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If your entity needs ‘…’, then check SI  Strategic Initiative
1. Provide experiences that develop the kind of leadership we aim to see
2. Clear Connection between TMP, TLP and EPs working in this programs to
the impact they are creating
3. Tackle market segments that are in biggest need for the program and are
most relevant

Purpose-driven Market


Upscale TN partnerships
Increase partner retention rate
Increase re-raise in short-term
Secure long-term partnerships with TN takers
Improve iGIP products and processes

Customer Loyalty for Organizations


Align subproducts with your partners
Know how to track and manager your CY partnerships in a better way
Know how to align BO with your partners
Know how to codeliver
Know how to involve the LCs in this partnerships
Know how to get and provide the right information on visa processes

Supply and Demand

1. Organisation Structures to enable bigger and better delivery of Leadership
development experiences.
2. HR is not the only way to contribute to growth
3. Right # of people + right roles + right JDs + right training = TC driving 2015

Talent Capacity

1. Better Conversion Rates Applicant to RA & RA to MA!
2. Using our external data to direct and adapt our operations

Marketing for Conversion

1. The members need to understand the impact of GIP
2. You need TMP/TLP to drive GIP in a better way
3. The purpose of GIP is not clear in your entity

Leadership in Every experience
Purpose-driven Market
Why is this important?
Provide experiences that develop the kind of leadership we aim to see

Create a clear connection between members & interns working in the programs and the impact they are bringing to these societies

Tackle market segments that are in biggest need for the program and are most relevant

What results can it bring to the entity?

Experiences that are relevant to your society, and members learn how to improve their society with market
Higher sales intensity and retention rate within membership in GIP
Enforcing a purpose driven culture in GIP functions

What to consider for re-planning?

Look into which products are currently focused on in your entities, and gather enough market analysis to be able
to define the most needed and relevant market segments in your country (using the market segmentation
process based on external needs)
Considering the supply and demand within the network to realize those sub products
Current structures in IGIP functions and how they would be changing
Implementation timeline for education, structure changes and providing material to LC (Such as segments
data, proposals...)
Setting a plan for culture change
Purpose-driven Market
Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for
implementation/ST next steps

Identify what is the need of the
country, and customize the regional
products created by the RC
--> identify the market segments that can
satisfy the need of the country
--> identify the needs of this segment
--> identify SPs which can cover this
needs --> Check S&D
--> Create JD
--> Create proposals (consisting of
different SPs) as a package
--> Begin sales to companies

- Work on the virtual & non-virtual
messaging to TMP/TLP during the
Marketing/Sales process. The work
involves striking a balance between
"purpose" and "business benefits" in sales
pitch, proposals etc.
- A visual illustration of how this, along with
other strategies, fits in with current
processes. Show how PDMS fits in with
the TN Taker flow.
- GIP CoW delivered in national
conference, create sense of urgency and

Find more information here

- iGIP teams should be based on market
- Deliver analysis of the market of the city
to make sense for the LC
- LCVP could have a consultancy from
MCVP on how to sell & customize a JD
which ensures leadership development
- Auditing from the MC for JD creation
before putting it available
Loyalty For
Customer Loyalty for Organizations
Why is this important?
Global partner retention rate is 31%. We cannot afford losing almost 70% of our customers every year

Re-raising is 3x easier than new raising.

Our processes and products should be improved consistently to upscale and sustain partnerships.



Customer Loyalty for Organizations
What to consider for re-planning?


If you have any customer feedback within 100 days challenge, check and analyze the insights
(check further slides to see how to reach survey responses)
Make sure CLO related KPIs are in planning framework
KPIs would be: % of partners retained, % of partnerships upscaled, number of re-raises, number
of conversations held, etc.
Hidden checkpoint! Good to see that you‟re checking output. As a reward: Go to MCPs FB
group, find the post that announces STM output released, and post a random (it could be very
random) question as a comment to any ST member. Your questions will be answered for sure.
Define goals related to those KPIs until the end of the term
HR allocation / structure alignment on MC/LC level for proper account management in order to
achieve these goals
Customer Loyalty for Organizations
Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST
next steps

