle sitting around in you or your 
neighbor’s garage. Whatever your mechanical 
passion is, this is the chance to develop that passion. 
Movie Making 
Do you have a story in your head that you would love 
to tell? Do you sometimes think of ways you could 
tell a story in film, or how you would set up a movie 
scene? Then consider the Movie Making Pathway! 
Learn how to create a storyboard, plan out and direct 
certain scenes, use editing software to edit and 
produce your movie, learn to use different kinds of 
cameras and lighting equipment to shoot high quality 
film. You will also learn to use various film editing 
software, as well as stop-motion animation and 
claymation techniques. 
Outdoor Survival 
This pathway is an opportunity for students to 
learn basic survival skills such as: fire building, 
finding food in the wilderness, creating shelter, 
finding water, navigating land with a map and 
compass, trap setting and various other skills 
essential to survival. At the end of the course 
the students would go into the woods with their 
instructor for two days while they demonstrate 
their knowledge. 
Personal Fitness 
Some people like being healthy and exercising 
without having to worry about involving a bunch 
of other people. For example, it’s not always easy 
to put a baseball or basketball team together at a 
moment’s notice. But you don’t need a bunch of 
people to be active, you can do it on your own. In 
Personal Fitness students will learn how to stay 
healthy by finding an exercise program that works 
for you, eating right, tracking your progress and 
maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general. Join 
some like-minded people and get fit! 
Do you like helping people? Do you often think 
about making the world a better place? The 
Philanthropy Pathway is designed to help others 
in need, from toy drives at Christmas to food 
drives helping those in need, or any other way 
you can think to help others. After all, the term 
Philanthropy comes from the Greek term “Love 
of People.” Maybe you can help save the world, 
one piece at a time. 
Mountain Biking, Cycling, 
Bike Trek and Bike Repair 
Mountain bike pathway would be a place for kids with 
bikes to ride various local trails, such as Black Lake 
and Discovery Trail. Students would learn strength, 
balance and coordination. At the end of the club 
the students would organize a fund raiser getting 
pledges for how many miles they ride. The money 
raised would be used for purchasing bicycles and 
equipment. This Pathway would also learn the basics 
of bike repair and refurbish bicycles for the class or 
donate them to kids in need.
Alphabetical Listing 
Has anyone ever told you what a lovely voice you 
have? Do you like speaking to people, playing music 
for others, sharing recent new events or even telling 
stories? If so you should consider Radio and Broad-casting. 
This Pathway will teach students how to 
communicate to others via internet radio, and skills 
and techniques of radio announcing. Maybe you 
would like to be a DJ, or a news anchor, or a sports 
caster or a radio journalist. Join Radio and get a 
station started right away. 
Print Shop & Graphic Design 
Do you love office supplies? Does ink run in your 
veins? Do you like to create PowerPoints, 
documents, or other classroom materials? If 
so, you might like working in the Print Shop. 
This shop will be responsible for copying items 
submitted by teachers, creating PowerPoints to 
be used in the classroom, and making letters, 
brochures, pamphlets, and anything else 
someone requests in a timely fashion. 
In this pathway participants will learn about 
parts of the brain, how the brain controls your 
body, how it effects your emotions and what is 
normal for your brain. At the end each person 
will select a person to do a brain study on and 
create a poster, Power Point or video. 
Quilting Extraordinaire 
Have your own sewing machine? Always wanted 
to make your own quilt to snuggle under while 
sleeping or watching TV? Learn to quilt and 
how to make beautiful textiles to jazz up your 
bedroom, living room, walls, or car. 
In this pathway students would design and 
create their robot for a robotics competition, 
learning about the principles and foundations of 
robotics and programming robots. They would 
also work on organizing a robotics competition 
on the Peninsula. 
School Magazine, 
Yearbook & Photography 
Students would learn to write descriptive, 
detailed pieces in a journalistic style. Much like a 
good magazine, this pathway will create timeless 
materials that will be published in a monthly 
magazine. Photography will be an intregral 
piece to this pathway.
Alphabetical Listing 
Tell us what we missed. 
Swimming? Minecraft? Fishing? Leatherwork? 
Geology? Backpacking? Home Repair? Crafting? 
Sculpture? Woodworking? Kite Flying? Urban 
Survival? Computer Programming? Ocean 
Let us know! 
