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Parasite Management for Natural and
Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys
By Terrell Spencer,                     Blackhead disease, also called Histomoniasis, is a serious disease capable of decimating turkey flocks
NCAT Agriculture                        and negatively affecting other poultry. Caused by the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis, Blackhead
Specialist                              can also have a significant economic impact on chicken production. Recent research has revealed new
© 2010 NCAT                             information about the bird-to-bird transmission of Blackhead through a previously unknown path-
                                        way—cloacal drinking. This publication addresses the new research as well as focusing on the history,
Contents                                life cycle, diagnosis, prevention, and management of Blackhead disease, primarily in turkeys. The effect
Introduction ......................1    Histomoniasis has on other poultry species (chickens, gamebirds, and peafowl) is also discussed briefly.
The Life Cycle and
Infectious Pathway
of Blackhead......................2
Poultry Species as
Blackhead Reservoirs .....2
Blackhead Transmission
through Cecal Worm
Eggs and Soil.....................2
Horizontal Spreading
of Blackhead through
Turkey Flocks.....................3
Oral Ingestion
and Contraction
of Blackhead......................4
Diagnosis and
Symptoms of
Infected Turkeys ..............4
Prevention and
Management of
Blackhead Disease ..........5
Conclusion .........................8
References .........................8

                                                                                        Photo by Jeannette Beranger, American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.

                                                                                              demands of an expanding population, turkey
                                        Introduction                                          production dropped from 11 million birds in
                                                                                              1890, just years before the first Blackhead out-
                                        History of Blackhead                                  break, to an average of 3.7 million turkeys per
The National Sustainable
                                        in the United States                                  year during the 1910–1920 decade. The devel-

Agriculture Information Service,                he first reported case of Blackhead dis-      opment of antihistomonal drugs in the 1960s
was developed and is managed                    ease in the United States occurred in         led to a dramatic decrease in Blackhead-related
by the National Center for
Appropriate Technology (NCAT).                  Rhode Island in 1893, possibly carried        turkey deaths. Unfortunately for poultry pro-
The project is funded through           to the U.S. by pheasants imported the decade          ducers, the drugs developed to treat Histomo-
a cooperative agreement with
the United States Department            before. Blackhead then spread throughout the          niasis were eventually banned (McDougald,
of Agriculture’s Rural Business-
Cooperative Service. Visit the
                                        U.S., ravaging turkey flocks in New England           2005). As more farmers enter into free-range
NCAT website (             and following production like a faithful shadow.      and pastured-poultry systems, often combining
sarc_current.php) for
more information on                     Outbreaks of Blackhead rapidly spread down            multiple poultry species on the same land,
our other sustainable
agriculture and
                                        the Eastern Seaboard, into the Midwest and the        Blackhead outbreaks may be of increasing
energy projects.                        far western United States. Despite the growing        concern and economic impact.
The Life Cycle and Infectious                        Blackhead does not kill the infected bird, and the
                                                                                   disease requires a secondary bacterial infection to
                              Pathway of Blackhead                                 be virulent and eventually fatal. Escherichia coli,
                              Blackhead occurs when the causal agent, the          Bacillus subtilis, and Clostridium sp. are some of
                              protozoan Histomonas meleagridis, gains access       the bacteria noted in the secondary infections
                              to the ceca, or blind pouches of the intestines.     that caused death (McDougald, 2005).
                              Blackhead infects poultry using three separate
                              pathways that will be examined in detail in
                              this publication:
                                                                                   Poultry Species as
                                    • Ingestion of soil or earthworms
                                                                                   Blackhead Reservoirs
                                      containing eggs of the cecal worm            Among poultry species, there are varying
                                      Heterakis gallinarum, infected with          degrees of susceptibility to Blackhead. Some
Related ATTRA                                                                      birds, such as pheasants, ducks, and geese, are
publications                          H. meleagridis
                                                                                   nearly immune to the effects of Blackhead.
Parasite Management                 • Uptake of H. meleagridis directly into       Chickens are somewhat resistant to the disease,
for Natural and Organic               the lower digestive tract through the        while turkeys and peafowl are extremely vulner-
Poultry: Coccidiosis                  process of “cloacal drinking”                able and have high mortality rates when infected
                                    • Oral ingestion of live H. meleagridis        with H. meleagridis. Experiments have shown
                                      protozoa when stomach is not acidic          that infected pheasants and chickens are capable
                                      enough to kill the pathogen                  of transmitting Blackhead to young turkeys
                                                                                   (Lund and Chute, 1972).
                              Once access into the digestive tract has been
                              achieved, H. meleagridis multiplies in the ceca      Traditional wisdom dictating that chickens and
                              and attacks the tissues of the cecal walls. As the   turkeys not be raised together is most likely
                              disease progresses, a cheese-like, foul-smelling,    based on experience with Histomoniasis. Chick-
                              yellow substance fi lls the ceca. Th is substance    ens are excellent hosts for the cecal worm that
                              can vary in form from a hardened plug to more        H. meleagridis uses as a vector. It is not unrea-
                              liquid in nature, and is composed of dead cecal      sonable to assume that the majority of Black-
                              cells and blood. In highly susceptible birds such    head outbreaks, especially among small, diver-
                              as turkeys, the Blackhead protozoa then enter        sified farmers, can be traced back to chickens.
                              the bloodstream through the damaged ceca and
                              are deposited into the liver, where they do even     Among chickens, laying hens and breeding
                              more damage, creating signature “bulls-eye”          roosters have the potential to shed many more
                              zones of necrosis (dead tissue). Occasionally,       cecal worm eggs than broilers due to age dif-
                              H. meleagridis also enters into other organs         ferences in production—a broiler is usually
                              such as the kidneys, lungs, heart, and brain.        slaughtered at six to 12 weeks (six to eight weeks
                                                                                   for Cornish cross; 12+ weeks for slower-grow-
                                                                                   ing breeds), while a hen may be kept for two or
Figure 1. Turkey Digestive Tract. By Terrell Spencer, NCAT.
                                                                                   more years. The cecal worm in question, H. gal-
                                                                                   linarum, takes approximately a month to mature
                                                                                   and begin shedding eggs. This time frame, cou-
                                                                                   pled with the two to four weeks chicks spend in
                                                                                   the brooder, allows little to no time for a broiler
                                                                                   to contaminate the soil with cecal worm eggs.
                                                                                   On the other hand, a hen in production for sev-
                                                                                   eral years can seed tremendous amounts of cecal
                                                                                   worm eggs into the soil during her lifetime.

