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Orthodontic Treatment in Medically
Leader in continuing dental education


Orthodontics is a dynamic and exciting specialty
of dentistry. The nature of the orthodontic
patient base continues to evolve, and the
practicing orthodontist will be increasingly
challenged to assist in the diagnosis and
management of patients with special medical

Given the age range of the majority of
orthodontic patients, it is important that the
orthodontist understand the basic management
of various medical disorders and specific
considerations in orthodontic treatment of these
patients. With an understanding of the
fundamental disease and the therapy for medical
problems, the orthodontist can be a positive part
of the health care team and support a family in

Medical conditions commonly encountered in
orthodontic patients include:
risk of infective endocarditis;
bleeding disorders;
cystic fibrosis;
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis;
Diabetes Mellitus



It is a clinical syndrome which produces an
excess of blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, due to
a deficiency or diminished effectiveness of
Type I Insulin dependent, sometimes termed as
Juvenile onset.
Type II Insulin independent or maturity onset

In addition there is diabetes of pregnancy where
a hormone, human placental lactogen has a
contra-insulin effect. Should this occur the
pregnant patient requires insulin therapy during
second and third trimester to be discontinued as
the placenta is removed.
Diabetes- Complications



Hyperglycemia & Ketoacidosis- Coma of slow
Hypoglycemia- coma of Sudden onset

Concurrent complications
Diabetes of pregnancy- up to 9% death of
Chronic complications: Vascular
 Macroangiopathy -Large blood vessels
 Head –Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
 Heart -Angina Pectoris and myocardial
 Limbs-Gangrene


Small blood vessels of
Eyes -Blindness
Heart -Cardiomyopathy
Kidneys-Renal failure
Skin -Necrosis




There is a great deal of evidence to show that
good diabetic control and the achievement of
normoglycemic state prevents many if not all
complications of the disease.
Management involves diet control, insulin
therapy and oral hypoglycemic agents.
Oral Manifestations


Approximately half of the people with DM are
undiagnosed, and a dental examination might
give the first indication of the disease.
Xerostomia, oral candidiasis, burning mouth or
tongue (glossopyrosis), impaired wound healing,
recurrent oral infections, and acetone breath,
multiple periodontal abscesses

Several oral manifestations are associated with
DM, although they are mainly found in patients
whose DM is uncontrolled or poorly controlled.
Well-controlled patients without local factors,
such as subgingival calculus, have as healthy a
periodontium as nondiabetics.

Even well-controlled DM patients may have
more gingival inflammation, probably because
of impaired neutrophil function. Vascular
changes, such as DM-related microangiopathies,
have been shown to encourage periodontal

Because periodontal disease tends to be more
common and more extensive in patients with
uncontrolled or poorly controlled DM, one
could hypothesize that normalizing the blood
glucose levels should stop the progression of
periodontal disease. This is, however, not true;

Sastrowijoto et al (1990) demonstrated that
better metabolic control in type 1 patients did
not improve the clinical periodontal condition; it
ameliorates only when local oral hygiene
measures are used. The periodontal condition
will continue to deteriorate when the blood
glucose level is not well controlled.
Dental/ Orthodontic treatment

The key to any orthodontic treatment is good
medical control. Orthodontic treatment should
not be performed in a patient with uncontrolled
diabetes. If the patient is not in good metabolic
control every effort should be made to improve
blood glucose control. For DM patients with
good medical control, all dental procedures can
be performed without special precautions if
there are no complications of DM.

However it is very important that the procedure
be completed without stress and without causing
the patient to miss a meal.


The patient must be knowledgeable about the
disease, if on insulin must regularly determine
the blood glucose level, prior to the
appointment, must take the usual morning dose
of insulin or oral hypoglycemic and must have a
normal breakfast.
The dentist must arrange an early appointment,
create as little stress as possible and have
emergency drugs readily available.


Painless dentistry free of stress is required.
Topical anesthesia, aspirating syringe and
minimal epinephrine doses should be used.
Prilocaine plain (4%) or mepivacaine plain (3%)
are suitable solutions.
If there is any difficulty in obtaining local
anesthesia then articaine 4%with 1/200 000
epinephrine using a minimal amount of solution
is acceptable.

There is no treatment preference with regard to
fixed or removable appliances. It is important to
stress good oral hygiene, especially when fixed
appliances are used. These appliances might give
rise to increased plaque retention, which could
more easily cause tooth decay and periodontal
breakdown in these patients.

Daily rinses with a fluoride-rich mouthrinse can
provide further preventive benefits. Candida
infections can occur, and then blood glucose
levels should be monitored to rule out
deterioration of the DM control.

Diabetes-related microangiopathy can
occasionally occur in the periapical vascular
supply, resulting in unexplained odontalgia,
percussion sensitivity, pulpitis, or even loss of
vitality in sound teeth. Especially with
orthodontic treatment when forces are applied
to move teeth over a significant distance, the
practitioner should be alert to this phenomenon
and regularly check the vitality of the teeth
involved. It is advisable to apply light forces and
not to overload the teeth.

Holtgrave and Donath (1989) studied
periodontal reactions to orthodontic forces.
They found retarded osseous
regeneration, weakening of the periodontal
ligament, and microangiopathies in the gingival
area. They concluded that the specific diabetic
changes in the periodontium are more
pronounced after orthodontic tooth movement.
Diabetic coma


Should a diabetic patient lose consciousness
during dental treatment the dentist is presented
with a life threatening emergency that requires
immediate treatment.
The patient should be placed in a supine
position to rectify any syncope.
If the diagnosis( hypo or hyperglycemia) proves
difficult then the patient should be given a
diagnostic i.v dose of glucose.



This will not be harmful if it is a hyperglycemic
coma. However, if it is a hypoglycemic coma the
patient will improve and further oral glucose can
be given when as consciousness returns.
An unconscious patient with hyperglycemia
should be immediately transferred to the
Never give insulin to an undiagnosed patient in
coma as it may precipitate brain damage or
death if the patient is hypoglycemic.

The best emergency drug is Glucagon 1 mg
which is far easier to administer as it can be
given subcutaneously, i.m or i.v. It takes 10 min
for the drug to take effect during which time the
patient airway should be secured.

Hypertension is very common in the North
American population. The disease is usually a
result of increased peripheral resistance and may
result from either renal or non-renal causes.
Approximately two thirds of all cases of
hypertension are classified as "idiopathic or
essential hypertension." In these cases, the
etiology is not known.


Patients with hypertension are treated with a
variety of medications. It has been stated that
there is "no particular best drug for the
treatment of high ,arterial pressure."
Patients may be receiving antihypertensive
medication such as reserpine, methyldopa,
guanethidine or propanolol. These agents have
side affects of nausea and vomiting, as well as
Dental/Orthodontic Treatment


The patients medical history may indicate
hypertension or should the patient not be aware
of the condition, the drug history should alert
the dentist.
If a patient is on antihypertensive drugs, it is
important that the blood pressure be checked to
see if the hypertension is controlled.

The degree of control of the patient's
hypertension ,and compliance with the
therapeutic regimen should be determined. As
these patients may have postural
hypotension, care should be taken when the
patient rises from the dental chair, particularly if
the procedure has been long and; lounge-type
chair is used. lf nitrous oxide is
administered, hypoxia should be avoided.

For the known hypertensive on medication, the
diastolic pressure should be controlled at 90mm
of Hg. A diastolic pressure over 100mmHg
indicates hypertension or that the patient is one
who gives exaggerated response to stress.

Allow the patient to relax and rest in the dental
chair before repeating the blood pressure
reading. If the diastolic pressure remains
high, then carry out the emergency treatment
only and refer the patient to a physician. A
controlled hypertensive is at no greater risk than
a normal healthy patient.

Local anesthesia solution containing weak
concentration of epinephrine are acceptable.
Gingival packing material containing
vasopressors should not be used.
Acute hypertensive crisis


Should the patient have an acute hypertensive
crisis, eg a blood pressure of 180/120 mmHg,
then terminate the procedure as the patient
requires immediate treatment. In such an
emergency the patient should be given
Nifedipine. The patient must bite the capsule
and slide it under the tongue where it is
absorbed in 5 min.
In acute hypertensive crisis due to
phaeochromocytoma, the patient should be
referred directly to the care of physician.

Leukemias are a group of diseases that account
for one-third of all childhood malignancies.
Historically, leukemias were classified by the cell
of origin (lymphoid or myeloid) and by the
clinical course (acute or chronic). By using
current therapies, the course of leukemia is
generally chronic.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the
single most common malignancy in children
(75% to 80% of childhood leukemias). Acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the result of
malignant transformation and clonal
proliferation of a single cell.

The presenting features are caused by the
invasion of the bone marrow and organs with
malignant cells that crowd out the normal
functional hematopoietic elements. The patient
has fatigue, bone pain, fever, weight loss,
bleeding, malaise, and/or enlarged lymph nodes.
Definitive diagnosis is made by analysis of the
bone marrow (greater than 25% lymphoblasts).

Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL)
accounts for 15% to 20% of childhood
leukemia. It results from malignant clonal
proliferation of a myeloid cell that infiltrates the
bone marrow and extramedullary tissues. The
clinical presentation is similar to that of ALL
with pallor, fatigue, infection, bleeding, and
bone pain. These patients may also exhibit
gingival hyperplasia.

Chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) accounts
for less than 5% of pediatric leukemia. Chronic
myelocytic leukemia (CML) is characterized by
myeloid hyperplasia of the bone marrow,
extramedullary hematopoiesis, and severe
leukocytosis. Bone marrow transplantation
offers the only hope for long-term survival.

Lymphomas account for 10% of all childhood
malignancies with equal incidence of Hodgkins
and nonHodgkins types. Patients present with
fever, weight loss, anorexia, night sweats, and
itching. Excisional biopsy of involved lymph
nodes is performed for diagnosis followed by
bone marrow biopsy and radiographic imaging
studies for staging.

NonHodgkins lymphomas (NHL) are malignant
neoplasms of the cells of the immune system.
Three subgroups are found: undifferentiated
lymphomas (47%), lymphoblastic (33%) large
cell, or histiocytic (16%). The NHL may arise in
any lymphoid tissue and numerous extra
lymphoid sites including bone, skin and the
orbits. Lymphadenopathy, weight loss, anorexia,
fever, and malaise are common at presentation.


Not all patients show intraoral signs of
hematologic malignancy. Although oral
symptoms do not play a major role in the
diagnosis of chronic leukemia, it has been
reported that between 12% and 17% of patients
with acute leukemia first sought medical care
because of an oral problem.

Oral changes that should raise the orthodontist's
index of suspicion are gingival
oozing, petechiae, hematomas, ulcerations, gingi
val pain, gingival hypertrophy, mucosal
pallor, pharyngitis, and lymphadenopathy.
Referral to a physician is indicated for patients
exhibiting these oral symptoms without
evidence of accompanying local causative

Once a diagnosis of malignancy has been made,
the goal of the dental team, including the
orthodontist, is to prevent and to eliminate oral
infections for these patients. Patients receiving
chemotherapy have increased predisposition to
infection; infection is the leading cause of death
in immunocompromised patients.

Elimination of infectious foci that cause
septicemia is preferable to treatment for
infection. The prevalence of a probable or
possible oral origin of septicemia in the
immunosuppressed population has been
reported as 31%.

It is difficult for an orthodontist to discontinue
treatment on a patient who is only part way
through orthodontic treatment and, in the early
stages of hematologic malignancy, may not be
exhibiting any oral symptoms. Chemotherapy
usually causes significant oral complications.