Social Committee 
and Leadership 
This pathway would be responsible for organizing 
monthly afterschool activities like dances, carnivals 
and middle school YAK nights. If you served on this 
pathway you would be expected to stay after school 
to help plan and organize the activities. 
Student Court 
In this pathway, students will learn how to set 
up a courtroom and then learn how the court 
system actually works. They would visit actual 
courtrooms and have lawyers come in and share 
real life stories about court experiences. 
Eventually we hope to allow students to have a 
student court where they will hear actual cases 
and make decisions involving school related 
Team Sports 
Sports pathway is where you can enhance your 
skills in the off season. You can practice by 
yourself or get coaching from a supervisor. This 
could include using the weight room for 
conditioning. At the end of the semester you 
will have to write an essay on what you learned 
or became better at or demonstrate it for the 
Teen Cert 
Teen Cert is a national Homeland Security 
initiative directed at making our schools and 
communities safer by having educated/trained 
youth capable of preparing and responding 
to disasters and emergencies. Teen CERT is an 
integral part of Citizen Corps, the grassroots 
movement that actively involves everyone in 
making our communities and our nation safer, 
stronger and better prepared. 
World Cultures 
Do you often daydream about travelling to other parts 
of the world? Would you like to learn another language? 
Do you wonder what it might be like to live in exotic 
places? The World Cultures Pathway is designed to help 
you learn more about cultures and customs around the 
world. What foods do they eat? What customs do 
people share? What beliefs do people have from 
around the globe? Find this out and more in this 
Pathway. People from different countries may seem 
very different but maybe we are more alike than you 
may realize.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do 
with your one wild and precious life?” 
~ Mary Oliver 
Pathways Project 
Ilwaco Middle School 
Ocean Beach School District 
314 Brumbach Ave., Ilwaco, WA 98624 (360) 642-3731

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Pathway Catalog

  • 1. PATHWAYS Catalog Life is a journey, not a destination. Where will you go today?
  • 2. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. ~John Dewey The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination. ~John Schaar 051014 What are Pathways? Student-Centered Standards-Based Future-Oriented Pathways are opportunities for students to explore their passions in real and meaningful ways. Similar to electives, Pathways occur during school and are academic. Unlike electives, however, Pathways are driven by student interest, not the school schedule. In fact, in order to be classified as a Pathway, each Pathway must adhere to five essential attributes: PASSION All Pathways must originate from student passion. In traditional models, students select from pre-chosen electives which change little from year to year. Pathways, on the other hand, are driven by students and are therefore naturally of high interest and relevancy for them, which increases their motivation to learn. ACADEMICS Pathways are academic in nature. No matter the Pathway, learning can always be aligned with Common Core State Standards, as well as state and local standards. Students still must know how to read for information, learn new vocabulary, understand content related to their pathway and work in groups, to name a few. In Pathways, every teacher becomes a Learning Engineer, designing and engineering engaging opportunies for student achievement. CAREERS All Pathways are career oriented. Even the term Pathway is used in Career and Technical Education to illustrate a course of study in a field or discipline. 21st Century Skills are also embedded to help students learn the skills necessary for their future. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Community engagement is key to any successful Pathway. As Pathways are driven by student passion, it is important to connect students with mentors who share this passion so they may guide the student in the learning process. These mentors may be teachers or members of the community. Students must also exhibit their Pathway experience and demonstrate their learning and achievements to others in some fashion. TECHNOLOGY In order to best prepare our students to be successful in today’s society, technology must be used as a key tool in student learning. Today’s students have never known life without computers, the internet and portable devices, and these technologies will become ever more integrated into our future lives. Therefore, teaching students how to navigate and use these resources is critical to their future success. These five attributes along with the Multiple Intelligences help us to maintain a strong Pathway curriculum for all students. This ensures that Pathways are positive and engaging learning experiences for all of our students. The overall goal of Pathways is to create community-oriented learning environments from opportunities rooted in student passion. Pathways allow learning opportunities to look less like school, and more like life itself. At Ilwaco Middle School, we encourage the discovery and relentless pursuit of one’s passion.
