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MB., ChB., PhD., FCCP., FRS., FIBA
Professor of Physiology & Medicine
 The parts of the heart normally beat in orderly
 Contraction of the atria (atrial systole) is followed by
contraction of the ventricles (ventricular systole)
 And during diastole all four chambers are relaxed
 The heartbeat originates in a specialized cardiac
conduction system and spreads via this system to all
parts of the myocardium
 The structures that make up the conduction system
are the sinoatrial node (SA node), the internodal
atrial pathways, the atrioventricular node, the
bundle of His with its right and left branches, and the
Purkinje system
 The various parts of the conduction system and, under
abnormal conditions, part of the myocardium, are
capable of spontaneous discharge
 However, the SA node normally discharges most
rapidly, with depolarization spreading from it to the
other regions before they discharge spontaneously
 The SA node is therefore the normal pacemaker, with
its rate of discharge determining the rate at which the
heart beats
 Impulses generated in the SA node pass through the
atrial pathways to the AV node, through this node to
the bundle of His, and through the branches of the
bundle of His via the Purkinje system to the
ventricular muscle
 The transmission velocity in the SA node is about 0.05
m/s, and in atrial muscle, bundle of His, and
ventricular muscle about 0.8 to 1 m/s
 The conduction velocity in the AV node is about 0.03
to 0.05 m/s; however, in the Purkinje system it is about
4 m/s, i.e., 100 times greater than in the nodal systems
 Each of the cell types in the heart contains a unique
electrical discharge pattern; the sum of these electrical
discharges can be recorded as the electrocardiogram
 The ECG is clinical useful in aiding diagnosis of heart
diseases such as arrhythmias, and acute myocardial
infarction, and in monitoring critically ill patients in
coronary care units (CCU/ICU)
 In the human heart, the SA node is located at the
junction of the superior vena cava with the right
 The AV node is located in the right posterior portion
of the interatrial septum
 There are three bundles of atrial fibres that contain
Purkinje-type fibres and connect the SA node to the
AV node, these are:
 The anterior, middle (tract of Wenckebach), and
posterior (tract of Thorel)
 Bachmann’s bundle is sometimes used to identify a
branch of the anterior tract that connects the right and
left atria
 Conduction also occurs through atrial myocytes, but it
is more rapid in these bundles
 The AV node is continuous with the bundle of His,
which gives off a left bundle at the top of the
interventricular septum and continues as the right
bundle branch
 The left bundle branch divides into an anterior fascicle
and a posterior fascicle
 The branches and fascicles run subendocardially down
either side of the septum and come into contact with
the Purkinje system
 From the Purkinje system fibres spread to all parts of
the ventricular myocardium
 The histology of a typical cardiac muscle cell (e.g., a
ventricular myocyte) is described in Chapter 5
 The conduction system is composed of, for the most
part, of modifies cardiac muscle that has fewer
striation and indistinct boundaries
 Individual cells within regions of the heart have
unique histological features
 Purkinje fibres, specialized conduction cells, are large
with fewer mitochondria and striation and distinctly
different from a myocyte specialized for contraction
 Cells within the SA node and, a lesser extent the AV
node are smaller and sparsely striated, but unlike
Purkinje fibres are less conductive due to their higher
internal resistance
 The atrial muscle fibres are separated from those of
the ventricles by a fibrous tissue ring
 And normally, the only conducting tissue between the
atria and ventricles is bundle of His
 The SA node develop from structure on the right side
of the embryo and the AV node from structures on the
 That is why in the adult the right vagus is distributed
mainly to the SA node and the left vagus to the AV
 Similarly, the sympathetic innervation on the right
side is distributed primarily to the SA node, and the
sympathetic innervation on the left side primarily to
the AV node
 On each side, most sympathetic fibres come from the
stellate ganglion
 Noradrenergic fibres are epicardial, whereas the vagal
fibres are endocardial
 However, connections exist for reciprocal inhibitory
effects of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
innervations of the heart on each side
 Thus acetylcholine acts presynaptically to reduce
noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerves
 Conversely, neuropeptide Y released from
noradrenergic endings may inhibit the release of
 The electrical responses of cardiac muscle and nodal
tissue and the ion fluxes that underline them are
discussed in detail in Chapter 5
 Myocardial fibres have a resting membrane potential
of approximately -90 mV
 The individual fibres are separated by membranes, but
depolarization spreads radially through them as if they
were a syncytium because of the presence of gap
 The transmembrane action potential of a single
cardiac muscle is characterized by rapid
depolarization (phase 0)
 An initial rapid repolarization (phase 1), a plateau
(phase 2)
 And a slow repolarization (phase 3) that allows return
to the resting membrane potential (phase 4)
 The initial depolarization is due to Na influx through
rapid opening of Na channels (the Na current, INa)
 The inactivation of Na channels contributes to rapid
repolarization phase (phase 1)
 Ca influx through more slowly opening Ca channels
(the Ca current, ICa) produces the plateau phase
(phase 2)
 Repolarization is due to net K efflux through the
multiple types of K channels
 Recorded extracellularly, the summed electrical
activity of all cardiac muscle fibres is the ECG
 The timing of the discharge of individual unit in
relative to the ECG is shown in Figure 29-1
 The ECG sums the discharges from the SA node, atrial
muscle, AV node, common bundle, bundle branches,
Purkinje fibres, and ventricular muscle
 Note that the ECG is a combined electrical record and
thus the overall shape reflects electrical activity from
each different regions of the heart indicated above
 Rhythmically discharging cells have a membrane
potential that, after each impulse, declines to the
firing level
 Thus, this prepotential or pacemaker potential
triggers the next impulse
 At the peak of each impulse, IK begins and brings
about repolarization, IK then declines, and a channel
permeable to both Na and K is activated
 Because this channel is activated following
hyperpolarization, it is referred to as an “h” channel
 However, because of its unusual (funny) activation it
has also been dubbed an “f” channel and the current
produced as “funny current”
 As Ih increases, the membrane begins to depolarize,
forming part of the prepotential, Ca channels then
Ca channels
 There are of two types of Ca channels in the heart, the
T (for transient) and the L (for long-lasting)
 The calcium current (ICa) due to opening of the T
channels complete the prepotential
 And ICa due to opening of L channels produce the
 Other channels are also involved, and there is evidence
that local Ca release from the endoplasmic reticulum
(Ca sparks) occurs during the prepotential
 The action potential in the SA and AV nodes are
largely due to Ca, with no contribution by Na influx
 Consequently, there is no sharp, rapid depolarizing
spike before the plateau, as there is in other parts of
the conduction system, and in the atrial and
ventricular fibres
 In addition, prepotentials are normally prominent only
in the SA and AV nodes
 However, “latent pacemaker” are present in other
portions of the conduction system that can take over
when the SA and AV nodes are depressed or
conduction from them is blocked
 Atrial and ventricular muscle fibres do not have
prepotentials, and they discharge spontaneously only
when injured, eg, in myocardial ischaemia or when
they are abnormal
 When cholinergic vagal fibres to nodal tissue are
stimulated, the membrane becomes hyperpolarized
and the slope of the prepotential is decreased
 This is because the acetylcholine released at the nerve
endings increases the K conductance of nodal tissue
 This action is mediated by M2 muscarinic receptors,
which, via the βγ subunit of the G protein, open a
special set of K channels
 The resulting IKAch slows the depolarizing effect of Ih
 In addition, activation of the M2 receptors decreases
cyclic adenosine 3,5’-monophosphate (cAMP) in cells,
and this slows the opening of Ca channels
 The result is a decrease in firing rate and a decrease in
the heart rate (bradycardia)
 Strong vagal stimulation may abolish spontaneous
discharge for sometime
 Conversely, stimulation of the sympathetic cardiac
nerves speeds the depolarizing effect of Ih, and the rate
of spontaneous discharge increases
 Noradrenaline secreted by the sympathetic endings
binds to β1 receptors, and the resulting increase in
intracellular cAMP facilitates the opening of the L
channels, increasing ICa and the rapidity of the
deporalization phase of the impulse
 This leads to increase in the heart rate or tachycardia
