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Orthopedic Surgery
Acetabular Fixation
<title>Acetabular Fixation Surgery,India Acetabular Fixation Hip Surgery
Materials and Methods
Between 1987 and 2005, a retrospective review of all THR cases using 2 independent series of hybrid
and reverse hybrid cementing techniques was performed. Four hundred fifty-nine hips received a hybrid
replacement, and 54 hips received a reverse hybrid replacement. A match-case analysis (n=54 hips in
each series) was done between the hybrid and reverse hybrid cohorts, including gender, primary
diagnosis, age, and body mass index (average follow-up, 5.8 years; range, 2-16.8 years)
Between 1997 and 2006, cementless fixation was used in 1815 hips. All acetabular cups were evaluated
for loosening and revision at a minimum of 2 years (average, 4.5 years; range, 2-10.3 years)
Sixty-six patients (seventy-two hips) were living and forty-two patients (forty-eight hips) had died after
thirteen to fifteen years of follow-up. No acetabular component had been revised because of aseptic
loosening, and no acetabular component had migrated. With revision of the acetabular component for
any reason as the end point, the survival rate was 81% +/- 8% at fifteen years. With revision of the
acetabular component for clinical failure (osteolysis, wear, loosening, or dislocation) as the end point,
the survival rate was 94% +/- 8% at fifteen years. Among the seventy hips with at least thirteen years of
radiographic follow-up, five had pelvic osteolysis and three had had revision of a well-fixed acetabular
component because of pelvic osteolysis secondary to polyethylene wear. The mean linear wear rate was
0.15 mm/yr (0.12 mm/yr when one outlier was excluded)
All hybrid replacements were done using a cementless universal all-poly socket before 1997 and Trident
(Stryker, Mahwah, New Jersey), Mallory Head, or Ring Loc (Biomet, Inc, Warsaw, Indiana) cementless
sockets thereafter, as well as a cemented stem. All reverse hybrid replacements were done using a
cemented compression-molded all-polyethylene socket and a cementless stem. The auxiliary study of
cementless cup fixation was done primarily with second-generation all-polyethylene sockets. Fixation of
the acetabular component in reverse hybrid cases followed the cementing technique described by
Berend and Ritter
One hundred and twenty consecutive, nonselected primary total hip replacements were performed in
108 patients with use of a Harris-Galante-I cementless acetabular component and a cemented femoral
component with a 28-mm head. The patients were evaluated clinically with use of a standard
terminology questionnaire, and they were evaluated radiographically for loosening, component
migration, wear, and osteolysis. The rates of revision for aseptic loosening and radiographic evidence of
loosening for this cohort were compared with the rates for four previously reviewed consecutive series
of hips in which the acetabular component had been inserted with cement. All patients were managed
by the same surgeon, were followed for thirteen to fifteen years, and were evaluated with use of the
same two criteria (revision and loosening) as the end points for Kaplan-Meier analysis.
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<title>Arthroscopy Surgery,Arthroscopy India,India Knee Arthroscopy Surgery
DESCRIPTION" ="Arthroscopy Surgery offers info on cost Arthroscopy Surgery India,Arthroscopy Surgery
surgeons in India,Arthroscopy Surgery hospitals abroad in India.
Torn meniscal cartilage.
Loose fragments of bone or cartilage.
Damaged joint surfaces or softening of the articular cartilage, known as chondromalacia.
Inflammation of the synovial membrane, such as rheumatoid or gouty (crystalline arthropathy)
Abnormal alignment or instability of the kneecap.
Torn ligaments, including the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments.
What is arthroscopy?
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure by which the internal structure of a joint is examined for diagnosis
and/or treatment using a tube-like viewing instrument called an arthroscope. Arthroscopy was
popularized in the 1960s and is now commonplace throughout the world. Typically, it is performed by
orthopedic surgeons in an outpatient setting. When performed in the outpatient setting, patients can
usually return home after the procedure.
The technique of arthroscopy involves inserting the arthroscope, a small tube that contains optical fibers
and lenses, through tiny incisions in the skin into the joint to be examined. The arthroscope is connected
to a video camera and the interior of the joint is seen on a television monitor. The size of the
arthroscope varies with the size of the joint being examined. For example, the knee is examined with an
arthroscope that is approximately 5 millimeters in diameter. There are arthroscopes as small as 0.5
millimeters in diameter to examine small joints such as the wrist.
If procedures are performed in addition to examining the joint with the arthroscope, this is called
arthroscopic surgery. There are a number of procedures that are done in this fashion. If a procedure can
be done arthroscopically instead of by traditional surgical techniques, it usually causes less tissue
trauma, results in less pain, and may promote a quicker recovery.
Knee Arthroscopy in india
Arthroscopy refers to a procedure in which a joint (arthro-) is viewed (-scopy) using a small camera. It
allows an orthopaedic surgeon to diagnose and treat knee disorders by providing a clear view of the
inside of the knee.
With improvements of arthroscopes and higher resolution cameras, the procedure has become highly
effective for both the accurate diagnosis and proper treatment of knee problems.
Arthroscopy Surgery, India Arthroscopic Surgery, Arthroscopic Procedure
The knee is the largest joint in the body, and one of the most easily injured. It is made up of the lower
end of the thigh bone (femur), the upper end of the shin bone (tibia), and the knee cap (patella), which
slides in a groove on the end of the femur. Four bands of tissue-the anterior and posterior cruciate
ligaments and the medial and lateral collateral ligaments-connect the femur and the tibia and provide
joint stability. Strong thigh muscles give the knee strength and mobility.
The surfaces where the femur, tibia, and patella touch are covered with articular cartilage. Articular
cartilage is a smooth substance that cushions the bones and enables them to glide freely. Semicircular
rings of tough fibrous cartilage tissue, called the lateral and medial menisci, act as shock absorbers and
Arthroscopic Procedure, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedure
The bones of the knee are surrounded by a thin, smooth tissue capsule lined by a thin synovial
membrane. The synovium releases a special fluid that lubricates the knee, reducing friction to nearly
zero in a healthy knee.
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For more information, medical assessment and medical quote send your detailed medical history and
medical reports
as email attachment to
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Call: +91 9029304141 (10 am. To 8 pm. IST)
(Only for international patients seeking treatment in India)
KEYWORDS" "Arthroscopy Surgery, India Arthroscopic Surgery, Arthroscopic Procedure, Minimally
Invasive Surgical Procedure, Arthroscopy Surgery India, Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Knee
Arthroscopy, Arthroscopy Facts, Knee Problem, Orthopedic Medical Opinions, Arthroscopic Surgery
Definition, Arthroscopic Surgery Purpose, Demographics, Arthroscopic Surgery Description,
Arthroscopicsurgery, Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
Both Hip Replacement Together
title>Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement Resurfacing India Surgery Abroad
Dicrip : Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement, both hip replacement together info experienced
simultaneous bilateral hip replacement surgeon in India
In a total hip replacement, both the thigh bone (femur) and the socket are replaced with implant
prostheses. Specifically, a metal stem is inserted into your thighbone. Attached to the neck of the stem
is a hip ball, just over an inch in diameter. The hip ball fits into a liner. Together, the ball and liner create
the new joint. The liner is inserted into a metal shell that in turn is anchored to your pelvis. But there are
a number of different approaches a surgeon can take, depending on her analysis of your particular case.
Who Should Have Hip Replacement Surgery ?
The most common reason that people have hip replacement surgery is the wearing down of the hip joint
that results from osteoarthritis. Other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory
disease that causes joint pain, stiffness, and swelling), avascular necrosis (loss of bone caused by
insufficient blood supply), injury, and bone tumors also may lead to breakdown of the hip joint and the
need for hip replacement surgery.
Before suggesting hip replacement surgery, the doctor is likely to try walking aids such as a cane, or non-
surgical therapies such as medication and physical therapy. These therapies are not always effective in
relieving pain and improving the function of the hip joint. Hip replacement may be an option if
persistent pain and disability interfere with daily activities. Before a doctor recommends hip
replacement, joint damage should be detectable on x rays.
In the past, hip replacement surgery was an option primarily for people over 60 years of age. Typically,
older people are less active and put less strain on the artificial hip than do younger, more active people.
In recent years, however, doctors have found that hip replacement surgery can be very successful in
younger people as well. New technology has improved the artificial parts, allowing them to withstand
more stress and strain. A more important factor than age in determining the success of hip replacement
is the overall health and activity level of the patient.
For some people who would otherwise qualify, hip replacement may be problematic. For example,
people with chronic diseases such as those that result in severe muscle weakness or Parkinson's disease
are more likely than people without chronic diseases to damage or dislocate an artificial hip. Because
people who are at high risk for infections or in poor health are less likely to recover successfully, doctors
may not recommend hip replacement surgery for these patients.
Because of the advances in the last thirty years, several types of implant materials have also been found
useful in hip replacement procedures. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is
ultimately up to your surgeon which type of implant to use.
Choosing Hip Replacement Implant Material
The main issue that doctors and patients confront when choosing implant material revolves around the
wear debris that is released into your body from any of the implant materials. Even the materials with
the most wear debris (metal ball and polyethylene liners) show up only after many years (10-15).
Nevertheless, it is important to educate yourself about the various options for hip replacement surgery.
Be sure to ask your surgeon whether he or she uses metal-on-polyethylene, metal-on-metal, ceramic-
on-polyethylene or ceramic-on-ceramic implants
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KEYWORDS" content="Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement surgery, Simultaneous Bilateral Hip
Replacement surgery India, Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement surgery abroad, Both Hip
Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement, Hip, Hip Arthroplasty, Hip Joint,
Implant, India Hospital Tour, Overview Of Hip Surgical Procedure, Total Hip Replacement, Exercises,
Operation, Hip Replacement Failure, Hip Implant, Total Hip Replacement Surgery Information, Doctor,
Surgeon, Hip Replacement Surgery Hospital, Clinic, Overview Total Hip Replacement, Hip Replacement
Surgery India
<Title> Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery, India Birmingham Hip Resurfacing
DESCRIPTION" Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery abroad in India offers info on Birmingham Hip
Resurfacing Surgery surgeon, hip surgery hospital abroad in India
The principle of hip joint resurfacing is replacement of diseased joint surfaces and simultaneous
restoration of the normal anatomy and biomechanical function to the maximal degree possible. This
concept offers several theoretical advantages over conventional total hip joint replacement and the
clinical results in this series of 426 cases appears to confirm the value of both the method and the
concept. Successful joint resurfacing surgery with attention to detail. Most problems can be anticipated
and handled appropriately. Complications are few. The operation should only be done in cases of severe
hip disability, when the patient's level of suffering demands operative intervention and when the only
reasonable alternatives are fusion, total joint replacement or head and neck resection. It is an operation
designed and recommended as an "in-between" procedure to gain time against the progressive disease.
Resurfacing should not be performed if conservative measures or classic hip osteotomies offer
significant benefit. The principal advantages of this procedure relate directly to the prosthetic design.
Only the joint surfaces are removed during surgery, most of the normal bone is preserved, the
medullary canal is not opened, and the implants utilized are of small volume. As a result the risk of
infection is low compared to other implant arthroplasty techniques and clinical statistics confirm this
anticipated advantage. The operation is designed to interfere minimally with the normal joint mechanics
so it is also anticipated that prosthesis longevity will be greater than when rigid stem prostheses are
placed in elastic bone. As yet follow-up is too short to make valid judgments on this point. The technique
is applicable to younger patients, however, because if it should, in time, fail and other surgical treatment
becomes necessary the original alternatives of total hip replacement, arthrodesis, or head and neck
resection remain available. Relief of pain is predictable and almost all patients have experienced
significant improvement in function. The procedure has a broader indication in cases of prior bone or
joint infection and is definitely a preferable procedure in young individuals with severe hip disability
KEYWORDS" "Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing India, Hip Resurfacing
abroad, Hip Nerve Pain, Birmingham Hip Replacement, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery India, India
Hospital Tour, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Treatment, Birmingham Hip Replacement India, Hip
Resurfacing Surgery India, Hip Resurfacing Surgery In India, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery
Hospitals, Hip Resurfacing Surgery Belgium
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BHR With Stem
Title>Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Stem Surgery,India Birmingham Hip Resurface
DESCRIPTION" content="Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Stem Surgery abroad in India offers info on cost
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery with stem abroad in India
BHR restores the natural shape of the joint meaning better stability, longevity and higher levels of
patient activity than a traditional hip replacement. The BHR has enabled thousands of patients -
including many high profile athletes - to leave behind the pain and immobility of an arthritic hip,
restoring their quality of life.
With Total Hip Replacements, the femoral head (ball joint of the hip) is removed and replaced by a long,
stemmed device. Very little of the femur is retained - as shown in the diagram below. The procedure is
reasonably successful in elderly, relatively inactive patients. However, total hips wear out quickly in
younger, more active patients, leading to the inevitable saga of revision surgery and associated
With the BHR procedure, however, just a few millimetres from the two articulating surfaces of the hip.
The procedure is bone-conserving because most of the joint is retained (see diagram). The femoral head
is shaped to accept a low-wear metal sphere. This sphere matches the patient's anatomy, meaning there
is a low risk of dislocation, a broad range of movement and excellent stability. The acetabular socket
(cup joint of the hip) is then fitted with a corresponding metal cup. Since the metal femoral component
articulates within a metal acetabular cup, the BHR is referred to as a Metal-on-Metal (MoM) hip joint.
Hip resurfacing is ideal for many younger, active patients who suffer from hip pain. Many people stay
physically active far into their late fifties and beyond so there's an increased need for an alternative to
total hip replacement that accommodates their age and lifestyle.
What Is the BIRMINGHAM HIP Resurfacing Device ?
