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                                                that these products will continue to create    Office Resources is confident in the
Our committed and qualified employees
                                                a setting for learning, leadership, and good   capabilities of our tried systems. We pride
are what make Office Resources New
                                                business. We are committed to finding the      ourselves on providing quality service to every
England’s largest distributor of Knoll
                                                right tools for your office environment.       client, every time. We have achieved a solid
office furniture. We continuously strive
                                                                                               record of growth by working closely with our
to recognize the needs of our clients and
                                                Office Resources will be able to provide       clients to develop business solutions.
understand the importance of a reliable
                                                your firm with the furniture support and
and knowledgeable furniture dealer. Office
                                                services that are necessary in projects of     We truly appreciate your consideration. Please
Resources is committed to the design of
spaces that work.                               all sizes and scope. We will assemble an       feel free to contact us with any questions or
                                                experienced, enthusiastic team to help         comments. We look forward to working with
                                                manage your entire project, from start to      you further.
Office Resources offers products that
                                                finish. We keep our clients well informed
are tailored to our clients business, brand,
                                                of furniture and design opportunities and
environmental concerns and corporate
                                                project status.
culture. The products that Knoll offers will
continue to enhance the environment in
which all levels of the organization can work
collaboratively and productively. We hope
table of contents

      About Us
      About Knoll
      Sustainable Design Practices
      Knoll and Sustainable Design
      Project Profiles
             Bank of America
about us

Office Resources is about people (and furniture).          We have a new look and a more well defined direction: to
We are a contract furniture dealer with service and        give our clients the most professional, experienced and well
experience as our signature.                               suited team for each and every project.

Our mission at Office Resources is to provide the best     We have a reputation of success in the industry based
possible service to execute projects successfully and on   on well managed, well designed, successfully executed
budget. We work with the needs of individual companies     projects of diverse sizes, scopes, types and locations. We will
to assemble a custom designed project team.                continue to uphold that same level of integrity and expertise
                                                           because the core strength of our business is the people who
                                                           are committed to creating spaces that work.
In 2006 we celebrated our 10 year mark and with an
established and diverse client base. At the end of our
first decade in business we are taking stock of the
experience we have gained and using it to revitalize our
approach to the industry and future clients.

 Knoll is recognized internationally for creating   Headquartered in East Greenville,
 workplace furnishings that inspire, evolve and     Pennsylvania, we serve our clients in
 endure. Our commitment to innovation and           North America through a network of
 modern design has yielded a comprehensive          more than 300 Knoll dealerships and
 portfolio of office systems, seating, files and    100 showrooms and regional offices.
 storage, tables and desks, wood casegoods,         In Europe, we have showrooms and are
 textiles and accessories.                          represented by dealers in most major
 We believe good design is good business.
 Since our founding in 1938, we have been           All Knoll manufacturing facilities in
 recognized as a design leader worldwide.           North America are ISO 14001-certified,
 Our products are exhibited in major art            an important mark of commitment to
 museums worldwide, with more than 40               environmentally responsible practices.
 pieces in the permanent Design Collection of       In keeping with this commitment, all
 The Museum of Modern Art in New York.              Knoll architecture and design managers
                                                    in North America are required to attain
 We know that workplace needs change, and           LEED® Professional Accreditation. LEED
 so we dedicate ourselves to listening carefully    (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
 to our customers. We’re thinking about the         Design), the rating system of the U.S.
 emergence of a new workplace climate, the          Green Building Council, is a voluntary,
 meaning of new workplace planning models           consensus-based national standard for
 and how ecological principles inform our           developing high-performance sustainable
 product designs. Our designers are experts         buildings.
 in innovation, offering insight into what’s
 possible in the workplace, now and in the
sustainable design practices

The furniture industry, in conjunction with the architecture     and an overall high quality are sustainable. Materials and
and design community, has made a major push to make              manufacturing practices do play a major part in determining
more environmentally sustainable choices. This has resulted      how green a product is, but there are many other factors
in many opportunities for clients to make socially responsible   that can also contribute. We take this information into
decisions pertaining to their furniture investments. It is       consideration for our clients and guide them through the
important to remember that no matter the scope of your           complex process of purchasing sustainable product solutions.
furniture needs, there are green options for every project.
We believe it is always important to remind our clients that     If LEED certification is of interest to your organization, we
making sustainable choices doesn’t only mean selecting           have a LEED certified associate on our team to assist our
recycled products. Sustainable products are manufactured         clients through the furniture process. We work closely with
locally, are shipped in an efficient manner, are ecologically    our manufacturers and installation contractors to provide the
friendly to clean and easy to repair. Products with longevity    appropriate documentation and information to every project.
Knoll and Sustainable Design – 2005 Environmental, Health and Safety Annual Report
Knoll and Sustainable Design

Sustainability is a process that embodies a         Commitment                                             Knoll made significant progress on our            • Continued our research on Life Cycle Assess-
vision of the future. It is measured by what                                                               journey toward sustainability in 2005.
                                                    For more than a quarter century, Knoll has acted                                                           ment tools. Life Cycle Assessment currently
is sometimes called “the triple bottom line”:                                                              Once again, we focused our efforts on three
                                                    on its commitment to sustainability in the design                                                          is used in the industry as a (very expensive)
the social, economic and environmental                                                                     strategic areas: Design for the Environment,
                                                    and manufacture of products for the workplace.                                                             consultant-based tool to enable one-off product
outcomes of business on people, economic                                                                   Third Party Certification and Communica-
                                                    We have established ambitious standards and                                                                development. The Knoll intention is to develop
competitiveness and the natural world.                                                                     tion. A highlight of our 2005 achievement
                                                    continue to measure our social, economic and                                                               a process with tools for use in design of all of
                                                                                                           was the designation of our East Greenville,
                                                    environmental performance against them. The                                                                our products that will enable us to achieve the
                                                                                                           Pennsylvania facility as a U.S. Occupa-
Sustainability mandates healthy and safe work-      standards are mandated in a comprehensive                                                                  product standards we have set in our design
                                                                                                           tional Safety and Health Administration
places, equitable compensation and humane           Environmental, Health and Safety Plan and are                                                              guidelines and that is economical enough for
                                                                                                           (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
treatment of workers. It requires economic          defined in Eight Principles that are the foundation                                                        all companies in the industry to use.
                                                                                                           Star site.
competitiveness. (You can’t be sustainable if you   of this report.
don’t stay in business). It calls for companies                                                                                                              • Introduced the Halley™ Collection, the first task
                                                    Innovation                                             Design for the Environment
to conserve, preserve and make best use of                                                                                                                     lights in the industry to use energy-efficient light
natural resources and to minimize the impacts of    Sustainability is a vision of the future that          We continued to develop the systematized            emitting diode (LED) lighting technology.
their use and transformation of materials on the    depends on innovation to make it real. Knoll is        infrastructure that enables consistent and
natural environment. Sustainability is a commit-    a recognized innovator in the development of           continued progress in sustainable practice.       • Replaced glue with steel connectors in REFF
ment to give back at least as much as we take       clean technology for the furniture industry, and       And we implemented additional improvements          panels manufacturing, eliminating 22,200
away and to leave the world a better place than     we share what we learn with others in order to         in clean technology.                                pounds of styrene air emissions at our Toronto,
we found it.                                        promote sustainable practices at large. We are                                                             Ontario facility.
                                                    innovators in the use of recycled materials and        In 2005, we:
                                                    certified and renewable resources in the manu-                                                           • Introduced a new coating containing less volatile
                                                                                                          • Applied design guidelines and detailed proce-
                                                    facture of our products. And we have developed                                                             organic compounds (VOC) and no formalde-
                                                                                                            dures for product development. The results
                                                    innovative systems to make sustainability an                                                               hyde for coating edges and top caps on wood
                                                                                                            of this approach are products that use a mini-
                                                    integral part of the way we conduct our business.                                                          products produced in our East Greenville and
                                                                                                            mum of material types; employ clean manufac-
                                                                                                                                                               Toronto facilities.
                                                                                                            turing technology in their construction; use
                                                                                                            raw materials in a way that ensures a minimum
                                                    Sustainability is a collaborative process. Knoll                                                         • Purchased new equipment for applying lower
                                                                                                            total recycled content greater than 25%; and
                                                    works in partnership with customers, vendors,                                                              VOC-content coating at the East Greenville
                                                                                                            are durable and easy to disassemble for
                                                    industry associates, professional organizations                                                            facility, which will minimize waste in this process.
                                                                                                            recycling parts.
                                                    and third party certifiers as we make continuing
                                                    progress toward our goals.
“ ustainabilityisaboutinnovation,andinnovationisaboutdoingthings
                                                                                                               Lou Newett
                                                                                                               Knoll Director, Environment, Health and Safety

