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1. Executive summary
300 is an action, war, adventure, fantasy and superhero film. It was released in March 9, 2007
and its length around 1hours 45 minutes. It was directed by Zack Snyder which is an
American filmmaker. The plot revolves around King Leonidas (Gerard Butler), who leads
300 Spartans into battle against the Persian "god-King" Xerxes(Rodrigo Santoro) and his
invading army of more than 300,000 soldiers. As the battle rages, Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey)
attempts to rally support in Sparta for her husband. The story is framed by a voice-over narrative
by the Spartan soldier Dilios (David Wenham). Through this narrative technique, various
fantastical creatures are introduced, placing 300 within the genre of historical fantasy. The events
are revealed to be a story told by Dilios, the only one of the 300 Spartans to survive the battle.
2. Movie Background
300 is the story of the Battle of Thermopylae of 480 BC which is an alliance of Greek city-
states that fought the invading Persian army in the mountain pass of Thermopylae. King
Leonidas reinforce 300 Spartans from his into battle. Vastly outnumbered, the Greeks held
back the enemy in one of the most famous last stands of history. Persian King Xerxes lead
Army of well approximately 1,000,000 men to Greece and need face by 300 Spartans, 700
Thespians, and 400 Thebans. Persian was waited for 10 days for King Leonidas of Spartan to
surrender but left with no options he pushed forward. After 3 days of battle all the Greeks
were killed by Persian King Xerxes .The Spartan defeat was no expected, as a local shepherd,
named Ephialtes, he was defected the Persians and informed Xerxes that the separate path
through Thermopylae, which the Persians could use to outflank the Greeks, was not as
heavily guarded as they thought.
3. Character Behind 300
Gerard Butler(Leonidas)
Leonidas is the dominant character of the 300. He
is a perfect physical specimen. He dedicated his
life to the unqualified pursuit of martial skill at
arms. He generally appears armed and armoured
and wears a heavy bronze helmet with a jagged
slash cut through one eye and a stiff horsehair
plume on the top. He is a normal Spartan soldier
and King. In additional, Leonidas rules with the
guidance and support of his queen Gorgo and his
Rodrigo Santoro (Xerxes)
Xerxes is a Persian God-King who determined to
rule the world, attacks Greece and in particular,
Sparta. He just wants to conquer the world
because his ambition is unlimited. He wants
glory, victory and eternal fame for his empire. All
he wishes want but ultimately he is weak and
very insecure against King Leonidas.
Andrew Tiernan (Ephialtes)
Ephialtes is a son of Eurydemus .He betrayed his
homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of
reward from the Persians by showing the Persian
forces a path around the allied Greek position at
the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win
the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC.
Lena Headey(Queen Gorgo)
Queen Gorgo is a Queen of Sparta. She is
Leonidas’s wife. She wears dress with white
cleavage, but when she goes to the council her
dress is brown .Gorgo is a strong lady because
she intends to keep it secure and isolated from
other powers such as the Persians and the
Athenians. Hence, this may apply for today world
about gender equality and human rights.
Dominic West(Theron)
Theron is a fictional corrupt Spartan politician,
whose receive money from King Xerxes. He is
brilliant using the oracle so that his city will not
go to war.
4. Organisational Behaviour
a) Motivation
The influence of an individual's needs and desires both have a strong impact on the direction
of their behaviour. Motivation refers to forces within a person that affect the direction,
intensity and persistence or voluntary behaviour. It often leads to a better performance. This
may apply in Spartan warrior stand against Persian army and spies in their effort helping the
Persian against the Greek.
The Spartan warrior has higher drives to stop Persian invasion. King Leonidas visits the
Oracle proposing the strategy to drive back the numerically superior Persians through the Hot
Gates. His plan involves building a wall in order to funnel the Persians into a narrow pass
between the rocks and the sea. The Ephors consult the Oracle, who decrees that Sparta will
not go to war during the Carneia. King Leonidas forming a group of 300 best soldiers against
Persians army and with the help from 700 Arcadians.
According to Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy, the spies develop different needs than other
people. The fourth stage of Hierarchy shows the sense of recognition for social status.
Ephialtes requests to fight alongside the Spartans, King Leonidas prove to him that his
distorted physique prevents him from fitting into a Spartan hoplite battle formation. The
consequences of being rejected will lead to disengagement and swift of needs which means
being traitor to it is own people. After being rejected, Ephialtes goes to the Persian King
Xerxes and informs him of a narrow passage that will lead the Persian soldiers behind the
Greek army. Therefore, Maslow’s theory must be considered in order to prevent employment
The four-drive theory refers to recognize the central role of human emotions in the
motivation process. There are two drive theory which applicable in the movie. The “drive to
bond” is a form social relationship and develops mutual commitments with others. This
explains when King Leonidas boost the motivation of his armies against the Persian by
saying “This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they die” and
“Remember this day, men, for it will be yours for all time”. Second drive is drive to drive to
defend which is a basis of fight or flight. Queen Gorgo tries to persuade the Spartan
Council to send reinforcements to aid the 300 armies. Theron, a corrupt politician, claims that
he "owns" the Council and threatens the Queen, who reluctantly submits to his sexual
demands in return for his help. When Theron disgraces her in front of the Council, she kills
him out of rage, revealing within his robe a bag of Xerxes' gold. Hence, this showed the spirit
of teamwork.
b) Sources of Power
Power is the authority of influence others to follow his will or vision. This may be applicable
to King Xerxes as he has more power compare to King Leonidas in terms of sources of power
which is Legitimate, Reward, and Coercive. Meanwhile, King Leonidas has dominant in
Expert power and Referent power.
i. Legitimate Power
Legitimate power is the mutual agreement that people in certain roles can request a set of
behaviours from others. This means that King Xerxes has high legitimate power over his
legion army as he able to reinforce approximate 1 million armies aligns with his vision of
invading and conquering Greece. Meanwhile, King Leonidas has low power over his people
and council in order to protect his city from Persian invasion. He has to obey the corrupted
Ephors prophecy from the oracle and he has to depend on his wife (Queen Gorgo), in
convincing the council send reinforcements.
ii. Reward Power
King Xerxes is sharp-witted using
reward power by offering prosperity
and women to Ephialtes if he shows
the short cut way through the Hot
Gates. The picture shows the
requirements by King Xerxes is he
need to kneel and lay down which
means King Xerxes has the highest
respect and authority over him in
order to get the reward power.
