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Department of Electrical Engineering
Roll no: 0059-BSEE-18
Paper: Principles of management
Topic: Overview of principles of management
Submitted to: Ma’am MUQADAS SARWAR
Submission date: 19/07/2020
Overview of the course (principles of management)
This overview is completed with help of the Book “principles of management by P G Aquinas”,
lectures slides and internet.
Note: I complete this overview in my own wording and even didn’t copy paste even a single line.
Introduction to the principles of management
This course is about how the manager plans, organize, leads and controls the work process in
organization. Managers are the main roles in any organization who assigns tasks to the employees,
motivate them, take decisions for the organization during the abstract situation and gives overall
direction to the organization the overall success or failure are in hands of the organization till some
extent. Because if the manager is experienced and cooperative then definitely it give a positive
direction to the organization and the organization moves in positive direction in term of
productivity, growth, and popularity. So principles of management provides such knowledge and
guidelines to the manager which make him better to cope with complex situation in the
organization. This course is consist of some theories about management and some rules and
regulations which are made by the famous statisticians and sociologists in their theories some of
them who contributed much to management are Henri Fayol, F W Tylor, Marry parker, Max
Weber, Franken and his wife Lillian Moller Gilbreth etc. These scientist and statisticians
founded the foundation of modern management. The management theories and rules made by the
above mentioned scientists are helps a lot for managers and everyone who concerned with
management to run an organization. In this overview we will discuss some of the rules and theories
of management which are essential for every organization to be follow.
There are different statement about the definition of the management.
According to Lawrence “Management is the development of people and not the direction of
According to Joseph Massie “Management is a process a cooperative group directs toward the
common goal of an organization”
According to Stanly Vance, Management is the process of decision making and controlling over
actions of people for achieving a specific targeted goal.
The definition of management in the words of S. George is, Manage is the process of getting the
things done and the manager is person who completes tasks by directing the activities and effoerts
of others.
Actually in my opinion management in a process of overall controlling of things and people in the
organization. Control in terms of the employees follows the rules and obeying the supervisors and
organization runs smoothly. For any organization a well define management is very necessary,
meanwhile efficiency and effectiveness are very important. If the manager and his crew works
with dedication and cooperation then it is evidence of success for the organization. And efficiency
and effectiveness will be on peak.
Motive of management
Management plays a vital role in the prosperity of any organization. Management has the following
 Reducing doubt in organization
 Takes calculated risks
 Exercises a good perception
 Coordinates humans inside organization
Tasks of the management
Management has remarkable functions in an organization according to Henri Fayol, Management
has basically 4 main functions which are POLC, Which is abbreviation from Planning,
Organizing, Leading and Controlling.
Planning: It’s related to setting goals, objective and targets and making plans and strategies for
achieving these goals.
Organizing: It’s giving a specific order in organization. It deciding which task should be done and
by home. Who is best for a particular job and what thing should be placed where.
Leading: Manager motivate the employees, assigns tasks to the people, gives overall direction to
an organization and resolves disputes among employees.
Controlling: Manager make sure that everything is going accordingly and compares the
performance with expected targets and normalize situation in the time complexity.
Introduction of manager
Manager is some ne who controlling an organization and people in it. He should be skillful person
who had experience to cope with abstract and complex situation and overcome the problem with
his competence and extraordinary qualities. He should be the person who motivate the employees
and encourage them in time of some sort of failure. Taking decision is in hands of manager who
knows very well about the future circumstances and abstract situation. He is someone who ensures
that the enough materials are available and assigns tasks to the people. Manager has extra
knowledges and skills that’s why an organization needs their skills and experience, to prevent it
from relapsing and uncertainty. Managers are classified into three levels which are explained
Front-Line Level management
This level managers meets directly to the non-managerial employees and manage their works.
They follow the plans and strategies made by the top level management and implement it in the
organization. These are directly interacts with employee and sometimes meets with costumers in
order to listen their complaints. Front line managers plays important role in the development of
organization. They requires technical skills to perform their duties. Examples are Supervisor
Middle level management
This level is in between the top management and frontline management. Middle level managers
transmits and transforms the plans and strategies made by the top level management to the front
line managers and employees. Middle level managers also sets objective for an organization. They
requires human skills to perform their duties. Examples are: Regional manager or project leader.
Top level management
This is the most superior level of the managers. They are not interacting directly with the
employees. Top level management gives overall direction to the organization. They can see a clear
image of organization and that’s why taking all bold decision of an organization and making future
plans and strategies for an organization. They meet with key stake holder and stock holder. They
requires conceptual skills to perform their duties. Example are: CEO or MD.
Managerial skills
Manager requires multiple specializations and skills to perform different roles in various
circumstances. Mainly manager should be equipped with three types of skills
 Human skill: These skills are related how to engaged with different people in an
organization as an individual or in the group of employees.
 Conceptual skills: These are about the thinking of complex situations and problems
arising for an organization by internal and external environment.
 Technical skills: these skills are related with work in the organization. It’s include some
sort of techniques and knowledges related to work.
Managerial roles
Managers plays roles according to the current circumstances. Sometimes he has to take bold
decisions sometime he motivates other and sometime he resolve conflicts between employees
sometimes he has to implement change insides the organization. So he has to change himself
according to these conditions. A good manager will always having positive assumption about
employees and will give promotion to dedicate and hardworking employees and will appreciate
those who performs better by giving them rewards. By doing this the employees will have some
sort of dedication and attachment with work and will doing their best. These all roles are
intermixed and interdependent on each other and if the manager will try to keep balance in these
roles and performs it accordingly then it will increase the productivity of the organization.
There are two prospective regarding the role of manager
 According to the Omnipotent view of management, as a manager has unlimited power so
he is responsible for success or failure of an organization directly. This prospective has
falling the whole burden on the head of the manager which may create some sort of
depression for a manager. In my own opinion it is not good point of view for a manager
which may adversely affect manager’s efficiency and proficiency.
 According to the symbolic view of management a manager is not responsible for
everything (success or failure) of an organization. The failure my cause by the external
factors. So manager is neither helpless nor responsible for whole system. He only tries to
solve problems and divide tasks with in organization.
Organization Culture
Normally culture is some sort of tradition, customs, norms and social behavior of a specific society.
Same is the case with organizational culture. The roles and regulation, traditions, shared values
and principles within an organization are called organizational culture. Organizational culture has
various dimensions which includes Innovations and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome
orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness and stability. These all
dimensions give permission to employees till some extent to be go with the above dimensions. The
culture transfer in the organization through rituals and stories with in the organization.
Culture may be strong or weak, it depends on the intensity of key values to be held or not.
If the key values are intensively held and widely spread, the culture is said to be strong culture.
On the other hand if there is openness and freedom within the organization, the culture is said to
be weak culture. An innovative culture would give some sort of openness, idea time, risk taking,
and freedom to their employees in order to keep them satisfied.
The organizational environment
It includes both internal and external environment the change in external environment may affect
the organization different conditions including financial condition or global condition.
 Financial condition. This condition could be adversely affected by the external
environment. Because if change occurs in dollar rate or stock exchange or inflation rates it
has a proportionality with financial condition of an organization.
 Political situation: if a political rolling party changing in a country it may affect the
smooth running of an organization. Because the new elected government can take decision
about the future of an organization. Specially NGOs.
 Technological change: Technologies are rapidly changing with time. If an organization
didn’t adapt itself with these changes it may cause relapse of an organization. Example is
NOKIA Company which didn’t adapt itself with external change. And now totally
disappeared from the world of business.