 Third Party Certification and                                                                                                                                          Communication
                                                       • FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) re-certification,   • In addition, the core office area at the Lubin
 Innovative Alliances                                                                                                                                                   In 2005, Knoll used internal and external
                                                         following successful completion of the second          LEED EB-certified manufacturing facility in East
 Knoll actively promotes independent third                                                                                                                              communications on environmental, health
                                                         annual FSC audit, of all North American plants         Greenville was renovated in accordance with
 party certification because it provides the most                                                                                                                       and safety issues as tools for increasing
                                                         that manufacture wood products. FSC certifica-         LEED Existing Building and Commercial Interiors
 impartial and trustworthy foundation for industry-                                                                                                                     awareness and supporting sustainable prac-
                                                         tion authorizes Knoll to provide chain-of-custody      program requirements.
 wide environmental compliance. Certification by                                                                                                                        tices. Communications included:
                                                         proof that wood bearing the FSC mark comes
 established and respected third parties ensures         from forests that protect environmental, social      • We continued to provide clients with product
                                                                                                                                                                       • Participation in developing the MTS Sustainable
 that all manufacturers are held to the same             and economic values.                                   documentation for Knoll products on LEED
                                                                                                                                                                         Textile Standard, issued in 2005, which
 high standards and that customers can trust a                                                                  project applications. In 2005, the following proj-
                                                                                                                                                                         is setting the international benchmark for
 company’s declarations about the environmental        • GREENGUARD™ (Indoor Air Quality) certification         ects containing Knoll products received LEED
                                                                                                                                                                         sustainable textiles.
 benefits of its products.                               for Autostrada product categories AS1, AS3,            certification: Boulder County Community Hos-
                                                         and A4 and for the Essentials chair, introduced        pital, Boulder, Colorado (Life chair); University of
                                                                                                                                                                       • Development of a Lubin LEED presentation
 In 2005, Knoll received:                                in 2005. All Knoll North American systems,             Denver College of Law, Denver, Colorado (REFF,
                                                                                                                                                                         as an educational tool. Tours of the facility with
                                                         seating, Knoll Studio seating and textiles are         Dividends, Calibre, SoHo Life); Santa Monica
• ISO (International Organization for Standardiza-                                                                                                                       presentations and QA sessions were provided
                                                         GREENGUARD-certified, with the exceptions of           Public Safety Facility, Santa Monica, California;
  tion) 14001 audit approval for all Knoll manu-                                                                                                                         to numerous architectural firms throughout
                                                         Autostrada AS2 and REFF casegoods, which               Winrock International Offices, Little Rock, Arkan-
  facturing facilities worldwide, under the revised                                                                                                                      the year.
                                                         are in process of obtaining certification. GREEN-      sas (Dividends, Life, Calibre, Studio); WRT Archi-
  2004 standard. In 2005, all procedures at all
                                                         GUARD certification is the gold standard for           tects, Main Office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  facilities were revised to meet the new standard,                                                                                                                    • The creation of a PowerPoint case study on
                                                         identifying products that meet stringent testing
  the first ISO revision since 1996. As part of this                                                                                                                     the core office renovation at the Lubin LEED
                                                         criteria and have no adverse impact on indoor
  initiative, recycled-content databases were                                                                                                                            EB-certified facility.
                                                         air quality.
  created for Autostrada AS1, AS3 and AS4 and
  for Visor and Bulldog seating.                                                                                                                                       • Knoll Director of Environmental, Health and
                                                       • LEED Silver certification in the Commercial Inte-
                                                                                                                                                                         Safety, Lou Newett, led sustainable product
                                                         riors Pilot Program for the Knoll San Francisco
                                                                                                                                                                         education seminars in numerous locations
                                                         showroom. LEED (Leadership in Energy and
                                                                                                                                                                         throughout the country that focused on products
                                                         Environmental Design) is an initiative of the U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                         as tools for sustainability.
                                                         Green Building Council that establishes criteria
                                                         and awards certification for sustainable design.

The Knoll San Francisco Showroom and Offices                    “ veryday,wefacenewchallengeswithourclientsinmeetingincreasinglyimportant
LEED Silver Certification: Commercial Interiors Pilot Project
                                                                 Peter Cracknell,
                                                                 Knoll Regional Manager, San Francisco

                                                                 The Knoll 8,500 square foot San Francisco               • Eco-Spec® Paint—The use of this low-VOC
                                                                 showroom and sales office occupies a highly               paint permitted all associates to continue to
                                                                 visible street-level space in the heart of the city’s     work safely on-site throughout the project.
                                                                 financial district. The facility houses 20 sales and
                                                                 support personnel. The primary goals for the            • FSC-Certified Wood—Universal access was
                                                                 project were to optimize the showroom’s street            provided to the principal display area by means
                                                                 presence, provide universal access, improve               of a central ramp constructed with flooring
                                                                 circulation, and create a more pleasant and effec-        certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
                                                                 tive working environment for sales and support
                                                                 personnel.                                              • Natural Light—All partitions parallel to the line
                                                                                                                           of exterior windows were removed or made
                                                                 The LEED Rating System for Commercial                     transparent in order to provide every workstation
                                                                 Interiors addresses:                                      with natural light.
                                                                • Sustainable sites
                                                                                                                         • Recycled and Sustainable Materials—The project
                                                                • Water efficiency                                         includes FSC-certified worksurfaces on worksta-
                                                                • Energy and atmosphere                                    tions; 100% recycled-content textiles; carpet
                                                                                                                           tiles with recycled-content backing; and lighting
                                                                • Materials and resources
                                                                                                                           fixtures re-lamped with energy-efficient bulbs.
                                                                • Indoor environmental quality
                                                                                                                          LEED Consultant: Benington/Conover  Associates
                                                                 The San Francisco project achieved                       Contractor (with LEED expert on staff): DPR Construction, Inc.
                                                                 LEED Silver Certification by implementing
                                                                 the following:
                                                                • Re-used Salvaged Flooring System—Materials
                                                                  salvaged from an uninstalled commercial project
                                                                  in San Francisco were used to construct a
                                                                  raised floor at the street level, aligning what was
                                                                  formerly a two-tiered sales floor.

                                                                • Wireless Network—A wireless network, designed
                                                                  to save energy and cabling costs over the long
                                                                  term, was installed.
The Knoll Core Office at Lubin (East Greenville)
 EB-Certified Manufacturing Facility

                                                     LEED certification was achieved by
 The core office is located within the 2004 LEED                                                          • Occupant Recycling—At least 95% of the
                                                     implementing the following:
 Gold-Certified East Greenville Lubin Manufactur-                                                           batteries and 95% of the fluorescent lamps used
 ing Facility. Renovation of the space was com-                                                             in the area are recycled, and 50% of the total
                                                    • Recycling or Salvaging—Construction waste was
 pleted in 2005 in compliance with LEED criteria                                                            waste stream is diverted or recycled.
                                                      minimized by recycling or salvaging at least 75%
 for Commercial Interiors.
                                                      of materials by weight.
                                                                                                          • Daylight and Views—A 2% daylight factor was
 The project included:                                                                                      achieved for 75% of all spaces occupied for criti-
                                                    • Recycled Content/Rapidly Renewable
                                                                                                            cal visual tasks, and direct line of sight to vision
                                                      Materials—Building materials, carpeting and
• New furnishings
                                                                                                            glazing for occupants was achieved from 90% of
                                                      ceiling tiles containing post-consumer and
• Re-use of 30% of existing furniture                                                                       regularly occupied spaces.
                                                      post-industrial recycled content were used.
• New carpeting
                                                      Materials, including fabric, in Knoll furniture
                                                                                                          • Mercury Reduction in Lighting—Existing
• New ceiling tiles                                   contained rapidly renewable content.
                                                                                                            lighting was re-lamped with Philips low-energy
• Repainting of the entire office
                                                                                                            lamps with mercury average below 25 parts
                                                    • FSC-Certified Woo d—At least 50% of
• Re-lamping existing lighting                                                                              per million.
                                                     wood in furniture components on the project
                                                     was FSC-certified.
                                                                                                          • Innovation—All furniture GREENGUARD-
                                                    • Regional Materials—Fifty percent of the furniture
                                                      on the project was manufactured or processed
                                                                                                            LEED Consultant: Envision Design
                                                      within 500 miles.

                                                    • Indoor Air Quality—All adhesives and sealants
                                                      had low VOC content (per California standards);
                                                      paints and coatings met Green Seal Standard
                                                      GS-11; Carpet met CRI Green Label Plus and
                                                      carpet cushion met CRI Green Label Testing
                                                      Program requirements. Composite panels and
                                                      agrifiber products contain no added ureaformal-
                                                      dehyde resins. An Indoor Air Quality manage-
                                                      ment plan was implemented during construction.

