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5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Part 2
Professor Dr. Ossama El-Shall
Professor, Oral Medicine & Periodontology Dpt,
Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
E-mail: oelshall@
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Oral Ulcers due to immunologic reaction.
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Let us to remembers Oral Ulcers
Classification according to Etiology
1- Physical and chemical agents.
2- Microbial agents.
3- Neoplasm.
4- Immunologic reactions.
5- Blood disorders.
6- Drugs.
7- Gastrointestinal disease.
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1- Physical and chemical agents:
(Reactive ulcers):
A- Traumatic.
B- Thermal.
C- Chemical.
D- Electrical.
E- Radiation.
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2-Microbial agents.
1- Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
2- Tuberculosis.
3- Syphilis.
1- Histoplasmosis.
2- Blastomycosis
1- Herpes simplex.
2- Herpes Zoster.
3- Herpangina
4- Hand foot and mouth disease.
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4- Immunologic reactions.
a- Aphthous ulcers.
b- Behcet’s syndrome
c- Pemphigus vulgaris
d- Mucous membrane pemphigoid.
e- Lupus erythematosus.
f- Epidermolysis bullosa.
G- Drug eruption.
Squamous cell carcinoma
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1- Pemphigus vulgaris.
2- Bullous Pemphigoid.
3- Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid.
4- Erythema multiform.
5- Mucocutanous-occular syndromes.
6- Recurrent Aphthous ulcers.
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Also let us to remembers the Oral Ulcers
Classification According to its
A- Primary Ulcers:
Not preceded by
B-Secondary ulcers:
Preceded by
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A-Primary Ulcers: Not preceded by
Vesiculo-bullous lesion.
1- Traumatic.
2- Infective: Bacterial and fungal.
3- Neoplastic.
4- Systemic: GIT and blood disorders.
5- Aphthous ulcer.
6- Behcet’s syndrome.
7- Reiter’s syndrome.
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B-Secondary ulcers: Preceded by
Vesiculo-bullous lesion
I-Intra-epithelial vesicles:
1- Herpes simplex.
2- Herpes Zoster.
3- Herpangina.
4-Hand, foot and mouth
5- Pemphigus vulgaris
II-Subepithelial vesicles
1-Bullous pemphigoid.
2-Mucous membrane
3-Erythema multiform.
4-Bullous erosive lichen
5-Epidermolysis bullosa
6-Drug eruption.
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Pemphigus vulgaris.
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Pemphigus vulgaris.
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Pemphigus vulgaris.
It is a chronic uncommon
autoimmune disease, potentially fatal
and characterized by intra-epithelial
vesicle formation on normal skin and
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Etiology and pathogenesis:
1- Auto-antibody (IgG) reacts with
component of epithelial desmosome
tonofilament complex (Pemphigus antigen) will
result in destruction of desmosomal
tonofilament system and epithelial
intercellular substance.
2- This antigen auto-antibody reaction will
activates epidermal intracellular proteolytic
enzymes, leading to loss of adhesion
between epidermal cells (acantholysis) and
degeneration of epidermal cells (acantholytic
Tzank cells)
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3- This loss of adhesion between epidermal
cells will be much apparent between basal
cell and prickle cell layers leading to
formation of suprabasillar split, which will
full with exudates products leading to
intraepithelial bulla formation.
4- Tzank cells, which are cells showing signs
of degeneration will seen floating or line
the formed bulla. Their nuclei appears
rounded, swollen hyperchromatic and
surrounded with narrow cytoplasm.
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1- Age between 40-60 years.
2- Oral lesions:
a- Oral lesions appear first due to weak
intercellular junction than in skin.
b- Flaccid bulla on normal mucosa,
rupture, leaving bright red
ulceration or erosion with large map
likes lesion.
This ulceration is painful, shallow,
covered with yellow exudate and not
surrounded by inflammatory halo unless
it secondarily infected.
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bright red ulceration with large map likes lesion.
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c- +Ve Nikolsky’s signs: Peeling off of
the superficial epithelial layers on
gentile pressure leaving irregular areas
having denuded base that bleeds easily.
It caused by pulling away the upper
layer of the epithelium from the basal
d- Symptoms: Pain. Bloody or salty taste
and excessive salivation.
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Pemphigus vulgaris
Oral lesions
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Pemphigus has involved the gingiva; there is
obvious ulceration around the marginal gingiva.
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The ulceration and slough on the patient's tongue is dramatic
testimony to the seriousness of intra-oral pemphigus.
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3- Skin lesions
a- Appears on pressure areas as face neck, trunk,
extremities and axilla.
b- Wide spread painless fragile bulla with thin roof
containing a clear fluid on normal looking skin.
(Unless secondarily infected where the fluid is
purulent and the margins are erythematous).
c- The bullae are soon ruptured and the lesions
continue to expand peripherally over a period of
weeks to months to denude a large area of skin.
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d- +Ve Nikolsky’s signs: rubbing the palmer
surface of the waist will lead to peeling off
of the epithelium or bulla developed.
e- General constitutional symptoms of weigh
loss, nervousness, anaemia, and pruritis.
f- The disease may terminate in death in
about 10% of the patients (elderly
debilitating). Or healing in slow processes
may take months or years.
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Skin lesions of Pemphigus vulgaris.
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1- History of developing painless vesicle and
bulla that become painful on rupture
associated with systemic findings of loss
2- Clinical picture: bullous eruption on normal
skin and/or mucosa without inflammatory
haloes around it. +Ve Nikolsky’s signs.
3- Direct smear: Show Acantholytic cells from
the fresh vesicle fluid.
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4- Hypoalbuminemia: due to escape of fluid
containing albumin from large areas of skin
covered with bullae.
5- Raised ESR.
6- Biopsy: Fresh bullae 24 h old excised for
biopsy and halved to examine either with light
microscopy or immunofluorescent antibody test.
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a- The light microscopy examination
will revel intraepithelial vesicle formation containing
free-floating acantholytic cells.
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b- Immunofluorescent antibody test:
1- Indirect:
- It aimed to demonstrate the presence and
concentration of circulating antibodies.
- Is done by incubating normal animal or
human mucosa with serum of a patient and
adding a fluorescin conjugated human
- Positive reaction indicates the presence of
circulating immunoglobulin antibodies
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2- Direct
- Aimed to demonstrate the presence of
autoantibody attached to the tissue, not
- Is done by incubating lesional tissues with
florescin conjugated human antiglobulin.
- Positive reaction in the form of honey
comb pattern indicates the presence of
tissue auto-antibodies.
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1- Systemic cortisone.
- Predensone 60-100mg to control the signs
and symptoms then reduced to maintenance
- The patient may die as a result of side
effects of steroids.
2- High protein diet. If serum albumin is low.
3- Topical Corticosteroids.
4- Antifungal drugs.
5- Systemic antibiotics.
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Dental Implications:
1- Handling of the tissue with care because
the epithelium is fragile and excess pressure
may cause erosion.
2- Prolonged use of cortisone may induce
adrenal crises in the dental clinic.