Management Theories
As manager plays the role of backbone in an organization. So for running of an organization
manager needs a specific knowledge and guideline. These knowledge and guideline are provided
by some management theories and rules which were presented by the popular statisticians and
sociologists in the end of 19th century. These theories are even use today in the world of
management. Management is use from even very early time but at the end of 19th century F.W
Tylor founded the base of modern management. The first study was done by Adam smith who
focused on the job specialization and division of labor. He performed different experimentations
and studied the impacts of industrial revolution. He compared the working of craft-styles and
factory –system. He observed that the factory system was have more better performance than the
craft system because in factory system the worker is only responsible for one task that’s why they
becomes more experts in his task and his expertise increase. On the other hand in craft-style the
worker is responsible for whole task so his efficiency didn’t increase and even he didn’t expert in
any specific part of the task. So he concluded that with the division of labor the performance of
the organization improved. There are different types of approaches that we will do in our studies
of management theories there are four approaches that we perform which explained below.
1) Classical Theories
In this approach we study three theories which are given below.
 Scientific management theory
This theory was presented by famous economist F.W Smith. In the 19th century he wrote a
book “principles of management “which was widely accepted. In his theory his emphasize for
one best way for a task to be done. Its main target was to improve economic efficiency. This
theory is like the Adam smith’s theory that if we divide work in small parts, it’s increase
efficiency and productivity. He give four principles.
 According to this principle use scientific method to study work and to find the best
way of working
 The second principle is about the selecting, training, and developing employees
 The third principle is about the division of work equally.
 The fourth principle is about the cooperation with employees in getting their work
In my opinion the scientific management theory is not about the favor of worker because
it talks about how to speed up work without think about their tiredness or their health.
 Administrative theory
This theory was presented by Henri Fayol. He presented his famous 14 principles which were
widely accepted globally. According to this theory more emphasize and stress should be apply
on the organizational management and to improve their behavior and relations with each other
and with customers. This theory also emphasize on division of work as well as a hierarchical
order and formalization of an organization
14 principles of Henri Fayol about management
These famous principles are discussed below.
(i) Distribution of work : distribution of work among the employees can increase the
expertise, efficiency and productivity and hence increase the performance of an
(ii) Authority and responsibility: authority is the right of giving order and the
responsibility is the obligation of obeying. These both properties are exist
simultaneously in an organization and are complementary.
(iii) Discipline: following rules and regulation, obeying the supervisors and system of
rewards and penalties make a discipline in an organization, which is necessary for each
organization and no organization can survive without discipline
Unity of order: The right of command or order to be with only one person and an employee should
be responsible to only one superior at a time. It two superiors will give order to the same employee
at a time it may create confusion for an employee about which order to be follow first. The
confusion decrease performance of the employee and may case clashes between the two
supervisor, hence an organization performance may be adversely affected. So unity of command
is essential for smoothly running of an organization
(iv) Unity of direction: For the development of an organization moving in proper direction
is very necessary. Top management requires to give only one direction to an
organization. Unity of direction means that all employees works dedicatedly to
accomplish a common goal.
(v) Emphasize on priority to general interest over personal interest: This is also called
principles of co-operation. Each will work for all and all will work for each. General
goal or interest should be superior to everyone on any other interest.
(vi) Compensation : Employees should be given compensation according to their work so
that they will satisfy and will work diligently for the improvement of an organization
(vii) Centralization: There should perfect balance between centralization and
decentralization. Responsibilities should be divided among employees and complete
centralization or decentralization should be avoided.
(viii) Scaler chain: There should be a hierarchical chain from top level management to
bottom which links all the employees for communication and cooperation purposes.
(ix) Sequence: There should be right place for everything. A right person should be on right
job and right thing to be on right place. Everyone should know their responsibilities
and know what thing should be picked from where.
(x) Equity: The supervisor should be kind and cooperative to each and should be treat
everyone equally.
(xi) Tenure: There should be a proper tenure for an employee, before which he would be
stable on his job and having a job security. If an organization changes employees daily,
of course it will never develop.
(xii) Initiative: There should be permission to the employees to take initiatives and gives
new ideas if this trend would be encourage then it will have a positive impact on an
(xiii) Spirit of cooperation: Cooperation, unity and loyalty is very necessary for employees
of an organization. Pride, loyalty and sense of belonging is essential for performance
of an organization.
 Weber’s principles of bureaucracy :
Bureaucracy is a form of an organization which has clearly defined hierarchy order and
division of labors and a clearly define rules and regulations. Its purpose was to insure
effectiveness and efficiency. The manager tries to create some sort of rules and regulations as
well as some norms and sops to follow.
2) Behavioral approach
This is concern with organizational behavior. This is about how managers will behave in the
organization during the interaction with employees in order to motivate them and with
costumers to meet with their requirements. This approach cover the human aspect of an
organization because the scientific management theory didn’t covered the human aspect.
According to this approach a higher productivity can be achieved by good human relation.
Hawthorne experiment contributed too much positively to the organizational behavior.
Hawthorne concluded from his studies that the organization should be consider a social system
rather than strict condition. The productivity of an employees can be affected by his feeling,
so some sort of motivation is necessary for employees and strong communication channel
should be established among the various departments in order to improve efficiency.
Employee’s satisfaction is very necessary in any organization to improve its performance and
3) Modern Theories(system approach)
This approach consider an organization as adaptive system which has to change itself with the
external environment accordingly. System word is derived from a geek word which means to “to
bring together or combine”. So a system is made of various components which are interdependent
and inter-connected which are to attain a target goal. There are two types of a system. A close
systemis that which is independent of the external environment and an open systemis dependent
on the external environment. An organization is consider to be open adapted system because it
interact with and hence dependent totally on external environment. So manager work is to
coordinate the work of various parts of the system (an organization)
An organization as a system has five parts:
(i) Input
(ii) Process
(iii) Output
(iv) Feedbacks
(v) Environment
In input the organization takes raw material, money and human resources the process in terms of
human skills, different machineries and computers to make goods and services for customers. The
sales of goods allow the organization to give salaries to their employees, buy new raw materials
as input and gain some sort of profit. After using the goods, customers gives reviews and feedbacks
about the product and hence organization performs in the environment with this cycle.
4) Contingency approach
The system approach emphasizes on the interconnectedness of various parts of an organizatio n
while this theory analyzes how these parts are interrelated and enter connected. This theory tells
the manager to analyze the environment before adaption. And hence this approach guide the
manager to be adaptive to the environment. This theory is better than the system approach because
it’s not tell use only the interrelationship among organizational parts but tells also about the
relationship of an organization and environment.
Mintzberg’s Management Roles
As a manger you may perform multiple roles each day. For instance you may lead your team or
taking a big decision or resolving conflict of your employees. So basically you are switching
different roles. Mintzberg mention 10 managerial role in his book “Mintzberg on management
inside our strange world of management”. He divided these 10 roles in three categories namely
interpersonal, information and decisional.
Category (I)
Interpersonal: This category contain 3 roles which are
(i) Figurehead: In this role manager perform his social and legal duties and has ideal for
employees. For examples he will meet will visitors, will sign documents and will attend
different ceremonies.
(ii) Leader: As a leader a manager will motivate and train employees and he will in
interaction with all types of the employees
(iii) Liaison officer: In this role manager will be in contact with external environment and
will meet with other organization representatives
Category (II)
Informational: This category also include three roles which are explained below.
(i) Monitoring officer: As a monitoring officer he will gather work related
information from various parts of an organization. For he will read different reports
to check the flow of products
(ii) Distributor: In this role he will distribute information like memos, reports and
decisions to all the subordinates
(iii) Spokesperson: In this role he will transmits information to the external
environment, these information may be the new offers, job vacancy or other
development reports.
Category (III)
Decisional roles: This category include the most important four roles which are:
(i) Entrepreneur: As entrepreneur manager thinks about new ideas of business,
innovations and plans for the future.
(ii) Problem handler: As problem handler manager deal with different types of
disturbance and problems and mediates conflicts between the employees
(iii) Resource allocator: In this role manager provides funds and human resources to
different projects according to its importance
(iv) Negotiator: He will discuss and negotiate different business ideas with teams and
Manager plays these roles according to conditions. These all roles are interrelated with each other.
