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Parasite Immunology, 2001: 23: 617±626

Mouse splenic CD41 and CD81 T cells undergo extensive apoptosis
during a Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS infection


Department of Immunology, National School of Biological Sciences, IPN, Mexico City , Mexico

SUMMARY                                                                INTRODUCTION
The presence and phenotype of apoptotic lymphocytes was                Apoptosis is a natural mechanism of cell death, which
studied in spleen cell suspensions taken from CB6F1 mice               involves membrane cell blebbing, cell shrinkage, chromatin
infected with Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS. High                    condensation, nuclear fragmentation and DNA degradation
levels of apoptotic cells were found, associated with high             (1). This mechanism, which has been also called pro-
parasitaemias and splenomegaly. This was also accompa-                 grammed cell death, is essential for the homeostasis of the
nied by expansion and disarray of spleen white pulp.                   whole organism and has a central role from development to
Apoptosis levels lowered when parasitaemia was cleared,                the maintenance of body shape and function. There has
but were still higher than in normal mice. At this time, the           been major advances in the understanding of the biochem-
spleen was diminishing in size and the white pulp was                  ical events that underlie the apoptotic process (2).
contracting and rearranging. When parasitaemia was                     Apoptosis is triggered by a variety of both internal and
patent, the cells most affected by apoptosis were CD41 T               external signals. Most of the morphological changes
cells followed by CD81 T cells, and to a lesser extent                 observed in a cell that is undergoing apoptosis are caused
B2201 B cells. When parasitaemia was cleared, CD81 T                   by a family of cystein proteases which are activated in
cells and B2201 B cells returned to basal levels of                    cascade and are known as caspases. These enzymes have
apoptosis, while CD41 T cells still had higher apoptosis               restricted protein targets which are normally inactivated
levels than normal mice. A similar pattern of lymphocyte               after the caspase exerts its action. In some cases, the target
subpopulation apoptosis was found in infected BALB/c                   of a caspase is an enzyme inhibitor so the final action of the
mice, despite the fact that, for this mouse model, it has been         caspases is the activation of the enzyme.
reported that B cells are the cells that are most affected by             Inside the cell, there are proteins which facilitates the
apoptosis. We consider that the high levels of apoptosis in            apoptotic process (pro-apoptotic) and others which suppress
CD41 T cells when parasitaemias are still high are not                 it (anti-apoptotic). The relative amount of pro- and anti-
easily explained by a normal mechanism of down regulation              apoptotic proteins determines if a cell is sensitive or
of the immune response.                                                resistant to apoptotic signals. One of the first identified
                                                                       anti-apoptotic proteins was called Bcl-2, which was
Keywords apoptosis, mouse malaria, CD41 T cells,                       discovered in a B-cell lymphoma. Now we know that
CD81 T cells, B cells, Plasmodium chabaudi                             there is a family of these proteins and some of them, such as
                                                                       Bax and Bak, are in fact pro-apoptotic. Many proteins of
                                                                       the Bcl-2 family work at the mitochondria membrane level.
                                                                       If pro-apoptotic proteins predominate, the mitochondria
                                                                       releases several molecules, including cytochome C, which
                                                                       promote the apoptotic process.
                                                                          During the course of an immune response, T-cell clones
Correspondence: Luis Favila-Castillo, Department of Immunology,
National School of Biological Sciences, IPN, Carpio y Plan de Ayala,
                                                                       responding to the antigen undergo extensive proliferation.
                   Â     Â                  Â
Colonia Santo Tomas, Mexico DF 11340, Mexico.                          When the antigen is eliminated, the number of T-cells must
Received: 4 January 2001                                               be down regulated and this is achieved by inducing
Accepted for publication: 29 June 2001                                 apoptosis in the responding T-cells, a process termed

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L.Sanchez-Torres et al.                                                                                      Parasite Immunology

activation-induced cell death. The apoptotic signal is            in different malaria mouse models, in humans and in other
received by the T-cell through a membrane receptor called         animal models, where the infection becomes chronic (15±
CD95 or Fas, which is a type I transmembrane receptor.            17). In these latter two situations, apoptosis of lymphoid
The death signal is provided by the ligand of CD95 (CD95L         cells might help explain the development of immunosup-
or FasL), which is expressed on lymphoid cells in the late        pression and chronicity.
phases of the immune response. The elimination of                    The organ most affected in malaria is the spleen. Besides
responding cells is considered a normal mechanism to              suffering changes in size and function, the spleen is also
turn off an ongoing immune response and to avoid self             closely related to the development and maintenance of a
damage (3). There are other signals which contribute to           protective immune response (18). Using a spleen transplant
activation-induced cell death, such as a receptor for tumour      technique in a malaria rat model, it has been shown that,
necrosis factor (TNF)R2 which transmits apoptotic signals         after primary infection, the spleen develops all the required
when bound to its ligand TNF-a. Finally, apoptotic cells are      elements to protect itself against reinfection (19).
engulfed by phagocytic cells, eliminating them without               One way to understand the role of lymphoid cell
causing tissue inflammation or alterations in tissue              apoptosis in malaria is to study the presence of apoptotic
morphology or function.                                           lymphoid cells during different stages of infection, and to
   The idea that parasitic microorganisms might tamper with       relate any changes to other physiological alterations in the
apoptotic signals or biochemical processes and hence use          immune system. In this respect, it is also useful to
them to their advantage is attractive as it could help explain,   determine how different lymphoid cell populations are
at least in part, how parasites can become established in         affected by apoptosis. A recent study (20) investigated
their host and how infection becomes chronic.                     apoptosis in mouse spleen cells infected with P. chabaudi
   An increase in apoptosis of lymphoid cells has been            chabaudi AS. It was found that the frequency and absolute
described during mouse infection with microorganisms              numbers of apoptotic cells in the spleen increased during
such as viruses (4,5), ricketssia (6), bacteria (7,8), protozoa   primary infection, reached a peak around 4 days following
(9,10) and helminths (11). The relevant questions in these        peak parasitaemia and then descended to almost normal
systems are: (i) does the parasitic microorganism use             levels after the parasite was cleared. The findings also
apoptotic signals to interfere with the immune response and       demonstrated that apoptosis involves T cells (CD41 and
become established in its host or (ii) is the increase in         CD81), B cells and macrophages and that the majority of
apoptosis during the infection associated with the normal         apoptotic cells are B cells.
silencing of the immune response against the parasite? A             Here, we carried out a similar study using the same
third possibility is that the increase in apoptosis is an         parasite, and, in general, confirmed the previous results
epiphenomenon, which is not relevant to the host±parasite         (20). We also describe changes in spleen size and histology
interaction.                                                      during the infection, and correlate these changes with
   In mice infected with the lymphocytic choriomeningitis         apoptosis of spleen cells. Finally, it should be noted that we
virus (4) or with Listeria monocytogenes (7), lymphocyte          studied apoptosis in lymphocyte subpopulations using a
apoptosis has been associated with silencing of the immune        different experimental approach to the previous study (20).
response. Whereas, in mice infected with Trypanosoma              We therefore conclude that when apoptosis is expressed as
cruzi, lymphocyte apoptosis has been interpreted as a way         the percentage of apoptotic cells within a particular
to limit host tissue damage by the immune response, but           lymphocyte subpopulation, the cells most affected by
which collaterally promotes the establishment of a chronic        apoptosis are CD41 T cells, followed by CD81 T cells,
infection (10). On the other hand, a protein that induces         while B2201 B cells are proportionally less affected. With
apoptosis in macrophages has been identified in Yersinia,         this information, the possible role of apoptosis at the
and it has been shown that when Yersinia is inoculated into       different stages of infection is discussed.
mice the expression of this protein is an important virulent
factor (12).
                                                                  MATERIALS AND METHODS
   In malaria, there are several phenomena in which
apoptosis of lymphoid cells could be involved. There is a
very intense proliferation of lymphoid cells (13,14) and
severe splenomegaly, and these events are subdued when            Female (BALB/cXC57Bl/6) F1 hybrids or BALB/c 14±22-
parasitaemia is controlled. In both cases, apoptosis could be     week-old mice were used for all experiments. The parents
part of a normal mechanism to reduce the number of                were originally purchased from the Jackson Laboratory
lymphoid cells and, as a consequence, spleen size. On the         (Bar Harbor, ME, USA) and hybrids or BALB/c mice were
other hand, general immunosuppression has been described          bred in our facilities at the Department of Immunology, in