 The rate of discharge of the SA node and other nodal
tissue is influenced by temperature and by drugs
 The discharge frequency is increased when the
temperature rises, and this may contribute to the
tachycardia associated with fever
 Digitalis depresses nodal tissue and exerts an effect
like that of vagal stimulation, particularly on the AV
 The term digitalis is used to designate the entire class of
cardiac glycosides
 The most commonly used cardiac glycoside is digoxin
 Digoxin is about 70 per cent absorbed when given in tablet
form but it is almost completely absorbed when given as an
encapsulated liquid concentrate (lanoxicaps)
 By its inotropic effect, digitalis improves the circulation in
patients with heart failure
 Digitalis also has a parasympathetic effect and causes a
diminution of the sympathetic effect on the heart
 Finally, it has a direct vasoconstrictive action
 Toxicity occurring during chronic administration is
common, although acute poisoning is infrequent
 These include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, anorexia,
fatigue and drowsiness
 Rarely, confusion, visual disturbances and
hallucinations occur
 In general, the therapeutic serum concentration of
digoxin in adults is 1.0 to 2.0 ng/ml
 Serum levels of digoxin are helpful in confirming
clinical suspicion of digitalis toxicity, especially if the
serum digoxin level is greater than 3.0 ng/ml
 Digitalis-induced arrhythmias may be due to the
drug’s parasympathetic effects on the heart and the
effects related to enhanced ectopy
 Signs of increased vagal effects include sinus
bradycardia, SA exit block, and AV nodal block,
usually of Wenckebach type
 Examples of digitalis-induced ectopy include
premature atrial contraction, junctional tachycardia,
and ventricular ectopy activity
 Death, if it occurs, may be due to ventricular
tachycardia and/or ventricular fibrillation
 Treatment of digitalis toxicity depends on the
seriousness of the arrhythmia
 Activated charcoal is commonly administered to
patients presenting within one hour of ingestion of an
acute overdose
 A 12 lead ECG is performed and cardiac monitoring
 Correction of hypokalaemia, together with cessation of
digitalis, may be all that is needed to control digitalis-
induced tachyarrhythmias
 Significant bradycardias may respond to atropine, although
temporary pacing is sometimes needed
 Anecdotal reports indicate that amiodarone, bretylium,
and intavenous magnesium can suppress life-threatening
arrhythmias due to digitalis intoxication
 If available, digoxin-specific antibody fragment should be
administered when there are severe ventricular
arrhythmias or unresponsive bradycardias
 The Fab fragments can rapidly reverse digoxin-induced
 The glycoside is bound to the Fab fragments and
eliminated by the renal route
 Digitalis, or its clinically useful preparations (digoxin
and digitoxin) have been prescribed in medical
literature for more than 200 years
 It was originally derived from the foxglove plant
(digitalis purpurea is the name of the common
 Correct administration can strengthen contractions
through digitalis inhibitory effect on the Na K ATPase
 Resulting in greater amount of Ca release and
subsequent changes in contraction forces
 Digitalis can also have an electrical effect in decreasing
AV conduction velocity and thus altering AV
transmission to the ventricles
 It slows conduction and prolong the refractory period
in the AV node
 This effect helps control ventricular rate in atrial
fibrillation, and may interrupt supraventricular
tachycardias involving the AV node
 Digitalis preparations have been used for treatment of
systolic heart failure for 200 years
 It augments contractility, thereby improving cardiac
output, improving ventricular emptying, and
decreasing ventricular filling pressures
 Digoxin can also be used to provide rate control in
patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation
 In patients with severe heart failure (NYHA class III-
IV), digoxin reduces likelihood of hospitalization for
heart failure, although it has no effect on long-term
 Digitalis (digoxin) has also been used to treat
supraventricular arrhythmias such as atrial
fibrillation and atrial flutter
 In this scenario, digitalis reduces the number of
impulses transmitted through the AV node thus,
provide effective rate control
 In both these instances alternative treatments
developed over the past 20 years and the need to
tightly regulate dose due to the significant potential
for side effects have reduced the use of digitalis
 However, with better understanding of mechanism
and toxicity, digitalis and its clinically prepared