Sometimes manager may assign some roles to confidential employees.
Decision making process
This is the most important strength of the organizational roles of manager. Manager has to take
the right decision in the right time during abstract and complex situation. This decision has a direct
effect on all employees in the organization. A decision is taken when there is more than one
alternatives, a manager has to select the best alternative among the multiple. There are multiple
steps a manager have to take during a decision making process
 Identify the decision which has to be make during an abstract situation. You should
understand the nature of the decision which you are going to take.
 Gather all the relevant information before the decision making. Some information are
internal that you may have to find through self-assessment process and some are external
that you have to find through reading books and taking help from internet.
 You have to identify all the alternatives before taking a decision. You can also use your
assumptions and imagination to make a new alternative. And then you have to list all the
alternative in front of you and choose best of them.
 Evaluate your alternatives according to the need and then list it on the bases of priority
according to the requirements you made.
 Choose among the alternatives you have, the one which has higher priority value should
be selected
 Take action according to the condition by implementing alternative you choose during the
abstract situation.
 Finally review your decision and its consequences. Consider the result of your decision
and check if the problem is solved with this alternative or not. If the problem is solved
efficiently it’s good and enough but if the problem is still existing, then you have to repeat
the process and may select the other alternative or discuss it with the superiors.
Different point of views about decision making of manager
There are three perspectives of how managers takes their decisions.
Rational decision making
A manager as a rational decision maker will have fully logical and experienced. He will support
objective, assumptions and formal process from problem identification to solution. Manager takes
decision in favor of organization rather than his personal interest. This decision making can be
productive when there is no time pressure and the organization culture favors innovation and risk
taking. In my opinion the rational decision making is not good one because the manager take
unrealistic assumptions and follow it which may cause some sort of loss for an organization
Bounded rationality
If there is bounded rationality then manager will shows some sort of care and thought of future
during the decision making. He would take decision after a lot of discussion with employees and
higher authority. The manger decision making process may be strongly affected by the culture of
an organization
Instinctive decision making
This decision making process is based on past experiences and knowledges of a manager.
There are two types of problems in an organization that a manager faces. One type is structured
problems, these are the daily problems based faced by the manager and they have the ability to
cope with these problem. These problems can be handle by the employees too. There are long term
strategies for these repeated problems.
The second type is unstructured problems which are the new problem and the system is not
familiar with it. Sometimes it may be challenging for the manager and these can be handled by
manager by taking unique decisions. At big organizations managers daily meets with new
problems and takes non-programed unique decisions, while lover management handles daily
routine problems.
During the certain situation a manager is aware of the situation and can easily make a reasonable
decision while in uncertain situation a manager is unaware about the consequences and don’t know
even the probability and hence he use alternatives during decision making process.
Total quality management
In total quality a system is based on such a principles that each person attach with organization
would be fully committed to his work to maintain high standard in each aspect of the company.
Theory about the total quality Management was presented by W Edwards Deming. It is made of
three words total means ‘whole’, quality means “degree of excellence” and management means
“handling”. Quality can be define mathematically (Q=P/E) where p is the performance and E is
use for expectation.
Quality is most important factor for any organization growth, that’s why every organization wants
to improve its quality is more is it can, because with improving quality the customer satisfaction
increased. Total quality management can be entertain in any organization if it has a good rules
about problem solving and manager have good interpersonal skills. All employees should work as
a team and there is a cycle of quality improvement process.
Principles of total quality management
 Customer focus is most important in any organization, so there should be no compromise
on customer needs and product should be provided with improved quality
 All employees should be fully committed for improving of quality because without
employee’s commitment improving quality is not easy.
 Regular interaction with whole staff is necessary for total quality management
 Training to the needy employees should be given in order to increase their performance
 Top level management should be involved in an organization so that the juniors would
work properly and will cause improved quality.
 Fact- based decision making is necessary in total quality management. There should no
unrealistic assumption during decision taking.
 Cost should be reduced and quality should be improved with passage of time.
 There should be focus on promoting creativity culture and problem prevention.
 Performance measuring is essential process in an organization and must be held at
department and an individual level.
 Teamwork is most important thing for an organization
Total quality management has much benefits for an organization. With this we can improve
product quality, employee participation could be increased inspirations of teamwork can be
establish among the workers. The other benefits are customer and employee’s satisfaction,
productivity and hence profitability could be increase.
The Deming philosophy
Deming give in his 14 points a framework for developing of knowledges in workplace and for
developing a long term plans and strategies. He wrote his famous book “out of crises”
14 points for management:
1. Do the process of improvement continuously and provide a statement of purpose in which
they should right their aims.
2. A quality should be given importance during each time. For this an organization should create
a vision for it and should implement it.
3. Such a strategy should be develop which prevent the future upcoming problems
4. The manager should buy best materials for the least price which will improve the productivity
as well as will make profitability.
5. Always try to improve your organization in terms of introducing new ideas of customers
services and delivery services of your product
6. Allow your employees to share their ideas of innovation freely without any fear and could
take decision in his limit. Always give them encouragement and value them.
7. People in an organization must work as a team with unity. Before taking any decision a
manager should take consent of his employees.
8. Every organization facing some sort of problem. These problem are not caused by the
manager but caused by the system. So changes should be made accordingly to solve these
9. Break obstacles among the different departments. People in the organization should work as
a team to solve the problem of production.
10. All the worker should listen to their leader and should know about their roles and the leader
should involve everybody to gain their best performance.
11. Improve the skills of employees and encourage them to learn new skills for future
12. Supervisor should not supervise only but should provide support and guide to employees so
that they accomplish their assigned tasks.
13. Make a program of retraining and educating for both management and employees
14. Take action of completing the transformation. Both the management and employee should
work together.
My remarks: Although Deming points are quite good for the management development in terms
of productivity but it has also some negative aspects, the principles of Deming not allowing directly
for problem solving but you have to plan then do small changes on the small surface to trial it then
investigate that whether changes working or not and finally act to get benefit from change. These
steps require a lot of resources and time to deal with problem so it’s big disadvantage. Secondly
according to Deming, manager should use the available data but in real life we always having lack
of the data in abstract situation and then we have to use some assumptions.
It is the important activity of management that includes functions of the management. Planning is
deciding what you do, where and when in advance, choosing the alternatives and making the
decision is also called planning.
Nature of planning
Planning of several natures, every planning must contribute to the accomplishment of a task in
positive way. Planning is the most important function among the functions of an organization, it
will according to the quality of mind of the manager. Planning may be formal or informal. Formal
planning is written, long term and involves goals of an organization while informal planning is
short term, non-written which made for solving a unique problem
Importance of planning
 It provide a good direction to the organization
 Reduces risks and leads to economical use of the resources
 It improves morale and supports innovation and risk taking
 It facilitate controlling and decision making process
The importance of planning can be assume from that, the organization which uses formal planning
will perform better than those which don’t plans properly. So planning is associated with higher
profit and positive financial results. Its means that performance is directly related with planning.
If the planning is not leads to higher performance then may be the planning is not good or may
external environment is the factor of failure.
In planning we create goals and object for an organization in these objects we focus on the
emphasizing area and then sets strategies and plans for achieving of these targeted goals. There
are different types of plans
Types of plans
There are basically three types of planning which are given below.
 Strategic plans: These plans are of the higher level and making this type of plans, the entire
organization should be kept in mind. This type of plans are made by the top level
management like CEO or MD or president of an organization. Actually strategic plans are
made for the future of an organization in fourth coming 3, 4 or even 10 years. These
planning are basically for improving productivity, and profitability of an organization
 Tactical plans: This type of plans are the plans which supports the strategic plans translate
it into specific plans for concerned area. These are normally made by middle level of the
management. These plans are concerns with responsibility of the lower level management
to fulfill their parts in achieving the strategic goals.