Clearly communicate the benefits of CLO-esque activities and connection with results at every GIP touchpoint. Showcase
CLO as a growth strategy to the LCs and show clear connections to expected results.
2. Have a guideline with CEM minimums (checklist, timelines) for a company in order to assure the re-raise.
3. Integrate those minimums to membership criteria/compendium/incentive systems
4. Develop a CRM system, which would make standards implementation and feedback analysis easier
5. Define and clearly communicate proper KPIs for CLO, both on national and local level.
6. Identify 1 or 2 LCs that they consciously support in CLO implementation perfectly, and then showcase the KPI progress and
results massively in the national network. Expand the pilot circle step by step.
7. Encourage and support LCs to allocate people with customer oriented competencies in customer facing roles.
8. Support LCs to define checkpoints (Ex: every 6 months/after every RE) when the partnership will be reviewed, feedback
taken and then new plan for the partnership will be made. Such a checkpoint should be conducted by the account manager
with the LCVP ideally.
9. Create guidelines for content of the customer meetings on how to handle promoters, passives and detractors in re-raising.
(FAQ form would work better)
10. Make sure you collect references & testimonials.
11. Launch national challenges/campaigns to speed up KPI progress. (Get integrated or replicate global ones)
12. Analyze customer feedbacks on a quarterly basis for process improvement
and product development, build action plans and share the learnings.
Customer Loyalty for Organizations
Find more information here
Customer Loyalty for Organisations session in IC 2013, Egypt
How to access your 100 Days Challenge data:

Go to
Username: / Password: 100 Days Challenge
Click „Reports‟ tab on top
Click „Export‟ button, located right under „GIP feedback‟
Choose the format that you want to have the data
Filter, play, create pivot tables, do whatever you want but make sure you analyse the data 
Supply and Demand
Why is this important? What results can it bring to the entity?
It can bring alignment of Sub-products within the country partners and make sure that you have faster MA process

It will bring a better understanding on how to track your partnerships in MC and LC level

It will bring a perspective on how to align your BO to the main strategies for partnerships

It will guarantee you will also deliver all the minimum standards of quality to a co-delivery

It will show you how to involve the LCs in the Partnership creation and definition
It will show you how to RA and use MKT strategies in the right sub-product and with a clear partner definition to make sure
you will MA
It will show you why and how to provide the right information to your legal processes and guarantee a faster MA
Supply and Demand
What to consider for re-planning?
Tier 1

Consider the sub-products your partners and main suppliers in the network are working with to
re-plan you goals
Historical data
Main suppliers in the network for iGIP and oGIP
Check on the visa regulations to work with GIP in every country you plan to work with
Have a check list of the minimum quality standards you need to have to deliver the partnership
Consider putting in your timeline regular meetings with MCVPs and MCPs of your main suppliers
What are those markets that have a big potential and you could invest in to grow as your supplier
Consider if you are in the Piloting S&D entities and what are the next steps for the partnership
Align your BO strategies to your partnerships (ex: if you are going to partner with India, how are
you gonna make sure that you only accept EPs that want to go there; how do you make sure that
you promotion strategies are directed to this country etc)
Make sure you have a clear national campaign that is aligned with your partner to send to your
Supply and Demand
What to consider for re-planning?
Tier 2


Consider the sub-products your partners and main suppliers in the network are working with to
re-plan you goals
Historical data
Main suppliers in the network for iGIP and oGIP
Check on the visa regulations to work with GIP in every country you plan
Have a check list of the minimum quality standards you need to have to deliver the partnership
Consider putting in your timeline regular meetings with LCVPs, MCVPs and MCPs of your main
Congratulations! You have discovered a hidden checkpoint. As a reward, feel free to go to
Anubhav‟s FB page, post this gif image and congratulate him on behalf of Indian movie industry.
He‟ll appreciate that.
Consider if you are in the Piloting S&D entities and what are the next steps for the partnership
Align your BO strategies to your partnerships (ex: if you are going to partner with India, how are
you gonna make sure that you only accept EPs that want to go there; how do you make sure that
you promotion strategies are directed to this country etc)
Make sure you have a clear national campaign that is aligned with your partner to send to your
Supply and Demand
What to consider for re-planning?
Tier 3