Orthodontic appliances cause stress to the oral
mucosa and ulcerations may occur in reaction to
the slightest oral insult because the neutropenia
resulting from chemotherapy impairs the
regenerative capability of the mucous

Mucositis may progress from swelling, soreness
and whitening of the mucosa to glossitis,
cheilitis, and stomatis, which can be so severe
that morphine or meperidine is required for
palliation of pain. Candidiasis is common. Oral
infection by opportunistic organisms may also
occur. Xerostomia can be a side effect from
chemotherapy or the radiation treatment given
before bone marrow transplant.

Patients and their families sometimes resist the
recommendation to terminate orthodontic
treatment. Ideally, there should be a joint
consultation among all the parties involved—
patient, parents, physician, family dentist, and
orthodontist—before discontinuing treatment
so that everyone is in agreement that what is
being done is in the best interest of the patient.

It should be stressed that the orthodontist is not
"giving up" on the patient when halting
treatment. In situations with a good prognosis,
the emotional acceptance of appliance removal
may be enhanced by a careful selection of words
by the orthodontist.

The appliance removal can be presented as a
transition point that divides the orthodontic
treatment into two distinct stages. The patient's
comfort and safety during all phases of
chemotherapy are enhanced if all fixed
appliances are removed. Removable retainers
should fit well so they do not become a source
of irritation, ulceration, and infection.

Orthodontic treatment is an elective procedure
for most patients. For patients undergoing
treatment for hematologic malignancies, the risk
benefit balance is heavily weighted against
ongoing orthodontic treatment. Once a patient
has completed chemotherapy and is in long-term
remission, orthodontic treatment can be
restarted with the goal of achieving the originally
planned outcome of orthodontic treatment.
Children with bleeding disorders

Patients with mild bleeding disorders do not
usually present difficulties to the orthodontist.
However, those with severe bleeding disorders
can be more problematic. In addition to
haemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency), which
affects about 1 in 10,000 males, a number of
congenital coagulation abnormalities caused by
deficiency of other clotting factors have been

As the prevalence of malocclusion in these
children is similar to the rest of the population
and the long-term outlook is good, orthodontic
treatment is often requested.



Patients with haemophilia and related bleeding
disorders require special consideration in two
Viral Infection risk
Bleeding risk
Viral Infection risk

Factor concentrates are derived from human
blood donations. Since the mid- 1980‘s methods
of manufacture have been developed to remove
hepatitis B, C and HIV from human derived
concentrates. However, the continued use of
concentrates, despite careful donor selection and
screening, and improved methods of
manufacture, still carries a small risk of
transmitting serious transfusion derived viral

Most patients with moderate to severe
haemophilia A require Factor VIII concentrate
infusion before oral surgical procedures. The
recent introduction of genetically manufactured
Factor VIII products and their current
widespread use in affected children has further
reduced the risk of viral transmission in this age
Bleeding risk

Generally, orthodontic treatment is not
contraindicated in children with bleeding
disorders. If tooth extraction or other surgery is
required in patients with severe bleeding
disorders they are usually hospitalized and given
transfusions of the missing clotting factor in
advance of the procedure. Whenever possible
non-extraction approach should be adopted.
Special Orthodontic considerations
1. It is desirable to prevent gingival bleeding
before it occurs. This is best achieved by
establishing and maintaining excellent oral
2. Chronic irritation from an orthodontic
appliance may cause bleeding and special efforts
should be made to avoid any form of gingival or
mucosal irritation.
3. Archwires should be secured with elastomeric
modules, rather than wire ligatures which carry
the risk of cutting the mucosal surface. Special
care is required to avoid mucosal cuts when
placing and removing archwires.
4. The duration of orthodontic treatment for any
patient with a bleeding disorder should be given
careful consideration. The longer the duration of
treatment the greater the potential for
complications. (Van Venrooy, Proffit 1985)
Children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (J RA) is an
inflammatory arthritis occurring before the age
of 16 years and now embraces Stills disease
(Grundy et al 1993). Although uncommon
compared with adult rheumatoid arthritis, at its
worst, JRA is considerably more severe than the
adult disease and leads to gross deformity.

One form of this disease which affects girls in
late childhood may involve virtually any joint
and is associated with rheumatoid nodules, mild
fever, anaemia, and malaise (Scully and
Cawson, 1987). Damage to the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has been
described, including complete bony ankylosis.

It has been suggested that restricted growth of
the mandible resulting in a severe Class II jaw
discrepancy occurs in 10-30 per cent of subjects
with JRA (Wallon et al., 1999). Classic signs of
rheumatoid destruction of the TMJ include
condylar flattening and a large joint space.
Special Orthodontic considerations


1.If the wrist joints are affected these patients
can have difficulty with tooth brushing. They
may require additional support from a hygienist
during their orthodontic treatment and the use
of an electric toothbrush should be considered.
2. Some authors have suggested that orthodontic
procedures that place stress on the TMJs, such
as functional appliances and heavy Class II
elastics, should be avoided if there is rheumatoid
involvement of the TMJs (Proffit, 1991).

Instead, consideration should he given to using
headgear to treat children with rheumatoid
arthritis who have moderate mandibular
deficiency. However, others feel that functional
appliances may unload the affected condyle and
act as a ‗joint-protector‘ (Kjellberg et al., 1995).

3. It has been suggested that in cases of severe
mandibular deficiency mandibular surgery
should be avoided, and a more conservative
approach using maxillary surgery and genioplasty
should be considered (van Venrooy and Proffit
Children with cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive
disorder of the exocrine glands. It is the
commonest inherited disease among Caucasians
with an incidence of one in 2500 live births
(Jaffe and Bush, 1999). The main clinical
manifestations of cystic fibrosis relate to
changes in the mucous glands of the pulmonary
and digestive systems. Males and females are
equally affected.


The lungs are invariably involved and there is a
non-productive cough that leads to acute
respiratory infection, bronchopneumonia,
bronchiectasis, and lung abscesses. The disease
pursues a relentless course and, until recently,
the life expectancy was not much more than the
second decade. Heart and lung transplants have
proved successful in a small group of patients
with respiratory failure (Grundy et al,. 1993).
The current median survival for subjects with
cystic fibrosis is 30 years (Jaffe and Bush, 1999).
Orthodontic considerations

Before contemplating orthodontic treatment for
patients with cystic fibrosis the patient's
physician should be contacted to determine the
severity of the problem and the likely prognosis.

General anaesthesia should usually be avoided
and any orthodontic extractions should be
delayed until an age when extraction under local
anaesthesia is feasible. Local anaesthesia
combined with inhalation sedation has an
important role to play in the management of
these children.

It has been suggested that for the majority of
these children only limited orthodontic
treatment should be contemplated (Grundy et
al., 1993). However, life expectancy varies and
orthodontic management will depend on the
general prognosis of each individual case.

It should also be remembered that salivary
glands, particularly the submandibular glands are
often affected by cystic fibrosis. Salivary volume
can be reduced and there may be an increased
risk of decalcification during orthodontic
treatment, due to changes in saliva or dietary
alterations (van Venrooy and Proffit, 1985).
Appropriate preventive measures must be
instigated from the outset including dietary
advice and daily fluoride mouthrinses.

Endocarditis is a life-threatening disease,
although it is relatively uncommon. Substantial
morbidity and mortality can result from this
infection despite advances in antimicrobial
therapy. Primary prevention of endocarditis is
therefore very important (Dajani et al 1997).
High risk-endocarditis Prophylaxis
recommended (Dajani et al., 1997)

Individuals at high risk of developing severe
endocardial infection include those with
prosthetic cardiac valves, previous bacterial
endocarditis, complex cyanotic congenital heart
disease (Fallot's tetralogy), or surgically
constructed systemic pulmonary shunts or


Moderate risk-endocarditis; prophylaxis
recommended (Dajani et al., 1997)
Includes most other congenital cardiac
malformations, acquired valvular dysfunction
(rheumatic heart disease), hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy, and mitral valve prolapse with
Negligible risk-endocarditis prophylaxis NOT
recommended (Dajani et al., 1997)

This category includes cardiac conditions in
which the development of endocarditis is not
higher than in the general population. This list
includes isolated secundum, atrial septal
defect, surgical repair of atrial or ventricular
septal defects, or patent ductus
arteriosus, previous coronary artery bypass
graft, mitral valve prolapse without valvular
regurgitation, innocent heart murmurs, previous
Kawasaki disease or rheumatic fever without
valvular dysfunction, cardiac pacemakers, and
implanted defibrillators.
Orthodontic procedures requiring
antibiotic prophylaxis

In the United Kingdom the British Society for
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (Simmons et al
1991) recommend the use of antibiotic
prophylaxis before the following dental
procedures: extractions, scaling, ,and surgery
involving the gingival tissues.

The American Heart Association
recommendations state that antibiotic
prophylaxis should be given at the initial
placement of orthodontic bands, but not
orthodontic brackets (Dajani et al 1997).
Prophylaxis regimen for dental, oral
respiratory tract, or esophageal procedures




Standard general prophylaxis
Adult 2g; children 50mg/kg
orally 1 hr before the procedure
Unable to take oral medication
Adult 2g i.m or i.v; children
50mg/kg i.m or i.v within 30 min before the




Allergic to penicillin
Clindamycin Adult 60mg; children 20mg/kg
orally 1hr before the procedure
Adult 2 g; children 50mg/kg
orally 1hr before the procedure
Azithromycin or clarithromycin Adult 600mg;
children 20mg/kg orally within 30 min before
the procedure



Allergic to penicillin and Unable to take oral
Clindamycin Adult 600mg; children 20mg/kg
i.v within 30 min before the procedure
Cefazolin Adult 1g; children 25mg/kg i.v or
i.m within 30 min before the procedure
Orthodontic procedures causes


Digling (1972) failed to detect any bacteraemias
when fitting or removing orthodontic bands for
10 patients. However, McLaughlin et al (1996)
reported bacteraemias in three (10 per cent) out
of 30 patients when molar hands were fitted.
More recently a study among 40 patients
reported a lower prevalence of bacteraemia or
7.5 per cent in initial banding (Erverdi et al

In a separate study of bacteraemia at debanding
and debonding the same authors detectcd
bactememias in 6.6 per cent of the 30 patients
studied (Erverdi et al, 2000).
Orthodontic considerations


The orthodontist has to make a decision on a
case by case approach in agreement with the
patient's cardiologist. The risk of endocarditis
must be weighed against the risk of an adverse
reaction to the antimicrobial therapy prescribed.
I. As an initial step the level of risk of
endocarditis occurring must be established. This
will involve contacting the patient's cardiologist,
although the American Heart Association
guidelines offer guidance on the risk categories
of various heart defects (Dajani et al. 1997).

Orthodontic treatment should never be
commenced until the patient has exemplary oral
hygiene and excellent dental health. The
prevalence and magnitude of bacteraemias of
oral origin are directly proportional to the degree
of oral inflammation and infection (Pallasch and
Slots 1996). Guntheroth (1984) highlighted the
fact that most bacteraemias occur as a result of
mastication, tooth brushing, or randomly as a
result of oral sepsis.


In a review of the orthodontic treatment of
patients at risk from infective endocarditis, it has
been suggested that prior to any orthodontic
procedure a 0.2 percent chlorhexidine
mouthwash should be used (Khurana and
Martin, 1999).
If possible, the orthodontist should avoid using
orthodontic bands and instead, use bonded
attachments. Antibiotic prophylaxis is
considered unnecessary when bonding brackets
or adjusting orthodontic appliances.

If banding is necessary the orthodontist must
decide if antibiotic prophylaxis is required.
This decision should be based on the risk of
endocarditis represented by the patient's heart
defect (high or moderate risk) and the patient's
dental health. Two recent studies have found a
relatively low prevalence of bactcraemia during
orthodontic banding (McLaughlin et al. 1996;
Erverdi et al, 1999).


Prior to giving antibiotic prophylaxis it is
important to establish that no known penicillin
allergy exists,
The latest American guidelines recommend the
use of antibiotic prophylaxis for initial banding.
but not when removing bands (Dajani et al..
1997). It could be argued that the risk of
bacteraemia might be higher at band removal
when the gingival tissues adjacent to the bands
are often inflamed.