Your hip is a socket and ball joint where the thighbone and pelvis come together. As your leg moves,
the ball of your thighbone (called the femoral head) moves and rotates against the socket portion of
your pelvic bone (called the acetabulum). If your hip joint is diseased due to certain kinds of
arthritis, or previous damage, it will become less functional and more painful over time. When your
hip pain increases to the point that it can not be helped by usual measures such as pain medicine
and exercises (physical therapy) and your ability to move your hip decreases, affecting your ability
to do your daily activities, it may become necessary to surgically replace the hip joint.
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<title>Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR),India Hip Resurfacing
DESCRIPTION" "Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) offers info on cost Birmingham Mid
Head Resection Prosthesis resurfacing abroad in India.
How mobile will I be following surgery?
Following your operation a physiotherapist will visit you every day. They will enable you to get out of
bed and take a few steps the day after the operation. Following this you will make steady progress
under their supervision, walking along the corridor with two elbow crutches. You will be shown how to
get in and out of bed on your own and go up and down stairs safely on your own. Most patients are
instructed to use two elbow crutches for three to four weeks after operation. You will then be advised
to use one walking stick on the unoperated side for a further three to four weeks. This timetable
depends on the extent of reconstruction that was necessary and the quality of bone before operation
and may need to be modified to suit each individual. For more information about recovery following
your operation,
What is the BMHR and Why do we need it?
Birmingham Mid Head Resection prosthesis and its applied use in patients with Avascular Necrosis.
Birmingham Mid Head Resurfacing Surgery
Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) India,Hip For patients with osteonecrosis involving a
larger volume of the femoral head, an uncemented short-stemmed prosthesis, the Birmingham Mid
Head Resection, BMHR, (MMT Ltd, Birmingham, United Kingdom, now Smith and Nephew Orthopaedics
Ltd, Bromsgrove, United Kingdom) was developed.
Illustration showing the three types of prostheses implanted in patients with femoral head avascular
Birmingham Mid Head Resurfacing Surgery, Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) India
Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) India,Hip, BirminghamResurfacing, Surgery India,
Birmingham Mid Head Resection prosthesis is an advancement in the BHR and will expand the
indications for hip resurfacing surgery. Birmingham Mid Head Resection prosthesis (BMHR) helps
advanced aged patients to have Birmingham Hip Resurfacing.
The BMHR has specifically been designed for patients who have weaker bone in the head of the femur.
In the BMHR more of the weak bone is resected and is replaced with metal. This will dramatically
increase the range of patients who can have this surgery.X-ray wise it looks almost like the BHR but the
amount of bone removed is more. Thus the risk of fracture in post-op is reduced or eliminated for
borderline patients.
Indications for the Mid Head Resection Prosthesis : -
Developmental dysplasia with shortened femoral head-neck segment
Extensive avascular necrosis of the femoral head
Large cysts of the femoral head
Abnormalities through Epiphyseolyses and Morbus Perthes (femoral head necrosis of children)
Reduction of bone substance due to arthroses
Marked bone involution through inactivity but with regression potential
Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) India, Surgery India, Birmingham
In cases of advanced arthrosis, a defect of the femoral head occurs which prevents the reliable
anchoring of the resurfacing component. The titanium stem grows into the healthy part of the femoral
head and neck, and is a safe base for the head component.
Resurfacing is only advisable when the stability of the bone and the shape of the femoral head offer
sufficient support for the prosthesis. With healthy and active patients who do not meet these
requirements but who can benefit from a bone conserving process, the Mid Head Resection can be an
alternative to a standard prosthesis.
With this prosthesis, the fixation of the femoral component depends less on the bone of the femoral
head but more on the stability of a titanium stem with bone ingrowth in the femoral neck.
Those parts of the femoral head which have been destroyed by cysts, circulatory disorders,
malformations or involution due to arthrosis are removed. A titanium stem adjusted to size is implanted
into the healthy part of the femoral head and neck, which is fixed by bone ingrowth (combines with the
bone) and strengthens the femoral neck. In this way the implant-bone compound can withstand bending
and torque forces.
Through the use of this implant, an opening of the femoral medullary cavity can often be avoided by
implanting a prosthesis stem. The advantage of resurfacing is retained
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Bilateral Knee Replacement
<title>Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery India,Bilateral Total Knee India
DESCRIPTION" "Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery India offers info cost Bilateral Knee Replacement
Surgery abroad in India,Knee Replacement Surgeon,Hospital India.
Who should consider bilateral knee replacement?
Patients who have severe knee arthritis in both knees may be candidates for bilateral knee replacement
surgery. The same criteria used to determine if a single knee requires replacement are used to
determine if both should be done:
What are the risks of a simultaneous bilateral knee replacement?
There are concerns about performing a simultaneous knee replacement because it is a longer surgery
and is more demanding on the body. Because of this, patients who have cardiovascular problems,
pulmonary disease, or are over the age of 80 are often advised against a simultaneous knee
replacement procedure.
Studies have shown patients undergoing simultaneous knee replacement have a slightly higher risk of
cardiac events and needing blood transfusion. Overall, the risk of severe complications such as infection,
blood clots, pulmonary embolism or death is about the same for both simultaneous and bilateral
Another disadvantage of the simultaneous knee replacement is that the early rehabilitation can be more
difficult as patients do not have a "good leg" to work with.
What are the benefits of a bilateral knee replacement?
The benefit of simultaneous knee replacement is that both problems are taken care of at one time. The
overall rehabilitation is a shorter time, and there is only one hospitalization. Patients also only require
one anesthesia.
What will happen before the operation?
A couple of weeks before the operation you'll usually be asked to attend a pre-operative assessment
clinic to meet your surgeon and other members of the surgical team.
They will take a medical history, examine you and organise any tests, such as blood and urine tests, ECG
and X-rays needed, to make sure you're healthy enough for an anaesthetic and surgery. They will also
give you advice on anything you can do to prepare for surgery and ask you about your home
circumstances so your discharge from hospital can be planned. If you live alone, have a carer, or feel you
need extra support, tell the surgical team so that any help or support can be arranged before you go
into hospital.
Take a list or packets of any medication you're taking. Some (rheumatoid) arthritis medications suppress
the immune system, which can affect healing. For this reason you may be asked to stop taking your
medication before surgery. Your surgeon can advise on alternative medications. There may be leaflets,
booklets and videos to look at or take away that can help to inform you further about the operation.
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Both Knee Replacement Together
<title>Simultaneous Bilateral Knee Replacement,Both Knee Surgery Together
DESCRIPTION" Simultaneous Bilateral Knee Replacement or Replacing Both Knee in single surgery info
on knee replacement surgeon,knee replacement hospitals India.
Significantly fewer prosthetic joint infections as well as other revision knee operation complications
occurred within one year after surgery if a person gets both knees replaced at the same time instead of
stretching out the operations over time. Simultaneous replacement may be the way to go according to a
new study, instead of doing one at a time on separate occasions.
According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), there are about 270,000 knee
replacement operations performed each year in the United States. Although about 70% of these
operations are performed in people over the age of 65, a growing number of knee replacements are
being done in younger patients. Orthopedic surgeons evaluate patients individually. Recommendations
for surgery are based on a patient's pain and disability, not age. Total knee replacements have been
performed successfully at all ages, from the young teenager with juvenile arthritis to the elderly patient
with degenerative arthritis
Both Knee Replacement (Bilateral) Together in India
Knee replacement surgery is the most common joint replacement procedure. Many people have knee
arthritis, but it can be difficult to know when the right time to have a knee replacement surgery is.
Furthermore, there is confusion about what to expect from knee replacement surgery. Do you have
questions? Look no further. You can find all you need to know about knee replacement surgery right
What Is Knee Arthritis?
Both Knee Replacement Together Surgery, Knee Replacement Surgery The word 'arthritis' means
'inflammation of the joint.' Most people think of arthritis as the wearing away of cartilage in a joint - this
is the end result of inflammation within the joint. Over time, the inflammation can lead to cartilage loss
and exposed bone, instead of a normal, smooth joint surface.
The most common type of knee arthritis is osteoarthritis. This is often referred to as "wear-and-tear"
arthritis, and it results in the wearing away of the normal smooth cartilage until bare bone is exposed.
Other types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, and lupus arthritis
Knee Replacement Implants
Knee replacement surgery removes the damaged joint lining and replaces the joint surfaces with a metal
and plastic implant that functions similar to a normal knee. These implants will wear out over time, and
knee replacements are done infrequently in younger patients because of the concern of the implant
wearing out too quickly.
Knee replacement implants have been modified in order to provide the best possible functioning with
long-lasting results. This effort to perfect knee replacement implants is constantly taking place. Some
newer implants have promise, others may not turn out to be better.
Partial Knee Replacements
Rotating Knee Replacements
Gender Specific Knee Replacements
Custom Knee Replacements
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Cemented Total Hip Replacement
title>Cemented Total Hip Replacement,India Cemented Total Hip Replacement
DESCRIPTION" Cemented Total Hip Replacement India offers info on cost Cemented Total Hip
Replacement, Cemented Total Hip Replacement surgeon and hospital in India
Cementless Design
Cement had traditionally been used but in the 1980's a cementless design was developed. The
cementless design is a porous implant. The intent is, through biologic fixation, that bone grows into and
through the pores in the implant, thereby securing it.
In theory the cementless joint replacements are expected to reduce the chance of infection and
loosening of the prosthesis, which are the two major complications of hip replacement surgery. Recent
research, however, indicates that both the cemented and cementless joints do very well.
The problem of loosening is the focus of current research. Some researchers feel the way the bone is
prepared or where the bone contacts the cement may be the problem and cause a breakdown. Other
researchers believe that as cement flakes into microscopic particles it creates an inflammatory response
in the body which leads to bone loss where bone meets cement. Yet another problem may involve the
wearing down of the plastic liner.
In spite of potential loosening, the patient can expect many years of excellent results before a problem
possibly occurs. 90% or more of patients having hip replacement surgery experience significant pain
relief and improved range of motion. The surgery is considered highly successful.
Cementing Technique
Bone preparation is critical for long-term survivorship of both the cemented stem and the cup.4 The aim
is to provide a clean, stable bony bed for cement interdigitation into the remaining cancellous bone and
to maintain stable interfaces between the implant and cement, and the cement and the bone.
Most investigators would agree that a surgeon should remove all loose cancellous bone but leave the
remaining dense bone nearest to the cortex to enhance interdigitation of the cement into the remaining
bone. This increases the shear strength of the cement and gives the best contact of the cement mantle
to the remaining bone stock. Reaming with cylindrical or tapered reamers in the femur is often
performed to remove the loosest bone but should be done by hand to leave a remnant of cancellous
bone. It is important not to ream away all cancellous bone, as this will leave a smooth inner cortex and
diminish the ability for the cement to bond to the bone.
Some implant systems are designed to be reamer-less and all bone preparation is meant to be done by a
broach. Broaching, which compacts the bone rather than removes it as a reamer does, is an important
step in the femoral preparation. The broaches, which in many systems are also used for sizing and
trialing of the femoral implant, create a reproducibly larger envelope of 2 mm to 3 mm circumferentially
around the stem. This allows for a uniform thickness of the cement mantle around the stem. Aggressive
broaching should be avoided to prevent denuding of the inner cortical bone.
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KEYWORDS" content="Cemented Total Hip Replacement, Cemented Total Hip Replacement in India,
Cementless Hip Replacements, Cemented Hip Implants, Cementless Implants, Hip Implants, Total Hip
Replacement, Cemented Total Hip Replacement Surgery, Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty, Technique
Of Cemented Total Hip Replacement, Cemented Total Hip Replacement India, Life Of A Replaced Hip,
Hip Joint Replacement Surgery
Elbow Replacement
<title>Elbow Replacement Surgery, Elbow Replacement India ,India Cost Elbow
DESCRIPTION" content="Elbow Replacement Surgery Abroad in India offers info on Cost Elbow
Replacement Surgery India, Elbow Arthroplasty Replacement Surgeons ,Hospitals India
Total elbow replacement surgery (arthroplasty) can help restore comfort and function to elbows
damaged by rheumatoid arthritis.
In elbow arthritis the joint surface is destroyed by wear and tear, inflammation, injury, or previous
surgery. This joint destruction makes the elbow stiff, painful, and unable to carry out its normal
functions. Elbow joint replacement can be effective primarily in the management of severe elbow
involvement from rheumatoid arthritis.
After performing a clinical examination, an elbow surgeon experienced in joint replacement can
determine if rheumatoid arthritis is the cause of the problem and if surgery is likely to be helpful.
Patients are most likely to benefit from this surgery if they are well motivated and in optimal health.
The goal of elbow replacement arthroplasty is to restore functional mechanics to the joint by removing
scar tissue, balancing muscles, and inserting a joint replacement in the place of the destroyed elbow.
One part of the artificial joint is fixed to the inside of the humerus (arm bone) and the other part to the
inside of the ulna (one of the forearm bones). The two parts are then connected using a hinge pin that
gives the joint stability.
Total elbow joint replacement arthroplasty is a highly technical procedure and is best performed by a
surgical team who performs this surgery regularly. Such a team can optimize the benefits and minimize
the risks. The two-hour procedure is performed under general or nerve block anesthesia.
Elbow motion is started on the second day after the procedure, as soon as the incision is ready. Patients
learn to do their own physical therapy and are usually discharged three to four days after surgery when
they are comfortable and have a good range of passive motion. The recovery of strength and function
may continue for up to a year after surgery.
The upper extremities include the wrist, elbow, and shoulder. While these joints are among the least
likely to develop conditions requiring joint replacement, there are implants that can reduce or eliminate
pain and restore motion. The word replacement makes one think that surgeons remove the entire joint.
In truth, surgeons resurface the damaged bone and cartilage at the ends of the bones in the joint.
