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Ownership And Infringement Of Copyrights
Ownership and Infringement of Copyrights
Definition and understanding of Copyrights:
The legal right that is created by enforcement of law by a country that provides the creator of an
original exclusive work rights to use and distribute it, usually for a limited time with the aim of
enabling the initiator to get compensation for their intellect work is known as copyright.
It is a structure of intellectual property such as trademark, a patent or trade secret etc which is
relevant to any form of expressible idea or information that is distinct and important. Copyrights
may be used as shared rights in which more than one person can share the rights of particular patent
or trade secret; people may hold a defined percentage of rights so they are commonly known as
"rightsholders" or "rights" in business terminology. The rightsholder have the right to copy, they
may also be accredited for the work, and they may decide who may adapt the work to other forms or
who may get financial benefits from it and other related rights.
Copyrights were primarily framed as a method for government to confine printing. The existing
intent of copyright is to promote the foundation of new works by giving authors and trade person to
have control of and profit from them.
Copyrights are meant to be defensive and territorial, which means that they do not extend outside
the territory of the specific state or boundary unless that state is a party to an international agreement
and laws. In
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George Washington Copyright Facts
July 31 2001 Samuel Hopkins was issued the first patent. His patent was for the process of making
potash, which is used in most fertilizer. George Washington was the one who signed the patent.[2]
Feb. 1831 the Copyright Act was the first revision to the United States copyright law. The additions
to the act included the following; extended the copyright term from 14 to 28 years, added musical
compositions to list of protected works, extended the statute of limitations, and changed the
copyright formality requirements.[3]
1909 The copyright act of 1909 was a huge milestone for United States copyright law. This act
allows for work of many kinds to be copyrighted for a period of twenty–eight years after the
publication, this could still be renewed for a second term if ... Show more content on ...
It was meant to bring all the nations together when needed to work together on specific projects and
1976 The United States Copyright Act was revised from the prior act. In short terms this new
revision states the basis of the Copyright Law, and changed the doctrine of "fair use", and copyrights
adopted post author/creators death.[7]
Jul 1979 The United States and the People's Republic of China established trade relations, marking
the beginning of a new manufacturing era.[8]
1987 Supreme Court ruled in 1987 that neither the New Columbia Encyclopedia home use of
Television video recorders or manufacturer violated copyright laws.
1992 Audio home recording act of 1992 was an amendment of the United States copyright law. The
act allowed the release of recordable things such as Sony and Philips Digital Audio Tape without
fear of infringement
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Essay on intellectual property copyrights
Arka Bani Maini (10020510 )
Mid term paper on IPR : Copyrights
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property refers to all the intangible creations of the human mind, from scientific
inventions to literary and artistic works; from symbols to names and images used in commerce.
Earlier, Neo classical economics considered land, labour and capital as things of value. But slowly
information and energy are replacing them as wealth creating assets.[1]As , the world gets more and
more mobile , information can be transported instantaneously around the world , and any advantage
gained by a rival company can be discarded effectively overnight. In such a scenario, a major
challenge for companies would be to provide a blanket of protection for ... Show more content on ...
Some of the important amendments to the Copyright Act in 2012 are[4]
1. extension of copyright protection in the digital environment such as penalties for circumvention
of technological protection measures and rights management information, and liability of internet
service provider and introduction of statutory licences for cover versions and broadcasting
2. ensuring right to receive royalties for authors, and music composers, exclusive economic and
moral rights to performers, equal membership rights in copyright societies for authors and other
right owners and exception of copyrights for physically disabled to access any works.
In the Copyright law of India , "Indian Work" means a literary, dramatic or musical work by an
author who is a citizen of India , or which was first published in India ,or in case of an unpublished
work , an author who at the time of creation , was a citizen of India. The total term of protection for
literary work is the author's life plus sixty years. For cinematographic films, records, photographs,
posthumous publications, anonymous publication, works of government and international agencies
the term is 60 years
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Essay about Piracy Of Copyright
Piracy Of Copyright
Introduction: The world today has entered into an era of instant communication. A person sitting in
the remotest corner of India can enjoy live performance taking place in the far away places like
America or Africa, thanks to electronic (parallel) media. Telephone and fax have made it possible to
communicate oral or written messages across the globe within seconds. The computer–aided
communication technologies such as E–Mail and Internet have added altogether a new dimension to
today's communication process by making it more speedy, informative and economical. The ways
through which different types of information can be communicated have also undergone a sea
change. These days a film song can be put in or accessed ... Show more content on
Copyright and International Relations: The scope of copyright is not confined merely to the arena of
creativity and its economic exploitation in the country of its origin. It has emerged as a major factor
in international relations. In the recent past, the trade relations between the US and China
deteriorated considerably over the issue of protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The US
maintained that China is the worst violator of IPRs and the loss to the US economy is more than 2
billion dollars annually because of violation of its IPRs in China's territory. The dispute took a
serious turn when US trade groups wanted trade relations with China to be stopped completely. It
was only after the intervention of the heads of both the countries any further deterioration was
Copyright in India: The copyright in India has travelled a long way since it was introduced during
the British rule. The first law on copyright was enacted in the year 1847 by the then Governor
General of India. When Copyright Act 1911 came into existence in England, it became
automatically applicable to India, being India an integral part of British Raj. This act was in force in
the country until after independence when a new copyright act (the Act of
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The Pros And Cons Of Copyright Law
Part 1
1. What is copyright?
Copyright is a manifestation of protection given to the authors or makers of original works of
authorship. Copyright law gifts authors and craftsmen the selective right to make and offer
duplicates of their works, the privilege to create subsidiary works, and the privilege to perform or
presentation their works freely. The copyright in a work of authorship quickly turns into the property
of the author who created it right now it is put into altered structure. Nobody yet the author can
claim copyright to the work, unless the author awards rights to others in a composed understanding,
for example, to the author's distributer or record organization. Generally, we can tell who the author
of a work is the individual who created it. Anyway some of the time, it is not exactly that simple.
2. Copyright is automatic when ... Show more content on ...
This does not encroach the copyright owner's selective distribution rights. This was accordingly
systematized in Copyright Act of 1976. In the connection of licenses, this law says that a buyer of a
licensed article has the right to use, repair, and exchange the article with no obstruction from the
patentee. The patentee may at present hold control of the article through terms in the permit or sale
8. What is "attribution" as it pertains to copyright?
The act of attributing particularly the act of securing a specific individual; as the inventor of a works
is lies under the cases of copyright. As sometimes people think that they can use the copyrighted
work by just putting a reference of the author/owner of the work. But it is not sufficient; individuals
who want to use any type of copyrighted work; they have to get permission from the author/owner.
9. What is "public domain" as it pertains to copyright?
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USA's Copyright Law
Copyright Law
1."Copyright law offers copyright holders the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and publicly
perform copyrighted work" (Carnes). The copyright holder has the authority to govern how the
copyrighted material is distributed by giving specific permissions in writing. Without a specific
written permission, no one has the rights to distribute or sell the copyrighted work.
By selling collections that contain the whole program of the copyrighted material, Software of the
Month Club (SOMC) is selling the copyrighted material without permission from the copyright
holder, Cybersell Impact, Inc. The claim of endorsing and distributing the shareware as performing a
service for the creators infringes the copyright law because of the distributions of the whole
program. The copyright laws allow a small portion of copyrighted material to be used for socially
beneficial purposes, but not the whole program. And, there was a restriction on the distribution that
allowed the sample portion to be distributed without charge to users. The actual charging of the
software and the fact of the whole program being distributed violated the copyright laws and the
restriction of the copyright holder.
The behavior that is being encouraged by the copyright laws and the judges in this case is to treat
each other fair and with respect. If the copyright holder gives permission, then it is ok to distribute
and sell, depending on what is actually granted in the written permission. By not
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Should Copyright Law Be Changed?
Should Copyright Law Be Changed?
We often experience the effects of copyright law on a day to day basis without even realizing it.
Whether we are uploading a video to Youtube or just listening to our favorite songs over the
internet, copyright law affects us. For example, nearly everyone who has spent time on Youtube has
come across a video that has been taken down due to a copyright claim. Also, listening to Pandora
radio for an extended period of time will leave users with a prompt to verify they are still there.
These are examples of the consequences of copyright law; but what exactly is it?
Despite copyright law 's prevalence in out everyday life, few are wary of the potential risks of its
uncontested expansion. The law has been allowed to continuously expand with little or no
opposition due to a lack of public awareness surrounding the issue. That was until the mufti–
corporation sponsored bills SOPA and PIPA made headline news in 2011. These failed bills were an
explicit attempt to increase the enforcement of copyright law over the internet.
The proposed laws were met with tremendous protests and international outrage bringing copyright
law and its enforcement under the public spotlight.
History and Background
In order to understand the issues surrounding modern copyright we must first delve into the history
of the law. Most parties generally agree that modern copyright law can trace its origins to the Statute
of Anne. Bowker (1912) states that the act, passed by
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Copyright In The Music Industry
Since the recording of music began, the music industry has been very dependent on record labels to
help artist reach mainstream success. The role of a record label is to assist an artist/musician in
gaining of the attention consumers. Along with that these labels also aid performers in marketing
their work through radio, magazines, newspapers, and television, but also involves the marketing of
music recordings and live performances. The majority of the time they would send artist's work to
publishers that would work on trademarks, production, manufacture, distribution, marketing,
promotion, but most importantly is the enforcement of copyright laws for written and sound
recordings.With that being said record labels are the ones who set the terms ... Show more content
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For a jazz musician copyrights usually, applies to tunes and notes that are already written down and
not solos. Copyright laws consider most early jazz songs as derivative works. What that means is
that copyright protection and rights are based not on what the jazz musician has added, but what he
has used. Under the Copyright Act," the owner of the composition copyright has the exclusive right
"to prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work." Categorizing jazz interpolations as
derivative works have practical consequences that do not favor the jazz musician. As an initial
matter, there is the issue of how jazz musicians must go about obtaining the rights even to record the
song. The Act creates a compulsory licensing scheme for copyrighted compositions, which allows
players to use any musical composition without having to negotiate with the copyright owner for
permission, so long as the musical work has been licensed previously to someone else for
mechanical reproduction and the musician pays a statutory royalty. Usually, all they needed was a
mechanical license to perform the works that were covered. The license would allow them to
automatically get permission from the artist from the artist and the publishers in return guaranteeing
them royalties from the cover. Musicians have more immediate access to previous artistic works
than artists in other mediums seeking to use prior works. The compulsory licensing scheme for
musical derivative works thus alleviates some of the transaction costs of bargaining. The problem is
that obtaining a compulsory license does not protect the original musical contributions added in the
subsequent artist's rendition. That is, compulsory licensees convey only the right to record and
distribute the underlying work. A separate copyright does not automatically attach another form of
the material to that copyright. If a musician wants to protect his pieces, he
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Copyright And Copyright Of Copyright Essay
1. Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually
Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled
The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually
Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (MVT) is the most recent expansion to the assemblage of
global copyright bargains directed by WIPO. It has a reasonable compassionate and social
improvement measurement and its principle objective is to make a situated of required limits and
exemptions for the advantage of the visually impaired, outwardly hindered and generally print
incapacitated (VIPs).
It obliges Contracting Parties to present a standard arrangement of impediments and special cases to
copyright governs to allow proliferation, dispersion and making accessible of distributed works in
organizations intended to be available to VIPs, and to allow trade of these works crosswise over
fringes by associations that serve those recipients.
The Treaty illuminates that recipient persons are those influenced by a scope of handicaps that
meddle with the powerful perusing of printed material. The expansive definition incorporates
persons, who are blind, outwardly impeded, or perusing debilitated or persons with a physical
handicap that keeps them from holding and controlling a book.
Just works "as content, documentation and/or related representations, whether distributed or
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Copyright And Copyright Infringement Trials
Intellectual properties are anything that is created by the mind. This includes inventions, designs,
books, etc. Many people protect their intellectual by copyrighting their work. Copyrights are
trademarks or patents, and give the owners of the work the right to claim their work and protect it
from theft. Use or reference of famous work is permitted when it is for "transformative" or limited
use. This work be considered "fair use" and many copyright infringement trials have been dismissed
because of this. Copyrights are an important tool to ensure that copyrighted work that is referenced
mentions the original inventor, rather than stealing their invention and claiming it as their own.