Consider the sub-products your partners and main suppliers in the network are working with to
re-plan you goals
Historical data
Main suppliers in the network for iGIP and oGIP
Check on the visa regulations to work with GIP in every country you plan
Consider putting in your timeline regular meetings with LCVPs, MCVPs and MCPs of your main
Consider making an analysis of the main LCs you could work in the network with and to make
direct partnership with them
Get some GCPs of growth in Tier 3 countries: a lot of times it‟s easier to make partnerships
within the same region
Consider if you are in the Piloting S&D entities and what are the next steps for the partnership
Align your BO strategies to your partnerships (ex: if you are going to partner with India, how are
you going make sure that you only accept EPs that want to go there; how do you make sure that
you promotion strategies are directed to this country etc)
Make sure you have a clear national campaign that is aligned with your partner to send to your
Supply and Demand
Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for
implementation/ST next steps

As MCP, make sure you know if you are tracking the main partnerships and the next steps of it
Have a check list with the main deliverables of co-delivery (LEAD, OPS, IPS)
Have a previous study of the visa processes in your country and main suppliers you plan
BO alignment with your main partners
Make sure you have a clear national campaign that is aligned with your partner to send to your
Provide a guideline of visa processes to your partners
TN form audit: do not approve if EP is not through partnership
Involve LC´s in creating national partnerships even before they are formed - have LCs suggest
partnerships, show data to validate if the partnerships would be good, then create partnerships
and launch to the network
After each international conference; have national conference to have partnership launch create commitment around the partnerships
Supply and Demand
Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for
implementation/ST next steps

Internal and external
analysis (purposedriven mkt
segmentation, historical
datas, subproducts of
main suppliers, visa
regulations with main
suppliers, potential
suppliers etc)

Alignment of your BO
strategies with your
partners (only promote
your suppliers, provide
national campaigns etc)

Make a timeline with
your meetings with
main suppliers and a
check list with the main
deliverables of the

Provide information on
your visa process to
your partners

Find more information here
Subscribe to the Challenge!!

Follow up on the
Talent Capacity
Why is this important? What results can it bring to the entity?
We want our Organisation Structures to enable, and not hinder, bigger and better
delivery of Leadership development experiences.
Sometimes we think that the only way that HR can contribute to growth in results
is by adding more people. This is wrong most of those times 
Right # of people + right roles + right JDs + right training = TC driving 2015

What to consider for re-planning?
Your current structures, specially in focus programs, in different LCs.
National goals in ELD, efficiency & retention.
LnD Strategies and which would be the best
Good job! Another hidden checkpoint, which gives you another task.
Giancarlo is suffering since his role model is having some difficulties
recently. To make him feel better, post this image to his FB profile. He really needs that.
Talent Capacity
Specific Inputs and Ideas from the Steering Team for implementation:

In order to proceed with implementation, MC needs to have an idea on TC KPIs of the country:


Exchange Goals

Customization inside the TC Summit output structures is possible according to the national goals of
ELD, member efficiency and retention.
The whole MC Team should know about your TC strategy, so that everyone passes the same
message. Creation of the new TC strategy should be done by TM/LnD/OD/Operations together, led
by VP TM.
Make LC VP TMs aware of their role and JDs - moving to a more “professional” perception of the role
(no more flipchart, random recruitments and roll calls)
Consider different peaks for each program and based the new HR inputs & education in accordance.
Support and LCs during planning/re-planning process for the year 2014.
Have a clear implementation plan according to the LC Calendar (easier to implement when EBs are
shifting, during transition). Include Education and strategy inputs.
Plan L&D together with structures, so that there is a clear educational plan in place from the very
Have a stable resource center with all the needed education material, in order not to lose knowledge
through time.
Keep track of how many members there are in the country (and on each knowledge level). Only
TMP/TLP numbers dont count 
Talent Capacity
Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for
implementation/ST next steps

Organize 2-3 day national
TC summits to validate the
national TC plan and
design structures and JDs
in individual LCs.