Protection of the Biosphere
We will strive to make continued progress toward reducing
or eliminating the release of any substance in an effort to
safeguard all habitats affected by our operations.
We will continue to reduce the use and or              We will provide water treatment facilities that
 emissions of hazardous air pollutants and              meet or exceed discharge criteria.
 volatile organic compounds from our manufac-
                                                       • In 2005, the state-of-the-art water treatment
 turing operations through the introduction of
                                                         facility in East Greenville treated 27,340 tons
 clean technologies.
                                                         of wastewater.
• In 2005, Knoll U.S. manufacturing facilities were
  more than 90% hazardous air pollutants (HAP)          We will monitor storm water, conserve water
  and VOC free.                                         use and develop processes to minimize
                                                        water pollution.
• Our Toronto plant replaced styrene glue on REFF
  panels with a specially designed steel connector,    • Our East Greenville facility installed control values
  eliminating 11 tons of styrene air emissions.          on continuous-flow machines and low flow toi-
                                                         lets in its second manufacturing plant, extending
• Our Grand Rapids, Michigan facility replaced           practices put in place in the LEED-certified
  gypsum board in its Equity panels with slag wool       Lubin building.
  filling, eliminating particulate emissions and two
  air permits.                                         • Our Grand Rapids facility completed the conver-
                                                         sion of its powder coat finishing line from an
• Our East Greenville and Toronto facilities further     open, continuous-flow system to a closed-loop
  reduced VOC and formaldehyde emissions                 system. The conversion from gypsum to slag
  through the use of a new coating for wood edges        wool panel fillings also saved process water.
  and top caps.                                          Together, these initiatives reduced water usage
                                                         by 84% in 2005.

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
We strive to make the best use of renewable resources, such as water,
soil and forests, and conserve nonrenewable natural resources.
We will make sustainable use of renewable          We will minimize the use of wooden pallets.                                                                 We will continue to utilize post-consumer
                                                                                                           We will continue to recycle steel, aluminum
 natural resources through efficient use and                                                                                                                    and post-industrial materials in our products
                                                                                                           and other metal components.
                                                   • Knoll continues to use recyclable corrugated
 careful planning.                                                                                                                                              where practical.
                                                     pallets where possible. Wood pallets are repaired,   • In 2005, Knoll facilities recycled 4,686 tons of
• In 2005, Knoll continued to offer Strawboard,      reused and recycled at the end of life. In 2005,                                                          • In 2005 more than 90% of the wood used to
                                                                                                            steel and 91.25 tons of aluminum.
  Agriboard and Marmoleum worksurfaces made          17,845 wood pallets were recycled.                                                                          make composite board products at Knoll’s
  of rapidly renewable materials.                                                                                                                                Toronto and East Greenville facilities contained
                                                                                                           We will continue to seek recycling opportuni-
                                                                                                                                                                 an average of 93% post-industrial material.
                                                    We will attempt to recycle or make beneficial          ties for scrap generated in our manufacturing
• LEED-certified projects at the East Greenville    use of wood scrap generated in our manufac-            operations.
  Lubin core office and the San Francisco show-                                                                                                                • Knoll textiles include products made of 100%
                                                    turing operations.
  room included the use of renewable, recycled                                                                                                                   post-consumer recycled content.
                                                                                                          • Knoll facilities recycled a total more than 636
  and recyclable resources.                        • Knoll facilities recycled 3,221 tons of wood scrap     tons of corrugated cardboard, 78 tons of paper,
                                                     and 1,698 tons of sawdust in 2005. Recycled            130 tons of textiles, 4 tons of leather, 22,372     We will be environmentally responsible in our
                                                     wood scrap was used for animal bedding and             gallons of waste solvent and 11,158 gallons of
 We will continue to seek opportunities to                                                                                                                      purchase of materials.
                                                     greenhouse fuel. Sawdust was used as fuel for          waste oil in 2005.
 use sustainable forests in our products.
                                                     industrial boilers.                                                                                       • In 2005, all Knoll leather goods were obtained
• Knoll was re-certified by FSC in 2005 and                                                                                                                      as by-products of the meat packing industry.
                                                                                                          • The Grand Rapids and East Greenville
  continued to offer FSC-certified wood in its     • In 2005, the Toronto facility burned wood                                                                   No hides or skins from endangered species
                                                                                                            facilities recycled plastic wrapping from
  systems products.                                  scrap as heating fuel in the winter and, through                                                            were used.
                                                                                                            incoming shipments.
                                                     redesign of its hot water heating system, used
• In 2005, Knoll used FSC-certified wood in its      excess heating capacity to provide hot water for
  LEED-certified San Francisco showroom and          finishing processes in the warmer months. This
  East Greenville Lubin Building core office.        improvement reduced gas consumption by about
                                                     100,000 cubic meters and resulted in savings of
                                                     $46,000 in energy costs.

Waste Reduction and Disposal
We will reduce, recycle, and where possible, eliminate waste and will
dispose of all waste using safe and responsible methods.

                                                                         Waste Reduction and Disposal                           • The Muskegon facility continued to collect used
                                                                                                                                  printer and toner cartridges and deliver them to
                                                                         We will seek opportunities to reduce waste and
                                                                                                                                  a local school for recycling. In 2005, the school
                                                                         recycle process scrap from our operations.
                                                                                                                                  earned enough money through this program
                                                                        • In 2005, Knoll facilities recycled virtually 100%       to purchase four digital cameras. The Grand
                                                                          of all aluminum and steel scrap generated in            Rapids and East Greenville facilities also recycled
                                                                          manufacturing. In addition, wood, leather and           toner cartridges.
                                                                          fabric scrap was recycled for beneficial use
                                                                          wherever possible.                                    • In Toronto, re-engineered procedures for sorting,
                                                                                                                                  holding and pickup of recyclables led to the di-
                                                                        • Knoll facilities also recycled 1 ton of batteries,      version of 88.2% of the facility’s solid waste from
                                                                          1 ton of fluorescent lights, 22 tons of fiberglass,     land fill in 2005.
                                                                          23 tons of waste powder and 0.9 tons of plastic
                                                                          bottles in 2005.                                      • In Grand Rapids, ceramic, stainless steel and
                                                                                                                                  thermal cups were distributed to employees and
                                                                        • Our Toronto facility upgraded the pumping               a five-cent charge was placed on extra Styro-
                                                                          system for its spray booths, using air in place         foam cups. The use of disposable Styrofoam
                                                                          of solvents to purge paint lines during color           dropped from 2,000 cups a week to 1,000 every
                                                                          changes. This resulted in recovery and reuse            six months.
                                                                          of paint and reduction of hazardous waste by
                                                                          100 liters a week over 2004.                           We will dispose of our waste only in well-
                                                                                                                                 operated permitted facilities.
                                                                        • In 2005, the Muskegon, Michigan facility used
                                                                          wood scrap to make packaging for special               All Knoll manufacturing facilities adhered to strin-
                                                                          products and recycled plastic wrapping by us-          gent mandates for disposal of waste in approved
                                                                          ing it to package small parts. As a result of this     and monitored facilities.
                                                                          improvement, the facility dramatically reduced its
                                                                          purchase of plastic material.
  We will conserve energy by improving the efficiency of our internal
  operations and the goods and services we sell. We will make every
  effort to use environmentally safe and sustainable energy sources.

 Conservation                                            Paper recycling:                                   Aluminum recycling:
 We will conserve energy and improve
                                                        • 12,137 trees saved                               • Enough energy saved to run 5,840,400 TV sets
 energy efficiency.
                                                                                                             for three hours. Recycling aluminum vs. using
                                                        • 27,131 gallons oil saved in processing
                                                                                                             new aluminum reduced air pollution by 95%.
• The Knoll Toronto facility installed a central
  vacuum system for CNC (computer numerically
                                                         Recycling paper vs. using new paper                We will initiate a program to upgrade existing
  controlled) routers, replacing 15 pumps with a
                                                         reduces air pollution by 74% and water             low-efficiency motors to higher efficiency motors.
  single pump and backup. The result was more
                                                         pollution by 35%.
  efficient removal of toxins, a reduction in exhaust
                                                                                                           • In 2005, Knoll continued this ongoing program
  and energy cost savings of $22,000.
                                                                                                             by specifying high-efficiency motors on all equip-
                                                         Steel recycling:
                                                                                                             ment purchases at all North American facilities.
• In 2005, two Toronto panel manufacturing              • 11,715,400 pounds iron ore saved
  facilities were combined and processes were           • 4,686,160 pounds coal saved                       We will initiate a program to upgrade existing
  redesigned to make better use of floor space,
                                                                                                            lighting, where practical, at each facility.
                                                        • 187,446 pounds limestone saved
  balance equipment loads and save on energy.
  The result was a 30% reduction in electric and        • Enough energy saved to light 9,372,320
                                                                                                           • In 2005, Knoll continued its participation in
  natural gas consumption.                                60-watt bulbs for 26 hours
                                                                                                             the Green Lights Initiative in U.S. facilities and
                                                                                                             participated in a comparable Canadian govern-
• In late 2005, the Grand Rapids facility installed a    Recycling steel vs. using new steel reduces air
                                                                                                             ment-sponsored program at the Toronto facility.
  computer system that turns off lights and large        pollution by 86% and water pollution by 76%.
                                                                                                             The Muskegon facility was fully converted to
  equipment, such as compressors, when not
                                                                                                             low-energy fluorescent lighting in 2005.
  in use. The system is expected to save about
  $30,000 a year in energy costs.
                                                                                                           • At the East Greenville Lubin facility, new lighting
                                                                                                             installed in late 2004 reduced energy consump-
• Knoll continued to save on energy consumption
                                                                                                             tion in 2005 by 491,901 kilowatts, resulting in
  in shipping its products by loading trailers to
                                                                                                             savings of $36,893.
  help maximize use of cubic space and by using
  collapsible, returnable packaging that better
  utilizes trailer volume.