  • 3. Multiple Intelligences Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart) Bodily-kinesthetic students are highly aware of the world through touch and movement. There is a special harmony between their bodies and their minds. They can control their bodies with grace, expertise, and athleticism These students learn better by movement and are generally good at physical activities such as sports, dance, acting, and making things. Intrapersonal (Self Smart) People with a strong intrapersonal intelligence have a deep awareness of their feelings, ideas, and goals. Students with this intelligence usually need time alone to process and create. Interpersonal (People Smart) Students strong in interpersonal intelligence have a natural ability to interact with, relate to, and get along with others effectively. They are good leaders. They use their insights about others to negotiate, persuade, and obtain information. They like to interact with others and usually have lots of people around. Logical-Mathematical (Math Smart) Logical-mathematical students enjoy working with numbers. They can easily interpret data and analyze abstract patterns. They have a well-developed ability to reason and are good at things like chess and computer programming. They think in terms of cause and effect Musical-Rhythmic (Music Smart) Musical students think, feel, and process information primarily through sound. They have a superior ability to perceive, compose, and/or perform music. Musically smart people constantly hear musical notes in their head. Naturalistic (Nature Smart) This intelligence refers to a person’s natural interest in the environment. These people enjoy being in nature and want to protect it from pollution. Students with strong naturalistic intelligence easily recog-nize and categorize plants, animals, and rocks. Verbal-Linguistic (Word Smart) Verbal-linguistic students love words and use them as a primary way of thinking and solving problems. They are good writers, speakers, or both. They use words to persuade, argue, entertain, and/or teach. Visual-Spatial (Picture Smart) Students strong in spatial intelligence think and process information in pictures and images. They have excellent visual receptive skills and excellent fine motor skills. Students with this intelligence use their eyes and hands to make artistic or creatively designed projects. For example, they can often build with Legos, read maps, and put together 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles. This visual model of Multiple Intelligences was created for use by Ocean Beach School District for the development of Ilwaco Middle School Pathways. Definitions above come from, based upon the book Brain-Based Strategies to Reach Every Learner, by J. Dianne Connell, © 2005, published by Scholastic. PATHWAYS Model for Self-Discovery and Growth Traits Who am I? Who do I want to be? Know Thyself What can I do? What do I want to learn to do? Skills
  • 4. Pathway Clusters by Multiple Intelligences Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart) Intrapersonal (Self Smart) Interpersonal (People Smart) Logical-Mathematical (Math Smart) • 4-H • Aquaculture • Archery • Art: Drawing and Painting • Canoeing and Boating • Culinary Arts • Dance • Drama • Gardening and Landscaping • Green Team • Longboarding and Board Sports • Mechanical and Small Engine Repair • Mountain Biking and Bike Repair • Outdoor Survival • Personal Fitness • Team Sports • Teen Cert • 4-H • Aquaculture • Archery • Art: Drawing and Painting • Collecting • Computers • Creative Writing and Poetry • Culinary Arts • Entrepreneurship/Start a business • Fashion Design • Game Design / Chess • Gardening and Landscaping • Green Team • Humane Society • Jewelry Making • MAKE: Inventor’s Workshop • Marine Biology • Mechanics/Small Engine Repair • Mountain Biking / Bike Repair • Movie Making • Personal Fitness • Print Shop and Graphic Design • Psychology • Robotics • School Magazine, Yearbook Photography • Critics Corner • Debate and Public Speaking • Destination Imagination • Drama • Entrepreneurship / Start your own business • Movie Making • Philanthropy • Radio Broadcasting • School Magazine, Yearbook and Photography • Social Committee and Leadership • Student Court • Team Sports • World Cultures • Aquaculture • Collecting • Computers and Programming • Debate and Public Speaking • Destination Imagination • Entrepeneurship / Start your own business • Game Design / Chess • MAKE: Inventor’s Workshop • Marine Biology • Mechanical and Small Engine Repair • Pscyhology • Robotics • Social Committee and Leadership • Student Court • Teen Cert
