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the big brand issue

         Ornico’s KNOW HOW TO GROW
                      issue 3 • november 2011
inside                 Ornico‘s KNOW HOW TO GROW

                 Editorial – Oresti Patricios
                 BlackBerry’s Big Brand Bluster
                 Tribute to a brand giant
                                                issue 3 – november2011

                 10 ways to improve your PR                       11
                 Media                                            13
                 Social Media Insights                            14
                 Social Media by the numbers (Infographic)        15

         the big brand issue                                       page 2
big brands
It has been an interesting couple of weeks on the brand and
reputation front. Malema marched with the ANCYL from
Johannesburg to Pretoria in an effort that many say won the youth
leader new respect. But the media coverage of the event was very
mixed. Our President Jacob Zuma flexed his own brand muscles and
reinvigorated his perceptions by taking decisive action on erring
government ministers and putting police chief Bheki Cele on

There was politicking in the advertising world as well, but this time
it was about religiousity. The Axe advertising featuring those angels
got the chopped after one complaint to the Advertising Standards
Authority. The reason given was that the commercial was insulting
to Christians. The ASA bowed to that one mere complaint, the ad
became history and SA‘s advertising conservatism became global
marketing news.

But the biggest brand blowout this month of course was caused by
Blackberry. A global outage that deprived half of the brand‘s users –
some 70 million people – of services. That‘s 70 million badmouthing
brand ambassadors that included high profile opinion leaders that
stuck it to Blackberry. Unfortunately the mobile brand didn‘t handle
the outage well from a reputation perspective. Read all about that in
this issue of Ornico‘s Know How to Grow.

Lastly the world was expecting the passing of Steve Jobs, but it still
came as a massive shock. Hamba kahle to this global giant that built
the Apple brand.

Oresti Patricios
CEO : Ornico

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                                                                page 3
Gizmodo said it all right. ―BlackBerry Picked the Wrong Day
                 to Die‖.

                 In the week that every newspaper around the world was
                 mourning the wizard of Apple, the late great Steve Jobs, and
                 Apple Inc‘s iPhone 4S made its debut, RIM froze. Stopped.
                 Went down. And took half the world with it.

                 Half the world‘s BlackBerry using population is a lot. More
                 than a lot. Particularly given most of them are influential, peer
                 modifying, vocal… and at the time of RIMS service outage,
                 angry consumers. This has enabled Apple to make one of its
                 strongest plays for dominance in the handset and mobile
                 device market.

                 Blackberry was already hurting following a dismal Playbook
                 launch. The Playbook was meant to be Blackberry‘s answer to
                 the iPad. Except it was nowhere close to the Apple tablet and
                 it appears that the company that Steve Jobs built is cleaning
                 up that market too. Blackberry Playbook‘s are now being
                 flogged in the US for discount prices.

BlackBerry‘s Big Brand Bluster                                              page 4
But back to Blackberry‘s outage which put an estimated 70 million         Long after BlackBerry‘s crisis had come and gone and
 people in the dark.                                                       consumers for the most part had moved on, users got an email
                                                                           from Reasearch In Motion‘s (RIM) joint CEOs to say how
 As Gizmodo puts it: ―Every last bit of data that flows to and from a      sorry they were for the outage.
 BlackBerry does so through RIM's vast expanse of servers. When
 those servers go kaput? So do the phones.‖                                The tone was formal, the message was corporate and it was
                                                                           too little too late for frustrated consumers. When people are
 The problem with Blackberry‘s communication has been the test             angry and upset, they want to be heard. BlackBerry‘s missive
 pattern effect. All that‘s really been coming from the mobile brand is:   came at a time when the emotion had passed, and probably
 ―Please be patient. We have a problem‖. Take a look at BlackBerry‘s       only served to remind people of how bad Research In Motion‘s
 service updates by way of example.                                        communication had been during the crisis.