                                                                                   Blackhead Transmission
                                                                                   through Cecal Worm Eggs
                                                                                   and Soil
                                                                                   The indirect ingestion of Blackhead protozoa
                                                                                   through consumption of earthworms and cecal
                                                                                   worm eggs is the most commonly known means

Page 2          ATTRA                               Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys
Figure 2. Blackhead life cycle by By Terrell Spencer, NCAT.

of contracting Histomoniasis. When exposed                    Horizontal Spreading
to the elements, the Blackhead pathogen is
short-lived, being highly susceptible to envi-                of Blackhead through
ronmental stresses—sunlight, wind, and tem-                   Turkey Flocks
perature extremes. H. meleagridis has over-                   The contraction of Blackhead disease by
come this limitation through infecting cecal                  turkeys has traditionally been attributed solely
worm eggs, as these eggs are extremely hardy.                 to the vectoring of the disease through cecal
The eggs can remain viable up to three years                  worm eggs and earthworms. However, recent
in the soil; in addition, cecal worms are very                research has shown that turkeys can infect other
common in many poultry species, especially                    members of the flock directly through a process
chickens. Contaminated cecal worm eggs are                    known as cloacal drinking (Hu et al., 2004,
consumed when birds ingest soil either inten-                 McDougald and Fuller, 2005).
tionally or during foraging. Earthworms also
act as an intermediate vehicle for spreading
                                                                Cloacal drinking is the reflexive intake of fluids
the disease, as the earthworms consume soil                     through the cloaca in order to inoculate the
containing the infected cecal worm eggs. The                    young bird’s immune system with the micro-
earthworms, in turn, are readily consumed by                    bial flora of the surrounding environment.
all types of poultry.                                                                                                   ATTRA   Page 3
Unfortunately for both the turkey and the                   ically, the proventriculus—due to the stomach
                              farmer, the turkey immune system has little to              acids produced. Therefore, Blackhead is typi-
                              no defense against Blackhead, and the Black-                cally not transmitted orally (Hu et al., 2004).
                              head protozoans that enter through the cloaca               When a turkey feeds, acid is produced to aid
                              multiply unrestricted. Uptake of H. meleagridis             in digestion, and this acidification destroys
                              through the cloaca occurs when a turkey’s clo-              H. meleagridis. After six hours of not feeding,
                              aca comes into contact with contaminated fecal              however, the lack of stomach acid allows the
                              matter, most likely while resting. The patho-
                                                                                          turkey’s gastrointestinal tract to go from being
                              genic protozoa are then drawn into the digestive
                                                                                          acidic to neutral in pH, and this change can
                              tract through the cloacal drinking process and
                              migrate to the ceca, where infection occurs.                allow H. meleagridis to survive oral ingestion
                                                                                          (McDougald, 2010).
                              Historically, contraction of Blackhead through
                              cecal worm eggs has explained the begin-
                              ning of outbreaks in poultry f locks, but                   Diagnosis and Symptoms
                              failed to account for the rapidity with which               of Infected Turkeys
                              Blackhead spreads throughout the flock. The
                              lack of an explanation for the continued trans-             Physical Symptoms of Blackhead
                              mission of Histomoniasis through a f lock,                        • Mustardy, yellowish colored stool—
                              despite the exclusion of earthworms and soil                        varies from a watery, foamy diarrhea
                              containing cecal worm eggs, has been a source                       to a dry, solid black stool with waxy
                              of frustration and setback for farmers. Now,                        yellowish streaks
                              thanks to recent research findings, this gap in                   • Bulls-eye-shaped necrotic pitting
                              the basic understanding of the Blackhead life-
                                                                                                  on liver
                              cycle has been closed.
                                                                                                • Ceca filled with yellow, cheesy substance

                              Oral Ingestion and                                          Behavioral Signs of Blackhead
                              Contraction of Blackhead                                          • Lethargy
                              When the turkey is given a constant supply of                     • Drooping wings
                              food, experiments have suggested that H. melea-
                              gridis ingested orally is not capable of surviving                • Dry, ruffled feathers
                              the passage through the stomach—more specif-                      • Suppressed appetite, increased thirst

                                                                                          Regular (on left) and Blackhead-infected (right)
An ill turkey showing classic signs of sickness: lethargy (as seen by the closed eyes),   turkey droppings. The tell-tale sulfur colored droppings
lack of inquisitiveness, retracted neck, and drooping wings. Photo by                     indicative of a Blackhead infection are clear.
Terrell Spencer, NCAT.                                                                    Photo by Terrell Spencer, NCAT.

Page 4          ATTRA                                Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys
On farm dissection showing characteristic liver necrosis due to           Enlarged cecum filled with yellowish necrotic tissue in a Blackhead
Blackhead. Photo by Terrell Spencer, NCAT.                                infected turkey. Photo by Terrell Spencer, NCAT.