Contradictly, King Leonidas shows
absent of reward power in his
iii. Expert Power
Expert Power is the capability to influence others by processing knowledge or skills valued
by others. King Leonidas is the expertise using this power as he knows that they are born to
be army and shows no mercy towards the enemy. In addition, they are preparing for 3 century
that one day will need the fighting and fearless skills against the enemy. Although King
Xerxes has the Expert power but he did not fully utilize it as his army, infants, calvary and
archers, are not able in breakthrough the Hot Gates which protected by King Leonidas. This
is because he is genius to use other sources information which is “traitor” in conquering the
Hot Gates.
iv. Coercive Power
Coercive power is the ability using the power of punishments. This means King Xerxes using
death punishments in order to discipline his generals against Spartan army and reward those
who able to defeat them. He also use peer pressure to motivate his army to fight the Spartan
army. Contradictory, King Leonidas did not use coercive power towards his army and
alliance army. He did not stop alliance army from retreating from the Hot Gates but insists to
protect it until the final breath.
v. Referent Power
Referent power refers to the ability
of a leader to influence a follower
because of the follower's loyalty,
respect, friendship, and affection.
This associates with King
Leonidas’s character during his
reinforcements which require some
of his people against the law of
going to war. His friend also
include his only son for the battle
against Persian army which reflect
high of respect, friendship and
affection. On the other hand, King
Xerxes has low referent power and
he need to use another power which
is coercive & reward power.
c) Self-fulfilling prophecy
A self-fulfilling prophecy is due to our expectations about another person and causes that
person to act in a way that is matched with those expectations (McShane and Glinow, 2015).
The process is started when the supervisor forms expectations about the employee’s
behaviour. These expectations are based on first impressions which may be inaccurate. Next,
the supervisor’s expectations influence his or her behaviour toward employees. The third step
in self-fulfilling is supervisor’s behaviour affect the employee. This would lead high-
expectancy employee to learn more skills and knowledge than a low expectancy employee
and the employee will become more self-confident, which results in higher motivation and
willingness to set more challenging goals. Lastly, these employees behaviour matches
supervisors expectations.
Self-fulfilling prophecies are so common that they have a significant role in literature, movies,
and other popular media. The 300 is an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy. When Persians
under the rule of King Xerxes wanted to take over Sparta, King Leonidas of Sparta sacrificed
himself for the well-being of Sparta by forming an army of 300 Spartan warriors to block the
passage of Thermopylae where Xerxes intends to reach Hellas. Leonidas behaviour affect the
others when a small contingent of Arcadian soldiers sought to join forces to fight against
Persians. Furthermore, a Great Phoecian Wall is built by the Spartans to monitor their flank
by using the bodies of killed Persian spies as the morter for the large rocks they set up.
d) MARS Model of The Individual Behaviour
MARS model is used to determine the internal and external factors that affect an individual
behaviour. The name itself is an acronym for individual Motivation, Abilities, Role
Perception and Situational Factors which have a mixed effect on individual performance.
Motivation is goal-directed. According to McShane and Glinow (2015), it represents the
internal forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity and persistence of
voluntary behaviour. This is proven when King Leonidas decided to fight against the Persians
although Ephors deny Leonidas permission to go to war, claiming that they must honor a
religious festival, otherwise Sparta will fall. As a result, 300 of soldiers are chosen to fight
against the Persians at Thermopylae even though the battle is a suicide mission. However,
this doesn't stop the Spartans from moving forward.
The other factors that influence the Spartans is role perceptions. Role perceptions are the
beliefs about what behavior is necessary to achieve the desired results, and have a check that
everyone is clear regarding their part (McShane and Glinow, 2015). At age 7, each young boy
is torn from his mother and makes his own way in combat training, to return a man included
the King. For example, young King Leonidas enable to kill a wolf at age of 15. Hence, it
shows that every Spartans is clear about their role perceptions as they are being trained and
educated since young.
Lastly, situational factors. According to McShane and Glinow (2015), it is the factors that are
beyond the individual’s control in the short run like given time bound, team members, budget
and work facilities. Persian army is not familiar with the terrain of the Hot Gates location and
also the skill of the Spartans. Moreover, they also construct a wall to contain the Persians. At
last, the Spartans killed Persians army as much as possible. Besides, they were betrayed by
Ephialtes, a deformed Spartan child which is the most important factor that cause them lose.
Ephialtes approached Leonidas in hopes of joining the Spartan army in the fight against
Persia and regaining his father honour. However, Leonidas declined Ephialtes offer due to the
fact that he could not sufficiently raise his shield. After being rejected, Ephialtes eventually
approached Xerxes and informed him of a small goat path that led behind the Spartans in
exchange for a uniform, women and wealth. In the end, the 300 Spartans including King
Leonidas were sacrificed.
e) Team Dynamics
Team cohesive refers to the degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their
motivation to remain members. It exists when team members make the team become part of
their social identity. From this movie we can observed that Sparta army had strong team
cohesive. Although the Ephors have denied him permission to mobilize Sparta's army,
Leonidas gathers three hundred of his best soldiers in the guise of his personal bodyguard;
they are joined along the way by Arcardians. At Thermopylae, they construct the wall made
up of stones and slain Persian scouts as mortar, angering the Persian Emissary.