Trademark is a sign, design, or expression used in order to set a business apart. Trademarks serves
as two primary functions. The first is to provide protection to manufactures and traders by not
allowing unfair competition. It also protects customers from impersonations. Trademarks today are
governed on state and federal level. Trademarks today are considered property, meaning that
trademarks can be sold, inherited, or even leased as long as it is not the intent to fool the customer.
A patent gives all rights to the inventor and prevents anyone else from making using and selling
their idea. There are three different types of patents. The first is the utility patent, which is the most
common type of patent. Utility patents has to do more so with
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Copyright Enlistment
Protection issues for businesses and representatives have increased as PC innovation makes
numerous more approaches to store, access, and offer data than anybody could have envisioned back
in the times of paper records. Worries about protection rights and innovation have prompted the
establishment of more state and government laws and controls administering protection. Bosses
should in this way consent to protect rights and desires of their workers and create proper strategies
and methodology.
There are many disadvantages when it comes to copyright laws and some of them involve
powerlessness to share work that the key preferred standpoint is additionally its essential burden.
Copyright does not enable you to straightforwardly allow others to ... Show more content on ...
The benefits of copyright security overwhelmingly exceed the detriments. There are all things
considered a few detriments to remembering.
There are no genuine burdens to copyright enlistment. Enlistment passes on extra rights and
advantages, making it less demanding for the proprietor of a unique work to ensure it against
infringers. Enlistment does not remove any rights from the maker of the work. Seen hindrances must
be seen from a utilitarian or hypothetical point of view. Practically, the need to finish an enrollment
requires some investment and costs cash. Hypothetically, a few activists think copyrights smother
the inventive scene, keeping individuals from taking works and utilizing them to make new works
that will additionally add to society.
Many individuals expect that a unique work must be enrolled with the U.S. Copyright Office for the
maker to have a copyright. Enrollment does not give a maker a copyright. It basically gives an open
record of the copyright proprietor so the maker of a unique work can protect his interests in the
event that anybody encroaches upon his
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Protecting Ideas with Copyright
Every process born on an idea. Here is when most organizations have their origins.
Like every production process, music production is protected from the idea to distribution and
sharing. Let's start from 'songwriting and composition'. ¹According to the law, the lyrics that are
written by a songwriter are considered literary works and protected by copyright. Copyright is the
right owned by the creative artist to utilize or let use his composition by whoever needs with the
proper established agreements.
Written lyrics represents 1/3 of copyrights ownership as well as musical composition and
arrangement. We could see the backing chord and its progression used in the song as its arrangement
and the melody line as its composition. Only if the artist creates every part of the song he is intitled
to own 100% of song rights. Them are split into three parts if songwriter, composer and arranger are
different persons; Can be even split into several parts if other organizations are involved. But who
and what protects copyright?
It was initially limited to literary works and gradually moved to music and other art works.
However, it was the very first British Statue that set copyright in the UK, according to which
whoever intended to copy, print or share an art work made by someone else, had to obtain author's
consense ; but only in the following ' North
German Confederation ' constitution ( Shutz des geistigen Eigentums ) in1867 , was given a
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The Purpose Of Copyright Laws
The purpose of copyright laws in modern society, as confirmed by Darrell Panethiere (2005) is to
protect the creative rights of "authors, performers, publishers, broadcasters, and many others whose
livelihoods depend upon the recognition of rights" (p. 1, par. 1) for their intellectual properties. In
the contemporary business world, most companies that sell products of some kind depend on other
firms for the design, production, and distribution of the product to make it available for selling. Such
sales are often either wholesale to retailers or retail to consumers. Violations of the copyrights of
intellectual property (IP), destroys the chain of commerce reflected in these different industries;
which also includes the loss of employment to workers in each industry. In short, copyright laws
protect the motivation of creativity, the investment of commerce, plus the employment of a labor–
As recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, n.d.), in the "Protection of
Industrial Property" (p. 4, par. 2) during the Paris Convention of 1883 as well as in the "Protection
of Literary and Artistic Works" (p. 4, par. 2) during the Berne Convention of 1886, both
acknowledges the valuation developed and emerging societies attribute to intellectual properties.
Therefore, the protection of these values is justified with laws.
Intellectual property is identified as mental conceptions in fixed form which are perceptible by
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The Development Ofu.s Copyright Law
The Development of U.S Copyright Law
Simon Cho
The history of U.S copyright law came from England. As a matter of fact, copyright was not
intended to reward creators but to prevent sedition. As the number of presses grew in late fifteenth
century in England, the authorities started to grant control over the publication of books to a group
of printers, called the Stationers' Company in mid–sixteenth century. The Licensing Act of 1662
confirmed that licensed printers have the right to publish the work forever. The Stationer's Company
didn't disappear even though the 1662 act lapsed in 1694. Rather, it shifted its focus from printers to
authors. Therefore, the Parliament enacted the first copyright law in 1710, called the Statue of Anne,
which protects author's work if they registered their work to the government. Under the Statue of
Anne, authors had a right to control their creations and sell their rights to the third person. U.S.
Congress has revised the copyright law to broaden the sphere of copyright and to address new
technologies as time goes by. This paper illustrates what have the Congress amended in the
copyright law and how has the amended law impacted proprietors by looking into major revisions in
U.S. copyright law. U.S Congress reviewed its copyright law based on the Statue of Anne in early–
eighteenth century. The Congress first exercised its copyright protection with the Copyright Act of
1790, which secure the copies of maps, charts and books to the
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Questions On Patents And Copyrights Essay
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (worth 20% of the final grade) Lala Afandi 1. (i) What are the
similarities and differences (if any) between patents and copyrights? (ii) Could there be and is there
a subject matter (if any) that is both copyrightable and patentable? Discuss (6 points). Patents and
copyrights are both types of intellectual property aimed to protect product of mind. Firstly, it would
be suitable to provide their definition. Patent – form of protection of intellectual property aimed to
protect invention, having obvious following properties: – Benefit: invention must have apparent
behoove; – Not obvious: invention must be matter of obvious knowledge to the professionals of
field; – Newness: invention must bring some innovation, not patented before (facts can not be
patented); Patented intellectual property prevents anyone else from producing, using, selling,
offering to sell and importing. For patents US law follows first to invent rule. Copyright – form of
protection of intellectual property authorship aimed to protect pieces of art (paining, literature,
music, architecture etc.), having following properties: – Creative work must be recorded in material
form (ideas cannot be protected under copyright); – Creative work must be original work, created
independently and contain some creativity; There is a number of similarities and differences
between them shown in a graph below. Similarity Difference Patent Protects intellectual property
Types: utility, design, plant
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Copyright And Licensing Of Art
Copyright and Licensing explained.
No artwork exhibited in an open display is invulnerable; anytime an artwork becomes known, it is
predisposed to relative alterations, falsifications, and reuse by other artists. Countless art movements
are fashioned around the revision of earlier works and representations. As an artist, one must accept
the unavoidable fact that one day there will probably be alterations to their artwork.
Once the great Pablo Picasso argued that: "Bad artists copy. Good artists steal". In this essay it will
be explained the rules governing the copyright and licensing. The emphasis of this essay will be also
focusing on what are the steps to follow to grant a license to a third party in order to make it liable to
use my work of art, that in this case will be an image from one of my paintings.
The existence of copyright is indispensable especially aiming on intellectual property rights in art,
and whether it must be used not simply to protect the truth of the artist but moreover to encourage
future creativeness in the art industry. The meaning of copyright is the sole rights to generate copies
and to control literary, musical, or artistic work for a number of years; within Australia and in many
other countries this is 70 years from the artist or producers death or from the day of publication if
As an artist, I am the owner of the copyright of my artworks as far as my work is original. This
means that the work must not be copied from another
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IT Developers and Copyright Management
IT Developers and Copyright Management
Any material or product given by the company says its copyright terms based on the act registered
any volition would lead to penalty. The thing is that we need to check that, is there any restriction
that version.
Explained about the different theories their impact on the above topic each and individual theory has
given its own importance all of those are being detailed explain with a suitable example. How
Australian computer society act on its principle.
In all the cases free version has less application compare to full version this thing is needed to be
known. Its main intention is to educate on that version to some extend if more demanded need to
Some of the examples
If we are logging to the university number of times that may make them think that we are hacking it.
Information regarding username and passwords to the third party will lead to violation of university
act, material are used to educate their students not to use it those purposes that may lead to violence
of their terms.
Many applications in computers can be free downloaded such as media players and converters. As
the number of people using it increase than that product cost start decrease in the similar way, this is
why many applications for computers are available for free. The version downloaded for free does
have any copyright violation Software they are giving has a copyright, terms and conditions which
is need to be followed as per the company
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Copyright In Australia
Current copyright protection is entitled to provide the essential mechanism for the insurance of the
success viability of creative industries by rewarding and incentivising the creators of original works
relating to films, music and broadcasts. The Copyright Act 1968 is initially designed to protect
although, despite this, the advancement of technology has led to abuse of the Act, subsequently to
withhold its dexterity, the Act has required modification, through; case and statute law. While
acknowledging this, it must be understood that the codes; Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), Copyright
Regulations 1969 (Cth), Copyright Tribunal Procedure Regulations 1969 (Cth) and the Copyright
International Protection Regulations 1969 (Cth) are applied automatically once the work has been
published in an accessible format; provided that the author/s are current citizens or residents of
Australia. Throughout this report, the Copyright Act 1968 will be analysed in depth to provide a
detailed understanding of whether it is possible for the law to be proactive with regards to future
technologies. In a developing world of rapid changes and advancements in technology and human
behaviour, there is no specific measure that can completely eliminate online copyright infringement.
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The Copyright Distance Learning Disconnect
The Copyright–Distance Learning Disconnect by Michael Seadle
In the article entitled The Copyright–Distance Learning Disconnect, Seadle a "copyright librarian at
Michigan State University" (Seadle, 2002, p. 2) examines several ways in which the current
copyright laws are antiquated for the digital world of distance learning. Three disconnects that
Seadle identifies are restrictions on instructor materials imposed by the current definition of Fair
Use, student opinion that all information on the internet is free to be used without limitation and
lastly, the difficulties faced by publishers in protecting copyrighted work. Many of the difficulties
found in following as well as enforcing copyright laws, stem from the vastly different time it takes
for changes to occur. The technology utilized in distance learning updates daily while copyright law
is slow to update (Seadle, 2002).
Copyright Basics and Education Exemptions
Copyright is defined as "the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book,
musical recording, etc." (Copyright [Def.1], n.d). In the law, copyright protection insures that the
authors are considered the owners of the work they create and they can therefor expect
compensation if the work is used by anyone other than themselves. Copyright laws over the years
have made great efforts to protect the creators and authors of constructed works; however, the ease
by which materials can be obtained and distributed online has created
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Copyright And Copyright Of Copyright
Main heading: Introduction
What is a copyright
What is a trademark
Trademark registration
Trademark infringement
What is a patent
Types of patents
Patent registration
Main heading: Copyright
Content: A Copyright is legal protection granted to original works, however it does not cover an idea
in and of itself, it only covers the expression of it in a fixed or physical form. The author has the
exclusive right to reproduce or sell the work, distribute copies, display the work publicly, perform
the work publicly, or prepare "derivative works". Each use of that work can be assigned or licensed;
any transfer may be terminated ... Show more content on ...
When the copyright expires the work becomes available for anyone to use in any way they like.
While it is not required by law, it is still beneficial to register your copyright to create a public
record of the date of creation and the original owner, which would be required later to take legal
action against infringement. To register, visit , download and complete the form
then send it to the Copyright Office with documentation of the work that you are registering plus a
filing fee.
Copyright infringement is the unauthorized use of a copyright–protected work that was intentionally
performed without seeking permission or using correct notice of ownership. If you are aware that
someone is infringing upon your work, you should give them a cease–and–desist letter. If that does
not work the next step is to obtain an injunction or restraining order to stop use.
Main heading: Trademarks
Content: A trademark is used by a business to distinguish its products or services from those of its
competitors and prevent confusion. Trademarks are grouped into two general categories,
"traditional" and "non–traditional." Traditional trademarks include: a word, a letter, a phrase, a
design, or a shape. Non–traditional trademarks include: a color, a smell, a sound, a hologram. You
cannot however register a trademark that: Is confusingly similar to another mark that is already
registered, immoral, deceptive, or scandalous, depicts a living
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Copyright Law Essay
 Copyright protection provides the owner of an original work of authorship the right to prevent
others from using the work without the owner's permission.
 Copyright law protects against the copying of an "expression of an idea" but does not protect the
idea itself.
 this protection is limited compared to patent law because copyright law allows for independent
creation of a copyrighted work as a defense to copyright infringement.