 Operational plans: These are the plans made by front line management. These are the daily
routine work plans made by the lower management for employees to accomplish their
departmental daily tasks in accordance with strategic plans.
Other types of planning are long term or short term. Long term planning are covering three to five
years these are actually strategic plans, while short terms plans are those which use for a less than
one year.
Specific plans: Those plans which are clearly define and there is no confusion in it.
Directional plans: These plans are easily adaptable plans that sets the general guidance.
Single use plans: Those plans which use for a single time during the unique abstract situation.
Standing plans: These are multiple usage plans use repeatedly for solving daily bases problems
General approach to setting a goal
Goals can be establish using traditional way or using management by objective techniques.
 Traditional approach
In this method goals at set by the top level management and then splits out into small goals for
different sub groups. These goals are become simple by the efforts of middle level management
who translates it into a simpler form for lower level management.
 Management by objective:
In this process performance improves by setting objects which are accepted by both managers and
employees some steps are taken during this approach which are: set goals, develop action for these
goals, review progress and appraise overall performance
A well designed goals will always written in terms of output. It will be challenging and attainable
The process by which manager establish working relationship among employees for attaining the
common goals.
Importance of organizing
 It facilitate the administration by providing the framework of coordination and controlling.
 It encourages growth and expand the size of an organization
 It ensures that each person is placed on the right job according to his experience
 It simulates innovation and creativity
 It improves interpersonal relation among the employees
 It’s improves coordination among the employees by the help of division of labor and use
of the advanced technology.
Process of Organizing:
The process of organizing is held through the following steps
1. Identification of activities: To determine a task that must be perform to achieve the target
2. Grouping of activities: some activities are set into a group due to its similarities in order to
decrease the burden.
3. Assignment of duties: This is the process of assigning of tasks to employees according to
their position in the organization. This process takes place at lower level of the management.
4. Delegation of authorities: In this process every person is given the authority in accordance
with his requirements. Every individual must know that who is his superior and who is his
5. Departmentalization: this is the process in which we grouped a job together, after assigning
work to the employees they are grouped back according to their similarities. For example
some of them will group due their same function while some them are group due to their
near regions
6. Centralization and decentralization: if the lower level management and employees are given
less authority then the organization is said to be centralized. On the other hand if authorities
are divided among them equally then it is called decentralization. For a successful
organization it is necessary to be middle in between centralization and decentralization. In
today’s world manager make an organization centralize to that extent that they can easily
implement their decisions.
7. Work specialization: when work is divided among the employees then each person perform
that part of task repeatedly hence their expertise increase in that special part and definitely
their productivity and specialization increases
In my personal opinion the repetition of the same part of task again and again may cause
boredom and fatigue among the employees because its nature of human that it wants change
in every situation.
Strategic management
The set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the term performance of an
Or “It is a process by which a manager manages the formulation and implementation of his
In today world of business the external environment changes day by day. So for an organization
of each size would have to adapt these changes and change their strategies according to the
external conditions, that’s why strategic management is very important. Strategic management
takes place through a six steps process which is explained below
Strategic management process: It is a six steps process and the steps are defined below shortly.
1. Formulation of mission and strategies:
Mission is the statement of purpose of an organization. There are two types of missions, major
goals and secondary goals. Major goals are those which include in statement of purpose of an
organization and for the organization founded. For example WHO is made for working in the
medical fields through researches and tries to make vaccine for current pandemics throughout the
world. Secondary goal is the goal other than main mission. Normally secondary purpose of
majority of organization are to gain profit.
2. SWOT analysis: It is analysis of the organization’s strength, weakness, opportunities and
threats. It has two parts. (i) Internal analysis (ii) external analysis. Internal analysis is about
the internal resources, qualities and capabilities as well as weakness of an organization. On
the other hand external analysis is about the external environment’s threats and opportunities.
3. Formulating strategies: In this step we make alternative strategies to cope with situation and
then select an appropriate strategy and match organizational strength with environmental
4. Implementing strategies: Finally we implement the most efficient strategy among the
alternatives for the given situation which completely meets to external environment.
5. Evaluating result: In this step we evaluate our judgement of strategy selection to check how
fruitful it is.
Levels of strategic management
There are three levels of strategic management which are;
Corporate strategy:
This type of strategy determines the type of business in which an organization is, or want to be in.
For example McDonald’s owner was have restaurants with other names like Chipotle so he made
corporate strategy that to move ahead with only one brand McDonald so he sold the other
restaurant in 2006 which is part of corporate strategy.
There are three types of corporate strategy which are: f
 Growth strategy: expansion to the new product or business
 Stability strategy: Maintenance of the current status
 Renewal strategy: investigation about the weakness of organization which cause failure
Competitive strategy;
This strategy focus on how an organization will compete in every departmental units. Quality
would be key factor for its competition with other organization. The organization may have some
advantages of better resources or may have some disadvantages with respect to other competitive
Functional strategy:
It is the organizational goals set for different organizational function areas.
Now a revolution taken place in business strategies. Companies expanding their business through
internet in the form of advertisement and online shopping. Other strategies are Customer service
strategies and innovation strategies.
Relapse prevention process
In this process the manager tries to prevent the bad performance of an organization. He do so by
correcting the work techniques of employees. This concept was present by two Americans.
This process has five steps which are:
i. MANAGER CAN’T STOP RELPSE PROCESS: A manager can prevent the relapse process
by taking precautionary measures but is unable to stop the process of relapsing. He will not
give up and would work continuously for the betterment of an organization and will
emphasize on hard working to prevent bad situation
ii. FIGURE OUT PROBLEM AREAS: The experienced manager would find three problem
areas which are: self-doubt, time pressure and un-cooperated employees. Self-doubt is the
tension that manager is not sure about himself to cope with the expected situation. A good
manager will transform self-doubt into self-assurance. Time pressure also causes the relapse
process. And when the employees are un-cooperated then they also become cause for relapse.
iii. COPING ABILITIES: These are the abilities of a manager how to face a problem. A good
manager will always do the following activities
 Communicate early
 Set priorities
 Avoid blaming himself
 Develop cooperation
 Celebrates success
iv. FIRE DRILLS: It is the practice of role before problem. With ding practice a manager can
gain some sort of experience regarding identifying the problem, support facilities and making
In any organization manager and employees works as a team so everyone follows up the the
performance with the relevance of the job. During this process you should have to encourage
employees and couch them and emphasize on working as a team.
Here are some lessons for a manager to be successful:
He should the key values, ethics and principles
He should act on what he knows. He should be ideal for employees
He should prioritize the problem’s solution accordingly.
A good manager will always respond rather than react.
He should always relate the problem with real world knowledge.
There should be a good relationship between an employee and a manager.
Recruitment and Selection of Human resources
Organization is not made up manager only but the skilled and trained people’s combination form
an organization. Manager is a person who train people and improves their skills. So actually it is
process of selection of Human resources (Employees)
This selection takes place through the following phases:
 Recruitment
 Selection
 Training
 Evaluation
 Compensation
 Termination
Recruitment is the process of finding the best candidates. In this process first of all an
advertisement takes place for vacant position in organization. The Add should have attraction for
qualified candidate, and eligibility criteria.
This is the process of hiring or rejecting a candidate. Selection is the process of differentiating
among applicants in order to select the best among them. There is basic selection criteria for a
candidate. Basic education, experience and personality characteristics are the basic requirements.
Selection process should be made through merit and job relatedness.
Training: Training is a short term organized procedure through which the new selected non
managerial personnel technical knowledges and skills for a defined purpose. When you select an
employee then you have to train him in accordance with the job. This could be done through
seminars, coaching, tours or course.