There have few factors that influence team cohesion included similarity of members. For
example, similar background of Sparta army allow them share similar views on various issues,
group objective lead to greater trust and less dysfunctional conflict and strengthen both
emotional and task cohesion. Spartan boys left their families at 7 to be trained to become part
of the full-time professional army. They were taken to the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia to be
flogged to show their toughness and endurance. Spartan had very strict education and training
especially put more emphasis on physical fitness. Sparta was a military state therefore
spartan have a key role in defeating Persia and Athens in the Peloponnesian War lead to
strengthen their team cohesion.
Furthermore, group size also one of the essential parts that influence leads to team cohesion.
This is due to easier for fewer people to agree on goals and to coordinate their work when
compare to larger group. Task cohesion may suffer, though, if the group lacks enough
members to perform its tasks well enough.
f) Conflict
In the movie 300 it also involve conflict problem. Conflict begins with the sources of conflict
and lead one or both parties to perceive the conflict exists. They become aware that one
party’s statements and actions is incompatible with their own goals or belief. For the movie
300, there have conflict arise between member of the council and Sparta fellow king,
According to the theory in organizational behaviour, sources of conflict both of them involve
is incompatible goals. Incompatible goals defines goal incompatibility occur when the goals
of one person or department seem to interfere with another person’s or department’s
goal.From the movie, leotychidas have some argument with member of the council because
Leotychidas is fighting a losing battle with the Ephors over the religious festival of Carneo
that is due to take place, however, member of the council arguing that the army should wait
until after the festival is over before it marches, while Leotychidas fears that by that time the
Persians may have conquered Greece.
Moreover, member council have yielding conflict handling style, they have substantially
more power than Leotychidas. Therefore, Leotychidas cannot get any help from member of
the council, at the end he decided to march north immediately with his personal bodyguard of
300 men, who are exempt from the decision of the Ephros and the Gerousia. They are
subsequently reinforced by Thespians led by Demophilus and Greek allies.
5. Identify the issues or the problems
The first problem that is being faced by King Leonidas is too intolerant. Spartans destiny was
sealed when they betrayed by a Spartan child called Ephialtes. Ephialtes is a deformed
Spartan child whose parents fled Sparta to avoid the law of infanticide. He asked Leonidas to
redeem his father’s honor by joining the Spartan ranks in the fight against Persian. Moreover,
he also warning Leonidas with the secret path by Persians could use to by-pass and surround
attack the Spartans. Although Leonidas sympathy Ephialtes, but he decline him suggestion
due to the fact that Ephialtes deformity prevents him from holding his shield high enough and
it became the threat to the back bone of Spartan defense. Then, Ephialtes was angry and he
told Xerxes the secret path that led behind the Spartans in exchange for the luxury, women
and uniform. Then, Spartan learns that they have been betrayed and know their fight is
unavoidable. In the end, the 300 Spartans including King Leonidas were sacrificed. As a
conclusion, Leonidas’s persistent affected the Spartans sacrificed and the law of infanticide
which is the baby is deformed, they abandoned to die.
Secondly, the problem is the King Leonidas and Sparta army are overconfident in the battle.
King Leonidas think that he can stop them for few days before the council send
reinforcement in helping them against Persian army. However, council disagree to send
reinforcement because Ephors consult the Oracle and the Oracle inform that if go to war
during the Carneia will bring the Sparta fall. So that, Queen Gorgo try to persuade council to
send reinforcement. Unfortunately, at the end, the King Leonidas and Sparta army are
immolate in the battle. Moreover, Leonidas also think that 300 Spartans will win the more
than 1,000,000 Persians army in the battle.
Thirdly, the issue of the movie 300 is a small Greek force stand against attack from the Huge
Persian army and them willing to scarify their life in order to protect their city and retreated
army. King Leonidas asks several Arcadian soldiers to state their professions. Then, he turns
to his own Spartan soldiers and asks them, "What is your profession men?" They reply with a
loud warrior cry, indicating that they are soldiers by trade. The battle of Thermopylae is
between the Persians and Greeks during the Persian attack. The Greek force is very small but
determined to make a stand against the huge Persian army. All of Greece is afraid because the
army of the Persian king Xerxes has begun its invasion of Greece. Although the Thessalians
had gone over to the Persian side, but some Greek cities has come together and forgotten
their usual rivalries, determining to stop the Persian invasion. These cities agreed that Sparta
would lead the Greek army, as its reputation in war was unmatched by any other Greek state.
The Spartans has chosen to defend a narrow pass, between the mountains of central Greece
and the sea, called Thermopylae. Greek force now waiting, made up of only 300 Spartans
under their king, Leonidas.
Next, the problem in this movie is which is Spartan women are respected by Sparta man until
they willing to kill the messenger and declared war. A strong willed women which is Queen
Gorgo, King Leonidas’s wife is advised her husband, King Leonidas on both military and
political problems based on her known for political judgment and wisdom. Based on the
scene of this movie, a Persian messenger deliver a message to King Leonidas but the Queen
Gorgo speaks up after she offers her input during the political discussion. The messenger
looks strictly at Leonidas and says “Why does this woman think she can speak among men?”
Then, Gorgo steps forward and answers “because only Spartan women give birth to real
men.”(300, 2006) Queen Gorgo tries to persuade Council to send reinforcement to help the
King, but as a reward, Theron, a corrupt politician threatens Queen to fulfill his sexual
demand. Then, Theron disgrace her in front of Council, Gorgo kill him out of rage.
Lastly, the issue in this movie is conflict between member of council and King Leonidas will
make them lack of teamwork in the war. Leonidas is persist to fight with Persian make the
Leonidas and Ephors have conflict. This is because the Ephors consult Oracle and denies
Leonidas permission to go to the war, claiming that they must honor sacred religious festival,
if not Sparta will fall. The next day, Leonidas has gathered 300 army and depart to the battle.