3- Control of the infection.
4- Oral lesions appears early so it easily to
diagnosed first by the dentist.
Bullous Pemphigoid.
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Bullous Pemphigoid.
Pruritic blisters located on the
flexor surface of the extremities,
axilla and lower abdomen
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Etiology and pathogenesis:
1-Autoimmune mechanism in which
autoantibodies develops against auto-
2-Two types of Bullous pemphigoid
antigens are founds in basement
membrane area, Laminin found in
lamina lucida and other in
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3- This reaction wills results in attraction
of neutrophils and eosinophils to the
basement membrane zone.
This inflammatory cells will release of
proteolytic enzymes which participate in
degeneration of the basement membrane
attachment complex leading to formation of
sub epithelium bulla.
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sub-epithelium vesicle formation, which
separates the intact epithelial from the
underlying connective tissue.
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1- Age: over 60 years both sexes.
2- Skin lesions:
a- Usually at flexor surfaces of extremities,
axillary and abdomen.
b- Localized or generalized pruritis persisting for
several weeks then, development of large blister
(1cm or more) tense, with thick roof on
erythematous or normally looking skin.
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c- The blisters stay unchanged for long
time or it may rupture with formation
of eroded surface but it is not
extended as in pemphigus.
d- -Ve Nikolsky’s signs.
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Close-up of tense thick roof blisters of
pemphigoid on normally looking skin
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Bullous Pemphigoid
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Bullous Pemphigoid
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3- Oral lesions
a- It may found in the third of the patients.
b- Most commonly at gingiva and palate.
c- Tense vesicles usually rupture leaving
painless non-expanded ulcer.
d- Occasionally there is a localized form of
desquamated gingivitis with +ve Nikolsky’s
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1- History.
2- Clinical picture.
3- Biopsy:
a- Light microscopy: revealed sub-epithelium
vesicle formation, which separates the intact
epithelial from the underlying connective tissue.
This in addition of presence of both acute and
chronic inflammatory cell infiltration according to
the stage of the disease
b- +Ve immunofluorescent antibody tests either
direct or indirect.
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Sub-epithelium vesicle formation in
Bullous pemphigoid
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sub-epithelium vesicle formation, contain
exudates, separates the intact epithelial from the
underlying connective tissue.
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Topical Corticosteroids in mild
cases and systemic types in sever
It is a self-limiting condition, but
fatal complications may occur in
oldest debilitating patients.
Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid.
(Occular-cicatrical pemphigoid).
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Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid.
(Occular-cicatrical pemphigoid).
It is a chronic non-fatal
autoimmune disease characterized by
vesiculo-bullous lesions on mucosa of
mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea,
and vagina. It is less frequently to
affect skin.
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Cicatricial pemphigoid is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by
blistering lesions on mucous membranes.
Areas commonly involved are the oral mucosa and conjunctiva (mucous
membrane that coats the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer surface of
the eye).
Other areas that may be affected include the nostrils, oesophagus, trachea and
Sometimes the skin may also be involved where blistering lesions can be found
on the face, neck and scalp.
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1- Auto antigen (MMP antigen) located in the
lower area of lamina Lucida of the
basement membrane.
2- It is identical to Bullous pemphigoid in
histological picture and in the
3- They may be simple variants of a single
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In benign mucous membrane pemphigoid the peeling away of the
epithelium from c.t. is obvious. This change results in what pathologists
call "sub-basalar clefting."
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1- Age: 50-70 more in female.
2- It affects any mucosal surface in the
body and began with a bullae and end with
3- Involvement of trachea, larynx and
esophagus will lead to difficulty in
breathing and swallowing due to scaring.
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4- Eyes may be affected with shallow
conjunctival erosion that heals with scaring,
scaring of lacrimal ducts, which lead to
xerophthalmia, corneal damage and
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5- Skin lesions appear only in 20% of cases as
bulla and ulcerated crusted lesions.
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6- Oral lesions:
a-Desquamated gingivitis: Developed at 90%
of the cases and appears as Erythema of
marginal and attached gingiva with +Ve
Nikolsky’s signs.
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b-Vesiculo-bullous ulcerated lesions: Appears on the palate and gingiva, the
bulla is of thick walls, it ruptures after a long time forming a slightly painful
slowly growing ulcer surrounded by erythema. Healing rarely to occur with scar
formation in opposite to eye lesions.
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Exposed c.t. appear as red areas; epithelium about to slough appears as
white areas. This is a typical appearance of benign mucous membrane
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Cicatrical pemphigoid
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Diagnostic techniques:
1- antibodies (IgG) precipitates complement (C3) in the lamina lucida of the
basement membrane.
2-Circulating auto-antibodies to BP-1 antigen (located in hemidesmosome).
3- Negative Nikolsky sign.
4- IgG, C3 deposition at BM creating smooth line in immunofluorescent
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1- Gingival and oral hygiene
instructions after scaling and
root planning.
2-Topical or intra-lesion steroids.
3-Systemic Corticosteroids.
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Lecture number 5
In Oral Ulcers
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Let us to remembers oral ulcers due to
immunological reactions
1- Pemphigus vulgaris.
2- Bullous Pemphigoid.
3- Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid.
4- Erythema multiform.
5- Mucocutanous-occular syndromes.
6- Recurrent Aphthous ulcers.
Erythema multiform.
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Erythema multiform.
It is an acute self-limiting
vesiculo-bullous inflammatory disease
with multiple skin lesions and
sometimes mucosal involvement.
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It is of unknown etiology,
but it has been suggested that the
disease is mediated by deposition of
immune complex mostly (IgM and C3) in the
superficial microvasculature of skin and
mucous membrane.
Many factors may help such immune
complexes, such as:
1- Drugs: like sulphonamids, antibiotics or
2- Infection: bacterial or viral such as
herpes simplex or histoplasmosis.
3- Radiation.
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Erythema multiform may appears in
one of the following forms:
1- Minor form.
2- Major form: This include
a- Steven Johnson syndrome.
b-Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN).
3- Chronic form: Rare, may seen in
immunocompromised patients.
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4-Herpes associated erythema multiform:
a-It is a form of erythema multiform
initiated by cell mediated immune reaction
to recurrent herpes simplex infection.
b-Such patients developed erythema
multiform 10-14 days after recurrent of
herpes simplex infection. They should place
on acyclovir prophylactic-maintenance dose.
Herpes associated erythema multiform
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Minor form
1- Skin lesions: Various types of eruptions,
such as macule, papules, vesicle, or bullae
all found on erythematous base. Most
commonly on the back of the hands,
forearms, feet and legs knees.
2- Any of these eruptions are with iris, target
or bull’s eye appearance. This means
concentric rings like appearance. This due to
various shades of erythema with clean
healed center.
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Erythema multiform at hands
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3-Orally; non-specific eruption on erythematous
But if it occurs at lip it gives a characteristic
appearance: (Blood crusted appearance).
If affected tongue it resulted in enlargement of
the tongue with indentation and non-specific
ulceration of anterior and lateral border.