derivatives remain important drugs in modern
 Depolarization initiated in the SA node spreads
radially through the atria, then converge in the AV
 Atrial depolarization is complete in about 0.1 sec
 Because conduction in the AV node is slow, a delay of
about 0.1 sec (AV nodal delay) occurs before
excitation spreads to the ventricles
 It is interesting to note that when there is lack of
contribution of INa in the depolarization (phase 0) of
the action potential, a marked loss of conduction is
 This delay is shortened by stimulation of the
sympathetic nerves to the heart, and lengthened by
stimulation of the vagi
 From the top of the septum, the wave of depolarization
spreads in the rapidly conducting Purkinje fibres to all
parts of the ventricle in 0.08-0.1 sec
 In humans, depolarization of the ventricular muscle
starts at the left side of the interventricular septum
 It moves first to the right across the mid portion of the
 The wave of depolarization then spreads down the
septum to the apex of the heart
 It returns along the ventricular walls to the AV groove,
proceeding from the endocardial to the epicardial
 The last part of the heart to be depolarized is the
posterobasal portion of the left ventricle, the
pulmonary conus, and uppermost portion of the
TABLE 29-1
Tissue Conduction rate (m/s)
 SA node 0.05 m/s
 Atrial pathway 1
 AV node 0.05
 Bundle of His 1
 Purkinje system 4
 Ventricular muscle 1

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  • 1. MB., ChB., PhD., FCCP., FRS., FIBA Professor of Physiology & Medicine
  • 2. ORIGIN OF THE HEARTBEAT INTRODUCTION  The parts of the heart normally beat in orderly sequence:  Contraction of the atria (atrial systole) is followed by contraction of the ventricles (ventricular systole)  And during diastole all four chambers are relaxed  The heartbeat originates in a specialized cardiac conduction system and spreads via this system to all parts of the myocardium
  • 3. ORIGIN OF THE HEARTBEAT  The structures that make up the conduction system are the sinoatrial node (SA node), the internodal atrial pathways, the atrioventricular node, the bundle of His with its right and left branches, and the Purkinje system  The various parts of the conduction system and, under abnormal conditions, part of the myocardium, are capable of spontaneous discharge  However, the SA node normally discharges most rapidly, with depolarization spreading from it to the other regions before they discharge spontaneously
  • 4. ORIGIN OF THE HEARTBEAT  The SA node is therefore the normal pacemaker, with its rate of discharge determining the rate at which the heart beats  Impulses generated in the SA node pass through the atrial pathways to the AV node, through this node to the bundle of His, and through the branches of the bundle of His via the Purkinje system to the ventricular muscle  The transmission velocity in the SA node is about 0.05 m/s, and in atrial muscle, bundle of His, and ventricular muscle about 0.8 to 1 m/s
  • 5. ORIGIN OF THE HEARTBEAT  The conduction velocity in the AV node is about 0.03 to 0.05 m/s; however, in the Purkinje system it is about 4 m/s, i.e., 100 times greater than in the nodal systems  Each of the cell types in the heart contains a unique electrical discharge pattern; the sum of these electrical discharges can be recorded as the electrocardiogram (ECG)  The ECG is clinical useful in aiding diagnosis of heart diseases such as arrhythmias, and acute myocardial infarction, and in monitoring critically ill patients in coronary care units (CCU/ICU)
  • 6. ORIGIN AND SPREAD OF CARDIAC EXCITATION ANATOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS  In the human heart, the SA node is located at the junction of the superior vena cava with the right atrium  The AV node is located in the right posterior portion of the interatrial septum  There are three bundles of atrial fibres that contain Purkinje-type fibres and connect the SA node to the AV node, these are:  The anterior, middle (tract of Wenckebach), and posterior (tract of Thorel)
  • 7. ORIGIN AND SPREAD OF CARDIAC EXCITATION  Bachmann’s bundle is sometimes used to identify a branch of the anterior tract that connects the right and left atria  Conduction also occurs through atrial myocytes, but it is more rapid in these bundles  The AV node is continuous with the bundle of His, which gives off a left bundle at the top of the interventricular septum and continues as the right bundle branch
  • 8. ORIGIN AND SPREAD OF CARDIAC EXCITATION  The left bundle branch divides into an anterior fascicle and a posterior fascicle  The branches and fascicles run subendocardially down either side of the septum and come into contact with the Purkinje system  From the Purkinje system fibres spread to all parts of the ventricular myocardium