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Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001                                                        T cell apoptosis in P. chabaudi malaria

the National School of Biological Sciences, IPN, Mexico          Determination of apoptotic cells by cytofluorometry
City. Experimental mice were maintained in a reversed 12-h
                                                                 The presence of apoptotic cells was determined in cell
light-dark cycle from 07.00 h to 19.00 h.
                                                                 suspensions by their ability to bind Annexin V (21). The
                                                                 Apodetect Annexin V-fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC) kit
Parasite and infection                                           (Zymed Laboratories, San Francisco, CA, USA) was used,
                                                                 according to the manufacturer's instructions. Briefly: spleen
Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS was kindly donated by            cells, obtained as described above, were adjusted to
Dr David Walliker (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,           5 Â 105 per ml in binding buffer and 10 ml of FITC-
UK), and is a cloned and mosquito-transmitted line. The          Annexin V were added to a 190-ml sample of the cell
parasite has been syringe passaged from the original             suspension. The mixture was incubated for 10 min at room
material no more than eight times and reference populations      temperature. After centrifugation, cells were resuspended in
are cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen. For all experiments,       190 ml of binding buffer and 10 ml of propidium iodide
parasites from frozen material were inoculated into young        (20 mg/ml) were added. Cells were analysed in a
mice (8±10 weeks old) and when parasitaemias were                FACScalibur cytofluorometer (Becton Dickinson, San
patent, experimental mice were inoculated intraperitoneally      Jose, CA, USA) using the Cell Quest program (version
with 5 Â 104 parasitized red blood cells. Control mice were      2´0), and 10 000 events per sample were recorded. Cells
inoculated with the same amount of normal red blood cells        that were positive for both propidium iodide and Annexin V
as the total amount of red cells received by the infected        were considered as necrotic cells, and were excluded from
mice. The parasite causes a synchronical infection and           the analysis. The results are expressed as the percentage of
undergoes schizogony every 24 h between 09.00 h and              apoptotic cells (^ SD).
11.00 h. Parasitaemia was determined by light microscopy
of methanol-fixed, Giemsa-stained thin blood films, and
was expressed as percent parasitaemia.                           Determination of apoptotic cells in sections
                                                                 Apoptotic cells were detected by the TUNEL reaction (22).
                                                                 An in situ cell death detection kit (Boehringer Mannheim
Determination of splenomegaly
                                                                 GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) was used according to the
A group of mice was infected with P. chabaudi, as                manufacturer's instructions. Briefly, wax was removed
described above, and was only used for the determination         from sections, they were rehydrated and treated with
of splenomegaly. At different times following infection,         proteinase K. The sections were then incubated with
groups of three mice were sacrificed, their spleens extracted    terminal deoxinucleotidyl transferase and FITC-labelled
and weighed. At each experimental point, one normal, age         nucleotides, which were detected using an alkaline
matched mouse was also killed and its spleen weight              phosphatase conjugated anti-FITC antibody, using nitroblue
recorded. A total of eight normal mice were sacrificed           tetrazolium as the substrate. Apoptotic cells were stained
during the experiment and all resulting data were pooled.        blue and sections were then counterstained with nuclear
                                                                 red, dehydrated and mounted in synthetic resin.

Processing of spleens from infected and control mice
                                                                 Purification of lymphocyte subpopulations by magnetic
A group of mice was infected with the parasite, and at
different times following infection, groups of infected or
control mice were sacrificed, their spleens extracted            CD41 or CD81 T cells or B2201 B cells were purified
(always between 13.00 h and 14.00 h) and cut in half.            from total spleen cell suspensions, prepared as described
From one half, a cell suspension was prepared by                 above. Spleen cells (107) were resuspended in 90 ml of PBS
expressing the spleen through nylon mesh with the help           (containing 2 mm ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and
of a plastic syringe plunger. The spleen cells were collected    0´5% bovine seric albumin) and 10 ml of the respective
in cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), centrifuged,            paramagnetic bead bound antibody (Miltenyi Biotec,
resuspended in PBS, counted and used for the determina-          Aarhus, Denmark) were added. Cells were incubated on
tion of apoptotic cells by cytofluorometry (see below). The      ice for 15 min, washed twice, resuspended in 500 ml of
other spleen half was fixed in 10% formalin in PBS,              PBS and loaded onto a positive selection column (MS1/
embedded in paraffin-wax and processed by standard               RS1 MACS column, Miltenyi). The column was then
histological techniques used to prepare and stain 4 mm           exposed to a strong magnetic field (VarioMacs, Miltenyi).
sections with haematoxilin and eosin (H&E).                      Negative cells were eluted with 1´5 ml of PBS and were

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collected. The column was removed from the magnetic             21±38 p.i., when parasitaemia had been cleared. During
field and positive cells were eluted with 1´5 ml of PBS and     this time, the level of apoptosis, although low, was still
collected. The purification procedure was repeated using        significantly higher than in normal mice (16´7% apoptotic
the positive cells. The purity of the cells was assessed by     cells, day 38 p.i., P , 0´001).
cytofluorometry using FITC-conjugated anti-CD4 or anti-            Changes in spleen size were determined in a different
CD8 monoclonal antibodies and PE-conjugated anti-B220           group of infected mice, which gave a parasitaemia curve
monoclonal antibody. The percentage of apoptotic cells was      very similar to the one shown in Figure 1(a) (data not
determined in the purified cells by cytofluorometry, as         shown). The spleen started to increase in size early in
described above.                                                ascending parasitaemia. At day 4 p.i., the spleen was
                                                                already significantly bigger than in normal mice (Figure 1c,
                                                                P , 0´05). The spleen size increased sharply after this time
Statistical analysis
                                                                and at peak parasitaemia it was around 12-fold higher than
Student's t-test was used to assess statistical significance.   a normal spleen (12X, P , 0´001). The spleen size reached
P , 0´05 was considered statistically significant.              a peak at day 14 p.i. (17X, P , 0´001) which was 4 days
                                                                later than the peak of apoptosis (Figure 1b) and 6 days later
                                                                than peak parasitaemia, when descending parasitaemia was
                                                                around 0´01% (Figure 1a). After this time, the size of the
                                                                spleen decreased sharply to become 6´5X at day 16 p.i.
Apoptosis of spleen cells and changes in spleen size
                                                                (parasitaemia cleared) and continued to decrease to reach a
during P. chabaudi primary infection
                                                                size of 2´5X at day 31 p.i. (Figure 1c, P , 0´001). The
The curve of parasitaemia caused by P. chabaudi infection       spleen stays around this size for several months after
in CB6F1 mice has four distinct zones. Four days after          infection (data not shown).
inoculation, parasites start to be detected by light micro-
scopy and numbers sharply increase (ascending parasitae-
                                                                Histological changes in the spleen during P. chabaudi
mia) to reach a maximum at day 8 p.i. (peak parasitaemia).
                                                                primary infection
Then parasitaemia starts to rapidly decline (descending
parasitaemia) and the parasite becomes undetectable by          H&E stained sections were prepared from the spleens of
light microscopy around days 17±19 p.i., and stays this         mice used to generate the parasitaemia curve shown in
way up to day 38 p.i. (parasitaemia cleared) (Figure 1a). In    Figure 1(a). A section from a normal spleen is shown in
this study, parasitaemia has been considered to be cleared at   Figure 2(a), where normal distribution and aspect of red
this time; however, the presence of the parasite can be         and white pulp is observed. There were a few lymphoid
demonstrated by subinoculation of blood into normal mice        cells with picnotic nuclei (0´2±0´5 per field, using a  40
up to days 60 or 70 p.i. After this time, parasites cannot be   objective) which were considered to be apoptotic cells since
demonstrated in blood by subinoculation (data not shown).       they were TUNEL positive (see below). At day 4 p.i., when
   The percentage of apoptotic cells in the spleen was          parasites just started to be detected, the white pulp was
determined during P. chabaudi primary infection in the          organized and did not show obvious proliferative activity
same mice used to generate the parasitaemia curve               (Figure 2b). In general, no differences in histology
(Figure 1a). Results are shown in Figure 1(b). In a group       compared to normal spleens were detected, including the
of 13 normal mice, a background of 7´6% (^ 0´6) apoptotic       amount of apoptotic cells. At day 8 p.i., the time of peak
cells was detected. In infected mice, the percentage of         parasitaemia, cells in the white pulp had proliferated
apoptotic cells at the beginning of ascending parasitaemia      considerably, such that white pulp had enlarged and the
(days 2 and 4 p.i.) was not different from normal controls.     limits between white and red pulp started to disappear
When mice were approaching, or had reached peak                 (Figure 2c). At this time, the spleen had increased
parasitaemia (days 7 and 8 p.i.), there was a small but         considerably in size, although it had not reached its peak.
statistically significant increase in apoptotic cells (15´2%    The amount of apoptotic cells increased (2±3 per field) and
apoptotic cells, day 7 p.i., P , 0´001). After this time, the   clusters of apoptotic cells started to appear. At day 10 p.i.,
percentage of apoptotic cells increased steadily to reach a     which is the time when the peak in numbers of apoptotic
peak at day 10 p.i., when 53´1% of the spleen cells were        cells was detected in cell suspensions, total tissue
found to be apoptotic (P , 0´01). At this time, descending      disorganization was observed. This disorganization was
parasitaemia had already started, although parasitaemia was     due mainly to hiperplasia of the lymphoid tissue, the red
still high (Figure 1a). After this peak of apoptotic cells,     pulp had almost disappeared (Figure 2d) and apoptotic cells
apoptosis started to decline and reached a plateau from days    were abundant (10±20 per field). Spleen size was increased,