     • Decreased/lack of f light distance                 in chickens often are undiagnosed, though
       (distance the turkey keeps between                 in chickens the impact of Blackhead has
       itself and humans)                                 been described as being at least as severe as
     • Decreased/lack of inquisitiveness                  coccidiosis, and in some broiler breeder flocks,
                                                          mortality may reach as high as 10% (McDou-
Blackhead infections vary in the time required
                                                          gald, 2005). Bobwhite quail farmers have also
to manifest signs, depending on the path-
                                                          occasionally experienced outbreaks of Black-
way and initial amount of infection. Signs
                                                          head disease, especially when these growers
of infection begin to appear seven to 14 days
                                                          utilize old chicken houses.
after exposure. In turkeys, the yellow-col-
ored fecal matter is the definitive symptom of
Blackhead disease. From personal experience,              Prevention and Management
when behavioral symptoms become apparent,                 of Blackhead Disease
mortality usually occurs in one to three days.
                                                          Prevention is the key to successful Blackhead
Positive diagnosis of dead birds can be easily            management. Due to the previously mentioned
obtained through a post-mortem dissection                 banning of the antihistomonal medicines used
(necropsy) by the farmer. The abdominal cavity            to treat outbreaks, there are no established treat-
can be opened and the cecum examined. The                 ments for turkeys once they are infected and
chest/breast can then be split down the middle            symptomatic. It is imperative that any truly
using heavy duty shears or tin snips to reveal            sustainable turkey operation have a Blackhead
the liver. Once the ceca and liver are exposed,           prevention plan.
the organs can be inspected for necrosis as
described above.
                                                          Preventative and
Despite the descriptive name of the disease,
Blackhead rarely, if ever, causes the head of
                                                          Post-Infection Measures
the infected bird to darken or turn black, so             The most economical and sustainable method of
the common name is somewhat of a misnomer                 Blackhead management is complete avoidance
(Davidson and Doster, 2010).                              of the disease through preventive treatments.

Turkeys demonstrate the most severe symp-                         • Separation of poultry flocks by species
toms of any poultry from H. meleagridis infec-                      and age – separation of susceptible
tion and, consequently, the highest mortal-                         (turkeys and peafowl) and resistant
ity rates. Indeed, expectations of 80-100%                          (chickens, pheasants, quail, etc.) poultry
mortality are plausible in turkey Blackhead                         species has been the principal means of
outbreaks. Chickens are usually able to stop                        Histomoniasis prevention since the
the disease before destruction of the ceca and                      cecal worm role in disease transmission
degradation of the liver take place. Infections                     was identified in the 1930s. Separation                                                                                                   ATTRA            Page 5
should also include ground that has been          Whites, heritage turkeys can be selected
                                     used for different poultry species. Land          for resistance to Blackhead. If a Black-
                                     that has been used to house/pasture               head outbreak occurs in a heritage
                                     chickens or gamebirds should not be               flock, the surviving individuals may
                                     used for turkeys or peafowl production.           have some trait, either genetic or behav-
                                 • Fallowing of contaminated ground or                 ioral, that increases their chance of sur-
                                   houses – Cecal worm eggs are viable up              viving or avoiding a Blackhead infec-
                                   to three years in the soil and litter, and          tion. These birds could be saved and
                                   research has shown that H. meleagridis              bred to obtain next season’s poults, and
                                   harbored inside of the eggs remains                 at least some resistance to Blackhead
                                   infectious even after 150 weeks. There-             could be bred into a producer’s flock.
                                   fore, three years should be the mini-            • Preventative feed additives:
                                   mum time considered for fallowing.                  – Histostat™ (active ingredient is Nitar-
                                 • Selecting for resistance – while this strategy        sone) is an effective preventative feed
                                   is not plausible for Broadbreasted                    additive and can be premixed into
                                                                                         feed. It is a non-organic additive that
                                                                                         contains arsenic and is the only drug
  Breeding Resistance                                                                    approved for the prevention of Black-
  into the Flock                                                                         head. At the time of this writing, Blue
  Nature’s Harmony Farm                                                                  Seal Feeds™, located in the Northeastern
  Located in Elberton, Georgia,                                                          and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United
  Nature’s Harmony Farm is a 126-                                                        States, sells a pre-mixed medicated
  acre diversified meat and dairy                                                        turkey feed containing Histostat.
  farm built by Tim and Liz Young.
  Raising pasture-based pork, poul-
                                                                                         Other than within the Blue Seal prod-
  try, cattle, sheep, and rabbit, as                                                     uct, the use of Histostat is difficult at
  well as running a grass-fed dairy,                                                     best for a small producer. The drug is
  the Youngs have taken a holistic                                                       only sold in 55-pound bags – enough
  approach towards the manage-                                                           Histostat to mix more than 65 tons of
  ment of their farm. Tim and Liz         again.’ We said no, we’re going to             feed. Additionally, the drug can only
  examine all of their endeavors          build resistance to Blackhead, and             be purchased by registered feed mills,
  with an eye towards long-term           all the other diseases. We raise tur-          and Histostat must be mixed into the
  biological sustainability. One criti-   keys with our chickens, we don’t               ration as the feed is milled. Finally, at
  cal objective of Nature’s Harmony       worry about any of these things,               approximately $15/pound, Histostat
  Farm’s holistic planning is breeding    and we just let nature sort it out.”
                                                                                         is a costly drug to buy in bulk. Histo-
  disease resistance into their live-
  stock, including Blackhead resis-       Liz adds, “We find the strongest               stat cannot be fed to actively produc-
  tance in turkeys.                       birds, those are the ones we breed             ing layers and has a short withdrawal
                                          and their offspring have proven to             period (5 days) to allow the arsenic
  “Now that we’re breeding our own        be so much hardier than all the                ingested by the bird to be flushed
  animals on the farm”, says Tim,         other animals on the farm. It will             from the system. In addition, Histostat
  “we worry a lot less about disease      take a number of years to get where            is toxic to dogs, ruminants, and water-
  mortality problems. We had such         we want to be, but the results so far
  huge issues with pastured poul-                                                        fowl. The toxicity to other species is an
                                          give us a lot of hope.”
  try two years ago with Blackhead,                                                      additional burden to mills that must
  sinusitis, mycoplasm, etc., which       “This was a huge, calculated risk              thoroughly clean their feed machinery
  we either don’t see any more or         we took as new farmers a couple of             before mixing non-poultry feeds.
  see drastically less of. Our birds      years ago,” Tim acknowledges, “but
  look so healthy now, but just a         we were so convicted in our values           – Natustat™ is a plant-based additive
  few years ago, we had depressing        that we felt it was the right thing to         manufactured by Alltech, Inc. that,
  mortality rates among birds that        do, even though it was counter to              just like Histostat, is mixed into the
  were shipped in from commer-            all the advice. We’re really happy             ration when the feed is milled. Natu-
  cial hatcheries. We’d have experts      with the decisions we made back                stat promotes poultry well-being
  come out, and they’d say ‘Just burn     then, and with the health of the               and discourages Blackhead by act-
  your entire flock and start all over    birds we have today.”                          ing as an immune system booster
                                                                                         that stimulates good health. The