 The theory is that 2 people can create exact or similar works without copying one another;
therefore, each has copyright protection in their respective work.
 The policy is similar to patents. We want to encourage creativity, but also provide the public with
the freest possible access to ... Show more content on ...
copyright law applied to works created today. [Our focus.]
 Earlier created works are governed by either the "Copyright Act of 1976, originally enacted" or
the "Copyright Act of 1909
Subject Matter of Copyrights
 Copyright Act provides a long list of works that may be copyrighted, but the list is not exclusive.
 the law is left fluid, allowing courts to extend copyright protection to new forms and ways of
expressing ideas, as they may be developed in the future.  Today, the Copyright Act provides that
Copyright protection extends to "original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of
expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or
otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device."
The 2 key requirements are:
 1) Original‐ meaning that the author created the work and did not copy it from someone else.
 there must be some level of creativity involved
 in the Feist case, the court held that arranging the listings of a telephone book alphabetically was
not creative enough
 names, addresses and phone numbers are public facts or data and are not original and therefore
not copyrightable;  but the arrangement and selection of facts or data may be copyrightable if done
in an original way;
 alphabetizing is simply not original.
2) Fixation‐ in order to receive copyright
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Copyrights And Other Legalities. Copyrights Are More Limited
Copyrights and Other Legalities Copyrights are more limited in scope than patents. They protect the
original works of authorship, not the ideas they contain. In the United States, original works include
literary, drama, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. A computer program, for
example, is considered a literary work and is protected by copyright. A copyright gives its owner the
exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the material or perform or display it publicly. However,
copyright law does permit limited reproduction of copyrighted works without the owner 's
permission for "fair use" such as criticism, teaching, and news reporting. In the United States, a
published work must have a copyright notice, the name ... Show more content on ...
The creators of works protected by copyright, and their successors (generally referred to as "right
holders"), have certain basic rights under copyright law. They hold the exclusive right to use or
authorize others to use the work on agreed terms. The right holder of a work can authorize or
prohibit: its reproduction in all forms, including print form and sound recording, its public
performance and communication to the public, its broadcasting, its translation into other languages,
and its adaptation, such as from a novel to a screenplay for a film. Similar rights that the right
holders may hold are: fixation (recording) and reproduction are granted under related rights. Many
types of works protected under the laws of copyright and related rights require mass distribution,
communication and financial investment for their successful disseminations (for example,
publications, sound recordings and films). Hence, creators often transfer these rights to companies
better able to develop and market the works, in return for compensation in the form of payments
and/or royalties (compensation based on a percentage of revenues generated by the work). The
economic rights relating to copyrights are of limited duration as provided for in the relevant World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties beginning with the creation and fixation of the
work, and lasting for at least 50 years after the creator's death. National laws may establish longer
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Professor Faden's Copyright Violation
To the jury of the court, let me start off by stating i'm the lawyer of the defendant, Professor Faden.
Professor Faden has been accused of infringing the copyright of Disney Studio.
During fair use trials judges are supposed to at least these "four factors" 1. The purpose of the use 2.
The nature of the work used 3. The amount and sustainability of the original work used 4. The effect
on the market of the original, as well as the overall purposes of copyright law. Before we get into
this deeply let's get this out of the way, "mr.faden, are you the Associate Professor of English and
Film Studies at Bucknell University?" *rhetorical question because we all know he is* Therefore
back to factor one, Professor Faden studies early cinema and digital image technologies, and creates
... Show more content on ...
This is also another reason it should not be considered infringing the copyright law of Disney
During this film Faden tends to keep the sustainability accurate, he uses the same movies and
sections of each movie over and over again, and he keeps the amount he uses sustainable. He put
bits and pieces of the same clips over and over again, never once did he use the clips longer than 10
seconds. So according to the third factor Faden did nothing wrong by using the video clips.
Faden used his work on this video for a nonprofit educational purpose of his students, so in this case
he did not violate factor four. To the creators of the disney work, if he did anything it was provide
commercial to their work and in that way many people may have gained interest in watching the
disney movies Faden used to create his
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Copyright And Copyright In Australia
What is Copyright?
Copyright is legal protection for creators of original works, including literary, dramatic, musical,
artistic, audiovisual, and other intellectual works. With the exceptions listed below, copyright
holders have the only right (and the only right to authorize others) to do the following: to reproduce
the work; to make derivative works; to distribute copies of the work; to perform the work; and to
display the work publicly. Mere ownership of a book, illustration, photograph or negative,
videotape, or musical work does NOT give the possessor the copyright.
However, permission is not necessary for non–copyright–protected actions, such as reviewing,
reading or borrowing literary works or photographs.
What is protected by Copyright? ... Show more content on ...
This suggests that nearly any artistic work that you could encounter, as well as books, maps,
magazines, graphic materials, journals, newsletters, charts, images, and different written materials;
unpublished materials, like analysts reports and consultants', as well as pc programs and different
computer code, motion photos, sound recordings, video files, sculptures and different inventive
works are nearly definitely protected by copyright.
Among the exclusive rights granted to those "authors" are the rights to distribute, reproduce, in
public perform and in public show a piece. These rights give copyright holders management over
the utilization of their creations, and a capability to learn, monetarily and otherwise, from the
exploitation of their works.
Copyright conjointly protects the correct to "make a by–product work," like a motion picture from a
book; the correct to incorporate a chunk in an exceedingly collective work, like publication a piece
of writing in an exceedingly book or journal. Works of visual art Copyright law doesn't shield ideas,
knowledge or
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Photography Copyright Laws
Robin Gross once described copyright laws as, "a balance between protection for the artist and
rights for the consumer." However, Carolyn E. Wright, a full–time attorney who actually wrote the
book on photography law and whose goal is to protect the rights of photographers (both
professionals and amateurs alike) provides us with a more official definition of copyright laws in an
interview with photographer Ken Kaminesky. Explaining that, "copyright for photographers means
owning property. With ownership, you get certain exclusive rights to that property. For photographic
copyrights, the ownership rights include the right to reproduce the photograph, prepare derivative
works based upon the photograph, to distribute copies of the photograph to ... Show more content on ...
Created and led by professional photographers, PPA works to help photographers grow and succeed
by educating them on business and technical skills, connect photographers through live
classes/consultations/conventions, and to protect the livelihood of photographers everywhere by
providing a variety of benefits. These benefits/tools include copyright advocacy, malpractice
protection, and equipment insurance. In fact, PPA is the only photographic association that provides
a full–time Copyright & Government Affairs Department in the world. This department works to
answer any questions about copyrighting and gather the latest information on laws that affect
photographers. PPA also supplies members (it's free to join) with a copyright kit that includes
information, guidance, samples, instructions, templates, and more. Both Creative Commons and
PPA suggest that every photographer take the time to create some sort of watermark (this shows that
there is restricted use) and to create a licensing
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Copyright Laws And Copyright Law
Existing Copyright Law
Copyright law is a part of not only music but many other products for example the software that you
are reading this document on has more than likely got copyright protection. But for the purpose of
this Document the main topic of copyright is going to be based around music.
Here is a few facts that may give you a better understanding of copyright as you read... Copyright
Law Came into existence as a spur from a concept from the "statute of Anne 1707". – Just like any
other law there are a number of contributing acts and statutes that come into play in order to enforce
the Law(s) involved. – Different parties involved in the copyright of a "product" may hold rights to
the content together as the "first owner(s) of copyright".
When discussing matters in the respect of music, The copyright will only take effect once the
content is in a physical form, For example Tape, CD, HDD, USB And any other tangible device.
The recorded song will belong to the writer of the content. But if they are writing the song for
somebody else, say for example the writer of the "Super Mario" Theme tune they will own the
copyright to the song and are therefore entitled to an agreed negotiable percentage of the songs
But as they were paid to Create the track for Nintendo, They will not be entitled to decide where the
track can & can 't be played as the song is now a product that has been sold and no longer belongs to
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Copyright Law Limitations
Since the U.S. Copyright Act became law in 1790, the copyright term has been increasing.
"Copyright is an intangible property right granted by federal statue to the author or originator of
certain literacy or outside productions." The first major change was the Copyright Act of 1976, it
gave American authors the right to print, re–print, or publish their work for 14 years and then to
renew for another 14. In 1998, Congress passed the Sonny Bono Copyright Act also known as the
Mickey Mouse Copyright Act, which extended protection from life of the author plus 70 years as
well as taking away the need for a copyright notice and registration. The result was that many whom
did not have copyright protection due to lack of copyright notice and registration were now
protected. Following the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act, they passed the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act which intended to create a new updated version of copyright laws to deal with the
challenges of regulating digital material. It aimed to protect the rights of both copyright owners and
consumers, and without it copyright owners would have a difficult time obtaining legal action
against those who copy copyrighted material. Copyright act laws should be extended for various
reasons, one is that, it gives the creator more time to profit from it and if the creator dies early on it
will be passed on to their family. Knowing that work will be copyrighted for a longer time gives
them a chance to encourage their creativity and
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Copyright Fair
be legal and fair
Be Legal & Fair
Copyright image
Protection of intellectual property is taken very seriously in the United States. Copyright holders
defend their rights quite vigorously and as a teacher, you should take seriously how both you and
your students use music, video, spoken and written words that have been created by others.
In this Thing you will learn about copyright, fair use, Creative Commons and the TEACH Act of
What exactly does Copyright mean?
Copyright protects the rights of any creator of content by giving them the legal power to do with
their works as they choose. Once an original work has been created the owner then has the exclusive
rights to sell, make copies, make other works based upon it, or place it on public display. (note: the
work may belong to the ... Show more content on ...
It can also include assignments you create for a class you teach or the notes your students take in
Take this copyright quiz as a pre–assessment before going any further to test your copyright IQ.
While this may sound a bit daunting, there are guidelines that allow educators to use copyrighted
materials in the classroom. The guidelines are called Fair Use, which we'll be covering later.
Copyright law, as it currently stands, is covered in Title 17 of the United States Code.
Visit the Copyright Laws Quest 1 on the 21things4students site, which targets middle school
students, where you can view some videos, the Copyright Kids and Cyberbee sites, and take a
copyright Quiz.
Creative Commons
CC (1)
An alternative to restrictions of copyright is called a Creative Commons license. This license allows
a content creator to give explicit permission to those wishing to use their intellectual property or
original works in a way that respects the owner's wishes and thus eliminates the need to contact the
content creator for
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The Rights Of The Copyright And Licensing
No artwork exhibited in an open display is invulnerable; anytime an artwork becomes known, it is
predisposed to relative alterations, falsifications, and reuse by other artists. Countless art movements
are fashioned around the revision of earlier works and representations. As an artist, one must accept
the unavoidable fact that one day there will probably be alterations to their artwork. Once the great
Pablo Picasso argued that: "Bad artists copy. Good artists steal". In this essay it will be explained the
rules governing the copyright and licensing. The emphasis of this essay will be also focusing on
what are the steps to follow to grant a license to a third party in order to make it liable to use my
own work of art, that in this case ... Show more content on ...
Besides, under "work for hire" the company holds the copyright, not the artist or inventor. In such
contexts, the creator holds the "moral rights" to their work, comprising the right of
There are different situations and rules that apply for disparate cases, all depending on the type of
commission given to the artist. For example; the commissioner may own the physical painting
hanging on their lounge room wall, however the artist nevertheless holds the copyright in the image
of that painting. The commissioner keeps the objective painting predisposed to the artist 's
copyrights, and may not create prints or other duplicates from the image of the painting without the
artist 's authorization.
Some areas of the law favor verbal and contractual agreements over copyright.
Copyright does not protect ideas, or styles the instant an idea or creative concept has been given
material form, it is documented, on paper or electronically; it is immediately covered by copyright.
Because it is automatic and free in Australia, there is no official registry or application process for
copyright protection.
Copyright is not a separate "right", but reasonably a "collection" of rights. For all material which is
safeguarded by copyright, the copyright holder has the private right to replicate or create duplicates.
Varying on the nature of material, the copyright holder generally has other rights as well, as, to
perform or show the material in public and to broadcast
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Copyright Of Copyright And Copyright
Copyright policy violations have been a major talking point in the media in recent years. Copyright
concerns largely grew in the early 2000's due to a popular music sharing program called LimeWire.