Capitalize on national
conferences in Dec/Jan to
deliver the message from
Step 1. Follow up with
delivering customized TC
support through virtual LC

Define and track progress
of LCs towards the
implementation of ideal
structures, with a clear todo list of basic tasks and
more advanced directions
(according to LC cluster.)
Find more information here:
Marketing for Conversion
Why is this important? What results can it bring to the entity?
We realize only a fraction of what we attract.
Marketing activities are confused as Communications and are not connected to ELD Goals – Marketing is not
driving GIP/GCDP.
We only match 30% of our available EP forms, and even less of our TNs. Time taken to match  120 days!

Our customers are left in the dark once they register for our programs  They aren‟t contacted for ages!

We need to start using external data (through OP & ORS) in addition to our internal CY partnerships. There is a
huge scope for growth in that ORS 

What results can it bring to the entity?
Accurate customer
attraction, with right

Fast and simple
conversion +

matching rates

Lower experience
delivery time (Ra
 Re)
Marketing for Conversion
What to consider for re-planning?
- Understand that Marketing is different from Communications.
- Think of how OP & ORS can be integrated in your existing Raising & Matching process.
- Cascade it to planning or re-planning of LCs:
- Clarify the KPIs for Marketing, create the culture where Mrkt and front office functions are
setting the goals together and working together the goals and put these KPIs in the LCs replanning tool
- Have Marketing and OGX together accountable for the matched targets, NPS score for
- Selection of VP marketing should be stricter - find people with the right skills (like previous
operational experience) and educate your LCPs on how to select and train the marketing
- Include in the incentives systems and awards the KPIs, such as conversion rate.
-Hidden checkpoint! Good to see that you‟re checking output. As a reward: Go to MCPs FB
group, find the post that announces STM output released, and post a random (it could be very
random) question as a comment to any ST member. Your questions will be answered for sure.
Marketing for Conversion
Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next

Have a meeting with MCVP Marketing and MCVP OGX to: set KPIs from application to match; set the meetings
and checking points of KPIs together.
Include conversion rate track in MCEB Meeting.
Include conversion rate in LC planning or re-planning framework.
Include Global ORS as a traffic source, and link it to national website
Selection of VP marketing should be stricter - find people with the right skills (like previous operations
experience) and educate your LCPs on how to select and train the marketing people
Include in the LC incentives systems and award the KPIs, such as conversion rate.
Have virtual and/or physical (in the next national conference) training about synergies between Operations and
Marketing following Talent Capacity output.

Find more information here:
Global BIG AIESEC Wiki
Global Marketing Wiki
GLOBAL | BXP Summit WIKI (Coming soon in MCP Newsletter and
Leadership in
Leadership in Every Experience
Why is this important? What results can it bring to the
Ensuring every single GIP delivering proper Leadership development experience

Members understand impact of GIP
TMP/TLP leadership development to drive growth
Alignment towards the purpose in the network
Increase % of promoters due to Leadership Development Experience

What to consider for re-planning?

Always make sure you have clear and concrete ideas on how you will deliver the Why of GIP in
every touch point with your network – conferences, newsletters
Analyze if your GIP programs are really delivering all the main points of LXP to your
market, members and organization
Have a clear plan on how to get and share the GCPs and promoters in GIP within your network
To have a reflection on your team on what is the importance of GIP for your country, what is the
kind of leadership that is needed and how is it connected to what your country needs.
Leadership in Every Experience
Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next steps

Share your GIP leadership stories in your internal communication channels
Talk about this in your National conferences, Summits, Visits in LCs
Make a reflection with your MC team and National Plenary on the kind of leadership you are
developing in GIP and why it is needed in your country
Use the Organizationa|, Market and Personal Value model to facilitate the understanding of LXP in
Make sure that in the JD of the TN form you make a clear understanding of the leadership the EP
will develop during the exchange
Insert related questions in new MCP/MC/EB applications
Challenge your network: show datas of how GIP leadership can impact the sector in your
country, show the difference that it could bring to your reality
Congratulations! You have discovered a hidden checkpoint. As a reward, feel free to go to Anubhav‟s
FB page, post this gif image and congratulate him on behalf of Indian movie industry. He‟ll
appreciate that.

Find more information here – AI Wiki
Be aware: Leadership Summit Output will be released
soon! Make sure you will check it!