4-It may accompany with pain, discomfort and
inability to eating and swallowing due to extension
of the lesion to the oropharynx.
5-It heals with no scar formation within 3 weeks.
Drug induced Erythema multiform
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(Blood crusted appearance).
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Blood crusted appearance And non-specific eruption of erythema multiform on labial
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Enlargement of the tongue with indentation and non-specific ulceration
of anterior and lateral border
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non-specific eruption of erythema multiform on labial
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Erythema multiform
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Erythema multiform
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Major form
1- Steven Johnson’s syndrome.
2- Toxic epidermal necrolysis, (TEN),
(Lyell’s syndrome)
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Steven Johnson’s syndrome
It is one of the mucocutenous-Occular syndromes.
Erythema multiform,+ eye lesions + genital lesions.
1-Age: infants, children and young adults of both
2-Sudden onset with general constitutional
symptoms, (fever, headache, anorexia…) and then
patient may developed sever vesiculobulous lesions
within 24-48 days.
3-Oral lesions: Erythema Multiform.
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4- Skin lesions : Erythema Multiform.
5-Eye lesions: Diffuse conjunctivitis
with corneal ulceration, which may
lead to scarring and blindness.
6-Urogenital: Non-specific urethritis,
Balanitis in male and vaginal ulcers in
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Steven Johnson’s syndrome
Oral lesion
Diffuse conjunctivitis
with corneal ulceration
Skin lesion
Blood crusted appearance
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Steven Johnson’s syndrome
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Steven Johnson’s syndrome
Eye lesions: scarring
and blindness
Oral lesions:
Erythema Multiform with
Blood crusted
appearance of the lips
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Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, (TEN),
(Lyell’s syndrome)
1- It is the most severs form of E.M.
2- Drug reaction may play an important role in its
3- It characterized with generalized E.M of skin and
mucous membrane.
4- +Ve Nikolsky’s sign, with peeling of large areas of
the skin leaving painful exudative surface
5- Fever, and high morbidity rate due to loss of body
fluids and secondary infection.
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+Ve Nikolsky’s sign, with peeling of large
areas of the skin leaving painful
exudative surface
Oral manifestation as
Toxic epidermal necrolysis, (TEN), (Lyell’s syndrome)
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Mucocutanous-occular syndromes
1- Steven Johnson’s syndrome.
2- Behcet’s syndrome.
3- Reiter’s syndrome.
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Behcet’s syndrome
It is a multi-system syndrome with inflammatory
nature with unknown etiology.
1-Age: Young adults, and more commons in males.
2-Orally: Aphthous like ulcers.
3-Genital lesions: Recurrent genital ulceration
(scrotum, penis, labia).
4-Eye lesions: Conjunctivitis, keratitis and optic
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5-Skin lesions: Seen on the limbs, trunk and
around genitals in one form of the following;
a-Erythema nodosum: Inflammatory skin
disease marked by tender red nodules.
b-Acneform lesions: Inflammatory changes
with formation of pustule.
c-Large pustule lesions: induced by
6-+Ve Pathergy test: Pustule formation in the
site of oblique insertion of needle into the
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The pathergy phenomenon is considered
an outstanding feature of Behcet disease.
Following a needle prick or intradermal
injection with saline or dilute histamine, the
puncture site becomes inflamed and
develops a small sterile pustule due to
hyperactivity of the skin to any
intracutaneous insult.
The pustular reaction of the skin is
thought to denote increased neutrophil
chemotaxis. The presence of pathergy
strongly suggests the diagnosis of Behcet
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Ulceration from blood test
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7- Arthritis: involving one or two large
joints without involving small joints.
8- CNS lesions.
9- GIT ulceration.
10-Deep venous thrombosis.
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Aphthous like ulcers on labial mucosa of a case of
Behcet’s syndrome
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Reiter’s syndrome.
1- Age: 30-40 years, males.
2- It considered an important cause of
non-gonococcal urethritis and it often
acquired sexually
3- It characterized with acute onset
and fever, polyarthritis, urethritis
and conjunctivitis.
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4- Oral lesions:
a-Painless red macules with white raised
border on buccal mucosa, lips and gingiva.
b-Geographic tongue.
c-Painless Aphthous like ulcers.
5- Skin lesions:
a- Keratoderma blenorrhagica: red or yellow
Keratotic macules on palms and soles.
b- Circinate Balanitis: Red glans penis with
raised white irregular lesions
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Keratoderma blennorrhagicum of Reiter’s syndrome
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6-Arthritis: which is chronic or
recurrent migratory.
7-Non specific urethritis.
8-Self-limiting disease
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Lecture number 6
Oral Ulcers
The final one
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Recurrent Aphthous ulcers
Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis
canker sores
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Recurrent Aphthous ulcers.
1-It is a common painful single or multiple recurring
ulcerations commonly affecting non-keratinized
2-It seen at any age, but become less frequent as
the patient enters the 40th decade
3-It affects females more than males.
4-It is probably represents the most common lesions
of the mouth after caries and periodontal
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It can divided into three clinical forms
Minor Aphthous ulcers. 80%
Major Aphthous ulcers. 10%
Herpetiform Aphthous ulcers, 10%
Minor Aphthous ulcers.
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shallow ulcer, small in size (<1cm) with slightly raised irregular margins
on erythematous base
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Minor Aphthous ulcers:
1- Proceeded by prodromal symptoms, up to
(24H) with burning sensation and tingling at
the site where the lesion will develop.
2- This is followed by painful erythematous
macules or papules formation with necrosis
in its center.
3- The central necrotic epithelium begun to
slough with ulcer formation.
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Sometimes patients "sense" an impending apthous ulcer. Soon, an ulcer will
appear in the red area. Application of ice or some medication may abort
ulcer formation
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Minor Aphthous ulcer
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4- The ulcer is shallow, small in size
(<1cm) with slightly raised irregular
margins on erythematous base.
5- Its floor covered by grayish white
6- It is shape is rounded on the lips and
cheek and elongated on the vestibule.
7- Commonly at non-keratinized mucosa.
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Minor Aphthous ulcer of the
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8- Chief complaint: at first, sever pain
due to tissue distraction, then 4-6
days, discomfort.
9- It heals by epithelization from the
margins, leaving a small erythematous
area that fade in few days.
10- It heals without scare formation
within 10-14 days.
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Typical appearance of aphthous ulcer.
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11- It recurs as every month or few
12- Recurrence rate may be every
month, every few months, once or
twice per year
or in some patients there is no ulcer
free period between the attacks, ie.
New set of ulcers overlaps a previous
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Typical aphthous ulcer. The yellow color is due to fibrin
coating the exposed surface.
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Aphthous ulcer
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Aphthous ulcer at floor
of mouth
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Aphthous ulcer of soft palate
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Major Aphthous ulcer
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It is the same as minor form but with some
following differences:
1-Larger in size > 1cm and located deep in
connective tissues, minor salivary glands or
facial muscle.