LimeWire allowed people to illegally download, or pirate, the music they were interesting in
listening to for free. Limewire launched in 2000 and was shut down in 2010 due to a "permanent
injunction issued by a New York–based federal court" (Gearlog, 2010). This injuction brought
copyright infringement to the forefront of the headlines as the Recording Industry Association of
America (RIAA) attempted to file a lawsuit for $75 trillion. This was settled to $105 million, but
they publicity of such a large lawsuit brought more debate to the ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, with few exceptions, the "Digital Millen[n]ium Copyright Act (DMCA) prevents the
removal of any copy protection methods employed by a media publisher" (Dachis, 2012). To
summarize, under no circumstances can you replicate a movie; nor can you use or distribute
software that allows a person to bypass the encryption on anti–piracy software. Now that we know
what copyright policy is, we can investigate the reason people choose to pirate content rather than
pursue legal means of obtainment. One of the leading opinions is that piracy is a service problem.
Motherboard writer, Derek Mead, states, "According to a new piracy study funded by
NBCUniversal, it appears that a lot of pirates are downloading movies as a matter of convenience"
(Mead, 2013). writer, Paul Tassi, supports this theory by stating that "'[p]iracy is a
service problem.' Valve's Gabe Newell said that years ago, touting the success of Steam, his online
video game distribution service. The premise is that while piracy is appealing because it's free, it's
also appealing because it's easy" (Tassi, 2014). These statements clearly describe the way in which
piracy, to a great extent, is caused not by people intent on causing harm – but people enticed by
With an understanding about the related laws and why people pirate, we can now discuss how piracy
is currently being contested. There are three primary tools
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International Copyright Essay
The idea that an author of a literary work has certain inalienable rights to his work has been an
institution found on a national level in many countries for centuries. These rights have taken on
different forms depending on the legal tradition of the country where it is applied. In systems with a
common law tradition, based on utilitarian ideals, the rights were referred to as copyright. In
systems that relied on a civil law tradition, based on philosophical thought and the basic idea of a
moral and natural order, the rights became to be known as author's rights and later expanded to
neighboring rights. Although these rights, and the laws that went along with them, developed in
many countries around the same time in history ... Show more content on ...
These laws were upheld unchanged until 1957 when a new copyright act was passed (Goldstein, 9).
Author's right is normally thought to correspond with natural rights, yet this wasn't the case until the
late nineteenth century. This portion of the author's right tradition emerged from the idea that the
personality of the author of a literary work is linked to the work itself. A theory that can be traced
back to Otto von Gierke and Kant (Goldstein, 9). This lead to the separation of personal rights from
economic rights in French law, where it was believed that an author's moral rights were more or less
absolute. As the laws around author's right were being constructed and worked out in many different
civil courts, there was new technology being developed that would challenge the very idea of
authorship. These new technologies, such as photographs and motion pictures would give rise to the
controversy between what was the product of a mechanical creation and what was the work of an
artistic author. These debates would continue and the tradition of neighboring rights would emerge
to provide protection for performances, sound recordings, and broadcasts. The main difference
between author's right and neighboring rights is that the latter doesn't consider the protected works
literary or
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Music and Copyright Essay
Music has a powerful influence on society, like mass media and television. In our society today,
music has the ability to define our culture. Many people around the world listen to music while
driving, at work, doing housework, or even studying. Music may be seen as simple and
unproblematic, but looking at the structure behind it is very important. One of the key features of
music is music copyright and what that means to the music industry. Defining what this means in the
historical context is of great significance. Music and copyright is a vital aspect of the music industry.
The question that remains, however, is what happens with motivation or intension when samples of
music are not originally controlled in a larger network. ... Show more content on ...
She mentions that if a copyright law is charged with protecting a particular arrangement of notes,
then maybe copyright laws should protect the riffs, melodies, harmonies, etc., or all of them. It is of
great importance to understand the meaning behind what this means by looking at copyright laws
and what it means to the music industry. One characteristic of intellectual property rights is
copyright. This means that it can be bought or sold like any other form of property (McCann 1998).
McCann states that the creator of an artistic piece of work is the first owner of a copyright. The
owner has the exclusive rights to do or to authorize anyone else to do certain things with the whole
or any extensive part of the work. The author and or the creator is at the centre of the copyright
paradigm as a separate and discrete body or entity. This is because the concept of the writer or
composer is a special participant in the production process which is worthy of attention. Authorship
is important within the context of copyright because as McCann points out: The 'authorship'
concept, although highly visible in contemporary copyright law, usually appears as a focus of
consensus rather than debate. 'Authorship', as deployed in texts and in cultural understandings, has
been anything but a stable, inert foundation for the structure of copyright doctrine. Rather, the
ideologically charged
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Copyright In Graphic Design Essay
The Importance of Copyright in Graphic Design
Copyrights are necessary for protecting the ideas of people. Protecting ideas mean that other people
are not given the right to make money off of one's ideas. Most of the time graphic designers, artist,
photographers, etc. go to school to be better at what they do and people stealing their ideas is
something that needs to stop. They pay to make more money in their future careers and people are
just taking that money away from them. It also causes people to lose their jobs.
For example, Kerry Gorgone states in the {grow} Contributing Columnist article, "Despite rising
demand, there is an expectation of "free," leaving musicians, artists, and writers to scramble for a
living. That makes it all ... Show more content on ...
Even though a copyright holder has rights in a work, those rights, with limited exception, cannot be
enforced through the courts unless the work is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Without
registration, a copyright holder cannot bring a lawsuit for copyright infringement."(22)
"If your company owns a copyright on any work that's registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, it
can seek a court injunction that commands the infringing party to immediately cease and desist
publication or performance of the work in question. This action is immediate. It moves much more
quickly than criminal or civil proceedings against an infringing party, and it can at least stop
additional losses due to copyright infringement." (20) Wilhelm Schnotz writes in his article Pros &
Cons of Copyright Laws.
"If a copyright has been infringed, the owner may sue the infringer in federal court, seeking an
injunction against future violations of the copyrights. The owner may recover actual damages, which
are losses plus the infringer's profits from use of the copyrighted work. Or, any time before a court
issues a final judgment, the owner can elect to receive a set amount in damages as defined in the
copyright statute, in lieu of actual
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A Brief Note On The Law Of Copyright
Diana Rios
Professor Proctor
Enc 1102
December 15, 2015
Law of Copyright Technology today plays a huge role in all aspects of a modern day by day society.
As technology is used in all different fields, it is expected to continue improving over time to make
daily tasks an unchallenging experience to perform for the average person. It provides security for
creators, writers, artist, etc. from others benefiting from their work therefore providing better
confidence in creativity and boosting economic growth.
On April 10, 1710 the British Statute of Anne "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning by
Vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or Purchasers of such Copies, during the Times
Therein Mentioned" was the first copyright statue that took effect. In those times the Law of
Copyright only applied to the copying of books. In both England and United States this famous
statue remains the foundation of copyright law. As society changes, the Law has adapted for other
uses like translations and expressive creation that may include copyright protected elements. The
new modification to the law now covers a wide range of works. These rights protect the work of
books, manuscripts, plays, computer programs, works of art, maps, architectural plans, musical
scores, sound recordings, and films. Luckily over time copyright law has changed to benefit creators
of original works. While most people argue that these copyright laws protect the goods of many
artists' original works
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Copyright Rights : Copyright, Rights, And Public Rights
The United Sates and other nations especially from Europe over the past few years have been
waging battle over how copyrighted work should be protected. Primarily, copyright duration has
been one of the most important points in the extensive negotiation between nations such as United
Sates and the European countries (Cox 2017). The current Copyright Act signed by President
Clinton referred to as the Sony Bono Copyright Term Extension Act extend the copyrights of
protected documents and works by writers. The issue on whether the copyrights extension should
take place has been a contagious problem in the United States attracting criticism from both sides
the opponents and proponents. Personally, I believe that the copyrights are too long and they should
be shortened. Copyrights last too long and mostly it is a scheme by organization to make money as
little or no revenue passes to the creator of the content.
Furthermore, many artists, writers, and actors see the use of creativity as a thought of developing
incrementally and not in a vacuum. Importantly, creativity, inventiveness, and ingenuity are mainly
built upon the work and the ideas of other people and the use of long–term or extension of the
copyrights time makes these works unavailable to other people to inspire more creativity (Cox
2017). However, the copyright law is carefully drafted so as it can balance between the private and
public rights and this provide incentives for access and information while at the same time
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Copyright Of The Intellectual Property
1Ans) Intellectual property right gives credit to the original work done by the people .The law the
creative work of the people from coping or imitating without their permission. There are three main
things that protect the intellectual right .They are copyrights, patents and trademarks.
As the technology increases instead of thinking newly ,people are choosing a alternative or easy way
of imitating the other works and showing as their own work . Here are few examples of violating the
intellectual property rights:
1.)A Beijing court in china has ruled that Microsoft violated intellectual properties of a Chinese
company. Violation was over fonts that are used in ... Show more content on ...
3.)Adidas a multinational corporation was using three stripe marks as a logo since 1952, but it
registered its logo as trademark recently. Payless other similar kind of company was also
confusingly using similar kind of logo. Adidas registered its logo making an agreement with payless
in 2001. Payless after settlement also started selling look–alikes logo which was violating the rule of
their agreement. For violating rule by payless, Adidas has been awarded $305 million which was
calculated $100 million for each stripe.
4.) In July, castle French wine company was fined $5million for using the trade mark of another
shanghai based company. He used shanghai banti trademark ' ka site ' ,transliteration of castle. As
china uses first come first serve trade mark system the Chinese company owner has registered first
in 1998 but as castle used this he was prosecuted for using others company 's trade mark.
5.) Music as a best part of life in almost all kind of people in the world, with this popularity in music
there was so many groups that are looking to sell them and make money. Around the same time a
music application was created by an 18 year old kid, the application was a peer–to–peer music
sharing service which allows users to download music files for free, which made music group such
as A&M Records and other similar
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Copyright Holders And The Copyright
Copyright holders are given a property right to their work according to section 1 of the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA 1988). Thus the right holders are given an exclusive right to
their work. Anyone who carries out an act, which is exclusive to the right holders, without obtaining
their permission prior to the act, infringes on the copyright holders proprietary rights.
A lot of people have been taking advantage of the internet for the commission of copyright
infringement and they do so anonymously. Charleton, J, while dealing with a case of online
copyright infringement, explains that 'it is a problem that not only undermines the business of the
content industry, but also ruins the ability of a generation of creative persons to earn a viable living'.
In their quest for financial gain in respect of their work and the protection of their work, right
holders have, consequently turned against the internet service providers' who serve as the
middlemen, seeking to hold them accountable for the infringement of the offenders using their
networks to commit these crime. Consequently, the issue of indirect liability against Internet Service
Providers has resulted into a floodgate of litigant wanting to enforce their right. Internet Service
Providers were reluctant to interfere with their subscribers' access to website not until the recent
epidemic, where right holders are able to bring action against them and hold them liable for their
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Copyright Of Copyright Rights Under The Copyright Act 1968
Copyright is a legal right formed by law, which allows the creator of an original work with exclusive
rights under specific jurisdiction.
All materials on this website such as logos, icons, images, texts, graphics and software, belongs to
BUBSMATE, and is protected in Australia under the Copyright Act 1968.
You are allowed to view, save or print parts of the website for your information. You are not allowed
to modify/reproduce/republish any material contained in this site.
We respect the rights of all copyright holders and if you believe that your work has been copied in
any way, please contact us in writing at the information mentioned below.
PO Box 1312
Mulgrave VIC 3170
BUBSMATE's copyright policy provides a brief summary of Australian copyright law, particularly
as it relates to the use of others ' copyright–protected materials, including published materials,
software and to provide procedures for obtaining copyright permission that should be used
consistently throughout BUBSMATE.
Copyright laws are generally not straightforward and they have many grey areas. The goal of this
policy is to provide BUBSMATE's employees (whether on a permanent, temporary or contract
basis) consultants, and agents with a uniform approach to addressing complex copyright issues.
BUBSMATE has designated Trevor Williams, as the Copyright Officer to administer our
organization 's copyright policy. BUBSMATE will oversee periodic
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Copyright Research Paper
Across human history, societies adopted different political and societal systems. The same applies in
term of trade, in which the system evolved from basic barter, common sharing, up to the invention
of gold coins, trade and commerce system. Today's world is dominated by western cultures. The
different political, economic, and societal systems in the world are strongly influenced by the
western civilization values.
Laws for copyright, piracy, intellectual property somehow find the origins in the socio–economical
system of our world.