620                                                              q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626
Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001                                                                                                T cell apoptosis in P. chabaudi malaria

but it was still not at its peak. The time of peak                                                  of apoptotic cells and clusters, although still high (around
splenomegaly is day 14 p.i., which is when parasitaemia                                             10 per field) was lower than at day 10 p.i. At day 38 p.i.,
is being resolved, and the white pulp has started to                                                when parasitaemia has been controlled and splenomegaly
reorganize although it is still hyperplasic (Figure 2e). The                                        was subdued, white and red pulp are clearly separated again
red pulp started to be distinguishable again and the amount                                         and in the white pulp few individual apoptotic cells were
                                                                                                    observed (2±3 per field). In addition, many discrete less
                                                                                                    dense areas were easily recognizable at low magnification
                                                                                                    (Figure 2f). These structures were not seen in normal
                                                                                                    spleens and started to appear in the spleens of infected mice
                                                                                                    until day 19 p.i. (not shown) but were much more abundant
                                                                                                    at day 38 p.i. At higher magnification (Â 100 objective),
                                           10                                                       these structures were conglomerates of apoptotic cells,
                                                                                                    bodies and cell debris, apparently inside a macrophage
   % Parasitemia

                                             1                                                      (Figure 2g). All these structures were TUNEL positive, as
                                                                                                    were individual cells with condensed chromatin which were
                                                                                                    probably those recognized as apoptotic in H&E stained
                                                                                                    sections (Figure 2h).


                        0·001                                                                       Apoptosis in lymphocytes subpopulations
                             0                         5   10     15    20    25     30   35   40
                                                                                                    Our results show that there is an increase in apoptotic cells
                                                 (b)                                                in the spleen during P. chabaudi primary infection. We next
                                           80                                                       studied apoptosis at the level of lymphocyte subpopulation
                                                                                                    at different stages of infection. For this, we determined the
                                                                                                    percentage of apoptotic cells in CD41 and CD81 T cells
                                           60                                                       and B2001 B cells, purified by antibody coated magnetic
                       % Apoptotic cells

                                                                                                    beads, as described in Materials and Methods.
                                                                                                       We prepared a purified spleen cell subpopulation from
                                           40                                                       normal and infected CB6F1 or BALB/c mice at high
                                           30                                                       ascending parasitaemias, when the number of apoptotic
                                                                                                    cells started to rise significantly (Figure 1b), from peak
                                                                                                    parasitaemia or from descending parasitaemia. For CB6F1
                                           10                                                       mice, samples were also studied a few days following
                                                                                                    parasitaemia clearance. For all experiments, the percentage
                                                 0     5   10     15    20    25     30   35   40   of apoptotic cells in the unseparated whole spleen cell
                                                                                                    suspension was also determined, and it was found to be
                                                 (c)                                                within the range predicted by the curve shown in
                                           1·6                                                      Figure 1(b) (data not shown). The percentage of each cell

                                           1·2                                                      Figure 1 CB6F1 mice were infected with P. chabaudi. (a) Resulting
             Spleen weight (g)

                                                                                                    parasitaemias were followed in six mice and expressed as percent
                                           1·0                                                      parasitaemia (mean ^ SD). (b) Apoptosis in spleen cell suspensions of
                                           0·8                                                      mice infected with P. chabaudi, determined by Annexin V binding. The
                                                                                                    percentage of apoptotic cells was determined in mice from the same
                                           0·6                                                      group as in a at the indicated times (3±6 mice per experimental point).
                                                                                                    The open triangle in day 1 is the result of 13 normal mice (mean ^ SD),
                                           0·4                                                      P , 0´01 from days 7±38 p.i. compared to normal mice. (c) The weight
                                                                                                    of the spleen of three mice per experimental point was recorded at the
                                                                                                    indicated times, in a different group of mice than in a (mean ^ SD). The
                                           0·0                                                      open triangle in day 1 is the mean weight of eight normal spleens.
                                                 0     5   10     15   20     25     30   35   40   Infected mice had significantly bigger spleens from days 4±31 p.i.
                                                                Days postinfection                  (P , 0´05 at day 4 p.i. and P , 0´001 from day 7 p.i. to day 31 p.i.).

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Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001                                                                                                       T cell apoptosis in P. chabaudi malaria

                                    CB6F1 mice                                    BALB/c mice                   was 7±11% in the sampled mice) compared to 2´7% in
                          (a)                                          (d)
                                                                                                                normal BALB/c mice.
                                                                                                                   For CD81 T cells, there was also a significant increase in
                                CD4 T cells                                   CD4 T cells
                     50                                           50
                     40                              ∗∗           40                                ∗∗          apoptotic cells in all the three stages of parasitaemia, both
                     30                                           30
                                                                                               ∗                for CB6F1 and BALB/c mice. In CB6F1 mice, the level of
                     20                   ∗∗                      20

                     10                                           10                    ∗∗                      CD81 apoptotic T cells approached normal levels when the
                                 NL       ASC   PEAK DESC   CLD
                                                                               NL       ASC   PEAK DESC
                                                                                                                parasite was cleared (Figure 3b,e). The increase in
                                                                                                                apoptotic CD81 T cells was approximately one-half the
                                                                                                                increase in apoptotic CD41 T cells. For CB6F1 mice,
                          (b)                                          (e)
                     60                                           60
                                                                                                                19´0% of CD81 T cells were apoptotic and, for BALB/c
                                   +                                                +
                                CD8 T cells                                   CD8 T cells
                     50                                           50
 % Apoptotic cells

                     40                                           40                                            mice, 23´9% were apoptotic, both at peak parasitaemia,
                     30                                           30
                                                                                                                compared to 2´6% in normal mice for both mouse strains.
                                                                                                                   For B2201 B cells, although there was a tendency for the
                     20                                           20                                ∗∗
                                                ∗∗    ∗                                  ∗∗
                     10                   ∗∗                      10

                     0                                             0
                                                                                                          ND    percentage of apoptotic cells to increase during patent
                                                                               NL       ASC   PEAK DESC   CLD
                                                                                                                parasitaemia for both CB6F1 and BALB/c mice; the
                                 NL       ASC   PEAK DESC   CLD

                          (c)                                          (f )                                     difference was significant only at descending parasitaemia.
                                                                                                                For CB6F1 mice, the percentage of apoptotic B2201 B
                     60                                           60
                                      +                                           +
                                B220 B cells                                  B220 B cells
                     50                                           50
                     40                                           40                                            cells returned to normal levels when parasitaemia was
                     30                                           30                                            cleared (Figure 3c,f).
                     20                                           20                                               The percentage of CD41 and CD81 T cells in the spleen
                                                      ∗           10
                                                                                                          ND    diminished during infection, both in CB6F1 and in BALB/c
                     0                                             0
                                 NL       ASC   PEAK DESC   CLD                NL       ASC   PEAK DESC   CLD   mice, following a similar pattern during the different stages
Figure 3 Apoptotic cells detected by Annexin V binding in                                                       of parasitaemia (Figure 4a,b,d,e). In CB6F1 mice, the
subpopulations of spleen lymphocytes purified by magnetic beads and                                             percentage of both CD41 and CD81 T cells tended to
analysed by citofluorometry. The cells were determined in 3±6 CB6F1                                             return to normal levels when the parasitaemia has been
or BALB/c mice per group of normal mice (NL), infected mice with 5±                                             cleared (Figure 4a,b).
15% of ascending parasitaemia (ASC), peak parasitaemia (PEAK), 2±
                                                                                                                   The percentage of B2201 B cells increased or stayed
18% desending parasitaemia (DESC) or mice 3 days after parasitaemia
had become undetectable by light microscopy (cleared, CLD). Bars are                                            within normal range during the different stages of para-
1 SD; ND, not determined, *P , 0´05, **P , 0´01, compared to                                                    sitaemia, both in CB6F1 and BALB/c mice (Figure 4c,f).
normal mice.

subpopulation in the unseparated cell suspension was also
determined.                                                                                                     In this study, we investigated apoptosis of lymphocytes at
   For CD41 T cells, we found an important and significant                                                      different stages of P. chabaudi infection in mice, and
increase in apoptotic cells in all three stages of para-                                                        related our findings to parasitaemia and changes in spleen
sitaemia, both for CB6F1 and BALB/c mice. In CB6F1                                                              size and histology. When parasites just started to be
mice, the level of CD41 apoptotic T cells approached                                                            detectable by light microscopy there were no noticeable
normal levels when the parasitaemia was cleared (Fig-                                                           changes in spleen histology (Figure 2b), size (Figure 1c) or
ure 3a). At peak parasitaemia, 48´3% of CD41 T cells were                                                       percentage of apoptotic cells (Figure 1b). At peak para-
apoptotic in CB6F1 mice compared to 2´3% in normal                                                              sitaemia, the white pulp had expanded (Figure 2c) which
CB6F1 mice. For BALB/c mice, 43´3% of CD41 T cells                                                              correlates with an increase in spleen size (Figure 1c) and
were apoptotic at descending parasitaemia (parasitaemia                                                         the number of apoptotic cells had started to increase