2-Raised erythematous and shiny margins due
to edema.
3-Floor is covered by gray slough.
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5-Regional lymphadenopathy.
6-Site: gland bearing areas, such as
soft palate, tonsillar areas.
7-It destroys the deeper tissues and
heals with scar formation within
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Major aphthous ulcer is located in the floor of the mouth
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Major aphthous ulcer
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8- A cobblestone appearance may be
seen on the oral mucosa due to
recurring scars.
9-As a result of slowly healing process
and scar formation, there is difficulty
in tongue movement and uvula
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Major aphthous ulcer
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Major aphthous ulcer at lower lip
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Major palatal aphthous ulcer
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Major aphthous ulcer
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Major aphthous ulcer post ttt
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Herpetiform Aphthous ulcers
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
1- Multiple tiny pinheads sized may coalesce
forming large irregular ulcer.
2- Very painful, interfere with eating and
3- Usually appears on the non-keratinized
mucosa, commonly on lateral margins and
tip of the tongue and floor of the mouth.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Herpetiform Aphthous ulcers of the tongue
& palate
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
4- Quick healing within 3-4 days.
5- In some patients recurrence is so
frequent that new set of ulcers
overlaps a previous group with nearly
no intervals between remissions.
6- Not proceeded by vesicles. (Unlike
herpes simplex)
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Herpetiform Aphthous ulcers
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Histopathology of Aphthous ulcer
1- Preulcerative stage: T4 lymphocytes are
found in submucosa and around blood
2- Ulcerative stage: T8 lymphocytes.
3- Extravasation of RBCs and nutrophils.
4- Mast cells and macrophages in the base
of the ulcer.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Etiology of Aphthous ulcers
The primary cause is unknown but it
may be attributed to
1-Hereditary pattern: It occurs more
frequently in related persons
2- Immunologic factors
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
a-Cell mediated cytotoxic reaction
B- Immune regulatory imbalance
C-Local immune complex reaction:
d-Increase of adhesion molecules:
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
2- Immunologic factors
a-Cell mediated cytotoxic reaction: patients
with recurrent Aphthous ulcers have
increased cell mediated cytotoxic activity
against oral epithelia cells during the active
period of ulceration.
B- Immune regulatory imbalance: patients with
recurrent Aphthous ulcerations may have
decreased T-suppressor or increased T-
helper cells.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
C-Local immune complex reaction: Antigen-
antibody reaction around blood vessels, will
results in complement activation which end by
inflammation and tissue destruction directly
or indirect by chemotaxis of neutrophils that
release lysosomes at the site of reaction.
d-Increase of adhesion molecules: The
adhesion molecules increased significantly in
recurrent Aphthous ulceration. This results
from activation or vascular damage of
endothelial cells. The adhesion molecules
mediate adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial
cells of blood vessels.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
3- It may be associated with:
a- Vitamin deficiency: B12, folate zinc or iron.
b- GIT disturbances.
c- Allergic factors: such as drug or food allergy
d- Emotional stress.
e- AIDS.
f- Behcet’s disease.
G-Fever, Aphthous, Pharyngitis Adenitis
syndrome:(FAPA): It affects children less than 5
years, characterized by fever, Aphthous ulcers,
Pharyngitis and hepatospleenomegaly.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
4-Recurrence of the ulcers may be
precipitated by:
a-Trauma: of lips or cheek mucosa or even
from highly spiced food may.
b-Hormonal changes: premenstrual,
pregnancy, and menopause.
c-Emotional factors: during exams times.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Diagnosis of aphthous ulcer
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
There is no laboratory investigation is made
to confirm diagnosis only diagnosis of
recurrent Aphthous ulceration usually made
by exclusion.
History and clinical examination should
exclude lesions on the skin, genitalia, and
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Periodic fever, malaise, and enlarged
cervical lymphnodes are suggestive of
cyclic neutropenia.
Genital, ocular and joint lesions are
suggestive of Behcet’s disease
Opportunistic infection is suggestive
of AIDS.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Aphthous ulcers secondary to systemic disease:
1- The underlying systemic diseases should be
treated well first, then the oral ulcerative
lesion can be managed either by
Orabase (Sodium carboxy methyle cellulose),
topical steroids or
tetracycline mouth bath.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Aphthous ulcers unrelated to systemic
1-The majority of cases are with no
underlying systemic disease.
2-The treatment in these situations is aimed
at controlling (palliative rather than curing)
or preventing recurrence of the disease.
3-The first concept in the treatment is
patient education concerning the nature of
the disease, its clinical course, recurrence
and the aim of the drug prescribed.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Its better to use the Corticosteroids
therapy during the prodromal period, it
may abort the developing of the ulcer
or decreased its duration.
The therapy may be in one of the
following forms:
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
a- Topical:
-The dentist should starts with the weakest
concentration and progress to the stronger
-In cases of frequent and persistent ulcers
and there is a long-term topical steroid
usage, an antifungal drug should be
-Steroids in the form of mouth bath or
aerosol provide better drug
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
b- Systemic:
it used as a short term of systemic
steroids in the cases of major ulcers.
Such as Prednisone 20-40mg 1.5 hour
after waking up for 5-7 days and then
reduced to 10-20mg for the next few
This rarely results in pituitary adrenal
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
May promote healing of ulcers resistant
to healing over 2-6 weeks after topical
and/or systemic steroids.
Used as 10-20mg trimcinolone acetonide
dilated with lidocaine 2% repeated weekly
for 2-3 times.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Tetracycline mouth bath: It is better
to used before topical application of
steroids as tetracycline plus nystatin
dissolved in 5 ml of water.
Ora-base (sodium carboxy methyle
cellulose) it cover and isolate the ulcer
from environment until healing.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Patient should avoid spicy food, and
citrus food and may use topical
analgesics before eating to avoid
Dentist should avoid usage of phenol
and silver nitrate in the treatment
the ulcers hence they delay healing
and may accompanied with scar
Ossama El-Shall
നന്ദി धन्यवाद
hvala ti
Differential Diagnosis of oral
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
What is
The Differential Diagnosis
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Differential Diagnosis.
It is a possibility of occurrence of a
condition due to 2 or more diseases.
It is a list of two or more diseases with
similar signs and symptoms after collection of
The most likely lesion is put on top of the
list. Then through history, clinical
examination and special investigation, final
diagnosis can be reached via exclusion.
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
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5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
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5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
More Examples for Oral
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5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
Ossama El-Shall
hvala ti
Ossama El-Shall
നന്ദി धन्यवाद
hvala ti

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Oral ulcers part 2

  • 1. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall ULCERATIVE,VESICULAR, AND BULLOUS LESIONS Part 2 Professor Dr. Ossama El-Shall Professor, Oral Medicine & Periodontology Dpt, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail: oelshall@
  • 2. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Oral Ulcers due to immunologic reaction.
  • 3. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Let us to remembers Oral Ulcers Classification according to Etiology 1- Physical and chemical agents. 2- Microbial agents. 3- Neoplasm. 4- Immunologic reactions. 5- Blood disorders. 6- Drugs. 7- Gastrointestinal disease.