Erverdi et al. (2000) found a low prevalence of
bacteraemia at debanding (6.6 per cent), but
patients with poor oral hygiene were specifically
excluded from their study. Plainly, it would be
prudent to consider using antibiotic prophylaxis
if the gingivae adjacent to the orthodontic bands
are inflamed and the patient has a high-risk
cardiac lesion.


In recent years the prevalence of Hepatitis has
increased markedly. At the same time, many new
diagnostic techniques have been developed
permitting a very accurate determination of the
active and carrier states of the disease.
The etiologic agents of viral hepatitis are
currently recognized as atleast three distinct
viruses: HepatitisA, Hepatiti.s B, and ―non AnonB‖ Hepatitis. There is considerable overlap
in the clinical presentation of infection with the
various viral agents.


Hepatitis A has been traditionally called
"infectious hepatitis". The main route of
transmission is via a fecal/oral route. An attack
is thought to confer lifetime immunity and the
carrier state is almost nonexistent. The diagnosis
of Hepatitis is made on clinical basis, although
certain immunologic markers have been
For example, there is an increased IgM in recent
infection and an increased IgG in old infections


Hepatitis B has been traditionally called "serum
hepatitis". Although parentral transmission has
been the classical route for Hepatitis B, nonparentral infection via saliva, urine, feces and
semen are now known to be significant factors
in the transmission of this disease.
Approximately 5 to 10 % of the patients develop
a carrier state and continue to have high level of
Hepatitis B surface antigen. The diagnosis or
Hepatitis B is via three markers: Hepatitis B
surface antigen, Hepatitis B surface antibody
and Hepatitis core antibody.
Dental considerations

The dental treatment of the patient with
Hepatitis requires careful planning. If the patient
has active hepatitis, only palliative care should be
given until the disease is under control. For
patients with a history of hepatitis, dentists must
determine, prior to therapy, the type of hepatitis,
and the carrier state of the patient. If the patient
has active hepatitis and requires emergency
treatment or is a carrier of the virus, strict
aseptic technique must be practiced.


It is essential that a rubber dam be used and that
efforts be taken to minimize aerosols. Some
authorities recommend that high speed drills not
be used and the ultrasonic prophylaxis units be
avoided. All instruments should be debrided
immediately following use, and sterilization of
instruments and handpieces is important.
Universal precautions gloves, mouth masks and
eye glasses should be worn.

The room should be disinfected following
treatment of the patient. Center for
Communicable Disease of the U.S. Public
Health Service has suggested that thorough
mechanical debridement of all instruments is the
most important step in preventing the spread of


Presently, tuberculosis is mainly a disease of
drug abusers, HIV infected patients and
disadvantaged people. Less
frequently, tuberculosis occurs in older subjects
debilitated by chronic diseases or malignancy or
immunosuppressant treatment.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the agent of
tuberculosis. The bacilli spread through
lymphatic and blood vessels to any organ.

In immunocompromised patients, as a rule, the
infection is followed by the disease, which
shows severe course and frequent
extrapulmonary involvement.
Dental Considerations

Most antitubercular drugs are metabolised in
liver, and they can cause liver toxicity with
coagulation abnormalities. Rifampin may cause
leukopenia and thrombocytopenia as well as a
noticeable discoloration of body fluids.
Acetaminophen is not recommended in a patient
on isoniazid to avoid liver toxicity.
Acetylsalicylic acid is not recommended in
patients on streptomycin to avoid ototoxicity.
Any antitubercular drugs can cause skin reaction,
which potentially can involve the oral mucosa.

Dental treatment should be postponed in any
patient with active or suspected active
pulmonary tuberculosis. Such patients must
receive a complete medical assessment to rule
out tuberculosis. An extreme barrier protection
(gloves, gowns, masks, goggles, eye protection
and face shields) is indicated during emergency
dental treatment of patients with suspected or
active pulmonary tuberculosis.

After treatment of such a patient, the dental
health workers should be started on prophylaxis
for tuberculosis based on M. tuberculosis
susceptibility test.
HIV and related infections


HIV type 1 and type 2 are retroviruses that
cause progressive immunologic dysfunction
complicated by opportunistic diseases resulting
in the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
HIV transmission is similar to Hepatitis B: it is
usually by sexual, parentral and vertical
transmission. Hepatitis B is much more virulent

There is a 0.3 % risk of HIV infection after a
stick with contaminated material from a
documented HIV infected patient. This risk of
HIV infection is 0.1% if the mucosal membrane
or abraded skin is exposed to the contaminated
Dental considerations


Universal precautions should be followed.
HIV infected patients receive multiple
medications including drugs for HIV
infection, prophylaxis, opportunistic diseases
and many concurrent disorders. Side effects and
drug interactions are a major concern.
Ritonavir, for example, is contraindicated in
combination with 24 other drugs because of

HIV infected patients with advanced disease
have high risk for skin reaction to common
antibiotics, including trimethoprimsulfamethoxazol, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid,
ciprofloxacin, clindamycin and many others.

The pregnant patient requires special
considerations in the planning and executing of
dental treatment. Preventive dentistry should be
emphasized, both by the dentist and the
physician throughout the patient's pregnancy.

The dentist should exercise discretion in the use
of radiographs in dental treatment. Only those
films considered absolutely necessary for proper
dental care should be taken. With modern
technique, including filtration, collimation of the
beam, and the use of a lead apron for the
patient, gonadal radiation should be below the
measurable level.

Similarly, medication prescribed for the patient
should be minimal. Drugs which have been
shown to be non-teratogenic by long clinical
experience are preferable to newer medications.

If antibiotics are required, penicillin or
erythromycin should be prescribed. Sedatives
and hypnotics should generally be avoided, as
many of these have been shown to be
teratogenic. Prior to prescribing any medication,
the dentist should familiarize himself with
possible teratogenic effects of the agent and
should consult with patient‘s obstetrician.

Careful treatment planning is necessary for
dental care during pregnancy. In general, the
second trimester is the best time for therapy. At
this time the fetus is more developed than in the
first trimester and the patient is more
comfortable.. The danger of premature uterine
contraction is less than during the third

The supine hypotensive syndrome has been
described in patients with a gravid utrerus, and it
is important to have the patient rise slowly from
the dental chair so as to avoid syncope.

Elective procedures are best done in immediate
postpartum period and should be scheduled


Oral complications of pregnancy have been
Pregnancy gingivitis is a recognized
phenomenon and is probably related to
hormonal abnormalities and to a decreased
attention to gingival hygiene by the pregnant
women. Pregnancy tumors, an exuberant
response of the gingival epithelium to
inflammation, have also been reported. These
lesions may regress following delivery, but if
they do not they should be excised.
Neurologic and Psychiatric concerns


Epilepsy is not a specific disease, but a symptom
of a brain abnormality which manifests as
chronic often recurrent paroxysmal discharge of
many neurons.
Treatable seizures include hypoglycemia, drug or
alcohol withdrawal, local anesthesia
overdose, stroke, vascular malformation, brain
abscess and brain tumors.

The dentist/orthodontist needs to be aware of
any medications and seizure history to be
prepared to face the possibility of a seizure and
to know the natural history of patients

The more serious complication of epilepsy is
status epilepticus. It may lead to hyperpyrexia
and acidosis, ultimately causing death. This
complication is a variant of grand mal activity in
which the seizures continue unabated for more
than 5 min or in which two or more seizures
occur consecutively without any intervening
period of consciousness.


Management of the epileptic patient in the
dental office includes three concepts:
comprehensive knowledge of the patients
seizure history and medications, and avoidance
of situations likely to provoke a seizure and
ability to treat the seizure (manage the acute
A dentist should also know the medications,
dosages, serum level compared to therapeutic
level, compliance of the patient, and whether or
not the seizure activity is fully controlled.

Seizure disorders must be under control before
any complex dental procedure is begun. A
dentist/orthodontist should also be aware of the
potential side effects of anti convulsant
medication, mainly gingival hyperplasia.
Management of seizure



If the patient does develop a seizure in the
office, the following steps should be taken:
Terminate dental therapy and remove all
instruments from the mouth.
Position the patient supine on the floor , if


Protect the patient from injury by removing him
or her from proximity to sharp edges, possibility
of a fall, or other trauma. Loosen tight collar and
other clothing.
Observe the patient. Lightly strain if needed, and
be prepared to assist in maintenance of the
airway if needed. Supplemental oxygen may be

Most seizures are self limited. The patient can be
monitored, then discharged home in the care of
an adult if the patient has a history of general
seizures, which are characteristic. The patient
should not drive.



There are two cases in which the patient cannot
be sent home after a seizure:
1. If this is the first seizure for this patient or the
first relapse after a seizure free period of
2. if status epilepticus has occurred.
In the latter case, immediate transfer to a
hospital is mandatory for prompt treatment.


Syncope, a transient loss of consciousness, may
be caused by
cardiovascular, neurologic, metabolic, or
psychological disorders as well as iatrogenic
Severe anxiety, however, may produce a near
syncopal or even true syncopal episode that
quickly resolves with local treatment.


Vasodepressor syncope is heralded by significant
changes in the depth or rate of respiration,
pallor, complaints of feeling ill and nauseated,
diaphoresis, decreased pulse and blood pressure.
Patient at risk includes anxious individuals as
well as patients with systemic illness that
predisposes them to hypoglycemia, chest pain or
shortness of breath.


It is important to treat the presyncopal patient
to prevent loss of consciousness, which
indicates 50 -70 % decrease in blood flow to the
brain. Once the patient has enough decrease in
blood flow to the brain, the possibility of greater
morbidity increases.
The first step is to stop all dental procedures, to
remove all objects from the mouth, and to
reposition the patient as to facilitate blood
return to the heart and thus better circulation to
the brain.


This last position is accomplished by adjusting
the Trendelenburg position in the supine
position to allow the legs to be above the level
of heart and, for the pregnant patient, by
adjusting the pillow to ensure that the patient is
lying on one side.
A pregnant patient requires frequent
repositioning during the procedure to avoid
compression of the inferior vena cava by the
uterus, thus ensuring adequate venous return.

Xerostomia may be managed initially by
stimulating salivary gland function. The use of
saliva substitutes should only be considered
when gland function cannot be stimulated.
Furthermore, when gland function cannot be
improved, complications such as dental caries
and mucosal, salivary and periodontal infections
must be prevented and controlled.
Stimulation of Saliva Production

In patients with drug-induced xerostomia,
changing the prescribed medication(s) may
accomplish some improvement in saliva
production. In others, salivary gland function
may be stimulated mechanically, by taste stimuli,
or by drugs. Sugar-free gum or candies are useful
stimuli. Drugs that may be effective include
cholinergic agents.

Pilocarpine, given as ophthalmic drop placed
intra-orally, is effective in doses of up to five mg
administered three times daily. Anetholetrithione
(Sialor), which acts by increasing the number
and concentration of the salivary gland receptor
sites for neurostimuli, can increase saliva
production in xerostomic patients, unless there
is such advanced dysfunction that the gland has
virtually ceased to produce saliva.

Before sialogogues are prescribed, it is important
that the possible drug interactions and
side-effects are understood. For
example, pilocarpine has the potential to cause
adverse effects on cardiovascular , pulmonary
and gastrointestinal function. In the case of
Sialor, the principal complication is that of
gastrointestinal upset.
Symptomatic Management

Several saliva substitutes or mouth-wetting
agents are now marketed. Most contain
carboxymethylcellulose, although there are some
that contain animal mucins, and some also
contain constituents that may facilitate the
remineralisation of enamel. While some patients
find these products useful, clinical experience
suggests that they are not always well accepted.