Figure 2 Haematoxilin and eosin stained sections from: (A) normal spleen; (B) spleen from a mouse at day 4 p.i. with P. chabaudi where white and
red pulp are clearly separated; (C) spleen from a mouse at day 8 p.i. with P. chabaudi. Note that the separation between white and red pulp starts to
disappear; (D) spleen from a mouse at day 10 p.i. Note that the white pulp is not longer distinguished as cells from the white pulp appear to have
invaded most of the organ and there are only a few red blood cells; (E) spleen from a mouse at day 14 p.i. The white pulp is becoming rearrenged,
although it is larger than in a normal spleen. Groups of red blood cells can be seen again in the red pulp; (F) spleen from a mouse at day 38 p.i. The
white and red pulp are again clearly separated but the white pulp shows clusters of material sorrounded by a clear area (arrows); (G) Magnification of
the clusters seen in F, there are two kind of clusters, some are in fact formed by a single cell with a condensed nucleus which looks like an apoptotic
cell, and other clusters, which are larger, include apoptotic cells and cell debris (seven such clusters are shown); (H) TUNEL reaction of the clusters
shown in (G), both single cells and clusters are positive. Original magnification: (A) to (E) Â 200; (F) Â 100; (G±H) Â 1000.

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L.Sanchez-Torres et al.                                                                                                                                                     Parasite Immunology

                                                      CB6F1 mice
                                                                                                    BALB/c mice                  red pulp were seen to be clearly separated. However, we
                                      60         CD4+ T cells                      60          CD4+ T cells                      found clusters of apoptotic cells and bodies in the white
                                      50                                           50
                                                                                                                                 pulp, which were easily recognized since they were less
                                      40                                           40
                                                                                                                                 dense that the surrounding tissue. These structures, which
                                      30                                           30
                                                                             ∗                                                   are shown in more detail in Figure 2(g,h), have been
                                      20                                           20                    ∗∗

                                                                        ∗∗         10                           ∗∗               described in other pathologies as tingible body macro-
                                                                   ∗∗                                                 ∗∗
                                      0                                             0
                                                                                                                                 phages, which are macrophages that have engulfed
                                                    NL    ASC PEAK DESC CLD                       NL    ASC    PEAK DESC CLD
                                                                                                                                 apoptotic cells and bodies (24). In this study, these

                                                                                                                                 structures were detected as being clearly TUNEL positive
                                           (b)                                          (e)
                                      60      CD8+ T cells                         60          CD8+ T cells
                                      50                                           50                                            (Figure 2h). We do not know their significance, although it
                                      40                                           40                                            is interesting that they started to appear rather late in the
                                      30                                           30
                                                                                                                                 infection (day 19 p.i.) and were very abundant at day 38 p.i.
                                                                                                                  ∗              (Figure 2f). We have observed the same structures in pig
                                      10                           ∗∗              10                                 ∗∗
                                      0                                             0
                                                                                                                           ND    lymph nodes undergoing a viral infection; however, the
                                                    NL    ASC PEAK DESC      CLD                  NL    ASC    PEAK DESC   CLD   structures appeared much earlier (day 4 p.i) (25).
                                                 B220+ B cells                     60
                                                                                               B220+ B cells
                                                                                                                                    On the other hand, the identification of apoptotic
                                      50                   ∗∗                      50                                            cells by Annexin V binding, which detects an early change
                                      40                                           40
                                                                                                                                 in membrane structure preceding DNA fragmentation,
                                      30                                           30                                            correlated well with the observation of picnotic nuclei, a
                                      20                                           20                                            late stage of apoptosis, in H&E stained spleen sections.
                                      10                                           10
                                                                                                                           ND       We also investigated apoptosis in different lymphocyte
                                                                                                                                 subpopulations. Cells were purified by antibody coated
                                      0                                             0
                                                    NL    ASC PEAK DESC      CLD                  NL    ASC PEAK DESC CLD

                                                                                                                                 magnetic beads. This is an efficient procedure that takes
Figure 4 Percent of lymphocyte subpopulations in spleen cells from
                                                                                                                                 approximately only 1 h to complete and the beads do not
normal mice (NL), infected mice with 5±15% of ascending
parasitaemia (ASC), peak parasitaemia (PEAK), 2±18% desending                                                                    interfere with cytofluorometric analysis. At all the studied
parasitaemia (DESC) or mice 3 days after parasitaemia had become                                                                 stages of patent parasitaemia, CD41 and CD81 T cells had
undetectable by light microscopy (cleared, CLD). Bars are 1 SD; ND,                                                              high percentages of apoptotic cells (Figure 3a,b). When
not determined, *P , 0´05, **P , 0´01, compared to normal mice.                                                                  parasitaemia was cleared, the percentage of apoptotic
                                                                                                                                 CD81 T cells returned to normal levels while apoptotic
moderately (Figure 1b). The peak of apoptotic cells was                                                                          CD41 T cells, although diminished, were still significantly
found at day 10 p.i., when there was more than 50%                                                                               greater in number compared to normal mice. The
apoptosis. Although parasite growth was already seen to be                                                                       percentage of total CD41 and CD81 T cells was found to
under control, parasitaemia was still high (approximately                                                                        diminish during patent parasitaemia (Figure 4a,b,d,e).
20%), we therefore do not believe that this peak of                                                                              During patent parasitaemia, the percentage of apoptotic
apoptotic cells can be interpreted as a mechanism for                                                                            B2201 B cells was not greatly modified (Figure 3c,f),
turning off the immune response. This is supported by the                                                                        although there was an increase in the percentage of total
fact that splenomegaly had not reached its peak and the                                                                          B2201 B cells (Figure 4c,f).
spleen histology was in total disarray (Figure 2d). One                                                                             In conclusion, the population most affected by apoptosis
possible explanation for the presence of apoptotic cells at                                                                      were T lymphocytes, particularly CD41 T cells, from
this time of the infection is that they are induced, at least in                                                                 which approximately 50% were apoptotic at peak and
part, by parasite products, as has been described for                                                                            descending parasitaemia, compared to approximately 2% in
P. falciparum malaria (23). Spleen size reached a peak at                                                                        normal mice, while the least affected population comprised
day 14 p.i. and at this time parasitaemia was low, and the                                                                       the B2201 B cells.
white and red pulp had started to reorganize (Figure 2e).                                                                           In a previous study (20), apoptosis of spleen cells was
The percentage of apoptotic cells had diminished, although                                                                       also studied in mice infected with the same Plasmodium
it was still high (approximately 30%, Figure 1b). We                                                                             strain that we used, except that in that study BALB/c mice
believe that at this stage apoptosis is related to the turning                                                                   were used instead of CB6F1 mice. Using Annexin V to
off of the antiparasite immune response, since after this                                                                        detect apoptotic cells by cytofluorometry, these authors
time the spleen size diminished rapidly, red and white pulp                                                                      reported results very similar to ours in terms of percentage
became clearly separated again and parasites became                                                                              and kinetics of apoptotic cells during primary infection.
undetectable by light microscopy. When the spleen had                                                                            However, they reach the conclusion that the majority of
reduced to a near normal size (day 38 p.i.), the white and                                                                       apoptotic cells during patent parasitaemia are B cells, while