Evaluation: it is the process of ratting the performance of the employees
Compensation: This is pay order or salary related term. A manager fixes salaries of employees
according to their performance and position in an organization.
Termination: every organization has some rules regarding termination of an employee. It can be
cause after a given age or breaking their rules or leaving the organization with consent.
Performance appraisal: It is the assessment and evaluation of employees, according to which
they may promote or may warn.
Appraisal can be done by the supervisor, self, peer or by the subordinates.
So this was overview of principles of management in which I tried to discuss each topic briefly. I
completed this overview in two days.
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Overview of principles of management

  • 1. Department of Electrical Engineering Written By: RAHIMULLAH Roll no: 0059-BSEE-18 Paper: Principles of management Topic: Overview of principles of management Submitted to: Ma’am MUQADAS SARWAR Submission date: 19/07/2020
  • 2. Overview of the course (principles of management) References: This overview is completed with help of the Book “principles of management by P G Aquinas”, lectures slides and internet. Note: I complete this overview in my own wording and even didn’t copy paste even a single line. Introduction to the principles of management This course is about how the manager plans, organize, leads and controls the work process in organization. Managers are the main roles in any organization who assigns tasks to the employees, motivate them, take decisions for the organization during the abstract situation and gives overall direction to the organization the overall success or failure are in hands of the organization till some extent. Because if the manager is experienced and cooperative then definitely it give a positive direction to the organization and the organization moves in positive direction in term of productivity, growth, and popularity. So principles of management provides such knowledge and guidelines to the manager which make him better to cope with complex situation in the organization. This course is consist of some theories about management and some rules and regulations which are made by the famous statisticians and sociologists in their theories some of them who contributed much to management are Henri Fayol, F W Tylor, Marry parker, Max Weber, Franken and his wife Lillian Moller Gilbreth etc. These scientist and statisticians founded the foundation of modern management. The management theories and rules made by the above mentioned scientists are helps a lot for managers and everyone who concerned with management to run an organization. In this overview we will discuss some of the rules and theories of management which are essential for every organization to be follow. Management There are different statement about the definition of the management. According to Lawrence “Management is the development of people and not the direction of things” According to Joseph Massie “Management is a process a cooperative group directs toward the common goal of an organization” According to Stanly Vance, Management is the process of decision making and controlling over actions of people for achieving a specific targeted goal. The definition of management in the words of S. George is, Manage is the process of getting the things done and the manager is person who completes tasks by directing the activities and effoerts of others.
  • 3. Actually in my opinion management in a process of overall controlling of things and people in the organization. Control in terms of the employees follows the rules and obeying the supervisors and organization runs smoothly. For any organization a well define management is very necessary, meanwhile efficiency and effectiveness are very important. If the manager and his crew works with dedication and cooperation then it is evidence of success for the organization. And efficiency and effectiveness will be on peak. Motive of management Management plays a vital role in the prosperity of any organization. Management has the following motive  Reducing doubt in organization  Takes calculated risks  Exercises a good perception  Coordinates humans inside organization Tasks of the management Management has remarkable functions in an organization according to Henri Fayol, Management has basically 4 main functions which are POLC, Which is abbreviation from Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. Planning: It’s related to setting goals, objective and targets and making plans and strategies for achieving these goals. Organizing: It’s giving a specific order in organization. It deciding which task should be done and by home. Who is best for a particular job and what thing should be placed where. Leading: Manager motivate the employees, assigns tasks to the people, gives overall direction to an organization and resolves disputes among employees. Controlling: Manager make sure that everything is going accordingly and compares the performance with expected targets and normalize situation in the time complexity. Introduction of manager Manager is some ne who controlling an organization and people in it. He should be skillful person who had experience to cope with abstract and complex situation and overcome the problem with his competence and extraordinary qualities. He should be the person who motivate the employees and encourage them in time of some sort of failure. Taking decision is in hands of manager who knows very well about the future circumstances and abstract situation. He is someone who ensures that the enough materials are available and assigns tasks to the people. Manager has extra knowledges and skills that’s why an organization needs their skills and experience, to prevent it
  • 4. from relapsing and uncertainty. Managers are classified into three levels which are explained below. Front-Line Level management This level managers meets directly to the non-managerial employees and manage their works. They follow the plans and strategies made by the top level management and implement it in the organization. These are directly interacts with employee and sometimes meets with costumers in order to listen their complaints. Front line managers plays important role in the development of organization. They requires technical skills to perform their duties. Examples are Supervisor Middle level management This level is in between the top management and frontline management. Middle level managers transmits and transforms the plans and strategies made by the top level management to the front line managers and employees. Middle level managers also sets objective for an organization. They requires human skills to perform their duties. Examples are: Regional manager or project leader. Top level management This is the most superior level of the managers. They are not interacting directly with the employees. Top level management gives overall direction to the organization. They can see a clear image of organization and that’s why taking all bold decision of an organization and making future plans and strategies for an organization. They meet with key stake holder and stock holder. They requires conceptual skills to perform their duties. Example are: CEO or MD. Managerial skills Manager requires multiple specializations and skills to perform different roles in various circumstances. Mainly manager should be equipped with three types of skills  Human skill: These skills are related how to engaged with different people in an organization as an individual or in the group of employees.  Conceptual skills: These are about the thinking of complex situations and problems arising for an organization by internal and external environment.  Technical skills: these skills are related with work in the organization. It’s include some sort of techniques and knowledges related to work. Managerial roles Managers plays roles according to the current circumstances. Sometimes he has to take bold decisions sometime he motivates other and sometime he resolve conflicts between employees sometimes he has to implement change insides the organization. So he has to change himself according to these conditions. A good manager will always having positive assumption about employees and will give promotion to dedicate and hardworking employees and will appreciate
  • 5. those who performs better by giving them rewards. By doing this the employees will have some sort of dedication and attachment with work and will doing their best. These all roles are intermixed and interdependent on each other and if the manager will try to keep balance in these roles and performs it accordingly then it will increase the productivity of the organization. There are two prospective regarding the role of manager  According to the Omnipotent view of management, as a manager has unlimited power so he is responsible for success or failure of an organization directly. This prospective has falling the whole burden on the head of the manager which may create some sort of depression for a manager. In my own opinion it is not good point of view for a manager which may adversely affect manager’s efficiency and proficiency.  According to the symbolic view of management a manager is not responsible for everything (success or failure) of an organization. The failure my cause by the external factors. So manager is neither helpless nor responsible for whole system. He only tries to solve problems and divide tasks with in organization. Organization Culture Normally culture is some sort of tradition, customs, norms and social behavior of a specific society. Same is the case with organizational culture. The roles and regulation, traditions, shared values and principles within an organization are called organizational culture. Organizational culture has various dimensions which includes Innovations and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness and stability. These all dimensions give permission to employees till some extent to be go with the above dimensions. The culture transfer in the organization through rituals and stories with in the organization. Culture may be strong or weak, it depends on the intensity of key values to be held or not. If the key values are intensively held and widely spread, the culture is said to be strong culture. On the other hand if there is openness and freedom within the organization, the culture is said to be weak culture. An innovative culture would give some sort of openness, idea time, risk taking, and freedom to their employees in order to keep them satisfied. The organizational environment It includes both internal and external environment the change in external environment may affect the organization different conditions including financial condition or global condition.  Financial condition. This condition could be adversely affected by the external environment. Because if change occurs in dollar rate or stock exchange or inflation rates it has a proportionality with financial condition of an organization.  Political situation: if a political rolling party changing in a country it may affect the smooth running of an organization. Because the new elected government can take decision about the future of an organization. Specially NGOs.