Xerostomia patients should be given dietary
instruction, cautioning them against foods that
contain sugar, alcohol, caffeine or spices (which
worsen the xerostomia or irritate the mucosa) to
reduce the risk of caries and candidiasis.
Drug induced reactions

Previous studies have shown that the severity of
cyclosporine-induced gingival enlargement is
related, at least in part, to the presence of
chronic external stimuli, such as plaque and
mouth breathing. Irritation from orthodontic
appliances would potentiate this form of gingival
hyperplasia. Furthermore, cyclosporine-induced
gingival hyperplasia has been observed to
counteract or complicate orthodontic therapy.

The enlarged gingiva grows over the ends of the
buccal or lingual tubes, occluding their lumina;
springs impinge on bulbous interdental papillae
instead of the intended tooth; loops in arch
wires are pushed outward, altering the direction
of intended force; and the embrasures where
various types of retention clasps of removable
appliances fit are filled with hyperplastic
gingivae, preventing proper seating and
retention of the appliance.

Daley et al (1991) showed that another
complicating factor associated with cyclosporine
is the finding that cyclosporine-induced gingival
hyperplasia prevented the eruption of at least
some of the teeth in almost 5% of the patients.
An operculectomy may be necessary to treat this

This study also indicated that orthodontic
treatment of the cyclosporine-treated patient
may significantly increase gingival enlargement
as a result of direct contact of orthodontic
apparatuses with the gingivae. It seems
reasonable, therefore, to reduce this contact
whenever possible in an attempt to control the
hyperplasia. The following guidelines are

Whenever possible, brackets, bands, wires,
elastics, springs, and loops should be designed to
avoid any contact, however small, with any part
of the gingivae. Reduced bracket heights and
small brackets are recommended. Whenever
possible, fixed appliances should be limited to
brackets only, and cemented bands should be
avoided. Similarly, cemented retainers such as
arch bars should not contact the interdental


All tubes, springs, loops, brackets, and bands
should be removed as soon as possible after
their purpose is fulfilled.
3. The use of removable appliances should be
avoided if at all possible. The retention clasps
for these appliances fit into interdental
embrasures resulting in localized gingival
enlargement, and the gingivae adjacent to the
acrylic may exhibit generalized enlargement in
adolescents. There is a high risk that appliances
will fail to fit, resulting in the need for sequential
appliances to accommodate the alterations in the


If possible, delay orthodontic treatment until the
patient has been on cyclosporine therapy for at
least 6 months. The greatest change in the
gingivae occurs in the first 6 months of
cyclosporine therapy in most patients. The delay
will give the orthodontist a better idea of the
patient's gingival response to the drug and the
degree of complication to expect in orthodontic
Dental plaque formation should be controlled
by meticulous oral hygiene.
Learning Disability

Discrimination of any type against any individual
with a disability, regardless of the nature or
severity of the disability, is morally, ethically and
legally indefensible, since persons with Downs
syndrome and other developmental disabilities
have equal human rights (Pueschel,1989).

It all comes down to the basic question: ―Do we
believe that persons with disabilities need
functional and esthetic considerations
comparable to that of ‗normal‘ persons?‖ The
reality is that the youngster with mental
retardation grows older, periodontal disease is
an increased possibility with a maloccluded
dentition. Severe esthetic malocclusions can
compromise already difficult social relationships
and potential employment opportunities.

All too often children with Mental Retardation
may have primary and secondary dentition
difficulties resulting from the following: (1)
untoward habit development (including finger
sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting), (2)
the absence of a diet that includes rough and
course foods that require thorough chewing, (3)
increased levels of caries, and (4) the loss of
teeth and space maintenance.

In addition, malocclusions may have developed
as a consequence of prenatal or postnatal
trauma, hereditary factors, or general poor
muscle development. It may have been
―convenient‖ to approach the situation with the
view that behavioral management complications
precluded interceptive orthodontic services.

Factors related to mastication, including
swallowing patterns, food pocketing, bruxism,
drooling, and other problems associated with
neuromuscular control, may present further
difficulties. A higher incidence of traumatic
injuries also is prevalent in patients with special
needs as a result of problems of ambulating and
possible seizure activity.

Frequently patients with special needs take
multiple medications, the side effects of which
can affect adversely the oral health. Seizure
medications can cause gingival hyperplasia.
Psychotrophic and cardiovascular medications
can cause dry mouth. The high sugar content in
medications for children can contribute to
dental decay.

The population of children and adolescents with
special needs exhibits a higher percentage of
malocclusions than the normal population. This
is related to more frequent occurrences of
craniofacial deformities, abnormal growth and
development, and a higher incidence of
abnormal tongue posture and orofacial muscular
Orthodontic considerations

Jackson (1967) felt that children with learning
disability should not be discounted merely
because an ‗ideal‘ orthodontic result was not
possible. For these patients, the aims of
orthodontic treatment may need to be modified
from ‗ideal‘ but orthodontic treatment may offer
an aesthetic improvement and hence enhanced
social acceptance.

Hausdorff (1980) recommended that
orthodontic treatment of the mentally retarded
should be on a selective basis and that, to be
successful, appliance therapy must be adapted to
the needs of the specific patient. The use of a
multiband appliance with light wires was found
to be the most effective appliance and the use of
removable appliances was not recommended.

Close co-operation between the providers of
routine care for these patients and the
orthodontist is essential for their clinical
management. If a general anaesthetic is thought
appropriate for dental treatment, then placement
of an orthodontic appliance can be carried out at
the same time as any necessary extractions,
restorative or periodontal treatment.

A very high standard of moisture control can be
achieved under a general anaesthetic; in fact, the
conditions for bonding are excellent and a high
standard of bracket and band placement is
possible. The extractions are carried out
following bonding of the brackets, but before
placement of archwires.

Patients with learning disability frequently have
anterior teeth which have been traumatized and
it is advisable, if there is any doubt about
bonding these teeth, to place bands anteriorly. If
this procedure is followed, this group of patients
are no more prone to breakages compared with
a group of patients undergoing routine fixed
appliance therapy.

Routine orthodontic visits for adjustment of
appliances should be kept short and archwire
changes kept to a minimum. As far as
possible, treatment is carried out using round
wires and tipping mechanics. Tip-Edge brackets
have been found to be particularly useful.

However, some patients find they are able to
tolerate more complex fixed appliance therapy
once the appliances have been placed. During
orthodontic treatment some patients become
more tolerant during adjustment appointments,
but equally there are those whose behavior

So long as the appliance is being well tolerated
and the oral hygiene is satisfactory then the fixed
appliance is used for retention. A period of 6
months retention with the fixed, followed by
fixed bonded retainers is recommended for this
group, as removable retainers are usually poorly

Bonded retainers for the upper labial segment
are particularly useful, but in some cases this
may be complicated by previous trauma and
restorative treatment to the upper labial segment
teeth. Occasionally, crown and bridge work can
complement permanent retention.


But when dealing with patients with any
disability, the need is for practitioners (and the
general public) to recognize the wide variations
in the abilities of individuals.
For example, the single notation of ―mental
retardation‖ (with no further description) in a
medical history form offers little to no guidance
for practitioner-staff-patient-family
communication, treatment planning, and home
care follow-up.


In addition, individuals with mental retardation
may not comprehend the need for oral hygiene.
Individuals with physical disabilities may lack the
dexterity to accomplish the needed oral hygiene.
Basically, the need is to create an awareness in
the practicing orthodontic community of the
increasing need for treatment of patients with
mental retardation; successful treatment plans
could then follow.
One approach emphasizes a series of important
steps including the following:
• The parents/guardians are made fully responsible
for the oral hygiene, caries prevention
prophylaxis, and appliance care.
• The use of behavior modification for particularly
difficult procedures.
• Redesigning appliances that are less patientreliant and more patient-resistant.

In addition to standard orthodontic treatment
plans, services for patients with disabilities may
require steps to improve nasal breathing, sucking
ability, chewing, swallowing, speech, and
orofacial functioning. Therapeutic exercises that
do not require conscious cooperation may need
to be instituted in a working relationship with
myofunctional therapists.
Root resorption in Medically

According to Becks, endocrine problems
including hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism,
hyperpituitarism, and other diseases are related
to root resorption. This hypothesis, based on
basal metabolic rates, has not been examined by
updated blood analyses.

Hyperparathyroidism, hypophosphatemia, and
Paget‘s disease have been linked to root
resorption in a few anecdotal case reports. It has
been suggested that hormonal imbalance does
not cause but influences the phenomenon.

A controlled animal study (Engstrom 1988) did
not support the hypothesis that secondary
hyperparathyroidism is primarily responsible for
increased root resorption. A further study
(Goldie 1984) suggested that the parathyroid
hormone plays a major role in bone
metabolism, but that low calcium levels are
necessary for root resorption to occur. Calcium
ions are reputed to play an important role in
mediating the effects of external stimuli
(force, hormones) on their target cells.


Nutrition. Marshall (1929)advocated that
malnutrition can cause root resorption. Becks
(1936)demonstrated root resorption in animals
deprived of dietary calcium and vitamin D. It
was later suggested that nutritional imbalance is
not a major factor in root resorption during
orthodontic treatment.(1983)
Controversial results were reported when a low
calcium diet was fed to rats undergoing active
orthodontic treatment. (Engstrom 1988)

Mc Nab et al 1999 (AJODO) determined if
asthmatic patients exhibited a higher incidence
or severity of external apical root resorption
compared with healthy patients after fixed
orthodontic treatment. Records were obtained
from patients treated with fixed appliances; 99
were healthy and 44 had asthma.

A 4-grade ordinal scale was used to determine
the degree of external apical root resorption.
Combined tooth analysis showed that asthmatics
had significantly more external apical root
resorption of posterior teeth after treatment
compared with the healthy group (P =.0194).

Tooth-by-tooth analysis (adjusted for treatment
time, appliance, extractions, headgear, overbite,
overjet, sex, and age at start of treatment) found
the upper first molars were most susceptible to
external apical root resorption. Although the
incidence of external apical root resorption was
elevated in the asthma group, both asthmatics
and healthy patients exhibited similar amounts
of grade 2 (moderate) and grade 3 (severe)

Nishioka M (Angle Orthod 2006) determined
whether there is an association between
excessive root resorption and immune system
factors in a sample of Japanese orthodontic
patients. The records of 60 orthodontic patients
(18 males, age 17.7 +/- 5.7 years; 42 females, age
16.4 +/- 6.0 years) and 60 pair-matched controls
(18 males, age 15.9 +/- 4.5 years; 42 females, age
18.5 +/- 5.2 years) based on age, sex, treatment
duration, and the type of malocclusion were
reviewed retrospectively.

The pretreatment records revealed that the
incidence of allergy and root morphology
abnormality was significantly higher in the root
resorption group (P = .030 and .001)

The incidence of asthma also tended to be
higher in the root resorption group. From these
results, it was concluded that allergy, root
morphology abnormality, and asthma may be
high-risk factors for the development of
excessive root resorption during orthodontic
tooth movement in Japanese patients.


The medically compromised patient seeking oral
health care presents a special problem for the
dentist. Medication received by the patient or
the disease process itself may require
modification of the dental treatment plan.
The provision of comprehensive health care will
require the collaborative efforts of the physician
and the dentist.