  • 5. Pathway Clusters by Multiple Intelligences Musical-Rhythmic (Music Smart) Naturalistic (Nature Smart) Verbal-Linguistic (Word Smart) Visual-Spatial (Picture Smart) • Dance • Drama • Radio Broadcasting • World Cultures • 4-H • Aquaculture • Canoeing/Boating • Culinary Arts • Gardening and Landscaping • Green Team • Humane Society • Marine Biology • Outdoor Survival • Psychology • Creative Writing and Poetry • Critics Corner • Debate and Public Speaking • Destination Imagination • Drama • Movie Making • Radio Broadcasting • School Magazine, Yearbook and Photography • Student Court • Art: Drawing and Painting • Collecting • Computers • Culinary Arts • Destination Imagination • Fashion Design • Green Team • Jewelry Making • MAKE: Inventor’s Workshop • Mechanical and Small Engine Repair • Mountain Biking and Bike • Repair • Movie Making • Print Shop and Graphic Design • Quilting • Robotics • School Magazine, Yearbook and Photography • World Cultures
  • 6. Alphabetical Listing 4-H 4-H is a fun program where you get to “Learn by Doing.” All youth between the ages of 5 and 19 are invited to join! In 4-H you can go to camp, start a business, ride in a bike rodeo, take part in an international exchange, raise an animal, create a blog, give a presentation, participate in a community service project, develop your resume, practice interview skills, learn about healthy eating habits, build lifelong friendships. Aquaculture Do you like aquariums? Are you mesmerized by the fish swimming effortlessly through the water under the light of the tank? Did you feel bad for the fish in the tank in Finding Nemo? (Yeah, me too). In Aquaculture you will learn about various kinds of fish suited for indoor aquariums, how to care for them, where they came from and what climates they are suited to. Join Aquaculture and dive in. Archery Whether you identify with Robin Hood or Katniss Everdeen, Archery Pathway might be for you. Can you imagine yourself steadying your aim and trying to hit a bulls-eye on a target 30 meters away? Do you think you’ve got what it takes? Art: Drawing and Painting Are you an artist? Would you like to be? Do you like to draw or paint? Or take an idea from your mind and put it on paper? Then consider being in the Art Pathway and learn the use of line, shading, color, and form, using charcoal, pen and ink, brush and pencil. Join this Pathway and become the next Monet, Manet, Michelangelo or Mondrian. If you already know who any of these artists are, then this Pathway just might be for you. Canoeing/Boating Do you like being outdoors? Do you like exploring? Do you like water? Consider boating and canoeing as a Pathway. You may enjoy feeling like an early explorer, learning basic skills and techniques, or just picking a quiet and peaceful spot on a lake and going there. Students may even create their own boat. I can think of many reasons to be in this Pathway. Canoe think of any? Collecting: Stamps, Coins, Rocks, and more... People all over the world collect all kinds of things that are meaningful to them in some way. Some of these things are valuable, and some are REALLY valuable. People collect works of art, stamps, rocks, coins, baseball cards, Pez dispensers and more. Collecting involves a great deal of cataloguing and research, and can be a great way to build a fortune, or just a hobby. Is there something you like collecting? If so, this Pathway is for you!
  • 7. Dance In dance pathway we will learn the history behind dances while learning how to put our full emotion into the story behind the choreography. The culminating project for this pathway will be a talent show highlighting the dance troupe. Alphabetical Listing Computers & Programming This pathway would teach you how to use vari-ous programs like Word, PowerPoint, Prezi and Excel. You would learn about various apps and how to use Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You would also learn about programing and computer etiquette. At the end of the class students would create a sample of what they learned and give a community presentation. Culinary Arts This pathway is designed for students who want to learn how to cook and bake. This pathway will teach students how to cook different foods from different cultures. For example, one Friday the students would learn about Italy and then they would prepare a menu, a shopping list and a plan to make a meal from a region of Italy and report about the food and how it was prepared and why they chose those foods. Creative Writing and Poetry Do you have a way with words? Do you like to read and write? Do you have a story, idea or poem in your head that you are dying to tell? The Creative Writing and Poetry Pathway will allow you to write your own story, share it with others, and provide feedback to other writers. If you want, you can even have the Movie Making Pathway turn your story into a short film. Perhaps you will be the next great American writer! Critics Corner Students would learn the art of writing critiques. Each week they would critique something different. One week it might be a restaurant, another week a movie and another week a book. The students would publish their critiques in the Chinook Observer. Debate & Public Speaking In this pathway students would work on skills needed for debate and public speaking. They would compete against other schools. Students would be required to give a speech at a public forum such as Rotary, AAUW or Toastmasters. Su-dents would organize a formal debate and invite the community to attend.