  • 6.  Technological change: Technologies are rapidly changing with time. If an organization didn’t adapt itself with these changes it may cause relapse of an organization. Example is NOKIA Company which didn’t adapt itself with external change. And now totally disappeared from the world of business. Management Theories As manager plays the role of backbone in an organization. So for running of an organization manager needs a specific knowledge and guideline. These knowledge and guideline are provided by some management theories and rules which were presented by the popular statisticians and sociologists in the end of 19th century. These theories are even use today in the world of management. Management is use from even very early time but at the end of 19th century F.W Tylor founded the base of modern management. The first study was done by Adam smith who focused on the job specialization and division of labor. He performed different experimentations and studied the impacts of industrial revolution. He compared the working of craft-styles and factory –system. He observed that the factory system was have more better performance than the craft system because in factory system the worker is only responsible for one task that’s why they becomes more experts in his task and his expertise increase. On the other hand in craft-style the worker is responsible for whole task so his efficiency didn’t increase and even he didn’t expert in any specific part of the task. So he concluded that with the division of labor the performance of the organization improved. There are different types of approaches that we will do in our studies of management theories there are four approaches that we perform which explained below. 1) Classical Theories In this approach we study three theories which are given below.  Scientific management theory This theory was presented by famous economist F.W Smith. In the 19th century he wrote a book “principles of management “which was widely accepted. In his theory his emphasize for one best way for a task to be done. Its main target was to improve economic efficiency. This theory is like the Adam smith’s theory that if we divide work in small parts, it’s increase efficiency and productivity. He give four principles.  According to this principle use scientific method to study work and to find the best way of working  The second principle is about the selecting, training, and developing employees  The third principle is about the division of work equally.  The fourth principle is about the cooperation with employees in getting their work done. In my opinion the scientific management theory is not about the favor of worker because it talks about how to speed up work without think about their tiredness or their health.
  • 7.  Administrative theory This theory was presented by Henri Fayol. He presented his famous 14 principles which were widely accepted globally. According to this theory more emphasize and stress should be apply on the organizational management and to improve their behavior and relations with each other and with customers. This theory also emphasize on division of work as well as a hierarchical order and formalization of an organization 14 principles of Henri Fayol about management These famous principles are discussed below. (i) Distribution of work : distribution of work among the employees can increase the expertise, efficiency and productivity and hence increase the performance of an organization (ii) Authority and responsibility: authority is the right of giving order and the responsibility is the obligation of obeying. These both properties are exist simultaneously in an organization and are complementary. (iii) Discipline: following rules and regulation, obeying the supervisors and system of rewards and penalties make a discipline in an organization, which is necessary for each organization and no organization can survive without discipline Unity of order: The right of command or order to be with only one person and an employee should be responsible to only one superior at a time. It two superiors will give order to the same employee at a time it may create confusion for an employee about which order to be follow first. The confusion decrease performance of the employee and may case clashes between the two supervisor, hence an organization performance may be adversely affected. So unity of command is essential for smoothly running of an organization (iv) Unity of direction: For the development of an organization moving in proper direction is very necessary. Top management requires to give only one direction to an organization. Unity of direction means that all employees works dedicatedly to accomplish a common goal. (v) Emphasize on priority to general interest over personal interest: This is also called principles of co-operation. Each will work for all and all will work for each. General goal or interest should be superior to everyone on any other interest. (vi) Compensation : Employees should be given compensation according to their work so that they will satisfy and will work diligently for the improvement of an organization (vii) Centralization: There should perfect balance between centralization and decentralization. Responsibilities should be divided among employees and complete centralization or decentralization should be avoided. (viii) Scaler chain: There should be a hierarchical chain from top level management to bottom which links all the employees for communication and cooperation purposes. (ix) Sequence: There should be right place for everything. A right person should be on right job and right thing to be on right place. Everyone should know their responsibilities and know what thing should be picked from where.
  • 8. (x) Equity: The supervisor should be kind and cooperative to each and should be treat everyone equally. (xi) Tenure: There should be a proper tenure for an employee, before which he would be stable on his job and having a job security. If an organization changes employees daily, of course it will never develop. (xii) Initiative: There should be permission to the employees to take initiatives and gives new ideas if this trend would be encourage then it will have a positive impact on an organization. (xiii) Spirit of cooperation: Cooperation, unity and loyalty is very necessary for employees of an organization. Pride, loyalty and sense of belonging is essential for performance of an organization.  Weber’s principles of bureaucracy : Bureaucracy is a form of an organization which has clearly defined hierarchy order and division of labors and a clearly define rules and regulations. Its purpose was to insure effectiveness and efficiency. The manager tries to create some sort of rules and regulations as well as some norms and sops to follow. 2) Behavioral approach This is concern with organizational behavior. This is about how managers will behave in the organization during the interaction with employees in order to motivate them and with costumers to meet with their requirements. This approach cover the human aspect of an organization because the scientific management theory didn’t covered the human aspect. According to this approach a higher productivity can be achieved by good human relation. Hawthorne experiment contributed too much positively to the organizational behavior. Hawthorne concluded from his studies that the organization should be consider a social system rather than strict condition. The productivity of an employees can be affected by his feeling, so some sort of motivation is necessary for employees and strong communication channel should be established among the various departments in order to improve efficiency. Employee’s satisfaction is very necessary in any organization to improve its performance and productivity. 3) Modern Theories(system approach) This approach consider an organization as adaptive system which has to change itself with the external environment accordingly. System word is derived from a geek word which means to “to bring together or combine”. So a system is made of various components which are interdependent and inter-connected which are to attain a target goal. There are two types of a system. A close systemis that which is independent of the external environment and an open systemis dependent on the external environment. An organization is consider to be open adapted system because it interact with and hence dependent totally on external environment. So manager work is to coordinate the work of various parts of the system (an organization) An organization as a system has five parts:
  • 9. (i) Input (ii) Process (iii) Output (iv) Feedbacks (v) Environment In input the organization takes raw material, money and human resources the process in terms of human skills, different machineries and computers to make goods and services for customers. The sales of goods allow the organization to give salaries to their employees, buy new raw materials as input and gain some sort of profit. After using the goods, customers gives reviews and feedbacks about the product and hence organization performs in the environment with this cycle. 4) Contingency approach The system approach emphasizes on the interconnectedness of various parts of an organizatio n while this theory analyzes how these parts are interrelated and enter connected. This theory tells the manager to analyze the environment before adaption. And hence this approach guide the manager to be adaptive to the environment. This theory is better than the system approach because it’s not tell use only the interrelationship among organizational parts but tells also about the relationship of an organization and environment. Mintzberg’s Management Roles As a manger you may perform multiple roles each day. For instance you may lead your team or taking a big decision or resolving conflict of your employees. So basically you are switching different roles. Mintzberg mention 10 managerial role in his book “Mintzberg on management inside our strange world of management”. He divided these 10 roles in three categories namely interpersonal, information and decisional. Category (I) Interpersonal: This category contain 3 roles which are (i) Figurehead: In this role manager perform his social and legal duties and has ideal for employees. For examples he will meet will visitors, will sign documents and will attend different ceremonies. (ii) Leader: As a leader a manager will motivate and train employees and he will in interaction with all types of the employees (iii) Liaison officer: In this role manager will be in contact with external environment and will meet with other organization representatives Category (II) Informational: This category also include three roles which are explained below.