Adjunctive and comprehensive orthodontic
treatment is feasible for medically compromised
individuals if proper precautions are taken.
Correction of malocclusion makes it possible to
improve the esthetics and quality of periodontal
tissues, in addition to providing psychosocial



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Engström C, Granstöm G, Thilander B. Effect of
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Ashima Valiathan, A Siva Kumar, James S,
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dental practice. Brunei Medical Journal( In
Thank you
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Ortho medical compr /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental academy

  • 1. Orthodontic Treatment in Medically Compromised INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education
  • 2. Introduction  Orthodontics is a dynamic and exciting specialty of dentistry. The nature of the orthodontic patient base continues to evolve, and the practicing orthodontist will be increasingly challenged to assist in the diagnosis and management of patients with special medical needs.
  • 3.  Given the age range of the majority of orthodontic patients, it is important that the orthodontist understand the basic management of various medical disorders and specific considerations in orthodontic treatment of these patients. With an understanding of the fundamental disease and the therapy for medical problems, the orthodontist can be a positive part of the health care team and support a family in crisis.
  • 4.         Medical conditions commonly encountered in orthodontic patients include: risk of infective endocarditis; bleeding disorders; leukaemia: diabetes; cystic fibrosis; Infections juvenile rheumatoid arthritis;
  • 5. Diabetes Mellitus    It is a clinical syndrome which produces an excess of blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, due to a deficiency or diminished effectiveness of insulin. Type I Insulin dependent, sometimes termed as Juvenile onset. Type II Insulin independent or maturity onset
  • 6.  In addition there is diabetes of pregnancy where a hormone, human placental lactogen has a contra-insulin effect. Should this occur the pregnant patient requires insulin therapy during second and third trimester to be discontinued as the placenta is removed.
  • 7. Diabetes- Complications    Hyperglycemia & Ketoacidosis- Coma of slow onset Hypoglycemia- coma of Sudden onset Concurrent complications Diabetes of pregnancy- up to 9% death of fetus.
  • 8. Chronic complications: Vascular  Macroangiopathy -Large blood vessels  Head –Cerebrovascular accident (stroke)  Heart -Angina Pectoris and myocardial infarction  Limbs-Gangrene
  • 9.      Microangiopathy Small blood vessels of Eyes -Blindness Heart -Cardiomyopathy Kidneys-Renal failure Skin -Necrosis    Non-vascular Cataract Neuropathy
  • 10.   There is a great deal of evidence to show that good diabetic control and the achievement of normoglycemic state prevents many if not all complications of the disease. Management involves diet control, insulin therapy and oral hypoglycemic agents.
  • 11. Oral Manifestations   Approximately half of the people with DM are undiagnosed, and a dental examination might give the first indication of the disease. Xerostomia, oral candidiasis, burning mouth or tongue (glossopyrosis), impaired wound healing, recurrent oral infections, and acetone breath, multiple periodontal abscesses
  • 12.  Several oral manifestations are associated with DM, although they are mainly found in patients whose DM is uncontrolled or poorly controlled. Well-controlled patients without local factors, such as subgingival calculus, have as healthy a periodontium as nondiabetics.
  • 13.  Even well-controlled DM patients may have more gingival inflammation, probably because of impaired neutrophil function. Vascular changes, such as DM-related microangiopathies, have been shown to encourage periodontal disease.
  • 14.  Because periodontal disease tends to be more common and more extensive in patients with uncontrolled or poorly controlled DM, one could hypothesize that normalizing the blood glucose levels should stop the progression of periodontal disease. This is, however, not true;
  • 15.  Sastrowijoto et al (1990) demonstrated that better metabolic control in type 1 patients did not improve the clinical periodontal condition; it ameliorates only when local oral hygiene measures are used. The periodontal condition will continue to deteriorate when the blood glucose level is not well controlled.
  • 16. Dental/ Orthodontic treatment  The key to any orthodontic treatment is good medical control. Orthodontic treatment should not be performed in a patient with uncontrolled diabetes. If the patient is not in good metabolic control every effort should be made to improve blood glucose control. For DM patients with good medical control, all dental procedures can be performed without special precautions if there are no complications of DM.
  • 17.  However it is very important that the procedure be completed without stress and without causing the patient to miss a meal.
  • 18.   The patient must be knowledgeable about the disease, if on insulin must regularly determine the blood glucose level, prior to the appointment, must take the usual morning dose of insulin or oral hypoglycemic and must have a normal breakfast. The dentist must arrange an early appointment, create as little stress as possible and have emergency drugs readily available.
  • 19.   Painless dentistry free of stress is required. Topical anesthesia, aspirating syringe and minimal epinephrine doses should be used. Prilocaine plain (4%) or mepivacaine plain (3%) are suitable solutions. If there is any difficulty in obtaining local anesthesia then articaine 4%with 1/200 000 epinephrine using a minimal amount of solution is acceptable.
  • 20.  There is no treatment preference with regard to fixed or removable appliances. It is important to stress good oral hygiene, especially when fixed appliances are used. These appliances might give rise to increased plaque retention, which could more easily cause tooth decay and periodontal breakdown in these patients.
  • 21.  Daily rinses with a fluoride-rich mouthrinse can provide further preventive benefits. Candida infections can occur, and then blood glucose levels should be monitored to rule out deterioration of the DM control.
  • 22.  Diabetes-related microangiopathy can occasionally occur in the periapical vascular supply, resulting in unexplained odontalgia, percussion sensitivity, pulpitis, or even loss of vitality in sound teeth. Especially with orthodontic treatment when forces are applied to move teeth over a significant distance, the practitioner should be alert to this phenomenon and regularly check the vitality of the teeth involved. It is advisable to apply light forces and not to overload the teeth.
  • 23.  Holtgrave and Donath (1989) studied periodontal reactions to orthodontic forces. They found retarded osseous regeneration, weakening of the periodontal ligament, and microangiopathies in the gingival area. They concluded that the specific diabetic changes in the periodontium are more pronounced after orthodontic tooth movement.
  • 24. Diabetic coma    Should a diabetic patient lose consciousness during dental treatment the dentist is presented with a life threatening emergency that requires immediate treatment. The patient should be placed in a supine position to rectify any syncope. If the diagnosis( hypo or hyperglycemia) proves difficult then the patient should be given a diagnostic i.v dose of glucose.
  • 25.    This will not be harmful if it is a hyperglycemic coma. However, if it is a hypoglycemic coma the patient will improve and further oral glucose can be given when as consciousness returns. An unconscious patient with hyperglycemia should be immediately transferred to the hospital. Never give insulin to an undiagnosed patient in coma as it may precipitate brain damage or death if the patient is hypoglycemic.
  • 26.  The best emergency drug is Glucagon 1 mg which is far easier to administer as it can be given subcutaneously, i.m or i.v. It takes 10 min for the drug to take effect during which time the patient airway should be secured.
  • 27. Hypertension  Hypertension is very common in the North American population. The disease is usually a result of increased peripheral resistance and may result from either renal or non-renal causes. Approximately two thirds of all cases of hypertension are classified as "idiopathic or essential hypertension." In these cases, the etiology is not known.
  • 28.   Patients with hypertension are treated with a variety of medications. It has been stated that there is "no particular best drug for the treatment of high ,arterial pressure." Patients may be receiving antihypertensive medication such as reserpine, methyldopa, guanethidine or propanolol. These agents have side affects of nausea and vomiting, as well as xerostomia.
  • 29. Dental/Orthodontic Treatment   The patients medical history may indicate hypertension or should the patient not be aware of the condition, the drug history should alert the dentist. If a patient is on antihypertensive drugs, it is important that the blood pressure be checked to see if the hypertension is controlled.
  • 30.  The degree of control of the patient's hypertension ,and compliance with the therapeutic regimen should be determined. As these patients may have postural hypotension, care should be taken when the patient rises from the dental chair, particularly if the procedure has been long and; lounge-type chair is used. lf nitrous oxide is administered, hypoxia should be avoided.
  • 31.  For the known hypertensive on medication, the diastolic pressure should be controlled at 90mm of Hg. A diastolic pressure over 100mmHg indicates hypertension or that the patient is one who gives exaggerated response to stress.
  • 32.  Allow the patient to relax and rest in the dental chair before repeating the blood pressure reading. If the diastolic pressure remains high, then carry out the emergency treatment only and refer the patient to a physician. A controlled hypertensive is at no greater risk than a normal healthy patient.
  • 33.  Local anesthesia solution containing weak concentration of epinephrine are acceptable. Gingival packing material containing vasopressors should not be used.
  • 34. Acute hypertensive crisis   Should the patient have an acute hypertensive crisis, eg a blood pressure of 180/120 mmHg, then terminate the procedure as the patient requires immediate treatment. In such an emergency the patient should be given Nifedipine. The patient must bite the capsule and slide it under the tongue where it is absorbed in 5 min. In acute hypertensive crisis due to phaeochromocytoma, the patient should be referred directly to the care of physician.
  • 35. Leukemia  Leukemias are a group of diseases that account for one-third of all childhood malignancies. Historically, leukemias were classified by the cell of origin (lymphoid or myeloid) and by the clinical course (acute or chronic). By using current therapies, the course of leukemia is generally chronic.
  • 36.  Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the single most common malignancy in children (75% to 80% of childhood leukemias). Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the result of malignant transformation and clonal proliferation of a single cell.
  • 37.  The presenting features are caused by the invasion of the bone marrow and organs with malignant cells that crowd out the normal functional hematopoietic elements. The patient has fatigue, bone pain, fever, weight loss, bleeding, malaise, and/or enlarged lymph nodes. Definitive diagnosis is made by analysis of the bone marrow (greater than 25% lymphoblasts).
  • 38.  Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) accounts for 15% to 20% of childhood leukemia. It results from malignant clonal proliferation of a myeloid cell that infiltrates the bone marrow and extramedullary tissues. The clinical presentation is similar to that of ALL with pallor, fatigue, infection, bleeding, and bone pain. These patients may also exhibit gingival hyperplasia.
  • 40.  Chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) accounts for less than 5% of pediatric leukemia. Chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) is characterized by myeloid hyperplasia of the bone marrow, extramedullary hematopoiesis, and severe leukocytosis. Bone marrow transplantation offers the only hope for long-term survival.
  • 41.  Lymphomas account for 10% of all childhood malignancies with equal incidence of Hodgkins and nonHodgkins types. Patients present with fever, weight loss, anorexia, night sweats, and itching. Excisional biopsy of involved lymph nodes is performed for diagnosis followed by bone marrow biopsy and radiographic imaging studies for staging.
  • 42.  NonHodgkins lymphomas (NHL) are malignant neoplasms of the cells of the immune system. Three subgroups are found: undifferentiated lymphomas (47%), lymphoblastic (33%) large cell, or histiocytic (16%). The NHL may arise in any lymphoid tissue and numerous extra lymphoid sites including bone, skin and the orbits. Lymphadenopathy, weight loss, anorexia, fever, and malaise are common at presentation.
  • 43. ROLE OF THE ORTHODONTIST  Not all patients show intraoral signs of hematologic malignancy. Although oral symptoms do not play a major role in the diagnosis of chronic leukemia, it has been reported that between 12% and 17% of patients with acute leukemia first sought medical care because of an oral problem.
  • 44.  Oral changes that should raise the orthodontist's index of suspicion are gingival oozing, petechiae, hematomas, ulcerations, gingi val pain, gingival hypertrophy, mucosal pallor, pharyngitis, and lymphadenopathy. Referral to a physician is indicated for patients exhibiting these oral symptoms without evidence of accompanying local causative factors.
  • 45.  Once a diagnosis of malignancy has been made, the goal of the dental team, including the orthodontist, is to prevent and to eliminate oral infections for these patients. Patients receiving chemotherapy have increased predisposition to infection; infection is the leading cause of death in immunocompromised patients.
  • 46.  Elimination of infectious foci that cause septicemia is preferable to treatment for infection. The prevalence of a probable or possible oral origin of septicemia in the immunosuppressed population has been reported as 31%.