• In 2005, Knoll recycling efforts had the
  following impacts on the conservation of
  natural resources:

Knoll East Greenville Facility Named OSHA VPP Star
The Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) is a partnership with the U.S. Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, reserved for companies that demonstrate exceptional
long-term success in reducing risk and protecting the health and safety of employees.
“ verycompanyhastomeetOSHAstandards,buttobeinVPP,youhavetoexceed
                                                                                                              Dr. Chrysoula Komis
                                                                                                              OSHA VPP Coordinator and Team Leader

 VPP Star Designation                                     VPP Requirements                                    To qualify, Knoll participated in a comprehensive       Companies accepted into the program are
 In December 2005, the 945,000 square-foot              • Management commitment and planning                  on-site audit, carried out by five OSHA health and      audited after three years and then at five-year
 Knoll East Greenville facility was designated                                                                safety experts, over a period of five days. The         intervals to monitor compliance and continued
                                                        • Accountability for safety
 a VPP Star site, placing Knoll among a select                                                                process included tours of every part of the facility,   commitment. VPP is about getting better over
                                                        • Disciplinary program
 group of companies to achieve that honor. A                                                                  interviews with employees and management, and           time. And the results are measurable. VPP par-
                                                        • Injury rate reports (three years + current year)
 business must have a record of OSHA reportable                                                               review of written documents. Daily punch lists          ticipants have fewer injuries, have less lost time
                                                        • Employee participation
 incidents and lost time rates that are below the                                                             were prepared, problems were addressed and              and enjoy lower workmen’s compensation rates
 industry average. Most VPP participants have                                                                 solved, and employees gave required presenta-           than others in their industry.
                                                        • Self-inspections
 injury rates that, on average, are 53% below the                                                             tions on safety topics related to their work.
                                                        • Employee hazard reporting system
 national average for their industry. From its incep-
                                                        • Accident/incident investigation
 tion in 1982 until today, VPP has accepted 1,425                                                             VPP is consistent with Knoll’s process-oriented
                                                        • Job safety analysis process and reviews
 participants from a potential field of 7.2 million                                                           approach to sustainability and commitment to
 workplaces employing 115 million workers.              • Safety and health training                          third party certification. The program, which Knoll
                                                                                                              has used as a model since 1995, promotes a
                                                        • Preventive maintenance
  The Elements of VPP                                                                                         culture of safety. It is an ongoing partnership that
                                                        • Emergency program and drills
• Management leadership and employment                                                                        encompasses all aspects of health and safety,
                                                        • Personal protective equipment program
  involvement                                                                                                 from conditions on the factory floor to wellness
                                                        • Contractor safety program                           programs. It addresses the social aspect of
• Worksite analysis
                                                                                                              sustainability, one of the critical components of
                                                        • Medical program
• Hazard prevention and control
                                                                                                              the sustainability triple bottom line.
                                                        • Annual self-evaluation of programs
• Safety and health training

                                                                                                             “ heold250(Barcelonachair)strappingprocesshadmajorstressissues.Operators
                                                                                                              Carl Visscher
                                                                                                              Knoll Project Engineering Manager
Risk Reduction
 We will strive to minimize the environmental health and safety risks to our
 associates and the communities in which we operate through safe technologies,
 sound transportation practices, safe facilities and operating procedures and
 preparing for emergencies.

                                                       • Employees and engineers in East Greenville         • Our Toronto facility implemented a Continuous
 We will design our processes to prevent injury to                                                                                                                  We will develop and implement health and well-
                                                         worked together to develop a new tool and            Improvement Team to monitor and administer
 the health and welfare of Knoll associates, the                                                                                                                    ness awareness and illness prevention programs.
                                                         process for assembling the Barcelona chair that      safety targets and plans. As a result, the
 community and the environment.
                                                         dramatically reduced elbow injuries.                                                                      • Knoll manufacturing facilities implemented a
                                                                                                              accident rate was reduced and the facility was
• In 2005, the Knoll East Greenville facility joined                                                                                                                 hearing conservation program that includes test-
                                                                                                              in the 95 percentile for its industry sector in
  a select group of companies in becoming              • The Knoll clean technology program contin-                                                                  ing of all workers, provision of hearing protection
                                                                                                              2005, according to the Canadian Workmen’s
  designated an OSHA VPP Star site. This OSHA            ued to achieve reductions in air pollutants                                                                 and education.
                                                                                                              Compensation Board.
  recognition is reserved for companies that             discharged from our facilities. In 2005, 90% of
  demonstrate exceptional long-term success in           metal and wood coatings in Knoll U.S. facilities                                                          • Wellness and prevention programs on
                                                                                                            • Knoll decreased its overall accident rate in 2005
  reducing risk and protecting the health and safety     were VOC free.                                                                                              smoking cessation, exercise and healthy
                                                                                                              by 4% compared with the previous year. The
  of employees.                                                                                                                                                      eating were offered.
                                                                                                              2005 incidence rate of 3.14 injuries per 100 em-
                                                                                                              ployees was the lowest rate achieved since the
                                                        We will develop and implement health and safety
• The Toronto facility re-engineered its flammable                                                            formation of the Knoll Group in 1991. In 2005,
                                                        policies and programs to help prevent injury and                                                            We will design and develop training programs
  liquid storage room, replacing spill containment                                                            the company saved $212,000 in Workmen’s
                                                        illnesses to our associates.                                                                                to provide Knoll associates with the necessary
  tanks, refitting controls and reducing the amount                                                           Compensation payments over 2004.                      skills and knowledge to fulfill the objectives of the
  of material stored.                                  • The Muskegon facility received the National                                                                Environmental, Health and Safety Plan.
                                                         Safety Council Significant Safety Improvement      • Our East Greenville, Muskegon and Grand Rap-
• The Muskegon facility instituted task rotation         Award in recognition of reduction of its                                                                  • In 2005, Knoll U.S. facilities conducted weekly
                                                                                                              ids facilities continued a stretching program that
  on production lines to reduce repetitive               reportable incidents rate from 8.5% in 2003                                                                 safety meetings, showed safety videos, trained
                                                                                                              includes instruction and 10 minutes’ free time at
  stress injuries.                                       to 4.3% in 2005.                                                                                            volunteer safety observers, and created safety
                                                                                                              the start of each shift for stretching exercises.
                                                                                                                                                                     posters and newsletters.
• The Grand Rapids facility implemented a total        • Toronto upgraded the Emergency Response
  preventive maintenance program for major               Plan at its consolidated panel manufacturing                                                              • Knoll facilities continued to train employee First
  equipment to maximize safety.                          operation.                                                                                                  Responder volunteers in CPR and first aid.

                                                       • All Knoll North American manufacturing sites
                                                         began tracking and reporting all first aid and
                                                         near-miss incidents in 2005. Above and beyond
                                                         OSHA-mandated reports, these are designed
                                                         to identify potential health and safety risks so
                                                         that preventive measures can be enacted before
                                                         injury occurs.

Safe Products and Services                                                                                           Environmental Restoration
  We will reduce and, where possible, eliminate the use, manufacture or sale                                          We will comply responsibly with the law to address conditions we have
  of products and services that cause environmental damage or health or                                               caused that endanger health, safety or the environment.
  safety hazards. We will inform our customers of the environmental impacts
  of our products or services in an effort to prevent unsafe use.
                                                                                                                      Informing the Public
                                                                                                                      We will comply with the law to inform in a timely manner those who may
                                                                                                                      be affected by conditions caused by our operations that might endanger
                                                                                                                      health, safety or the environment and will encourage associates to report
                                                                                                                      dangerous incidents or conditions to management.