Although the council withheld the permission to go to the war because the Oracle prophecy,
they cannot decline Leonidas right to travel with personal bodyguard. They cannot stop
Leonidas according to Sparta’s law because he have power more than council member.
Moreover, King Leonidas persist make the traitor arise because if he take a step back which
is agree Ephialtes join to the Sparta, then Ephialtes will not betray him.
6. Recommendation on the Problem
i. Overcome the barbaric act without killing the messenger
King Leonidas shows the ways towards the messenger by killing as they insult his Queen
which is his wife. His acts has declared a war and put his life to death. There are few ways he
can resolve his barbaric act by using cognitive model.
Firstly, understand the events. King Leonidas should know the consequences killing
the messenger as Persian army has start the invasion on Greece. Instead of killing them, he
should buy the time from King Leonidas and prepare for a bigger reinforcement with the help
from alliance city. Simultaneously, he should use the coercive power in making the council to
break the law of no going to war due to national security. This means King Leonidas should
have higher power distance by using his influence as King and make sure everyone is united
in protecting their country from invasion.
In addition, King Leonidas should make a prediction for the event. He should know
that his 300 army and alliance is not able to protect the Hot Gates without any reinforcements
as it has higher probability winning the battle in order to against Persian army. However, he
is able to prolong the invasion for 3 days until the last of his breath.
In conclusion, killing the messenger is not a best way dealing with enemy but through
ii. Overcome Confident of King Leonidas
According Winston (2007), overconfidence is when you think you are more likely to be right
than you actually are. Thus, in order to overcome overconfidence in a battle, King Leonidas
and Sparta army should understand the situation that they are facing. They should be honest
to themselves. When they carefully consider their abilities, they will recognize their limits.
For example, King Leonidas should analyze and discuss with his Sparta army when they
decided to block the passage of Thermopylae where Xerxes intends to reach Hellas. They
should also analyse the strengths and weakness of the Persians army since Persian army force
is much greater then Sparta by using the SWOT analysis. According to the Sun Tzu, The Art
of War, it stated that “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result
of a hundred battles.’’ The analysis consider all the strengths and weaknesses as well as the
opportunities and threats in the environment in order to achieve the objective. Next, they
should also influence the situation. In this movie, Ephors deny Leonidas permission to go to
war, claiming that they must honor a religious festival, otherwise Sparta will fall and thus
Leonidas’s action did not get any support from the council. Instead King Leonidas should get
the reinforcement before they are heading to the Hot Gates. Reinforcement will increase the
possibility of success in a battle and thus reduce the risk of being taken over by Persians
which is under the rule of King Xerxes. Lastly, King Leonidas and Sparta army should
predict the situation. They should determine the ways to defeat the Persian. Besides building
a Great Phoecian Wall by the Spartans to monitor their flank by using the bodies of killed
Persian spies, Spartans can also dramatize a move in such a way that it terrifies the opposition,
convincing them that Spartans are much stronger than they actually are. Spartans army can
also distract their opponents’ attention by attacking them from the front, and then take them
on where they are weakest. They can also wait the Persian to make the first move as
impatience will cause poor decision making. Therefore, the problem of being overconfidence
should be eliminated by Spartans in order to succeed in the battle with Persians.
iii. Overcome the Conflict
According to the conflict arise between member of council and King Leonidas causes lack of
team work in the war, both parties should emphasizing making common objective rather than
sub-goals. For example, both parties willing to negotiate to come out a solution and strategy
that satisfied by both parties instead of focusing on respective ultimate goal. Through the
negotiation it will reduce goal incompatibility that will bring both parties closer to achieve a
same goal. Therefore, good relationship can be remain among them. Furthermore, both
parties should improve communication and understanding. They need to aware each other
perspective view, needs and personal risk. Therefore, they can understand the problem each
other facing and providing resources they have to resolve the problem to avoid unnecessary
conflict in a team. Moreover, member of the council should building trust to King Leonidas
to improve team cohesive. For example, member of council not just rely on Oracle advise
deny permission to go to the war, they should give support to King Leonidas’s decision fight
with Persian will lead to positive outcome with providing necessary resources as a team.
In a conclusion, this movie “300” is really broken-hearted movie because at the end of
movie Leonidas and 300 Spartans were dead in the King Xerxes battle. They want protect
and save their own places Sparta’s land but at last Leonidas and 300 Spartans sacrifice their
lives .In this battle have greater good for their sacrifice lives . Furthermore, there are a lot of
lessons have been learned from this movie.
The first lesson that we learn is protect your castle and your kingdom (Robles, A.,
Robles, A., & profile, V. (2017), because you do not want enemy comes to occupy the castle.
There are a lot of things that you cannot predict what will happen next time .This lesson can
be learned from “King Leonidas”, the dominant character of the 300. We all know Leonidas
has sole responsibility to take care kingdom and to protect it by all means necessary. It
contains protecting and caring for those who live in castle such as his wife, his child, others
family and guests who come to visit. Therefore, we must learn to protect and care our land.
Secondly, the lesson that we must learn is not be arrogance on doing something
because it will make ambition. Being a too ambition person is not a bad thing. For example,
from 300 movie the Persian God-King of Xerxes was arrogance wants to conquer the world.
King Xerxes has messenger rode into Spartan country’s King Leonidas give warning to either
surrender or die. The messenger’s attitude was that arrogance and he was very
conceited .Based on King Xerxes’s attitudes, he just want intimidate and victory the king
Leonidas and the people of his kingdom. From the scenes, we can see that there are a lot of
war so we must learn peace the world do not bloodshed.
Lastly, the lesson we learned from this movie is our loyalty. We must loyal people
and do not betray anyone. There is one example from movie" 300", Theron is a corrupt
Spartan politician and wants to control Queen Gorgo. He threat Queen Gorgo reluctantly
submitted sexually to him because he can exchange for help in persuading the Spartan
council to send reinforcements to King Leonidas. Theron (300).(2017).During council,
Theron arrogantly betrayed Queen Gorgo and accused her of voluntary adultery. After finish
listen, Queen Gorgo was very angry and kill him. At the end was spills an open bag of
Xerxes' gold from Theron's robe and this mark his was betrayal. Thus, we must have a
positive value and do not betray anyone.