In the following essay, we will try to explore the different characteristics of the worlds which may
engender the need for copyright. We will next explain what are piracy and intellectual property vis–
à–vis the notion of copyright.
Several characteristics of today's world and its business made copyright essentials for the course of
everyday activities.
First the materialism has been the main philosophy of most individuals. People are commonly
judged based on their material possession. The emphasis is thus put on what someone's own, its
goods, properties. The material benefit is of first importance, and it is the basis of world business.
Thus, when someone creates, produces or makes something of potential material benefit, he will
definitely want to protect it. It's clear that in such context copyright automatically becomes crucial.
The second point is the economy. Capitalism is the major economic system throughout the world.
Here again the
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Ownership And Infringement Of Copyrights

  • 1. Ownership And Infringement Of Copyrights Ownership and Infringement of Copyrights Introduction: Definition and understanding of Copyrights: The legal right that is created by enforcement of law by a country that provides the creator of an original exclusive work rights to use and distribute it, usually for a limited time with the aim of enabling the initiator to get compensation for their intellect work is known as copyright. It is a structure of intellectual property such as trademark, a patent or trade secret etc which is relevant to any form of expressible idea or information that is distinct and important. Copyrights may be used as shared rights in which more than one person can share the rights of particular patent or trade secret; people may hold a defined percentage of rights so they are commonly known as "rightsholders" or "rights" in business terminology. The rightsholder have the right to copy, they may also be accredited for the work, and they may decide who may adapt the work to other forms or who may get financial benefits from it and other related rights. Copyrights were primarily framed as a method for government to confine printing. The existing intent of copyright is to promote the foundation of new works by giving authors and trade person to have control of and profit from them. Copyrights are meant to be defensive and territorial, which means that they do not extend outside the territory of the specific state or boundary unless that state is a party to an international agreement and laws. In ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. George Washington Copyright Facts Chronology[1] July 31 2001 Samuel Hopkins was issued the first patent. His patent was for the process of making potash, which is used in most fertilizer. George Washington was the one who signed the patent.[2] Feb. 1831 the Copyright Act was the first revision to the United States copyright law. The additions to the act included the following; extended the copyright term from 14 to 28 years, added musical compositions to list of protected works, extended the statute of limitations, and changed the copyright formality requirements.[3] 1909 The copyright act of 1909 was a huge milestone for United States copyright law. This act allows for work of many kinds to be copyrighted for a period of twenty–eight years after the publication, this could still be renewed for a second term if ... Show more content on ... It was meant to bring all the nations together when needed to work together on specific projects and problems.[6] 1976 The United States Copyright Act was revised from the prior act. In short terms this new revision states the basis of the Copyright Law, and changed the doctrine of "fair use", and copyrights adopted post author/creators death.[7] Jul 1979 The United States and the People's Republic of China established trade relations, marking the beginning of a new manufacturing era.[8] 1987 Supreme Court ruled in 1987 that neither the New Columbia Encyclopedia home use of Television video recorders or manufacturer violated copyright laws. 1992 Audio home recording act of 1992 was an amendment of the United States copyright law. The act allowed the release of recordable things such as Sony and Philips Digital Audio Tape without fear of infringement ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay on intellectual property copyrights Arka Bani Maini (10020510 ) Mid term paper on IPR : Copyrights Intellectual Property Intellectual Property refers to all the intangible creations of the human mind, from scientific inventions to literary and artistic works; from symbols to names and images used in commerce. Earlier, Neo classical economics considered land, labour and capital as things of value. But slowly information and energy are replacing them as wealth creating assets.[1]As , the world gets more and more mobile , information can be transported instantaneously around the world , and any advantage gained by a rival company can be discarded effectively overnight. In such a scenario, a major challenge for companies would be to provide a blanket of protection for ... Show more content on ... Some of the important amendments to the Copyright Act in 2012 are[4] 1. extension of copyright protection in the digital environment such as penalties for circumvention of technological protection measures and rights management information, and liability of internet service provider and introduction of statutory licences for cover versions and broadcasting organizations 2. ensuring right to receive royalties for authors, and music composers, exclusive economic and moral rights to performers, equal membership rights in copyright societies for authors and other right owners and exception of copyrights for physically disabled to access any works. In the Copyright law of India , "Indian Work" means a literary, dramatic or musical work by an author who is a citizen of India , or which was first published in India ,or in case of an unpublished work , an author who at the time of creation , was a citizen of India. The total term of protection for literary work is the author's life plus sixty years. For cinematographic films, records, photographs, posthumous publications, anonymous publication, works of government and international agencies the term is 60 years ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Essay about Piracy Of Copyright Piracy Of Copyright Introduction: The world today has entered into an era of instant communication. A person sitting in the remotest corner of India can enjoy live performance taking place in the far away places like America or Africa, thanks to electronic (parallel) media. Telephone and fax have made it possible to communicate oral or written messages across the globe within seconds. The computer–aided communication technologies such as E–Mail and Internet have added altogether a new dimension to today's communication process by making it more speedy, informative and economical. The ways through which different types of information can be communicated have also undergone a sea change. These days a film song can be put in or accessed ... Show more content on ... Copyright and International Relations: The scope of copyright is not confined merely to the arena of creativity and its economic exploitation in the country of its origin. It has emerged as a major factor in international relations. In the recent past, the trade relations between the US and China deteriorated considerably over the issue of protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The US maintained that China is the worst violator of IPRs and the loss to the US economy is more than 2 billion dollars annually because of violation of its IPRs in China's territory. The dispute took a serious turn when US trade groups wanted trade relations with China to be stopped completely. It was only after the intervention of the heads of both the countries any further deterioration was averted. Copyright in India: The copyright in India has travelled a long way since it was introduced during the British rule. The first law on copyright was enacted in the year 1847 by the then Governor General of India. When Copyright Act 1911 came into existence in England, it became automatically applicable to India, being India an integral part of British Raj. This act was in force in the country until after independence when a new copyright act (the Act of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Copyright Law Part 1 1. What is copyright? Answer: Copyright is a manifestation of protection given to the authors or makers of original works of authorship. Copyright law gifts authors and craftsmen the selective right to make and offer duplicates of their works, the privilege to create subsidiary works, and the privilege to perform or presentation their works freely. The copyright in a work of authorship quickly turns into the property of the author who created it right now it is put into altered structure. Nobody yet the author can claim copyright to the work, unless the author awards rights to others in a composed understanding, for example, to the author's distributer or record organization. Generally, we can tell who the author of a work is the individual who created it. Anyway some of the time, it is not exactly that simple. 2. Copyright is automatic when ... Show more content on ... This does not encroach the copyright owner's selective distribution rights. This was accordingly systematized in Copyright Act of 1976. In the connection of licenses, this law says that a buyer of a licensed article has the right to use, repair, and exchange the article with no obstruction from the patentee. The patentee may at present hold control of the article through terms in the permit or sale contract. 8. What is "attribution" as it pertains to copyright? Answer: The act of attributing particularly the act of securing a specific individual; as the inventor of a works is lies under the cases of copyright. As sometimes people think that they can use the copyrighted work by just putting a reference of the author/owner of the work. But it is not sufficient; individuals who want to use any type of copyrighted work; they have to get permission from the author/owner. 9. What is "public domain" as it pertains to copyright? ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. USA's Copyright Law Copyright Law 1."Copyright law offers copyright holders the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and publicly perform copyrighted work" (Carnes). The copyright holder has the authority to govern how the copyrighted material is distributed by giving specific permissions in writing. Without a specific written permission, no one has the rights to distribute or sell the copyrighted work. By selling collections that contain the whole program of the copyrighted material, Software of the Month Club (SOMC) is selling the copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder, Cybersell Impact, Inc. The claim of endorsing and distributing the shareware as performing a service for the creators infringes the copyright law because of the distributions of the whole program. The copyright laws allow a small portion of copyrighted material to be used for socially beneficial purposes, but not the whole program. And, there was a restriction on the distribution that allowed the sample portion to be distributed without charge to users. The actual charging of the software and the fact of the whole program being distributed violated the copyright laws and the restriction of the copyright holder. The behavior that is being encouraged by the copyright laws and the judges in this case is to treat each other fair and with respect. If the copyright holder gives permission, then it is ok to distribute and sell, depending on what is actually granted in the written permission. By not ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Should Copyright Law Be Changed? Should Copyright Law Be Changed? We often experience the effects of copyright law on a day to day basis without even realizing it. Whether we are uploading a video to Youtube or just listening to our favorite songs over the internet, copyright law affects us. For example, nearly everyone who has spent time on Youtube has come across a video that has been taken down due to a copyright claim. Also, listening to Pandora radio for an extended period of time will leave users with a prompt to verify they are still there. These are examples of the consequences of copyright law; but what exactly is it? Despite copyright law 's prevalence in out everyday life, few are wary of the potential risks of its uncontested expansion. The law has been allowed to continuously expand with little or no opposition due to a lack of public awareness surrounding the issue. That was until the mufti– corporation sponsored bills SOPA and PIPA made headline news in 2011. These failed bills were an explicit attempt to increase the enforcement of copyright law over the internet. The proposed laws were met with tremendous protests and international outrage bringing copyright law and its enforcement under the public spotlight. History and Background In order to understand the issues surrounding modern copyright we must first delve into the history of the law. Most parties generally agree that modern copyright law can trace its origins to the Statute of Anne. Bowker (1912) states that the act, passed by ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Copyright In The Music Industry Since the recording of music began, the music industry has been very dependent on record labels to help artist reach mainstream success. The role of a record label is to assist an artist/musician in gaining of the attention consumers. Along with that these labels also aid performers in marketing their work through radio, magazines, newspapers, and television, but also involves the marketing of music recordings and live performances. The majority of the time they would send artist's work to publishers that would work on trademarks, production, manufacture, distribution, marketing, promotion, but most importantly is the enforcement of copyright laws for written and sound recordings.With that being said record labels are the ones who set the terms ... Show more content on ... For a jazz musician copyrights usually, applies to tunes and notes that are already written down and not solos. Copyright laws consider most early jazz songs as derivative works. What that means is that copyright protection and rights are based not on what the jazz musician has added, but what he has used. Under the Copyright Act," the owner of the composition copyright has the exclusive right "to prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work." Categorizing jazz interpolations as derivative works have practical consequences that do not favor the jazz musician. As an initial matter, there is the issue of how jazz musicians must go about obtaining the rights even to record the song. The Act creates a compulsory licensing scheme for copyrighted compositions, which allows players to use any musical composition without having to negotiate with the copyright owner for permission, so long as the musical work has been licensed previously to someone else for mechanical reproduction and the musician pays a statutory royalty. Usually, all they needed was a mechanical license to perform the works that were covered. The license would allow them to automatically get permission from the artist from the artist and the publishers in return guaranteeing them royalties from the cover. Musicians have more immediate access to previous artistic works than artists in other mediums seeking to use prior works. The compulsory licensing scheme for musical derivative works thus alleviates some of the transaction costs of bargaining. The problem is that obtaining a compulsory license does not protect the original musical contributions added in the subsequent artist's rendition. That is, compulsory licensees convey only the right to record and distribute the underlying work. A separate copyright does not automatically attach another form of the material to that copyright. If a musician wants to protect his pieces, he ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Copyright And Copyright Of Copyright Essay COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARK 1. Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled I. INTRODUCTION TO THE CONVENTION/ TREATY/ AGREEMENT The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled (MVT) is the most recent expansion to the assemblage of global copyright bargains directed by WIPO. It has a reasonable compassionate and social improvement measurement and its principle objective is to make a situated of required limits and exemptions for the advantage of the visually impaired, outwardly hindered and generally print incapacitated (VIPs). It obliges Contracting Parties to present a standard arrangement of impediments and special cases to copyright governs to allow proliferation, dispersion and making accessible of distributed works in organizations intended to be available to VIPs, and to allow trade of these works crosswise over fringes by associations that serve those recipients. The Treaty illuminates that recipient persons are those influenced by a scope of handicaps that meddle with the powerful perusing of printed material. The expansive definition incorporates persons, who are blind, outwardly impeded, or perusing debilitated or persons with a physical handicap that keeps them from holding and controlling a book. Just works "as content, documentation and/or related representations, whether distributed or ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Copyright And Copyright Infringement Trials Intellectual properties are anything that is created by the mind. This includes inventions, designs, books, etc. Many people protect their intellectual by copyrighting their work. Copyrights are trademarks or patents, and give the owners of the work the right to claim their work and protect it from theft. Use or reference of famous work is permitted when it is for "transformative" or limited use. This work be considered "fair use" and many copyright infringement trials have been dismissed because of this. Copyrights are an important tool to ensure that copyrighted work that is referenced mentions the original inventor, rather than stealing their invention and claiming it as their own. Copyright Trademark: Trademark is a sign, design, or expression used in order to set a business apart. Trademarks serves as two primary functions. The first is to provide protection to manufactures and traders by not allowing unfair competition. It also protects customers from impersonations. Trademarks today are governed on state and federal level. Trademarks today are considered property, meaning that trademarks can be sold, inherited, or even leased as long as it is not the intent to fool the customer. Patent: A patent gives all rights to the inventor and prevents anyone else from making using and selling their idea. There are three different types of patents. The first is the utility patent, which is the most common type of patent. Utility patents has to do more so with ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Copyright Enlistment Protection issues for businesses and representatives have increased as PC innovation makes numerous more approaches to store, access, and offer data than anybody could have envisioned back in the times of paper records. Worries about protection rights and innovation have prompted the establishment of more state and government laws and controls administering protection. Bosses should in this way consent to protect rights and desires of their workers and create proper strategies and methodology. There are many disadvantages when it comes to copyright laws and some of them involve powerlessness to share work that the key preferred standpoint is additionally its essential burden. Copyright does not enable you to straightforwardly allow others to ... Show more content on ... The benefits of copyright security overwhelmingly exceed the detriments. There are all things considered a few detriments to remembering. There are no genuine burdens to copyright enlistment. Enlistment passes on extra rights and advantages, making it less demanding for the proprietor of a unique work to ensure it against infringers. Enlistment does not remove any rights from the maker of the work. Seen hindrances must be seen from a utilitarian or hypothetical point of view. Practically, the need to finish an enrollment requires some investment and costs cash. Hypothetically, a few activists think copyrights smother the inventive scene, keeping individuals from taking works and utilizing them to make new works that will additionally add to society. Many individuals expect that a unique work must be enrolled with the U.S. Copyright Office for the maker to have a copyright. Enrollment does not give a maker a copyright. It basically gives an open record of the copyright proprietor so the maker of a unique work can protect his interests in the event that anybody encroaches upon his ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Protecting Ideas with Copyright Every process born on an idea. Here is when most organizations have their origins. Like every production process, music production is protected from the idea to distribution and sharing. Let's start from 'songwriting and composition'. ¹According to the law, the lyrics that are written by a songwriter are considered literary works and protected by copyright. Copyright is the right owned by the creative artist to utilize or let use his composition by whoever needs with the proper established agreements. Written lyrics represents 1/3 of copyrights ownership as well as musical composition and arrangement. We could see the backing chord and its progression used in the song as its arrangement and the melody line as its composition. Only if the artist creates every part of the song he is intitled to own 100% of song rights. Them are split into three parts if songwriter, composer and arranger are different persons; Can be even split into several parts if other organizations are involved. But who and what protects copyright? It was initially limited to literary works and gradually moved to music and other art works. However, it was the very first British Statue that set copyright in the UK, according to which whoever intended to copy, print or share an art work made by someone else, had to obtain author's consense ; but only in the following ' North German Confederation ' constitution ( Shutz des geistigen Eigentums ) in1867 , was given a ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Purpose Of Copyright Laws The purpose of copyright laws in modern society, as confirmed by Darrell Panethiere (2005) is to protect the creative rights of "authors, performers, publishers, broadcasters, and many others whose livelihoods depend upon the recognition of rights" (p. 1, par. 1) for their intellectual properties. In the contemporary business world, most companies that sell products of some kind depend on other firms for the design, production, and distribution of the product to make it available for selling. Such sales are often either wholesale to retailers or retail to consumers. Violations of the copyrights of intellectual property (IP), destroys the chain of commerce reflected in these different industries; which also includes the loss of employment to workers in each industry. In short, copyright laws protect the motivation of creativity, the investment of commerce, plus the employment of a labor– force. WHY COPYRIGHT LAWS? As recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, n.d.), in the "Protection of Industrial Property" (p. 4, par. 2) during the Paris Convention of 1883 as well as in the "Protection of Literary and Artistic Works" (p. 4, par. 2) during the Berne Convention of 1886, both acknowledges the valuation developed and emerging societies attribute to intellectual properties. Therefore, the protection of these values is justified with laws. Intellectual property is identified as mental conceptions in fixed form which are perceptible by human ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Development Ofu.s Copyright Law The Development of U.S Copyright Law Simon Cho The history of U.S copyright law came from England. As a matter of fact, copyright was not intended to reward creators but to prevent sedition. As the number of presses grew in late fifteenth century in England, the authorities started to grant control over the publication of books to a group of printers, called the Stationers' Company in mid–sixteenth century. The Licensing Act of 1662 confirmed that licensed printers have the right to publish the work forever. The Stationer's Company didn't disappear even though the 1662 act lapsed in 1694. Rather, it shifted its focus from printers to authors. Therefore, the Parliament enacted the first copyright law in 1710, called the Statue of Anne, which protects author's work if they registered their work to the government. Under the Statue of Anne, authors had a right to control their creations and sell their rights to the third person. U.S. Congress has revised the copyright law to broaden the sphere of copyright and to address new technologies as time goes by. This paper illustrates what have the Congress amended in the copyright law and how has the amended law impacted proprietors by looking into major revisions in U.S. copyright law. U.S Congress reviewed its copyright law based on the Statue of Anne in early– eighteenth century. The Congress first exercised its copyright protection with the Copyright Act of 1790, which secure the copies of maps, charts and books to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Questions On Patents And Copyrights Essay WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (worth 20% of the final grade) Lala Afandi 1. (i) What are the similarities and differences (if any) between patents and copyrights? (ii) Could there be and is there a subject matter (if any) that is both copyrightable and patentable? Discuss (6 points). Patents and copyrights are both types of intellectual property aimed to protect product of mind. Firstly, it would be suitable to provide their definition. Patent – form of protection of intellectual property aimed to protect invention, having obvious following properties: – Benefit: invention must have apparent behoove; – Not obvious: invention must be matter of obvious knowledge to the professionals of field; – Newness: invention must bring some innovation, not patented before (facts can not be patented); Patented intellectual property prevents anyone else from producing, using, selling, offering to sell and importing. For patents US law follows first to invent rule. Copyright – form of protection of intellectual property authorship aimed to protect pieces of art (paining, literature, music, architecture etc.), having following properties: – Creative work must be recorded in material form (ideas cannot be protected under copyright); – Creative work must be original work, created independently and contain some creativity; There is a number of similarities and differences between them shown in a graph below. Similarity Difference Patent Protects intellectual property Types: utility, design, plant ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Copyright And Licensing Of Art Copyright and Licensing explained. No artwork exhibited in an open display is invulnerable; anytime an artwork becomes known, it is predisposed to relative alterations, falsifications, and reuse by other artists. Countless art movements are fashioned around the revision of earlier works and representations. As an artist, one must accept the unavoidable fact that one day there will probably be alterations to their artwork. Once the great Pablo Picasso argued that: "Bad artists copy. Good artists steal". In this essay it will be explained the rules governing the copyright and licensing. The emphasis of this essay will be also focusing on what are the steps to follow to grant a license to a third party in order to make it liable to use my work of art, that in this case will be an image from one of my paintings. The existence of copyright is indispensable especially aiming on intellectual property rights in art, and whether it must be used not simply to protect the truth of the artist but moreover to encourage future creativeness in the art industry. The meaning of copyright is the sole rights to generate copies and to control literary, musical, or artistic work for a number of years; within Australia and in many other countries this is 70 years from the artist or producers death or from the day of publication if later. As an artist, I am the owner of the copyright of my artworks as far as my work is original. This means that the work must not be copied from another ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. IT Developers and Copyright Management IT Developers and Copyright Management Any material or product given by the company says its copyright terms based on the act registered any volition would lead to penalty. The thing is that we need to check that, is there any restriction that version. Explained about the different theories their impact on the above topic each and individual theory has given its own importance all of those are being detailed explain with a suitable example. How Australian computer society act on its principle. In all the cases free version has less application compare to full version this thing is needed to be known. Its main intention is to educate on that version to some extend if more demanded need to buy Some of the examples If we are logging to the university number of times that may make them think that we are hacking it. Information regarding username and passwords to the third party will lead to violation of university act, material are used to educate their students not to use it those purposes that may lead to violence of their terms. Many applications in computers can be free downloaded such as media players and converters. As the number of people using it increase than that product cost start decrease in the similar way, this is why many applications for computers are available for free. The version downloaded for free does have any copyright violation Software they are giving has a copyright, terms and conditions which is need to be followed as per the company ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Copyright In Australia Current copyright protection is entitled to provide the essential mechanism for the insurance of the success viability of creative industries by rewarding and incentivising the creators of original works relating to films, music and broadcasts. The Copyright Act 1968 is initially designed to protect although, despite this, the advancement of technology has led to abuse of the Act, subsequently to withhold its dexterity, the Act has required modification, through; case and statute law. While acknowledging this, it must be understood that the codes; Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), Copyright Regulations 1969 (Cth), Copyright Tribunal Procedure Regulations 1969 (Cth) and the Copyright International Protection Regulations 1969 (Cth) are applied automatically once the work has been published in an accessible format; provided that the author/s are current citizens or residents of Australia. Throughout this report, the Copyright Act 1968 will be analysed in depth to provide a detailed understanding of whether it is possible for the law to be proactive with regards to future technologies. In a developing world of rapid changes and advancements in technology and human behaviour, there is no specific measure that can completely eliminate online copyright infringement. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Copyright Distance Learning Disconnect The Copyright–Distance Learning Disconnect by Michael Seadle In the article entitled The Copyright–Distance Learning Disconnect, Seadle a "copyright librarian at Michigan State University" (Seadle, 2002, p. 2) examines several ways in which the current copyright laws are antiquated for the digital world of distance learning. Three disconnects that Seadle identifies are restrictions on instructor materials imposed by the current definition of Fair Use, student opinion that all information on the internet is free to be used without limitation and lastly, the difficulties faced by publishers in protecting copyrighted work. Many of the difficulties found in following as well as enforcing copyright laws, stem from the vastly different time it takes for changes to occur. The technology utilized in distance learning updates daily while copyright law is slow to update (Seadle, 2002). Copyright Basics and Education Exemptions Copyright is defined as "the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc." (Copyright [Def.1], n.d). In the law, copyright protection insures that the authors are considered the owners of the work they create and they can therefor expect compensation if the work is used by anyone other than themselves. Copyright laws over the years have made great efforts to protect the creators and authors of constructed works; however, the ease by which materials can be obtained and distributed online has created ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Copyright And Copyright Of Copyright Main heading: Introduction Content: Introduction Copyright What is a copyright Protection Registration Infringement Trademarks What is a trademark Trademark registration Trademark infringement Patents What is a patent Types of patents Patent registration References Main heading: Copyright Content: A Copyright is legal protection granted to original works, however it does not cover an idea in and of itself, it only covers the expression of it in a fixed or physical form. The author has the exclusive right to reproduce or sell the work, distribute copies, display the work publicly, perform the work publicly, or prepare "derivative works". Each use of that work can be assigned or licensed; any transfer may be terminated ... Show more content on ... When the copyright expires the work becomes available for anyone to use in any way they like. While it is not required by law, it is still beneficial to register your copyright to create a public record of the date of creation and the original owner, which would be required later to take legal action against infringement. To register, visit , download and complete the form then send it to the Copyright Office with documentation of the work that you are registering plus a filing fee. Copyright infringement is the unauthorized use of a copyright–protected work that was intentionally performed without seeking permission or using correct notice of ownership. If you are aware that