  • 10. (i) Monitoring officer: As a monitoring officer he will gather work related information from various parts of an organization. For he will read different reports to check the flow of products (ii) Distributor: In this role he will distribute information like memos, reports and decisions to all the subordinates (iii) Spokesperson: In this role he will transmits information to the external environment, these information may be the new offers, job vacancy or other development reports. Category (III) Decisional roles: This category include the most important four roles which are: (i) Entrepreneur: As entrepreneur manager thinks about new ideas of business, innovations and plans for the future. (ii) Problem handler: As problem handler manager deal with different types of disturbance and problems and mediates conflicts between the employees (iii) Resource allocator: In this role manager provides funds and human resources to different projects according to its importance (iv) Negotiator: He will discuss and negotiate different business ideas with teams and departments Manager plays these roles according to conditions. These all roles are interrelated with each other. Sometimes manager may assign some roles to confidential employees. Decision making process This is the most important strength of the organizational roles of manager. Manager has to take the right decision in the right time during abstract and complex situation. This decision has a direct effect on all employees in the organization. A decision is taken when there is more than one alternatives, a manager has to select the best alternative among the multiple. There are multiple steps a manager have to take during a decision making process  Identify the decision which has to be make during an abstract situation. You should understand the nature of the decision which you are going to take.  Gather all the relevant information before the decision making. Some information are internal that you may have to find through self-assessment process and some are external that you have to find through reading books and taking help from internet.  You have to identify all the alternatives before taking a decision. You can also use your assumptions and imagination to make a new alternative. And then you have to list all the alternative in front of you and choose best of them.  Evaluate your alternatives according to the need and then list it on the bases of priority according to the requirements you made.  Choose among the alternatives you have, the one which has higher priority value should be selected
  • 11.  Take action according to the condition by implementing alternative you choose during the abstract situation.  Finally review your decision and its consequences. Consider the result of your decision and check if the problem is solved with this alternative or not. If the problem is solved efficiently it’s good and enough but if the problem is still existing, then you have to repeat the process and may select the other alternative or discuss it with the superiors. Different point of views about decision making of manager There are three perspectives of how managers takes their decisions. Rational decision making A manager as a rational decision maker will have fully logical and experienced. He will support objective, assumptions and formal process from problem identification to solution. Manager takes decision in favor of organization rather than his personal interest. This decision making can be productive when there is no time pressure and the organization culture favors innovation and risk taking. In my opinion the rational decision making is not good one because the manager take unrealistic assumptions and follow it which may cause some sort of loss for an organization Bounded rationality If there is bounded rationality then manager will shows some sort of care and thought of future during the decision making. He would take decision after a lot of discussion with employees and higher authority. The manger decision making process may be strongly affected by the culture of an organization Instinctive decision making This decision making process is based on past experiences and knowledges of a manager. There are two types of problems in an organization that a manager faces. One type is structured problems, these are the daily problems based faced by the manager and they have the ability to cope with these problem. These problems can be handle by the employees too. There are long term strategies for these repeated problems. The second type is unstructured problems which are the new problem and the system is not familiar with it. Sometimes it may be challenging for the manager and these can be handled by manager by taking unique decisions. At big organizations managers daily meets with new problems and takes non-programed unique decisions, while lover management handles daily routine problems. During the certain situation a manager is aware of the situation and can easily make a reasonable decision while in uncertain situation a manager is unaware about the consequences and don’t know even the probability and hence he use alternatives during decision making process. Total quality management In total quality a system is based on such a principles that each person attach with organization would be fully committed to his work to maintain high standard in each aspect of the company. Theory about the total quality Management was presented by W Edwards Deming. It is made of three words total means ‘whole’, quality means “degree of excellence” and management means
  • 12. “handling”. Quality can be define mathematically (Q=P/E) where p is the performance and E is use for expectation. Quality is most important factor for any organization growth, that’s why every organization wants to improve its quality is more is it can, because with improving quality the customer satisfaction increased. Total quality management can be entertain in any organization if it has a good rules about problem solving and manager have good interpersonal skills. All employees should work as a team and there is a cycle of quality improvement process. Principles of total quality management  Customer focus is most important in any organization, so there should be no compromise on customer needs and product should be provided with improved quality  All employees should be fully committed for improving of quality because without employee’s commitment improving quality is not easy.  Regular interaction with whole staff is necessary for total quality management  Training to the needy employees should be given in order to increase their performance  Top level management should be involved in an organization so that the juniors would work properly and will cause improved quality.  Fact- based decision making is necessary in total quality management. There should no unrealistic assumption during decision taking.  Cost should be reduced and quality should be improved with passage of time.  There should be focus on promoting creativity culture and problem prevention.  Performance measuring is essential process in an organization and must be held at department and an individual level.  Teamwork is most important thing for an organization Total quality management has much benefits for an organization. With this we can improve product quality, employee participation could be increased inspirations of teamwork can be establish among the workers. The other benefits are customer and employee’s satisfaction, productivity and hence profitability could be increase. The Deming philosophy Deming give in his 14 points a framework for developing of knowledges in workplace and for developing a long term plans and strategies. He wrote his famous book “out of crises” 14 points for management: 1. Do the process of improvement continuously and provide a statement of purpose in which they should right their aims. 2. A quality should be given importance during each time. For this an organization should create a vision for it and should implement it. 3. Such a strategy should be develop which prevent the future upcoming problems 4. The manager should buy best materials for the least price which will improve the productivity as well as will make profitability. 5. Always try to improve your organization in terms of introducing new ideas of customers services and delivery services of your product 6. Allow your employees to share their ideas of innovation freely without any fear and could take decision in his limit. Always give them encouragement and value them.
  • 13. 7. People in an organization must work as a team with unity. Before taking any decision a manager should take consent of his employees. 8. Every organization facing some sort of problem. These problem are not caused by the manager but caused by the system. So changes should be made accordingly to solve these problems 9. Break obstacles among the different departments. People in the organization should work as a team to solve the problem of production. 10. All the worker should listen to their leader and should know about their roles and the leader should involve everybody to gain their best performance. 11. Improve the skills of employees and encourage them to learn new skills for future circumstances. 12. Supervisor should not supervise only but should provide support and guide to employees so that they accomplish their assigned tasks. 13. Make a program of retraining and educating for both management and employees 14. Take action of completing the transformation. Both the management and employee should work together. My remarks: Although Deming points are quite good for the management development in terms of productivity but it has also some negative aspects, the principles of Deming not allowing directly for problem solving but you have to plan then do small changes on the small surface to trial it then investigate that whether changes working or not and finally act to get benefit from change. These steps require a lot of resources and time to deal with problem so it’s big disadvantage. Secondly according to Deming, manager should use the available data but in real life we always having lack of the data in abstract situation and then we have to use some assumptions. Planning It is the important activity of management that includes functions of the management. Planning is deciding what you do, where and when in advance, choosing the alternatives and making the decision is also called planning. Nature of planning Planning of several natures, every planning must contribute to the accomplishment of a task in positive way. Planning is the most important function among the functions of an organization, it will according to the quality of mind of the manager. Planning may be formal or informal. Formal planning is written, long term and involves goals of an organization while informal planning is short term, non-written which made for solving a unique problem Importance of planning  It provide a good direction to the organization  Reduces risks and leads to economical use of the resources  It improves morale and supports innovation and risk taking  It facilitate controlling and decision making process