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Organisational Behaviour on 300 movie

  • 1. 1 1. Executive summary 300 is an action, war, adventure, fantasy and superhero film. It was released in March 9, 2007 and its length around 1hours 45 minutes. It was directed by Zack Snyder which is an American filmmaker. The plot revolves around King Leonidas (Gerard Butler), who leads 300 Spartans into battle against the Persian "god-King" Xerxes(Rodrigo Santoro) and his invading army of more than 300,000 soldiers. As the battle rages, Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey) attempts to rally support in Sparta for her husband. The story is framed by a voice-over narrative by the Spartan soldier Dilios (David Wenham). Through this narrative technique, various fantastical creatures are introduced, placing 300 within the genre of historical fantasy. The events are revealed to be a story told by Dilios, the only one of the 300 Spartans to survive the battle. 2. Movie Background 300 is the story of the Battle of Thermopylae of 480 BC which is an alliance of Greek city- states that fought the invading Persian army in the mountain pass of Thermopylae. King Leonidas reinforce 300 Spartans from his into battle. Vastly outnumbered, the Greeks held back the enemy in one of the most famous last stands of history. Persian King Xerxes lead Army of well approximately 1,000,000 men to Greece and need face by 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, and 400 Thebans. Persian was waited for 10 days for King Leonidas of Spartan to surrender but left with no options he pushed forward. After 3 days of battle all the Greeks were killed by Persian King Xerxes .The Spartan defeat was no expected, as a local shepherd, named Ephialtes, he was defected the Persians and informed Xerxes that the separate path through Thermopylae, which the Persians could use to outflank the Greeks, was not as heavily guarded as they thought. 3. Character Behind 300 Gerard Butler(Leonidas) Leonidas is the dominant character of the 300. He is a perfect physical specimen. He dedicated his life to the unqualified pursuit of martial skill at arms. He generally appears armed and armoured and wears a heavy bronze helmet with a jagged slash cut through one eye and a stiff horsehair plume on the top. He is a normal Spartan soldier and King. In additional, Leonidas rules with the guidance and support of his queen Gorgo and his council.
  • 2. 2 Rodrigo Santoro (Xerxes) Xerxes is a Persian God-King who determined to rule the world, attacks Greece and in particular, Sparta. He just wants to conquer the world because his ambition is unlimited. He wants glory, victory and eternal fame for his empire. All he wishes want but ultimately he is weak and very insecure against King Leonidas. Andrew Tiernan (Ephialtes) Ephialtes is a son of Eurydemus .He betrayed his homeland, in hope of receiving some kind of reward from the Persians by showing the Persian forces a path around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. Lena Headey(Queen Gorgo) Queen Gorgo is a Queen of Sparta. She is Leonidas’s wife. She wears dress with white cleavage, but when she goes to the council her dress is brown .Gorgo is a strong lady because she intends to keep it secure and isolated from other powers such as the Persians and the Athenians. Hence, this may apply for today world about gender equality and human rights. Dominic West(Theron) Theron is a fictional corrupt Spartan politician, whose receive money from King Xerxes. He is brilliant using the oracle so that his city will not go to war.
  • 3. 3 4. Organisational Behaviour a) Motivation The influence of an individual's needs and desires both have a strong impact on the direction of their behaviour. Motivation refers to forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity and persistence or voluntary behaviour. It often leads to a better performance. This may apply in Spartan warrior stand against Persian army and spies in their effort helping the Persian against the Greek. The Spartan warrior has higher drives to stop Persian invasion. King Leonidas visits the Oracle proposing the strategy to drive back the numerically superior Persians through the Hot Gates. His plan involves building a wall in order to funnel the Persians into a narrow pass between the rocks and the sea. The Ephors consult the Oracle, who decrees that Sparta will not go to war during the Carneia. King Leonidas forming a group of 300 best soldiers against Persians army and with the help from 700 Arcadians. According to Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy, the spies develop different needs than other people. The fourth stage of Hierarchy shows the sense of recognition for social status. Ephialtes requests to fight alongside the Spartans, King Leonidas prove to him that his distorted physique prevents him from fitting into a Spartan hoplite battle formation. The consequences of being rejected will lead to disengagement and swift of needs which means being traitor to it is own people. After being rejected, Ephialtes goes to the Persian King Xerxes and informs him of a narrow passage that will lead the Persian soldiers behind the Greek army. Therefore, Maslow’s theory must be considered in order to prevent employment disengagement. The four-drive theory refers to recognize the central role of human emotions in the motivation process. There are two drive theory which applicable in the movie. The “drive to bond” is a form social relationship and develops mutual commitments with others. This explains when King Leonidas boost the motivation of his armies against the Persian by saying “This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they die” and “Remember this day, men, for it will be yours for all time”. Second drive is drive to drive to defend which is a basis of fight or flight. Queen Gorgo tries to persuade the Spartan Council to send reinforcements to aid the 300 armies. Theron, a corrupt politician, claims that he "owns" the Council and threatens the Queen, who reluctantly submits to his sexual demands in return for his help. When Theron disgraces her in front of the Council, she kills him out of rage, revealing within his robe a bag of Xerxes' gold. Hence, this showed the spirit of teamwork.