Page 6        ATTRA                              Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys
company’s research trials have shown            • Good biosecurity techniques – infected
         that it is comparable to Histostat in             cecal worm eggs can be transported
         the prevention of Blackhead when                  on the bottom of boots/equipment
         birds are exposed to infected litter,             into brooders, clean pastures, land,
         but it is not effective in preventing             and poultry houses. On small farms,
         Blackhead when poultry are exposed                where multiple poultry species are often
         to the parasite directly (as through              kept, pay particular care when incor-
         cloacal drinking).                                porating new stock from off the farm
                                                           into the existing operation. When pos-
         Natustat is available to small growers
                                                           sible, chores and farm activity should
         directly in 55-pound bags. During the
                                                           be planned around dealing with sus-
         summer of 2010, the price per bag was
         $175, enough to treat 25 tons of feed.            ceptible poultry first and dealing with
         Natustat doesn’t have the legal purchas-          resistant species later when Blackhead is
         ing restrictions that make Histostat so           suspected or a concern. The American
         difficult for small producers to access.          Livestock Breed Conservancy (ALBC)
         There is no withdrawal time, and there            has excellent resources for addressing a
         is no secondary toxicity threat to other          farm’s biosecurity needs. The resources
         animal species.                                   can be viewed on their website at
        Feed additives are effective only if               biosecurity.html.
        administered before a Blackhead infec-
                                                         • Encouragement of roosting behavior –
        tion occurs. Once signs of infection are
                                                           getting poultry off of the ground and
        present (yellow fecal matter, behavioral
                                                           onto roosts reduces the chance of cloa-
        signs), preventative drugs are no longer
                                                           cal contact with infected fecal matter.
        effective. There are no legal drugs or
                                                           Turkeys and other poultry will huddle
        substances to treat Histomoniasis once
                                                           together and sleep on the ground in
        the infection has occurred.
                                                           absence of a suitable roost. The direct
       – Dimetridazole was a low-cost, highly              contact from huddling greatly increases
         effective drug that was once used to              the chance of Blackhead transmission
         cure infected turkey flocks and regen-            as the birds defecate through the night.
         erate liver damage. The drug was                  Heritage breeds of turkeys will roost
         banned in 1988 in the US and the                  instinctively. Broadbreasted Whites
         late 1990s in Europe                              and Bronzes have difficulty flying onto
       – Capsicum from hot peppers (i.e., Cay-             roosts due to their size, but can be
         enne) has anecdotal success as a natural          coaxed into roosting by providing a lad-
         treatment for Blackhead disease. How-             der or some type of plane.
         ever, the effectiveness of treating Black-
         head with Capsicum has not been veri-        Management During Infections
         fied through documented research.               • Frequent movement to fresh ground –
                                                           once a flock has been infected with
    • Promotion of good health and robust
                                                           Blackhead, frequently moving the flock
      immune systems – generally, a stressed
                                                           to fresh pasture minimizes the amount
      animal is more susceptible to any dis-
                                                           of manure and exposure time that the
      ease, so reducing the stresses (by pro-
                                                           birds are subject to the pathogens shed
      viding adequate shelter, balanced feed,
      proper stocking densities, clean water               in the infective manure.
      access) in turkeys and other poultry can           • Isolation of sick birds – isolation of
      help develop robust immune systems less              sick birds removes the source of direct
      susceptible to Blackhead. As mentioned               transmission from the flock. Identifica-
      before, running out of feed can allow                tion of sick birds before behavioral signs
      establishment of H. meleagridis through              develop can occur by spotting the birds
      oral ingestion, so care must be taken to             that expel the yellow manure characteristic
      assure that feeders are never empty.                 to the disease.                                                                                       ATTRA   Page 7
• Reduction in stocking rate – reducing the           • Preventative feed additives – once Black-
                               amount of birds in a given unit of area               head has appeared in the flock, it is of
                               (acre, paddock, etc.) has an effect similar           critical importance to prevent the rest
                               to moving the turkeys to fresh ground.                of the flock from becoming infected.
                                                                                     Feed preventatives can be a powerful
                             • Encourage natural sterilization – ultra-              tool against contraction or the spread of
                               violet light from sunshine, the drying                Blackhead in poultry flocks.
                               action of wind, the heat of summer,
                               and the chill of winter are all detri-
                               mental to the survival of H. meleagri-        Conclusion
                               dis. Any natural weathering process           Blackhead is a serious disease in poultry that
                               that breaks down poultry manure—              has affected poultry farmers in the United States
                               and therefore the hospitable niche of         for well over a century. Turkeys and peafowl are
                               the Blackhead pathogen—should be              highly susceptible to death from the disease.
                               encouraged. H. meleagridis requires           Chickens are excellent carriers of Blackhead, and
                               moisture to survive and spread, and           care must be taken to keep chickens and turkeys
                               moving the flock to dry ground makes          separate. There is no treatment for Blackhead,
                               the spread of Blackhead more difficult.       and so the best strategy is prevention.