 Safe Products and Services                                                                                            Environmental Restoration
                                                         fabric, developed by Milliken. The fabric and chair
                                                                                                                     • In 2005, Knoll caused no conditions that
                                                         controls work together to provide what Knoll calls
 We will design and engineer durable products;
                                                                                                                       endangered health, safety or the environment.
                                                         Active Suspension™. Chadwick chair fabric meets
 investigate using recycled materials in the design
                                                         the MTS Certified Sustainable Fabric Standard,
 of our products; and design safety features and
                                                                                                                       Informing the Public
                                                         and Milliken is in the process of having the fabric
 ergonomics into our products.
                                                                                                                     • There were no pollution incidents at any Knoll
                                                         officially certified. MTS certification requires textiles
• In 2005, Knoll continued to design and engineer                                                                      facility in North America in 2005 that either
                                                         to meet 12 environmental criteria, including a reuse
  durable products that use recycled materials in                                                                      affected the surrounding community or required
                                                         and reclamation program. Chadwick is GREEN-
  their manufacture, have high recyclability, and                                                                      public notification.
  include ergonomic and safety features.
                                                         • In 2005, East Greenville conducted extensive
• Knoll Environmental Design Guidelines were               training of design and development personnel
  followed in the design and development of the            on design guidelines and procedures to ensure
  Chadwick chair, introduced in 2005. Principles           cradle-to-cradle implementation of sustainability
  that drove the process included: economy of              in Knoll products.
  materials, recycled content, clean technology,
  ergonomics, durability, and ease of assembly             We will provide independent testing to help
  and disassembly. The chair’s glass-reinforced            assure the safety of our products.
  nylon frame is manufactured using material-
  saving gas-assisted technology, which creates          • In 2005, all Knoll systems, seating, Studio
  a hollow core in the structural tube and blows           seating and textiles were GREENGUARD-
  excess material out for regrinding and reuse.            certified, with the sole exception of Autostrada
  Chadwick incorporates 41% total recycled-                AS2, which is in process.
  content material and is finished with 100%
  VOC-free paint. It provides excellent ergonomic
  support with minimal mechanism, is resilient and
  durable for long life, and is assembled with just
  six bolts for ease of repair and recycling. The seat
  and back are upholstered with a structural

In 2005, Knoll once again sponsored the Annual
    Environmental, Health and Safety Art Contest for
    school children. Some of the winning entries, chosen
    by professional artists, are featured in this report.

    Printed in the United States using 50% recycled paper
    and 15% post-consumer waste. B-EAR03
    © 2006 Knoll, Inc. All rights reserved.

Project Profile

                 TSD: Building 2
                 Project                   Date
                 1650 Turnpike Street      November 2007
                 North Andover, MA
project profile

                 Products                  Scope
                 Hon Initiate              25 Workstations
                 Mayline Casegoods         5 Private Offices
                 Sit-On-It Seating         2 Conference
                 National                  Rooms

                 TSD converted one of their warehouses into
                 office space using the Hon Initiate System
                 with integrated glass. They also used the
                 system to create a fully enclosed, panel-
                 constructed private office. After the arrival
                 of the initial product, TSD required a new
                 layout. The versatility of the Hon system
                 allowed for an easy reconfiguration. The
                 cost effectiveness and mobility made it the
                 ideal choice for TSD.
Project Profile

                 Bank of America
                 Date                 Project
                 November 2007        100 Federal Street
                                      Boston, MA 02110
project profile

                 Nelson Architects    Products
                                      Knoll Autostrada
                                      Knoll Seating, Life
                                      Knoll Studio
                 Corporate Project

                 250 Workstations
                 Private Offices
                 15 Conference Rooms
                 Break-Out Rooms
                 Associate Break-Out Hub Lounges
                 Ancillary Furnishings

Bank of America                          Bain  Company
Katherine Sanford TCC                    Peter Costello, Director of Operations
100 Federal Street
Boston, MA 02109                         131 Dartmouth Street
                                         Boston, MA 02116
Project Info:
Several premier investor centers, call   Project Info:
centers and administrative centers       New Office
                                         90 private office, 600 workstations,
                                         and conference areas

                                         Designed by: Gensler

Thomson Financial                        The TJX Companies
Dan Pleines, VP of Real Estate           Michael Brogan, Director of Facilities
                                         770 Cochituate Road
Thomson Place                            Framingham, MA 01701
Boston, MA 02210
                                         Project Info:
Project Info:                            A corporate client with locations in Massachusetts,
Knoll corporate customer, 3,000          California, Texas and Pennsylvania
workstations and 300 private