  • 9. HISTOLOGY OF THE CONDUCTION SYSTEM  The histology of a typical cardiac muscle cell (e.g., a ventricular myocyte) is described in Chapter 5  The conduction system is composed of, for the most part, of modifies cardiac muscle that has fewer striation and indistinct boundaries  Individual cells within regions of the heart have unique histological features  Purkinje fibres, specialized conduction cells, are large with fewer mitochondria and striation and distinctly different from a myocyte specialized for contraction
  • 10. HISTOLOGY OF THE CONDUCTION SYSTEM  Cells within the SA node and, a lesser extent the AV node are smaller and sparsely striated, but unlike Purkinje fibres are less conductive due to their higher internal resistance  The atrial muscle fibres are separated from those of the ventricles by a fibrous tissue ring  And normally, the only conducting tissue between the atria and ventricles is bundle of His
  • 11. INNERVATION OF THE CONDUCTION SYSTEM  The SA node develop from structure on the right side of the embryo and the AV node from structures on the left  That is why in the adult the right vagus is distributed mainly to the SA node and the left vagus to the AV node  Similarly, the sympathetic innervation on the right side is distributed primarily to the SA node, and the sympathetic innervation on the left side primarily to the AV node
  • 12. INNERVATION OF THE CONDUCTION SYSTEM  On each side, most sympathetic fibres come from the stellate ganglion  Noradrenergic fibres are epicardial, whereas the vagal fibres are endocardial  However, connections exist for reciprocal inhibitory effects of the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations of the heart on each side
  • 13. INNERVATION OF THE CONDUCTION SYSTEM  Thus acetylcholine acts presynaptically to reduce noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerves  Conversely, neuropeptide Y released from noradrenergic endings may inhibit the release of acetylcholine
  • 14. PROPERTIES OF CARDIAC MUSCLE  The electrical responses of cardiac muscle and nodal tissue and the ion fluxes that underline them are discussed in detail in Chapter 5  Myocardial fibres have a resting membrane potential of approximately -90 mV  The individual fibres are separated by membranes, but depolarization spreads radially through them as if they were a syncytium because of the presence of gap junctions
  • 15. PROPERTIES OF CARDIAC MUSCLE  The transmembrane action potential of a single cardiac muscle is characterized by rapid depolarization (phase 0)  An initial rapid repolarization (phase 1), a plateau (phase 2)  And a slow repolarization (phase 3) that allows return to the resting membrane potential (phase 4)  The initial depolarization is due to Na influx through rapid opening of Na channels (the Na current, INa)
  • 16. PROPERTIES OF CARDIAC MUSCLE  The inactivation of Na channels contributes to rapid repolarization phase (phase 1)  Ca influx through more slowly opening Ca channels (the Ca current, ICa) produces the plateau phase (phase 2)  Repolarization is due to net K efflux through the multiple types of K channels  Recorded extracellularly, the summed electrical activity of all cardiac muscle fibres is the ECG
  • 17. ELECTROCARDIOGRAM  The timing of the discharge of individual unit in relative to the ECG is shown in Figure 29-1  The ECG sums the discharges from the SA node, atrial muscle, AV node, common bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibres, and ventricular muscle  Note that the ECG is a combined electrical record and thus the overall shape reflects electrical activity from each different regions of the heart indicated above
  • 18. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL  Rhythmically discharging cells have a membrane potential that, after each impulse, declines to the firing level  Thus, this prepotential or pacemaker potential triggers the next impulse  At the peak of each impulse, IK begins and brings about repolarization, IK then declines, and a channel permeable to both Na and K is activated
  • 19. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL  Because this channel is activated following hyperpolarization, it is referred to as an “h” channel  However, because of its unusual (funny) activation it has also been dubbed an “f” channel and the current produced as “funny current”  As Ih increases, the membrane begins to depolarize, forming part of the prepotential, Ca channels then open