  • 47.  It is difficult for an orthodontist to discontinue treatment on a patient who is only part way through orthodontic treatment and, in the early stages of hematologic malignancy, may not be exhibiting any oral symptoms. Chemotherapy usually causes significant oral complications.
  • 48.  Orthodontic appliances cause stress to the oral mucosa and ulcerations may occur in reaction to the slightest oral insult because the neutropenia resulting from chemotherapy impairs the regenerative capability of the mucous membrane.
  • 49.  Mucositis may progress from swelling, soreness and whitening of the mucosa to glossitis, cheilitis, and stomatis, which can be so severe that morphine or meperidine is required for palliation of pain. Candidiasis is common. Oral infection by opportunistic organisms may also occur. Xerostomia can be a side effect from chemotherapy or the radiation treatment given before bone marrow transplant.
  • 52.  Patients and their families sometimes resist the recommendation to terminate orthodontic treatment. Ideally, there should be a joint consultation among all the parties involved— patient, parents, physician, family dentist, and orthodontist—before discontinuing treatment so that everyone is in agreement that what is being done is in the best interest of the patient.
  • 53.  It should be stressed that the orthodontist is not "giving up" on the patient when halting treatment. In situations with a good prognosis, the emotional acceptance of appliance removal may be enhanced by a careful selection of words by the orthodontist.
  • 54.  The appliance removal can be presented as a transition point that divides the orthodontic treatment into two distinct stages. The patient's comfort and safety during all phases of chemotherapy are enhanced if all fixed appliances are removed. Removable retainers should fit well so they do not become a source of irritation, ulceration, and infection.
  • 55.  Orthodontic treatment is an elective procedure for most patients. For patients undergoing treatment for hematologic malignancies, the risk benefit balance is heavily weighted against ongoing orthodontic treatment. Once a patient has completed chemotherapy and is in long-term remission, orthodontic treatment can be restarted with the goal of achieving the originally planned outcome of orthodontic treatment.
  • 56. Children with bleeding disorders  Patients with mild bleeding disorders do not usually present difficulties to the orthodontist. However, those with severe bleeding disorders can be more problematic. In addition to haemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency), which affects about 1 in 10,000 males, a number of congenital coagulation abnormalities caused by deficiency of other clotting factors have been recognized.
  • 57.  As the prevalence of malocclusion in these children is similar to the rest of the population and the long-term outlook is good, orthodontic treatment is often requested.
  • 58.    Patients with haemophilia and related bleeding disorders require special consideration in two areas: Viral Infection risk Bleeding risk
  • 59. Viral Infection risk  Factor concentrates are derived from human blood donations. Since the mid- 1980‘s methods of manufacture have been developed to remove hepatitis B, C and HIV from human derived concentrates. However, the continued use of concentrates, despite careful donor selection and screening, and improved methods of manufacture, still carries a small risk of transmitting serious transfusion derived viral infection.
  • 60.  Most patients with moderate to severe haemophilia A require Factor VIII concentrate infusion before oral surgical procedures. The recent introduction of genetically manufactured Factor VIII products and their current widespread use in affected children has further reduced the risk of viral transmission in this age group.
  • 61. Bleeding risk  Generally, orthodontic treatment is not contraindicated in children with bleeding disorders. If tooth extraction or other surgery is required in patients with severe bleeding disorders they are usually hospitalized and given transfusions of the missing clotting factor in advance of the procedure. Whenever possible non-extraction approach should be adopted.
  • 62. Special Orthodontic considerations 1. It is desirable to prevent gingival bleeding before it occurs. This is best achieved by establishing and maintaining excellent oral hygiene. 2. Chronic irritation from an orthodontic appliance may cause bleeding and special efforts should be made to avoid any form of gingival or mucosal irritation.
  • 63. 3. Archwires should be secured with elastomeric modules, rather than wire ligatures which carry the risk of cutting the mucosal surface. Special care is required to avoid mucosal cuts when placing and removing archwires. 4. The duration of orthodontic treatment for any patient with a bleeding disorder should be given careful consideration. The longer the duration of treatment the greater the potential for complications. (Van Venrooy, Proffit 1985)
  • 64. Children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis  Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (J RA) is an inflammatory arthritis occurring before the age of 16 years and now embraces Stills disease (Grundy et al 1993). Although uncommon compared with adult rheumatoid arthritis, at its worst, JRA is considerably more severe than the adult disease and leads to gross deformity.
  • 65.  One form of this disease which affects girls in late childhood may involve virtually any joint and is associated with rheumatoid nodules, mild fever, anaemia, and malaise (Scully and Cawson, 1987). Damage to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has been described, including complete bony ankylosis.
  • 66.  It has been suggested that restricted growth of the mandible resulting in a severe Class II jaw discrepancy occurs in 10-30 per cent of subjects with JRA (Wallon et al., 1999). Classic signs of rheumatoid destruction of the TMJ include condylar flattening and a large joint space.
  • 67. Special Orthodontic considerations   1.If the wrist joints are affected these patients can have difficulty with tooth brushing. They may require additional support from a hygienist during their orthodontic treatment and the use of an electric toothbrush should be considered. 2. Some authors have suggested that orthodontic procedures that place stress on the TMJs, such as functional appliances and heavy Class II elastics, should be avoided if there is rheumatoid involvement of the TMJs (Proffit, 1991).
  • 68.  Instead, consideration should he given to using headgear to treat children with rheumatoid arthritis who have moderate mandibular deficiency. However, others feel that functional appliances may unload the affected condyle and act as a ‗joint-protector‘ (Kjellberg et al., 1995).
  • 69.  3. It has been suggested that in cases of severe mandibular deficiency mandibular surgery should be avoided, and a more conservative approach using maxillary surgery and genioplasty should be considered (van Venrooy and Proffit 1985)
  • 70. Children with cystic fibrosis  Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder of the exocrine glands. It is the commonest inherited disease among Caucasians with an incidence of one in 2500 live births (Jaffe and Bush, 1999). The main clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis relate to changes in the mucous glands of the pulmonary and digestive systems. Males and females are equally affected.
  • 71.   The lungs are invariably involved and there is a non-productive cough that leads to acute respiratory infection, bronchopneumonia, bronchiectasis, and lung abscesses. The disease pursues a relentless course and, until recently, the life expectancy was not much more than the second decade. Heart and lung transplants have proved successful in a small group of patients with respiratory failure (Grundy et al,. 1993). The current median survival for subjects with cystic fibrosis is 30 years (Jaffe and Bush, 1999).
  • 72. Orthodontic considerations  Before contemplating orthodontic treatment for patients with cystic fibrosis the patient's physician should be contacted to determine the severity of the problem and the likely prognosis.
  • 73.  General anaesthesia should usually be avoided and any orthodontic extractions should be delayed until an age when extraction under local anaesthesia is feasible. Local anaesthesia combined with inhalation sedation has an important role to play in the management of these children.
  • 74.  It has been suggested that for the majority of these children only limited orthodontic treatment should be contemplated (Grundy et al., 1993). However, life expectancy varies and orthodontic management will depend on the general prognosis of each individual case.
  • 75.  It should also be remembered that salivary glands, particularly the submandibular glands are often affected by cystic fibrosis. Salivary volume can be reduced and there may be an increased risk of decalcification during orthodontic treatment, due to changes in saliva or dietary alterations (van Venrooy and Proffit, 1985). Appropriate preventive measures must be instigated from the outset including dietary advice and daily fluoride mouthrinses.
  • 76. Endocarditis  Endocarditis is a life-threatening disease, although it is relatively uncommon. Substantial morbidity and mortality can result from this infection despite advances in antimicrobial therapy. Primary prevention of endocarditis is therefore very important (Dajani et al 1997).
  • 77. High risk-endocarditis Prophylaxis recommended (Dajani et al., 1997)  Individuals at high risk of developing severe endocardial infection include those with prosthetic cardiac valves, previous bacterial endocarditis, complex cyanotic congenital heart disease (Fallot's tetralogy), or surgically constructed systemic pulmonary shunts or conduits.
  • 78.   Moderate risk-endocarditis; prophylaxis recommended (Dajani et al., 1997) Includes most other congenital cardiac malformations, acquired valvular dysfunction (rheumatic heart disease), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation.
  • 79. Negligible risk-endocarditis prophylaxis NOT recommended (Dajani et al., 1997)  This category includes cardiac conditions in which the development of endocarditis is not higher than in the general population. This list includes isolated secundum, atrial septal defect, surgical repair of atrial or ventricular septal defects, or patent ductus arteriosus, previous coronary artery bypass graft, mitral valve prolapse without valvular regurgitation, innocent heart murmurs, previous Kawasaki disease or rheumatic fever without valvular dysfunction, cardiac pacemakers, and implanted defibrillators.
  • 80. Orthodontic procedures requiring antibiotic prophylaxis  In the United Kingdom the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (Simmons et al 1991) recommend the use of antibiotic prophylaxis before the following dental procedures: extractions, scaling, ,and surgery involving the gingival tissues.
  • 81.  The American Heart Association recommendations state that antibiotic prophylaxis should be given at the initial placement of orthodontic bands, but not orthodontic brackets (Dajani et al 1997).
  • 83. Prophylaxis regimen for dental, oral respiratory tract, or esophageal procedures     Standard general prophylaxis Amoxicillin Adult 2g; children 50mg/kg orally 1 hr before the procedure Unable to take oral medication Ampicillin Adult 2g i.m or i.v; children 50mg/kg i.m or i.v within 30 min before the procedure
  • 84.     Allergic to penicillin Clindamycin Adult 60mg; children 20mg/kg orally 1hr before the procedure Cephalexin Adult 2 g; children 50mg/kg orally 1hr before the procedure Azithromycin or clarithromycin Adult 600mg; children 20mg/kg orally within 30 min before the procedure
  • 85.    Allergic to penicillin and Unable to take oral medication Clindamycin Adult 600mg; children 20mg/kg i.v within 30 min before the procedure Cefazolin Adult 1g; children 25mg/kg i.v or i.m within 30 min before the procedure
  • 86. Orthodontic procedures causes bacteremia?   Digling (1972) failed to detect any bacteraemias when fitting or removing orthodontic bands for 10 patients. However, McLaughlin et al (1996) reported bacteraemias in three (10 per cent) out of 30 patients when molar hands were fitted. More recently a study among 40 patients reported a lower prevalence of bacteraemia or 7.5 per cent in initial banding (Erverdi et al 1999).
  • 87.  In a separate study of bacteraemia at debanding and debonding the same authors detectcd bactememias in 6.6 per cent of the 30 patients studied (Erverdi et al, 2000).
  • 89. Orthodontic considerations   The orthodontist has to make a decision on a case by case approach in agreement with the patient's cardiologist. The risk of endocarditis must be weighed against the risk of an adverse reaction to the antimicrobial therapy prescribed. I. As an initial step the level of risk of endocarditis occurring must be established. This will involve contacting the patient's cardiologist, although the American Heart Association guidelines offer guidance on the risk categories of various heart defects (Dajani et al. 1997).
  • 90.  Orthodontic treatment should never be commenced until the patient has exemplary oral hygiene and excellent dental health. The prevalence and magnitude of bacteraemias of oral origin are directly proportional to the degree of oral inflammation and infection (Pallasch and Slots 1996). Guntheroth (1984) highlighted the fact that most bacteraemias occur as a result of mastication, tooth brushing, or randomly as a result of oral sepsis.
  • 91.   In a review of the orthodontic treatment of patients at risk from infective endocarditis, it has been suggested that prior to any orthodontic procedure a 0.2 percent chlorhexidine mouthwash should be used (Khurana and Martin, 1999). If possible, the orthodontist should avoid using orthodontic bands and instead, use bonded attachments. Antibiotic prophylaxis is considered unnecessary when bonding brackets or adjusting orthodontic appliances.
  • 92.   If banding is necessary the orthodontist must decide if antibiotic prophylaxis is required. This decision should be based on the risk of endocarditis represented by the patient's heart defect (high or moderate risk) and the patient's dental health. Two recent studies have found a relatively low prevalence of bactcraemia during orthodontic banding (McLaughlin et al. 1996; Erverdi et al, 1999).