Designed by: Jung|Brannen

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Or Information

  • 1.
  • 3. thank you that these products will continue to create Office Resources is confident in the Our committed and qualified employees a setting for learning, leadership, and good capabilities of our tried systems. We pride are what make Office Resources New business. We are committed to finding the ourselves on providing quality service to every England’s largest distributor of Knoll right tools for your office environment. client, every time. We have achieved a solid office furniture. We continuously strive record of growth by working closely with our to recognize the needs of our clients and Office Resources will be able to provide clients to develop business solutions. understand the importance of a reliable your firm with the furniture support and and knowledgeable furniture dealer. Office services that are necessary in projects of We truly appreciate your consideration. Please Resources is committed to the design of spaces that work. all sizes and scope. We will assemble an feel free to contact us with any questions or experienced, enthusiastic team to help comments. We look forward to working with manage your entire project, from start to you further. Office Resources offers products that finish. We keep our clients well informed are tailored to our clients business, brand, of furniture and design opportunities and environmental concerns and corporate project status. culture. The products that Knoll offers will continue to enhance the environment in which all levels of the organization can work collaboratively and productively. We hope
  • 4. table of contents About Us About Knoll Sustainable Design Practices Knoll and Sustainable Design Project Profiles TSD Bank of America References
  • 5. about us Office Resources is about people (and furniture). We have a new look and a more well defined direction: to We are a contract furniture dealer with service and give our clients the most professional, experienced and well experience as our signature. suited team for each and every project. Our mission at Office Resources is to provide the best We have a reputation of success in the industry based possible service to execute projects successfully and on on well managed, well designed, successfully executed budget. We work with the needs of individual companies projects of diverse sizes, scopes, types and locations. We will to assemble a custom designed project team. continue to uphold that same level of integrity and expertise because the core strength of our business is the people who are committed to creating spaces that work. In 2006 we celebrated our 10 year mark and with an established and diverse client base. At the end of our first decade in business we are taking stock of the experience we have gained and using it to revitalize our approach to the industry and future clients.
  • 6. about Knoll is recognized internationally for creating Headquartered in East Greenville, workplace furnishings that inspire, evolve and Pennsylvania, we serve our clients in endure. Our commitment to innovation and North America through a network of modern design has yielded a comprehensive more than 300 Knoll dealerships and portfolio of office systems, seating, files and 100 showrooms and regional offices. storage, tables and desks, wood casegoods, In Europe, we have showrooms and are textiles and accessories. represented by dealers in most major cities. We believe good design is good business. Since our founding in 1938, we have been All Knoll manufacturing facilities in recognized as a design leader worldwide. North America are ISO 14001-certified, Our products are exhibited in major art an important mark of commitment to museums worldwide, with more than 40 environmentally responsible practices. pieces in the permanent Design Collection of In keeping with this commitment, all The Museum of Modern Art in New York. Knoll architecture and design managers in North America are required to attain We know that workplace needs change, and LEED® Professional Accreditation. LEED so we dedicate ourselves to listening carefully (Leadership in Energy and Environmental to our customers. We’re thinking about the Design), the rating system of the U.S. emergence of a new workplace climate, the Green Building Council, is a voluntary, meaning of new workplace planning models consensus-based national standard for and how ecological principles inform our developing high-performance sustainable product designs. Our designers are experts buildings. in innovation, offering insight into what’s possible in the workplace, now and in the future.
  • 8. sustainable design practices The furniture industry, in conjunction with the architecture and an overall high quality are sustainable. Materials and and design community, has made a major push to make manufacturing practices do play a major part in determining more environmentally sustainable choices. This has resulted how green a product is, but there are many other factors in many opportunities for clients to make socially responsible that can also contribute. We take this information into decisions pertaining to their furniture investments. It is consideration for our clients and guide them through the important to remember that no matter the scope of your complex process of purchasing sustainable product solutions. furniture needs, there are green options for every project. We believe it is always important to remind our clients that If LEED certification is of interest to your organization, we making sustainable choices doesn’t only mean selecting have a LEED certified associate on our team to assist our recycled products. Sustainable products are manufactured clients through the furniture process. We work closely with locally, are shipped in an efficient manner, are ecologically our manufacturers and installation contractors to provide the friendly to clean and easy to repair. Products with longevity appropriate documentation and information to every project.
  • 9. Knoll and Sustainable Design – 2005 Environmental, Health and Safety Annual Report
  • 10. Knoll and Sustainable Design Sustainability is a process that embodies a Commitment Knoll made significant progress on our • Continued our research on Life Cycle Assess- vision of the future. It is measured by what journey toward sustainability in 2005. For more than a quarter century, Knoll has acted ment tools. Life Cycle Assessment currently is sometimes called “the triple bottom line”: Once again, we focused our efforts on three on its commitment to sustainability in the design is used in the industry as a (very expensive) the social, economic and environmental strategic areas: Design for the Environment, and manufacture of products for the workplace. consultant-based tool to enable one-off product outcomes of business on people, economic Third Party Certification and Communica- We have established ambitious standards and development. The Knoll intention is to develop competitiveness and the natural world. tion. A highlight of our 2005 achievement continue to measure our social, economic and a process with tools for use in design of all of was the designation of our East Greenville, environmental performance against them. The our products that will enable us to achieve the Pennsylvania facility as a U.S. Occupa- Sustainability mandates healthy and safe work- standards are mandated in a comprehensive product standards we have set in our design tional Safety and Health Administration places, equitable compensation and humane Environmental, Health and Safety Plan and are guidelines and that is economical enough for (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) treatment of workers. It requires economic defined in Eight Principles that are the foundation all companies in the industry to use. Star site. competitiveness. (You can’t be sustainable if you of this report. don’t stay in business). It calls for companies • Introduced the Halley™ Collection, the first task Innovation Design for the Environment to conserve, preserve and make best use of lights in the industry to use energy-efficient light natural resources and to minimize the impacts of Sustainability is a vision of the future that We continued to develop the systematized emitting diode (LED) lighting technology. their use and transformation of materials on the depends on innovation to make it real. Knoll is infrastructure that enables consistent and natural environment. Sustainability is a commit- a recognized innovator in the development of continued progress in sustainable practice. • Replaced glue with steel connectors in REFF ment to give back at least as much as we take clean technology for the furniture industry, and And we implemented additional improvements panels manufacturing, eliminating 22,200 away and to leave the world a better place than we share what we learn with others in order to in clean technology. pounds of styrene air emissions at our Toronto, we found it. promote sustainable practices at large. We are Ontario facility. innovators in the use of recycled materials and In 2005, we: certified and renewable resources in the manu- • Introduced a new coating containing less volatile • Applied design guidelines and detailed proce- facture of our products. And we have developed organic compounds (VOC) and no formalde- dures for product development. The results innovative systems to make sustainability an hyde for coating edges and top caps on wood of this approach are products that use a mini- integral part of the way we conduct our business. products produced in our East Greenville and mum of material types; employ clean manufac- Toronto facilities. turing technology in their construction; use Collaboration raw materials in a way that ensures a minimum Sustainability is a collaborative process. Knoll • Purchased new equipment for applying lower total recycled content greater than 25%; and works in partnership with customers, vendors, VOC-content coating at the East Greenville are durable and easy to disassemble for industry associates, professional organizations facility, which will minimize waste in this process. recycling parts. and third party certifiers as we make continuing progress toward our goals.
  • 11. “ ustainabilityisaboutinnovation,andinnovationisaboutdoingthings S moreeconomically.Thathelpscompaniesbemorefinanciallysuccessful overthelongterm.” Lou Newett Knoll Director, Environment, Health and Safety Third Party Certification and Communication • FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) re-certification, • In addition, the core office area at the Lubin Innovative Alliances In 2005, Knoll used internal and external following successful completion of the second LEED EB-certified manufacturing facility in East Knoll actively promotes independent third communications on environmental, health annual FSC audit, of all North American plants Greenville was renovated in accordance with party certification because it provides the most and safety issues as tools for increasing that manufacture wood products. FSC certifica- LEED Existing Building and Commercial Interiors impartial and trustworthy foundation for industry- awareness and supporting sustainable prac- tion authorizes Knoll to provide chain-of-custody program requirements. wide environmental compliance. Certification by tices. Communications included: proof that wood bearing the FSC mark comes established and respected third parties ensures from forests that protect environmental, social • We continued to provide clients with product • Participation in developing the MTS Sustainable that all manufacturers are held to the same and economic values. documentation for Knoll products on LEED Textile Standard, issued in 2005, which high standards and that customers can trust a project applications. In 2005, the following proj- is setting the international benchmark for company’s declarations about the environmental • GREENGUARD™ (Indoor Air Quality) certification ects containing Knoll products received LEED sustainable textiles. benefits of its products. for Autostrada product categories AS1, AS3, certification: Boulder County Community Hos- and A4 and for the Essentials chair, introduced pital, Boulder, Colorado (Life chair); University of • Development of a Lubin LEED presentation In 2005, Knoll received: in 2005. All Knoll North American systems, Denver College of Law, Denver, Colorado (REFF, as an educational tool. Tours of the facility with seating, Knoll Studio seating and textiles are Dividends, Calibre, SoHo Life); Santa Monica • ISO (International Organization for Standardiza- presentations and QA sessions were provided GREENGUARD-certified, with the exceptions of Public Safety Facility, Santa Monica, California; tion) 14001 audit approval for all Knoll manu- to numerous architectural firms throughout Autostrada AS2 and REFF casegoods, which Winrock International Offices, Little Rock, Arkan- facturing facilities worldwide, under the revised the year. are in process of obtaining certification. GREEN- sas (Dividends, Life, Calibre, Studio); WRT Archi- 2004 standard. In 2005, all procedures at all GUARD certification is the gold standard for tects, Main Office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. facilities were revised to meet the new standard, • The creation of a PowerPoint case study on identifying products that meet stringent testing the first ISO revision since 1996. As part of this the core office renovation at the Lubin LEED criteria and have no adverse impact on indoor initiative, recycled-content databases were EB-certified facility. air quality. created for Autostrada AS1, AS3 and AS4 and for Visor and Bulldog seating. • Knoll Director of Environmental, Health and • LEED Silver certification in the Commercial Inte- Safety, Lou Newett, led sustainable product riors Pilot Program for the Knoll San Francisco education seminars in numerous locations showroom. LEED (Leadership in Energy and throughout the country that focused on products Environmental Design) is an initiative of the U.S. as tools for sustainability. Green Building Council that establishes criteria and awards certification for sustainable design. 1