 Yes. 70 million people around the world knew that the mobile brand        For brands like BlackBerry the service is the brand. That‘s it.
 was having a problem. That‘s because they‘ve went without Twitter,        That‘s as simple and as complex as it gets. The big lesson for
 email on their mobiles, Facebook and the hundreds of other apps           BlackBerry now is how does it ensure this kind of outage never
 and internet powered services that make BlackBerry such addictive         happens again.
                                                                           Then how does it try to unbundle corporate brand guidelines
 A mobile brand is brilliant when it is working because it is such an      that keep RIM inflexible, a massive monolith. How does it
 integral part of our lives. It is perhaps one of the most intimate        make the brand more approachable and reflexive? Sadly this
 brands in that it insinuates itself into every part of our experience.    global #BrandFail comes only months after BlackBerry was
 But boy oh boy when things go wrong that love turns to hate very          chosen as one of SA‘s top youth brands.
                                                                           It is fine and well having brand guidelines, but they are
 The other lesson that BlackBerry taught the world was that                supposed to help, not hinder. When brand tomes become
 communication is everything when there‘s a crisis as big as BB‘s          constructs that obstruct quick, fluid consumer
 outage which touches such a massive market.                               communications in a social age of what help are they?

BlackBerry‘s Big Brand Bluster                                                                                                               page 5
tribute to a brand legend

                            page 6
tribute to a brand legend
 One of the world‘s greatest CEOs, it is
 difficult to even comprehend Apple
 without Steven Paul Jobs who died on the
 5th of October this year.

 Millions of tributes have poured forth on
 blogs, at iStores, in newspapers, on
 Twitter and televisions shows for a man
 who was a business legend.

 To commemorate the passing we can
 think of no better way to salute Steve
 Jobs, than through his own words, thanks

                                             page 7
tribute to a brand legend
 Playboy Interview: Steven Jobs                                              Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing
 By David Sheff • Playboy • February 1985                                    Gary Wolf • Wired • February 1996

 A 29-year-old Jobs on the culture that gave birth to Apple:                 Having departed Apple, a slightly disillusioned Jobs describes
 ―Playboy: Why is the computer field dominated by people so young?           his new project, NeXT, and his views on the future of
 The average age of Apple employees is 29.                                   technology:

 Jobs: It‘s often the same with any new, revolutionary thing. People         ―Having children really changes your view on these things.
 get stuck as they get older. Our minds are sort of electrochemical          We're born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. It's been
 computers. Your thoughts construct patterns like scaffolding in your        happening for a long time. Technology is not changing it
 mind. You are really etching chemical patterns.                             much—if at all.

 In most cases, people get stuck in those patterns, just like grooves in     These technologies can make life easier, can let us touch
 a record, and they never get out of them. It‘s a rare person who            people we might not otherwise. You may have a child with a
 etches grooves that are other than a specific way of looking at things,     birth defect and be able to get in touch with other parents and
 a specific way of questioning things. It‘s rare that you see an artist in   support groups, get medical information, the latest
 his 30s or 40s able to really contribute something amazing. Of              experimental drugs. These things can profoundly influence
 course, there are some people who are innately curious, forever little      life. I'm not downplaying that. But it's a disservice to
 kids in their awe of life, but they‘re rare.‖                               constantly put things in this radical new light—that it's going
                                                                             to change everything. Things don't have to change the world to
                                                                             be important.

                                                                             The Web is going to be very important. Is it going to be a life-
                                                                             changing event for millions of people? No. I mean, maybe. But
                                                                             it's not an assured Yes at this point. And it'll probably creep up
                                                                             on people.‖

                                                                                                                                                  page 8
tribute to a brand legend
             "You've got to find what you love": Stanford Commencement
             Steve Jobs • June 2005

             Jobs, having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, addresses
             the graduating class of 2005:

             ―No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't
             want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all
             share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be,
             because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is
             Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.
             Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now,
             you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to
             be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

             Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.
             Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of
             other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions
             drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the
             courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already
             know what you truly want to become. Everything else is

             Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) American
             inventor, entrepreneur. Co-founder, chairman, and chief
             executive officer of Apple Inc.