  • 14. The importance of planning can be assume from that, the organization which uses formal planning will perform better than those which don’t plans properly. So planning is associated with higher profit and positive financial results. Its means that performance is directly related with planning. If the planning is not leads to higher performance then may be the planning is not good or may external environment is the factor of failure. In planning we create goals and object for an organization in these objects we focus on the emphasizing area and then sets strategies and plans for achieving of these targeted goals. There are different types of plans Types of plans There are basically three types of planning which are given below.  Strategic plans: These plans are of the higher level and making this type of plans, the entire organization should be kept in mind. This type of plans are made by the top level management like CEO or MD or president of an organization. Actually strategic plans are made for the future of an organization in fourth coming 3, 4 or even 10 years. These planning are basically for improving productivity, and profitability of an organization  Tactical plans: This type of plans are the plans which supports the strategic plans translate it into specific plans for concerned area. These are normally made by middle level of the management. These plans are concerns with responsibility of the lower level management to fulfill their parts in achieving the strategic goals.  Operational plans: These are the plans made by front line management. These are the daily routine work plans made by the lower management for employees to accomplish their departmental daily tasks in accordance with strategic plans. Other types of planning are long term or short term. Long term planning are covering three to five years these are actually strategic plans, while short terms plans are those which use for a less than one year. Specific plans: Those plans which are clearly define and there is no confusion in it. Directional plans: These plans are easily adaptable plans that sets the general guidance. Single use plans: Those plans which use for a single time during the unique abstract situation. Standing plans: These are multiple usage plans use repeatedly for solving daily bases problems General approach to setting a goal Goals can be establish using traditional way or using management by objective techniques.  Traditional approach In this method goals at set by the top level management and then splits out into small goals for different sub groups. These goals are become simple by the efforts of middle level management who translates it into a simpler form for lower level management.  Management by objective: In this process performance improves by setting objects which are accepted by both managers and employees some steps are taken during this approach which are: set goals, develop action for these goals, review progress and appraise overall performance
  • 15. A well designed goals will always written in terms of output. It will be challenging and attainable Organizing The process by which manager establish working relationship among employees for attaining the common goals. Importance of organizing  It facilitate the administration by providing the framework of coordination and controlling.  It encourages growth and expand the size of an organization  It ensures that each person is placed on the right job according to his experience  It simulates innovation and creativity  It improves interpersonal relation among the employees  It’s improves coordination among the employees by the help of division of labor and use of the advanced technology. Process of Organizing: The process of organizing is held through the following steps 1. Identification of activities: To determine a task that must be perform to achieve the target goal 2. Grouping of activities: some activities are set into a group due to its similarities in order to decrease the burden. 3. Assignment of duties: This is the process of assigning of tasks to employees according to their position in the organization. This process takes place at lower level of the management. 4. Delegation of authorities: In this process every person is given the authority in accordance with his requirements. Every individual must know that who is his superior and who is his subordinate. 5. Departmentalization: this is the process in which we grouped a job together, after assigning work to the employees they are grouped back according to their similarities. For example some of them will group due their same function while some them are group due to their near regions 6. Centralization and decentralization: if the lower level management and employees are given less authority then the organization is said to be centralized. On the other hand if authorities are divided among them equally then it is called decentralization. For a successful organization it is necessary to be middle in between centralization and decentralization. In today’s world manager make an organization centralize to that extent that they can easily implement their decisions. 7. Work specialization: when work is divided among the employees then each person perform that part of task repeatedly hence their expertise increase in that special part and definitely their productivity and specialization increases
  • 16. In my personal opinion the repetition of the same part of task again and again may cause boredom and fatigue among the employees because its nature of human that it wants change in every situation. Strategic management The set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the term performance of an organization Or “It is a process by which a manager manages the formulation and implementation of his strategy”. In today world of business the external environment changes day by day. So for an organization of each size would have to adapt these changes and change their strategies according to the external conditions, that’s why strategic management is very important. Strategic management takes place through a six steps process which is explained below Strategic management process: It is a six steps process and the steps are defined below shortly. 1. Formulation of mission and strategies: Mission is the statement of purpose of an organization. There are two types of missions, major goals and secondary goals. Major goals are those which include in statement of purpose of an organization and for the organization founded. For example WHO is made for working in the medical fields through researches and tries to make vaccine for current pandemics throughout the world. Secondary goal is the goal other than main mission. Normally secondary purpose of majority of organization are to gain profit. 2. SWOT analysis: It is analysis of the organization’s strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. It has two parts. (i) Internal analysis (ii) external analysis. Internal analysis is about the internal resources, qualities and capabilities as well as weakness of an organization. On the other hand external analysis is about the external environment’s threats and opportunities. 3. Formulating strategies: In this step we make alternative strategies to cope with situation and then select an appropriate strategy and match organizational strength with environmental opportunities. 4. Implementing strategies: Finally we implement the most efficient strategy among the alternatives for the given situation which completely meets to external environment. 5. Evaluating result: In this step we evaluate our judgement of strategy selection to check how fruitful it is. Levels of strategic management There are three levels of strategic management which are; Corporate strategy: This type of strategy determines the type of business in which an organization is, or want to be in. For example McDonald’s owner was have restaurants with other names like Chipotle so he made corporate strategy that to move ahead with only one brand McDonald so he sold the other restaurant in 2006 which is part of corporate strategy.
  • 17. There are three types of corporate strategy which are: f  Growth strategy: expansion to the new product or business  Stability strategy: Maintenance of the current status  Renewal strategy: investigation about the weakness of organization which cause failure Competitive strategy; This strategy focus on how an organization will compete in every departmental units. Quality would be key factor for its competition with other organization. The organization may have some advantages of better resources or may have some disadvantages with respect to other competitive organizations. Functional strategy: It is the organizational goals set for different organizational function areas. Now a revolution taken place in business strategies. Companies expanding their business through internet in the form of advertisement and online shopping. Other strategies are Customer service strategies and innovation strategies. Relapse prevention process In this process the manager tries to prevent the bad performance of an organization. He do so by correcting the work techniques of employees. This concept was present by two Americans. This process has five steps which are: i. MANAGER CAN’T STOP RELPSE PROCESS: A manager can prevent the relapse process by taking precautionary measures but is unable to stop the process of relapsing. He will not give up and would work continuously for the betterment of an organization and will emphasize on hard working to prevent bad situation ii. FIGURE OUT PROBLEM AREAS: The experienced manager would find three problem areas which are: self-doubt, time pressure and un-cooperated employees. Self-doubt is the tension that manager is not sure about himself to cope with the expected situation. A good manager will transform self-doubt into self-assurance. Time pressure also causes the relapse process. And when the employees are un-cooperated then they also become cause for relapse. iii. COPING ABILITIES: These are the abilities of a manager how to face a problem. A good manager will always do the following activities  Communicate early  Set priorities
  • 18.  Avoid blaming himself  Develop cooperation  Celebrates success iv. FIRE DRILLS: It is the practice of role before problem. With ding practice a manager can gain some sort of experience regarding identifying the problem, support facilities and making strategies. v. FOLLOW UP BACK ON JOB: In any organization manager and employees works as a team so everyone follows up the the performance with the relevance of the job. During this process you should have to encourage employees and couch them and emphasize on working as a team. Here are some lessons for a manager to be successful: He should the key values, ethics and principles He should act on what he knows. He should be ideal for employees He should prioritize the problem’s solution accordingly. A good manager will always respond rather than react. He should always relate the problem with real world knowledge. There should be a good relationship between an employee and a manager. Recruitment and Selection of Human resources Organization is not made up manager only but the skilled and trained people’s combination form an organization. Manager is a person who train people and improves their skills. So actually it is process of selection of Human resources (Employees) This selection takes place through the following phases:  Recruitment  Selection  Training  Evaluation  Compensation  Termination Recruitment Recruitment is the process of finding the best candidates. In this process first of all an advertisement takes place for vacant position in organization. The Add should have attraction for qualified candidate, and eligibility criteria. Selection This is the process of hiring or rejecting a candidate. Selection is the process of differentiating among applicants in order to select the best among them. There is basic selection criteria for a candidate. Basic education, experience and personality characteristics are the basic requirements. Selection process should be made through merit and job relatedness.
  • 19. Training: Training is a short term organized procedure through which the new selected non managerial personnel technical knowledges and skills for a defined purpose. When you select an employee then you have to train him in accordance with the job. This could be done through seminars, coaching, tours or course. Evaluation: it is the process of ratting the performance of the employees Compensation: This is pay order or salary related term. A manager fixes salaries of employees according to their performance and position in an organization. Termination: every organization has some rules regarding termination of an employee. It can be cause after a given age or breaking their rules or leaving the organization with consent. Performance appraisal: It is the assessment and evaluation of employees, according to which they may promote or may warn. Appraisal can be done by the supervisor, self, peer or by the subordinates. So this was overview of principles of management in which I tried to discuss each topic briefly. I completed this overview in two days. THE END Plagiarism check