                                                               Heterakis gallinarum, Histomonas meleagridis, and
References                                                     Parahistomonas wenrichi. Journal of Parasitology.
Davidson, W.R. and G.L. Doster. 2010 (viewed). Blackhead       Volume 58, p. 940-945.
Does Not Cause Blackhead. National Wild Turkey Federation.
                                                               McDougald, L.R. 2005. Blackhead Disease (Histomoniasis)
Bulletin 25.
                                                               in Poultry: A Critical Review. Avian Diseases. Vol. 49, p.
Hu, J., L. Fuller and L.R. McDougald. 2004. Infection of       462–476.
Turkeys with Histomonas meleagridis by the Cloacal Drop
                                                               McDougald, L.R. and L. Fuller. 2005. Blackhead Disease
Method. Avian Diseases. Vol. 48, p. 746-750.
                                                               in Turkeys: Direct Transmission of Histomonas meleagridis
Lund, E.E. and A.M. Chute. 1972. Reciprocal Responses          from Bird to Bird in a Laboratory Model. Avian Diseases.
of Eight Species of Galliform Birds and Three Parasites:       Vol. 49, p. 328–331.

                                                                  Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry:
                                                                  Blackhead in Turkeys
                                                                  By Terrell Spencer
                                                                  NCAT Agriculture Specialist
                                                                  © 2010 NCAT
                                                                  Tracy Mumma, Editor
                                                                  Amy Smith, Production
                                                                  This publication is available on the Web at:
                                                                  Slot 370
                                                                  Version 102510

Page 8       ATTRA

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Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys - IP372