  • 4. 4 b) Sources of Power Power is the authority of influence others to follow his will or vision. This may be applicable to King Xerxes as he has more power compare to King Leonidas in terms of sources of power which is Legitimate, Reward, and Coercive. Meanwhile, King Leonidas has dominant in Expert power and Referent power. i. Legitimate Power Legitimate power is the mutual agreement that people in certain roles can request a set of behaviours from others. This means that King Xerxes has high legitimate power over his legion army as he able to reinforce approximate 1 million armies aligns with his vision of invading and conquering Greece. Meanwhile, King Leonidas has low power over his people and council in order to protect his city from Persian invasion. He has to obey the corrupted Ephors prophecy from the oracle and he has to depend on his wife (Queen Gorgo), in convincing the council send reinforcements. ii. Reward Power King Xerxes is sharp-witted using reward power by offering prosperity and women to Ephialtes if he shows the short cut way through the Hot Gates. The picture shows the requirements by King Xerxes is he need to kneel and lay down which means King Xerxes has the highest respect and authority over him in order to get the reward power. Contradictly, King Leonidas shows absent of reward power in his character. iii. Expert Power Expert Power is the capability to influence others by processing knowledge or skills valued by others. King Leonidas is the expertise using this power as he knows that they are born to be army and shows no mercy towards the enemy. In addition, they are preparing for 3 century that one day will need the fighting and fearless skills against the enemy. Although King Xerxes has the Expert power but he did not fully utilize it as his army, infants, calvary and archers, are not able in breakthrough the Hot Gates which protected by King Leonidas. This is because he is genius to use other sources information which is “traitor” in conquering the Hot Gates.
  • 5. 5 iv. Coercive Power Coercive power is the ability using the power of punishments. This means King Xerxes using death punishments in order to discipline his generals against Spartan army and reward those who able to defeat them. He also use peer pressure to motivate his army to fight the Spartan army. Contradictory, King Leonidas did not use coercive power towards his army and alliance army. He did not stop alliance army from retreating from the Hot Gates but insists to protect it until the final breath. v. Referent Power Referent power refers to the ability of a leader to influence a follower because of the follower's loyalty, respect, friendship, and affection. This associates with King Leonidas’s character during his reinforcements which require some of his people against the law of going to war. His friend also include his only son for the battle against Persian army which reflect high of respect, friendship and affection. On the other hand, King Xerxes has low referent power and he need to use another power which is coercive & reward power.
  • 6. 6 c) Self-fulfilling prophecy A self-fulfilling prophecy is due to our expectations about another person and causes that person to act in a way that is matched with those expectations (McShane and Glinow, 2015). The process is started when the supervisor forms expectations about the employee’s behaviour. These expectations are based on first impressions which may be inaccurate. Next, the supervisor’s expectations influence his or her behaviour toward employees. The third step in self-fulfilling is supervisor’s behaviour affect the employee. This would lead high- expectancy employee to learn more skills and knowledge than a low expectancy employee and the employee will become more self-confident, which results in higher motivation and willingness to set more challenging goals. Lastly, these employees behaviour matches supervisors expectations. Self-fulfilling prophecies are so common that they have a significant role in literature, movies, and other popular media. The 300 is an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy. When Persians under the rule of King Xerxes wanted to take over Sparta, King Leonidas of Sparta sacrificed himself for the well-being of Sparta by forming an army of 300 Spartan warriors to block the passage of Thermopylae where Xerxes intends to reach Hellas. Leonidas behaviour affect the others when a small contingent of Arcadian soldiers sought to join forces to fight against Persians. Furthermore, a Great Phoecian Wall is built by the Spartans to monitor their flank by using the bodies of killed Persian spies as the morter for the large rocks they set up. d) MARS Model of The Individual Behaviour MARS model is used to determine the internal and external factors that affect an individual behaviour. The name itself is an acronym for individual Motivation, Abilities, Role Perception and Situational Factors which have a mixed effect on individual performance. Motivation is goal-directed. According to McShane and Glinow (2015), it represents the internal forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity and persistence of voluntary behaviour. This is proven when King Leonidas decided to fight against the Persians although Ephors deny Leonidas permission to go to war, claiming that they must honor a religious festival, otherwise Sparta will fall. As a result, 300 of soldiers are chosen to fight against the Persians at Thermopylae even though the battle is a suicide mission. However, this doesn't stop the Spartans from moving forward. The other factors that influence the Spartans is role perceptions. Role perceptions are the beliefs about what behavior is necessary to achieve the desired results, and have a check that everyone is clear regarding their part (McShane and Glinow, 2015). At age 7, each young boy is torn from his mother and makes his own way in combat training, to return a man included the King. For example, young King Leonidas enable to kill a wolf at age of 15. Hence, it shows that every Spartans is clear about their role perceptions as they are being trained and educated since young.
  • 7. 7 Lastly, situational factors. According to McShane and Glinow (2015), it is the factors that are beyond the individual’s control in the short run like given time bound, team members, budget and work facilities. Persian army is not familiar with the terrain of the Hot Gates location and also the skill of the Spartans. Moreover, they also construct a wall to contain the Persians. At last, the Spartans killed Persians army as much as possible. Besides, they were betrayed by Ephialtes, a deformed Spartan child which is the most important factor that cause them lose. Ephialtes approached Leonidas in hopes of joining the Spartan army in the fight against Persia and regaining his father honour. However, Leonidas declined Ephialtes offer due to the fact that he could not sufficiently raise his shield. After being rejected, Ephialtes eventually approached Xerxes and informed him of a small goat path that led behind the Spartans in exchange for a uniform, women and wealth. In the end, the 300 Spartans including King Leonidas were sacrificed. e) Team Dynamics Team cohesive refers to the degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their motivation to remain members. It exists when team members make the team become part of their social identity. From this movie we can observed that Sparta army had strong team cohesive. Although the Ephors have denied him permission to mobilize Sparta's army, Leonidas gathers three hundred of his best soldiers in the guise of his personal bodyguard; they are joined along the way by Arcardians. At Thermopylae, they construct the wall made up of stones and slain Persian scouts as mortar, angering the Persian Emissary. There have few factors that influence team cohesion included similarity of members. For example, similar background of Sparta army allow them share similar views on various issues, group objective lead to greater trust and less dysfunctional conflict and strengthen both emotional and task cohesion. Spartan boys left their families at 7 to be trained to become part of the full-time professional army. They were taken to the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia to be flogged to show their toughness and endurance. Spartan had very strict education and training especially put more emphasis on physical fitness. Sparta was a military state therefore spartan have a key role in defeating Persia and Athens in the Peloponnesian War lead to strengthen their team cohesion. Furthermore, group size also one of the essential parts that influence leads to team cohesion. This is due to easier for fewer people to agree on goals and to coordinate their work when compare to larger group. Task cohesion may suffer, though, if the group lacks enough members to perform its tasks well enough. f) Conflict In the movie 300 it also involve conflict problem. Conflict begins with the sources of conflict and lead one or both parties to perceive the conflict exists. They become aware that one party’s statements and actions is incompatible with their own goals or belief. For the movie 300, there have conflict arise between member of the council and Sparta fellow king, Leotychidas.