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Output for the network gip

  • 1. GIP
  • 2. Check-list If your entity needs ‘…’, then check SI  Strategic Initiative 1. Provide experiences that develop the kind of leadership we aim to see 2. Clear Connection between TMP, TLP and EPs working in this programs to the impact they are creating 3. Tackle market segments that are in biggest need for the program and are most relevant Purpose-driven Market Segmentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Upscale TN partnerships Increase partner retention rate Increase re-raise in short-term Secure long-term partnerships with TN takers Improve iGIP products and processes Customer Loyalty for Organizations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Align subproducts with your partners Know how to track and manager your CY partnerships in a better way Know how to align BO with your partners Know how to codeliver Know how to involve the LCs in this partnerships Know how to get and provide the right information on visa processes Supply and Demand 1. Organisation Structures to enable bigger and better delivery of Leadership development experiences. 2. HR is not the only way to contribute to growth 3. Right # of people + right roles + right JDs + right training = TC driving 2015 achievement! Talent Capacity 1. Better Conversion Rates Applicant to RA & RA to MA! 2. Using our external data to direct and adapt our operations Marketing for Conversion 1. The members need to understand the impact of GIP 2. You need TMP/TLP to drive GIP in a better way 3. The purpose of GIP is not clear in your entity Leadership in Every experience
  • 4. Purpose-driven Market Segmentation Why is this important? Provide experiences that develop the kind of leadership we aim to see Create a clear connection between members & interns working in the programs and the impact they are bringing to these societies Tackle market segments that are in biggest need for the program and are most relevant What results can it bring to the entity? – – – Experiences that are relevant to your society, and members learn how to improve their society with market solutions Higher sales intensity and retention rate within membership in GIP Enforcing a purpose driven culture in GIP functions What to consider for re-planning? – – – – – Look into which products are currently focused on in your entities, and gather enough market analysis to be able to define the most needed and relevant market segments in your country (using the market segmentation process based on external needs) Considering the supply and demand within the network to realize those sub products Current structures in IGIP functions and how they would be changing Implementation timeline for education, structure changes and providing material to LC (Such as segments data, proposals...) Setting a plan for culture change
  • 5. Purpose-driven Market Segmentation Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next steps Identify what is the need of the country, and customize the regional products created by the RC --> identify the market segments that can satisfy the need of the country --> identify the needs of this segment --> identify SPs which can cover this needs --> Check S&D --> Create JD --> Create proposals (consisting of different SPs) as a package --> Begin sales to companies - Work on the virtual & non-virtual messaging to TMP/TLP during the Marketing/Sales process. The work involves striking a balance between "purpose" and "business benefits" in sales pitch, proposals etc. - A visual illustration of how this, along with other strategies, fits in with current processes. Show how PDMS fits in with the TN Taker flow. - GIP CoW delivered in national conference, create sense of urgency and excitement Find more information here - iGIP teams should be based on market segment. - Deliver analysis of the market of the city to make sense for the LC - LCVP could have a consultancy from MCVP on how to sell & customize a JD which ensures leadership development - Auditing from the MC for JD creation before putting it available
  • 7. Customer Loyalty for Organizations Why is this important? Global partner retention rate is 31%. We cannot afford losing almost 70% of our customers every year Re-raising is 3x easier than new raising. Our processes and products should be improved consistently to upscale and sustain partnerships. 2014 Customers 2011 Customers 2012 Customers 2013 Customers
  • 8. Customer Loyalty for Organizations What to consider for re-planning? - - If you have any customer feedback within 100 days challenge, check and analyze the insights (check further slides to see how to reach survey responses) Make sure CLO related KPIs are in planning framework KPIs would be: % of partners retained, % of partnerships upscaled, number of re-raises, number of conversations held, etc. Hidden checkpoint! Good to see that you‟re checking output. As a reward: Go to MCPs FB group, find the post that announces STM output released, and post a random (it could be very random) question as a comment to any ST member. Your questions will be answered for sure. Define goals related to those KPIs until the end of the term HR allocation / structure alignment on MC/LC level for proper account management in order to achieve these goals