                                                                                     page 9
page 10
10 easy ways to improve your PR
                                                                           •   Make the reporter or blogger's life easy. Reporters and
By Wendy Marx, in FastCompany                                                  bloggers, like all of us, are super busy. Provide the facts
                                                                               straight up. Don‘t have a long windup before you get to the
 ―I want to get my company known and be perceived as a leader.‖ I              point, unless you want your note trashed. Simply tell them
hear that request a lot from potential clients looking for PR, along           why they should care and the value of what you‘re doing.
with people thinking there is some magic bullet to getting buzz. So
let me set the record straight and also share with you some easy ways      •   Keep it real. Nothing turns someone off more than
to get your company (or yourself) better known.                                exaggerating what you‘re doing. Most of what is said to be
                                                                               unique, first of its kind, or leading, is hyperbole. The only
•   Communicate what you do succinctly and simply. Too often                   person who believes it is you.
    people try to explain what they do with five dollar words and a lot
    of jargon, using words like ideate, holistic, endemic, and scalable,   •   Be on point. I sometimes get pitches that have absolutely
    that simply gum up the mouth. They repel, not attract. Instead,            nothing to do with my business. Why would I care?
    in basic English, explain what your product or service makes it            Understand what the person you want to cover your
    possible for someone to do. Pretend you‘re talking to a 10-year-           business writes about and personalize your note
    old. I don‘t care how complicated and high falutin‘ your product           accordingly. You might want to reference a previous article
    or service is. No one has the time or patience today to try to             a reporter wrote and say that you enjoyed that piece and
    figure out what you mean. And that goes double for reporters               have a related, but different, story idea.
    and bloggers.
                                                                           •   Personalize. Reach out individually to reporters or
•   Tout why anyone should care. Most people can‘t be bothered to              bloggers you believe would be interested in what you‘re
    know how something works, nice as that can be. They want to                doing. Ideally, get to know them first. Read their articles or
    know what it will do for them. Will it save time? Make you more            posts, comment on these where you think it adds value or
    money? Save you money? Let them know.                                      can extend the conversation. Help them even when it does
                                                                               nothing ostensibly for your company. Think of it as
•   A good picture says it all. Sometimes what you do can be                   relationship building.
    explained much more clearly in words. I can read, for example,
    that the iPhone 4S has an 8-megapixel camera but when I see
    magnificent images, I suddenly know what that means.

                                                                                                                                                page 11
10 easy ways to improve your PR
         •   Be your own best promoter. Content is the new thought leadership currency. If you have
             time to write at least once a week or have someone in your company who can do so, blog.
             Nothing engages more than your speaking conversationally about what you do. According to
             Hubspot, companies with blogs attract 55% more website visitors than those that don‘t have
             them. If you don‘t have time to blog, start engaging with customers and prospects on social
             media. Listen first and understand the rules of engagement before you start actively posting.
             Too many companies broadcast rather than have conversations on social media.

         •   Contribute articles. Trade publications today are always in the market for good content.
             Read the publications and understand the type of articles they publish. A quick call to the
             publication will let you know whom to pitch. Send a brief note explaining what you want to
             write about, why the readers would be interested, and a few sentences about you and your

         •   Create word of mouth. Nothing beats a happy customer touting what you can do. And if your
             customers don‘t want their names attached to a quote or case study, don‘t forgo this.
             Instead, refer to the company in a generic way, such as a major retailer or manufacturer. At
             least you‘re providing an outside perspective on what you can do.

         And finally, an oldie but goodie: Issue a press release. This old workhorse is still effective. Just
         keep it brief, avoid hyperbole and make it easy to understand. Focus on a new initiative your
         audience will care about. Include key words that prospects are likely to search.

         If all of this sounds like too much, begin slowly. Carve out a few areas to focus on. I would start
         with your making your communications easy to understand. And then work on creating a little
         content, be it a blog or contributed article. After all, you don‘t have to be famous in a day. Just
         get a little better known each day.