  • 8. Alphabetical Listing Fashion Design In fashion pathway the students would learn to sew and design outfits by learning about color combination, body types and fabrics. At the end they could put on a fashion show for the school and make clothes for people in need, or create costumes for drama, movie making, or dance, or sell them in the Entrepreneurship Pathway. Gardening and Landscaping This pathway would involve students learning about gardening by having a greenhouse where they could grow vegetables and flowers. They would learn about soil, seeds, root systems and all things botanical. They would work with the culinary pathway to help grow things for the culinary students to use for their meals. Destination Imagination Imagination is the key. Destination tourna-ments is the goal. Destination Imagination (DI) involves teams of seven members who choose one of seven different challenges to solve. They would use technology, creativity, science, art, engineering, and presentation skills to highlight and present solutions at local, regional, and even international tournaments. Drama This pathway would allow students to study all aspects of the theater; producing, directing, technical as well as acting. We will work with local theater groups making use of the many talented theatrical people in our community. The end of semester would be the presentation of the play students have chosen to produce. Entrepreneurship: Start your own business Do you like the idea of being your own boss? Do you think you have what it takes to make a million dollars? Why not try out Entrepreneurship to learn how to start your own business? This Pathway will teach you the basics of starting your own business such as identifying a product or service to sell, marketing yourself, developing a plan and what to do when you’re actually making money. This Pathway could also develop a student store for Ilwaco Middle School. Game Design and Chess Are you a brilliant strategist? Does no one want to play games with you because you always win? Have you ever wanted to design your own game? Then Game Design is for you. In this Pathway you will learn the basic of game design and the many different kinds of games available, such as social, strategic, race games, economic, military domination and more. Join this Pathway and develop your own game.
  • 9. Alphabetical Listing Green Team If ecology is your game, then this pathway is your way to fame! This pathway will work on ways to turn Ilwaco Middle School into a Green School. Recycling cans, bottles, and glass will be part of this team. It will be messy and sometimes funky, but you’ll be making a positive contribution to the environment and help us earn money for our school. You also might be involved in collecting composting material and adding it to a compost tumbler which the team will eventually either use in the greenhouse or bag for sale to the community. Humane Society Is there a special place in your heart for animals? Do you love being around animals and even helping them? Would you have a million pets if your parents would let you? The Humane Society Pathway aims to stop animal suffering due to cruelty or other reasons. This pathway would raise awareness about programs that educate people and help prevent animal cruelty as well as organizing food drives for animals in need (Sadly, animals go hungry too, and sometimes people can’t afford pet food). This Pathway would also work along with the local Humane Society. Jewelry Making Are you creative? Are you artistic? Would you like working with a variety of tools to create works of art that you can wear? Then you should consider Jewelry Making as a Pathway. In this Pathway students will work in beads, copper, silver, leather and more to create amazing and wearable works of art. Longboarding and Board Sports The longboard pathway is a place where students with longboards could meet and ride various hills and trails. This class would teach balance, timing, strength, pererverance, and many other mental and physical skills. The students would be also be attending meetings and planning to create a local Skate Park. MAKE: Inventor’s Workshop and Reverse Engineering Have you ever thought of being an inventor, or a mad scientist with your own desert island or underground lair? Do you love the idea of building something new from scratch or understanding how electronic components and simple machines work together. If so, consider joining Inventor’s Workshop and creating the world’s next cool invention. Marine Biology As a peninsula, we are nearly surrounded by water: the Pacific Ocean to the west, Willapa Bay to the east, and the Columbia River to the South. Have you ever wondered what worlds lie just beneath the surface of these waters? What organisms make these waters their home? How do they live, and what are they like? In Marine Biology you’ll learn about all of these organisms and their significance in our region.
  • 10. Alphabetical Listing Mechanical and Small Engine Repair If tinkering is your thing, then mechanical repair might be your choice. Working on and repairing small engines and bicycles is the focus of this Pathway. Learn how to repair or even build small engines. Or maybe you will choose how to modify or fix that old bicycle sitting around in you or your neighbor’s garage. Whatever your mechanical passion is, this is the chance to develop that passion. Movie Making Do you have a story in your head that you would love to tell? Do you sometimes think of ways you could tell a story in film, or how you would set up a movie scene? Then consider the Movie Making Pathway! Learn how to create a storyboard, plan out and direct certain scenes, use editing software to edit and produce your movie, learn to use different kinds of cameras and lighting equipment to shoot high quality film. You will also learn to use various film editing software, as well as stop-motion animation and claymation techniques. Outdoor Survival This pathway is an opportunity for students to learn basic survival skills such as: fire building, finding food in the wilderness, creating shelter, finding water, navigating land with a map and compass, trap setting and various other skills essential to survival. At the end of the course the students would go into the woods with their instructor for two days while they demonstrate their knowledge. Personal Fitness Some people like being healthy and exercising without having to worry about involving a bunch of other people. For example, it’s not always easy to put a baseball or basketball team together at a moment’s notice. But you don’t need a bunch of people to be active, you can do it on your own. In Personal Fitness students will learn how to stay healthy by finding an exercise program that works for you, eating right, tracking your progress and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general. Join some like-minded people and get fit! Philanthropy Do you like helping people? Do you often think about making the world a better place? The Philanthropy Pathway is designed to help others in need, from toy drives at Christmas to food drives helping those in need, or any other way you can think to help others. After all, the term Philanthropy comes from the Greek term “Love of People.” Maybe you can help save the world, one piece at a time. Mountain Biking, Cycling, Bike Trek and Bike Repair Mountain bike pathway would be a place for kids with bikes to ride various local trails, such as Black Lake and Discovery Trail. Students would learn strength, balance and coordination. At the end of the club the students would organize a fund raiser getting pledges for how many miles they ride. The money raised would be used for purchasing bicycles and equipment. This Pathway would also learn the basics of bike repair and refurbish bicycles for the class or donate them to kids in need.