  • 4. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 1- Physical and chemical agents: (Reactive ulcers): A- Traumatic. B- Thermal. C- Chemical. D- Electrical. E- Radiation.
  • 5. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 2-Microbial agents. A-Bacterial: 1- Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. 2- Tuberculosis. 3- Syphilis. B-Fungal: 1- Histoplasmosis. 2- Blastomycosis C-Viral: 1- Herpes simplex. 2- Herpes Zoster. 3- Herpangina 4- Hand foot and mouth disease.
  • 6. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 3-Neoplasm 4- Immunologic reactions. a- Aphthous ulcers. b- Behcet’s syndrome c- Pemphigus vulgaris d- Mucous membrane pemphigoid. e- Lupus erythematosus. f- Epidermolysis bullosa. G- Drug eruption. Squamous cell carcinoma
  • 7. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 1- Pemphigus vulgaris. 2- Bullous Pemphigoid. 3- Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid. 4- Erythema multiform. 5- Mucocutanous-occular syndromes. 6- Recurrent Aphthous ulcers.
  • 8. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Also let us to remembers the Oral Ulcers Classification According to its occurrence: A- Primary Ulcers: Not preceded by Vesiculo-bullous lesion. B-Secondary ulcers: Preceded by Vesiculo-bullous lesion
  • 9. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall A-Primary Ulcers: Not preceded by Vesiculo-bullous lesion. 1- Traumatic. 2- Infective: Bacterial and fungal. 3- Neoplastic. 4- Systemic: GIT and blood disorders. 5- Aphthous ulcer. 6- Behcet’s syndrome. 7- Reiter’s syndrome.
  • 10. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall B-Secondary ulcers: Preceded by Vesiculo-bullous lesion I-Intra-epithelial vesicles: 1- Herpes simplex. 2- Herpes Zoster. 3- Herpangina. 4-Hand, foot and mouth disease. 5- Pemphigus vulgaris II-Subepithelial vesicles 1-Bullous pemphigoid. 2-Mucous membrane pemphigoid 3-Erythema multiform. 4-Bullous erosive lichen planus. 5-Epidermolysis bullosa 6-Drug eruption.
  • 13. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Pemphigus vulgaris. Definition: It is a chronic uncommon autoimmune disease, potentially fatal and characterized by intra-epithelial vesicle formation on normal skin and mucosa.
  • 14. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Etiology and pathogenesis: 1- Auto-antibody (IgG) reacts with component of epithelial desmosome tonofilament complex (Pemphigus antigen) will result in destruction of desmosomal tonofilament system and epithelial intercellular substance. 2- This antigen auto-antibody reaction will activates epidermal intracellular proteolytic enzymes, leading to loss of adhesion between epidermal cells (acantholysis) and degeneration of epidermal cells (acantholytic Tzank cells)
  • 15. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 3- This loss of adhesion between epidermal cells will be much apparent between basal cell and prickle cell layers leading to formation of suprabasillar split, which will full with exudates products leading to intraepithelial bulla formation. 4- Tzank cells, which are cells showing signs of degeneration will seen floating or line the formed bulla. Their nuclei appears rounded, swollen hyperchromatic and surrounded with narrow cytoplasm.
  • 16. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Clinically: 1- Age between 40-60 years. 2- Oral lesions: a- Oral lesions appear first due to weak intercellular junction than in skin.
  • 17. b- Flaccid bulla on normal mucosa, rupture, leaving bright red ulceration or erosion with large map likes lesion. This ulceration is painful, shallow, covered with yellow exudate and not surrounded by inflammatory halo unless it secondarily infected. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
  • 18. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall bright red ulceration with large map likes lesion.
  • 20. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall c- +Ve Nikolsky’s signs: Peeling off of the superficial epithelial layers on gentile pressure leaving irregular areas having denuded base that bleeds easily. It caused by pulling away the upper layer of the epithelium from the basal layer. d- Symptoms: Pain. Bloody or salty taste and excessive salivation.
  • 22. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Pemphigus vulgaris Oral lesions
  • 24. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Pemphigus has involved the gingiva; there is obvious ulceration around the marginal gingiva.
  • 25. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall The ulceration and slough on the patient's tongue is dramatic testimony to the seriousness of intra-oral pemphigus.
  • 26. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 3- Skin lesions a- Appears on pressure areas as face neck, trunk, extremities and axilla. b- Wide spread painless fragile bulla with thin roof containing a clear fluid on normal looking skin. (Unless secondarily infected where the fluid is purulent and the margins are erythematous). c- The bullae are soon ruptured and the lesions continue to expand peripherally over a period of weeks to months to denude a large area of skin.
  • 28. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall d- +Ve Nikolsky’s signs: rubbing the palmer surface of the waist will lead to peeling off of the epithelium or bulla developed. e- General constitutional symptoms of weigh loss, nervousness, anaemia, and pruritis. f- The disease may terminate in death in about 10% of the patients (elderly debilitating). Or healing in slow processes may take months or years.
  • 29. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Skin lesions of Pemphigus vulgaris.
  • 31. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Diagnosis: 1- History of developing painless vesicle and bulla that become painful on rupture associated with systemic findings of loss weight…. 2- Clinical picture: bullous eruption on normal skin and/or mucosa without inflammatory haloes around it. +Ve Nikolsky’s signs. 3- Direct smear: Show Acantholytic cells from the fresh vesicle fluid.
  • 32. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 4- Hypoalbuminemia: due to escape of fluid containing albumin from large areas of skin covered with bullae. 5- Raised ESR. 6- Biopsy: Fresh bullae 24 h old excised for biopsy and halved to examine either with light microscopy or immunofluorescent antibody test.
  • 33. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall a- The light microscopy examination will revel intraepithelial vesicle formation containing free-floating acantholytic cells.
  • 34. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall b- Immunofluorescent antibody test: 1- Indirect: - It aimed to demonstrate the presence and concentration of circulating antibodies. - Is done by incubating normal animal or human mucosa with serum of a patient and adding a fluorescin conjugated human antiglobulin. - Positive reaction indicates the presence of circulating immunoglobulin antibodies
  • 35. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 2- Direct - Aimed to demonstrate the presence of autoantibody attached to the tissue, not circulating. - Is done by incubating lesional tissues with florescin conjugated human antiglobulin. - Positive reaction in the form of honey comb pattern indicates the presence of tissue auto-antibodies.
  • 36. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Treatment: 1- Systemic cortisone. - Predensone 60-100mg to control the signs and symptoms then reduced to maintenance dose. - The patient may die as a result of side effects of steroids. 2- High protein diet. If serum albumin is low. 3- Topical Corticosteroids. 4- Antifungal drugs. 5- Systemic antibiotics.