624                                                                                                                               q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626
Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001                                                           T cell apoptosis in P. chabaudi malaria

apoptosis in CD41 and CD81 T cells is only moderately            Listeria monocytogenes (7) and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
increased. At first sight, it seems that we reached opposite     (12).
conclusions to their study; however, we believe that the            It seems that an increase in apoptosis, in some or most of
difference lies in the different experimental approach that      the lymphoid cells, is a general phenomenon in a variety of
we took. They analysed unseparated spleen cell suspensions       infections. In principle, this can be explained as a normal
by double staining. Apoptotic cells were stained with            homeostatic response involved in the termination of the
Annexin V labelled with one fluorochrome and the                 immune response induced by the microorganism (3).
lymphocyte subpopulation was marked with an anti-cell            Nevertheless, in our mouse malaria model, we found that
surface marker antibody labelled with a second fluoro-           the peak of apoptotic cells is reached when there are still
chrome. They performed a cytofluorometric analysis of the        relatively high parasite loads, which, from our point of
sample using one label to identify and quantify the              view, is still too early a time to terminate the immune
apoptotic cells and then, using the second label, determined     response. On the other hand, it is well established that
within the apoptotic population the percentage of cells          CD41 T cells are important in the control P. chabaudi
carrying a particular marker (i.e. CD41). In this way, they      primary infection (26,27). Other authors working with
did not determine the percentage of cells with that              another malaria mouse model (P. berghei) have described
particular marker that are not part of the nonapoptotic          P. berghei specific CD41 T cells that are specifically
population.                                                      deleted when adoptively transferred into recipient mice
   Our approach was to first purify a particular lymphocyte      challenged with the same parasite. It is suggested that this
subpopulation and then determine the percentage of               deletion is mediated by apoptosis (28). This, together with
apoptotic cells within that purified subpopulation. This         our observation that approximately 50% of CD41 T cells
gave us an idea of how apoptosis affects a particular            undergo apoptosis during P. chabaudi infection, provides
lymphocyte subpopulation. In this way, we could see that         sufficient data to stimulate the study of lymphocyte
CD41 T cells comprise the lymphocyte subpopulation most          apoptosis in malaria.
affected by apoptosis, and not B2201 B cells.
   Furthermore, it is important to exclude the possibility
that the difference between ours and the previous study (20)     ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
is explained by the use of different mouse strains. We                                                     Â
                                                                 This work was supported by Coordinacion General de
therefore infected BALB/c mice with P. chabaudi, and                                    Â
                                                                 Posgrado e Investigacion del IPN. Luis Favila-Castillo is
determined the percentage of apoptotic cells in purified         fellow from COFAA-IPN, EDD-IPN and SNI-SEP. Luvia
lymphocyte subpopulations in the same way as we did for            Â                           Â         Â
                                                                 Sanchez-Torres, Andrea Rodrõguez-Ropon and Maribel
CB6F1 mice, as shown in Figure 3(d±f). Although there are        Aguilar-Medina were supported by CONACYT Mexico.
some minor differences in the results between BALB/c and         Luvia Sanchez-Torres received during part of this study a
CB6F1 mice, the conclusion is that in BALB/c mice the            scholarship from the Von Behring and Kitasato Foundation,
cells most affected by apoptosis are also CD41 and               Mexico City. We thank Dr Edith Ormerod for reviewing the
CD81 T cells. The variations in the percentage of spleen         use of the English language.
CD41, CD81 T cells and B2201 B cells during
parasitaemia were also similar between BALB/c and
CB6F1 mice (Figure 4a±f). We therefore conclude that,            REFERENCES
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Parasite immunology