Shoulder, elbow, and wrist replacement implants use metal alloys and polyethylene (plastic) to restore
motion and reduce or eliminate pain. The implants are designed to create a new, smoothly functioning
joint that can prevent painful bone-on-bone contact. Your surgeon may elect to replace all or part of a
joint, depending on physical condition and the extent to which the joint is affected by arthritis.
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KEYWORDS" Elbow Replacement Surgery, Elbow Replacement, Elbow, Relive Pain, Elbow Replacement
India, India Hospital Tour, Elbow Surgery, Elbow Replacement Treatment, Elbow Arthroplasty, Elbow
Replacement Surgery India, Elbow, Elbow Pain, Elbow Implant, Elbow Problems, Operation, Elbow Joint
Replacement, Elbow Replacement Surgery Hospitals, Total Elbow Replacement Surgery, Benefits Of
Elbow Replacement, Elbow Replacement Information
Hip Replacement With Computer Navigation
title>Computer Hip Replacement,India Hip Surgery Through Computer Navigation
DESCRIPTION" Computer navigation assisted hip replacement surgery India info on computer hip
replacement surgery in India,Hip replacement surgeon hospital India
How does computer navigation work ?
In the operating room infrared optics and tracking software continually monitor the position and
mechanical alignment of the joint replacement components relative to your specific anatomy.
Minimally invasive smart wireless instruments send data about to the joint movements (kinematics)
to a computer.
The computer analyzes and displays the kinematic data on the screen in the form of charts and
These images provide your surgeon with the angles, lines, and measurement needed to best align
your hip or knee implant.
Some of the latest technology in joint replacement includes not only implant material advances, but also
advances in how we place the components during the reconstructive surgery. As other articles on this
site discuss, there are different surgical approaches in hip replacement that can make significant
differences in early and late outcomes. Another technology that is attempting to improve early and late
outcomes by making implant placement more accurate is computer aided surgery or CAS.
Currently all primary hip and knee replacements in my practice are being done utilizing computer
guidance for implant placement. I’ve used this technology since August 2006 for hip replacement. Nearly
all patients are candidates for CAS except the very morbidly obese. The technology itself has been
available in limited markets for a few years and mainly in knee replacement. Recent software
developments have expanded the technology to hip replacement, however
Thus far CAS has been very successful in achieving the above goals. In the hip, leg length prediction is
very precise decreasing my need for x-ray during the case and avoiding any surprises post operatively.
It is important to understand that CAS is not robotic surgery. The surgeon obtains highly accurate
information from the computer, but the surgeon ultimately has complete control and must apply the
information correctly. The information obtained is highly precise but could be inaccurate if input
information into the computer is incorrect.
There are very few downsides using CAS. Four additional 5mm wounds are made to place pins in the
pelvis. There has been very little pain from these wounds reported by patients In my experience, there
have only been improvements using CAS. No reconstructions have been adversely affected in my hands
with this technology. Again, CAS is an additional tool not the only tool used to properly reconstruct hips.
At this point I have no reason to return to non-navigated replacements. Both in the knee and the hip
CAS is another check in an effort to make every joint replacement as close to perfect as possible.
Individual patient considerations at times force certain limitations in replacement surgery, but with
proper pre-operative planning and additional intra-operative information from technologies such as
CAS, surprises during and after surgery can be minimized.
For general information regarding hip replacement surgery or further details regarding the minimal
anterior approach contact our office.
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KEYWORDS" Computer Navigation Hip Replacement, Computer Navigation assisted Hip Replacement
India, acetabular Component Position, Computer Navigation, Utilizing Computer Navigation, India
Hospital Tour, Role Of Computer-Assisted Navigation, Hip Replacement, Computer Navigation Hip
Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Computer, Navigation, Hip, Total Hip Replacement,
Computer Assisted Navigational Surgery, Joint Replacement, Hip Replacement Specialist, Healthcare,
Patient, Information
High Flex Knee Replacement
Title>High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery ,India High Flex Knee Replacement
DESCRIPTION" High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery offers info cost High Flex Knee Replacement
Surgery abroad in India, High Flex Knee Implant, Surgeon, Hospitals India
High flexion knee prosthesis
Special knee implants are now available which provide more flexion or bending at the knee to
suit Indian, and South Asian habits of kneeling for prayer, or sitting cross legged on the ground
for meals or social purposes. Muslims in particular need this to offer prayers. Japanese customs
also require high knee flexion. Even westerners have begun to appreciate the benefits of high
flexion knee prosthesis as they can pursue hobbies like gardening and are also gratified for the
ability to do recreational activities. The prosthesis used allows high flexion from 130 degrees to
155 degrees. Rotating platform prosthesis alone does not allow high flexion as claimed by many
centers. These centers are monopolizing a particular brand which does not allow high flexion.
Minimally invasive technique
Traditionally knee replacements have been done through incisions in the skin about 14- 20 cm
long. Special instrumentation allows the operation to be performed through a modified new
surgical approach without dividing the thigh muscles (Quadriceps). By down sizing the incision
to 9 cm (3 inches), the amount of postoperative pain is less, hospital stay is shorter (5 days) and
return to function is faster.
As post op pain is less the patient will cooperate with the physiotherapist to do the required
exercises regularly.
Recent advances in knee replacement have occurred in the lat one year driven by higher patient
expectations. The introduction of the High flex prosthesis in the market will spur many more
people who have suffered in the last decade from knee arthritis to undergo a Total Knee
replacement in Chennai.
The author is a knee surgeon in Chennai and has performed the first High flexion knee
replacement with the Nex gen prosthesis from Zimmer. Please visit
for videos and photos of patients with unilateral and bilateral High flex knee replacements.
Knee Implants After Attachment
Closing the Wound
If necessary, the surgeon may adjust the ligaments that surround the knee to achieve the best possible
knee function.
When all of the implants are in place and the ligaments are properly adjusted, the surgeon sews the
layers of tissue back into their proper position. A plastic tube may be inserted into the wound to allow
liquids to drain from the site during the first few hours after surgery. The edges of the skin are then
sewn together, and the knee is wrapped in a sterile bandage. The patient is then taken to the recovery
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KEYWORDS” High Flex Knee Replacement, High Flex Knee Replacement Procedure, High Flex TKR,
Flexible, High Flex, High Flexion, High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery India, Medicare, Medical, Health,
Healthcare, India Hospital Tour, High-Flex Knee, Knee, Replacement, High Flex Knee Replacement
Surgery India, High Flex, Cost High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery, Kneeling, Low Cost High Flex Knee
Replacement India, Flex, Affordable High Flex Knee Replacement Hospital
Hip Replacement
Title>Hip Replacement India,Hip Replacement Surgery India,Hip Arthroplasty
DESCRIPTION" Hip Replacement surgery India offers info on low cost hip replacement India,hip
replacement surgeons India,hip implant replacement hospitals in India
Whether you have just begun exploring treatment options or have already decided to undergo hip
replacement surgery, this information will help you understand the benefits and limitations of
total hip replacement. This article describes how a normal hip works, the causes of hip pain,
what to expect from hip replacement surgery, and what exercises and activities will help restore
your mobility and strength, and enable you to return to everyday activities.
If your hip has been damaged by arthritis, a fracture, or other conditions, common activities such
as walking or getting in and out of a chair may be painful and difficult. Your hip may be stiff,
and it may be hard to put on your shoes and socks. You may even feel uncomfortable while
If medications, changes in your everyday activities, and the use of walking supports do not
adequately help your symptoms, you may consider hip replacement surgery. Hip replacement
surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can relieve your pain, increase motion, and help
you get back to enjoying normal, everyday activities.
Who Should Have Hip Replacement Surgery?
People with hip joint damage that causes pain and interferes with daily activities despite
treatment may be candidates for hip replacement surgery. Osteoarthritis is the most common
cause of this type of damage. However, other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic
inflammatory disease that causes joint pain, stiffness, and swelling), osteonecrosis (or avascular
necrosis, which is the death of bone caused by insufficient blood supply), injury, fracture, and
bone tumors also may lead to breakdown of the hip joint and the need for hip replacement
In the past, doctors reserved hip replacement surgery primarily for people over 60 years of age.
The thinking was that older people typically are less active and put less stress on the artificial hip
than do younger people. In more recent years, however, doctors have found that hip replacement
surgery can be very successful in younger people as well. New technology has improved the
artificial parts, allowing them to withstand more stress and strain and last longer.
Today, a person’s overall health and activity level are more important than age in predicting a
hip replacement’s success. Hip replacement may be problematic for people with some health
problems, regardless of their age. For example, people who have chronic disorders such as
Parkinson’s disease, or conditions that result in severe muscle weakness, are more likely than
people without chronic diseases to damage or dislocate an artificial hip. People who are at high
risk for infections or in poor health are less likely to recover successfully. Therefore they may
not be good candidates for this surgery. Recent studies also suggest that people who elect to have
surgery before advanced joint deterioration occurs tend to recover more easily and have better
Two Types of Hip Fixation
There are two main types of fixation philosophies-cemented and porous. Both can be effective in the
replacement of hip joints.` The physician (and the patient) will choose the best solution that is specific to
the patient's needs.
Cemented Hip Implants
The cemented hip implant is designed to be implanted using bone cement (a grout that helps position
the implant within the bone). Bone cement is injected into the prepared femoral canal. The surgeon
then positions the implant within the canal and the grout helps to hold it in the desired position.
Porous Hip Implants
The porous hip implant is designed to be inserted into he prepared femoral canal without the use of
bone cement. Initially, the femoral canal is prepared so that the implant fits tightly within it. The porous
surfaces on the hip implant are designed to engage the bone within the canal and permit bone to grow
into the porous surface. Eventually, this bone ingrowths can provide additional fixation to hold the
implant in the desired position.
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KEYWORDS" Hip Replacement Surgery India, Hip Replacement India, Joint, Joint Disease, Hip
Replacement, Hip Arthroplasty, Hip Joint, Prosthetic Implant, Hip Fracture Treatment, India Hospital
Tour, Hip Replacement Overview, Hip Replacement Treatment, Damaged Hip, India Hip Replacement
Surgery, Arthritis, Health Care, Arthroplasty, Medical, Doctor, Surgeon, Hip Replacement Hospital, Hip,
Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Operation in India
Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement
Title>Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery, India Minimally Invasive
DESCRIPTION" Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery abroad in India offers cost Minimally
Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery ,MI Surgeon, MI Hospital in India
Osteoarthritis and Hip Replacement
Osteoarthritis of the hip is the most common reason for a hip replacement. Osteoarthritis is caused by
the wear and tear of aging. It causes the cartilage covering the joint surfaces to wear out, resulting in
pain and stiffness.
Other conditions that can cause destruction of the hip joint include loss of the blood supply to the head
of the thighbone (osteonecrosis), rheumatoid arthritis, injury, infection, and developmental
abnormalities of the hip. Patients with arthritis may also have brittle bones (osteoporosis), but there is
no direct relationship between bone density and the development of arthritis of the hip.
Minimally invasive hip substitution surgical procedure permits the surgeon to do hip replacement
throughout 1 or 2 little incisions. Candidates intended to negligible incision procedure are usually
younger, healthier, and thinner and are motivated to have rapid recovery compared to patients who
have undergone traditional surgery. Before deciding to undergo less invasive hip replacement, secure a
comprehensive evaluation from the surgeon. The risks and benefits of the surgery must be discussed
thoroughly. Both the minimally invasive hip replacement and traditional procedures are strictly
demanding. It is required that the doctor doing the surgery and the operating team must have
significant experiences.
Small Incisions Offer Big Potential Benefits
Two of the most significant advances in total hip replacement are the most prominent minimally
invasive techniques—mini-incision and direct two-incision. Minimally invasive hip replacement allows
surgeons to implant traditional hip components through one or two small (1.5 to 4 inch) incisions rather
than the traditional 10 to 12 inch incision. The goal of minimally invasive hip replacement is to minimize
the amount of soft tissue damage that occurs when a surgeon reconstructs a hip. The potential benefits
of this approach include:
Less bleeding during surgery
Less post-operative pain
Shorter recovery time
Smaller scars for improved cosmetics
The Direct Two-Incision Technique
Because of the small exposure associated with preparation of the femoral canal (leg bone) with the
small incision technique, the two-incision approach was developed to provide more precision in
preparing the femoral (leg bone) canal for the new ball component. This technique uses one incision for
preparing and inserting the socket. The second incision is used to prepare and insert the thighbone
component. Only one muscle structure is cut, while other soft tissue structures such as ligaments and
tendons are moved aside instead of being cut. In addition, another important benefit of this technique is
the sparing of the fascia latae (deep sheet tissue surrounding the thigh muscle). As a result, this may
reduce the occurrence of localized pain over the greater trochanter and provide greater hip stability
immediately after surgery.
The performance of a hip replacement depends on your age, weight, activity level and other factors.
There are potential risks, and recovery takes time. People with conditions limiting rehabilitation should
not have this surgery. Only an orthopaedic surgeon can determine whether you are a candidate for the
minimally invasive hip replacement procedure. Also, a mini-incision may need to be converted into a
traditional incision during surgery. There are many surgeons that may still prefer to perform traditional
hip replacement surgery
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KEYWORDS" Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery, Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery
India, Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery Abroad, Mini Hip Replacement Surgery, Minimally
Invasive Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, India Hospital Tour , Hip Pain Treatment, Hip Replacement,
Total Hip Replacement, Mini Incision, Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement India, Hip Joint, Minimally
Invasive Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery India
Minimal Invasive Hip Resurfacing
Title>Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery, India MI Hip Resurfacing
DESCRIPTION" Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery abroad in India offers info on cost
Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery Surgeon, Hospitals in India
Minimally invasive hip resurfacing replacement surgery and navigation
Instruments have been designed that allow for smaller incision surgery. This is reflected in less
tissue damage and slightly quicker recovery rates. The wounds are also a little smaller. It must be
pointed out, however, that six months following the surgery there is no difference in the outcome
between a standard incision hip and a mini incision hip.