  • 20. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL Ca channels  There are of two types of Ca channels in the heart, the T (for transient) and the L (for long-lasting)  The calcium current (ICa) due to opening of the T channels complete the prepotential  And ICa due to opening of L channels produce the impulse  Other channels are also involved, and there is evidence that local Ca release from the endoplasmic reticulum (Ca sparks) occurs during the prepotential
  • 21. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL  The action potential in the SA and AV nodes are largely due to Ca, with no contribution by Na influx  Consequently, there is no sharp, rapid depolarizing spike before the plateau, as there is in other parts of the conduction system, and in the atrial and ventricular fibres  In addition, prepotentials are normally prominent only in the SA and AV nodes
  • 22. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL  However, “latent pacemaker” are present in other portions of the conduction system that can take over when the SA and AV nodes are depressed or conduction from them is blocked  Atrial and ventricular muscle fibres do not have prepotentials, and they discharge spontaneously only when injured, eg, in myocardial ischaemia or when they are abnormal
  • 23. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL  When cholinergic vagal fibres to nodal tissue are stimulated, the membrane becomes hyperpolarized and the slope of the prepotential is decreased  This is because the acetylcholine released at the nerve endings increases the K conductance of nodal tissue  This action is mediated by M2 muscarinic receptors, which, via the βγ subunit of the G protein, open a special set of K channels
  • 24. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL  The resulting IKAch slows the depolarizing effect of Ih  In addition, activation of the M2 receptors decreases cyclic adenosine 3,5’-monophosphate (cAMP) in cells, and this slows the opening of Ca channels  The result is a decrease in firing rate and a decrease in the heart rate (bradycardia)  Strong vagal stimulation may abolish spontaneous discharge for sometime
  • 25. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL  Conversely, stimulation of the sympathetic cardiac nerves speeds the depolarizing effect of Ih, and the rate of spontaneous discharge increases  Noradrenaline secreted by the sympathetic endings binds to β1 receptors, and the resulting increase in intracellular cAMP facilitates the opening of the L channels, increasing ICa and the rapidity of the deporalization phase of the impulse  This leads to increase in the heart rate or tachycardia
  • 26. PACEMAKER POTENTIAL  The rate of discharge of the SA node and other nodal tissue is influenced by temperature and by drugs  The discharge frequency is increased when the temperature rises, and this may contribute to the tachycardia associated with fever  Digitalis depresses nodal tissue and exerts an effect like that of vagal stimulation, particularly on the AV node
  • 27. DIGITALIS  The term digitalis is used to designate the entire class of cardiac glycosides  The most commonly used cardiac glycoside is digoxin  Digoxin is about 70 per cent absorbed when given in tablet form but it is almost completely absorbed when given as an encapsulated liquid concentrate (lanoxicaps)  By its inotropic effect, digitalis improves the circulation in patients with heart failure  Digitalis also has a parasympathetic effect and causes a diminution of the sympathetic effect on the heart  Finally, it has a direct vasoconstrictive action
  • 28. DIGITALIS  Toxicity occurring during chronic administration is common, although acute poisoning is infrequent  These include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, anorexia, fatigue and drowsiness  Rarely, confusion, visual disturbances and hallucinations occur  In general, the therapeutic serum concentration of digoxin in adults is 1.0 to 2.0 ng/ml  Serum levels of digoxin are helpful in confirming clinical suspicion of digitalis toxicity, especially if the serum digoxin level is greater than 3.0 ng/ml
  • 29. DIGITALIS  Digitalis-induced arrhythmias may be due to the drug’s parasympathetic effects on the heart and the effects related to enhanced ectopy  Signs of increased vagal effects include sinus bradycardia, SA exit block, and AV nodal block, usually of Wenckebach type  Examples of digitalis-induced ectopy include premature atrial contraction, junctional tachycardia, and ventricular ectopy activity  Death, if it occurs, may be due to ventricular tachycardia and/or ventricular fibrillation