         Author Wendy Marx is a B2B PR and Marketing Specialist, Marx Communications

                                                                                                                page 12
City Press's new magazine the talk of the town
By: Oresti Patricios
Hot off the back of a strategy lead by editor Ferial Haffajee,
City Press is investing heavily in ensuring it becomes the
most noticeable and noted Sunday media brand. The latest
accent in that drive to own the Sunday newspaper market is
a magazine that Media24's publication has simply called i
magazine. Read the full insight here:

How the F-bomb made an obscure newsreader an
overnight viral celeb
Former newsreader Mark Esterhuysen has become an
overnight celebrity on social networks after swearing on the
air, but the question is how did it all happen? Because
Ornico monitors most, if not all, major news media the
brand and reputation research company was able to decode
Esterhuysen‘s viral effect. Here‘s more on the F-bomb by
the numbers and the social media swell that made
Esterhuisen a new media hit. Read the full article.

Innovating new brand markets.
How do you break into new markets and develop innovative
strategies that help grow emerging market share. Ornico
CEO, Oresti Patricios joined Urs Honegger, publisher/MD
of Panorama Publications on the Bizcommunity/Chai FM
Media & Marketing radio show. Listen to the podcast of that
show here.

                                                                 page 13
social media insight
           Reasons why people drop brands on Facebook
           by Jonathan Cherry of CherryFlava
           Shame – realizing that people spend some time on things
           like Facebook and Twitter, brands have hired fancy social
           media consultants and people like that to help get them a
           ‗presence‘ on these platforms. Read the full story.

           Are Corporations Giving Up on Social Media?
           Terms like ―blogging,‖ ―tweeting‖ and ―liking‖ are continuing
           to gain traction in the lexicon of the marketing industry –or
           so it seems. New research from the University of
           Massachusetts at Dartmouth shows that the use of blogs,
           Twitter and Facebook among the Fortune 500 actually
           leveled off in 2011, and the results have me wondering: Are
           the nation‘s largest companies giving up on social media?
           Read more.

           Twitter stories show social media’s impact
           In its five-year history, Twitter‘s been used for inane updates
           on what was breakfast, as a vehicle for real-time news and as
           a way to spread revolutionary social ideas. On Tuesday, the
           service launched a new site, ―Twitter Stories,‖ to share a
           handful of stunning ways that the micro-blogging service has
           made a positive impact on people‘s lives. The stories range
           from the heartwarming story of a son who saved his mother‘s
           bookstore with a tweet, to the bone-chilling tale of a man
           who relied on Twitter for help when snipers entered his
           backyard in Tunisia. The site even features the story of one
           man who found a kidney donor after tweeting, ―[expletive], I
           need a kidney.‖ Read the story.

                                                                             page 14

page 15
The four letter word we most often use …

                     Reputation tracking and analysis
                     services that give you the know how to
                     grow. Call us to get the know how.