Navigation is the latest technology that allows more accurate placement of the components to re-
establish the normal hip biomechanics. This new technology is still evolving.
The hip resurfacing procedure is more technically demanding than conventional THR and may
require longer operating times. In addition, hip surgery is more difficult through a minimal incision
and the technique is difficult to learn. Enhanced training and specialized instruments are necessary
for accurate, reproducible results. Gaining proficiency with the procedure may be challenging, as
potential candidates for hip resurfacing make up 10% to 20% of a typical surgeon s patient
population. A limited number of Canadian surgeons have the necessary skills. Computer navigation
systems and fluoroscopic imaging may allow improved visualization and hip implant positioning
with mini-incisions, which may encourage more surgeons to attempt minimally invasive hip
resurfacing. There are disadvantages to navigational systems, including increased cost and
operating time; and the possibility of error from computer malfunction or inappropriate
commands. It is unknown if increased costs would be offset by savings from a shorter hospital stay.
Outcome-based research and long-term followup are necessary to assess the clinical and economic
impact of a minimally invasive approach to hip resurfacing. There is also a need for defined criteria
to determine which patients might benefit from this surgical approach
Minimally invasive hip resurfacing
(MIS) is total or partial hip surgery that can be carried out through an incision of less than 10 cm
without imparting great forces on the anatomy or compromising component positioning"
The modified posterior MIS approach to hip resurfacing and Total Hip Arthoplasty displays a
host of advantages to the patient:
1. Less post-operative pain
2. Less soft tissue damage and pressure on muscle fibres.
3. Shorter hospital stay
4. Lower blood loss
5. Smaller incision
6. Quicker return to work and functional activities
The process of shortening the operative field (mini-incision) for hip resurfacing from the
conventional open approach (15–30 cm), to a mini-incision approach (7–15 cm) has been well
documented in the realm of hip surgery. It has been suggested by some surgeons, however, that
in doing this one runs the risk of implanting the components incorrectly, especially the
acetabular component. It has also noted that during femoral head reaming (drilling of the femoral
head) with the surgical site being so small, the conventional instruments can damage the soft
Having accepted this, the essential criterion for minimally invasive hip resurfacing are:
1. An implant designed for MIS delivery
2. MIS instruments for tissue protection
3. Specialised instrumentation for femoral neck targeting, acetabular reaming, acetabular
impaction and retractors that are soft tissue friendly
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KEYWORDS" Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery, Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing
Surgery India, Hip Resurfacing abroad, New Hip Resurfacing, Hip Resurfacing India, Hip Surgery,
India Hospital Tour, Hip Resurfacing Procedures, Hip Resurfacing Center India, World Class
Hospitals, Hip Resurfacing Surgery, Minimal Invasive Hip Surgery, MIS, Partial Hip Surgery,
Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Procedure, Minimally Invasive, Minimal Invasive Hip Surgery,
Affordable Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery India
Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement
Title>Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery India,Minimal Knee Surgery
DESCRIPTION" Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery India,cost Minimally Invasive Knee
Replacement Surgery abroad in India,MI Knee surgeons,hospitals in India.
minimal-incision knee replacement?
We're not 100% sure quite yet, and that is the concern many orthopedic surgeons have about
minimal-incision surgery. It has to be remembered that while the aforementioned benefits of
minimal-incision surgery are terrific, the most important goal of a knee replacement surgery is to
provide the patient with a pain-free joint that will last a long time. The concern with performing
a knee replacement though a tiny incision is that the implants may not be placed as precisely and
as snug, and could therefore wear out more quickly.
A recent study found that patients requiring a second surgery had this procedure much sooner
when they had minimal-incision surgery. Patients who required the revision surgery after
minimal-incision knee replacement had their revision on average 15 months after their initial
procedure. This compares to an average of 80 months after traditional knee replacements. That is
a very striking difference.
Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Preparation
Being educated about what to expect is important after minimally invasive knee replacement
surgery. Patients should have realistic goals for their recovery. Keep in mind that each person
recovers differently. In fact, people who undergo knee replacements of both knees at once often
experience somewhat different recoveries on each side.
The term minimally invasive is somewhat misleading and overused. It is still a surgery, and any
surgery is invasive. The human response to injury includes discomfort, altered emotions, and a
recovery period until healing occurs. Minimally invasive surgery can reduce, but not eliminate,
these normal responses to the trauma of surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also does not mean
risk-free surgery. Knee replacement surgery, regardless of technique, is associated with risk of
infection, nerve injury, deep blood clots, premature implant loosening and failure, unexpected
knee stiffness, continued pain, unpredictable medical complications, and even death. While these
complications are uncommon, people undergoing knee replacement surgery need to be aware of
them before undergoing any type of reconstructive procedure.
Usually, minimally invasive surgery simply means performing a big operation through a small
incision. In other words, the deep muscle injury is often unchanged, but the scar is smaller.
Surgeons who perform at least 100 knee replacement procedures per year are most able to
progressively begin shortening the incision, while keeping the procedure the same. Many
orthopedic implant companies have developed special instruments and training for surgeons.
Learning more about the procedure by reviewing the patient educational materials provided on
an orthopedic
Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery in India
Total knee replacement (knee arthroplasty) is a surgery that is performed for severe degenerative
disease of the knee joint. More than 300,000 people undergo the procedure each year.
Minimally invasive total knee replacement involves the use of a smaller incision than the one used in
traditional knee replacement. In the traditional method, the incision averages 8 to 10 inches in length. In
minimally invasive knee surgery, the incision is only 4 to 6 inches long. Because there is less damage to
the tissue around the knee, patients who undergo this procedure may expect a shorter hospital stay, a
shorter recovery, and a better looking scar.
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KEYWORDS" Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery India, Knee Replacement India, After Knee
Replacement, Knee Replacement Procedure, Minimally Invasive, Knee Replacement Surgery, India
Hospital Tour, Knee Replacement Surgery, Knee, Knee Joint, Total Knee Replacement, Knee
Replacement, Minimally Invasive Knee Surgery, Information On Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement
Surgery, Hospitals Of Knee Replacement Surgery, Knee
Revision Hip Replacement
title>Revision Hip Replacement,Revision Hip Replacement Surgery India Abroad
DESCRIPTION" content="Revision Hip Replacement Surgery abroad in India offers info on cost revision
hip replacement abroad in India,revision hi surgeon and hospitals India.
Revision Hip Replacement in India
Modern hip replacement has resulted in huge benefit for patients with arthritic hip disease
providing them with reduction of pain, return of function and consequently an improved quality
of life. The clinical success of total hip replacement is often taken for granted by the general
There is evidence of increased longevity (twenty years or more) with some total joint
replacements, but many of these mechanical joints fail at around fifteen years when the hip joint
loosens. Revision hip surgery is technically extremely difficult and few orthopaedic surgeons
have extensive experience in this field.
Hip revision surgery has three major purposes: relieving pain in the affected hip; restoring the
patient's mobility; and removing a loose or damaged prosthesis before irreversible harm is done
to the joint. Hip prostheses that contain parts made of polyethylene typically become loose
because wear and tear on the prosthesis gradually produces tiny particles from the plastic that
irritate the soft tissue around the prosthesis. The inflamed tissue begins to dissolve the
underlying bone in a process known as osteolysis. Eventually, the soft tissue expands around the
prosthesis to the point at which the prosthesis loses contact with the bone.
In general, a surgeon will consider revision surgery for pain relief only when more conservative
measures, such as medication and changes in the patient's lifestyle, have not helped. In some
cases, revision surgery is performed when x-ray studies show loosening of the prosthesis,
wearing of the surfaces of the hip joint, or loss of bone tissue even though the patient may not
have experienced any discomfort. In most cases, however, increasing pain in the affected hip is
one of the first indications that revision surgery is necessary.
Other less common reasons for hip revision surgery include fracture of the hip, the presence of
infection, or dislocation of the prosthesis. In these cases the prosthesis must be removed in order
to prevent long-term damage to the hip itself.
Hip Replacement Procedure
The hip replacement surgery will remove the diseased or damaged hip joints and replace them
with new, artificial joints or prosthesis. The ball and socket joints are removed and the new
implants are fitted in their place. The femoral head or the ball section of the hip joint is sawed off
with a special power saw and the rest of the femur has a cavity dug in the soft tissue. This cavity
is where the new ball joint implant stem will be fitted. It is important to get the size of the ball
and socket right so that dislocation does not occur and make revision hip replacement necessary.
The acetabulum or socket joint will be scraped to remove the damaged tissue and moulded to
receive the new socket joint insert, usually made from a durable plastic.
Implant Fixation
These implants can be held in place by cement, or fitted so tightly that they stay in position
naturally. In the latter case, the prosthesis surface is porous and the bone begins to grow into it
and further strengthening the implant fixation. The cement option is usually recommended for
older patients due to the cheaper cost.
Hip Replacement Complications
The most common hip replacement complication is by far hip dislocation. The ball socket
becomes dislocated from the socket and the only remedy is revision hip replacement surgery,
where the hip joint is surgically re-entered and fixed. Hip revision surgery may also be required
if the new prosthesis are not properly fitted or measured and begin to cause pain and or stiffness.
In some cases osteolysis occurs, where the cement used to bond the implant into the surrounding
bone, looses microscopic particles. These particles trigger a reaction that leads to cells eating into
healthy bone to the point that the implants begin to work themselves loose. In this case revision
hip replacement surgery is necessary to rectify the problem
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KEYWORDS" content="Revision Hip Replacement, Repeat Hip Replacement India, Revision, Hip
Replacement Abroad, Injury, Total Hip Replacement, Hip Revision Surgery, Hip Revision Treatment, India
Hospital Tour, Surgery For Revisions, Before Revision Hip Replacement Surgery, Revision Hip
Replacement Hospitals In India, Hip Pain, Surgery Of Revision Hip Replacement India, Cheap Revision Hip
Replacement Surgery, Total Hip Revision, Revision Implants, THR Revision
Revision Knee Replacement
title>Revision Knee Replacement Surgery,India Knee Revision Surgery Abroad
DESCRIPTION" content="Revision Knee Replacement Surgery abroad in India offers info on Cost Revision
Knee Replacement Surgery in India,Knee Surgeons,Hospitals India.
Why does a Knee need to be revised ?
Pain is the primary reason for revision. Usually the cause is clear but not always. Those knees without an
obvious cause for pain in general do not do as well after surgery.
Plastic (polyethylene) wear. This is one of the easier revisions where only the plastic insert is changed
Instability which means the knee is not stable and may be giving way or not feel safe when you walk
Loosening of either the femoral, tibial or patella component. This usually presents as pain but may be
asymptomatic. It is for this reason why you must have your joint followed up for life as there can be
changes on X-ray that indicate that the knee should be revised despite having no symptoms.
Infection- usually presents as pain but may present as swelling or an acute fever.
Osteolysis (bone loss). This can occur due to particles being released into the knee joint which result in
bone being destroyed
Stiffness- this is difficult to improve with revision but can help in the right indications
What is Revision Total Knee Replacement?
Revision Total Knee Replacement is the replacement of the previous failed total knee prosthesis
with a new prosthesis. It is a complex procedure that requires extensive preoperative planning,
specialized implants and tools, prolonged operating times, and mastery of difficult surgical
techniques to achieve a good result.
Physical Examination
The history and physical examination will identify patients who have a change in their pain level.
Also, information can be obtained regarding activity levels and use of assistive devices, such as
crutches or a cane. Pain of the hip may present as either groin or buttock pain. In addition, pain
of the hip can sometimes be perceived of as knee pain, and vice versa. Swelling of the knee can
be assessed easily, but swelling of the hip area may be more subtle. Mechanical failure or
infection may also present with redness and warmth of the affected joint. A limp or deformity
may be identified.
X-rays taken of the area around the joint replacement yield important clues regarding stability of
the implant. Failure due to the most common cause, aseptic loosening, can be identified by
several findings. For example, the implant may have moved, compared to previous X-rays, or
there may be a lucent line between the component and the cement or bone, signifying that the
bond between the bone and implant has degraded. Areas of bone loss, or lysis, can be identified.
Mechanical failure with broken implants or severe wear is also assessed by comparison to
previous X-rays. For these reasons, serial follow-up radiographs are recommended to catch joint
failure at an early stage.
Laboratory Tests
Common laboratory tests for possible failed joints include a complete blood count, an
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and a C-reactive protein test (CRP). These studies are
most helpful in the detection of infected joint replacements. The blood count may identify an
anemia from chronic disease, and rarely may detect an elevated white blood cell count. The ESR
and CRP may be abnormal in the presence of an inflammatory process, such as infection.
What happens after surgery?
You may also have physical therapy treatments once or twice each day as long as you are in the
hospital. Therapy treatments will address the range of motion in the knee. Your therapist may
also demonstrate exercises to improve knee mobility and engage the thigh and hip muscles.
Ankle movements help pump swelling out of the leg and prevent the possibility of a blood clot.
When you are stabilized, your therapist will help you up for a short outing using your crutches or
walker. After surgery, you may not be allowed to put weight on the affected leg for a period of
time. This varies from surgeon to surgeon.