  • 37. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Dental Implications: 1- Handling of the tissue with care because the epithelium is fragile and excess pressure may cause erosion. 2- Prolonged use of cortisone may induce adrenal crises in the dental clinic. 3- Control of the infection. 4- Oral lesions appears early so it easily to diagnosed first by the dentist. Last
  • 39. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Bullous Pemphigoid. Definition: Pruritic blisters located on the flexor surface of the extremities, axilla and lower abdomen
  • 40. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Etiology and pathogenesis: 1-Autoimmune mechanism in which autoantibodies develops against auto- antigen. 2-Two types of Bullous pemphigoid antigens are founds in basement membrane area, Laminin found in lamina lucida and other in hemidesmosomes.
  • 41. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 3- This reaction wills results in attraction of neutrophils and eosinophils to the basement membrane zone. This inflammatory cells will release of proteolytic enzymes which participate in degeneration of the basement membrane attachment complex leading to formation of sub epithelium bulla.
  • 42. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall sub-epithelium vesicle formation, which separates the intact epithelial from the underlying connective tissue.
  • 43. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Clinically: 1- Age: over 60 years both sexes. 2- Skin lesions: a- Usually at flexor surfaces of extremities, axillary and abdomen. b- Localized or generalized pruritis persisting for several weeks then, development of large blister (1cm or more) tense, with thick roof on erythematous or normally looking skin.
  • 44. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall c- The blisters stay unchanged for long time or it may rupture with formation of eroded surface but it is not extended as in pemphigus. d- -Ve Nikolsky’s signs.
  • 45. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Close-up of tense thick roof blisters of pemphigoid on normally looking skin
  • 48. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 3- Oral lesions a- It may found in the third of the patients. b- Most commonly at gingiva and palate. c- Tense vesicles usually rupture leaving painless non-expanded ulcer. d- Occasionally there is a localized form of desquamated gingivitis with +ve Nikolsky’s sign.
  • 49. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Diagnosis: 1- History. 2- Clinical picture. 3- Biopsy: a- Light microscopy: revealed sub-epithelium vesicle formation, which separates the intact epithelial from the underlying connective tissue. This in addition of presence of both acute and chronic inflammatory cell infiltration according to the stage of the disease b- +Ve immunofluorescent antibody tests either direct or indirect.
  • 50. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Sub-epithelium vesicle formation in Bullous pemphigoid
  • 51. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall sub-epithelium vesicle formation, contain exudates, separates the intact epithelial from the underlying connective tissue.
  • 52. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Treatment: Topical Corticosteroids in mild cases and systemic types in sever cases. Prognosis: It is a self-limiting condition, but fatal complications may occur in oldest debilitating patients. Last
  • 53. Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid. (Occular-cicatrical pemphigoid).
  • 54. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid. (Occular-cicatrical pemphigoid). Definition: It is a chronic non-fatal autoimmune disease characterized by vesiculo-bullous lesions on mucosa of mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and vagina. It is less frequently to affect skin.
  • 55. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Cicatricial pemphigoid is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by blistering lesions on mucous membranes. Areas commonly involved are the oral mucosa and conjunctiva (mucous membrane that coats the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer surface of the eye). Other areas that may be affected include the nostrils, oesophagus, trachea and genitals. Sometimes the skin may also be involved where blistering lesions can be found on the face, neck and scalp.
  • 56. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Etiology: 1- Auto antigen (MMP antigen) located in the lower area of lamina Lucida of the basement membrane. 2- It is identical to Bullous pemphigoid in histological picture and in the immunofluorescence. 3- They may be simple variants of a single disease.
  • 57. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall In benign mucous membrane pemphigoid the peeling away of the epithelium from c.t. is obvious. This change results in what pathologists call "sub-basalar clefting."
  • 58. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Clinically: 1- Age: 50-70 more in female. 2- It affects any mucosal surface in the body and began with a bullae and end with scar. 3- Involvement of trachea, larynx and esophagus will lead to difficulty in breathing and swallowing due to scaring.
  • 59. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 4- Eyes may be affected with shallow conjunctival erosion that heals with scaring, scaring of lacrimal ducts, which lead to xerophthalmia, corneal damage and blindness.
  • 60. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 5- Skin lesions appear only in 20% of cases as bulla and ulcerated crusted lesions.
  • 61. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 6- Oral lesions: a-Desquamated gingivitis: Developed at 90% of the cases and appears as Erythema of marginal and attached gingiva with +Ve Nikolsky’s signs.
  • 62. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall b-Vesiculo-bullous ulcerated lesions: Appears on the palate and gingiva, the bulla is of thick walls, it ruptures after a long time forming a slightly painful slowly growing ulcer surrounded by erythema. Healing rarely to occur with scar formation in opposite to eye lesions.
  • 63. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Exposed c.t. appear as red areas; epithelium about to slough appears as white areas. This is a typical appearance of benign mucous membrane pemphigoid.
  • 65. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Diagnostic techniques: 1- antibodies (IgG) precipitates complement (C3) in the lamina lucida of the basement membrane. 2-Circulating auto-antibodies to BP-1 antigen (located in hemidesmosome). 3- Negative Nikolsky sign. 4- IgG, C3 deposition at BM creating smooth line in immunofluorescent analysis.
  • 66. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Treatment: 1- Gingival and oral hygiene instructions after scaling and root planning. 2-Topical or intra-lesion steroids. 3-Systemic Corticosteroids.
  • 68. Lecture number 5 In Oral Ulcers 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
  • 69. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Let us to remembers oral ulcers due to immunological reactions 1- Pemphigus vulgaris. 2- Bullous Pemphigoid. 3- Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid. 4- Erythema multiform. 5- Mucocutanous-occular syndromes. 6- Recurrent Aphthous ulcers.
  • 71. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Erythema multiform. Definition: It is an acute self-limiting vesiculo-bullous inflammatory disease with multiple skin lesions and sometimes mucosal involvement.
  • 72. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Etiology: It is of unknown etiology, but it has been suggested that the disease is mediated by deposition of immune complex mostly (IgM and C3) in the superficial microvasculature of skin and mucous membrane. Many factors may help such immune complexes, such as: 1- Drugs: like sulphonamids, antibiotics or barbiturates. 2- Infection: bacterial or viral such as herpes simplex or histoplasmosis. 3- Radiation.
  • 73. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Clinically: Erythema multiform may appears in one of the following forms: 1- Minor form. 2- Major form: This include a- Steven Johnson syndrome. b-Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). 3- Chronic form: Rare, may seen in immunocompromised patients.
  • 74. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 4-Herpes associated erythema multiform: a-It is a form of erythema multiform initiated by cell mediated immune reaction to recurrent herpes simplex infection. b-Such patients developed erythema multiform 10-14 days after recurrent of herpes simplex infection. They should place on acyclovir prophylactic-maintenance dose.
  • 75. Herpes associated erythema multiform 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
  • 76. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Minor form 1- Skin lesions: Various types of eruptions, such as macule, papules, vesicle, or bullae all found on erythematous base. Most commonly on the back of the hands, forearms, feet and legs knees. 2- Any of these eruptions are with iris, target or bull’s eye appearance. This means concentric rings like appearance. This due to various shades of erythema with clean healed center.