  • 93.   Prior to giving antibiotic prophylaxis it is important to establish that no known penicillin allergy exists, The latest American guidelines recommend the use of antibiotic prophylaxis for initial banding. but not when removing bands (Dajani et al.. 1997). It could be argued that the risk of bacteraemia might be higher at band removal when the gingival tissues adjacent to the bands are often inflamed.
  • 94.  Erverdi et al. (2000) found a low prevalence of bacteraemia at debanding (6.6 per cent), but patients with poor oral hygiene were specifically excluded from their study. Plainly, it would be prudent to consider using antibiotic prophylaxis if the gingivae adjacent to the orthodontic bands are inflamed and the patient has a high-risk cardiac lesion.
  • 95. Hepatitis   In recent years the prevalence of Hepatitis has increased markedly. At the same time, many new diagnostic techniques have been developed permitting a very accurate determination of the active and carrier states of the disease. The etiologic agents of viral hepatitis are currently recognized as atleast three distinct viruses: HepatitisA, Hepatiti.s B, and ―non AnonB‖ Hepatitis. There is considerable overlap in the clinical presentation of infection with the various viral agents.
  • 96.   Hepatitis A has been traditionally called "infectious hepatitis". The main route of transmission is via a fecal/oral route. An attack is thought to confer lifetime immunity and the carrier state is almost nonexistent. The diagnosis of Hepatitis is made on clinical basis, although certain immunologic markers have been reported. For example, there is an increased IgM in recent infection and an increased IgG in old infections
  • 97.   Hepatitis B has been traditionally called "serum hepatitis". Although parentral transmission has been the classical route for Hepatitis B, nonparentral infection via saliva, urine, feces and semen are now known to be significant factors in the transmission of this disease. Approximately 5 to 10 % of the patients develop a carrier state and continue to have high level of Hepatitis B surface antigen. The diagnosis or Hepatitis B is via three markers: Hepatitis B surface antigen, Hepatitis B surface antibody and Hepatitis core antibody.
  • 98. Dental considerations  The dental treatment of the patient with Hepatitis requires careful planning. If the patient has active hepatitis, only palliative care should be given until the disease is under control. For patients with a history of hepatitis, dentists must determine, prior to therapy, the type of hepatitis, and the carrier state of the patient. If the patient has active hepatitis and requires emergency treatment or is a carrier of the virus, strict aseptic technique must be practiced.
  • 99.   It is essential that a rubber dam be used and that efforts be taken to minimize aerosols. Some authorities recommend that high speed drills not be used and the ultrasonic prophylaxis units be avoided. All instruments should be debrided immediately following use, and sterilization of instruments and handpieces is important. Universal precautions gloves, mouth masks and eye glasses should be worn.
  • 100.  The room should be disinfected following treatment of the patient. Center for Communicable Disease of the U.S. Public Health Service has suggested that thorough mechanical debridement of all instruments is the most important step in preventing the spread of Hepatitis.
  • 101. Tuberculosis   Presently, tuberculosis is mainly a disease of drug abusers, HIV infected patients and disadvantaged people. Less frequently, tuberculosis occurs in older subjects debilitated by chronic diseases or malignancy or immunosuppressant treatment. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the agent of tuberculosis. The bacilli spread through lymphatic and blood vessels to any organ.
  • 102.  In immunocompromised patients, as a rule, the infection is followed by the disease, which shows severe course and frequent extrapulmonary involvement.
  • 103. Dental Considerations  Most antitubercular drugs are metabolised in liver, and they can cause liver toxicity with coagulation abnormalities. Rifampin may cause leukopenia and thrombocytopenia as well as a noticeable discoloration of body fluids.
  • 104. Acetaminophen is not recommended in a patient on isoniazid to avoid liver toxicity. Acetylsalicylic acid is not recommended in patients on streptomycin to avoid ototoxicity. Any antitubercular drugs can cause skin reaction, which potentially can involve the oral mucosa.
  • 105.  Dental treatment should be postponed in any patient with active or suspected active pulmonary tuberculosis. Such patients must receive a complete medical assessment to rule out tuberculosis. An extreme barrier protection (gloves, gowns, masks, goggles, eye protection and face shields) is indicated during emergency dental treatment of patients with suspected or active pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • 106.  After treatment of such a patient, the dental health workers should be started on prophylaxis for tuberculosis based on M. tuberculosis susceptibility test.
  • 107. HIV and related infections   HIV type 1 and type 2 are retroviruses that cause progressive immunologic dysfunction complicated by opportunistic diseases resulting in the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV transmission is similar to Hepatitis B: it is usually by sexual, parentral and vertical transmission. Hepatitis B is much more virulent however.
  • 108.  There is a 0.3 % risk of HIV infection after a stick with contaminated material from a documented HIV infected patient. This risk of HIV infection is 0.1% if the mucosal membrane or abraded skin is exposed to the contaminated material.
  • 111. Dental considerations    Universal precautions should be followed. HIV infected patients receive multiple medications including drugs for HIV infection, prophylaxis, opportunistic diseases and many concurrent disorders. Side effects and drug interactions are a major concern. Ritonavir, for example, is contraindicated in combination with 24 other drugs because of interaction.
  • 112.  HIV infected patients with advanced disease have high risk for skin reaction to common antibiotics, including trimethoprimsulfamethoxazol, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin and many others.
  • 113. Pregnancy  The pregnant patient requires special considerations in the planning and executing of dental treatment. Preventive dentistry should be emphasized, both by the dentist and the physician throughout the patient's pregnancy.
  • 114.  The dentist should exercise discretion in the use of radiographs in dental treatment. Only those films considered absolutely necessary for proper dental care should be taken. With modern technique, including filtration, collimation of the beam, and the use of a lead apron for the patient, gonadal radiation should be below the measurable level.
  • 115.  Similarly, medication prescribed for the patient should be minimal. Drugs which have been shown to be non-teratogenic by long clinical experience are preferable to newer medications.
  • 116.  If antibiotics are required, penicillin or erythromycin should be prescribed. Sedatives and hypnotics should generally be avoided, as many of these have been shown to be teratogenic. Prior to prescribing any medication, the dentist should familiarize himself with possible teratogenic effects of the agent and should consult with patient‘s obstetrician.
  • 117.  Careful treatment planning is necessary for dental care during pregnancy. In general, the second trimester is the best time for therapy. At this time the fetus is more developed than in the first trimester and the patient is more comfortable.. The danger of premature uterine contraction is less than during the third trimester.
  • 118.  The supine hypotensive syndrome has been described in patients with a gravid utrerus, and it is important to have the patient rise slowly from the dental chair so as to avoid syncope.
  • 119.  Elective procedures are best done in immediate postpartum period and should be scheduled appropriately.
  • 120.   Oral complications of pregnancy have been described. Pregnancy gingivitis is a recognized phenomenon and is probably related to hormonal abnormalities and to a decreased attention to gingival hygiene by the pregnant women. Pregnancy tumors, an exuberant response of the gingival epithelium to inflammation, have also been reported. These lesions may regress following delivery, but if they do not they should be excised.
  • 121. Neurologic and Psychiatric concerns    Seizures Epilepsy is not a specific disease, but a symptom of a brain abnormality which manifests as chronic often recurrent paroxysmal discharge of many neurons. Treatable seizures include hypoglycemia, drug or alcohol withdrawal, local anesthesia overdose, stroke, vascular malformation, brain abscess and brain tumors.
  • 122.  The dentist/orthodontist needs to be aware of any medications and seizure history to be prepared to face the possibility of a seizure and to know the natural history of patients condition.
  • 123.  The more serious complication of epilepsy is status epilepticus. It may lead to hyperpyrexia and acidosis, ultimately causing death. This complication is a variant of grand mal activity in which the seizures continue unabated for more than 5 min or in which two or more seizures occur consecutively without any intervening period of consciousness.
  • 124.   Management of the epileptic patient in the dental office includes three concepts: comprehensive knowledge of the patients seizure history and medications, and avoidance of situations likely to provoke a seizure and ability to treat the seizure (manage the acute situation). A dentist should also know the medications, dosages, serum level compared to therapeutic level, compliance of the patient, and whether or not the seizure activity is fully controlled.
  • 125.  Seizure disorders must be under control before any complex dental procedure is begun. A dentist/orthodontist should also be aware of the potential side effects of anti convulsant medication, mainly gingival hyperplasia. (Phenytoin)
  • 126. Management of seizure    If the patient does develop a seizure in the office, the following steps should be taken: Terminate dental therapy and remove all instruments from the mouth. Position the patient supine on the floor , if unconscious.
  • 127.   Protect the patient from injury by removing him or her from proximity to sharp edges, possibility of a fall, or other trauma. Loosen tight collar and other clothing. Observe the patient. Lightly strain if needed, and be prepared to assist in maintenance of the airway if needed. Supplemental oxygen may be necessary.
  • 128.  Most seizures are self limited. The patient can be monitored, then discharged home in the care of an adult if the patient has a history of general seizures, which are characteristic. The patient should not drive.
  • 129.     There are two cases in which the patient cannot be sent home after a seizure: 1. If this is the first seizure for this patient or the first relapse after a seizure free period of medication. 2. if status epilepticus has occurred. In the latter case, immediate transfer to a hospital is mandatory for prompt treatment.
  • 130. Syncope   Syncope, a transient loss of consciousness, may be caused by cardiovascular, neurologic, metabolic, or psychological disorders as well as iatrogenic events. Severe anxiety, however, may produce a near syncopal or even true syncopal episode that quickly resolves with local treatment.
  • 131.   Vasodepressor syncope is heralded by significant changes in the depth or rate of respiration, pallor, complaints of feeling ill and nauseated, diaphoresis, decreased pulse and blood pressure. Patient at risk includes anxious individuals as well as patients with systemic illness that predisposes them to hypoglycemia, chest pain or shortness of breath.
  • 132.   It is important to treat the presyncopal patient to prevent loss of consciousness, which indicates 50 -70 % decrease in blood flow to the brain. Once the patient has enough decrease in blood flow to the brain, the possibility of greater morbidity increases. The first step is to stop all dental procedures, to remove all objects from the mouth, and to reposition the patient as to facilitate blood return to the heart and thus better circulation to the brain.
  • 133.   This last position is accomplished by adjusting the Trendelenburg position in the supine position to allow the legs to be above the level of heart and, for the pregnant patient, by adjusting the pillow to ensure that the patient is lying on one side. A pregnant patient requires frequent repositioning during the procedure to avoid compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus, thus ensuring adequate venous return.
  • 134. Xerostomia  Xerostomia may be managed initially by stimulating salivary gland function. The use of saliva substitutes should only be considered when gland function cannot be stimulated. Furthermore, when gland function cannot be improved, complications such as dental caries and mucosal, salivary and periodontal infections must be prevented and controlled.
  • 135. Stimulation of Saliva Production  In patients with drug-induced xerostomia, changing the prescribed medication(s) may accomplish some improvement in saliva production. In others, salivary gland function may be stimulated mechanically, by taste stimuli, or by drugs. Sugar-free gum or candies are useful stimuli. Drugs that may be effective include cholinergic agents.
  • 136.  Pilocarpine, given as ophthalmic drop placed intra-orally, is effective in doses of up to five mg administered three times daily. Anetholetrithione (Sialor), which acts by increasing the number and concentration of the salivary gland receptor sites for neurostimuli, can increase saliva production in xerostomic patients, unless there is such advanced dysfunction that the gland has virtually ceased to produce saliva.
  • 137.  Before sialogogues are prescribed, it is important that the possible drug interactions and side-effects are understood. For example, pilocarpine has the potential to cause adverse effects on cardiovascular , pulmonary and gastrointestinal function. In the case of Sialor, the principal complication is that of gastrointestinal upset.
  • 138. Symptomatic Management  Several saliva substitutes or mouth-wetting agents are now marketed. Most contain carboxymethylcellulose, although there are some that contain animal mucins, and some also contain constituents that may facilitate the remineralisation of enamel. While some patients find these products useful, clinical experience suggests that they are not always well accepted.