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KEYWORDS Revision knee Replacement, Repeat knee Replacement India, Revision Surgery India,
knee Replacement, Injury, Total knee Replacement, Knee Revision Surgery, Knee Revision
Treatment, India Hospital Tour, Surgery For Revisions, Before Revision Knee Replacement Surgery,
Revision Knee Replacement Hospitals In India, Knee Pain, Surgery Of Revision Knee Replacement
India, Cheap Revision Knee Replacement Surgery, Total Knee Revision, Revision Implants, THR

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  • 1. Orthopedic Surgery Acetabular Fixation <title>Acetabular Fixation Surgery,India Acetabular Fixation Hip Surgery Materials and Methods Between 1987 and 2005, a retrospective review of all THR cases using 2 independent series of hybrid and reverse hybrid cementing techniques was performed. Four hundred fifty-nine hips received a hybrid replacement, and 54 hips received a reverse hybrid replacement. A match-case analysis (n=54 hips in each series) was done between the hybrid and reverse hybrid cohorts, including gender, primary diagnosis, age, and body mass index (average follow-up, 5.8 years; range, 2-16.8 years) Between 1997 and 2006, cementless fixation was used in 1815 hips. All acetabular cups were evaluated for loosening and revision at a minimum of 2 years (average, 4.5 years; range, 2-10.3 years) RESULTS: Sixty-six patients (seventy-two hips) were living and forty-two patients (forty-eight hips) had died after thirteen to fifteen years of follow-up. No acetabular component had been revised because of aseptic loosening, and no acetabular component had migrated. With revision of the acetabular component for any reason as the end point, the survival rate was 81% +/- 8% at fifteen years. With revision of the acetabular component for clinical failure (osteolysis, wear, loosening, or dislocation) as the end point, the survival rate was 94% +/- 8% at fifteen years. Among the seventy hips with at least thirteen years of radiographic follow-up, five had pelvic osteolysis and three had had revision of a well-fixed acetabular component because of pelvic osteolysis secondary to polyethylene wear. The mean linear wear rate was 0.15 mm/yr (0.12 mm/yr when one outlier was excluded) All hybrid replacements were done using a cementless universal all-poly socket before 1997 and Trident (Stryker, Mahwah, New Jersey), Mallory Head, or Ring Loc (Biomet, Inc, Warsaw, Indiana) cementless sockets thereafter, as well as a cemented stem. All reverse hybrid replacements were done using a cemented compression-molded all-polyethylene socket and a cementless stem. The auxiliary study of cementless cup fixation was done primarily with second-generation all-polyethylene sockets. Fixation of the acetabular component in reverse hybrid cases followed the cementing technique described by Berend and Ritter One hundred and twenty consecutive, nonselected primary total hip replacements were performed in 108 patients with use of a Harris-Galante-I cementless acetabular component and a cemented femoral component with a 28-mm head. The patients were evaluated clinically with use of a standard terminology questionnaire, and they were evaluated radiographically for loosening, component migration, wear, and osteolysis. The rates of revision for aseptic loosening and radiographic evidence of
  • 2. loosening for this cohort were compared with the rates for four previously reviewed consecutive series of hips in which the acetabular component had been inserted with cement. All patients were managed by the same surgeon, were followed for thirteen to fifteen years, and were evaluated with use of the same two criteria (revision and loosening) as the end points for Kaplan-Meier analysis. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a> Arthroscopy <title>Arthroscopy Surgery,Arthroscopy India,India Knee Arthroscopy Surgery DESCRIPTION" ="Arthroscopy Surgery offers info on cost Arthroscopy Surgery India,Arthroscopy Surgery surgeons in India,Arthroscopy Surgery hospitals abroad in India. Article Torn meniscal cartilage. Loose fragments of bone or cartilage. Damaged joint surfaces or softening of the articular cartilage, known as chondromalacia. Inflammation of the synovial membrane, such as rheumatoid or gouty (crystalline arthropathy) arthritis. Abnormal alignment or instability of the kneecap. Torn ligaments, including the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. What is arthroscopy? Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure by which the internal structure of a joint is examined for diagnosis and/or treatment using a tube-like viewing instrument called an arthroscope. Arthroscopy was popularized in the 1960s and is now commonplace throughout the world. Typically, it is performed by orthopedic surgeons in an outpatient setting. When performed in the outpatient setting, patients can usually return home after the procedure. The technique of arthroscopy involves inserting the arthroscope, a small tube that contains optical fibers and lenses, through tiny incisions in the skin into the joint to be examined. The arthroscope is connected to a video camera and the interior of the joint is seen on a television monitor. The size of the arthroscope varies with the size of the joint being examined. For example, the knee is examined with an
  • 3. arthroscope that is approximately 5 millimeters in diameter. There are arthroscopes as small as 0.5 millimeters in diameter to examine small joints such as the wrist. If procedures are performed in addition to examining the joint with the arthroscope, this is called arthroscopic surgery. There are a number of procedures that are done in this fashion. If a procedure can be done arthroscopically instead of by traditional surgical techniques, it usually causes less tissue trauma, results in less pain, and may promote a quicker recovery. Knee Arthroscopy in india Arthroscopy refers to a procedure in which a joint (arthro-) is viewed (-scopy) using a small camera. It allows an orthopaedic surgeon to diagnose and treat knee disorders by providing a clear view of the inside of the knee. With improvements of arthroscopes and higher resolution cameras, the procedure has become highly effective for both the accurate diagnosis and proper treatment of knee problems. Anatomy Arthroscopy Surgery, India Arthroscopic Surgery, Arthroscopic Procedure The knee is the largest joint in the body, and one of the most easily injured. It is made up of the lower end of the thigh bone (femur), the upper end of the shin bone (tibia), and the knee cap (patella), which slides in a groove on the end of the femur. Four bands of tissue-the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and the medial and lateral collateral ligaments-connect the femur and the tibia and provide joint stability. Strong thigh muscles give the knee strength and mobility. The surfaces where the femur, tibia, and patella touch are covered with articular cartilage. Articular cartilage is a smooth substance that cushions the bones and enables them to glide freely. Semicircular rings of tough fibrous cartilage tissue, called the lateral and medial menisci, act as shock absorbers and stabilizers. Arthroscopic Procedure, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedure The bones of the knee are surrounded by a thin, smooth tissue capsule lined by a thin synovial membrane. The synovium releases a special fluid that lubricates the knee, reducing friction to nearly zero in a healthy knee. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" india.html"></a>
  • 4. For more information, medical assessment and medical quote send your detailed medical history and medical reports as email attachment to Email : - Call: +91 9029304141 (10 am. To 8 pm. IST) (Only for international patients seeking treatment in India) KEYWORDS" "Arthroscopy Surgery, India Arthroscopic Surgery, Arthroscopic Procedure, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedure, Arthroscopy Surgery India, Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Knee Arthroscopy, Arthroscopy Facts, Knee Problem, Orthopedic Medical Opinions, Arthroscopic Surgery Definition, Arthroscopic Surgery Purpose, Demographics, Arthroscopic Surgery Description, Arthroscopicsurgery, Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Both Hip Replacement Together title>Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement Resurfacing India Surgery Abroad Dicrip : Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement, both hip replacement together info experienced simultaneous bilateral hip replacement surgeon in India In a total hip replacement, both the thigh bone (femur) and the socket are replaced with implant prostheses. Specifically, a metal stem is inserted into your thighbone. Attached to the neck of the stem is a hip ball, just over an inch in diameter. The hip ball fits into a liner. Together, the ball and liner create the new joint. The liner is inserted into a metal shell that in turn is anchored to your pelvis. But there are a number of different approaches a surgeon can take, depending on her analysis of your particular case. Who Should Have Hip Replacement Surgery ? The most common reason that people have hip replacement surgery is the wearing down of the hip joint that results from osteoarthritis. Other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory disease that causes joint pain, stiffness, and swelling), avascular necrosis (loss of bone caused by insufficient blood supply), injury, and bone tumors also may lead to breakdown of the hip joint and the need for hip replacement surgery. Before suggesting hip replacement surgery, the doctor is likely to try walking aids such as a cane, or non- surgical therapies such as medication and physical therapy. These therapies are not always effective in relieving pain and improving the function of the hip joint. Hip replacement may be an option if persistent pain and disability interfere with daily activities. Before a doctor recommends hip replacement, joint damage should be detectable on x rays.
  • 5. In the past, hip replacement surgery was an option primarily for people over 60 years of age. Typically, older people are less active and put less strain on the artificial hip than do younger, more active people. In recent years, however, doctors have found that hip replacement surgery can be very successful in younger people as well. New technology has improved the artificial parts, allowing them to withstand more stress and strain. A more important factor than age in determining the success of hip replacement is the overall health and activity level of the patient. For some people who would otherwise qualify, hip replacement may be problematic. For example, people with chronic diseases such as those that result in severe muscle weakness or Parkinson's disease are more likely than people without chronic diseases to damage or dislocate an artificial hip. Because people who are at high risk for infections or in poor health are less likely to recover successfully, doctors may not recommend hip replacement surgery for these patients. Because of the advances in the last thirty years, several types of implant materials have also been found useful in hip replacement procedures. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is ultimately up to your surgeon which type of implant to use. Choosing Hip Replacement Implant Material The main issue that doctors and patients confront when choosing implant material revolves around the wear debris that is released into your body from any of the implant materials. Even the materials with the most wear debris (metal ball and polyethylene liners) show up only after many years (10-15). Nevertheless, it is important to educate yourself about the various options for hip replacement surgery. Be sure to ask your surgeon whether he or she uses metal-on-polyethylene, metal-on-metal, ceramic- on-polyethylene or ceramic-on-ceramic implants <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" surgery-together-india.html"> replacement-surgery-together-india.html</a> KEYWORDS" content="Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement surgery, Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement surgery India, Simultaneous Bilateral Hip Replacement surgery abroad, Both Hip Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement, Hip, Hip Arthroplasty, Hip Joint, Implant, India Hospital Tour, Overview Of Hip Surgical Procedure, Total Hip Replacement, Exercises, Operation, Hip Replacement Failure, Hip Implant, Total Hip Replacement Surgery Information, Doctor, Surgeon, Hip Replacement Surgery Hospital, Clinic, Overview Total Hip Replacement, Hip Replacement Surgery India
  • 6. BHR <Title> Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery, India Birmingham Hip Resurfacing DESCRIPTION" Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery abroad in India offers info on Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery surgeon, hip surgery hospital abroad in India Article The principle of hip joint resurfacing is replacement of diseased joint surfaces and simultaneous restoration of the normal anatomy and biomechanical function to the maximal degree possible. This concept offers several theoretical advantages over conventional total hip joint replacement and the clinical results in this series of 426 cases appears to confirm the value of both the method and the concept. Successful joint resurfacing surgery with attention to detail. Most problems can be anticipated and handled appropriately. Complications are few. The operation should only be done in cases of severe hip disability, when the patient's level of suffering demands operative intervention and when the only reasonable alternatives are fusion, total joint replacement or head and neck resection. It is an operation designed and recommended as an "in-between" procedure to gain time against the progressive disease. Resurfacing should not be performed if conservative measures or classic hip osteotomies offer significant benefit. The principal advantages of this procedure relate directly to the prosthetic design. Only the joint surfaces are removed during surgery, most of the normal bone is preserved, the medullary canal is not opened, and the implants utilized are of small volume. As a result the risk of infection is low compared to other implant arthroplasty techniques and clinical statistics confirm this anticipated advantage. The operation is designed to interfere minimally with the normal joint mechanics so it is also anticipated that prosthesis longevity will be greater than when rigid stem prostheses are placed in elastic bone. As yet follow-up is too short to make valid judgments on this point. The technique is applicable to younger patients, however, because if it should, in time, fail and other surgical treatment becomes necessary the original alternatives of total hip replacement, arthrodesis, or head and neck resection remain available. Relief of pain is predictable and almost all patients have experienced significant improvement in function. The procedure has a broader indication in cases of prior bone or joint infection and is definitely a preferable procedure in young individuals with severe hip disability KEYWORDS" "Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing India, Hip Resurfacing abroad, Hip Nerve Pain, Birmingham Hip Replacement, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery India, India Hospital Tour, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Treatment, Birmingham Hip Replacement India, Hip Resurfacing Surgery India, Hip Resurfacing Surgery In India, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery Hospitals, Hip Resurfacing Surgery Belgium <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br>Please log on to :<a href=" india.html"> india.html</a>
  • 7. BHR With Stem Title>Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Stem Surgery,India Birmingham Hip Resurface DESCRIPTION" content="Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Stem Surgery abroad in India offers info on cost Birmingham Hip Resurfacing Surgery with stem abroad in India Article BHR restores the natural shape of the joint meaning better stability, longevity and higher levels of patient activity than a traditional hip replacement. The BHR has enabled thousands of patients - including many high profile athletes - to leave behind the pain and immobility of an arthritic hip, restoring their quality of life. With Total Hip Replacements, the femoral head (ball joint of the hip) is removed and replaced by a long, stemmed device. Very little of the femur is retained - as shown in the diagram below. The procedure is reasonably successful in elderly, relatively inactive patients. However, total hips wear out quickly in younger, more active patients, leading to the inevitable saga of revision surgery and associated complications. With the BHR procedure, however, just a few millimetres from the two articulating surfaces of the hip. The procedure is bone-conserving because most of the joint is retained (see diagram). The femoral head is shaped to accept a low-wear metal sphere. This sphere matches the patient's anatomy, meaning there is a low risk of dislocation, a broad range of movement and excellent stability. The acetabular socket (cup joint of the hip) is then fitted with a corresponding metal cup. Since the metal femoral component articulates within a metal acetabular cup, the BHR is referred to as a Metal-on-Metal (MoM) hip joint. Hip resurfacing is ideal for many younger, active patients who suffer from hip pain. Many people stay physically active far into their late fifties and beyond so there's an increased need for an alternative to total hip replacement that accommodates their age and lifestyle. What Is the BIRMINGHAM HIP Resurfacing Device ? Your hip is a socket and ball joint where the thighbone and pelvis come together. As your leg moves, the ball of your thighbone (called the femoral head) moves and rotates against the socket portion of your pelvic bone (called the acetabulum). If your hip joint is diseased due to certain kinds of arthritis, or previous damage, it will become less functional and more painful over time. When your hip pain increases to the point that it can not be helped by usual measures such as pain medicine and exercises (physical therapy) and your ability to move your hip decreases, affecting your ability to do your daily activities, it may become necessary to surgically replace the hip joint. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br>
  • 8. Please log on to :<a href=" resurfacing-stem-surgery-india.html"> hip-resurfacing-stem-surgery-india.html</a> BMHR <title>Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR),India Hip Resurfacing DESCRIPTION" "Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) offers info on cost Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis resurfacing abroad in India. Article How mobile will I be following surgery? Following your operation a physiotherapist will visit you every day. They will enable you to get out of bed and take a few steps the day after the operation. Following this you will make steady progress under their supervision, walking along the corridor with two elbow crutches. You will be shown how to get in and out of bed on your own and go up and down stairs safely on your own. Most patients are instructed to use two elbow crutches for three to four weeks after operation. You will then be advised to use one walking stick on the unoperated side for a further three to four weeks. This timetable depends on the extent of reconstruction that was necessary and the quality of bone before operation and may need to be modified to suit each individual. For more information about recovery following your operation, What is the BMHR and Why do we need it? Birmingham Mid Head Resection prosthesis and its applied use in patients with Avascular Necrosis. Birmingham Mid Head Resurfacing Surgery Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) India,Hip For patients with osteonecrosis involving a larger volume of the femoral head, an uncemented short-stemmed prosthesis, the Birmingham Mid Head Resection, BMHR, (MMT Ltd, Birmingham, United Kingdom, now Smith and Nephew Orthopaedics Ltd, Bromsgrove, United Kingdom) was developed. Illustration showing the three types of prostheses implanted in patients with femoral head avascular necrosis. Birmingham Mid Head Resurfacing Surgery, Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) India Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) India,Hip, BirminghamResurfacing, Surgery India, Birmingham
  • 9. Birmingham Mid Head Resection prosthesis is an advancement in the BHR and will expand the indications for hip resurfacing surgery. Birmingham Mid Head Resection prosthesis (BMHR) helps advanced aged patients to have Birmingham Hip Resurfacing. The BMHR has specifically been designed for patients who have weaker bone in the head of the femur. In the BMHR more of the weak bone is resected and is replaced with metal. This will dramatically increase the range of patients who can have this surgery.X-ray wise it looks almost like the BHR but the amount of bone removed is more. Thus the risk of fracture in post-op is reduced or eliminated for borderline patients. Indications for the Mid Head Resection Prosthesis : - Developmental dysplasia with shortened femoral head-neck segment Extensive avascular necrosis of the femoral head Large cysts of the femoral head Abnormalities through Epiphyseolyses and Morbus Perthes (femoral head necrosis of children) Reduction of bone substance due to arthroses Marked bone involution through inactivity but with regression potential Birmingham Mid Head Resection Prosthesis (BMHR) India, Surgery India, Birmingham In cases of advanced arthrosis, a defect of the femoral head occurs which prevents the reliable anchoring of the resurfacing component. The titanium stem grows into the healthy part of the femoral head and neck, and is a safe base for the head component. Resurfacing is only advisable when the stability of the bone and the shape of the femoral head offer sufficient support for the prosthesis. With healthy and active patients who do not meet these requirements but who can benefit from a bone conserving process, the Mid Head Resection can be an alternative to a standard prosthesis. With this prosthesis, the fixation of the femoral component depends less on the bone of the femoral head but more on the stability of a titanium stem with bone ingrowth in the femoral neck. Those parts of the femoral head which have been destroyed by cysts, circulatory disorders, malformations or involution due to arthrosis are removed. A titanium stem adjusted to size is implanted into the healthy part of the femoral head and neck, which is fixed by bone ingrowth (combines with the bone) and strengthens the femoral neck. In this way the implant-bone compound can withstand bending and torque forces.