  • 9. Customer Loyalty for Organizations Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next steps 1. Clearly communicate the benefits of CLO-esque activities and connection with results at every GIP touchpoint. Showcase CLO as a growth strategy to the LCs and show clear connections to expected results. 2. Have a guideline with CEM minimums (checklist, timelines) for a company in order to assure the re-raise. 3. Integrate those minimums to membership criteria/compendium/incentive systems 4. Develop a CRM system, which would make standards implementation and feedback analysis easier 5. Define and clearly communicate proper KPIs for CLO, both on national and local level. 6. Identify 1 or 2 LCs that they consciously support in CLO implementation perfectly, and then showcase the KPI progress and results massively in the national network. Expand the pilot circle step by step. 7. Encourage and support LCs to allocate people with customer oriented competencies in customer facing roles. 8. Support LCs to define checkpoints (Ex: every 6 months/after every RE) when the partnership will be reviewed, feedback taken and then new plan for the partnership will be made. Such a checkpoint should be conducted by the account manager with the LCVP ideally. 9. Create guidelines for content of the customer meetings on how to handle promoters, passives and detractors in re-raising. (FAQ form would work better) 10. Make sure you collect references & testimonials. 11. Launch national challenges/campaigns to speed up KPI progress. (Get integrated or replicate global ones) 12. Analyze customer feedbacks on a quarterly basis for process improvement and product development, build action plans and share the learnings.
  • 10. Customer Loyalty for Organizations Find more information here Customer Loyalty for Organisations session in IC 2013, Egypt How to access your 100 Days Challenge data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Go to Username: / Password: 100 Days Challenge Click „Reports‟ tab on top Click „Export‟ button, located right under „GIP feedback‟ Choose the format that you want to have the data Filter, play, create pivot tables, do whatever you want but make sure you analyse the data 
  • 12. Supply and Demand Why is this important? What results can it bring to the entity? It can bring alignment of Sub-products within the country partners and make sure that you have faster MA process It will bring a better understanding on how to track your partnerships in MC and LC level It will bring a perspective on how to align your BO to the main strategies for partnerships It will guarantee you will also deliver all the minimum standards of quality to a co-delivery It will show you how to involve the LCs in the Partnership creation and definition It will show you how to RA and use MKT strategies in the right sub-product and with a clear partner definition to make sure you will MA It will show you why and how to provide the right information to your legal processes and guarantee a faster MA
  • 13. Supply and Demand What to consider for re-planning? Tier 1 – – – – – – – – – – Consider the sub-products your partners and main suppliers in the network are working with to re-plan you goals Historical data Main suppliers in the network for iGIP and oGIP Check on the visa regulations to work with GIP in every country you plan to work with Have a check list of the minimum quality standards you need to have to deliver the partnership Consider putting in your timeline regular meetings with MCVPs and MCPs of your main suppliers What are those markets that have a big potential and you could invest in to grow as your supplier Consider if you are in the Piloting S&D entities and what are the next steps for the partnership Align your BO strategies to your partnerships (ex: if you are going to partner with India, how are you gonna make sure that you only accept EPs that want to go there; how do you make sure that you promotion strategies are directed to this country etc) Make sure you have a clear national campaign that is aligned with your partner to send to your LCs
  • 14. Supply and Demand What to consider for re-planning? Tier 2 – – – – – – – – – – Consider the sub-products your partners and main suppliers in the network are working with to re-plan you goals Historical data Main suppliers in the network for iGIP and oGIP Check on the visa regulations to work with GIP in every country you plan Have a check list of the minimum quality standards you need to have to deliver the partnership Consider putting in your timeline regular meetings with LCVPs, MCVPs and MCPs of your main suppliers Congratulations! You have discovered a hidden checkpoint. As a reward, feel free to go to Anubhav‟s FB page, post this gif image and congratulate him on behalf of Indian movie industry. He‟ll appreciate that. Consider if you are in the Piloting S&D entities and what are the next steps for the partnership Align your BO strategies to your partnerships (ex: if you are going to partner with India, how are you gonna make sure that you only accept EPs that want to go there; how do you make sure that you promotion strategies are directed to this country etc) Make sure you have a clear national campaign that is aligned with your partner to send to your LCs