  • 12. The Knoll San Francisco Showroom and Offices “ veryday,wefacenewchallengeswithourclientsinmeetingincreasinglyimportant E environmentalstandardsfortheworkplace.TherenovatedSanFranciscoshowroom LEED Silver Certification: Commercial Interiors Pilot Project reflectstheKnollcommitmenttoaddressingandmeetingthesechallenges.” Peter Cracknell, Knoll Regional Manager, San Francisco The Knoll 8,500 square foot San Francisco • Eco-Spec® Paint—The use of this low-VOC showroom and sales office occupies a highly paint permitted all associates to continue to visible street-level space in the heart of the city’s work safely on-site throughout the project. financial district. The facility houses 20 sales and support personnel. The primary goals for the • FSC-Certified Wood—Universal access was project were to optimize the showroom’s street provided to the principal display area by means presence, provide universal access, improve of a central ramp constructed with flooring circulation, and create a more pleasant and effec- certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. tive working environment for sales and support personnel. • Natural Light—All partitions parallel to the line of exterior windows were removed or made The LEED Rating System for Commercial transparent in order to provide every workstation Interiors addresses: with natural light. • Sustainable sites • Recycled and Sustainable Materials—The project • Water efficiency includes FSC-certified worksurfaces on worksta- • Energy and atmosphere tions; 100% recycled-content textiles; carpet tiles with recycled-content backing; and lighting • Materials and resources fixtures re-lamped with energy-efficient bulbs. • Indoor environmental quality LEED Consultant: Benington/Conover Associates The San Francisco project achieved Contractor (with LEED expert on staff): DPR Construction, Inc. LEED Silver Certification by implementing the following: • Re-used Salvaged Flooring System—Materials salvaged from an uninstalled commercial project in San Francisco were used to construct a raised floor at the street level, aligning what was formerly a two-tiered sales floor. • Wireless Network—A wireless network, designed to save energy and cabling costs over the long term, was installed.
  • 13. The Knoll Core Office at Lubin (East Greenville) EB-Certified Manufacturing Facility LEED certification was achieved by The core office is located within the 2004 LEED • Occupant Recycling—At least 95% of the implementing the following: Gold-Certified East Greenville Lubin Manufactur- batteries and 95% of the fluorescent lamps used ing Facility. Renovation of the space was com- in the area are recycled, and 50% of the total • Recycling or Salvaging—Construction waste was pleted in 2005 in compliance with LEED criteria waste stream is diverted or recycled. minimized by recycling or salvaging at least 75% for Commercial Interiors. of materials by weight. • Daylight and Views—A 2% daylight factor was The project included: achieved for 75% of all spaces occupied for criti- • Recycled Content/Rapidly Renewable cal visual tasks, and direct line of sight to vision Materials—Building materials, carpeting and • New furnishings glazing for occupants was achieved from 90% of ceiling tiles containing post-consumer and • Re-use of 30% of existing furniture regularly occupied spaces. post-industrial recycled content were used. • New carpeting Materials, including fabric, in Knoll furniture • Mercury Reduction in Lighting—Existing • New ceiling tiles contained rapidly renewable content. lighting was re-lamped with Philips low-energy • Repainting of the entire office lamps with mercury average below 25 parts • FSC-Certified Woo d—At least 50% of • Re-lamping existing lighting per million. wood in furniture components on the project was FSC-certified. • Innovation—All furniture GREENGUARD- certified. • Regional Materials—Fifty percent of the furniture on the project was manufactured or processed LEED Consultant: Envision Design within 500 miles. • Indoor Air Quality—All adhesives and sealants had low VOC content (per California standards); paints and coatings met Green Seal Standard GS-11; Carpet met CRI Green Label Plus and carpet cushion met CRI Green Label Testing Program requirements. Composite panels and agrifiber products contain no added ureaformal- dehyde resins. An Indoor Air Quality manage- ment plan was implemented during construction. 3
  • 14. Protection of the Biosphere We will strive to make continued progress toward reducing or eliminating the release of any substance in an effort to safeguard all habitats affected by our operations.
  • 15. We will continue to reduce the use and or We will provide water treatment facilities that emissions of hazardous air pollutants and meet or exceed discharge criteria. volatile organic compounds from our manufac- • In 2005, the state-of-the-art water treatment turing operations through the introduction of facility in East Greenville treated 27,340 tons clean technologies. of wastewater. • In 2005, Knoll U.S. manufacturing facilities were more than 90% hazardous air pollutants (HAP) We will monitor storm water, conserve water and VOC free. use and develop processes to minimize water pollution. • Our Toronto plant replaced styrene glue on REFF panels with a specially designed steel connector, • Our East Greenville facility installed control values eliminating 11 tons of styrene air emissions. on continuous-flow machines and low flow toi- lets in its second manufacturing plant, extending • Our Grand Rapids, Michigan facility replaced practices put in place in the LEED-certified gypsum board in its Equity panels with slag wool Lubin building. filling, eliminating particulate emissions and two air permits. • Our Grand Rapids facility completed the conver- sion of its powder coat finishing line from an • Our East Greenville and Toronto facilities further open, continuous-flow system to a closed-loop reduced VOC and formaldehyde emissions system. The conversion from gypsum to slag through the use of a new coating for wood edges wool panel fillings also saved process water. and top caps. Together, these initiatives reduced water usage by 84% in 2005. 5
  • 16. Sustainable Use of Natural Resources We strive to make the best use of renewable resources, such as water, soil and forests, and conserve nonrenewable natural resources.
  • 17. We will make sustainable use of renewable We will minimize the use of wooden pallets. We will continue to utilize post-consumer We will continue to recycle steel, aluminum natural resources through efficient use and and post-industrial materials in our products and other metal components. • Knoll continues to use recyclable corrugated careful planning. where practical. pallets where possible. Wood pallets are repaired, • In 2005, Knoll facilities recycled 4,686 tons of • In 2005, Knoll continued to offer Strawboard, reused and recycled at the end of life. In 2005, • In 2005 more than 90% of the wood used to steel and 91.25 tons of aluminum. Agriboard and Marmoleum worksurfaces made 17,845 wood pallets were recycled. make composite board products at Knoll’s of rapidly renewable materials. Toronto and East Greenville facilities contained We will continue to seek recycling opportuni- an average of 93% post-industrial material. We will attempt to recycle or make beneficial ties for scrap generated in our manufacturing • LEED-certified projects at the East Greenville use of wood scrap generated in our manufac- operations. Lubin core office and the San Francisco show- • Knoll textiles include products made of 100% turing operations. room included the use of renewable, recycled post-consumer recycled content. • Knoll facilities recycled a total more than 636 and recyclable resources. • Knoll facilities recycled 3,221 tons of wood scrap tons of corrugated cardboard, 78 tons of paper, and 1,698 tons of sawdust in 2005. Recycled 130 tons of textiles, 4 tons of leather, 22,372 We will be environmentally responsible in our wood scrap was used for animal bedding and gallons of waste solvent and 11,158 gallons of We will continue to seek opportunities to purchase of materials. greenhouse fuel. Sawdust was used as fuel for waste oil in 2005. use sustainable forests in our products. industrial boilers. • In 2005, all Knoll leather goods were obtained • Knoll was re-certified by FSC in 2005 and as by-products of the meat packing industry. • The Grand Rapids and East Greenville continued to offer FSC-certified wood in its • In 2005, the Toronto facility burned wood No hides or skins from endangered species facilities recycled plastic wrapping from systems products. scrap as heating fuel in the winter and, through were used. incoming shipments. redesign of its hot water heating system, used • In 2005, Knoll used FSC-certified wood in its excess heating capacity to provide hot water for LEED-certified San Francisco showroom and finishing processes in the warmer months. This East Greenville Lubin Building core office. improvement reduced gas consumption by about 100,000 cubic meters and resulted in savings of $46,000 in energy costs. 7
  • 18. Waste Reduction and Disposal We will reduce, recycle, and where possible, eliminate waste and will dispose of all waste using safe and responsible methods. Waste Reduction and Disposal • The Muskegon facility continued to collect used printer and toner cartridges and deliver them to We will seek opportunities to reduce waste and a local school for recycling. In 2005, the school recycle process scrap from our operations. earned enough money through this program • In 2005, Knoll facilities recycled virtually 100% to purchase four digital cameras. The Grand of all aluminum and steel scrap generated in Rapids and East Greenville facilities also recycled manufacturing. In addition, wood, leather and toner cartridges. fabric scrap was recycled for beneficial use wherever possible. • In Toronto, re-engineered procedures for sorting, holding and pickup of recyclables led to the di- • Knoll facilities also recycled 1 ton of batteries, version of 88.2% of the facility’s solid waste from 1 ton of fluorescent lights, 22 tons of fiberglass, land fill in 2005. 23 tons of waste powder and 0.9 tons of plastic bottles in 2005. • In Grand Rapids, ceramic, stainless steel and thermal cups were distributed to employees and • Our Toronto facility upgraded the pumping a five-cent charge was placed on extra Styro- system for its spray booths, using air in place foam cups. The use of disposable Styrofoam of solvents to purge paint lines during color dropped from 2,000 cups a week to 1,000 every changes. This resulted in recovery and reuse six months. of paint and reduction of hazardous waste by 100 liters a week over 2004. We will dispose of our waste only in well- operated permitted facilities. • In 2005, the Muskegon, Michigan facility used wood scrap to make packaging for special All Knoll manufacturing facilities adhered to strin- products and recycled plastic wrapping by us- gent mandates for disposal of waste in approved ing it to package small parts. As a result of this and monitored facilities. improvement, the facility dramatically reduced its purchase of plastic material.
  • 19. Conservation We will conserve energy by improving the efficiency of our internal operations and the goods and services we sell. We will make every effort to use environmentally safe and sustainable energy sources. Conservation Paper recycling: Aluminum recycling: We will conserve energy and improve • 12,137 trees saved • Enough energy saved to run 5,840,400 TV sets energy efficiency. for three hours. Recycling aluminum vs. using • 27,131 gallons oil saved in processing new aluminum reduced air pollution by 95%. • The Knoll Toronto facility installed a central vacuum system for CNC (computer numerically Recycling paper vs. using new paper We will initiate a program to upgrade existing controlled) routers, replacing 15 pumps with a reduces air pollution by 74% and water low-efficiency motors to higher efficiency motors. single pump and backup. The result was more pollution by 35%. efficient removal of toxins, a reduction in exhaust • In 2005, Knoll continued this ongoing program and energy cost savings of $22,000. by specifying high-efficiency motors on all equip- Steel recycling: ment purchases at all North American facilities. • In 2005, two Toronto panel manufacturing • 11,715,400 pounds iron ore saved facilities were combined and processes were • 4,686,160 pounds coal saved We will initiate a program to upgrade existing redesigned to make better use of floor space, lighting, where practical, at each facility. • 187,446 pounds limestone saved balance equipment loads and save on energy. The result was a 30% reduction in electric and • Enough energy saved to light 9,372,320 • In 2005, Knoll continued its participation in natural gas consumption. 60-watt bulbs for 26 hours the Green Lights Initiative in U.S. facilities and participated in a comparable Canadian govern- • In late 2005, the Grand Rapids facility installed a Recycling steel vs. using new steel reduces air ment-sponsored program at the Toronto facility. computer system that turns off lights and large pollution by 86% and water pollution by 76%. The Muskegon facility was fully converted to equipment, such as compressors, when not low-energy fluorescent lighting in 2005. in use. The system is expected to save about $30,000 a year in energy costs. • At the East Greenville Lubin facility, new lighting installed in late 2004 reduced energy consump- • Knoll continued to save on energy consumption tion in 2005 by 491,901 kilowatts, resulting in in shipping its products by loading trailers to savings of $36,893. help maximize use of cubic space and by using collapsible, returnable packaging that better utilizes trailer volume. • In 2005, Knoll recycling efforts had the following impacts on the conservation of natural resources: 9