                     T/ +27 11 884-5041

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Big Brands and Epic Fails

  • 1. the big brand issue Ornico’s KNOW HOW TO GROW issue 3 • november 2011
  • 2. inside Ornico‘s KNOW HOW TO GROW Editorial – Oresti Patricios BlackBerry’s Big Brand Bluster Tribute to a brand giant issue 3 – november2011 3 4 6 10 ways to improve your PR 11 Media 13 Social Media Insights 14 Social Media by the numbers (Infographic) 15 the big brand issue page 2
  • 3. big brands It has been an interesting couple of weeks on the brand and reputation front. Malema marched with the ANCYL from Johannesburg to Pretoria in an effort that many say won the youth leader new respect. But the media coverage of the event was very mixed. Our President Jacob Zuma flexed his own brand muscles and reinvigorated his perceptions by taking decisive action on erring government ministers and putting police chief Bheki Cele on suspension. There was politicking in the advertising world as well, but this time it was about religiousity. The Axe advertising featuring those angels got the chopped after one complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority. The reason given was that the commercial was insulting to Christians. The ASA bowed to that one mere complaint, the ad became history and SA‘s advertising conservatism became global marketing news. But the biggest brand blowout this month of course was caused by Blackberry. A global outage that deprived half of the brand‘s users – some 70 million people – of services. That‘s 70 million badmouthing brand ambassadors that included high profile opinion leaders that stuck it to Blackberry. Unfortunately the mobile brand didn‘t handle the outage well from a reputation perspective. Read all about that in this issue of Ornico‘s Know How to Grow. Lastly the world was expecting the passing of Steve Jobs, but it still came as a massive shock. Hamba kahle to this global giant that built the Apple brand. Oresti Patricios CEO : Ornico Read Oresti‘s Tumblr blog Follow Oresti on Twitter Find Oresti on Facebook page 3
  • 4. Gizmodo said it all right. ―BlackBerry Picked the Wrong Day to Die‖. In the week that every newspaper around the world was mourning the wizard of Apple, the late great Steve Jobs, and Apple Inc‘s iPhone 4S made its debut, RIM froze. Stopped. Went down. And took half the world with it. Half the world‘s BlackBerry using population is a lot. More than a lot. Particularly given most of them are influential, peer modifying, vocal… and at the time of RIMS service outage, angry consumers. This has enabled Apple to make one of its strongest plays for dominance in the handset and mobile device market. Blackberry was already hurting following a dismal Playbook launch. The Playbook was meant to be Blackberry‘s answer to the iPad. Except it was nowhere close to the Apple tablet and it appears that the company that Steve Jobs built is cleaning up that market too. Blackberry Playbook‘s are now being flogged in the US for discount prices. BlackBerry‘s Big Brand Bluster page 4
  • 5. But back to Blackberry‘s outage which put an estimated 70 million Long after BlackBerry‘s crisis had come and gone and people in the dark. consumers for the most part had moved on, users got an email from Reasearch In Motion‘s (RIM) joint CEOs to say how As Gizmodo puts it: ―Every last bit of data that flows to and from a sorry they were for the outage. BlackBerry does so through RIM's vast expanse of servers. When those servers go kaput? So do the phones.‖ The tone was formal, the message was corporate and it was too little too late for frustrated consumers. When people are The problem with Blackberry‘s communication has been the test angry and upset, they want to be heard. BlackBerry‘s missive pattern effect. All that‘s really been coming from the mobile brand is: came at a time when the emotion had passed, and probably ―Please be patient. We have a problem‖. Take a look at BlackBerry‘s only served to remind people of how bad Research In Motion‘s service updates by way of example. communication had been during the crisis. Yes. 70 million people around the world knew that the mobile brand For brands like BlackBerry the service is the brand. That‘s it. was having a problem. That‘s because they‘ve went without Twitter, That‘s as simple and as complex as it gets. The big lesson for email on their mobiles, Facebook and the hundreds of other apps BlackBerry now is how does it ensure this kind of outage never and internet powered services that make BlackBerry such addictive happens again. devices. Then how does it try to unbundle corporate brand guidelines A mobile brand is brilliant when it is working because it is such an that keep RIM inflexible, a massive monolith. How does it integral part of our lives. It is perhaps one of the most intimate make the brand more approachable and reflexive? Sadly this brands in that it insinuates itself into every part of our experience. global #BrandFail comes only months after BlackBerry was But boy oh boy when things go wrong that love turns to hate very chosen as one of SA‘s top youth brands. quickly. It is fine and well having brand guidelines, but they are The other lesson that BlackBerry taught the world was that supposed to help, not hinder. When brand tomes become communication is everything when there‘s a crisis as big as BB‘s constructs that obstruct quick, fluid consumer outage which touches such a massive market. communications in a social age of what help are they? BlackBerry‘s Big Brand Bluster page 5