  • 1. Parasite Immunology, 2001: 23: 617±626 Mouse splenic CD41 and CD81 T cells undergo extensive apoptosis during a Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS infection LUVIA SANCHEZ-TORRES, ANDREA RODRIGUEZ-ROPON, MARIBEL AGUILAR-MEDINA & LUIS FAVILA-CASTILLO Department of Immunology, National School of Biological Sciences, IPN, Mexico City , Mexico SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The presence and phenotype of apoptotic lymphocytes was Apoptosis is a natural mechanism of cell death, which studied in spleen cell suspensions taken from CB6F1 mice involves membrane cell blebbing, cell shrinkage, chromatin infected with Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS. High condensation, nuclear fragmentation and DNA degradation levels of apoptotic cells were found, associated with high (1). This mechanism, which has been also called pro- parasitaemias and splenomegaly. This was also accompa- grammed cell death, is essential for the homeostasis of the nied by expansion and disarray of spleen white pulp. whole organism and has a central role from development to Apoptosis levels lowered when parasitaemia was cleared, the maintenance of body shape and function. There has but were still higher than in normal mice. At this time, the been major advances in the understanding of the biochem- spleen was diminishing in size and the white pulp was ical events that underlie the apoptotic process (2). contracting and rearranging. When parasitaemia was Apoptosis is triggered by a variety of both internal and patent, the cells most affected by apoptosis were CD41 T external signals. Most of the morphological changes cells followed by CD81 T cells, and to a lesser extent observed in a cell that is undergoing apoptosis are caused B2201 B cells. When parasitaemia was cleared, CD81 T by a family of cystein proteases which are activated in cells and B2201 B cells returned to basal levels of cascade and are known as caspases. These enzymes have apoptosis, while CD41 T cells still had higher apoptosis restricted protein targets which are normally inactivated levels than normal mice. A similar pattern of lymphocyte after the caspase exerts its action. In some cases, the target subpopulation apoptosis was found in infected BALB/c of a caspase is an enzyme inhibitor so the final action of the mice, despite the fact that, for this mouse model, it has been caspases is the activation of the enzyme. reported that B cells are the cells that are most affected by Inside the cell, there are proteins which facilitates the apoptosis. We consider that the high levels of apoptosis in apoptotic process (pro-apoptotic) and others which suppress CD41 T cells when parasitaemias are still high are not it (anti-apoptotic). The relative amount of pro- and anti- easily explained by a normal mechanism of down regulation apoptotic proteins determines if a cell is sensitive or of the immune response. resistant to apoptotic signals. One of the first identified anti-apoptotic proteins was called Bcl-2, which was Keywords apoptosis, mouse malaria, CD41 T cells, discovered in a B-cell lymphoma. Now we know that CD81 T cells, B cells, Plasmodium chabaudi there is a family of these proteins and some of them, such as Bax and Bak, are in fact pro-apoptotic. Many proteins of the Bcl-2 family work at the mitochondria membrane level. If pro-apoptotic proteins predominate, the mitochondria releases several molecules, including cytochome C, which promote the apoptotic process. During the course of an immune response, T-cell clones Correspondence: Luis Favila-Castillo, Department of Immunology, National School of Biological Sciences, IPN, Carpio y Plan de Ayala, responding to the antigen undergo extensive proliferation. Â Â Â Colonia Santo Tomas, Mexico DF 11340, Mexico. When the antigen is eliminated, the number of T-cells must Received: 4 January 2001 be down regulated and this is achieved by inducing Accepted for publication: 29 June 2001 apoptosis in the responding T-cells, a process termed q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd 617
  • 2. L.Sanchez-Torres et al. Parasite Immunology activation-induced cell death. The apoptotic signal is in different malaria mouse models, in humans and in other received by the T-cell through a membrane receptor called animal models, where the infection becomes chronic (15± CD95 or Fas, which is a type I transmembrane receptor. 17). In these latter two situations, apoptosis of lymphoid The death signal is provided by the ligand of CD95 (CD95L cells might help explain the development of immunosup- or FasL), which is expressed on lymphoid cells in the late pression and chronicity. phases of the immune response. The elimination of The organ most affected in malaria is the spleen. Besides responding cells is considered a normal mechanism to suffering changes in size and function, the spleen is also turn off an ongoing immune response and to avoid self closely related to the development and maintenance of a damage (3). There are other signals which contribute to protective immune response (18). Using a spleen transplant activation-induced cell death, such as a receptor for tumour technique in a malaria rat model, it has been shown that, necrosis factor (TNF)R2 which transmits apoptotic signals after primary infection, the spleen develops all the required when bound to its ligand TNF-a. Finally, apoptotic cells are elements to protect itself against reinfection (19). engulfed by phagocytic cells, eliminating them without One way to understand the role of lymphoid cell causing tissue inflammation or alterations in tissue apoptosis in malaria is to study the presence of apoptotic morphology or function. lymphoid cells during different stages of infection, and to The idea that parasitic microorganisms might tamper with relate any changes to other physiological alterations in the apoptotic signals or biochemical processes and hence use immune system. In this respect, it is also useful to them to their advantage is attractive as it could help explain, determine how different lymphoid cell populations are at least in part, how parasites can become established in affected by apoptosis. A recent study (20) investigated their host and how infection becomes chronic. apoptosis in mouse spleen cells infected with P. chabaudi An increase in apoptosis of lymphoid cells has been chabaudi AS. It was found that the frequency and absolute described during mouse infection with microorganisms numbers of apoptotic cells in the spleen increased during such as viruses (4,5), ricketssia (6), bacteria (7,8), protozoa primary infection, reached a peak around 4 days following (9,10) and helminths (11). The relevant questions in these peak parasitaemia and then descended to almost normal systems are: (i) does the parasitic microorganism use levels after the parasite was cleared. The findings also apoptotic signals to interfere with the immune response and demonstrated that apoptosis involves T cells (CD41 and become established in its host or (ii) is the increase in CD81), B cells and macrophages and that the majority of apoptosis during the infection associated with the normal apoptotic cells are B cells. silencing of the immune response against the parasite? A Here, we carried out a similar study using the same third possibility is that the increase in apoptosis is an parasite, and, in general, confirmed the previous results epiphenomenon, which is not relevant to the host±parasite (20). We also describe changes in spleen size and histology interaction. during the infection, and correlate these changes with In mice infected with the lymphocytic choriomeningitis apoptosis of spleen cells. Finally, it should be noted that we virus (4) or with Listeria monocytogenes (7), lymphocyte studied apoptosis in lymphocyte subpopulations using a apoptosis has been associated with silencing of the immune different experimental approach to the previous study (20). response. Whereas, in mice infected with Trypanosoma We therefore conclude that when apoptosis is expressed as cruzi, lymphocyte apoptosis has been interpreted as a way the percentage of apoptotic cells within a particular to limit host tissue damage by the immune response, but lymphocyte subpopulation, the cells most affected by which collaterally promotes the establishment of a chronic apoptosis are CD41 T cells, followed by CD81 T cells, infection (10). On the other hand, a protein that induces while B2201 B cells are proportionally less affected. With apoptosis in macrophages has been identified in Yersinia, this information, the possible role of apoptosis at the and it has been shown that when Yersinia is inoculated into different stages of infection is discussed. mice the expression of this protein is an important virulent factor (12). MATERIALS AND METHODS In malaria, there are several phenomena in which apoptosis of lymphoid cells could be involved. There is a Mice very intense proliferation of lymphoid cells (13,14) and severe splenomegaly, and these events are subdued when Female (BALB/cXC57Bl/6) F1 hybrids or BALB/c 14±22- parasitaemia is controlled. In both cases, apoptosis could be week-old mice were used for all experiments. The parents part of a normal mechanism to reduce the number of were originally purchased from the Jackson Laboratory lymphoid cells and, as a consequence, spleen size. On the (Bar Harbor, ME, USA) and hybrids or BALB/c mice were other hand, general immunosuppression has been described bred in our facilities at the Department of Immunology, in 618 q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626
  • 3. Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001 T cell apoptosis in P. chabaudi malaria the National School of Biological Sciences, IPN, Mexico Determination of apoptotic cells by cytofluorometry City. Experimental mice were maintained in a reversed 12-h The presence of apoptotic cells was determined in cell light-dark cycle from 07.00 h to 19.00 h. suspensions by their ability to bind Annexin V (21). The Apodetect Annexin V-fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC) kit Parasite and infection (Zymed Laboratories, San Francisco, CA, USA) was used, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Briefly: spleen Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS was kindly donated by cells, obtained as described above, were adjusted to Dr David Walliker (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 5 Â 105 per ml in binding buffer and 10 ml of FITC- UK), and is a cloned and mosquito-transmitted line. The Annexin V were added to a 190-ml sample of the cell parasite has been syringe passaged from the original suspension. The mixture was incubated for 10 min at room material no more than eight times and reference populations temperature. After centrifugation, cells were resuspended in are cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen. For all experiments, 190 ml of binding buffer and 10 ml of propidium iodide parasites from frozen material were inoculated into young (20 mg/ml) were added. Cells were analysed in a mice (8±10 weeks old) and when parasitaemias were FACScalibur cytofluorometer (Becton Dickinson, San patent, experimental mice were inoculated intraperitoneally Jose, CA, USA) using the Cell Quest program (version with 5 Â 104 parasitized red blood cells. Control mice were 2´0), and 10 000 events per sample were recorded. Cells inoculated with the same amount of normal red blood cells that were positive for both propidium iodide and Annexin V as the total amount of red cells received by the infected were considered as necrotic cells, and were excluded from mice. The parasite causes a synchronical infection and the analysis. The results are expressed as the percentage of undergoes schizogony every 24 h between 09.00 h and apoptotic cells (^ SD). 