  • 1. A project of the National Center for Appropriate Technology 1-800-346-9140 • Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys By Terrell Spencer, Blackhead disease, also called Histomoniasis, is a serious disease capable of decimating turkey flocks NCAT Agriculture and negatively affecting other poultry. Caused by the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis, Blackhead Specialist can also have a significant economic impact on chicken production. Recent research has revealed new © 2010 NCAT information about the bird-to-bird transmission of Blackhead through a previously unknown path- way—cloacal drinking. This publication addresses the new research as well as focusing on the history, Contents life cycle, diagnosis, prevention, and management of Blackhead disease, primarily in turkeys. The effect Introduction ......................1 Histomoniasis has on other poultry species (chickens, gamebirds, and peafowl) is also discussed briefly. The Life Cycle and Infectious Pathway of Blackhead......................2 Poultry Species as Blackhead Reservoirs .....2 Blackhead Transmission through Cecal Worm Eggs and Soil.....................2 Horizontal Spreading of Blackhead through Turkey Flocks.....................3 Oral Ingestion and Contraction of Blackhead......................4 Diagnosis and Symptoms of Infected Turkeys ..............4 Prevention and Management of Blackhead Disease ..........5 Conclusion .........................8 References .........................8 Photo by Jeannette Beranger, American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. demands of an expanding population, turkey Introduction production dropped from 11 million birds in 1890, just years before the first Blackhead out- History of Blackhead break, to an average of 3.7 million turkeys per The National Sustainable in the United States year during the 1910–1920 decade. The devel- T Agriculture Information Service, he first reported case of Blackhead dis- opment of antihistomonal drugs in the 1960s ATTRA (, was developed and is managed ease in the United States occurred in led to a dramatic decrease in Blackhead-related by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT). Rhode Island in 1893, possibly carried turkey deaths. Unfortunately for poultry pro- The project is funded through to the U.S. by pheasants imported the decade ducers, the drugs developed to treat Histomo- a cooperative agreement with the United States Department before. Blackhead then spread throughout the niasis were eventually banned (McDougald, of Agriculture’s Rural Business- Cooperative Service. Visit the U.S., ravaging turkey flocks in New England 2005). As more farmers enter into free-range NCAT website ( and following production like a faithful shadow. and pastured-poultry systems, often combining sarc_current.php) for more information on Outbreaks of Blackhead rapidly spread down multiple poultry species on the same land, our other sustainable agriculture and the Eastern Seaboard, into the Midwest and the Blackhead outbreaks may be of increasing energy projects. far western United States. Despite the growing concern and economic impact.
  • 2. The Life Cycle and Infectious Blackhead does not kill the infected bird, and the disease requires a secondary bacterial infection to Pathway of Blackhead be virulent and eventually fatal. Escherichia coli, Blackhead occurs when the causal agent, the Bacillus subtilis, and Clostridium sp. are some of protozoan Histomonas meleagridis, gains access the bacteria noted in the secondary infections to the ceca, or blind pouches of the intestines. that caused death (McDougald, 2005). Blackhead infects poultry using three separate pathways that will be examined in detail in this publication: Poultry Species as • Ingestion of soil or earthworms Blackhead Reservoirs containing eggs of the cecal worm Among poultry species, there are varying Heterakis gallinarum, infected with degrees of susceptibility to Blackhead. Some Related ATTRA birds, such as pheasants, ducks, and geese, are publications H. meleagridis nearly immune to the effects of Blackhead. Parasite Management • Uptake of H. meleagridis directly into Chickens are somewhat resistant to the disease, for Natural and Organic the lower digestive tract through the while turkeys and peafowl are extremely vulner- Poultry: Coccidiosis process of “cloacal drinking” able and have high mortality rates when infected • Oral ingestion of live H. meleagridis with H. meleagridis. Experiments have shown protozoa when stomach is not acidic that infected pheasants and chickens are capable enough to kill the pathogen of transmitting Blackhead to young turkeys (Lund and Chute, 1972). Once access into the digestive tract has been achieved, H. meleagridis multiplies in the ceca Traditional wisdom dictating that chickens and and attacks the tissues of the cecal walls. As the turkeys not be raised together is most likely disease progresses, a cheese-like, foul-smelling, based on experience with Histomoniasis. Chick- yellow substance fi lls the ceca. Th is substance ens are excellent hosts for the cecal worm that can vary in form from a hardened plug to more H. meleagridis uses as a vector. It is not unrea- liquid in nature, and is composed of dead cecal sonable to assume that the majority of Black- cells and blood. In highly susceptible birds such head outbreaks, especially among small, diver- as turkeys, the Blackhead protozoa then enter sified farmers, can be traced back to chickens. the bloodstream through the damaged ceca and are deposited into the liver, where they do even Among chickens, laying hens and breeding more damage, creating signature “bulls-eye” roosters have the potential to shed many more zones of necrosis (dead tissue). Occasionally, cecal worm eggs than broilers due to age dif- H. meleagridis also enters into other organs ferences in production—a broiler is usually such as the kidneys, lungs, heart, and brain. slaughtered at six to 12 weeks (six to eight weeks for Cornish cross; 12+ weeks for slower-grow- ing breeds), while a hen may be kept for two or Figure 1. Turkey Digestive Tract. By Terrell Spencer, NCAT. more years. The cecal worm in question, H. gal- linarum, takes approximately a month to mature and begin shedding eggs. This time frame, cou- pled with the two to four weeks chicks spend in the brooder, allows little to no time for a broiler to contaminate the soil with cecal worm eggs. On the other hand, a hen in production for sev- eral years can seed tremendous amounts of cecal worm eggs into the soil during her lifetime. Blackhead Transmission through Cecal Worm Eggs and Soil The indirect ingestion of Blackhead protozoa through consumption of earthworms and cecal worm eggs is the most commonly known means Page 2 ATTRA Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys
  • 3. Figure 2. Blackhead life cycle by By Terrell Spencer, NCAT. of contracting Histomoniasis. When exposed Horizontal Spreading to the elements, the Blackhead pathogen is short-lived, being highly susceptible to envi- of Blackhead through ronmental stresses—sunlight, wind, and tem- Turkey Flocks perature extremes. H. meleagridis has over- The contraction of Blackhead disease by come this limitation through infecting cecal turkeys has traditionally been attributed solely worm eggs, as these eggs are extremely hardy. to the vectoring of the disease through cecal The eggs can remain viable up to three years worm eggs and earthworms. However, recent in the soil; in addition, cecal worms are very research has shown that turkeys can infect other common in many poultry species, especially members of the flock directly through a process chickens. Contaminated cecal worm eggs are known as cloacal drinking (Hu et al., 2004, consumed when birds ingest soil either inten- McDougald and Fuller, 2005). tionally or during foraging. Earthworms also act as an intermediate vehicle for spreading Cloacal drinking is the reflexive intake of fluids the disease, as the earthworms consume soil through the cloaca in order to inoculate the containing the infected cecal worm eggs. The young bird’s immune system with the micro- earthworms, in turn, are readily consumed by bial flora of the surrounding environment. all types of poultry. ATTRA Page 3