  • 30. DIGITALIS  Treatment of digitalis toxicity depends on the seriousness of the arrhythmia  Activated charcoal is commonly administered to patients presenting within one hour of ingestion of an acute overdose  A 12 lead ECG is performed and cardiac monitoring instituted  Correction of hypokalaemia, together with cessation of digitalis, may be all that is needed to control digitalis- induced tachyarrhythmias
  • 31. DIGITALIS  Significant bradycardias may respond to atropine, although temporary pacing is sometimes needed  Anecdotal reports indicate that amiodarone, bretylium, and intavenous magnesium can suppress life-threatening arrhythmias due to digitalis intoxication  If available, digoxin-specific antibody fragment should be administered when there are severe ventricular arrhythmias or unresponsive bradycardias  The Fab fragments can rapidly reverse digoxin-induced toxicity  The glycoside is bound to the Fab fragments and eliminated by the renal route
  • 32. CLINICAL BOX 29-1 USE OF DIGITALIS  Digitalis, or its clinically useful preparations (digoxin and digitoxin) have been prescribed in medical literature for more than 200 years  It was originally derived from the foxglove plant (digitalis purpurea is the name of the common foxglove)  Correct administration can strengthen contractions through digitalis inhibitory effect on the Na K ATPase  Resulting in greater amount of Ca release and subsequent changes in contraction forces
  • 33. CLINICAL BOX 29-1 USE OF DIGITALIS  Digitalis can also have an electrical effect in decreasing AV conduction velocity and thus altering AV transmission to the ventricles  It slows conduction and prolong the refractory period in the AV node  This effect helps control ventricular rate in atrial fibrillation, and may interrupt supraventricular tachycardias involving the AV node
  • 34. THERAPEUTIC HIGHLIGHTS  Digitalis preparations have been used for treatment of systolic heart failure for 200 years  It augments contractility, thereby improving cardiac output, improving ventricular emptying, and decreasing ventricular filling pressures  Digoxin can also be used to provide rate control in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation  In patients with severe heart failure (NYHA class III- IV), digoxin reduces likelihood of hospitalization for heart failure, although it has no effect on long-term survival
  • 35. THERAPEUTIC HIGHLIGHTS  Digitalis (digoxin) has also been used to treat supraventricular arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter  In this scenario, digitalis reduces the number of impulses transmitted through the AV node thus, provide effective rate control  In both these instances alternative treatments developed over the past 20 years and the need to tightly regulate dose due to the significant potential for side effects have reduced the use of digitalis
  • 36. THERAPEUTIC HIGHLIGHTS  However, with better understanding of mechanism and toxicity, digitalis and its clinically prepared derivatives remain important drugs in modern medicine
  • 37. SPREAD OF CARDIAC EXCITATION  Depolarization initiated in the SA node spreads radially through the atria, then converge in the AV node  Atrial depolarization is complete in about 0.1 sec  Because conduction in the AV node is slow, a delay of about 0.1 sec (AV nodal delay) occurs before excitation spreads to the ventricles  It is interesting to note that when there is lack of contribution of INa in the depolarization (phase 0) of the action potential, a marked loss of conduction is observed
  • 38. SPREAD OF CARDIAC EXCITATION  This delay is shortened by stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to the heart, and lengthened by stimulation of the vagi  From the top of the septum, the wave of depolarization spreads in the rapidly conducting Purkinje fibres to all parts of the ventricle in 0.08-0.1 sec  In humans, depolarization of the ventricular muscle starts at the left side of the interventricular septum  It moves first to the right across the mid portion of the septum
  • 39. SPREAD OF CARDIAC EXCITATION  The wave of depolarization then spreads down the septum to the apex of the heart  It returns along the ventricular walls to the AV groove, proceeding from the endocardial to the epicardial surface  The last part of the heart to be depolarized is the posterobasal portion of the left ventricle, the pulmonary conus, and uppermost portion of the septum
  • 40. TABLE 29-1 CONDUCTION SPEEDS IN CARDIAC TISSUE Tissue Conduction rate (m/s)  SA node 0.05 m/s  Atrial pathway 1  AV node 0.05  Bundle of His 1  Purkinje system 4  Ventricular muscle 1