11.00 h. Parasitaemia was determined by light microscopy of methanol-fixed, Giemsa-stained thin blood films, and was expressed as percent parasitaemia. Determination of apoptotic cells in sections Apoptotic cells were detected by the TUNEL reaction (22). An in situ cell death detection kit (Boehringer Mannheim Determination of splenomegaly GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) was used according to the A group of mice was infected with P. chabaudi, as manufacturer's instructions. Briefly, wax was removed described above, and was only used for the determination from sections, they were rehydrated and treated with of splenomegaly. At different times following infection, proteinase K. The sections were then incubated with groups of three mice were sacrificed, their spleens extracted terminal deoxinucleotidyl transferase and FITC-labelled and weighed. At each experimental point, one normal, age nucleotides, which were detected using an alkaline matched mouse was also killed and its spleen weight phosphatase conjugated anti-FITC antibody, using nitroblue recorded. A total of eight normal mice were sacrificed tetrazolium as the substrate. Apoptotic cells were stained during the experiment and all resulting data were pooled. blue and sections were then counterstained with nuclear red, dehydrated and mounted in synthetic resin. Processing of spleens from infected and control mice Purification of lymphocyte subpopulations by magnetic A group of mice was infected with the parasite, and at beads different times following infection, groups of infected or control mice were sacrificed, their spleens extracted CD41 or CD81 T cells or B2201 B cells were purified (always between 13.00 h and 14.00 h) and cut in half. from total spleen cell suspensions, prepared as described From one half, a cell suspension was prepared by above. Spleen cells (107) were resuspended in 90 ml of PBS expressing the spleen through nylon mesh with the help (containing 2 mm ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and of a plastic syringe plunger. The spleen cells were collected 0´5% bovine seric albumin) and 10 ml of the respective in cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), centrifuged, paramagnetic bead bound antibody (Miltenyi Biotec, resuspended in PBS, counted and used for the determina- Aarhus, Denmark) were added. Cells were incubated on tion of apoptotic cells by cytofluorometry (see below). The ice for 15 min, washed twice, resuspended in 500 ml of other spleen half was fixed in 10% formalin in PBS, PBS and loaded onto a positive selection column (MS1/ embedded in paraffin-wax and processed by standard RS1 MACS column, Miltenyi). The column was then histological techniques used to prepare and stain 4 mm exposed to a strong magnetic field (VarioMacs, Miltenyi). sections with haematoxilin and eosin (H&E). Negative cells were eluted with 1´5 ml of PBS and were q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626 619
  • 4. L.Sanchez-Torres et al. Parasite Immunology collected. The column was removed from the magnetic 21±38 p.i., when parasitaemia had been cleared. During field and positive cells were eluted with 1´5 ml of PBS and this time, the level of apoptosis, although low, was still collected. The purification procedure was repeated using significantly higher than in normal mice (16´7% apoptotic the positive cells. The purity of the cells was assessed by cells, day 38 p.i., P , 0´001). cytofluorometry using FITC-conjugated anti-CD4 or anti- Changes in spleen size were determined in a different CD8 monoclonal antibodies and PE-conjugated anti-B220 group of infected mice, which gave a parasitaemia curve monoclonal antibody. The percentage of apoptotic cells was very similar to the one shown in Figure 1(a) (data not determined in the purified cells by cytofluorometry, as shown). The spleen started to increase in size early in described above. ascending parasitaemia. At day 4 p.i., the spleen was already significantly bigger than in normal mice (Figure 1c, P , 0´05). The spleen size increased sharply after this time Statistical analysis and at peak parasitaemia it was around 12-fold higher than Student's t-test was used to assess statistical significance. a normal spleen (12X, P , 0´001). The spleen size reached P , 0´05 was considered statistically significant. a peak at day 14 p.i. (17X, P , 0´001) which was 4 days later than the peak of apoptosis (Figure 1b) and 6 days later than peak parasitaemia, when descending parasitaemia was RESULTS around 0´01% (Figure 1a). After this time, the size of the spleen decreased sharply to become 6´5X at day 16 p.i. Apoptosis of spleen cells and changes in spleen size (parasitaemia cleared) and continued to decrease to reach a during P. chabaudi primary infection size of 2´5X at day 31 p.i. (Figure 1c, P , 0´001). The The curve of parasitaemia caused by P. chabaudi infection spleen stays around this size for several months after in CB6F1 mice has four distinct zones. Four days after infection (data not shown). inoculation, parasites start to be detected by light micro- scopy and numbers sharply increase (ascending parasitae- Histological changes in the spleen during P. chabaudi mia) to reach a maximum at day 8 p.i. (peak parasitaemia). primary infection Then parasitaemia starts to rapidly decline (descending parasitaemia) and the parasite becomes undetectable by H&E stained sections were prepared from the spleens of light microscopy around days 17±19 p.i., and stays this mice used to generate the parasitaemia curve shown in way up to day 38 p.i. (parasitaemia cleared) (Figure 1a). In Figure 1(a). A section from a normal spleen is shown in this study, parasitaemia has been considered to be cleared at Figure 2(a), where normal distribution and aspect of red this time; however, the presence of the parasite can be and white pulp is observed. There were a few lymphoid demonstrated by subinoculation of blood into normal mice cells with picnotic nuclei (0´2±0´5 per field, using a  40 up to days 60 or 70 p.i. After this time, parasites cannot be objective) which were considered to be apoptotic cells since demonstrated in blood by subinoculation (data not shown). they were TUNEL positive (see below). At day 4 p.i., when The percentage of apoptotic cells in the spleen was parasites just started to be detected, the white pulp was determined during P. chabaudi primary infection in the organized and did not show obvious proliferative activity same mice used to generate the parasitaemia curve (Figure 2b). In general, no differences in histology (Figure 1a). Results are shown in Figure 1(b). In a group compared to normal spleens were detected, including the of 13 normal mice, a background of 7´6% (^ 0´6) apoptotic amount of apoptotic cells. At day 8 p.i., the time of peak cells was detected. In infected mice, the percentage of parasitaemia, cells in the white pulp had proliferated apoptotic cells at the beginning of ascending parasitaemia considerably, such that white pulp had enlarged and the (days 2 and 4 p.i.) was not different from normal controls. limits between white and red pulp started to disappear When mice were approaching, or had reached peak (Figure 2c). At this time, the spleen had increased parasitaemia (days 7 and 8 p.i.), there was a small but considerably in size, although it had not reached its peak. statistically significant increase in apoptotic cells (15´2% The amount of apoptotic cells increased (2±3 per field) and apoptotic cells, day 7 p.i., P , 0´001). After this time, the clusters of apoptotic cells started to appear. At day 10 p.i., percentage of apoptotic cells increased steadily to reach a which is the time when the peak in numbers of apoptotic peak at day 10 p.i., when 53´1% of the spleen cells were cells was detected in cell suspensions, total tissue found to be apoptotic (P , 0´01). At this time, descending disorganization was observed. This disorganization was parasitaemia had already started, although parasitaemia was due mainly to hiperplasia of the lymphoid tissue, the red still high (Figure 1a). After this peak of apoptotic cells, pulp had almost disappeared (Figure 2d) and apoptotic cells apoptosis started to decline and reached a plateau from days were abundant (10±20 per field). Spleen size was increased, 620 q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626
  • 5. Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001 T cell apoptosis in P. chabaudi malaria but it was still not at its peak. The time of peak of apoptotic cells and clusters, although still high (around splenomegaly is day 14 p.i., which is when parasitaemia 10 per field) was lower than at day 10 p.i. At day 38 p.i., is being resolved, and the white pulp has started to when parasitaemia has been controlled and splenomegaly reorganize although it is still hyperplasic (Figure 2e). The was subdued, white and red pulp are clearly separated again red pulp started to be distinguishable again and the amount and in the white pulp few individual apoptotic cells were observed (2±3 per field). In addition, many discrete less dense areas were easily recognizable at low magnification (Figure 2f). These structures were not seen in normal (a) spleens and started to appear in the spleens of infected mice 100 until day 19 p.i. (not shown) but were much more abundant at day 38 p.i. At higher magnification (Â 100 objective), 10 these structures were conglomerates of apoptotic cells, bodies and cell debris, apparently inside a macrophage % Parasitemia 1 (Figure 2g). All these structures were TUNEL positive, as were individual cells with condensed chromatin which were 0·1 probably those recognized as apoptotic in H&E stained sections (Figure 2h). 0·01 0·001 Apoptosis in lymphocytes subpopulations 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Our results show that there is an increase in apoptotic cells (b) in the spleen during P. chabaudi primary infection. We next 80 studied apoptosis at the level of lymphocyte subpopulation at different stages of infection. For this, we determined the 70 percentage of apoptotic cells in CD41 and CD81 T cells 60 and B2001 B cells, purified by antibody coated magnetic % Apoptotic cells beads, as described in Materials and Methods. 50 We prepared a purified spleen cell subpopulation from 40 normal and infected CB6F1 or BALB/c mice at high 30 ascending parasitaemias, when the number of apoptotic cells started to rise significantly (Figure 1b), from peak 20 parasitaemia or from descending parasitaemia. For CB6F1 10 mice, samples were also studied a few days following parasitaemia clearance. For all experiments, the percentage 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 of apoptotic cells in the unseparated whole spleen cell suspension was also determined, and it was found to be (c) within the range predicted by the curve shown in 1·6 Figure 1(b) (data not shown). The percentage of each cell 1·4 1·2 Figure 1 CB6F1 mice were infected with P. chabaudi. (a) Resulting Spleen weight (g) parasitaemias were followed in six mice and expressed as percent 1·0 parasitaemia (mean ^ SD). (b) Apoptosis in spleen cell suspensions of 0·8 mice infected with P. chabaudi, determined by Annexin V binding. The percentage of apoptotic cells was determined in mice from the same 0·6 group as in a at the indicated times (3±6 mice per experimental point). The open triangle in day 1 is the result of 13 normal mice (mean ^ SD), 0·4 P , 0´01 from days 7±38 p.i. compared to normal mice. (c) The weight of the spleen of three mice per experimental point was recorded at the 0·2 indicated times, in a different group of mice than in a (mean ^ SD). The 0·0 open triangle in day 1 is the mean weight of eight normal spleens. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Infected mice had significantly bigger spleens from days 4±31 p.i. Days postinfection (P , 0´05 at day 4 p.i. and P , 0´001 from day 7 p.i. to day 31 p.i.). q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626 621
  • 6. L.Sanchez-Torres et al. Parasite Immunology 622 q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626