  • 4. Unfortunately for both the turkey and the ically, the proventriculus—due to the stomach farmer, the turkey immune system has little to acids produced. Therefore, Blackhead is typi- no defense against Blackhead, and the Black- cally not transmitted orally (Hu et al., 2004). head protozoans that enter through the cloaca When a turkey feeds, acid is produced to aid multiply unrestricted. Uptake of H. meleagridis in digestion, and this acidification destroys through the cloaca occurs when a turkey’s clo- H. meleagridis. After six hours of not feeding, aca comes into contact with contaminated fecal however, the lack of stomach acid allows the matter, most likely while resting. The patho- turkey’s gastrointestinal tract to go from being genic protozoa are then drawn into the digestive acidic to neutral in pH, and this change can tract through the cloacal drinking process and migrate to the ceca, where infection occurs. allow H. meleagridis to survive oral ingestion (McDougald, 2010). Historically, contraction of Blackhead through cecal worm eggs has explained the begin- ning of outbreaks in poultry f locks, but Diagnosis and Symptoms failed to account for the rapidity with which of Infected Turkeys Blackhead spreads throughout the flock. The lack of an explanation for the continued trans- Physical Symptoms of Blackhead mission of Histomoniasis through a f lock, • Mustardy, yellowish colored stool— despite the exclusion of earthworms and soil varies from a watery, foamy diarrhea containing cecal worm eggs, has been a source to a dry, solid black stool with waxy of frustration and setback for farmers. Now, yellowish streaks thanks to recent research findings, this gap in • Bulls-eye-shaped necrotic pitting the basic understanding of the Blackhead life- on liver cycle has been closed. • Ceca filled with yellow, cheesy substance Oral Ingestion and Behavioral Signs of Blackhead Contraction of Blackhead • Lethargy When the turkey is given a constant supply of • Drooping wings food, experiments have suggested that H. melea- gridis ingested orally is not capable of surviving • Dry, ruffled feathers the passage through the stomach—more specif- • Suppressed appetite, increased thirst Regular (on left) and Blackhead-infected (right) An ill turkey showing classic signs of sickness: lethargy (as seen by the closed eyes), turkey droppings. The tell-tale sulfur colored droppings lack of inquisitiveness, retracted neck, and drooping wings. Photo by indicative of a Blackhead infection are clear. Terrell Spencer, NCAT. Photo by Terrell Spencer, NCAT. Page 4 ATTRA Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys
  • 5. On farm dissection showing characteristic liver necrosis due to Enlarged cecum filled with yellowish necrotic tissue in a Blackhead Blackhead. Photo by Terrell Spencer, NCAT. infected turkey. Photo by Terrell Spencer, NCAT. • Decreased/lack of f light distance in chickens often are undiagnosed, though (distance the turkey keeps between in chickens the impact of Blackhead has itself and humans) been described as being at least as severe as • Decreased/lack of inquisitiveness coccidiosis, and in some broiler breeder flocks, mortality may reach as high as 10% (McDou- Blackhead infections vary in the time required gald, 2005). Bobwhite quail farmers have also to manifest signs, depending on the path- occasionally experienced outbreaks of Black- way and initial amount of infection. Signs head disease, especially when these growers of infection begin to appear seven to 14 days utilize old chicken houses. after exposure. In turkeys, the yellow-col- ored fecal matter is the definitive symptom of Blackhead disease. From personal experience, Prevention and Management when behavioral symptoms become apparent, of Blackhead Disease mortality usually occurs in one to three days. Prevention is the key to successful Blackhead Positive diagnosis of dead birds can be easily management. Due to the previously mentioned obtained through a post-mortem dissection banning of the antihistomonal medicines used (necropsy) by the farmer. The abdominal cavity to treat outbreaks, there are no established treat- can be opened and the cecum examined. The ments for turkeys once they are infected and chest/breast can then be split down the middle symptomatic. It is imperative that any truly using heavy duty shears or tin snips to reveal sustainable turkey operation have a Blackhead the liver. Once the ceca and liver are exposed, prevention plan. the organs can be inspected for necrosis as described above. Preventative and Despite the descriptive name of the disease, Blackhead rarely, if ever, causes the head of Post-Infection Measures the infected bird to darken or turn black, so The most economical and sustainable method of the common name is somewhat of a misnomer Blackhead management is complete avoidance (Davidson and Doster, 2010). of the disease through preventive treatments. Turkeys demonstrate the most severe symp- • Separation of poultry flocks by species toms of any poultry from H. meleagridis infec- and age – separation of susceptible tion and, consequently, the highest mortal- (turkeys and peafowl) and resistant ity rates. Indeed, expectations of 80-100% (chickens, pheasants, quail, etc.) poultry mortality are plausible in turkey Blackhead species has been the principal means of outbreaks. Chickens are usually able to stop Histomoniasis prevention since the the disease before destruction of the ceca and cecal worm role in disease transmission degradation of the liver take place. Infections was identified in the 1930s. Separation ATTRA Page 5
  • 6. should also include ground that has been Whites, heritage turkeys can be selected used for different poultry species. Land for resistance to Blackhead. If a Black- that has been used to house/pasture head outbreak occurs in a heritage chickens or gamebirds should not be flock, the surviving individuals may used for turkeys or peafowl production. have some trait, either genetic or behav- • Fallowing of contaminated ground or ioral, that increases their chance of sur- houses – Cecal worm eggs are viable up viving or avoiding a Blackhead infec- to three years in the soil and litter, and tion. These birds could be saved and research has shown that H. meleagridis bred to obtain next season’s poults, and harbored inside of the eggs remains at least some resistance to Blackhead infectious even after 150 weeks. There- could be bred into a producer’s flock. fore, three years should be the mini- • Preventative feed additives: mum time considered for fallowing. – Histostat™ (active ingredient is Nitar- • Selecting for resistance – while this strategy sone) is an effective preventative feed is not plausible for Broadbreasted additive and can be premixed into feed. It is a non-organic additive that contains arsenic and is the only drug Breeding Resistance approved for the prevention of Black- into the Flock head. At the time of this writing, Blue Nature’s Harmony Farm Seal Feeds™, located in the Northeastern Located in Elberton, Georgia, and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United Nature’s Harmony Farm is a 126- States, sells a pre-mixed medicated acre diversified meat and dairy turkey feed containing Histostat. farm built by Tim and Liz Young. Raising pasture-based pork, poul- Other than within the Blue Seal prod- try, cattle, sheep, and rabbit, as uct, the use of Histostat is difficult at well as running a grass-fed dairy, best for a small producer. The drug is the Youngs have taken a holistic only sold in 55-pound bags – enough approach towards the manage- Histostat to mix more than 65 tons of ment of their farm. Tim and Liz again.’ We said no, we’re going to feed. Additionally, the drug can only examine all of their endeavors build resistance to Blackhead, and be purchased by registered feed mills, with an eye towards long-term all the other diseases. We raise tur- and Histostat must be mixed into the biological sustainability. One criti- keys with our chickens, we don’t ration as the feed is milled. Finally, at cal objective of Nature’s Harmony worry about any of these things, approximately $15/pound, Histostat Farm’s holistic planning is breeding and we just let nature sort it out.” is a costly drug to buy in bulk. Histo- disease resistance into their live- stock, including Blackhead resis- Liz adds, “We find the strongest stat cannot be fed to actively produc- tance in turkeys. birds, those are the ones we breed ing layers and has a short withdrawal and their offspring have proven to period (5 days) to allow the arsenic “Now that we’re breeding our own be so much hardier than all the ingested by the bird to be flushed animals on the farm”, says Tim, other animals on the farm. It will from the system. In addition, Histostat “we worry a lot less about disease take a number of years to get where is toxic to dogs, ruminants, and water- mortality problems. We had such we want to be, but the results so far huge issues with pastured poul- fowl. The toxicity to other species is an give us a lot of hope.” try two years ago with Blackhead, additional burden to mills that must sinusitis, mycoplasm, etc., which “This was a huge, calculated risk thoroughly clean their feed machinery we either don’t see any more or we took as new farmers a couple of before mixing non-poultry feeds. see drastically less of. Our birds years ago,” Tim acknowledges, “but look so healthy now, but just a we were so convicted in our values – Natustat™ is a plant-based additive few years ago, we had depressing that we felt it was the right thing to manufactured by Alltech, Inc. that, mortality rates among birds that do, even though it was counter to just like Histostat, is mixed into the were shipped in from commer- all the advice. We’re really happy ration when the feed is milled. Natu- cial hatcheries. We’d have experts with the decisions we made back stat promotes poultry well-being come out, and they’d say ‘Just burn then, and with the health of the and discourages Blackhead by act- your entire flock and start all over birds we have today.” ing as an immune system booster that stimulates good health. The Page 6 ATTRA Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys
  • 7. company’s research trials have shown • Good biosecurity techniques – infected that it is comparable to Histostat in cecal worm eggs can be transported the prevention of Blackhead when on the bottom of boots/equipment birds are exposed to infected litter, into brooders, clean pastures, land, but it is not effective in preventing and poultry houses. On small farms, Blackhead when poultry are exposed where multiple poultry species are often to the parasite directly (as through kept, pay particular care when incor- cloacal drinking). porating new stock from off the farm into the existing operation. When pos- Natustat is available to small growers sible, chores and farm activity should directly in 55-pound bags. During the be planned around dealing with sus- summer of 2010, the price per bag was $175, enough to treat 25 tons of feed. ceptible poultry first and dealing with Natustat doesn’t have the legal purchas- resistant species later when Blackhead is ing restrictions that make Histostat so suspected or a concern. The American difficult for small producers to access. Livestock Breed Conservancy (ALBC) There is no withdrawal time, and there has excellent resources for addressing a is no secondary toxicity threat to other farm’s biosecurity needs. The resources animal species. can be viewed on their website at Feed additives are effective only if biosecurity.html. administered before a Blackhead infec- • Encouragement of roosting behavior – tion occurs. Once signs of infection are getting poultry off of the ground and present (yellow fecal matter, behavioral onto roosts reduces the chance of cloa- signs), preventative drugs are no longer cal contact with infected fecal matter. effective. There are no legal drugs or Turkeys and other poultry will huddle substances to treat Histomoniasis once together and sleep on the ground in the infection has occurred. absence of a suitable roost. The direct – Dimetridazole was a low-cost, highly contact from huddling greatly increases effective drug that was once used to the chance of Blackhead transmission cure infected turkey flocks and regen- as the birds defecate through the night. erate liver damage. The drug was Heritage breeds of turkeys will roost banned in 1988 in the US and the instinctively. Broadbreasted Whites late 1990s in Europe and Bronzes have difficulty flying onto – Capsicum from hot peppers (i.e., Cay- roosts due to their size, but can be enne) has anecdotal success as a natural coaxed into roosting by providing a lad- treatment for Blackhead disease. How- der or some type of plane. ever, the effectiveness of treating Black- head with Capsicum has not been veri- Management During Infections fied through documented research. • Frequent movement to fresh ground – once a flock has been infected with • Promotion of good health and robust Blackhead, frequently moving the flock immune systems – generally, a stressed to fresh pasture minimizes the amount animal is more susceptible to any dis- of manure and exposure time that the ease, so reducing the stresses (by pro- birds are subject to the pathogens shed viding adequate shelter, balanced feed, proper stocking densities, clean water in the infective manure. access) in turkeys and other poultry can • Isolation of sick birds – isolation of help develop robust immune systems less sick birds removes the source of direct susceptible to Blackhead. As mentioned transmission from the flock. Identifica- before, running out of feed can allow tion of sick birds before behavioral signs establishment of H. meleagridis through develop can occur by spotting the birds oral ingestion, so care must be taken to that expel the yellow manure characteristic assure that feeders are never empty. to the disease. ATTRA Page 7
  • 8. • Reduction in stocking rate – reducing the • Preventative feed additives – once Black- amount of birds in a given unit of area head has appeared in the flock, it is of (acre, paddock, etc.) has an effect similar critical importance to prevent the rest to moving the turkeys to fresh ground. of the flock from becoming infected. Feed preventatives can be a powerful • Encourage natural sterilization – ultra- tool against contraction or the spread of violet light from sunshine, the drying Blackhead in poultry flocks. action of wind, the heat of summer, and the chill of winter are all detri- mental to the survival of H. meleagri- Conclusion dis. Any natural weathering process Blackhead is a serious disease in poultry that that breaks down poultry manure— has affected poultry farmers in the United States and therefore the hospitable niche of for well over a century. Turkeys and peafowl are the Blackhead pathogen—should be highly susceptible to death from the disease. encouraged. H. meleagridis requires Chickens are excellent carriers of Blackhead, and moisture to survive and spread, and care must be taken to keep chickens and turkeys moving the flock to dry ground makes separate. There is no treatment for Blackhead, the spread of Blackhead more difficult. and so the best strategy is prevention. Heterakis gallinarum, Histomonas meleagridis, and References Parahistomonas wenrichi. Journal of Parasitology. Davidson, W.R. and G.L. Doster. 2010 (viewed). Blackhead Volume 58, p. 940-945. Does Not Cause Blackhead. National Wild Turkey Federation. McDougald, L.R. 2005. Blackhead Disease (Histomoniasis) Bulletin 25. in Poultry: A Critical Review. Avian Diseases. Vol. 49, p. Hu, J., L. Fuller and L.R. McDougald. 2004. Infection of 462–476. Turkeys with Histomonas meleagridis by the Cloacal Drop McDougald, L.R. and L. Fuller. 2005. Blackhead Disease Method. Avian Diseases. Vol. 48, p. 746-750. in Turkeys: Direct Transmission of Histomonas meleagridis Lund, E.E. and A.M. Chute. 1972. Reciprocal Responses from Bird to Bird in a Laboratory Model. Avian Diseases. of Eight Species of Galliform Birds and Three Parasites: Vol. 49, p. 328–331. Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Blackhead in Turkeys By Terrell Spencer NCAT Agriculture Specialist © 2010 NCAT Tracy Mumma, Editor Amy Smith, Production This publication is available on the Web at: or IP372 Slot 370 Version 102510 Page 8 ATTRA