  • 20. Knoll East Greenville Facility Named OSHA VPP Star The Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) is a partnership with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, reserved for companies that demonstrate exceptional long-term success in reducing risk and protecting the health and safety of employees.
  • 21. “ verycompanyhastomeetOSHAstandards,buttobeinVPP,youhavetoexceed E thembyamile.It’snotaboutcompliance—it’saboutbeingbetter.VPPisaprogram reservedforthefewthatreallyhaveexemplaryprogramsandarewillingto implementalloftheelements.” Dr. Chrysoula Komis OSHA VPP Coordinator and Team Leader VPP Star Designation VPP Requirements To qualify, Knoll participated in a comprehensive Companies accepted into the program are In December 2005, the 945,000 square-foot • Management commitment and planning on-site audit, carried out by five OSHA health and audited after three years and then at five-year Knoll East Greenville facility was designated safety experts, over a period of five days. The intervals to monitor compliance and continued • Accountability for safety a VPP Star site, placing Knoll among a select process included tours of every part of the facility, commitment. VPP is about getting better over • Disciplinary program group of companies to achieve that honor. A interviews with employees and management, and time. And the results are measurable. VPP par- • Injury rate reports (three years + current year) business must have a record of OSHA reportable review of written documents. Daily punch lists ticipants have fewer injuries, have less lost time • Employee participation incidents and lost time rates that are below the were prepared, problems were addressed and and enjoy lower workmen’s compensation rates industry average. Most VPP participants have solved, and employees gave required presenta- than others in their industry. • Self-inspections injury rates that, on average, are 53% below the tions on safety topics related to their work. • Employee hazard reporting system national average for their industry. From its incep- • Accident/incident investigation tion in 1982 until today, VPP has accepted 1,425 VPP is consistent with Knoll’s process-oriented • Job safety analysis process and reviews participants from a potential field of 7.2 million approach to sustainability and commitment to workplaces employing 115 million workers. • Safety and health training third party certification. The program, which Knoll has used as a model since 1995, promotes a • Preventive maintenance The Elements of VPP culture of safety. It is an ongoing partnership that • Emergency program and drills • Management leadership and employment encompasses all aspects of health and safety, • Personal protective equipment program involvement from conditions on the factory floor to wellness • Contractor safety program programs. It addresses the social aspect of • Worksite analysis sustainability, one of the critical components of • Medical program • Hazard prevention and control the sustainability triple bottom line. • Annual self-evaluation of programs • Safety and health training “ heold250(Barcelonachair)strappingprocesshadmajorstressissues.Operators T coulddoonlythreechairtopswithoutbeingphysicallyspent.Webroughttogether theoperatorsandthemanufacturertobuildapieceofequipmentthateliminatesthe ergonomicstressors,makesitpossibleforanyoneinthedepartmenttooperatethe machineandimprovesproductivity.” Carl Visscher Knoll Project Engineering Manager 11
  • 22. Risk Reduction We will strive to minimize the environmental health and safety risks to our associates and the communities in which we operate through safe technologies, sound transportation practices, safe facilities and operating procedures and preparing for emergencies. • Employees and engineers in East Greenville • Our Toronto facility implemented a Continuous We will design our processes to prevent injury to We will develop and implement health and well- worked together to develop a new tool and Improvement Team to monitor and administer the health and welfare of Knoll associates, the ness awareness and illness prevention programs. process for assembling the Barcelona chair that safety targets and plans. As a result, the community and the environment. dramatically reduced elbow injuries. • Knoll manufacturing facilities implemented a accident rate was reduced and the facility was • In 2005, the Knoll East Greenville facility joined hearing conservation program that includes test- in the 95 percentile for its industry sector in a select group of companies in becoming • The Knoll clean technology program contin- ing of all workers, provision of hearing protection 2005, according to the Canadian Workmen’s designated an OSHA VPP Star site. This OSHA ued to achieve reductions in air pollutants and education. Compensation Board. recognition is reserved for companies that discharged from our facilities. In 2005, 90% of demonstrate exceptional long-term success in metal and wood coatings in Knoll U.S. facilities • Wellness and prevention programs on • Knoll decreased its overall accident rate in 2005 reducing risk and protecting the health and safety were VOC free. smoking cessation, exercise and healthy by 4% compared with the previous year. The of employees. eating were offered. 2005 incidence rate of 3.14 injuries per 100 em- ployees was the lowest rate achieved since the We will develop and implement health and safety • The Toronto facility re-engineered its flammable formation of the Knoll Group in 1991. In 2005, policies and programs to help prevent injury and We will design and develop training programs liquid storage room, replacing spill containment the company saved $212,000 in Workmen’s illnesses to our associates. to provide Knoll associates with the necessary tanks, refitting controls and reducing the amount Compensation payments over 2004. skills and knowledge to fulfill the objectives of the of material stored. • The Muskegon facility received the National Environmental, Health and Safety Plan. Safety Council Significant Safety Improvement • Our East Greenville, Muskegon and Grand Rap- • The Muskegon facility instituted task rotation Award in recognition of reduction of its • In 2005, Knoll U.S. facilities conducted weekly ids facilities continued a stretching program that on production lines to reduce repetitive reportable incidents rate from 8.5% in 2003 safety meetings, showed safety videos, trained includes instruction and 10 minutes’ free time at stress injuries. to 4.3% in 2005. volunteer safety observers, and created safety the start of each shift for stretching exercises. posters and newsletters. • The Grand Rapids facility implemented a total • Toronto upgraded the Emergency Response preventive maintenance program for major Plan at its consolidated panel manufacturing • Knoll facilities continued to train employee First equipment to maximize safety. operation. Responder volunteers in CPR and first aid. • All Knoll North American manufacturing sites began tracking and reporting all first aid and near-miss incidents in 2005. Above and beyond OSHA-mandated reports, these are designed to identify potential health and safety risks so that preventive measures can be enacted before injury occurs. 12
  • 23. Safe Products and Services Environmental Restoration We will reduce and, where possible, eliminate the use, manufacture or sale We will comply responsibly with the law to address conditions we have of products and services that cause environmental damage or health or caused that endanger health, safety or the environment. safety hazards. We will inform our customers of the environmental impacts of our products or services in an effort to prevent unsafe use. Informing the Public We will comply with the law to inform in a timely manner those who may be affected by conditions caused by our operations that might endanger health, safety or the environment and will encourage associates to report dangerous incidents or conditions to management. Safe Products and Services Environmental Restoration fabric, developed by Milliken. The fabric and chair • In 2005, Knoll caused no conditions that controls work together to provide what Knoll calls We will design and engineer durable products; endangered health, safety or the environment. Active Suspension™. Chadwick chair fabric meets investigate using recycled materials in the design the MTS Certified Sustainable Fabric Standard, of our products; and design safety features and Informing the Public and Milliken is in the process of having the fabric ergonomics into our products. • There were no pollution incidents at any Knoll officially certified. MTS certification requires textiles • In 2005, Knoll continued to design and engineer facility in North America in 2005 that either to meet 12 environmental criteria, including a reuse durable products that use recycled materials in affected the surrounding community or required and reclamation program. Chadwick is GREEN- their manufacture, have high recyclability, and public notification. GUARD-certified. include ergonomic and safety features. • In 2005, East Greenville conducted extensive • Knoll Environmental Design Guidelines were training of design and development personnel followed in the design and development of the on design guidelines and procedures to ensure Chadwick chair, introduced in 2005. Principles cradle-to-cradle implementation of sustainability that drove the process included: economy of in Knoll products. materials, recycled content, clean technology, ergonomics, durability, and ease of assembly We will provide independent testing to help and disassembly. The chair’s glass-reinforced assure the safety of our products. nylon frame is manufactured using material- saving gas-assisted technology, which creates • In 2005, all Knoll systems, seating, Studio a hollow core in the structural tube and blows seating and textiles were GREENGUARD- excess material out for regrinding and reuse. certified, with the sole exception of Autostrada Chadwick incorporates 41% total recycled- AS2, which is in process. content material and is finished with 100% VOC-free paint. It provides excellent ergonomic support with minimal mechanism, is resilient and durable for long life, and is assembled with just six bolts for ease of repair and recycling. The seat and back are upholstered with a structural 13
  • 24. In 2005, Knoll once again sponsored the Annual Environmental, Health and Safety Art Contest for school children. Some of the winning entries, chosen by professional artists, are featured in this report. Printed in the United States using 50% recycled paper and 15% post-consumer waste. B-EAR03 © 2006 Knoll, Inc. All rights reserved. ®
  • 26. Project Profile TSD: Building 2 Project Date 1650 Turnpike Street November 2007 North Andover, MA project profile Products Scope Hon Initiate 25 Workstations Mayline Casegoods 5 Private Offices Sit-On-It Seating 2 Conference National Rooms TSD converted one of their warehouses into office space using the Hon Initiate System with integrated glass. They also used the system to create a fully enclosed, panel- constructed private office. After the arrival of the initial product, TSD required a new layout. The versatility of the Hon system allowed for an easy reconfiguration. The cost effectiveness and mobility made it the ideal choice for TSD.
  • 27. Project Profile Bank of America Date Project November 2007 100 Federal Street Boston, MA 02110 project profile Design Nelson Architects Products Knoll Autostrada Knoll Seating, Life Project Knoll Studio Management CBRE Corporate Project Partners Scope 250 Workstations Private Offices 15 Conference Rooms Break-Out Rooms Associate Break-Out Hub Lounges Ancillary Furnishings
  • 29. references Bank of America Bain Company Katherine Sanford TCC Peter Costello, Director of Operations e-mail: 100 Federal Street Boston, MA 02109 131 Dartmouth Street Boston, MA 02116 Project Info: Several premier investor centers, call Project Info: centers and administrative centers New Office 90 private office, 600 workstations, and conference areas Designed by: Gensler Thomson Financial The TJX Companies Dan Pleines, VP of Real Estate Michael Brogan, Director of Facilities e-mail: 770 Cochituate Road Thomson Place Framingham, MA 01701 Boston, MA 02210 Project Info: Project Info: A corporate client with locations in Massachusetts, Knoll corporate customer, 3,000 California, Texas and Pennsylvania workstations and 300 private offices Designed by: Jung|Brannen