  • 10. Through the use of this implant, an opening of the femoral medullary cavity can often be avoided by implanting a prosthesis stem. The advantage of resurfacing is retained <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" resurfacing-surgery-india.html"> head-resurfacing-surgery-india.html</a> Bilateral Knee Replacement <title>Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery India,Bilateral Total Knee India DESCRIPTION" "Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery India offers info cost Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery abroad in India,Knee Replacement Surgeon,Hospital India. Article Who should consider bilateral knee replacement? Patients who have severe knee arthritis in both knees may be candidates for bilateral knee replacement surgery. The same criteria used to determine if a single knee requires replacement are used to determine if both should be done: What are the risks of a simultaneous bilateral knee replacement? There are concerns about performing a simultaneous knee replacement because it is a longer surgery and is more demanding on the body. Because of this, patients who have cardiovascular problems, pulmonary disease, or are over the age of 80 are often advised against a simultaneous knee replacement procedure. Studies have shown patients undergoing simultaneous knee replacement have a slightly higher risk of cardiac events and needing blood transfusion. Overall, the risk of severe complications such as infection, blood clots, pulmonary embolism or death is about the same for both simultaneous and bilateral procedures. Another disadvantage of the simultaneous knee replacement is that the early rehabilitation can be more difficult as patients do not have a "good leg" to work with. What are the benefits of a bilateral knee replacement? The benefit of simultaneous knee replacement is that both problems are taken care of at one time. The overall rehabilitation is a shorter time, and there is only one hospitalization. Patients also only require one anesthesia.
  • 11. What will happen before the operation? A couple of weeks before the operation you'll usually be asked to attend a pre-operative assessment clinic to meet your surgeon and other members of the surgical team. They will take a medical history, examine you and organise any tests, such as blood and urine tests, ECG and X-rays needed, to make sure you're healthy enough for an anaesthetic and surgery. They will also give you advice on anything you can do to prepare for surgery and ask you about your home circumstances so your discharge from hospital can be planned. If you live alone, have a carer, or feel you need extra support, tell the surgical team so that any help or support can be arranged before you go into hospital. Take a list or packets of any medication you're taking. Some (rheumatoid) arthritis medications suppress the immune system, which can affect healing. For this reason you may be asked to stop taking your medication before surgery. Your surgeon can advise on alternative medications. There may be leaflets, booklets and videos to look at or take away that can help to inform you further about the operation. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" replacement-surgery-india.html"> replacement-surgery-india.html</a> Both Knee Replacement Together <title>Simultaneous Bilateral Knee Replacement,Both Knee Surgery Together DESCRIPTION" Simultaneous Bilateral Knee Replacement or Replacing Both Knee in single surgery info on knee replacement surgeon,knee replacement hospitals India. Article Significantly fewer prosthetic joint infections as well as other revision knee operation complications occurred within one year after surgery if a person gets both knees replaced at the same time instead of stretching out the operations over time. Simultaneous replacement may be the way to go according to a new study, instead of doing one at a time on separate occasions. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), there are about 270,000 knee replacement operations performed each year in the United States. Although about 70% of these operations are performed in people over the age of 65, a growing number of knee replacements are being done in younger patients. Orthopedic surgeons evaluate patients individually. Recommendations for surgery are based on a patient's pain and disability, not age. Total knee replacements have been
  • 12. performed successfully at all ages, from the young teenager with juvenile arthritis to the elderly patient with degenerative arthritis Both Knee Replacement (Bilateral) Together in India Knee replacement surgery is the most common joint replacement procedure. Many people have knee arthritis, but it can be difficult to know when the right time to have a knee replacement surgery is. Furthermore, there is confusion about what to expect from knee replacement surgery. Do you have questions? Look no further. You can find all you need to know about knee replacement surgery right here. What Is Knee Arthritis? Both Knee Replacement Together Surgery, Knee Replacement Surgery The word 'arthritis' means 'inflammation of the joint.' Most people think of arthritis as the wearing away of cartilage in a joint - this is the end result of inflammation within the joint. Over time, the inflammation can lead to cartilage loss and exposed bone, instead of a normal, smooth joint surface. The most common type of knee arthritis is osteoarthritis. This is often referred to as "wear-and-tear" arthritis, and it results in the wearing away of the normal smooth cartilage until bare bone is exposed. Other types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, and lupus arthritis Knee Replacement Implants Knee replacement surgery removes the damaged joint lining and replaces the joint surfaces with a metal and plastic implant that functions similar to a normal knee. These implants will wear out over time, and knee replacements are done infrequently in younger patients because of the concern of the implant wearing out too quickly. Knee replacement implants have been modified in order to provide the best possible functioning with long-lasting results. This effort to perfect knee replacement implants is constantly taking place. Some newer implants have promise, others may not turn out to be better. Partial Knee Replacements Rotating Knee Replacements Gender Specific Knee Replacements Custom Knee Replacements <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br>
  • 13. Please log on to :<a href=" replacement-together-surgery-india.html"> knee-replacement-together-surgery-india.html</a> Cemented Total Hip Replacement title>Cemented Total Hip Replacement,India Cemented Total Hip Replacement DESCRIPTION" Cemented Total Hip Replacement India offers info on cost Cemented Total Hip Replacement, Cemented Total Hip Replacement surgeon and hospital in India Article Cementless Design Cement had traditionally been used but in the 1980's a cementless design was developed. The cementless design is a porous implant. The intent is, through biologic fixation, that bone grows into and through the pores in the implant, thereby securing it. In theory the cementless joint replacements are expected to reduce the chance of infection and loosening of the prosthesis, which are the two major complications of hip replacement surgery. Recent research, however, indicates that both the cemented and cementless joints do very well. Loosening The problem of loosening is the focus of current research. Some researchers feel the way the bone is prepared or where the bone contacts the cement may be the problem and cause a breakdown. Other researchers believe that as cement flakes into microscopic particles it creates an inflammatory response in the body which leads to bone loss where bone meets cement. Yet another problem may involve the wearing down of the plastic liner. In spite of potential loosening, the patient can expect many years of excellent results before a problem possibly occurs. 90% or more of patients having hip replacement surgery experience significant pain relief and improved range of motion. The surgery is considered highly successful. Cementing Technique Bone preparation is critical for long-term survivorship of both the cemented stem and the cup.4 The aim is to provide a clean, stable bony bed for cement interdigitation into the remaining cancellous bone and to maintain stable interfaces between the implant and cement, and the cement and the bone. Most investigators would agree that a surgeon should remove all loose cancellous bone but leave the remaining dense bone nearest to the cortex to enhance interdigitation of the cement into the remaining bone. This increases the shear strength of the cement and gives the best contact of the cement mantle to the remaining bone stock. Reaming with cylindrical or tapered reamers in the femur is often performed to remove the loosest bone but should be done by hand to leave a remnant of cancellous
  • 14. bone. It is important not to ream away all cancellous bone, as this will leave a smooth inner cortex and diminish the ability for the cement to bond to the bone. Some implant systems are designed to be reamer-less and all bone preparation is meant to be done by a broach. Broaching, which compacts the bone rather than removes it as a reamer does, is an important step in the femoral preparation. The broaches, which in many systems are also used for sizing and trialing of the femoral implant, create a reproducibly larger envelope of 2 mm to 3 mm circumferentially around the stem. This allows for a uniform thickness of the cement mantle around the stem. Aggressive broaching should be avoided to prevent denuding of the inner cortical bone. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" replacement-surgery-india.html"> hip-replacement-surgery-india.html</a> KEYWORDS" content="Cemented Total Hip Replacement, Cemented Total Hip Replacement in India, Cementless Hip Replacements, Cemented Hip Implants, Cementless Implants, Hip Implants, Total Hip Replacement, Cemented Total Hip Replacement Surgery, Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty, Technique Of Cemented Total Hip Replacement, Cemented Total Hip Replacement India, Life Of A Replaced Hip, Hip Joint Replacement Surgery Elbow Replacement <title>Elbow Replacement Surgery, Elbow Replacement India ,India Cost Elbow DESCRIPTION" content="Elbow Replacement Surgery Abroad in India offers info on Cost Elbow Replacement Surgery India, Elbow Arthroplasty Replacement Surgeons ,Hospitals India Total elbow replacement surgery (arthroplasty) can help restore comfort and function to elbows damaged by rheumatoid arthritis. In elbow arthritis the joint surface is destroyed by wear and tear, inflammation, injury, or previous surgery. This joint destruction makes the elbow stiff, painful, and unable to carry out its normal functions. Elbow joint replacement can be effective primarily in the management of severe elbow involvement from rheumatoid arthritis. After performing a clinical examination, an elbow surgeon experienced in joint replacement can determine if rheumatoid arthritis is the cause of the problem and if surgery is likely to be helpful. Patients are most likely to benefit from this surgery if they are well motivated and in optimal health.