  • 6. tribute to a brand legend page 6
  • 7. tribute to a brand legend One of the world‘s greatest CEOs, it is difficult to even comprehend Apple without Steven Paul Jobs who died on the 5th of October this year. Millions of tributes have poured forth on blogs, at iStores, in newspapers, on Twitter and televisions shows for a man who was a business legend. To commemorate the passing we can think of no better way to salute Steve Jobs, than through his own words, thanks to page 7
  • 8. tribute to a brand legend Playboy Interview: Steven Jobs Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing By David Sheff • Playboy • February 1985 Gary Wolf • Wired • February 1996 A 29-year-old Jobs on the culture that gave birth to Apple: Having departed Apple, a slightly disillusioned Jobs describes ―Playboy: Why is the computer field dominated by people so young? his new project, NeXT, and his views on the future of The average age of Apple employees is 29. technology: Jobs: It‘s often the same with any new, revolutionary thing. People ―Having children really changes your view on these things. get stuck as they get older. Our minds are sort of electrochemical We're born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. It's been computers. Your thoughts construct patterns like scaffolding in your happening for a long time. Technology is not changing it mind. You are really etching chemical patterns. much—if at all. In most cases, people get stuck in those patterns, just like grooves in These technologies can make life easier, can let us touch a record, and they never get out of them. It‘s a rare person who people we might not otherwise. You may have a child with a etches grooves that are other than a specific way of looking at things, birth defect and be able to get in touch with other parents and a specific way of questioning things. It‘s rare that you see an artist in support groups, get medical information, the latest his 30s or 40s able to really contribute something amazing. Of experimental drugs. These things can profoundly influence course, there are some people who are innately curious, forever little life. I'm not downplaying that. But it's a disservice to kids in their awe of life, but they‘re rare.‖ constantly put things in this radical new light—that it's going to change everything. Things don't have to change the world to be important. The Web is going to be very important. Is it going to be a life- changing event for millions of people? No. I mean, maybe. But it's not an assured Yes at this point. And it'll probably creep up on people.‖ page 8
  • 9. tribute to a brand legend "You've got to find what you love": Stanford Commencement Address Steve Jobs • June 2005 Jobs, having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, addresses the graduating class of 2005: ―No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.‖ Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) American inventor, entrepreneur. Co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. page 9
  • 11. 10 easy ways to improve your PR • Make the reporter or blogger's life easy. Reporters and By Wendy Marx, in FastCompany bloggers, like all of us, are super busy. Provide the facts straight up. Don‘t have a long windup before you get to the ―I want to get my company known and be perceived as a leader.‖ I point, unless you want your note trashed. Simply tell them hear that request a lot from potential clients looking for PR, along why they should care and the value of what you‘re doing. with people thinking there is some magic bullet to getting buzz. So let me set the record straight and also share with you some easy ways • Keep it real. Nothing turns someone off more than to get your company (or yourself) better known. exaggerating what you‘re doing. Most of what is said to be unique, first of its kind, or leading, is hyperbole. The only • Communicate what you do succinctly and simply. Too often person who believes it is you. people try to explain what they do with five dollar words and a lot of jargon, using words like ideate, holistic, endemic, and scalable, • Be on point. I sometimes get pitches that have absolutely that simply gum up the mouth. They repel, not attract. Instead, nothing to do with my business. Why would I care? in basic English, explain what your product or service makes it Understand what the person you want to cover your possible for someone to do. Pretend you‘re talking to a 10-year- business writes about and personalize your note old. I don‘t care how complicated and high falutin‘ your product accordingly. You might want to reference a previous article or service is. No one has the time or patience today to try to a reporter wrote and say that you enjoyed that piece and figure out what you mean. And that goes double for reporters have a related, but different, story idea. and bloggers. • Personalize. Reach out individually to reporters or • Tout why anyone should care. Most people can‘t be bothered to bloggers you believe would be interested in what you‘re know how something works, nice as that can be. They want to doing. Ideally, get to know them first. Read their articles or know what it will do for them. Will it save time? Make you more posts, comment on these where you think it adds value or money? Save you money? Let them know. can extend the conversation. Help them even when it does nothing ostensibly for your company. Think of it as • A good picture says it all. Sometimes what you do can be relationship building. explained much more clearly in words. I can read, for example, that the iPhone 4S has an 8-megapixel camera but when I see magnificent images, I suddenly know what that means. page 11