  • 15. Supply and Demand What to consider for re-planning? Tier 3 – – – – – – – – – – Consider the sub-products your partners and main suppliers in the network are working with to re-plan you goals Historical data Main suppliers in the network for iGIP and oGIP Check on the visa regulations to work with GIP in every country you plan Consider putting in your timeline regular meetings with LCVPs, MCVPs and MCPs of your main suppliers Consider making an analysis of the main LCs you could work in the network with and to make direct partnership with them Get some GCPs of growth in Tier 3 countries: a lot of times it‟s easier to make partnerships within the same region Consider if you are in the Piloting S&D entities and what are the next steps for the partnership Align your BO strategies to your partnerships (ex: if you are going to partner with India, how are you going make sure that you only accept EPs that want to go there; how do you make sure that you promotion strategies are directed to this country etc) Make sure you have a clear national campaign that is aligned with your partner to send to your LCs
  • 16. Supply and Demand Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next steps – – – – – – – – – As MCP, make sure you know if you are tracking the main partnerships and the next steps of it Have a check list with the main deliverables of co-delivery (LEAD, OPS, IPS) Have a previous study of the visa processes in your country and main suppliers you plan BO alignment with your main partners Make sure you have a clear national campaign that is aligned with your partner to send to your LCs Provide a guideline of visa processes to your partners TN form audit: do not approve if EP is not through partnership Involve LC´s in creating national partnerships even before they are formed - have LCs suggest partnerships, show data to validate if the partnerships would be good, then create partnerships and launch to the network After each international conference; have national conference to have partnership launch create commitment around the partnerships
  • 17. Supply and Demand Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next steps Internal and external analysis (purposedriven mkt segmentation, historical datas, subproducts of main suppliers, visa regulations with main suppliers, potential suppliers etc) Alignment of your BO strategies with your partners (only promote your suppliers, provide national campaigns etc) Make a timeline with your meetings with main suppliers and a check list with the main deliverables of the partnership Provide information on your visa process to your partners Find more information here Subscribe to the Challenge!! Follow up on the partnership
  • 19. Talent Capacity Why is this important? What results can it bring to the entity? We want our Organisation Structures to enable, and not hinder, bigger and better delivery of Leadership development experiences. Sometimes we think that the only way that HR can contribute to growth in results is by adding more people. This is wrong most of those times  Right # of people + right roles + right JDs + right training = TC driving 2015 achievement! What to consider for re-planning? Your current structures, specially in focus programs, in different LCs. National goals in ELD, efficiency & retention. LnD Strategies and which would be the best Good job! Another hidden checkpoint, which gives you another task. Giancarlo is suffering since his role model is having some difficulties recently. To make him feel better, post this image to his FB profile. He really needs that.
  • 20. Talent Capacity Specific Inputs and Ideas from the Steering Team for implementation: – In order to proceed with implementation, MC needs to have an idea on TC KPIs of the country: • • • – – – – – – – – – Efficiency Retention Exchange Goals Customization inside the TC Summit output structures is possible according to the national goals of ELD, member efficiency and retention. The whole MC Team should know about your TC strategy, so that everyone passes the same message. Creation of the new TC strategy should be done by TM/LnD/OD/Operations together, led by VP TM. Make LC VP TMs aware of their role and JDs - moving to a more “professional” perception of the role (no more flipchart, random recruitments and roll calls) Consider different peaks for each program and based the new HR inputs & education in accordance. Support and LCs during planning/re-planning process for the year 2014. Have a clear implementation plan according to the LC Calendar (easier to implement when EBs are shifting, during transition). Include Education and strategy inputs. Plan L&D together with structures, so that there is a clear educational plan in place from the very beginning. Have a stable resource center with all the needed education material, in order not to lose knowledge through time. Keep track of how many members there are in the country (and on each knowledge level). Only TMP/TLP numbers dont count 
  • 21. Talent Capacity Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next steps Organize 2-3 day national TC summits to validate the national TC plan and design structures and JDs in individual LCs. Capitalize on national conferences in Dec/Jan to deliver the message from Step 1. Follow up with delivering customized TC support through virtual LC Consultancy Define and track progress of LCs towards the implementation of ideal structures, with a clear todo list of basic tasks and more advanced directions (according to LC cluster.)