  • 15. The goal of elbow replacement arthroplasty is to restore functional mechanics to the joint by removing scar tissue, balancing muscles, and inserting a joint replacement in the place of the destroyed elbow. One part of the artificial joint is fixed to the inside of the humerus (arm bone) and the other part to the inside of the ulna (one of the forearm bones). The two parts are then connected using a hinge pin that gives the joint stability. Total elbow joint replacement arthroplasty is a highly technical procedure and is best performed by a surgical team who performs this surgery regularly. Such a team can optimize the benefits and minimize the risks. The two-hour procedure is performed under general or nerve block anesthesia. Elbow motion is started on the second day after the procedure, as soon as the incision is ready. Patients learn to do their own physical therapy and are usually discharged three to four days after surgery when they are comfortable and have a good range of passive motion. The recovery of strength and function may continue for up to a year after surgery. The upper extremities include the wrist, elbow, and shoulder. While these joints are among the least likely to develop conditions requiring joint replacement, there are implants that can reduce or eliminate pain and restore motion. The word replacement makes one think that surgeons remove the entire joint. In truth, surgeons resurface the damaged bone and cartilage at the ends of the bones in the joint. Shoulder, elbow, and wrist replacement implants use metal alloys and polyethylene (plastic) to restore motion and reduce or eliminate pain. The implants are designed to create a new, smoothly functioning joint that can prevent painful bone-on-bone contact. Your surgeon may elect to replace all or part of a joint, depending on physical condition and the extent to which the joint is affected by arthritis. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" india.html"></a> KEYWORDS" Elbow Replacement Surgery, Elbow Replacement, Elbow, Relive Pain, Elbow Replacement India, India Hospital Tour, Elbow Surgery, Elbow Replacement Treatment, Elbow Arthroplasty, Elbow Replacement Surgery India, Elbow, Elbow Pain, Elbow Implant, Elbow Problems, Operation, Elbow Joint Replacement, Elbow Replacement Surgery Hospitals, Total Elbow Replacement Surgery, Benefits Of Elbow Replacement, Elbow Replacement Information
  • 16. Hip Replacement With Computer Navigation title>Computer Hip Replacement,India Hip Surgery Through Computer Navigation DESCRIPTION" Computer navigation assisted hip replacement surgery India info on computer hip replacement surgery in India,Hip replacement surgeon hospital India How does computer navigation work ? In the operating room infrared optics and tracking software continually monitor the position and mechanical alignment of the joint replacement components relative to your specific anatomy. Minimally invasive smart wireless instruments send data about to the joint movements (kinematics) to a computer. The computer analyzes and displays the kinematic data on the screen in the form of charts and graphs. These images provide your surgeon with the angles, lines, and measurement needed to best align your hip or knee implant. Some of the latest technology in joint replacement includes not only implant material advances, but also advances in how we place the components during the reconstructive surgery. As other articles on this site discuss, there are different surgical approaches in hip replacement that can make significant differences in early and late outcomes. Another technology that is attempting to improve early and late outcomes by making implant placement more accurate is computer aided surgery or CAS. Currently all primary hip and knee replacements in my practice are being done utilizing computer guidance for implant placement. I’ve used this technology since August 2006 for hip replacement. Nearly all patients are candidates for CAS except the very morbidly obese. The technology itself has been available in limited markets for a few years and mainly in knee replacement. Recent software developments have expanded the technology to hip replacement, however Thus far CAS has been very successful in achieving the above goals. In the hip, leg length prediction is very precise decreasing my need for x-ray during the case and avoiding any surprises post operatively. It is important to understand that CAS is not robotic surgery. The surgeon obtains highly accurate information from the computer, but the surgeon ultimately has complete control and must apply the
  • 17. information correctly. The information obtained is highly precise but could be inaccurate if input information into the computer is incorrect. There are very few downsides using CAS. Four additional 5mm wounds are made to place pins in the pelvis. There has been very little pain from these wounds reported by patients In my experience, there have only been improvements using CAS. No reconstructions have been adversely affected in my hands with this technology. Again, CAS is an additional tool not the only tool used to properly reconstruct hips. At this point I have no reason to return to non-navigated replacements. Both in the knee and the hip CAS is another check in an effort to make every joint replacement as close to perfect as possible. Individual patient considerations at times force certain limitations in replacement surgery, but with proper pre-operative planning and additional intra-operative information from technologies such as CAS, surprises during and after surgery can be minimized. For general information regarding hip replacement surgery or further details regarding the minimal anterior approach contact our office. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" hip-replacement-surgery-india.html"> navigation-hip-replacement-surgery-india.html</a> KEYWORDS" Computer Navigation Hip Replacement, Computer Navigation assisted Hip Replacement India, acetabular Component Position, Computer Navigation, Utilizing Computer Navigation, India Hospital Tour, Role Of Computer-Assisted Navigation, Hip Replacement, Computer Navigation Hip Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, Computer, Navigation, Hip, Total Hip Replacement, Computer Assisted Navigational Surgery, Joint Replacement, Hip Replacement Specialist, Healthcare, Patient, Information High Flex Knee Replacement Title>High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery ,India High Flex Knee Replacement DESCRIPTION" High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery offers info cost High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery abroad in India, High Flex Knee Implant, Surgeon, Hospitals India High flexion knee prosthesis
  • 18. Special knee implants are now available which provide more flexion or bending at the knee to suit Indian, and South Asian habits of kneeling for prayer, or sitting cross legged on the ground for meals or social purposes. Muslims in particular need this to offer prayers. Japanese customs also require high knee flexion. Even westerners have begun to appreciate the benefits of high flexion knee prosthesis as they can pursue hobbies like gardening and are also gratified for the ability to do recreational activities. The prosthesis used allows high flexion from 130 degrees to 155 degrees. Rotating platform prosthesis alone does not allow high flexion as claimed by many centers. These centers are monopolizing a particular brand which does not allow high flexion. Minimally invasive technique Traditionally knee replacements have been done through incisions in the skin about 14- 20 cm long. Special instrumentation allows the operation to be performed through a modified new surgical approach without dividing the thigh muscles (Quadriceps). By down sizing the incision to 9 cm (3 inches), the amount of postoperative pain is less, hospital stay is shorter (5 days) and return to function is faster. As post op pain is less the patient will cooperate with the physiotherapist to do the required exercises regularly. Recent advances in knee replacement have occurred in the lat one year driven by higher patient expectations. The introduction of the High flex prosthesis in the market will spur many more people who have suffered in the last decade from knee arthritis to undergo a Total Knee replacement in Chennai. The author is a knee surgeon in Chennai and has performed the first High flexion knee replacement with the Nex gen prosthesis from Zimmer. Please visit for videos and photos of patients with unilateral and bilateral High flex knee replacements. Knee Implants After Attachment Closing the Wound If necessary, the surgeon may adjust the ligaments that surround the knee to achieve the best possible knee function. When all of the implants are in place and the ligaments are properly adjusted, the surgeon sews the layers of tissue back into their proper position. A plastic tube may be inserted into the wound to allow liquids to drain from the site during the first few hours after surgery. The edges of the skin are then sewn together, and the knee is wrapped in a sterile bandage. The patient is then taken to the recovery room. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br>
  • 19. Please log on to :<a href=" replacement-surgery-india.html"> replacement-surgery-india.html</a> KEYWORDS” High Flex Knee Replacement, High Flex Knee Replacement Procedure, High Flex TKR, Flexible, High Flex, High Flexion, High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery India, Medicare, Medical, Health, Healthcare, India Hospital Tour, High-Flex Knee, Knee, Replacement, High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery India, High Flex, Cost High Flex Knee Replacement Surgery, Kneeling, Low Cost High Flex Knee Replacement India, Flex, Affordable High Flex Knee Replacement Hospital Hip Replacement Title>Hip Replacement India,Hip Replacement Surgery India,Hip Arthroplasty DESCRIPTION" Hip Replacement surgery India offers info on low cost hip replacement India,hip replacement surgeons India,hip implant replacement hospitals in India Whether you have just begun exploring treatment options or have already decided to undergo hip replacement surgery, this information will help you understand the benefits and limitations of total hip replacement. This article describes how a normal hip works, the causes of hip pain, what to expect from hip replacement surgery, and what exercises and activities will help restore your mobility and strength, and enable you to return to everyday activities. If your hip has been damaged by arthritis, a fracture, or other conditions, common activities such as walking or getting in and out of a chair may be painful and difficult. Your hip may be stiff, and it may be hard to put on your shoes and socks. You may even feel uncomfortable while resting. If medications, changes in your everyday activities, and the use of walking supports do not adequately help your symptoms, you may consider hip replacement surgery. Hip replacement surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can relieve your pain, increase motion, and help you get back to enjoying normal, everyday activities. Who Should Have Hip Replacement Surgery? People with hip joint damage that causes pain and interferes with daily activities despite treatment may be candidates for hip replacement surgery. Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of this type of damage. However, other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory disease that causes joint pain, stiffness, and swelling), osteonecrosis (or avascular necrosis, which is the death of bone caused by insufficient blood supply), injury, fracture, and bone tumors also may lead to breakdown of the hip joint and the need for hip replacement surgery.
  • 20. In the past, doctors reserved hip replacement surgery primarily for people over 60 years of age. The thinking was that older people typically are less active and put less stress on the artificial hip than do younger people. In more recent years, however, doctors have found that hip replacement surgery can be very successful in younger people as well. New technology has improved the artificial parts, allowing them to withstand more stress and strain and last longer. Today, a person’s overall health and activity level are more important than age in predicting a hip replacement’s success. Hip replacement may be problematic for people with some health problems, regardless of their age. For example, people who have chronic disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, or conditions that result in severe muscle weakness, are more likely than people without chronic diseases to damage or dislocate an artificial hip. People who are at high risk for infections or in poor health are less likely to recover successfully. Therefore they may not be good candidates for this surgery. Recent studies also suggest that people who elect to have surgery before advanced joint deterioration occurs tend to recover more easily and have better outcomes. Two Types of Hip Fixation There are two main types of fixation philosophies-cemented and porous. Both can be effective in the replacement of hip joints.` The physician (and the patient) will choose the best solution that is specific to the patient's needs. Cemented Hip Implants The cemented hip implant is designed to be implanted using bone cement (a grout that helps position the implant within the bone). Bone cement is injected into the prepared femoral canal. The surgeon then positions the implant within the canal and the grout helps to hold it in the desired position. Porous Hip Implants The porous hip implant is designed to be inserted into he prepared femoral canal without the use of bone cement. Initially, the femoral canal is prepared so that the implant fits tightly within it. The porous surfaces on the hip implant are designed to engage the bone within the canal and permit bone to grow into the porous surface. Eventually, this bone ingrowths can provide additional fixation to hold the implant in the desired position. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" surgery-india.html india.html</a>
  • 21. KEYWORDS" Hip Replacement Surgery India, Hip Replacement India, Joint, Joint Disease, Hip Replacement, Hip Arthroplasty, Hip Joint, Prosthetic Implant, Hip Fracture Treatment, India Hospital Tour, Hip Replacement Overview, Hip Replacement Treatment, Damaged Hip, India Hip Replacement Surgery, Arthritis, Health Care, Arthroplasty, Medical, Doctor, Surgeon, Hip Replacement Hospital, Hip, Replacement Surgery, Hip Replacement Operation in India Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Title>Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery, India Minimally Invasive DESCRIPTION" Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery abroad in India offers cost Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery ,MI Surgeon, MI Hospital in India Osteoarthritis and Hip Replacement Osteoarthritis of the hip is the most common reason for a hip replacement. Osteoarthritis is caused by the wear and tear of aging. It causes the cartilage covering the joint surfaces to wear out, resulting in pain and stiffness. Other conditions that can cause destruction of the hip joint include loss of the blood supply to the head of the thighbone (osteonecrosis), rheumatoid arthritis, injury, infection, and developmental abnormalities of the hip. Patients with arthritis may also have brittle bones (osteoporosis), but there is no direct relationship between bone density and the development of arthritis of the hip. Minimally invasive hip substitution surgical procedure permits the surgeon to do hip replacement throughout 1 or 2 little incisions. Candidates intended to negligible incision procedure are usually younger, healthier, and thinner and are motivated to have rapid recovery compared to patients who have undergone traditional surgery. Before deciding to undergo less invasive hip replacement, secure a comprehensive evaluation from the surgeon. The risks and benefits of the surgery must be discussed thoroughly. Both the minimally invasive hip replacement and traditional procedures are strictly demanding. It is required that the doctor doing the surgery and the operating team must have significant experiences.