  • 8. 8 According to the theory in organizational behaviour, sources of conflict both of them involve is incompatible goals. Incompatible goals defines goal incompatibility occur when the goals of one person or department seem to interfere with another person’s or department’s goal.From the movie, leotychidas have some argument with member of the council because Leotychidas is fighting a losing battle with the Ephors over the religious festival of Carneo that is due to take place, however, member of the council arguing that the army should wait until after the festival is over before it marches, while Leotychidas fears that by that time the Persians may have conquered Greece. Moreover, member council have yielding conflict handling style, they have substantially more power than Leotychidas. Therefore, Leotychidas cannot get any help from member of the council, at the end he decided to march north immediately with his personal bodyguard of 300 men, who are exempt from the decision of the Ephros and the Gerousia. They are subsequently reinforced by Thespians led by Demophilus and Greek allies.
  • 9. 9 5. Identify the issues or the problems The first problem that is being faced by King Leonidas is too intolerant. Spartans destiny was sealed when they betrayed by a Spartan child called Ephialtes. Ephialtes is a deformed Spartan child whose parents fled Sparta to avoid the law of infanticide. He asked Leonidas to redeem his father’s honor by joining the Spartan ranks in the fight against Persian. Moreover, he also warning Leonidas with the secret path by Persians could use to by-pass and surround attack the Spartans. Although Leonidas sympathy Ephialtes, but he decline him suggestion due to the fact that Ephialtes deformity prevents him from holding his shield high enough and it became the threat to the back bone of Spartan defense. Then, Ephialtes was angry and he told Xerxes the secret path that led behind the Spartans in exchange for the luxury, women and uniform. Then, Spartan learns that they have been betrayed and know their fight is unavoidable. In the end, the 300 Spartans including King Leonidas were sacrificed. As a conclusion, Leonidas’s persistent affected the Spartans sacrificed and the law of infanticide which is the baby is deformed, they abandoned to die. Secondly, the problem is the King Leonidas and Sparta army are overconfident in the battle. King Leonidas think that he can stop them for few days before the council send reinforcement in helping them against Persian army. However, council disagree to send reinforcement because Ephors consult the Oracle and the Oracle inform that if go to war during the Carneia will bring the Sparta fall. So that, Queen Gorgo try to persuade council to send reinforcement. Unfortunately, at the end, the King Leonidas and Sparta army are immolate in the battle. Moreover, Leonidas also think that 300 Spartans will win the more than 1,000,000 Persians army in the battle. Thirdly, the issue of the movie 300 is a small Greek force stand against attack from the Huge Persian army and them willing to scarify their life in order to protect their city and retreated army. King Leonidas asks several Arcadian soldiers to state their professions. Then, he turns to his own Spartan soldiers and asks them, "What is your profession men?" They reply with a loud warrior cry, indicating that they are soldiers by trade. The battle of Thermopylae is between the Persians and Greeks during the Persian attack. The Greek force is very small but determined to make a stand against the huge Persian army. All of Greece is afraid because the army of the Persian king Xerxes has begun its invasion of Greece. Although the Thessalians had gone over to the Persian side, but some Greek cities has come together and forgotten their usual rivalries, determining to stop the Persian invasion. These cities agreed that Sparta
  • 10. 10 would lead the Greek army, as its reputation in war was unmatched by any other Greek state. The Spartans has chosen to defend a narrow pass, between the mountains of central Greece and the sea, called Thermopylae. Greek force now waiting, made up of only 300 Spartans under their king, Leonidas. Next, the problem in this movie is which is Spartan women are respected by Sparta man until they willing to kill the messenger and declared war. A strong willed women which is Queen Gorgo, King Leonidas’s wife is advised her husband, King Leonidas on both military and political problems based on her known for political judgment and wisdom. Based on the scene of this movie, a Persian messenger deliver a message to King Leonidas but the Queen Gorgo speaks up after she offers her input during the political discussion. The messenger looks strictly at Leonidas and says “Why does this woman think she can speak among men?” Then, Gorgo steps forward and answers “because only Spartan women give birth to real men.”(300, 2006) Queen Gorgo tries to persuade Council to send reinforcement to help the King, but as a reward, Theron, a corrupt politician threatens Queen to fulfill his sexual demand. Then, Theron disgrace her in front of Council, Gorgo kill him out of rage. Lastly, the issue in this movie is conflict between member of council and King Leonidas will make them lack of teamwork in the war. Leonidas is persist to fight with Persian make the Leonidas and Ephors have conflict. This is because the Ephors consult Oracle and denies Leonidas permission to go to the war, claiming that they must honor sacred religious festival, if not Sparta will fall. The next day, Leonidas has gathered 300 army and depart to the battle. Although the council withheld the permission to go to the war because the Oracle prophecy, they cannot decline Leonidas right to travel with personal bodyguard. They cannot stop Leonidas according to Sparta’s law because he have power more than council member. Moreover, King Leonidas persist make the traitor arise because if he take a step back which is agree Ephialtes join to the Sparta, then Ephialtes will not betray him.