  • 12. 10 easy ways to improve your PR • Be your own best promoter. Content is the new thought leadership currency. If you have time to write at least once a week or have someone in your company who can do so, blog. Nothing engages more than your speaking conversationally about what you do. According to Hubspot, companies with blogs attract 55% more website visitors than those that don‘t have them. If you don‘t have time to blog, start engaging with customers and prospects on social media. Listen first and understand the rules of engagement before you start actively posting. Too many companies broadcast rather than have conversations on social media. • Contribute articles. Trade publications today are always in the market for good content. Read the publications and understand the type of articles they publish. A quick call to the publication will let you know whom to pitch. Send a brief note explaining what you want to write about, why the readers would be interested, and a few sentences about you and your company. • Create word of mouth. Nothing beats a happy customer touting what you can do. And if your customers don‘t want their names attached to a quote or case study, don‘t forgo this. Instead, refer to the company in a generic way, such as a major retailer or manufacturer. At least you‘re providing an outside perspective on what you can do. And finally, an oldie but goodie: Issue a press release. This old workhorse is still effective. Just keep it brief, avoid hyperbole and make it easy to understand. Focus on a new initiative your audience will care about. Include key words that prospects are likely to search. If all of this sounds like too much, begin slowly. Carve out a few areas to focus on. I would start with your making your communications easy to understand. And then work on creating a little content, be it a blog or contributed article. After all, you don‘t have to be famous in a day. Just get a little better known each day. Author Wendy Marx is a B2B PR and Marketing Specialist, Marx Communications page 12
  • 13. media City Press's new magazine the talk of the town By: Oresti Patricios Hot off the back of a strategy lead by editor Ferial Haffajee, City Press is investing heavily in ensuring it becomes the most noticeable and noted Sunday media brand. The latest accent in that drive to own the Sunday newspaper market is a magazine that Media24's publication has simply called i magazine. Read the full insight here: How the F-bomb made an obscure newsreader an overnight viral celeb Former newsreader Mark Esterhuysen has become an overnight celebrity on social networks after swearing on the air, but the question is how did it all happen? Because Ornico monitors most, if not all, major news media the brand and reputation research company was able to decode Esterhuysen‘s viral effect. Here‘s more on the F-bomb by the numbers and the social media swell that made Esterhuisen a new media hit. Read the full article. Innovating new brand markets. How do you break into new markets and develop innovative strategies that help grow emerging market share. Ornico CEO, Oresti Patricios joined Urs Honegger, publisher/MD of Panorama Publications on the Bizcommunity/Chai FM Media & Marketing radio show. Listen to the podcast of that show here. page 13
  • 14. social media insight Reasons why people drop brands on Facebook by Jonathan Cherry of CherryFlava Shame – realizing that people spend some time on things like Facebook and Twitter, brands have hired fancy social media consultants and people like that to help get them a ‗presence‘ on these platforms. Read the full story. Are Corporations Giving Up on Social Media? Terms like ―blogging,‖ ―tweeting‖ and ―liking‖ are continuing to gain traction in the lexicon of the marketing industry –or so it seems. New research from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth shows that the use of blogs, Twitter and Facebook among the Fortune 500 actually leveled off in 2011, and the results have me wondering: Are the nation‘s largest companies giving up on social media? Read more. Twitter stories show social media’s impact In its five-year history, Twitter‘s been used for inane updates on what was breakfast, as a vehicle for real-time news and as a way to spread revolutionary social ideas. On Tuesday, the service launched a new site, ―Twitter Stories,‖ to share a handful of stunning ways that the micro-blogging service has made a positive impact on people‘s lives. The stories range from the heartwarming story of a son who saved his mother‘s bookstore with a tweet, to the bone-chilling tale of a man who relied on Twitter for help when snipers entered his backyard in Tunisia. The site even features the story of one man who found a kidney donor after tweeting, ―[expletive], I need a kidney.‖ Read the story. page 14
  • 16. The four letter word we most often use … Reputation tracking and analysis services that give you the know how to grow. Call us to get the know how. T/ +27 11 884-5041 E/ W/