  • 22. Small Incisions Offer Big Potential Benefits Two of the most significant advances in total hip replacement are the most prominent minimally invasive techniques—mini-incision and direct two-incision. Minimally invasive hip replacement allows surgeons to implant traditional hip components through one or two small (1.5 to 4 inch) incisions rather than the traditional 10 to 12 inch incision. The goal of minimally invasive hip replacement is to minimize the amount of soft tissue damage that occurs when a surgeon reconstructs a hip. The potential benefits of this approach include: Less bleeding during surgery Less post-operative pain Shorter recovery time Smaller scars for improved cosmetics The Direct Two-Incision Technique Because of the small exposure associated with preparation of the femoral canal (leg bone) with the small incision technique, the two-incision approach was developed to provide more precision in preparing the femoral (leg bone) canal for the new ball component. This technique uses one incision for preparing and inserting the socket. The second incision is used to prepare and insert the thighbone component. Only one muscle structure is cut, while other soft tissue structures such as ligaments and tendons are moved aside instead of being cut. In addition, another important benefit of this technique is the sparing of the fascia latae (deep sheet tissue surrounding the thigh muscle). As a result, this may reduce the occurrence of localized pain over the greater trochanter and provide greater hip stability immediately after surgery. The performance of a hip replacement depends on your age, weight, activity level and other factors. There are potential risks, and recovery takes time. People with conditions limiting rehabilitation should not have this surgery. Only an orthopaedic surgeon can determine whether you are a candidate for the minimally invasive hip replacement procedure. Also, a mini-incision may need to be converted into a traditional incision during surgery. There are many surgeons that may still prefer to perform traditional hip replacement surgery <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" replacement-surgery-india.html"> invasive-hip-replacement-surgery-india.html</a>
  • 23. KEYWORDS" Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery, Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery India, Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery Abroad, Mini Hip Replacement Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery, India Hospital Tour , Hip Pain Treatment, Hip Replacement, Total Hip Replacement, Mini Incision, Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement India, Hip Joint, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Hip Replacement Surgery India
  • 24. Minimal Invasive Hip Resurfacing Title>Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery, India MI Hip Resurfacing DESCRIPTION" Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery abroad in India offers info on cost Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery Surgeon, Hospitals in India Minimally invasive hip resurfacing replacement surgery and navigation Instruments have been designed that allow for smaller incision surgery. This is reflected in less tissue damage and slightly quicker recovery rates. The wounds are also a little smaller. It must be pointed out, however, that six months following the surgery there is no difference in the outcome between a standard incision hip and a mini incision hip. Navigation is the latest technology that allows more accurate placement of the components to re- establish the normal hip biomechanics. This new technology is still evolving. The hip resurfacing procedure is more technically demanding than conventional THR and may require longer operating times. In addition, hip surgery is more difficult through a minimal incision and the technique is difficult to learn. Enhanced training and specialized instruments are necessary for accurate, reproducible results. Gaining proficiency with the procedure may be challenging, as potential candidates for hip resurfacing make up 10% to 20% of a typical surgeon s patient population. A limited number of Canadian surgeons have the necessary skills. Computer navigation systems and fluoroscopic imaging may allow improved visualization and hip implant positioning with mini-incisions, which may encourage more surgeons to attempt minimally invasive hip resurfacing. There are disadvantages to navigational systems, including increased cost and operating time; and the possibility of error from computer malfunction or inappropriate commands. It is unknown if increased costs would be offset by savings from a shorter hospital stay. Outcome-based research and long-term followup are necessary to assess the clinical and economic impact of a minimally invasive approach to hip resurfacing. There is also a need for defined criteria to determine which patients might benefit from this surgical approach Minimally invasive hip resurfacing (MIS) is total or partial hip surgery that can be carried out through an incision of less than 10 cm without imparting great forces on the anatomy or compromising component positioning" The modified posterior MIS approach to hip resurfacing and Total Hip Arthoplasty displays a host of advantages to the patient: 1. Less post-operative pain 2. Less soft tissue damage and pressure on muscle fibres. 3. Shorter hospital stay 4. Lower blood loss 5. Smaller incision 6. Quicker return to work and functional activities
  • 25. The process of shortening the operative field (mini-incision) for hip resurfacing from the conventional open approach (15–30 cm), to a mini-incision approach (7–15 cm) has been well documented in the realm of hip surgery. It has been suggested by some surgeons, however, that in doing this one runs the risk of implanting the components incorrectly, especially the acetabular component. It has also noted that during femoral head reaming (drilling of the femoral head) with the surgical site being so small, the conventional instruments can damage the soft tissues. Having accepted this, the essential criterion for minimally invasive hip resurfacing are: 1. An implant designed for MIS delivery 2. MIS instruments for tissue protection 3. Specialised instrumentation for femoral neck targeting, acetabular reaming, acetabular impaction and retractors that are soft tissue friendly <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" resurfacing-surgery-india.html hip-resurfacing-surgery-india.html</a> KEYWORDS" Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery, Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery India, Hip Resurfacing abroad, New Hip Resurfacing, Hip Resurfacing India, Hip Surgery, India Hospital Tour, Hip Resurfacing Procedures, Hip Resurfacing Center India, World Class Hospitals, Hip Resurfacing Surgery, Minimal Invasive Hip Surgery, MIS, Partial Hip Surgery, Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Procedure, Minimally Invasive, Minimal Invasive Hip Surgery, Affordable Minimally Invasive Hip Resurfacing Surgery India
  • 26. Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Title>Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery India,Minimal Knee Surgery DESCRIPTION" Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery India,cost Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery abroad in India,MI Knee surgeons,hospitals in India. minimal-incision knee replacement? We're not 100% sure quite yet, and that is the concern many orthopedic surgeons have about minimal-incision surgery. It has to be remembered that while the aforementioned benefits of minimal-incision surgery are terrific, the most important goal of a knee replacement surgery is to provide the patient with a pain-free joint that will last a long time. The concern with performing a knee replacement though a tiny incision is that the implants may not be placed as precisely and as snug, and could therefore wear out more quickly. A recent study found that patients requiring a second surgery had this procedure much sooner when they had minimal-incision surgery. Patients who required the revision surgery after minimal-incision knee replacement had their revision on average 15 months after their initial procedure. This compares to an average of 80 months after traditional knee replacements. That is a very striking difference. Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Preparation Being educated about what to expect is important after minimally invasive knee replacement surgery. Patients should have realistic goals for their recovery. Keep in mind that each person recovers differently. In fact, people who undergo knee replacements of both knees at once often experience somewhat different recoveries on each side. The term minimally invasive is somewhat misleading and overused. It is still a surgery, and any surgery is invasive. The human response to injury includes discomfort, altered emotions, and a recovery period until healing occurs. Minimally invasive surgery can reduce, but not eliminate, these normal responses to the trauma of surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also does not mean risk-free surgery. Knee replacement surgery, regardless of technique, is associated with risk of infection, nerve injury, deep blood clots, premature implant loosening and failure, unexpected knee stiffness, continued pain, unpredictable medical complications, and even death. While these complications are uncommon, people undergoing knee replacement surgery need to be aware of them before undergoing any type of reconstructive procedure. Usually, minimally invasive surgery simply means performing a big operation through a small incision. In other words, the deep muscle injury is often unchanged, but the scar is smaller. Surgeons who perform at least 100 knee replacement procedures per year are most able to progressively begin shortening the incision, while keeping the procedure the same. Many orthopedic implant companies have developed special instruments and training for surgeons. Learning more about the procedure by reviewing the patient educational materials provided on an orthopedic
  • 27. Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery in India Total knee replacement (knee arthroplasty) is a surgery that is performed for severe degenerative disease of the knee joint. More than 300,000 people undergo the procedure each year. Minimally invasive total knee replacement involves the use of a smaller incision than the one used in traditional knee replacement. In the traditional method, the incision averages 8 to 10 inches in length. In minimally invasive knee surgery, the incision is only 4 to 6 inches long. Because there is less damage to the tissue around the knee, patients who undergo this procedure may expect a shorter hospital stay, a shorter recovery, and a better looking scar. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" knee-replacement-surgery-india.html"> replacement/minimally-invasive-knee-replacement-surgery-india.html</a> KEYWORDS" Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery India, Knee Replacement India, After Knee Replacement, Knee Replacement Procedure, Minimally Invasive, Knee Replacement Surgery, India Hospital Tour, Knee Replacement Surgery, Knee, Knee Joint, Total Knee Replacement, Knee Replacement, Minimally Invasive Knee Surgery, Information On Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery, Hospitals Of Knee Replacement Surgery, Knee
  • 28. Revision Hip Replacement title>Revision Hip Replacement,Revision Hip Replacement Surgery India Abroad DESCRIPTION" content="Revision Hip Replacement Surgery abroad in India offers info on cost revision hip replacement abroad in India,revision hi surgeon and hospitals India. Revision Hip Replacement in India Modern hip replacement has resulted in huge benefit for patients with arthritic hip disease providing them with reduction of pain, return of function and consequently an improved quality of life. The clinical success of total hip replacement is often taken for granted by the general population. There is evidence of increased longevity (twenty years or more) with some total joint replacements, but many of these mechanical joints fail at around fifteen years when the hip joint loosens. Revision hip surgery is technically extremely difficult and few orthopaedic surgeons have extensive experience in this field. Hip revision surgery has three major purposes: relieving pain in the affected hip; restoring the patient's mobility; and removing a loose or damaged prosthesis before irreversible harm is done to the joint. Hip prostheses that contain parts made of polyethylene typically become loose because wear and tear on the prosthesis gradually produces tiny particles from the plastic that irritate the soft tissue around the prosthesis. The inflamed tissue begins to dissolve the underlying bone in a process known as osteolysis. Eventually, the soft tissue expands around the prosthesis to the point at which the prosthesis loses contact with the bone. In general, a surgeon will consider revision surgery for pain relief only when more conservative measures, such as medication and changes in the patient's lifestyle, have not helped. In some cases, revision surgery is performed when x-ray studies show loosening of the prosthesis, wearing of the surfaces of the hip joint, or loss of bone tissue even though the patient may not have experienced any discomfort. In most cases, however, increasing pain in the affected hip is one of the first indications that revision surgery is necessary. Other less common reasons for hip revision surgery include fracture of the hip, the presence of infection, or dislocation of the prosthesis. In these cases the prosthesis must be removed in order to prevent long-term damage to the hip itself. Hip Replacement Procedure The hip replacement surgery will remove the diseased or damaged hip joints and replace them with new, artificial joints or prosthesis. The ball and socket joints are removed and the new implants are fitted in their place. The femoral head or the ball section of the hip joint is sawed off with a special power saw and the rest of the femur has a cavity dug in the soft tissue. This cavity is where the new ball joint implant stem will be fitted. It is important to get the size of the ball and socket right so that dislocation does not occur and make revision hip replacement necessary.
  • 29. The acetabulum or socket joint will be scraped to remove the damaged tissue and moulded to receive the new socket joint insert, usually made from a durable plastic. Implant Fixation These implants can be held in place by cement, or fitted so tightly that they stay in position naturally. In the latter case, the prosthesis surface is porous and the bone begins to grow into it and further strengthening the implant fixation. The cement option is usually recommended for older patients due to the cheaper cost. Hip Replacement Complications The most common hip replacement complication is by far hip dislocation. The ball socket becomes dislocated from the socket and the only remedy is revision hip replacement surgery, where the hip joint is surgically re-entered and fixed. Hip revision surgery may also be required if the new prosthesis are not properly fitted or measured and begin to cause pain and or stiffness. In some cases osteolysis occurs, where the cement used to bond the implant into the surrounding bone, looses microscopic particles. These particles trigger a reaction that leads to cells eating into healthy bone to the point that the implants begin to work themselves loose. In this case revision hip replacement surgery is necessary to rectify the problem <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" replacement-surgery-india.html replacement-surgery-india.html</a> KEYWORDS" content="Revision Hip Replacement, Repeat Hip Replacement India, Revision, Hip Replacement Abroad, Injury, Total Hip Replacement, Hip Revision Surgery, Hip Revision Treatment, India Hospital Tour, Surgery For Revisions, Before Revision Hip Replacement Surgery, Revision Hip Replacement Hospitals In India, Hip Pain, Surgery Of Revision Hip Replacement India, Cheap Revision Hip Replacement Surgery, Total Hip Revision, Revision Implants, THR Revision
  • 30. Revision Knee Replacement title>Revision Knee Replacement Surgery,India Knee Revision Surgery Abroad DESCRIPTION" content="Revision Knee Replacement Surgery abroad in India offers info on Cost Revision Knee Replacement Surgery in India,Knee Surgeons,Hospitals India. Why does a Knee need to be revised ? Pain is the primary reason for revision. Usually the cause is clear but not always. Those knees without an obvious cause for pain in general do not do as well after surgery. Plastic (polyethylene) wear. This is one of the easier revisions where only the plastic insert is changed Instability which means the knee is not stable and may be giving way or not feel safe when you walk Loosening of either the femoral, tibial or patella component. This usually presents as pain but may be asymptomatic. It is for this reason why you must have your joint followed up for life as there can be changes on X-ray that indicate that the knee should be revised despite having no symptoms. Infection- usually presents as pain but may present as swelling or an acute fever. Osteolysis (bone loss). This can occur due to particles being released into the knee joint which result in bone being destroyed Stiffness- this is difficult to improve with revision but can help in the right indications What is Revision Total Knee Replacement? Revision Total Knee Replacement is the replacement of the previous failed total knee prosthesis with a new prosthesis. It is a complex procedure that requires extensive preoperative planning, specialized implants and tools, prolonged operating times, and mastery of difficult surgical techniques to achieve a good result. Physical Examination The history and physical examination will identify patients who have a change in their pain level. Also, information can be obtained regarding activity levels and use of assistive devices, such as crutches or a cane. Pain of the hip may present as either groin or buttock pain. In addition, pain of the hip can sometimes be perceived of as knee pain, and vice versa. Swelling of the knee can be assessed easily, but swelling of the hip area may be more subtle. Mechanical failure or infection may also present with redness and warmth of the affected joint. A limp or deformity may be identified. X-Rays X-rays taken of the area around the joint replacement yield important clues regarding stability of the implant. Failure due to the most common cause, aseptic loosening, can be identified by several findings. For example, the implant may have moved, compared to previous X-rays, or there may be a lucent line between the component and the cement or bone, signifying that the bond between the bone and implant has degraded. Areas of bone loss, or lysis, can be identified. Mechanical failure with broken implants or severe wear is also assessed by comparison to previous X-rays. For these reasons, serial follow-up radiographs are recommended to catch joint failure at an early stage.
  • 31. Laboratory Tests Common laboratory tests for possible failed joints include a complete blood count, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and a C-reactive protein test (CRP). These studies are most helpful in the detection of infected joint replacements. The blood count may identify an anemia from chronic disease, and rarely may detect an elevated white blood cell count. The ESR and CRP may be abnormal in the presence of an inflammatory process, such as infection. What happens after surgery? You may also have physical therapy treatments once or twice each day as long as you are in the hospital. Therapy treatments will address the range of motion in the knee. Your therapist may also demonstrate exercises to improve knee mobility and engage the thigh and hip muscles. Ankle movements help pump swelling out of the leg and prevent the possibility of a blood clot. When you are stabilized, your therapist will help you up for a short outing using your crutches or walker. After surgery, you may not be allowed to put weight on the affected leg for a period of time. This varies from surgeon to surgeon. <br> Please log on to :<a href=""></a><br> Please log on to :<a href=" replacement-surgery-india.html"> knee-replacement-surgery-india.html</a> KEYWORDS Revision knee Replacement, Repeat knee Replacement India, Revision Surgery India, knee Replacement, Injury, Total knee Replacement, Knee Revision Surgery, Knee Revision Treatment, India Hospital Tour, Surgery For Revisions, Before Revision Knee Replacement Surgery, Revision Knee Replacement Hospitals In India, Knee Pain, Surgery Of Revision Knee Replacement India, Cheap Revision Knee Replacement Surgery, Total Knee Revision, Revision Implants, THR Revision