  • 22. Find more information here:
  • 23. M4C
  • 24. Marketing for Conversion Why is this important? What results can it bring to the entity? We realize only a fraction of what we attract. Marketing activities are confused as Communications and are not connected to ELD Goals – Marketing is not driving GIP/GCDP. We only match 30% of our available EP forms, and even less of our TNs. Time taken to match  120 days! Our customers are left in the dark once they register for our programs  They aren‟t contacted for ages! We need to start using external data (through OP & ORS) in addition to our internal CY partnerships. There is a huge scope for growth in that ORS  What results can it bring to the entity? Accurate customer attraction, with right expectations Fast and simple conversion + tracking Increased matching rates Lower experience delivery time (Ra  Re)
  • 25. Marketing for Conversion What to consider for re-planning? - Understand that Marketing is different from Communications. - Think of how OP & ORS can be integrated in your existing Raising & Matching process. - Cascade it to planning or re-planning of LCs: - Clarify the KPIs for Marketing, create the culture where Mrkt and front office functions are setting the goals together and working together the goals and put these KPIs in the LCs replanning tool - Have Marketing and OGX together accountable for the matched targets, NPS score for matched - Selection of VP marketing should be stricter - find people with the right skills (like previous operational experience) and educate your LCPs on how to select and train the marketing people - Include in the incentives systems and awards the KPIs, such as conversion rate. -Hidden checkpoint! Good to see that you‟re checking output. As a reward: Go to MCPs FB group, find the post that announces STM output released, and post a random (it could be very random) question as a comment to any ST member. Your questions will be answered for sure.
  • 26. Marketing for Conversion Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Have a meeting with MCVP Marketing and MCVP OGX to: set KPIs from application to match; set the meetings and checking points of KPIs together. Include conversion rate track in MCEB Meeting. Include conversion rate in LC planning or re-planning framework. Include Global ORS as a traffic source, and link it to national website Selection of VP marketing should be stricter - find people with the right skills (like previous operations experience) and educate your LCPs on how to select and train the marketing people Include in the LC incentives systems and award the KPIs, such as conversion rate. Have virtual and/or physical (in the next national conference) training about synergies between Operations and Marketing following Talent Capacity output. Find more information here: Global BIG AIESEC Wiki Global Marketing Wiki GLOBAL | BXP Summit WIKI (Coming soon in MCP Newsletter and
  • 28. Leadership in Every Experience Why is this important? What results can it bring to the entity? Ensuring every single GIP delivering proper Leadership development experience Members understand impact of GIP TMP/TLP leadership development to drive growth Alignment towards the purpose in the network Increase % of promoters due to Leadership Development Experience What to consider for re-planning? – – – – Always make sure you have clear and concrete ideas on how you will deliver the Why of GIP in every touch point with your network – conferences, newsletters Analyze if your GIP programs are really delivering all the main points of LXP to your market, members and organization Have a clear plan on how to get and share the GCPs and promoters in GIP within your network To have a reflection on your team on what is the importance of GIP for your country, what is the kind of leadership that is needed and how is it connected to what your country needs.
  • 29. Leadership in Every Experience Specific Ideas from the Steering team meeting for implementation/ST next steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Share your GIP leadership stories in your internal communication channels Talk about this in your National conferences, Summits, Visits in LCs Make a reflection with your MC team and National Plenary on the kind of leadership you are developing in GIP and why it is needed in your country Use the Organizationa|, Market and Personal Value model to facilitate the understanding of LXP in GIP Make sure that in the JD of the TN form you make a clear understanding of the leadership the EP will develop during the exchange Insert related questions in new MCP/MC/EB applications Challenge your network: show datas of how GIP leadership can impact the sector in your country, show the difference that it could bring to your reality Congratulations! You have discovered a hidden checkpoint. As a reward, feel free to go to Anubhav‟s FB page, post this gif image and congratulate him on behalf of Indian movie industry. He‟ll appreciate that. Find more information here – AI Wiki Be aware: Leadership Summit Output will be released soon! Make sure you will check it!