  • 79. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 3-Orally; non-specific eruption on erythematous base. But if it occurs at lip it gives a characteristic appearance: (Blood crusted appearance). If affected tongue it resulted in enlargement of the tongue with indentation and non-specific ulceration of anterior and lateral border. 4-It may accompany with pain, discomfort and inability to eating and swallowing due to extension of the lesion to the oropharynx. 5-It heals with no scar formation within 3 weeks.
  • 80. Drug induced Erythema multiform 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall (Blood crusted appearance).
  • 81. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Blood crusted appearance And non-specific eruption of erythema multiform on labial mucosa
  • 82. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Enlargement of the tongue with indentation and non-specific ulceration of anterior and lateral border
  • 84. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall non-specific eruption of erythema multiform on labial mucosa
  • 87. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Major form 1- Steven Johnson’s syndrome. 2- Toxic epidermal necrolysis, (TEN), (Lyell’s syndrome)
  • 88. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Steven Johnson’s syndrome It is one of the mucocutenous-Occular syndromes. Erythema multiform,+ eye lesions + genital lesions. 1-Age: infants, children and young adults of both sexes. 2-Sudden onset with general constitutional symptoms, (fever, headache, anorexia…) and then patient may developed sever vesiculobulous lesions within 24-48 days. 3-Oral lesions: Erythema Multiform.
  • 90. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 4- Skin lesions : Erythema Multiform. 5-Eye lesions: Diffuse conjunctivitis with corneal ulceration, which may lead to scarring and blindness. 6-Urogenital: Non-specific urethritis, Balanitis in male and vaginal ulcers in female.
  • 91. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Steven Johnson’s syndrome Oral lesion Diffuse conjunctivitis with corneal ulceration Skin lesion E.M Blood crusted appearance
  • 92. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Steven Johnson’s syndrome
  • 93. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Steven Johnson’s syndrome Eye lesions: scarring and blindness Oral lesions: Erythema Multiform with Blood crusted appearance of the lips
  • 94. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, (TEN), (Lyell’s syndrome) 1- It is the most severs form of E.M. 2- Drug reaction may play an important role in its occurrence. 3- It characterized with generalized E.M of skin and mucous membrane. 4- +Ve Nikolsky’s sign, with peeling of large areas of the skin leaving painful exudative surface 5- Fever, and high morbidity rate due to loss of body fluids and secondary infection.
  • 95. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall +Ve Nikolsky’s sign, with peeling of large areas of the skin leaving painful exudative surface Oral manifestation as E.M Toxic epidermal necrolysis, (TEN), (Lyell’s syndrome)
  • 96. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Mucocutanous-occular syndromes 1- Steven Johnson’s syndrome. 2- Behcet’s syndrome. 3- Reiter’s syndrome.
  • 97. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Behcet’s syndrome It is a multi-system syndrome with inflammatory nature with unknown etiology. 1-Age: Young adults, and more commons in males. 2-Orally: Aphthous like ulcers. 3-Genital lesions: Recurrent genital ulceration (scrotum, penis, labia). 4-Eye lesions: Conjunctivitis, keratitis and optic atrophy.
  • 98. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 5-Skin lesions: Seen on the limbs, trunk and around genitals in one form of the following; a-Erythema nodosum: Inflammatory skin disease marked by tender red nodules. b-Acneform lesions: Inflammatory changes with formation of pustule. c-Large pustule lesions: induced by trauma. 6-+Ve Pathergy test: Pustule formation in the site of oblique insertion of needle into the skin.
  • 99. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall The pathergy phenomenon is considered an outstanding feature of Behcet disease. Following a needle prick or intradermal injection with saline or dilute histamine, the puncture site becomes inflamed and develops a small sterile pustule due to hyperactivity of the skin to any intracutaneous insult. The pustular reaction of the skin is thought to denote increased neutrophil chemotaxis. The presence of pathergy strongly suggests the diagnosis of Behcet disease.
  • 101. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 7- Arthritis: involving one or two large joints without involving small joints. 8- CNS lesions. 9- GIT ulceration. 10-Deep venous thrombosis.
  • 102. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Aphthous like ulcers on labial mucosa of a case of Behcet’s syndrome
  • 103. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Reiter’s syndrome. 1- Age: 30-40 years, males. 2- It considered an important cause of non-gonococcal urethritis and it often acquired sexually 3- It characterized with acute onset and fever, polyarthritis, urethritis and conjunctivitis.
  • 104. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 4- Oral lesions: a-Painless red macules with white raised border on buccal mucosa, lips and gingiva. b-Geographic tongue. c-Painless Aphthous like ulcers. 5- Skin lesions: a- Keratoderma blenorrhagica: red or yellow Keratotic macules on palms and soles. b- Circinate Balanitis: Red glans penis with raised white irregular lesions
  • 105. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Keratoderma blennorrhagicum of Reiter’s syndrome
  • 106. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 6-Arthritis: which is chronic or recurrent migratory. 7-Non specific urethritis. 8-Self-limiting disease
  • 108. Lecture number 6 Oral Ulcers The final one 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
  • 109. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Recurrent Aphthous ulcers Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) canker sores
  • 110. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Recurrent Aphthous ulcers. 1-It is a common painful single or multiple recurring ulcerations commonly affecting non-keratinized mucosa. 2-It seen at any age, but become less frequent as the patient enters the 40th decade 3-It affects females more than males. 4-It is probably represents the most common lesions of the mouth after caries and periodontal diseases.
  • 111. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall It can divided into three clinical forms Minor Aphthous ulcers. 80% Major Aphthous ulcers. 10% Herpetiform Aphthous ulcers, 10%
  • 113. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall shallow ulcer, small in size (<1cm) with slightly raised irregular margins on erythematous base
  • 114. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Minor Aphthous ulcers: 1- Proceeded by prodromal symptoms, up to (24H) with burning sensation and tingling at the site where the lesion will develop. 2- This is followed by painful erythematous macules or papules formation with necrosis in its center. 3- The central necrotic epithelium begun to slough with ulcer formation.
  • 115. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Sometimes patients "sense" an impending apthous ulcer. Soon, an ulcer will appear in the red area. Application of ice or some medication may abort ulcer formation
  • 117. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 4- The ulcer is shallow, small in size (<1cm) with slightly raised irregular margins on erythematous base. 5- Its floor covered by grayish white exudates. 6- It is shape is rounded on the lips and cheek and elongated on the vestibule. 7- Commonly at non-keratinized mucosa.
  • 118. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Minor Aphthous ulcer of the tongue????????????
  • 119. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 8- Chief complaint: at first, sever pain due to tissue distraction, then 4-6 days, discomfort. 9- It heals by epithelization from the margins, leaving a small erythematous area that fade in few days. 10- It heals without scare formation within 10-14 days.
  • 120. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Typical appearance of aphthous ulcer.