  • 139.  Xerostomia patients should be given dietary instruction, cautioning them against foods that contain sugar, alcohol, caffeine or spices (which worsen the xerostomia or irritate the mucosa) to reduce the risk of caries and candidiasis.
  • 140. Drug induced reactions  Previous studies have shown that the severity of cyclosporine-induced gingival enlargement is related, at least in part, to the presence of chronic external stimuli, such as plaque and mouth breathing. Irritation from orthodontic appliances would potentiate this form of gingival hyperplasia. Furthermore, cyclosporine-induced gingival hyperplasia has been observed to counteract or complicate orthodontic therapy.
  • 141.  The enlarged gingiva grows over the ends of the buccal or lingual tubes, occluding their lumina; springs impinge on bulbous interdental papillae instead of the intended tooth; loops in arch wires are pushed outward, altering the direction of intended force; and the embrasures where various types of retention clasps of removable appliances fit are filled with hyperplastic gingivae, preventing proper seating and retention of the appliance.
  • 142.  Daley et al (1991) showed that another complicating factor associated with cyclosporine is the finding that cyclosporine-induced gingival hyperplasia prevented the eruption of at least some of the teeth in almost 5% of the patients. An operculectomy may be necessary to treat this problem.
  • 143.  This study also indicated that orthodontic treatment of the cyclosporine-treated patient may significantly increase gingival enlargement as a result of direct contact of orthodontic apparatuses with the gingivae. It seems reasonable, therefore, to reduce this contact whenever possible in an attempt to control the hyperplasia. The following guidelines are suggested:
  • 144.  Whenever possible, brackets, bands, wires, elastics, springs, and loops should be designed to avoid any contact, however small, with any part of the gingivae. Reduced bracket heights and small brackets are recommended. Whenever possible, fixed appliances should be limited to brackets only, and cemented bands should be avoided. Similarly, cemented retainers such as arch bars should not contact the interdental papillae.
  • 145.   All tubes, springs, loops, brackets, and bands should be removed as soon as possible after their purpose is fulfilled. 3. The use of removable appliances should be avoided if at all possible. The retention clasps for these appliances fit into interdental embrasures resulting in localized gingival enlargement, and the gingivae adjacent to the acrylic may exhibit generalized enlargement in adolescents. There is a high risk that appliances will fail to fit, resulting in the need for sequential appliances to accommodate the alterations in the gingivae.
  • 146.   If possible, delay orthodontic treatment until the patient has been on cyclosporine therapy for at least 6 months. The greatest change in the gingivae occurs in the first 6 months of cyclosporine therapy in most patients. The delay will give the orthodontist a better idea of the patient's gingival response to the drug and the degree of complication to expect in orthodontic therapy. Dental plaque formation should be controlled by meticulous oral hygiene.
  • 147. Learning Disability  Discrimination of any type against any individual with a disability, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability, is morally, ethically and legally indefensible, since persons with Downs syndrome and other developmental disabilities have equal human rights (Pueschel,1989).
  • 148. WHY ORTHODONTICS?  It all comes down to the basic question: ―Do we believe that persons with disabilities need functional and esthetic considerations comparable to that of ‗normal‘ persons?‖ The reality is that the youngster with mental retardation grows older, periodontal disease is an increased possibility with a maloccluded dentition. Severe esthetic malocclusions can compromise already difficult social relationships and potential employment opportunities.
  • 149.  All too often children with Mental Retardation may have primary and secondary dentition difficulties resulting from the following: (1) untoward habit development (including finger sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting), (2) the absence of a diet that includes rough and course foods that require thorough chewing, (3) increased levels of caries, and (4) the loss of teeth and space maintenance.
  • 150.  In addition, malocclusions may have developed as a consequence of prenatal or postnatal trauma, hereditary factors, or general poor muscle development. It may have been ―convenient‖ to approach the situation with the view that behavioral management complications precluded interceptive orthodontic services.
  • 151.  Factors related to mastication, including swallowing patterns, food pocketing, bruxism, drooling, and other problems associated with neuromuscular control, may present further difficulties. A higher incidence of traumatic injuries also is prevalent in patients with special needs as a result of problems of ambulating and possible seizure activity.
  • 152.  Frequently patients with special needs take multiple medications, the side effects of which can affect adversely the oral health. Seizure medications can cause gingival hyperplasia. Psychotrophic and cardiovascular medications can cause dry mouth. The high sugar content in medications for children can contribute to dental decay.
  • 153.  The population of children and adolescents with special needs exhibits a higher percentage of malocclusions than the normal population. This is related to more frequent occurrences of craniofacial deformities, abnormal growth and development, and a higher incidence of abnormal tongue posture and orofacial muscular disturbances.
  • 154. Orthodontic considerations  Jackson (1967) felt that children with learning disability should not be discounted merely because an ‗ideal‘ orthodontic result was not possible. For these patients, the aims of orthodontic treatment may need to be modified from ‗ideal‘ but orthodontic treatment may offer an aesthetic improvement and hence enhanced social acceptance.
  • 155.  Hausdorff (1980) recommended that orthodontic treatment of the mentally retarded should be on a selective basis and that, to be successful, appliance therapy must be adapted to the needs of the specific patient. The use of a multiband appliance with light wires was found to be the most effective appliance and the use of removable appliances was not recommended.
  • 156.  Close co-operation between the providers of routine care for these patients and the orthodontist is essential for their clinical management. If a general anaesthetic is thought appropriate for dental treatment, then placement of an orthodontic appliance can be carried out at the same time as any necessary extractions, restorative or periodontal treatment.
  • 157.  A very high standard of moisture control can be achieved under a general anaesthetic; in fact, the conditions for bonding are excellent and a high standard of bracket and band placement is possible. The extractions are carried out following bonding of the brackets, but before placement of archwires.
  • 158.  Patients with learning disability frequently have anterior teeth which have been traumatized and it is advisable, if there is any doubt about bonding these teeth, to place bands anteriorly. If this procedure is followed, this group of patients are no more prone to breakages compared with a group of patients undergoing routine fixed appliance therapy.
  • 159.  Routine orthodontic visits for adjustment of appliances should be kept short and archwire changes kept to a minimum. As far as possible, treatment is carried out using round wires and tipping mechanics. Tip-Edge brackets have been found to be particularly useful.
  • 160.  However, some patients find they are able to tolerate more complex fixed appliance therapy once the appliances have been placed. During orthodontic treatment some patients become more tolerant during adjustment appointments, but equally there are those whose behavior deteriorates.
  • 161.  So long as the appliance is being well tolerated and the oral hygiene is satisfactory then the fixed appliance is used for retention. A period of 6 months retention with the fixed, followed by fixed bonded retainers is recommended for this group, as removable retainers are usually poorly tolerated.
  • 162.  Bonded retainers for the upper labial segment are particularly useful, but in some cases this may be complicated by previous trauma and restorative treatment to the upper labial segment teeth. Occasionally, crown and bridge work can complement permanent retention.
  • 163.   But when dealing with patients with any disability, the need is for practitioners (and the general public) to recognize the wide variations in the abilities of individuals. For example, the single notation of ―mental retardation‖ (with no further description) in a medical history form offers little to no guidance for practitioner-staff-patient-family communication, treatment planning, and home care follow-up.
  • 164.   In addition, individuals with mental retardation may not comprehend the need for oral hygiene. Individuals with physical disabilities may lack the dexterity to accomplish the needed oral hygiene. Basically, the need is to create an awareness in the practicing orthodontic community of the increasing need for treatment of patients with mental retardation; successful treatment plans could then follow.
  • 165. One approach emphasizes a series of important steps including the following: • The parents/guardians are made fully responsible for the oral hygiene, caries prevention prophylaxis, and appliance care. • The use of behavior modification for particularly difficult procedures. • Redesigning appliances that are less patientreliant and more patient-resistant. 
  • 166.  In addition to standard orthodontic treatment plans, services for patients with disabilities may require steps to improve nasal breathing, sucking ability, chewing, swallowing, speech, and orofacial functioning. Therapeutic exercises that do not require conscious cooperation may need to be instituted in a working relationship with myofunctional therapists.
  • 167. Root resorption in Medically compromised  According to Becks, endocrine problems including hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, hyperpituitarism, and other diseases are related to root resorption. This hypothesis, based on basal metabolic rates, has not been examined by updated blood analyses.
  • 168.  Hyperparathyroidism, hypophosphatemia, and Paget‘s disease have been linked to root resorption in a few anecdotal case reports. It has been suggested that hormonal imbalance does not cause but influences the phenomenon.
  • 169.  A controlled animal study (Engstrom 1988) did not support the hypothesis that secondary hyperparathyroidism is primarily responsible for increased root resorption. A further study (Goldie 1984) suggested that the parathyroid hormone plays a major role in bone metabolism, but that low calcium levels are necessary for root resorption to occur. Calcium ions are reputed to play an important role in mediating the effects of external stimuli (force, hormones) on their target cells.
  • 170.   Nutrition. Marshall (1929)advocated that malnutrition can cause root resorption. Becks (1936)demonstrated root resorption in animals deprived of dietary calcium and vitamin D. It was later suggested that nutritional imbalance is not a major factor in root resorption during orthodontic treatment.(1983) Controversial results were reported when a low calcium diet was fed to rats undergoing active orthodontic treatment. (Engstrom 1988)
  • 171.  Mc Nab et al 1999 (AJODO) determined if asthmatic patients exhibited a higher incidence or severity of external apical root resorption compared with healthy patients after fixed orthodontic treatment. Records were obtained from patients treated with fixed appliances; 99 were healthy and 44 had asthma.
  • 172.  A 4-grade ordinal scale was used to determine the degree of external apical root resorption. Combined tooth analysis showed that asthmatics had significantly more external apical root resorption of posterior teeth after treatment compared with the healthy group (P =.0194).
  • 173.  Tooth-by-tooth analysis (adjusted for treatment time, appliance, extractions, headgear, overbite, overjet, sex, and age at start of treatment) found the upper first molars were most susceptible to external apical root resorption. Although the incidence of external apical root resorption was elevated in the asthma group, both asthmatics and healthy patients exhibited similar amounts of grade 2 (moderate) and grade 3 (severe) resorption.
  • 174.  Nishioka M (Angle Orthod 2006) determined whether there is an association between excessive root resorption and immune system factors in a sample of Japanese orthodontic patients. The records of 60 orthodontic patients (18 males, age 17.7 +/- 5.7 years; 42 females, age 16.4 +/- 6.0 years) and 60 pair-matched controls (18 males, age 15.9 +/- 4.5 years; 42 females, age 18.5 +/- 5.2 years) based on age, sex, treatment duration, and the type of malocclusion were reviewed retrospectively.
  • 175.  The pretreatment records revealed that the incidence of allergy and root morphology abnormality was significantly higher in the root resorption group (P = .030 and .001)
  • 176.  The incidence of asthma also tended to be higher in the root resorption group. From these results, it was concluded that allergy, root morphology abnormality, and asthma may be high-risk factors for the development of excessive root resorption during orthodontic tooth movement in Japanese patients.
  • 177. Conclusion   The medically compromised patient seeking oral health care presents a special problem for the dentist. Medication received by the patient or the disease process itself may require modification of the dental treatment plan. The provision of comprehensive health care will require the collaborative efforts of the physician and the dentist.
  • 178.   Adjunctive and comprehensive orthodontic treatment is feasible for medically compromised individuals if proper precautions are taken. Correction of malocclusion makes it possible to improve the esthetics and quality of periodontal tissues, in addition to providing psychosocial benefits.
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