  • 11. Alphabetical Listing Radio/Broadcasting Has anyone ever told you what a lovely voice you have? Do you like speaking to people, playing music for others, sharing recent new events or even telling stories? If so you should consider Radio and Broad-casting. This Pathway will teach students how to communicate to others via internet radio, and skills and techniques of radio announcing. Maybe you would like to be a DJ, or a news anchor, or a sports caster or a radio journalist. Join Radio and get a station started right away. Print Shop & Graphic Design Do you love office supplies? Does ink run in your veins? Do you like to create PowerPoints, documents, or other classroom materials? If so, you might like working in the Print Shop. This shop will be responsible for copying items submitted by teachers, creating PowerPoints to be used in the classroom, and making letters, brochures, pamphlets, and anything else someone requests in a timely fashion. Psychology In this pathway participants will learn about parts of the brain, how the brain controls your body, how it effects your emotions and what is normal for your brain. At the end each person will select a person to do a brain study on and create a poster, Power Point or video. Quilting Extraordinaire Have your own sewing machine? Always wanted to make your own quilt to snuggle under while sleeping or watching TV? Learn to quilt and how to make beautiful textiles to jazz up your bedroom, living room, walls, or car. Robotics In this pathway students would design and create their robot for a robotics competition, learning about the principles and foundations of robotics and programming robots. They would also work on organizing a robotics competition on the Peninsula. School Magazine, Yearbook & Photography Students would learn to write descriptive, detailed pieces in a journalistic style. Much like a good magazine, this pathway will create timeless materials that will be published in a monthly magazine. Photography will be an intregral piece to this pathway.
  • 12. Alphabetical Listing Other... Tell us what we missed. Swimming? Minecraft? Fishing? Leatherwork? Geology? Backpacking? Home Repair? Crafting? Sculpture? Woodworking? Kite Flying? Urban Survival? Computer Programming? Ocean Sports? Let us know! Social Committee and Leadership This pathway would be responsible for organizing monthly afterschool activities like dances, carnivals and middle school YAK nights. If you served on this pathway you would be expected to stay after school to help plan and organize the activities. Student Court In this pathway, students will learn how to set up a courtroom and then learn how the court system actually works. They would visit actual courtrooms and have lawyers come in and share real life stories about court experiences. Eventually we hope to allow students to have a student court where they will hear actual cases and make decisions involving school related issues. Team Sports Sports pathway is where you can enhance your skills in the off season. You can practice by yourself or get coaching from a supervisor. This could include using the weight room for conditioning. At the end of the semester you will have to write an essay on what you learned or became better at or demonstrate it for the instructor. Teen Cert Teen Cert is a national Homeland Security initiative directed at making our schools and communities safer by having educated/trained youth capable of preparing and responding to disasters and emergencies. Teen CERT is an integral part of Citizen Corps, the grassroots movement that actively involves everyone in making our communities and our nation safer, stronger and better prepared. World Cultures Do you often daydream about travelling to other parts of the world? Would you like to learn another language? Do you wonder what it might be like to live in exotic places? The World Cultures Pathway is designed to help you learn more about cultures and customs around the world. What foods do they eat? What customs do people share? What beliefs do people have from around the globe? Find this out and more in this Pathway. People from different countries may seem very different but maybe we are more alike than you may realize.
  • 13. “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver Pathways Project Ilwaco Middle School Ocean Beach School District 314 Brumbach Ave., Ilwaco, WA 98624 (360) 642-3731