  • 121. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 11- It recurs as every month or few months. 12- Recurrence rate may be every month, every few months, once or twice per year or in some patients there is no ulcer free period between the attacks, ie. New set of ulcers overlaps a previous group.
  • 122. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Typical aphthous ulcer. The yellow color is due to fibrin coating the exposed surface.
  • 125. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Aphthous ulcer at floor of mouth
  • 126. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Aphthous ulcer of soft palate
  • 128. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall It is the same as minor form but with some following differences: 1-Larger in size > 1cm and located deep in connective tissues, minor salivary glands or facial muscle. 2-Raised erythematous and shiny margins due to edema. 3-Floor is covered by gray slough. 4-Solitary.
  • 129. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 5-Regional lymphadenopathy. 6-Site: gland bearing areas, such as soft palate, tonsillar areas. 7-It destroys the deeper tissues and heals with scar formation within months.
  • 130. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Major aphthous ulcer is located in the floor of the mouth
  • 132. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 8- A cobblestone appearance may be seen on the oral mucosa due to recurring scars. 9-As a result of slowly healing process and scar formation, there is difficulty in tongue movement and uvula mobility.
  • 134. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Major aphthous ulcer at lower lip
  • 135. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Major palatal aphthous ulcer
  • 137. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Major aphthous ulcer post ttt
  • 139. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 1- Multiple tiny pinheads sized may coalesce forming large irregular ulcer. 2- Very painful, interfere with eating and speech. 3- Usually appears on the non-keratinized mucosa, commonly on lateral margins and tip of the tongue and floor of the mouth.
  • 140. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Herpetiform Aphthous ulcers of the tongue & palate
  • 141. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 4- Quick healing within 3-4 days. 5- In some patients recurrence is so frequent that new set of ulcers overlaps a previous group with nearly no intervals between remissions. 6- Not proceeded by vesicles. (Unlike herpes simplex)
  • 143. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Histopathology of Aphthous ulcer 1- Preulcerative stage: T4 lymphocytes are found in submucosa and around blood vessels. 2- Ulcerative stage: T8 lymphocytes. 3- Extravasation of RBCs and nutrophils. 4- Mast cells and macrophages in the base of the ulcer.
  • 144. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Etiology of Aphthous ulcers The primary cause is unknown but it may be attributed to 1-Hereditary pattern: It occurs more frequently in related persons
  • 145. 2- Immunologic factors 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall a-Cell mediated cytotoxic reaction B- Immune regulatory imbalance C-Local immune complex reaction: d-Increase of adhesion molecules:
  • 146. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 2- Immunologic factors a-Cell mediated cytotoxic reaction: patients with recurrent Aphthous ulcers have increased cell mediated cytotoxic activity against oral epithelia cells during the active period of ulceration. B- Immune regulatory imbalance: patients with recurrent Aphthous ulcerations may have decreased T-suppressor or increased T- helper cells.
  • 147. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall C-Local immune complex reaction: Antigen- antibody reaction around blood vessels, will results in complement activation which end by inflammation and tissue destruction directly or indirect by chemotaxis of neutrophils that release lysosomes at the site of reaction. d-Increase of adhesion molecules: The adhesion molecules increased significantly in recurrent Aphthous ulceration. This results from activation or vascular damage of endothelial cells. The adhesion molecules mediate adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial cells of blood vessels.
  • 148. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 3- It may be associated with: a- Vitamin deficiency: B12, folate zinc or iron. b- GIT disturbances. c- Allergic factors: such as drug or food allergy d- Emotional stress. e- AIDS. f- Behcet’s disease. G-Fever, Aphthous, Pharyngitis Adenitis syndrome:(FAPA): It affects children less than 5 years, characterized by fever, Aphthous ulcers, Pharyngitis and hepatospleenomegaly.
  • 149. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall 4-Recurrence of the ulcers may be precipitated by: a-Trauma: of lips or cheek mucosa or even from highly spiced food may. b-Hormonal changes: premenstrual, pregnancy, and menopause. c-Emotional factors: during exams times.
  • 152. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall There is no laboratory investigation is made to confirm diagnosis only diagnosis of recurrent Aphthous ulceration usually made by exclusion. History and clinical examination should exclude lesions on the skin, genitalia, and eyes.
  • 153. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Periodic fever, malaise, and enlarged cervical lymphnodes are suggestive of cyclic neutropenia. Genital, ocular and joint lesions are suggestive of Behcet’s disease Opportunistic infection is suggestive of AIDS.
  • 154. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Treatment Aphthous ulcers secondary to systemic disease: 1- The underlying systemic diseases should be treated well first, then the oral ulcerative lesion can be managed either by Orabase (Sodium carboxy methyle cellulose), topical steroids or tetracycline mouth bath.
  • 155. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Aphthous ulcers unrelated to systemic diseases: 1-The majority of cases are with no underlying systemic disease. 2-The treatment in these situations is aimed at controlling (palliative rather than curing) or preventing recurrence of the disease. 3-The first concept in the treatment is patient education concerning the nature of the disease, its clinical course, recurrence and the aim of the drug prescribed.
  • 156. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Corticosteroids: Its better to use the Corticosteroids therapy during the prodromal period, it may abort the developing of the ulcer or decreased its duration. The therapy may be in one of the following forms:
  • 157. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall a- Topical: -The dentist should starts with the weakest concentration and progress to the stronger one. -In cases of frequent and persistent ulcers and there is a long-term topical steroid usage, an antifungal drug should be administered. -Steroids in the form of mouth bath or aerosol provide better drug
  • 158. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall b- Systemic: it used as a short term of systemic steroids in the cases of major ulcers. Such as Prednisone 20-40mg 1.5 hour after waking up for 5-7 days and then reduced to 10-20mg for the next few days. This rarely results in pituitary adrenal suppression.
  • 159. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall c-Intra-lesion: May promote healing of ulcers resistant to healing over 2-6 weeks after topical and/or systemic steroids. Used as 10-20mg trimcinolone acetonide dilated with lidocaine 2% repeated weekly for 2-3 times.
  • 160. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Tetracycline mouth bath: It is better to used before topical application of steroids as tetracycline plus nystatin dissolved in 5 ml of water. Ora-base (sodium carboxy methyle cellulose) it cover and isolate the ulcer from environment until healing.
  • 161. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Patient should avoid spicy food, and citrus food and may use topical analgesics before eating to avoid pain. Dentist should avoid usage of phenol and silver nitrate in the treatment the ulcers hence they delay healing and may accompanied with scar formation.
  • 163. Differential Diagnosis of oral Ulcers 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
  • 164. What is The Differential Diagnosis 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
  • 165. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Differential Diagnosis. It is a possibility of occurrence of a condition due to 2 or more diseases. It is a list of two or more diseases with similar signs and symptoms after collection of data. The most likely lesion is put on top of the list. Then through history, clinical examination and special investigation, final diagnosis can be reached via exclusion.
  • 183. More Examples for Oral Ulcers 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall
  • 198. 5/30/2021 Ossama El-Shall Ossama El-Shall Salamat hvala ti