  • 11. 11 6. Recommendation on the Problem i. Overcome the barbaric act without killing the messenger King Leonidas shows the ways towards the messenger by killing as they insult his Queen which is his wife. His acts has declared a war and put his life to death. There are few ways he can resolve his barbaric act by using cognitive model. Firstly, understand the events. King Leonidas should know the consequences killing the messenger as Persian army has start the invasion on Greece. Instead of killing them, he should buy the time from King Leonidas and prepare for a bigger reinforcement with the help from alliance city. Simultaneously, he should use the coercive power in making the council to break the law of no going to war due to national security. This means King Leonidas should have higher power distance by using his influence as King and make sure everyone is united in protecting their country from invasion. In addition, King Leonidas should make a prediction for the event. He should know that his 300 army and alliance is not able to protect the Hot Gates without any reinforcements as it has higher probability winning the battle in order to against Persian army. However, he is able to prolong the invasion for 3 days until the last of his breath. In conclusion, killing the messenger is not a best way dealing with enemy but through negotiation. ii. Overcome Confident of King Leonidas According Winston (2007), overconfidence is when you think you are more likely to be right than you actually are. Thus, in order to overcome overconfidence in a battle, King Leonidas and Sparta army should understand the situation that they are facing. They should be honest to themselves. When they carefully consider their abilities, they will recognize their limits. For example, King Leonidas should analyze and discuss with his Sparta army when they decided to block the passage of Thermopylae where Xerxes intends to reach Hellas. They should also analyse the strengths and weakness of the Persians army since Persian army force is much greater then Sparta by using the SWOT analysis. According to the Sun Tzu, The Art of War, it stated that “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.’’ The analysis consider all the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats in the environment in order to achieve the objective. Next, they should also influence the situation. In this movie, Ephors deny Leonidas permission to go to war, claiming that they must honor a religious festival, otherwise Sparta will fall and thus Leonidas’s action did not get any support from the council. Instead King Leonidas should get the reinforcement before they are heading to the Hot Gates. Reinforcement will increase the
  • 12. 12 possibility of success in a battle and thus reduce the risk of being taken over by Persians which is under the rule of King Xerxes. Lastly, King Leonidas and Sparta army should predict the situation. They should determine the ways to defeat the Persian. Besides building a Great Phoecian Wall by the Spartans to monitor their flank by using the bodies of killed Persian spies, Spartans can also dramatize a move in such a way that it terrifies the opposition, convincing them that Spartans are much stronger than they actually are. Spartans army can also distract their opponents’ attention by attacking them from the front, and then take them on where they are weakest. They can also wait the Persian to make the first move as impatience will cause poor decision making. Therefore, the problem of being overconfidence should be eliminated by Spartans in order to succeed in the battle with Persians. iii. Overcome the Conflict According to the conflict arise between member of council and King Leonidas causes lack of team work in the war, both parties should emphasizing making common objective rather than sub-goals. For example, both parties willing to negotiate to come out a solution and strategy that satisfied by both parties instead of focusing on respective ultimate goal. Through the negotiation it will reduce goal incompatibility that will bring both parties closer to achieve a same goal. Therefore, good relationship can be remain among them. Furthermore, both parties should improve communication and understanding. They need to aware each other perspective view, needs and personal risk. Therefore, they can understand the problem each other facing and providing resources they have to resolve the problem to avoid unnecessary conflict in a team. Moreover, member of the council should building trust to King Leonidas to improve team cohesive. For example, member of council not just rely on Oracle advise deny permission to go to the war, they should give support to King Leonidas’s decision fight with Persian will lead to positive outcome with providing necessary resources as a team.
  • 13. 13 Conclusion In a conclusion, this movie “300” is really broken-hearted movie because at the end of movie Leonidas and 300 Spartans were dead in the King Xerxes battle. They want protect and save their own places Sparta’s land but at last Leonidas and 300 Spartans sacrifice their lives .In this battle have greater good for their sacrifice lives . Furthermore, there are a lot of lessons have been learned from this movie. The first lesson that we learn is protect your castle and your kingdom (Robles, A., Robles, A., & profile, V. (2017), because you do not want enemy comes to occupy the castle. There are a lot of things that you cannot predict what will happen next time .This lesson can be learned from “King Leonidas”, the dominant character of the 300. We all know Leonidas has sole responsibility to take care kingdom and to protect it by all means necessary. It contains protecting and caring for those who live in castle such as his wife, his child, others family and guests who come to visit. Therefore, we must learn to protect and care our land. Secondly, the lesson that we must learn is not be arrogance on doing something because it will make ambition. Being a too ambition person is not a bad thing. For example, from 300 movie the Persian God-King of Xerxes was arrogance wants to conquer the world. King Xerxes has messenger rode into Spartan country’s King Leonidas give warning to either surrender or die. The messenger’s attitude was that arrogance and he was very conceited .Based on King Xerxes’s attitudes, he just want intimidate and victory the king Leonidas and the people of his kingdom. From the scenes, we can see that there are a lot of war so we must learn peace the world do not bloodshed. Lastly, the lesson we learned from this movie is our loyalty. We must loyal people and do not betray anyone. There is one example from movie" 300", Theron is a corrupt Spartan politician and wants to control Queen Gorgo. He threat Queen Gorgo reluctantly submitted sexually to him because he can exchange for help in persuading the Spartan council to send reinforcements to King Leonidas. Theron (300).(2017).During council, Theron arrogantly betrayed Queen Gorgo and accused her of voluntary adultery. After finish listen, Queen Gorgo was very angry and kill him. At the end was spills an open bag of Xerxes' gold from Theron's robe and this mark his was betrayal. Thus, we must have a positive value and do not betray anyone.
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