  • 7. Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001 T cell apoptosis in P. chabaudi malaria CB6F1 mice BALB/c mice was 7±11% in the sampled mice) compared to 2´7% in (a) (d) 60 + 60 + normal BALB/c mice. For CD81 T cells, there was also a significant increase in CD4 T cells CD4 T cells 50 50 ∗∗ 40 ∗∗ 40 ∗∗ apoptotic cells in all the three stages of parasitaemia, both 30 30 ∗ for CB6F1 and BALB/c mice. In CB6F1 mice, the level of 20 ∗∗ 20 10 10 ∗∗ CD81 apoptotic T cells approached normal levels when the ∗∗ 0 NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD 0 NL ASC PEAK DESC ND CLD parasite was cleared (Figure 3b,e). The increase in apoptotic CD81 T cells was approximately one-half the increase in apoptotic CD41 T cells. For CB6F1 mice, (b) (e) 60 60 19´0% of CD81 T cells were apoptotic and, for BALB/c + + CD8 T cells CD8 T cells 50 50 % Apoptotic cells 40 40 mice, 23´9% were apoptotic, both at peak parasitaemia, 30 30 compared to 2´6% in normal mice for both mouse strains. ∗ For B2201 B cells, although there was a tendency for the 20 20 ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ 10 ∗∗ 10 0 0 ND percentage of apoptotic cells to increase during patent NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD parasitaemia for both CB6F1 and BALB/c mice; the NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD (c) (f ) difference was significant only at descending parasitaemia. For CB6F1 mice, the percentage of apoptotic B2201 B 60 60 + + B220 B cells B220 B cells 50 50 40 40 cells returned to normal levels when parasitaemia was 30 30 cleared (Figure 3c,f). 20 20 The percentage of CD41 and CD81 T cells in the spleen 10 ∗ 10 ∗ ND diminished during infection, both in CB6F1 and in BALB/c 0 0 NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD mice, following a similar pattern during the different stages Figure 3 Apoptotic cells detected by Annexin V binding in of parasitaemia (Figure 4a,b,d,e). In CB6F1 mice, the subpopulations of spleen lymphocytes purified by magnetic beads and percentage of both CD41 and CD81 T cells tended to analysed by citofluorometry. The cells were determined in 3±6 CB6F1 return to normal levels when the parasitaemia has been or BALB/c mice per group of normal mice (NL), infected mice with 5± cleared (Figure 4a,b). 15% of ascending parasitaemia (ASC), peak parasitaemia (PEAK), 2± The percentage of B2201 B cells increased or stayed 18% desending parasitaemia (DESC) or mice 3 days after parasitaemia had become undetectable by light microscopy (cleared, CLD). Bars are within normal range during the different stages of para- 1 SD; ND, not determined, *P , 0´05, **P , 0´01, compared to sitaemia, both in CB6F1 and BALB/c mice (Figure 4c,f). normal mice. DISCUSSION subpopulation in the unseparated cell suspension was also determined. In this study, we investigated apoptosis of lymphocytes at For CD41 T cells, we found an important and significant different stages of P. chabaudi infection in mice, and increase in apoptotic cells in all three stages of para- related our findings to parasitaemia and changes in spleen sitaemia, both for CB6F1 and BALB/c mice. In CB6F1 size and histology. When parasites just started to be mice, the level of CD41 apoptotic T cells approached detectable by light microscopy there were no noticeable normal levels when the parasitaemia was cleared (Fig- changes in spleen histology (Figure 2b), size (Figure 1c) or ure 3a). At peak parasitaemia, 48´3% of CD41 T cells were percentage of apoptotic cells (Figure 1b). At peak para- apoptotic in CB6F1 mice compared to 2´3% in normal sitaemia, the white pulp had expanded (Figure 2c) which CB6F1 mice. For BALB/c mice, 43´3% of CD41 T cells correlates with an increase in spleen size (Figure 1c) and were apoptotic at descending parasitaemia (parasitaemia the number of apoptotic cells had started to increase Figure 2 Haematoxilin and eosin stained sections from: (A) normal spleen; (B) spleen from a mouse at day 4 p.i. with P. chabaudi where white and red pulp are clearly separated; (C) spleen from a mouse at day 8 p.i. with P. chabaudi. Note that the separation between white and red pulp starts to disappear; (D) spleen from a mouse at day 10 p.i. Note that the white pulp is not longer distinguished as cells from the white pulp appear to have invaded most of the organ and there are only a few red blood cells; (E) spleen from a mouse at day 14 p.i. The white pulp is becoming rearrenged, although it is larger than in a normal spleen. Groups of red blood cells can be seen again in the red pulp; (F) spleen from a mouse at day 38 p.i. The white and red pulp are again clearly separated but the white pulp shows clusters of material sorrounded by a clear area (arrows); (G) Magnification of the clusters seen in F, there are two kind of clusters, some are in fact formed by a single cell with a condensed nucleus which looks like an apoptotic cell, and other clusters, which are larger, include apoptotic cells and cell debris (seven such clusters are shown); (H) TUNEL reaction of the clusters shown in (G), both single cells and clusters are positive. Original magnification: (A) to (E) Â 200; (F) Â 100; (G±H) Â 1000. q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626 623
  • 8. L.Sanchez-Torres et al. Parasite Immunology (a) CB6F1 mice (d) BALB/c mice red pulp were seen to be clearly separated. However, we 60 CD4+ T cells 60 CD4+ T cells found clusters of apoptotic cells and bodies in the white 50 50 pulp, which were easily recognized since they were less 40 40 dense that the surrounding tissue. These structures, which 30 30 ∗ are shown in more detail in Figure 2(g,h), have been 20 20 ∗∗ 10 ∗∗ ∗∗ 10 ∗∗ described in other pathologies as tingible body macro- ∗∗ ∗∗ 0 0 ND phages, which are macrophages that have engulfed NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD apoptotic cells and bodies (24). In this study, these PERCENT OF LYMPHOCYTE SUBPOPULATION structures were detected as being clearly TUNEL positive (b) (e) 60 CD8+ T cells 60 CD8+ T cells 50 50 (Figure 2h). We do not know their significance, although it 40 40 is interesting that they started to appear rather late in the 30 30 infection (day 19 p.i.) and were very abundant at day 38 p.i. 20 ∗∗ 20 ∗ (Figure 2f). We have observed the same structures in pig 10 ∗∗ 10 ∗∗ 0 0 ND lymph nodes undergoing a viral infection; however, the NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD structures appeared much earlier (day 4 p.i) (25). 60 (c) B220+ B cells 60 (f) B220+ B cells On the other hand, the identification of apoptotic 50 ∗∗ 50 cells by Annexin V binding, which detects an early change ∗∗ 40 40 ∗∗ in membrane structure preceding DNA fragmentation, 30 30 correlated well with the observation of picnotic nuclei, a 20 20 late stage of apoptosis, in H&E stained spleen sections. 10 10 ND We also investigated apoptosis in different lymphocyte subpopulations. Cells were purified by antibody coated 0 0 NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD NL ASC PEAK DESC CLD magnetic beads. This is an efficient procedure that takes Figure 4 Percent of lymphocyte subpopulations in spleen cells from approximately only 1 h to complete and the beads do not normal mice (NL), infected mice with 5±15% of ascending parasitaemia (ASC), peak parasitaemia (PEAK), 2±18% desending interfere with cytofluorometric analysis. At all the studied parasitaemia (DESC) or mice 3 days after parasitaemia had become stages of patent parasitaemia, CD41 and CD81 T cells had undetectable by light microscopy (cleared, CLD). Bars are 1 SD; ND, high percentages of apoptotic cells (Figure 3a,b). When not determined, *P , 0´05, **P , 0´01, compared to normal mice. parasitaemia was cleared, the percentage of apoptotic CD81 T cells returned to normal levels while apoptotic moderately (Figure 1b). The peak of apoptotic cells was CD41 T cells, although diminished, were still significantly found at day 10 p.i., when there was more than 50% greater in number compared to normal mice. The apoptosis. Although parasite growth was already seen to be percentage of total CD41 and CD81 T cells was found to under control, parasitaemia was still high (approximately diminish during patent parasitaemia (Figure 4a,b,d,e). 20%), we therefore do not believe that this peak of During patent parasitaemia, the percentage of apoptotic apoptotic cells can be interpreted as a mechanism for B2201 B cells was not greatly modified (Figure 3c,f), turning off the immune response. This is supported by the although there was an increase in the percentage of total fact that splenomegaly had not reached its peak and the B2201 B cells (Figure 4c,f). spleen histology was in total disarray (Figure 2d). One In conclusion, the population most affected by apoptosis possible explanation for the presence of apoptotic cells at were T lymphocytes, particularly CD41 T cells, from this time of the infection is that they are induced, at least in which approximately 50% were apoptotic at peak and part, by parasite products, as has been described for descending parasitaemia, compared to approximately 2% in P. falciparum malaria (23). Spleen size reached a peak at normal mice, while the least affected population comprised day 14 p.i. and at this time parasitaemia was low, and the the B2201 B cells. white and red pulp had started to reorganize (Figure 2e). In a previous study (20), apoptosis of spleen cells was The percentage of apoptotic cells had diminished, although also studied in mice infected with the same Plasmodium it was still high (approximately 30%, Figure 1b). We strain that we used, except that in that study BALB/c mice believe that at this stage apoptosis is related to the turning were used instead of CB6F1 mice. Using Annexin V to off of the antiparasite immune response, since after this detect apoptotic cells by cytofluorometry, these authors time the spleen size diminished rapidly, red and white pulp reported results very similar to ours in terms of percentage became clearly separated again and parasites became and kinetics of apoptotic cells during primary infection. undetectable by light microscopy. When the spleen had However, they reach the conclusion that the majority of reduced to a near normal size (day 38 p.i.), the white and apoptotic cells during patent parasitaemia are B cells, while 624 q 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Parasite Immunology, 23, 617±626
  • 9. Volume 23, Number 12, December 2001 T cell apoptosis in P. chabaudi malaria apoptosis in CD41 and CD81 T cells is only moderately Listeria monocytogenes (7) and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis increased. At first sight, it seems that we reached opposite (12). conclusions to their study; however, we believe that the It seems that an increase in apoptosis, in some or most of difference lies in the different experimental approach that the lymphoid cells, is a general phenomenon in a variety of we took. They analysed unseparated spleen cell suspensions infections. In principle, this can be explained as a normal by double staining. Apoptotic cells were stained with homeostatic response involved in the termination of the Annexin V labelled with one fluorochrome and the immune response induced by the microorganism (3). lymphocyte subpopulation was marked with an anti-cell Nevertheless, in our mouse malaria model, we found that surface marker antibody labelled with a second fluoro- the peak of apoptotic cells is reached when there are still chrome. They performed a cytofluorometric analysis of the relatively high parasite loads, which, from our point of sample using one label to identify and quantify the view, is still too early a time to terminate the immune apoptotic cells and then, using the second label, determined response. On the other hand, it is well established that within the apoptotic population the percentage of cells CD41 T cells are important in the control P. chabaudi carrying a particular marker (i.e. CD41). In this way, they primary infection (26,27). Other authors working with did not determine the percentage of cells with that another malaria mouse model (P. berghei) have described particular marker that are not part of the nonapoptotic P. berghei specific CD41 T cells that are specifically population. deleted when adoptively transferred into recipient mice Our approach was to first purify a particular lymphocyte challenged with the same parasite. It is suggested that this subpopulation and then determine the percentage of deletion is mediated by apoptosis (28). This, together with apoptotic cells within that purified subpopulation. This our observation that approximately 50% of CD41 T cells gave us an idea of how apoptosis affects a particular undergo apoptosis during P. chabaudi infection, provides lymphocyte subpopulation. In this way, we could see that sufficient data to stimulate the study of lymphocyte CD41 T cells comprise the lymphocyte subpopulation most apoptosis in malaria. affected by apoptosis, and not B2201 B cells. Furthermore, it is important to exclude the possibility that the difference between ours and the previous study (20) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS is explained by the use of different mouse strains. We  This work was supported by Coordinacion General de therefore infected BALB/c mice with P. chabaudi, and  Posgrado e Investigacion del IPN. Luis Favila-Castillo is determined the percentage of apoptotic cells in purified fellow from COFAA-IPN, EDD-IPN and SNI-SEP. Luvia lymphocyte subpopulations in the same way as we did for    Sanchez-Torres, Andrea Rodrõguez-Ropon and Maribel CB6F1 mice, as shown in Figure 3(d±f). Although there are Aguilar-Medina were supported by CONACYT Mexico. some minor differences in the results between BALB/c and Luvia Sanchez-Torres received during part of this study a CB6F1 mice, the conclusion is that in BALB/c mice the scholarship from the Von Behring and Kitasato Foundation, cells most affected by apoptosis are also CD41 and Mexico City. 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