  • 40. someone is infringing upon your work, you should give them a cease–and–desist letter. If that does not work the next step is to obtain an injunction or restraining order to stop use. Main heading: Trademarks Content: A trademark is used by a business to distinguish its products or services from those of its competitors and prevent confusion. Trademarks are grouped into two general categories, "traditional" and "non–traditional." Traditional trademarks include: a word, a letter, a phrase, a design, or a shape. Non–traditional trademarks include: a color, a smell, a sound, a hologram. You cannot however register a trademark that: Is confusingly similar to another mark that is already registered, immoral, deceptive, or scandalous, depicts a living ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Copyright Law Essay Overview‐Policies  Copyright protection provides the owner of an original work of authorship the right to prevent others from using the work without the owner's permission.  Copyright law protects against the copying of an "expression of an idea" but does not protect the idea itself.  this protection is limited compared to patent law because copyright law allows for independent creation of a copyrighted work as a defense to copyright infringement.  The theory is that 2 people can create exact or similar works without copying one another; therefore, each has copyright protection in their respective work.  The policy is similar to patents. We want to encourage creativity, but also provide the public with the freest possible access to ... Show more content on ... copyright law applied to works created today. [Our focus.]  Earlier created works are governed by either the "Copyright Act of 1976, originally enacted" or the "Copyright Act of 1909 Subject Matter of Copyrights  Copyright Act provides a long list of works that may be copyrighted, but the list is not exclusive.  the law is left fluid, allowing courts to extend copyright protection to new forms and ways of expressing ideas, as they may be developed in the future.  Today, the Copyright Act provides that Copyright protection extends to "original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device." The 2 key requirements are:  1) Original‐ meaning that the author created the work and did not copy it from someone else.  there must be some level of creativity involved  in the Feist case, the court held that arranging the listings of a telephone book alphabetically was not creative enough  names, addresses and phone numbers are public facts or data and are not original and therefore not copyrightable;  but the arrangement and selection of facts or data may be copyrightable if done in an original way;  alphabetizing is simply not original. 2) Fixation‐ in order to receive copyright
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  • 45. Copyrights And Other Legalities. Copyrights Are More Limited Copyrights and Other Legalities Copyrights are more limited in scope than patents. They protect the original works of authorship, not the ideas they contain. In the United States, original works include literary, drama, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. A computer program, for example, is considered a literary work and is protected by copyright. A copyright gives its owner the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the material or perform or display it publicly. However, copyright law does permit limited reproduction of copyrighted works without the owner 's permission for "fair use" such as criticism, teaching, and news reporting. In the United States, a published work must have a copyright notice, the name ... Show more content on ... The creators of works protected by copyright, and their successors (generally referred to as "right holders"), have certain basic rights under copyright law. They hold the exclusive right to use or authorize others to use the work on agreed terms. The right holder of a work can authorize or prohibit: its reproduction in all forms, including print form and sound recording, its public performance and communication to the public, its broadcasting, its translation into other languages, and its adaptation, such as from a novel to a screenplay for a film. Similar rights that the right holders may hold are: fixation (recording) and reproduction are granted under related rights. Many types of works protected under the laws of copyright and related rights require mass distribution, communication and financial investment for their successful disseminations (for example, publications, sound recordings and films). Hence, creators often transfer these rights to companies better able to develop and market the works, in return for compensation in the form of payments and/or royalties (compensation based on a percentage of revenues generated by the work). The economic rights relating to copyrights are of limited duration as provided for in the relevant World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties beginning with the creation and fixation of the work, and lasting for at least 50 years after the creator's death. National laws may establish longer terms ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Professor Faden's Copyright Violation To the jury of the court, let me start off by stating i'm the lawyer of the defendant, Professor Faden. Professor Faden has been accused of infringing the copyright of Disney Studio. During fair use trials judges are supposed to at least these "four factors" 1. The purpose of the use 2. The nature of the work used 3. The amount and sustainability of the original work used 4. The effect on the market of the original, as well as the overall purposes of copyright law. Before we get into this deeply let's get this out of the way, "mr.faden, are you the Associate Professor of English and Film Studies at Bucknell University?" *rhetorical question because we all know he is* Therefore back to factor one, Professor Faden studies early cinema and digital image technologies, and creates ... Show more content on ... This is also another reason it should not be considered infringing the copyright law of Disney Studios. During this film Faden tends to keep the sustainability accurate, he uses the same movies and sections of each movie over and over again, and he keeps the amount he uses sustainable. He put bits and pieces of the same clips over and over again, never once did he use the clips longer than 10 seconds. So according to the third factor Faden did nothing wrong by using the video clips. Faden used his work on this video for a nonprofit educational purpose of his students, so in this case he did not violate factor four. To the creators of the disney work, if he did anything it was provide commercial to their work and in that way many people may have gained interest in watching the disney movies Faden used to create his ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Copyright And Copyright In Australia What is Copyright? Copyright is legal protection for creators of original works, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, audiovisual, and other intellectual works. With the exceptions listed below, copyright holders have the only right (and the only right to authorize others) to do the following: to reproduce the work; to make derivative works; to distribute copies of the work; to perform the work; and to display the work publicly. Mere ownership of a book, illustration, photograph or negative, videotape, or musical work does NOT give the possessor the copyright. However, permission is not necessary for non–copyright–protected actions, such as reviewing, reading or borrowing literary works or photographs. What is protected by Copyright? ... Show more content on ... This suggests that nearly any artistic work that you could encounter, as well as books, maps, magazines, graphic materials, journals, newsletters, charts, images, and different written materials; unpublished materials, like analysts reports and consultants', as well as pc programs and different computer code, motion photos, sound recordings, video files, sculptures and different inventive works are nearly definitely protected by copyright. Among the exclusive rights granted to those "authors" are the rights to distribute, reproduce, in public perform and in public show a piece. These rights give copyright holders management over the utilization of their creations, and a capability to learn, monetarily and otherwise, from the exploitation of their works. Copyright conjointly protects the correct to "make a by–product work," like a motion picture from a book; the correct to incorporate a chunk in an exceedingly collective work, like publication a piece of writing in an exceedingly book or journal. Works of visual art Copyright law doesn't shield ideas, knowledge or ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Photography Copyright Laws Robin Gross once described copyright laws as, "a balance between protection for the artist and rights for the consumer." However, Carolyn E. Wright, a full–time attorney who actually wrote the book on photography law and whose goal is to protect the rights of photographers (both professionals and amateurs alike) provides us with a more official definition of copyright laws in an interview with photographer Ken Kaminesky. Explaining that, "copyright for photographers means owning property. With ownership, you get certain exclusive rights to that property. For photographic copyrights, the ownership rights include the right to reproduce the photograph, prepare derivative works based upon the photograph, to distribute copies of the photograph to ... Show more content on ... Created and led by professional photographers, PPA works to help photographers grow and succeed by educating them on business and technical skills, connect photographers through live classes/consultations/conventions, and to protect the livelihood of photographers everywhere by providing a variety of benefits. These benefits/tools include copyright advocacy, malpractice protection, and equipment insurance. In fact, PPA is the only photographic association that provides a full–time Copyright & Government Affairs Department in the world. This department works to answer any questions about copyrighting and gather the latest information on laws that affect photographers. PPA also supplies members (it's free to join) with a copyright kit that includes information, guidance, samples, instructions, templates, and more. Both Creative Commons and PPA suggest that every photographer take the time to create some sort of watermark (this shows that there is restricted use) and to create a licensing ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Copyright Laws And Copyright Law 1422047 Existing Copyright Law Introduction Copyright law is a part of not only music but many other products for example the software that you are reading this document on has more than likely got copyright protection. But for the purpose of this Document the main topic of copyright is going to be based around music. Here is a few facts that may give you a better understanding of copyright as you read... Copyright Law Came into existence as a spur from a concept from the "statute of Anne 1707". – Just like any other law there are a number of contributing acts and statutes that come into play in order to enforce the Law(s) involved. – Different parties involved in the copyright of a "product" may hold rights to the content together as the "first owner(s) of copyright". Body When discussing matters in the respect of music, The copyright will only take effect once the content is in a physical form, For example Tape, CD, HDD, USB And any other tangible device. The recorded song will belong to the writer of the content. But if they are writing the song for somebody else, say for example the writer of the "Super Mario" Theme tune they will own the copyright to the song and are therefore entitled to an agreed negotiable percentage of the songs revenue. But as they were paid to Create the track for Nintendo, They will not be entitled to decide where the track can & can 't be played as the song is now a product that has been sold and no longer belongs to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Copyright Law Limitations Since the U.S. Copyright Act became law in 1790, the copyright term has been increasing. "Copyright is an intangible property right granted by federal statue to the author or originator of certain literacy or outside productions." The first major change was the Copyright Act of 1976, it gave American authors the right to print, re–print, or publish their work for 14 years and then to renew for another 14. In 1998, Congress passed the Sonny Bono Copyright Act also known as the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act, which extended protection from life of the author plus 70 years as well as taking away the need for a copyright notice and registration. The result was that many whom did not have copyright protection due to lack of copyright notice and registration were now protected. Following the Mickey Mouse Copyright Act, they passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which intended to create a new updated version of copyright laws to deal with the challenges of regulating digital material. It aimed to protect the rights of both copyright owners and consumers, and without it copyright owners would have a difficult time obtaining legal action against those who copy copyrighted material. Copyright act laws should be extended for various reasons, one is that, it gives the creator more time to profit from it and if the creator dies early on it will be passed on to their family. Knowing that work will be copyrighted for a longer time gives them a chance to encourage their creativity and ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Copyright Fair be legal and fair Be Legal & Fair Copyright image Protection of intellectual property is taken very seriously in the United States. Copyright holders defend their rights quite vigorously and as a teacher, you should take seriously how both you and your students use music, video, spoken and written words that have been created by others. In this Thing you will learn about copyright, fair use, Creative Commons and the TEACH Act of 2002. What exactly does Copyright mean? Copyright protects the rights of any creator of content by giving them the legal power to do with their works as they choose. Once an original work has been created the owner then has the exclusive rights to sell, make copies, make other works based upon it, or place it on public display. (note: the work may belong to the ... Show more content on ... It can also include assignments you create for a class you teach or the notes your students take in class. Take this copyright quiz as a pre–assessment before going any further to test your copyright IQ. While this may sound a bit daunting, there are guidelines that allow educators to use copyrighted materials in the classroom. The guidelines are called Fair Use, which we'll be covering later. Copyright law, as it currently stands, is covered in Title 17 of the United States Code. Visit the Copyright Laws Quest 1 on the 21things4students site, which targets middle school students, where you can view some videos, the Copyright Kids and Cyberbee sites, and take a copyright Quiz. Creative Commons CC (1)
  • 58. An alternative to restrictions of copyright is called a Creative Commons license. This license allows a content creator to give explicit permission to those wishing to use their intellectual property or original works in a way that respects the owner's wishes and thus eliminates the need to contact the content creator for ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The Rights Of The Copyright And Licensing No artwork exhibited in an open display is invulnerable; anytime an artwork becomes known, it is predisposed to relative alterations, falsifications, and reuse by other artists. Countless art movements are fashioned around the revision of earlier works and representations. As an artist, one must accept the unavoidable fact that one day there will probably be alterations to their artwork. Once the great Pablo Picasso argued that: "Bad artists copy. Good artists steal". In this essay it will be explained the rules governing the copyright and licensing. The emphasis of this essay will be also focusing on what are the steps to follow to grant a license to a third party in order to make it liable to use my own work of art, that in this case ... Show more content on ... Besides, under "work for hire" the company holds the copyright, not the artist or inventor. In such contexts, the creator holds the "moral rights" to their work, comprising the right of acknowledgment. There are different situations and rules that apply for disparate cases, all depending on the type of commission given to the artist. For example; the commissioner may own the physical painting hanging on their lounge room wall, however the artist nevertheless holds the copyright in the image of that painting. The commissioner keeps the objective painting predisposed to the artist 's copyrights, and may not create prints or other duplicates from the image of the painting without the artist 's authorization. Some areas of the law favor verbal and contractual agreements over copyright. Copyright does not protect ideas, or styles the instant an idea or creative concept has been given material form, it is documented, on paper or electronically; it is immediately covered by copyright. Because it is automatic and free in Australia, there is no official registry or application process for copyright protection. Copyright is not a separate "right", but reasonably a "collection" of rights. For all material which is safeguarded by copyright, the copyright holder has the private right to replicate or create duplicates. Varying on the nature of material, the copyright holder generally has other rights as well, as, to perform or show the material in public and to broadcast ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Copyright Of Copyright And Copyright Copyright policy violations have been a major talking point in the media in recent years. Copyright concerns largely grew in the early 2000's due to a popular music sharing program called LimeWire. LimeWire allowed people to illegally download, or pirate, the music they were interesting in listening to for free. Limewire launched in 2000 and was shut down in 2010 due to a "permanent injunction issued by a New York–based federal court" (Gearlog, 2010). This injuction brought copyright infringement to the forefront of the headlines as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) attempted to file a lawsuit for $75 trillion. This was settled to $105 million, but they publicity of such a large lawsuit brought more debate to the ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, with few exceptions, the "Digital Millen[n]ium Copyright Act (DMCA) prevents the removal of any copy protection methods employed by a media publisher" (Dachis, 2012). To summarize, under no circumstances can you replicate a movie; nor can you use or distribute software that allows a person to bypass the encryption on anti–piracy software. Now that we know what copyright policy is, we can investigate the reason people choose to pirate content rather than pursue legal means of obtainment. One of the leading opinions is that piracy is a service problem. Motherboard writer, Derek Mead, states, "According to a new piracy study funded by NBCUniversal, it appears that a lot of pirates are downloading movies as a matter of convenience" (Mead, 2013). writer, Paul Tassi, supports this theory by stating that "'[p]iracy is a service problem.' Valve's Gabe Newell said that years ago, touting the success of Steam, his online video game distribution service. The premise is that while piracy is appealing because it's free, it's also appealing because it's easy" (Tassi, 2014). These statements clearly describe the way in which piracy, to a great extent, is caused not by people intent on causing harm – but people enticed by convenience. With an understanding about the related laws and why people pirate, we can now discuss how piracy is currently being contested. There are three primary tools ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. International Copyright Essay The idea that an author of a literary work has certain inalienable rights to his work has been an institution found on a national level in many countries for centuries. These rights have taken on different forms depending on the legal tradition of the country where it is applied. In systems with a common law tradition, based on utilitarian ideals, the rights were referred to as copyright. In systems that relied on a civil law tradition, based on philosophical thought and the basic idea of a moral and natural order, the rights became to be known as author's rights and later expanded to neighboring rights. Although these rights, and the laws that went along with them, developed in many countries around the same time in history ... Show more content on ... These laws were upheld unchanged until 1957 when a new copyright act was passed (Goldstein, 9). Author's right is normally thought to correspond with natural rights, yet this wasn't the case until the late nineteenth century. This portion of the author's right tradition emerged from the idea that the personality of the author of a literary work is linked to the work itself. A theory that can be traced back to Otto von Gierke and Kant (Goldstein, 9). This lead to the separation of personal rights from economic rights in French law, where it was believed that an author's moral rights were more or less absolute. As the laws around author's right were being constructed and worked out in many different civil courts, there was new technology being developed that would challenge the very idea of authorship. These new technologies, such as photographs and motion pictures would give rise to the controversy between what was the product of a mechanical creation and what was the work of an artistic author. These debates would continue and the tradition of neighboring rights would emerge to provide protection for performances, sound recordings, and broadcasts. The main difference between author's right and neighboring rights is that the latter doesn't consider the protected works literary or ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Music and Copyright Essay Music has a powerful influence on society, like mass media and television. In our society today, music has the ability to define our culture. Many people around the world listen to music while driving, at work, doing housework, or even studying. Music may be seen as simple and unproblematic, but looking at the structure behind it is very important. One of the key features of music is music copyright and what that means to the music industry. Defining what this means in the historical context is of great significance. Music and copyright is a vital aspect of the music industry. The question that remains, however, is what happens with motivation or intension when samples of music are not originally controlled in a larger network. ... Show more content on ... She mentions that if a copyright law is charged with protecting a particular arrangement of notes, then maybe copyright laws should protect the riffs, melodies, harmonies, etc., or all of them. It is of great importance to understand the meaning behind what this means by looking at copyright laws and what it means to the music industry. One characteristic of intellectual property rights is copyright. This means that it can be bought or sold like any other form of property (McCann 1998). McCann states that the creator of an artistic piece of work is the first owner of a copyright. The owner has the exclusive rights to do or to authorize anyone else to do certain things with the whole or any extensive part of the work. The author and or the creator is at the centre of the copyright paradigm as a separate and discrete body or entity. This is because the concept of the writer or composer is a special participant in the production process which is worthy of attention. Authorship is important within the context of copyright because as McCann points out: The 'authorship' concept, although highly visible in contemporary copyright law, usually appears as a focus of consensus rather than debate. 'Authorship', as deployed in texts and in cultural understandings, has been anything but a stable, inert foundation for the structure of copyright doctrine. Rather, the ideologically charged ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Copyright In Graphic Design Essay The Importance of Copyright in Graphic Design Copyrights are necessary for protecting the ideas of people. Protecting ideas mean that other people are not given the right to make money off of one's ideas. Most of the time graphic designers, artist, photographers, etc. go to school to be better at what they do and people stealing their ideas is something that needs to stop. They pay to make more money in their future careers and people are just taking that money away from them. It also causes people to lose their jobs. For example, Kerry Gorgone states in the {grow} Contributing Columnist article, "Despite rising demand, there is an expectation of "free," leaving musicians, artists, and writers to scramble for a living. That makes it all ... Show more content on ... Even though a copyright holder has rights in a work, those rights, with limited exception, cannot be enforced through the courts unless the work is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Without registration, a copyright holder cannot bring a lawsuit for copyright infringement."(22) "If your company owns a copyright on any work that's registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, it can seek a court injunction that commands the infringing party to immediately cease and desist publication or performance of the work in question. This action is immediate. It moves much more quickly than criminal or civil proceedings against an infringing party, and it can at least stop additional losses due to copyright infringement." (20) Wilhelm Schnotz writes in his article Pros & Cons of Copyright Laws. "If a copyright has been infringed, the owner may sue the infringer in federal court, seeking an injunction against future violations of the copyrights. The owner may recover actual damages, which are losses plus the infringer's profits from use of the copyrighted work. Or, any time before a court issues a final judgment, the owner can elect to receive a set amount in damages as defined in the copyright statute, in lieu of actual ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. A Brief Note On The Law Of Copyright Diana Rios Professor Proctor Enc 1102 December 15, 2015 Law of Copyright Technology today plays a huge role in all aspects of a modern day by day society. As technology is used in all different fields, it is expected to continue improving over time to make daily tasks an unchallenging experience to perform for the average person. It provides security for creators, writers, artist, etc. from others benefiting from their work therefore providing better confidence in creativity and boosting economic growth. On April 10, 1710 the British Statute of Anne "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning by Vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or Purchasers of such Copies, during the Times Therein Mentioned" was the first copyright statue that took effect. In those times the Law of Copyright only applied to the copying of books. In both England and United States this famous statue remains the foundation of copyright law. As society changes, the Law has adapted for other uses like translations and expressive creation that may include copyright protected elements. The new modification to the law now covers a wide range of works. These rights protect the work of books, manuscripts, plays, computer programs, works of art, maps, architectural plans, musical scores, sound recordings, and films. Luckily over time copyright law has changed to benefit creators of original works. While most people argue that these copyright laws protect the goods of many artists' original works ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Copyright Rights : Copyright, Rights, And Public Rights The United Sates and other nations especially from Europe over the past few years have been waging battle over how copyrighted work should be protected. Primarily, copyright duration has been one of the most important points in the extensive negotiation between nations such as United Sates and the European countries (Cox 2017). The current Copyright Act signed by President Clinton referred to as the Sony Bono Copyright Term Extension Act extend the copyrights of protected documents and works by writers. The issue on whether the copyrights extension should take place has been a contagious problem in the United States attracting criticism from both sides the opponents and proponents. Personally, I believe that the copyrights are too long and they should be shortened. Copyrights last too long and mostly it is a scheme by organization to make money as little or no revenue passes to the creator of the content. Furthermore, many artists, writers, and actors see the use of creativity as a thought of developing incrementally and not in a vacuum. Importantly, creativity, inventiveness, and ingenuity are mainly built upon the work and the ideas of other people and the use of long–term or extension of the copyrights time makes these works unavailable to other people to inspire more creativity (Cox 2017). However, the copyright law is carefully drafted so as it can balance between the private and public rights and this provide incentives for access and information while at the same time ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Copyright Of The Intellectual Property a MID EXAM 1Ans) Intellectual property right gives credit to the original work done by the people .The law the creative work of the people from coping or imitating without their permission. There are three main things that protect the intellectual right .They are copyrights, patents and trademarks. As the technology increases instead of thinking newly ,people are choosing a alternative or easy way of imitating the other works and showing as their own work . Here are few examples of violating the intellectual property rights: 1.)A Beijing court in china has ruled that Microsoft violated intellectual properties of a Chinese company. Violation was over fonts that are used in ... Show more content on ... 3.)Adidas a multinational corporation was using three stripe marks as a logo since 1952, but it registered its logo as trademark recently. Payless other similar kind of company was also confusingly using similar kind of logo. Adidas registered its logo making an agreement with payless in 2001. Payless after settlement also started selling look–alikes logo which was violating the rule of their agreement. For violating rule by payless, Adidas has been awarded $305 million which was calculated $100 million for each stripe. 4.) In July, castle French wine company was fined $5million for using the trade mark of another shanghai based company. He used shanghai banti trademark ' ka site ' ,transliteration of castle. As china uses first come first serve trade mark system the Chinese company owner has registered first in 1998 but as castle used this he was prosecuted for using others company 's trade mark. 5.) Music as a best part of life in almost all kind of people in the world, with this popularity in music there was so many groups that are looking to sell them and make money. Around the same time a music application was created by an 18 year old kid, the application was a peer–to–peer music sharing service which allows users to download music files for free, which made music group such as A&M Records and other similar ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Copyright Holders And The Copyright INTRODUCTION Copyright holders are given a property right to their work according to section 1 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA 1988). Thus the right holders are given an exclusive right to their work. Anyone who carries out an act, which is exclusive to the right holders, without obtaining their permission prior to the act, infringes on the copyright holders proprietary rights. A lot of people have been taking advantage of the internet for the commission of copyright infringement and they do so anonymously. Charleton, J, while dealing with a case of online copyright infringement, explains that 'it is a problem that not only undermines the business of the content industry, but also ruins the ability of a generation of creative persons to earn a viable living'. In their quest for financial gain in respect of their work and the protection of their work, right holders have, consequently turned against the internet service providers' who serve as the middlemen, seeking to hold them accountable for the infringement of the offenders using their networks to commit these crime. Consequently, the issue of indirect liability against Internet Service Providers has resulted into a floodgate of litigant wanting to enforce their right. Internet Service Providers were reluctant to interfere with their subscribers' access to website not until the recent epidemic, where right holders are able to bring action against them and hold them liable for their subscribers' ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Copyright Of Copyright Rights Under The Copyright Act 1968 BUBSMATE COPYRIGHT POLICY INTRODUCTION Copyright is a legal right formed by law, which allows the creator of an original work with exclusive rights under specific jurisdiction. All materials on this website such as logos, icons, images, texts, graphics and software, belongs to BUBSMATE, and is protected in Australia under the Copyright Act 1968. You are allowed to view, save or print parts of the website for your information. You are not allowed to modify/reproduce/republish any material contained in this site. We respect the rights of all copyright holders and if you believe that your work has been copied in any way, please contact us in writing at the information mentioned below. Webmaster PO Box 1312 Mulgrave VIC 3170 STATEMENT BUBSMATE's copyright policy provides a brief summary of Australian copyright law, particularly as it relates to the use of others ' copyright–protected materials, including published materials, software and to provide procedures for obtaining copyright permission that should be used consistently throughout BUBSMATE. GOAL Copyright laws are generally not straightforward and they have many grey areas. The goal of this policy is to provide BUBSMATE's employees (whether on a permanent, temporary or contract basis) consultants, and agents with a uniform approach to addressing complex copyright issues. BUBSMATE has designated Trevor Williams, as the Copyright Officer to administer our organization 's copyright policy. BUBSMATE will oversee periodic ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Copyright Research Paper Across human history, societies adopted different political and societal systems. The same applies in term of trade, in which the system evolved from basic barter, common sharing, up to the invention of gold coins, trade and commerce system. Today's world is dominated by western cultures. The different political, economic, and societal systems in the world are strongly influenced by the western civilization values. Laws for copyright, piracy, intellectual property somehow find the origins in the socio–economical system of our world. In the following essay, we will try to explore the different characteristics of the worlds which may engender the need for copyright. We will next explain what are piracy and intellectual property vis– à–vis the notion of copyright. Several characteristics of today's world and its business made copyright essentials for the course of everyday activities. First the materialism has been the main philosophy of most individuals. People are commonly judged based on their material possession. The emphasis is thus put on what someone's own, its goods, properties. The material benefit is of first importance, and it is the basis of world business. Thus, when someone creates, produces or makes something of potential material benefit, he will definitely want to protect it. It's clear that in such context copyright automatically becomes crucial. The second point is the economy. Capitalism is the major economic system throughout the world. Here again the ... Get more on ...